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sherryclover · 6 months ago
AAA CONGRATULATIONS SHU‼️‼️🎉🎉 ( I’m participating! ) Here’s the link for Sylvie^^
God... It's happened!...🛐
2 000 followers!!!🥳💞
THANK YOU VERY MUCH TO ALL OF YOU!💕💕💕 I didn't think I'd get that much one day...😭😭😭 I started this blog 3 years ago, not expecting to be able to achieve this! I really appreciate all of you, thank you very much!!!🥰💞💗💖💕
In honor of this, I'm making a raffle!
There will be three random winners who will be able to get a drawing from me. Here's how it will look like🤲
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Oc x canon, yes! Canon x canon, yes too! Oc x oc, unfortunately not, sorry😭
Please read on!!!👇
Basic rules and clarifications:
- Only twst! Twst oc, yuusona and the like!
- Only two characters!✌️
- It can be romantic or platonic💞
- As for oc/canon, you can use my kuroXtwst Ciel OR Sebastian, if you want! BUT it will only be platonic🐰😈
I mean OC/canon x kuroXtwst 👉👈
- fem twst? OFC, if you want!🥰
- proship NO
It is desirable that you be my follower. Make a reblog and write "I'm participating!" and highlight the text in orange please😌 Like:
"I'm participating!" → "I'm participating!"
+ #oyaRAFFLE (Not obligatory)
If you want to use your OC, then please add a reference to your reblog👉👈
This will last for a WEEK‼️
If you win, then I will write to you in a personal chat (make sure that your chat is open) about it~ If you do not respond to me within 1-2 days, then I will change the winner🥺😭
That's all!🙌 I'm doing this for the first time and I'm worried💦 But I hope everything will be fine...! Thank you so much again!🥰💗💖
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larsmedicares-blog · 2 years ago
Congratulations ISRO🌚 India ISROcking Chandrayaan-3 Moon Landing Successful: India has created history as it became the first country to land on the South Pole of lunar surface. 🌚
. . . . . . #Chandryaan3Landing#ISRO #chandaryaan3#ISRO#success#space#moon#moonlanding#indiaproud#proudindia#indian#india#isrosuccess#indiasuccess#congratulations🎉#explore#explorepage#larsmedicarepvtltd#isro🚀
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ceaselessly-mad · 8 months ago
Based on this first comic:
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So I had some people feeling sorry for Eddie in my previous comic (about a silly scenario where he had to deliver all those Wally Makeship plushies), so I figured I'd fix it here for the Barnaby ones!
...this is what y'all wanted, right?
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Also a bonus, because I think Howdy would absolutely make his nephews deliver them
I mean, he made them work during Homewarming for crying out loud!
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tamatosss · 2 years ago
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The results are in!!!! Thank you everyone for participating in my poll!
It was a close match, but after a week and a total of 2073 votes we have:
Sebastian coming out on top as people’s most favourite Bachelor with ~452 of the votes! Congratulations to him and to all of the Seb enjoyers🥇🥇🥇💐
Elliott in 2nd place with ~394 votes🥈
Shane in 3rd place with ~358 votes🥉
Harvey in 4th place with ~311 votes
Krobus in 5th place with ~300 votes
Sam in 6th place with ~134 votes
And Alex in last place with ~124 votes
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Tbh I’m not shocked with the final standings at all but I was surprised with how spread out the votes are. I thought it’d be more one-sided. I also expected Alex and Sam to have more votes than they did. Those two didn’t have a chance… you’ll get ‘em next time, boys ;-;
Bachelorette results here~
M.O.M results here~
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sherryclover · 7 months ago
Woaha! Congrats Kanae!!
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Since I reached a grand total of 50 followers (luv yall /p). I've decided to open up drawing requests, they're either gonna be traditional sketches or digital sketches! As of now, I will only accept twst centered requests ^^ Thank you for being understanding :>
Limit 2 requests per person. Please send in your requests through my inbox >:D. As well as references for ur ocs :>
What is fine
OCs are welcome!!
OC x canon is welcome as well!
Canon is welcome!
Canon x canon is fine too!
What isn't fine is
Super detailed characters
Animals (I can't draw them well my apologies)
Thank you all again for 50 followers, I really appreciate it!
(૭ 。•̀ ᵕ •́。 )૭
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Wow, I can't believe the Investigations Collection made gumworth canon
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ayamos · 8 months ago
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d8tl55c · 5 months ago
early in the morning after dead'nt, orange has a question.
usually he'd still be asleep long past now, but he wanted to ask about... TDL.
without the others interrupting.
so, he goes to chosen's door.
immediately this plan starts to slip off the rails.
no one knows where dark is.
...........because the others may or may not have spent the entirety of last night searching for him in every nook and cranny except there and they said they'd tell him if they found him and no one woke him up yet so
that means, the only logical conclusion is: he's in chosen's room.
so how is orange gonna ask chosen his question????
well, usually, chosen lets him just walk in.
here goes nothin
he opens the utterly silent door.
green made it special for cho, because they didn't want anyone to ever hear it being opened.
as a special bonus, yellow was able to code the door in such a way that it would never need any maintenance related to sound: its hinges and latches would stay pristinely quiet, forever.
so chosen doesn't wake up when orange sneaks inside.
they wake up when orange takes one step in, spots bright red, and fails to stifle a gasp.
"oh shit!!" orange whispers.
chosen's eyes peek over the covers.
"I'm sorry! i didn't know- uh, i would've- if um- i can come back later-"
they stare at him. "what's wrong." chosen prefers clear and concise, especially early in the morning.
"you-" orange carefully picks his next words. "and him-"
they're in the same bed.
"yep." chosen nods.
orange stands there.
then he shrugs.
"um, sorry. on our shows, this is always a big point of conflict. we don't know why. so i just didn't want to- you know. assume otherwise."
"oh. thanks...?" chosen blinks sleepily. "yeah, it's okay."
"you wanted something?"
"yeah, so-"
orange cuts off again midsentence.
TDL is beginning to stir.
dark emits the highest little squeak-whine that orange has ever heard (even compared to red's baby rabbits), and raises a hand to tug chosen back down to the pillow.
chosen turns their entire face to him, trilling.
they both perform a little brushy-brushy head bonk thing.
then chosen maneuvers their body (under the covers) so it, presumably, mingles more tightly with dark's.
this is satisfactory - for now. dark grumbles about it and stuffs his head under chosen's chin.
orange stands pixel-perfectly still by the door.
"you were saying?" chosen finally turns back to him.
"uh," orange stalls.
dark's eyes open.
he awakens with terrifying speed, untangling from chosen, hoisting up from the covers, and raising a warning fireball within milliseconds.
the room shifts into blazing color and stark shadows.
he shrieks,
"GET OUT!!!"
it seems dark does not, "okay" this situation.
orange drops, scrambles, and miraculously operates the door with enough precision to tumble out the other side unscathed.
silently, the door shuts itself behind him.
the fireball is put away.
"cho, why do you allow The Beast into your room?"
chosen snorts. "it was him who rebuilt you."
dark snarls. "are you SURE it wasn't some trick? you watched the whole time? i don't trust it."
"i trust him."
"why? how?? you do understand why i have reservations about it???"
"yes," chosen nods. "But I trust him."
They press their very cold head into dark's very warm head, and both of them sigh in relief.
"He brought me you."
dark huffs. "mm."
"and other things," chosen concedes. "you... weren't there."
"tell me."
outside, orange is still collapsed, upside down, against the wall, across from chosen's door, where he crashed earlier in his escape.
red has just found him while coming upstairs to check out the commotion.
"orange!? u okay?"
"yeap," orange strains. "all good."
"what happened?"
orange's hand flops on the floor towards chosen's door. "you were right. dark's in there."
red takes a second to digest this.
then his hands fly up to his mouth.
"what're they doing in there?????? did you see???"
"yes. i dunno."
"were they ? ? ?
fucking ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?"
orange squints at him.
through the door, two voices loudly interrupt,
the angrier voice adds,
red squeaks and hurries back down the stairs.
orange sighs deeply.
this has been a terrible learning experience for all.
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scalemodelarbysreplica · 3 months ago
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mileapo · 1 year ago
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milephakphum: ,,, Music is something I can't live without...
Many people are probably no different, right?
In the past, "music" for me was about capturing so many beautiful feelings and things...
Being able to express the beauty through music to convey feelings, just thinking about it, makes me very happy:)
BOC and I have many similar preferences and views. One of them is the creation of a work called a craft.
My intention is to create and spread happiness through music through a variety of artists.
My team and I do what we love. What we have passion for is more serious music and song:)
Prepare new songs and projects for everyone to listen to with Be On Cloud Music. Let's capture the moment together 😉,,,
Nnattawin1: Awesome hahahaha
Nnattawin1: It's so appropriate. With people who have loved music all their lives (This pose is very sexy. Hahahahahaha)
milephakphum: haha
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compaculaaa · 1 year ago
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The DTFIYS Winners are here!!!!!
Congratulations to:
1st place: @kairukitsuneo
2nd place: @klaudia96art
3rd place: @lets-try-some-writing
4th place: @corporealbox
And of course everyone else who participated ^^ I’m am super grateful that I was able to do this DTFIYS and I hope many more people will participate in whatever I plan next 😉
As for the winners! DM me to collect your prizes ^^
WTFIYS Winners announced after DTFIYS prizes are given
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commandertartarsmoocher · 9 months ago
it’s Octo Expansion’s 6th anniversary! Happy birthday Tartar :)
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Happy Birthday, to our favourite sentient AI !! 🎉
and happy 6th anniversary to Octo Expansion !! 🎉
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xxxbbeee · 2 years ago
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emmy 13 nominations!!!
congratulations 👏🥳🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
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ineedassistance28 · 11 months ago
maybe it’s just because i’m a fan of max, but sometimes it annoys me how f1 fans get so happy when he doesn’t finish a race. i understand that it’s boring to see the same person win all the time, and personally there are drivers that i would absolutely love to see win a grand prix (lando, charles, lewis, etc.), but it just rubs me the wrong way to see fans make tiktoks about how the australian gp was beautiful just because max didn’t finish it, and that they hope stuff like this happens for the rest of the season, etc., joke or not.
i just don’t get why people hate max’s success so much when we’re literally witnessing history being made (especially last year’s season). max verstappen’s prime years are some of the most impressive in all of f1, and i feel like more people need to recognize that. it’s amazing that a driver can perform on such a high level and get the best possible performance out of a car so consistently.
i don’t want it to seem like i’m irritated because max didn’t win or something. i think it’s boring when max is out in front with a 20 second gap; i want to see him have proper fights with other drivers that push both of them to the limit. i want to watch someone beat max after battling with him the whole gp, rather than a driver beating/catching up to max because of mechanical issues. it made me so happy to see carlos win a race, knowing that ferrari dropped him for lewis and left him without a seat. it was amazing to see carlos prove that ferrari made a mistake and he’s worthy of a seat in the future, whether that’s next year or 2026. that being said, i would’ve enjoyed it a lot more if max had been able to challenge him.
max as a driver is ridiculously impressive, he has a great personality, and he deserves more support. fans shouldn’t be celebrating because he was knocked out of a race by mechanical issues.
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dailyconradricamora · 2 years ago
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conradricamora: happily hyphenated introducing the Ricamora-Jensens
lots of great things happened these past few weeks, but this is the highlight of my life
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tiger-balm · 11 months ago
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skipping into the eastern conference final
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