#con theseus.
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rovmans · 1 day ago
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no espera el saludo. no espera escuchar su nombre desde esa voz, y eso lo tensa más. da la primera calada a su cigarrillo, más profunda de lo esperado, lamentándose de no haber dado la vuelta en el momento en que tuvo la oportunidad. pensó que no diría nada y le ignoraría, dejándolo mucho más fácil para roman así. ahora no sabe bien cómo actuar, qué decir; la timidez que le caracteriza sale a relucir. sin embargo, también hay algo que le molesta al escucharle preguntar si está bien. ¿siquiera le interesaba de verdad o solo estaba intentando ser amable? le mira de reojo segundos después, echando el humo hacia un lado. "no te disculpes. entiendo que quieras un momento a solas." suspira, finalmente mirándolo de frente. quiere vocalizar un comentario totalmente sarcástico, pero, al contrario, miente con facilidad: "lo estoy." encoge los hombros. "¿debo preguntar cómo estás tú? ni siquiera esperaba verte aquí." eso último es verdad, y aunque su tono es plano y frío, lo evidencia.
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no le cuesta reconocer autor de vocablos una vez que lo escucha, postura termina tensándose en lo que se vuelve a él y confirma sospechas al reconocer facciones. se siente inmediatamente como un idiota por comentario inicial, de saber quién lo acompañaba no lo habría dicho así nunca. “ roman. ” saluda, o le hace saber que lo reconoce, no tiene idea. se imagina que si la situación es difícil para theseus, es mil veces peor para interlocutor. “ no, yo... lo siento, soy un idiota. ” declara, se lleva una mano al rostro en lo que intenta pensar en algo más para agregar. está bastante seguro de que contrario no querrá hablarle y de todas formas lo intenta, piensa que si existe incluso la más mínima posibilidad de ser perdonado, la tomaría de inmediato. “ ¿estás bien? ”
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ambivalentmarvel · 1 year ago
no one talk to me it’s la casa de asterión hours.
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baejax-the-great · 3 months ago
Sing, O Muse
Achilles is standing in his room, a scroll in his hand. He has a look of utmost concentration on the page, so much so he doesn’t notice Zagreus walking in, though his cheeks are strangely pink as his eyes scan over the words. He raises an eyebrow, then blinks a few times at whatever he has just read, at which point he notices Zagreus in the doorway. He coughs once, tossing the scroll to the desk.
“Interesting reading you have here, lad.”
Zagreus feels his own face begin to flush. Oh, no. Oh, no no no no no. “Dusa gave it to me,” he blurts out.
It’s not a lie. It is true of the scroll Achilles was just reading. It is not true of two of the scrolls now underneath it on his desk, which are written in his own hand. Blood and darkness, Thanatos was right about him needing to clean his room.
“I see,” Achilles says, though now his eyes have wandered to the poster of him Zagreus has on his wall, and he wants to die. It wouldn’t do much, because he’d only come back about twenty meters away, but getting skewered by Theseus would be less embarrassing than this moment.
“Did Patroclus, um…” Achilles’ brows furrow even deeper somehow. “Dusa’s never met him, has she?”
“No,” Zagreus says, and for some reason Achilles’ flush grows deeper.
“There are some very fine descriptions of him in that,” he says with a gesture to the scroll.
“Dusa has a way with words.”
There is an awkward pause in which Zagreus wishes with every bone in his body that Achilles would just tell him why he’s here and then leave his room and then immediately suffer a bout of amnesia, and in which Achilles does nothing at all.
“The muses,” Achilles says suddenly, but then he stops. “Well, they told me…” His eyes search the floor of Zagreus’s room. “I died before any of the songs about me were written, you see.”
“Well, there were some songs, among the men, but not the promised immortal poetry.”
“I don’t think this counts as—”
“I’ve tried not to think about it much, what they would write about me, what the living people up there right now must think of me. I don’t even know how much time has passed, but immortal is forever, so the muses must… well, they must inspire as they see fit, I suppose.”
Both of them turn to look at the scroll sitting on Zagreus’s desk. Zagreus has never met the muses, so he doesn’t know if they like stories that involve two childhood friends now grown, dressed in torn, thin chitons while stranded in a cave after a surprise flooding cut them off from the rest of the army, tenderly washing each other’s wounds, caressing each other with the reverence of ostensibly unrequited love until one leans in with bated breath, then the other, both of them filled with such longing and such fear that once their lips finally do touch, they can’t help but make passionate love on the cavern floor, which, in Zagreus’s experience, would not be very pleasant on the knees and seems like a terrible risk for magma, but in Dusa’s writing comes off as desperately hot, so much so he can’t stop thinking about inviting Thanatos to Asphodel with him. Zagreus’s story club seems to like those stories, though, so perhaps he could get Hermes to send an invitation to the muses and see if any would like to visit.
“Would you like to keep it, sir?”
Achilles’ eyes widen as he looks at Zagreus dead on for the first time since Zagreus walked in the room. He protests that he couldn’t possibly, but Zagreus insists, “Maybe Patroclus would like to read it, too. It’s only fair, I think, given that it’s about him as much as it’s about you, sir.”
Achilles’ cheeks grow pink again. “That’s a very kind offer, lad, but I wouldn’t want to deprive you of your… reading material.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t worry about it, sir, I’ve got lots of others to read, and Dusa’s already working on the sequel and I’m sure she’ll share it next week at our—”
Zagreus cuts himself off before he reveals that half the House gathers to talk about Achilles’ shapely legs and Patroclus’s hairy chest in all sorts of contrived scenarios. It’s not only them in the stories, but currently those are Zagreus’s favorites.
“Just how many people have read this?” Achilles asks, his voice strained.
“Not many,” Zagreus hedges. “A normal amount, I think.”
In a smooth movement, Achilles slips the scroll off the desk and tucks it away somewhere on his person. “I think I’ll take you up on that offer after all, lad,” he says before striding out of the room.
“Will you want to read the sequel, too?” Zagreus calls after him.
Achilles doesn’t acknowledge him, walking purposefully away before fading from view, a blue flash indicating he has made his way to Elysium.
Later, on some day or night, a new scroll lies on Zagreus’s desk. He unrolls it to find Achilles has written “He insisted” in a script so tight, Zagreus wonders if he didn’t snap the quill. Beneath that is a long list of what appears to be critiques written in Patroclus’s hand, including parts of Achilles’ body he believes were overlooked and underappreciated and the adjectives he personally would use to describe them, though a couple of those are blotted out, presumably by the messenger, as well as positions he thinks would be better-suited to making love on a cavern floor.
Zagreus glances at his door. He’d been planning on going back out there, in part because Eurydice has been waiting for him to finish Dusa’s latest story and he’s finally finished it, but at the very end of his very long note, Patroclus had suggested a shipwreck on an uninhabited island as a potential new setting for getting the heroes to admit their love for each other, and now he’s having so many thoughts about that he thinks he’ll explode if he doesn’t write them down this instant.
Zagreus sits at his desk, takes a long look at the poster of Achilles on the wall, and picks up a quill.
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izzvie · 8 days ago
( 💌 ) post de introducción, izzie bustamante y theseus grigsby.
¡holis! sofi por aquí. voy a estar presentando a izzie y theseus, y también dejando algunas conexiones que me gustaría desarrollar con ellos. si les interesa me pueden dejar un corazoncito por acá, o me pueden reaccionar en discord dependiendo de su método de comunicación preferido. <3
isabel 'izzie' bustamante es becada, quien más ruido hace con respecto a la injusticia acerca de cómo se ha tratado toda la situación contrastando diferencia de trato a ambos casos, sin embargo repentino silencio y compañerismo con maude cadell despertaron sospechas, (testigos diversos).
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izzie tiene veinticinco años y actualmente es bailarina profesional, es parte del elenco de bailarines del lion king musical en broadway desde que se gradúo.
es hija de una familia mexicana sin embargo nació en el borde al lado de estados unidos, de todas formas se identifica más con la cultura mexicana y creció hablando español. sus padres son agricultores y viene de una familia bastante humilde.
en la universidad era becada y estudiaba danza. siempre fue muy overachiever y eso le costó tener amigos en la secundaria, al llegar a la universidad intentó volverse más sociable y ahí es donde adopta el sobrenombre izzie. calificaciones logran conseguirle puesto en el círculo ateniense. desde un inicio decide ser vocera para los menos privilegiados, no tiene problema en transparentar las diferencias que existen entre los estudiantes legado y los becados.
después de las muertes se vuelve mucho más reservada, son problemas de vida personal que la obligan a volverse una versión más dócil, al mismo tiempo maude cadell se vuelve guía y le aconseja que desista con pelea contra la igualdad.
posibles conexiones: me encantaría que tuviera un par de amistades que se volvieron muy cercanas, es posible que lazo se haya roto después de la graduación o que todavía se mantenga. también cualquier relación de enemistad contra las personas que no estaban de acuerdo con aceptar becados en el círculo, o que no la veían como merecedora del puesto. en temas románticos izzie tuvo una relación que la dejó bastante afectada después del segundo año de universidad, así que sería posible que hubiera algo ahí pero nunca se concretó porque ella seguía enganchada al ex. por último se me ocurre que izzie en su momento pudo ser tutora y ayudar a algunos otros estudiantes con sus calificaciones.
theseus grigsby se enfrenta a b1 para que no pueda seguir defendiendo a otis de ellos, las riñas continúan entre ambos sin ninguna tregua, se sabe que esconde más de lo que ha dicho, desaparece tan pronto como es la graduación, no acepta favores del círculo, (séquito de alfred).
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theseus tiene veinticuatro y actualmente está desempleado. se ha pasado el tiempo desde que se gradúo viajando por el mundo con el auspicio de padres.
viene de familia extremadamente adinerada, es el hijo menor y por lo tanto el favorito de su madre. con su padre no tiene mucha relación, sin embargo depende de los dos para que arreglen todos sus problemas. es presión que siente por las complicadas dinámicas familiares que lo llevan por el mal camino.
en la universidad estudiaba economía pero apenas vio el interior de una aula mientras estudiaba. si estaba en pomona era por tradición, y también culpa de madre que lo manipuló para seguir los pasos de hermano mayor.
tiene una relación complicada con alfred, desde el primer momento lo idolatra y sentimientos se vuelven más complejos con el tiempo, se termina enamorando por completo de alfred. aunque sentimientos no son recíprocos, alfred se aprovecha de enamoramiento para manipularlo como quiere.
después de la muerte de alfred se aísla de todas sus amistades, es claro para cualquiera que sentimiento de culpa lo persigue y por lo mismo corta todos los lazos después de graduarse.
posibles conexiones: me encantaría algo como una relación de amistad que terminó abruptamente porque alfred se lo pidió, de igual forma no descarto relaciones de amistad con personitas fuera de su grupo, theseus tiene una visión mucho menos retrógrada del círculo y no le molestan los becados pero intenta complacer a alfred con todo lo que hace. enemistades que sean culpa de su grupo de amigos, incluso puede que en algún momento se haya peleado con alguien por culpa de alfred. en lo romántico theseus es un bisexual disaster así que no discrimina, puede que hayan existido one night stands o relaciones muy cortitas que nunca funcionan porque está enamorado de alguien más. incluso me encantaría alguna relación después de lo que pasó donde quizás sus sentimientos sí eran genuinos pero al final terminó porque theseus tenía muchos sentimientos encontrados. por último se me ocurren compañeros de fiesta o cosas así, incluso algún compañerito de carrera que intentaba llevarlo por el buen camino pero nunca funcionó.
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snowyslytherinowl · 1 year ago
Most Crushed on Male Harry Potter Characters: A Study (Version 2)
Because I feel that my original study on the most crushed on male Harry Potter characters was flawed, I decided to do a part 2. This time, I looked at all of the characters listed below on every website, regardless of whether they have 10 works or 10,000 works. On AO3, I also looked at original character pairings because I believe the author is usually attracted to the canon character they’re writing about or they’re writing for an audience that is attracted to the canon character. However, I couldn’t look up OC-prairings for Tumblr and Wattpad and explain why under their individual sections. The websites I looked at were AO3, Tumblr, and Wattpad. These are the results as of December 31, 2023 (I know I’m late to posting this, but it’s because I forgot to add other edits to this post until now)! 
Included characters: Draco Malfoy, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Severus Snape, Newt Scamander, Cedric Diggory, Sebastian Sallow, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, James Potter, Tom Riddle/Voldemort, Ominis Gaunt, Neville Longbottom, Lucius Malfoy, Regulus Black, Ron Weasley, Theodore Nott, Oliver Wood, Bill Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Blaise Zabini, Mattheo Riddle, and Lorenzo Berkshire. 
Note: I didn’t include Harry Potter (the character) because results for Harry Potter on Wattpad and Tumblr frequently returned results about the Harry Potter fandom as a whole, not Harry Potter himself. 
Original study link (August 6, 2023) here!
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*Collage is mine, but all the photos were found on Google
What I did: The number of works under “(male character)/reader” and “(male character)/you” differed, so the green number is the higher number of works between those 2 tags. The blue number is the number of works in “(male character)/original character(s).” The red number is the added total between the green and blue numbers. The characters will be ranked based on the red number.
Draco Malfoy: 1,445 + 2,981 = 4,426 works
Severus Snape: 1,128 + 2,769 = 3,897 works
Sirius Black: 952 + 2,236 = 3,188 works
Remus Lupin: 900 + 1,500 = 2,400 works
Sebastian Sallow: 880 + 1,379 = 2,259 works
Fred Weasley: 743 + 1,228 = 1,971 works
Tom Riddle/Voldemort: 361 + 979 = 1,340 works
George Weasley: 684 + 932 = 1,616 works
Ominis Gaunt: 421 + 697 = 1,118 works
Regulus Black: 223 + 878 = 1,101 works
James Potter: 375 + 506 = 881 works
Charlie Weasley: 152 + 548 = 700 works
Cedric Diggory: 232 + 422 = 654 works
Ron Weasley: 212 + 430 = 642 works
Lucius Malfoy: 202 + 384 = 586 works 
Neville Longbottom: 190 + 383 = 573 works
Theodore Nott: 95 + 426 = 521 works
Newt Scamander: 336 + 130 = 466 works
Blaise Zabini: 79+ 322 = 401 works
Oliver Wood: 123 + 198 = 321 works
Bill Weasley: 106 + 170 = 276 works
Mattheo Riddle: 59 + 108 = 167 works
Theseus Scamander: 72 + 25 = 97 works
Lorenzo Berkshire: 10 + 13 = 23 works
Potential problems: 
I think the AO3 results are the most accurate since for the most part, all reader-insert works are under only 1 name of the character, not something like “Snape/Reader” and then “Severus Snape/Reader.” However, I did notice that there were sometimes works with 2 characters where 1 character had a relationship with the character, while the other character was in a loveless arranged marriage or some sort of non-con relationship that the author didn’t mean to romanticize. 
Also, whenever I calculated the the number of works under both “(male character)/Original Female Character(s)” and “(male character)/Original Male Character(s)” it was always less than the the number of works under “(male character)/Original Character(s).” Therefore, I’m not sure if this means I undercounted OC-pairing works.
What I did: I researched “(male character) x reader,” “(male character) x you,” and “(male character) x y/n.” The number of followers under these tags sometimes differed, so I recorded the highest number of followers between the 3 tags. However, I couldn’t count the number of followers for any tag along the lines of (male character)/OC. This is because Tumblr doesn’t provide the number of followers for OC-pairing tags for whatever reason. Also, some characters are tied because Tumblr only shows followers in thousands and hundreds, not the specific number. 
Draco Malfoy: 15k followers
Sirius Black and Remus Lupin: 12k followers
James Potter: 10k followers
Fred Weasley: 9.2k followers
Tom Riddle: 6.6k followers
George Weasley: 6.4k followers
Newt Scamander: 6.2k followers
Regulus Black: 5.7k followers
Theodore Nott: 5.4k followers
Mattheo Riddle: 5.1k followers
Severus Snape: 4.5k followers
Sebastian Sallow: 4.2k followers
Cedric Diggory: 3.9k followers
Ominis Gaunt: 2.7k followers
Ron Weasley: 2.6k followers
Charlie Weasley: 2.2k followers
Neville Longbottom and Oliver Wood: 1.9k followers
Theseus Scamander: 1.8k followers
Bill Weasley: 1.5k followers
Lucius Malfoy and Lorenzo Berkshire: 1.4k followers
Blaise Zabini: 1.3k followers
Potential problems: 
Because Tumblr doesn’t have a set tag for reader-insert works, I had to look up characters under multiple names, like “Remus Lupin x Reader” and “Lupin x Reader.” 
I’m not entirely sure how Tumblr rounds the number of followers under a tag, but the number of followers can vary drastically for characters that are tied depending on how Tumblr rounds. For example, Sirius may have 12,900 followers and Remus may have 12,009 followers, or Sirius may have 12,499 followers and Remus may have 12,001 followers. Therefore, the lack of an exact number of followers under a tag has the potential to mess up the accuracy of the total final results. 
I noticed that not every single result under the tag was actually a reader-insert post. However, I don’t think this is a major issue since I counted the number of followers under a tag who are under the impression that every post with that tag actually adheres to the tag title. 
What I did: I searched for “(male character) x reader,” (male character) x you, and (male character) x y/n. The number of results under these searches sometimes differed, so I recorded the highest number of results between the 3 tags. I didn’t search for anything along the lines of (male character) x OC (refer to “potential problems” for my explanation). 
Lorenzo Berkshire: 59.3k results 
Draco Malfoy: 48.7k results
Neville Longbottom: 46.2k results
Newt Scamander: 42.9k results
Cedric Diggory: 41.5k results
Ominis Gaunt: 30.3k results
Theodore Nott: 22.2k results
Ron Weasley: 19.7k results
Remus Lupin: 17.3k results
James Potter: 14.9k results
Sirius Black: 14.3k results
Severus Snape: 13k results
Fred Weasley: 11.6k results
Tom Riddle/Voldemort: 11.1k results
George Weasley: 9.2k results
Oliver Wood: 4.8k results
Regulus Black: 3.4k results
Blaise Zabini: 3k results
Lucius Malfoy: 2.5k results
Mattheo Riddle: 1.8k results
Bill Weasley: 1.6k results
Charlie Weasley: 1.4k results
Sebastian Sallow: 400 results
Theseus Scamander: 175 results
Potential problems: 
I don’t think these results are very accurate, especially since Lorenzo has only 23 works on AO3 yet somehow has more results here than Draco. Because Tumblr doesn’t have a set tag for reader-insert works, I had to look up characters under multiple names, like Remus Lupin x Reader and Lupin x Reader. 
Searches for James, Potter, and Remus frequently returned Marauder fanfiction collections which didn’t separate works for the individual characters. 
As I stated above, I didn’t research pairings with OCs since many of the results didn’t even return OC pairings. For example, the very first result for Snape x OFC is literally a fic of James Potter x Snape. 
If you compare my results from the original study, some of the characters have fewer results than they originally had. I’m not sure if this is an error on my part, if Wattpad changed how it returns results for searches, or if some fics were deleted. 
Wattpad doesn’t provide the exact number of results for each search, so this has the potential to mess up the final total results.
Final Total Results
Draco Malfoy: ≈68,126 admirers 
Lorenzo Berkshire: ≈60,723 admirers
Newt Scamander: ≈49,566 admirers
Neville Longbottom: ≈48,673 admirers
Cedric Diggory: ≈46,054 admirers
Ominis Gaunt: ≈34,118 admirers
Remus Lupin: ≈31,700 admirers
Sirius Black: ≈29,488 admirers
Theodore Nott: ≈28,121 admirers
James Potter: ≈25,781 admirers
Ron Weasley: ≈22,942 admirers
Fred Weasley: ≈22,771 admirers
Severus Snape: ≈21,397 admirers
Tom Riddle/Voldemort: ≈19,040 admirers
George Weasley: ≈17,216 admirers
Regulus Black: ≈10,201 admirers
Sebastian Sallow: ≈6,859 admirers
Mattheo Riddle: ≈7,067 admirers
Oliver Wood: ≈7,021 admirers
Blaise Zabini: ≈4,701 admirers
Lucius Malfoy: ≈4,486 admirers
Charlie Weasley: ≈4,300 admirers
Bill Weasley: ≈3,376 admirers
Theseus Scamander: ≈2,072 admirers
Once again, I doubt the accuracy of these results, so take these results with a grain of salt. However, I do think these results are more accurate than my last research study since I tried to be more precise. Also, these results aren’t necessarily indicative of how much a character is crushed on since there are probably plenty of people who don’t write fanfiction, follow tags on their loved character, or interact with fanfiction/the fandom in general. I will do this study on female characters sometime in the future, but I don’t know if I’ll redo this study on male characters. Thanks for reading! 
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xjulixred45x · 24 days ago
What about Hippolytus!reader facing Zagreus in the coliseum for the first time as an alternate fight from Theseus and asterius. Would that be their first meeting or would they have meet in elysium during his climb to the surface and this being when he learns who he actually is. Also what would his fighting style be like in the arena? As well as Theseus reaction to the fight, victory, and defeat?
I prefer to leave the first for a long work (which is in progress) about how Hippolytus and Zagreus met, started dating and general aspects of their relationship.
What I can answer is that Hippolytus has a fighting style quite different from Theseus and Asterius.
Hippolytus is half Amazon, so she imitates many of their movements. She stays mainly on the ground and her attacks are powerful from below. It's like fighting an animal.
If I had to compare him to a character, I would say that he fights in a similar way to Inosule Hashibira from Demon Slayer. or Derieri from SDS.
He is very flexible, he takes advantage of his strength a lot and once he makes the first contact, he doesn't stop.
I think his weapon would be either a bident or a spear. Or even a combination between a long spear and an axe at the tip (a nod to Asterius/Theseus).
Although he is also very good at fighting with just his hands.
Hippolytus doesn't rely on the gods as much as his father, but he does ask for their help when he thinks he's about to lose. Especially Ares and Artemis.
Theseus is definitely very proud whenever Hippolytus wins. He pats him on the back and they go off to celebrate by drinking nectar.
If Hippolytus loses, Theseus will think Zagreus cheated and will rant for hours about how much he hates him until he forgets what he was talking about in the first place.
prefiero dejar lo primero para un trabajo largo (que esta en proceso) sobre como fue que Hipolito y Zagreus se conocieron, empezaron a salir y aspectos generales de su relación.
lo que si puedo responder es que Hipólito tiene un estilo de pelea bastante diferente al de Teseo y Asterius.
Hipolito es mitad amazona, por lo que imita muchos de sus movimientos. se queda principalmente en el piso y sus ataques son poderosos desde abajo. es como pelear contra un animal.
si tuviera que compararlo con algun personaje, diria que Pelea de forma similar a Inosule Hashibira de Demon Slayer. o Derieri de SDS.
el es muy flexible, aprovecha mucho su fuerza y una vez que hace el primer contacto, no para.
creo que su arma seria o un bidente o una lanza. o incluso una convinacion entre una lanza larga y un hacha en la punta( un guiño a Asterius/Teseo).
aunque también el esta muy bien con pelear con solo las manos.
Hipólito no depende tanto de los dioses como su padre, pero pide su ayuda cuando cree que esta apunto de perder. especialmente Ares y Artemisa.
definitivamente Teseo esta muy orgulloso cada vez que Hipolito gana. le da unas palmadas en la espalda y se van a celebrar tomando nectar.
si Hipolito pierde, Teseo pensara que Zagreus hizo trampa y despotricara durante horas sobre lo mucho que lo odia hasta que olvide de lo que estaba hablando en primer lugar
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carmivne · 8 days ago
holaholahola ! ¿cómo va? por acá barb. hace tiempo que no hacía uno de estos así que ténganme misericordia. bajo el read more dejo la información de mis dos ratas. con una reacción me paso a molestarles, pero también me pueden tirar un mensajito por discord: malavmente.
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cupo c1, veintisiete años, director de cine. formulario. tablero. conexiones.
CUPO C1: brazo derecho de alfred desde que se unieron al círculo, también se sabe que fueron amigos desde la infancia, muchos le señalaron como cabecilla en la rencilla de otis y quien lanzó la piedra, sin embargo esto no se ha confirmado.
bueno, como verán, mi ratita es del séquito de alfred así que todo lo malo que puedan pensar de él es absolutamente cierto. viene de una familia pudiente de neoyorquinos ( el padre un arquitecto y la madre una diseñadora de indumentaria ), pero al ser el hijo del medio pasó ignorado por sus padres. esto lo llevó a actuar de manera rebelde hasta que lo mandaron a un internado, del cual también lo tuvieron que sacar ( fracasa en todos lados ).
era más o menos una copia de alfred, pero más ruidoso, pedante y temperamental. para mí es una mezcla de roman roy y xavier dolan. en sus épocas universitarias tendía a ser desagradable con los becados por no considerarlo sus ‘pares’. como dije, es bastante maldito.
al mismo tiempo, parte de esto tiene raíces en que reprime mucho su “secreto”: es gay. ahora, digo secreto entre comillas porque para mí es más o menos un secreto a voces en el círculo, ya que también era muy promiscuo. sin embargo, si bien coqueteaba mucho con las mujeres, al momento de actuar ponía siempre alguna excusa, así que calculo que había gente que sospechaba.
con los chicos era otra historia. claro, no permitía que ninguno de ellos abriera la boca porque tenía una reputación que mantener. más que nada para contentar a sus padres, pues una vez más #daddyANDmommysissues.
actualmente es director de cine y acaba de estrenar su primera película que fue un éxito en taquilla pero un DESASTRE en la crítica. está en su karla sofia gascón era y pelea con gente en twitter por lo mismo.
enemistades. merece haters ! desde el círculo de otis, hasta otros que solo lo odien porque se lo merece. para estas son bienvenidas todas las que quieran.
amistades. es medio insoportable así que seguramente sería el tipo de amigo que aguantan por un par de horas no más. de estas me conformo con poquitas la verdad kjjj.
románticas: como dije, era bastante promiscuo así que le busco hook ups y amigos con beneficios, siempre recordando que nunca concretaba nada con las mujeres ! y también le busco algún antiguo noviazgo secreto brevísimo que haya terminado mal porque me gusta verlo sufrir.
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cupo d4, veintiséis años, estilista. formulario. tablero. conexiones.
CUPO D4: estaba iniciando relación con theseus grigsby a pesar de encontrarse en bandos distintos de la balanza, sin embargo en cuanto se entera de que ha sido él quien parecía haber sido el detonante en defunción de otis deja de hablarle.
bueno, ahora vamos con la rata menor. albertina nació en buenos aires y se crió ahí hasta los dieciocho años, cuando accedió a una beca para estudiar en pomona. pero la beca solamente le cubría las tasas académicas así que por un buen tiempo tuvo dos trabajos. viene de una familia de clase media así que está muy acostumbrada a laburar, lo hacía desde chica ayudando en el almacén familiar o en la peluquería donde trabajaba la madre. su hogar es muy católico y es la mayor de cuatro hermanos. 
de chica era algo así como una niña prodigio, o eso le decían las clientas de la madre. pero cuando a su familia comenzó a irle mejor económicamente la mandaron a un colegio para chicos iguales a ella y rindió mucho menos de lo esperado. aun así, levantó sus calificaciones en los últimos años y consiguió la beca. 
es literalmente gloria pritchett argentina ( y su madre es colombiana ! ), sobre todo esa escena dónde dice: sabes cuán inteligente soy en español???? mi hc es que en pomona recibía cada tanto algún comentario pasivo-agresivo sobre su acento y su dificultad con el inglés en su primer año, sobre todo del grupo de alfred. si bien después aprendió a hablarlo mejor, quedó medio marcada con eso. 
sin embargo, ella está muy orgullosa de sus raíces. también es una persona muy alegre y parlanchina. y sobre todo es una persona muy chismosa. le encanta saber todo de todos y no tiene ningún problema en ir divulgando secretos ajenos. todo el tiempo dice que quiere dejarlo, pero es más grande que ella. 
en la actualidad es estilista y tiene un salón que planea volver una franquicia. unas semanas antes lo había anunciado a su familia, que ahora vive en california con ella, mas la noticia fue eclipsada por lo sucedido con vera. 
amistades. gente que le haya dado una mano con la nueva cultura y con el idioma. ella es bastante amiguera e idealista así que un poco es la amiga de todo aquel que se le acerque y le dedique dos minutos de conversación. 
enemistades. como dije, es bastante chusma, así que siento que esto no sentó bien en todos los personajes. también sospecho que se llevaba bastante mal con el séquito de alfred ( mi hc es que odia a carmy ) porque ( spoiler alert ! ) él le pidió a theseus que la espiara poniéndose de novio con ella, y cuando lo descubrió les hizo la cruz a todos. también necesita antiguos bullies !
románticas. de estas busco poquitas porque albertina antes que todo viene de un hogar bastante católico, así que imagino que por unos años sostenía que no iba a acostarse con nadie que no le pusiera el anillo. obviamente con el pasar del tiempo dejó esto atrás así que imagino que un par de novios y acostones tuvo, no tantos como el otro que es una ets andante. de momento es heterosexual pero ya veremos qué pasa dijo el ciego. 
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confabcon · 5 months ago
2024 Programming & Dance Party
We can't believe the con is in less than two months! What even is time?? We have a few programming-related announcements for you today.
Thanks again to everyone who submitted programming for CONfab 2024, as well as to those of you who voted on what you want to see this year. The schedule will be released in early October, but for now we have a list of everything that you'll see at this year's CONfab below the cut, organized by programming type and alphabetical by current title. If the title doesn't make it clear what the programming is, we've provided a little context in [brackets]. Onto the list!
Panels Demystifying D&D Organization for Transformative Works: What We (really) Do and How to Get Involved Sex Writing Ultimate Screen Adaptation Tier List: Video Game Edition Your Fave Is Problematic [Loving a canon with a problematic creator]
Group Discussions A Parsec is a Unit of Distance; A Horse is Not a Bicycle [When canon gets facts totally wrong] Everything Old Is New Again [Old Fandoms] Fidget Toys for Fun and Mental Health If The Shoe Fits… [Disney's Descendents, Brandi's Cinderella (1997), Fairy Tale Retellings] Recent Book Recs RPG Trivia Hour Size Doesn't Matter: How to Hype a Small Fandom The Game is Afoot. Eh, Watson? [Fictional Detectives] The Jedi and other Force Cults [Star Wars] The Obligatory Incest Discussion The Shipping of Theseus [Greek Mythology Fandoms] The Things We DO For Blorbos [Odd skills and crafts you've learned for your fave] Two Vampires Walk Into A Church [Interview With the Vampire]
Workshops Fan Crafts: Embroidery Kandi Bracelet Workshop Let's Craft Together! Like My Coffee - CONfab Edition [Improv Gameshow] Piracy 101 Plushie Workshop: Rise of the Needles Speakeasy: Flashdrive Exchange Use Your Fave Garment to Make New Ones
Next up, our Saturday Night Dance Party! This year's theme is Star Studded. You don't have get dressed up, but you are welcome to use the theme as a jumping off point to plan a fun outfit or a costume. Or, just come in your pajamas; we don't mind. :D
You can register for CONfab 2024 and find details about the hotel on our website. We're looking forward to seeing you there.
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lumosatnight · 1 year ago
Lani's Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
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31 days | 31 ships | 31 kinks
In an effort to practice my smut writing, I am participating in @kinktober2023!! Everyday I'll post a ficlet (500 words exactly) with a different ship and a different kink.
Fair warning to anyone horny enough to read them, some contain dark/disturbing topics (i.e. rape/non-con, underage, vore, emeto, etc.). I will try to include any relevant info and warnings before each story, but just be advised. I also took the prompts very loosely, and some of the stories don't contain smut, only the build-up to it (I ran out of words, oopsies). These will be a mix of common ships, rare pairs, and my personal blorbos. I tried to include a good mix!
I had a plethora of inspiration for these juicy ficlets. All sources of inspiration are linked above the individual stories, and I highly recommend checking them out. All remixed/inspired stories are written with the original authors' permissions.
Links and summaries will be added here as they post. Or you can read them on AO3. Hope you enjoy! I know I did 😘
Day 1: Micro - Draco/Harry Harry Potter has a tiny dick. And oh, how Draco loves it.
Day 2: Inflation - Lucius/Charlie Lucius Malfoy has an intimate meeting with the head dragonologist.
Day 3: Bootworship - Astoria/Bellatrix Astoria tests the limits of her houseguest’s control.
Day 4: Prostitution - Regulus/James James pays a visit to his favourite club.
Day 5: Collaring - fem!Harry/Severus Harrie sees a light in the darkness in the form of Severus Snape.
Day 6: Chastity - Lily/Severus Severus was used to waiting for Lily Evans.
Day 7: Stuck in Wall - Angelina/Fred/George Angelina gets stuck in a wall, and the twins help her out.
Day 8: Breeding - Lily Luna/Blaise Blaise finds out by accident that his secretary likes a certain kink.
Day 9: Glory Hole - Harry/Ron Ron doesn’t know how much longer he can keep pretending.
Day 10: Infidelity - Sirius/Draco After Draco and Astoria have a fight, he goes to his cousin’s house to cool off.
Day 11: Petplay - Petunia/Minerva No matter what Petunia did, the cat was always there.
Day 12: Somnophilia - Peter/Percy Peter just wants his owner to be happy.
Day 13: Menophilia - Gwenog/Ginny Ginny and Gwen get hot and steamy in the showers after Quidditch practice.
Day 14: Cloning - Parvati/Tonks Parvati can’t get over Lavender, no matter how much she tries.
Day 15: Noncon - Rabastan/Ginny The Dark Lord gifts Rabastan a new pet. Now, he must claim her publicly.
Day 16: Double Penetration - Marcus/Percy/Oliver Percy gets pounded by two extremely buff Quidditch players.
Day 17: Vore - Alecto/Nagini Alecto always took great care of Nagini.
Day 18: Olfactophilia - Sirius/Remus Remus unexpectedly goes into rut while staying at Grimmauld Place.
Day 19: Uniform - Narcissa/Harry Harry visits the manor and lets Mrs Malfoy take care of him.
Day 20: Watersports - Theo/Harry Theo gets marked by his Alpha boyfriend in an alleyway. He only complains a little.
Day 21: Tentacles - Luna/Giant Squid Luna wants a baby, and she’ll do anything to get one.
Day 22: Intercrural Sex - Draco/Narcissa Narcissa comforts Draco as only a mother can.
Day 23: Facesitting - Millicent/Cho Riding a person was similar to riding a broom.
Day 24: Crossdressing - Neville/Pansy Neville and Pansy have some fun in the dressing room while shopping.
Day 25: Pregnancy - Gilderoy/Pandora/Xenophiliius Gilderoy Lockhart was a stud. The ladies all loved him, what could he say?
Day 26: Grooming - Bellatrix/Luna Bellatrix meets a ghost from her past and is determined to not let this chance slip by.
Day 27: Emeto - Remus/Severus Severus makes Lupin take it all.
Day 28: Cockbulge - Sirius/Theo Theo meets the monster haunting Grimmauld Place.
Day 29: Feeding - Fleur/Hermione Fleur held the fork up to Hermione’s lips, a gleam in her eye.
Day 30: Sounding - Newt/Theseus Newt gets poisoned. Thankfully, his brother is there to deliver the antidote.
Day 31: Heartbeat - Lily/Black Sisters Lily wanders into a drafty castle. She isn’t prepared to meet her hosts.
Also read them on AO3!
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yaellaharpe-blog · 2 months ago
Detail of a magnificent Attic red-figure lekythos from Taranto (Magna Graecia), dating to 470 BC.
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(English / Español / Italiano)
It depicts the goddess Athena commanding Theseus to abandon Ariadne, who is asleep and seemingly dreaming of something pleasant, judging by her smile.
Perhaps she is traveling somewhere in her dream, as indicated by her soul depicted in the top left, appearing as though it wishes to go somewhere. On her head sits Hypnos, ensuring she does not wake before her time and her new fate—becoming the eternal companion of the god Dionysus, who pleaded with the other gods to make her immortal. At her feet lies a mysterious figure of a young man.
Detalle de un magnífico lekythos ático de figuras rojas procedente de Tarento (Magna Grecia), fechado en el 470 a.C. Representa a la diosa Atenea ordenando a Teseo que abandone a Ariadna, que duerme y parece soñar con algo agradable, a juzgar por su sonrisa.
Tal vez esté viajando a algún lugar en su sueño, como indica su alma representada en la parte superior izquierda, que parece querer ir a alguna parte. Sobre su cabeza se sienta Hypnos, que se asegura de que no despierte antes de tiempo y de su nuevo destino: convertirse en la eterna compañera del dios Dioniso, que suplicó a los demás dioses que la hicieran inmortal. A sus pies, la misteriosa figura de un joven.
Particolare di una magnifica lekythos attica a figure rosse proveniente da Taranto (Magna Grecia), risalente al 470 a.C. Raffigura la dea Atena che ordina a Teseo di abbandonare Arianna, che sta dormendo e sembra sognare qualcosa di piacevole, a giudicare dal suo sorriso.
Forse sta viaggiando da qualche parte nel suo sogno, come indica la sua anima raffigurata in alto a sinistra, che sembra voler andare da qualche parte. Sulla sua testa siede Hypnos, che si assicura che non si svegli prima del tempo e del suo nuovo destino: diventare l'eterna compagna del dio Dioniso, che ha pregato gli altri dei di renderla immortale. Ai suoi piedi giace la misteriosa figura di un giovane uomo.
Source: The Archaeologist
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16-goblinsinatrenchcoat · 3 months ago
Okay more weird dreams/details I remembered from sleep
I had coffee and donuts with Bruce Wayne and we talked about anarchy and its pros and cons, and outside the shop was just. The entire rogue gallery in Gotham
I witnessed Kassandra doing the Worm while Grey fought Jesus christ and Theseus was recording
Once again had a weird PJO dream where I was a child of Poseidon (again)
Following up on that I think I like fully dismantled capitalism in the US in that one, no fucking clue how
I had a full on conversation about the ethics of religion in a modern society with scarecrow
Pretty sure I curb stomped JD couchfucker
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jojotier · 2 years ago
okay but you can't really expect post-canon to do anything with just text that's comparable to cascade. written text like books and stuff just don't have the versatility of other mediums and it really isn't fair to compare it at all
While you're right that something in text wouldn't be comparable to Cascade- they are entirely different mediums after all- that still doesn't excuse homestuck^2 from dropping the ball.
to say that 'oh but text isn't as versatile-' is a fucking cop out answer. and here's why.
Parabola by Lily Hoang is a coming of age story about an Asian-American girl trying to find her place between holding onto tradition and her own Americanization as told in the format of a parabola.
The chapters are numbered as a parabola's would be, with some chapters being teenage poetry, others being prose, others being in the form of multiple-choice tests, and still others being blocks of text and alliteration broken up across grid-like pages, as though the text itself is being calculated like points in space on a graph.
S by JJ Abrams and Doug Dorst is about two college students getting their hands on a novel called Ship of Theseus by VM Straka, a writer that does not exist, as they do academic research on the political underpinnings of the novel. The conceit is that you are reading the copy of Ship of Theseus, which has the students' annotations scribbled in the margins and a host of extra documents they leave for each other.
House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski needs no introduction. It is a book about a book about an academic dissertation about a documentary that doesn't exist.
The book is a labyrinth. Just look at this fucking thing.
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People have been using the medium of text for decades to tell interesting stories and incorporate the metanarrative structure of how a text is presented itself to great effect. there's an entire genre dedicated to this stuff!
And this isn't to say that text doesn't have some weaknesses when compared to visual mediums or audio mediums, but it's not because the medium of text is inherently inferior. It's because every single medium has its pros and cons; its conventions and tricks for how to make things work. The medium is the vehicle by which a story is told; some stories don't need a specific medium to thrive, but others are so married to their medium that you cannot physically extract it without completely changing the story (hence why myhouse.wad is a great spiritual inheritor of House of Leaves' themes, but a pure House of Leaves game adaptation would be extremely difficult to make work). You can use the text itself as a way to enhance the themes of a story.
So I don't think it's too much to ask that homestuck^2 do something actually interesting with it's prose bits, especially considering how medium-bending the original Homestuck was. Do you?
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soratapia · 1 year ago
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SHIP OF THESEUS de GallaPlacidia
Título en Español: EL BARCO DE TESEO
Traducido por Sora Tapia
Idioma: Español
Capítulo Único
Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling.
Clasificación: T (13+) o PG-13.
Advertencias: SLASH (Relación Homosexual), El Epílogo de Harry Potter No Existe, Angustia con Final feliz, Angustia, Relación Establecida, Amnesia, Mucho anhelo, Un toque de infidelidad pero, no entre Harry y Draco, Dolor/Confort, Draco y Ginny son mejores amigos, Capítulo único.
Relaciones: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter.
Personajes: Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, OC.
Cuando Harry tiene amnesia y olvida que él y Draco alguna vez estuvieron casados, se niega a recibir tratamiento para recordar.
Inspirado en un EXCELENTE fic de Hupsoonheng llamado “Remember Me”. No es necesario que lo hayas leído para entender esto, pero para ser sincera, deberías hacerte un favor y leerlo de todos modos.
Enlace: AO3 & Fanfiction
La Portada utilizada en esta historia es una edición hecha por mi, utilizando una variedad de imágenes de internet.
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bucketsquid · 11 months ago
seeing con reblog the Chocolate Problem thing is making me think about it actually.
obviously white chocolate is safe so i guess big man was right. but milk* chocolate and dark chocolate still exist. and those, by human definition, have theobromine in them.
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do they (the splatoons) KNOW what chocolate tastes like based on human description of it? is it possible to describe such a specific flavor?
did they recreate chocolate flavors and then it's absolutely NOTHING like the chocolate but still fits the description? (this is the funniest possibility)
what about imitation chocolate flavors, have they figured that out yet? google says vanillin + others. perhaps they have found a way to Remove the Bad Toxins from chocolate. because carnivorous animals that turn into "probably still obligate carnivores but they can eat plant matter too" beings wouldn't really have a reason to evolve resistance to theobromine
there's no feasible living races (that we know of) in splatverse that would have a theobromine resistance so either the milk + dark chocolate is fake.... or some REALLY funny mutations were gleaned from the Magic Alterna Crystals
*we're approaching a theseus' ship problem here due to no dairy and therefore using milk substitutes like almond/soy/etc, too
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extremereader · 1 year ago
fuck it I'm posting this Fantastic Beasts AU
We’ve got Newt escaping the tower where his “father,” Gellert Grindelwald, keeps him. Queenie fleeing from the ocean where she lives so that she can see humans, turned into one by sea witch Vinda Rosier. Her sister, the Queen of the North Ocean, is going after her. Jacob is bored of his town and wants an adventure. Aurelius, the crown prince of the neighboring kingdom, is on the run after using his ice powers at a ball that he did not want to go to. Jacob, Queenie, and Newt go to track him down, since their kingdom is affected by his icy tantrum, while Tina and Theseus try to take all parties involved back to where they belong and Grindelwald attempts to capture them for his dark magic army. Oh, and did I mention that con artist Nagini Riddle and the amnesiac heir of the fallen Lestrange empire, Corvus Lestrange, are running around?
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xjulixred45x · 25 days ago
Reaction to Hippolytus!reader being the one who put up the zagreus flag in the coliseum in Elysium and cheers Zagreus on in his fights with Theseus and asterius.
I honestly think Hipolito would support Zag on very few occasions. Not because I don't want to! but for his own position in the Coliseum as Third Champion.
The only way Hipolito is not fighting and is in the stands would be if he has been injured or sick in some way. or in the worst case scenario if you come across something from the past and want a break.
Yes, he would definitely like to encourage Zagreus in his fights with his father. Whether it's Zagreus' happy puppy face or Theseus' indignant face (along with Asterius: oh, young love) is priceless.
creo que honestamente Hipolito apoyaria a Zag en muy pocas ocaciones. ¡no porque no quiera! sino por su propia posicion en el Coliseo como Tercer Campeon.
la unica forma en la que Hipolito no este luchando y este en las gradas seria si se ha lastimado o enfermado de alguna forma. o en el peor de los casos si se topo con algo del pasado y quiere un descanzo.
eso si, definitivamente le gustaria alentar a Zagreus en sus peleas con su padre. ya sea la cara de cachoro feliz de Zagreus o la cara de indignacion de Teseo(junto con Asterius: ay, amor joven) no tiene precio.
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