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burningpeanutzonkvoid · 1 year ago
Friends Boy
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goosegoose8-blog · 6 years ago
"Fuck, I thought guys couldn't have friends that are gurls"
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bjsbookblog · 6 years ago
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#NewRelease #CurrentlyReading #LongLiveTheBeautifulHearts by @emmascottwrites is LIVE🙌💜 #BeautifulHeartsDuet2 (you need to read book #1 first!!!) #2 ❤ Long Live The Beautiful Hearts ✪ amazonCOM ➜ https://amzn.to/2RRNCm2 . ✪ amazonDE ➜ https://amzn.to/2yE8h46 . ✪ amazonUK ➜ https://amzn.to/2IVihup . ✪ amazonFR ➜ https://amzn.to/2P1Ww1m . ✪ amazonCA ➜ https://amzn.to/2CJd4pd . ✪ amazonAU ➜ https://amzn.to/2OqmJXX . ✪ amazon worldwide ➜ getbook.at/Hearts2 Never again would I allow my heart to become the plaything of someone else. Never again would I let a man (or men) come between me and my goals. Never again would I love without feeling the fullness of that love in return. Not until I knew it was real. And if that took me a lifetime to find, so be it. Those were my vows, and after all that had happened with Connor and Weston, I was determined to keep them. To protect my heart. And then he came home, and my vows became his promises. He held my heart in his hands with reverence and care. He helped me find my soul’s greatest purpose in life. He loved me with a love so pure and vibrant, I knew I’d never feel anything like it in a hundred lifetimes. It was real. Until it wasn’t. Until it all came crashing down when I discovered the deep love I thought I’d found was nestled in a web of lies—so soft and silken I hadn’t noticed it was there. Until it was too late. ********** Long Live the Beautiful Hearts is the emotional, heart-wrenching conclusion to the Beautiful Hearts Duet by bestselling author, Emma Scott, and is inspired by the classic tale, Cyrano de Bergerac. (Roxanne) THIS IS NOT YOUR TYPICAL LOVE TRIANGLE #confusedhearts #notamenage THIS BOOK IS NOT A STANDALONE. It should not be read without first reading Bring Down the Stars https://www.goodreads.com/series/226629-beautiful-hearts-duet ♥ #1 ❤ Bring Down The Stars check out our review → https://www.bjsbookblog.com/2018/08/emma-scott-bring-down-stars_20.html . https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo9e5RWHpmx/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1qwmek9m8ypci
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helpingconfusedhearts · 4 years ago
First day at Uniqlo
My dearest confused hearts, I am so sorry for a long pause. I am actually in the South of France. So let's get back to the story!
On my first day I was so nervous. We were 10 at the time and the first day passed fast, because we only had kinda reunion. For 7h we were listening to the office team about UNIQLO, what is their plan, what they want to achieve and who they are looking for. It was pretty exciting at that moment. The next they we were introduced to AP's, Advanced Partners. Yep, in UNIQLO there is a hierarchy, PN - Shop Assistants, AP, SV - Supervisors and after there are levels of Managers starting from J1, J2 etc... Also the important thing in France is the contract. You have CDI - Full Time and CDD - Part Time, fun fact - if you will get CDI it is almost impossible for you to get fired ahaha
So like I said, we were introduced to few AP's who were supposed to train us. Guess what, they introduced me to my AP which was vietnamese and couldn't speak english at all... I had no idea that my lie will catch me that fast ! The AP's were training us in the stocks few weeks before we were allowed to start on the shop floor. I was pretty happy about that fast, because I couldn't speak french at all. The training was pretty intense, I won't lie, but I was not tired at all. I kinda liked this adrenaline and speed. Finally, they decided that it's a time for us to start in the shop. They said that I will work on the 1F, First floor - men's section, probably because it was the smallest floor and the easiest one for someone who doesn't understand what anybody is talking to them haha In the Flagship Store we have BF - Basement Floor, GF - Grand Floor and 1F. I was introduced to my team, because in the shop usually you are staying all the time on the same floor. I was scared and happy in the same time, because actually my team of around 15 people was amazing. There were 3 managers, 2 girls and 1 guy. Few SV's and AP's and there rest was us, PN's.Little I knew that this people will play a huge part in my life! I started to have a lot of positive energy, because I thought that everything will be better now. My relation with J was on the rocks a little bit and I was really scared about the job, so I thought that now everything will be ok. For 2 month's of period time, I was running like crazy, trying to do everything in the perfect way and I was all the time smiling. I really wanted them to keep me ! I was so focused on the job that I didn't even really know peoples names yet! Finally the time came and one of managers and SV's gave me the feedback: " You have so much energy, you are so positive and you are always running so fast! We are happy to tell you that you are accepted for CDI - permanent full time contract !" Seriously, at that moment I wanted to dance like crazy. Now it was a time to get to know better my team and teams from other floors and ... oh my... I was overwhelmed by what happened from that moment!!!
Stay with me longer my lovely confused hearts!
The love story is going to start from this moment !
Sending you all a lot of warm kisses from South of France !
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2fragilehearts-blog · 6 years ago
I love you, but do I need you?
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madnessinthishouse · 5 years ago
el nohomo con la expresión 1F eetgetbetbe
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madnessinthishouse · 3 years ago
Se estaba sintiendo muy bien, era tan apretado, lo envolvía completamente y era una sensación magnífica. Se iba a dejar llevar y seguir embistiendole hasta que lo escucho, oyó el quejido y se paralizó ¿Lo estaba lastimando acaso? ¿Debía salirse? —Uh... Lo siento... — No quería, pero si lo estaba dañando... Lo haría, no quería causarle dolor o incomodidad.
Y estaba por hacerlo aun todo el pesar, era lo mejor tal vez, no sabía si se acordaría o no, pero no quería recordar la noche como una mala experiencia o algo que haya provocado daño a su mejor amigo. Sin embargo, al seguir observando a Nathan, verlo voltearse y hablar, sintió un escalofrío, se miraba tan sensual así, podía ver el deseo en su rostro, y no podía negar que le encantaba.
—E-esta bien, lento...— El corazón le latía a mil, se puso ansioso otra vez, solamente debía mantener el control sobre sí mismo ¿no? Según le decía Nathan, debía llevar un ritmo tranquilo, con eso del tamaño, aunque no era algo de lo que estuviera consciente, no es como si antes se haya puesto a compararse con otros, la verdad pensaba que era algo que decían en el momento.
No quería que se le notara lo nervioso, respiró hondo y acarició las caderas ajenas, luego lo sostuvo. —V-Voy a empezar.— Hizo su cadera hacia atrás ligeramente y luego lo embistió con suavidad, como si se estuviera rozando, intentando que el ritmo fuera lento, estaba alerta de las reacciones ajenas, pendiente de si lo estaba haciendo bien o no.
♦️⋄ cremita de pie
No había duda. Nathan era un descarado, bien sabía que Elliot se encontraba en un momento complicado, entre dejarse llevar y controlarse, entre lo poco que tenía de raciocinio y su instinto, y le hacía eso. Sentir como se rozaba con él, como lo tenía al alcance, se sentía en éxtasis
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Sus manos fueron de inmediato a sostener la cadera ajena, sentía que tocar su piel quemaba, lo quemaba en pasión. Sentía escalofríos tan solo de pensar lo que estaba por pasar. Nathan lo seguía tentando con sus movimientos, tanto que ya no sabía si debía tener iniciativa. Ver como su miembro moverse entre los glúteos ajenos lo estaba enloqueciendo, lo hacía querer entrar en él, probarlo más, sentirlo por dentro, oirlo jadear y gemir con todas sus fuerzas, no sabía de donde salía eso, pero así lo estaba sintiendo.
Sus manos apretaron las caderas ajenas en el momento que Nathan se acomodó para que la punta entrara, sentir como el glande era ya aprisionado por aquella apretada entrada lo hizo jadear. 
─Maldición.─ Se sentía tan jodidamente bien, se mordió el labio para luego jadear al momento que su compañero se movió para dejarlo entrar todavía más. Era una sensación magnífica, no recordaba nunca haberse sentido de esa manera. Estaba conociendo un lado suyo que jamás había salido. Sostuvo las caderas ajenas y dio una embestida, quería sentirlo cada vez más.
      Contuvo repentinamente la respiración, apretando en demasía la virilidad ajena ante la súbita embestida sorpresiva. Gimoteó ahogado, dejando caer el torso sobre la cama, con una mano intentando contener a Elliot a apoyarse torpe y temblorosamente contra el vientre ajeno. Cerró de golpe los ojos, intentando adaptarse al tamaño de Elliot, dolía un poco, había perdido la práctica y el placer le consumió en algo tan delicado.
      Se le subió la sangre a la cabeza, alivianándose de golpe; le daba vueltas todo.
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       —¡E-elliot…! Es-espera… no estoy acostumbrado a algo tan grande… —dijo entre jadeos, un hilillo de voz caótico que mostraba de todos modos lujuria. No deseaba que saliera de él, por lo que permanecía apegado a él mientras buscaba acompasar su respiración. Poco a poco intentaba relajar sus muslos y su espalda, lo cual le permitió realmente percibir la dureza y la longitud de Elliot presionarse contra su interior. Si estaba sonrojado, ahora no parecía siquiera distinguirse su rostro de la intensidad con la cual el carmín tinto éste, hasta las orejas—. Ve lento primero, tenemos toda la noche para abrazarnos…  —apreciándole de nueva cuenta por encima de un hombro, sin levantar la cabeza de la cama, los ojos centelleaban en adoración hacia él, con quien deseaba compartir aquella noche,
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thelostscorpio · 3 years ago
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Torn between staying and letting go. 
#confusedheart #confusedmind
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books-n-wine · 6 years ago
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Happy early release day to @emmascottwrites 💜💜 Long Live the Beautiful Hearts is #LIVE!!! #earlyrelease #longlivethebeautifulhearts #duet #cyranodebergerac #romance #confusedhearts #emmascott #books📚 #bookblogger #bookworm #bookstagram #bookishaf #mustclick #mustread https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo8vUxtBcTy/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5w9ktsw4fva8
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booklovershangoutlove · 6 years ago
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LONG LIVE THE BEAUTIFUL HEARTS by Emma Scott Releases Oct 18! Grab book 1 Bring Down The Stars Today! https://amzn.to/2A6ZYzF Never again would I allow my heart to become the plaything of someone else.  Never again would I let a man (or men) come between me and my goals.  Never again would I love without feeling the fullness of that love in return.  Not until I knew it was real. And if that took me a lifetime to find, so be it.    Those were my vows, and after all that had happened with Connor and Weston, I was determined to keep them. To protect my heart.  And then he came home, and my vows became his promises. He held my heart in his hands with reverence and care.  He helped me find my soul’s greatest purpose in life.  He loved me with a love so pure and vibrant, I knew I’d never feel anything like it in a hundred lifetimes.  It was real. Until it wasn’t.  Until it all came crashing down when I discovered the deep love I thought I’d found was nestled in a web of lies—so soft and silken I hadn’t noticed it was there. Until it was too late.    ********** Long Live the Beautiful Hearts is the emotional, heart-wrenching conclusion to the Beautiful Hearts Duet by bestselling author, Emma Scott, and is inspired by the classic tale, Cyrano de Bergerac. (Roxanne) THIS IS NOT YOUR TYPICAL LOVE TRIANGLE #confusedhearts #notamenage ♥️ Add to your Goodreads TBR: http://bit.ly/LLTBH_GR   https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo1WUFihykP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=2s3zqq562qi7
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inkslingerpr · 7 years ago
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Double Cover Reveal: BRING DOWN THE STARS and LONG LIVE THE BEAUTIFUL HEARTS by @emmascottwrites! ⠀⠀ — ABOUT: I fell for Connor Drake. I didn’t want to; I fought against it, but I fell in love with him anyway. With his words. With his poetry. With him. The gentleness and beauty of his soul that speaks directly to mine. He writes as if he can feel my heart, hear its cadence and compose the exact right lyrics to accompany every beat and flow. ⠀⠀ I’m in love with Connor…so why do I feel an inexplicable pull to his best friend, Weston? Grouchy, sullen, brooding Weston Turner, who could cut you down with a look. Fiercely intelligent with a razor sharp wit and acid tongue, he’s the exact opposite of Connor in every way, and yet there’s electricity in the air between us. The thorny barbs Weston wraps around himself can’t keep me away. ⠀⠀ But the more time I spend with these men, the more tangled and confused my emotions become. When they both sign up for the Army Reserves during a time of increasing strife in the Middle East, I fear I’ll never unravel my own heart that sometimes feels as if it will tear straight down the middle…for both of them. ⠀⠀ ********** Bring Down the Stars is an emotional, angst-filled novel of unrequited love by bestselling author, Emma Scott, and is inspired by the classic tale, Cyrano de Bergerac. (Roxanne) It is Book I in the Beautiful Hearts Duet, coming this summer. Book II, Long Live the Beautiful Hearts, to be released a few weeks later. #lovetriangle #confusedhearts #notamenage ADD TO GOODREADS: http://bit.ly/2FZo2VJ Receive an alert when the eBook is live on Amazon ➜ http://bit.ly/2nTGLf6 ⠀⠀ •• •• •• •• ⠀⠀ #Bookish #BookRecs #TBR #MustRead #ReadingList #Bookthings #readersofIG #CoverReveal #booklist #BookCover #ReadersofInstagram #ComingSoon #bibliophile #BookLove #Readers #BookRecs #BookCovers #NewBook #NewBooks #CoverLove #EmmaScott
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vxmptooth · 6 years ago
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jazzlovesking-blog · 7 years ago
I'm a 17 year old tomboy....tbh I have dated 9 dudes and only loved 3 of em. I have a routine tho....I always break not the other way round. And now my ex broke that routine......funny thing I might feel something for him who knows. #confusedheart #lovesucks #ineedabreak
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bjsbookblog · 6 years ago
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HAPPY RELEASE DAY Emma Scott 😗 #BringDownTheStars is LIVE!!! check out our 5-Star-review → https://www.bjsbookblog.com/2018/08/emma-scott-bring-down-stars_20.html . ✪ amazonCOM ➜ https://amzn.to/2OR9lbs . ✪ amazonDE ➜ https://amzn.to/2vYk1xU . ✪ amazonUK ➜ https://amzn.to/2PpcfoO . ✪ amazonFR ➜ https://amzn.to/2Pm8xMH . ✪ amazonCA ➜ https://amzn.to/2vW5uCM . ✪ amazonAU ➜ https://amzn.to/2weLbjl . ✪ amazon worldwide ➜ getbook.at/Hearts1 . I fell for Connor Drake. I didn’t want to; I fought against it, but I fell in love with him anyway. With his words. With his poetry. With him. The gentleness and beauty of his soul that speaks directly to mine. He writes as if he can feel my heart, hear its cadence and compose the exact right lyrics to accompany every beat and flow. I’m in love with Connor…so why do I feel an inexplicable pull to his best friend, Weston? Grouchy, sullen, brooding Weston Turner, who could cut you down with a look. Fiercely intelligent with a razor sharp wit and acid tongue, he’s the exact opposite of Connor in every way, and yet there’s electricity in the air between us. The thorny barbs Weston wraps around himself can’t keep me away. But the more time I spend with these men, the more tangled and confused my emotions become. There’s something strange happening between the three of us that I can’t figure out, but when they both sign up for the Army Reserves during a time of increasing strife in the Middle East, I fear I’ll never learn what it is. Or why I sometimes feel as if my heart will tear straight down the middle…for both of them. ********** Bring Down the Stars is an emotional, angst-filled novel of unrequited love by bestselling author, Emma Scott, and is inspired by the classic tale, Cyrano de Bergerac. (Roxanne) It is Book I in the Beautiful Hearts Duet, coming this summer. Book II, Long Live the Beautiful Hearts, to be released a few weeks later. THIS IS NOT YOUR TYPICAL LOVE TRIANGLE #confusedhearts #notamenage #2 - Long Live The Beautiful Hearts - coming very soon! https://www.goodreads.com/series/226629-beautiful-hearts-duet
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helpingconfusedhearts · 4 years ago
Hello Paris
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Welcome back my confused heart. I missed you all a lot! Time to go back to my crazy stories with french guys.
Like I said the last time, I packed my bags and rushed to the airport with my heart on my sholder. I didn’t know what to expect and what I am really doing with my life. The only thing I knew for sure is that I bought a ticket for a week in Paris. When I landed in the airport in Beauvais I was excited and stressed. I was picked up by polish company, because the airport is around 2h away from the center. On my way there I literally needed to fix my shining face 5 times, I was that scared. When I got out from the car at Port de Maillot, next to Champs Elysees I got a message from... let’s not use the real names for now... Jean that he will be late. Ahh little did I know at that time that apparently it’s normal with french people. So I waited around 2h at Port de Maillot rethinking my life choices and being scared if he will pick me up for sure. Finally, after a long time waiting I saw him... My heart started to play serenade in 2x tempo. We were so shy together and we just hugged in a very clumsy way. We went to the car where his friend was waiting, Louis. We had another 1h drive to his home. On the way I saw the sparkling Eiffle Tower. It was such a beautiful view! At his home I met his parents and his brother, I also found out that I will be sleeping in his room with his younger brother, Leo. On the first night, he took my for the ride on his motorbike. He showed me the cute places in Paris and we had a glass of wine in a cosy bar. It was like in a romantic movie. We were looking into each others eyes, we talked about all our secrets, we kissed pasionately. I was falling hard for him and Paris. The funny thing was that for the third date he took me to... kebab place! Apparently his friends couldn’t believe that he actually took me there. I discovered a lot of new places and things with him. It was also the first time that I smoked. I never smoked even cigarettes in my life, so I was a little bit scared, but it was an interesting experience. One day, he took me to Sacré-Cœur, where we visited the basement. He took his keys and he wrote on the wall our names in heart. He said that maybe one day I will come back with my new boyfriend and I would smile seeing it. I was pretty sad when he said that, but I didn’t show it. After coming back to his place we talked and he said that actually he didn’t mean it and he said “I love you, please stay longer”. I was so happy to be with him, so... we changed the date on my ticket to stay 1 week longer. I was feeling so good with him and everything was so romantic and beautiful. Finally, I needed to get back to Poland, because I had my appartment there and I was supposed to start looking for a job. Before I left he asked me to come back in December to spend Christmas and New Years Eve with him and his family. Well,... you don’t need to convince me twice! Before I landed in my city I already had a ticket to Paris, again ! 
Sending you all a lot of love and thank you for sticking with me!
More about crazy stories with french guys with come soon!
Kisses my confused hearts!
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madnessinthishouse · 6 years ago
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