#concetto pozzati
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Concetto Pozzati XXL - Palazzo Fava, Bologna 23-12-2023
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Miami - December 2023
Just back from an action packed two and half days in Miami which featured stops at half a dozen art fairs and visits to a few private collections and a museum. With worrisome headlines front and center and a squishy economic outlook, one might have expected a more subdued reception to this year’s art week festivities in Magic City, but by all accounts, it was full steam ahead for art fans and aficionados. The fairs seemed to get super-sized, the crowds appeared to be bigger, and the city was grid locked for the better part of full days and evenings as people tried to make the most of all that was being offered. Once you eventually got to wherever you were going, it was all great. The art rose above all the noise, and a marvelous viewing experience was served up and fully appreciated.
The itinerary for the trip included: INK, Untitled and Scope fairs on arrival in South Beach; the de la Cruz and Margulies private collections, the Rubell Museum, and NADA and Art Miami fairsthe next day in and around the Miami Design District; and then Art Basel Miami Beach back on the other side of Biscayne Bay on departure day. While not all fairs are created equal, part of the thrill is the journey and finding those special works that resonate wherever they may show up. And, in that regard, there were many exciting discoveries and some magnificent reacquaintances.
The mainstay and anchor of the art festivities was Art Basel Miami Beach which celebrated its 21st edition with 277 exhibitors from 33 countries. While that was the official gallery count, multiple booths by some gallerists together with the proliferation of focus sections spread throughout the Miami Convention Center catapulted the number of exhibits to well over 300. With a view to making it more manageable for fairgoers (albeit questionably so), the fair was organized into curated groupings featuring top-of-the-line modern and contemporary galleries in the main section and then, in other dedicated spaces, diverse curatorial initiatives such as emerging artists, thematic exhibitions and large-scale projects, among others. Perhaps at the expense of a shrinking modern master presence and notwithstanding the diversity in presentation concepts, the focus of the fair was clearly tilted towards the new as established and emerging contemporary art was at the forefront. There was also noticeable excitement around Untitled in what seemed to be an invigorating revamping of that fair’s physical presence and gallery lineup. Under its fortified bright white tent situated right on the beach, Untitled lived up to its billing as the quintessential Miami art fair and delivered a strong roster of 166 North American and international exhibitors focused intensely on contemporary art. Among the other visits, the incredible collections at the de la Cruz, the Margulies and the Rubell did not disappoint, and the opportunity to enjoy beautiful paintings, sculptures and on-site installations housed in marvelous settings without the chaos of crowded fair corridors was surreal.
Across all fairs, there were many memorable pieces. At Art Basel, the showstoppers included: Rebecca Morris’ “Untitled (#14-15)”, 2015, oil and spray paint on canvas (111 x 113.5 in.); Antonio Ballester Moreno’s “Azul”, 2023, acrylic on jute (78.75 x 57 in.); Gareth Nyandoro’s “Street Canteen”, 2023, ink on cut paper mounted to canvas (57.5 x 94 in.); and Phoebe Boswell’s “A Knowledge Becoming”, 2023, pastel on paper (60.25 x 48.5 in.). At Untitled, the highlights included: Rafael Lozano-Hemmer’s “Thermal Drift Density Map”, 2022, custom software, computer, thermal camera, screen (dimensions variable), edition of 6, 1AP; and Concetto Pozzati’s “Inventario”, 1963, oil on canvas (60.63 x 75.25 in.). Other special sightings included: a pair of Esteban Vincente works, “The West”, 1980, oil on canvas (68 x 56 in.) and “Inside Red”, 1986, oil on canvas (56 x 68 in.) at Art Miami; Vanessa Gully Santiago’s “Self Portrait in a Red Dress”, 2022, acrylic on canvas (30 x 24 in) at NADA; and Peter Grippe’s “Figure”, 1950, watercolour on paper (8 x 5 in.) at INK. Special kudos to Sudanese-Canadian artist Azza El Siddique’s critically acclaimed installation, “Final Fantasy”, involving metal work scaffolding, dripping water, eroding clay-fired pots with a central four-sided monitor scrolling the English translation of Egyptian and Nubian funerary texts. Emitting a mystical transcendental vibe, the temple-like installation captivated fairgoers and was an Art Basel fan favorite.
Among the private collections, it was great to again see longstanding much admired works, including:Noah Davis’ “Painting for my Dad”, 2011, oil on canvas (76 x 91 in.) at the Rubell; an installation of familiar works at the de la Cruz by Félix González-Torres which included “Untitled” (America #3), 1992, 42 light bulbs, extension cords and porcelain light sockets (variable size), “Untitled” (Portrait of Dad), 1991, white mint candies, endless supply (ideal weight 175 lbs), and “Untitled”, 1989/1990, offset print on paper, endless copies, two stacks (56 x 23 in. each, ideal height 26 in.); and Leondro Erlich’s “Elevator Pitch” at the Margulies, 2011, automatic door operator, sliding doors, stainless steel, button panel, rear screen video projection, Mac mini-computer, 5 minutes, looped.
While things were frenzied in Miami, it was probably equally so in Hogtown as Torontonian sports fans relished the very real possibility of landing Shohei Ohtani. The Dodo Birds were among the few shortlisted in the hunt for the truly generational talent, but regrettably, after all was said and done, the Dodgers signed him with the lure of perpetual sunshine and a whopping $700 million 10-year contract. Quite incredible. For a short while, the hype served as the perfect smokescreen for the plight of the woeful Dinos who continued to plod along below the 500 mark in the win/loss column. It has been reported that Coach Darko has offered to pick up the team dinner tab when the boys string together three victories. With the team on a three-game losing streak, the more relevant matter at hand is what Coach Darko is doing to stop the bleeding. Fasting, KETO, Paleo? Hunger, or lack thereof, does seem to be part of the issue as lackluster performances add up. One can only assume that Sensei Masai is gearing up for a splash at the trade deadline in February 2024. Meanwhile, Coach Darko has his hands full.
For more information on any of the artists, works or venues mentioned, or the fate of the Dinos, “Just Google It”.
There you have it sportsfans,
MC Giggers
Reporter’s Certification
I, MC Giggers, hereby certify that the views expressed in this report accurately reflect my personal views and that no part of my compensation was or will be, directly or indirectly, related to the specific views expressed herein.
I also certify that I may or may not own, directly or indirectly, works of artists mentioned in this report and that I may or may not have a strong bias for such artists and, more generally, for “Pictures of Nothing”.
#art beat#mcgiggers#raptors#art#art basel#art miami#nada#ink#untitled#de la cruz#margulies#rubellcollection#Rebecca morris#antonio ballester moreno#gareth nyandoro#phoebe boswell#rafael lozano-hemmer#concetto pozzati#esteban vincente#vanessa gully santiago#peter grippe#azza el siddique#noah davis#felix gonzalez torres#leondro erlich#masai ujiri#darko#shohei ohtani
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da oggi, 27 ottobre, a bologna: concetto pozzati xxl

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#art#art exhibit#arte#Concetto Pozzati#Genus Bononiae#Maura Pozzati#mostra#Palazzo delle Esposizioni#Palazzo Fava
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Evviva è nato un pomodoro, 1967, oil on canvas and collage Concetto Pozzati
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Concetto Pozzati XXL
La mostra Concetto Pozzati XXL corona un sogno che l’artista – pittore, docente, curatore e critico d’arte – aveva di realizzare una mostra di opere di grandi dimensioni a Bologna
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(Foto di Diego Alberici)
Mi definisco un artista poliedrico in continua trasformazione. Utilizzo differenti mezzi per esprimermi, fotografia, pittura, scultura, grafica, illustrazione, video e qualsiasi oggetto o idea che stimoli la mia curiosità. Mi piace scrivere poesie e racconti, progettare mobili minimali, leggere Douglas Adams, costruire castelli di carta e a volte restaurarli. Il mio amico più divertente è un Duende che si sposta saltando sui mobili di casa e a volte quando sono distratto mi sussurra parole.
Il primo evento che annuncia il mio futuro legame con l'arte si presenta inaspettato all'età di 12 anni durante una gita scolastica nel porto di La Spezia, in questa occasione vengo decorato con gli onori militari sul ponte di coperta del cacciatorpediniere “Impetuoso” per lo svolgimento del miglior tema sulla natura promosso dal Distretto Comuni Montagna Città Metropolitana di Bologna.
Mi sono sempre interessato all’arte in tutte le sue espressioni. Negli anni ‘80 sono stato curatore e ideatore dello spettacolo "La luce dell'Asia" presentato al circolo Pavese di Bologna. Sul palco del teatro, contestualmente alla proiezione di immagini rappresentative dell’arte classica orientale, l’attore Alfredo Caruso Belli interpretava racconti, poesie e testi di umorismo tratti dalla tradizione filosofico-religiosa dell’oriente.
Sempre negli spazi del circolo Pavese ho ideato e curato, in collaborazione con il musicista Massimo Testa, la rassegna musicale "Hello Jazz".
Sono stato cofondatore del Centro di Ricerca Cinematografica a Bologna, collaborando alla realizzazione di diverse rassegne di qualità, curando settore grafico e realizzazione di manifesti pubblicitari.
Artisticamente mi sono formato all'Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna frequentando la cattedra di pittura del Professor Concetto Pozzati.
Dal ‘94 al 2005 sono stato condirettore della galleria Studio Eraarte, collaborando tra gli altri con artisti come: Marianne Eigenheer, Andreas Gehr, Roberta Fanti, Simone Zaugg, ecc.
Mi sono anche interessato di restauro conservativo …
(segue sotto nel commento)
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Concetto Pozzati (Italian, 1935-2017) - Piccola compostiera (da e per Morandi) from the Restaurazione series, Acrylic on emulsified canvas, 70 x 80 cm (1973)
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(via pict11_164041_big_.jpg (350×311))
Concetto Pozzati
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Concetto Pozzati (Italian, 1935-2017), Rose. Silk screen on mirror, 65 x 75 cm
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Ma dammi la mano e torna vicino, può nascere un fiore nel nostro giardino che neanche l’inverno potrà mai gelare
Riccardo Cocciante, A mano a mano
Concetto Pozzati, A che punto siamo con i fiori (1990) (fonte: archivio Vimarte)
#VimarteArteCultura #Cocciante #Pozzati dtt 139 | sat 839 | streaming | https://www.vimarte.it/catalogue-vp00545/
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Concetto Pozzati (1935-2017), Come colorare il pom, 1971.
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Check out Concetto Pozzati, Gianni Dova, Mino Ceretti, Gianni Colombo, Lucio del Pezzo, Gianfranco Pardi, Mimmo Rotella, Aldo Spoldi, Emilio Tadini, Grazia Varisco, Untitled, From ArtRite
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concetto pozzati xxl: dal 27 ottobre a bologna

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#art#art exhibit#arte#Concetto Pozzati#Genus Bononiae#Maura Pozzati#mostra#Palazzo delle Esposizioni#Palazzo Fava
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Inventario Pozzati
Per un omaggio della città di Bologna all’artista Concetto Pozzati
Istituzione Bologna Musei – MAMbo – Museo d’Arte Moderna di Bologna, Arena del Sole /Fondazione Emilia Romagna Teatro, Cineteca di Bologna, CUBO, Museo d’impresa Gruppo Unipol 30 novembre 2019 al 3 marzo 2020
Dal 30 novembre 2019 al 3 marzo 2020 la città di BolognaconInventario Pozzati – Per un omaggio della città di Bologna…
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Correva l’anno 1963: Concetto Pozzati, Jerry Lewis e “I have a dream” di Martin Luther King
Correva l’anno 1963: Concetto Pozzati, Jerry Lewis e “I have a dream” di Martin Luther King
“Correva l’anno”, la rubrica che racconta i fatti dell’arte del passato senza pretese di esaustività storica. Con un occhio all’attualità. Questa volta parliamo del 1963 3-I-am-not-your-negro-Fondazione-Prada-Milano-Cinema-Photo-Delfino-Sisto-Legnani-e-Marco-Cappelletti-Courtesy-Fondazione-Prada-
Nel 2018 ricorre il cinquantacinquesimo anniversario dalla prima volta che Concetto Pozzati presentò…
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