#confidence is definitely something that comes with time. im still very nervous sharing my writing in person
Hello, so, idk if this is gonna be only seen by you. (i'm still trying to understand Tumblr)
But basically, I write, like a lot, i have so many different things that I come up with in my head, and one thing I hate is not having confidence to show my writing. How do i gain that confidence? I'm asking you because you seem very confident and brave to post. IM rellay really really sorry to be bothering you.
Also, Riot Kings is by far my favourite series :D
Hello and welcome aboard! (and thank you 🥰)
When it comes to building confidence to show others your writing, I think it's less jarring if you start small. If you have a certain idea, series, or character you've been writing for a while, it's probably very close to your heart, and it can be difficult (and feel very vulnerable) to show it to another person
So to get used to letting others see your work, I suggest starting with a small drabble or piece of flash fiction. While it's still daunting to share your work for the first time, you might feel more comfortable posting a piece you've spent less time with. You can also try sharing small snippets of existing work you'd be more comfortable with others seeing
Alternatively, you can start by showing a more beloved piece to a close friend or two, and building up from there
If you'd prefer to post something you've spent a lot of time on but are nervous, then just keep in mind that you love this thing, and that makes it good, regardless of what others think. Whether it winds up being read by one person or one hundred, you never know who it might impact, be that by making someone smile and brightening their day, or by speaking to them in a way they'll never forget.
At the end of the day, your writing is yours. Interaction from readers can go a long way to inspire and motivate, but it sounds like you're already doing the hardest (and most important) step: just writing
It's great that you're getting your words out :) I hope you're able to take the leap and share when you're ready to ❤️❤️
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lxmiko · 1 year
Can i have a matchup plz 🥺👉🏾👈🏾
Gender: cis female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: heterosexual ally
Zodiac: Capricorn
Appearance: 5’2 African American hourglass body type black curly wavy hair blackish brown eyes chubby cheeks wears glasses when necessary (driving or class i should wear them all the time only just started needing glasses im still getting used to wearing them)
Mbti: infj
Enneagram: 2w1
Personality: kind smart funny motherly responsible empathetic anxious emotional moody perfectionist helpful people pleaser caring compassionate nerdy curious protective polite respectful indecisive fearful nervous introvert shy awkward clumsy low self esteem low confidence sassy sarcastic soft spoken
Likes: animals books reading writing fantasy magic sci fi anime music video games friends alone time learning personality quizzes sweets and bread helping being a part of something bigger than myself
Dislikes: spiders loud sounds people who harm others people who dont take others into consideration people i care about not caring for themselves not being listened to weird holes and patterns math and tests
Extra: i pace a lot i sing when im alone i talk to myself im a picky eater i have internalized identity crisis sometimes and i feel bad for fearing spiders (they’re just tryna live their best and not bothering anyone life but they’re so scary to me 😭)
Thank you good luck in school btw and dnt rush yourself or put too much pressure on yourself in school or writing ok you come first and im sure you’ll do great in both :) <3
note: this was due a long time ago as well as everything in my inbox but i will get to it i swear >:c
disclaimer: this is solely my opinion of which character i believe suits you the most based on the description you wrote!! sorry if it isn't who you thought it'd be ;;
matchup under the cut!
i match you with… ike eveland!!!
you two share a lot of interests! like reading, writing, anime, and singing :o
he would find your singing cute, and wouldn’t hesitate to join you in your song c:
and if you're shy about it, he's the kind of guy who'd smile endearing from behind the door as you're singing on the other side c:
ike too is very considerate of others, and because of your similarities, he’d probably try to “out-mother” you, just because he feels you deserve more care than he does
he definitely encourages and advocates for you to care more for yourself than others (even if he doesn't follow the same advice :c). put yourself first, he preaches!!!!
ike is the resident intellect of luxiem and im sure he would appreciate having another person who’d understand him ajd his struggles with the rest of luxiem’s trolling 😞
even if you two share the same anxieties and insecurities, he would always step up for you, and support you when you want to take the first step in anything c:
if you were up for it, he’d ask to have anime nights, where you two would settle on the couch and watch whichever anime piqued your interests
he would also want to read books together, whether it’d be one person reads it first and annotates it for the other, or the two of you have your separate copies and discuss it the next time you see each other
ike is also an introvert, and probably spends his own time producing and recording music, but he doesn’t mind the company of you sitting in his room with him while you both so your separate things
ike understands your thoughts on your fears, specifically spiders. the second he sees one in the house, it’s in a cup and brought outside, without you even knowing
and even if you do find out, he'll in mama mode right away, calming you down the best he can and keeping the bug out of sight as much as possible c:
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outrebanx · 4 years
Pope Heyward x female reader
Summary: (requested) reader is John B’s sister and is secretly dating Pope, they’ve managed to keep it hidden until John B starts to suspect something during a game of truth or dare 
Word count: 1.4k
Warnings: swearing, i think that’s it??, probably some dodgy grammar and tenses 
A/N: i always love to write for the loml pope so i was vvvv happy to get this request (sorry it took so long lmao) but anyways i struggled with this for a few days but im okay with how it turned out i think - i hope people enjoy it :)
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“Truth or dare?” John B asked Kie, throwing an empty can of beer at her to catch her attention.
“Hmm truth I think.”
“Okay… if the chateau was on fire and you could save all of us but one, who would you leave?” He moved his hand at all of you sitting around the fire.
Nights like these had always been your favourite, sitting with your friends, drinking and talking until everyone got tired or until the sun came up, whichever happened first.
Not all of them were just your friends though, John B was your older brother - only by one year though so it didn’t count in your eyes, but to him he was responsible for you which meant he was ridiculously protective. You could sometimes deal with this, but as soon as it came to boys, if they (or you) had certain intentions he wouldn’t let you anywhere near them which really annoyed you.
This is the main reason why you hadn’t told him about you and Pope dating, he could be happy because he knows Pope but also he doesn’t like to think about you with anyone so  you were yet to risk that conversation with him. None of the other pogues knew either - except maybe Kie might have noticed the dynamic change between you and Pope - this meant the two of you were sneaking around, stealing kisses from each other when no one was looking and going on small dates.
You had actually liked Pope for years, but growing up with him meant for a while he didn’t see you as anything other than John B’s little sister, but something had obviously changed in the past few months because he had started acting differently, with more flirty glances and comments being passed between you - leading to you two to start dating.
“Y/N probably because she wouldn’t need me to save her like the rest of you idiots.” Kie smiled at you, making you laugh, especially as the three boys tried to protest that they weren’t damsels who couldn’t save themselves.
JJ interrupted the conversation, “Alright ignoring that Kie thinks all of us but Y/N are useless,” he turned to you, “truth or dare?”
“Dare.” You smile, ready for a challenge.
He rubbed his hands together in anticipation, “Mack the person you think is the hottest in the group.”
John B groaned where he sat, covering his face, not noticing the blush that crept across your cheeks as you glanced at Pope and met his eyes, a small smile playing at his lips.
You heard JJ confidently pucker his lips beside you as you stood up, but walked over to Pope instead, leaning down to meet his face, one hand gently cupping his jaw as you press your lips against his. It takes everything you have not to deepen the kiss, both of you wanting more but being very aware of the whoops from the others and the glare John B is giving the both of you behind your back. So you pull back, his breath fanning over your lips and you wink at him before standing up and hearing back to where you were sitting, unable to control the blush and smile on your face.
Both Kie and JJ made a few comments before getting involved in a dare for JJ to strip off and jump in the marsh, leaving John B to stare at you curiously, almost as if he saw more in that kiss with Pope than just a dare - and you were getting nervous.
Once JJ was back, dripping wet and smiling at his little success you announced that you were going to get some more snacks and drinks, Pope chirping up, “I’ll come and help.”
You walked away from the fire in silence, exchanging glances and smiles, careful not to walk too close as you could feel John B’s following the two of you.
But as soon as you went through the door and into the kitchen the two of you burst into a fit of giggles, Pope wrapped his arms around you, “I think John B might try and murder me in my sleep tonight judging from the look on his face after we kissed.”
You laugh, “Maybe, but at least we have finally kissed in front of him - baby steps.”
Pope moves his hand from your waist and reaches for your face, running his thumb along the corner of your mouth, he says, “Well he’s not here now, so….”
Without hesitating you close the gap between you, your breath quickening as your lips meet his for the second time that evening. His mouth is warm and soft, parting beneath yours, as the kiss becomes more passionate he moves you towards the counter, breaking the kiss for a moment to lift you onto the kitchen side. Once up, you lock your legs around his waist and capture his mouth in another long, lingering kiss, trying to contain the smile that was beginning to show on your face.
“What the fuck?!” John B shouted from behind Pope, the two of you broke away, turning to face your brother who had walked in when the two of you were too involved in the kiss.
“John B listen I-“ You began saying, but was interrupted by Kie and JJ popping their heads round the door, “What’s happened?” Kie asked.
“Those two are macking!” The shock and anger still hadn’t passed off your brother’s face, but both Kie and JJ smiled at the two of you at this revelation.
“Fucking finally, I wondered why you stopped telling me how hot she was bro.” JJ beamed, seemingly proud of his best friend for getting a girl.
“No this isn’t okay!” John B kept moving his head to look at all of you, unsure why he was the only one reacting badly, “She’s my baby sister and he’s one of my best friends!”
“Fuck off JB,” you began speaking, ready to give your brother an earful, “First off I’m not that much younger than you so you can’t act like it’s your job to protect me, especially when I’m the one who seems to keep us afloat.”
His eyes moved to the floor, nodding at what you were saying but obviously guilty about his reaction.
Pope’s arms wrapped around you from behind as you continued speaking, “Listen JB, I love you because you’re my brother, but you don’t have the right to control who I’m with and you should be happy the person I choose to love is Pope, because you know that he is an amazing person inside and out and would never hurt me. Okay?”
He lifts his head to meet your eyes, a small smile playing at his lips, “Yeah okay and I’m sorry for acting like that Y/N,” his eyes glance at Pope, “and you too man, you’re a great catch and I know you’ll treat her right.”
“Alright then, now that that’s all over can we go back to drinking please?” You asked, ready to move back towards the fire.
“In a second.” You scrunched your eyebrows in confusion at your brother as he walked towards you and Pope, smiling when he opened his arms.
Both you and Pope moved towards him, first you encircled your arms around John B’s waist, then Pope followed by wrapping his arms around you both. It didn’t take long for Kiara and JJ to join in on the group hug, everyone laughing as you and your brother were squished and protested for everyone to let you breathe.
After the hug, the whole mood was improved and you all began filing out of the kitchen and towards the fire once again. Except this time you and Pope were holding hands, a weight off both your chests now that everything was out in the open.
JJ jokingly punched Pope’s shoulder, “This opens up so many possibilities for truth or dare now by the way.”
“Oh yeah, I can’t wait to find out what you two lovebirds have done so far.” Kie piped up from where she walked a few steps ahead, smiling as she turned to look at you
John B groaned beside you, “Please no, I’m fine with them being together but I do not want to hear anything about it.”
“We’re definitely gonna have to ask now man and they have to answer - it’s the rule of the game.” JJ laughed.
With that John B chased after JJ, both of them sprinting towards the fire as your brother shouted, “Don’t ask a single fucking thing JJ!”
Both you and Pope chuckled at the scene in front you, then turned to each other to share a quick kiss before joining the others.
Tags: @outerbankslut​ (ty babes for making me feel better about this the other night)
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peculiaritybending · 5 years
do you mind sharing any thoughts/ideas on wolfstar? i love the concept of it but the general characterization is soooo bad lmao. im desperate for content where they actual somewhat resemble their real personalities.
GOD SAME! It’s literally so hard to find anything in character which sucks because I love them so much.
Okay so basically I’mma write some headcanons because I can
They both struggle with nightmares and insomnia a little (Remus more than Sirius) and they both tended to help calm the other down after a nightmare when awake and unable to sleep and that was the first thing that made them feel closer with each other than with James and Peter.
They always felt like their relationship was just different and deeper than just friends but didn’t know what it was for years (you know because like heteronormativity since they were kids/teens in the 70’s)
Remus realised it before Sirius and he just tried to suppress and ignore it as much as possible.
When Sirius realised he had feelings for Remus he dealt with it differently, he wasn’t the type to suppress things like that. He started making an effort to be around Remus more and more but tried his hardest to make it seem as casual he possibly could.
One day, the four of them were walking back from gallivanting in Hogsmeade, Peter and James were mucking about and laughing while Remus and Sirius were walking in silence. Sirius was exhausted from not sleeping well that night and without thinking, just grabbed hold of Remus’ hand. Remus went bright red but didn’t say anything or pull away, to Siruis’ surprise. They held hands all the way back without saying a word.
That moment fucked with Remus’ head and he pretty much thought about it the rest of the night. While everyone was asleep he was up lying awake pondering what it possibly could have meant.
About a month later Siruis came out to the three of them, very awkwardly yet also maintaining his false sense of confidence and ease. I mean, if they were alright with Moony being a werewolf they definitely wouldn’t mind the fact that he liked boys not girls right?
He was right. They were all supportive and swore not to tell anyone, they had come quite accustomed to keeping secrets by then.
though he noticed Remus looked a bit shocked and was avoiding making eye contact with him the whole time which confused him a little. Siruis knew that Remus of all people didn’t judge others for things they can’t control and basically let his friends get away with almost anything so why did he look so freaked out?
This fucked with Siruis’ head and he was the one unable to sleep because of a certain boy’s actions towards him that night
Remus wished he had the confidence to come out to his friends I mean what would they care? He knew for certain they wouldn’t mind but the thing is it was different for him, he knew he liked girls. He knew he liked boys. What the fuck did that mean? Great, another thing that made him feel like a freak, just what he needs.
After a while, Remus couldn’t take it anymore, he had to somehow figure out what he was feeling and there was no book he could read this time so he decided to ask the only person who he thought might possibly have the answer. However, that was easier said than done since that same person was who he was pining after.
One night, while everyone was asleep the two boys sat in the common room like they did occasionally when neither of them could sleep.
Remus was sitting in an armchair reading some book he wasn’t paying attention to while Siruis was lying on his stomach by the fire, making things levitate and staring into the flames.
“Siruis, can I ask you something?” Remus said, breaking the silence, his heart pounding.
“Ask away, Moony,” Siruis responded looking up from the fire.
“Do you um” Remus looked down at his hands, nervously, refusing to make eye contact. “Do you think it’s possible for someone to uh- to like both girls and boys?”
Siruis thought for a second, “I guess so, never really thought about it but yeah.”
“You don’t think it’s you know weird or anthing?” Remus asked
“I think being able to turn into a dog at will is normal so what do you think?” Siruis responds. Remus laughs nervously.
“Why’d you ask?”
“Uh.” Remus paused for a while “I think I like boys and girls,” he mutters.
“Oh,” says Siruis calmly but inside he was screaming. “How did you, you know like figure it out?” He asks.
“Oh uh-“ both of them were freaking the fuck out but trying their best to contain themselves at this point “Uh just some girls are cute and some boys are cute too I guess?” Remus replies extremely awkwardly.
“Oh yeah, makes sense,” Sirius says awkwardly. “Are you going to tell James and Peter?”
“I don’t know yet.”
The next few weeks are filled with a lot of awkward moments between the two.
The full moon rolls around and they all go down to the shrieking shack as usual and as usual it’s all a blur for Remus until he wakes up in the hospital wing the next morning. To his surprise he’s not alone with Madam Pomfrey this time, Peter and James are fast asleep on two chairs pulled up at the end of the bed accompanied by a third where Siruis is sitting wide awake.
“You got pretty scratched up this time so we didn’t want to leave you,” Siruis explains, getting up sitting on the bed facing him. “James was so close to threatening Madam Pomphrey in order to let us stay, I swear it looked like he was gonna kill her or something,” Siruis laughed.
Remus got up slowly, wincing a bit at the pain, his usual thoughts about how he didn’t deserve them racing around in his head, but god was he thankful.
“Are you alright Moony?”
“Yeah it’s just-thank you. All of you.”
“This uh-might not be the best time but about what we talked about a few weeks ago? Do you um still feel that way, you know about boys I mean?” Siruis asked hesitantly.
“Keep your voice down, Padfoot and yes I wouldn’t have said it if I didn’t mean it you idiot.” Remus replied, wondering what the fuck he was talking about.
“Okay cause um. Do you want to go to the Three Broomsticks with me this weekend?”
Remus just stared for a while in absolute shock. “You’re fucking joking right? Siruis if this is a dare or you lost a bet with James or something I’m gonna fucking kill you,” Remus responded.
“No-no it’s not-I genuinely want to,” Siruis stammered.
Remus sat there for a moment, his mouth agape. “So you’re not joking-“
“No, Moony, I’m not joking! I’m asking you to go out with me!” Siruis responded, frustrated and just wanting an answer at this point.
“Shhh you’re gonna wake them up!” Remus hissed.
“Well?” Siruis asked, getting pretty nervous now.
“I’ve gotta be dreaming,” Remus mumbled.
“Oh my god just answer m-“
“Yes, my answer is yes.”
“Okay, wow,” Siruis sighed, “What happens now?” He asks still in shock.
“Well, we go to The Three Broomsticks isn’t that what we just-“
“What’s this about The Three Broomsticks?” James asks, finally waking up.
“Oh, Moony and I were just talking about how you and Peter have a thing for Madam Rosemerta,” Siruis answered.
“I do not!” protested Peter.
The days leading up to their date were awkward. So many stolen glances and too long moments of closeness.
The date itself was also awkward but they found their footing. On the way back they held hands, this time not by accident.
Their first kiss was unexpected, they were in the common room as the sun was setting, everyone else was up in the dorms getting ready for bed while the two of them were copying Peter’s homework (since he was the only one who had done it because Remus was too much of a mess to remember and procrastinated a lot and James and Siruis simply didn’t want to do it)
Siruis had finished a while ago whereas Remus was still writing, correcting all of Peter’s mistakes but having a bit of trouble concentrating.
“Siruis, I know you’re staring at me,” Remus said smiling to himself a little and blushing.
Siruis didn’t answer.
“Oi, Padfoot-“
Remus was cut off by Siruis getting up and impulsively pushing their lips together.
Remus, while caught off guard, kissed him back, wrapping his arms around him and pulling him close, almost like a hug.
“Sorry, I just really wanted to do that,” Siruis said as they broke apart.
The rest of the night consisted of Remus sitting on the couch with Siruis’ head on his lap, Remus playing with Siruis’ hair while chatting about anthing and everything with a few kisses in between before their insomniac brains were tired enough to go up to bed.
These were some of the memories that kept Siruis going during his time in Azkaban and the memories that kept Remus awake at night, wondering how Siruis could have beytrayed him.
These were the memories that flooded back to them when they embraced years later inn the shrieking shack.
This is literally so bad, I’m sorry.
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seriouslyhooked · 6 years
Lost Souls and Reveries (Part 13)
22 part AU written for @cssns​. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6,Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12. Story available on AO3 Here and FF Here. Banner created by the amazingly talented @shipsxahoy​!!
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Killian Jones is a wolf shifter without roots, without plans, and without a pack. He’s a rogue, someone humans should avoid and shifters should be wary of given his lineage. But one night years back set him on a path he didn’t realize he was taking, a path leading to a future he is destined for. That future is tied up in one woman – a human named Emma Nolan. Together Emma and Killian will find not only answers, but a love that’s truly fated. But will love be enough to set them free, or will past demons win out in the end? (Answer: love always wins – I am writing this so despite some tiny pockets of angst it’s basically a fluff-filled insta-love fest). Rated M.
A/N: Hey everyone! So after a long time away this chapter comes bringing some interesting new elements to the mix. I know that we have the Liam confrontation still to come, but there was another important thing that needed to happen too: Elsa and Anna needed to find out about magic. This chapter is bringing us to that moment, as well as throwing in some other elements as well. A lot of this you guys might have guessed at some of this, but I’m hoping you enjoy the layers and elements I’ve had tucked away in my mind since starting this story. As always thanks so much for reading and I am really looking forward to seeing what you all think!
Life as Emma knew it was totally and completely different than it had been just weeks ago.
Before this summer started, and before she’d found the gift of a mate and learned some big secrets about how the world really worked, she’d lived a normal life. There had been some instances of strangeness, and certainly there had been struggles strewn into her story here in Storybrooke Maine, but on the whole she’d been just a regular girl who met each and every day with a certain set of definitive facts. She didn’t even ever think about them, they were just supposed to be given parts of life, and one of those fundamental truths was that magic wasn’t real. It was a figment of fiction, a childish dream, a beautiful, hopeful imagined force, but it wasn’t supposed to actually exist.
Yet now she knew better. Emma had witnessed first hand some of the varied ways magic manifested itself. She’d seen shifters and encountered Ruby’s visions. This morning she’d even witnessed a bit of spell casting by Killian’s cousin as well, but Emma had been told by Ruby that it was nothing compared to what she’d see in the future. This was ‘mild magic’ but the magic brought about by Emma’s oldest and dearest friend was supposedly far more miraculous. That was amazing to imagine, but at the same time it didn’t make things any less uneasy. She was currently walking up the road to Elsa’s house preparing to tell her she was a witch and that was crazy. There was nothing about that that was normal or expected, and as such Emma was just a tiny bit concerned.  
“You’re going to do the talking, right?” Emma asked, checking with Ruby for the fifth time this morning about what was going to happen when they got to Anna and Elsa’s home.
This reveal had been on Emma’s mind in some capacity since Ruby and Granny showed up in Storybrooke, but now they were on the precipice of the confrontation and Emma was more than a little nervous. This was a huge secret and also a very intimate one. It would explain so much about Elsa and about Anna and their family, and Emma imagined it would be a real awakening for her friend, but at first Elsa might resist. All these years people had been teasing Elsa about her dreams or lovingly pushing the thought that maybe she truly had a gift. Emma and Anna had always known Elsa was special, but now there was more information and more possibility. If Ruby’s assessment of Elsa’s gifts was right, there was a whole new world that was about to open up to Emma’s best friend, and Emma knew that while Elsa would eventually be grateful, she might very well be hesitant at first.
Understandably Elsa was not a great proponent of change. Losing their parents so young had impacted both Elsa and Anna in incalculable ways. For Anna it had made her want to live each moment to a fuller extent. She never let a day pass where she didn’t tell people what they meant to her. She ended every friendly hang out session with an ‘I love you,’ and a huge hug at the very least. Anna was continuously grateful and energized, but she also took risks. She always said that life was all in the way you lived it. She never wanted to be afraid, and so sometimes she took things to extremes.
Elsa was almost a polar opposite, and Emma knew it wasn’t merely because she was a more introverted person. So much of that tendency towards caution had come from being the eldest sister. She’d taken on the role as caregiver and as pseudo-parent, and though Emma’s family and the whole town had come together to help the girls when their parents passed away, Elsa never shied away from her responsibilities. She became Mom and Dad and sister, guide and best friend, teacher and peer. As a result, Elsa would do anything for Anna, but in the rest of her life she was guarded. She never expended too much unnecessary energy and never gave too much away. She sided with safety and certainty, and this big reveal would hardly feel like a sure thing.
“I’m doing the talking,” Ruby promised, her hand coming to Emma’s arm in a sign of comfort. “Well, at least until you get comfortable. And you will, Emma. I promise. It’s gonna be great. I can’t see everything, as you know, but I can sense how things will end and it’s going to be more than okay.”
“I’d trust my cousin on this, love,” Killian said from Emma’s other side, squeezing her hand in a reassuring sign of connection as he did. “Ruby is never wrong about these things. If she’s confident enough to voice a vision, it will come to pass.”
“Damn right it will,” Ruby said with pride, and Emma was happy for this tiny fleeting moment.
Killian’s family might have come because of a bad situation on the horizon (and according to Ruby’s estimates they were still some time away from any kind of confrontation) but they’d done their best to live and be themselves since then. Killian’s deciding to stand his ground and confront Liam for better or worse here in Storybrooke seemed to embolden Ruby and Granny. With a plan somewhat established, they eased into things and had even started to show some signs of hope. Ruby’s visions were still unsure in regards to Liam, but her instincts weren’t as harried and afraid as they had been before, and Emma was more than glad for that.
“Sorry. I don’t mean to second-guess your abilities,” Emma said, not wanting Ruby to feel that she didn’t respect all that her new friend was capable of. “It’s just kind of a lot. Today I have to go tell my best friend she’s got magical powers. Then I have to ask her if she’s seen the future lately because there’s danger looming in a town that never really tends to see it. It’s a little…”
“Overwhelming,” Killian said at the same time that Ruby filled in with her own “totally bizarre.”
“Yeah, both of those actually,” Emma agreed, barking out something like a laugh again and leaning into Killian, pulling a little extra strength from him as they walked up the rest of the steps to Elsa and Anna’s house. Before they could knock though, the door flew open and there was Anna looking out of breath, as if she’d been sprinting around the house for some time.
“Aha! I knew Elsa’s hunch would be right. She mentioned that there might be guests today off handedly when she woke up, and then she said we didn’t have to clean because it was just a thought. That obviously wasn’t going to happen. Elsa knows what Elsa knows, right? Only problem is this place is so big it’s hard for just two of us, and I can never figure out how to vacuum the walls right. But it’s fine because you’re here now!”
Anna said all the words so quickly that Emma wondered if Killian and Ruby would need a translator. It was just like her friend to be going a hundred miles a minute. Her thoughts ran fast, and her tongue ran faster, that was what Elsa and Anna’s Grams had always said and she wasn’t wrong. But where others might have whiplash from the speed of that largely random monologue, Emma was totally comfortable with it. It was indication that things were as they always were here in her friends’ house, and though Emma was about to change that, she took it as a good sign that Anna immediately hugged her close in a welcoming gesture without even saying a traditional hello.
“I’m sorry, the walls?” Killian asked aloud, drawing Anna’s attention to him with the apt question. Emma watched as her friend’s eyes lit up, and she didn’t miss the way that Anna’s gaze flicked back between Emma and Killian a few times before she answered.
“Yeah. It’s like the one thing I’m not a complete disaster at,” Anna said, as if that was any kind of explanation, and Emma shared a look with Killian trying to convey that she would fill him in on Anna’s quirks and skill sets a little later. Meanwhile Ruby chuckled aloud, and Emma thought perhaps her gift made her privy to some of those images of Anna cleaning, which were, admittedly, always a riot.
“You’re never a disaster, Anna,” Elsa proclaimed from inside the house before she appeared at the doorway, looking much less windswept and out of breath than her sister. She also handled the presence of guests so differently, offering a smile and a more socially polite greeting to them all. “We were hoping to see you today, Emma. And you brought company! Hi Killian.”
“Good to see you, Elsa” Killian replied genuinely. Elsa’s smile grew at Killian’s honest enjoyment in seeing her and then her eyes moved to Ruby. Emma waited for a second to see if there would be any immediate recognition. Maybe Elsa had seen Ruby in a dream or something, but there was nothing past a mild friendliness there and Emma knew that for now Ruby was just any other person to her friend.
“Elsa, Anna, this is Killian’s cousin Ruby. She’s, uh, visiting?” Emma said, not meaning to have her inflection change so it sounded like a question, but Ruby went right ahead as if that introduction wasn’t weird and stilted at all.
“It’s really great to meet you two. I feel like I already know you guys.”
“Oh score, he’s got family! And where there’s family there’s like a million embarrassing stories and deets about how he’s going to treat our girl,” Anna said, again seeming to forget herself. After a moment she had the good sense to look a little bashful. “Oh shoot, did I say that out loud?”
“Yup,” Killian and Ruby responded at once, the latter seeming to have a lot more fun with this than the former, but Emma knew Killian had a soft spot for Anna and for Elsa. She’d watched over the past few weeks as he got to know her friends, and he’d said more than once that since they were Emma’s chosen family so to would they be his.
“What my sister probably meant to say is that it’s nice to meet you too,” Elsa said graciously. “And won’t you come in? I wouldn’t have bored you with the details, but since Anna already shared, we have in fact cleaned the house today.”
Everyone walked inside and Emma could almost imagine seeing this house for the first time again as Killian was (with Ruby it was doubtful, seeing as her gift had so much range and possibility). For Emma, this estate had always been one of the most gorgeous in Storybrooke. Anna and Elsa’s family had been some of the founding members of this town centuries ago, and they’d been old money from back in Europe well before that. At one time there’d even been a habit by some people of calling them the town royals, at least among their more jealous and less kind hearted neighbors, but that was before the tragic accident that took Anna and Elsa’s parents from them too soon. Still this house was a symbol of tradition and grace. It was old but still fresh and though it had gotten a little colder when they lost their parents, Elsa wouldn’t allow coldness to linger. She certainly could have, and Emma would have never faulted her friend for giving in to sadness, but for Anna, Elsa had always been strong. Part of that strength meant keeping this house alive and vibrant, and she’d managed to do that every day, no matter how hard it had been.
Looking around the ‘sun parlor’ (basically a fancy rich people word for sitting room with a full wall of glass windows), Emma noticed the subtle differences between their childhood version of this home and the one they were in now. Before, this place had been the epitome of prim and proper. It was still lovely, because it had been filled with the love of family, but Elsa’s mother had been meticulous in her desire to keep things as true to the original integrity of the old Victorian home as she could. Elsa, in comparison, had warmed things up. There were live plants strewn about because of Anna’s love of all things natural, and they were all blooming beautifully. There were also so many more pictures of their family and friends on the mantles and side tables. They were snapshots of happy memories, both long ago and also recent, but it never felt morbid or sad. It was a memorial and yet a living breathing tribute to the sisters now as well.
“This is a beautiful home you two have,” Killian said, showing his good manners and making Emma’s heart squeeze tightly. It was a simple compliment, but she knew both of her friends would take it as sincerely as it was meant.
“Thank you,” Elsa replied. “It’s a labor of love, but it’s always felt worth it to us.”
“You got that right,” Anna said sitting down after all of their guests were seated, and then, because she was hardly as patient as her sister, she got right down to the point. “So. What brings Killian’s mysterious cousin to our house? Emma’s got that look about her like she’s got to say something, so I’m betting it’s a doozy.”
Emma’s stomach flipped at Anna’s perceptiveness, though she should have known this would come. She was wondering what would be the best way to proceed. Emma and Ruby definitely needed to be here, as did Anna and Elsa, but though Emma would love the comfort of having Killian by her side in what could be a trying time, she wanted to make sure all parties were comfortable. This was a huge reveal to Elsa and to Anna, and though Emma knew that they loved Killian because she cared so much for him, she didn’t want anything to feel forced. As if he read her mind – whether through the mating link or through his own well-honed Emma radar – Killian squeezed her hand gently and brought it to his lips to press a gentle kiss. Then he announced his intention as their eyes still held.
“I think it might be best if I take a look around the gardens, maybe scope out this sea walk I’ve heard so much about. Would either of you mind?” Killian asked, finally turning to Emma’s friends, but they just smiled and nodded that it was fine, both of them clearly thrilled at his open affection for Emma. “I’ll be right outside should you need me, love.”
“Thank you,” Emma whispered to him before pressing a kiss to his lips and watching him slip out the door to the patio. Killian headed towards the gardens, a place where one could get lost for hours, but she was sure he wouldn’t get turned around. As a shifter, it was one of his many gifts to have that all too keen sense of direction.
“Okay that’s not fair,” Anna exclaimed, her head shaking and the braids she had in this morning following suit. “I mean seriously that man is just crazy about you. I want one!”
Emma laughed at Anna’s outburst and so did Ruby, and the slight tension that had arisen felt like it dwindled considerably. Still Emma could see that her friend, though honest, was also doing this on purpose. It might be Elsa who was a once in a generation witch, but now that Emma knew of magic and of the magic that ran in this family, she was absolutely certain Anna had gifts of her own. Perhaps they were more hidden or subdued, but they were definitely there. Elsa had always been the one with dreams that were uncannily accurate, but Anna had a way of knowing people and situations just like this one.
“Not to worry, Anna. You’ll definitely find someone,” Ruby said and though it could have been construed as a harmless comment, Anna’s eyebrows rose and her smile widened.
“Oh my gosh, you see stuff too don’t you?!” Anna exclaimed, practically squealing. “I know you do! That’s the same face Elsa makes when she has a dream. Now you have to tell us what the hell is going on!”
“You good with that, Emma?” Ruby asked and Emma nodded, moving to sit with Elsa and Anna on the couch as Ruby told them all that she knew.
Though Emma had heard most of this already, it was another experience entirely to have this conversation with Elsa and Anna present. Ruby was giving a basic 101 run down of magic and the supernatural world. Since humanity itself was formed, so to had magic been living and breathing on this earth. Many people in the know considered magic to be another of the elements that people were more familiar with. It was an essence and an energy that always came from nature somehow, but it manifested in many ways. Sometimes it took the form of witches or clairvoyants, and other times it could be seen in other supernatural beings. Ruby hadn’t mentioned shifters specifically yet, focusing instead on what was truly pertinent to Elsa and Anna, but Emma felt completely compelled by what they discovered too. It was still so new and so amazing that conceiving all of this could be real was a challenge.
The element of magic, it turned out, was all around to those who know how to wield it. For witches and warlocks and other spell-casting peoples, magic was a gift mostly held by families that originated from different hubs of magical influence. Long ago there were places on earth where magic was far more present than others. Ruby listed a few off the cuff: portions of the Amazon, oases in the Sahara, islands off of current day Malaysia and more. As such, the people who came from those areas were exposed to a very rich natural spirit for millennia. That spirit was then internalized by more sensitive families, and then, even if they left, the gift of magical ability was transferred with them.
“My family was from Ireland originally,” Ruby explained, drawing a pendant that she had that didn’t look so dissimilar from the one of Killian’s that Emma had found. As she did so, a breeze swept through the room but it was contained, gentle, warm, and well… wonderful. It smelled sweet, like the fresh bloom of wild flowers, and as Emma looked at the light swirling in the room, she could see these sort of spiritual etchings dancing in the wind of feathers, leaves, and, as one might expect with the scent, petals. “It was just a tiny Celtic town to the south of the Isle, but according to the diaries that all of the women in my family kept, there was a spring there where magic flowed freely. It was their job to protect the spring, but eventually it dried up and so they moved here.”
“This is… it’s impossible. But it’s real,” Elsa said, her fingertips trying to trace some of Ruby’s magic as it flittered through the air. As she toyed with the magic in the air, her whole being was overcome with an undeniable excitement. There wasn’t any trace of the fear she expected. If anything Elsa looked totally free to believe in something amazing and all consuming. “Magic has been real along. Just like Grams always said. I thought she was teasing, or maybe giving us something beautiful to dream of. I never thought… but it’s always been here. I can feel it now.”
“It has,” Ruby replied, her own joy at seeing Elsa experience this growing more and more by the second.
“You said the spring dried up?” Anna asked, continuing the trend that had emerged of her being the one to ask questions that all of them were thinking. “Did something happen?”
“No, it was just nature taking its course,” Ruby said, pulling back her magical display so the room was as it had been. “It was a couple hundred years ago, and then they came here, or rather, to America, hoping to find a new place to call home. The witches in my family bounced around a little bit before moving further out west. Magic loves forests and the untouched spaces of nature, and as the world has changed, so too have the places that magic likes best.”
“Can wi- wi…” Elsa faltered over the words, still clearly grappling with the new information she was hearing about herself. “Can people who access magic turn into animals by any chance? Like maybe wolves?”
“Let me guess, lots of wolf dreams have been happening since Killian came?” Ruby asked, feeling like she already knew the answer.
“Yes,” Elsa hedged. “But they’ve been around a long time. Since that day in Boston…” Elsa looked to Emma and now, finally, Emma felt like she could jump in for a bit.
“The wolves from that night are more than I ever thought they were. They are not animals, but magical people who can transform their shape. They’re called shifters,” Emma explained. “Not all shifters are wolves, but that night when I was attacked it was a rogue wolf who came after me and another rogue wolf who saved me.”
“You were attacked?!” Anna exclaimed, somehow more worried about that than the fact that Emma was telling her that people could turn into giant animals or that witchcraft was real. “And you knew, Elsa?”
“I’m sorry, Anna, I should have told you but…”
“But I made her promise not to,” Emma said, explaining the story as quickly as she could and filling in on how Elsa had been there. She’d had a dream that brought her to the city, but for a long long time they’d all just considered it this mental break. It couldn’t have been real, but now they knew it truly was. “But what I didn’t realize then is that the shifter was Killian.”
“Holy shit, your Killian?!” Anna asked, completely losing herself in the reveal before looking to Ruby. “Killian’s a wolf? That’s so awesome! So are you a wolf too then? I thought you were a witch.”
“Guilty on both counts,” Ruby said with a grin. “It’s very rare, but witches and shifters can be mates and when they are you end up with hybrids like me.”
“Oh my God mates, that sounds so… hot!” Anna said, play fanning herself as she heard. Emma couldn’t help but let out a laugh at her friend’s antics, but she continued to search Anna’s demeanor to see if she was really okay with all she was finding out or if there was more to this. Anna seemed so completely on board, and Emma wondered how that could be.
“But you said the wolf that saved you, sorry, Killian, you said he was all black right? Like midnight. And the attacker was more tan?”
“Yeah. Like a dull colored sand, why?”
“The one I’ve been dreaming of is lighter than just a pure black,” Elsa said, her confusion clearly gnawing at her.
“Let me guess, dark gray coat, that gets darker at the paws.”
“Yes,” Elsa said, her desire to know who it was winning out. “You know him?”
“It’s Liam,” Ruby confessed, and then, realizing that neither Elsa nor Anna recognized the name, she filled them in. “Killian’s brother.”
“Oh my God, so Elsa is dreaming about Killian’s brother?” Anna asked, looking almost giddy. “Wait that’s a good thing right?”
“It’s complicated,” Ruby said, deflating Anna somewhat, though Elsa seemed to already know that was the case. “And honestly, that part of all of this can wait a while longer. I think you guys will face enough today just hearing your story.”
“So you know about us then,” Elsa asked without the inflection of a real question. “You’re going to tell us about our family?”
“There’s no need for that. They can tell you themselves.”
Silence greeted Ruby’s statement, and it was one of the first times that Emma had ever seen Anna stunned into quiet like this. The pain in her friend’s eyes was mingled with a soul crushing hope, and Emma could understand it. Ruby hadn’t given her too many details, but from what she had said every old family of magic had a repository somewhere with stories and spells and all other kinds of things. It was passed down from generation to generation, and Emma assumed it would be like in the movies where there was a giant book written kind of like a diary.
“How?” Elsa asked, her voice coming out stronger than Emma would have ever imagined as she took Anna’s hand and squeezed it tight and then used her other hand to hold onto Emma.
“There’s a room in this house that no one knows about. There’s a hidden door. That’s where the answers are.”
“A hidden door?” Elsa asked, confused. “We don’t have anything like that. If we did we’d have found it by now.”
“One of you has,” Ruby said, looking to Anna with a soft smile. “You just haven’t remembered in a long time.”
At the words a spark of recollection appeared in Anna’s expression, and Emma knew her friend was working through the recesses of her mind trying to figure out exactly when that happened and where she’d found it. After a moment her eyes lit up and she jumped from the couch.
“It’s out back in the green house. But there was nothing there. Just a bunch of old herbs and dried up plants…”
“There’s a hatch door to a lower level somewhere. It won’t take long for you to find it. I can’t see what’s down there – there are blood protection spells meaning only your family can access that space, but there should be a box there. It’s blue and has your family crest. Inside there are jewels, crystals, and precious stones. They’ll tell the story if you two unlock them.”
“I’m sorry, so the stones are going to… talk to us?” Elsa asked.
“You’ll see,” Ruby said, offering a smile as Anna jumped up.
“We have to go,” Anna said, reaching back for Elsa’s hand. “We have to go right now.”
“All right, all right,” Elsa said, still not looking like she fully believed it. “Emma?”
“I think it would be best if you two did this yourselves,” Emma said, trying to hold back tears as she came to stand up with her friends.
“But you’re our sister, too” Anna said, immediately agreeing with Elsa and Emma swallowed back a lump in her throat.
“Always have been and always will be. But this… it’s your legacy and it’s a part of you guys that I think deserves the utmost care. Plus we don’t know how this blood spell thing works yet. I might not be able to go in at all. But I’ll be right here if you need me. I’m not going anywhere.”
“Promise?” Anna and Elsa asked at the same time, and Emma nodded, extending her pinky to them both and twisting tightly when they extended theirs.
With that, Elsa and Anna headed out to the green house, leaving Ruby and Emma alone for pretty much the first time since Granny and Ruby arrived. It should have been a strange or awkward time, but Emma found it comfortable despite the circumstances. She and Ruby discussed a number of things about magic and about what her friends would find. They were going to be blessed today, not just with their story, but with their story told by their mother and their grandmother. Ruby might not be able to see the story, but she could feel those spirits being close. Ruby explained that it was possible to infuse sound and images into precious gems, and she had a few from her family that had always meant a lot to her. But at one point, after a bit of time discussing this new life changing moment for her friends, Killian caught Emma’s attention. He was outside and in wolf form along the tree line, looking back at the house, or more precisely at her.
“I’ve never seen Killian like this before, so happy and centered,” Ruby mused aloud, her eyes looking towards Killian as she smiled with pride and real joy. “Even when we were kids and his Mom was still here, he was always quiet and always just a little more reserved than me or the other pack pups.”
“I can’t imagine what it must have been like, growing up the way he and Liam did. The way you did, in that pack run by their father. Was it hard when they left?”
“Almost as hard as losing Liam,” Ruby confessed, her expression turning somber and remorseful. Emma wondered if Killian could hear them, but at this distance she thought it was probably doubtful. “But we have the future. I’m afraid to say anything for certain, but it doesn’t feel as menacing right now as it did before. I was panicked when I could sense Liam again, but I still see things. Good things. Things happening years down the way. I have to believe they’ll really happen. You’re going to make them happen.”
“Me?” Emma asked, shocked that she would have any sort of role. “But I’m just a human.”
“Maybe,” Ruby said, not sounding fully convinced, “But even if you’re human, Emma, you’re special. You bring out the best in Killian. You mean the world to Anna and Elsa. You have a light in you. It’s not magic per se, at least I don’t think, but it’s something, and I know it’s important. It might just be the most important thing any of us has to offer.”
Emma thanked Ruby quietly, flattered at the compliment, but unable to respond in any meaningful way because at that precise moment her phone began to ring. She’d been so unplugged for days that Emma was surprised she’d even brought it with her, but the tell tale sign of her mother’s ring tone told Emma that patience had finally run thin for Mary Margaret Nolan. Strangely that was of huge comfort to Emma, and before she so much as greeted her mother, she had a pretty good idea of where this conversation was going to go.
“Hi Mom,” Emma said, thinking about what the proper tactic was for this exchange.
In a regular situation she would apologize for being off the grid. It had been days since she spoke with anyone in her family, and that was not normal for them. But she wasn’t actually sorry for all that had happened the past few days, and Emma also knew that though her mother always meant well, she had a real knack for taking harmless statements and making them a little more innuendo packed than was strictly comfortable.
“Oh Emma, honey, you know I love you, and God knows I love Anna and Elsa nearly as much, but would it be too much for you to call your parents when finally surfacing after days and days away? We miss you.”
“I miss you too, Mom. And sorry about the delay. Things are kind of happening over here. It’s, uh, unexpected.”
“Well surprise guests will do that to you.”
“How did you know about that?” Emma asked, slightly afraid that her mother was going to rehash some truly crazy series of informants, but what she actually heard surprised her even more.
“Easy, I’m having lunch with Granny right now.”
“You’re what?!” Emma asked at the same time Ruby said, “She’s what?!” Well, look at that, even a surprise for the all-seeing Ruby. For a second Emma wondered how she’d heard what her mother said on the phone, and then she remembered Ruby had shifter hearing. She was going to have to get used to that.
“I know! It’s the wildest thing. We just happened to meet at the diner – she was questioning the integrity of the lasagna after ordering it, a good indicator of a person’s character as you know - and we got to talking.” Emma smiled at one of her mother’s strange marks of a person, but it wasn’t the first time she’d heard this bit about the lasagna. “I can’t imagine how you must be feeling, Emma. First you find out your true love is a shifter and then you find out your best friends have a magical bloodline -,”
“Mom!” Emma yelled into the phone interrupting her. “You can’t go around saying things like that. Someone could hear you.”
“Emma, I’m at home,” her mother said in a slightly chastising voice, surprising Emma yet again. “Do you really think I’d be so careless? Besides, I can keep a secret you know.”
If someone had said that to Emma even a month ago she would laugh in their face. Mary Margaret Nolan keeping a secret? Yeah right. It was not her style, but that assumption had been proved wrong. She’d kept mum about shifters for years, and in doing so she’d proven that it was possible for her to not give away a private confidence. “I thought you said you were having lunch at the diner.”
“No, I said we met at the diner. I ended up convincing her to come here. Because again, that lasagna is questionable at best. She’s a funny one though, won’t let me call her anything but Granny. But I like her.”
“You realize she’s a shifter too, right? She can hear you.”
“She could hear me if she were human; she’s sitting right in front of me.”
Emma heard Granny say hello in the background and at the same time Ruby came closer and said hello herself. This could have started a whole big conversation, since her mother was clearly curious about Killian’s cousin, but Emma redirected to get some better answers.
“So did you know about Anna and Elsa all this time too?” Emma asked, hating to think this might have been yet another secret between she and her parents. Before they died, Elsa and Anna’s mother and father were good friends of Emma’s parents. But it would be a little strange that they would tell them and not their children about their family legacy.
“Oh no, honey, Granny told me. Gigi never confided in me about any of that, not that I’d ever blame her after the incident where I accidentally told you girls her real name.”
Emma felt a giggle bubble up at that memory. Yes she remembered that day. It wasn’t every day you heard the name ‘Gerda,’ and Anna and Elsa had gone bonkers over the big reveal. They’d been fixated on it for weeks, months even.
“I’m sure Gigi had all sorts of plans for how she wanted Anna and Elsa to hear all of this,” Mary Margaret said, her voice sounding out with more than a touch of sadness for her old friend. “But things happen that we can’t control. And I’m just glad that the girls are getting the chance to learn who they really are now.  And it’s so amazing! I knew about shifters – your father told me that you know everything now so you know how that went – but magic… well it’s just so exciting, don’t you think?”
“Yeah,” Emma said, letting out a steady breath. “Exciting would be a good word to describe the last few days.”
“Exactly, and with so much going on and so much left to talk about, I think it’s only right that everyone come to the house for dinner. I have to meet Ruby, and I want to check in on Elsa and Anna, but most of all I want to make sure my new son-in-law knows what’s what.”
“Mom,” Emma said with a blush growing over her cheeks before lowering her voice as quietly as she could while still being heard on the other end of the call. “We’re not married.”
“Ha! Maybe not yet, but don’t think a wedding is not already in the works. This mating thing sounds lovely. Your Aunt Gwen told me a bit about it a few years back. It’s like this great big love that means more than any simple ceremony can ever express, but every princess deserves a wedding and you’re darn well going to have one.”
Emma didn’t even have time to groan before Killian approached, stepping into view at the patio door with an intense look in his blue eyes. “I couldn’t agree more.”
Well this was fun. Apparently he could hear her phone calls and from quite a bit of distance away. Emma was doing all she could to not die of embarrassment, but the only thing getting her through was the look on Killian’s face that said he truly did love her and was planning for forever together. It wasn’t like her mother had picked this idea out of nowhere. Clearly Killian felt the same about them getting married, even if they hadn’t gotten there yet.
“Okay well can we table that talk for now, please? There’s more than enough to keep us busy in the meantime,” Emma begged, not wanting to state the obvious aloud – there should be no wedding being planned since Killian hadn’t exactly asked her to get married.
“Absolutely, but we will see you all at seven. Pass on the invite to Anna and Elsa.”
“Tonight?” Emma asked, wondering if it was a good idea. “I don’t know, Mom. They just found everything out, they might need some time -,”
“We don’t need time,” Anna said, drawing everyone’s attention to the doorway where she and Elsa were standing. The sisters were holding hands again, and it was clear there had been some tears shed as they went through their family’s things, but both of them still looked happy. Emma imagined there must be so much relief even though there was the sadness of looking to the past, and with a silent nod between her and Elsa, her friend conveyed that to her as Anna continued. “What we need is some really good chicken parm. I’m talking pasta for days, the good imported cheese your Mom gets in Boston, and that home made sauce even magic couldn’t replicate.”
Everyone laughed at that, and since Emma had automatically put the call on speakerphone when Anna and Elsa came out, her mother took the initiative and replied herself. She had all of those ingredients, and she would see to it that Anna and Elsa’s favorite meal was made and ready. With that, Emma hung up on the call, and she looked first to Killian, finding his eyes shining with so much love. She held onto that, and then looked quickly to Elsa, needing to know that her friend was all right.
“Are you sure this is okay? It’s a lot to reconcile and it’s all happening very fast.”
“Fast is the way things move these days,” Elsa said with a smile that was small but also true. She looked at Emma and at Killian, nodding whether she consciously knew it or not. “And so far that seems to be a good thing. We’re not different people because of what we know now. I’m no different than I was before.”
“No, you’re not,” Emma said gladly, watching Elsa exhale a ragged breath as Ruby chimed in.
“You’ve just got some cool new abilities,” Ruby said cheerily. “And now that you guys unlocked your family secrets I can see so much more, for you and for Anna.”
“You too?” Emma asked, finding herself filled with excitement for her friend. For once Anna looked a little sheepish, something Emma had never noticed her friend experiencing before, but she acknowledged the unexpected surprise.
“Yup. Visions might not be my thing, but according to Grams messages and some of Mom’s too there’s a lot in store for me as well. But for now let’s put all of that on ice. I wasn’t kidding when I said I needed that chicken parm, because honey, it has been a day.”
Everyone could readily agree with that assessment, and in the interest of honoring her friends’ wishes, Emma held back on questions about what came next and what they had learned. Soon enough her friends would tell her. It was always just a matter of time before they shared everything with each other, and whenever that came Emma would be more than willing to listen and learn.
“How are you doing, love?” Killian asked a few moments later, when they’d all decided to head outside together to the beach walk. Elsa and Anna were talking with Ruby about summers in Storybrooke, and Emma watched at how a solid friendship was forming between them already, her heart filled with happiness as her family and Killian’s blended together.
“I’m good,” Emma said, looking to Killian and seeing his concern and affection, shining as brightly as the sun in the sky this lovely summer day. “Better with you here.”
“I feel I could say that in any moment,” Killian agreed, stopping their stroll and pulling her into his embrace. “Any instance is improved with you beside me.”
“Guess we better stick together then,” Emma teased and she delighted in the growl from Killian as his mouth claimed hers in a fierce and hungry kiss. It was impossible not to get swept away in it, her hands roaming, her body arching for closeness as she tasted him and reveled in the heat and charge between them. But before they could take things way too far given their setting, Killian pulled back and pressed his forehead to hers gently.
“Forever, Emma. That’s how long we’ll have each other.”
“Forever,” she agreed.
With that, the two of them rejoined her friends and Ruby, finding themselves enjoying a weirdly normal afternoon in the midst of so much change and transformation. And though Emma was a bit preoccupied with the idea of dinner at her parents tonight, she knew, deep down, that whatever may come she would always have Killian, and the two of them together would always make it through.
Post-Note: So there we have it. Truth be told I have SO many thoughts and ideas about Elsa and Anna’s magical reveal. I would love to write a whole scene from their POV about that, adding the layers of magic I have imagined for this story and giving their experience with the big change in their lives. Unfortunately I don’t really have time to create that chapter, at least not yet. I am debating, however, adding some extra scenes and glimpses into this story when I have the whole thing done. That being said, I have only managed to get a couple of chapters written before my school year, so it’s looking like it’s definitely going to be summer before this whole story is told. As of right now I am looking to move to a monthly posting schedule. I have this chapter, one for February and one for March all written, and I am hoping I might find a bit of time in the next three months to craft together a chapter for April, God willing. Anyway, I would love to hear what you all think, and rest assured there will be some more CS moments in the chapter next time. There’s still a lot of stuff that has to happen, so we aren’t getting full blown fluff for a while, but I trust you guys will still like the story all the same. Thanks so much for reading and hope you have a great rest of your weekend!
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spider-petey · 6 years
Faking It (Peter Parker)
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a/n: hi well its been forever so surprise! also, im in my feels right now so if this is stupid cheesy im sorry. also, this was my sad attempt at trying to be more descriptive with my writing? im sorry if it sucks? anyways i hope you like it and if you want to request anything my asks are always open :)
word count: 1.5k
You felt the small flakes of snow fall onto you on your way to the train, putting a smile on your rosy lips. It was December and your favorite time of year as Christmas was right around the corner. Your hair was smushed under a beanie, your hands covered in thick gloves and you tucked your chin into the scarf your grandmother had made for you last year, despite all this you were still cold. You pulled your coat tighter around you as you stepped onto the train, the cold never really bothered you, if anything it was your favorite kind of weather.
The only downside was that you couldn’t share this love of winter with your best friend, Peter, who absolutely despised it. You crossed the train and took your usual seat next to him, shooting him a warm smile.
“Good morning Pete.” A small laugh fell past your lips as he only sent you a grumpy frown.
“(Y/N/N) I’m cold,” he muttered in response. This time you laughed fully, your mouth spreading into a bright smile. You looked out the window, sighing in contentment at the beautiful weather.
“I know isn’t it fantastic.” He shook his head at you, scooting closer to your warm figure, shivering slightly. “C’mon Peter it’s not that bad, you’re overexaggerating.” You argued with him. He started chattering his teeth, clearly trying to play up how cold he was. You rolled your eyes at his antics, pulling him to stand up and follow you outside after the train came to a stop. 
He whined as you stepped back into the snow, “It’s even colder now.”
“Yes, because we’re outside now Pete, that’s how that works.” He pouted at your sarcasm eventually cracking a small smile at you.  The two of you made your way into the front doors of your school, walking side by side. Your conversation flowed as usual and it eventually got on the topic of Christmas. 
You suddenly remembered that your cousin invited you to a Christmas party she was throwing with a bunch of her friends. You remembered the text very clearly, mostly because it had stressed you out so much. She basically told you that she was expecting you to bring a date and you’ve since been struggling to find one. The clear choice, in your brain, was Peter. You’d been in love with him for forever so it only made sense to ask him to go with you. The only thing holding you back was the fact that you were pretty sure he did not see you in that way. But then again you had no one else, so now it was just a matter of you gathering the courage to ask him.
The day passed by slowly and what felt like years later, you heard the final bell ring. You met with Peter by your locker, the two of you making your way back outside. You took a deep breath, giving yourself a mini pep talk before beginning to speak.
“Hey Peter?” you asked, getting his attention. He hummed back, urging you to continue. “So my cousin invited me to this Christmas party thing, and she kinda required me to bring a date and I was wondering if you’d go with me?” Peter looked at you with his eyebrows raised.
“Like a date date?” He asked you.
“Yes?” you said unsurely. “It’s just that whenever she does stuff like this I never have a date and she always pokes fun at me so maybe we could just tell them were dating or something? Just to get her off my case..” You trailed off, quickly losing confidence that he was going to agree to your plan.
“So, you want me to go to this party, with you, as your fake boyfriend?” You nodded at him.
“Yeah. You don’t have to if you don’t want to, obviously.” You chuckled, trying to laugh off the awkwardness that built up around the two of you.
“No no no, I’ll go.” He quickly recovered. “Sounds kinda fun,” His lips quirked up into his goofy half smile that made your stomach turn. A relieved smile graced your face as you thanked him, filling him in on the details of the party.
Time had passed and it was finally the day of the party. Your heart fluttered whenever you thought about the fact that tonight Peter was going to be your boyfriend. Granted it was fake, but he was your boyfriend nonetheless. Little did you know though that Peter was just as excited as you were, if not more. But despite how excited you were, you were also incredibly nervous. Scared that you were just gonna fall harder for Peter only for everything to go back to normal after today. Thoughts like these fogged your mind as you got ready. You were practically on autopilot as you did your hair and chose your outfit. As you finished and waited for Peter to pick you up the butterflies in your stomach got worse. 
 A soft knock came from your front door so you grabbed your bag, and headed for the door. You opened it, coming face to face with Peter. He shot you a nervous smile and you returned it.
“You ready to be my fake girlfriend?” he joked with you. You laughed with him as the two of you exited the building.
“Of course I am, tonights gonna be fun.”
The two of you made your way to your cousin’s house, giving May directions along the way. As you exited the car Aunt May said goodbye to you both, telling you when she’d pick you guys back up. You smiled, thanking her and making your way up to the door, Peter in tow. He knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer. While to two of you stood there you gingerly slipped your hand into his, he turned to you with a questioning look.
“Gotta make it believable,” you shrugged. Over course that’s not why you wanted to hold his hand, but it was a good reason so you decided to go with it. Your cousin eventually made it to the door, inviting you guys in. She shut the door behind you and nudged you, sending you a wink when Peter wasn’t looking. You rolled your eyes at her, a rosy blush spreading across your face.
The party went on just like it had all the other years you’d come. You didn’t really know any of your cousin’s friends so usually you didn’t really talk to anyone, but this time you had Peter. The two of you were especially touchy. Holding hands, his arm around you, you playing with his fingers. You really played it up and while the two of you said it was just so people believed you were a couple, both of you secretly enjoyed it. It felt so natural to be like this with him. Not awkward or new, it felt right, like it was always meant to be this way. It was getting a little bit later, the sun had set and it was definitely way too cold to be outside, yet there you were. 
You sat on your cousin’s back porch, sheltered from the snow but not the cold. The wind nipped at your ears and nose, turning them a bright shade of pink. Your hands rubbed together to warm them as you subtly scooted closer to Peter, cherishing his warmth. You sighed out, watching your breath in the cold air, feeling content. You and Peter had been out here for not too long. You sat in a comfortable silence, just grateful to escape the party, as it wasn’t really either of your scenes. Your head fell to his shoulder and his fell on top of yours.
“Hey (Y/N)?” He asked you, breaking the silence. You simply hummed in response. “I’ve been trying to wait for the right moment to tell you this, and now seems like a good a time as ever.” His words peaked your curiosity, so you sat your head up and turned to look at him. “I-uh, I really like you. Like a lot.” His words were gentle. Hearing his confession filled you with pure happiness, filled you with a warmth to contrast the temperature around you.
“Peter I really like you too.” Your broad smiles mirrored each other. His cold hand came up to grasp your cheek, his face moved slightly closer to yours.
“Is this okay?” His voice was soft as silk and you nodded, wanting nothing more than to kiss the boy in front of you. His lips connected with yours, chapped from the harsh winter. Kissing Peter felt so right. Peter felt so right. Your mind went fuzzy and all you knew was that this was the boy you wanted. Your hands slipped under his hoodie, resting against his torso. He eventually pulled away but you kept your eyes closed, catching your breath.
“I take it back,” you said suddenly, looking him back in the eyes. His eyebrows scrunched up on his face, obviously confused. “Peter I love you.” His beautiful smile returned. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a tight hug. His lips pressed against your forehead and your eyes fell closed.
“I love you too (Y/N/N).”
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Park Jimin; fluff
Happy late birthday Jimin! We love you! 
Word count: 1769
Alright yall welcome to my first official bullet scenario
Let’s see how this goes
Ok anyways
It’s Jimin’s birthday and I wanna do something special for him
I hope he gets better,, i know it isn’t serious but still
And the whole soulmate AU is something i love wholeheartedly and i want to write one
Let’s get it (imagine jungkook saying that)
So Jimin’s a junior in college
Jimin is pretty well known on campus for his dancing and although he isn’t as outgoing or social as Taehyung or Jungkook, he still is pretty popular
Mainly because he’s hot but
So being a junior, he basically knows most of the “secrets” on campus
Like where to hang out, study, eat breakfast, you name it and he’ll tell you
Oh yeah he’s such a sweetheart
Will walk you to where you need to go if it’s dark out
Carries your books if you look like you’re about to drop them
The whole “prince charming” deal, it’s understandable if hordes of girls chase after him
Who wouldnt, right?
Welp with the creation of the Soulmate System, it sorta gets rid of the idea of unnecessary crushes
Which seems sad BUT it reduces heartbreak and all the sad stuff that comes from failed relationships
So the way it works is that everyone has a black rectangle on the inside of their left wrist
And everytime they speak to their soulmate, the rectangle gets lighter and lighter until you can read the name
Of course there are flaws and your soulmate might have a different person on their wrist or you just never end up meeting them
But we aren’t gonna talk about that, this is going to be a happy one!!
Back to Jimin
As i was saying, he always knows what places to hit up
And of course, the only way to know this is if he goes there himself
One day, he finished his last class of the day and stepped outside only to get hit with a strong gust of wind and a sudden chill
Its F A L L
Which means cafes!! Warm drinks!! Sweaters!!
Once he composes himself and fixes his hair, he starts wandering through the city surrounding his college
After drifting from place to place, he finally spots a small coffee shop that’s hidden by a fancy department store
Like it’s literally right next to the store but it’s so minimalistic that you just dont really notice it
But he does!!
So he goes in and he’s just met with warmth and soft piano melodies coming from above and the smell of something sweet in the oven and he just melts
This is exactly what he needs
Walking up to the counter, he looks at the menu and decides to get something simple
Because if this place cant make a good cappuccino then it fails in his eyes
Speaking of eyes
As he was collecting his change from the cashier, you just happened to walk in for your shift
And boy did his heart do a weird thing in his chest and he just couldnt take his eyes off of you
Honestly you were just in your uniform (white button down, navy apron, dark pants, hair up) and not in the best of moods because you may or may not have forgotten to turn on the alarm and was late for your first class
Always double check your alarms friends
Basically you were just not looking your best at the moment
But did Jimin think that?
The poor boy almost left his wallet at the counter because he just couldnt stop looking at you
Although that may sound creepy at first, it was more of a ‘who is this angel in front of me’ stare with eyes bright and shining to the point where it was just endearing
That didnt stop the person behind him from coughing and letting him know that there is a full line right behind him ohmygod jimIN MOVE
You, on the other hand, didn’t notice a thing and went to your station where you made drinks and call out people’s names and all that jazz
He picked a seat near the back of the cafe after he ordered, where he had a view of everything
And by everything, i mean you
“She’s so pretty wow i want to talk to her but what if she thinks im weird??? What would i even say? How would i eve-”
“Jimin? Your order is ready”
“Ohmygod she said my name what do i do??”
“Jimin? Is there a Jimin here?”
His voice cracks and he feels his face heat up
Gone is the charming and confident Jimin
Hello to the shy and clumsy Jimin
The poor boy almost spills his drink because he’s nervous and his voice already cracked and you’re giggling
Bless your soul for trying to hide it behind your hand and spare him the embarrassment
But you laughing isn’t helping because now he’s even more red and thinking ‘wow your laugh is so cute can you literally get any more adorable’
“Does coffee make you this nervous?”
“No, it’s the cute girl giving it to me”
He’s thankful that he didn’t embarrass himself anymore and somewhat recovered
Because now you’re the blushing one (he’s still a little pink from before but he decided he enjoys seeing you flustered more than anything)
Eventually he had to leave because wow it’s late and he still has homework to do
So he sadly walks out, taking a glance at where you were working but you were busy with another customer so you didn’t see him look at you
BUT he comes back almost everyday just to see you
It does a number on his wallet but hey, who needs money when you’re in college, right?
I’m kidding being a college kid is so expensive ohmygod
Everytime he comes by, he always tries to make you blush or laugh
Maybe at the same time
He just wants to get to know you better because you’re a really sweet person and he has this urge to hold your hand or hug you or kiss you but he pushes it down
At the same time, the mark on the inside of his wrist has been getting lighter and lighter
He can faintly make out the name hidden and he oh so desperately wants it to be you
You, on the other hand, could read the name on your wrist
Guess what?
It says Jimin!
You were so happy the day you found out
And when you saw him the next day you were just !!!!!!!
But he didn’t say anything about it.. Not even a small hint to let you know he knew
So you were confused
Did he just not like you in that way?
Or even worse
What if you weren’t his soulmate?
You confided in your best friend once you got back home after seeing him
“He didn’t even mention the mark? What if it isn’t my name?”
“Does he know your name?”
“..I think he does?”
“Wait how are you not sure??? Haven’t you guys been talking for a month now?”
A few days passed and Jimin still doesnt know your name
But his wrist says ‘Y/N’ and he can’t remember anyone with that name
So he decides that today is the day he’ll ask you for your name
Because he’s also worried that he isnt your soulmate
You knew his name already, and if he was destined to be yours why hadn’t you told him?
Did you not like him?
He kept stressing over it for hours on end and his roommate finally told him to go out and ask
Although it was just to stop Jimin from pacing around their shared dorm and making his roommate dizzy from all his sudden movements
And being Jimin, he dresses up and styles his hair
To be honest, if you hadn’t already fallen for him then you definitely did when he walked through the doors
“If your man taking you out on a date, he looks hOT”
“Jackson shut up i swear i’m going to spill hot coffee on yo- hi Jimin!”
It all goes according to plan at first
He hasn’t embarrassed himself or had his voice crack
He goes and waits near you, and since there weren’t many customers you could talk to him without having another cranky customer yell at you
looking at you, old man who came in and ordered hot water. who even does that what it wrong with you
You were still a little upset that he hadn’t mentioned anything about his mark
But you acted as if nothing was wrong
So when he just says “What’s your name?” without even saying hi, your heart sort of knew what was going to happen before you did
It started beating faster and a smile was threatening to show but before you did anything dumb, you answered
“y/n… why?”
And he gives the brightest smile, like the Sun can fight me because Jimin’s smile outshines it in this very moment
“Because I think you’re meant to be mine”
Cue the various aww’s coming from your coworkers and that sweet old couple who’s been shipping the both of you ever since Jimin brought you a lily he saw on his way that ‘reminded him of you’
Jackson also starts screaming a little and jumping because finally you two pieced it altogether
Jackson knew ever since you asked him about your whole dilemma because once you took a sick day and he ended up talking to Jimin
And coincidentally saw Jimin’s wrist and went :D
But he couldn’t say anything because he wanted the both of you to reach that conclusion on your own
Still, it was really obvious that there was something there
Back to Jimin and you,,
As soon as he said that you ran around the counter and tackled him in a huge hug
Jimin didn’t see that coming but he caught you in time and he sort of stumbled back but who cares because ohmygod he finally gets to hug you
This is all he’s been dreaming of
He feels so warm and soft and smells a little like peppermint and you can hear his heart beating just as fast and yours and his whole body is shaking with laughter because he really can’t do anything other than smile and laugh
He’s hugging you tightly and everything felt right in the world
Jimin found his other half and you found yours too!
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hope you enjoyed <3
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theparaminds · 6 years
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It’s not as though Natalie Green knew what this year held in store or what would exist at the end of the road. Though, at every step of the way, he kept going. Embodied in both his music and his story of perseverance, is a rare example of an artistic soul that found peace where few would ever dream to look. It took months of learning and continued questioning of himself and what he wanted to be. But in the end, it resulted in a man anew.
With a new project taking shape in studio sessions that contrast his earlier life, Natalie Green is finding a voice he previously was nervous to share, speaking louder than before. The ideas, memoirs and anxieties he hopes to express have become clear. With every note, he continually finds himself as much as he does connect to those who battle the same confusions.
Natalie Green now stands with a new asset he hadn’t held prior, the ability to embark on the path he wants, not the one life throws him upon. He can stand and become the artist he visualizes, the artist he knows is essential to reveal to the world. For the first time in a while, Natalie Green is in control, with a steering wheel in hand and a road of possibility on the horizon.
Our first question as always, how’s your day going and how are you?
Things have been hectic, but good. Good busy you know? There are different kinds of busy and this one has been all positive.
On your last EP last year, it sounded like you weren’t fully at peace, do you find that you are now after a year of personal introspection?
Yeah for sure, when I was writing the EP, I was in a really terrible place physically, emotionally and mentally. It was a passion project when it came out, I didn’t have to think about it. Whereas now, I’ve got a place, I’m not just in my car anymore, I emotionally feel a lot more centered, I have my head on straight. I’ve found friends and people that I love to surround myself with. Everything’s been a thousand times better.
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When you’re looking within this shift you’ve undertaken, where do you think you’ve personally grown the most, whether artistically or as an individual?
I think I’ve gotten more empathetic towards people. All people. As well, I feel more self-aware. What I realized when living in my car was that I didn’t know myself. Living in a house again with roommates made me, in a new way, learn more about myself, and where I needed to spend a lot of time mentally. As far as musically, I feel more confident, I think that’s apparent in my vocals and instrumentation, they’re far more personal in that sense.
With the new year in season, being a time of reflecting upon the past year, do you have any memories that stick out to you as positive through the difficult and turbulent times?
There’s a lot. I don’t know if there’s one specific moment, but definitely moving into the apartment. I also got to play a private show in my friend’s backyard for all my close friends. That was a big moment for me. There’s a lot of moments where I had friends reassure me, and believe in me when I wasn’t doing so myself. One of my best friends from back home came to live here a little while ago, that was really special to have him back. The whole tour with Roy, of course, was inspiring, to see him do all that and becoming closer to everyone I went on tour with will forever be in my memories.
With that tour, and even more so working on Cat Heaven, happening while you were working on your own projects, did they influence the way you approached your new work?
There are certain things I learn from other people I can implement in my own music later. There will be something I’ll figure out while I’m working with someone, be it a sound or a new style, I can kinda pull out later. A lot of it is just talking to others and learning their inspirations and how that reflects in their music. Then turning and comparing that to my own influences and seeing how I do the same. It’s all just inspiration.
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To touch on that idea of inspiration, you’ve mentioned in the past how you have a wide range on influences in your life in terms on music, but in the last year, which artists have really been influencing the work you’re putting out?
There’s been a lot of really great artists I just got into this past year-ish, but a big one is Michelle Zauner, who’s the singer for Japanese Breakfast. I’m hugely inspired by her, the fact she directs her own music videos and does all her own creative output, it’s really amazing. I’ve also loved the movies of Michel Gondry and the writing of Charlie Kaufman, anything they work on is amazing and so intoxicating.
With this new album you’re ramping up to release, has there been a difference in approach to how you wrote songs and lyrics? And how does that process look like?
I mean it’s been different for almost every song, I tried to do the album the same way I did the EP, and it wasn’t working right. Every song I wrote just felt lacklustre or the same. So to change it up, I had to change my methods, like the first song I wrote, I did two guitar parts first and then I sang, then produced over. That is very different to the EP which was songs first then lyrics. There are certain songs where before I recorded, I had a guitar riff and just wrote the song in a very traditional way, just chords and singing. Maybe loops would be first at times, and then they’d be built off of. Everything has been different.
It’s interesting because it sounds like you’ve really been adding more to your skill set as an artist, would you say that if you had a tool belt of music, that you’ve been adding towards it in the last while?
Yeah, definitely. I’ve been doing that my whole life honestly. I started in bands, not knowing how to produce or anything, but I could play guitar and from then I learned the bass just to add of that. Then I learned production, and that is forever useful. Now I’m working more to be an artist and learn what that entails and requires. Every time I learn something new I really take that and hold onto it until needed.
If you could create your ideal music creation space, where would it be and how would it look like?
That’s interesting, It would really just need to be a secluded place. A place I could disappear and a place I could be as loud as I want as late as I want. No interruptions, all the equipment I needed. Some food, drinks and a bathroom, that’s all I need.
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Over the year you’ve posted some concerts you went to, like Paramore in the summer. Are there other shows you saw live that really had an impact upon you and maybe changed the way you approach live shows yourself?
Well, of course, the tour with Roy, he’s been super inspiring in general and watching the man work is amazing. He has a lot of fantastic ideas and he goes through with them. I saw Daisy as well, and they’re so good live. Solange was also amazing with her stage design and her choreography. I also saw Soccer Mommy pretty recently, and it wasn’t too extravagant but it was so well done and exciting to see as a fan of the music.
When you’re on stage, even something like the backyard show you mentioned earlier, what’s the emotion you’re trying to achieve and what is the mindset that you find yourself within at that moment?
When I played that private show, I realized all my songs were pretty mellow and hard to dance or move to. All except for Beachwood didn’t translate very well. So with this new project, I want them to translate really well live, to feel energetic, to feel lively. The songs are just fun. But I keep that emotion in and make sure that I don’t lose what made the earlier work so special and important.
What’s been the overall message you’re trying to pursue this new work and what is it you’re hoping to convey?
I kinda just want to tell my story. Or a story of mine. If people learn things from that, its great, but I’m just saying what happened in my experience. What I realized is that there’s a lot of shitty things that happened to me in my life, but the truth is that things could be a lot worse, so far they’ve been pretty good for the most part. While I had those tough days, I’m still here kicking it.
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I apologize if it’s a repeated question, but with the topic of your story, what’s the meaning behind the stage name you’ve taken upon yourself?
It is and it isn’t part of my story in a way. A big part of that choice was that I wanted to separate myself from my old name and work. I wanted this to be super new. The name is taken from two names of people I am very inspired by. And it also, to me, sounds like the quintessential hot girl from a high school, the girl in the coming of age movie they all go after.
If you had a message to artists out there who may find themselves in the same space as you have previously found yourself within, those who may feel as unsure, what would be your lesson to pass on?
I think it doesn’t matter if you’re as confident or as talented as you want to be, as long as you recognize what sounds good to you, just put out the song. It doesn’t matter if you think your voice was bad, just keep progressing as an artist. If you wait for that progression you’ll never put stuff out, you’ll never be happy. With whatever you have right now, just start putting something, anything, out.
Follow Natalie Green on Twitter and Instagram
Listen on Soundcloud and Spotify
All Photos by Guthrie King
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mackenzie-wolf · 6 years
I'm Here all Week p.2
MC = Emily/Milly
- Emily meets some new writers and a few new friends who are taking a keen interest in her, much to James' dismay -
Part 1
James passed Emily the key-card to her room. As she took it, her nerves started to settle in.
"Hey, James?" She said abruptly, gaining his attention as he walked towards the next door. "You... you really think I should be here? I mean I know I've had a few successes, but... I don't know. Impostor syndrome?"
James took a tentative step towards her and placed his hands on her arms, gingerly brushing them with his thumbs. "Emily, you may not see it, but your writing is well above the average monotonous pages that are published every day." He smiled at her but she never met his eyes. Instead her head was hanging, but James could easily see the blush that she was trying to conceal. "If I'm honest, when I finished the second book of your series, I tried looking for your other works; I was sure that you had written before."
"Why?" She finally looked up at him. Her eyes were tearful as self doubt took its toll on her confidence.
"Because, when I first started writing, it was texts like yours that I aspired to. To hit off with a winning series on your first try is amazing enough. But the intricate way you write is something that would only be expected from seasoned authors."
"You're supposed to say that... You're my friend." At the sound of her words, James' thumbs stopped brushing the soft skin of her arms.
"Yes I am. Which means I owe it to you to tell you if your books are terrible. And when you release one that I dislike, I'll do just that" He said, ever reassuringly. "And furthermore, as your friend, im taking it upon myself to buy the first round tonight. We can meet some other authors, or just drink. Its your choice."
"Ok.." she grinned with new energy. "Give me an hour and I'll be ready. Meet you in the lobby?"
"See you soon" he smiled as he turned back towards the door to his room. As he closed the door behind him, James let out a long sigh that seemed to have been trapped inside of him. He thought about Emily sitting next to him, the whole car ride over, soaking wet. Her clothes clinging to her skin... the way that.. 'Damn it! I can't think way!' James thought to himself.
'Sure we've flirted but she's never admitted to being interested in going further than friends. But...' His mind wandered again. James thought back to the first and only other time he and Emily had gone for a drink.
James checked his phone again, rereading the text that Emily had sent him, giving him directions to the bar. As he saw it come in to view, James gave a laugh when he noticed the sign.
MacKenzie's Bar & Video Arcade
As he walked inside, his eyes strained against the flashing lights of the machines. Walking through a small crowd of people he glanced over at what had their attention. Just over the heads of the crowd, he could see a mess of wavy, brown hair being thrown back and forth to pounding music. James made his way to the front of the assembly and saw Emily playing on the dance machine with practiced ease. The short guy playing opposite her was struggling to keep up. Taking note of the plastic cup of beer in Emily's hand that she was somehow managing not to spill, James went to the bar and ordered two more before walking back to the machine. As the music came to a stop, Emily was the winner by more than double her opponent's score. The short guy flung his arms around Emily, yelling cries of defeat. As Emily turned, she saw James stood a few feet away from the crowd. Finishing her beer, Emily linked arms with her friend and walked over to where James was waiting. Before she had a chance to say hello, her friend said something to her, just out of reach for James to hear it. Then he gave her a long hug and a quick kiss on her cheek before running off and calling back. "LOVE YOU, MILLY!"
"LOVE YOU TOO" Her words made James' stomach sink. He hadn't come here just because he was interested in getting closer with Emily, he genuinely just enjoyed her company. But still...
Emily practically ran the last few steps towards James, enveloping him in a tight hug. James returned the hug. "Hi Emily" He said with a smile.
"Hey James, thanks for agreeing to come. I planned a night out with Zack, but as you saw, he ditched me."
"Oh, I'm sure he must have had a good reason?"
"Knowing him, he's got his eye on someone who he'll be too shy to ask out all night until they eventually catch on and give him their number just because of his big sad eyes."
"Oh. I thought.. isn't he your..."
"Oohhhhh" Emily laughed loudly. "Sorry. No he's definitely not. He's my roommate, and you're more his type than I am" she winked.
"Well he is very handsome" James mused.
"Want me to go get him for you?" She asked with an arched eyebrow before the two of them shared a laugh. The evening went quickly. Emily confided in James that she was under pressure from her publishers to finish her most recent book but she had no idea how to end it. James listened and reassured her. Giving her advice right now would be pointless. She was at least 4 beers in and full of an endless energy.
Nearer the end of the night, Emily had taken to the pinball machine. Her movements were blurred by the alcohol. Looking over her shoulder, she called back. "Hey James, give me a hand"
James positioned himself around her as she studied the movement of the ball. Her fingers linked in with his, making his heart beat harder and harder. As the ball almost fell, Emily managed to hit the button just in time. The jerking motion snapped James out of his slight daze. As she played, Emily seemed to be moving closer, closing the small space between James and her back. As she pressed against him, James let go of her hands. The game ended.
"Is... something wrong?" Emily sounded embarrassed through her slurred words.
"No. Not really, but I don't want to do... that. Not when you've been drinking."
"James, give me some credit. I'm perfec.. perfectly in control." She stammered.
"Even if you were able to speak properly, it wouldn't be fair. For either of us. But I wouldn't mind revisiting this." He said with a laugh. Emily's embarrassed look dissolved in to a warm grin.
James set his bags aside after pulling out the well stored clothes he had brought. He hung them over the roof of the four poster bed before turning on the shower.
He waited in the lobby of the hotel. Having arrived 5 minutes early he sat down on one of the armchairs to wait comfortably. As minutes flew by, James checked his watch. '20 minutes late.' He quickly remembered Emily's earlier nerves and got up to go and make sure she was ok. Upon turning the corner back towards the elevator, James feet stumbled as he suddenly stopped, nearly knocking over Emily. James was speechless as he looked at her.
Emily's was wearing a black dress that hugged her body with the back done up in a corset. Her hair was pulled back and styled in an intricate series of plaits. Her smokey eyeliner matched the dark lipstick she was wearing, making her pale skin more prominent.
James' eyes moved over her body. The dress was classy but not without alure, the hem of the skirt sat around half way up her thighs. Her flat stomach gave way to the curves of her hips and breasts that the black material did little to hide the shape of.
"Emily.. you look..." Words didn't often escape James entirely, but he was at a loss.
"Dammit. Did I overdress?" She asked timidly, rubbing the top of her arm in a nervous way.
"Not at all. You just caught me off guard. You look beautiful Emily." James grinned at her. Emily's confidence was still shaky but she believed that James had meant what he had said.
"You're looking pretty hot too" She mockingly fanned herself with her hand.
"Pretty hot? I suppose I'll take that in stride" he laughed.
The two of them sat at the bar and nursed their drinks, looking over the function room that would tomorrow, be bustling with all manner of writers. A few people were dotted around already. Some were laying out the furniture that the room would be using.
Emily looked around the room, taking in all of the signs and posters that had been put up. She was is awe of the names she recognised, as it dawned in her that she would soon be conversing with them.
As the evening wore on, Emily noticed James' attention falter. "Is everything ok?" She asked with a concerned tone.
"Everything is fine" He said stifling a yawn. "I think the journey here took it out of me."
"I hope you're not staying up on my account" she said sheepishly.
"Not at all. Im staying up because I enjoy your company. That's on me."
"James..." she smiled. "Remember we have all week together." It was music to his ears to hear her say it. James considered that maybe he had gotten ahead of himself. They did have all week and there was no pressure to pursue anything right now.
"Prehaps you're right." He said, somewhat reluctantly. "Besides, we should be on top form tomorrow." He stood up and offered Emily his hand.
"I think I'll drink some water first. If I wake up with a hangover tomorrow, this hotel is going to go very Shining very quickly."
James laughed. "I don't doubt it. If you need me just knock. Im a light sleeper anyway"
"Got it... no overnight guests" she laughed. James wrapped her in a tight hug before bidding her good night.
Emily sat at the bar, waiting for the bartender to step back through the divide that lead to the next function room. Her phone began to ring. Trying her best to shake off the effects of her drink, Emily answered.
"Emily? Hi, this is Maddison from D&E publishings."
"Hi Maddison, whats up?"
"Oh, not much. I just got back from my vacation to China. Have you ever seen a panda cub? They're amazing! Like little black and white balls of...."
"You mean, why am I calling don't you?"
"Yeah kind of" Emily laughed
"Sorry. It was a great vacation though" Maddison said nostalgically.
-- "MADDISON!" Another voice called across the phone. "Stop treating our clients calls like they're social engagements. --
The line went quiet for a short while.
"Hello?" Emily asked tentatively.
"Hello. Who is this?" The other voice answered.
"Emily Murphy..."
"Ah yes. Hello Miss Murphy. This is Rebecca Davenport."
"Hi Rebecca. Is everything ok?"
"Everything is fine, we just need your authorisation on the final edits to your book. Annoyingly it's not something that I can get over the phone or by email. I need your signature on the original documents. Can you come in at some point tomorrow to sign?"
"I'm actually out of town at the moment. I've been invited to a convention and..."
"Say no more. Send me the address and I'll mail you the papers."
"Thanks Rebecca, what are your thoughts on the book?"
"I don't really read horror novels."
"Oh.. ok" Emily said, disheartened.
"But if I did, I'd tell you that Devon should end up with Stacy. And that the idea of keeping a crow as a pet is weird."
"So does that mean that you..."
"I'll have them sent out tonight Emily. Have a great week"
"Oh, thanks. You too Rebecca."
"You can just call me Becca" she said, almost flirtatiously before hanging up the call. Emily's attention turned back to the bar where the bartender was waiting with a patient smile. As Emily's eyes landed on him, the quickly swept over his tall body. The dark jeans he wore making the bright white tshirt almost glow as it fit tightly to his abdomen. Emily's eyes were held on the shadows of definition that the muscles underneath were causing. As she met his eyes with her own, she noticed the small tuff of hair that hung down over the olive skin of his face.
"Need another?" He asked. His voice was strong and deep. Looking down at her glass, Emily noticed that she had finished her drink.
"Um.. sure. Why not" she smiled.
"What are you drinking?"
"Whiskey, neat" she said, gesturing toward the bottle of Jameson's just behind the bar. He took the bottle and poured her a generous helping. As she lifted the glass, he leaned back on his hands and let out a long sigh. "Is something the matter?"
"Isn't that what I'm supposed to say? People don't go to bars to listen to the bartenders problems" he grinned at her. His teeth caught Emily's attention. Pure white and perfect. It was a strange thing to focus on, but the smile they produced was blinding.
"If I don't listen to the plight of the bartender, then who will?"
"You must be a saint" he laughed. "Its nothing really. Just a busy night." Emily looked behind her at the nearly empty room before turning back and raising her eyebrows at him. "Oh you don't believe me?" He said, approaching the door to the other function room. He pushed it open slightly and the loud bass of the music almost shook Emily where she sat.
"Wow... so that's..."
"Pretty loud?"
"At least it sounds good" she smiled at him.
"You're a punk music fan?"
"I don't know about that, but I like what I hear."
"Want to join in?" He said, opening the divide of the bar.
"I..." Emily looked around her. With a short sigh, she walked behind the bar where the man stood waiting with a charming grin. "I'd love to."
"By the way... I'm Zig." He said confidently as his hand extended to her.
"Emily." She said, placing her hand in his. Zig raised her hand to his lips, touching them gently to the back of her knuckles.
"Very pleased to meet you Emily."
16 notes · View notes
Episode 10- “My only purpose in this game now is to serve my ever loving lord and savior, Ruthie”-Dan
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I am crying for Owen leaving.  I don't know WHO did it, I can't math and this really fucking hurts my heart I don't know who was lying about it. 
12 minutes later
I've made a zillion confessionals and the fact that lily and landen went behind my back and freaking orchestrated the entire owen vote REALLY makes me mad.  things I told them in confidence that they have probably shared with EVERYONE that is left it just really makes me EXTREMELY mad. I've got to put my game face on but I am really disappointed in all of them. Like if they would have come to me and said, lets get owen!  I WOULD have thought about it because I've said all along that they are the ones I trust the most and I'm just SO livid right now.  I have a slew of messages from Lily and like THE ONE PERSON HERE I THOUGHT I COULD TRUST GOES AND DOES THIS TO ME. Okay I'm breathing but I still haven't replied to anyone I tried  to post something witty in the house chat LOL. like abby lee miller says... SAVE YOUR TEARS FOR THE PILLOW!  I'm going to get my game face on and try to see... if I'm in good with anyone at all I don't even know.   The competitor in me knows that Owen NEEDED to go if I want to win but this was all SHADY AS FUCK.  I NEVER CURSE AND I HAVE CURSED MORE IN THESE THINGS TODAY THAN I HAVE IN A MONTH. 
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WHEW. BIG WHEW. That was the most wild day of my life but I’m really proud with how I handled myself and took charge of my game. I didn’t like how things were going ruthie or landen. I crawled and scratched all day talking to almost everyone. I start the day with Owen and somehow through all this it happened. I guess that’s why you don’t settle on a vote! Landen and I were so close to settling. I was also close to voting chips. I literally changed my vote three times. Joanna then chips then Owen. I’m happy I’m making moves and finding my own but I am nervous with how this will end. Dan is PISSED. I didn’t mean for him to play his advantage but in the end I’m glad he did. I wondering how the rest of this game is going to go but I’m hoping that those who really say they have my back have my back. Owen added me to an alliance with me ruthie and dan because he trusted us most. I thought that was odd since Owen hadn’t talked game to me privately since I had voted him at the last tribal. In the end I think he would have tried to work with me but I think Owen and dan if they make it to the end they have a high probability of winning. I don’t know if I can trust to work with Dan at this point. I think he is too mad and will play me later on which I get. This game definitely isn’t getting any easier!
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oh y'all are in for a treat- we doing video confessionals ALL merge kids! Welcome to the 3 part saga of the Final 11 Vote, where I get cut off by my birth control alarm, the tribal council call, and some bullshit all in the span of 30 minutes whew
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Sorry for ugly crying y'all LSDJFLDSJF.  Also, this happened while the video was uploading but Dan ALSO gave me some other kind of advantage that I don't really understand I'm... confused. Anyway, I hope that things get better soon so that he and I can take on the game together. <3 https://youtu.be/745M9EmNtT4
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Well well well! You know it wasn't exactly the prettiest path there, but at the end of the day, I got what I wanted with the vote. I have to admit my feelings are just a little hurt, because at the beginning of the round, when I pushed to vote out Owen with Autumn, Kevin, Juls, Jules, and Lily, Autumn was so irritated with me that she began to push the target onto me and blow things way out of proportion when I was literally just pushing a simple idea. Anyway I then had to fight with everything I have to make sure the votes were on Ruthie instead, I had to have Juls and Jules go up to bat for me, while also pitching my case to Owen and Kevin and getting all the votes back on Ruthie. I did all that work and then 5 minutes before the Deadline Kevin says one thing to Jules and that's enough to entirely shift the vote and get Owen eliminated? Like it doesn't matter when Ravenclaw is clearly coming for me (Fuck off Dan), I'm expendable, but now that they're coming for you, oh, Hell will be rained down upon us. Yeah that's bullshit, but it's fine. Unlike some people, I'm not going to let my emotions impact my game and go on a targeting tirade against Autumn or something even though she really rubbed me the wrong way today and lost a lot of my trust and faith in her. That's her bad for having a messy social game, when she could've kept me as a close ally who was blindly ready to follow and trust her and she fucked that up, so that's her mistake. Not my loss, I still have half the game wanting to protect me yo. The jury as it stands right now does not look too hot in regards to my winning chances.. :P Max would definitely vote for me I think, but Jacob C and Owen.. yeah probably not. I could see Owen voting for me but I think he's understandably pissed that he sacrificed a lot for me and it didn't go well for him. But again that was his mistake, I told him to keep the vote on Ruthie and that we shouldn't be trying to do any secondary plans, and he didn't listen to me. Everyone keeps not listening to me and it's very frustrating bc I keep being right about everything, but oh well. Sometimes that's just the way it rolls in Survivor and you have to accept it until you have the power to get what you want done DONE, that's the patience and hard work of Hufflepuff speaking luv. TENACITY! .....Now, Dan reacted to this vote terribly. Honestly I would pop off and write a bunch of essays, but let's just say Dan has always been really condescending and just dismissive. He has an incessant need for control in the game and he literally like.. BLEW THE FUCK UP because of one simple vote??? So useless, and so gaslighty. Disrespectful to act like he's gonna quit, too. Just quit then. But whatever, Dan's tantrum is just adding more of a target on his back and taking all the target AWAY from me so I'm more than okay with that!! :D I think there will also be another target on Ruthie yet again because people will still be nervous about Hufflepuff numbers. Possibly a small target on Joanna for her inactivity and just general bad position in the game (which sucks to say given what's going on in her personal life, but that's just how it goes sometimes). At this rate though what I really need to focus on is jury management and improving some of my rockier relationships, because I think after this vote, I have survival down pat for a few rounds, which is great since I also have the idol to use for later when it comes down to it. We'll see what all happens though, this has been me reporting on the mess... What a time!
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My PM's are EXTREMELY dry and it really irritates me.  Right now I feel like the entire tribe (minus Dan) are against me.  Landen and I talk every morning and it just sucks.  I did a lot of thinking last night and I've come to the conclusion that Landen is running this game and he is TIGHT with everyone.  I think that I can play off that I still want to work with him and Lily but I have to figure out a way to get Jules or Juls out to weaken him.   Owen gave me a lot of information yesterday that Juls and Jules were pushing for me to go and that Dan and Autumn wanted Landen to go.  I'm pretty sure Dan will vote however I ask him to and if Autumn and I could form some kind of bond... I need to see where Lily and I are because maybe she, Autumn and I... and maybe Kevin and someone else? could work together to bring someone out of the group of Landen/Juls/Jules down, and Dan would definitely vote with us. I ultimately feel like my name is mud right now, so this round I am going to just sit back and do more listening than talking. 
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It has been rough in real life for me these past couple of days. In game drama doesn't make it better. Apparently Owen wanted to vote me out and then messaged me that he was worried his name was being thrown around. I, who was in the middle of having a mental breakdown, did not respond. It's funny when all I want to do is vote with the majority I don't vote with majority. I'm really frustrated with real life right now, I don't want this game to be frustrating too. I'm still going to try my best because I want to win this game, I just wish it was easier to do so.
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OF COURSE.... I tie... with the person that wants me to go home, LOL. We were talking right before results though and have maybe cleared the air.
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Now here comes my favorite part of the game where we all wait until tomorrow with like 4 hours left to the deadline to scramble and agree on the vote when if people just stopped being fake and safe and all angsty about "PARANOID BULLSHIT" then we could all easily come to the conclusion that we are splitting the votes on Dan and Joanna now instead of like 10 years from now. Pls. i don't see anyone other than the 2 of them and ruthie getting votes here, and if it happens this game is cancelled.
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Chips is literally the only one talking to me right now and it is SO awkward, LOL. UH.  lJFJSLF i shouldn't feel so guilty HE WAS VOTING FOR ME!!!!  I AM NOT THE ONLY BAD GUY IN THAT EQUATION. 
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My only purpose in this game now is to serve my ever loving lord and savior, Ruthie
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It's so quiet today! I'm trying to figure out why... Did Lily tell people about my idol in a bid to change the vote yesterday and now this is a plan to flush my idol now because they couldn't get rid of it last time? Is Lily completely loyal to me and Im wrong for even SUSPECTING that and I'm just super paranoid and really people are just busy/don't wanna come online rn? That doesn't seem to be the case... I've definitely lost before because I don't trust my gut about the day being quiet as hell. *I GLANCE AT YOU THREE HOSTS VOTING ME OUT IN THE QUIETEST DAY EVER.*  I feel like I need to do more to survive but I've been put in an awkward position because I was told last round that I am 'too much' and should stop fighting to survive bc people view me as paranoid and pushy. So I am trying to exercise some self-restraint, but also I don't want to wait too long before I have a chance to genuinely figure out what the hell is going on and change this vote. I feel like there are some likely scenarios. 1 - People know about my idol, and they're trying to flush it by spooking me out when the vote is really on Dan 2 - People are trying to vote Dan but are very worried about him having 2 idols, so they're maybe putting some votes on me as well? 3 - People are trying to vote out Ruthie and don't want to tell me and Lily because of how they think that we're the ones who worked overtime to keep Ruthie safe and they're very concerned about Hufflepuff numbers 4 - People are straight up trying to vote me after Ruthie made up with Jules last night (maybe Jules revealed that I sold Ruthie out?) I am getting really ominous vibes from just the whole layout of this vote right now. I don't like it at all and I feel like something mysterious is going on, like people definitely did something weird that I don't understand and I'm just trying to put my mind 2 steps ahead of everyone else and I feel like I'm falling backwards. I have no idea what's going on tonight but I know it's not as simple as people are telling me like people are not being honest with me and that's pissing me off because I've been nothing but honest and kind with these people, consistently. :/  WHY. ARE. THERE. MIND GAMES. RN!
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Honestly, this is a make or break part of the game for me. I had my tantrum and now, I'm trusting everyone to not vote me out tonight??? Autumn did some leg work to try and get the vote on L*ly.  So I'm hoping that happens. I could play my idol tonight and throw a vote on like Kevin or Landen or somebody just in case there is another idol play? I'm not sure. All I know is that if I play my idol, I'll be here for another round for sure, but if I don't, I could be the dumbest player ever!
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I... don't know how I keep getting myself into these messes, haha. I don't know what I'm going to go, here I am thinking everything is going to be all fine and dandy and kind of chill and KEVIN HEARD THAT I THREW LILY'S NAME OUT... which I didn't, Dan mentioned Autumn would vote her and I told Autumn that I didn't really trust Lily and Landen and she just kind of went with it but then... if it got back to Kevin I kind of think that it was my idea I think that I'm screwed. I just feel like there is this huge wedge between the two people that I was the closest to in this game and me now and I don't know how to fix it so I'm just going to vote one of them out??? I...  have been so messy this season, lol. I gave Dan back his idol but he says he is going to send it back to me if he decides not to use it... we are playing idol tag. 
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I am a damn TRAINWRECK this round!! I tried so hard to hold myself back from talking to people a ton and getting worked up and into a frenzy about this vote but here I am, now trying to hit up like seven different people. I've never felt so confused about a vote before, it's so weirdly quiet and I have no idea why and nothing makes sense and what the HELL is going on???? Like I'm... I'm straight up lost and confuzzled. At this rate I'm just gonna drop that idol like it's hot regardless because I have no idea wtf is happening and it's better to waste it than to go out with it in my pocket, right? ...I think???? Or maybe stuff will come out and I'll feel more confident later and I won't play it, I dunno! All I know is whatever's going around right now doesn't match the vibes I normally get from these people ever and it's FREAKIN me the hell out. 
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So pretty opposite of the last vote. No one is talking. No one is sharing ideas. No names. Except dan and it’s 8:30? I think it’s gonna be a split vote tonight because who knows if dan is really gonna play his idol. The only person at this point that I trust 95% is Landen. He has told me the truth about what he thinks genuinely and told me he has the merge idol. I feel a little sketched out by Kevin and Ruthie from last round but I do think they would at least be honest and tell me if I was going to be the one voted out if they knew. I’m trying hard to work with autumn but she’s a tough cookie! She has something up her sleeve and I’m not sure of what just yet. All I know is it’s hard to trust anybody out here but is that really a surprise?
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tell me why this game is still stressful...when i have immunity and PURPOSELY aint trying to do anything besides vibe...WHY AM I STILL STRESSED!!!!!!!!
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Hm.. found out in the last ten minutes before votes were due that a bunch of people were voting me. Unsurprising (I guess at this point...) it is led by Owen someone who is supposed to be in a alliance with me. Choices? Anyway, Jules let me know that I was being thrown under the bus and asked if I would be down to flip on Owen. Yeah. Sure. If he wants to vote me I'll vote him?? Looks like something similar is happening this round. It might not be be me but why let myself think so. Dan is the "obvious vote" because he decided he's not aligned with anyone and outed that he had an idol but the group wants to turn on Lily this round. I dunno I guess I'd be cool voting Lily? She hasn't really worked solidly with me so far and I need to get into smaller numbers before I feel safe making any "bold" plays since a lot of these people have been wishy-washy up to this point.
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HAHAHAHAHA I’m at work !!! AGAIN!!!! anyways people wanna do lily but that’s sketchy bc dans idol needs flushing I think autumn is working with dan I just told landen and lily who weren’t supposed to know about the vote bc I don’t want lily to go I hoped one of them had an idol but they don’t so well. Here we are. I might’ve screwed myself over here but I think I was screwed either way tbh just with how the rounds would’ve played out with Lily going then probs Landen (dan maybe plays idol) but then me juls/jules are in trouble after that point bc I think autumn and dan have something going on and Ruthie is in on it bc she is close to dan so. Here we are. Good Luck Charlie. (I’m Charlie)
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I honestly feel so bad right now.  Lily does NOT deserve this but I think that it will appease everyone and she is a great player that I would not like to be sitting at the end with, I feel like she would easily win over me. 
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I just got into an alliance chat with Lily and Landen (Double L cute) with me and Autumn my F2 and then Joanna who apparently knows nothing until Autumn tells her. It's neat because I ALREADY know how I'm setting myself up not to win this season more and more as I continue to play the merge portion poorly. We are going to vote out Ruthie because she's a double agent with Kevin so maybe they are another duo in the game? Guess we'll see how this goes.
0 notes
ask-svt-hearteu · 7 years
Written Scenario Requests and Moodboard Requests are now OPEN!
Admin: Hello everyone!!! THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR 2K FOLLOWERS!!!! We’re all screaming and after finally clearing all our old written requests and the dates from our 1k follower special, we will now open written requests again as well as open moodboard requests! Please keep in mind we will be adhering to our rules and guidelines for requests and will be listing moodboard request rules below. Also note that since all of us are in school, we may not get requests up right away, so if we get a lot we may choose to close them again until further notice, it all depends. Thank you all for your love and support again! <3
Moodboard requests:
either one member, ship or unit at a time
preferably tell us a color theme (like red, blue, black, etc.)
up to two colors per moodboard
tell us a theme
it can be something like “boyfriend aesthetic” or “inspired by the Jun soulmate au” or “based off svt’s song don’t listen in secret” or something like “autumn Soonyoung” as examples
Here’s an example moodboard: “Minghao couple nature aesthetic” 
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“‘You said you like the sun, but when you go outside you find shade. You said you like the rain, but when it rains you use an umbrella. That’s why when you said you like me, I was afraid.’ The8 told me that.” -Junhui 
ALSO… If you guys wanna read it, here are some things the admin have to say^~^
Admin Soph: I'm honestly so proud of how far this blog has come. Went from a follower to an admin real fast  😂. No but really. I was freaking nervous when I sent in an application. I wanted to be a part of this blog to strengthen my writing skills (and love for Seventeen) and get to know the amazing people behind it. But I also didn't know whether I would be able to give you guys content that you all will like and deserve. AND I HONESTLY DONT KNOW WHY IM EVEN HERE HAHA.
And I just want to appreciate every single one of you. You guys are literally the sweetest bbys ♥️ ♥️ . My heart always warms up when we receive an ask and it’s for the admins asking whether we're okay and taking care of ourselves. I just want to cuddle you all in warm blankets and take care of you. And I'm saying this now if you guys ever have any problem and feel like talking to someone.Or if you just want to be friends. We're always here~ 
And on that note. To all the mutuals that I have had the chance to talk to. Y'all are amazing. I don't understand why you guys are still talking to me tbh. That's why you're all precious to me ohmygod 💞 💞 . Also, I'm sorry if I don’t reply much. IM A VERY INTROVERTED PERSON AND I ALWAYS MAKE SITUATIONS AWKWARD AHAHA. But if you guys want to talk to me about something, I’ll drop everything and talk to you. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU DESERVE LOVE AND I SHALL GIVE YOU LOVE IF YOU NEED IT  💞 💞 .
Imma write something for Jun too. Because I’ve been with this baby boy for a very long time. I love him so so much 💖 . There are times where I want to fight him. And there are times where I just want to bubble wrap him and protect him. Literally makes me go through different emotions in one day. But mostly it’s the feeling of happiness. Jun is a big reason as to why I'm slowly loving myself. With him being a funny confident dude, I found out that I can be like that too. And ever since I did, I have been feeling nothing but happiness and I want to thank him for that. I hope I will be able to meet him someday and tell him what a wonderful human being he is.
Now to the amazing and beautiful admins. Imma write something for each one of you but first and foremost I just want to say that ya’ll are precious to me. I might not talk a lot and barely reply in the gc (iM SOWI I WILL CHANGE THAT I PROMISE HAHA). But know that you guys have a very special place in my heart. And that's beside Seventeen. Been only a few months and I'm very thankful that I met yall. You guys are like my family at this point and I wanna keep it at that even after this blog.
Now onto Jess. My fave Joshua stan no joke. LOOKS LIKE AN ANGEL AND HAS A VOICE OF AN ANGEL I SWEAR SHE’S PERFECT FOR JOSHUA FIGHT ME. Literally the sweetest human being. Even though she’s older than me, I want to protect her ohmygod. I love Jess very much. You guys don’t even know. She is very nice. I don’t know how she is able to keep that image tbh. She is also very VERY HARDWORKING. I want to freaking start a petition for Jess to rest. It amazes me how she copes with all this school work and with this blog. And man if you ever need someone to coo about Joshua, Jess is that person. She is so whipped in love with Shua. And with Jun second on her bias list and with Joshua on mine, we both basically die because of Junshua. 
Meagan is next!! Meagan is literally the definition of aesthetic . Literally from her fashion style and her freaking bullet journal. And her bias is aesthetic himself asdfghjk. And also her writing style. I adore her writing very much. And I literally asked her for writing advice HAHA. She is a very soft-hearted person. And a very good person to ask advice from. Like I would definitely go to her if I ever have a problem. sHE IS ALSO VERY PRETTY????? LIKE HER INSTAGRAM MAKES ME QUESTION MYSELF. LIKE SHE IS SO DAMN PRETTY I DONT UNDERSTAND HAHA. Also how she is able to converse with everyone amazes me. Overall an amazing older sister for me  💖 I love ya Meagan~
And lastly my fellow youngling Seri. I just want to point this out now. If anyone dares to fight Seri, I’ll be there. This person right here is very precious. And I will fight to keep it at that. You can tell that I love her very much. She is near my age so it’s very comforting for me to have someone close to my age. Also her love for Soonyoung is the cutest thing. Whenever she and Meagan talk bout Soonyoung and being whipped for Soonyoung I just can't. So adorable. She is also very beautiful. He makeup skills are on point. Like please teach me, I'm a potato HAHAH. And can we just talk about how cute her name is? Seri is so goddamn adorable. Just like her.
Amazing that even though we live in different timezones, we will always find time for each other. I love these peeps very much. And I'm thankful for Seventeen for helping me find them.
Pretty long but oh well. This happens when you make the quietest person talk HAHA. But seriously, you guys mean everything to me at this point. Like I feel safe knowing that I have 3 angels watching over me. And I just want you guys to know that I also have your back. Hope our friendship will strengthen as years go by  💖 💖. And to our dear followers, please stay sweet. We’ll always love you. And Seventeen loves you guys too. Let’s make more memories together~
Admin Meagan: Tbh, when I applied to become an admin for this blog I really didn't think I would actually be picked. But look at me now AHAHAHA. I'm so so glad that I became an admin for this blog because it combines two things I love. Writing and seventeen.
I don't think you guys know how much I enjoy writing something and seeing how much people liked it as well. Especially when you guys send us direct compliments in our ask box. I don't think you guys know how much we coo in our admin group chat about the sweet stuff y'all send to us sometimes 💓
To the mutuals I've made from this blog, thank you so much for talking to me. I'm a pretty social person and I enjoy talking to anyone so thank you for that. And I enjoy the stuff y'all reblog as well AHAHAHAHA you guys are amazing and tenks for being a friend.
Honestly, Seventeen has undeniably made me happy. From listening to their songs when I'm mad to calm down to being an emotional wreck during Diamond Edge. I truly care about the boys and this blog made me love them even more. Also, I want to give a little shout out to my ethereal star, Kwon Soonyoung for literally brightening up my day all the time ✨
Thank you for being my ult bias and being extremely cute. You mean a lot to me for sure. Onto our beloved admins, firstly Jess. Y'all don't know how amazing she is. She's immensely smart and so caring. In these past few months of being friends, she's definitely a kind-hearted person and it really shows through. From listening to my past boy drama (like literally, I sent her voice messages and it was like 1-2am for her I'm,,,) to her giving advice to me. She's truly a gem and like an older sister <3 Also guys, she's really pretty!!! Even though she denies it :p and also a good singer!
Next is, Seri!!! Firstly, Seri is exceptionally funny, I swear the things she says sometimes in the group chat is hilarious. Also, she's sooooo good at makeup y'all and hella stunning as well. I always go to her for tips and we always share our makeup of the day with each other AHAHAHAHA. Seri is so kind and such an amazing support system and you can literally talk to her about anything AHAHAHAHAHA. I truly appreciate her being a friend <3 and the fact she stans hosh as well hehe
And to our maknae! Sophia but we always call her Soph. The best Jun stan I've met in my life. A creative little fellow and she also dances!! And also gives me tips for dance because I'm literally a stick AHAHAHAH She's so cute as well!! And such a caring bean <333 Also she likes attacking the rest of us with pictures of our biases 😂 Need a span of Joshua?? Soph is always ready lmao
Y'all mean a lot to me and I can't believe the amount of support I've gotten from all of you for a lot of things. From picking outfits to fangirling with me during my concert. I honestly don't mind opening up to y'all which I don't often do at all. I really like how you guys are always there and whenever one of us is down or have some tea to spill, everyone is on board AHAHAHAHA.
I seriously love all the admins so much because they are friends that I cherish quite a lot. I cannot wait for the day we all can meet somewhere and just hang out together and just have fun, heh 💓 We really need to start skyping with each other and pls one day come to Malaysia!!! I'm gonna bring you guys around for good food and photoshoots!! (I take really good pictures if I say so myself, if you wanna see them. Message me for my Instagram AHAHAHAHA)
Most importantly, thank you to literally everyone who've read our work and enjoyed it, to those who reblog and heart our stuff; thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤️ And to our readers I've personally talked to personally, y'all are really cool and tenks for talking to this nerd lmao. I can't wait to see this blog grow even more and to experience new things with seventeen and you guys. Love y'all 
Admin Seri: first THANK YOU, for making it this far >< 
Wow, well I’m speechless, honestly I’m not even sure what to say, so i apologize in advance how unorganized this ESSAY is about to be. 
First, i’ve always been curious on writing scenarios like this, and i definitely think I was good enough. So any thoughts of running a blog was like, jumping off a cliff, it was best to keep it out of mind. Me and Jess, met through an online groupchat that I seriously never thought would lead to this. Funny thing, I was on vacation,  when I joined, one-two weeks after Jess made the blog. With all of my curiosity of what it was like, I was kind of bored and wanted to give it a shot. Legit I expected like 500 followers after like, a year? NEVER did i think we’d have 2000 after 5 months. like WHAT. 
To Seventeen, the talented, amazing dorks, where my vocabulary is not big enough to describe them. aside from the fact I love, adore, and admire them very much, (if i stayed here and talked about  they are a team with a lovely team backing them up. CARATSSSSSS ;))) without Seventeen, there would be no blog, and with no blog, i wouldn’t have met the three other amazing admins, other tumblr mutuals, and our amazing readers ^~^ .  
First to Soph, I- just know she is adorable, that’s all, the cutest freaking Jun stan ever. she’s only a feel months younger than me but i feel like im a grandma with all the energy she has because she’s on a dance team and how tired I am all the time. i’m thankful i get to wake up to her spam of pictures also :’)  honestly rip to her storage, :’) let’s keep together lovely! US MAKNAES SHOULD STICK TOGETHER!!! ;) our own lil maknae line leggoooo ;) <3
Meagan my fellow hosh stan, oh my god she is actually my aesthetic, from bullet journaling SHE IS AMAZING, to makeup I LOVE TALKING ABOUT MAKEUP (someone who can actually deal with that because my obsession is bad hehe) she’s gorgeous and i feel blessed to find a friend like her, (not because of her connections in Malaysia or something COUGH) im jp ;) she’s just someone i can always ask an honest opinion from, and im thankful for that <3
Then Jess, I’m trying not to tear up right now and I honestly don’t ever cry unless I’m watching a TV show, honestly. she’s been here from me through and through and our friendship feels a lot longer than five months. I already know our friendship will last even when we one day will sadly have to end the blog :’), and i’m ready to meet because im planing this trip already like LETS GO LET KOREAN BBQ bc proud foodie right here, hell any of the admins. this is gonna sound so mushy oh god but i feel i’ve grown and learned so much from her and she never makes me feel stupid for asking a question. moving on, GUYS OUR CONVERSATIONS ARE ACTUALLY GREAT LIKE AFJFOLAENGV on of the more memorable ones is when she introduced me to that song, YES JESS YOU KNOW. and most importantly, thank you for being my mom and just being there for me , because im truely thankful for that <3
TO OUR FOLLOWERS, there’s 2000 of you guys WHAT, welcome to our craziness and thanks for sticking around! I’d love to get to know you guys so don’t be scared to message me @bloatedboo !! i’m not great with words but know every single one of you guys are in my heart whether i know your name or not. <3
Admin Jess: Brace yourselves, I have lots to say😂.
First off, if you had asked me if I had expected to hit 100 followers let alone the 2,000 followers we have now when I first started this, I would have laughed. It is a bit of a crazy number to wrap our heads around, but I’m insanely grateful and I might actually start crying. This whole thing started off as simply a hobby, something I could use to vent my love for the 13 boys that have my heart, but it became so much more after a while. It almost didn’t happen too, just like our beloved soulmate series, everything came down to being in the right place at the right time and having everything line up perfectly before the hard work and passion kicked in haha. I’ll state my thanks here so that I can get it out in words rather than tears. I won’t get too much into how when I started this blog with Seri, I was not in a very happy place. But that’s not the important part. The thing is I met incredible people through this blog and learned many things. I learned how to not let every criticism and mean comment get to me, and rather to learn to grow and try to do the best I can. Nothing brightens my day more than hearing I made people smile, there’s nothing else I’d rather do with my time:) ahem now for my thanks (and yes I’m going to thank Seventeen bc I’m hella extra)
Seventeen have made me v v happy and continue to do so to this day. While I may declare my love and hatred (jokingly) and say I’m unstanning, I really love all 13 boys with all my heart. All the admin have talked about it, but when we’re writing for them or answering asks, they don’t seem like just idols to us. They’re friends who love each other, real genuine people who are beautiful inside and out. I’d like to thank them for just being them, for bringing a smile to my face whenever I feel down. Honestly so sappy and cringe but true nevertheless. I love Svt a whole lot <3
Joshua, EXCUSE ME AS I GET HELLA EMOTIONAL I CAN’T JUST WRITE TWO SENTENCES ABOUT THIS GUY;&:9;$2. So I’ll try to keep it short. Joshua, I am the most grateful to him for his undying love for his friends, for his hard work at always being the best person possible, and for genuinely making me smile. He’s the kind of person I want to be, someone who is kind-hearted and tries his very best at everything he does and ilhssm.
I can feel myself tearing up woohee this is going great. I’d like to thank the many internet friends and mutuals I met, through this blog. Initially I had simply wanted people to fangirl with svt about and I got so so much more. There is a moment I remember distinctly 2 weeks ago, I had been really stressed about my slew of tests and I had maybe gotten 20 hours of sleep in the entire week and had told my friends in real life but also my internet friends (you know who you are and ily) and I was bombarded with messages of support from everyone in the morning and I dead af kid you not sat and cried because how did I deserve such amazing support and friends. People who had never seen me before were genuinely concerned about my health and mentality and nothing nothing made me cry more than just the sheer amount of support I got. I had mentioned in our admin chat how I regretted not doing enough due to exams and my bb’s legit were screaming at me to sleep and that it’s ok and everything will be ok if I didn’t answer everything right away and just focused on me and it’s prob one of the moments in my life that I felt the most support and love ever. and so that takes me to my few final thanks….
Soph, okie hands down my favorite Jun stan I’m sorry everyone, I love Soph lots omfg. She’s so talented!!! I’m living for the day where she kills me with her dancing just as Junhui does to all of us, I can’t imagine how hard it must be to learn svt and bts choreo and run this blog lmao. Soph, I love how you hype Josh with me and how we all suffer together when we send svt pictures and honestly thank you thank you thank you so so much for being not only an admin but a valuable friend.
Meagan, I can always count on her to send me pictures of Joshua on Instagram and I love her lots too. I love how despite living 16 hours apart, we can still have conversations about boy drama (no not svt lmao svt wouldn’t do us dirty like boys irl) and fangirl about Josh and svt and just everything. She’s incredibly talented too, her writing and she’s so pretty I die. Meagan, I love how I can say something and count on you to talk about it, it’s beautiful and fun, thank you so so much admin and friend.
And finally, I’d like to thank Seri. Seri has been with me on this rollercoaster of a ride since the very beginning. I found it incredible how the two of us just *clicked* ya know? She’s the type of friend who says one thing and two hours later, she and I are both dying from laughter on the ground in stitches. I’ve never genuinely laughed more than some convos I’ve had with her. I’m also surprised she has yet to hear me screaming at her from across the country, I’m pretty sure I’m loud enough that she could hear me. She’ll prob forever be my aegi whether she likes it or not and while I honestly don’t know how much longer I’ll stan svt, I do hope that our friendship can far outlast our time together here on the blog (plus I swear imma buy her plane tickets somehow so we can go to an svt concert together or disneyland before I die). I’ve ranted to her lots and I complain to her lots but she never tells me I’m annoying and for that, I’m also thankful XD. I think I have learned quite a lot from her, including how to have thicker skin and I love her so so so much. Seri, thank you for everything lovely, let’s continue growing as friends and people together ^~^
Final remarks, I think what has always drawn me to svt is just the sheer comradery and love they have for each other. It’s undeniable they’re family to one another. I had always been somewhat jealous of their adorable friendships and funny chemistry. But as I look back on it now, I found my own sort of svt, in the people, friends, and stories I interact with everyday here, and for that I can only say thank you.
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heytian · 8 years
im pretty sure someone else is going to ask you about tianshan, and maybe hannigram too, so how about yoonmin and henry/richard 👀
suddENLY I G2G THIS IS TOO MUCH FOR ME, I DIDN’T EXPECT this jesus, you’re literally trying to end me here, Monica, but alright ok
who said I love you first: yoongi! he has been trying to say it for so long but he can’t make himself do it, can’t find the confidence to let it known, nor fight the underlying fear lurking there; but one late night, they’re out of the dorms, just sitting together under the sparkling touch of the night. yoongi couldn’t sleep and jimin found him there, at the top of the stairs, wrapped in an over-sized hoodie and so, he joined him. and at a certain moment, when jimin’s eyes reach the stars and yoongi, who’s staring at him instead, can see the entire universe collapsing in his eyes and before he realizes it, the words “I love you” have already filled the space between them, in a low, warm whisper, that changes everything. 
who would have the other’s picture as their phone background: I’m tempted to say both, because they love taking sneaky pictures of each other; yoongi has a lot of pictures of jimin curled up in his bed or on the couch, because the way jimin looks when he’s sleeping is A Sight, whereas jimin enjoys taking pictures of yoongi when he’s either playing the piano or working on a track, completely focused on what he’s doing. so yeah, both. 
who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror: jimin! I’m 120% sure he would either write ‘min yoongi is an idiot’ or ‘oppa, come find me’, which..... make yoongi’s life so difficult smh
who buys the other cheesy gifts: yoongi! actually, they both love buying presents to each other and I think yoongi is more of a hobby kind of person, whereas jimin prefers practical things. yoongi would buy jimin comics and collections and all that wonderful merch because jimin needs a reminder to take a break and enjoy himself; as for jimin, he’d definitely buy yoongi expensive clothes, sometimes classy, sometimes cozy, since yoongi looks good in anything and jimin loves looking at him. but uh, back on cheesy stuff. well, yoongi would have to die several times before buying something super cheesy ((it was supposed to be easier tf)) and it would probably embarrass him to no end at first. and when he finally does it, he tries to act very very casual about it, keeps his coolness and all, though he’s so close to hide himself under a rock BUT thank god, jimin is smiling so brightly and he’s so so flustered and yeah, everything is well in the universe. buying cheesy gifts is not so bad after all and yoongi starts to enjoy it. 
who initiated the first kiss: yoongi, though I’m down for jimin as well, but most of the time I imagine yoongi would do it. again, not exactly planning for it; they share a moment and yoongi stares at him a bit too much, a bit too obvious, and when jimin’s lips curl into the most wonderful smile, yoongi cannot help himself. it just happens. and when jimin kisses him back, god, suddenly it’s happening a lot.
who kisses the other awake in the morning: jimin! since yoongi always stays up until late, he has trouble waking up and most of the time, jimin allows him to rest. but there are days when he can’t help but sneak under the covers and get as close as possible, take in the peaceful look on yoongi’s face and whisper his name against his lips before gently pecking him. it takes more than one kiss for yoongi to wake up, and no one minds it.
who starts tickle fights: yoongi. because park jimin needs to pay most of the time and it’s always a blessing to hear him laugh to tears. but jokes on him, yoongi is actually much more ticklish and when jimin finds out about this, it feels like learning a state secret.
who asks who if they can join the other in the shower: jimin, and boi, he just knows how to ask for it. yoongi feels so Attacked and speechless at first, and then he almost always cuts jimin off with a “no” but of course that means yes. and jimin grins when he catches the hint of embarrassment in yoongi’s tone or gestures. as for yoongi, well, he never asks, he just joins jimin quite casually when he feels like it. 
who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch: I think they both would. jimin would leave food for yoongi whenever he stays in his studio for too many days, always making sure he has eaten, even texting him about it. and yoongi is very grateful that jimin is basically keeping him alive. and when jimin practices for too long, yoongi always notices and surprises him with a lot of food. they usually end up sharing it. 
who was nervous and shy on the first date: god, definitely both. jimin would giggle too much and yoongi would bite his lower lip too often, because jimin is a ball of sunshine and he cannot believe he’s his. I can imagine jimin pulling at the margins of his sleeves out of embarrassment, whereas yoongi trying to be his casual self and ending up spilling coffee or holding the menu upside down and it would make jimin laugh so much.
who kills/takes out the spiders: yoongi. jimin would naruto-run to the next room or instinctively hide himself away behind yoongi. and yoongi would find it a bit bothersome, because he doesn’t like killing insects. but it’s a good excuse to tease jimin about it and jimin calls him an idiot to no end. he laughs, though, which relaxes him (mission accomplished). and maybe before they decide to do something about it instead of staying there being in love, jin would solve the matter and give them a look. but if it’s just them, yoongi would take it out, because he’s a Softie.
who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk: aahh I imagine both would do this?? but let me focus on yoongi, since I find it more plausible.. he doesn’t get drunk so easily, so it’s definitely a sight. he would mutter compliments such as “park jiminnie is so beautiful” “park jiminnie is my muse” and of course “park jiminnie belongs to me” and it all becomes a repetitive mumbling of jimin’s name, and jimin is so overwhelmed by this, because yoongi doesn’t always say this much. in such a short time, so openly. he can barely stay calm, as he wraps his arms around yoongi enough to have his face buried there at his chest, and it’s hard to breathe because he feels so loved and so happy. jimin would kiss his hair and they would fall asleep; jimin, on the other hand, he gets excessively touchy when he’s drunk. he would kiss yoongi’s face and lips, every time yoongi wants to speak. he would be so clingy and helpless and maybe, just maybe, a bit naughty.  
there you go, Monica. and now I’m gonna wrap myself with a blanket and go hide in the corner of the room, because I feel so (((weak))). I’m gonna have to deal with henry/richard tomorrow, in a separate post (because it deserves an equal amount of attention and I’m still dying over this!! bless ur soul).
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tthevoidinmysoul · 8 years
thoughts on 2015 - 31/12/2015
hey there. This is going to be a summary of 2015 or smth. Here it goes.
First of all, i’m crying lol. Last year I did something similar to this and I just read it and wow. Idr what stuff you had to put up 2014-deku but yo, it got slightly better.
This year I started studying Animation. I changed from Graphic Design because I realized it wasn’t what I wanted to do. It was p intense because it was a new start. Again. Luckily my first semester went smoothly. I learnt lots of stuff and got to do so many new things that have changed my goals in a v nice way. The first semester I also got a uh recognition ??? a like a diploma thing congratulating me for my grades from the previous semester and i was like woaah!! :O. In the ceremony I was recognized as Animation, not Graphic Design, even tho it had been bc of GD lol. There I met (more like jus briefly saw) a guy who also had gotten the diploma for animation, and we jus shared greetings and that was it.
That semester was okay. HA IT WASNT I JUS REMEMBERED. I got into trouble with some of my classmates. It’s a very small generation, like 24 people, and I was the new one, so ofc I’d get paired into teams with the people that nobody wanted to work with. I was so mad because of the mediocrity of the students, and i’m talking about 20-yo, full fledged adults, who couldn’t even do the simplest of things. So I got fed up and I remember I talked rly roughly at this guy in a class bc gdi he was awful. Luckily the rest of the class (who was present) supported me, telling me that the things I told him were things that they’ve meant to tell him and never had, so it was okay. Unfortunately it happened again and that time it wasnt as pretty as the last. I got paired w this girl who always cried when I talked to her (she always made herself a victim of her life and weird, negative stuff), and dear lorde pleas save me. When I finally went and talked to her bc she was doing literally NOTHING, the girl had the nerve to yell at me, in the middle of the classroom (which was fulled with my classmates and students from other generations), and leave. I was so confused and sad and mad at myself because I had done it again, fuck things up with teamwork. Long short story we’re okay now but I’m never doing something with her ever again in my life. My grades went down a lil but it wasnt that much, so I expected to be recognized again next semester.
oh boy.
SUMMER!!!!!111111 Woah. waaaaaaaah WHAT A SUMMER I HAD! This was SO FUN OH wait b4 summer I went into surgery again lmao. BUT I RECOVERED JUS FINE and im good yo. My bro went to Seattle to work with Microsoft bc he’s baddass and awesome and I was (and am) v happy for him but it also got me thinking a lot of things like what the fuck am I doing with my life. And here comes the reason I was cryin when I first started writing this. This summer I met wonderful, wonderful people. I made friends. FRIENDS. Friends that i hadn’t made in more than a year. It makes me fuzzy to think that I have such wonderful people by my side that i can laugh with, cry with, share things with, be deep with and be stupid with. I’m so happy I met you guys, I’ve grown so so so much since I’ve known you and as I told you yesterday, meeting you definitely has been one of the best things that have happened in my life.
I remember last year I cut my hair, really short. And I thought “if I turn out to be a lesbian, i’m blaming it on the haircut”. And guess what lmao. OKay maybe i’m not a lesbian but im deffo not straight either. I guess I knew I liked girls since highschool but didn’t bother to come up with a label untill now. I’m still finding out things about me and I have someone who keeps me company when I need em. WINKS ON U THANK FRIEND FOR LETTING ME RANT ABT MY THOUGHTS LMAO.
Then the second semester happened. I wasnt recognized as a top student this time. I was confused like lol, i’m gr9 wat hap. Turns out only the 1% of the student body of each degree gets the thing and oh surprise there are only 110 ppl in Animation. So boohoo the other mysterious boy got the diploma. And man was it a big blow. I was angry, angry as I could get. Obv not at the guy, at me. Because I had failed to myself, to my parents. Angry because I felt like an idiot, I couldn’t keep doing the thing that I excelled, being good at school. And I felt so angry because I was that. I was a top student, that was my main strength, and it was taken from me in a second.
One day my animation teacher separated me from the class and told me that I was the best animator from my generation. I am shit at animating, I know that. He knows that, and yet I am the best. That made me feel extremely uncomfortable, because that meant that I was the best, of the worst. It made me feel anxious, because that meant he had high expectations of me, being the best. Anxious because the best animator in the career was this guy who was recognized both last and this semester, and booooy. BOoooooooooooooy he’s a prodigy. A PRODIGY. He’s excellent and I am pure shit. From that day everything went downhill. BUT BEFORE THAT
Something good happened. I also made friends with prodigy boy. My first irl friend in more than 2 years. He turns out to be awesome and cool and so damn sincere and humble I can’t with his existence. We started talking thanks to a song, Somewhere beyond the sea. God bless that song, thanks to it I have now met an awesome human being yay. Turns out prodigy boy and I are very similar in many things, being angry at today’s society being the main one lmao. I have never met someone like him ever in my life. I respect him a lot and I want to remain as his friend for as long as I can. Sadly i’m very nervous around him because I’m very shy, I hope I dont mess this up like I did 4 years ago cries.
Back to shit. I was okay the first 2 terms but I just went pure shit on finals. For our animation course we had to enter a competition and I was very confident on my entry. Prodigy boy had landed in place #101, being the highest ever for an Animation student of my uni. I had high expectations of myself and everything was going to be alright, until it wasn’t. We presented our work a week before the deadline to our class, and I had a panic attack. I made a mess of myself and embarrassed me in front of everybody, I felt terrible and I cried a lot (thankfully in the bathroom). My entry was shit and I knew it and the teacher knew it and everybody did and the prodigy boy was there and he saw it and I’ve never been more embarrassed in my life I swear. It’s one of the worst experiences I’ve ever had. After that even tho I tried correcting my entry it was still shit and I crashed in place #142, being 5th of my class. And I was angry. So angry because I had failed. To myself, to the teacher, to the prodigy boy. To myself. I cried so much, like I had never before. My overall grades went down, again not so much but still. Turns out prodigy boy has a younger brother who’s as good as he is and it’s making me anxious. But whatever.
SO YEAH 2015 GOOD JOB. This year was bittersweet as fuck. I have learned so much, lost so much, gained so much, cried so much, laughed so much, EVERYTHING SO MUCH!?!?!. I’m just wah overwhelmed with everything that happened.
How much did you fuck up? lmao
how did the short films went?
are you still friends with prodigy boy? 
have you found yourself bc I failed miserably lmao
- A
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