#concert berlin 2018
marasmusicnotes · 1 year
8 Nov, 2018 - Verti Music Hall (Berlin)
I blame Devin Townsend for getting me into Deadmau5. I grew fond of that music as it’s crisp, catchy, and repetitive, therefore great for focused work (also, Rob Swire!). So, of course, this show had to happen. I dragged my beloved s.o. along once again, and he couldn’t help but roll his chocolate eyes the entire time. His stance was further solidified by our techno purist friend scoffing at the thought of us going to see this show. 😹
We kept ourselves a bit more towards the back, as it was also the first time we visited Verti Music Hall. It opened literally a month before. Rinzen was a support act, I guess it was okay. The crowd was already filled with wide-eyed people drinking only water and being extremely prone to hugging when Deadmau5 started.
I did not recognize songs at the beginning of his set, but the vibe was nice overall, and we danced a bit. Somewhere around the middle things started being more interesting for me, as there were both Ghosts, Monophobia, and Raise Your Weapon, all of them with some extra arrangements. Joel got his mousey helmet on at some point, of course. Somewhere before the encore there was also Strobe, which was out of this world!
Now, the thing that is vastly different here compared to any pop/rock/metal concert is how the crowd reacts to the music. Here, everyone seems to be in their own little world and not really interacting much with others around them (and I’ve observed this in any techno club I’ve been so far, Berghain included). I realise that this sounds odd coming from an extreme introvert, but I really miss some more interaction when experiencing the music together.
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Maybe it's just the Berlin style? Idk. Regardless, I’m happy we went to this one.
Rating: 7/10, ehh, good but not my crowd really
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30 day idol challenge - 8. favorite pic by a fan
Many many great photos by fans, from concerts of seeing the guys out and about, but we have one fan in the fandom (well, at least one, that i know of 😊) who happens to be a professional photograph, based in Berlin, and who happened to be asked to do a photoshoot with Rammstein in 2018/2019 for the new (at the time) Untitled album.
Several photos were published from it, including the memorable black outfits/white outfits combination, and the photo with the puppies.
At the end of the year the fan shared a 'look back' on his year in the studio, and shared another little surprise with us... and drew a heart on it himself.
The photographer-fan ofcourse being Jens Koch...
...and the photo being:
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astralfuchs · 6 months
Given how “unique” a Miku concert would be I’m surprised Crypton themselves didn’t send some team members or equipment personally to make sure things are set up right bc other than some performers that might hide their face/wear disguises idk how many usual concert locations have something prepped for “holo” projections compared to Japan and their Vtuber boom (although I’d rather buy a plushie from a booth but hopefully at least the theatres would have good sound quality)
Sucks for any workers scrambling and getting hate/hope it doesn’t affect the sales of any other indie ppl performing their concerts
The weird thing is it worked before. I went to miku Expo 2018 in cologne and 2020 in Berlin. Both times it was an actual hologram concert with the same band as magical Mirai. Neither of these two locations had a concert like this before, I'm pretty sure. All of the equipment must've been toured around with thew Miku Expo crew. Going against advertising and expectations (basically all of these concerts, and like all of them in recent years were holographic) without notifying buyers beforehand and also not even afterwards when people keep asking is, to put it lightly, customer unfriendly at best and a scam at worst.
I arrived a bit late in 2018 since I only had standard so I don't know how it was there, but in 2020 people went around giving out free stickers and badges, or general stuff they got from other miku events. One of them seemed to be a huge meiko fan so when she gifted me something I gave her the meiko badge I got from the random gacha button bags. Stuff like that really made it feel like a community coming together, so reading that giving out badges, stickers, etc. wasn't allowed this year, even for people who specifically got an okay from cfm and also got their stuff stolen from is surreal.
I had vip in 2020 and as far as I know everyone got their vip merchandise, which doesn't seem to be the case this year, which makes no sense because you would know how many people at this location have the vip ticket. Another thing I read is that vip ticket holders were supposed to be let in earlier for merchandise and the concert hall but it didn't happen, which also worked flawlessly before in my experience.
Merchandise being not enough for everyone is sadly not new, I was in line for it in 2018 and when I was three people away the store people shouted they were all sold out, which was very much a bummer but I thankfully bought the penlight and t-shirt beforehand in the online store so it wasn't too bad for me and as I said I was quite late to the so definitely in the latter half of the people that got in. Still should've been more but I would chalk it up to being the first concert in Europe and them not having expected such a huge crowd maybe. How this is still the case 6 years later and in America where there were concerts way before 2018 is beyond me.
I don't know if this is because of crunchyroll (it probably is tho) but I can't say cfm is innocent either since they partnered with them and it's their job to ensure everything is up to standard, which clearly didn't happen.
For me, I was really happy to hear there was going to be a Europe one again, especially since I really loved it, it is such a magical experience so the last year's being online only made me super sad since it isn't the same in the slightest, but seeing it's also partnered with crunchyroll I decided against it. It's because I loved it so much that it really saddens me to see what is currently going on (also probably why I wrote so much, very sorry). Miku Expo is one of the best, magical and insane events you can go to as a vocaloid/piaproloid fan and I wish for all fans, people who've been in the Fandom longer and already have been to Miku Expo, and newer fans that didn't have the chance yet, to have that same experience but this is not it. This being someone's first miku expo experience is just a sad thing to think about considering what a massive downgrade the experience is. I hope there will be official statements soon and that the people who are currently experiencing it still have a good time.
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eretzyisrael · 1 year
by Dion J. Pierre
The University of Pennsylvania’s Hillel chapter announced that it will hold a “massive” Shabbat event this Friday in response to a controversial festival taking place on campus that will feature a gamut of anti-Zionist activists who have promoted antisemitic tropes and called for violence against Israel.
“We will be inviting students from across campus — Jewish and non-Jewish alike — to join us for a night celebrating Jewish pride, unity, and togetherness,” the Ivy League school’s Hillel said in an open letter posted on social media. “Prominent politicians and Penn alumni will be coming to celebrate along with hundreds of students, to show — contrary to what antisemites like Roger Waters would have us believe — that Jewish Penn students will NEVER stop showing their pride in Israel, their Jewish identity, heritage, and beliefs.”
Waters, the former Pink Floyd frontman, is a scheduled speaker at the “Palestine Writes Literature Festival,” which the University of Pennsylvania is set to host from Friday through Sunday. In recent years, Waters has made comments about “Jewish power” and compared Israel to Nazi Germany. In May, during a concert held in Berlin, he performed in what looked like a Nazi SS officer uniform. A projection that played during the concert also compared Holocaust victim Anne Frank to Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh — who was accidentally shot and killed last year while covering an Israeli military raid in the West Bank — and the show was deemed as “deeply offensive to Jewish people.”
Another speaker listed on the festival’s itinerary, Palestinian researcher Salman Abu Sitta, previously said during an interview that “Jews were hated in Europe because they played a role in the destruction of the economy in some of the countries, so they would hate them.”
Islamic University of Gaza professor Refaat Alareer — who said in 2018, “Are most Jews evil? Of course they are.” — was initially scheduled to speak. However, StopAntisemitism, a nonprofit organization that tracks antisemitic incidents and hate crimes around the world, reported last week that Alareer had been removed from the speakers’ lineup.
The festival itinerary includes a host of other speakers who have praised terrorism against Israel and spoken out against Zionism.
In response to the festival, the University of Pennsylvania’s Hillel wrote in its letter that it has three goals for Friday’s event, which is titled the “Shabbat Together Event.” They include a guarantee that Jewish students will not be forced to attend “Palestine Writes” against their will, excluding speakers “who espouse explicit anti-Jewish hate,” and the removal of Penn branding from the event as well as the issuance of statements condemning the “antisemitic backgrounds” of certain speakers.
The letter also said that the school’s Hillel — which is part of a larger Jewish campus organization for college students — is “grateful for the holy work of supporting Jewish life at the University of Pennsylvania, and knows that there is great work to continue to do together in the new year.”
According to the school’s Hillel, the group recently met with high-level university administrators to discuss “Palestine Writes,” explaining that some of the listed speakers made them feel “less safe” on campus and presenting a list of “demands, asks, and suggestions.”
UPenn Hillel’s message came as Susan Abulhawa, executive director of the “Palestine Writes” festival, publicized a letter she had written earlier this month to the university’s leadership amid backlash over the event. In her letter, Abulhawa claimed that Palestinians are indigenous to the land of Israel and have “encompassed many identities over millennia — including religious identities of Judaism, Christianity, Islam,” which critics have argued is an apparent attempt to appropriate Jewish history and identity.
Abulhawa has previously accused Israel of committing “a dozen kristallnachts [sic],” referring to the infamous pogrom carried out against Jews in Nazi Germany in November 1938. Abulhawa’s viewpoints are so controversial that a sponsor of an Australian festival she was scheduled to participate in pulled its support.
News of the “Palestine Writes” event has subjected the University of Pennsylvania, widely considered one of America’s elite institutions of higher education, to sharp criticism from the American Jewish community.
Earlier this month, US House Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) called on the school to move the event off campus, saying in a letter to its president that he is “dismayed that this is now occurring at my alma mater” and that “if the university’s goal is to promote mutual understanding and bring students together, it will fail so long as antisemites and anti-Israel advocates are given a platform to spew hate.”
Last week, Middle East experts and nonprofit leaders told The Algemeiner that the festival is an “Israel hate fest” and noted that City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate Center professor Marc Lamont Hill, a former associate of Louis Farrakhan who has accused Israeli police of training American officers to kill Black people, will be speaking there.
“Hill in particular is a longtime advocate of violence against Israel and staunch Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions [BDS] supporter who was fired from CNN after a 2018 speech in which he called for the destruction of the Jewish state,” said Asaf Romirowsky, executive director of the Association for the Study of the Middle East and Africa and Scholars for Peace in the Middle East. “Once again we are seeing how propaganda is masqueraded as ‘scholarship.’ UPenn should take a very careful look at where it draws the lines between free speech and hate speech, especially from individuals who have a track record of racism and antisemitism.”
The University of Pennsylvania did not respond to The Algemeiner’s requests for comment on the “Shabbat Together” event and Abulhawa’s letter.
The school responded to the criticism last week, however, issuing a statement to The Algemeiner signed by school president M. Elizabeth Magill, provost John L. Jackson, and dean of the School of Arts and Sciences Steven J. Fluharty.
“We unequivocally — and emphatically — condemn antisemitism as antithetical to our institutional values,” the statement said. “As a university, we also fiercely support the free exchange of ideas as central to our educational mission. This includes the expression of views that are controversial and even those that are incompatible with our institutional values.”
The high-level administrators added, “This public event is not organized by the university.”
Following the statement, StopAntisemitism accused the university officials of countenancing “Jew hatred” and called their response “pathetic.”
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Is your banner from the Berlin concert? Because it looks pretty similar to my concert:..
No mines actually from when I saw them in Washington D.C on Halloween of 2018 because that’s the show I went to. My profile picture is also a picture I took from that show as well.
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krispyweiss · 1 year
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Los Super Seven to Reunite for Democracy
- “It’s great to be able to get the band back together one more time in support of such a hugely important cause,” Steve Berlin says
Los Super Seven is reuniting for a concert benefitting democracy in Texas and war relief in Ukraine.
This time around, the revolving-door group will include Los Lobos’ David Hidalgo, Cesar Rosas and Steve Berlin; Gaby Moreno; Los Texmaniacs; and others.
The June 16 gig at Los Angeles’ Ukrainian Culture Center is Los Super Seven’s third concert since 2018. Proceeds benefit Texas Turnout and the center’s war-relief efforts in Ukraine.
The group formed in 1998 and has released three albums.
“There’s nothing better than enjoying a great night of fantastic music while doing our part in supporting voting rights in Texas,” Berlin said in a statement.
“It’s great to be able to get the band back together one more time in support of such a hugely important cause.”
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butterflyrry · 1 year
To add: multiple times she posted about that damn ring within 1 week, close ups &stories showing it off, a few days later Harry was wearing it (so obviously staged). then all „organic fan pics“ of them „alone“ dropped all while 1 of her friends (1 specifically (Lauren cohen)) posted from same location & always quickly deleted her posts when people found out.safe to say that her friend took most of „organic fan pics“. Or the time she posted cows from out of a train to show off that she was in England🙄. Can’t forget that embarrassing „photoshoot“ of Harry taking pics with fans around New Year’s Day 2018 & holding her coat in every damn pic instead of her holding/wearing her coat herself (they were with Jeff/Winston’s) (coat she posted herself in end of December). how she never stayed at Harry’s place in London, bc she always was with her friends at a hotel/Airbnb (her friend posted multiple times). Or when she showed up uninvited to music cares thing when Anne celebrated her bday & everyone but her was wearing yellow flower crowns & she was just brought out to audience for 1-2 songs & then was gone again. Gemmas less then pleased face in one of Gemma’s friends story’s that night 😂. Can’t forget the way she was introduced on literal live radio before they even „started dating“. Or how Harry can go totally private & undercover to concerts (as he did so many times & we max got a blurry pic if that!) but at the Fleetwood Mac show back in 2017 we got 1000 pics & videos & not only that, got pap pics backstage with both!! oRgAnIc, huh?! Did I mention the times she „joined“ tour when he was the most busiest & literally didn’t have time? Example: beginning of November 2017. After music cares thing she was uninvited at, Harry kept his distance a bit & went on to tour Europe & looked more at ease than ever in last few months, also not wearing that red stunt ring. Then she turned up all of a sudden in Europe on tour after she had that insta meltdown (grocery shop bag photoshoot, insta story’s singing sott, wearing the necklace, most of her friends wearing somewhat Harry related costumes for Halloween etc) & of course posted about being in Europe! Harry had back to back shows: Berlin, Amsterdam, X factor Italy, Italy show & shenanigans there etc & X factor performance in UK. All those shows were within 5 days in a row! Traveling all over Europe! Yet she turned up & was gone like after UK X factor performance again (she had a shoot in LA, someone posted her being on set, meaning she had to leave right after his xfactor UK perform!) so why not turn up earlier when he actually had time? Or later when he was off again?? She didn’t attend any of his LDN or Manchester shows, not in 2017 nor 2018! Weird for being a „gf“ & missing out on ALL of his homeshows, huh? There’s so much more but I just wanted to show people how both (the Hamille and Holivia stunt) are really similar! The only difference is that the Hamille thing was to make it look more organic and consisted of mostly her trolling & announcing her whereabouts & introducing new stunt stuff „lowkey“ & to create a narrative for an album. Where’s the Holivia thing was right in our face yet Harry made sure she was not allowed to post directly about him. The few times cockburn tried, she had to take it down (pickle gate & his bday etc). Harry was obviously way more annoyed from Cockburn than he was from Camille, even though you can see that he didn’t mind Camille at the beginning & probably tried being friends, but this also changed the more annoying she got. not a coincidence that stunt stuff was changed & that Camille & O were allowed different things & that O moulded herself into a Camille lookalike after that Fine Line narrative… & I also KNOW that Camille saying she wished she could „tell her side of story“ doesn’t mean „Harry being an ass“ rather a NDA preventing her from spilling beans about PR stunt. She hoped to get more out of it publicity wise & after being made fun of or rather her new man in „cherry“ it’s not a surprise she wanted to tell the truth to look less of an asshole
Camille was before my time so I can’t speak to any of this. But I’m wondering why she’s suddenly being discussed again?
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burlveneer-music · 2 years
Dur-Dur Band Int. - The Berlin Session - return (after decades) of a top Somali band
The first studio album of its kind since the golden days of Mogadishu came to a halt three decades ago. Glamorous discos and beachfront stages disappeared as the city was bombed to the ground. Like a sleeping giant patiently awaiting its revival, we can finally hear a new recording by the living representatives of that distinct era so far heard only on reissues. This record captures the historic reunion which took place in 2019 in Germany’s capital. London-based Dur-Dur Band Int. - itself an eight-piece powerhouse of Somali live-music - is backing three legendary singers. Sounding equally Asian as it does African, a definitive proto-Reggae groove channels the titans as they devotedly draw the bridge between the sorrow of all that was lost and the delight of a magic which survived. So Why Did We Have To Wait So Long To Hear This Album? By the end of the 1980s, Somalia’s capital (Xamar as the locals call it) was dancing its final dance. The musicians strived to keep it up as the country fell apart, but when the war eventually entered the capital, exile was inevitable. The national theatre was a battleground and the hotels became the backdrops for destruction, many remaining in ruin to this very day. Dur-Dur Band for example was then active in the 90s in nearby Addis Abeba, yet most of the scene was eventually dispersed over 4 continents. For a decade, Mogadishu’s veteran musicians remained dormant. For Xabiib, the glamour of stardom and Gucci had been replaced with an occasional wedding - singing alongside a backing track. In 2003, a fund-raiser was held in London for the reconstruction of Hargeisa’s National Theater which had been bombed to the ground during the war. Somali singers, actors and comedians from all over the diaspora were invited. A new Kooxda was formed around Dur-Dur’s founding member Abdillahi Cujeeri - calling itself Dur-Dur Band Int. Yet for the last twenty years they’ve been performing mostly within the Somali community. In 2015 Berlin-based Nicolas “Çaykh” Sheikholeslami was enticed by Somali music. Little did he know that his mixtape Au Revoir, Mogadishu Vol. 1 - Songs From Before The War would end up sparking a massive international interest in Somali music. Soon he was approached by Ostinato Records with the idea to create a legit compilation featuring those sounds. Thus, Sheikholeslami went on to co-curate ‘Sweet As Broken Dates: Lost Somali Tapes from the Horn of Africa’ which received a Grammy nomination in 2018. Berlin’s prestigious HKW took notice and granted him an opportunity to put together a concert with artists from the golden era. Luckily for us, Nicolas sensed the chance for a recording session to be arranged - and that is how we got this album.
Text by: Nicolas Sheikholeslami & Omri S. Shmulewitz of Spiritczualic Enhancement Center Vocals: Xabiib Sharaabi Vocals: Cabdinuur Alaale Vocals: Faadumina Hilowle Drums: Saciid Xuseen Congas: Saalax Xariiri Bass: Cabdillahi Cujeeri Keys: Yusuf Naaji Guitar: Nabil Sacaani Guitar: Cumar Teesiyow Saxophone: Morton Zakaria Claves: Akila Artwork: Muhyadin Sharafo (oil painting) & Ventral is Golden (design) Recorded: 21.02.2019 & 22.02.2019 Berlin at Butterama Studios in Neukölln by Daniel Nentwig Producer & Mixing: Nicolas Sheikholeslami
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Looks like Malkmus has his own poll well in hand, and doesn't need propaganda, but I had prepared this [and it's Monday, and it beats trying to vaporize the new stupid manager with brainwaves] so I'm sending this in: an old Guardian Q&A that proves Malkmus spiritually belongs here with us in the colosseum.
Selected highlights:
I think Damon's awesome at music, golden voice, golden boy, makes it look so easy to be like, in all the genres.
I've seen Oasis three times and the concerts were just atrocious... the shows, I couldn't believe the mediocrity. Maybe I caught them on an off night. Three times.
I have Rag and Bone pants on right now... Thom Yorke supports Rag and Bone instead of a football team.
Fitting right in with the local crowd already!!
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alexstorm · 1 year
Have you met or seen any of them? Or have a guess which hotel they were at? Are you going to have some fun after the concert or rather go back to the hotel.
But how I have seen some footage it was a good crowd and the sound guys of the Mercedes Benz Arena did a good job it sounded very clear and heavy, they really should have done two days in Berlin, Alex's parents would have preferred that probably too.
Nah, I left right away as I have to go home tomorrow morning. I talked to my colleague's girlfriend for a bit because she had seen them in 2018 already and she thought it wasn't better. She found it slower than in 2018 and said "but I knew he would be like this" meaning not talking much. They really have to work on their transitions though. They're literally doing nothing in between songs. The lights go out after every song, it's quiet for a bit and then they start the next song. But if anyone thinks that's the "real" Alex on stage they clearly need an examination. The dish towel was present for the first few songs but luckily left quickly and then he did a lot of late Elvis posturing which fits with the hair. lmao You could tell he was doing this all not because he was feeling it viscerally but because he knew he would get a reaction out of the audience.
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shit-talk-turner · 2 years
Some fans said there were tweets about June 2018 where Alex was in Berlin at a concert with a blonde girl who wasn't Taylor and many speculated that it could be Louise. The photos of this moment were even attached, but unfortunately the original tweet showing the evidence has been deleted, too bad
even though we do think they had hooked up by then, we’re a bit skeptical of this information
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comequicklysir · 2 years
Hi hello, I have nothing to gif, and I attended my fifth kpop this weekend, and thought I would rate/share my experiences for no reason other than maybe help others figure out the way of kpop concerts and etc  BTS - 9/10  I attended their “love yourself world tour” in Berlin in 2018, I travelled to Berlin from my country (Denmark) to attend the concert. The ticketing experience to bts is a nightmare, even back in 2018 - I still don’t know how we managed to get tickets, because everything was sold out in minutes. I’ve heard it’s even worse now. The cueing for bts outside the arena and merch is an even bigger nightmare, I don’t know if Mercedez Benz Arena has fixed their “we let everyone in the seated areas through the same ten doors) issue but the line was so long it wrapped around the buildings and we only got in like twenty minutes before start, I didn’t go for merch but my friend I travelled with did and she stood in line from six in the morning till four in the afternoon and she got none of the things she wanted and only got a small keychain with a members name on (not even one of her biases), I hope bighit/hybe fixed the merch hell. The concert itself though!! Sadly we were one of the ones affected by Jungkooks foot injury, so he was seated, but he slayed the vocals from his seated position and did little dances in his seat it was cute. The boys can dance though, have incredibly energy, and are so in sync, but I will say the one thing about bts when they go on stage is they are such a unit, when they interact with each other and in each others presence you can feel how much of a close relationship they have with each other and it really brings everything to the next level. I have no complaints to their performance at all, and will always recommend that anyone should go to a bts concert before they die because there is nothing like it. The only dislike I had (which will be a common theme with two other bands too) is that the translator was ofc german, which meant for a good portion of the concert (whenever there was talking) me and my friends had no clue what was going on. But this isn’t really something that brought down their performance or my overall view, it was just kind of like “ugh” not knowing what they were saying, but that comes with travelling to other countries to see concerts.  Monsta X - 8/10
I can’t remember what this world tour was called, but it was the one in Berlin in 2019. I was a casual fan of them when I went in, and boy did I come out loving them and their performance energy. This concert also had absolute hell cueing outside the arena, I generally hope this has gotten better with the years and as the arena has held more kpop concert, but this one we got in an hour before even though the doors opened two hours before. Me and my friend wanted to get lightsticks at the concert, and they were sold out, and at first we thought they must have sold a lot then, but when we sat down in the arena ... no lie, so many people were without lightsticks, and it just seemed like the company had underestimated how many people needed lightsticks in the crowd. Major minus point to the company. HOWEVER, the boys were amazing! they had so much energy, their vocals and rap were 100% live (which bts were too, didn’t mention that, but you could clearly hear with both these bands that everything was live), I genuinly came out a bigger fan than when I entered and listened to their music so much afterwards, it was such a good experience and if they came to my country I would totally go see them again. This concert ofc also had the german translator, except for I.M who spoke in english, which again was like “ugh” but again not really something that affected my view of the group or their performance. Would totally recommend going to see them if you have the chance, you won’t regret it.  Got7 - 4/10 Now, before I start I will say this was one of their last tour if not the last tour before they left JYP and I think that might have affected their creative vision of how they wanted this concert to look and sound like, and JB was also sick during this concert and left before it was over, so I think you should keep that in mind because I definitly think that affected a great part of why this concert didn’t work, for me atleast. I have been a casual fan of got7 since their debut, me and my friend who also saw monsta x, have listened to them since their debut and now a lot of their songs and also have seen a lot of variety content for got7, so we went in with higher expecations than we went in for Monsta x. But something just felt slightly off for this concert, the stage itself was kind of boring - they didn’t really have anything that set it apart visually form other concerts, it was mostly just screeneffects and then them. The mood also felt a little bit off, not like they didn’t wanna be there, but just it felt like it wasn’t like their prime that night and it might have been because their leader was sick for a big portion of the concert. Dancing wise they were amazing, vocal wise - though live and no backing track - they didn’t always sound as clear as monsta x and bts, but I think that could also just be circumstancial, I don’t think bts and monsta x have sounded perfect every day in their career, so. One of their vcr’s was a comedy bit, which is ofc on brand, but it was quite long and they had put on german subtitles for the berlin tour stop, which meant me and my friend spent a lot of very long minutes amongst laughing people not understanding what was going on at all, and the people around us we asked if they could translate just ignored us, which was quite rude. Overall just not the best concert experience for us, I probably wouldn’t go see them again, but I do think people should go see them and make their own judgement especially because I’m quite sure we might have just caught them on a bad day or year. I will also add that Bambam basically carried the energy of this concert, he has incredible crowd control and really knows how to interact with the crowd and make them laugh and have energy, and he’s not even my bias.  Blackpink - 6/10 Now I saw blackpink in december in my home country, and there’s several points I wanna make. I don’t think Blackpink are bad performers, dancers or singers as some commenters on social media would make it out to be, but as someone who attended this tour I do think with the time in their hiatus ... this could have been better. Now first for plus sides of this concert experience, it was the first concert in my home country and it was just nice that I could go home afterwards and not to a hotel. Yg has their merchandise under control!! there was basically no cue, they had every size left even though me and my friend came very last minute when the doors opened. Blackpink had an entire section where they spend several minutes showcasing their dancers and band, letting them have the stage alone and I have never seen this at a concert before and I loved it and it really showed respect to the people they work with. They also had practiced several phrases in danish, which I also felt was so respectful to the country they were in and the people they were performing for. Their vcrs are amazing, beautiful and stunning and practically look like etherial perfume commercials. Rosé and Jennie were overpowering the backing track several times. Jennie and Lisa have incredible stage presence in terms of how they are in their facial expression, they really know to navigate that according to what song is being performed and what is being sung. Jisoo can dance!! she nailed that choreography for her solo performance, not just nailed it, she was incredible. Now for negatives: Let’s be honest, if ur going to a blackpink concert for choreography, ur in the wrong place. At most their choreographys is them swinging their arms around a lot, doing varies forms of catwalks whilst singing or rapping, and ocasionally you’ll get minimal footwork. They aren’t really a dancing choreography hard hitting group, and I think that’s fine and I think it’s time blinks admit that and just roll with what we get. For me I do think at times the girls could benefit from ditching the catwalking waving arm choreo for some of their b side tracks and just lets the dancers do their thing while sing and rap and be artists, I don’t really think they need to have choreo for all their songs, and sometimes it feels like they shove some easy choreo in their just to have it. Jennie’s solo is amazing, and I love the direction for it and the sound of it, BUT I do think it kind of sucks that you go out of the concert not being able to hear it (probably ever again bc lets face it yg aint releasing shit unless they really have to), where as had it been “solo” being performed u could go home and listen to it and repeat it, you can’t really do that with this. Jisoo not having her solo before this tour started, is criminal, yg had two years to get that out and I absolutely think that should have been a priority, because even if Jisoo nailed her liar performance it feels off that there are three bandmembers performing original work and then one member performing covers. I’m not the biggest fan of Lalisa and Money (mostly Lalisa, because I find it highly annoying that she says her own name over a 100 times, and I think she deserved a better solo than a song that just screams at you to say her name over and over again) but I will say they do really well in concert settings even if you don’t like them, HOWEVER, it did bother me during money how little Lisa had that microphone to her mouth, even when she wasn’t dancing - she practically threw out a phrase once in a blue moon, and I wished they instead would have said “okay this is a dance performance” and just put the mic down entirely and just had her go off with the background dancers, because it would have worked better and it just feels off when she only does half the lyrics. The girls are not good at crowd control during talks, at all, you can really tell they are all kind of shy people because a lot of the time they look at each other and you can tell they just hoping not to be the next one to talk. Jennie and Rosé talks most, probably because of the english, but i wish they would have put a translator on then so Lisa and Jisoo could have been freely speaking too. Yg needs to ditch that backing track for blackpink, it keeps coming back in every live event blackpink does and I hate it, they can perform perfectly fine without it and its annoying to hear the echoing of a backing track. I didn’t attend their first world tour, but I have the dvds from it, and I honestly like those better than this one, and i wish I had been on that one. But that being said, I am a blink forever at heart, and it’s always an experience to go see them, but I do think if you go on hiatus for two years planning an album and tour, I expect more from it. There are kpop groups who have a quarter of that time planning it, and money, and they manage to produce better staging and setup and concept.  Ateez - 9/10 I was not a fan until I saw them on saturday in my home country. I had listened to a lot of their title tracks, because I’m the type to put on kpop playlists and find new tracks that way to listen to, but I didn’t really know their names or anything like that, went because my friend was a fan. But boy did they change my mind. First of all, this was the first group who did not!! have any solo or unit stages in between group stages, they were on stage all eight for the entire concert, and I think they basically only didn’t have choreography for a song or two, it was insane how much ENERGY they had! Jongho (I hope I am spelling his name correctly) is insane live, his vocals are beyond stable, and he is without a doubt the best kpop vocalist I have heard live. I also love that their choreographies seem to have a common theme to them, I called it “stumble choreography” to my friend in lack of better wording, but  a lot of the choreographies have this theme of where they stumble to one side of the stage to another, and it just cool it kind of ties together. The entire section with the pirate ship as a graphic, where they mimicked stumbling on a boat each time the boat graphic moved was beyond cool. They all spoke english even though they clearly aren’t fluent, and I respect that!! the only time they used their translator was when one of the members cleared up something that didn’t come out right in english, otherwise they spoke entirely in english. I don’t a single complaint about this concert at all, and I think just like I said with bts, everyone should go see them once, they are incredible.  also I would like to add at the end, most of my critique is mostly aimed at the company, I don’t think in most cases that kpop idols gets to have a lot of control or say in how they want things done, and I think that should be taken in consideration when critiquing a concept, album, music video or concert or anything that is being put out. Unless of course you are dealing with groups like bts who have had a lot of creative input to how they should like and sound and perform.  for the end here are groups I really want to see life if they come to europe, so if you have experiences with them please tell me yours <3 : le sserafim, new jeans, shinee, exo, twice, seventeen, txt, gidle, nct 127 and as for solos, I really wanna see Taemin he’s very high on the list (but sm is allergic to europe)
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graefineszterhazy · 2 years
Gräfin Eszterházy (Elisabeth)
As you can have guessed by my username, Gräfin Eszterházy is one my favourite musical characters. The character isn't historically accurate, because she is Elisabeth's main lady in waiting almost the whole musical, but real Sisi had more of them during her life.
Sophie Eszterházy-Liechtenstein was Sisi's lady in waiting in 1854-1862. She was Sisi's first lady in waiting and the Empress didn't choose her herself. It is said that they didn't have a good relationship, because Gräfin Sophie was much older than Empress Sisi.
In the musical Sophie Eszterházy agrees with Archduchess Sophie, but also helps young Elisabeth. Her character is very interesting, but so underrated.
I tried to find all the actresses that played Gräfin Eszterházy, but since she isn't always considered as main character (which she should), there aren't records about all the actresses. I didn't find all the alternates and swings yet, so here you have only the Erstbesetzung for most of the productions.
Vienna 1992 - Isabella Fritdum
Vienna 2003 - Kerstin Ibald
Vienna 2012 - Caroline Sommer
Thun 2006 - Roberta Valentini
Essen 2001 - Juliana Albrecht
Stuttgart 2005 - Maike Switzer
Berlin 2008 - Esther Hehl
German tour 2008 - Esther Hehl
German tour 2011 - Ann Christin Elverum
German tour 2015 - Angelina Arnold
Concert 2019 -
Concert 2022 - Steffi Irmen
Scheveningen 1999 - Marleen van der Loo
Antwerp 2009 - Anneke van Hooff
Concert 2017 - Madeleine Sie
Concert 2018 -
Szeged 1996 - Ildikó Sz. Nagy
Miskolc 2000 - Erika Eperjesi
Budapest 2002 - Ildikó Sz. Nagy
Budapest 2007 - Ildikó Sz. Nagy
Baja 2014 - Ildikó Sz. Nagy
Győr 2019 - Ildikó Wolf
Kecskemét 2021 - Gabriella Schupp
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Photo: Ildikó Sz. Nagy as Gräfin Eszterházy and Kata Janza as Elisabeth, Baja 2014 (source: Kata Janza's Facebook)
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zappak · 2 years
Andrew Pekler [Khao Sok Extension]
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Release date: February 1, 2023 Catalog no. zappak-003
1. Khao Sok Extension [DVD: 60:00 / CD: 54:46]
Excerpt: https://soundcloud.com/zappak/zappak-003-excerpt
DVD: Video footage and field recordings captured in and around Khao Sok National Park, Thailand, January 2016. Processed, edited and mixed in Berlin, September 2018. Running time 60:00
CD: Field recordings captured in and around Khao Sok National Park, Thailand, January 2016. Processed, edited and mixed in Berlin, September 2018 / October 2022. Running time: 54:46
In 2016, Berlin-based artist Andrew Pekler travelled to Thailand and visited Khao Sok National Park where he gathered field recordings and recorded video footage of the park's flora and fauna. Some of excerpts of this material was used in the compositions and live presentation of Pekler's album “Tristes Tropiques”, released on the Faitiche label in 2016. Two years later, Pekler further processed, edited and mixed the materials to create the one-hour long audio-visual piece “Khao Sok Extension”. A monochrome landscape of branches, leaves, flowers, grass, vines and bamboo shifts slowly through multiple exposures and inversions of color tones. The speed and tone are as if wandering through a forest under the influence of psychedelic substances. The natural sounds of insects, bird calls, wind and water are processed and layered in ways that evoke electronic textures, sequences and effects. However, no instruments were employed in the production, Pekler's field recordings from Khao Sok are the only sounds used. The visuals and audio blur perceptual boundaries between the "natural" and "artificial" while evoking an ambience that is both immersive and deeply uncanny.
[Note] In the video, a 30 minutes long audio version of “Khao Sok Extension” is repeated once. The audio on the CD is a newly-mixed 54 minutes long version.
2016年、ベルリンを拠点とするAndrew Peklerはタイのカオ・ソック(Khao Sok)国立公園へおもむき、環境音の収集と園内の動植物の映像の撮影をおこなった。そのいくらかは2016年にFaiticheよりリリースされた作品[Tristes Tropiques]の制作やライブ・プレゼンテーションにおいて使用された。その2年後、Peklerはさらなるプロセシング、編集、そしてミキシングをおこない、1時間におよぶオーディオ・ビジュアル作品「Khao Sok Extension」は作り上げられた。 木の枝や葉、花、草、ツル、そして竹によるモノクロームな風景は、多重露光や色調の反転をさせながら緩やかに変化していき、そのスピードやトーンはサイケデリックな物質の影響下で森をさまよっているかのよう。昆虫、鳥の鳴き声、風や水などによる自然の音は、電子的なテクスチャーやシーケンス、エフェクトを連想させる方法でプロセシングやレイヤー化されているが、制作において楽器類は一切使用されておらず、園内でフィールドレコーディングされた素材のみで構成されている。没入感のある不気味なアンビエンスを呼び起こしながら、映像と音は自然のものと人工的なものの知覚的な境界線を曖昧にしていく。
[注記] 映像では30分のオーディオ・バージョンが繰り返されており、CDには新規にミックスされた54分のバージョンが収録されています。
Andrew Pekler
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Andrew Pekler was born in 1973 in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. His family immigrated to the United States in 1980. He has resided in Germany since 1995. Andrew Pekler works with techniques of digital sampling and analog synthesis to recontextualize found sounds and archival musical materials. Since 2002 he has released solo and collaborative musical works for labels includung Kranky, Faitiche, Shelter Press, Staubgold and Senufo Editions. Pekler has also produced a number of video and installation works – always in combination with sound. Together with cultural anthropologist Kiwi Stefanie Menrath he developed Phantom Islands – A Sonic Atlas, an interactive online map that charts the sounds and histories of a number of islands that were once found on nautical maps but have since disappeared. In addition to his studio productions, Andrew Pekler has composed music for theater, dance, and film and played numerous concerts in Europe, North and South America, Asia and Australia. andrewpekler.bandcamp.com
Vital Weekly: https://zappak.tumblr.com/post/710540828859334656
Avant Music News: https://zappak.tumblr.com/post/712663788614221824
The Bandcamp Daily https://zappak.tumblr.com/post/713220636752969729
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talloskout · 2 years
Okay so, following story:
I wanted to see Gorillaz live. They came to Germany twice, to Cologne (which is three hours from where I live) at the 22nd of June and to Berlin (which is six hours from where I live) at the 25th of June.
Now, my birthday was at the 20th of June, and my birthday wish was it to go to the Gorillaz concert in cologne. Tickets were still available, the train connection was relatively cheap, and I was so excited to go.
Sadly, my dad had to spontaneously work that day and refused to let me drive to Cologne alone (especially because I would've had to stay there overnight and Cologne is quite the big city and German parents are a bit paranoid) so I asked my best friend if they could accompany me but they got Covid shortly before.
So, long story short, I couldn't go to the concert, which disappointed me immensely, but when my friends came over for my birthday party, we watched the concert at Rock am Ring from 2018, which kinda helped <3
I'm so happy for everyone that can go and see them live, because it's an amazing experience for sure, but at the same time, I'm always kinda jealous 😭😭😭
AWWWW NOOOOOOOO- I feel your pain from here!! I hope you had a great birthday nonetheless! :]
Luckily for me, I planned this event when they first announced the NA tour so I had plenty of time to get my work and such in order before the event. I was supposed to get my friend but she was busy so I had to take my uncle HAHA, he was an alright guest.
Im glad you were able to at least watch the event though!! I’m really hoping they do at least one more world tour before they call it quits with the tours, so then you can get to see them in person!!! * I wish you a very see gorillaz in person 2023/2024 * HAHAHA
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shipmvn · 2 months
what's the best concert you've ever been to and why? what's your favourite memory with your best friend? do you have a dream vacation you'd like to do?
hmmm i don’t think i can choose just one, but the ones i remember the most are inhaler last year in dublin and the 1975 this year in march! i saw inhaler twice last year (once in berlin and then dublin) but the dublin show was just so special bc it was the last one of their tour and in their hometown so the vibes were immaculate ✨ and the the 1975 concert was amazing, i’ve been waiting for over 10 years to finally see them live and i was honestly blown away!
i have more than one best friend, so i’ll just list a few for each of them: one specific gaming night with her bf, pride 2022, visiting seoul in 2018, meeting stevie for the first time ever i’ll never forget that 😭 and then i think the greece trip that is coming up will be a memorable one!
dream vacation would be either going to iceland or going to forks because i just bloody love twilight
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