#conans was good and so was mother mothers but they just had a few too many filler songs for me
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I hate to say it, don't come at me, but Olivia Rodrigo's 'Sour' topped Taylor and Conans and Mother Mothers album this year....
#calm down#not by a lot#but she did#conans was good and so was mother mothers but they just had a few too many filler songs for me#like#every one of Olivias was a bop even if it wasn't my fav genre#the tortured poets department wasn#t bad but it just wasn#t the vibe#you know what I'm saying?#I just know that billie is gonna top all of them though#so excited for her#ttpd#Taylor swift#found heaven#conan gray#mother mother#Olivia rodrigo#sour#oliviarodrigo
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Wish You Were Sober
Summary: Qrow calls a friend while babysitting his nieces.
Pairing: Qrow x Clover, Qrow x Summer
Word Count: 878
Warning: none
Inspired by 'wish you were sober' by Conan Gray
“You know the answer,” Tai sighs. “If I had found anything you would’ve known by now.”
Qrow scowls into the lip of his flask, brows furrowed before he takes a deep drink. Summer had been missing for nearly four months, and as time went on, it was getting harder to breathe. Harder to eat, harder to sleep. Knowing that she was no longer safely tucked away in that house with Tai and the girls made Qrow sick. Actually, the drink made him sick. The not knowing what happened to her made him want to die.
“Just update me aight,” Qrow slurs, his tongue heavy in his mouth. On the other end of the scroll, Tai sighs.
“You drunk again?” Tai huffs into the phone. Qrow rolls his eyes, peers into the bonfire.
“Don’t worry,” Qrow replies. “The girls are fine.”
“I’m not worried about the girls at the moment.” Tai says, his response clipped. When had he grown up so much?
Qrow blinks slowly, leans his cheek into his palm. “I’m fine. Just find her. Or come home. Or both. The kids miss ya.”
“They miss their Uncle too,” Tai says lowley and Qrow shuts his eyes. “I’ll be back in the morning. Don’t forget to put out the fire before you go back inside.”
“Aye aye, captain.” Qrow mumbles into the scroll, ending the call before Tai can reply.
Summer was the thing that held the group together, the glue. With her wishful eyes and sweet smile, she made team STRQ a team. A family. When Raven had ran, Summer had slipped into the role of mother easily. A few months later she found out she was going to be a mom herself, and while it had stung that it wasn’t his baby, Qrow couldn’t say he hated the way pregnancy had made Summer glow.
He knew she hadn’t left on her own accord. Not if she had never intended on coming back. Summer was a mother to Ruby and Yang through and through. She would’ve rather died than be separated from them. Knowing that made Qrow’s breath catch.
Staring into the fire, he tips the flask back and forth between his palms before raising it to his mouth and taking another sip.
Beside him, his scroll buzzes and he glares at it before picking it up. Reading the name across the screen, Qrow groans and presses answer.
“Hey you.”
“Hey yourself.” Qrow grumbles, looking away from the screen. “Tai call you?”
Clover shrugs, his emerald eyes bright even on the phone. “Maybe. But can’t a guy give one of his best friends a call?”
“One of your best friends?” Qrow smirks, quirking an eyebrow. “Let’s be honest, I’m one of your only friends. We both know you don’t consider the Ops to be your friends.”
Clover wrinkles his nose the smallest amount. “They’re my teammates. They’re important in other ways.”
“Sure, sure,” Qrow sighs, and takes a swig from the flask. “So what did Tai want you to do, check in? Give me words of advice? Scold me?”
“He’s just worried about you,” Clover sighs, scratching the back of his head. “We all are. We know how… difficult these last few months have been.”
The screen flashes for a moment as the connection drops and Qrow feels his heart panic for a moment. The connection resumes and Clover's face reappears, making Qrow let out a sigh.
“Difficult is an understatement.”
“That’s understandable,” Clover replies. He gives a light smile and it’s infectious. “How’re your nieces?”
Qrow grins. “Growing like beanstalks. I swear Yangs going to get into Beacon early.”
“Just like her Uncle, no?” Clover quips and Qrow snickers, rubs at his jaw.
“I’m lucky I got into Beacon at all.”
“Luck had nothing to do with it.”
Qrow feels his chest tighten and he looks away. They’re both quiet for a moment before he takes another sip.
“How’ve you been, Clove?” Qrow says his friend's childhood nickname like a happy memory, his eyes bleary.
Clover lets out a quiet sigh. “I’ve been good, kid.”
“Miss you being around.” Qrow tries, his voice cracking a bit and he coughs. Clover is quiet, frown lines creasing his forehead. “Miss that smartass sarcasm.”
At this, Clover lets out a chuckle but his face looks drawn. “That’s sweet, Qrow,” he says softly, rubbing the back of his neck. “That’s… real sweet. But I wish you were sober.”
Qrow feels an embarrassed flush crawl up his neck and he looks away, digs his heels into the dirt.
“I should go,” Qrow says quickly, unable to look at the man that could’ve been something, pity him any longer. “Should check on the girls.”
“Qrow, don’t-“
“Bye Clover.”
Qrow ends the call with a hard push of his thumb. He drops the Scroll to the soft grass and lets out a long sigh, stretching his neck to the sky. Taking in the dimly lit moon and stars, he wonders if Summer and Clover are looking at the night sky too.
Was Summer able to look at the sky, wherever she was? Did Clover remember how they used to stargaze? Qrow squeezes his eyes shut, gripping the flask tightly and wonders if they miss him, as much as he misses them.
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One year ago my Father died. 91 years is a good run and the few last ones he was aching to be with my Mother instead of being among the living.
As believe more in Robert E Howard's Conan than in any religion I don't believe in afterlife. But the passed, no the dead live with us. In what they taught is and showed us examples on how to treat others and ourselves.
I often find myself thinking of the dead friends and loved ones. Just a few moments ago doing searches on "Magik" oh man... The amount of porn in images. And most of it has nothing to do with Illuana Rasputin. It's just variations of porn. See, over a decade ago I did an illustration to western fanzine, a short story about hunter chasing deer.
I have seen deer but I looked for reference pictures because there is always a sinew somewhere you don't remember. And it was the same: some beasts with antlers and surprising amount of naked ladies. And some with antlers. So I chatted with a friend, a manga artist and a great persone. She had had the same problem. " Do a search with linnean name of the animal. Not a lot of porn with latin genus names." She died way too young.
I live with good kind of ghosts. I have not forgotten bad times but I focus on the good ones. If for some reason you read this take three things. 1) take care of your loved ones, life is shorte 2) use latin names for species in image searches. Even though there is nothing wrong with porn 3) live. Live to the fullest for those that can't anymore. And especially for you.
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Victoria Helen McCrae Duncan was born on November 25th 1897 in Callander.
Known as Helen Duncan, in 1944, she became last person in the UK to be tried, convicted and imprisoned under the 1735 Witchcraft Act.
Hellish Nell, as she became known, was actually a medium, and by all accounts not a very good one, the way she earned her living was to hold seances and charge plenty for her services, but she was rumbled several times as a fraud.
Nor was she the last person convicted under the 1753 Act – now repealed and replaced with the Fraudulent Mediums Act of 1951 – because in fact three other people were on trial alongside her and one of them was sent to prison, too. Yet somehow the “last witch” nickname has stuck, though records clearly show that some months after her trial and imprisonment in September 1944, one Jane York, 72, from Forest Gate, East London, was charged under the same act with seven counts of pretending to conjure up spirits of the dead. Incredibly, York was simply bound over for the sum of £5 to be of good behaviour for three years.
Ah, but that happened after D-Day, and there is no question when you examine the evidence that the authorities wanted to make an example of Helen Duncan and put her away for the summer of 1944.
From an early age her own family saw her as fey, and her mother was mortified when the child’s behaviour became impossible – she would predict doom and destruction for all sorts of people and was given to outbursts of hysteria.
Her early life was otherwise normal. She moved to Dundee and worked at the Royal Infirmary where she met Henry Edward Duncan, a wounded war veteran and a cabinet maker. They were married in 1916, and Duncan would eventually have six children by Henry who saw a great way of making money from his wife’s talents in clairvoyance – she read tea leaves and made predictions and earned a few shillings for doing so.
By 1926 she had become a fully-fledged medium giving seances during a time when spiritualism was all the rage. Moving to Edinburgh, her seances were soon the talk of the town – even the ghost of that local man turned Sherlock Holmes creator, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, a great believer in spiritualism, was said to have materialised at sittings.
A prominent feature of her seances was her apparent ability to produce “ectoplasm” from her mouth during her trances when she was transformed into her spirit partners Albert or Peggy, a young girl whose voices “spoke” through Duncan. She had grown quite obese and the contrast between this 20-stone woman and the childish voices was part of the reason why people believed in her.
It was at a seance in January 1933 that Peggy emerged in the seance room and a sitter named Esson Maule grabbed her. The lights were turned on and the spirit was revealed to be made of a cloth undervest which used as evidence that led to Duncan’s conviction on the Scottish offence of fraud at Edinburgh Sheriff Court in May 1933.
The conviction does not seem to have harmed her career. Duncan was by then making a good living by conducting seances throughout Britain at which “the spirits of the dead were alleged to have appeared, sometimes talking to and even touching their relatives”.
Duncan began to get more famous but also began to be more scrutinized. Director Harry Price of the National Laboratory of Psychical Research examined her. He deemed her ‘ectoplasms’ to be made of cheese and eggs which she would regurgitate up. Price was less than impressed by what he felt was a show woman, exploiting people for money.
“Could anything be more infantile than a group of grown-up men wasting time, money, and energy on the antics of a fat female crook.”
During World War Two, Duncan lived in Portsmouth, the home of the Royal Navy. In 1941, the spirit of a sailor reportedly appeared at one of her seancés announcing that he had just gone down on a vessel called the Barham. HMS 'Barham' was not officially declared lost until several months later, its sinking having been kept secret to mislead the enemy and protect morale.
Unsurprisingly, Duncan's activities attracted the attention of the authorities and on 19 January 1944, one of her séances was interrupted by a police raid during which she and three members of her audience were arrested.
Duncan was remanded in custody by Portsmouth magistrates. She was originally charged under section 4 of the Vagrancy Act (1824), under which most charges relating to fortune-telling, astrology and spiritualism were prosecuted by magistrates in the 20th century. This was considered a relatively petty charge and usually resulted in a fine if proved. She was eventually tried by jury at the Old Bailey for contravening section 4 of the Witchcraft Act of 1735, which carried the heavier potential penalty of a prison sentence.
In particular, the medium and her three sitters were accused of pretending 'to exercise or use human conjuration that through the agency of Helen Duncan spirits of deceased persons should appear to be present'. Duncan was also charged with offences under the Larceny Act for taking money 'by falsely pretending that she was in a position to bring about the appearances of the spirits of deceased persons'.
The trial caused a media sensation and was extensively covered in the newspapers, many of which revelled in printing cartoons of witches on broomsticks. At one stage, the defence announced that Duncan was prepared to demonstrate her abilities in the witness box. This amounted to conducting a séance in the court while in a state of trance and the offer was refused.
Duncan was found guilty as charged under the Witchcraft Act and sentenced to nine months in Holloway Prison, London, but she was cleared of the other offences. She was the last person in Britain to be jailed under the act, which was repealed in 1951 and replaced with the Fraudulent Mediums Act following a campaign by spiritualist and member of parliament Thomas Brooks.
There are two common misconceptions about Duncan's conviction. The first is that she was the last person in Britain to be convicted of being a witch. In fact, the Witchcraft Act was originally formulated to eradicate the belief in witches and its introduction meant that from 1735 onwards an individual could no longer be tried as a witch in England or Scotland. However, they could be fined or imprisoned for purporting to have the powers of a witch.
The second misconception is that she was the last person to be convicted under the Witchcraft Act. Again this is incorrect. Records show that the last person to be convicted under the Witchcraft Act was Jane Rebecca Yorke in late 1944. Due to her age (she was in her seventies) she received a comparatively lenient sentence and was fined.
Additionally, it has often been suggested that the reason for Duncan's imprisonment was the authorities' fear that details of the imminent D-Day landings might be revealed, and given the revelation about the Barham it is clear to see why the medium might be considered a potential risk. Nonetheless, then prime minister Winston Churchill wrote to the home secretary branding the charge 'obsolete tomfoolery'.
Helen Duncan was released from prison on the 22 September 1944 and seems to have avoided further trouble until November 1956, when the police raided a private séance in Nottingham on suspicion of fraudulent activity. No charges were brought and shortly afterwards, on 6 December in the same year, the woman who is sometimes remembered as the 'last witch' died.
A campaign by her descendents to clear her name continues to this day.
The first pic is a bust f Helrn, which was presnted to the town of Callander, but such is the atitudes towards her it was rejected, it i nowon display at the Stirling Smith Art Gallery and Museum.
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So I've had a couple of AU ideas since I've gotten back into the fandom and I'm kinda curious on what people think about them.
Monster AU - Snake and Shifter
In which Ran is only half human and Shinichi is only partially inhuman. Shinichi is descended from a line of shapeshifters who have mixed with humans so long the shifting is more or less danger driven, so good deaging was more his subconscious trying to protect him than the actual poison, meaning AI also has something like this going on - what if all the Blacks are shapeshifters to some degree? Meanwhile, Ran's mother was a Naga while Mouri is a human. Not much going on here but Ran probably has a stronger sense of smell than a human but weaker than a Naga and eventually, tho it may take a bit, realizes that Conan and Shinichi have similar scents. If the drug/deaging changed his scent then maybe she doesn't notice until after he manages to temporarily return as Shinichi, and his smell is similar to Conan's. She joins in on trying to help him re-age or something. They also aren't the only creeches but I dunno what the others would be.
TLDR, Shinichi and Ai have shapeshifter DNA and Ran is half Naga, she realizes Conan and Shinichi are the dang person because of scent and starts helping him.
Immortal AU - Don't trust magic
This one is both the least different and the most, in a manner of speaking. Shinichi, in an attempt to permanently reage himself, manages to succeed far longer than any previous attempts, and returns to Ran to try and salvage their relationship. Something happens and there's a backfire of sorts, not only reverting Shinichi back to Conan in front of Ran but unknowingly affecting her as well. It's not immediately obvious but, within a few years, it's noticed that doesn't really seem to be aging. Eventually, Shinichi returns to his age naturally or something, and realizes that Ran still hasn't gotten any older, when she should look at least ten years older, and soon he stops aging as well - they're stuck at the age Shinichi was trying to return to. They probably end up trying to reverse the situation, not knowing what would happen if they do, but if they fail at least they have each other. Speaking of which, I want to give them a supernatural ability thqt only works when they're holding hands or something but that might be too much.
TLDR, Shinichi tries magic or something to reage but indeed him and Ran are immortally stuck at the Shinichi's actual age and they're probably trying to find a counter spell.
Shifter AU - Cat to Kitten
Shinichi has always been able to turn into a cat, but it's something he hid from even Ran. But when he gets deaged, he becomes stuck in his cat form. Ran eventually finds him and takes care of him, naming him Conan after Shinichi's favorite author. Eventually he regains a partially human form, and Ran helps him hide the ears and tail. From here the story continues relatively the same, but with two secrets on the line. Also, beach episodes but instead of staring at Ran or something he's chasing birds and trying to avoid the water.
TLDR, Shinichi can turn into a cat and got forced into the form of a kitten, eventually the normal events of the show happen but with attempts to hide his inhuman features included.
Time AU - Physical Flashbacks
Ran is the reincarnation of a goddess or demigoddess of time, but she can't control her abilities. Mostly she gets visions, but sometimes she'll end up a few hours or so in the past in a bit of a time loop until she figures out why. This has allowed her to save Conan several times, but most of he times saving him were merely her own mortal skills. Eventually this fails. She's found out the truth, but Shinichi is dying, and she keeps trying to change things, and it's just not working. Somehow, the next time she goes back, she ends up at the beginning, after Shinichi has already been shrunk though, and has to figure out what to do in the past to prevent that death from ever happening, while also trying to decide if she should tell Conan she knows he's Shinichi.
TLDR, Ran is a reincarnation of some divinity tied to time but she can't control her abilities, she ends up in the past when Conan first showed up after Shinichi died and is now trying to prevent that death
#detective conan#detco#detco au#detective conan au#original au#snake and shifter au#don't trust magic au#cat to kitten au#physical flashbacks au
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Hey, Brother do you still believe in one another?
08. Therapy
Heiji Hattori x Male Reader | Platonic! Shinichi Kudo x Brother Reader
Fandom -> Detective Conan/Case Closed
Masterlist | Previous / Next |
Warning -> Mention of Self-Harm
Call the doc, I must be sick
Better get me my medicine
Think I might need another prescription
You hadn't been to your therapist, Mrs. Takana, since your last junior school year. She wanted you to start Senior year without any form of Medication or sessions, you were getting stable enough at this point and giving it try, in her opinion, would be good.
Being back now, in the child-friendly decorated like room of, felt off to say, almost weird. Nothing had really changed in here, besides a few additional toys—you guessed at least, because the they do look a lot more than before.
You sat on the couch playing with some buildings blocks, which laid on the coffee table in front of you, as you waited for her to come in. Waiting in any kind of medical institutions was making you always anxious.
Mrs.Takana opens and closing shortly afterwards the door, smiling at you and giving a short greeting, walking in with the folders tucked under her arm and carrying a tray with drinks and sweets. Putting the tray down onto the table, she takes her folders and takes a seat opposite of you.
«How are you doing [Name]?» Mr.Takana asks you, skimming through the papers and already begun to scribble down some notes.
«I'm, I'm not sure.....» you told her, not really knowing how to properly word whats on your plaguing mind or how to tell her of the current situation you're in.
In all honestly, if it wasn't for your parents and Sachiko, you wouldn't have been coming back here at all. It wasn't like you didn't like Mr.Takana, she was a great therapist and helped you greatly during your elementary and junior years, but you thought—a dumb thought, that you could handle it on your own, how it wasn't and wouldn't get so worse at all.
Your parents had come back for a visit, something they would do every three months or so to simply check up on Shinichi and you and because, they aren't admitting it aloud but you could tell from the way your mothers face brightens when she had the chance to eat some traditional and authentic sweets again, they sometimes do get homesick too.
They had, to be more precisely it was your dad who did, picked up on your behaviour. Noticing the self harming and destructive patterns, which had resurfaced again—though they hadn't completely gone, never would perhaps. How moody you were getting, snapping every so often at your mom for being too overbearing, overwhelming lovely, to you. The obvious lack of constant sleep and when you do get the chance to finally find some rest—you would wake up screaming from the nightmares.
Your tries of desperately covering everything with make-up. How anxious and paranoid you had gotten, whenever at night the front door isnt locked or the curtains closed.
Something was troubling you, bringing you into a state of fright. When Sachiko had elaborate her thoughts of possible why's, your mom had been the one to make appointment calls right away and dad reasoning with you why you should start with therapy again. They only meant it well.
«That's fine, how about we play a bit with the building blocks and you tell me when your ready, take your time.» Mrs.Takana, true to her words, was starting to take the blocks and stacking them. She wasn't going to push you into telling her, knowing well enough that stressing a patient would cause more harm than good. And time you took, a hour had passed with you two just sitting in silence and stacking blocks and eating some sweets.
«I....well it started, I mean.....» you paused, discarding the blocks completely, putting them aside on the ground. Taking one of the mystery puzzle boxes, mysterious because the picture had been covered up, from under the table. You could focus more if you do puzzles.
«Shin-chan had disappeared without a word or that's what he wanted me to believe. I seriously had thought he had died, I was worried sick but it turns out Shinichi is just ignoring me on purpose, because he calls Ran every so often. I don't know, it just really hurts that he does this........and like—» you paused, scratching your wrist as hard as you could before continuing.
Mrs.Takana letting you as you pleased, observing you. She knew exactly when she had to step in, to stop you from going into a full blown panic attack. She takes notes of everything you were telling her, about your troubles and the emotions you were feeling.
«Are you able to get some sleep?» she asks you, one of the few serious questions she would ask you in between.
«No. Just a few minimal hours here and there, but most of the times I drinks lots of black coffee to keep myself functional awake.»
«And your nightmares?»
«Getting worse with each day. I mostly sleep in my parents room nowadays to get a bit of comfort, but it ain't helping anymore...»
«[Name], had the thoughts of self-harming occurred again? Did you restart with hurting yourself?»
You nibbled on your lower lips, bitting and pulling skin. You had gone silent after her last question. Putting all your focus on the puzzle now, which you had almost completed. A picture of cats it was. There would be no use in lying about it.
«Yeah.....I did....again......I tried not to think about, but when I had looked in the mirror and saw myself, I couldn't, couldn't help it and took the next best blade and start to cut..........honestly, the only thing I fear about this, is that they will noticing it, I think they already did tho, and like be disappointed in me....»
Four hours you had talked with Mrs.Takana and now you had to attend weekly, if nothing comes between it, a session with her.
Walking out of the clinic, it actually was more a separate ward of the Hospital, you waved at Sachiko, which was coming to pick you up. Conan was with her.
«Why are you here munchkin?» you had crouched down to him and tapped his nose as a greeting, a small smile on your lips.
«Auntie Yukiko had asked me to go with Sachiko, she also told me to tell you, that she wants to go shopping with you tomorrow. Ne [Nickname], what were you doing here? Are you sick?»
Your mom wanting to go shopping with you on her second last day, before flying back to the USA, was so her.
«I had a appointment, nothing to worry about. Anyways, Sachi I need to go to the pharmacy first and then we could go to an Café, sounds good or? I'm a bit hungry after all.» standing back up, you took Conans hand in yours and starting to walk.
Mrs.Takana had given you a prescription for a few medications, it was more than what you got prescribed the first time.
«Oh [Name]~ I have to tell you about the new make-up collection from Fionala! I can't wait to – » Sachiko rambled on about girly stuff, Conan blending her out.
Conan knew exactly what sort of appointment you had here. Back then, when he still had been Shinichi, he sometimes would accompany to them, giving you support and waiting for you.
Conan didn't knew that your mental health had gotten so bad again, but then again with him staying by Ran, how was he able to know at all? He have to ask his parents tonight about it.
Pills and potions
we're overdosing
#male reader#anime#x male reader#case closed#detective conan/case closed#detective conan#heiji hattori x male reader#heiji hattori#hattori heiji#kudo shinichi#shinichi kudo#x male!reader
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Couldn't agree more.
Reinventions and modern trends and narratives are all very well and good, but you really cannot call yourself a Greek mythology fan if all you ever read is Rick Riordan and stuff like Lore Olympus or that baby Cerberus comic. I'm sorry if that sounds like gatekeeping, but it's like claiming you're a fan of Gaston Leroux if you've only ever seen the Phantom of the Opera film. Or saying you're a fan of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle if you've only ever seen BBC Sherlock. You're enjoying a particular adaptation in a different medium, with all the flourishes and changes it made, and you can say you're a fan of that. But you're missing out on the original, and to claim fondness of the original is disingenuous.
If all you know of Norse myths is Marvel, for instance, then you'd think Loki is Thor's adopted brother. When in fact he is Odin's blood brother (where two adults adopt each other as siblings). That's going to affect how you read everyone's relationships and actions in the Eddas.
As for the distinction between mythology and religion... that's such a Western Christian lens, isn't it?
I'm Indian and Hindu. I grew up hearing tales of the Hindu gods from my mother and grandmother, as well as reading them. I also grew up reading Greco-Roman and Egyptian and Norse myths pretty much from the time I could read. My parents never told me that our myths were real and to be respected but these other ones were mere fiction - no, they simply gave me the books and left me to it. Of course I treated them with the same respect and awe that I gave the Hindu gods. They weren't my gods, but they were gods nonetheless.
Long before Gaiman wrote American Gods, as a young child I had already formed the nebulous belief that these gods all existed in the country where they originated - Isis and Anubis and Thoth in Egypt, Athena and Zeus and Aphrodite in Greece, and Krishnan and Sivan and Amman in India. But I myself was born and bred in Singapore, where there were many Hindus and temples. Surely the gods were with us too? Well then, surely the gods went wherever their worshippers went. Easy.
I believed in all the other gods too, but I didn't really offer them active worship at the time, although in my teens I also felt drawn to Bast. But when I went to Egypt I prayed in the ancient temples we stood in, because they awoke the same feeling in me that Hindu temples did. (Today I have a few statuettes of Egyptian gods in amongst the Hindu ones on my altar, and am seeking a nice statuette of Athena. I can't offer the Egyptian gods beer, which was part of their libations, because that's taboo in Hindu worship. Or meat. But they still get milk and fruits and incense.)
So. I think it's pretty telling that people from a cultural background of Christianity - even if you're not Christian yourself, your culture has been shaped by Christian thought and scholars and lawmakers and media and thou shalt have no other god but me - see mythology as mere stories, malleable pieces of literature that can be changed and adapted and used as much as Doyle or Leroux or the Grimm tales.
Y'all never refer to the Bible or the apocrypha as mythology, after all.
To me, there was never a distinction of 'oh well, these cultures are dead, these religions don't exist'. Why would there be? Gods are eternal. Isis and Athena were no less than Durgai in my mind.
(I ended up doing a degree in Classics and Ancient History, and that was so fascinating and such a wonderful experience.)
I'm not, by any means, saying everyone reading Riordan needs to believe. Just... show respect, I guess. Be aware of the weight of this tradition, and consider checking out the originals. Be aware that modern retellings change a lot, because of that perception of Greek myths as a static source of literary material to be mined.
You don't even need to learn Greek or Latin, lol. Roger Lancelyn Green has some excellent editions of those tales that I adored as a child and still recommend to my students. And there are reference encyclopedias aplenty! Heck, Wikipedia is free.
I have seen someone say, to accentuate the fact a certain book needed a basic knowledge of Greek mythology to fully understand all the references and jokes in there, "You better have read the Percy Jackson novels, else you will be lost".
You guessed it: it bothers me (every time I begin a post like that, you can expect me ranting about something)
I don't know if this was said as a jest or not. If it was said as a sort of joke or as a light-hearted comment, I fully get it and I have nothing to say, because of course that's a funny nod. However I fear this was said in all seriousness. And even if this person was not serious, I have seen a LOT of people treat mythology... out of fictional works. Especially the Riordan novels (a similar thing is happening with Norse mythology where people start using God of War as a reliable source but that's a discourse for another day).
I get how popular and beloved the Percy Jackson novels are. I myself am a big fan of them. It was my butter and jam in middle-school. I never was a Harry Potter fan, but I WAS a Percy Jackson fan. So I get it, I get how it can be... But it doesn't mean these novels should be treated as a source of reliable and certain info on Greek mythology. People seem to forget that these novels are rewriting, reinventions and adaptations of Greek mythology. Back in the days, nobody would have went around claiming Saint Seiya or Ulysses 31 were reliable sources about Greek mythology, and yet today people treat stuff like Blood of Zeus or Wonder Woman Historia as almost primary sources when it comes to handling the Greek gods...
I guess it is due to a change of generations, and a change of point of view as time goes on. Today Greek mythology is treated, handled and accepted more as a source of narrative material, as a host of characters, as a compilation of folktales, rather than an actual culture, or a literary corpus, or a set of beliefs and rites linked to a religion. Probably because people are getting more and more used to Greek mythology being used for entertainment and narrative purpose - Disney's Hercules, God of War, Class of Titans... People don't have their primary contact with the Greek myths through classrooms and school lessons, they have it through movies and animated series and novels. And so for them, Greek mythology becomes "fiction" before "study".
Before, to make the point that you needed to know the basics of Greek mythology, someone would have said "You need to have read at least a Greek mythology encyclopedia". There's a SHIT TON of these around. Today it's just "You need to at least have read a Percy Jackson novel". I mean, again, if it is for humoristic purpose or for a light-hearted comment, okay, it's funny - but if it is serious, than it is as stupid as to say "You need to know about witches and witchcraft... so you need to at least have read the Harry Potter novels".
Again, I don't want to spit on the Percy Jackson novels. I adored them, I still love them, and I think it is great and amazing how it boosted and popularized Greek mythology and made it such a casual topic. But I always thought the series was much more enjoyable when you knew already a bit about Greek mythology BEFORE reading the books, instead of learning things from it. The reason I fell in love with these novels was because I was a HUGE Greek mythology fan as a child and unfortunately as a result the range of media exploring my interests was limited (Mission Odyssey, the classic italian Odyssey movie, The God Beneath the Sea). Until the Percy Jackson came along and I had a blast seeing how they reinterpreted, reinvented and reused things I was already familiar with. That was the fun of it, see their interpretation of mythology.
Because I am sorry, but if you try to learn Greek mythology with the Percy Jackson novels, you will learn a LOT of misinformation. You will learn that Athena can have kids, that Poseidon is one of the coolest Olympians, that Demeter basically has no role whatsoever in anything, that Venus and Aphrodite are one and the same, that the demigods all inherit the powers of their parents like super-heroes... In fact we do see today a lot of the effects the popularity of the Riordan books had (like the overblown and excessive villainization of Zeus). But that's something endless and eternal: as I pointed out, after the OvertlySarcasticProductions video about Dionysos with them having horns as part of his design, EVERYBODY on Tumblr and the friggin' Internet started putting horns on Dionysos. It wasn't just something that spread slowly, it was a real boom and fashion.
I was NOT expecting this rant to go that far, as usual I got carried away X) But here's kind-of my point: people originally brought forward the idea that "There is no "real" canon to Greek mythology because there's tons of conflicting versions and alternate tales" to defend the idea that fictional takes and adaptations could deviate from the dominating versions. It was nice and a needed reminder. Except... people of course used it wrongly and started use it to A) just allow themselves to do anything and everything while B) not bothering to do any research by pointing out how since there's no "canon" and not a set of defined clear-cut legends, they don't have to justify their adaptation choices.
Yes, there is a lot of variations, alternate continuities, rivalizing characterizations and conflicting elements in Greek mythology, as in all and every mythologies, from Norse to Indian. It doesn't mean however that the modern fictional works about Greek mythology have as much importance as the actual original texts of ancient civilizations... I get that you love your Song of Achilles and your Epic the Musical, but it doesn't mean that I won't judge you if you never bothered doing any research about what Greek mythology was about outside of seeing other people adapt it. (And don't even get me started on the so-called "devotees" of the Greek gods who aren't even true neo-pagans and are just fad-following pseudo-poets who bring forward random ideas as facts and literaly have "headcanons" about gods as if they were OCs... Random personal take but I have never seen any dog-loving "devotee" of Hekate ever question or mention how THOUSANDS of dogs were killed in the name of their "patron")
I guess it is because how people have a hard time getting what a "mythology" is about... I mean a lot of people really don't know the difference between a "mythology" and a "religion", and yeah, in mythology the gods are as much figures of worship/centers of cult as they are literary characters and narrative archetypes, so it's this weird in-between... I don't know, this rant literaly leads to nowhere so I'll just stop here and leave you to your own thoughts :p
#Greek mythology#Roman mythology#Norse mythology#Egyptian mythology#Egyptian religion#Hindu mythology#Hinduism#ancient history
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Found a german shaman king (2001. not the netflix one I just learned abt today) stream and will binge this anime now bc god do I miss it since I watched the first few eps over and over on wach durch die nacht on disney xd. Listened to the opening for hours today when I woke up. Nowadays I usually watch subbed (or rarely in eng) but if I first watched it in german and I yearn for the nostalgia or/and the voices were just perfect imo then I absolutely go w my mother language. Hope the site got detective conan bc I really want to watch that too and the german voices are just top. Watched a few movies n eps on tv and ugh I miss it. I'm gonna look at so much from childhood in the next weeks I think since I currently got too much free time on my hands. Idk how it's nowadays but 1 german openings slapped most of the time 2 the voice actors were really good. I'm so sorry german idk why I started to hate on you. I could use the time to kinda catch up on one piece (all I know is from the warrior games nowadays n what I watched in kindergarten n the first few school classes so safe to say it's. been a while) but that's more of a commitment than the more one off eps of conan imo. I find if funny how it's the site I found bc I wanted to check the katrielle layton anime out that apparently only released in japanese and german. I almost thought I had to watch it subbed before I luckily remembered that site.
As much as I want to fully relax and get absorbed do I need to be on alert for a package that requires import tax payment OTL but after that I can so here's hoping the mail comes soon and that the worker waits more than one damn second before going "sorry we didn't meet anyone to deliver :(" like bitch you would have if you would let me come to get the door. I get wanting to be done asap but please. It's a doujin it's whatever I can wait (fuck taxes tho. why are you getting taxed you're not even expensive!! I sometimes bought more and didn't pay extra what is this. Will never forget a single fucking pkmn card getting taxed it's ridiculous) but imagine the deliveries getting this treatment that are important.
Anyways aside from that mess will today hopefully be cozy. :3
I also think abt making a pinned post that's a shorter abt than the carrd (mainly wanna keep using them bc I love styling stuff) for people that just want to know quick specific stuff or so. Also I actually talk on pillowfort wow it's not just used for moodboard crosspost now. Already wanna inhabit it a bit more. Most is set to mutuals or followers only tho but I like that you can decide that not the whole world sees it. But I try to maybe talk more on main here too like rn. But most will stay on a sideblog bc I like how that one doesn't show up in searches and is w rare occasions just own posts.
#will def change that tag when I get around to it#anyways as all sites is this one unbearable without ad blocker but alas who doesn't have one nowadays#a wild lux appears
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The Wonder
Florence Pugh x Reader
You attend the premiere of The Wonder with your girlfriend Florence
Note: Florence was just absolutely gorgeous today. I had to write this. It’s soft! Enjoy!
Florence Pugh Masterlist, Main Masterlist

You watch in awe as your perfect girlfriend walks across the red carpet. You stay a few steps behind her and listen in as she interacts with her fans. It’s your favorite thing in the world to see your girl shining so bright.
“Come here, my love,” you hear her call for you. You step closer to her, and she wraps an arm around you. Fans cheer and tell you both how cute you are together. Florence grins and thanks them for their compliments.
You walk by her side down the line of fans. At one point, she stops when she feels someone pull on her coat. You both turn to see a small girl looking up at Florence with wide eyes.
“Are you a princess?” the little girl asks.
“Oh, you’re so sweet!” Florence absolutely beams at the girl. The child’s mother takes the cutest photo of her daughter and Florence as you watch her with a huge smile on your face.
You help Florence out of her coat for her official red carpet photos. She hands you her phone and you smile at the intimacy of holding her things for her. She looks absolutely brilliant as she poses for the cameras and does interviews.
“Are you ready to go inside?” Florence asks you.
“Yeah baby,” you say. You follow her but pull her hand gently back towards you before she can walk into the building.
“What is it, darling? Are you okay?” she asks you, knowing sometimes you get nervous at events like this.
“Yeah, I’m good,” you assure her with a smile. “I just wanted to tell you that you’re absolutely stunning tonight and I love you so much.”
“I love you so fucking much,” Florence says before she crashes her lips into yours. Her soft hands caress your cheeks as her lips chase after yours. The kiss gets a little heated and you decide to break apart before too many people have seen you.
Florence blushes as you kiss her lips one more quick time before following her inside.
The movie is amazing as you knew it would be, and everyone gives Florence a standing ovation. You clap the loudest, naturally.
When you get to your hotel room, you open a bottle of wine and lay on the bed. Florence is still in her dress, and you watch as she treks over to you. She all but jumps on the bed and wraps one arm around you while the other lifts your chin.
Her lips graze against yours lightly and she giggles. You smile too and wrap your arms around her.
“You know I do think you’re a princess,” you tell Florence.
“Oh yeah?” she asks. She leans back a bit to look you in the eyes.
“Yep. You’re my princess, my girl, my love, my everything,” you say sweetly. Florence swoons and buries her face in your neck at the overwhelming praise. You run your hand through her blonde hair. It’s the perfect length right now.
“I love you,” she says as she kisses your neck.
“I love you too,” you tell her.
“I love you most,” you both say at the same time, and she shifts to kiss your lips again.
You really love seeing your girl shine.
Tag List: @gracebutnotgraceful @i-wished-for-you-too @be-missed @mythosphere-x @likefirenrain @hehehehannahthings @laaurrel @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @flosbelova @yelenabelovaisthebettersister @ggrangerdanger @mrswidowjohansson @alotofpockets @marvelwomen-simp @maia-lightwoood @mortallytremendoussandwich @xxromanoffxx @whitemanshoe19 @peanutbutterprincess @picnicmic @wandaslittlewhore @marie45019 @inluvwithfictionalwomen @kacka84 @sammi1642 @jujuu23 @hb8301 @the-night-owl-blr @avatarsnips @romanoffswoman @natashasilverfox @harleysincairo @red1culous @rach2602 @lovelyy-moonlight @wandas-slut-heart @natblackwidow2 @youralphawolf72 @btay3115 @wandasbb @itbeila @shin-conan-kun @notbornbutforged @makegoodchoices @theprinceofmarvel @blue-serendipityy @bookfrog242 @wizardofstories @karsonromanoff
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Things about Toyama Kazuha that I deem as facts
(aka more of my headcanons: an addition to my series Sonoko and Shinichi friendship and Suzuki Sonoko)
- Kazuha used to live in a small apartment with her mum when she was younger, but they moved into a bigger house once her mum married her boyfriend-now-husband, Toyama Ginshiro, when Kazuha was six years old - Her mother also changed her last name from Kawaguchi to Toyama when she married him - Kazuha was the flower girl at her parent's wedding (Heiji was upset he couldn’t be the flower girl) - Her step-dad loves her with every fiber of his being and treats her like his own daughter - There was a brief period of time where Heiji and Kazuha were convinced that her mum was a vampire. They barely remember how it started, but Heiji spent those weeks in awe that Kazuha was part supernatural - (Heiji still calls her mum Vampire-okan every now and then) - She has three small moles on her neck. The third one was only recently discovered, and they spent years thinking they had proof that Kazuha was a vampire - has grandparents on her step-dad's side that lives out in the countryside. she refers to them as the "peacock grandparents" since they have said birds running around their yard. she visits them every holiday
- She learnt JSL and can sign pretty well. Her grandmother on her mother’s side is deaf so she took lessons as a child. she tried to teach Heiji, but gave up quiet quickly. at least he recognises the sign for "dumbass" - She is left-handed for most things - Kazuha is a lovely alto and her and Heiji sometimes harmonise along to songs - Shoves her shoes on without unlacing them. its not a skill. she just refuses to admit defeat - is weirdly good at staring contests? Ran is the only person who has gotten close to beating her - makes cute charms all the time. Ran has commissioned her to make a few omamori for Conan, and then one for Shinichi. Sonoko heard about it and threw money at her until Kazuha made one for herself and Makoto. - because of this, she is also very good at sewing. half of her wardrobe is made up of items that she had thrifted and hemmed/altered.
- She has a new fear of cliffs and heights. If she has to go near them, she will hold Heiji’s hand the entire time and refuse to let go - She also found out that she cannot handle cliff climbing. The feeling of being stuck on the wall sucks and the harness around her body is a no go (reminds her too much of the time she was strung up in the spider mansion) - She can no longer go to petrol stations since the smell of gasoline makes her gag and panic
- is a night owl and can’t fall asleep before 12am (she calls Heiji and old man for getting tired by 10pm) - Her friends know that she will be up at odd hours. She will send random memes at 3am with no explanation - has fairy lights strung up in her room to ward off nightmares
- once managed to get 2 points out of 20 on a science test when she was in primary school. Her mum laughed so much when Kazuha proudly showed it and her mum got her step-dad to buy a picture frame on his way back home from work. (it pains Heiji every time he sees it in the living room) - captain of the Aikido Team - when she was younger she threatened to beat someone up for talking shit about a another student in her class. interestingly enough, that student shut up immediately
- She loves wearing hoodies around the house, and always steals Heiji’s against his will - Randomly breaks out into mock sword fights with Heiji anytime they have a long object in their hand - Kazuha and Heiji celebrate their Hate-versary every year. It marks the day they had a massive fight and vowed that they will never be each other’s best friends. They were nine and they made up to each other the very next day - They recreate the iconic photo of them crying, obviously having been forced to be in the photo together - most of the time, she can tell what he is thinking or feeling by a minor expression on his face - received a Fusae bag from Sonoko and it is one of the most expensive items she owns - She rarely has her hair out. At home, she might pull it into braids - When heiji is agitated, he will start playing with the ribbon in her hair, so she will let down her hair and he mindlessly braids small sections, unravelling it, and starting again. Over and over until he feels settled (it feels so nice so she happily lets him do this)
Kazuha is a wonderful girl and i would like everyone to appreciate her just as much as i do. feel free to check out Shenanigans in Beika because she (alongside everyone) is chaotic and i love that for her
#detective conan#dcmk#dcmk headcanon#toyama kazuha#headcanon#this is what i have in mind when i write clown town#shenanigans in beika#kazuha is chaotic#but you dont realise it until its far too late
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Kudo Yukiko Headcanons
the first few headcanons are from my post on my incorrect dcmk quotes twitter account so check that out if you want
She's half japanese and half white.
Her hair is all natural, since her eyebrows are also the same color as her hair, even in the flashback from high school so unless she's been dying her eyebrows for 20 or so years...yeah she's got natural reddish-brown hair.
It's not like she was adopted or moved to Japan because her birth name, Fujimine Yukiko, is still completely in Japanese. There are two different reasons for way he name cold be this way. Either she's a bastard/unwanted child of a white man so she adopts her mother's last name or she's got a japanese father and a white mother and she just uses her father's last name like most people.
Yukiko being half white with what seems to be canonically some euro-centric features would have helped her career boost a bunch on the international level. It's fucked up but people of color, especially asians, have a very hard time entering the international acting scene. Detective Conan tells us she's picked up awards from all around the globe and she's got connections throughout Hollywood and Broadway.
Her success in the United States would be easier for the western media to stomach if she had a white parent and could speak English. Unless Detective Conan suddenly doesn't have xenophobia and racism, she would have faced hurdles.
She bonds with Ai about the discrimination they face because of how they look both in Japan and in the US.
Shinichi used to demand Yukiko to read him the original Sherlock Holmes books written by Arthur Conan Doyle in English as bedtime stories, which she did
Yukiko was a child actor.
Now I know canon says that she debuted at 18 but that really does not make any sense what so ever for her to get like every single godamn award at that age. I think that she started out as a small time child actor in Japan but then her talent catapulted her into national fame by the time she started junior high.
The movies she was in Japan became hits internationally once she became a teenager, kind of like how Parasite blew up despite the language barrier. Some of the shows she starred in were dubbed into English because they became so popular but fans outside of Japan wanted her to star in something bigger.
Once she got into high school she began her international career, starring in Hollywood blockbuster after Hollywood blockbuster. She guest starred in some American TV shows and was so popular her characters became recurring characters. Yukiko even took part in a Broadway musical for the funsies, she was on American talk shows and the general population of the USA loved her.
Yukiko built herself up from the ground, from as young as the age of four she was handling her paperwork when it came to acting. This may seem unrealistic but at least in the real life American acting industry, child actors are instructed to take care of everything themselves. Producers don't want your parents on set, they expect 6 year olds to be able to have everything in order.
Yukiko had to travel a lot for her job and in doing so she started thinking that Japan was too small for her, that she wanted to see the world, all the interesting things outside of her boring neighborhood where the same things happen day in and day out. It didn't help that her parents would travel with the money Yukiko had made, so when she had her own son she began to do what her parents did and also what she had wanted to do since a young child. Little did she realize that her son was not her, that her travels would hurt him in a different way than it hurt her.
Teitan was a really accommodating school and took her absences in stride. Yukiko was on good terms with everyone there and was pretty good friends with Kogoro and therefore friends with Eri by extension since wherever one of those two went the other would follow behind trying start up some shit. This is why Teitan is so okay with Shinichi missing school for months, because his mother was similar. This is also why the school is so good at hiding info about Shinichi coming and going, since they had to hide stuff about Yukiko from the media back in the day.
Yukiko can hold a tune but she's not phenomenal at singing either.
She's not as bad as her son, she a little above average to be honest but her acting skills made up for her pretty normal singing when she starred in a Broadway musical. The only reason the musical did so well was because of her popularity.
She helped a lot of other people in broadway with their acting skills which is why even though she's nothing remarkable when it comes to her voice, she's still well loved by the industry.
Yukiko is bisexual.
Her first love was Yusaku and she never had a crush before him. all she really cared about was her career but she loved Yusaku so much she quit. Sometimes she regrets quitting because she misses being on the stage or the big screen or even the small screen but she never lets her husband or son know about these doubts because she's terrified of what their reactions would be.
Shinichi was not planned and Yukiko knew that if she were to raise him that would mean leaving her job at the height of her career but Yukiko felt like the baby inside of her was the light of her life and for him she would destroy the world, yusaku and herself if her child desired such a thing.
Yukiko knew Sharon (who we know as Vermouth) since Yukiko started to trickle into Hollywood but she only started to feel attracted to the woman long after she'd gotten married and had Shinichi. She never voiced her feelings but Yusaku found out anyway and they talked about it. They decided that the healthiest option was for Yukiko to tell Sharon about it in order to get it off her chest when they got the news that the actress had died. When Yukiko found out that Sharon was actually Vermouth it took a real toll on her mental health, not that anyone except Yusaku knew about how hard she took it.
Yukiko and Yusaku both partook in polyamory in the very early stages of their relationship though once they had Shinichi they stopped until they decided Shinichi would be able to chose because they valued his opinion and if their son wasn't okay with the idea that one day the media might unveil that the kudo couple were part of the Hollywood sex scene then they'd decide not to go back into the whole mess. At age 14 Shinichi told them they could do whatever as long as he didn't have to hear the details.
Yukiko wanted to pull Shuichi into a relationship with her and Yusaku, citing that the couple and the FBI agent only had a 5 year age gap Shuichi said he wasn't interested in anything romantic or sexual after Akemi died so the Kudo couple respected his wishes
Yukiko would spend time asking Shuichi questions about the FBI and about himself and observing the man in general whenever she came to check up on his disguise and once she got back to the US she would give Yusaku her notes who in turn wrote the screenplay for "The Scarlet Investigator". Yukiko suggested adding a side couple that owns the house that the main character rents, based off of Yusaku and Yukiko, which Yusaku does by inverting their genders and changing their nationalities to suit a western audience.
Yukiko breaks several laws to make sure that Conan's identity is not outed.
She has Jii and Kaito to mess with security footage, she pays off witness who see him and makes them sign NDAs, and Yusaku does this as well though he does it to a much lesser extent because Shinichi's more likely to get angry at Yusaku for sticking his nose into Shinichi's case than Shinichi would be angry at Yukiko
If Ai ever needs some banned substances that Agasa can't get in order to create the antidote, Yukiko sends her what she needs in bulk
Yukiko will forever hate herself for not realizing Shinichi had gone missing for 2 weeks. If apotoxin worked properly Shinichi would have died and Yukiko wouldn't know because her and Yusaku had turned their phones off for a month straight and only came back to Japan when they turned their phones on again to see that Agasa had left them a message about Shinichi turning into Conan, Ran had texted them asking if they knew where Shinichi was and the school wanted to know why Shinichi was absent
Yukiko continues to bribe Kogoro throughout Conan's stay at the Mouri Detective Agency but it comes to her surprise that Kogoro had saved almost all of it into a college fund for Conan, implying that Kogoro does not plan to give Conan back to his original parents if they ever decide to show up again.
sorry for this word vomit lol
#kudo yukiko#headcanon#detective conan#dcmk#detco#magic kaito#dcmk theories#dcmk theory#meta#not really lmao#kudo yusaku#kudo shinichi#edogawa conan#mouri kogoro#haibara ai#miyano shiho#kuroba kaito#kaitou kid#agasa hiroshi#kisaki eri#jii konosuke#mouri ran#akai shuichi#okiya subaru#miyano akemi#sharon vineyard#chris vineyard#vermouth#long post#cased closed
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7. Jigsaw by Conan Gray Picked by an IG follower
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
“Hey, dad, nice to see you too,” Macey replied. Her tone was even, offsetting her father’s demanding one. She could see him in the reflection of the mirror she was looking in, so she didn’t bother turning around. It’s not like his anger and disappointment wasn’t palpable either way.
“Macey...what...put that down!”
“A little late for that,” she replied as the needle finally slid through the front of her ear to the back. Before her father could continue yelling at her, she heard her mother's footsteps. Great, she thought as she replaced the needle with an earring, she’d get it from both of them now. Sure enough, they stood a few feet from her in the doorway of her bathroom and talked about her like she wasn’t there. By the time they looked Macey’s way again, her other ear was done as well.
They started directing their verbal attack at her while Macey calmly continued getting ready.
“You can’t keep going on with these trashy clothes and this bad haircut-,” her mother was saying.
“And bad attitude,” her father added.
“People are going to think you’re insane! And that we allowed this!”
Macey did her best to ignore them. She learned a long time ago that it didn’t matter what she changed. She could cut herself to slivers with kitchen scissors and it still wouldn’t be enough for them. She thought about Cammie and her mom and Bex and her parents. Maybe if she still cared she’d try to be more like her sisters, but that wasn’t fair. To anyone, but least of all to herself. Besides, she glanced at the calendar on her wall, in just a few days they had a public appearance where her parents were for sure going to dress her up like the little doll child they wished to have.
The public appearance came all too quickly, and she found herself standing in front of a mirror not recognizing herself. Her mom appeared in the reflection behind her. “Oh good,” she said. “You look presentable for once.”
Macey thought she looked like a jigsaw of pieces that didn’t go together and she had half a mind to ridicule her mother's taste. Or eyesight. Instead, she kept quiet, frowning at herself. Every time they needed her, they only wanted the parts of her that benefited them. The rest, the parts that were her, they just discarded.
There was a time she genuinely thought her parents liked her. Back when she couldn’t think for herself and did as she was told, exclusively (so like, until the age of 6). When she felt that love slipping away, she tried her hardest to make herself someone they would still love. It was no use though. Once people stop loving you, there’s nothing you can do. All she’d done just to make them happy, putting herself into things that were painful and didn’t fit, were for nothing. She had tried when they hadn’t so, she refused to believe she was the issue in their relationship.
So yeah, as a teenager she was bitter. Sue her.
She looked herself up and down once more. If she made them like her, would she even like herself?
Her mother made another comment behind her, pointing out some flaw probably. Macey didn’t know, it just sounded like grating metal.
“Are we ready?” her father asked, coming into the room.
“We are,” her mother said. She gripped Macey’s arm tightly and dragged her out of the room.
Macey walked down the hall, shoved in between her parents. From the outside it probably looked like two loving parents keeping their child close. It didn’t feel loving, though. It felt constricting. Suffocating. And for as much as Macey pretended not to care, every time they faked being a family, she could practically feel her inner child screaming out. If they could fake it so well then why couldn’t they just mean it and love her?
The event came and went. The suffocating feeling fell away as her parents put an ocean between themselves and her again. It stung somewhere deep inside but on the surface Macey was grateful. She wondered how long it would take them to notice if she gave herself another piercing. The small acts of defiance were all she had until school picked up again.
Then she would have her real family back.
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💥📚✨️👻🥳💛 I know that's a lot but i couldn't decide.
💥 What is one canon thing that you wish you could change?
Definitely have Misako be a better mother to Lloyd.
📚 Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?
Well, Kay Hau, my beta reader does some great stuff. @kittydemon9000 and @impulsivefanwriter also do some really good Ninjago fics too.
✨️ Out of the comments you’ve received on your fics, what are two or three of your favorites?
Well, one that stands out is one I got for an old crossover I did on Fanfiction.net called Similarities. It was one of the few comments it got since it was a crossover of two low-traffic fandoms, but it mentioned how some unnoticed fics can be incredible
The first comment I ever got on my first fic was that my premise was interesting and they couldn't wait to see where I go with it. It was very encouraging and is part of what got me into writing them. I liked that other people liked my work.
Some people say my fic's updates are the highlight of their week, and that always makes me smile. Especially when it's clear they're really excited to see the new chapter.
I know it said three, but I just thought of another one. When I did the Fuchsia Ninja reveal, I apparently totally blew someone's mind, and the wonderfully flabbergasted comment they left afterward had me laughing in an airport as I read it.
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
It's not romantic, they can be just really good friends, actually. (This can be applied to any fandom).
Though, really, now that you ask I can't think of one. I'll reblog later if I think of a wilder headcanon.
🥳 Why did you start writing fanfic?
I was into Detective Conan in high school and had always loved the Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys book series. I saw there weren't any crossovers between the two, so I figured I'd write my own. The reviews were good, which got me hooked on writing more.
💛 What is the most impactful lesson you’ve learned about writing?
THIS IS FOR FUN!!! Specifically, MY fun. While I don't want to let people down if they're enjoying my work, I also know stress, pressure, or waning interest in the material can kill my creativity for a work. While my initial inspiration can net me a ton of chapters at the beginning, slowly I burn out and need a break. Sometimes I go back and finish it later. Sometimes that break never ends, and that's okay. Because I write these stories because I find writing them fun. If it stops being fun I stop writing, and no amount of passive-aggressive comments is going to change that. I write for my own enjoyment, and that's what makes me love it so much.
Also, my spelling and grammar skills have vastly improved since the start.
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“Again” – Kazutora Hanemiya Angst
characters: kazutora x gn!reader + kazutora x chifuyu; chifuyu x gn!reader but that’s not what matters
genre & style: angst, bonten future
word count: 1k
notes: i wanted to write a short drabble, 'cause today’s the third of december and because of this i feel in the “heather” by conan gray mood, but somehow, it ended up without any references to it. it's so refreshing to write an angst after a long time without writing them. i love this bittersweet feeling
warnings: slight spoilers from bonten future (only about kazutora and chifuyu’s work), if you relate to kazutora’s story it might be triggering to you, unrequited love, abandonment, the feeling of crying in a car alone, mentions of character’s death (baji)
It’s indisputable that you, Chifuyu and Kazutora are best friends. Since you’ve accidentally met them, you’ve become inseparable. You always hang out together, you help them out in the shop, bring them lunch, spend evenings watching rom coms and rewatching your favorite animes. It has become a habit of yours – to literally be by their sides every day, and if it is not possible, then every other day. The whole time you consider yourselves as platonic soulmates, meant to meet each other, getting the best out of yourselves.
It’s perfect. Especially for Kazutora, who no longer feels abandoned, who’s no longer this stray cat wandering around corners searching for happiness, who’s no longer alone. He often talks to Baji before sleep, telling him about the perfect friends he has, the blessing you and Chifuyu are. He says, “I wish you were here too, with your unfunny jokes, and attitude always setting the mood up.” You and Chifuyu are his paradise, an oasis in the middle of the desert he’s felt after Baji’s death.
So why does it hurt so much when you start spending more time only with Chifuyu? “Sorry, Zuzu, we’re visiting Chifuyu’s mother this weekend, we won’t be able to hang out.” Why? Why can’t you take him with you? She knows him. Chifuyu’s mother knows him, he’s helped her with hanging shelves the first time he’s visited the Matsuno household, the second time he’s been there she even baked his favorite cookies so he could enjoy them. So why can’t he join you? “Sorry, Zuzu! We need to run some errands, ya know, buying clothes and other stupid things. But we’ll see you tomorrow, ‘kay?” What’s different? You’ve always been hanging at malls, searching for funky shirts for him, and more toned ones for Chifuyu. Why can’t he join you, it will be way more fun this way! It’s always fun… “I really apologize, Zuzu! We can’t see you tonight, we are going to the restaurant!” Why? He’s prepared your favorite snacks and drinks, and even borrowed a few really old movies. It would be ten times more entertaining to watch it with him than to sit in some bourgie place with sticks up your asses, without the ability to talk loud, and laugh wholeheartedly, and stuff a whole handful of popcorn in your mouth. It would be better if you just cut this bullshit and spend this night with him. “I know I've been repeating myself recently, but we really can’t come today! Sorry! We need to go to the wholesaler, ‘cause the shop’s running out of dog food.” You’re not even working at the shop, so why is it you who’s going with Chifuyu and not him? He’s happy that you help them, but why can’t the three of you go? Why only you two? And what has happened to the usual Zuzu you always use to baby him. Why haven’t you used it this time?
“Me and Fuyu decided to live together. I’m moving out in two weeks. Would you mind helping me?” You scratch the side of your neck while bouncing on your feet. Kazutora hasn’t seen you for what seems like eternity. You look… different. Maybe it’s new clothes? Or a new hairstyle? He’s not sure, he’s never had a good eye for detail.
“Oh, cool! At his apartment, right?” You nod. “My contract with the landlord is coming to an end soon too, maybe after this I’m gonna move out to live with you guys too, huh?” He’s smiling. Everything might go back to what it used to be, a perfect balance, harmony in your lives. You’ll be spending time as it used to be, and you’ll watch stupid movies again, and watch rom coms, and you’ll laugh when he burns something in kitchen again, and…
“Oh… Actually, we would prefer to live only by ourselves. The two of us. You know, just like couples do.” You toy with the pendant on your necklace. Kazutora has never seen it before, but it looks so pretty, adorning your neck and collarbones. He focuses on it more than on your words, and, oh. So this is what has changed. Chifuyu has always had a great eye for details after all.
“I was only joking!” He stutters, smiling widely. And he knows that you know he fakes it. You know him too well, and by the serious look on your face, eyebrows puckered, lips in a thin line, he’s sure that you will start asking him what’s wrong. But it never actually comes.
“A good one, Tora!” You pat his shoulder. It’s never been so awkward between the two of you. He fists his hands in the pockets, digging nails in his flesh. “I’m… I’m gonna go. I still have a lot to do, so… See ya!” And you just go. Waving and smiling softly, leaving him completely alone.
Kazutora stares at his trembling palms, fresh red marks adorning aching skin, as the urge to scream, to cry, and to destroy something slowly builds in him. Has everything really come full circle? He bites his lower lip, as he gets into his car, slamming the door hard behind him. You are friends. There’s Fuyu, and Y/N, and Zuzu, not Tora or Kazutora, or anything else. Zuzu. Best friends. Platonic soulmates. You've known each other for years. You are inseparable. You always laugh together, always get angry together, and always cry on each other's shoulders. So why is he crying alone now? He loves the two of you. He feels as if he’s never loved anyone else like this. But it doesn’t matter now. It doesn’t matter if these feelings are platonic or not, it doesn’t matter because they don’t matter.
“How does it happen again, huh, Baji?”
Kazutora lets the tears overflow, allowing himself to drown in them, their warmth reminding him why he’s alive. Loud sobs bounce off the insides of the car. Has he always loved you? Was it meant to be like this from the beginning? Merciless voices inject poison into his veins, reminding him of everything that’s happened in the past. Hitting the car’s headboard with his sore palm, he slams his head against the steering wheel repeatedly trying to silence them, begging them to stop. It’s going to be a long night.
#tokyo revengers#tokrev#tokyo revengers x reader#tokrev x reader#tokyo rev x reader#tokyo revengers angst#tokrev angst#tokyo rev angst#kazutora#kazutora hanemiya#kazutora tokyo revengers#kazutora x reader#kazutora angst#kazutora fic#kazutora drabble#kazutora fanfic#kazutora scenarios#kazutora x chifuyu#kazutora hanemiya x reader#tokyo revengers fic#tokyo revengers fanfic#tokrev fic#tokrev fanfic#tokyo rev fic#tokyo rev fanfic#tokyo revengers drabble#tokrev drabble#tokyo rev drabble#!aruu writes
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5 Songs that Remind You of Your Muse
Tagged by: @thiscrimsonsoul Tagging: anyone!!
main verse
1) Bird Set Free - Keala Settle
And I don't care if I sing off key / I found myself in my melodies / I sing for love, I sing for me / I shout it out like a bird set free / No I don't care if I sing off key / I found myself in my melodies / I sing for love, I sing for me / I'll shout it out like a bird set free
2) You're On Your Own, Kid by Taylor Swift
From sprinkler splashes to fireplace ashes / I called a taxi to take me there / I search the party of better bodies / Just to learn that my dreams aren't rare / You're on your own, kid / You always have been
3) Colour My Heart by Charlotte OC
Don't colour my heart blues and greys / Don't tell me that I'm not ok / Don't colour me with all your shades / Don't colour my heart cause I'll make it through / Yeah, I'll make it through / No more tears for you / Don't colour my heart
4) King of Anything by Sara Bareilles
All my life I've tried (Tried) / To make everybody happy while I / Just hurt (Hurt) and hide / Waiting for someone to tell me it's my turn to decide
5) World's Smallest Violin by AJR
My grandpa fought in World War II / He was such a noble dude / I can't even finish school / Missed my mom and left too soon / His dad was a fireman / Who fought fires so violent / I think I bored my therapist / While playing him my violin
1) Eight by Sleeping At Last
I remember the minute / It was like a switch was flipped / I was just a kid who grew up strong enough to pick this armor up / And suddenly it fit / God, that was so long ago, long ago, long ago / I was little, I was weak and perfectly naive / And I grew up too quick
2) Anti-Hero by Taylor Swift
It's me, hi / I'm the problem, it's me / At teatime, everybody agrees / I'll stare directly at the sun, but never in the mirror / It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero
3) It's Alright by Mother Mother
Oh hey, I had a night I had a day / I did one million stupid things / I said one billion foolish things / I'm not okay, I got a baseball bat beside my bed / To fight off what's inside my head / To fight off what's behind my meds / I'm lonely; lost in pain / It's alright, it's okay, it's alright, it's okay / You're not a monster, just a human / And you made a few mistakes / It's alright, it's okay, it's alright, it's okay / You're not gruesome, just human / And you made a few mistakes / It's alright, oh, it's okay, oh
4) Oh No! by MARINA
I know exactly what I want and who I want to be / I know exactly why I walk and talk like a machine / I'm now becoming my own self-fulfilled prophecy / Oh! Oh, no! Oh, no! Oh, no, oh! / One track mind, one track heart / If I fail, I'll fall apart / Maybe it is all a test / 'Cause I feel like I'm the worst / So I always act like I'm the best
5) Family Line by Conan Gray
Oh-oh / All that I did to try to undo it / All of my pain and all your excuses / I was a kid, but I wasn't clueless / (Someone who loves you wouldn't do this) / All of my past, I tried to erase it / But now I see, would I even change it? / Might share a face and share a last name but / (We are not the same, same) / Scattered 'cross my family line / I'm so good at telling lies / That came from my mother's side / Told a million to survive / Scattered 'cross my family line / God, I have my father's eyes / But my sister's when I cry / I can run, but I can't hide / From my family line
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Genre: angst
Hajime iwaizumi x reader
Warning: cancer, y/n death
Synopsis: when you get diagnosed with cancer, you wanted to spend what little time you had left completing your bucket list with iwaizumi.
a/n: blame @tendousfingerbandagess for this idea. I was just listening to conan gray's new song 'astronomy' then prompted this idea. I want to share my pain with you all hehehe! Let's get started.

"we found that you have acute lymphocytic leukemia…" were the first and only words you heard from the doctor before blood suddenly rushed to your ears.
You were rushed to the hospital by your boyfriend, Iwaizumi, when your very high fever kept coming back every few hours. Hajime sat next to you as the doctor broke the news to you, trying to comfort you by running his thumb over your clenched knuckle. He hoped to ease you into the harsh reality that was brought upon you but you couldn't feel anything then. All you felt was the piercing cold. You didn't know if it was a symptom of your new diagnosis or because of the news itself.
"w-well, can you still treat it?" Iwaizumi asked for you, squeezing your hand to attempt and bring you back into this conversation.
"we can but it'll be painful-"
"what if I don't want to be treated?" you suddenly chimed in. that caused Hajime to turn to you with a shocked expression. No. You have to get treated. He can't lose you.
"w-what are you saying, (y/n)? Y-you can't be serious." Iwaizumi let out a humorless chuckle, praying that you would laugh along and reassure him that you were kidding. But you didn't do that. You sat straight in the uncomfortable chair, waiting for the doctor's response.
"Well, though it is not ideal, we can delay putting you on the transplant list but that will lessen your chances to survive. Chemo therapy is also on the table." the doctor replied professionally, his clipboard opened on your file to take note of your wishes.
"I want to delay both as of now. I-I just need time to think…" your voice cracked. You wanted to be strong. To show your boyfriend that you could handle it and that you'll be okay. But from the looks of your face, how you trembled beside him, iwaizumi knew that it was the exact opposite of what you were trying to portray. The doctor nodded his head before he left you alone with a confused and distraught Iwa.
"why?" Iwa's voice was barely above whisper as his glassy eyes looked into yours in sorrow. He wanted you to live. He already planned his future with you. How you would have two kids running around the small house you two would purchase to accommodate your family. But now, he wasn't so sure if that same dream of his will come to life. The only thing he could do now was pray that you'll survive and live through this.
"I want to live my life, haj," you replied. You shot him a sad grin before you took a deep breath and spoke once more. "I want to live my life to the fullest before I grow weak and have to sit in a hospital room and wait impatiently for the small chance that I'll find a donor or see any big progresses." you let out a watery laugh. Damn, this was harder than it looks. "I want to live my last stronger moments with you." tears ran down your cheeks at the end of your little speech. You looked back to see iwaizumi's tears flowing down just like yours did.
Iwaizumi brought your hand up to his quivering lips and placed a soft kiss on them. "then I'll help you. I'll help you live your life to the fullest." he placed another kiss on your knuckle, a sign of a promise he was willing to do anything to keep.

"okay, I'm done!" you called Iwa. You placed your pen down and waited for him to pop out from your shared bedroom.
Iwaizumi smiled and sat next to you on the couch, reaching a hand out to take the slip of paper from you. You gave it to him willingly. "have a road trip around Japan, adopt a puppy, try delicacies in each city we visit, bungee jumping, and star gazing. Wow, it looks like we have a lot of things to do~" he said, wrapping his arm around you and bringing you closer as his eyes skimmed through the list once more.
You nodded your head in agreement. Iwaizumi explained to his team that he wouldn't be there as often because of your diagnosis. They all agreed that your health came first and that they'll be fine hearing his critiques on their forms and diet from home. Just like that, he already sacrificed so much for your sake. He now asked you to write down a small little bucket list you could do together before you decide to settle down and get better. He promised to help you live your life to the fullest after all.
"When do you think is the best time to start working on this?" he asked, waving the list in his hand. You shrugged. You didn't want to rush him into finishing this and risk burning your boyfriend out. This was his time to relax and have fun beside you. "We should get packing then!" he took both of your hands and pulled you up from your seat, causing a giggle to bubble up from your throat. You tilted your head when his words sank into your brain. Pack? Right now?
"You want me to pack? Right now?" you asked skeptically. Iwa chuckled before leaning in and pressing a quick kiss on your soft lips.
"because we're going on that road-trip tomorrow, you idiot." Hajime watched your eyes lit up with glee before you skipped into your bedroom and packed your shared luggage.
Even in the devastating predicament you were in, you didn't stop being so positive and happy. That was one of the things he loved about you.

"We drive through the woods
Rich neighborhoods to watch
We joked as we looked
That they were too good for us
Cause socially speaking we were the same
With runaway fathers and mothers who drank
A tale old as time
Young love don't last for life"
You sat in the passenger seat of Hajime's car, a blanket keeping you comfortable while Conan Gray's astronomy blaring through the speakers. Iwaizumi couldn't help but bop his head behind the wheel while you sang along.
"damn, your voice sounds amazing." he complimented, causing your cheeks to feel hot. Iwaizumi chuckled before he turned and parked in the wide parking lot of the animal shelter.
"wait! Are we getting the puppy now?!" you squealed excitedly. Iwaizumi clicked his seatbelt off and hummed in confirmation. You never got out of the car that quickly before.
Fortunately, this was only the beginning.
For the next few days, you traveled around Japan with your new puppy, iwaizumi named (y/n) Jr., went bungee jumping together, and tried delicacies in each town. you had the time of your life.
But fun had to end.
On the last day of your third week, you started to feel waves on waves of fatigue wash over you. You just wanted to rest with Iwaizumi but you felt like giving in was only admitting that you can't handle it anymore.
So you forced yourself to get up.
It was hard to hide things from iwaizumi. He was always perceptive, especially now. He was there to help you live.
He needed you to live. Because he knew that he wasn't anyone without you.
"you okay? We can rest today if you want." he asked worriedly, walking over and assisting you to a seat. He went into the kitchen to fetch you a glass of water.
"no, I'm fine." you replied, trying to reduce your shaking as you take the glass and chugged the water. You could only hope that your headache will subside soon. "do you have anything planned for today?" you asked, feigning cheerfulness. Iwaizumi glanced back at you worriedly before he sighed, flashing you a small smile.
"well, we have stargazing on your list so I was planning to do just that." Iwa sat next to you and stretched his arm over your shoulder. You giggled before you closed your eyes and nuzzled into him, wishing to store the last bit of your energy that you felt was seeping out at a rapid pace.
Iwaizumi could hope that it wasn't what he suspected. That you were just having an off-day. That you were okay, just like the last few weeks.
But that was all he could do. All he could do was hope.

The night air was colder than usual.
You pulled your thick cardigan closer to your chest and squeezed iwa's hand, hoping that his warmth would seep into you. Hajime looked back at you worriedly. "you okay? Dammit, we should've stayed home-"
"i'm fine, haji, it's just colder than usual." you lied, nudging him, telling him to keep walking.
You felt like you used up all of your energy climbing up the small hill where a picnic blanket was set-up on the very top, a small stereo playing Astronomy softly. You couldn't help but gasp in surprise. Maybe that wasn't a good idea, the lack of air in your lungs already making you dizzy. The gasp hid the shallowness of your breath from your already anxious boyfriend who helped you get settled on the blanket under the stars.
"just... Sit tight." iwaizumi took a deep breath before he stood in front of you, made a fist and pretended he was holding a mic as he sang along to Conan's soft voice.
"We've traveled the seas
We've ridden the stars
We've seen everything
From Saturn to Mars
As much as it seems
Like you own my heart
It's astronomy
We're two worlds apart"
He took your hand and pulled you up on your shaking feet. he got down on one knee then took out a velvet box. Your hands flew to your mouth. This can't be happening.
"(y/n), it might look like we don't have time but i know you can fight back and win. I can wait until then. So (y/n) (l/n), will you marry me?" he muttered to keep his voice from cracking. Your smile reached from ear to ear, nodding your head rapidly at a loss of words. Iwaizumi slipped the ring onto your finger and was about to pull you close into a hug when the unthinkable happened.
Your feet buckled under you, unable to support your weight anymore. Your breath was ragged and loud. You tried to suck in air to no avail. What was going on?
Your ears ring while black dots start to spread through your vision. The last thing you remembered was your now fiance's blurry figure in front of you, desperately trying to bring you back to him.

Cold. The cold just seeps into you, suffocates you until-
You woke up to the blinding lights of the hospital. Your tired eyes moved to observe the room. You felt someone squeezed your hand. You turned to see a sleepy iwaizumi slouched in one of those uncomfortable hospital chairs, his hand gripping yours tightly. Hajime jolted awake the second you squeezed his hand back.
"(y/n)!" he exclaimed in relief, bringing his head down and kissing the ring on your finger repeatedly. Little droplets littered your hand. Iwaizumi was crying. "i-i thought i lost you... You wouldn't wake up for days a-and-" he sobbed. You pulled him into your chest, letting him nuzzle into your weak figure.
That small reassurance that you still had that small fight left in you helped iwaizumi sleep that night.

It was only the beginning of hell for you.
For the next few weeks, iwaizumi couldn't do anything but watch as your once strong figure rapidly grew weaker by the day. He had no idea had to stop it.
He needed a miracle.
He picked up his phone, dialed a certain number and waited for them to answer. If iwaizumi needed a miracle, this was the guy to call.
Another week went by, you were looking out your window in boredom when your hospital room door opened. thinking it was another nurse, you used all your strength to crane your neck to look at the person who entered. Your eyes lit up when you saw Iwaizumi enter with the Argentina setter, Oikawa.
"tooru!" you cheerfully yelled. Oikawa immediately rushed toward you. The man was about to pounce on you but iwa came to the rescue just in time and pulled the setter away from your bed.
"what are you doing here?" you asked, wiping away the stray happy tears that accumulated in the corners of your eyes.
"simple!" oikawa said as he skipped back to the door and opened it to reveal matsukawa and hanamaki with an officiant. "i decided to provide a little bit of a miracle." You turned to iwaizumi who glowed pink beside you. Was this really happening?
Your little "ceremony" flew by too quickly for your liking. You wished you could just cherish this moment forever. How all of the former members of the volleyball team came in and gave their congratulations and told little anecdotes they remember about the early stages of your relationship, like the time hajime almost beaten up oikawa for flirting with you in high school or how iwaizumi accidentally hit you with his spike when he was staring a second too long.
The noise slowly died down to the beeps of your heart monitor connected to you. Iwaizumi sat beside you and kissed your hand once more. "we're officially married now." he whispered, not wanting to break the soft ambience of the room.
"yeah..." you leaned back weakly in your bed. A wave of fatigue suddenly hit you. Maybe it was because of the eventful day you've had.
"You gotta live through this if you want to enjoy our honeymoon." he joked, causing you to let you a soft giggle.
"i love you, haj."
"i love you too, baby..."

"We have a code blue!"
Iwaizumi shot out of his seat to be met by a slew of nurses bursting into your room. His eyes snapped toward your limp figure. No. Nonono. This cannot be happening. You were okay. You were laughing along with everyone. You were joking around. You promised to live, to be strong.
Why? Why did you let go now?
"sir, Please step outside of the room." a nurse said to him, hauling the trainer out the door and into the hallway. Iwaizumi dropped into one of the empty seats outside, burying his head in his hands. He prayed to every god he could think of, to spare your life.
But unfortunately, his prayers weren't answered.
When the doctor came out of your room with a somber look on his face. He already knew what happened. His tears silently flowed down his cheeks as his brain blocked out the doctor's voice, ringing growing louder and louder.
There was only one festering thought in his mind now and it was growing bigger the longer he stayed in that hallway. It kept nipping at him when he went back into the room to see your now lifeless body.
You were gone and he will never see you wake up again.

It all moved like a blur to hajime. Your family was as equally as distraught as he was. They offered their support to which Iwaizumi refused to take. At night he would imagine that you would come bursting into the room and cuddle with you and every time, he would feel tears prick his eyes when he would remember that it didn’t work like that.
The funeral wasn’t any better. Iwaizumi would acknowledge the typical condolence message here and there. He went out of his way to make his eulogy speech a bit more personal for your grieving family members and friends. He couldn’t stop his sobs when he watched as your casket got lowered into your final resting place. The pain felt unbearable.
He stood in front of your new and clean tombstone, tears pricking the corners of his eyes as he held (y/n) jr. In his other hand. He let out a shaky smile, the smile he usually reserved for you. He was going to miss you.
"don't worry love, we'll meet again." he whispered hoping you would hear him one last time. It was going to be hard to move on but he’s going to do everything in his power to pull himself back up and come to terms with reality and maybe to keep your memory alive.

And that's all! This was a real whirlwind and I didn't really anticipate it being this long! Hope you guys enjoyed this! Thanks for @tetsunormous for getting mad at me for spamming and beta reading! Requests are open so please don't be shy to leave anything in my inbox! Love you guys 💖💕❤️
General taglist (don’t be shy to comment your tumblr @ below): @tokyoghoose @macaronnv @reogou @midnightangelfox @wumboho @seiijixcia
#haikyuu x reader#haikyu x reader#haikyuu#haikyu#hajime iwaizumi#iwaizumi#hajime iwaizumi x reader#iwaizumi x reader#iwaizumi angst#kaki writes
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