#compliments like this just make me so flustered and goofy
wayfayrr · 20 days
For both botw and totk, I've had this odd habit overall where once I've done every single mission possible and basically completed the game, I leave the kork seed puzzles alone beyond the minimal needed so I had an excuse to continue playing. By the end I've ended up slowlt finding every puzzle bit by bit to extend more time on the game and feeding link good food/getting him to rest regularly between each discoverable one and entirely traveling to them on foot to re-explore the games map again for nostalgias sake. I always felt so horrible how exhausted he possibly felt constantly functioning at 100% at all times. :( the korok puzzles at this point is just a reason for me to spoil the absolute heck out of him. I always couldn't help but wonder if he'd get joy out of the extended time or not. The thought overall always made me giggle.
(Btw you're an absolutely incredible creator and writer, and the time and effort you put into your works and community is awe inspiring. I hope you're staying safe and well especially! Thank you for the time you give us <3)
Honestly that is a really good way to keep on playing (especially since neither of them have a new game+ or hero's mode like the rest of the games) I think he'd really appreciate the fact that you don't want to fully complete the game in order to spend more time with him!!! You like being around him and want to do it more than what the game really intentionally allows
I think that both of those links are more than a bit messed up from their stint in the sheika juice (hence why they can go so long without sleep) but like the others they more than appreciate a good nap there's also the whole thing of them not being 'real' and not needing anything a living person would but ehhhh what difference does that make The fact that you're treating them like they need to eat and sleep is so !!!!!! You make him feel real, and you keep coming back and keeping him out of the void!!!
theres nothing else he could really ask for that would be possible to give you, well besides your touch, but it's not like he'll be able to get that any time soon.
(Thank you for the kind words too!! I absolutely adore this community and most of the people it's allowed me to meet so I'm happy to be able to give back in anyway I can <33 and it's so lovely to get anything like this 💖 I'm staying safe and I hope you are too anon!!)
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mybelovedwoo · 21 days
yunho as boyfriend, please 🩷🩷
The long-awaited yunho boyfriend headcanon is here!!!
jeong yunho as your boyfriend - headcanon
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headcanon, romance, fluff, smut
reader x bf!atz
wc. ~ 0.7k
an: i know this took soo long to write, but I actually had a really busy time since I last posted one of these TT but as summer is here now I'll hopefully have more time to write
you can request headcanons if you want to!! if you want to be tagged in any of my fics you can apply here <3
- the funny golden retriever boyfriend, who never fails to make your mood better and to make you smile (it's his personal goal in his life, to make you the happiest, and he really does)
-just as to everyone, he is your sunshine, your happy pill, the reason you smile every single day
-he is also the  "college boyfriend" kind of vibe, who is the love of your life and will be your husband in the future
-he always texts you no matter what, if his phone is in his hands, then he's most definitely chatting with you. also if he can't say anything else, he'll send you memes (it's one of his love languages)
-loves treating you with gifts, would most definitely bring you flowers on date nights, but don't forget about the bag of snacks and chocolates he always brings you on the first day of your period (he even tracks it on his phone, so he can be prepared)
-he's a gamer boy, so it's no surprise he loves it when you make interest and ask about his game, not even talking about when you ask him if you can play with him
-lots of inside jokes
-he is a big act of service guy. absolutely loves cooking for you or making you coffee before you wake up in the morning
-he never lets you pay for anything, even if you beg him. he thinks it's a gesture he is supposed to do as your boyfriend (at least that's what his father taught him)
 -gets embarrassed very easily when you compliment him, he gets all shy and giggly, sometimes you do it on purpose, just to see his flustered face because it's the cutest
-he communicates problems so well, that you barely ever fight
-carpool karaoke dates, blasting your favorite music and don't care what other people think of you
-this man has endless energy, so he's never tired of doing anything for you or being with you. when you call him, he's right there just for you
-holding hands 24/7, even if it's too hot outside and your hands get all sweaty, he just doesn't care
-he loooves it when you pamper him, with kisses, or caress his back
-he asks for your opinion on everything, if you don't like something then he doesn't like it either. your opinion is the most valuable thing for him
-goofy nicknames that don't even make sense but you can't help but love it
-somehow always knows what you're thinking about. when you feel uncomfortable in a situation, he's right there for the rescue, tho you didn't give him any specific sign, he just knows you too well. or when you come home from work, you haven't spoken yet, but he knows by just looking at you that you had a bad day and ready to cuddle you all night long
-idk he gives off shy kisses vibes with lots of giggles, but when it's really intimate he just holds your face in his big ass hands
nsfw +18!!!
-okaay hear me out, he is probably a switch, but mostly a bottom. he just loves it when you take control, it's his favorite thing
-he would prefer the good old cowgirl position, but anything, where you're on top is his "favorite", at least that's what he says
-but there are times when his dominant side comes out and ohh boy, you are so blessed to experience it
-when he's in that mood, he just rails you with no mercy. he has to let out all the tension and there's no better place than in the bedroom
-he does magic with his long fingers, takes you to heaven then brings you right back to earth
-he likes doing it in a chair with you on top, of course, he likes the closeness and loves holding you during it
- sex with him is anything but boring, yeah it's really sweet with a lot of emotions, but it's also really passionate and sensual. he would recommend new positions and toys all the time, he likes experiencing
-for places, I think he's a traditional in-bed kind of guy, he likes to stay comfortable 
-holds your hand and whispers sweet nothings into your ears, he talks you through it (with a really low and raspy voice)
-you have sex max three times a week, especially after a date night it's an essential
-his libido is quite high since he's a dancer, he can go multiple rounds in one night
-he likes to cuddle after, holds you in his arms. after a couple of minutes, you both just fall asleep right there and then
taglist: @dinossaurz (you can message me if you want to be added or removed)
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bigfatbimbo · 4 months
silly low effort Vox x reader headcanons —
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Silly headcanons because Vox is one goofy piece of shit. It’s very comical actually. Like if you live together he would come home and literally just bitch and bitch about his day. Even if he actually considered it a good day, that wouldn’t stop him. Sings very loudly in the shower in hopes that you’ll hear him and tell him how great he sounds. No one fishes for compliments like this man. It’s really funny how he does it because he like give you prompts. “Oh yea, this afternoons live broadcast was, or at least I thought, one of the better ones of the week. What about you? What’d you think?” And then he’d hit you with the most insincere smile and blink at you expectantly. I think he’d work best with a reader who doesn’t play into his shit. He needs a reality check to get his ego in order, let’s be real. But definitely not one that’s anything like Val; AKA overly critical and negative. Give him a good amount of praise but not in a yes-man type of way. He already has too many workers like that. Like a good sincere, specific compliment would knock him flat on his ass. I said in a recent shitpost that was super ticklish and I meant it! The back of his head where his wires are and the sides of his stomach are his most sensitive spots. If you spontaneously attack you by tickling him, he’ll literally loose his shit laughing and be so caught off guard. ”Holy shit—hah— stop! Stop it—“ He’d practically seethe through violent giggles. “—y/n—pfft—this isn’t funny!” And then he’d pretend to be all pissed off after you finally stopped, but in reality he liked the attention. He likes to keep his walls up and not be vulnerable but, given the right approach, I don’t think it would be that hard to fluster him. I saw a headcanon where his eyes can make heart shapes and I second this. When you make him blush his screen would just light up brighter and his eyes would turn to hearts. Then he’d be like “God FUCKING dammit! Shut the fuck up, already!” because of how obvious it would be. He’d have to put his hands over his screen and turn away from you. But he’d be very annoyed the whole time which would lead to this comical pissed off blushy rage. He gets really excited about things easily, leading to a bunch of excess energy and he’d probably get really loud too. This doesn’t only happen when you’re watching something he’s really invested in, although that is the more often situation. You could be playing a board game and he’d get unbelievably happy if he was winning. Hell, maybe your just listening, really listening, too one of his ideas for Voxtech. Usually the other vees kinda just go on their phones when he’s like this, maybe even tell him to shut up. Although that probably doesn’t bother him that much, he’d be genuinely taken aback if you listen. He’d probably stop half way through his excited rambling and notice you just looking at him. Tell him how cute he looks I DARE YOU. Que the angry blushing as he hides his screen. He’s also a huge complainer. Like HUGE he’s actually unbareable. He considers himself the least spoiled out of the Vees, and yeah, probably. But that doesn’t mean he isn’t. “Yeah, and the fucking press was all over my ass today about ‘safety’ or some shit. I played it off fantastically as per usual but god, they’re annoying.” ”Yes, Vox. God forbid they bother prince charming over here.” ”Exactly!” I also think he’d want your attention like 24/7 on the clock. Like if you even stop to talk to anyone else he’d probably cross his arms, tap his foot, and just fucking pout. Maybe he’d even sigh dramatically in your direction and check his watch because if you can’t tell, Vox is very high maintenance. All the Vees are in fact. He’d get jealous very easily too if your attention is directed at anyone else. ”Who are you texting? Is that a ‘good friend’ or something? Hm. You only texted me twice today.” I also think that he would like cuddling after a long day like with his screen resting on your chest and watching tv with you. He’d never ask though, so you’d just have to know when to offer.
He also would like it when you rub his back and treat him gently like that. He probably wouldn’t be used to gentle touch. Probably also falls alseep on you a lot.
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a/n — Take these all with a grain of salt BY THE WAY. Because I titled these ‘silly’ headcanons for a reason.
This doesn’t include how terrible he would be (manipulative, selfish, etc) because I just felt like doing something light hearted without angst!
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elliescumsock · 9 months
losergirlfriend!ellie headcannons ✯
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warnings - like one mention of sex (no actual smut tho) bad writing LAWL, not proofread.
❥ clingy af!! driving somewhere? her hand in either on you’re thigh or on the back of your headrest. hanging with friends? she’s by your side the whole time. on the toilet? she’s there. holding your hand because “what if someone was to jump out from behind the shower curtain and kill you.” her words.
❥makes THE WORST jokes ever made. especially dirty ones.
❥whenever you say the word “coming” shes looking at you with a goofy grin plastered on her face while saying something like “heard that one before.”
❥convinced she should be a comedian
❥such a sore loser when she loses a board game
“you so cheated”
“no i didn’t?”
“you literally did omg”
then proceeds to try and make you feel bad by going by the rest of the day with a pout on her face
❥weirdly good a doing your hair???
❥only gets a good nights sleep when you’re there with her cause why wouldn’t she?? you’re perfect
❥microwaveable food is her go to. she don’t need nothing fancy
❥gets upset when you tell her she needs a new pair of converse because “she feels to connected to them.” again her words
❥first class biter
❥i know this gal has a couple of dinosaur plushies on her bed. FIGHT ME
❥claims she hates the beach because “she hates the sand in her toes” and “there’s to many annoying ass kids in her way” but as soon at she’s actually there? she becomes one of those “annoying ass kids”
❥gets so fucking flustered when you compliment her (especially during sex)
❥sends you cheesy pick-up line memes almost everyday
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A/N ~ all in all she’s just a big ass loser,but thats why we love her😗
hope you enjoyed!
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badchoicesworld · 11 months
Heyyyy I really love ur writing! And also kind of ur vibe as a person 😳 but anyway!
Since you said we can be specific, I wanted to ask about Hobie getting a just a little bit flustered when receiving genuine heartfelt compliments and affection through words bc it catches him off guard. He'd also find the reader a bit naive at first only to find out that they're actually incredibly cunning and calculated. They just come across as naive bc they're so ridiculously sweet once they trust someone :3 (and it always looks like they trust quickly bc they have insane psychoanalytic abilities but now I'm rambling;;; (⁠´⁠⊙⁠ω⁠⊙⁠`⁠)! )
Hope this isn't too much ^^"
hobie realises you’re not as naive as he thought
hobie brown x gn!reader
omggg 😳 tyy anonnnn you got me blushing n shit 🤭 but no fr, ty that’s so sweet lmao <33 and no, this was perfect, ily
warnings: none
pairing: hobie brown x gn!reader
requests: masterlist plz
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★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
on first inspection, to hobie, you appear to be this person that trusts way too easily and immediately treats people way too kind for a person you just met- you seem clueless and completely naive when it comes to putting your trust in others since you’re so quick to do it
hobie doesn’t think it’s a bad trait at all to be inherently kind, but when you’re kind to literally everyone you immediately deem trustworthy, it’s like you’re looking to get hurt
he might occasionally have one of his rants to you about the ins and outs of the “real world”, propaganda that surrounds you, distracting you from the truth, the sharks at the top of it all, the people that would take advantage of you
there’s no ill intent, he just really thinks you’re gonna get hurt like that
and who wants that ?
so yeah, anyway, when he first meets you, he can basically see the switch once you’ve realised he’s trust worthy
you’re the sweetest person ever without prompt, and it admittedly looks like nativity to him at first
but because you now trust him, it means you’ll be a sweetheart to him
at first, it’s small compliments that he can appreciate- maybe something about his style or rebellious attitude that he’s heard all before
but you suddenly amp it up for no reason one day and it just completely turns the tides
if you’re aware of his secret identity, you change his perception of you completely when you basically soul read him
you manage to craft the most heartfelt, genuine, sincere acknowledgement of the sacrifices he’s made, along with genuine thanks and somehow stating the closest interpretation of his emotions that he’s ever heard before. from someone that isn’t him, anyway
hell, you’ve maybe even just helped him realise a few things about himself
he’s fucking gobsmacked
he stares at you as if you’ve just said the most outrageous but enlightening thing ever to be uttered
slack jawed, eyes wide, completely silenced for a solid while
he’s eventually able to process wtf you just said to him, and now he’s just trying to play it off with a really goofy grin that doesn’t hide he’s flustered
hobie’s doing all sorts with his hands to try distract the both of you- gestures while he tried to defend the little of his pride he has left, holding the back of his neck, maybe nudging you or shaking your whole frame
he gets the faintest idea that you might be just a little less naive than he though, but not entirely
that might have just been a lucky guess, after all
you’re definitely smarter in his eyes, though
depending on your status, if you’re a spider-person, from a different dimension, from his dimension- it doesn’t matter, he’s intrigued by you now
might brag a bit or be like “can you believe this?” when he sees you soul reading someone else
now there’s been multiple times throughout your guys’ friendship where you manage to slap him with some ungodly wisdom relating to him out of absolutely nowhere, and it never fails to catch him off guard
of course, hobie’s effortlessly cool, so being caught off guard is gonna keep making him feel a little vulnerable and flustered
especially when you just casually do one of the most in depth psychoanalysis of him ever for like the third time this week
he’s starting to think that you know something the rest of the multiverse doesn’t, how do you do that ?
“alright, alright! allow it, man, allow it.”
he’s laughing, but he’s also questioning where you stand in the world, are you secret intelligence ? tf is goin on
if you weaponise this ability to read people like an open book, then he can have fun with it
now it’s funny
especially if you guys are spider-people together and he just casually points out a villain you’ve been assigned to, with a look that says “ruin them”
this can also happen to random people on the street
it’s like how he can completely destroy peoples perception and faith in the establishment n all that, if you so choose, you can really make people feel seen or completely vulnerable or called out
after these encounters with bad people, he realises something about you
you’re somehow able to just know who to trust, and your guts never wrong
he wonders if it’s your spider-sense at first, if you have that
now he’s starting to piece everything together
you can easily distinguish between the good and bad people- the good you immediately trust and treat like an old friend
the bad, you never give the time of day
you’re always so quick to trust, and naive
but it’s starting to become clear to hobie that this isn’t nativity, you just have an uncanny ability to know people before they even introduce themselves
it’s kind of reassuring in a way, if he’s ever doubtful about someone, he’ll go to you and be like “thoughts?” then you can relay this insanely detailed psychoanalysis of this person you’ve just met
now he sees you as this incredibly insightful person, a lovely individual who has the potential to ruin lives with your insane ability to call people out
if you guys are spider-people together, you’re both pretty well known for running your mouths
you instil fear
★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
as always, lemme know if this ate or not and i’ll try my best to fix it !
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betasquads · 1 month
(this is for the niko angst thing) can you pls do smt like he thinks the reader cheated on him but its just a big misunderstanding. you don't have to make it happy ending but i would prefer it.
love ur work sm btwww 🤍🤍
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summary: Niko Omilana, a guy who isn't really experienced with relationships. When he hears one accusation of you cheating, you see a face you've never thought you'd live to see.
warning: kissing, angst, MEAN / TOXIC nikolas
A/N: we know me and I hate a happy ending 😘 I just simply can't make them I feel like it's much more better when the ending is terrible + (TYSM FOR THE COMPLIMENT ANON 🤍🤍🤍) also sorry for taking so long to finish this i'll try to be consistent 😭 (ending is rushed and little bit cringe, read at your own risk!!)
"Hey babe." Your heels are heard when you walk inside the beta squad set, the frown on Niko's face immediately turns into his usual goofy smile when he recognizes your voice.
There's no time to hand him the breakfast you've gotten for him as he engulfs your entire waist with his long arms, his lips making its way onto yours. You hear him slightly chuckle in the kiss, which triggers your smile.
"I–" he pulls your lips with his teeth which triggers the bottom of your stomach with heat.
"missed you–" He presses his hot lips against yours.
"so much."
You roll your eyes despite the grin plastered on your face, "You just left your apartment not an h–"
"Our." He corrects you with a slight aggressiveness in his tone.
You sigh, "Our apartment not even an hour ago." You half-heartedly glare at him as you correct yourself.
"I can't go one minute without you." He whines to you silently, so none of his boys could hear it and make it a joke for the rest of his life. He tugs on your hips and pulls you even closer.
"Yes, you can. You aren't a child and i'm certainly not your toy." You say almost a bit coldly, but from the inside, you could feel yourself heating up at his touch that never failed to intoxicate you.
"Keep your hands to yourself. There might be children watching. You know, like Aj." You playfully say, Niko biting his lip to stifle his laugh.
"It's hard keeping my hands to myself when you're so tempting." He rolls his eyes playfully.
You feel your face getting red by the second, trying to come up with anything to say rather than stay silent.
"Enough." You glare at him.
He shrugs, looking at you innocently. "What? I'm just stating the obvious. And theres other obvious things that you still haven't heard yet from me–"
You raise your index finger right at him, "I didn't come here for you to state the obvious." Your index finger makes its way to poke the side of his shoulder.
He places his hand on the place you aggressively poked, "Ouch. It's not my fault you get flustered easily."
"Omilana." Your glare was sending him a warning.
"Right. Sorry." He mutters.
"The only reason I'm here is that I got you breakfast on the way to work–"
"-but there's breakfast here." He cuts you off.
You narrow your eyes towards the buffet that was only filled with chips, crackers, and sweets. Some were left open, the rest being either closed or empty.
You squint your eyes at your boyfriend, who stood with a smile, like he had won with his weak statement.
"You call packaged poison breakfast?" You cross your arms, a small victorious smile appearing on your face as you spoke.
"Hey, hey. Now I don't want you smiling because you aren't winning this argument. Food is food. Any food could be breakfast." He smiles when he sees that you had nothing to say.
Fine, he won. But next time, you wouldn't let it go.
You roll your eyes at his childish manners. "You need warm nutritious food in order to keep your tall genes working so you could beat a giraffes height. It would set a world record. Hey, I can even call up guinness world records to help you win a world record." You suggest.
He sends you a bored stare, "Ha-ha. Very funny. It isn't my fault you look like the troll from Frozen. Giving both looks and height." He ruffles your hair as he spoke, your hands aggressively pushing it away as you fix your hair.
"I'm not trying to be funny. Also did you just say a troll? Yeah, good one. So you're dating a child then?" You questioned, raising your brows as you did so.
"Trolls aren't children. They're a bunch of grown old rock–thingy. They're just dwarfs. You know, like you." He whispers in yours ears as he snakes his arms around your waist.
You sigh in annoyance as you push him away. "All that i'm saying is that my own boyfriend deserves having real, good food." You hand him a brown paper bag, his smile brightens when he sees the smiley face on the bag.
"You guys are disgusting." Aj remarks from the background, in which you responded with flipping him off.
"Oh baby," He whispers in your ears, kissing it with a small peck. You hum in response, your breathing getting less steadier the more he goes lower.
When he reaches your collarbone, "I love you so much." He mumbles against your skin.
"I love you too." You say softly. You tug on his curls, admiring him for a few seconds.
"y/n– Oh hey, Niko." Your manager walks inside the set.
"You ready? We have to be there in 15." Your manager, Carter says to you. Niko observes weirdly at how Carter seemed a bit too smile-y, his lips reaching from ear to ear.
"I'll be there." The way you spoke seemed a bit too much cheerful for Niko, but he pushes it off.
Niko's stare towards Carter was intimidating, waiting for him to leave. The eye contact between you and Carter seemed a bit too long for Niko before Carter turns around and leaves the set.
Niko's puppy eyes return when he looks at you, englufing his large hands with yours. "Don't leave." He says, knowing damn well you'll have to either way.
"I'd rather stay with you and we both know that." You sigh, checking the time from your phone.
"13 minutes and I have to be there for shooting. Promise I'll make it up to you when we both get back to our apartment." You smile at him, the smile that always made Niko nervous.
He grins at you, his lips kissing your forehead, "I'll see you later."
9:40 pm
Niko smiled as he saw the time. Exactly 20 minutes, and he was going to see you.
After a long day of shooting, everyone left home, and the only person on set was him. He always made sure to close off everything.
"I'm pretty sure your girl is cheating." A familiar voice erupts Niko's thoughts.
Stacey. One of Niko's producers.
He was packing up as he finished filming everything for the day, which meant every producer should've gone home before he did.
Niko scoffed, confused by why she was here and confused by the sudden confession. "y/n is her name. And no, she wouldn't. Also, you aren't supposed to be here. You should've gone home." Niko says aggressively with a cold smile, not bothering to make an eye contact with her.
Niko was never harsh with any of his producers. He was always the sweetest out of the boys, but hearing this from one of his producers? He wasn't going to let anyone talk about you this way.
"Carter. Isn't that his name? Recently there were pictures leaked from a really weird angle. It looked like they were kissing." The name drops from her mouth with ease, Niko's shoulder straightening when he hears the name that he has always hated.
He stays silent, contemplating whether he should believe this or he shouldn't.
"Here, I could show you."
You felt your eyes getting heavy as you scrolled relentlessly on your phone.
Your eyes widened when a photo of you and Carter, your producer, appears on your feed.
From this angle, it seemed like the both of you were kissing. But in reality, the both of you were taking a picture on your phone of your faces at a really low angle.
And the paparazzi had to show a picture from this angle.
"Fucking pricks. Disgusting." You mutter under your breath.
You checked the time.
11:24 pm.
Why was Niko late? He was always the first to arrive. You were starting to get concerned, that was until you heard the faint noises of keys unlocking the door.
You smile once you see that Niko was finally back from work, but it slowly goes away when you see that Niko didn't seem... very happy.
"Bad day on set?" You ask, worried for him.
He ignores you, his eyebrows still deeply furrowed and his eyes are looking at everything but you.
"You got into another fight with another one of your producers?" You ask. Niko's heart softened at the way you spoke. So delicate, so sweet. You never failed to make him feel this way. He even seemed to wonder how can an angel like you, even cheat?
He sits down on the couch, his eyes still staring and boring into the TV across the room. "Babe?" You softly say, sitting next to him on the couch.
"What do you want?" He says carelessly, unlocking his phone and scrolling with his thumb.
You were almost a taken aback at the attitude. You were used to him showering you with kisses and hugs, but now he just seemed off.
You eye him up and down for a few seconds. "Is it wrong that I want to talk to my boyfriend after not seeing him for a long time?" You say playfully with a smile to lighten the mood, but it quickly dissappears when you notice that he wasn't phased.
"You know–" He starts, but something held him back.
"Actually, nevermind. Not worth wasting my breath." He says coldly, a snicker escaping his lips.
You stay silent for a moment, looking around and making sure there wasn't a camera, because you knew this was going to take a turn if he was actually treating you like this.
When your suspicions of seeing a camera settles off, anger takes ahold of you. "Why are you acting like this?" You scoff.
"I'd hardly call myself your boyfriend." He tries to mutter to himself, but you catch it.
What did he even mean by that?
" Excuse me? Niko, where is this coming from?" Your voice cracks. A huge lump suddenly formed in your throat.
His lips twitch into a mockery smile, something he usually does whenever he was deeply hurt. It makes you almost cry. What the hell has gotten into him?
"You're sleeping with someone else." He laughs, like he was amused by the entire thing.
"What are you talking about? "
"You're cheating on me." He states as if it was a factual statement.
Your heart is beating as the seconds pass by, the fear dropping to your gut almost made you sick to your stomach.
"Wh–" You pause, trying to take him on what the fuck had he just said.
Sleeping?! Cheating?!
Was those words actually coming out from Niko's mouth? Your sweet Niko?
"What did you just say?" The way you had spoke proved how much you were hurt by the statement. It wavered in fear and cracked in anger.
How can he accuse you of something you'd never do?
"I don't have to repeat it, y/n. I made it pretty clear." He clearly sounded irritated as he spoke like you were the problem, his voice getting louder by each word he spoke.
Did he just say your name?
The last time you could ever recall him say your name was one day before you both committed in a fully relationship.
You could feel your heartstrings being ripped, it even made a melody in your ears. It was ringing, you almost weren't aware from your surroundings.
Your nails digging through your skin, the pain made you come back to reality as though it had lost you there for a second.
"Me? Cheating? Sleeping? Are you aware on what the hell you're saying right now?" Your voice is now louder with anger, fury and rage that he could say such thing. Your palms are now sweating, not that because he was right, it was because maybe he was fully convinced that you had cheated on him.
"I don't see me talking to multiple people. Who else would I be talking to?"
He was too calm for a situation like this.
It made you scared.
"Niko, what the fuck– let's just talk it out. Please don't be like this." You gently speak, your hand slowly reaching out for him. But thats when he dodges your touch. Something that he never does.
"Niko." You say sternly.
fear was all you felt.
You shake your head, almost trying to deny his actions. You didn't wanna believe it. "I didn't sleep with anyone. whoever told you that was–"
"I honestly don't care whether you slept with someone or not. I can finally have an excuse to leave you." He says coldly, the words spilling from his lips didn't feel real at all. Where was that sweet man who was begging for you to stay? You were confused, none of it made sense to you it made your eyes blurry.
He had said it like he meant it, but you didn't want to believe it.
You feel tears approaching and the ache in your heart made you feel like it almost swallowed you whole.
"Niko," You say it as a warning, "You don't mean that." You shake your head.
Netherless, the pain in your chest was never going to be recovered, his words easily made its way through your heart.
"Believe it or not, I do. I'm sick of you. Always have been." He nods at his words. He wanted to believe in his words although he doesn't mean it. You could point the slight hesitation in his tone, but was that you just making up things because you wanted to have an excuse?
"Take that back, or I swear to God I will–"
"You swear to God you will do what?" He says it in a sense of mockery, his eyes finally latching onto yours.
You felt vulnerable and weak at the moment, like you were lower than him. That's how he wanted to make you feel.
"You're hurting me. Please tell me you don't mean it." You beg with your teary eyes.
His eyebrows furrow and his eyes glistened for a second, but it goes back to being cold.
"I don't care." He says plainly.
He sighs, "Get out of my apartment. I don't have the time for you." He points towards the door.
"Niko– you're not serious. I have no place to stay–" Words were now spilling from your lips, you had no idea if there was now a future. As now it had felt like the end.
"I don't have to repeat it, do I? I. don't. care. Get out."
You were in complete disbelief when you realize what made him act out.
"Niko? Is it the picture? Niko I swear that was–"
"Do you not understand the words coming out of my mouth? I don't love you anymore–" He pauses when he realizes what he said, his eyes meeting yours. He sees the tears rolling down your cheeks, his fingers curling into fists to try and tempt himself not to get up and start wiping your tears.
His eyebrows are furrowed in a sympathetic way, like some sense has knocked into him. He froze. He couldn't even move.
But before he could say another word, "Fine. I'll pack and I'll leave. We're over." You nod weakly. You were too tired to prove yourself as he was being stubborn. You couldn't even cry.
But what came next, hurt you even more.
He just nods with a small smile, "Yeah, sure. We're over. Just leave."
He had just confirmed it and there was no going back. You didn't even wanna pack. You just wanted to leave at this moment. And thats what you did.
You get up from the couch without any hesitation, holding the tears you wanted to let out as you didn't want Niko to see that you cared.
Niko almost felt dumbfounded when he saw you take your last steps in this apartment that he had called your very own. He knew he wasn't built for a relationship and was sure he'd only make you cry in the end.
In your eyes, it looked like he didn't even regret it. But a few feet from you as you're leaving the complex, Niko's eyes brimmed with tears.
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ladykailitha · 1 year
The Eddie Munson Guide for Dating an Oblivious Jock Part 3
Sorry this is taking me longer than normal, I’ve had major cramps the last three days that have knocked me for a six.
Part 1 Part 2
Step Five: Flirting
“Shouldn’t you be doing that the whole time?” Max asked.
Eddie shook his head. “Not really. With the low self-esteem they’ll only get flustered and angry. And that’s the last thing you want. It’s why flirting with Steve in the Upside Down didn’t work. He was only confused and upset.”
Max nodded. “So how do you flirt?”
Flirting is an art that can be hard to learn because was works on one person might not work on the next. Pet names are a good place to start, compliments are always a win, but with that you have to be careful not to compliment something they’re insecure on.
“What do you mean?” Max asked.
“Say they think they’ve put on weight,” Eddie explained. “And you compliment their figure, depending on the person, their mood or who they’re around they might take offense to it.”
“So complimenting their looks is a no-no?” she asked.
Eddie shook his head. “Stick to things they can choose,” he said. “Like a new shirt that looks good on them, if they’ve gotten a new hair cut. Their shoes.”
She nodded. “I can work with that.”
Eddie walked into Family Video and stopped short. Steve was wearing a tight grey Henley and his hair was shorter on the sides then he usually kept it.
“Looking fine today, pretty boy,” Eddie said flouncing up to the counter where Steve was putting together member card applications for Keith to review later.
Steve blushed, running his hands nervously through his hair. “You think it looks okay?”
Eddie reached over and tugged a lock so that draped in front of Steve’s face dramatically. “You are totally rocking it.”
He straightened up. “Me and Will went to the barber yesterday because he wanted to try something new and well...”
Eddie softened. “And you didn’t want him to feel nervous about it so you got your hair cut, too.”
“You’re a good dude, Stevie,” Eddie said, wrapping his finger around the loose lock of hair.
Steve blush deepened and reached his ears. “You’ve never called me ‘Stevie’ before.”
“You like it?” Eddie asked, leaning further into his space.
Steve nodded. “It sounds sweet coming from you.”
“Holy hell!” Max exclaimed. “He’s totally had the hots for you.”
Eddie smiled at the memory. “Yeah, but he didn’t know it at the time. He had just realized he liked boys, too. It was still too new for him.”
“Must have been scary, too,” Max agreed.
In addition to compliments and pet names, once you’ve figured out what they like add a little touch to your flirting. Nothing overt. Don’t be grabbing his ass right off the bat. Save that for when you’ve finally bagged your jock and are dating them.
They were watching Thirteen Ghosts at Eddie’s and were sitting next to each other on the sofa.
“The special effects are a little goofy on this one,” Steve said. “It makes it hard to be scary.”
“Yeah,” Eddie agreed, leaning into his space. “But the story is good and you can see why it might have scared audiences at the time.”
Steve chuckled. “I guess.”
Eddie patted his knee. “I’m going to grab another beer, you want one?”
Steve smiled at him. “Sure.”
Eddie used his knee to stand up and he could feel Steve’s eyes follow him. He came back with two bottles and popped both their caps with his rings on his left hand.
Steve huffed out a laugh. “Handy that.”
Eddie grinned. “Says the man who’s strong enough to pop the caps without any aid.” He handed the bottle to him.
Steve blushed and took a sip. “Brawn over brain I guess.”
Eddie bumped his shoulder into Steve’s. “Hey, now. I thought we were past that bullshit talk of you not being smart.”
Steve ducked his head. “I know, I know. Interest not intelligence. But some times it’s hard when people still in high school are light years ahead of you.”
Eddie paused the movie and grabbed Steve’s hand. “Hey, sweetheart.” Steve looked up. “I get it. You’re talking to Mr Three-Time Super Senior here. But no one dogs on my intelligence.”
Steve frowned. “I never thought of that. I guess it is weird that it’s only me.”
“It’s why I’ve been training them out of it,” he said seriously. “It’s not fair that literally no one else gets that kind of treatment. Not even Argyle and Jon get called dumb.”
“Huh,” Steve said. “Yeah. Okay. I’m going to start calling them out on it, too.”
“You do that, babe,” Eddie said.
Steve’s smile was incandescent. “Thanks, Eds. You’re the best.”
“Only for you, Stevie.” Eddie murmured. “Only for you.”
“That was a lot of touching,” Max said. “Does it have to be that much?”
Eddie shook his head. “Just do feels natural. I like touching Steve arm when we greet each other and then giving it a squeeze. It signals I’m happy to see him without everyone else cottoning on to the fact I’m flirting.”
Max nodded. “What about hugs?” she asked.
“That’s the next step,” he said. “You’ve got to start small and build up to those kind of touches. Because the light touches are flirting. The bigger ones? That’s signaling intent.”
Step Six: Touch
Now that you’ve been flirting with your jock and initiating touches, they should be comfortable with the idea of touching and receiving your touch. So start to go a little bigger. Lingering touches, pressing on their lower back when you both walk to the door. Holding on to their hips as you squeeze past them in the kitchen. And of course the ultimate touch hugs.
“Wouldn’t the ultimate touch be sex?” Max asked.
Eddie blinked. “Says the girl that thought cuddling was gross.”
She blushed. “I mean, it’s all gross right now, but we are going to get to that point sometime in the future, right?”
He shrugged. “I guess. Everyone goes into sex at their own speed. Some never have sex or even want to. It’s whatever works for you.” She frowned, frustrated. “Look, sex is great. But trust me when I say rushing into it is a bad plan. Also doing it outside a committed relationship is fine, lots of people enjoy that. But sex with a partner is...for me anyway, better. You get time to explore your likes with theirs and meeting in the middle. But like I said it varies from person to person.”
Max sighed. It wasn’t the cut and dried answer she was looking for, but then again, nothing in life ever was.
“So hugging?”
“Yeah, hugging.”
Eddie showed up early for D&D like he always did, but instead of grabbing Steve’s arm like he had before, he hugged him. He expected it to be a quick thing, you know. Since he had surprised him and all.
It wasn’t.
The second Eddie went in for the hug, Steve’s arms were wrapped around him and pulling him in tight. They stayed like that for a few minutes before Steve took a step back, mumbling an apology.
Eddie gripped Steve’s arms and leaned back so he could try and see his expression. It was closed off and guarded.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he cooed. “You okay?”
Steve nodded. “I guess I needed a hug more than I thought.”
Eddie frowned at that. Steve was always giving hugs to Robin and the kids. Hell even the other adults got Stevie hugs, Jonathan, Argyle, and Nancy.
“You know you can hug me anytime you need it, don’t you, Stevie?” he murmured running his hands up and down Steve’s arm.
Steve looked up at him with such awe and wonder, that it made Eddie’s heart ache.
Steve surprised him a second time by immediately launching himself into Eddie’s arms for another hug.
Eddie let his hands wander. One cupped the back of Steve’s head, while the other slid down to the small of his back. He buried his head into the crook of Steve’s neck.
“Hey,” he whispered. “I can cancel D&D if you’re not up to hosting. Or even move it elsewhere.”
Steve let out a whine at the latter suggestion. “No, no. I want you here.”
“What the fuck?” Max practically roared. “Was he okay?”
“It came as a shock to me, too,” Eddie admitted. “I talked to him about it later and he told me that he wasn’t if he was allowed to hug me because of me being gay.”
“That makes no sense,” she said firmly.
“He didn’t know what the line was,” Eddie explained. “Because with girls you only hugged them if you were dating or really good friends. Argyle is a natural hugger and initiated the first hug so he knew that okay. Nancy and Jonathan were already at that level of affection.”
“But he didn’t know how to initiate it with you?” Max asked, a slow understanding dawning on her face.
“Yeah,” Eddie said. “Once I hugged him, it was like a levy breaking. He amped up the affection to eleven.”
“Okay,” Eddie said. “I’ll be here.”
Once everything was set up and everyone had arrived, Eddie called them over. “Steve isn’t feeling good today, so we are going to be respectful little shits and try and keep the noise down to a dull roar, is that understood?”
Everyone nodded.
“Good.” He turned to Steve. “If you need anything let me know, otherwise you just rest, okay?”
And without asking if they were in combat they all took turns checking in on Steve, most of them found him asleep, passed out on the sofa. But when Mike peeked in, Steve was sitting up, but he his arms wrapped around his knees and staring off into space.
He immediately ran for Eddie. Eddie stood up and quietly walked to the front room. He knelt on the floor in front of Steve and began rubbing his calves. After a moment, Steve came out of his trance.
“There you are, sweetheart,” he murmured.
“Oh, are you guys done?” Steve asked, moving back so that he could place his feet on either side of Eddie.
“Just taking a break,” Eddie said with a shake of his head.
“Oh,” he said again. “Do you guys need anything? Snacks, drinks, lunch? I could make sandwiches.”
“We’re good, Stevie,” Eddie asked, his hands now on Steve’s knees. “I’m a little worried about you, though.”
Steve ducked his head. “It’s nice having people here. It’s nice having you here.”
“We could move our monster fest night over here if you’d prefer that?” Eddie asked.
Steve shook his head vigorously. “I like going over to your place. It’s homey.”
“Homey, huh?” Eddie teased gently.
“Warm, comforting...safe.”
Eddie surged up and grabbed Steve, pulling him into a hug. “Then you’re always welcome.”
Steve sighed into his embrace. “Sorry I’m so needy today.”
Eddie leaned back and cupped his cheek. “I want you to need me, Stevie. So if you get like this. Call, come over, send out of the cavalry to find me. I don’t care, just let me in.”
Steve nodded. “I promise.”
Eddie stood up. “I’ve got to get back. Why don’t you join us? Not in the campaign, just pull up a chair and watch.”
Steve’s face grew the most beautiful and heartfelt smile it cracked something in Eddie’s chest wide open.
He knew that he would never love someone as much he loved Steve. And with any luck (and with every indication) Steve felt the same.
“You know, all I’m hearing with this one is holy hell Steve needs all the hugs in the world,” Max cursed.
Eddie laughed. “Something like that. I think we forget, even you and I whose families and home life have been shit, that’s Steve’s was, too. An abusive and toxic father and a distant and neglectful mother. Even if he never hit Steve, emotional abuse is still abuse.”  
“I think I’m going to tell the rest of the party to start initiating hugs with Steve more often,” she said. “I think we forgot somewhere along the line that he’s been through the same hell we’ve been through only a way more active a participant.”
Eddie laughed. “I think he’d like that. A lot.”
Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @this-is-mycrisis @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @plyerice27 @thedragonsaunt @chaoticlovingdreamer @sapphirecobalt-1 @a-little-unsteddie @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @artiststarme @steddie-there @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @thebrazilianatheist @rozzieroos @whalesharksart @mightbeasleep @theotalksalot @avacrebs @sassysleeplord @exhibit-no-restraint
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ccaramel-llow · 8 months
I present to you: A request featuring Jax, Zooble, Gangle, and Caine with a musician s/o because DAMMIT it sounds adorable
Reader’s a goofy fella, real silly, they can play a BUNCH of instruments, sing well, dancing, they love it
but they can be a shut in sometimes 👉👈
seeing as Zooble does the theme song (and has to rework it when someone new shows up-) and I just get the vibes you can’t convince me that Zooble isn’t at least a little bit of music nerd /lh /j
(i am also a music nerd tbh, Thats why me and zooble are marri WOAH WHO SAID THAT)
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. Honestly he'd ask you to to play an instrument over someone while their speaking because hes a little evil shit you know?
. Makes fun of you and says your music sucks when he secretly loves it when you play.
, He finds you attractive and hot if you play the guitar while screaming angst-y shit if your emo like that/j , but he bullies you for doing that as well.
, He'd ask you to teach him how to play the drums while your speaking to someone. not because hes jealous or anything, Nope. He is.
, He sucks ASS and DOG SHIT at dancing. Expect him to step on your feet if you try to dance together.
, Since you're a "shut in" He tries to get you out more but then later gives up and just comes into you're room or personal business without warning to smother you with his so called " Love language " (Which is just bothering you until you yell at him to shut the fuck up)
, Hides in your room to listen to you play, Or sits outside your room just so he can hear you play.
, Loves it when you sing, He has to fight his demons and intrusive thoughts (he wants to sing along with you to rizz you up COU-)
, Beats up and bullies anyone who says you aren't great at playing, Dancing, Etc.
" My lover IS the best musician here. Wanna repeat that you little s(*&$! ?"
, They pretend like they don't care. Like at all.
, Although, In reality they care and love your music a lot! They even ask you to teach them how to play an instrument
, Zooble would always listen and be there for you when you played, Enjoying the soft/Rough melody of a song that you were presenting for them in a private space.
, Tell's everyone to shut up when your about to play, And mask's their excitement with anger.
, Their eye's shine when you pull out an instrument and their eyes go dull whenever you weren't gonna play.
, Ask's you to play a song sometimes when their in a bad mood.
, Zooble also cannot dance for jack SHIT. Do not try to teach them how to dance. They'll go insane i swear.
, Since you're a shut in, She always asks if you're busy or not, Or if your comfortable or stressed before asking to play a song because they dont want you to get overwhelmed.
, Adores your voice, And always secretly makes sure you dont over stress your voice out.
, Compliments you when you're finished singing.
" You did great out there. Uh, Hope you dont mind teaching me how to play soon?... "
, She LOVES It when you play calming melodies using your preferred instrument.
, Probably asks you to play the violin as she stares at you with heart shaped eyes.
, Would go feral on Jax if he breaks your instrument on purpose and cry with you in your room trying to comfort you.
, Smothers you with a lot of compliments when you are finished playing.
, Rants about you often to show you off and because you cant get off her mind.
, She smiles brightly when you play an instrument.
, I feel like she'd be an okay dancer!! She'd ask you to dance every now and then, But if you dipped her during dancing she'd be extremely flustered and her eyes would turn into the shape of a heart.
, Likes to hum along with you while you sing. Gangle really is inlove with your voice and starts to just doze off while admiring you.
" (Name) Is the very best person i had ever met... I hope xey play more melodies soon!! I love it when they sing.... BUT YOU DIDNT HEAR THAT FROM M-"
, He would honestly go ' AWOOGA HOT DAMN ' all over you.
, Can play piano, Please let him duet with you.
, Stares at you with lovey dove-y goo goo eyes while playing, Admiring you as you both play, Definitely not imagining you guys making out.
, Like Gangle, He too smothers you with compliments but extreme. Like, He's peppering your face with teeth kisses if given consent.
, Since he's short, He'd love to dance with you!! He has to float if your too tall, But if your the same height, He attempts to pull the spin and dip move on you to rizz you up.
, He always records you singing and listens to you singing in his free time while thinking about you.
, Would always try to get you to open up since your a shut in. If your always in your room, He always tries to get you out because he's afraid you would reach your breaking point and abstract. He cant lose you.
" My dearest is the absolute best at playing instruments, Dancing, And all that stuff... Oh how much i love xem.... What do you mean they aren't?"
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cerise-on-top · 3 months
Heyyyy!!! :333
how are things??!??!?? I haven’t checked tumblr in a while!!!!
is it ok if I request a Konig x f!reader where she gets flustered by him calling her his little wifey as you said in the one post? It’s ok if you choose not to obvs as I know you write Gender neutral, so don’t feel obligated!!
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Hey! It's been alright, but I've been super tired as of late! I've got the second theoretical exam on Tuesday, though! And once I pass that I will finally be done with all the theory! :D Also, the referenced post is this one!
König Calling his GF Weibi
I feel as though he’d be very sudden with calling you that. In fact, he’d likely be saying something along the lines of “Mei Weibi schaut heite wieda zuckasüß aus.” He never expected you to understand him, much less be interested in what he had to say about you. While he may not hide the fact that he was talking about you in the slightest, looking at you with those big, adoring blue eyes of his, he would be surprised when you turn to look at him, done with his impossible to Google translate German. Even if you had been learning the language for a while now, whenever he reverted to his own German you barely, if at all, understood him. And thus, you confronted him about what he had to say about you this time. König would chuckle a bit at your fierce demeanor this time when you were usually quite calm about him complimenting you in German.
“I’m not sure how I should translate ‘Weibi’, but I’ll try… Weibi is sort of like little wifey. My lovely little wifey looks sweet as sugar again today. That’s essentially what I said.” His accent was thick again, as it had always been, but it added to his charm. Although he was usually a rather sweet man, this took you by surprise. You were his girlfriend, not his wife, yet, so you weren’t sure why he would call you that. It was rather sweet, but you weren’t sure how to process this.
“A-ah, I see…” Looking away, you grabbed your wrist and gently rubbed the skin there with your thumb. A rather obvious gesture, König seemed to be delighted about this. As you looked him in the eye again, you saw a glimmer in his eyes. It wasn’t anything devious, in fact it was a rare sight to behold in the first place as he could sometimes be rather timid, despite being a behemoth. Unsure of what was about to happen, you turned to leave, a goofy grin on your face that you hoped he hadn’t spotted just yet.
“Well, Weibi, you can’t just leave me hanging here. Don’t go, where would I be without you?” He tenderly grabbed your wrist. Despite his usual gentle ways, there was some strength to him, even now. “You’re my lovely little wifey and I love you a lot, so don’t leave just yet.” Even as you struggled against his grasp on you, even as you continuously turned to face away from him, he always found a way to get to see your pretty face. Resorting to hiding your face behind your palm seemed fruitless as well, König, too, had two hands, after all. He was too strong, despite him barely using any of his strength. Curse him and the fact he was part of a PMC. One of these days, you were going to give him a piece of mind. Until then, he may run free. Holding both of your hands in his, he pushed you against the kitchen wall, trapping you against it and him.
“You like that nickname, don’t you?”
Using the opportunity that presented itself to hide further from him, you pushed your body against his, concealing yourself still. “It’s just… I don’t know if I’m understanding this the right way, but being your wife sounds kind of nice, actually… Like, it seems like a rather domestic nickname. If you were a bit more careful with your body, then I just know you’d make for an ideal husband too. The idea of someday being your real wife just gets to me, you know?”
He hadn’t even considered that up until that point. But you being his wife, him being your husband, it sounded like a dream. Letting go of your wrists, he wrapped his arms around you instead. “I know, Weibi. But don’t worry too much about it. I used to be far more reckless when I was younger. So I’m sure I will calm down in the future. Besides, why not make it a reality someday? Just the two of us in our own apartment, maybe with a kitten or two to take care of. I’d love to marry you someday, you’re the best girlfriend I’ve ever had. I love you more than anyone and anything else.”
König had the chance to be such an asshole in that moment, and despite that he chose to be a sappy idiot. Again, you were reminded as to why you loved him in the first place. Wrapping your arms around him as well, you breathed in his scent. That all-too familiar scent you’ve come to adore. The one that reminded you that no one could ever harm you, that you were safe, no matter what. He was so warm too, you couldn’t help but melt into him. “You’re such an idiot, you know that?”
He pressed a kiss to your temple before chuckling again. “Bear with an idiot for a moment? Just until we’re married and I’ve burned the certificate.”
“Because then I can’t return you? König, have you been looking at memes again?”
“Hush, Weibi. No one needs to know.”
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kairismess · 5 months
could i ask for a hinata shoyo waiter who you met first when entering the cafe, and everytime you visit it (like 3 times a week) he always coincidentally greets you everytime & serves you! but you didn't come for a week so he got sad & when you did come he got all excited and noticed how you got a small glow up (like he noticed your manicured nails, your freshly cut hair that was just a small trim and things like that (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜)
(also is this long?! like you can costumize to make it short if you're in a burnout dwdw (;゙°´ω°´))
his favorite customer.
☕ kairi's mini event day 002.
main event. req here. masterlist.
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"welcome to our cafe!" his chipper voice would echo throughout the walls of the quaint little shop, surprising a few patrons, but he never quite paid them heed the way he did with you. of course he appreciated each and every customer that came by the cafe, loved every second of serving each patron, enjoyed seeing the smiles on their faces–but he always felt differently towards you.
could be called a gut feeling, a sort of excited reaction to you coming by three times a week just to get your usual fix of your favorite delicacies they had to offer. hinata always made you smile, laugh, and enjoy your order a hundred times more with that wonderful, sparkling energy he has.
though when a whole week passed and you hadn't come, he started to seem a lot more de-energized. he didn't have the usual pep in his step, his eyes seemed a little duller, and he'd constantly look over to the doors, hoping that the next time he hears the bell ring by the doorway, you would appear. but such miracles didn't happen–until today.
"oh! w-welcome back!" hinata exclaimed when he saw you, his refill of coffee for the customer he was tending to overflowing, and him profusely apologizing after realizing his blunder. not even 10 seconds in, and hinata's making you flustered and grin again at his goofiness and enthusiasm to serve you.
as the tangerine haired man handed you a menu, beaming brightly as you carded through the pages, he noticed a few changes about you that he couldn't get his mind nor tear his eyes away from. "ooh... your nails look pretty! i love what you did with them. and your hair... looks gorgeous! i'm really liking your new style; and... is that a new necklace?" he asked you curiously, leaning close to you to get a better look at the charm.
a growing heat across your cheeks came about when you heard hinata compliment you here and there, and much more so when he moved closer to you. after you stuttered out what you hoped would be your response to him, his sunset colored eyes widened, and he moved away from you in the blink of an eye. he shyly chuckled and backed away a bit, hoping he didn't creep you out. "heh, um... sorry..." he muttered, about to leave.
"i never expected my favorite waiter here to notice so many of the little changes to me... it's flattering, i must say." you murmur with a grin, making hinata stop in his tracks and turn to look at you, his face reddening like a tomato, and his lips curving into a flustered smile. "i-i'm your favorite?" he asked you, his joy filling to the brim as he rejoices internally; his favorite customer called him their favorite waiter... wow.
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manicplank · 4 months
Romance headcanons ;)
Peppino: Nervous wreck at first. Can barely complete a sentence without stuttering. He eventually does come out of his shell and turns into a complete gentleman. Will buy you flowers, cook a heart-shaped pizza, buy you a plush (with what little money he has). He's not too keen on touch until later on, then he's a teddy bear. He loves holding hands. He always tells you how much you mean to him and how he feels safe with you.
Gustavo: Another gentleman. Starts easy with compliments. Really listens and gets to know you well. He'll do small things that mean a lot like getting you your favorite coffee with a million different flavors like you like. He's a huge snuggle bug. Always wants a hug. He headbutts your shoulders as a silly way of showing affection. He loves to give pecks on the cheek. Has to fight off Brick at times as Brick can get incredibly jealous. Eventually, Brick will adore you just as much as Gustavo does.
Mr. Stick: Big mushy flustered mess. Gets pretty nervous when it comes to love. Has the same romantic experience as a high schooler. Cheesy, but sweet. Will get you a giant bouquet of flowers. Not the biggest hugger, but will snuggle up to you during a movie and fall right asleep. Will deny his feelings for a long time before admitting to anything. Will put his hand on your shoulder as a small way of showing affection. After a while, he will vocalize his feelings and turn into a big softie.
Pepperman: Overconfident and cocky. *Tips fedora* m'lady type of guy, you know? Will ask you to model for him while he paints you but ends up staring at you the whole time. Big hugs, likes getting kisses on the cheek. Materialistic, loves buying you things and love when you buy him things. Can be a bit overwhelming but respects it when you set boundaries.
The Vigilante: Old style gentleman. Will gently kiss the top of your hand. Relatively confident when it comes to romance despite not having much experience. Wants to take you out to dinner dates. Doesn't really like movies too much. He would rather take you to the farm and show off his legacy. The ghost of his peepaw might make fun of him a bit in a loving way, then he continues to tell you all about when Vigi was a baby (embarrassing stories that make Vigi blush).
The Noise: Overconfident and cocky at first. He acts all cool and tough. Once he falls for you, he's head over heels. He melts for you. He gets super flustered at times, especially when giving or receiving affection. Not a fan of PDA because he turns into a bashful mess and doesn't want to be seen that way. After a while, he gets a bit cocky again while also being a flustered mess. He bites to show affection. He also loves to play fight or tease you for something silly. Secretly loves affection.
Noisette: Giddy and giggly. She likes to tease and play with you. She might boop you on the nose or poke you a bunch of times. Loves to play fight. She might randomly burst out in a game of tag. Usually doesn't make the first move unless you're too nervous. Loves loves LOVES any and all affection. Loves hugs, kisses, cuddles, hand holding, etc. Loves movie dates, dinner dates, would even love to go on a hiking date as long as she gets to spend time with you.
Fake Peppino: (So this one is difficult for me as I don't see him as romanceable, so I'll write more of how he shows platonic love and affection. Sorry if yall ship him with anybody.) Big old baby! Loves affection but is finicky about who can give it to him. Loves his cheekies rubbed. Licks to show affection much like a dog would. Will rub his head on you like a cat. Will make lil noises of happiness when you talk to him lovingly. Likes his head, face, and back rubbed the most. Will bring you dead things (birds, mice, etc) as presents. Gets sad when you tell him those are not good presents.
Skipping Pizzaface sorry idk how that would work with him
Pizzahead: LOVES to be spoiled, whether it be with affection or presents. He's silly and goofy, always joking around with you. He's big in affection. He would stitch himself you your side if you would let him (but you won't). Will OBSESS over you instantly. It doesn't take long for him to fall in love. Wants to spend all of his time with you. Wants to make clones of you so he can have a million of you at once. Loves to wrap his arms around you as much as he can stretch them.
Pillar John: Charmer, big sweetheart. Can be a bit bashful at times, especially when you give him a compliment. Loves the idea of bonding over food; dinner dates and movie dates (he will buy all the snacks they have). Likes to goof around and laugh. Big jolly guy overall. Likes affection but is made of stone, so it's a bit uncomfortable. However, he does like rubs especially on his back and shoulders.
Gerome: Quiet, stoic. A bit emotionally unavailable... at least at first. He'll eventually grab your hand and hold it. He likes quiet time together. His preferred date would be a picnic as you watch the sunset. He's quiet and soft-spoken... But that just makes it more special when he compliments you or holds your hand. Will get you your favorite candy but act all casual about it as if he wasn't thinking of you the entire time. Not super affectionate overall, but will make sure you know that he loves likes you.
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sharpth1ng · 1 month
Do you have any tips for writing? Or you just go with the flow and hope for the best
I do have tips yeah, but keep in mind this is just how it works for me, there are probably lots of different approaches that are equally good.
My writing is pretty character driven so that drives a lot of my process.
When I'm writing I want to have a sense of how a character experiences the world, so I ask myself questions like this:
-Are they more cerebral, in their head? Or are they more sensory -How much tolerance do they have for bad things and feelings? -How do they react when something good happens? -Do they celebrate their wins or react with anxiety because winning adds pressure? -Are they embarrassed by compliments or do they take them well? If they're embarrassed do they get flustered or gruff? -Do their outward reactions match the way they feel inside? -Do they lie well? If they do is there anything they can't lie about? -What do they need to feel secure? -What calms them down? -What are their coping mechanisms? Make sure there are some bad ones (I mean that, imo a good character needs real flaws) -Do they speak directly about their feelings or do they talk around things
There's a lot more questions like that that you can ask yourself, and know the answers to those things makes it a lot easier to figure out how they would react to whatever you want to throw at them in the plot. Sometimes a character is going to be resistant to something you want to do and it's worth it to take the time (both IRL and in the plot) to figure out what that character needs to get them to a place where they're ready to react the way you need for the plot point.
Dialogue and Language
Another big thing for me is dialogue, as well as the language you use in general for describing things from a character's perspective. I'm not exactly sure out to describe this exactly, but I'll give an example. Stu uses a lot more casual and shortened language than Billy ('cause, gonna, sayin', ect.), and he's a lot more willing to use goofy slang than Billy is (dope, rad, the bomb).
Both of them use some movie language but Billy uses more- referring to his life plans and experiences as "the plot", referring to his field of view as "the shot", stuff like that.
Billy on the other hand uses slightly more formal, occasionally more dramatic language. He's less likely to use shortened words if he's not actively having sex, and when he swears he's more likely to say fuck than shit. He also refers to a lot more using critical language. Things are stupid, dumb, asinine, ect.
for both of them though I generally try to stick to more common language. Theres lots of fun words in the thesaurus, but if they don't sound like something a 19/20 year old dude would say I'm not going to try to find something else.
There are different kind of arcs to consider when you're figuring out pacing. For me I try to make sure chapters have an arc- I try to introduce an issue in the start, the characters navigate that through the chapter, and the tension rises toward the end until it comes to a head somehow. In my writing thats often a sex scene or a fight (or both).
I also try to consider the overarching plot. where do I want my characters to end up by the end of the story and what needs to happen to get them there? I don't like introducing plot elements out of nowhere, so I often try to mention things at least in an offhand way before they become important to the plot.
Practically the way I approach this is to figure out plot milestones. as an example for Debaser we start with a choking encounter that results in both of them having a sexual experience. That leads to an exploration of more power/painplay under the guise that it's not sexual, until they get to the point of having to admit that it sexual.
At that point its a slippery slope, especially after Maureens murder, which is a bonding experience. It sort of continues on that way, but they're all steps that move Billy into a place where he's more willing to let himself do what he actually wants.
I'm sure there's more I could say but this is the most useful advice I can think of right now. Basically know your characters! Know more about them than you think you'll need to to write the story, because you'll be shocked how much of it you can use to fill in blanks in a way that feels genuine.
I hope that helps!
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ilovewriting06 · 3 months
Mischief and Angel- Part 5
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I snuggle closer to Stiles as sunlight filters through the cracks in the curtains and announces the start of a new day, that just so happens to be a Saturday. Everyone knows Saturday as a day to stay away from us unless it's a life or death situation, for all intents and purposes it's our 'date day.'
Usually, our Saturday's consist of sleeping in until noon, watching a movie or a tv show we've started binge watching, and almost always we go out to eat. Sometimes it's fast food that we eat at home or the lookout point in the preserve, and other times we go somewhere kind of fancy and sit down and enjoy each other's company. For some reason, I feel like today is a, 'lookout point in the preserve' type of day.
I run my hand up Stiles' chest until I'm cupping his cheek. I've always loved watching Stiles sleep, in a non creepy way, the way his eyelashes rest on his high cheekbones or the way there's always a soft smile on his lips. When he's asleep he looks younger, the way he looked before all of the supernatural bullshit we were introduced to two years ago. We've all aged since then, both in maturity levels and our looks because of all the stress we're constantly under. Really the big difference is our eyes, they say the eyes are the window to the soul, and I have to agree.
Stiles is different from all of us though, he grew up a lot faster than us, faster than any child should. He started maturing the day his mom died and he made it his priority to take care of Noah. Yet he somehow has maintained his humor, sarcasm, and all around goofiness through it all, and it's one of the things I love about him.
As if he knows I'm thinking about him he lets out a sleepy groan, "Why are you staring at me like a creep?"
I chuckle into his chest before looking up into those whiskey brown eyes that I've grown to love, "I wasn't staring, I was admiring."
"Says every creep ever."
I roll eyes before moving my hand down to rest on his shoulder, "What are we doing today?"
My hand moves with his shoulder as he shrugs, "Hell if I know, although we could name that wolf of yours. We don't have to get out of bed and we can actually talk about her and not get looked at like we're possessed. Because we're not, at least not anymore."
I throw him a look and he grimaces, "Yeah, yeah I know, sorry, still a sore subject."
I nod, "Yeah, still no jokes about that, I thought I was going to lose you. Moving on, the name thing sounds like a good idea. I've already asked wolfy if she had a name and all she told me was, 'whatever our mate wants to call me.' So she wasn't helpful."
Stiles laughs before running a hand through my hair, "What about Lily. The werewolves says that you smell like lilies, so it pertains to you but it gives her a little bit of individuality."
I grab his hand that's resting on my side before chuckling, "I like it... Lily it is, and she seems to approve if the dopey expression is anything to go by, but she also looks like that when we want to jump your bones, so it's hard to tell."
He rolls us over, which totally doesn't make me screech, before he smirks, "Do you want to jump my bones right now?"
My eyes flash gold as I nod, "Hell yeah, I always want to jump my man's bones. God, you always look so cute and sexy and beautiful. How did I get so lucky?"
I run my thumb across his cheek as I speak and the blush that coats his pale skin has my heart melting at just how cute he is. Even though we've been together for years he still gets flustered when I compliment him, which just makes him all that more attractive.
He leans into my touch as his eyelids flutter in appreciation at the physical touch, "I ask myself that question every morning."
I grin before pulling him down into a sweet, gentle kiss. He hums happily into the kiss as he lowers his body to hover inches above me. The kiss quickly picks up in intensity and before I know it his tongue is invading my mouth and his left hand is trailing under my shirt and up my side.
I groan into the kiss as I loop my arms around his neck and pull him closer until our chests are brushing against each other. I tangle my fingers in his hair as his lips start to travel down my neck and when his teeth brush against the mating bite I let out a desperate, needy cross between a moan and a whine.
He pulls away and grabs the hem of my shirt, which is really his, and raises an eyebrow to silently ask if he can take it off. I sit up slightly and raise my arms as an answer and just as the shirt is being pulled up my arms there's a rather hard knock on our door.
I whine as Stiles jerks back and rushes to push my shirt back down to where it's supposed to be, well not really because it's supposed to be on the floor, but no, we had to get interrupted at the good part. It's becoming a trend that I am less than thrilled about and if the aggravation and annoyance rolling off Stiles in waves is any indication, he agrees with me. My aggravation builds knowing that Noah is at work so it definitely isn't him at the door.
I look at Stiles and notice the painfully noticeable boner hiding under his pajama pants before grumbling and crawling out of bed as I throw my pillow at him. I glance at him to make sure he's covered before wrenching the door open with an aggravated, "What?! It's Saturday! It's Stiles and Y/n day and I was quite enjoying it until this very moment."
When I look up I'm face to face with a nervous Scott, a sympathetic Kira, and an antsy Isaac. I scowl knowing those looks, "No, nuh uh, not today. Figure it out yourself."
I go to shut the door but I'm stopped when Scott catches the door in his hand, "We would if we could, but we can't. You two are the ones that get us out of these things alive. I mean last time Peter was cursed and had to talk in riddles for a week, but is that really any different than us-."
"A witch?! Seriously, we just dealt with a whole coven of those things. Why are they back?"
Scott shrugs and I glance back at Stiles to see the pillow laying beside him and his boner is successfully non-existent. He nods and I step back from the door motioning for them to come in, "Get in here. So we can fix your problems...again."
"So, what you're saying is we just talk to them?"
I hum in agreement as Stiles speaks, "Yeah, since they haven't posed a threat and there are only a few of them it probably means they're just passing through and don't know that they're supposed to alert the alpha of the territory to their presence. I say have a nice friendly conversation with them and the problem should be solved."
Scott grumble something under his breath as Kira asks, "It makes sense but when are we talking to them? It's making Scott and the others antsy since they just remember the last time we encountered witches."
I look at Stiles before sighing, "We'll go now, get it over with and then Stiles and I are off limits for the rest of the day. We have plans."
Stiles looks at me with a raised eyebrow and I cross my arms and scowl, "Well we were going to! Heck I was like thirty seconds away from being in heaven no more than twenty minutes ago. That screams important plans to me."
Scott groans in disgust and Stiles just laughs before looking at the three cockblockers, "Give us a few minutes to get dressed and then we'll meet you downstairs."
I stand beside Stiles as we face three witches, correction two witches and a werewolf, that look no older than 25. The leader of the group, probably the oldest one, stands in front of the other two before she looks between Stiles and I with appraising looks.
I shift slightly uncomfortable from her eyes before she finally makes eye contact with Scott, then me, and then Stiles. When she makes it to Stiles she finally speaks, "I'm sorry for the intrusion, we were searching for the Alpha. I am Amelia and this is Jeremiah, my brother, and Leah, my friend and our protection."
As she speaks I relax when I realize there was no lie in the words that she spoke. Scott steps forward, drawing the attention of Amelia as he speaks, "I'm the Alpha, why are you here?"
Amelia narrows her eyes and hums, "Interesting." She pauses for a brief moment before she answers the question, "We are here seeking refuge. A group of hunters is after our pack, and it is mostly full of children, supernatural children."
I growl at the thought of children being in danger but Stiles talks over me, "Pack? Don't witches typically stick to covens?"
Amelia grins and shrugs, "All three of us were orphaned at a young age and were taken in by a small pack of werewolves. Three of those werewolves were orphaned as children and after discussion and planning we decided to travel around and look for orphaned supernatural's. We started three years ago and we already have ten children, all under the age of eleven. The hunters found out and they're trying to destroy and kill all of us, they're worried we're building an army, but we're just trying to protect those that can't protect themselves."
I hear a couple of the pack snort at the comment and Allison chuckles. Scott sighs before nodding, "Okay, you can relocate here."
Stiles whips his head to look at Scott before turning back to Amelia, "What he means to say is that you can relocate here, but under strict supervision and if any of you so much as twitch in the wrong direction, you're out. We have a pack to protect too."
Amelia nods, "I understand."
A few more rules and regulations are discussed but I can tell something is bothering Stiles. I look at him and he frowns, "Why did she say interesting? What is so interesting about us?"
I can see a smile on Amelia's face as she chuckles, "I was wondering when someone would ask."
Stiles narrows his eyes, "Uh huh, and what's the answer?"
Amelia sends a surprisingly soft smile towards him before she bows her head slightly as a sign of respect, "I found it interesting that Scott is the alpha, yet you hold more power. However, I think I know my answer."
I raise an eyebrow as Stiles glares at Amelia, "Right, and what's the answer?"
"You hold more power, however you have a different responsibility, you just don't know it yet. I can't reveal too much but I will say, you and your mate are an extraordinary pair and your future is full of great joy, but there is a lot of heartache before you experience the joy."
Now it's my turn to glare, "What the hell does that mean?"
Amelia sighs obviously reluctant to answer but Scott demands that she answer the question. She stares into the distance as if in another world before she refocuses on Stiles and I, "I can't tell you much, but I can tell you that it won't be long until you find that love and connection that you both crave."
I grab Stiles' hand and frown, "I can't imagine our love and connection being something we crave, we already have it."
She shrugs before turning to leave, "We have to leave now to bring back the pack, but I never said the love and connection was between you two, maybe it's another person, an empty space. Something you once had but lost."
I watch as they walk away before turning to Stiles in confusion, "What?! Do you know what she meant?"
Stiles shrugs looking as confused as me but also a little wary, "No, but I have a feeling our hearts are, metaphorically, going to be ripped from our chest and shatter into a million pieces."
I swallow and add in a small voice, "Yeah, I got that feeling too."
A/N- Any ideas as to what Amelia was hinting at??
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fakesimp · 1 year
Hii! Omg I love your njsj work! It's so cute 😭
This has been kinda lingering in my mind but I can't find any of it
So like anyone with a kuudere! reader (any gender)? Like I feel like the reader would make the other flustered and not realize why dbddbnssnksndbsn
That's so goofy hahah
Ignore this if you don't want to :D
Unintentional, With Shu Yamino, Ike Eveland
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Warning !
Fluff ; Kuudere ! reader ; Highschool Au !
A/n !
That is indeed cute, Kuudere reader, clueless on what they're doing, making the others flustered.
Ike Eveland
At first he would try his best to talk with you, it took him a while. But once he manage to get you speak to him, he is internally so proud of himself. He would definitely recommends you some books he thinks you're going to be interested.
One time when he planned to find you but you're not at your usual spot, he would be worried. But he won't show that he is worried about your whereabouts.
Though when he did find you, he sighed in relief.
"There you are! I was looking for you." He said as he joined you, sitting next to you as he slightly peek over. "You're not at your usual spot today, ..or is this a new spot that you found? Or, is it an old one that I have yet to find out." He asked as he look around,
He then noticed how peaceful the place is, then it clicked. "Ah, .. I guess I know why you choose this place" he said making you turn your head to him, slightly tilting your head to the side. "Do you?" He turned his head to you, smiling slightly. "I suppose yes, but I could be wrong too." He continued and closed his eyes. Enjoying the peaceful spot.
"It's quiet here." Ike said and sighed softly, "It feels nice." He continued, not realizing a stare coming from his side. It's you, you stared at him, eyes looking at his face intently. Examining the Novelist's face under the tree shade, your hand twitched.
Something inside made you want to caress his face, but you held it back.
"Pretty." You spat out, making the male open his eyes and look over to you, only for both of you staring at each other for a good minute. "A-??? are you, saying that," he trailed off, "... To me??" He blinked at you a few times before looking away. "Well, there's no one else I'm talking to right now" you replied, making him turn his head to you again.
"I mean, you could've talked about the scenery-?" He said as he cleared his throat, "True, the scenery is beautiful," you replied, and look around you. "I was looking at you, and just now I realized how long your eyelashes are." You continued, making the Novelist widen his eyes.
His mouth goes agape, he tried to say something but nothing came out. You blinked at him and start to get worried from how red his face is, "Your face, is red." You said as you fixed your position facing him. "Are you alright? Did you got sick?"
"I'm fine, I, I'm okay." He said as he hid his face in his palms and sighed loudly, making you tilt your head even further. Confused. "Are you sure you're alright?" You asked one more time, "I hate how clueless you are right now." He replied as he peek over to you through his fingers.
"Huh? What did I do?" You asked making the male stared at you in disbelief, he looked away. Maybe he was overreacting, he thought to himself. "Ike?" "Yes..?" He replied as he slowly turn himself back to you,
Both of you have a good minute on staring at each other, in silence. "What?" "You have pretty eyes." You said once more, making Ike glared at you, face immediately went red once again. "Stop it-! I'm- ..Come onnn.." he hid his face in his palms again, "I'm just saying what went through my mind tho.."
"A warning next time will you? .. wait no, don't. Just, keep that thought to yourself."
"Why do you need a warning for? It's just a compliment-"
"I know it is, but- just. Have mercy on me now."
Shu Yamino
It took him awhile to notice you due to him often hanging out with his close friends.
Thanks to the computer class, you finally met each other. You were troubled one time, he helped you with it, and ever since then, as if God doesn't let you both become strangers again, both of you encountered each other multiple times at the hallway.
He's often seen with his close friends when you encountered him, but one day, he's all alone. Looking around the school, as if he's looking for someone. Or perhaps maybe he is, looking for someone.
"I never thought I'm going to find you here" The Raven announced himself into the computer room, making you slightly jumped on your chair. "You were looking for me?" You asked as you turn yourself facing him, making Shu stopped on his track for a moment but then continue approaching you. "I need to look for something on the internet so, I decided to come here.." he explained, earning a nod from you.
"I see, I am currently trying to look for something too, but I couldn't find it. It's been 15 minutes, I've found nothing." You said as you look back at the computer screen, The Raven then stood next to you looking down at the computer screen. "Ah, that! I know where to find it, there's multiple websites you can find that being on sale." He said as he tried to type on the keyboard, you knowing that scooted away for a bit so that he can type properly.
"Hmm.. I think, it's this one." He trailed off for a bit and his face lighten up when he found the correct one, "Yup! This is it, I usually buy uncommon things here, they're safe don't worry." Shu said and look over at you. Only for him to step back immediately due to how close your face is to him, you immediately look at him. "What's wrong?" You asked, "Uh, nothing, don't worry about it." The Raven said as he shove his hands into his pants' pockets.
After a few minutes, you found what you were looking for at the website Shu shower you. "Ah I found it," you said as you placed an order on the stuff you were looking for, "Thank you, Shu." You thanked him and faced him. To see him fidgeting on the spot, "Is something wrong?" You asked him. "Hm? Oh, nothing. Uh, I was thinking about something, that's all." He replied and smiled sheepishly at you.
"Hmm." You nod and look back at the computer for a moment, and looked back at the Raven. "Didn't you say that you're planning to look for something?" You reminded him,
He forgot what he was originally planned on coming here.
"Oh god, right, I, forgot. I'll just-" As if on cue, the bell rings. Making the male blinked, mouth agape. "...I guess, I'll have to look up for it at home then." He said as he scratched the back of his head, and let out a small chuckle. "I'm sorry, because of me-" "No no no, it's okay. I'm doing a right thing no?" He said and laughed a bit, "What I'm looking for is not really that important too, so. It's fine." He continued and look at you who just turned off the computer, you stood up in front of him. And slightly smiled at him, you pat his shoulder and walk pass him.
"Thank you, maybe I'll go to you again if I need help, and you too," You trailed off, your hand is at the door, and look back at him. "if you need help, you can come to me. I'll try my best to help you." You smiled again before leaving him all alone in the room. Speechless.
"God, what just--
©fakesimp . 2023
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A/n !
Uh, I don't know if this, even, make sense. But I hope you like this anon ! Apologies if it didn't reach your expectations (⁠╯⁠︵⁠╰⁠,⁠)
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faebaex · 11 months
Hi! I love our stuff and thank you for posting even if you don't chose or get to mine! Thanks so much with sharing your talent! <3
Name: Robyn
Gender: Male (red curly hair/blue eyes if that comes up)
Scenario: just something with Rook! Maybe something protective or sweet! Anything would be amazing with our adorable, ridiculous Frenchman! :D
author note: helloooo sorry this took so long ;-; I really love all your works, your poly Octavinelle is just *chefs kiss* (⁠♡⁠ω⁠♡⁠ ⁠)⁠ ⁠~⁠♪ I hope you enjoy!! Rook is so goofy, what will we do with him~
characters: Rook Hunt x M!Reader
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"100 points!"
"My beloved trickster, you look divine!"
Endless compliments had been flowing from Rook's lips over this past week. He often complimented you, but recently it was like he had gone into hyperdrive, often waxing lyrical about how you were born from the tears of Gods, how you were brighter than the light that shone from the moon and how the sweetest of bird songs could never compare to your voice. It was becoming a bit... Much. And you weren't the only one noticing.
"Rook has been a bit..." Deuce hesitated as you, him and Ace walked through the main college building after a long day of classes.
"Unhinged?" Ace added unhelpfully, cheeky smile on his lips as he walked with one arm behind his head.
"That's rude, Ace." Deuce chided, but his expression said he didn't entirely disagree, "he's just been very... Into you lately, Y/N." Deuce finally said, and you could feel your cheeks turning red at the comment.
"Yeah, what was today's poem? 'Everyday with you gives me a thrill, my dreams you richly fulfill', yada yada yada?" Ace teased, his grin widening when he saw the red tint on your cheeks flush down to your neck.
"Come on, Rook always compliments everyone he sees..." You retorted, keeping your eyes on the ground as you knew your rebuttal was weak at best. Ace scoffed and Deuce shook his head, his lips pressed into a thin line.
"Please, you can't tell me you actually think he serenades everyone like he does when he sees you." Ace gibed, and Deuce couldn't help but nod in agreement. "He got down on one knee in the cafeteria the other day to offer you a napkin." Deuce pointed out and you felt your cheeks grow hot again as you remembered the scene. Thank Seven that Vil dragged him away before he could continue.
"So, like... Are you two dating?" Ace blurted out, his and Deuce's curious eyes on you now. You squirmed, fingers fiddling with the hem of your blazer as you kept your eyes glued to the floor.
"No! Of course not... I mean, I don't think so?" You felt your blush deepening with every word you spoke and you opened your mouth to retort further when you were suddenly interrupted by a shout from nearby.
You, Ace and Deuce all froze in place as you recognised Rook's voice calling out to you. You didn't have a chance to react as he was already walking towards you, his usual whimsical smile on his face as he stopped in front of you.
"My, your face is rather red, Trickster! Like the ripest of apples! Is everything all right?" Rook inquired, and you heard Ace snort beside you and you dug an elbow into his side. If Rook saw, he said nothing, keeping his eyes trained on you with his usual fanciful smile on his lips.
"Yes, yes. I'm fine, Rook. Did you need something?" You said, fluster obvious in your tone as you tried to pat at your cheeks discreetly, as if that would somehow will away the colour in your cheeks.
"I wondered if you had a moment to spare? It would make me the happiest man alive if you would grace me with your presence for a walk around the grounds?" Rook all but sang, his hands gesturing in his usual eccentric manner. It looked like he'd break into another one of his compliment filled routines any moment, so you quickly stepped forward and agreed in hopes of saving your cheeks from colouring any further.
"Y-yes sure, that would be nice..." You looked back at Ace and Deuce, giving them an awkward smile and a small wave, "I'll see you guys later." Ace and Deuce both uttered farewells, but could not hide the curious looks on their faces as they watched you and Rook walk away.
You let Rook lead the walk, even as he kept close to your side, close enough that your arms were brushing against each other. You felt your face growing hot again. In an attempt to compose yourself, you broke the silence between you, "Rook, can I ask you something?"
"Of course, Trickster! I adore your questions!" Rook responded with a flourish, turning his green eyes upon you once again. Hunter's eyes, eyes that felt like they tracked your every move, you could almost feel a shiver ready to run up your spine. You cleared your throat and looked away briefly, finding it easier to ask your question when you weren't staring directly into his unnerving gaze.
"Um... Well..." You began, and Rook hummed in acknowledgment, his eyes still on you, and you suddenly felt so much more self conscious. However, you swallowed and carried on, "you know lately... You've been very..." You paused.
"Yes?" Rook enquired, whimsical smile still on his lips, his face giving nothing away.
"Well... You've been giving me a lot of compliments lately... And other things... And it's been a bit... Much..." You had finally mustered up the courage to look up at Rook again, only to cringe back when you caught sight of him.
Rook stood, his eyebrows raised, with his hands pressed dramatically over his heart.
"Mon dieu! Trickster, I can't believe my displays of affection have caused you distress! Oh, how I lament this turn of events!" Rook mourned, his hand raising so the back of it rested against his forehead as he leaned back, like he was a damsel in distress.
"Rook--" You tried, but he had already began.
"It can't be helped, when I see your shining beauty, my heart soars--"
"My, it is a shame... Nay! A crime! That the rest of campus is largely unaware of how brightly you shine!"
"Why, is it not admirable that I make it my mission to enlighten the masses to your precious allure?"
You bit your lip as you watched him continue to wax lyrical about you once again.
"I would be able to retire a happy man if I knew but a few were enlightened to how wonderful you truly are." Rook finished, taking his hat off with a flourish.
Silence fell between you, with you and Rook left staring at each other, him in his ridiculous, flourished pose and you, awkwardly with your hands at your sides. The silence stretched between you, only to be broken by your undignified snort as your stiff composure crumpled in a heap of giggles.
"Rook, you are ridiculous!"
You wiped at the tears that were forming in your eyes as you laughed uncontrollably, feeling your ribs ache from your mirth. When you finally were able to look up at Rook, you could see a cheeky glint in his eyes as he righted his hat back onto his head.
"Ah but Trickster, you love it." The smile Rook wore was rugged and charming as he made his way back to your side, curving an arm around your back as he guided you to continue your weekly walk, which you always eagerly anticipated.
"But can you tone it down a bit? Vil will string me up if he catches you on your knees in the cafeteria again!" You asked with a pout.
"Non, non Trickster! I can tone, but the direction will not be down!"
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Ok but imagine.. you‘re the youngest Winchester sister and you first meet Gabriel when he puts all of you in TV Land and hes smitten by how you just roll with it and joke along with the setting while your brothers are just really tense and distressed adgvk
And then somehow you get into a Karaoke setting and he plays your favorite song by accident and you just excitedly sing along not caring how goofy you look so he accidentally reveals himself smirking just having a totally good time watching you adfhj
I’m USING this XD This is a story now💖 I may have changed things a little, but I hope you still like it! It gave me ideas XD
His TV Star
Gabriel’s plan to mess with the boys goes south when you enter the picture. He plans on making you the star of the show.
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Gabriel has got to say, he likes Dean's taste. Dr. Sexy MD was something that the archangel could get behind. Which is exactly why it was the first "show" he zapped them into when he decided to mess with them.
When Gabriel heard the boys were in town, he couldn't resist. It's always so fun to mess with the Winchesters, but now Gabriel was also drawn to the fact that he noticed that they had a little sister. The archangel wanted to get a closer look.
"This was not a hospital two seconds ago..." Sam mused and Dean just gave him a look. You all looked around at all the doctors, nurses, and patients as the beeping of medical equipment sounded everywhere.
"Wicked..." You murmured, looking down at your scrubs.
"No Y/N. Do not compliment whatever the hell this is." Dean scolded you and you just shrugged. Then you guys began to explore this bizarre environment you found yourselves in.
Eventually, the Trickster revealed himself after Dean called him out, surprisingly.
"Helloooo...Tricksterrrr..." Gabriel said while gesturing to himself as if this whole situation was completely obvious. Dean just continued to glare at him.
"I think this whole thing is incredible." You said with a smile. I mean, Dean needs to cut some slack. Who wouldn't want to be transported into their favorite TV show?
"Y/N! Do not compliment him!" Dean shouted at you, but Gabriel just smiled and magically apparated in front of you. Instead of being angry or fearful, you just smiled back at him.
"And who is this lovely little cupcake you brought with you?" Gabriel said, eyeing you. Truth be, he knew who you were to them, but the archangel just wanted to see you fluster under his words.
But Dean went rabid.
"Stay away from her!" He angrily shouted, Sam holding him back. Without looking away from you, Gabriel snapped his fingers and disappeared, leaving you guys to solve this puzzle on your own. Apparently, "playing your roles" was the way to go, but you couldn't stop yourself from enjoying this magical reality as your brothers had an existential crisis.
But Gabriel was just hella smitten.
To see such a lovely young lady enjoying his creations, well, it made this whole thing so much more enjoyable. You were laughing, joking, and playing along like it was all some fun game, which it was to Gabriel. Your brothers were miserable, and you also found humor at their expense. You guys had no idea that he was observing this whole thing from afar, and that he was starting to get bored. He smiled to himself, planning to make you the star of this show.
Setting his popcorn aside, Gabriel clapped his hands together.
You were now separated from your brothers. Looking around, you saw you were in the setting of some club or bar. The song Funk Soda blasted throughout the area, to which many people were jamming out to the peppy tune. Colored lights flashed around the area, and the vibe was overall joyful. You were on a stage, karaoke-like, and had a microphone before you.
Nodding to yourself, you remembered that you needed to play your role. But you also kept an eye out for the Trickster. You weren't afraid of him, but you wanted to know what his plan was, getting you alone like this. However, you completely forgot about this whole fake TV reality when your favorite song started to play, a spotlight falling on you.
You couldn't stop yourself from grabbing the mike and excitedly singing along.
It was Deep Down (In My Mind Edit) that was playing, flooding the room with its music. You didn't care how goofy you looked as you twirled and sang along, vocalizing each word with passion as you danced about the stage. Your audience began to clap for you, some even sang along, especially towards the end. As the song ended, your audience cheered for you, and you smiled big, taking in all the praise.
Rockstar Sea Shanty began to play as the next song when you put the microphone back in its place, voice tired from your earlier jamming. But another pair of hands clapping sounded much closer behind you.
Turning around, you saw the man himself, clapping and smirking. But it disappeared for a quick second as slight panic came to his eyes.
"Aw raspberries." He muttered, running a hand through his hair when he realized that you could see him. You just laughed, which reassured Gabriel that he didn't need to leave or conceal himself. Instead, his confidence just came back.
"I see you came dressed for the occasion." You mentioned, gesturing to his gangster-like suit. Gabriel smiled, nodding in agreement.
"Well, when an angel is singing, I need to give her the proper greeting." Gabriel said while gesturing to himself. You laughed again, face turning a bit red.
"I don't know about that...angels aren't as graceful as you'd think." You said and a frown came to his face for a split second. Then, he changed the subject.
"You like the music?" He asked and you nodded, beaming.
"You have great taste." You informed him, smiling, and Gabriel thanked you in that regard, looking quite proud of himself for guessing some of your favorites.
"Where are my brothers?" You asked out of curiosity. It wasn't that you were too worried for them, but you wanted to know why the Trickster separated you guys. Gabriel wanted to know why you didn't seem phased by any of this, but he pushed that curiosity away. He liked the smile and the pep you had, so he really didn't care.
"Getting their nuts cracked." He said casually, and you decided not to inquire further. At least they were moderately surviving.
"Well, I played my part, so what now?" You asked, kind of excited for whatever Gabriel had in mind next. The archangel smirked before snapping his fingers.
You were suddenly in a dress that resembled that of a princess. Before you, Gabriel was dressed up to look like something that seemed to be a prince. Looking around, it seemed to be like something out of a fairytale.
"Play your role, princess. Come get your prince." He said with a grin as he pulled you into his arms. Grinning, you melded with his own energy, feeling for him just as he felt for you. You guys twirled around a bit, you laughing and having a grand old time. Gabriel soon stopped and placed his hands on your hips, pulling you close for a kiss.
However, before that, he held his hand up as if to hide the eyes of the "viewers".
"Cut to commercial." He stated before turning his attention back to you and playing his role in this whole thing, kissing you with love he's never known.
And now, cue the genital herpes commercial with Sam and Dean.
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