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aliasanew · 9 months ago
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PUBLICADO EL 23-IV-2024 (Martes)
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coachingneurobiologico · 1 year ago
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La conjuntivitis es la inflamación de la membrana transparente que recubre el interior del párpado y el glóbulo ocular. Existe una relación directa entre la conjuntivitis y lo que veo.
Inconscientemente, rehúso ver una situación o un suceso con el cual estoy en desacuerdo o que me hiere. Esto me lleva a vivir frustración, irritación y rebelión. “¡No puedo soportar lo que veo!; ¡Me quema el ver tal cosa!”
Es como si mis ojos quisieran lavarse incesantemente la suciedad que veo en la situación que me hace enfadar. El resultado conlleva una hinchazón y un aturdimiento mental, así como un desmadre emocional similar a la acción de llorar.
Prefiero estar temporalmente ciego porque lo que veo me hace sufrir.
CONFLICTO: Separación visual grave. Perder a alguien de vista.
RESENTIR: «Nadie me protege de lo que veo».
La conjuntivitis está muy relacionada con actitudes de enfado y frustración con lo que se ve en la vida.
A esta persona le ayudaría ver con los ojos del corazón y no con los ojos que juzgan si lo que ven está bien o mal. Sus ojos quieren que recobre su entusiasmo natural.
Un síntoma o enfermedad indica que se ha vivido un impacto conflictivo al que el inconsciente responde con un programa de adaptación.
Te ofrecemos un programa único, de Sanación Personal y Formación Profesional, con las más modernas técnicas para promover la sanación integral de las personas: Tanto a nivel físico, emocional, mental, espiritual y actitudinal.
Diplomado de formación profesional en Coaching NeuroBiológico, con certificación internacional.
Solicita la información!
#Biodescodificacion #conjuntivitis #inflamación #párpado #ojos
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orbesargentina · 1 year ago
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Conjuntivitis vista en casos de coronavirus sintomáticos y asintomáticos https://bit.ly/44xL5S0
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astrologged · 2 days ago
Astro Notes [1]
A prominent Chiron placement (especially in conjunction with the Sun or Moon) indicates a person who is especially gifted in healing fields, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual.
A North Node in Leo can point to the need to move away from self-sacrifice or shyness (South Node in Aquarius or the 11th house) toward embracing self-expression, creativity, and leadership.
Saturn in the 5th house shows as a person who is very serious about creativity, love, or children. Despite being traditionally linked to structure, they find joy or fulfillment through disciplined creative pursuits or romantic relationships.
People with Mercury retrograde in their natal chart process information inwardly and express themselves more thoughtfully or introspectively. To others, they'll appear vague in their way of speaking. They'll experience communication challenges less frequently than others during actual Mercury retrogrades. This placement is similar to having Chiron in Gemini or the third house.
People who have Uranus in the 7th house will attract sudden or unexpected partners(ships) and/or need personal freedom and independence in their relationships. They usually thrive in relationships that allow them to express their individuality, even within the context of a relationship.
People with their Moon in the 6th house have difficulty expressing their emotions outwardly, and their emotional needs might remain hidden, even to themselves... They often feel a profound need for solitude or time spent in private, reflecting. This placement also enhances psychic intuition or empathy, like Moon in the 1st house.
Venus in Aries makes someone highly enthusiastic about romance but also prone to impulsivity or impatience. The challenge is to balance excitement with patience in relationships.
People with Pluto Conjunct the Sun have a magnetic presence, as Pluto amplifies the Sun’s energy, but they'll also experience a lifelong journey of self-discovery, having to let go of their former selves as they evolve.
Having Neptune Square Mercury can make you prone to misunderstanding facts or seeing things through rose-colored glasses, but it can also indicate a strong imagination or psychic ability. People with this aspect benefit from grounding exercises to improve clarity.
The Vertex points to crucial events, meeting important people, or relationships that seem destined or have a deep sense of purpose. Some associate the Vertex with "soulmate" experiences or life-altering encounters.
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habitam · 6 months ago
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outrageous3 · 9 months ago
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Romanian Fashion Influencer, Model & Instagramer: 𝒜𝒹𝒾𝓃𝒶 𝒯𝒶𝓉𝒾𝒶𝓃𝒶 (@adina.tatiana)
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seddenostalgia · 1 year ago
Save me gasa mojada con té de manzanilla no quiero que un doctor me recete nada de la farmacia está todo carísimoooo
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sexy-and-kind · 1 year ago
That interview where Olivia talked about her grandfather who looked up her birth chart when she was born and said that she’ll be emotional and a performer🫣
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mearpsdyke · 1 year ago
cadena de oración para que mearpsdyke le haga un ole a la conjuntivitis y pueda irse a alcoholizar a la fiesta del estudiante
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taratarotgreene · 8 months ago
May 23 Bonus Best day of the Year, Join me Live
May 20 We’re in Gemini SEASON: 5:59 am PDT, 8:59 am EDT, 12:59 pm GMT Talk it up, its social butterfly season, great for think tanks, advertising, media, merchandising, debating, seeing both sides of an issue, refusing to take sides, oppositions, coupling, choices to choose love,be young at heart. Gemini favour communications with siblings, short travels, having two loves at once, getting a…
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translucent-serendipity · 1 year ago
estoy modo pnj sentada en la cama con una constelación de pensamientos desordenados orbitando mi cabeza. vamos solo me falta estar en t-pose girando sobre mí misma.
amigas os toca ser la amiga y esto vendría a ser la transcripción del audio que podría enviar pero no enviaré.
diría que prácticamente cada día hay por lo menos un rato que siento que no quepo en mí. de amor, de rabia, de placer al escuchar música, de im/potencia, de mil cosas. pero las mencionadas son las que más abundan. luego tengo otros momentos que más que no caber, me siento desplazada de mí misma. de pena, culpa, ansiedad, alienación. soy un cóctel, lo normal.
pero ahora mismo estoy: parte plana de un electrocardiograma antes del QRS, por ejemplo.
al final volví a ponerme enferma, y ahí sigo desde hace una semana. nada, resfriado, pero joer con el dolor de garganta y de oído y los mocos a punta pala. desde agosto esto de ponerme enferma cada pocas semanas ha sido prácticamente una constante. se ve que mis 23 no venían con salud incluida. como decimos por aquí, sap greu tan jove. y coomo me guuusta quejaaarme, vaya lata.
en fin, quiero hacerme una analítica porque la última me la hice en 2020 y parece que ya toca, pero con las olas de virus respiratorios que está habiendo me sabe mal hacérmela ahora. también quiero pedir hora con la ginecóloga y con la dentista. bueno, en realidad lo que quiero es haber ido ya. me sigo vuelve a agobiar esto se llamar aquí y allá y dar datos y explicaciones. pero es algo que arrastro y no está bien. cuando lo haga lo haré casi más por ser capaz de cuidarme a mí misma que por las pruebas y revisiones en sí.
también tengo que llamar a la DGT porque a esta payasa aún no le ha llegado el carné físico y bueno, eso sí que me causa un poquito de amsiedá. y mira que será una tontería, en fin.
desde año nuevo me vengo sintiendo un poco extraña, como desvinculada de muchas cosas o actividades por falta de energía. el frío y encontrarme regulinxi no ayuda pero no sé, me da pena.
hace un ratejo estaba aún en el sofá de la cocina escuchando música al lao del fuego y baf! he sentido frustración por estar así. tengo muchas ganas de encontrarme biennormal, motivada, sabiendo administrar mi tiempo y capaz de realizar satisfecha mis días!! tengo ganas de disciplina y cuidados de mí para mí. además de con las demás, aro
va, iba a hacer agenda pero mejor voy a dormir, que debería empezar por ahí. a ver si las próximas semanas consigo ensamblar las piezas que quisiera 🪡🧶, que seria més fàcil amb un entorn de cures (cuidados) més present i palpable però wenu sa fa lu ca sa pot en aquesta societat de merda que ens dificulta passar temps amb la gent i els espais que ens estimem
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podria continuar blabla vagant però ja és tard i vull matinar (per poder rentar-me i marxar de casa havent-se'm assecat els cabells).
les meves disculpes a les que hagueu arribat fins aquí!
la recompensa (?) són aquestes dades esgarrifoses (sobre la realitat esgarrifosa que ja coneixem) de l'habitatge a Barcelona publicades al Público:
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bona nit i robeu sempre als rics 🖤👊
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aliasanew · 2 years ago
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astroismypassion · 2 years ago
Hey Astro!! I was wondering if you could explain a synastry aspect? his venus is conjunct my Saturn and my Saturn is conjunct his venus. my venus In Libra his Venus in Aries so also oppositions 🥲
I don't see it as that disappointing.
It's actually cool that you are oppositions there are some key elements that the other needs and you can provide it.
Personally I like Venus Saturn aspects, because you recognize the value in each other and in being together and you are ready to overcome difficulties, challenges and limitations. Patience and tolerance are also needed. There is deep respect in the connection, also looking up to each other and really admire the other. You might post each other on social media or you love being seen together in public. Your parents might like your partner. This person can help you advance in your career or slows you down. It could be that they nurture your ambitions, goals and career goals.
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ancientgoddessofegypt · 2 years ago
hi ❤️😊
I hope you are well.
I hope that you will be able to take some of your precious time to help me.
I was hoping to learn more about my sun conjunct venus 0 degress in the 10th house. and both conjunct lilith ❤️(all in gemini)
Thank you for granting us this opportunity. Have a lovely day.
Thank you.
hi! hope all is well with you too.
This is an interesting placement. I'll start with the sun/venus conjunction making you charming and very likeable. There is a sense of ease that comes with this placement, and others are very attracted to your persona.
Now when we have lilith here its makes things a lot more interesting. Because it goes from likable, to being obsessed over and then hated. All going in a loop. Could experience jealousy from women/feminine individuals a lot. Your shadow is in the forefront due to it projecting in your outerself (10th house) so you cant hide from us especially with it conjuncting your sun.
With venus and lilith, I have a fascination with this placement. Typically I connect a lot of my work with venus to Lucifer. Because technically Lucifer is venus, and theres a powerful darkness to venus that we haven't fully uncovered. With its connection to lilith makes this a whole lot sweeter. Theres a theory that both lilith and Lucifer is the same person, or that lilith is lucifers wife. But im just using these as examples for my next point:
With your Venusian energy mixing in with lilith this can make you out to be devils advocate in some shape or form. You are naturally taboo and break many barriers in this lifetime. Your romantic partnerships can take a turn for better or for worse because you dominate them. You can have your way with your relationships because you made it so.
Can easily have multiple partners, dealing with open or poly relationships and they can typically go your way. You might not even want this but some how could find yourself in them, or people wanting you to be their 'unicorn'.
There can be a lot of nasty rumors about you too (gemini/venus conjunct lilith) and this could make lie telling them that your a whore. But you can embrace this and you will find a lot of people who are rejected in society falling in love with you.
Sex workers, lgbtq, black sheeps, to name a few could be noticeably the type of people you hang around with and they want to be around you. Its just something about you, your able to see their light and your able to see theres. I know it was oddly specific to name these groups but with lilith holders I notice those people are always the one with it strongly in their charts.
Taboo lifestyles works better for you dear, no matter if you try to avoid it it will always find you. This life chose you not the other way around. You may get into certain careers that may shock your family, causing rejection. Could be the black sheep in your family so you end up noticed by individuals who see this darkness in you and want to 'help' you in some way. Relationships with people can turn out ugly because they secretly wish to control you. Youre naturally a leader and can easily dominate any role you carry so this also makes people jealous. Secret competitions with you can take place with this conjunction especially with lovers. Friends could see you as competition when it comes to getting mates.
You are able to see through others through communication (gemini) can get a lot of other peoples secrets through telepathy or them just telling you out of the blue. even they won't even know why they did it they just popped it out.
People will want to hide but you can still see their darkness/shadow because you mirror it back to them.
hope this helps !
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killmymind · 11 months ago
i think i’m getting sick :( i’ve had an itchy throat since i woke up and i have an upset stomach rn. also my eye is kinda red and watering. lol
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catalana-girl-goth · 1 year ago
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