#con percy.
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ssavlly · 2 days ago
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disimulo nunca fue algo que la represente, por lo que risa es imposible de contentar cuando escucha su confesión. " no te culpo. las problemáticas edípicas no me faltan " cercanía con su padre que creció en oposición a relación tumultuosa con su madre, quién luego falleció y la dejó con un agujero en el pecho que aún no sabe cómo llenar. " te entiendo, ¿tu padre te aburre? " retoma primeras palabras del contrario esbozadas sobre profesor del que hablaban. felicitación le roba una risa. " estaba exagerando " le confiesa, aunque pensaba que era obvio. " quiero decir, trabajo en una firma grande en chicago y tenemos clientes-- " ladea la cabeza, pensando cuál era la palabra exacta " conocidos " por no decir polémicos. " soy parte del equipo. pero creo que voy bien encaminada " se tiene fe y ha trabajado duro para estar donde está ahora. " no me ofende " y sonrisa extendida condice con sus palabras. siempre ha sido una persona intelectual y no le molesta serlo ni ser reconocida por eso. " coincido contigo, aunque por momentos es como vivir dos vidas distintas. ¿de qué estás trabajando? " porque no recuerda--o tal vez nunca supo-- que estudiaba percy en su tiempo en pomona. " bueno-- " se rasca la nuca, pensando su respuesta, algo que no hace muy seguido.
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' oh, sus clases eran increíbles, no me malentiendas. ' sonrisa es a medias, de alguna manera siempre logra sentirse expuesto en episodios en los cuales el control no es precisamente aquello que destaque en la situación en la que se encuentra. ' sin embargo hay algo en él que...probablemente dirás que es una problemática edípica, pero me recuerda mucho a mi padre. ' y tal vez brinda información de más sin embargo es la muchacha aquella que le otorga la oportunidad de hacerlo, hay de alguna manera confianza que se deposita a pesar de que las palabras muchas veces entre ellos habían sido prácticamente nula, puede posicionarla en los pasillos de pomona, en las reuniones del círculo, sin embargo no puede colocarla en cualquier otro sitio. arquea las cejas, lo cierto es que le mira con sorpresa, un tanto de admiración también. ' vaya, felicitaciones entonces. ' declara con sinceridad, casi como si ese pequeño gesto de admiración fuese necesario entre ambos, casi imperativo de otorgar en la rapidez del momento, cortesía, tal vez, admiración definitivamente. ' bueno, ya sabes, no es por ofender. ' aclaración le parece obligatoria. ' pero es como, esta aura de intelectualidad, de, no sé, simplemente creo que parece que sabes de qué hablas. ' es cumplido pero también es juicio, hacía mucho tiempo que no sabía cuando dejar de hacerlos, parecía que, en realidad, había nacido con ellos. ríe entre dientes. ' siempre es mejor tener la habilidad de separarlo, yo los primeros veces del trabajo no sabía quien era dentro y quién era fuera. ' confesión le hace encoger los hombros antes de asentir levemente con la cabeza. ' peco de ignorante en el ámbito. ' confiesa, porque trabaja con abogados, sí, sin embargo no es que caminos se junten. ' ¿qué más se necesita? '
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all-da-ladies-luv-leoo · 7 months ago
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thhecaptainschair · 1 year ago
It was so great to finally see someone being nice to Percy that I briefly forgot what Luke does later
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livelovecaliforniadreams · 7 months ago
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artemivsa · 15 days ago
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“ justo al frente de mi mesa. ” le recuerda, koen no es lo suficientemente crédulo como para comprarse que ha sido una simple coincidencia. “ en una biblioteca con múltiples pisos. ” remata, que le parece pedazo de información que más logra inculpar a interlocutora. no necesita pasar el resto del día debatiendo con percy, en especial cuando sabe que opinión al respecto no cambiará, por lo que se limita a levantarse con un suspiro y agacharse a su lado, ayudándola a recolectar los últimos libros que todavía descansaban esparcidos en el suelo. no espera ningún tipo de agradecimiento cuando se los ofrece y se vuelve a incorporar, ahora observándola desde arriba. “ está bien, percy, como digas. ” es primero en rendirse y vuelve a acomodarse frente libros, decidido a retomar sesión de estudio. nunca llegaría a admitirlo, pero gran parte de su molestia es fingida y esconde cierta altanería, interés contrario despierta sensación de orgullo que le gustaría esconder. no se espera siguiente comentario que termina por delatar sentir, aprieta labios y espera que facciones no lo inculpen. “ tal vez en tus sueños. ” termina por responder, se obliga a bajar mirada en dirección a libro de anatomía, tema que ahora no le puede parecer menos interesante, sin embargo sabe que necesita verse desinteresado para que palabras realmente logren resonar. orbes suben rápidamente con pregunta, es desconcierto lo que tiñe facciones, y eventualmente no puede evitar soltar pequeña risa. “ ¿tan difícil fue admitir que te querías sentar conmigo? ” cuestiona con sorna, para finalmente asentir. “ puedes sentarte, no me importa. ”
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dígitos se mueven con rapidez tratando de solucionar destrozo del que es culpable, pedidos silenciosos de que no la mire comenzando a escucharse en su cabeza. “ yo no te estaba espiando, se me resbalaron. ” se apresura en dejar aquello en claro, rodillas aún dobladas sobre el suelo en posición incómoda. “ ni siquiera sabía que estabas aquí, ha sido una casualidad. ” y una muy buena, aunque eso no va a decirlo en voz alta. anatomía vuelve a erguirse en su totalidad ya con los libros siendo abrazados, inyectado fuerza en agarre porque teme volver a hacer el ridículo delante de él, y es consciente de que silente que ahora es protagonista no le ayuda demasiado a probar punto en el que no es una acosadora. “ no te estoy mintiendo, koen... ” vocablos salen en un bisbiseo que no puede determinar si es escuchado por contrario o no, sin embargo aquello le duele más de lo que puede admitir. sabe que tensión es evidente cada vez que se encuentran por los pasillos, una que es complicada y desagradable, no termina de entender por qué él tiene el poder de hacerle sentir como que es cierto. “ la verdad, parece que quieras que sea cierto y que lo haga cada vez que te veo. ” vuelve a liberar el aire que estaba reteniendo, atreviéndose a mirarle durante unos segundos con voz cargada de lo que parece tristeza, que es posible que tampoco le crea. “ ¿puedo sentarme? ” desesperado intento por cambiar de tema, pero no tarda demasiado en darse cuenta de error. “ da igual, olvídalo. ”
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pjotvshownews · 1 year ago
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‘Percy Jackson and the Olympians’ Promo Posters at New York Comic Con 2023!
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Loot his corpse. Take his vest.
Matt Mercer cosplay is @vocalmancer
Vax’ildan is @lolthandfound
Percy de Rolo is me
📷: @asteroid.abi
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menheim · 7 months ago
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Walker Scobell & Aryan Simhadri
2024 Comic-Con International: San Diego
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haevnt · 7 months ago
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‘ pf, la altura no tiene nada que ver. ’ lo que tiene que ver es la agudeza de sus sentidos y los colmillos que a veces deja salir para conseguir lo que quiere, pero su altura no le ayuda en nada. ‘ ah, pero no eres uno de ellos. ’ señala, sonriendo amplio como bien sabe. ‘ anda ya, elige uno de los peluches. dejo que lo adoptes. ’
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se echa a una banca, haciendo la finta de estar muriendo del cansancio mientras toma un sorbo de su tru blood embotellada. ' dios, esto de ganar todos los premios de la feria me tiene agotado. ' y por todos "todos" se refiere a los tres muñecos de felpa que ha logrado coleccionar por pura suerte. si se tratara de destreza realmente, haven no hubiera ganado nada. ' ¿tu has ganado algo? puedo compartirte uno de los míos, si quieres. '
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junebugdunes · 1 year ago
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about once a month I think of these two and start going crazy again
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bayetea · 3 months ago
also I'm a percy jackson stan until I die of course but it would be nice if we could not exclusively talk about other members of the main cast (the non-white ones especially) only in furtherance of percy and his character/personal acclaim/strength as a demigod
like every time I see a high-note text post about the percy/frank/hazel dynamic it's about "WOW frank and hazel think percy is so cool hazel literally thought he was a god he is so powerful." like yeah. did you guys know that they're also friends and they love each other!!!! did you know that percy admires frank and frequently praises him and encourages him to build up his self-worth and confidence! did you know that hazel comforted percy when he was emotional and scared at the neptune altar in camp jupiter and he gets angry when phineas insults and degrades hazel for being undead! did you know that frank and hazel saved him when he was so frightened and disturbed by evil centaurs and cyclopes that he was paralyzed and couldn't move!
did you know that frank and hazel also just have their own things going on divorced from percy because they're heroes of olympus too! did you know that they aren't just decorations for percy's character they are their own people! idk something to keep in mind (I'm a SON stan if u can't tell)
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emmatcha · 5 months ago
is it too much to ask that we get a surprise s3 renewal at new york comic con this october? is it too much to ask?
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novastar-creations · 1 month ago
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Very excited for my first con!
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thaliasthunder · 2 years ago
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pjotvshownews · 1 year ago
Exclusive ‘Percy Jackson and the Olympians’ scenes shown for those in attendance at New York Comic Con:
First 7 minutes of the pilot
Minotaur scene
Capture the Flag
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anticomedygarden · 6 months ago
white noise
Piper over thinks her powers and has a crisis. Luckily, her friends are there to ask for help.
ao3 link
i wrote this slightly oxygen deprived so if you see any mistakes please lmk (fr while I was editing I caught so many name, pronoun, spelling, and verb ending errors and I am still a bit not breathing right so please please tell me if something is wrong or doesn't make sense)
for those who don't know who killgrave is: he is a supervillain in netflix's jessica jones. he has powers similar to charmspeak but incredibly more powerful and uses those powers to completely control people, including rape
Piper never should have tried to watch TV at camp. She never should have asked her dad for a mobile hotspot and high speed internet. She never should have started catching Jason up on modern media. She never should have continued being friends with her ex-boyfriend. And she never should have introduced him to Marvel.
Jessica Jones currently had his whole attention, and his eyes were a little too bright as the hero snapped Killgrave's neck on her laptop screen. "Finally," he muttered, which would have concerned Piper a lot more had she not been staving off a panic attack.
"Oh my gods," Piper gasped, "I have Killgrave powers!"
Jason looked at her sharply. "Uh-"
She jumped off Jason's bed into the marble floor of the Zeus cabin, suddenly needing to get away from him. "Charmspeak is basically mind control!"
"I mean, you-"
"Oh, gods, did I contribute to Hera's heteronormative agenda?" She was full on panicking now, pacing and breathing heavily. "Do you think it took so long for you to realize you're gay because I was using my powers on you?"
Jason frowned in concentration, and it actually made her feel a little better that he took the time to think about his answer. "I don't think so. I think Hera did more damage than anything. Besides, your powers are more based on your own intent, right? You have to really try to make people do things."
"Not at first!" she said, a tad hysterical. The whole reason I was at the wilderness school was because I got that guy to give me a car!" Sure, she had good control of her powers, now, but whenever she first learned about them, she was basically just manipulating people. It felt icky then, and it felt even worse now that she'd seen what those kinds of abilities could do.
She looked up to see Jason staring at her, concerned. "Don't look at me like that, with your big sad Chris Evans eyes."
Jason's nose crinkled, and his blue eyes - big and sad like Captain America - turned downward. "Who's Chris Evans?"
Any other time, she would have made fun of him for that, but she was too upset to appreciate how funny it was. "The guy who plays adult you."
If it was possible, Jason looked even more confused. "What?"
"Oh gods, oh gods," Piper muttered. "Did I force myself on you? Was everything we did even consensual?"
There was a scratching sound over by Jason's bed, and Piper looked over to see Jason scribbling something down. She was willing to bet it was Chris Evans' name to google later. Again, she wanted to laugh but was freaking out too much.
When he was done, Jason said, "Yeah, I think it was. Even thinking about Hera, we were 15 to 16, and you're very pretty.” So he was he, but whatever. “Exploring your sexuality is what being that age is for." He started walking over to her. "Besides, we never really got past kissing."
Piper sniffed back tears. "Any forced touching is sexual assault."
"It wasn't forced, though," Jason insisted, but Piper still wasn't mollified. "Don't your powers work better when the person already wants to do the thing? Like the final push-"
"That's so much worse!" she exclaimed, to Jason's surprise. His eyes got very wide, and he took a step back. "Consent should be verbal and not coerced! If Chris Evans asked me to have sex with him, I'd probably want to, but I wouldn't say yes!" A horrible thought occurred to her. "Plus, do you know how easy these powers would make it to break an addict's sobriety? Or a million other things that suggestive mind control could do to vulnerable people?"
"Who is Chris Evans?" Jason asked again. Piper vowed to show him the Captain America movies if only so he could understand the archetype role he filled perfectly - if she could ever look at him again. He waved a hand. "It doesn't matter. Piper, you know this is something we all deal with? I could do terrible things with my powers, too. I could short out the entire eastern seaboard's power grid if I tried hard enough." He snapped. "And Nico - you hang out with Will, I know you've heard some of his stories - Nico can and has done some pretty terrible things, but we all still love him." Piper almost said this wasn't the time for Jason's weird older sibling obsession with the Italian before he pulled out the big guns. "Think about Percy. Do you know how hard he has to work to keep his powers in check? Your powers aren't even half as strong as his."
Damn. That was a good one. The boy was practically a ticking time bomb. The focus he expended just to not turn into Luke probably took most of his strength. "You're right," she said. Jason looked relieved. "I should go talk to Percy."
She ran out of Cabin One and booked it to Three.
Predictably, Percy and Annabeth were a bit startled when Piper burst into the Poseidon cabin.
"Percy," she declared, "kiss me."
The boy in question sent an alarmed look to Annabeth who seemed equally surprised. "...That's gonna be a no."
Piper narrowed her eyes and threw every bit of concentration into her next two words. "Kiss me."
A fog seemed to come over him, and he actually started to get up. Then, he shook his head. "What are you-"
"Percy, don't listen to her, she's having a crisis," Jason blurted as he shot through the door. The blond did a double take when he saw Percy, Annabeth, and Piper just staring at each other. "Oh, good."
Annabeth held up a hand from her spot at the corner of the bed. "What is going on?"
It was a good thing Jason started talking first because Piper had no idea where to even start. "We were watching Jessica Jones-"
"Oh, I love that show," Annabeth interrupted. "Well, the first season. Krysten Ritter is so hot-"
"So hot," Percy echoed.
"-and David Tennant is so good as Killgrave." Thankfully, that appeared to be all it took for Annabeth to understand Piper's current crisis of self. "Killgrave's powers freaked you out?"
Mutely, Piper nodded.
Annabeth put out a hand. "Percy's demi, it won't work as well on him. Ask me, I'm bi."
Before she could reconsider, Piper said, "Annabeth, kiss me."
Just as it had to Percy, a fog seemed to come over her face, but unlike her boyfriend, Annabeth didn't stop. She got to barely a few inches in front of Piper before she stumbled a little and pulled her head back. "Wow, that's so weird."
Piper was vaguely aware of Percy and Jason watching them in her periphery. "Do you feel violated?"
If she'd expected Annabeth to get uncomfortable at the question, she was sorely disappointed. The daughter of Athena just laughed at her. "I mean, only in the sense that I knew I was being coerced. Otherwise, you're my friend - my very beautiful friend - and I know you wouldn't hurt me. Honestly, if it weren't for Percy, I probably would have kissed you."
Now, everyone - barring Percy, who had apparently had extensive conversations with his girlfriend about what celebrities they both thought were hot - was staring at Annabeth. Piper shook her head and turned to Jason. "See? See how easy it would be for me to force-"
"I think you're looking at it wrong," Percy said suddenly. The son of Poseidon was giving her a thoughtful look. "I don't think your powers are as persuasive as you're thinking they are. You had to really try just now to get me to do anything, and Annabeth was, uh-"
"Ready to do what anyone would be when their awesome friend tells them to kiss them with their superpowers," Annabeth quickly declared.
Jason threw up his hands. "Thank you! And whatever you think you did to me should really be blamed on Hera because we were young-"
"So young," Annabeth agreed.
"-really, not old or experienced enough to be sure about what we wanted, not to mention the memories and manipulation, and you didn't realize you weren’t straight until a lot later, either-"
"So really, if anyone is guilty of mind control and sexual assault, it's Hera," said Percy, who was not afraid of pissing off the queen of the gods. No, he looked perfectly content and not worried about cow shit at all.
That made Piper smile.
"Plus," Percy started, "our powers are there to help us. We're not like characters who get powers by accident or give themselves power ups for their own gain or security. We're born with them because monsters are constantly trying to kill us."
That was...surprisingly insightful. It was easy to forget that Percy was actually pretty smart. "How do you guys do it, then? Deal with these crazy powers?"
Jason shook his head. "Percy can answer that better than me. Anything more than some sparks and flying takes a lot out of me."
His comment very nearly sent Piper back into a tailspin. She never would have considered herself anywhere near as powerful as Jason; hell, she wouldn't even consider herself as powerful as Annabeth. This new responsibility - knowing she could leave this cabin and ruin lives just with her voice - was almost more than she could handle, and she didn't like it at all. She couldn't believe Percy just lived like this, but 100 times worse knowing that his powers could - and had - hurt the gods.
The black haired boy cocked his head. "It's not like...I mean, I don't do anything special. You learn to live with it. You just have to find a way to not be bothered by it or lose control." Her face must have fallen or something because Percy said, "Annabeth helps a lot. I know if I ever did lose control, she'd pull me out of it." He grabbed Annabeth's hand. "Or kill me."
Annabeth blanched. "But it won't ever come to that."
Piper could tell from Percy and Annabeth's faces that it absolutely could come to that and that they'd probably had this exact discussion between the two of them before.
Maybe she should make a kill-pact with Jason or Leo or someone in case she ever went supervillain and turned into Killgrave.
She finally took the time to look around the room and realized that Percy and Annabeth had been doing homework. "Thanks, guys, I feel a lot better. See you at dinner."
"See ya."
The second the door to Percy's cabin was shut, Piper rounded on Jason. "Swear that if I ever go off the deep end, you'll kill me."
Jason's eyes bugged out of his head. "Piper-"
There wasn't any charmspeak in her voice - at least, she didn't think there was - but Jason still said, "Fine, but only if you do the same for me."
Piper nodded. "I swear by the River Styx that if you start using your powers to hurt innocent people and there's no chance of stopping you non fatally, I'll kill you."
Jason repeated the oath, and Piper dragged Jason back to his cabin for a Chris Evans binge.
A week later, Leo returned from Indiana and sat next to Piper on the steps of the amphitheater. "Hey, Beauty Queen."
"Hey, Repair Boy."
"I hear you're to blame for Jason suddenly writing Captain America fanfiction?"
Piper burst out laughing. "Is he really?"
Leo chuckled along with her. "Yeah, I caught him last night when he said he was writing a history essay. I think it was Stucky."
Piper grinned. "Technically..." She didn't need to finish the sentence. "But, seriously, with his self worth issues, this is kinda like therapy."
Leo laughed again, and, damn, she missed her friend. "You're not wrong." Then, his smile dropped. "You know, if you were looking for someone to kill you, I'm right here."
Piper raised her eyebrows at him. "Likewise. Wanna make a pact?"
He sure did. 
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