#conference interpretation
translation1234 · 8 months
Conference Interpretation
Conference interpretation plays a pivotal role in breaking down language barriers and fostering effective communication on a global scale. Our team of highly skilled interpreters specializes in providing seamless language solutions for conferences, ensuring that every participant can fully engage and comprehend the discussions at hand. Whether it's a multinational business summit, an academic conference, or a diplomatic meeting, our interpreters excel in conveying the speaker's message accurately and with cultural sensitivity. Armed with a profound understanding of diverse subject matters and linguistic nuances, our conference interpreters work tirelessly to bridge linguistic gaps, allowing ideas to flow effortlessly across languages. By choosing our conference interpretation services, you are not just investing in language expertise but also in the facilitation of meaningful dialogue and collaboration in the ever-expanding international landscape.
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conference interpretation
Conference interpretation is a specialised field within the realm of language services, dedicated to breaking down language barriers and facilitating effective communication in diverse, multilingual settings. There are two primary modes of conference interpretation: simultaneous and consecutive. Simultaneous interpreters are often seen in soundproof booths, where they listen to the speaker through headphones and deliver the interpretation in real-time through a microphone. On the other hand, consecutive interpreters take notes while the speaker talks, and then render the message in the target language during pauses in the speech. In essence, conference interpretation is an indispensable profession that bridges linguistic and cultural divides on the global stage.
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Conference Interpreteter
The primary goal of a Conference Interpreteter is to ensure effective communication between speakers and participants who do not share a common language. typically work with two or more languages. They are proficient in both the source language(s) (the language spoken by the speaker) and the target language(s) (the language into which they will interpret).  They are specialized in specific fields, such as medical, legal, technical, or diplomatic interpreting. They are adhere to a strict code of ethics that includes principles like confidentiality, impartiality, and accuracy. They are expected to maintain the highest standards of professionalism and not to express personal opinions during interpretation. Overall, their work is vital in various sectors, including diplomacy, business, science, and academia.
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homielander · 1 year
like yeah of course tom thinks shiv is a scorpion because he doesn't know she compromised her position and sacrificed her brother so he wouldn't go to prison. he doesn't know she refused to divulge any information about cruises to gil in season 1 before she was certain tom would walk away unscathed. he doesn't know she shut down her brothers' offer to fire him, doesn't know she ensured he'd have a place in the company post-acquisition, doesn't know that the first time she indelicately interrogated matsson about whether she'd have any power and influence at waystar gojo was literally immediately after matsson brought up the idea of firing tom. and it's her fault he doesn't know that she's protected him at nearly every turn because she won't tell him. and it's looking more likely with every passing episode that he'll never know 😔🔫
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roxiusagi · 11 months
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Sangcheng week Day 1 - Occasions
🪷 While a cultivation conference was being held in Yunmeng Jiang, the Jiang-zongzhu and Nie-zongzhu rested together. In the morning, Jiang-zhonghzu would cut off the sleeve of his robes, so as not to rouse his resting lover, not knowing that said man would flaunt the piece later for all to see. 🪷
lol this was supposed to a proper two-parter to tie in the point together more clearly and all but...... i just didn't feel like finishing this part ngl so all you get is a sketch hjdsh
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also dont think too hard about why would JC go to the conference in the ruined robes or why didn't he take them off in the first place when going to sleep or how did NHS manage to get it together so quickly just. don't worry about that ok. plot convenience jfhkd
close-ups of the girlies. yes lines only cuz im lines lover and colours hater (more like failure lol dfhkjh)
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OH YEA BTW for those who dont know ye this is obvs a reference to the emperor Ai of Han and the whole cutsleeve thing lol
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artemispt · 1 year
My interpretation to the hand holding thing; I tried to watch it in slow motion and Carlos’s hand was basically holding lando’s. Like not an actual grip which’s what lando was doing. Lando had all his fingers closed on carlos’. But with carlos, only the four fingers while his thumb was still elevated. It reminded me of when gentlemen hold a lady’s hand delicately to kiss her knuckles. It felt like that what carlos was aiming for while lando tried to keep it as a handshake, cause right as carlos’ thumb was about to land on Lando’s knuckle (or it just did and it was a soft caress) lando startled and pulled his hand back. I don’t think carlos was about to kiss his hand (that’s too much for the context and carlos didn’t move from leaning back on the couch) but maybe he was about hold to it in such a loving way that prompted lando’s reaction. Another one in favor of the “not here you muppet” theory
For reference:
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Your interpretation reminded me of this fic 🥺
I’m imagining Carlos kissing Lando’s hand ahhh honestly, I think no one would bat an eye 😂
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catmilks · 2 years
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Perroquet (2023)
Excerpts from my 16-page collage zine about the surreality of being a conference interpreter. Partly done as self-exploration for the writing of a play.
The PDF can be downloaded here.
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cosmogyros · 2 months
I'm a fuckin badass 😎😎😎
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Seeing some claims being made about diet being the reason for the gastric torsion that happened in Skyla and Ula at Loro Parque but like.... unless you know what the nutritional makeup of the herring fed in the herring diet was you cannot comment on this.
Basically saying that Ula was being fed a full fish diet before she got sick, which would be expected for her age, but claiming that because her condition was worse, it's because of the fish.
Sorry but you cannot make claims about an all herring diet being problematic when you have no idea what the nutritional content of the fish being fed out was. We do analysis on the fish we bring in to feed cetaceans and develop diets based on their nutritional content. Sometimes you get batches with higher fat content ect. So the vet has to design the diet accordingly.
Also yes facilities can be limited by finances and sourcing issues - especially during Covid, which is when these diets were fed. "Well, they shouldn't have done that." Isn't helpful. You don't know why those vet monitored diets were fed.
But no you cannot make those sort of inferences without being professionally involved with these animals and actually know what you're talking about. Also diet is really only one factor here. We don't even know exact risk factors for gastric torsion and bloat in dogs - which have been in our care for thousands of years.
You think you've cracked the code on a significantly data deficient marine mammal with a case study of 2 individuals of a species that's only been in human care being treated by vets for about 50 years by comparison???
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caracoloco · 27 days
it's hard to let go of social anxiety when i can tell that i am underperforming. i can tell when i have missed something or said the wrong thing. when i am in the middle of a conversation and realize i have run out of words and my capacity to speak coherently diminishes. and I am always desperate to communicate and be heard and have meaningful and interesting conversations, but my own abilities and aloofness/awkwardness make it very hard to do so.
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lab-sycamore · 2 months
Snowbelle circa 2013 - What's your opinion on large mechanisms that are part of the only path forwards?
Between me and you? I believe a lot of our structure has gotten an overreliance on the mechanical when it’s unnecessary…maybe I’m misreading this? Apologies if I am.
But I think having a overreliance on the mechanical, especially when it’s unnecessary, makes something more inaccessible than it would’ve been. If you can just put a path with no moving parts, and it’s convenient for everyone, why make the path something that can easily break down and leave people who can’t cross the path to be unable to move ?
Apologies, I think I’ve complained too much ,
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translation1234 · 9 months
Conference Interpretation
Conference interpretation is the process of orally translating speech from one language to another in real time. Conference interpreters work in a variety of settings, including conferences, business meetings, and international summits. They play a vital role in facilitating communication between people who speak different languages.The role of a conference interpreter is to provide accurate and timely interpretation of the speaker's words, while also conveying the speaker's tone, style, and personality. Conference interpreters must also be able to quickly understand and interpret complex concepts and ideas. To be a successful conference interpreter, one must have a deep understanding of the languages they work in, as well as the subject matter of the conferences and meetings they interpret. They must also be able to think quickly and clearly, and to speak fluently and accurately.Conference interpretation is a challenging but rewarding career. Conference interpreters have the opportunity to travel the world, meet new people, and learn about different cultures. They also play an important role in promoting global understanding and cooperation.
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Conference interpreters
A conference interpreter is a professional who interprets oral communication from one language to another in real time. Conference interpreters work in a variety of settings, including conferences, business meetings, and international summits. They play a vital role in facilitating communication between people who speak different languages. Conference interpreters must have a deep understanding of the languages they work in, as well as the subject matter of the conferences and meetings they interpret. They must also be able to think quickly and clearly, and to speak fluently and accurately. Conference interpreters typically work in pairs, with one interpreter speaking while the other listens and prepares to interpret. This allows the interpreters to take breaks without disrupting the communication process.
Conference interpreters play an important role in promoting global understanding and cooperation. They help to ensure that people from all over the world can communicate effectively with each other, regardless of their language.
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Conference Interpretation
Conference interpretation is the process of orally translating speech from one language to another in real time. Conference interpreters work in a variety of settings, including conferences, business meetings, and international summits. They play a vital role in facilitating communication between people who speak different languages.The role of a conference interpreter is to provide accurate and timely interpretation of the speaker's words, while also conveying the speaker's tone, style, and personality. Conference interpreters must also be able to quickly understand and interpret complex concepts and ideas.To be a successful conference interpreter, one must have a deep understanding of the languages they work in, as well as the subject matter of the conferences and meetings they interpret. They must also be able to think quickly and clearly, and to speak fluently and accurately.Conference interpretation is a challenging but rewarding career. Conference interpreters have the opportunity to travel the world, meet new people, and learn about different cultures. They also play an important role in promoting global understanding and cooperation.
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chimonai · 1 year
On Dahlia’s relationship with Iris. Her twin sister is possibly the only person she ever felt genuinely attached to. She may claim to dislike her, that she thinks of her as nothing but a nuisance and a backstabber, but this comes as the result of a long, complicated history between the two. Her attitude towards Iris during the Bridge case doesn’t reflect her original feelings. 
There are a lot of things that connect them. The shared experience of living under their narcissistic mother, the training to be spirit mediums, the many expectations that were piled onto them, the feelings of worthlessness and inadequacy come the realization they lacked any spiritual powers, and then eventually, life as a lesser member of the branch family. To Dahlia, no one but her sister will ever understand the dreariness of those days. Seeing how much tragedy and drama the Fey clan has produced, I think the overall atmosphere in the village was washed in competitiveness and resentment. If there were other young spirit mediums around ( prior to the DL-6 incident when clan members started to leave and pursued lives in the city instead ), the twins might’ve been target of ridicule and harassment. In the microcosm of Kurain Village, where a woman’s worth is measured in her spiritual prowess, the twins were without value. Dahlia certainly felt cursed.
That wasn’t a reason to complain though. Amidst all the horrible memories, there are a lot of pleasant ones too. Moments of togetherness despite ( or maybe even because of ) all the adversity they faced. Doing each other’s hair, reading their mother’s Senryū books together, sneaking off during training to explore the surrounding area, Dahlia stealing from American tourists on occasion and sharing her finds with Iris, watching the lights of the city in the distance and wondering what life was like down there and whether there was a place for them.
Their relationship delved into rocky territory only after they were separated as children. I don’t believe Dahlia convinced her father to abandon Iris at Hazakura Temple because she felt annoyed by her presence. Instead her action was motivated by the fear their father would return both of them to dreadful Kurain Village. It was an attempt to save herself from that possibility. She absolutely did not want to return, and so chose her own interest over that of her sister. Despite that, they kept in touch.
During the following years Dahlia kept confiding to Iris about her life, her plans, her crimes. At times her sister would assist, but rarely to Dahlia’s satisfaction. Uniquely, Iris was not a pawn, she was an accomplice, a partner in crime. She continued to be a part of her twin’s life, even when her efforts ( or lack thereof ) left Dahlia feeling betrayed. What would’ve been a death sentence for any other person, was simply, bitterly put up with. Iris wasn’t cut out for her sister’s demands, yet she was given another chance to redeem herself and prove her worth by returning an incriminating piece of evidence, the necklace that had been left in Phoenix’s possession. Dahlia was impressed by Iris’ plan, though doubtful; she had failed her before. Months passed and soon stretched into half a year before Dahlia finally had to admit to herself Iris wouldn’t retrieve what she had set out to. She had prioritized that man over her, her own sister. It was the final nail in the coffin of their slowly deteriorating siblingship. The final betrayal that would condemn Dahlia to the rope.
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ratherembarrassing · 9 months
in other news, the hardest part of the asylum seeker work i’ve been doing has turned out to be working with interpreters, who are mostly lovely people just trying to help us out but sometimes, like yesterday, they are massive assholes who yell at you for doing your job after they’ve repeatedly failed to do theirs.
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