#con latte.
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pinkeiz · 1 year ago
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julia nam, coreana de veintiséis años. recepcionista en el negocio de sus padres. ellos no aprueban su relación, pero poco le importa a julia. quiere liberarse de la jaula en la que la mantienen encerrada y poder hacer lo que se le dé la gana. peleona, no sabe quedarse callada frente a las injusticias. en el futuro se convierte en madre de cael y cleo, pero a la última solo la acompaña durante los primeros tres años de su vida antes de que la propia llegue a su fin.
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ansonmountdaily · 7 months ago
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Ethan Peck with Captain Pike Place Vanilla Latte at SDCC 2024
Anson couldn't make it to SDCC this year but there is Captain Pike coffee! :)
Hero Within (known for their Star Trek apparel) has been serving fun Star Trek themed coffee drinks at the Energize Lounge for San Diego Comic-Con, July 25 - 28 2024.
Their bottled drinks include Captain Pike Place Vanilla Latte ("smooth, rich and refreshing"), Janeway's Just Java (black coffee), Mariner's Madness Mix Caramel Latte, as well as various roasted bean bags: Pike's Light Blend, Mariner's Medium Blend and Janeway's Dark Blend.
Source: All photos by HeroWithinInc as credited above + Ethan clip
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paulinawoodpecker · 9 months ago
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Primera café con leche y azúcar en México
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ambreiiigns · 20 days ago
allora io lo guarderei pure il dopofestival ma il problema è che cattelan mi sta sui coglioni so ?
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spettriedemoni · 1 year ago
Da ieri sera Tigrotto ha questo dente che dondola, incisivo superiore. Gli dà fastidio, non riesce a masticare bene e si lamenta come poche altre volte ha fatto in vita sua.
Ieri a letto si è messo a piangere perché teme che i compagni di classe possano prenderlo in giro. Gli ho detto che i suoi genitori saranno sempre dalla sua parte e lui ha risposto: «A scuola no, però» gli abbiamo risposto che sarebbe stupido se lo prendessero in giro per i denti caduti e poi chi altri è stato preso in giro a scuola perché senza denti? Ci ha risposto nessuno. Chissà da dove gli viene questa paura di essere preso in giro.
Però la tristezza, dovuta probabilmente anche alla stanchezza, non gli passava così gli ho raccontato ancora una volta la storia della Rana dalla Bocca Larga. Quella a quanto pare funziona sempre.
È bello sentire ridere dopo le lacrime.
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coffeviews · 10 months ago
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Good morning ☕🥰✨
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cardamaman · 1 year ago
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my year in coffee
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stranger-exclusive · 1 year ago
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Made this lil clown today
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aroseyetbloomedwrites · 1 year ago
Watching espresso pull is literally the most beautiful sight. I don't think it just has to do with my obsession with coffee. >.>
Francel thoughts below.
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bearbench-img · 3 months ago
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豆乳ココアは、豆乳とココアパウダーを混ぜて作る飲み物です。豆乳は、大豆をすりつぶして絞った植物性ミルクで、牛乳と比べてカロリーや脂肪分が低いことが特徴です。一方、ココアパウダーはカカオ豆を焙煎して粉末にしたもので、抗酸化作用やリラックス効果があると言われています。 豆乳ココアは、豆乳のまろやかな風味とココアの甘さが相まった、優しい味わいが特徴です。牛乳の代わりに豆乳を使うことで、カロリーや脂肪分を抑えながら、ココアの風味を楽しむことができます。また、豆乳には大豆タンパク質やイソフラボンなどの栄養素が含まれているため、健康志向の方にもおすすめのドリンクです。
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pinkeiz · 1 year ago
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himchan im, coreano de veintidós años. se hace cargo de su familia desde que su papá falleció; trabaja en el pet café de los padres de su novia (y mejor amiga). le gustaría estudiar para convertirse en veterinario, pero no posee tiempo ni ánimos para inscribirse en la universidad.
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books1311 · 3 months ago
November reads. 😊
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todoespecias · 7 months ago
Café helado dorado
Estos cubitos de leche dorada son mi último vicio. Los tengo siempre en el congelador para mi descafeinado de por las tardes, y son súper fáciles de hacer. Continue reading Café helado dorado
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icarusthelunarguard · 8 months ago
This Week’s Horrible-Scopes
It’s time for this week’s Horrible-Scopes! So for those of you that know your Astrological Signs, cool! If not, just pick one, roll a D12, or just make it up as you go along. It really doesn’t matter. Better yet! Check out “Heart of the Game, Fredonia” and see if they can sell you those D12’s with the symbols on them. Tell them “Shujin Tribble” sentcha. And “Hail, Hail, Fredonia!” Home of the Blue Devil!
Apparently SOMEONE thinks there’s a market for the ‘Scopes by adding crushed beans and hot water to them. So no matter if you call it Dirty Bean Water, Go-Go Juice, or A Cup Of Joe, we’re serving up cup after cup of flaming hot coffee for your sipping pleasure. And so we’re all clear here, don’t you DARE pronounce it, “EX-PRESS-OH”! ...È chiaro?
Your drink, and we hesitate to even call it that, is the “Freakshake” from Canberra, Australia! It’s what happens when you mix coffee with a milkshake then top it with a Hot milk chocolate tart, a Mini Belgian waffle, a Buckeye brownie cookie, and cover that all with whipped cream, chocolate sprinkles, wafers, and a drizzle of chocolate syrup. This “coffee” abomination isn’t done there, because the only way to drink this is with a straw! So This Week… If you want to drink this, pack your bags and head out to Australia. And while you’re at it, bring a 55Gal drum of Insulin, ‘cause you’re gunna need it after all that sugar!
Yes, we said drinking coffee through a straw is wrong, but we’re willing to re-assess that possibility since your coffee is an “Iced Latte”. At least it’s an easy drink to make: 2 espresso shots, 2 tsp of sugar, honey or maple syrup, 100ml of  whole milk, and ice. There’s very little to screw up here, so we’re expecting good things from you. So This Week… You don’t need to buy a whole gallon of milk for this - just get a quart. But if you DO buy a gallon, just know that you’ll need to drink about 37 of these drinks to kill it. Considering it’s summertime, maybe that’s not an unrealistic goal.
NOW WE’RE TALKIN’! Take a coffee mug, add a shot of Irish whiskey, a little maple syrup, then add freshly brewed coffee leaving some room for whipped cream. You’ve got “Irish Coffee”, and we are TOTALLY jealous! And before anyone complains about using maple syrup, yes, sure you COULD use cane or brown sugar, but the Sweet Tree Blood dissolves and mixes easier. So This Week… Don’t drink this on a work day with breakfast. We know you - you’ll try to get around the Drink-n-Drive thing by carpooling. That would be a bad idea. 
Cancer Moon-Child 
What’s going on here? All these cold drinks are making us wonder what’s happened to all the GOOD drinks, but… Ok, whatever. You’re getting an “Iced Mocha” - and after reading the directions… well, ok. Here’s what you do. Whisk sugar, cocoa powder, and a little milk over medium heat until the sugar dissolves and you get a smooth chocolate syrup. Then add some milk and coffee, then pour over ice cubes. You know what you have here? A High-Test Hot Chocolate! So This Week… If you want a hot chocolate, just order one. You don’t have to be embarrassed; it’s your choice. You’re an adult now. Drink what you want.
FINALLY! A coffee that’s both HOT and MAKES SENSE! You’re getting a “Cappuccino”! (*FREEKIN’ FINALLY!*). It’s so SUPER EASY too! Equal parts Espresso, Steamed milk, and Milk foam in a small cup. The hardest part of it all is getting a good tasting dark roast and not using too much of it or too much water. So This Week… You’ll think you’ve got the proportions wrong, but you’ll be able to eyeball all the measurements accurately soon enough. Trust in yourself. 
(Again with the cold coffee drinks?!) Ok, ok. Fine - we’ll trust The Stars. Virgo you’re getting what can ONLY be described as “Set It And Forget It” coffee. It’s “Overnight Coffee”. It’s, “I put coffee grounds in my French Press last night, passed out at the computer, forgot it was in the kitchen, but had good cold brew coffee with breakfast.” We knew you’ve been sleep deprived all week, but you’ve got to come to your senses and prioritize yourself for a change. So This Week… Try taking a nap on your day off. You might need it more than those Flintstones Chewable Multivitamins.
Talk about getting a jump-start in the morning! You’re getting a “Caffè Mocha”, and it’s one of our favorites too. Trouble is we know you want to get it at Starbucks, and you’ll want to get the BIGGEST size they have. It’s made up of espresso, bittersweet mocha sauce, steamed milk, and topped with whipped cream. It sounds a lot like a different version of a Kick-In-The-Heart Hot Chocolate, right? Well, you’re gunna be screwed with this one. So This Week… You need to be mindful of your food intake. This drink ALONE is 450 calories, 45g of sugar, and 18g of fat! You need to get out on your bike if you want to burn all that off. On second thought, get out on your bike again anyway.
Those of you who think “Frappé” is only made at Starbucks really need to get out more often. THEY make something called “Frappuccino” - THIS is different. Your drink is made with spray-dried instant coffee… and we need to mention that this is the ONLY acceptable time to use INSTANT COFFEE… water, sugar, and milk. And fun enough, you can make it with a cocktail shaker! So This Week… Make this drink for yourself as an excuse for working out. It’ll be less lewd than using those Shake Weights.
You know how Spinal Tap has amps that go up to 11? Well, your drink does the same thing… Sorta. If you put ONE and ONE together. You know how to make a “double espresso”? You take a single shot of espresso, using 7g of espresso-fine grounds yielding about 1 liquid ounce of espresso… and just… FOLLOW US HERE… Double It! So This Week… Math may not have been your best subject, but come on! Just make the drink twice. Make it a couple times more and you’ll be able to make your heart play Flight of the Bumblebee in your veins.
We know how you love decadence, so you’re getting “espresso con panna”. It translates as ‘espresso with cream’ in Italian and is a single or double shot of espresso topped with a dollop of whipped cream. It’s often served in a demitasse cup or small glass, so you get to look so elegant with your pinkie finger extended as you sip. So This Week… The only reason why your pinkie is out is because the cup is so small and your fingers so thick. Learn to enjoy cucumber sandwiches and you’ll get invited to more tea parties… or just stick to your espresso in larger cups and be yourself. 
Some might think your drink is lazy, but we all know differently. Your drink, known as a “latte macchiato” is kinda funny to think about. Just make some steamed milk in a cup then pour a shot of espresso into the steamed milk. What’s so funny about it is how simple it is to make the Steamed Milk.. by sound, if nothing else. It’s that “WHOOSH!” in the bottom of the metal container that just makes the drink. So This Week.. learn how to make Steamed Milk properly - not scalded milk!
Some people misunderstand your quiet demeanor for what it actually is - a terrifying level of data collection about everything and everyone around you. And you love food. So what do you do when you want coffee, dessert and your after dinner drink, all rolled into one? When you’re “too full for dessert” make yourself an “affogato”! Pour espresso coffee over vanilla gelato or ice cream, and enjoy the melty swirls and dig in! So This Week… This is so amazingly simple! Why don’t people do this more often? Simple… because NOW we have to get into a battle about what the best “Vanilla” flavour is. And the answer to this is “Good Quality French”, followed by “Proper Vanilla Bean White Vanilla”. There will be NO EXCEPTIONS!
And THOSE are your Horrible-Scopes for this week! Remember if you liked what you got, we’re obviously not working hard enough at these. BUT! If you want a better or nastier one for your own sign or someone else’s, all you need to do to bribe me is just Let Me Know - or check out the Ko-Fi page ( https://ko-fi.com/icarusthelunarguard )! These will be posted online at the end of each week via Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, Discord, and BLUESKY.
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6em4k · 9 months ago
"I don't understand coffee drinkers - tea's right there."
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"I understand sweet coffee drinkers even less - chai's right there."
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righteousdelusions · 11 months ago
argentinians think is not cappuccino if it doesn't have cocoa or cinnamon???? No puede ser papá dió que gente más ignorante
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