#conflict reporting
alwaysbewoke · 4 months
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honestly, FUCK ISRAEL!!
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shanastoryteller · 11 months
*gestures helplessly* i. don't even know
i hope you like it?
Steve knows that Tony Stark is going to be a problem from the first line in his file.
Designation: Alpha
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lunar-wandering · 4 months
its pride month so im thinking about like headcanoning LMK characters with specific sexualities and genders and stuff and like.
with me im bi so i'm biased to assigning other characters as bi just automatically if i relate to them an all that. most of the time though i do like. fairly deep thought on it. does this actually seem to fit the character and all that.
and the thing. about Sun Wukong. is that. i cannot get a read on him. nothing fits. and you know what?? honestly??? i think not being able to get a read on him fits way better than slapping any kind of label on him
i shouldn't be able to get a read on what his deal is. he's a centuries old being with powers beyond imagination. in some ways he's borderline eldritch. it makes complete and utter sense that i don't understand what the fuck is going on here
he just has his entire own thing going on. i love this for him.
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fdelopera · 11 months
if you are a dumb gentile (i'm especially looking at you, dumb, white American gentiles) and your first response to the I/P conflict is to harass Neil Gaiman, Taika Waititi, and other well-known Jews online
you are not in any way helping Palestinians
all you are doing is exposing yourself as a lazy, Jew-hating antisemite
you are putting Jews around the world (especially Jews in Europe and the US) in danger of white supremacist attacks
if you actually cared about the Palestinian people, you would put your money where your mouth is and donate to organizations and charities that help the Palestinian people
Palestine Children's Relief Fund
Doctors Without Borders
now shut your fucking mouths, stop posting hateful antisemitic shit on social media, and go donate, you motherfuckers.
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biscuityskies · 2 months
“Oh! An urge!” Maiara exclaims, sitting upright abruptly and throwing Cody’s balance off for a step. Core strength is wasted on the young, he thinks. “An urge, exactly,” Cody agrees. “Mostly a sudden urge. Like the sudden urge to climb up a pillar. That’s spontaneous.” “I have the spontaneous to do it again,” Maiara tells him very gravely.
my submission for day 4 of @codywanweek, for raising kids/kidfic
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tuverras · 19 days
what does grantaire shout before he dies in the us national tour??
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rhisardthewizard · 1 year
Deaths that result from resistance against settler-colonial violence is ALWAYS the fault of the colonizers. Not the colonized.
Don't want a war? Don't spend 80 years doing an apartheid against the indigenous.
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eretzyisrael · 8 months
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gingerswagfreckles · 1 year
Insane how people can't understand that terrorism and civilian deaths are bad even when this terrorism is a predictable result of decades of oppression...Hamas is not an organization that works for the freedom of the Palestinians. They are a reactionary religious extremist group that has no problem provoking even further violence and taking down thousands of Palestinian civilians with them.
This is not going to end well for the Palestinians and anyone who thinks it is is fucking delusional. A lot of you people are about two bad days from joining a terrorist organization yourselves judging by your lack of critical thinking skills. Get a grip and see this as the tragedy it already is.
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chamerionwrites · 5 months
A thing about adulthood (though not exclusive to adulthood) is that now and then you will find yourself involved in a conversation in which the only truly reasonable response is to say “Even if I were a terrible person with no conscience, I would simply not admit to being a terrible person with no conscience. Out loud. Unprompted. In public.”
And then you have to decide whether to be the person who actually says it, thus taking the heat for Making A Scene
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alwaysbewoke · 4 months
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sadlynotthevoid · 11 months
So, you know how when an author is writing og!Cale and they want to give him a power, sometimes they give him fantasy spirit stuff? Well, I want elementals to have the usual 'spirit king per attribute' that you usually find in fantasy mangas, but make the water spirit king an axolotl and let og!Cale befriend them.
And when I say Axolotl Water Spirit King I mean 'non-parlant little flying axolotl' that can turn into a 'giantic, water-looking-like, could swallow a pirate ship, still non-parlant axolotl' a la Ponyo.
Just, Imagine og!Cale who was just minding his business and finds a little dorky amphibian that got trapped in a net. And the little dorky one smiles at him. He has no choice but to help it.
The little one likes him. They become friends :D!!
So, turns out his animal friend can fly. Cool.
His new friend decided to follow him— Wait, where is he going?
So, his little friend is not so little anymore.
Ey, don't— spit it out! Spit the bad woman out!
And he doesn't like his relatives.
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fictionadventurer · 1 year
To take a more serious tone toward the topic, I think history is best when we approach it without trying to make value judgements. The worst takes are the ones that try to sort people into "good" and "bad" categories, as if there's a certain calculus to determine if a person deserves to be remembered as a hero or a villain. The point shouldn't be to judge, but to understand.
All people have a mix of both good and bad within them. We should figure out who they are as people, what the world around them was like, how they were shaped by experiences and society, and why they made the choices that they did. There are some undeniably black-hearted villains, but most people are a mixture of good actions and bad actions, of pure motives and mistakes, of brilliant insight and just plain dumb blindness that comes from not knowing how history would turn out. Trying to categorize gets in the way of understanding, and often dehumanizes them.
These aren't just figures or statues, they're people--living, breathing human beings who had hopes and dreams and flaws and fears. We can honor their accomplishments while recognizing their mistakes. We should imitate their virtues and avoid their flaws. When we study, we want to classify things in neat boxes, but people are too messy for that. You can like a person and hate their views; you can appreciate someone's accomplishments while hating their personality. You can get so much further with understanding the nuances of history if you can just leave behind the tendency to judge and just get to know these people as they actually were.
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lunar-years · 11 days
Brett Goldstein leading man rom com but it comes at the price of also being a JLo production…. 😞
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fdelopera · 10 months
Hey. You're more than free to ignore this comment, I understand. But I wanna say, I'm happy I was able to find your blog. I was able to donate money to help Palestine's citizens, but I also got a refresh on Jewish history since I studied it in college, and how I can help out those around me due to the up coming threats of Neo-Nazism.
I am rather sorry you and others are being targeted like this right now and it's not right. Please stay safe and stay strong out there.
Thank you so much for your message. I truly appreciate it. Messages like yours give me hope.
THANK YOU for taking the time to learn about Jewish history. Jewish history, Jewish tradition, and Jewish cultural memory are sacred to Jewish people. We remember to know who we are.
Here is my masterpost about Jewish history. I recommend that EVERYONE read it.
THANK YOU also for donating to help the Palestinian people. I hope that others will learn from your example. Instead of choosing ignorance, you chose education. Instead of choosing hatred, you chose selfless giving.
I encourage everyone who has the urge to harass and attack Jewish people to instead transform that toxic, hateful energy into something that actually helps the Palestinian people.
Jew-hatred does NOTHING to help Palestinians — when you engage in Jew-hatred, you're actually HURTING Palestinians by delegitimizing the Free Palestine movement. When you attack Jews and spread Jew-hatred, all you're doing is putting the lives of Jews around the world at risk.
Put your money where your mouth is and donate to charities and organizations that are on the ground in Gaza, helping the Palestinian people. Whatever you can afford to give. Even $5 goes a long way. The organizations that I recommend are:
Palestine Children's Relief Fund
Doctors Without Borders
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gingerswagfreckles · 1 year
It's just as irresponsible to take Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad at their word as it is to take the IDF and US intelligence agents their word. Just FYI.
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