#company check uk
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datagardener · 10 months ago
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kyc-uk · 3 months ago
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a-vita-absum · 9 months ago
occasionally they are like pastry patterns but missing the number of hours you should ideally let the pastry rest (missing any indication of stitch count except what you can scrounge from various ever changing abbreviations) and sometimes the amount of butter listed in the ingredients list is different to the amount listed when the step actually comes (what the pattern says the stitch count should be but despite unravelling and reravelling you find you are always the same number off, without making any mistakes, hence the pattern is wrong) AND YET they still expect the pastry to be perfect
Some knitting patterns are like pastry recipes* and some are more like soup recipes**.
Normally, I knit soup, but I’m knitting pastry at the moment and it is a different experience.
*follow these instructions exactly
**here is one way to make soup, but you can always just use this as a jumping off point and add whatever’s in your fridge and you will still get soup
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heritageposts · 11 months ago
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🇵🇸 From Friend of Al-Aqsa (FOA):
What exactly is Coca Cola’s role in Israel's occupation? Coca-Cola has a factory in Atarot, an illegal Israeli settlement built on stolen Palestinian land. Palestinian communities are forcibly removed for illegal Israeli settlements like this to be built. These settlements are illegal under international law. By having an Israeli franchise in the illegal Israeli settlement of Atarot, Coca-Cola is ignoring international law and profiting from the illegal occupation. There are currently up to 750,000 Israeli settlers living in at least 250 illegal Israeli settlements across the occupied West Bank and East Jeruasalem. By drinking Coca-Cola, we as consumers are turning a blind eye to the illegal occupation of Palestine. In 2022 American food company General Mills announced it was divesting from Atarot as a direct result of pressure from human rights groups, activists and others. Let's keep up the pressure on Coca-Cola to stop operating in Atarot! Join our call to #BoycottCocaCola until it stops operating in Atarot illegal Israeli settlement. Make a pledge to boycott Coca-Cola until it stops operating on stolen Palestinian land.
For more info, check out FOA's webpage.
If you're in the UK, they have several upcoming campaign and events you can participate in.
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ur-mag · 1 year ago
Americans can apply for free payments of $75 each from $877,800 pot after background check company sued | In Trend Today
Americans can apply for free payments of $75 each from $877,800 pot after background check company sued Read Full Text or Full Article on MAG NEWS
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fatliberation · 2 years ago
I saw a comment on your blog that says 'the way you eat does not cause diabetes'...are you able to expand on that or provide a source I could read? I've been told by doctors that my pre-diabetes was due to weight gain because I get more hungry on my anti psychotics and I'd like to fact check what they've told me! Thank you so much!
Pre-diabetes was rejected as a diagnosis by the World Health Organization (although it is used by the US and UK) - the correct term for the condition is impaired glucose tolerance. Approximately 2% of people with "pre-diabetes" go on to develop diabetes per year. You heard that right - TWO PERCENT. Most diabetics actually skip the pre-diabetic phase.
There are currently no treatments for pre-diabetes besides intentional weight loss. (Hmm, that's convenient, right?) There has yet to be evidence that losing weight prevents progression from pre-diabetes to T2DM beyond a year. Interestingly, drug companies are trying to persuade the medical world to start treating patients earlier and earlier. They are using the term “pre-diabetes” to sell their drugs (including Wegovy, a weight-loss drug). Surgeons are using it to sell weight loss surgery. Everyone’s a winner, right? Not patients. Especially fat patients.
Check out these articles:
Prediabetes: The epidemic that never was, and shouldn’t be
The war on ‘prediabetes' could be a boon for pharma—but is it good medicine?
Also - I love what Dr. Asher Larmie @fatdoctorUK has to say about T2DM and insulin resistance, so here's one of their threads I pulled from Twitter:
1️⃣ You can't prevent insulin resistance. It's coded in your DNA. It may be impacted by your environment. Studies have shown it has nothing to do with your BMI.
2️⃣ The term "pre-diabetes" is a PR stunt. The correct term is impaired glucose tolerance (or impaired fasting glucose) which is sometimes referred to as intermittent hyperglycemia. It does not predict T2DM. It is best ignored and tested for every 3-5yrs.
3️⃣ there is no evidence that losing weight prevents diabetes. That's because you can't reverse insulin resistance. You can possibly postpone it by 2yrs? Furthermore there is evidence that those who are fat at the time of diagnosis fair much better than those who are thin.
4️⃣ Weight loss does not reverse diabetes in the VAST majority of people. Those that do reverse it are usually thinner with recent onset T2DM and a low A1c. Only a tiny minority can sustain that over 2yrs. Weight loss does not improve A1c levels beyond 2 yrs either.
5️⃣ Weight loss in T2DM does not improve macrovascular or microvascular health outcomes beyond 2 years. In fact, weight loss in diabetics is associated with increased mortality and morbidity (although it is not clear why). Weight cycling is known to impacts A1c levels.
6️⃣ Weight GAIN does NOT increase the risk of cardiovascular OR all causes mortality in diabetics. In fact, one might even go so far as to say that it's better to be fat and diabetic than to be thin and diabetic.
Dr. Larmie cites 18 peer reviewed journal articles (most from the last decade) that are included in their webinar on the subject, linked below.
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esyra · 1 year ago
Haven't heard from family in days. I feel like it's time to accept they're gone. I know in my heart Palestine will, one day, be free, but it wasn't supposed to be like this.
We feared another Nakba, and it happened. 700,000 pushed out of their homes in 1948 to 1 million being forced to leave their homes in 2023.
We thought it couldn't get worse or more deadly than the Israeli invasion in 2014, and it happened. We lost 2,251 people in 50 days then. Now we're past 2,300 in one week.
What I heard most from my grandmother the first days it's that "this time is different". And I feel like a rock is crushing my heart in pieces because i've been hoping that speaking out, teaching people about the historical oppresion of Palestine would help but it's not helping. Nothing is changing.
I feel like I'm screaming into a void. There's some sympathy from people online, until I see content documenting Palestinian oppresion being flagged as 'hate speech' or check the comments of any updates on Gaza and it's: "blame it on hamas", "tell them to give up hamas", "the hamas asked for it". They're not even among civilians!!!!!
My heart feels full seeing the manifestations in favor of Palestine, then I see police forces breaking protests apart and remember that the people that can actually save Gaza don't care.
If there's nothing left to do but to watch the extermination of my people, then I'm going to beg for anyone reading this to please don't forget. Please.
Israel is hiding behind Judaism to commit genocide against Gaza. Netanyahu supported the Hamas militant group to prevent the establishment of the Palestine State, and now he's using them to justify his agenda of ethnic cleansing. He abandoned Israelis and left them to die because he cares more about seeing Gazans dead!
Every single person and institution supporting and financing Israel is complicit. I hope the deaths of every Palestinian haunts you for the rest of your lives and that you never find an ounce of forgiveness, for you do not deserve it.
Just as in the Iraq War, the US government is financing and cheering for the slaughter of millions of innocent Arab lives. The media is complicit by engaging in biased propaganda and other nuclear powers, such as the UK and Germany, are complicit too. You are fascists and war criminals and every drop of Palestinian blood is in your hands. I hope every single day, for the rest of your lives, you look in the mirror and see nothing but the blood you've helped spill.
This serves as yet another proof that not a single Western in a position of power, be it in the media or in government, sees Arabs as humans beings.
For decades, the US has comitted terrorism and crimes against humanity in the Middle East and has NEVER been held accountable. Over one million in Iraq; over 150,000 in Afghanistan; and now they'll turn Gaza into a graveyard. Punishing selected soldiers over the years does not erase the fact that the American military and its government validates their crimes during execution and are never punished for it.
Please never forget: Joe Biden is a genocidal terrorist, Rishi Sunak is a genocidal terrorist, the American Democrat Party and UK's Labour Party are led by genocidal terrorists, the European Union is led by genocidal terrorists, fuckass Walt Disney Company is led by genocidal terrorists; every celebrity that called for Palestinian death or stood by silently while ignoring our suffering is a genocidal terrorist.
May Allah protect the people in Palestine and grant the martyrs the highest level of Jannah. Wallah what keeps me here is knowing that the Akhirah is theirs. May Almighty Allah grant us imaan and Taqwa as high as the people of Gaza. Ameen.
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mostlysignssomeportents · 1 year ago
Amazon's bestselling "bitter lemon" energy drink was bottled delivery driver piss
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Today (Oct 20), I'm in Charleston, WV at Charleston's Taylor Books from 12h-14h.
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For a brief time this year, the bestselling "bitter lemon drink" on Amazon was "Release Energy," which consisted of the harvested urine of Amazon delivery drivers, rebottled for sale by Catfish UK prankster Oobah Butler in a stunt for a new Channel 4 doc, "The Great Amazon Heist":
Collecting driver piss is surprisingly easy. Amazon, you see, puts its drivers on a quota that makes it impossible for them to drive safely, park conscientiously, or, indeed, fulfill their basic human biological needs. Amazon has long waged war on its employees' kidneys, marking down warehouse workers for "time off task" when they visit the toilets.
As tales of drivers pissing – and shitting! – in their vans multiplied, Amazon took decisive action. The company enacted a strict zero tolerance policy for drivers returning to the depot with bottles of piss in their vans.
That's where Butler comes in: the roads leading to Amazon delivery depots are lined with bottles of piss thrown out of delivery vans by drivers who don't want to lose their jobs, which made harvesting the raw material for "Release Energy" a straightforward matter.
Butler was worried that he wouldn't be able to list his product on Amazon because he didn't have the requisite "food and drinks licensing" certificates, so he listed his drink in Amazon's refillable pump dispenser category. But Amazon's systems detected the mismatch and automatically shifted the product into the drinks section.
Butler enlisted some confederates to place orders for his drink, and it quickly rocketed to the top of Amazon's listings for the category, which led to Amazon's recommendation engine pushing the item on people who weren't in on the gag. When these orders came in, Butler pulled the plug, but not before an Amazon rep telephoned him to pitch him turning packaging, shipping and fulfillment over to Amazon:
The Release Energy prank was just one stunt Butler pulled for his doc; he also went undercover at an Amazon warehouse, during a period when Amazon hired an extra 1,000 workers for its warehouses in Coventry, UK, in a successful bid to dilute pro-union sentiment in his workforce in advance of a key union vote:
Butler's stint as an Amazon warehouse worker only lasted a couple of days, ending when Amazon recognized him and fired him.
The contrast between Amazon's ability to detect an undercover reporter and its inability to spot bottles of piss being marketed as bitter lemon energy drink says it all, really. Corporations like Amazon hire vast armies of "threat intelligence" creeps who LARP at being CIA superspies, subjecting employees and activists to intense and often illegal surveillance.
But while Amazon's defensive might is laser-focused on the threat of labor organizers and documentarians, the company can't figure out that one of its bestselling products is bottles of its tormented drivers' own urine.
In the USA, the FTC is suing Amazon for its monopolistic tactics, arguing that the company has found ways to raise prices and reduce quality by trapping manufacturers and sellers with its logistics operation, taking $0.45-$0.51 out of every dollar they earn and forcing them to raise prices at all retailers:
The Release Energy stunt shows where Amazon's priorities are. Not only did Release Energy get listed on Amazon without any quality checks, the company actually nudged it into a category where it was more likely to be consumed by a person. The only notice the company took of Release Energy was in its logistics and manufacturing department – the part of the business that extracts the monopoly rents at issue in the FTC case – which tracked Butler down in order to sell him these services.
The drivers whose piss Butler collected don't work directly for Amazon, they work for a Delivery Service Partner. These DSPs are victims of a pyramid scheme that Amazon set up. DSP operators lease vans and pay to have them skinned in Amazon livery and studded with Amazon sensors. They take out long-term leases on depots, and hire drivers who dress in Amazon uniforms. Their drivers are minutely monitored by Amazon, down to the movements of their eyeballs.
But none of this is "Amazon" – it's all run by an "entrepreneur," whom Amazon can cut loose without notice, leaving them with unfairly terminated employees, outstanding workers' comp claims, a fleet of Amazon-skinned vehicles and unbreakable facilities leases:
Speaking to Wired, Amazon denied that it forces its drivers to piss in bottles, but Butler clearly catches a DSP dispatcher telling drivers "If you pee in a bottle and leave it [in the vehicle], you will get a point for that" – that is, the part you get punished for isn't the peeing, it's the leaving.
Amazon's defense against the FTC is that it spares no effort to keep its marketplace safe. As Amazon spokesperson James Drummond says, they use "industry-leading tools to prevent genuinely unsafe products being listed." But the only industry-leading tools in evidence are tools to bust unions and screw suppliers.
In her landmark Yale Law Review paper, "Amazon's Antitrust Paradox," FTC Chair Lina Khan makes a brilliant argument that Amazon's alleged benefits to "consumers" are temporary at best, illusory at worst:
In Butler's documentary, Khan's hypothesis is thoroughly validated: here's a company extracting hundreds of billions from merchants who raise prices to compensate, and those monopoly rents are "invested" in union-busting and countermeasures against investigative journalists, while the tools to keep you from accidentally getting a bottle of piss in the mail are laughably primitive.
Truly, Amazon is the apex predator of the platform era:
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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My next novel is The Lost Cause, a hopeful novel of the climate emergency. Amazon won't sell the audiobook, so I made my own and I'm pre-selling it on Kickstarter!
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nonbinaryresource · 2 years ago
Gc2b Binders No Longer Reputable
I've been away, so y'all may already be very aware of this, but I want to make sure it's stated on this blog because it's been The Brand for yeeeaaars: the quality of gc2b binders has been going downhill the past few years. People who bought from them prior and recently can attest to how poor the quality has become. The binders are just not the same. The material isn't comfortable and, more importantly, the fit just isn't good. People who've tried recent gc2b binders, even those who've been binding for years, are suffering from back and muscle pain, stiff shoulders, soreness, etc. regardless of fit. The material just doesn't seem to be suitable for binding anymore. It is also degrading really quickly and binders are wearing out in a matter of months. It is no longer worth it to buy from gc2b.
If you want some sources on this, check out the reviews here on trustpilot with people talking about this.
You'll want to keep your eye on brands that are still doing good work: Spectrum Outfitters (UK), For Them (seems to be a hate it or love it company; I know some who swear by them and others who feel they dont' really sell actual binders - just sports bras/lighter compression tops), Shapeshifters (good custom work and larger sizing), and Underworks (best budget brand).
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amomentsescape · 9 months ago
OooooO! Could I get a Slasher X reader! Like where another "rival" Slasher gets interested in another Slasher's So?
When Another Slasher Becomes Interested in Reader
Brahms Heelshire x Reader
A/N: I decided to not go into specifics on who the "rival" slasher was since it would have involved a lot of background and explanation on why they were in the UK in the first place.
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Brahms's jealousy and possession over you knows no bounds
He doesn't even want you within a 3 foot radius of the man whose only job is to drop off groceries
He enjoys having you all to himself, living in the middle of nowhere with only him as your company
He may be the one who needs to be taken care of, but that's not to say that he doesn't want you to rely on him too
He has always wanted you to seek out his protection
He loves to see you curl up beside him and just fully relax in his presence
In fact, Brahms is never satisfied unless he is fully enveloping you with an iron grip, making sure nothing else can touch you and you can't sneak away
So when the feelings of paranoia began, Brahms went into a frenzy
He triple checked the locks on all the doors and windows every single night
He set up a security system to prevent anyone from breaking in
He even stopped hiding within the walls during the day and instead spent 24/7 right next to you
You questioned his sudden change in behavior
He told you he could feel someone watching you two
He could tell that you weren't really alone anymore
This freaked you out a bit
Brahms may be childish, but he's not stupid
You began to trust his word a bit more after that
It wasn't until one day that you decide to slip out of the house for a couple minutes
Brahms refused to let you outside or to even open a window the past few weeks, and this was beginning to wear on you
The cool air immediately calmed you down, and you began to question what he was so worried about in the first place
But right as the thought crossed your mind, you heard a branch snap beside you
You immediately turned and saw a masked man standing there, his height towering over you
He had a massive blade in his hand that sent a shiver down your spine
In that moment, you knew you should have listened to Brahms
You turned to run, but the Slasher was faster
He grabbed you by the jaw and turned you towards him, forcing you to look at him
To your surprise, his grip loosened slightly as he began to rub his thumb along your cheek
The feeling was familiar in a way to what Brahms would do sometimes
But that didn't make the moment any less terrifying
You tried to wiggle out of his grasp, but he kept a firm hold on you
Just when you were about to call out for Brahms, the Slasher was slammed to the ground
You could see Brahms and the Slasher in a tussle, rolling around in the dirt while the sound of hard hits and cracking knuckles echoed throughout the quiet forest
You were worried for Brahms since the other Slasher was just as tall and strong as he was
But to your surprise, Brahms got the upper hand
He slammed his fist over and over again onto the man's mask, causing it to crack and splinter into his skin
This distracted him for just long enough that Brahms could grab a large rock, forcing it straight into the man's forehead
All movement ceased, and Brahms sat there, breathing heavily
When he finally turned to you, you slowly walked over to make sure he was okay
Before you could even say a word, Brahms had you pinned to a tree
His hands snaked along your waist as he pulled you flush against him
His lips were on yours in a hurry, his kisses hungrier than you had ever felt them before
He'll most definitely lock you back inside the house for the foreseeable future after this, but at least for now, you can just relish in his possessiveness and desire
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datagardener · 10 months ago
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kyc-uk · 6 months ago
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crxxxpz · 7 months ago
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Got nuked used to be crxxpz - help me find moots ❤️
31 year old bisexual switch from the UK 🇬🇧
Minors/blank blogs/bots/racists/terfs/transphobes/homophobes will be blocked on sight, do not interact this is not a space for you.
If you can’t be nice then fuck off.
I’ve been on tumblr 11 years so I guess it’s just a part of me now.
I post nsfw stuff both my own content and in reblogs but don’t forget that it also gets sad here too.
I have a rare genetic nerve condition so I’ll bitch and whine about it from time to time.
My pics My photography
I also have a shirt store which you can check out here
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devilfic · 5 months ago
V. sins of the mother.
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parts: previously plot: alfred finds yours and bruce's old yearbook. you reminisce on how you lost him... and how he came back to you all those years later. pairing: battinson!bruce wayne x gn!reader. cw: arranged marriage, friends to enemies to (fake) lovers, implied history between reader and bruce, LOTS of angst, eventual fluff, TW for depictions of brief physical child abuse (specifically to the reader), sorry but your fictional mom SUCKS, sweet ending though. words: 3.5k. a/n: I apologize to any british readers for inaccuracies with the whole yearbook thing. from what I gather, the american concept of yearbooks has gotten popular in the uk in the last 14-ish years but if it doesn't make sense, I'm hiding behind the fact that it's a posh boarding school and also- *runs away before I can think of a better excuse*
The rapping at your door is too gentle to be Bruce, and you're proven right when Alfred peeks into your room, "I hope I'm not interrupting anything."
Bruce's guest room had steadily become your home over the course of your engagement. You still had your own place, paying the rent in case all of this fell through in one fell swoop (and it would, you couldn't escape the nagging feeling that it would), but you found yourself feeling some semblance of ownership over the tower. You hadn't even gotten the chance to put your desk up before Bruce was offering you his study—his father's study. He insisted it was because you were CEO, like his father. You dared to think it was because he was starting to see you as family.
The tower felt even more yours when Alfred stopped by like this, checking in on you, making sure you wanted him here. You set the papers in your lap to the side with a tired smile, "What's up, Alfred?"
It turns out he was hiding something behind the door. At first, you think it's a folder, perhaps some work that Bruce needed you to do for the company or some files Alfred kept from his time managing Wayne Enterprises. But when he comes round to your bedside, you realize it's a photo album. A yearbook, to be exact.
The green leather is embellished with the sparkling emblem of Silverstone Academy. It makes your heart jump up into your throat, "Where... where'd you find that?"
"After Bruce graduated, he had me put all of his old yearbooks away in storage. Kept this one, though. Would you like to see?" He turns the book to you with a well-meaning smile, and whether he notices your discomfort and chooses to ignore it is... debatable.
Still, your hands reach for it.
The spine crackles, unopened for many years by the looks of it. You thumb through the pages, flipping past pictures of the palatial school grounds and fellow classmates in freshly-pressed regalia. You're about to turn the page on the extracurriculars when Alfred places a hand on the page to stop you, pointing to a rather large group photo, "This was Bruce's favorite, if I recall."
There are rows of you, each one standing on the bleachers of a court, all of you awkward and fourteen and just wanting the whole thing over with. And then there, amongst the rows of smiling teenagers, is Bruce and you.
"Eyes front, students! I will not say this again. We want to look good for our parents, yes? We want them to see how smart and well-behaved you are, yes? Okay, then. Eyes forward. Shoulders back. Smiles on! This is your last chance. There will be no retakes!" Is what your headmaster probably said, but you were far too distracted by Bruce's fingers tugging on the tail of your un-tucked shirt to know for sure.
You bat away his hand but can't suppress the giggle that bubbles out of you. One of your classmates turns to glare, but the heat of it doesn't reach you when Bruce is whispering, "Last one to dining hall does the loser's chores."
"I'm faster than you and you know it."
"Hey, I beat Wilbur in the race on Saturday."
"That's cause Wilbur hit puberty and can't control his body anymore."
Your headmaster's shrill call draws your attention forward, "And three, two..."
You turn and smile. You feel Bruce's eyes still on you. Just as the shutter goes off, Bruce tugs your hand instead. And, even with all your teenage obstinacy wanting to make him work for your attention, make him fight for it, you can't help it.
You turn to look at him and the flash goes off.
"I remember being quite upset with this one," Alfred disperses your memory, gently calling you back to the present, "Bruce always hated taking pictures, but pictures were all I had of him while he was away. But... can't really hate that smile he's giving you, can I?"
You feel breathless at the image of younger Bruce and the look of... adoration he wears. Everyone else is focused on the camera, some eyes closed and some smiles skewed, but Bruce is focused on you and you him. Like you are the only two people in the world. Arguing over chores and who's faster than who. Like best friends.
You don't realize you're holding your breath until your body takes in one big deep inhale for you, "He wouldn't stop bothering me."
"It's funny how we couldn't get you two to talk to each other when you first met, and then years later you were inseparable."
You remembered that. Barely in second grade and being touted around by your parents at galas. You remembered Bruce hiding behind his mother's dress, and your mother guiding you by the scruff to say hello, "British boarding school will do that to you."
Alfred snorts, "I think he just liked that someone was treating him like a person."
You glance up at Alfred's soft expression, fatherly and proud. You've never seen him look any other way with Bruce. "Will you be Bruce's best man?"
Alfred seems to startle at that question, "Oh... well, he hasn't asked, but I suppose I will. Not sure who else he'd ask."
"I don't think he'd want to," you admit, and Alfred looks confused, "ask anyone else, I mean. You're it for him."
Bruce looks just like how you remember his father, but sometimes, when the light hits Alfred's eyes just right (that same color you've come to love and mourn), you think Bruce looks just like him too. You supposed they were always meant to be family, in that inexplicable way.
Alfred watches you for a moment, struck by your statement, and then softens like the teddy bear you know him to be. "And you as well. I'm glad you both found your way back to each other."
You can tell he means it in the heartwarming way, the way you meant it, but it doesn't fill you with warmth. There are no fuzzy feelings in your stomach. There is a whirlpool.
This time, there is no doubt Alfred senses your discomfort. He seizes up. He goes to say something, something no doubt kind and thoughtful, but you beat him to the punch, "Can I keep this? I want to... show it to Bruce later, maybe. Might make him laugh."
Alfred stops in his tracks. Then, as if used to such stonewalling, stands to his full height and begins his trek back to your bedroom door, "'Course you can. I'll see you in the morning. Goodnight."
He waits for your affirmative, then shuts the door behind him.
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july, seventeen years ago.
The banging on your door fills you with dread the second you recognize it for what it is.
You are tangled in sheets and limbs—warm limbs, arms and legs and hands wrapped around your body in the witching hour—while the heavy oak door of your dorm room shakes with each knock. You don't know how long they've been knocking, but you fear you have very little time left to answer before you end up in worse trouble than you seemingly already are.
You shove at Bruce and he flounders, half-asleep. He almost doesn't want to let you go until he becomes aware of the banging on the door himself and presses his back to the wall behind your bed, "He snitched."
"He wouldn't! Coulson would never," you grumble, pulling on a hoodie discarded on the floor, too tired to recognize it as Bruce's, "just... get under the bed."
He does as he's told, though he looks rather peeved to do so. You grab the back of your desk chair and twist it out from beneath the door knob, and almost immediately it is thrown open by the headmaster.
Your first feeling is shock. Your second feeling is, undoubtedly, ice cold fear. You never thought you and Bruce would get away with this forever, but to be caught by the headmaster is... way worse than you could've imagined.
Headmaster Collins was a spidery man. What he lacked in muscle, he made up for in menace. His features were all gaunt and shadowy in the dark of your room, and with only the light from the hallway to capture his silhouette.
Before you can speak, he raises a single finger to cut you off, "I will discuss you blocking doors later. You have a guest."
You frown. "I..." You stammer. Even with your hand caught in the cookie jar, you don't yet want to give yourself away. Maybe he had no idea it was Bruce that kept sneaking into your dorm. Perhaps Coulson hadn't divulged that much. You and Bruce had paid him in many ways to keep that part secret above all.
You just make out the narrowing of the headmaster's eyes, "Your mother. She flew in from Gotham. She says she's worried about you."
Your stomach drops. Perhaps Bruce being found under your bed would've been better.
To the headmaster's chagrin, you corral him back out into the hall and shut the door behind you, "What? I wasn't... she didn't..."
"She failed to let us know either. I only received the call minutes ago when she arrived outside. We don't want to keep her waiting, do we?" Now, in the light of the hallway, Headmaster Collins loses some of that menace. He almost looks... just as concerned as you.
He leads you to the library in complete silence.
When you push open one of the double doors, you see there are a few candles lit, the rest of the lights dimmed low, and your mother standing with her back to you in the center of the room.
She doesn't turn around until you hear the door click shut behind you and, just like that, the headmaster has left you to fend for yourself.
Everyone always said you looked just like her. A spitting image, and one day, "if you're lucky", you'd grow up to be just as powerful. As the eldest of your siblings, it was unavoidable. Your fate had been sealed long before you were born.
She opens her mouth to speak and whether out of fear or anger, your next words come tumbling out before she can, "I already know what you're going to say."
She clasps her lips together. Then, after a moment, smiles down at you, "Well, that saves me some breath. Tell me, darling mine: what was I going to say?"
"That you know why I told you so late. And that you're angry with me for not running it by you sooner... so you could be in control of it."
"I was angry eight hours ago. Not anymore. It was almost clever of you."
Almost. A smarter, more clever you wouldn't have run it by her at all. You would've quietly disappeared off to the Waynes' vacation house in Barcelona and, inevitably, when you got the call, you'd have told your mother you wouldn't be back for the rest of summer break.
But she had her claws in you, and try as you might to defy her, you always felt those fingers curling around your conscience, drawing out of you what little truth you aimed to keep to yourself.
"So you flew all this way to yell at me?"
"To join you."
You blanch. "You... can't." There is nothing else you can say. No argument, no temper tantrum. Nothing.
But your mother is smart. The plane ride over would have given her ample time to cancel her duties for the next six weeks, offload them onto someone else because what was more important than joining the future heir of Wayne Enterprises on a summer abroad in Spain? Most people on the board would kill for that kind of opportunity. That kind of favoritism.
She's smart too in that it's only her. You imagined your siblings had been left to the nannies, and if Bruce questioned her presence, she could argue that leaving Alfred to chaperone two teenagers all by himself would be just cruel. Her presence wouldn't tip the scales too far into dangerous territory. In fact, it would be nothing if not practical.
She takes a step toward you, then another, and then another until she is looming over you. Half her face is lit by the fireplace roaring in the corner of the room, casting a shadow on the other side. Like this, she no longer looks like you. She looks something far colder, "You didn't think I'd let you run off to another country and ruin this for our family, did you?"
"What? Wh... ruin what? Bruce is my boyfriend."
"Your boyfriend is Bruce Wayne. There is a very real difference."
You feel your eyebrow twitch at that, "What's your point?"
But your attitude is nasty. Far too nasty for a child. The residual sting of her hand colliding with your cheek nearly sends you back into a chair but you manage to catch yourself after a few steps, staring at the rug beneath you in disbelief.
"My point is," her attitude is much harsher, and as you wipe away the bit of spit that dribbled down your lip, she blocks your view once more, "he is not just another boy, a peer, a boyfriend. Bruce is the heir to the company, and unlike his father, he has no foresight. Under him, this company will crumble. His family's legacy will cease to exist. That is why I am here, darling mine. Why you exist. Legacies must be upheld."
You hiss in pain when she takes you by the chin and forces you to look her dead on. At this angle, you can see her whole face lit up by the fire. Through gritted teeth, you whisper in horror, "What are you asking me?"
"I'm telling you that I'm coming along, or you will not go at all."
Your heart breaks a little more than it already has. This is what you'd thought of all week, what kept you up at night and got you up in the morning. And now your mother was going to ruin it all. A tear slips down your cheek and over your mother's fingers, and she releases you to wipe her hand clean, "Please."
"You would only find some way to make him hate you, and all my hard work for the past twenty-five years would be all for naught."
"I've already let the butler know."
"Please let me have this."
"Tell me you understand." You remain silent, teeth almost chattering from the chill her voice gives you. Her eyes harden, "Tell me you understand why I let you have him at all."
"He's my friend."
"He's your future. Tell me." Another tear rolls down your cheek. Your mother grabs you by the arm and pulls you to her, shaking you as more tears fall. You're doing your damnedest not to sob but you're failing spectacularly, "Tell me!"
"He's my future." You gasp out.
"And why do I allow you to be friends with him?"
"Because..." You blubber, fiercely wiping away the tears, "...to uphold our family legacy."
"To keep you on his good side."
"Keep us," she taps your chin with her finger, making you flinch, "us, darling mine. Wayne Enterprises will end with him, but it'll begin again with us. With you. Say it."
"With me."
"So we'll go together. And you will do anything he tells you to. And you will make him very happy because he is not your friend. He is our ticket to owning Gotham City."
You would've done anything Bruce asked of you because you loved him, because you trusted him. The way your mother talked about what he might ask of you made you feel sick to your stomach. She shakes you again, expecting you to say it back.
Your lips part to release a shaky exhale meant to be a word, but behind your mother, you stare past the cracked library door and into the eyes of your best friend. The only word you can get out is, "Bruce?"
Your mother drops you completely. She swings around but the door is shutting before she can catch a glimpse, and you're shoving her out of your way before he can get too far.
You throw the door open and find him rushing back down the hall, a flummoxed headmaster lingering by as you run after Bruce. You shout his name but he doesn't slow for you at all, even as your voice echoes off the old school halls. "Bruce! Bruce, please! Let me explain."
It takes more energy than you have in you to catch up with him, but you eventually slide to a stop in front of him, stopping him before he could ascend the stairs and return to the dorm rooms. You expect to see anger clear on his face, or sadness, betrayal even. Instead, he is cold. He looks right through you.
The emptiness of which he looks at you catches you completely off guard. Anger, you could stomach. But this?
"How much did you hear?"
Those eyes that used to look at you so sweetly hold nothing in them at all. He stares you down as if you should already know.
When he tries to side-step you for the stairs, you grasp desperately for his hand but he yanks away from you like you've burned him, sending you collapsing to your knees against the bottom step, "Bruce, please... I don't feel that way about you. I've never felt that way about you. You... you're my best friend. This is exactly why I shouldn't have told her about the trip, I should've just kept my mouth shut-"
"What trip?"
You look up at him and see a wave of something sharp cross his face before smoothing back over completely. Your mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water. He sees the question in you, the thing you fear to ask when it hits you.
Bruce turns his face away from you, "I'll see you in September."
You sit on those steps until sunrise.
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The elevator stutters to a stop at cave level, letting you out into Bruce's sanctuary. He's standing at his desk and staring at you, as if he had expected Alfred instead.
"Hey," you start, timidly approaching him with yearbook in hand, "Are you busy?"
He watches you get closer and slowly shakes his head, eyes falling to the book clutched to your chest. They widen some with recognition, a cloudy look overtaking them once you're within arm's length of him. You set the book down on his desk, careful not to disrupt his work. You go to flip open the cover but his hand comes down on the Silverstone emblem, forcing you to draw back your hand in surprise, "Where'd you get this?"
"Alfred kept it." At that, Bruce groans. You gnaw on the inside of your cheek to keep from laughing.
You watch as he slides the book closer to himself, nudging away the files he'd been poring over before you'd arrived, making quiet noises of recognition here and there. When he inevitably lands on the class picture Alfred had shown you, he hesitates. You wait for him to say something, anything, but after a moment of silence, he presses on.
It isn't until he gets to the individual headshots from that year that you notice something odd. On your page, where your headshot and name should be, is a hole cut into the paper. Your heart sinks.
Your mind goes for the worst thing first (that perhaps he had hated you so much that putting away the yearbooks wasn't enough, that he had to cut you out of them too), but Bruce simply traces the neatly cut edges where your face should be.
Then he flips to the page where his picture should be, and his picture is cut out in the same fashion.
You look to Bruce for answers, but his expression is... guarded. He almost looks like he doesn't want to entertain it, almost looks like he's about to tell you to leave him to his work for the rest of the night.
Instead, he pushes the book back to you, "I kept yours in my wallet. I was going to give you mine."
You don't know what to say first, but it finds you in the lull in conversation, "You were going to?"
Bruce's mouth twists in discomfort, still not looking at you. He reaches over and shuts the cover to the book, "I thought... you might tease me about it." For a brief second, he looks at you, "Dunno where they are now."
That brief second is, of course, his tell. It was a shame. Bruce had become such a good liar since he left you on those stairs. He had to have been to get where he is now. And yet, you know in an instant that he's not being honest with you. It feels good this time.
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ur-mag · 1 year ago
Ford CEO moans about future of electric vehicles after his own shocking ‘reality check’ behind the wheel of company’s EV | In Trend Today
Ford CEO moans about future of electric vehicles after his own shocking ‘reality check’ behind the wheel of company’s EV Read Full Text or Full Article on MAG NEWS
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cheriladycl01 · 3 months ago
Just some Stray - Sergio Perez x Mechanic! Reader
Plot: Sergio decides to spend his summer break how most drivers do, but his car breaks down in an unknown country and he needs to find help.
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It was a pretty standard day for you in the UK. It was a Monday so you were working in the garage that your dad used to own beofre he passed it onto you and your brother. You had an oil change on a Vauxhall Corsa in the morning, an overheating engine just before lunch in a Audi A3.
It was your turn to go get lunch for you and the rest of the staff. Everyone agreed on the local sandwich shop that was only a 5 minute drive away. You took the company car, not wanting to waste your own petrol even on a 5 minute drive, and gave the hearty order of food to the lady at the till who comically wiped the non existent sweat off her forehead.
You waited on one of the seats scrolling through your phone before your name was called with the large order.
“Hmmmm there’s a lot right? Could you help me take it to the truck?” You asked politely. The chef nods seeing its a slow day and takes the boxes and helps you load them onto the back seats.
“Thank you for the help” you grin in a flirty sort of way before running off and into the drivers seat. You crank the windows down and turn the old radio that only had three different stations tuned to it.
As your driving down the winding country road back to the garage, you slow down seeing a car pulled into a lay-by, a man shouting into his phone on the grass bank.
“Hey, you good?” You shout out your window that’s rolled down as you look over at the car that’s steaming at the front from the bonnet.
“Si, I mean yes sorry” he says seemingly struggling to switch from his phone call in Spanish to English with you.
“It looks like your engines overheated, this car looks pretty new too, which is kind of concerning” you point out as you check your wing mirror to make sure no one’s speeding round the country lane behind you.
“Let me pull over and help” you say as you put you car gear from neutral back into first to pull off.
“No no that isn’t necessary, my … friend? Has already called … erm this company?” He says showing you his phone and the AA roadside assistance number.
“Ahh man how long have they told you?” You ask and he shrugs before he answers his phone again.
“5 hours! WHAT! I can’t be on the side of this little windy road for 5 hours are you kidding me?” He asks to the supposed friend on the other line.
“That’s what I’m telling you, look I own a garage I can get your car there and fix it up for you! Much cheaper than AA I promise, and quicker” you nod and he sighs before having a hushed conversation with the friend.
You pull up in front of his car and jump out just as he ends the call.
“You have a garage?” He asks with a suspicious look. You understood that it was a nice car and he probably thought you’d try and drive off with it or something.
“Yes, I’m a mechanic. I can take a look at the car but … it’s going to be an in garage job” you sigh having seen many sporty cars get like this if they were driven a little … boyishly? If that’s even a word.
Which you didn’t expect from this older, Mexican, gentleman.
“Yes please take a look” he says clasping his hands together. You leave with a little laugh going round to the front of the car and popping up the bonnet.
A huge puff of water like smoke come burning up into your face making you flush a little red but it wasn’t anything that you weren’t used to.
“Okay, yeah it’s the cooling system. I can fix it up at the shop” you say wiping the sweat off the forehead from the sheer heat that was coming from the car.
“Alright, how will you get it to the shop” he asks and you point at the truck that allows you to get one car on the back.
“Can you even do that” he asks scratching the back of his neck. Even though many others would have taken offence to that, you couldn’t help but laugh it off as it didn’t look like an easy job.
“Yeah, don’t worry I won’t get a scratch on her” you smile before you climb up onto the back of the truck, grabbing the main chain to lift the car up.
After closing the bonnet and attaching the chain to the car you start your own engine and pulling the car up onto the truck with Sergio’s guidance. Once it’s on you come out to secure it and make sure it won’t roll off even on the 3 minute drive back to the garage.
“Okay, you can jump in” you smile once you show him the car is secure. He goes into the passenger side while you wait for some traffic to go past and walk round to the drivers side.
“Oh erm, you want a sandwich or something? We got some spares” you point to the back where the boxes and bags of sandwiches are. You grab the bag that had your sandwich in and split it in half.
“What is in it?” He asks inspecting his half and the fillings inside.
“I think it’s supposed to be like a Fajita ciabatta? So it’s got like chicken, peppers, salsa and all that healthy stuff, Yano?” You say looking happily at your sandwich and you lean back into your seat starting to enjoy your lunch.
“Why are you being so nice?” He asks with a raised eyebrow, a look of curiosity and suspicion on his face, his thick brows almost furrowed.
“Aren’t you used to people being nice?” You laugh, wiping your mouth just incase there was so sauce there as you turned to face him in shock.
“Look, I’m a mechanic. It would have played on my mind all day if I didn’t stop and help. And besides I don’t think I’ve ever had a car THIS nice in my shop” you grin and he nods with a small polite smile on his face.
“You like?” You ask and his head shoots up to look at you in shock.
“Excuse me?!” He gasps out looking at you.
“The sandwich do you like it?” You ask again this time a little bit more direct with what you were asking whether he liked or not.
“Oh yeah, it’s very nice. Thank you for sharing” he nods taking another bite of his half of your sandwich.
“Anytime, and besides I got spares too, so I can have my filling later if half doesn’t turn out to be enough. So if you don’t mind me asking, where were you going in such a rush? And don’t lie to me, you were 100% driving that car like a manic for the cooling to already be knackered” you admit looking over to him when it’s safe to do so.
“Erm, work? A meeting with my boss” he sighs knowing he definitely has missed that meeting now.
“Oh, is that the er friend that was on the phone with you earlier?” You ask cocking your head to the side as your turn down a side road, coming onto a busier street.
“Oh no, that was my … helper while I’m here in the UK” he admits and for the first time you hadn’t even considered that he didn’t fully know where he was going as this country might not be familiar to him.
“And where possibly could you be heading to work between Buckingham and Towcester” you laugh, meaning it as a joke not expecting his to divulge his whole life to you.
“Ah just my bosses place, he’s very personal” he nods knowing he didn’t want to tell this very attractive woman who he really was.
“Okay here we are” you say pulling into the garage, reversing in so it’s easier for the boys to get the car in.
“Whose this?” Fred, one of the mechanics who you worked with asks looking at Sergio who’d just jumped out of the truck.
“Ahhh just some stray, get his car in. He’s got a cooling problem and a boss to try get too on time” you smirk as your fellow colleagues help get the car off the truck.
“Dude this is a nice car. Who do you work for to afford a car like this” someone whistles as it’s rolled down and into your section of the garage.
“And how have you knackered the cooling already?” Another chips in looking at what you were writing in your pad.
Sergio watches as you get to work on his car, it was a very attractive sight and he never knew seeing a woman work and get her hands dirty would be such a turn on for him.
In about 30 minutes you’ve fixed what you found to be the issue and offer him an oil change as to you it didn’t look like it had been done for years and knowing Christian and his cars it probably hadn’t.
“All done, your good to make your way to you boss” you say swinging a spanner round your finger before catching it in your hand as you walk over to him.
“How much do I owe you?” He asks starting to dive into his pocket for money.
“Ahh consider this on the house” you smile and he again looks so shocked with how nice you are being to him.
“No, I refuse” handing you over £500 which is seriously over the asking price for the job, and it shows when your mouth falls open like a goldfish.
“I can’t - I can’t accept this” you say trying to get him to take it back. But of course he won’t budge.
“And my number too? If you, you know want it?” He asks shyly and you pretend to think for a second before switching details with him.
“I’ll text you later then, drive safely yeah?” You ask and all he does it nod before leaving and driving away.
And audible sigh comes from you, until your phone pings with a voice note from none other than mystery break down guy. Whose saved his name as Sergio in your phone.
Dinner me and you, tonight 6pm?
And you were smiling and grinning like an idiot for the rest of the day.
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Liked by schecoperez, y/l/n’smechanics and others
y/user: Met a guy who broke down on the road today, shared my sandwich with him and drove him to the garage.
View all comments
schecoperez: thank you for … everything
user1: babe why is an F1 driver in your comments?
-> y/user: EXCUSE ME?
y/user: Sergio? You have some explaining to do!
-> schecoperez: Erm oops? 🫣🤙🏼
-> y/user: oops? You cannot just say that to this kind of revelation 😳
y/user: I feel stupid 😭
user2: its hilarious that you just towed a random man AND shared your food, you never anything
user3: no way Checo broke down and this sweet girl helped him.
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Instagram Story Caption:
Met this man today. His car broke down 😳
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