#concurrent surrogacy
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coochiequeens · 7 months ago
Gay men and the wealthy are no longer content to exploit one woman now exploiting two at the same is becoming trendy
Why have one baby when you can have 2? People are paying $500,000 to hire 2 surrogates at once and have 'twiblings'
By Kelsey Vlamis  Jul 16, 2024, 3:04 PM EDT
Some people are hiring two surrogates at the same time to carry their babies.
Concurrent surrogacy can be complicated and costly, with prices reaching up to $500,000 or more.
Many people who do it are in their 40s and trying to build out their family quickly.
Bill Houghton still vividly remembers the moment he met his son.
He was sitting in the hospital waiting room, right outside the birthing room, when a nurse appeared carrying a little green bundle.
"I just held him in my arms and just started crying. It was so overwhelming. My husband was like, 'Oh my God, I can't believe that this is it. We're a family,'" Houghton told Business Insider. "This is my son."
Just one week later, Houghton and his husband would have the same experience all over again when their second child, another son, was delivered.
"And it has been like that ever since," he said. "To this day, I still look at them and I think, 'Oh my God, these are my sons.' My father had sons. I never thought that I would have a son."
Houghton and his husband opted to become parents via concurrent surrogacy — a process in which two surrogates are hired to carry two babies at the same, or overlapping, time.
The resulting children can be born anywhere from one week apart, like Houghton's, to nine months apart, and have been referred to by some people in the industry as "tandem siblings" or "twiblings."
Surrogacy agencies told BI that concurrent surrogacy journeys are not uncommon, with some saying it's a rising trend in a growing industry that was valued at $14 billion in 2022 by Global Market Insights and has attracted the investments of private equity firms.
All kinds of people — couples or singles, straight or gay, young or old — have opted to build out their family two at a time via concurrent surrogacy. But there is one thing that most parents of twiblings have in common: the ability to afford them.
While Houghton hired surrogates abroad, couples who choose to go through US-based agencies can easily spend $300,000 to half a million dollars or more on concurrent surrogates, according to five surrogacy agencies that spoke to BI.
"It is a luxury, absolutely," Brooke Kimbrough, cofounder and CEO of Roots Surrogacy, told BI. "Most American families don't have $200,000 in cash to go through surrogacy generally, and then $400,000-plus in cash to be able to go through that twice at the same time."
Still, the use of concurrent surrogates could grow as surrogacy generally grows in the US, in part because celebrities like Kim Kardashian and Chrissy Teigen have started opening up about using surrogates, as well as depictions in film and TV that have made the practice more mainstream. Teigen was even pregnant at the same time as her surrogate.
Surrogacy is also becoming increasingly relevant as more and more people are opting to have kids and start building their families later in life.
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Chrissy Teigen and John Legend have opened up about using a surrogate. Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images for Sports Illustrated Swimsuit
Concurrent surrogacy can help build a family quickly
Concurrent journeys typically look like regular surrogacy journeys, just times two. Gestational surrogacy, when IVF is used to place a fertilized embryo into a surrogate, is the most common form of surrogacy in the US today. Parents can use their own egg and sperm or that of donors.
Like many gay couples, Houghton and his husband each used their sperm for one of the babies, as well as the same egg donor, so their sons are technically half brothers.
While there has been increased awareness around what some call "social surrogacy" — using a surrogate when it's not medically or biologically necessary — the majority of people who conceive via surrogacy do so because they have to.
"Typically, when people come to us, they've been through a lot. This is not their plan A, it's often not plan B, maybe it's plan C," Kim Bergman, a psychologist and senior partner at Growing Generations, told BI. "They've had a lot of disappointment, and they've had a lot of trials and tribulations."
Many hopeful parents are in their 40s and are simply eager to build their families, the agencies said. A surrogacy journey can easily take one and a half to two years, so for intended parents who know they want multiple kids, concurrent surrogates can be appealing.
Certainly, some people who opt for concurrent surrogates do not fit the definition of medically necessary, at least according to the standards laid out by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM).
Some people have mental health reasons or a fear of giving birth. Others are actors or brain surgeons who spend 12 hours a day on their feet and who can't get pregnant and continue to do their jobs. All the surrogacy agencies BI spoke with said it's essentially never the case that someone opts for surrogacy simply for vanity reasons.
David Sher, founder and CEO of Elite IVF, told BI they've helped coordinate surrogates for celebrities, politicians, and people in demanding careers like finance or tech. He said he currently has a client who serves on the cabinet of a Western country and is trying to have a baby via surrogate in part due to her demanding schedule.
Sher said he thinks concurrent surrogacy has long been an option for intended parents but that there does seem to be an uptick in people who are opting to do it.
Part of the reason for that could be because fewer and fewer agencies are willing to do double embryo transfers, which were previously more common and could result in a twin pregnancy. The ASRM recommends against them, as twin pregnancies come with heightened risks for both the surrogate and the babies. So concurrent surrogacy is a safer option for intended parents who want to have two kids at the same time or in close succession.
Costly and complicated
Though it's viewed as a safer option, concurrent surrogacy is controversial. The ASRM guidelines actually recommend against concurrent surrogacy, as well as against social, or not medically necessary, surrogacy. But all five surrogacy agencies that BI spoke to will facilitate concurrent surrogacies.
The agencies said they've seen many concurrent surrogacy journeys be successful and that a lot of care and prior planning goes into making them happen.
"It's not taken lightly," Bergman said, adding that concurrent journeys are rarely chosen by 30-year-olds who have plenty of time to build their families, though that does occasionally happen.
Surrogacy, in general, is expensive — commonly ranging from $150,000 to $250,000 for one child. The costs go toward surrogate compensation, agency fees, legal fees for contracts, and clinical bills.
The agencies BI spoke with said a concurrent surrogacy journey would essentially cost twice that. Meaning there's no two-for-one special.
But cost isn't the only factor to consider. Perhaps the primary drawback to pursuing concurrent surrogacy (that is, besides the high price tag) is the logistics of it.
All the agencies emphasized that concurrent surrogacy should only be pursued with full transparency and the fully informed consent of every person involved. That means matching intended parents to surrogates who are fully aware and OK with the fact that they will not be the only surrogate.
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Gestational surrogacy, in which a fertilized embryo is implanted in a surrogate, is most common in the US. Jay L. Clendenin/for The Washington Post/Getty Images
There's also tons of planning and talking through hypotheticals. Are the surrogates based in the same area? Can the parents attend both births? Are we staggering expected delivery times enough? What's the plan if one surrogate gets pregnant on the first try but the other doesn't?
There's also a psychological aspect. Will both surrogates feel fully supported? How will one feel if she doesn't get pregnant right away and the other does?
"All of these conversations are front-loaded. Anytime in the conversation, the surrogate can say, 'I'm not comfortable doing this,'" Bergman said, adding that sometimes, after thinking through the logistics, some parents will change their minds and plan to space the deliveries out further than they initially wanted, like to six or nine months.
Most agencies recommended staggering the planned deliveries by at least three months. But at the end of the day, parents need to be ready for the timeline to not go exactly as planned.
Houghton and his husband had actually planned to have their babies six weeks apart, but when one of the babies was born five weeks premature, they ended up with birthdays one week apart.
Concurrent surrogacy may not be for everyone — even if you can afford it
Although the cost of concurrent surrogacy makes it prohibitive for most people, that could change in the future as more and more companies expand their fertility benefits.
There are also more nonprofits popping up that will provide grants or partial funds to people who want to build their families via surrogacy but may not have the means to.
Jarret Zafran, founder and executive director at Brownstone Surrogacy, told BI that it's not necessarily only the ultrawealthy who pursue concurrent surrogacy. He said he currently has clients who are lifelong educators on the older side who are getting ready to start the surrogacy process. They recently asked about what it would look like for them to do a concurrent journey.
"I guess it is still a luxury in the sense that most Americans would not even be in a financial position to afford it the first time," Zafran, who also had a child with his husband through surrogacy, said. "But for them, this is not a frivolous decision, and they're scraping together every single little penny that they have, all of their savings, their retirement funds, and I get it."
By using surrogates abroad over a decade ago, Houghton and his husband, who are based in Spain, spent much less on their concurrent surrogates than they would have in the US. But he's still not totally sure why they chose to do concurrent journeys rather than space the children out a bit more.
"We just liked the idea of having two kids that were about the same age that would sort of grow up together," he said, adding, "I didn't realize at the time the challenges that would come with having two kids."
In reality, he said having the two boys grow up so close together in age, not twins but in the same class in school, ended up leading to a lot of conflict and constant competition as they were growing up. He said it has gotten better now that the boys are facing their teen years and developing their own identities.
Still, if he could do it over again, he thinks he would stagger them more.
"They're unbelievable young men, and I'm so proud of everything about them," he said. "But having the two together has been a challenge."
Have a news tip or a story to share about concurrent surrogacy? Contact this reporter at [email protected].
If a brain surgeon or politician can't do their job while pregnant have they thought about how kids in general will impact their job? What if their kid wakes them up the night before surgery because they got of had a nightmare? Are they counting on a reliable spouse or a nanny to take care to the unpleasant parts of parenting.
Finally at the very end of the article they address how being born so close together impacts kids. We're they really surprised that there was a lot of competition? And they article just touched on how one of the twins was born 5 weeks premature. That means at one week old the dudes in charge of its care were focused on its twibling. Considering that surrogacy pregnancies are more likely to have complications do the parents consider how they will care for one baby while another baby is in the hospital longer than expected?
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numinousmysteries · 1 year ago
This goes AU post-Je Souhaite. Kind of an expansion of what I was exploring in this post on how Mulder and Scully could have had a satisfying ending without children.
[on Ao3] @today-in-fic
Mulder told her to never give up on a miracle. He was right in the end although their miracle wasn’t a child but something far more rare: Two discordant souls coming together to create a union stronger than the sum of its parts.
Once in a Los Angeles hotel room, champagne bubbles fizzing in her mind, Scully whispered in his ear, “I wish we could make a baby this way.”
He froze. He was on top of her, buried deep inside her, his body enveloping hers, and his abrupt pause made her gasp.
“I’m sorry,” she said. “I didn’t mean—”
“Shh,” he soothed her. Shifting to balance on one hand, he used the other to tuck a shock of auburn hair behind her ear. “I wish we could, too.”
She tilted her chin up to meet his eyes. He kissed her hard and started moving within her again. If yearning and conviction were strong enough to overcome biological reality, they would have easily sparked life on that plush king bed with its 1,000-thread count sheets. Alas, science defeated faith. She cringed at the irony of wishing for a different outcome, and hoped he wouldn't blame her for not believing enough.
Arriving at the hotel room after midnight and tipsier than either of them had been in years, they neglected to close the blackout curtains. The harsh sunlight woke her far too early the next morning. A pounding in her head and an acidic churn in her stomach weighed down the buoyant rosiness of the previous night.
He stirred alongside her. Both of their bodies were damp and sticky with sweat. The air conditioner kicked on and she felt goose pimples rising on her flesh.
“Morning,” he whispered, squeezing her tighter against him.
Last night, she felt as if she couldn’t get close enough to him. In the backseat of the car on the way back from the movie premiere, her hands were on his chest, his thighs, the bulge in his lap, as his tongue probed her mouth and she inhaled his heady blend of aftershave, cologne, and natural musk. She couldn’t remember how they shed their clothing, just her evening gown and his tux falling away as their bodies sought contact.
In the morning, though, she craved to be alone. Not to escape him, but to run from the implication of her words.The alcohol had smudged certain details of the evening but she remembered what she said to him about conceiving a child. And, as much as she wished he didn’t, she knew he had to as well.
With her head on his sternum, she felt him clearing his throat.
“I know we never really talked about it, the IVF, afterwards,” he started. “But if that’s still something you want, I would want it, too.”
“There’s not going to be another round of IVF,” she said, her voice raspy. “No more ova, remember?”
“I didn’t mean that specifically,” he said. They’d been intimate for months but this was the one topic they still danced around with their old, overly formal remoteness. “I meant having a child another way. There are donor eggs, surrogacy, adoption—”
“I know,” she cut him off. “It’s still so raw, though.”
“I understand,” he said. He kissed the top of her head and she realized they were both crying. “But I want you to know I’m open to any of it. If and when you’re ever ready.”
“Thank you,” she said. “I appreciate that.”
And yet, weeks turned to months and she never felt ready to face another loss. She still dreamt of little girls with her hair and his bottom lip; little boys with his nose and her eyes. But the pain lessened as time went on. Once she let him in, she felt less alone. Together, their lives felt full.
She knew he hadn’t been close to his mother, but after Teena’s death—and the concurrent shift in their relationship—she made more of an effort to involve him with her family. At first, he resisted. She suspected he feared being an imposition or, worse, a tangible reminder of all his quest had taken away from her and her family. She could meet his stubbornness with her own, though, and in the end he couldn’t turn her down.
They began with casual dinners at her mother’s and, just short of a year into their relationship, she managed to convince him to fly with her to Bill’s for Christmas. Matthew, nearly three, had been joined by a younger sister, Caitlin, only a few months old on their first visit. With Caitlin in her arms, Scully shifted her gaze between the unbroken peace of the infant’s sleeping face and Mulder’s worried facade. With her widest smile and honest eyes she attempted wordlessly conveying to him that she was truly happy. No one offered the baby to Mulder to hold and he didn’t volunteer. For that, she felt thankful. As content as she was, she wasn’t ready to face the image of what might have been.
They visited more frequently over the years, becoming regular fixtures in her nephew and niece’s lives. They went to kindergarten graduations, birthday parties, little league games, and dance recitals. When the kids were a little older, they took them out for the day, just the four of them, to the zoo, the aquarium, the beach.
Bill was a football fan but his son preferred the slower, cerebral rhythm of baseball.
“Good,” Bill said, eyeing Mulder on the couch discussing the Padres odds of making it into the playoffs with Matthew. “You can watch this with him. It’s too boring for me.”
And Mulder did, for hours at a time even though it wasn’t his team. The boy’s wonder and curiosity in the game mattered more than who won or lost. He saw so much of Scully in her nephew’s precocious, methodical nature. Matthew even corrected his math.
Everyone else was surprised by how good Mulder was with the kids, but she never had doubts. She’d seen him on cases interacting with children at the worst possible moments of their lives—after losing a parent or a sibling, or witnessing a heinous crime—but he always approached them with respect, kindness, and patience. Knowing what it was like to feel alone and misunderstood, he gave them the space they needed.
Aware of her infertility, her family knew better than to whisper to her that he’d be a wonderful father, but that didn't stop her from hearing the words reverberate in her own mind. But they were merely echoes bouncing off the cold walls of a barren canyon. Unable to find purchase, they dissipated and faded away into the ether.
It was only once when a three-year-old Caitlin became inconsolable for reasons that were impossible for adult minds to decipher and would only accept comforting from her mother that Scully felt the emptiness in her arms as she handed the toddler over to Tara.
An hour later, the girl’s mood lifted just as mysteriously as it fell and she was eager to show her aunt her Barbie doll’s new wardrobe. Scully sat cross legged on the floor switching out outfits for so long that her legs fell asleep and Mulder had to help her up. As he lifted her to stand, he softly kissed her neck, just beneath her ear.
Once, Tara was even able to wrangle the kids on her own when Bill was at sea, and they flew out to DC to visit. They stayed at her mother’s—Scully’s apartment that she now shared with Mulder was too small to house them all—but Mulder and Scully spent nearly every waking moment with Matthew and Caitlin. The city they walked every day took on a new tint through the children’s excited eyes. Who knew there were so many interactive exhibits at the National Air and Space Museum? That the pizza place on her block threw in candy with your order if you picked up a child’s size pie?
They fell into bed exhausted but giggling over the silly comments the kids had entertained them with each day.
Their visit ended with airport hugs and kisses. As they returned to their car in the parking lot, she felt a sinking sense of guilt.
“You could have this for real, you know,” she said. “With someone else.”
For an instant, their roles reversed and he looked at her like she’d lost her mind. “It’s only you,” he vowed. “You and me. Forever.”
As jet planes soared above them bringing families together or drawing them apart, he wrapped his arms around her and held her tight. This was family, too, she knew. Two hearts that had found each other.
The only time she ever felt glad they weren’t able to have children was when they learned the date of colonization. She’d already seen one daughter’s life cut short by the work of these horrible men and she couldn’t watch another die. If the IVF had worked, their child would only barely have made it to its teenage years.
By the time they learned the date, they only had five years left to fight. To thwart their efforts, their enemies had them both framed for crimes and they became fugitives. Cut off from the resources of the bureau and even the power to use their own names, their struggle intensified, but they never gave up.
The Gunmen helped them go deep underground. For years, they exchanged old fake identities for new ones and took up disposable backstories in dozens of nameless towns across the country. Once either of them picked up even a passing whiff of threat, they’d pack their bags and leave one life behind for the next. She thanked God she didn’t have to force a child to live like this.
In another life, these would have been the years she devoted to bedtime stories, school pickups, and soccer practices. Instead, she spent them corresponding with others in the resistance through encrypted emails sharing research findings and making plans.
With a year to go, she finally developed a promising vaccine formulation using samples of the extraterrestrial virus stolen from a syndicate lab by a scientist sympathetic to their cause. She tested her inoculation on mice and stray dogs. All the creatures showed immunity.
Mulder insisted on being her first human test subject.
“Absolutely not,” she argued. “You were exposed to the virus in that gulag. There’s no way to know how either the vaccine or this particular strain of contagion would interact with your existing antibodies. Besides, the resistance can’t afford to lose you. I can’t afford to lose you.”
Ultimately, Frohiked stepped up.
“I’m the eldest,” he said, when the five of them met up. “I have the least time remaining.”
The rest of them started to dispute but he waved his hands to cut them off.
“I’m disposable,” he continued. “Scully’s the only one with the medical know-how, Mulder’s got his connections and that spooky sixth sense that’ll come in handy. Byers’s has the bland face of comforting authority that’ll convince everyone to line up for this wacky new shot, and Langly’s a decent enough hacker to break down all the digital fortresses you’ll need to penetrate.”
“This better not be some ploy to get me to admit your kung fu is so far superior to mine that we can’t possibly lose you,” Langly deadpanned.
“Not a chance, hippie,” Frohike huffed. “It’s just that you’re allergic to bees so we all know the anaphylaxis would take you out long before the virus had a chance.”
So he rolled up his sleeve and let her give him the injection. She waited for a crude joke as she swabbed his deltoid with alcohol and then depressed the plunger of the syringe, but Frohike remained serious and stoic. He’d been a good friend to them over the years and she didn’t underestimate him.
They waited two weeks for the vaccine to take effect, and then she tested his antibodies. According to her research, his levels appeared high enough to fend off the virus. They locked him in the basement of a rural home they’d rented with a reliable Wi-Fi connection, a week’s worth of food and water, and a hive of genetically engineered Africanized honey bees.
Stung to shit, he texted the rest of them later that night.
Any symptoms? Scully wrote.
All copacetic so far, he responded. My faith in the good doctor remains.
Godspeed, Byers replied.
A week later, they unlocked the basement door. With the exception of scattered pink welts from the bee stings that had already begun to heal, he emerged unscathed. No gelatinous tissue. No gestating alien.
“Dr. Scully,” he said, grinning. “Your patient lives.”
Byers and Langly whooped and applauded.
Mulder kissed her on the forehead. “I knew you could do it,” he said. There might be hope after all.
Scully argued they had to find a way to deliver the vaccine surreptitiously, that no one would believe their claims of an upcoming alien invasion. But Mulder insisted it had to be a choice. That if they inoculated the population without consent, they’d be no better than the syndicate of men who secretly carried out their tests on unwilling, innocent citizens for decades. Although she feared his plan would result in unnecessary death, she didn’t deny he was in the right morally.
As word of a successful vaccine spread, more and more scientists defected from the syndicate to join the resistance. Mulder and Scully never fully trusted them, wary that they’d found their consciences a little too late, but still welcomed the information they had to offer. They mapped where the bees would be released and charted the timeline of the ships’ arrivals.
In the months leading up to the date, Scully became the public face of the resistance, using her scientific background and medical credentials to plead their case and insist on widespread vaccine uptake. She published their old case reports, not sparing the public any of the gory imagery of what laid ahead if they failed to act.
Miraculously, it worked. Enough of the populace accepted the vaccine that, paired with a syndicate significantly weakened by the resistance, they were able to ward off the invasion. The ships were picked up on radar systems but they must have been able to detect their accomplices’ failure on the ground and they quickly reversed course.
Mulder and Scully’s names were cleared and they were lauded as heroes after spending years as outlaws.
As they sat on their porch and watched the sun set on that unseasonably warm but otherwise unremarkable December evening, the old emptiness threatened to temper the joy of victory.
“Our children could have had a future,” she said.
“Scully, you gave all the children a future.”
He leaned in to kiss her. The world didn’t end.
Life went on, which meant its shadow, death, kept up its work as well. It didn’t feel fair that she only got to enjoy a few more years with her mother after they were free to come out of hiding, but at least Maggie Scully maintained her sharp mind until the very end.
Only in these last few days, on a steady morphine drip to ease her transition into the next world, did the loving relatives streaming in to visit her bedside start blurring together.
“You’re such a good mother,” she said to Scully, after spending an afternoon with her, Matthew, and Caitlin. “You’ve raised them so well.”
Scully didn’t have the heart to correct her, to remind her that these were Bill and Tara’s children, not her own. So she smiled and kissed the thin skin on her mother’s brow.
“I learned from you,” she said.
Her life was rich, even without children. She had Mulder, her extended family, and her work. She didn’t know if her mother would ever understand that, so she let her die believing her daughter was happy in a way that she could comprehend.
After his stroke, she knew they didn't have much time left together. He was still the same man she met and fell in love with so long ago, still possessed his wit and encyclopedic memory of all things paranormal, only operated at a slightly slower frequency.
So it didn’t surprise her when she woke up one morning and his body was next to her, but he was gone. She had nearly lost him so many times over the years, but when it finally happened she felt oddly at peace. He had lived a long life. He had been vindicated, defeated his enemies, and even saved the world. They had spent decades at each other’s side, the intensity of their love never fading. Still, a lifetime together was not enough time.
She wanted to stay in the house, it was theirs after all, but it became harder and harder to keep up on her own. Caitlin offered for her to come live with her and her husband in Southern California. Their own children were all grown up and on their own, so they had plenty of room for her. She liked the idea of returning to the Pacific of her youth, so she agreed and began clearing out the house.
They didn’t have much. There was no fortune, no priceless family heirlooms, but there was neat, lawyer-signed paperwork dividing what they did have between Matthew, Caitlin, and their children. She was glad to help them in some way, however small.
She didn’t mind getting rid of their belongings. Her childhood as an itinerant Navy brat and her years on the run with Mulder had taught her not to value material things. But then there were the files. Their life’s work, cataloged in dozens of cabinets in their home office. Their true legacy.
A few weeks before moving, she got the email.
Dear Dr. Scully,
My name is Tegan Marks and I’m a special agent with the FBI. I read about your husband’s recent passing and I wanted to express my sincere condolences. I must admit that I’ve long been an admirer of both of you, ever since learning of your work in preventing the alien colonization of 2012.
As you know, the X-Files division has been closed since you and Agent Mulder departed from the bureau. However, that hasn’t stopped reports of unexplained phenomena from coming in. We just don’t have a unit or any resources devoted to investigating them. While I’m currently assigned to the violent crimes section, I’ve petitioned my supervisors to reopen the X-Files and they’ve been receptive.
In order to establish a thorough database of this type of phenomena and its history, I was hoping to access your files to scan and digitize. I would happily return the physical copies to you once I’m done.
I hope to hear from you soon.
Best, Special Agent Tegan Marks
Scully replied that Agent Marks was welcome to come and pick up the files anytime, no need to return them.
She showed up excitedly a week later. She was so young—probably no older than Scully was the day she was assigned to the X-Files herself—and so full of passion and curiosity. If aliens had colonized the planet in 2012, Agent Marks never would have been born. Scully led her to the home office where wall to wall filing cabinets held the secrets of her life’s work.
“Oh wow,” Marks said, surveying the office. “I think this is more than I can fit in my car. I might have to make a few trips.”
“Take as much time as you need,” Scully said.
“And I’m happy to bring them back once I’ve digitized them.”
“No,” Scully stopped her. “Please, keep them. They belong with someone who will put them to use.”
Scully watched as Marks hauled folder after folder to her car. She loaded the backseat and trunk to the brim but had barely reached the M’s for Mothmen.
“I don’t know how to thank you for this,” she said.
“I should be thanking you,” Scully said. “I know nothing would make my husband happier than to know that these were with someone who wanted to carry on our legacy. Before you head back, would you like to join me for some coffee or tea?”
“Tea would be lovely,” Marks said and followed her back into the kitchen.
“I’m honestly glad you reached me when you did,” Scully said as she boiled the kettle. “I’m in the process of downsizing and I didn’t know what to do with all of these.”
“Well, I’m glad I got in touch,” said Marks. “I’m looking forward to diving into these.”
“I can’t believe they’re reopening the X-Files after all these years.” Scully shook her head. “Do you have a partner?”
“I’m in the process of selecting someone now. It’s been challenging, though.”
Scully nodded, indicating for her to go on.
“Well, I’m obviously very open-minded about the paranormal but not many other agents are. I imagine this work would be much easier with a fellow believer.”
“Hmm,” Scully said, pausing to sip her tea. “You might be surprised. Mulder and I rarely saw eye-to-eye on our cases but I think that challenging each other is what made us such a good team. Just make sure you find someone you actually enjoy disagreeing with.”
“Thanks for the advice,” Marks said. “Although I don’t think partnerships like that are all that common.”
“No,” Scully said, smiling. “I don’t suppose they are.”
After they finished their tea, Scully saw the younger woman to the door and watched as she drove away; their legacy in good hands.
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theroyalsims · 2 years ago
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It's a historic day for all Shang Simlans today!
Early this morning, the Shang Simlan Imperial Court, with the concurrence of the Shang Simlan government, has officially declared Princes Seoji and Soobin as heirs to the throne. With the announcement, a new and revamped line of succession was launched via the Imperial Family's website.
As of today, the Shang Simlan Line of Succession Reads:
"Line of Succession: 1. His Royal Highness The Crown Prince Seoji 2. His Royal Highness The Prince Soobin 3. His Highness Prince Akira"
Little Prince Seoji (held by the Emperor, top photo), has been "promoted" to "Crown Prince" since he's a whole 7 minutes older than his younger twin, Prince Soobin. Meanwhile, former heir presumptive Prince Akira, the Emperor's nephew, was retained on the list, albeit falling down the third spot.
The announcement comes several months after the Princes' surprise birth via a surrogate. The royal babies are the first ever members of a royal family born through surrogacy, and now, they make history yet again as the first two surrogate-born children set to inherit a throne. The twins were reportedly subject to multiple independent DNA tests to ensure that they are the biological children of the Emperor and Empress.
The months-long deliberation wrapped up earlier this week, and the government and the Imperial Family's decision is seen as a move towards progress, inclusion, and modernity for tradition-bound Shang Simla.
However, as Shang Simlans rejoice over the fact that their Emperor now has an heir and a spare, still nowhere to be found on the line of succession is Emperor Kenji's eldest child, Princess Hanna.
The Princess, although thrilled about the arrival of her baby brothers, reportedly feel "out of place" as she has been rendered "useless" once again. A royal expert shares:
"Princess Hanna loves her little brothers and their new family with Empress Alexandra. However, with the recent announcement, she's sure to feel out of place once again. She's a teenager, and typically, she's bound to feel emotional over the whole thing, seeing as she's essentially been made useless again all because of the fact that she's a girl."
Shang Simla follows the concept of agnatic primogeniture, where only male heirs may inherit. However, is today's announcement a sign of a better and brighter future for Princess Hanna? If surrogate-born Princes are given a chance at the throne, why not the Princess?
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surrogacycenters455 · 8 months ago
Leading Way in Fertility Solutions: Top Superlative IVF and Surrogacy centres with costs
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Choosing the path to parenthood can be a challenging journey for many couples, particularly when facing infertility issues. There are centres, clinics, hospitals in India with advanced technologies, equipped with experts which provides Assisted Reproductive Technology and excellent personalized care by skilled professionals which help couples achieve their dream of having a family through the method of IVF and Surrogacy. Exploring  the leading IVF and surrogacy centers in India is crucial to get the best result of the treatment.
 IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) in India is a popular solution for couples  facing infertility. The process involves the collection of mature eggs from ovaries and are fertilized by sperm in a laboratory. The embryo are than  transferred  in the women’s uterus. One of the latest IVF treatment is Embryoscopy, this time-lapse imaging allows doctor to monitor development of embryo in real time and select most viable one’s for transfer. The technique has turned the success rate of treatment more and helped avoiding multiple pregnancies. The IVF cost in tiruchirappalli typically ranges from ₹1,50,000 - ₹2,50,000 per cycle, which is considerably lower than in many countries.
Surrogacy involves a method of reproduction where a women agrees to carry a pregnancy and give birth as a substitute for the contracted parties who are unable to conceive in natural way. As per the Surrogacy Regulation Act 2021, only a couple who has been married for 5 years can opt for surrogacy  medical grounds. The couples should be married with age-criteria of 23-50 in women and 26-55 in men. The legal agreements, medical procedures and extensive care are included for the process. Surrogacy are of different types- traditional, gestational or commercial surrogacy. The surrogacy cost in tiruchirappalli  generally ranges from ₹10,00,000 - ₹20,00,000 depending on the clinic, surrogate compensation and additional medical expenses. 
Best IVF & Surrogacy centres  
Some of the best IVF centres in tiruchirappalli and surrogacy centres with their high success rates, advancement in treatment and skilled medical staffs are –
IVF Centres and their cost
1. Nova IVF Fertility, Mumbai
Offers fertility treatments such as IVF, IUI, ICSI, surrogacy.
IVF Cost around ₹1,30,000 per cycle.
 2. Bloom IVF Clinic, Mumbai
It  offers various fertility treatments.
IVF Cost  around ₹1,50,000 - ₹2,00,000 per cycle.
3. Max Hospital, New Delhi
The hospital offers customized IVF treatments.
IVF Cost approximately ₹1,50,000 - ₹2,50,000 per cycle.
Surrogacy Centres and its costs
1. SCI IVF Centre, Delhi
Centre known for specialization in Surrogacy with high success rates and considered as best surrogacy centre in tiruchirappalli  .
Cost of surrogacy is approximately ₹10,00,000 - ₹15,00,000
2. Akanksha Hospital and Research Institute, Anand
The centre includes advanced fertility treatments and Surrogacy.
Surrogacy cost is around ₹10,00,000 - ₹12,00,000.
3. Dr. Rita Bakshi International Fertility Centre, Delhi
Offers services such as Surrogacy and fertility treatments.
Surrogacy cost around ₹10,00,000 - ₹15,00,000
Clinically proven IVF has more success rate compared to surrogacy . whereas some couples may need three or more cycles  of IVF to conceive. And in the couples who are older than 30 years surrogacy can increase the chances of baby by 30%. IVF usually  has some of its side effects, which  may be concurrent associated with successful signs like - fatigue, increased appetite, loss of appetite, nausea, bloating, sore breasts, bleeding, headaches. Surrogacy as well has some medical risk such as nausea, heartburn, weight gain, swelling and back pain, as well as more serious but rare  problems like hypertension and loss of  reproductive organs depending on person to person.
Doctor information :- 
2. Dr P Mohana Veera Prakashini  :-MBBS, DNB in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Bangalore. Fellowship in Radiology, Fellowship in Infertility treatment, Senior Resident at St. John’s Hospital, Consultant(OBG) at Apollo Cradle, Consultant (OBG) at Aishwarya Infertility Hospital, IVF Consultant - Ayushman Hospital ( Presently )
Contact Us :- 
Address:-  H. No. 133, Room No. 208, behind BSES Rajdhani Power Station, Katwaria Sarai, Delhi 110016
Phone No. :- 8448879134
Loctaion :- https://maps.app.goo.gl/3HKaHUvLAeT2aBfQ9
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fertilitycentres · 4 years ago
IVF Cost in Chennai, Test Tube Baby Centre -Vinsfertility Pvt Ltd
The price of IVF treatment in Chennai varies from Rs. 96,200 to Rs. 2,13,000. The best infertility doctors in Chennai. The infertility specialists are specialized in IVF procedures that yield success for the patients.
The pain of not being able to bear a baby can get intolerable with time however seeking help from a skilled infertility doctor in Chennai could be of great help. It is a well-established fact that Vinsfertility IVF cost in Chennai is considered to be high but with a little research and analysis done at your part, you always have the choice to reach out the best IVF experts in Chennai Chennai Fertility Center and Research Institute
Chennai Fertility Center and Research Institute is a famous infertility hospital in Nelson Manickam Road, Opp Raymond Showroom, Aminjikarai, Chennai, Tamil Nadu.  Chennai Fertility Center is one of the Vinsfertility Best IVF centers in Chennai. The hospital was inaugurated in 2013 with the sole purpose of providing the best care to the patients who are suffering from Infertility or are unable to bear a child. Chennai Fertility Center is a hi-tech fertility practicing unit that enables childless couples to experience the joys of parenthood.
Dr. Smisha
Dr. Smisha is a Best IVF Doctor in Chennai, infertility specialist, laparoscopy surgeon as well as reproductive endocrinologist specializing in Infertility treatments, Laparoscopy procedures, and Reproductive Endocrinology. Dr. Smisha completed MBBS, DGO, and DNB in Obstetrics and Gynecology from Government Medical College, Calicut in 1998, 2003, and 2006 respectively. Later, she pursued FNB in Reproductive Medicine from the National Board of Examinations, Ministry of Health, Government of India in 2011.   Srushti Fertility Research Center Srushti Fertility Research Center offers you the entire range of treatments and services to assist you in your journey to having a child. These include preconception counseling and testing, IUI, IVF, Green IVF, ICSI, Laser Assisted Hatching, Pre-genetic Diagnosis, TESE, and reproductive surgeries, as well as highly successful donor and surrogacy programs.
The Srushti Fertility Research Center team of specialists, which has over two decades in this challenging specialty, is led by Dr. S. Samundi Sankari and backed by efficient management. Together, we ensure your care and comfort at every step as they help you find your best option to having a healthy and happy baby. Dr. Samundi Sankari
Dr. Samundi Sankari was one of the Vinsfertility Best Fertility Specialist in Chennai in IVF and pioneered Green IVF in India. Today, she is renowned in medical circles around the world for her expertise and experience in the specialty of fertility, which spans over 35 years.
Dr. Sankari Presently Serves In No Fewer Than Three Concurrent Roles Within Her Field Of Expertise: As Chairperson For Srushti Hospital Pvt. Ltd., A 100-bed Multi-specialty Facility Focused On Women & Children; As Founder & Managing Trustee With The Srushti Medical Research Foundation, An Ngo That Provides Support For Infertility, Cancer, Aids, Female Infanticide, Malnutrition Of Pregnant And Post-natal Women; And As Medical Director For The Ivf & Genetics Department At The Srushti Fertility Centre, Offering Ongoing Research On Fertility, Genetics And Andrology. 
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arunbeniwal-blog · 6 years ago
Surrogacy Doctors in Belarus | Dr. Lebedevsky Valery Stepanovich | Elawoman
Dr. Lebedevsky Valery Stepanovich
Lebedko Andrei Valerievich is an obstetrician-gynecologist, richness expert. He was Graduated from the Minsk Medical Institute in 1999, qualified as obstetrician-gynecologist. He did Courses in Moscow, (I) 2004, on the point "Current issues of extensive pre-birth conclusion - fetal echocardiography", (ii) 2002 - endocrinology in obsteal and gynecology, (iii) February 2005 - training at the bureau of psychotherapy and medicinal brain research, theme "Psycho-prophylactic planning for labor and perinatal psychotherapy", (iv) April 2008 - courses in BelMAPO "Guideline of rodoyu exercises", November 2009 - "ultrasound diagnostics in obstetrics", (v) September 2011 -
"Risk and intranatal insurance of the hatchling with the essentials of colposcopy", (vi) April-May 2016 - "Extragenital pathology in obstetrics and gynecology and its effect on regenerative wellbeing. The impact of urogenital infections on regenerative wellbeing. Treatment and counteractive action.
Dr. Lebedko Andrei Valerievich
Lebedko Andrei Valerievich is an obstetrician-gynecologist, fruitfulness expert. He was Graduated from the Minsk Medical Institute in 1999, qualified as obstetrician-gynecologist. He did Courses in Moscow, (I) 2004, on the subject "Current issues of far reaching pre-birth conclusion - fetal echocardiography", (ii) 2002 - endocrinology in obsteal and gynecology, (iii) February 2005 - training at the bureau of psychotherapy and medicinal brain science, theme
"Psycho-prophylactic readiness for labor and perinatal psychotherapy", (iv) April 2008 - courses in BelMAPO "Guideline of rodoyu exercises", November 2009 - "ultrasound diagnostics in obstetrics", (v) September 2011 - "Bet and intranatal assurance of the embryo with the fundamentals of colposcopy", (vi) April-May 2016 - "Extragenital pathology in obstetrics and gynecology and its effect on regenerative wellbeing. The impact of urogenital infections on conceptive wellbeing. Treatment and counteractive action"
Dr. Alexey Kulikov
Dr. Alexey Kulikov is a standout amongst the best obstetrician and gynecologist at third EV Clinical Hospital named after E. V. Klumova in Minsk.
He is had practical experience in lady related gynecological treatment and indicative of Hysteroscopy and Laparoscopy. He has huge involvement in handling gynecological cases. he is Head of the gynecological office in the medical clinic.
Dr. Mordus Oksana Nikolaevna
Mordus Oksana Nikolaevna is an Embryologist, specialist of research center diagnostics of the first capability classification. Mordus Oksana Nikolaevna with the assistance of her gifted hands, in excess of 300 youngsters were conceived, the most established conceived at 5 years of age.
She led mutiple and a half thousand treatment methodology, the greater part a thousand systems for cryopreservation of developing lives, more than 350 cryoprevents , in excess of twelve preparation strategies using spermatozoa obtained by a goal biopsy (extreme male infertility) and 4 of them were conceived and the second is preparing for birth.
Surrogacy Doctors in Belarus
Concerning IVF treatment and surrogacy program in Belarus, we found, that other than high-qualified masters and trend setting innovations, this nation has one increasingly incalculable esteem – amazingly great lawful guideline in helped conceptive advances field that does not exist either in Ukraine, not in Georgia or anyplace else, where surrogacy is prominent these days.
Most importantly, we might want to make reference to, that surrogacy, just as IVF treatment, is considered in Belarus as a therapeutic consideration, what is determined in Law On Assisted Reproductive Technologies No.341-3 dated 07 of January, 2012.
That is the reason everyone who chosen to utilize this administrations ought to have severe medicinal purposes behind it, it doesn't make a difference if the Couple from Belarus or from outside nation.
In this Law we can likewise find a legitimate definition of surrogacy in Belarus, expressed as a kind of helped regenerative innovation consisting in connecting a sperm cell and an egg expelled from the life form of the hereditary mother or egg-contributor, developing of an incipient organism resulting from this compound outside the lady and further transferring of the fetus into the uterus of a surrogate mother, bearing the youngster and giving birth to it.The art.52 of the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Marriage and Family recognizes the filiation of the tyke, conceived because of the utilization of helped conceptive advancements (IVF or surrogacy).
For instance, it is carefully managed, that if there should be an occurrence of IVF treatment with egg-gift a lady who has brought forth a tyke is perceived as a mother regardless of whether the kid is considered from an egg expelled from the body of another lady, except for the introduction of a kid by a surrogate mother.
If there should arise an occurrence of surrogacy, the mother of a tyke conceived by a surrogate mother is a lady who has a surrogate parenthood contract with a surrogate mother (Intended Mother). The dad of a kid destined to a surrogate mother is the life partner of a lady who has gone into a surrogate parenthood contract with the surrogate mother (Intended Father).
On the off chance that a lady who has gone into a surrogate parenthood concurrence with a surrogate mother isn't hitched, information about the dad of the youngster is recorded in the birth authentication in the way recommended by the initial segment of Article 55 of this Code (by the mother's surname, and the dad's own name and patronymic that is composed according to mother's instructions).
Likewise, it is written in the Code that benefactors reserve no options to the tyke, conceived as aftereffect of IVF: people who have progressed toward becoming contributor of egg cells that have been utilized in the utilization of helped conceptive innovations are not qualified for question the parenthood and/or paternity of a kid conceived because of helped regenerative advancements treatment.As we can see, the privileges of Intended Parents if there should be an occurrence of Surrogacy in Belarus are ensured great, as neither the surrogate mother nor the egg/sperm giver are qualified to guarantee any parental rights to the youngster, brought into the world using helped regenerative advances.
Dr. Popova Anna Nikolaevna
Dr. Popova Anna Nikolaevna is a Gynecologist and Obstetrician at Neovit Medical Center in Minsk. She is represented considerable authority in Gynecological Problems Care, Obstetrics Antenatal Care, Infertility Evaluation/treatment, Pregnancy Care and Baby Delivery (Normal and Cesarean).
This restorative expert is capable in identifying, diagnosing and treating the different medical problems and issues identified with the therapeutic field.
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elajyoti-blog · 6 years ago
Surrogacy Agency in Kolkata | Gynaecare Clinic Kolkata | Elawoman
Surrogacy Agency in Kolkata
What is surrogacy?
Surrogacy is the point at which another lady conveys and brings forth a baby  for you.
In spite of the fact that it very well may be a candidly serious and legitimately complex course of action, it is developing in fame among guardians as a method for having kids.
Surrogacy requires a ton of time, cash and tolerance to succeed. In any case, it can convey satisfaction to all concerned if the therapeutic, lawful, monetary and enthusiastic perspectives are legitimately considered.
Why pick surrogacy?
You and your life partner may pick surrogacy in the event that you can't convey a pregnancy, maybe in light of the fact that:
You have had intermittent unnatural birth cycles.
You have a wellbeing condition which makes pregnancy and birth risky.
Your uterus (belly) is an unordinary shape or missing.
Fertility treatments, for example, in vitro preparation (IVF) have fizzled.
The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) prescribes that surrogacy ought to be considered by couples for whom it is therapeutically difficult to convey a child full term.
To what extent does it take to lawfully draw in a surrogate mother?
Finding a solid, willing, dependable surrogate can take months or even years. The fertility clinic or emergency clinic may suggest offices that have some expertise in surrogacy.
It's prudent to utilize an attorney to enable you to go to a concurrence with the surrogate. Numerous couples think that its advantageous to work with a surrogacy office as they help with the conventions of finding a surrogate just as working out a concurrence with her.
Others like to ask a relative or dear companion to go about as the surrogate, which can likewise help accelerate their odds of having a child.
When a game plan is made, you and the surrogate will more often than not attempt IUI or IVF. This can take another three or four months, however, it might take longer.
What's the achievement rate?
Investigating insights for the achievement rate for surrogacy is for all intents and purposes unimaginable, as an excessive number of components go in with the general mish-mash. On the off chance that you've discovered a ready surrogate, who gets pregnant through fertility treatments and conveys the infant to term, you'll have succeeded where numerous different couples haven't.
What are the benefits of surrogacy?
On the off chance that you can't consider, Surrogacy Agency in Kolkata makes an opportunity for you and your significant other to parent a youngster who is in any event incompletely if not completely hereditarily yours.
You and your life partner will likely be firmly included with the pregnancy and may almost certainly be available at the birth.
The Best Surrogacy Centre in Kolkata offer their patients with quality social insurance administrations following surrogacy laws in India. Probably the Best Surrogacy Centre in Kolkata incorporate Urvaraa IVF Fertility Clinic, Ghosh Dastidar Institute of Fertility Research Ltd and Sparsha Infertility Center.
You generally need everything to be the best in the event that it includes your youngster. A kid is both a fantasy and a reality. Be that as it may, for huge numbers of us, a baby  remains a fantasy just covered up under foreboding shadows of infertility. Be that as it may, with the heightening achievement of ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) techniques, for example, Surrogacy; this fantasy of parenthood has turned into a reality for some fruitless couples or single parents. Surrogacy, in this manner, can be comprehended as a treatment convention under ART in which a lady offers agree to convey and convey a youngster for a couple or an individual for material or compassionate reason. Be that as it may, surrogacy as a restorative procedure does not happen through normal insemination and includes planned impregnation and embryo exchange for pregnancy to happen. For your advantage, we have presented an all around investigated rundown of best surrogacy focuses and clinics in Kolkata so you can settle on a keen choice.
Gynaecare Clinic Kolkata
Gynaecare Clinic Kolkata is one of the main Gynecology Center at Chowringhee Road, Kolkata. It was set up in 2011 to offer first rate pregnancy and premature birth administrations to its customers. They have joint effort with SRL Religare Diagnostic labs to convey predominant quality administrations in the most minimal conceivable rates in West Bengal with the high achievement rate. Administrations offered by clinic are-Gynecology, Obstetrics and Antenatal and postnatal consideration, Medical terminations of pregnancy, Infertility arrangements (IVF, IUI), Sexology, Diagnostics, Laparoscopic Surgeries, Surrogacy and IVF Treatment. Dr. Pallavi Daga and Dr. Abhishek Daga are the counseling Gynecologists and IVF Specialists at Gynae Care Clinic.
Dr Pallavi Daga Kolkata
Dr Pallavi Daga Kolkata is an Infertility Specialist, Obstetrician and Gynecologist situated in South Kolkata. Her experience is more than multi decade in this therapeutic field. She accomplished her MBBS degree from Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences arranged in Bellur in 2003. She sought after her MD in Obstetrics and Gynecology from Medical College situated in Calcutta in 2008. She is likewise a lofty individual from Royal College Obstetricians and Gynecologists, London, United Kingdom since 2010. Her specialization likewise comprises of Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) and In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF). She is additionally a specialist in dealing with High-Risk Pregnancy and Reproductive Endocrinology. The patients who are confronting any issue identified with pregnancy and different issues identified with Gynecology can counsel Dr. Pallavi Daga at her current rehearsing focus for example Gynae Care Clinic situated at Chowringhee Road, Kolkata.
Dr. Abhishek Daga
Dr. Abhishek Daga is a Gynecologist and IVF Doctor in Chowringhee Road, Kolkata. He has earned his specialization in Gynecological issues and Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART). Dr. Abhishek renders administrations identified with Infertility Evaluation, Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), In vitro Fertilization (IVF)- Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), TESA, MESA, Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET), Gynae Laparoscopy, Hysteroscopy, treatment of Uterine Abnormalities and developments (Fibroids, Polyps), Irregular Menstrual Cycles, Ovarian Cysts, Vaginal Infections and so forth. He has exhibited papers at the All India Congress of Obstetrics Gynecology and Bengal Obstetrics Gynecology Congress and has been a piece of numerous gatherings at different spots.
Ah Ivf & Infertility Research Centre Kolkata West Bengal
Ah Ivf & Infertility Research Centre Kolkata West Bengal is an IVF Clinic which is situated in Kalikapur Road, Kolkata. The clinic offers various social insurance administrations, for example, General restorative counsel, Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Hysteroscopic medical procedure, Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), Embryo Freezing, Surrogacy methods. A H IVF and Infertility Research Center likewise offers Testicular Sperm Aspiration (TESA), Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET), Myomectomy, Testicular biopsy, and Embryo Freezing techniques. The medical clinic serves its human services offices at a reasonable expense. Dr. Jayashree Bhattacharya and Dr. Sonali Kundu rehearses at this medical clinic with polished methodology. They have a rehearsing background of more than three and a half decades and more than two decades separately.
Dr. Jayashree Bhattacharya
Dr. Jayashree Bhattacharya positions on the best as the best infertility pro in the Jharkhand. With almost four many years of experience, she has gotten numerous honors and is exceptionally perceived in the medicinal business. She finished her MBBS and MD from University of Rachi in 1970 and 1972, separately. IVF, IUI, ICSI, embryo transfer, infertility assessment, gynecological issues and high hazard pregnancy care being a portion of her specilizations. Her first fruitful IVF strategy was in 1979 which she performed with Dr. Patrick Steptoe and Sir Robert Edwards. She went through more than two years, in Britain as a Senior Consultant Gynecologist in Bourn Hall Clinic and turned into the Honorary Lecturer for the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Cambridge University. She is additionally as an individual from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists - London , 1979. With huge skill in infertility treatments, she played out her first fruitful IVF technique in 1978. Subsequent to returning from Britain, she set up the first IVF Center in Eastern India in 1990 at the Institute of Reproductive Medicine in Kolkata, and began the primary unit of AHIIRC in 1998 in Ranchi, Jharkhand. A H IVF and Infertility Research Center Pvt Ltd is a multi claim to fame clinic situated at Morabadi, Ranchi. Administrations given by the inside are Egg Freezing, Semen and Embryo Freezing, Donor Sperm and Egg Program, Embryo Freezing, Hysteroscopic Surgery, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Test Tube Baby techniques. Today, AHIIRC is available in Ranchi, New Delhi, Kolkata, Siliguri, Patna, Durgapur, Bankura, Lucknow, Varanasi, Midnapur, and is likely the biggest and best practice in India.
If you have any double about Surrogacy Agency in Kolkata. You can contact us  
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shanujey82-blog · 6 years ago
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Surrogacy in Delhi Hospitals | ElaWoman
Surrogacy in Delhi Hospitals
Precisely when a couple of neglects to consider with other helped regenerative headways, they can go for surrogacy. There are different couples, who neglect to have a pre-adult because of helpful or sexual issues, which are not treatable through different means. They can select surrogate moms, who can convey their infants with help of helped conceptive headway. Surrogate moms can convey the children of concerned couple either framed through their own unique gamete or by utilizing gave sperms and eggs through in Surrogacy in Delhi Hospitals.
To make the strategy for surrogacy legitimate and bona fide, a genuine comprehension is made between the couple and the surrogate mother. This genuine concurrence with the surrogate mother proclaims assent of the surrogate for partaking in this system and conveys their infant tyke and the ace of the child, which lies with the couple, who are the intrinsic watchmen of the tyke.
Surrogacy can be of two sorts - gestational surrogacy and conventional surrogacy.
In this sort of surrogacy, the surrogate mother will keep up making life made by IVF treatment in her womb and convey the descendants of the couple, who are acquired watchmen of the immature. The infant kid is commonly inherently not precisely the proportional as surrogate mother. Gestational surrogacy is by and large called gestational transporters.
This kind of surrogacy fuses eggs of the surrogate mother, who conveys an immature regularly, starting now and into the foreseeable future is hereditarily identified with the surrogate mother.
In this technique, the couple needs to secure a surrogate mother. The surrogate mother will get early living being made with sperm and eggs of the couple, in her womb and will pass on it after it develops conventionally. Couples having low nature of eggs or sperm can also go for supporter eggs or sperm for Surrogacy in Delhi Hospitals.
To start the program, couples need to enlist with us. After selection, we give a Gestational Surrogate to the treatment cycle of the couple. Best surrogate is a blood relative of the beneficiary mother. In any case, there are couples, who are not set up to discover such surrogates. We assist them with finding surrogates, who are deliberately orchestrated to give their womb on contract to convey the couple's youth. We select surrogates for our patients after concentrated screening. We give our patients a sensible surrogate as shown by unobtrusive components given by them.
We screen every single one of the surrogates completely. They experience hormonal screening and additionally screening for overwhelming afflictions. We in like way check them for any healing or hereditary condition. Their mental screening is besides done. We lean toward surrogates between 21-35 years old, who are hitched and has conveyed solid tyke. Disconnected or dowagers who have conveyed sound children are also considered.
Embryo(s) moved into the surrogate's womb might be new or solidified. After beginning living thing exchange, we take unfathomable idea of the surrogate, with the target that your infant is dealt with all through pregnancy.
Advanced Fertility and Surrogacy Centre
Instigated Fertility and Surrogacy Center is remarkable IVF focus in Lajpat Nagar, Delhi. It manages the examination and treatment of various infertility issues looked by the two people. The significant work environments given by the center are Donor Gametes, Infertility Treatment In Females, Blastocyst Culture, Infertility Treatment In Males, Assisted Hatching, Pre-Implantation Screening, Frozen Embryo Replacement Cycle, Gynecology Surgery, Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), Microsurgical Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (MESA), Failed IVF, Egg Freezing, Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease (PCOS/PCOD), and Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)/(PGS). Incited Fertility and Surrogacy Center is a victor among other IVF and Surrogacy workplaces in Delhi. They have a condition of workmanship Embryology Laboratory which is basic for the right assertion of the disease. Dr. Kaberi Banerjee is the pioneer of the Advanced Fertility and Surrogacy Center.
SCI IVF Centre, Noida
SCI IVF Center is a spic and length, best in class IVF Center masterminded at Kailash Colony, South Delhi began in 2011. It gives expansive fertility associations to both male and female patients according to the Government of India Guidelines and Policies. SCI IVF Center is a unit of SCI Healthcare and is ISO 9001:2008 accredited.Our committed assembling of experts, genuine consultants, helpful authorities and care staff have had the joy of supporting the introduction of in excess of 1200 infant kids by surrogacy to Indian and International gatekeepers. Despite how hard you have attempted, or what you have experienced, we are here to help and guide you with each development of life's most essential experience, course of action of your family. Each one of the photographs of children and families on this site had our assistance. Enable us to engage you to make your fantasy of a family push toward getting the opportunity to be reality.
Dr Shweta Goswamis Infertility and IVF Clinic
Dr. Shweta Goswamis infertility and IVF center is a hero among the most standard fertility workplaces in Noida. It is going by Dr. Shweta Goswami who has degrees of MBBS, MD in Obstetrics and Gynecology and FNB in Reproductive Medicine. She is besides an ensured IVF pro at Max Group of Hospitals. The fertility associations gave at Dr. Shweta Goswamis Infertility and IVF office solidifies into vitro treatment (IVF) or unnaturally thought about tyke, Donor egg IVF, IVF ICSI, Endoscopy, ART coordinate, Sperm Donor Program, Embryo Donor Program and Surrogacy benefits also. At this office, the patients are served well with the required fertility drugs.
Adam and Eve Test Tube Baby Center Noida
Adam and Eve Test Tube Baby and Fertility Center is organized in Moolchand Towers, Sector 22, Noida. The aces at the fertility focus confirmation that the patients get the successful fertility tranquilizes well on time under the course of the exceedingly experienced fertility experts. The middle gives fertility meds like IVF, MESA, surrogacy and testicular biopsy. The fertility focus works under the course of Dr. Sarita Teotia who is a MBBS, DGO, FRCOG (Obs. likewise, Gynec) and MICMCH.
Baby Joy Ivf Centre Delhi
Baby Joy IVF And Surrogacy Center is a Fertility Center which is orchestrated in Rajouri Garden, Delhi and is said to be the best place to complete your IVF treatment. It is a striking Surrogacy Center where they give progressed and moderate treatment. Having a high achievement rate in IVF and Surrogacy transports, they give associations like Donor Egg Program, Freezing of Sperms/Embryos/Oocytes, Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Endoscopy, Infertility Treatment and Evaluation, Frozen Embryo Transfers (FETs), Blastocyst Culture et cetera. With managed inquire about centers, they have redone answers for every single one of the patients as appeared by their essentials. They have an unmistakable treatment structure and give every last one of the unnoticeable parts of the examination and treatment to the patients. They also have a substitute social event of Fertility sponsor and Pregnancy Coaches. Dr. Neha Jain Gupta and Dr. Madhu are IVF Specialist and Fertility experts at Baby Joy IVF And Surrogacy Center.
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urvashiela-blog · 6 years ago
Best IVF Clinics in Secunderabad | Elawoman
The following are the IVF Clinics in Secunderabad with options to book your first appointment FREE. Check Studies, IVF Cost, Accomplishment rates, Expenses, Contact Number and Address for all In Vitro Preparation medicines. Also find sensible unnaturally imagined kid costs.
Addressing the infertility problem is greatly challenging for the two people. This could influence a greater number of women than men. In any case, the genuine fact is that the two people are all in all responsible for the infertility issue. This implies the infertility problems originate from both a couple, so nor is to be faulted. In case you are experiencing inconveniences in giving birth to a youth in a trademark way, look not any more removed than a reputed IVF clinic that produces consistent pregnancy rates.
Getting an IVF treatment at these clinics is the best path for you to imagine. For any situation, you should keep in mind that the IVF procedure would not give you a 100% accomplishment rate. This is because of everything depends on the idea of your egg to the idea of the semen accumulated from your life partner. Any approved IVF clinic will offer its administrations with various dreams. These clinics will offer sensible infertile medicines for those in need. You can see relentless improvements of the models in these clinics on the patient concern, treatment, and furthermore on the idea of their Infertility treatment. You can get all infertility-related medicines, for example, innate test, counseling for uneasiness diminish, weight control, and Sexual brokenness under a single rooftop. You will get realities based IVF treatment in a reputable IVF clinic. Here, women can experience the pleasure in parenthood. Noida, Panchkula, Patna, Rajkot, Surat are completely occupied with various results producing IVF clinics. You can get guide at these clinics according to your helpful time.
The crisp out of the container new cutting edge purpose created IVF Center, which has ended up being valuable since Walk 2016 is the greatest IVF office in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. The planning of the IVF center has been done in concurrence with Indian Council of Therapeutic Exploration (ICMR) guidelines. Our particular IVF lab is at the cutting edge of IVF innovation and we maintain 'class 10,000'- clean room workplaces to empower us to provide the best possible lab conditions to ensure dependably high accomplishment rates. We offer a broad assortment of fertility administrations including the latest advances, for example, IMSI, Laser helped hatching,Preimplantation Innate Examination/Screening and egg cryopreservation. We have a given group of professionals who work to the most vital standard with passion and vitality to ensure that our couples get the best possible thought that they justify. Up to this point, we have obtained more than 1500 productive pregnancies and our prosperity rates are on par with various focal points of repute the world over.
Janapareddy Hospital - Sikh Road
A champion among other Mother and Child Hospitals in Secunderabad specializing in Pediatrics, Gynecology, ENT and Therapeutic procedure.
We are the group of professionals with a typical vision to provide sensible quality human administrations in light of good practices. We depend on our group of Qualified experienced people, Best practices, and Repeatable processes and adopt a Propelled innovation.
We pride ourselves on being prepared to dependably provide moral human administrations and separate ourselves to the extent bring down Patient Affirmation Days, bring down Medicine and Investigations per Attestation while continuing to provide quality social insurance and deal with an extensive variety of Pediatric, Neonatal, Gynec and diverse emergencies.
Janapareddy Hospital has turned out to be well known as one of the premier medicinal and patient thought institutes among the hospitals in Secunderabad. Their vision lies in providing the best helpful pharmaceuticals at more than direct prices. The group of qualified professionals at the hospital have been powerful in providing moral social insurance administrations and dealing with an extensive variety of Pediatric, Neonatal, Gynec and diverse emergencies. Through their dynamic participation in educational and people development programs, they keep themselves especially mindful of the latest developments in the field of medicinal thought. Their workplaces are internet prepared, with video conferencing office to advise specialists for expert opinion and relatives to see their dear ones from anyplace at whatever point.
Their specialities includes benefits in the field of Pediatrics and Neonatology, Gynecology and Obstetrics, General Medicine, Pediatric and Neonatal restorative procedure, General and Laparoscopic therapeutic procedure, Plastic and Remedial restorative procedure, ENT, Sensory system science and Neurodevelopmental, Pediatric cardiology, Dermatology, Pediatric urology and Psychiatry.
Their in patient specialities include Operation Theater for Laparoscopic and General medicinal procedures, Neonatal Intensive thought unit, Pediatric Intensive thought unit, Intensive thought unit, Maternery restorative procedures that handle high risk to ordinary movements, Day care office with an inviting simple condition with warm and sensitive staff orderlies to make the patients feel better, Lavish, Individual and Semi private rooms providing space and privacy for the patient and family, staffed by qualified and experienced chaperons and support staff equipped with cooling, TV, Cooler and internet in the rooms, Casuality and Emergency unit, National transport crisis vehicle, 24 hours Lab and Pharmacy equipped with robotized equipments and trained and experienced staff.
Workplaces and Infrastructure
Their best in class equipments includes Mechanical Ventilator, Neonatal Ventilator, Infusion Pumps, Open Thought Splendid Warmers, Open and Close Incubators, Phototherapy Units: Single surface, Twofold surface Drove based, Billi Cover, Compact Fluorescent Lamp Phototherapy, Pulse Oximeters, and Multi Para screens, Non-Invasive circulatory strain screens (NIBP), Blood Glucose screen (Glucometer), Propelled Infant Weighing Scale, 100 MA Portable X-shaft Machine, Standard Ventilation, Air pocket CPAP, Syringe Pump, Et cetera.
Dr. Nabat Bandeali
Dr. Nabat Bandeali is a Gynecologist and Obstetrician at Janapareddy Hospital in Secunderabad. She is specialized in Gynecological Problems Care, Obstetrics Care, Pediatrics Intensive Thought, Pregnancy Care and Kid Transport. She has done her MBBS from Deccan School of Therapeutic Sciences, Hyderabad in 2003, DGO from Annamalai University in 2011 and MRCOG from Rcog London in 2013.
Dr. Nabat Bandeali in Kompally has developed the clinic and has gained a dedicated client base over the span of late years and is in like manner regularly visited by a couple of superstars, aspiring models and other great clients and international patients as well. They moreover plan on expanding their business further and providing administrations to a couple of more patients owing to its prosperity over the span of late years. The proficiency, responsibility, precision and compassion offered at the clinic ensure that the patient's prosperity, comfort and needs are kept of top priority. The clinic is equipped with latest types of equipment and brags profoundly progressed cautious instruments that help in undergoing particular therapeutic procedures or procedures. Locating the social insurance center is simple as it is Garden Plaza,Telangana.
Universal Srushti Fertility & Surrogacy Centre - Secunderabad
Comprehensive Srushti Fertility and Surrogacy Center is a Fertility Center in Secunderabad. The administrations provided by the inside are IVF (In vitro preparation), Fertility Appraisal/treatment, IUI (Intrauterine insemination), Semen Freezing, Baby Freezing, ICSI, Egg Blessing and Gynae Problems Care.
In Comprehensive Srushti Fertility and Surrogacy Center the specialists being a relative of the working class instructors family and understanding better about the psychological pain and the financial problems looked by such people, with the point of providing better thought for poor and cubicle class among the infertile couples/with the intention of serving Indians in our country, has set up the infertility clinic. A group of specialists on board, including specialists are equipped with the information and expertise for handling distinctive types of medicinal cases.
Dr. P. Namratha
Dr. P. Namratha is acclaimed specialist for Gynecology in Jaydev Vihar, Bhubaneswar. As specialist She needs to cope with an unusual lifestyle from working up at odd hours she live for her patients. She starting at now Practices at Srusti Unnaturally considered tyke Center.
She expertise in gynae Problems, Obstetrics care, Infertility Treatment, Laparoscopy Therapeutic procedure, IVF and Male fertility. As proud as being one of her lineages, She can in like manner say that it is her passion perseverance and discipline attributes essential to becoming a nice specialist that got she here.
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himanshuela-blog · 6 years ago
Best Surrogacy Doctors in Ahmedabad
Surrogacy is a game-plan, frequently maintained by a real understanding, whereby a woman agrees to wind up pregnant, convey the pregnancy to due term, and give birth to a youth or children, all the foregoing for and for the advantage of another person or individuals, who are or will finally transform into the parent(s) of the infant tyke or children.
Individuals may search for a surrogacy plan when pregnancy is restoratively inconceivable, when pregnancy risks show an unacceptable danger to the mother's wellbeing, or when a man alone or a male couple wishes to have an adolescent. In these game-plans, cash related compensation could be involved. Receiving money for the game-plan is viewed as business surrogacy; receiving no compensation past reimbursement of sensible expenses is altruistic. The authenticity and cost of surrogacy varies for the most part between districts, now and again resulting in dangerous interstate or international surrogacy approaches.
The treatment of the egg may occur in various courses, every one of which has proposals for the inherited relationship of the resulting tyke with the surrogate and the future gatekeepers. There are two main sorts of surrogacy: gestational surrogacy and standard surrogacy. In the United States, gestational surrogacy is more run of the mill than conventional surrogacy and is viewed as less genuinely complex.
Standard surrogacy
Standard surrogacy (generally called partial, innate, trademark or straight surrogacy) involves natural or oversaw impregnation of a surrogate. In the event that the intended father's sperm is used in the insemination, by then the resulting adolescent is innately related to the intended father and genetically related to the surrogate. In the event that benefactor sperm is used, the resulting kid isn't genetically related to either intended parent yet is innately related to the surrogate.
Every so often, an insemination may be performed privately by the gatherings without the intervention of an authority or specialist. In a couple of purviews, the 'commissioning watchmen's using promoter sperms need to encounter an apportionment methodology keeping in mind the ultimate objective to have authentic rights with respect to the resulting tyke. Various readiness centers which provide for surrogacy help the gatherings through the methodology.
Gestational surrogacy
Gestational surrogacy (generally called host or full surrogacy) was first achieved in April 1986. It happens when an incipient life form made by in vitro arrangement (IVF) innovation is implanted in a surrogate, now and again called a gestational transporter. Gestational surrogacy may take various structures.
Dr. Kanthi Bansal
Individual of the Indian College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (FICOG) in 2007
M.D. (Supervisors in Obstetrics and Gynecology) 1983
J.J.M.MC, Davangere, Mysore University
D.G.O. (Acknowledgment in Obstetrics and Gynecology) 1982
J.J.M.MC, Davangere, Mysore University
M.B.B.S (Graduate in Medicine and Surgery) 1978
J.N.M.C., Belgaum, Karnataka University
Intensive training in Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART) from India, Germany, France, Israel, and Italy
Ultrasonography training at Wadia Hospital, Mumbai, 1989.
Observation and learning at Apollo Hospital, Madras.
Gone to course on infertility and Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART) at Manipal center and Gunsheela Institute of Reproduction and Research.
Acknowledgment In-vitro Fertility (IVF-ET) and Endoscopic therapeutic methodology under Prof.K.Dedrick., Lubeck, Germany. et cetera.
Distinction of producing the principal IVF-ET offspring of Ahmedabad,Gujarat in 1997
Distinction of producing the essential IVF-ET youngster to a single mother of India
Achieved triplet pregnancy in one infertile patient. Effectively delivered every one of the three by LSCS, sound, develop babies on 13-10-97.
Individual from Federation of Ob and Gynecology society Of India(FOGSI)
Individual from Indian helpful chamber
Individual from Ahmedabad Ob and Gynecology society(AOGS)
Individual from Indian establishment of human proliferation
Individual from Indian Society of Assisted Reproductive
Individual from Indian culture for the investigation of duplication and Fertility
Pro in O.N.G.C. gathering of A.R.T. Specialists.
Organizing administrator of "International Conference on Human Procreation and reproductive Health" held tight 21st to 25th Feb 2007.
Dealt with IUI workshop August 2007 at Kidney healing office, Ahmedabad.250 delegates went to and trained in IUI.
Dealt with IUI workshop at Ahmedabad on thirteenth Aug, 2006.
Dealt with Entertainment section of SOGOG meeting on 21st Dec'03. There were 800 representatives making the vast majority of their meeting with this entertaining framework.
Seminar on Basic Management of infertility and Workshop on Semenology and Sperm readiness techniques" on 29th Apr'01 at Ahmedabad. There were 125 operators who were trained in principal infertility administration.
Dr. Nisarg Dharaiya
Individual in minimal invasive laparoscopy restorative technique
Individual in advanced infertility and reproductive medicine
FOGSI perceived advanced ultrasonography training
He is the Director and Chairman of SNEH HOSPITAL and IVF Center
He has worked as a staff at advanced infertility and laparoscopy gynecology division at Institute of Kidney Disease and Research Centre(IKDRC-ITS),civil specialist's office, Ahmedabad
Performed around 300 independent demonstrative laparoscopy
Performed around 50 independent operative laparoscopy
Performed around 40 independent laparoscopic hysterectomy
Performed around 200 demonstrative hysteroscopy and 30 operative hysteroscopy independently
Performed many advanced infertility convention Trans vaginal ultrasound channel (TVS)
Performed independent Ovum get and incipient life form trade
Performed independent Antenatal detail USG check
Experience and information in various restorative strategies
Performed cryosurgery burning, LEEP, D and C like frameworks
Dr. Pranay Shah
ne of the leading gynecologists of the city, Dr. Pranay Shah (Wellspring Ivf and Women's Hospital) in Satellite has set up the clinic and has gained a relentless client base over the previous couple of years and is also a great part of the time visited by several major names, aspiring models and other average clients and international patients as well. They furthermore plan on expanding their business further and providing services to several more patients owing to its success over the previous couple of years. The productivity, responsibility, precision and sensitivity offered at the clinic ensure that the patient's success, comfort and needs are kept of best need. The clinic is equipped with latest sorts of apparatus and gloats very advanced watchful instruments that help with undergoing meticulous restorative systems or methods. Locating the medicinal services center is straightforward as it is 100 Feet Anand Nagar Road.
Dr. Mehul V Sukhdiya
Dr. Mehul V Sukhdiya is a refined Gynecologist in Navrangpura, Ahmedabad. You can meet Dr. Mehul V Sukhdiya before long at Sumiran Women's Hospital in Navrangpura, Ahmedabad.
In places where surrogacy is honest to goodness, couples may select the help of an untouchable office to oversee the route toward finding a surrogate, entering into a concurrence with her and recommend productivity living spaces for insemination, generally via IVF. These workplaces can help guarantee that surrogates are screened with mental evaluations and other medicinal tests keeping in mind the end goal to ensure the most obvious open door concerning sound deliveries. They in like manner ordinarily empower every single legal issue concerning the two gatherings (intended gatekeepers and surrogate).
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elawoman123-blog · 7 years ago
IVF Doctors in Delhi | IVF Centre in Delhi | ElaWoman
Dr. Manika Khanna Gaudium Trained at Melbourne IVF, Australia & the University of Kiel, Germany, she founded Gaudium IVF & Gynae Solutions Centre to fulfill her long standing dream of bringing international standards of fertility care to India. The unprecedented success of the first Gaudium IVF Centre in Delhi paved the way for Gaudium to evolve into the best IVF clinic chain in India.
Hailed as the youngest consistent achiever in infertility and IVF care, Dr. Manika has over 10,000 successful IVF treatments to her credit with healthy Gaudium babies growing in over 30 countries.
Born and raised in Delhi in a family of freedom fighters and doctors, Dr. Manika is a Gold Medallist from Baroda Medical College, Gujarat. After completing her MBBS in 1996, followed by MD (Obstetrics & Gynaecology) in 1999, she completed her Diploma Training in Advanced Gynaecological Endoscopic Surgery (D.A.G.E.) at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein, Campus Kiel, Germany. This was followed by an advanced training course in Assisted Reproduction in Humans (IVF) from Melbourne IVF, Australia.
Before founding Gaudium IVF & Gynae Solutions Centre in 2009, Dr. Manika served as Consultant Physician at Deen Dayal Upadhyay Hospital, New Delhi and later as Senior Consultant and Head of Department, Gynaecology and Obstetrics at Sri Balaji Action Medical Institute, New Delhi for several years.
An acclaimed infertility expert with over 17 years of clinical experience, Dr. Manika has done pioneering work in the field of IVF and gynaecology-related medical conditions. She is particularly experienced in treating serious infertility conditions such as recurrent IVF failure, recurrent miscarriage, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis and uterine fibroids. Besides heading a team of top fertility experts at Gaudium IVF & Gynae Solutions Centres, she is on the expert panel of infertility units of various renowned hospitals.
In 2014, she created history in IVF treatment in India by successfully treating a patient with 15 previously failed IVF cycles. The patient gave birth to a healthy baby boy at Gaudium IVF and Gynae Solutions after an agonising 17 years of immense physical, emotional and financial strain.
Founded the Gaudium Foundation to provide free and subsidised treatment to economically weak patients.
In 2015, initiated Naari Jeevan Strot, a unique women & child health campaign by Gaudium Foundation that has connected the largest network of cities and districts in 5 major North Indian states of Delhi-NCR, Haryana, Chandigarh, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh. The initiative, which provides health education and free and subsidised medical relief to the less privileged through health camps and nukkad natak (street plays), has touched the lives of nearly 10 million women and was recognised as the best philanthropy project of the year 2014-2015 by Healthcare Leaders’ Forum & Awards 2015.
Established the Poor Patient Fund (PPF) at Gaudium IVF — a unique and innovative way for well- to-do families to donate for the treatment of underprivileged fertility patients. The initiative, which has received tremendous support from our dear patrons, provides for the treatment of 3 to 4 patients each month and has so far supported over 120 disadvantaged couples.
Active member of the Ekta Mission, a Delhi-based organisation working to provide elementary health services for underprivileged women and children.
Working proactively for the cause of the Girl Child – felicitated by the Lions Club for raising awareness against female infanticide.
Active ongoing participation in raising AIDS awareness through strategy-formulation summits, lectures and seminars.
Awarded by the Ekta Mission for outstanding contribution to the field of medicine.
An ethical, compassionate and committed medical professional, Dr. Manika is revered in the medical community for her exemplary contributions to infertility treatment in India.
With a vision to provide the best of advanced fertility care, Dr. Manika established Gaudium IVF, she has emerged as the Global Icon in IVF by delivering the highest success rate and over 10,000 IVF babies all over the world and again by treating the most complicated and challenging infertility conditions.
She has been consistently recognised and honoured with several awards such as “Asia’s greatest Health leader”, “Mahila Achiever Award” and the prestigious “Delhi Ratan”.
Dr. Manika has been credited with some of the highest IVF success rates and unequalled success in cases of recurrent IVF failure, male factor infertility, endometriosis and high-risk pregnancies.
Gaudium, Latin for joy, has ushered a new era of affordable and effective IVF clinic in Delhi, India, emerging as the preferred destination for patients seeking fertility care they can trust. A leading Government-approved IVF centre with 9 state-of-the-art centres across North India, Gaudium IVF centre combines advanced reproductive technology with world-class clinical expertise to bring you customised fertility solutions that work. Each patient who walks into a Gaudium facility is treated with utmost compassion and respect and receives personalised attention from a dedicated team of experts.
Today there are over 10,000 Gaudium babies all over the world — a resounding affirmation of unparalleled success of Gaudium IVF centre which has brought us numerous awards and honours along and unprecedented global acclaim.
At Gaudium IVF Centre, we treat your dream as our own and work tirelessly to help you have a healthy baby to take home. We provide the best surrogacy services and IVF treatment to infertile people at our IVF clinic. We are determined to offer our patients the best IVF treatment at affordable cost.
One of the main gynecologists of the city, Dr. Manika Khanna (Gaudium Ivf And Gynae Solutions) in Janak Puri has built up the facility and has picked up a devoted customer base in the course of recent years and is additionally as often as possible went to by a few VIPs, trying models and other decent customers and global patients too. They likewise anticipate growing their business further and giving administrations to a few more patients inferable from its prosperity in the course of recent years. The proficiency, devotion, exactness and empathy offered at the center guarantee that the patient's prosperity, solace and needs are kept of best need.
Dr. Manika Khanna (Gaudium Ivf And Gynae Solutions) in Delhi treats the different diseases of the patients by helping them experience top notch medicines and methodology. Among the various administrations offered here, the center gives medications to Uterine Fibroids or Myomas, Ovarian Cysts, Endometriosis, Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Urinary Problems, Vaginal Discharge, Subfertility, Menopause, Gynecological Cancers, Abnormal Pap Smears - Pre-Invasive Cervical/Vaginal Disease and Vulva Conditions.
The basic evaluation can be performed by an interested and experienced primary care physician or an obstetrician-gynecologist. The primary care physician generally should refer the patient to a specialist for treatment of infertility. Many gynecologists initiate treatment prior to referral to a reproductive endocrinologist. This decision depends upon the results of infertility tests and clinician experience.
Multiple tests have been proposed for evaluation of female infertility. Some of these tests are supported by good evidence, while others are not. This topic will provide an evidence-based approach to the evaluation of female infertility. The etiology and treatment of female infertility, as well as the etiology, evaluation, and treatment of male infertility, are discussed separately.
INITIAL APPROACH — Both partners of an infertile couple should be evaluated for factors that could be impairing fertility. The infertility specialist then uses this information to counsel the couple about the possible etiologies of their infertility and to offer a treatment plan targeted to their specific needs.
It is important to remember that the couple may have multiple factors contributing to their infertility; therefore, a complete initial diagnostic evaluation should be performed to detect the most common causes of infertility, if present. When applicable, evaluation of both partners is performed concurrently [1].
The recognition, evaluation, and treatment of infertility are stressful for most couples [2]. The clinician should not ignore the couple's emotional state, which may include depression, anger, anxiety, and marital discord. Information should be supportive and informative. (See "Psychological stress and infertility".)
The techniques for semen analysis and interpretation of results are discussed in detail separately. (See "Approach to the male with infertility", section on 'Semen analysis'.)
Assessment of ovulatory function — Assessment of ovulatory function is a key component of the evaluation of the female partner since ovulatory dysfunction is a common cause of infertility. The treatment of women with ovulatory dysfunction is aimed at improving or inducing ovulatory function; a variety of treatment strategies is available. (See "Treatments for female infertility".)
Women who have regular menses approximately every 28 days with molimina symptoms prior to menses (breast tenderness, bloating, fatigue, etc.) are most likely ovulatory. In women who do not describe their cycles as such, laboratory assessment of ovulation should be performed. Ovulation is most easily documented by a mid-luteal phase serum progesterone level, which should be obtained approximately one week before the expected menses. For a typical 28-day cycle, the test would be obtained on day 21. A progesterone level >3 ng/mL is evidence of recent ovulation .
An alternative is to have the patient use an over-the-counter urinary ovulation prediction kit. These kits detect luteinizing hormone (LH) and are highly effective for predicting the timing of the LH surge that reliably indicates ovulation. Home kits have a 5 to 10 percent false positive and false negative rate. Therefore, serum confirmation can be useful in patients who are unable to detect a urinary LH surge.
Other methods of determining ovulation, such as daily ultrasounds to follow the development and ultimately the disappearance of a follicle (the most accurate method of documenting ovulation  and endometrial biopsy to document secretory changes in the endometrium are too expensive or invasive for routine diagnostic assessment of ovulation.
If the mid-luteal progesterone concentration is <3 ng/mL, the patient is evaluated for causes of anovulation. The minimal work-up includes serum prolactin, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), FSH, and assessment for polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). The etiology and diagnostic evaluation of anovulation are reviewed separately. (See "Evaluation and management of secondary amenorrhea".)
Assessment of ovarian reserve — Diminished ovarian reserve can refer to diminished oocyte quality, oocyte quantity, or reproductive potential [7]. The identification of diminished ovarian reserve is an increasingly important component of the initial infertility evaluation as patients are presenting for diagnostic evaluation later in their reproductive lifespan. Guidelines for testing from national organizations are available [7,8]. However, there is no ideal test for assessing ovarian reserve. A number of screening tests are utilized, but no single test is highly reliable for predicting pregnancy potential. Therefore, coordination of tests provides the best assessment.
We test ovarian reserve with an anti-müllerian hormone (AMH) level and a day 3 follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and estradiol levels. Other tests such as the clomiphene citrate challenge test (CCCT) and antral follicle count are utilized by some specialists and in special circumstances. These tests have good specificity for predicting a poor response in in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycles, but have more limited value for predicting IVF outcome.
Day 3 FSH and CCCT — Both the day 3 FSH level (where day 1 is the first day of full menstrual flow) and the CCCT, which is a provocative test for measurement of FSH, are widely used for screening ovarian reserve. The CCCT involves oral administration of 100 mg clomiphene citrate on cycle days 5 through 9 with measurement of day 3 and day 10 FSH levels and day 3 estradiol level.
The premise of these tests is that women with good ovarian reserve have sufficient production of ovarian hormones from small follicles early in the menstrual cycle to maintain FSH at a low level. In contrast, women with a reduced pool of follicles and oocytes have insufficient production of ovarian hormones to provide normal inhibition of pituitary secretion of FSH, so FSH rises early in the cycle [9].
Meta-analyses of nonrandomized studies concluded that basal cycle day 3 FSH and the CCCT perform similarly for predicting ability to achieve a clinical pregnancy in women undergoing infertility treatment [10,11]. With either test, a normal result is not useful in predicting fertility, but a highly abnormal result (we use FSH >20 mIU/mL) suggests that pregnancy is unlikely with treatment involving the woman's own oocytes, particularly in women of more advanced reproductive age.
Based on these findings and the cost advantage and simplicity of the day 3 FSH, we obtain a day 3 FSH concentration and consider a value less than 10 mIU/mL suggestive of adequate ovarian reserve, and levels of 10 to 15 mIU/ml borderline. The upper threshold for a normal FSH concentration is laboratory dependent; cutoff values of 10 to 25 mIU/mL have been reported because of use of different FSH assay reference standards and assay methodologies.
We also check a cycle day 3 estradiol level, although there are conflicting data as to whether it is predictive of ovarian reserve and the response to ovarian stimulation (as in IVF) [12,13]. We consider a value <80 pg/mL suggestive of adequate ovarian reserve, but other cut-offs are also utilized. In one prospective study of women undergoing IVF, day 3 estradiol levels >80 pg/mL resulted in higher cycle cancellation rates and lower pregnancy rates, and estradiol levels >100 pg/mL were associated with a 0 percent pregnancy rate [14].
Elevated basal estradiol levels are due to advanced premature follicle recruitment that occurs in women with poor ovarian reserve. High estradiol levels can inhibit pituitary FSH production and thus mask one of the signs of decreased ovarian reserve in perimenopausal women. Thus, measurement of both FSH and estradiol levels helps to avoid false-negative FSH testing.
Dr. Manika Khanna, MBBS, MD, D.A.G.E (Germany) is an award-winning Infertility Specialist and Laparoscopic Surgeon who has been facilitated with numerous honours and awards for her exemplary achievements in the field of Assisted Reproduction.
Dr. Rita Bakshi has more than 31 years of experience working in the richness business. As originator and of International Fertility Center (IVF Center India), she directs all administration operations of the organization. An idea pioneer in the business, she is much of the time met regarding the matters of egg gift and surrogacy and goes the world over advancing the largest amount of expert guidelines in a continually developing field. She's additionally the originator of Adiva Group Of Hospitals. She finished her MBBS in 1983 from Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi. She did her Diploma in Gynecology and Obstetrics (DGO) in 1987 from St. Stephen's Hospital, Delhi. She finished her M.D in 1990, from Safdarjung Hospital, Delhi. She did her 1-year certificate from St. Stephen Hospital, Delhi, two years MD from Safdarjung Hospital, Delhi.
She is prepared in the craftsmanship (Assisted Reproductive Techniques) and IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) from Inst. of contraceptive pharmaceutical, Kolkata under the doyen and pioneer of IVF. Dr. B.N. Chakravorty. She has a recognition in the workmanship from KKIVF Hospital Singapore, and a confirmation in endoscopy from KIEL, Germany. She has acted as authority and leader of the office in an open area undertaking clinic for more than 15 years. She has accomplished more than 4000 workmanship cycles with a win rate of more than half. She has additionally accomplished more than 4000 cesarean segments, 3000 hysterectomies including non-drop hysterectomies of even up to 16-week measure uterus. She has uncommon outcomes in egg benefactor surrogacy having a win rate of more than 85 %.
Dr. Rita Bakshi is a main IVF expert and Chairperson of India's head IVF and surrogacy focus broadly perceived as International Fertility Center. With a foundation from eminent names, for example, AIIMS, Lady Harding Medical College, St. Stephens, and her work with the best organizations from Singapore, Germany and Belgium, she has amassed priceless involvement in the fields of Assisted Reproduction, Laparoscopy, Gynecology and Obstetrics. Dr. Rita has over 30 years of experience as a fruitlessness pro and under her authority, IFC has ended up being the biggest system of ripeness facilities in India.
Dr. Rita Bakshi is a senior IVF authority and Chairperson of India's Premier IVF and surrogacy focus generally known as International Fertility Center. She has over twenty years of involvement in helped multiplication, and, under her course, the inside has developed into one of the biggest system of richness facilities in India. Since its origin in 2004, Dr Rita has treated a huge number of couples bringing out more than 2000 surrogacy conceived babies into the world. She has broad involvement in settling richness issues with helped regenerative systems, for example, IVF, IUI, Egg contributor and Surrogacy.
With more than 10,000 IVF cycles, International Fertility Centre has helped childless couples have a happy parenthood involvement with reliable conveyance of most elevated achievement rates in our administrations including IVF, Natural IVF, IVF with Egg Donor, ICSI, IUI, Surrogacy, Surrogacy with Egg contributor, Embryo Donation, Assisted Hatching, PESA/TESA, Hysteroscopy, Laparoscopy, Blastocyst and significantly more.
Dr. Rk Sharma in Delhi is a prestigious Gynecologist in Chanakyapuri, Delhi. You can counsel Dr. R K Sharma at Primus Super Speciality Hospital in Chanakyapuri, Delhi. Book an arrangement online with Dr. R K Sharma on Elawoman.com.
In the year 1994, Dr. (Brig.) R.K. Sharma finished his first IVF case and from that point forward he has been treating patients superbly. The simple first case Dr. Brig. R.K. Sharma took was of a Christian couple, who was not able consider from the previous 10 years and had lost all would like to shoulder a kid. Dr. (Brig.) R.K. Sharma took up this case and chose to encourage the patient. By then of time, IVF innovations were at introductory stage and Dr. (Brig.) R.K. Sharma successfully used the accessible assets, for example, meds. The patient imagined and they were enchanted with delight and satisfaction. A sound kid was conceived. The dad of the tyke approached Dr. (Brig.) R.K. Sharma and kissed his hand and stated, "You have a favored hand". This rate had an enduring impact on Dr. (Brig.) R.K. Sharma and he chose to move advance into the little known yet difficult territory of IVF.
Today things have gone far from that point forward, in India. Anyway in the ocean of IVF focuses mushrooming crosswise over India, Dr. (Brig.) R.K. Sharma is a name that needs no presentation. He has had a distinguished profession serving the Armed Forces of India for more than 30 years. He was the first to pioneer IVF in India in people in general area and in the armed force, which he started 20 years back. He was instrumental in setting up an IVF focus in the armed force. With his enthusiastic and energetic endeavors; the principal IVF child in the armed force was conceived in 1995 at Pune (Maharashtra). He utilized his keen influence, steadiness or extensive experience to set up the incredibly famous ART Center at Army R and R (Research and Referral) at New Delhi in 2003. The whole IVF focus was outlined, conceptualized, set up and run solely by Dr. R.K. Sharma. He made an unmatched situation of work culture and IVF treatment, which is missed till today. The total access to the immense assets in the armed force has assisted him to play a spearheading part with the knowledge and direct utilization of the most recent hardware and innovations in the field of IVF. The IVF focus at Pune was additionally set up by him without any preparation and is today a power to figure with. Dr. (Brig.) R.K. Sharma has more than 5000 IVF infants shockingly. The number is developing with each passing day. Dr. (Brig.) R.K. Sharma has had patients coming to him from the whole way across the nation, with trust in their psyche and has been returning very much fulfilled.
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takenews-blog1 · 7 years ago
Celebrities Who Are Mother and father To Twins Or Multiples
New Post has been published on https://takenews.net/celebrities-who-are-mother-and-father-to-twins-or-multiples/
Celebrities Who Are Mother and father To Twins Or Multiples
Society appears to have a fascination with dad and mom who’ve a number of kids without delay. Bear in mind “Octomom’s” sudden rise to fame? Or John and Kate Gosselin and their actuality present Jon & Kate Plus eight? In line with a research executed in 2013, one in 837 births within the U.S. are triplets or greater multiples. Twins, on the hand, are much more frequent than most individuals assume; they happen in three out of each 100 births within the U.S.! With these statistics, it’s no shock that a few of our most beloved celebrities are dad and mom to twins, triplets or extra!
Songstress and notorious diva Mariah Carey gave delivery to twins on the age of 42. She and then-husband, actor Nick Cannon, welcomed a son-and-daughter set, Moroccan and Monroe, into the world in 2011. Throughout the delivery, Mariah’s hit track “We Belong Collectively” performed within the background.
Although the couple divorced in 2014, they’ve discovered a strategy to harmoniously co-parent. The previous couple nonetheless fortunately celebrated the twins sixth birthday earlier this 12 months at Disneyland…collectively. To not point out, they most likely dropped a fortune on the lavish occasion (a suspected 5 figures).
After struggling to conceive by In Vitro Fertilization, singer Celine Dion gave delivery to fraternal twin boys, Nelson and Eddy, on the age of 42. Nelson was named after Nelson Mandela, and Eddy was names after Eddy Marnay, a lyricist who labored on 5 of Celine’s French language albums.
In 2016, Celine’s husband and the boys’ father, René Angélil, died after falling off the bed, leaving the boys fatherless. Celine says she and the boys sleep collectively each night time to assist ease the loneliness of his loss. “We now have somewhat ritual the place we are saying goodnight to him with somewhat image,” says Dion.
Actress/singer Jennifer Lopez initially tried to maintain her being pregnant a secret whereas on tour, however quickly revealed she was pregnant with twins. “As soon as I did the tour,” she mentioned, “I actually simply wished to close it down, and since then I’ve needed to do three issues, together with a video. It could not sound like so much, however , at this level, any girl can sympathize. It’s so much. I used to be prepared simply to sit down.” She and her then-husband, singer Marc Anthony, welcomed the twins — daughter Emma and son Max — into the world in February of 2008. The twins at the moment are 9 and began fourth grade this 12 months.
The media went right into a frenzy making an attempt to smell out rumors that actors Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick had a surrogate, Michelle Ross, who was carrying a toddler for the couple. “Essentially the most unsavory issues have been executed,” Parker said. “She’s had her telephone hacked, her private pc data hacked, she’s had threats in opposition to her and true harassment. … She’s had pals threatened and household threatened.” Two police chiefs in Ohio had been beneath investigation for breaking into the suspected surrogate’s dwelling to seek out data for the tabloids. Seems Ross was, in reality, carrying for the couple. She gave delivery to twin ladies, Tabitha and Marion Loretta, in 2009.
Former energy couple Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt welcomed their fifth and sixth baby, twins Knox Leon (a boy), and Vivienne Marcheline (a lady), in July of 2008. The twins had been the couple’s second and third natural-born kids, because the three eldest are adopted. With reference to discovering out she was pregnant with twins, Jolie mentioned, “It did shock us, and we jumped to 6 [children] shortly. However we like a problem.” Bidding wars for images of the twins went as much as as excessive as $22 million from varied media shops, making it the very best worth ever paid for celeb child photos.
After enduring huge heartache after the loss of life of her fiancé, CNN Headline Information anchor Nancy Grace by no means thought she’d by no means have the household she’d at all times wished. She ended up discovering love once more and remarried, then was shocked to be taught that at age 47 she was pregnant. The information anchor was much more shocked to be taught she was carrying twins. One physician warned Grace that she could must selectively terminate one child as a result of she had a small cervix, however she refused and commenced seeing a specialist. Then in January 2008, after having to do an emergency C-section, she gave delivery to daughter Lucy and son John David.
Actors Rebecca Romijn and Jerry O’Connell married in 2007 and welcomed twin daughters Dolly and Charlie the next 12 months. Dolly was named after the legendary Dolly Parton, and Charlie after O’Connell’s youthful brother. With three canines and two eight-year-olds, issues may get fairly hectic within the O’Connell and Romijin family. “Our home is so loopy that we simply don’t need to get divorced proper now as a result of neither certainly one of us desires to finish up with our youngsters and our canines,” jokes O’Connell. “We notice it’s a group effort and there’s no manner we are able to do it on our personal proper now!”
In a span of ten months, Determined Housewives star Marcia Cross married and gave delivery to fraternal twin ladies, Eden and Savannah. She was 44 on the time (2007). “Nicely, I’m no spring rooster,” mentioned Cross. “I met Tom [her husband] and I used to be like, ‘I don’t know whether or not we are able to do that [have babies] or not. And he was like, ‘If we are able to’t, we’ll undertake.’ Little did they know that they’d find yourself conceiving two! The women have two very totally different personalities; one loves ballet and adores carrying attire and the opposite research karate and won’t be caught useless in a costume, but they get alongside amazingly.
Deeply needing to have kids, singer Ricky Martin determined he wished to take action by surrogacy. “Adoption was one choice, however it’s sophisticated and might take a very long time. Surrogacy was an intriguing and sooner choice.” He put his identify on the listing for one child however quickly got here to be taught that the surrogate mom can be having two. Fraternal twin boys Matteo and Valentino had been born in August of 2008, and fully modified Martin’s life perpetually. As a really hands-on father, he refuses to make use of a nanny and takes his boys on tour with him every time he travels.
Soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo was already elevating a son from an unnamed girl when he introduced he was anticipating twins from a surrogate from the U.S. He went by the U.S., as a result of In Ronaldo’s native nation of Portugal, surrogacy is prohibited besides in very uncommon of instances, and by no means an choice for single males. He said that he felt the time was proper for his son to have siblings to develop up with. The twins, Eva Maria and Mateo, had been born in July of this 12 months. Only a few weeks later, he introduced that his girlfriend of 5 months was additionally anticipating.
Beyoncé and Jay-Z’s five-year-old daughter Blue Ivy grew to become an enormous sister to twins in June of 2017. Beyonce publicly introduced her being pregnant by way of Instagram with a photograph of her in lingerie, caressing a child bump. The photograph was the most-liked photograph ever on the positioning, boasting eight million hearts. The twins had been a boy and lady and are named Sir Carter and Rumi. Beyoncé’s mother Tina Knowles said,“That is my first expertise round twins, and so they’re so totally different, their personalities, and they’re fantastic.” The couple has been making an attempt to maintain the well-known infants out of the highlight.
On the age of 56, actor George Clooney grew to become a first-time mum or dad to twins. Spouse and human rights legal professional Amal Clooney gave delivery to Ella and Alexander in June of 2017. Clooney admitted that he’s “scared to loss of life” of navigating parenthood. “You’re afraid of breaking them. They’re so little.” However that doesn’t imply he isn’t a proud papa. He was just lately seen at an enormous occasion displaying off images of the twins on his telephone to anybody prepared to look. The couple has additionally executed their finest to maintain their little ones out of the limelight and the paparazzi’s prying eyes.
NFL star and recreation present host Michale Strahan is a father of 4, and his two youngest are fraternal twin 12-year-old ladies, Isabella and Sophia. He has some recommendation for all the brand new celebs who’ve just lately welcomed twins into their household, “I do know it’s laborious at first, however at a sure level they’ll maintain themselves. They are going to be one another’s finest good friend…” He makes an effort to spend time with the ladies each one-one-one and collectively. “I at all times have a tiara on my head. I don’t even argue. The occasions they spend with you, they’ll always remember.”
Actress and humorous gal Julie Bowen, who already had one son with husband Scott Phillips, an actual property investor, joked in an interview how she actually didn’t need to have twins. “I used to be terrified. I didn’t need twins as a second go-around. I ought to have been far more cautious. I ought to have had … half [intimate relations]?” Regardless of speculations of In Vitro Fertilization, Bowen insists that she conceived her twin boys, John and Gustav, the pure manner. She continued to joke, describing breastfeeding each the boys concurrently a “double soccer maintain.”
Girl Antebellum singer Hillary Scott and husband Chris Tyrell expect twin child ladies. The information got here after the couple suffered a miscarriage, a journey they had been very public and vocal about. They’re extraordinarily excited to be including two extra members to their household, which already features a four-year-old daughter, Eisele. In an Instagram put up, the singer wrote, “…I need to be totally clear with you that this occurred naturally. Chris nor I’ve any household historical past of twins that we are able to discover and are simply resting within the profound reward this actually is.”
Throughout his first season with the Orioles, third baseman Melvin Mora’s spouse gave delivery to not one, not two, not three, not 4, however 5 infants! Conceived with the assistance of fertility medication, the quintuplets had been born 10 weeks early, and never certainly one of them weighed greater than 2 half of kilos. Now 16 years outdated, they’re all doing splendidly. In line with Mora’s spouse Gisele, he was fairly shocked to be taught that they’d be having 5 kids on the identical time, and understandably so. When requested how he handles it, Mora mentioned “I’ve an exquisite spouse.”
Actress Zoe Saldana and her husband, artist Marco Perego, had been proud to announce the delivery of their twin boys Cy Aridio and Bowie Ezio Perego-Saldana in January of 2015. In line with Saldana, “They’re two totally different folks. Similar boys however two folks.” She admits that life will be fairly overwhelming with twins, however she is lucky sufficient to have a really supportive household that fortunately lends a hand when the couple is at their wit’s finish. Whereas they prefer to put up household pics on Instagram, they select to not not present their children’ faces as a result of they don’t need to “disrespect” them by overexposing them throughout their childhood.
Two Infants, Two Exhibits
Actor Coby Bell and his spouse have been blessed with not one, however two units of twins. When the older pair, twin ladies named Jaena and Serrae, had been 5, the couple determined to attempt for a boy. They ended up with boy and a lady, son Eli and daughter Quinn. Bell appears to be a professional at doubling up; he spent a variety of his profession starring in two separate tv reveals on the identical time, Burn Discover and The Recreation. His household means every part to him and he makes spending time together with his children and spouse his primary precedence when he’s not on set.
Grammy-award successful Pharrell Williams and spouse, mannequin Helen Lasichanh, shocked followers when Lasichanh gave delivery to a few infants in January of this 12 months. The couple already had one son. “I’ve a tribe. They harmonize. It’s ‘Waah waah waah’ — all on the identical time,” Williams says. “One cries, the subsequent one cries, the subsequent one cries.” The couple has nonetheless not revealed the names or sexes of the three infants, nor have they launched any images to the press. Williams has admitted that he’s not essentially the most hands-on father, and leaves dressing and altering the infants diapers to their mom, who he describes as “superb.”
As a mom of 13-year-old fraternal twins, Hazel Patricia and Phinnaeus “Finn” Walter, Julia Roberts has some sage recommendation for good good friend George Clooney and his two new additions. “There’s no such factor as knowledge when you’ve gotten twin infants in the home,” she mentioned. “There’s simply hopes and prayers and tears and holding on tight to one another.” Roberts believes her twins and their youthful brother Henry are a testomony to the love she and her hubby, cinematographer Danny Moder, have for each other. They’ve at all times made it a degree to maintain their household life personal in order that the youngsters have a “regular” life.
How I Met Your Mom star Neil Patrick Harris finish longtime associate David Burtka launched twins Gideon Scott and Harper into their household (by way of surrogate) in 2010. An nameless girl donated two of her eggs, and every man had their sperm implanted into one of many eggs. Then one other girl carried the infants to time period. Harris and Burtka every have guesses as to who’s whose organic child. Burtka believes Gideon Scott is Harris’ as a result of he’s “somewhat extra heady and mental.” The couple says the twins are fairly totally different from each other, however each share a love of numerous meals, starting from octopus to duck liver.
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nancyedimick · 8 years ago
Eleventh Circuit en banc strikes down restriction on doctors’ speech to patients about guns
A Colt Mark IV Government Model 45-caliber handgun, pictured with ammunition. (Paul Buck/European Pressphoto Agency)
Yesterday, judges on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit struck down much of the Florida law that restricted doctors’ speech to patients about guns. The vote in Wollschlaeger v. Governor was 10-1, with only Judge Gerald Bard Tjoflat, the author of the contrary panel opinions, dissenting. I think this is the right result, for reasons I blogged about here; but for now, I just wanted to pass along Judge William Pryor’s concurrence, which I think is especially good.
First, my summary of the key things the law did:
A. It barred doctors from asking questions (in writing or orally) “concerning the ownership [or home possession] of a firearm or ammunition by the patient or by a family member,” unless the doctor “in good faith believes that this information is relevant to the patient’s medical care or safety, or the safety of others.” And, according to the panel majority, “relevant” here means relevant based on “some particularized information about the individual patient, for example, that the patient is suicidal or has violent tendencies.”
A doctor thus could not ask all patients, or all patients with children, whether they own guns, whether on an intake questionnaire or in person, even if the doctor believes that this information would indeed be useful in giving general advice about safe gun storage, the supposed dangers of any gun ownership and the like.
B. It barred doctors from “intentionally enter[ing] any disclosed information concerning firearm ownership into the patient’s medical record if the practitioner knows that such information is not relevant to the patient’s medical care or safety, or the safety of others,” with the same interpretation of “relevant.”
C. It barred doctors “from unnecessarily harassing a patient about firearm ownership during an examination.” This means, according to the panel majority, that a doctor “should not disparage firearm-owning patients, and should not persist in attempting to speak to the patient about firearm ownership when the subject is not relevant [based on the particularized circumstances of the patient’s case, such as the patient’s being suicidal] to medical care or safety.”
D. It provided that patients may “decline to answer or provide any information regarding ownership [or home possession] of a firearm,” though such a refusal “does not alter existing law regarding a physician’s authorization to choose his or her patients.” Nonetheless, it provided that doctors “may not discriminate against a patient based solely upon the patient’s exercise of the constitutional right to own and possess firearms or ammunition.” This suggests that doctors could turn away patients for refusing to answer questions about guns (so long as they are “relevant” based on “some particularized information about the individual patient”) but could not turn away patients for answering the questions with “yes, I own a gun.”
The court upheld the antidiscrimination provision (the last of these four) but struck down the first three, on the grounds that they were content-based speech restrictions. Here is Pryor’s concurrence, though if you’re interested you should also read the other opinions
I concur in the majority opinion, but I write separately to reiterate that our decision is about the First Amendment, not the Second. The Second Amendment “guarantee[s] the individual right to possess and carry weapons,” and enshrines a fundamental right “necessary to our system of ordered liberty” that applies to the states through the Fourteenth Amendment. Our decision recognizes that protecting that fundamental right also serves a substantial government interest. And for that reason, Florida can protect its citizens from discrimination on the basis of their exercise of their right to bear arms. But the profound importance of the Second Amendment does not give the government license to violate the right to free speech under the First Amendment.
“[A]bove all else, the First Amendment means that government has no power to restrict expression because of its message, its ideas, its subject matter, or its content.” Content-based regulations of speech “pose the inherent risk that the Government seeks not to advance a legitimate regulatory goal, but to suppress unpopular ideas or information or manipulate the public debate through coercion rather than persuasion.” The power of the state must not be used to “drive certain ideas or viewpoints from the marketplace,” even if a majority of the people might like to see a particular idea defeated.
The First Amendment is a counter-majoritarian bulwark against tyranny. “Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech,” cannot mean “Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech a majority likes.” No person is always in the majority, and our Constitution places out of reach of the tyranny of the majority the protections of the First Amendment. The promise of free speech is that even when one holds an unpopular point of view, the state cannot stifle it. The price Americans pay for this freedom is that the rule remains unchanged regardless of who is in the majority. ���He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself.” Thomas Paine, Dissertation on First-Principles of Government 37 (1795).
We would resolve this appeal in exactly the same way if the facts were reversed. Suppose doctors were inspired to ask patients about gun ownership because the doctors believed that possession of firearms is an important means of ensuring health and safety…. A state legislature motivated by anti-gun sentiment might have passed the same inquiry, record-keeping, and anti-harassment provisions that are in the Firearm Owners’ Privacy Act to prevent doctors from encouraging their patients to own firearms, and those laws would be equally unconstitutional. The First Amendment does not discriminate on the basis of motivation or viewpoint — the principle that protects pro-gun speech protects anti-gun speech with equal vigor.
That the Act focuses on doctors is irrelevant. The need to prevent the government from picking ideological winners and losers is as important in medicine as it is in any other context. The history of content-based restrictions on physicians’ speech provides a cautionary tale:
During certain historical periods, … governments have overtly politicized the practice of medicine, restricting access to medical information and directly manipulating the content of doctor-patient discourse. For example, during the Cultural Revolution, Chinese physicians were dispatched to the countryside to convince peasants to use contraception. In the 1930s, the Soviet government expedited completion of a construction project on the Siberian railroad by ordering doctors to both reject requests for medical leave from work and conceal this government order from their patients. In Nazi Germany, the Third Reich systematically violated the separation between state ideology and medical discourse. German physicians were taught that they owed a higher duty to the “health of the Volk” than to the health of individual patients. Recently, Nicolae Ceausescu’s strategy to increase the Romanian birth rate included prohibitions against giving advice to patients about the use of birth control devices and disseminating information about the use of condoms as a means of preventing the transmission of AIDS.
Health-related information is more important than most topics because it affects matters of life and death. Doctors help patients make deeply personal decisions, and their candor is crucial. If anything, the doctor-patient relationship provides more justification for free speech, not less.
If we upheld the Act, we could set a precedent for many other restrictions of potentially unpopular speech. Think of everything the government might seek to ban between doctor and patient as supposedly “irrelevant” to the practice of medicine. Without the protection of free speech, the government might seek to ban discussion of religion between doctor and patient. The state could stop a surgeon from praying with his patient before surgery or punish a Christian doctor for asking patients if they have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior or punish an atheist for telling his patient that religious belief is delusional. Without the protection of free speech, the government might seek to censor political speech by doctors. The state might prevent doctors from encouraging their patients to vote in favor of universal health care or prohibit a physician from criticizing the Affordable Care Act. Some might argue that such topics are irrelevant to a particular patient’s immediate medical needs, but the First Amendment ensures that doctors cannot be threatened with state punishment for speech even if it goes beyond diagnosis and treatment.
These examples do not even begin to address the number of highly controversial topics that doctors discuss as a direct part of their medical responsibilities. Could a state prohibit a pro-life doctor from discouraging a patient from aborting her unborn child? Could a state prohibit a doctor from advising a patient about sex-reassignment surgery? Could a state prohibit a doctor from advising parents to vaccinate their children? Could a state prohibit a doctor from recommending abstinence or encouraging safe sexual behavior? What about organ donation or surrogacy or terminal care? What about drugs or alcohol or tobacco? Could a state legislature prevent a doctor from explaining the risks or benefits of a vegan diet? Or prevent a doctor from explaining the risks or benefits of playing football? This type of thought experiment should give us pause. If today the majority can censor so-called “heresy,” then tomorrow a new majority can censor what was yesterday so-called “orthodoxy.”
We should not be swayed by the argument that the First Amendment may be curtailed when other constitutional rights need “protection.” In this context, “protection” is a misnomer. The Constitution protects individual rights from government infringement, but freedom thrives on private persuasion. That the government may not establish a religion or ban handguns does not suggest that private individuals may not start a church or give away their guns. The Second Amendment is not infringed when private actors argue that guns are dangerous any more than when private actors support the positions of the National Rifle Association. The “theory of our Constitution” is that “the best test of truth is the power of the thought to get itself accepted in the competition of the market.” The Florida Legislature overstepped the boundaries of the First Amendment when it determined that the proper remedy for speech it considered “evil” was “enforced silence,” as opposed to “more speech.”
And we should keep in mind that the Second Amendment is not the only constitutional right that might receive such “protection” at the expense of the freedom of speech. If we say that we must “place the doctors’ right to question their patients on the scales against the State’s compelling interest in fully effecting the guarantees of the Second Amendment” [citing the panel below,] others can say that “[w]e must place students’ right to express” unpopular views about race, religion, or sex “against the State’s compelling interest in fully effecting the guarantees of the Equal Protection Clause.” The precedent that would allow the government to restrict speech any time its officials can identify a different right they believe more important is dangerous indeed.
“If there is any fixed star in our constitutional constellation, it is that no official, high or petty, can prescribe what shall be orthodox in politics, nationalism, religion, or other matters of opinion ….” Our decision applies this timeless principle to speech between doctors and patients, regardless of the content. The First Amendment requires the protection of ideas that some people might find distasteful because tomorrow the tables might be turned.
Originally Found On: http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2017/02/17/eleventh-circuit-en-banc-strikes-down-restriction-on-doctors-speech-to-patients-about-guns/
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wolfandpravato · 8 years ago
Eleventh Circuit en banc strikes down restriction on doctors’ speech to patients about guns
A Colt Mark IV Government Model 45-caliber handgun, pictured with ammunition. (Paul Buck/European Pressphoto Agency)
Yesterday, judges on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit struck down much of the Florida law that restricted doctors’ speech to patients about guns. The vote in Wollschlaeger v. Governor was 10-1, with only Judge Gerald Bard Tjoflat, the author of the contrary panel opinions, dissenting. I think this is the right result, for reasons I blogged about here; but for now, I just wanted to pass along Judge William Pryor’s concurrence, which I think is especially good.
First, my summary of the key things the law did:
A. It barred doctors from asking questions (in writing or orally) “concerning the ownership [or home possession] of a firearm or ammunition by the patient or by a family member,” unless the doctor “in good faith believes that this information is relevant to the patient’s medical care or safety, or the safety of others.” And, according to the panel majority, “relevant” here means relevant based on “some particularized information about the individual patient, for example, that the patient is suicidal or has violent tendencies.”
A doctor thus could not ask all patients, or all patients with children, whether they own guns, whether on an intake questionnaire or in person, even if the doctor believes that this information would indeed be useful in giving general advice about safe gun storage, the supposed dangers of any gun ownership and the like.
B. It barred doctors from “intentionally enter[ing] any disclosed information concerning firearm ownership into the patient’s medical record if the practitioner knows that such information is not relevant to the patient’s medical care or safety, or the safety of others,” with the same interpretation of “relevant.”
C. It barred doctors “from unnecessarily harassing a patient about firearm ownership during an examination.” This means, according to the panel majority, that a doctor “should not disparage firearm-owning patients, and should not persist in attempting to speak to the patient about firearm ownership when the subject is not relevant [based on the particularized circumstances of the patient’s case, such as the patient’s being suicidal] to medical care or safety.”
D. It provided that patients may “decline to answer or provide any information regarding ownership [or home possession] of a firearm,” though such a refusal “does not alter existing law regarding a physician’s authorization to choose his or her patients.” Nonetheless, it provided that doctors “may not discriminate against a patient based solely upon the patient’s exercise of the constitutional right to own and possess firearms or ammunition.” This suggests that doctors could turn away patients for refusing to answer questions about guns (so long as they are “relevant” based on “some particularized information about the individual patient”) but could not turn away patients for answering the questions with “yes, I own a gun.”
The court upheld the antidiscrimination provision (the last of these four) but struck down the first three, on the grounds that they were content-based speech restrictions. Here is Pryor’s concurrence, though if you’re interested you should also read the other opinions
I concur in the majority opinion, but I write separately to reiterate that our decision is about the First Amendment, not the Second. The Second Amendment “guarantee[s] the individual right to possess and carry weapons,” and enshrines a fundamental right “necessary to our system of ordered liberty” that applies to the states through the Fourteenth Amendment. Our decision recognizes that protecting that fundamental right also serves a substantial government interest. And for that reason, Florida can protect its citizens from discrimination on the basis of their exercise of their right to bear arms. But the profound importance of the Second Amendment does not give the government license to violate the right to free speech under the First Amendment.
“[A]bove all else, the First Amendment means that government has no power to restrict expression because of its message, its ideas, its subject matter, or its content.” Content-based regulations of speech “pose the inherent risk that the Government seeks not to advance a legitimate regulatory goal, but to suppress unpopular ideas or information or manipulate the public debate through coercion rather than persuasion.” The power of the state must not be used to “drive certain ideas or viewpoints from the marketplace,” even if a majority of the people might like to see a particular idea defeated.
The First Amendment is a counter-majoritarian bulwark against tyranny. “Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech,” cannot mean “Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech a majority likes.” No person is always in the majority, and our Constitution places out of reach of the tyranny of the majority the protections of the First Amendment. The promise of free speech is that even when one holds an unpopular point of view, the state cannot stifle it. The price Americans pay for this freedom is that the rule remains unchanged regardless of who is in the majority. “He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself.” Thomas Paine, Dissertation on First-Principles of Government 37 (1795).
We would resolve this appeal in exactly the same way if the facts were reversed. Suppose doctors were inspired to ask patients about gun ownership because the doctors believed that possession of firearms is an important means of ensuring health and safety…. A state legislature motivated by anti-gun sentiment might have passed the same inquiry, record-keeping, and anti-harassment provisions that are in the Firearm Owners’ Privacy Act to prevent doctors from encouraging their patients to own firearms, and those laws would be equally unconstitutional. The First Amendment does not discriminate on the basis of motivation or viewpoint — the principle that protects pro-gun speech protects anti-gun speech with equal vigor.
That the Act focuses on doctors is irrelevant. The need to prevent the government from picking ideological winners and losers is as important in medicine as it is in any other context. The history of content-based restrictions on physicians’ speech provides a cautionary tale:
During certain historical periods, … governments have overtly politicized the practice of medicine, restricting access to medical information and directly manipulating the content of doctor-patient discourse. For example, during the Cultural Revolution, Chinese physicians were dispatched to the countryside to convince peasants to use contraception. In the 1930s, the Soviet government expedited completion of a construction project on the Siberian railroad by ordering doctors to both reject requests for medical leave from work and conceal this government order from their patients. In Nazi Germany, the Third Reich systematically violated the separation between state ideology and medical discourse. German physicians were taught that they owed a higher duty to the “health of the Volk” than to the health of individual patients. Recently, Nicolae Ceausescu’s strategy to increase the Romanian birth rate included prohibitions against giving advice to patients about the use of birth control devices and disseminating information about the use of condoms as a means of preventing the transmission of AIDS.
Health-related information is more important than most topics because it affects matters of life and death. Doctors help patients make deeply personal decisions, and their candor is crucial. If anything, the doctor-patient relationship provides more justification for free speech, not less.
If we upheld the Act, we could set a precedent for many other restrictions of potentially unpopular speech. Think of everything the government might seek to ban between doctor and patient as supposedly “irrelevant” to the practice of medicine. Without the protection of free speech, the government might seek to ban discussion of religion between doctor and patient. The state could stop a surgeon from praying with his patient before surgery or punish a Christian doctor for asking patients if they have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior or punish an atheist for telling his patient that religious belief is delusional. Without the protection of free speech, the government might seek to censor political speech by doctors. The state might prevent doctors from encouraging their patients to vote in favor of universal health care or prohibit a physician from criticizing the Affordable Care Act. Some might argue that such topics are irrelevant to a particular patient’s immediate medical needs, but the First Amendment ensures that doctors cannot be threatened with state punishment for speech even if it goes beyond diagnosis and treatment.
These examples do not even begin to address the number of highly controversial topics that doctors discuss as a direct part of their medical responsibilities. Could a state prohibit a pro-life doctor from discouraging a patient from aborting her unborn child? Could a state prohibit a doctor from advising a patient about sex-reassignment surgery? Could a state prohibit a doctor from advising parents to vaccinate their children? Could a state prohibit a doctor from recommending abstinence or encouraging safe sexual behavior? What about organ donation or surrogacy or terminal care? What about drugs or alcohol or tobacco? Could a state legislature prevent a doctor from explaining the risks or benefits of a vegan diet? Or prevent a doctor from explaining the risks or benefits of playing football? This type of thought experiment should give us pause. If today the majority can censor so-called “heresy,” then tomorrow a new majority can censor what was yesterday so-called “orthodoxy.”
We should not be swayed by the argument that the First Amendment may be curtailed when other constitutional rights need “protection.” In this context, “protection” is a misnomer. The Constitution protects individual rights from government infringement, but freedom thrives on private persuasion. That the government may not establish a religion or ban handguns does not suggest that private individuals may not start a church or give away their guns. The Second Amendment is not infringed when private actors argue that guns are dangerous any more than when private actors support the positions of the National Rifle Association. The “theory of our Constitution” is that “the best test of truth is the power of the thought to get itself accepted in the competition of the market.” The Florida Legislature overstepped the boundaries of the First Amendment when it determined that the proper remedy for speech it considered “evil” was “enforced silence,” as opposed to “more speech.”
And we should keep in mind that the Second Amendment is not the only constitutional right that might receive such “protection” at the expense of the freedom of speech. If we say that we must “place the doctors’ right to question their patients on the scales against the State’s compelling interest in fully effecting the guarantees of the Second Amendment” [citing the panel below,] others can say that “[w]e must place students’ right to express” unpopular views about race, religion, or sex “against the State’s compelling interest in fully effecting the guarantees of the Equal Protection Clause.” The precedent that would allow the government to restrict speech any time its officials can identify a different right they believe more important is dangerous indeed.
“If there is any fixed star in our constitutional constellation, it is that no official, high or petty, can prescribe what shall be orthodox in politics, nationalism, religion, or other matters of opinion ….” Our decision applies this timeless principle to speech between doctors and patients, regardless of the content. The First Amendment requires the protection of ideas that some people might find distasteful because tomorrow the tables might be turned.
Originally Found On: http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2017/02/17/eleventh-circuit-en-banc-strikes-down-restriction-on-doctors-speech-to-patients-about-guns/
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elawoman123-blog · 7 years ago
Dr. Manika Khanna Gaudium | Gaudium IVF Greater Kailash | Elawoman
Dr. Manika Khanna Gaudium Trained at Melbourne IVF, Australia & the University of Kiel, Germany, she founded Gaudium IVF & Gynae Solutions Centre to fulfill her long standing dream of bringing international standards of fertility care to India. The unprecedented success of the first Gaudium IVF Greater Kailash in Delhi paved the way for Gaudium to evolve into the best IVF clinic chain in India.
Hailed as the youngest consistent achiever in infertility and IVF care, Dr. Manika has over 10,000 successful IVF treatments to her credit with healthy Gaudium babies growing in over 30 countries.
Born and raised in Delhi in a family of freedom fighters and doctors, Dr. Manika is a Gold Medallist from Baroda Medical College, Gujarat. After completing her MBBS in 1996, followed by MD (Obstetrics & Gynaecology) in 1999, she completed her Diploma Training in Advanced Gynaecological Endoscopic Surgery (D.A.G.E.) at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein, Campus Kiel, Germany. This was followed by an advanced training course in Assisted Reproduction in Humans (IVF) from Melbourne IVF, Australia.
Before founding Gaudium IVF & Gynae Solutions Centre in 2009, Dr. Manika served as Consultant Physician at Deen Dayal Upadhyay Hospital, New Delhi and later as Senior Consultant and Head of Department, Gynaecology and Obstetrics at Sri Balaji Action Medical Institute, New Delhi for several years.
An acclaimed infertility expert with over 17 years of clinical experience, Dr. Manika has done pioneering work in the field of IVF and gynaecology-related medical conditions. She is particularly experienced in treating serious infertility conditions such as recurrent IVF failure, recurrent miscarriage, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis and uterine fibroids. Besides heading a team of top fertility experts at Gaudium IVF & Gynae Solutions Centres, she is on the expert panel of infertility units of various renowned hospitals.
In 2014, she created history in IVF treatment in India by successfully treating a patient with 15 previously failed IVF cycles. The patient gave birth to a healthy baby boy at Gaudium IVF and Gynae Solutions Janakpuri after an agonising 17 years of immense physical, emotional and financial strain.
Founded the Gaudium Foundation to provide free and subsidised treatment to economically weak patients.
In 2015, initiated Naari Jeevan Strot, a unique women & child health campaign by Gaudium Foundation that has connected the largest network of cities and districts in 5 major North Indian states of Delhi-NCR, Haryana, Chandigarh, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh. The initiative, which provides health education and free and subsidised medical relief to the less privileged through health camps and nukkad natak (street plays), has touched the lives of nearly 10 million women and was recognised as the best philanthropy project of the year 2014-2015 by Healthcare Leaders’ Forum & Awards 2015.
Established the Poor Patient Fund (PPF) at Gaudium IVF — a unique and innovative way for well- to-do families to donate for the treatment of underprivileged fertility patients. The initiative, which has received tremendous support from our dear patrons, provides for the treatment of 3 to 4 patients each month and has so far supported over 120 disadvantaged couples.
Active member of the Ekta Mission, a Delhi-based organisation working to provide elementary health services for underprivileged women and children.
Working proactively for the cause of the Girl Child – felicitated by the Lions Club for raising awareness against female infanticide.
Active ongoing participation in raising AIDS awareness through strategy-formulation summits, lectures and seminars.
Awarded by the Ekta Mission for outstanding contribution to the field of medicine.
An ethical, compassionate and committed medical professional, Dr. Manika is revered in the medical community for her exemplary contributions to infertility treatment in India.
With a vision to provide the best of advanced fertility care, Dr. Manika established Gaudium IVF, she has emerged as the Global Icon in IVF by delivering the highest success rate and over 10,000 IVF babies all over the world and again by treating the most complicated and challenging infertility conditions.
She has been consistently recognised and honoured with several awards such as “Asia’s greatest Health leader”, “Mahila Achiever Award” and the prestigious “Delhi Ratan”.
Dr. Manika has been credited with some of the highest IVF success rates and unequalled success in cases of recurrent IVF failure, male factor infertility, endometriosis and high-risk pregnancies.
There could not have been a better name for an institution, Gaudium, Delhi IVF Clinics that has brought a lifetime of joy to thousands of families across the world.
Gaudium, Latin for joy, has ushered a new era of affordable and effective IVF clinic in Delhi, India, emerging as the preferred destination for patients seeking fertility care they can trust. A leading Government-approved IVF centre with 9 state-of-the-art centres across North India, Gaudium IVF centre combines advanced reproductive technology with world-class clinical expertise to bring you customised fertility solutions that work. Each patient who walks into a Gaudium facility is treated with utmost compassion and respect and receives personalised attention from a dedicated team of experts.
Today there are over 10,000 Gaudium babies all over the world — a resounding affirmation of unparalleled success of Gaudium IVF centre which has brought us numerous awards and honours along and unprecedented global acclaim.
At Gaudium IVF Centre, we treat your dream as our own and work tirelessly to help you have a healthy baby to take home. We provide the best surrogacy services and IVF treatment to infertile people at our IVF clinic. We are determined to offer our patients the best IVF treatment at affordable cost.
One of the main gynecologists of the city, Dr. Manika Khanna (Gaudium Ivf And Gynae Solutions) in Janak Puri has built up the facility and has picked up a devoted customer base in the course of recent years and is additionally as often as possible went to by a few VIPs, trying models and other decent customers and global patients too. They likewise anticipate growing their business further and giving administrations to a few more patients inferable from its prosperity in the course of recent years. The proficiency, devotion, exactness and empathy offered at the center guarantee that the patient's prosperity, solace and needs are kept of best need.
Dr. Manika Khanna (Gaudium Ivf And Gynae Solutions) in Delhi treats the different diseases of the patients by helping them experience top notch medicines and methodology. Among the various administrations offered here, the center gives medications to Uterine Fibroids or Myomas, Ovarian Cysts, Endometriosis, Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Urinary Problems, Vaginal Discharge, Subfertility, Menopause, Gynecological Cancers, Abnormal Pap Smears - Pre-Invasive Cervical/Vaginal Disease and Vulva Conditions.
An Infertility Evaluation is usually initiated after one year of regular unprotected intercourse in women under age 35 years and after six months of unprotected intercourse in women age 35 years and older. However, the evaluation may be initiated sooner in women with irregular menstrual cycles or known risk factors for infertility, such as endometriosis, a history of pelvic inflammatory disease, or reproductive tract malformations.
The basic evaluation can be performed by an interested and experienced primary care physician or an obstetrician-gynecologist. The primary care physician generally should refer the patient to a specialist for treatment of infertility. Many gynecologists initiate treatment prior to referral to a reproductive endocrinologist. This decision depends upon the results of infertility tests and clinician experience.
Multiple tests have been proposed for evaluation of female infertility. Some of these tests are supported by good evidence, while others are not. This topic will provide an evidence-based approach to the evaluation of female infertility. The etiology and treatment of female infertility, as well as the etiology, evaluation, and treatment of male infertility, are discussed separately.
INITIAL APPROACH — Both partners of an infertile couple should be evaluated for factors that could be impairing fertility. The infertility specialist then uses this information to counsel the couple about the possible etiologies of their infertility and to offer a treatment plan targeted to their specific needs.
It is important to remember that the couple may have multiple factors contributing to their infertility; therefore, a complete initial diagnostic evaluation should be performed to detect the most common causes of infertility, if present. When applicable, evaluation of both partners is performed concurrently [1].
The recognition, evaluation, and treatment of infertility are stressful for most couples [2]. The clinician should not ignore the couple's emotional state, which may include depression, anger, anxiety, and marital discord. Information should be supportive and informative. (See "Psychological stress and infertility".)
History and physical examination — Findings on history and physical examination may suggest the cause of infertility and thus help focus the diagnostic evaluation. Components of the infertility history are listed in the table (table 1).
History — The most important points in the history are:
●Duration of infertility and results of previous evaluation and therapy.
●Menstrual history (cycle length and characteristics), which helps in determining ovulatory status. For example, regular monthly cycles with molimina (breast tenderness, ovulatory pain, bloating) suggest the patient is ovulatory and characteristics such as severe dysmenorrhea suggest endometriosis.
●Medical, surgical, and gynecological history (including sexually transmitted infections, pelvic inflammatory disease, and treatment of abnormal Pap smears) to look for conditions, procedures, or medications potentially associated with infertility. At a minimum, the review of systems should determine whether the patient has symptoms of thyroid disease, galactorrhea, hirsutism, pelvic or abdominal pain, dysmenorrhea, or dyspareunia. Young women who have undergone unilateral oophorectomy generally do not have reduced fertility since young women have many primordial follicles per ovary; however, prior unilateral oophorectomy may impact fertility in older women as they may develop diminished ovarian reserve sooner than women with two ovaries [3].
●Obstetrical history to assess for events potentially associated with subsequent infertility or adverse outcome in a future pregnancy.
●Sexual history, including sexual dysfunction and frequency of coitus. Infrequent or ineffective coitus can be an explanation for infertility.
●Family history, including family members with infertility, birth defects, genetic mutations, or mental retardation. Women with fragile X premutation may develop premature ovarian failure, while males may have learning problems, developmental delay, or autistic features.
●Personal and lifestyle history including age, occupation, exercise, stress, dieting/changes in weight, smoking, and alcohol use, all of which can affect fertility.
Physical examination — The physical examination should assess for signs of potential causes of infertility. The patient's body mass index (BMI) should be calculated and fat distribution noted, as extremes of BMI are associated with reduced fertility and abdominal obesity is associated with insulin resistance.
In the setting of primary amenorrhea, incomplete development of secondary sexual characteristics is a sign of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. A body habitus that is short and stocky, with a squarely shaped chest, suggests Turner syndrome in patients with absent periods.
Abnormalities of the thyroid gland, galactorrhea, or signs of androgen excess (hirsutism, acne, male pattern baldness, virilization) suggest the presence of an endocrinopathy (eg, hyper- or hypothyroidism, hyperprolactinemia, polycystic ovary syndrome, adrenal disorder).
Tenderness or masses in the adnexae or posterior cul-de-sac (pouch of Douglas) are consistent with chronic pelvic inflammatory disease or endometriosis. Palpable tender nodules in the posterior cul-de-sac, uterosacral ligaments, or rectovaginal septum are additional signs of endometriosis.
Vaginal/cervical structural abnormalities or discharge suggest the presence of a müllerian anomaly, infection, or cervical factor.
It is difficult to predict the likelihood of pregnancy based upon the results of semen analysis alone, as there is extensive overlap between the semen parameters of fertile and infertile men. If the semen analysis is abnormal, the clinician should review details of specimen collection and transport with the patient, repeat the test due to the marked inherent variability of semen analyses, and consider referral to a urologist or other specialist in male reproduction.
The techniques for semen analysis and interpretation of results are discussed in detail separately. (See "Approach to the male with infertility", section on 'Semen analysis'.)
Assessment of ovulatory function — Assessment of ovulatory function is a key component of the evaluation of the female partner since ovulatory dysfunction is a common cause of infertility. The treatment of women with ovulatory dysfunction is aimed at improving or inducing ovulatory function; a variety of treatment strategies is available. (See "Treatments for female infertility".)
Women who have regular menses approximately every 28 days with molimina symptoms prior to menses (breast tenderness, bloating, fatigue, etc.) are most likely ovulatory. In women who do not describe their cycles as such, laboratory assessment of ovulation should be performed. Ovulation is most easily documented by a mid-luteal phase serum progesterone level, which should be obtained approximately one week before the expected menses. For a typical 28-day cycle, the test would be obtained on day 21. A progesterone level >3 ng/mL is evidence of recent ovulation .
An alternative is to have the patient use an over-the-counter urinary ovulation prediction kit. These kits detect luteinizing hormone (LH) and are highly effective for predicting the timing of the LH surge that reliably indicates ovulation. Home kits have a 5 to 10 percent false positive and false negative rate. Therefore, serum confirmation can be useful in patients who are unable to detect a urinary LH surge.
Other methods of determining ovulation, such as daily ultrasounds to follow the development and ultimately the disappearance of a follicle (the most accurate method of documenting ovulation  and endometrial biopsy to document secretory changes in the endometrium are too expensive or invasive for routine diagnostic assessment of ovulation.
If the mid-luteal progesterone concentration is <3 ng/mL, the patient is evaluated for causes of anovulation. The minimal work-up includes serum prolactin, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), FSH, and assessment for polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). The etiology and diagnostic evaluation of anovulation are reviewed separately. (See "Evaluation and management of secondary amenorrhea".)
Assessment of ovarian reserve — Diminished ovarian reserve can refer to diminished oocyte quality, oocyte quantity, or reproductive potential [7]. The identification of diminished ovarian reserve is an increasingly important component of the initial infertility evaluation as patients are presenting for diagnostic evaluation later in their reproductive lifespan. Guidelines for testing from national organizations are available [7,8]. However, there is no ideal test for assessing ovarian reserve. A number of screening tests are utilized, but no single test is highly reliable for predicting pregnancy potential. Therefore, coordination of tests provides the best assessment.
We test ovarian reserve with an anti-müllerian hormone (AMH) level and a day 3 follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and estradiol levels. Other tests such as the clomiphene citrate challenge test (CCCT) and antral follicle count are utilized by some specialists and in special circumstances. These tests have good specificity for predicting a poor response in in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycles, but have more limited value for predicting IVF outcome.
Day 3 FSH and CCCT — Both the day 3 FSH level (where day 1 is the first day of full menstrual flow) and the CCCT, which is a provocative test for measurement of FSH, are widely used for screening ovarian reserve. The CCCT involves oral administration of 100 mg clomiphene citrate on cycle days 5 through 9 with measurement of day 3 and day 10 FSH levels and day 3 estradiol level.
The premise of these tests is that women with good ovarian reserve have sufficient production of ovarian hormones from small follicles early in the menstrual cycle to maintain FSH at a low level. In contrast, women with a reduced pool of follicles and oocytes have insufficient production of ovarian hormones to provide normal inhibition of pituitary secretion of FSH, so FSH rises early in the cycle [9].
Meta-analyses of nonrandomized studies concluded that basal cycle day 3 FSH and the CCCT perform similarly for predicting ability to achieve a clinical pregnancy in women undergoing infertility treatment [10,11]. With either test, a normal result is not useful in predicting fertility, but a highly abnormal result (we use FSH >20 mIU/mL) suggests that pregnancy is unlikely with treatment involving the woman's own oocytes, particularly in women of more advanced reproductive age.
Based on these findings and the cost advantage and simplicity of the day 3 FSH, we obtain a day 3 FSH concentration and consider a value less than 10 mIU/mL suggestive of adequate ovarian reserve, and levels of 10 to 15 mIU/ml borderline. The upper threshold for a normal FSH concentration is laboratory dependent; cutoff values of 10 to 25 mIU/mL have been reported because of use of different FSH assay reference standards and assay methodologies.
We also check a cycle day 3 estradiol level, although there are conflicting data as to whether it is predictive of ovarian reserve and the response to ovarian stimulation (as in IVF) [12,13]. We consider a value <80 pg/mL suggestive of adequate ovarian reserve, but other cut-offs are also utilized. In one prospective study of women undergoing IVF, day 3 estradiol levels >80 pg/mL resulted in higher cycle cancellation rates and lower pregnancy rates, and estradiol levels >100 pg/mL were associated with a 0 percent pregnancy rate [14].
Elevated basal estradiol levels are due to advanced premature follicle recruitment that occurs in women with poor ovarian reserve. High estradiol levels can inhibit pituitary FSH production and thus mask one of the signs of decreased ovarian reserve in perimenopausal women. Thus, measurement of both FSH and estradiol levels helps to avoid false-negative FSH testing.
Dr. Manika Khanna Gaudium, MBBS, MD, D.A.G.E (Germany) is an award-winning Infertility Specialist and Laparoscopic Surgeon who has been facilitated with numerous honours and awards for her exemplary achievements in the field of Assisted Reproduction. She is the Best Gynecologists in Delhi.
If CCCT is performed, we consider FSH less than 10 milli-international units/mL on both day 3 and day 10 suggestive of adequate ovarian reserve; a borderline FSH of 10 to 15 milli-international units/mL and an elevated FSH level on either day 3 or day 10 suggests decreased ovarian reserve. Estradiol can be measured on day 3, but a cycle day 10 estradiol is not part of the standard CCCT as it reflects the magnitude of the ovarian follicular response to clomiphene 100 mg daily for five days, not ovarian reserve.
If the day 3 FSH or CCCT is abnormal, the patient should be referred to a reproductive endocrinologist to discuss further diagnostic and treatment options. These options depend on the results of other diagnostic tests, the patient’s age [15], and other factors and may include aggressive ovulation induction, IVF, or use of donor oocytes. However, patients with markedly diminished ovarian reserve rarely conceive without the use of donor eggs.
Anti-müllerian hormone (AMH) — Anti-müllerian hormone (AMH) is a member of the TGF-beta family and is expressed by the small (<8 mm) preantral and early antral follicles. The AMH level reflects the size of the primordial follicle pool, and may be the best biochemical marker of ovarian function across an array of clinical situations [16]. In adult women, AMH levels gradually decline as the primordial follicle pool declines with age [17]; AMH is undetectable at menopause [18].
●AMH <0.5 ng/mL predicts reduced ovarian reserve with less than three follicles in an IVF cycle
Assessment of fallopian tube patency — We perform HSG as the first-line test for evaluation of tubal patency because of therapeutic, as well as diagnostic, benefits [38]. HyCoSy is a reasonable alternative; the choice of test is determined by availability.
When the diagnosis is in doubt, more invasive tests can be used to confirm the diagnosis and provide an opportunity for concurrent therapeutic intervention. These tests include laparoscopy with chromotubation and fluoroscopic/hysteroscopic selective tubal cannulation.
Hysterosalpingogram — HSG is the standard of care to look for tubal occlusion in all patients, unless laparoscopy is planned [39,40]. In HSG, water or lipid soluble contrast media is used. HyCoSy is a reasonable alternative. HSG also provides information about the uterine cavity. Women with abnormalities on HSG should be referred to a reproductive endocrinologist to discuss treatment options. (See "Hysterosalpingography".)
HSG is not useful for detecting peritubal adhesions or endometriosis [39]. We perform diagnostic laparoscopy and chromotubation in women suspected of having endometriosis or pelvic adhesions related to a previous pelvic infection or surgery. Ablation of implants and lysis of adhesions, when indicated, can be performed at the same procedure (see 'Role of laparoscopy' below).
A meta-analysis of 20 studies involving 4179 patients compared HSG and laparoscopy with chromotubation (the gold standard); the calculated sensitivity and specificity for diagnosis of tubal patency were only 65 and 83 percent, respectively [39]. However, when subgroups of women undergoing HSG were analyzed, HSG appeared to have very high specificity and sensitivity for diagnosing distal tubal occlusion or major distal tubal adhesions, but much lower specificity for diagnosing proximal tubal occlusion.
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