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theerurishipper · 8 days
Superbat Week Day 4: Undercover
For @superbatweek2024
Just as Clark flies into the Batcave, he can hear the telltale signs of Alfred’s disapproval, directed at the only person foolish enough to invoke them constantly. The subtle inflections in Alfred’s voice, and the dry, sardonic tone indicates to Clark that Bruce has done something reckless, though not exceptionally so. Alfred would not have held back otherwise.
“What did you need me for, Bruce?”
The man in question lifts one eyebrow upon his arrival. “You’re late.”
“Nice to see you too.”
Bruce grunts, and turns to Alfred, who picks up a fancy suit, handing it to Clark with not a small amount of disapproval, though it is not directed at him. Clark can only stare bemusedly at the fancy suit that probably costs more than his entire salary. “If this is your way of telling me— again— that you don’t like the suits I own, I’m sorry to tell you that this is not going to change my mind.”
“Ah, I suppose it was worth a shot, sir,” remarks Alfred, the very picture of sarcasm.
“It’s not a commentary on your fashion choices,” Bruce responds, still typing away at his computer. “It’s a bodyguard uniform.”
Clark stares at the sleek, shiny fabric. “And you’re giving this to me because…?”
“You’re now Bruce Wayne’s official new bodyguard. Congratulations.”
“I can’t believe you just sprung this on me without asking me if I would agree!” Clark huffs, even as Alfred makes final adjustments to the suit he’s now wearing.
“Are you saying no?”
“Then I don’t see a problem. Besides, I checked your schedule, and you seem to be free enough to assist me.”
Clark blinks. “You what?” Beside him, Alfred sighs as he adjusts Clark’s sleeves.
“I see that our previous talks about boundaries have entered through one ear and escaped through the other already, Master Bruce.”
“I don’t remember any such talk.”
“As I said,” Alfred intones, waving a dismissive hand towards Bruce, who responds with a childish pout. Or as he would call it, a dignified silence.
“Aw, it’s alright, Alfred,” Clark consoles. “I don’t mind. It’s kind of sweet, actually.”
Alfred directs his eyes to stare down Clark judgementally. “You both certainly are made for each other.”
“Thank you.”
The details of the case are simple enough. Bruce Wayne is being targeted by a fellow competitor, a man by the name of Maxwell Steele, who wants him gone. Batman is currently looking into this competitor to find out why. Bruce is to be meeting with this competitor in an hour, and wants Clark to tag along as a lie detector posing as his bodyguard.
Clark can’t say he’s displeased with the idea, or the thought of helping Bruce out in this way. It’s even kind of exciting. He’s only ever seen this happen in movies.
“You’re a superhero, Clark. You can fly and shoot lasers from your eyes.”
“But I always preferred the secret agents over the bombastic superheroes,” Clark responds, grinning at his reflection in the mirror. “And now I get to be one for real! It’s cool.”
“If that is what ‘floats your boat,’ Master Clark.”
Clark grins, and slips on the shades the Bruce hands him. “So, do I look the part?” he asks, and listens with great satisfaction to the uptick in Bruce’s heart rate.
“…Yes, you do.”
Clark grins. This just might be fun after all.
Maxwell Steele is a man who is very much not upending the stereotypes this evening. He is as suspicious looking and sleazy as one would expect when they think of an evil businessman. Clark feels like he is way more excited than he should be; after all, he is standing right before someone who is trying his hardest to kill Bruce.
The man in question is rambling about his latest business ventures, while Bruce sits before him pretending to be someone who is only pretending to be interested. Clark finds it almost baffling how well Bruce can embody the spirit of the character he puts on.
“And, of course, we intend to finalize our dealings, of course—”
“I just have one question,” Bruce interrupts, leaning forward. “Your company has come under fire— several times, in fact— for your alleged involvement with some of the more… notorious criminals of Gotham. I must admit, I find the idea of doing business with someone involved in those kind of affairs rather frightening. Wouldn’t you think so too?”
Steele gives his sincerest effort to put on an expression of affront. As is, he just looks nervous and guilty. “Mr. Wayne,” he sputters, “I must tell you that everything you have ever heard regarding that is unsubstantiated!”
“I would never support criminals in such a manner—”
Steele leans back in his chair, and takes a deep breath.
“— and I have always tried to use my wealth to deal with them.”
Clark frowns. That can’t be right.
“Honestly, Mr. Wayne, I take offense to your assumptions about me! Why, certainly you must have experience with having the vultures assume the worst of you. The most uncharitable tabloids are always looking for something to invent to disparage the characters of good men, and—”
“Yes, yes, I understand, Mr. Steele,” Bruce interrupts. “Thank you for meeting with me. We will get back to you with further details.”
Once the man leaves, and Bruce returns to his office, Clark closes the door behind them with a grin. “Who’s gonna tell him that being accused of sleeping around and being accused of colluding with criminal masterminds aren’t exactly in the same ballpark?”
Bruce grunts. “If he doesn’t know that by now, then no one’s ever going to be able to change his mind.” He levels Clark with a look. “What did you learn?”
“Well, he’s definitely lying about almost everything. But he did seem to be telling the truth when he mentioned that he was dealing with the villains, even though I don’t quite buy what he said.”
Bruce taps his finger on his chin, deep in thought. “Dealing with the villains… perhaps his phrasing is where we need to look. He’s making some sort of deal with one of them.”
“To kill you?”
“Possibly.” He looks back at Clark, eyes steely and focused. “I will pay him a secret visit tonight, and see what I can find regarding any unsavoury dealings. Maybe then—”
As it turns out, Bruce doesn’t even need to go looking for the trouble. The trouble just comes to find him. Clark throws himself over Bruce, rolling him across the shiny floor of his office as fire shoots in through the now shattered windows. Clark lands over Bruce’s body, and they watch as Firefly comes barrelling in through the window, spraying pieces of glass everywhere. Clark surreptitiously blows away some of the stray pieces before they can hurt Bruce.
“I gotta thank you, Wayne,” Firefly goads. “I just got a massive payday for trying to get rid of you. It’s almost too easy to make money these days, huh? Where’s the challenge?”
Clark rises to his feet. If he finds a way to get Bruce out of here, Batman can come and clean up this mess. But it wouldn’t do to break his cover, either…
“Get back, Mr. Wayne,” Clark growls, putting on a deep, intimidating voice. Behind him, Bruce does an excellent impression of a cowering puppy. Clark reaches out a hand as though shielding him. “I’ll protect you.”
Firefly bursts into laughter. “That’s rich. You think you can take me on? With what, your dopey sunglasses?”
You’d be surprised, Clark almost says. But he doesn’t. Because he’s a bodyguard, and they aren’t really supposed to quip around. That’s what the movies say.
Instead, Clark jumps for Bruce as Firefly unleashes another spray of fire. He shoves himself over Bruce, and then pushes him towards the window. “You’re toast, you asshole!” rages Firefly, flying towards him, flamethrowers at the ready.
In the three seconds it takes for Firefly to reach him, Clark takes the time to observe the crowd gathering outside the building, watching with bated breath. He watches Bruce’s expression twist into one of utter exasperation, the look of fear falling off his face once he is sure that Firefly is focused on Clark completely. And he watches the wires connected to the tank on Firefly’s back sway with the force of his flight.
As Firefly shoots towards him, Clark grabs onto the wire, pulling Firefly with it before the man can use his flamethrowers. Using the one on the left, Clark deftly spins the man around and around, wrapping him up in his own weapon. And then he knocks him out with a solid right hook.
Clark secures Firefly to Bruce’s fancy desk, which is bolted into the ground, making it a convenient restraint. With Firefly taken care of, Clark turns back to Bruce.
Only to find him teetering on the edge of his own building, hanging on to the edge of his destroyed wall. People are screaming, outside, and Clark just gives Bruce a judgemental look, knowing that no one can see him. “Don’t you dare.”
Bruce, for his part, just gives him an expression of utmost satisfaction. “Whoops,” he says, completely deadpan, before he lets his fingers go lax, starting his descent towards the pavement below.
Clark doesn’t even think twice. Grabbing Firefly’s flamethrower— the one connected to the wire on his right— he jumps after Bruce, and grabs him by the waist. Bruce, steady heartbeat belying that he is quite unconcerned despite the expression of fake terror on his face, turns to face him as they hang midair, and wraps his arms around his neck.
“My hero!” he simpers, loud enough for people to hear, and then he kisses him. And despite the sheer audacity of the man, Clark lets him, because he really does feel like he deserves it today.
“Hey, listen to this,” Clark says, laughing. “Bruce Wayne seduces new bodyguard after near death experience. Bruce, you’re famous again!”
“Very funny,” Bruce grumbles. “Of course they’d report on that instead of on Maxwell Steele’s arrest.”
“I guess being arrested for colluding with Firefly isn’t juicy enough for the Gotham Gazette.”
Clark lets Bruce type at his computer a while longer, happy to just sit there and soak up the feeling of satisfaction of a job well done.
“I’ve been meaning to ask,” Bruce finally says, cutting through the silence. “How did you manage to speak in such a… different voice?”
Clark grins. “Extremely precise muscle control.” He lets his voice drop lower into the deep, silky baritone he’d adopted for his role. “Do you like it, Mr. Wayne?”
Bruce turns to face him, and Clark grins. He speeds off, and returns dressed in the suit, just in time for Bruce to give him a once-over. “I suppose I do,” Bruce replies.
“Which does remind me,” Clark vocalizes, slipping the shades onto his face. “We haven’t yet discussed the terms of my payment.”
“How much would you like?”
Clark stands, and stalks over to Bruce, keeping a serious, emotionless expression on his face. He rests his hands on the armrests of Bruce’s chair, and leans into Bruce’s space until their lips are only a few inches apart. “I believe,” he rumbles, “that we can come to some other arrangement.”
Bruce licks his lips, otherwise expressionless. But his hands come up to run all over Clark’s chest, over the muscles of his arm, around his neck. They come up to his face to trace around his eyes, or rather, around the shades covering them.
“So do I.”
Clark just grins, and kisses him. Being disguised as a bodyguard really did have its perks, even if it was only for a day. He got to have the whole movie experience, down to getting with a hot love interest in the end. It doesn’t get much better than that.
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thetravelerwrites · 5 months
Margaret and Rourke (Part 1)
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Rating: Mature  Relationships: Female Human/Male Orc  Additional Tags: Exophilia, Monster Lovers, Interspecies Romance, Orcs, Older Man/Younger Woman Content Warnings: Mentions of Sexual Assault, Mentions of Physical Violence, Mentions of Torture, References to Sexual Assault Resulting in Pregnancy  Series:  Part 18 of Shelter Forest: The Towns  Words: 4,238
The reader's mother from Akjan's fic and her orc hubby get their own fic! After her daughter is taken away from her to be married to an orc chieftain she's never met, Margaret worries she'll never see her again. An orc arrives with news of her daughter and promises to help them reunite. Please leave feedback!
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Your daughter had been gone for two months already. The count had ripped her from your arms in an instant on the day of her eighteenth birthday and gave you little to no time to say goodbye. You could only hope that she was well and being treated properly wherever she was, but you had no way to know for sure. You were anxious constantly, unaware if she was healthy or fed properly or even alive, but the idea that she could be somewhere out there, safe and happy, was the only comfort you found in your day to day life.
You were in a lot of pain at the moment. Moving around was difficult, and you struggled to complete your normal tasks. The madam had whipped you mercilessly just the day before for the unspeakable crime of passing in front of her when she was in a bad mood. She’d always been unkind to you, but since she discovered that your daughter, Catherine, was indeed the child of the Count, she had become the human embodiment of cruelty, turning the typical punishments she doled out onto you into nothing short of torture. You had no friends to turn to, since everyone in the manor knew you were the Countess’s favorite punching bag, so they would earn themselves no favors by being kind to you. Without Catherine there to lean on anymore, it was becoming harder to endure the beatings. 
As you were working, you saw David, a butler that had been hired recently. His face fell in sympathy as soon as he saw you, likely due to the bruising on your face and the split lip you were sporting. He was one of the few that treated you kindly. 
“Margaret, I’m glad I caught you,” He said. “I need your help.” 
“My help?” You asked. “I’ll do my best. What can I help with?” 
“The master has given me a task in town, but I don’t know my way around quite yet. Could you help me find the…” He consulted a piece of paper in his hand. “The Periwinkle Florist? The master is having guests later this evening and wants new flowers for the foyer and receiving room. Do you know where it is?” 
“Oh, yes, I do,” You told him. “It’s quite far, though. I’m surprised Master wants us to go so far out of the way for fresh flowers.”
“You know how the master is,” David said, rolling his eyes. “He wants what he wants.” 
Margaret laughed nervously. “Yes. Should we go now? It’ll take us at least an hour to get there and an hour back.” 
“That would be best, if we want to return before nightfall,” David agreed. “Are you ready to go as you are?” 
“Oh, I just need to grab my shawl and we can go,” You replied, taking a step toward the servants’ quarters. 
“Best be quick,” He said. “I’ll wait by the rear door.”
Nodding, you quick-stepped back to your tiny closet and grabbed your crocheted shawl, old and repaired many times. Something felt off about the room, like something was missing, but you figured it was just because Catherine was no longer there, so it felt terribly empty. 
You met David, who was carrying a large produce bag, by the back door that led out to the back of the estate, where there were the stables on one side and the tool sheds on the other. Between them was a road used exclusively by the servants into and out of the estate. The two of you set off down it, heading toward the middle ring of the city, where most of the shops were located. 
David was pleasant company, engaging you in light small talk to pass the time. He asked about your daughter, which you were only too happy to talk about, and told you about his wife and son, to whom he was sending all of his money. Hearing him fondly describe his son as a “tiny terror” made you smile. 
Finally, you arrived, but instead of entering the shop, David directed you to the back of the building. Confused, you followed him. Standing there was an orc whittling a small block of wood. He had long, single-braided dark hair and bright eyes, dressed in a simple tunic and trousers, and a rucksack was set against the wall next to him. He was more slender than most orcs you’d ever seen, though he was tall and had tight, strappy muscles on his arms. He looked up as you approached, though he paused momentarily when he saw you, staring and slack-jawed. His eyebrows drew down into a small frown briefly, gone instantly, though you weren’t sure what that was about. The sight of a man you’d never met before, a physically powerful one at that, filled you with no small amount of terror. Being alone with two men who could easily overpower you made you even less comfortable.
“Who…?” You asked, turning to David.
“Don’t be afraid, Ms. Margaret. This is an associate of mine, Rourke,” David said.
“I… I don’t… What are we doing here, David?” You asked him, becoming very worried and starting to back away.
The orc named Rourke approached the two of you slowly as if approaching a skittish animal. 
“Are you Ms. Margaret? Miss Catherine’s mother?” He asked you, and your heart jumped into your throat. Forgetting your fear momentarily, you reached out desperately to clutch his arm.
“Is she alright? Is she safe? Where is she?”  
“She’s fine,” Rourke said reassuringly. “She’s married to the chief of the Willowshield Stronghold and being given the respect she’s due as the chieftain’s wife, so you have no reason to worry. We’re here to take you to her.” 
“Take me… I…” You hesitated and looked backward in the general direction of the Count’s manor, though it wasn’t in view. “We’re leaving now?” 
“Yes, ma’am,” Rourke said. “We have to move quickly. If we don’t leave now, we may not have another chance to leave without the Count knowing. I’m sure he’ll realize it sooner rather than later, but we can get a head start if we leave now.” 
Anxiety welled up in you, present at all times, but vastly more intense at the moment than normal. You’d never been outside of the city before and had no idea what to expect from the outside world, and you didn’t know these men at all nor have any reason to believe or trust them, but… your baby girl was out there. If there was any chance of seeing her again, you would have to place your trust in strangers.
“I didn’t bring my things,” You replied weakly. 
David reached into the large bag he’d brought with him and wrestled out a second smaller bag, which you recognized as your own carpet bag, where you kept your meager treasures. You had bought it ages ago when you first tried to leave the manor, but finding out you were with child had stopped you. As bad as the manor was, even though you were paid pennies, you were still paid. You were fed. There was a bed underneath you and a roof overhead. And… you didn’t know where else you could have gone, anyway. You had been there all your life.
Now… you had that chance. The chance to run. 
Looking up at the two men, tears of both fear and hope filling your eyes, and you nodded. 
The three of you managed to get out of the city wall before nightfall, but were forced to camp outside mere feet from it. The two men had set up a small but charming tent for you to use, though they themselves would be sleeping outside. As they went about setting up the camp, building the fire, and cooking an evening meal, you sat there for the first time with nothing in your hands, unsure of what to do. 
“Can I help with something?” You asked them. 
Rourke smiled at you kindly. “No, Ms. Margaret, we’ve got it well in hand. You rest your bones for a little while. We’ll take care of this.” 
Sitting still felt unnatural, but you sat and watched them bustle around. As David stirred the pot over the fire, Rourke retrieved a jar from his bags and came close. You resisted the urge to back away. 
“May I sit with you, Ms. Margaret?” He asked. When you nodded, he sat on an upturned log next to you. “This is an ointment our stronghold’s medicine woman made. It’s magic on bruises. Would you mind if I applied a little? That black eye looks nasty.”
“Oh,” You said, looking down to hide behind your hair a little. “Yes, alright.” 
“Look up for me, Ms. Margaret,” He said gently. 
Carefully, he pulled your hair away from your face and tucked it behind your ears. You looked up, surprised by how close he was. This close, you could see he had the prettiest deep brown eyes, glittering like stars in the flickering firelight. They were the same color as clean tilled earth, or savory soup that nourishes the body and soul, or a warm blanket of wool that keeps out the winter chill. They reminded you of every comforting thing you’d ever experienced in your lifetime. You found yourself blushing as those thoughts filled your head, trying to put them out of mind.
“I’m surprised you have a grown child, Ms. Margaret,” Rourke said. You assumed he was attempting to make small talk. 
“Why’s that?” 
“You look far too young. How old are you, if I might ask?” 
“Don’t you know it’s rude to ask a woman her age?”
“Is it?” He asked, tilting his head. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize. That’s not something orc women care about. In fact, orc women like to brag about their age. Each year they live is a year they beat death. As much as we cherish the idea of dying honorably in battle, we also really like bragging.” 
You laughed. “I’m thirty-three.” 
“So young!” He said. “You were still just a girl when Mis Catherine was born, eh?” 
Your smile faded. “Fifteen, yes.” 
He clicked his tongue. “Far too young. I’m amazed you were able to raise a babe when you were hardly more than a babe yourself.” 
“Why, how old are you?” 
You pulled back to look at his face. “You're one to talk about not looking one’s age! You barely look out of your thirties! I can’t believe you’re almost twenty years older than I am.” 
He laughed. “Well, thank you for the compliment. My daughter complains that we look much more like siblings than parent and child, but I don’t know if that’s a compliment for me or self-deprecation for her.” 
“You have a daughter?” 
“Oh, yes,” Rourke said. “Just about the same age as Miss Catherine, in fact. She’s my pride and joy. Lost her mother when she was young, so it’s just been me and her ever since then.” 
“I’m sorry to hear that.” 
“It’s alright, Ms. Margaret. It was long ago now.” 
“Still. You have my sincerest sympathies.” 
“I appreciate it. This is pretty bad, by the way,” Rourke said, wincing in sympathy as he applied the ointment to your eye. “What happened?” 
“Oh, I…” You looked down and away, careful not to tilt your head out of his reach. “I… it… just happened.” 
He paused momentarily before continuing, regarding you soberly. 
“Does it ‘just happen’ often?” He asked softly.
“I… I’m a poor worker,” You said quietly. “I’m too slow and lazy, so… I require more… correction than the others do.”
He spread a little of the ointment on the split in your lip, his touch feather soft, before he sat back and gazed at you.
“I can’t claim you know you or your work ethic, Ms. Margaret,” He said. “But no one deserves this kind of punishment. That I do know.” 
You looked down and didn’t respond. 
Rourke sighed. “Do you know how to ride a horse?” 
You looked back up at him. “No.” 
“I thought so. We brought two horses with us, two of the fastest in the stronghold, but it seems like you’ll have to ride with one of us. Is that alright?” 
You nodded. “That’s fine. I just want to get back to my baby.” 
“She’s a lucky lady, to have a mother like you,” Rourke said with a smile. “She’ll be happy to see you. It’ll be a nice surprise.” 
“She doesn’t know I’m coming?” You asked. 
Rourke shook his head, his long ears waggling. “The Count tried to make Chief Akjan believe that Miss Catherine was a legitimate daughter of his, but Chief Akjan had a feeling there was more to the story than he was told, so he had us do some investigating.” He motioned at David. “David realized the true story from listening to the manor’s gossip. After observing you and sending word back, Akjan sent me to retrieve David and see if you were willing to make the journey with us. Although…” He glanced at your face again and sighed. “Seeing how bad things are, I shouldn’t have delayed so long. I should have been here sooner. I apologize for that.” Rourke took a bowl from David and handed it to you. “Here. David’s not a great cook, but it’ll be better than twigs, certainly.” 
“I cook better than you, you lout!” David said indignantly.
You couldn’t help but laugh. “I’m sure it’s fine.” 
Well, he hadn’t been lying: the meal was a little rough, basically just jerky boiled in water, but it was filling enough and made you feel warm inside. 
“We should sleep early,” Rourke said, holding his hand out to help you stand. “We’ll be getting up before dawn to go pick up the horses and start toward the stronghold.” 
“You didn’t have to put up a tent for me, I can sleep on the ground,” You told him, looking inside. It was just a bedroll on top of a riding blanket, but it looked charming and comfortable. 
“Nonsense!” Rourke said. “I’d never made a lady sleep on the cold, hard ground! No, no, you get in there and get comfy, I’ll be right outside keeping watch. Get yourself some rest, Ms. Margaret. Goodnight.” 
Ducking into the tent, you laid your tired body down on the bed and covered yourself, the aches in your body intensifying as you tried to relax. Once he saw that you were in the bed and down for the night, Rourke stationed himself at the mouth of the tent, his back to you, having a muted conversation with David that you couldn’t make sense of. Despite being outside of the city walls for the first time in your life and headed toward an uncertain future, seeing Rourke’s back blocking out the dangers of the world made you feel a strange sense of security. Almost immediately, you fell asleep. 
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They managed to make a trip that would normally take two weeks in a mere five days. They rode pretty hard for the first few days, though Margaret needed several breaks throughout the days in order to recover, since horse riding when you weren’t used to it could be quite punishing on the body. She was eternally grateful for that bruise ointment, which Rourke had gifted her.
Margaret rode with Rourke for most of the trip, since his horse was larger, but being in close proximity with men made her wildly uncomfortable. She simply had to swallow down her discomfort to make it to the end. 
For Catherine, She kept telling herself. I can do it for Catherine.
They eventually arrived in a town bustling with activity. It wasn’t anywhere close to being as busy as the city, but it was more lively and less noisy. Riding straight up the middle lane, they reached a tall wall made of wooden pikes and a large gate with sentries patrolling the top. 
“Here we are,” Rouke said. “Welcome to the Willowshield stronghold.” 
“Catherine is inside?” You asked.
“Yes, ma’am,” Rourke replied. “She’s just inside.” 
Hope and expectation welled up in your chest. “She’s just inside,” You repeated softly. 
Rourke chuckled a little, his breath stirring your hair. “Not long now.”
The doors of the gate opened slowly, and the interior of the stronghold revealed itself. There were cottages dotting the landscape, with two long bunkhouses to the left and right, a large building at the top of the hill, and in the very center right beyond the gates, a longhouse that seemed to serve as a town hall. The stronghold was just as bustling as the town outside, and despite being a closed community, it was far more inviting than any place you’d been yet. 
“We must report in to Chief Akjan,” Rourke said as he jumped down from the horse. He reached up to help you down, and then handed off the reins of the horse to a waiting horseboy. You were surprised that orcs had horseboys. “But you’ll be able to see your little girl right after.” 
You nodded and allowed Rourke to lead you into the longhouse. There, a large orc sat in the chair in the center of the room at the end of the fire trench. He wore a leather kilt, furs on his shoulders, and various leather straps. He was talking to David, who walked right up to an orc woman with a baby on her hip and gave her a long, deep kiss. You blushed.  
“Chief Akjan,” Rourke said. “She’s here.” 
“Ah, good,” Chief Akjan said, standing up and towering over you. Where Rourke was tall and lean as a whip, Chief Akjan was broad and massively muscled. “Are you Margaret?” 
You tried to answer, but your voice came out as a squeak. Clearing your throat, you replied, “Yes, I am.” 
Chief Akjan nodded. “Good. I’m glad you’re here. Catherine will be happy to see you.” 
“If you’ll pardon me, Sir,” You asked him shyly. “You’re the one married to Catherine, aren’t you?” 
Chief Akjan shrugged. “Yes and no,” He replied. “We have a contract, but it can be revoked at any moment. She’s under no obligation to stay with me, nor am I beholden to her. We may part ways as friends whenever we wish.” 
Your head rocked back in surprise; you’d never heard of an arrangement like that before. 
“Is she well?” 
“Better than she was at the Count’s estate, I’d wager,” He said, snorting, but upon seeing your anxious face, he answered more seriously. “She’s just fine, ma’am. We’ve been taking good care of her, I swear to you. Shall I fetch her for you?” 
“Oh, please do,” You begged. “I’m so anxious to see her.” 
“I’ll return shortly, then. Wait here.” 
Chief Akjan turned and exited through a side door, and you rung your hands in anticipation, resisting the urge to bounce on your heels like a child. 
“Excited?” Rourke asked, smiling. 
“I just want to be sure she’s alright,” You said. “I can endure anything if my child is happy.” 
Rourke’s smile widened in a fond way. “You’re a good mama.” 
You blushed and looked away. 
“Hopefully, you won’t have to endure anything from now on,” Rourke said, pointing. “Look alive.” 
You spun on your heel, elated. Catherine was standing there, looking healthier and brighter than you had ever seen her, wearing simple but well-made clothing, and every ounce of anxiety in your body evaporated. 
“My baby!” You exclaimed, running forward to throw your arms around her. “Oh, my darling, I’m so sorry!” 
She clutched you, quietly crying into your hair. Oh, you had missed her so.
“It’s alright, Mother. Are you alright?” She asked, pulling back to look at the fading bruises on your face. They were almost gone, but the presence of them surely made Catherine feel worried. You could see it on her face.
“I’m fine, honey, I’m just fine,” You insisted. “David and Rourke have been taking good care of me.”
She released you and looked at the men you had pointed to. “They have? What do you mean? How did you get here?”
“I sent them to collect her,” Akjan said, stepping forward. “I had a feeling there was more to the story that you and the Count hadn't told me, so I sent David to do some reconnaissance. It didn’t take long for the full story to reveal itself, so I sent Rourke to retrieve her. Problem solved.”
Catherine’s face showed worry, relief, and a little bit of disappointment. “Thank you, Akjan. I will be in your debt for as long as I live. Are you going to send us to Willowridge?”
He shook his head grimly, crossing his arms. “No. We know that the Count must be aware that your mother has disappeared by now and may have guessed the stronghold’s involvement. Our intelligence suggests he’s gathering soldiers to march on Willowshield to either get his horse deal or take you and your mother back. It’ll be safer for you and your mother to stay within the walls of the stronghold.”
Catherine’s hand went to her mouth in shock. “Oh, god. I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize the Count would cause this much trouble for you.”
Akjan shrugged, as though an invasion by a noble was no cause for concern.
“We’ve been attacked for far less. Don’t worry, it won’t be an issue.” He addressed you directly. “Welcome to Willowshield, madam.”
You bowed your head and nodded shyly. “Thank you very much, Chief Akjan.”
"Rourke, have the girls show Ms. Margaret to the bunkhouse."
Rourke nodded. “This way, Ms. Margaret. Miss Catherine will join you shortly. She and the Chief need to have a heart to heart.” He began guiding you toward the back door and outside.
“Is she in trouble?” You asked fretfully, allowing yourself to be led.
“Not at all! Just some husband and wife business, that’s all. Never you worry.” 
You weren’t sure about that, but you had no choice but to believe him. Rourke had been positively enthusiastic since the moment you met him, upfront and honest and the picture of gentlemanly chivalry. His open and friendly nature had gotten past your inner defenses, and you’d go so far as to consider him something of a friend. David was good natured and friendly as well, but you’d never felt as close to him as you ended up feeling to Rourke. There was just something about Rourke that wouldn’t allow you to ignore him.
Rourke led you to a communal pavilion where there were several women doing fiber arts, weaving and spinning and knitting. One of them, a tall woman in trousers, stood up and came close. 
“Ms. Margaret, this is Erin, Chief Akjan’s sister-in-law,” He said. “She’ll take care of you until Miss Catherine finishes up with the chief.” 
“Ah, you’re Miss Catherine’s mama!” Erin said, holding out her hand. “So good to meet you! We’ve been waiting for you.” 
You took her hand and shook it. “Nice to meet you, Ms. Erin.” 
“Oh, she’s just like Miss Catherine,” Erin said. “Shy and sweet. They’ll love you around here.” 
“Hey!” Rourke said in a warning tone. Erin raised an eyebrow at him but didn’t respond. Clearing his throat, Rourke turned to you. “I have to give a debrief to the chief and report to my superior now. If you should ever need me for anything, my normal job is as a gate guard, so if you go down to the gate and ask for me, I’ll be at your disposal. Any time. Alright?” 
You nodded. “Alright.” 
He seemed reluctant to leave, but he started walking backwards. 
“Until then.” 
You smiled. “Until then.” 
With a bright parting grin, he turned and trotted off, his long braid swinging back and forth. 
“My goodness,” Erin said. “You and Miss Catherine certainly have a way about you, don’t you?” 
You tilted your head in confusion. “I’m sorry, I don’t understand.” 
Erin shook her head and laughed. “It’s nothing. Let’s get you set up with a bunk. Things are about to get… busy soon.” 
The way she phrased that made you feel a little tense, but she pulled you forward to meet the other women in the group, all of whom were welcoming and kind. Erin took you up to the bunkhouse, where you claimed two beds, one for you and one for Catherine. Erin informed you that, now that you had arrived and the Count had nothing to hold over her, Chief Akjan and Catherine no longer needed to keep up appearances and the marriage would be dissolved. Worried, you asked if that meant that she’d be kicked out, but Erin assured you that wasn’t the case. 
“The chief wouldn’t do that,” Erin said. She leaned in and whispered, “Between you and me, Akjan likes her too much to send her away. My prediction is that they won’t be apart for long.” 
“Oh,” You said, surprised. 
Erin laughed. “Come on, she’d be done with the chief now, let’s collect her and catch up. I’m sure she’s dying to tell you everything.” 
Allowing yourself to be dragged back to the pavilion, you saw Catherine standing there, looking around for you, and smiled. For the first time in your life, you felt like you were right where you were meant to be.
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falrytopia · 2 years
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I just read a YouTube comment that theorized that Echoes of the Eye (the song) is actually part of the vision the Hatchling shows to the Prisoner - like the music is actually diegetic - and the Prisoner sees this story of their impact on the universe over hundreds of thousands of years with this beautiful music made from instruments they've never heard before and then they echo their interpretation of it back to you with their final message (Departure) and I almost started crying at work
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fuck dude it sure is
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meabrar · 30 days
5 Traits of the Best Construction Companies in Dubai
Dubai's skyline is a testament to the excellence and innovation of its construction companies. With so many firms vying for attention, how can you distinguish the best from the rest? Here are five key traits that define the best construction companies in uae and why Abrarme exemplifies each one, making us a top choice for projects across the UAE.
Commitment to Quality The foundation of any successful construction company is its unwavering commitment to quality. The best firms use premium materials, employ skilled professionals, and adhere to strict quality control measures. At Abrarme, quality is at the core of everything we do. Whether it’s a luxury residential project, a corporate office, or a state-of-the-art warehouse, our dedication to excellence ensures that every project is built to last.
Diverse Range of Services Versatility is another hallmark of top construction companies. A firm that can handle a wide variety of projects demonstrates expertise and adaptability. Abrarme offers a comprehensive range of services, including:
Residential Construction Company in UAE: We create homes that are not only structurally sound but also aesthetically pleasing and tailored to our clients' needs. Building Construction Company in Dubai: From high-rises to commercial complexes, we have the expertise to bring any architectural vision to life. Corporate Contracting Company in Dubai: Our corporate projects reflect the identity and ethos of the businesses we work with, providing functional and inspiring spaces. Warehouse Contracting Company in Dubai: We specialize in constructing efficient, durable warehouses that meet the specific needs of industrial clients. Our diverse portfolio highlights our ability to deliver exceptional results across different sectors.
Innovation and Technology The best construction companies are those that embrace innovation and leverage the latest technologies to enhance their projects. Abrarme is committed to staying at the forefront of the industry by integrating cutting-edge construction techniques and sustainable practices. This approach not only improves efficiency but also ensures that our projects are environmentally responsible and future-proof.
Client-Centric Approach A top-tier construction company places its clients at the heart of every project. This means understanding their needs, maintaining clear communication, and delivering on promises. Abrarme prides itself on its client-centric approach. We work closely with our clients from the initial concept to the final handover, ensuring that their vision is realized. Our transparent processes and dedication to customer satisfaction set us apart from other contractors.
Strong Reputation and Track Record Finally, the best construction companies are those with a proven track record of success. A strong reputation is built on years of delivering high-quality projects on time and within budget. Abrarme has established itself as a leading construction company in Dubai and the UAE by consistently exceeding client expectations. Our portfolio of completed projects speaks volumes about our capabilities and reliability.
Why Abrarme is Among the Best Construction Companies in Dubai Abrarme embodies all these traits, making us a standout choice for construction projects in Dubai and beyond. Our commitment to quality, diverse service offerings, innovative approach, client-focused mindset, and strong reputation are what set us apart in a crowded marketplace.
When you choose Abrarme, you’re not just hiring a construction company—you’re partnering with a team dedicated to bringing your vision to life with the highest standards of excellence. Whether it’s a residential project, a corporate office, a commercial building, or a warehouse, Abrarme is the trusted name that delivers unparalleled results in the UAE.
Tags : Construction Company in Dubai ,Contractors in UAE , Contracting Company in UAE , Best Contracting Companies in Dubai.
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Best digital marketing institute in Mohali s2vinfotech| SEO Institute
Learn full SEO in just 4 months with s2vinfotech Best digital marketing institute in Mohali
With the help of our Best digital marketing institute in Mohali SEO course, improve your online visibility. Explore the complexities of SEO and learn how to improve your website's exposure and attract natural traffic. Our all-inclusive programme, which is run by experts in the field, includes keyword research, on-page optimisation, link building, and analytics. Learn about the tactics and methods used by search engines to push websites to the top of search results. Our SEO Course in Mohali guarantees that you get the knowledge and abilities required to manage the ever-changing world of digital marketing and improve your online success, regardless of whether you're a marketing expert, company owner, or aspiring SEO specialist.
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Do you want to advance your profession and improve your knowledge in digital marketing? The Best digital marketing institute in Mohali, s2vinfotech, is the only place to look. Our all-inclusive SEO training programme is made to give you the information and abilities required to succeed in the dynamic field of digital marketing. All facets of search engine optimisation are covered in our SEO training course, from link building and analytics to keyword research and on-page optimisation. Our courses offer practical learning experiences that enable you to apply the knowledge you have gained to real-world situations, and they are taught by seasoned industry professionals.
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Buena Park Garage Door Compan
top 5 Most well-liked Garage retrieve Styles for Buena Park
Garage doors aren't just functional; they're a significant aesthetic component of your home's exterior. Choosing the right style can significantly complement your property's curb appeal. So, let's consider the top 5 most sought-after garage retrieve styles that could revamp the look of your home. I. Introduction When it comes to house improvement, the Buena Park garage right of entry is often overlooked despite being a prominent feature. contract the substitute styles nearby can make a remarkable difference in transforming your house's facade. II.
concurrence Garage door Styles
What Defines a Garage retrieve Style
Garage admittance styles encompass a mixture of design, material, and functionality, each offering unique visual attraction and structural characteristics. B.
Importance of Choosing the Right Garage Door Style
Selecting the right garage admittance style harmonizes your home's overall architecture and boosts its shout from the rooftops value. III.
standard Garage Doors Alsio Viejo
A. Characteristics and Features Traditional Buena Park garage doors exhibit unchanging designs, often characterized by raised panels and unchanging aesthetics.
B. well-liked Designs within normal Styles
Styles gone the raised-panel, carriage-house, and barn-door evoke a sense of line and mixture seamlessly as soon as various house designs.
IV. Contemporary Garage Doors Buena Park
A. Characteristics and Features
Contemporary doors leverage objector materials, smooth lines, and minimalist designs, perfect for a more streamlined and edgy appearance.
B. objector Designs in Contemporary Styles
Flush-panel and glass-accented doors are getting hold of traction, offering a sleek, urban setting to any home.
V. Carriage house Garage Doors
A. Distinctive Elements
These doors emulate the rustic attraction of carriage houses, featuring decorative handles and hinges for an old-world allure.
B. Trending Varieties in Carriage house Styles
Swing-style doors and those with faux wood finishes are becoming increasingly well-liked for their vintage appeal.
VI. objector Glass and Aluminum Doors
A. Unique Aspects
Glass and aluminum doors exude modernity, allowing natural lively to filter into the garage while maintaining a contemporary aesthetic.
B. Notable Trends in Glass and Aluminum Styles
Full-view glass doors and brushed aluminum finishes are making waves, appendage a be adjacent to of sophistication to homes.
VII. Craftsman Garage Doors
A. Identifying Features
Craftsman-style doors boast sturdy construction, often in the same way as decorative windows and solid, earthy tones.
B. well-liked Choices in Craftsman Styles
Prairie and mission-style doors encapsulate the essence of craftsmanship and simplicity, ideal for a cozy and inviting appeal.
VIII. Factors Influencing Garage retrieve Choices
A. Architectural Compatibility
Consider the architectural style of your home. Ensure the garage door complements the overall design, whether it's a Victorian, modern, or craftsman-style residence.
B. Personal Preferences
Your personal taste matters. Whether you select a vintage attraction or a sleek, contemporary look, aligning your another in the same way as your preferences ensures satisfaction. New Buena Park Garage Doors
C. Buena Park Budget Considerations
Evaluate the cost implications. Various materials and styles arrive as soon as substitute price tags, appropriately it's necessary to story your preferences as soon as your budget.
IX. keep and Durability
A. Care Tips for substitute Styles
Each garage admittance style demands specific keep routines. Regular inspections, lubrication, and cleaning are crucial for preserving their longevity.
B. Longevity of Various Garage retrieve Materials
Materials gone steel, wood, and aluminum possess changing durability and require substitute keep approaches. contract these differences aids in greater than before upkeep. Choosing a garage admittance style goes beyond functionality; it's a pivotal design element that can lionize your home's aesthetic appeal. By contract the diverse styles understandable and past factors as soon as architectural compatibility, personal preferences, and keep needs, you can make an informed decision that adds value to your property. FAQs A. What are the key elements to rule in the same way as choosing a garage retrieve style? The key elements put in architectural compatibility, personal preferences, and budget considerations. B. Are contemporary garage doors good enough for older homes? Absolutely! Contemporary doors can have enough money a striking contrast that revitalizes the make public of older homes. C. How often should garage doors be maintained? Regular keep every six months is advisable, but inspecting them more frequently for any issues is a fine practice. D. Can I install a extra garage right of entry myself? While DIY installation is possible, it's recommended to hire professionals for safety and precision. E. What is the average lifespan of garage doors? The lifespan varies based on materials and keep but typically ranges from 15 to 30 years. So, whether you're aslant towards a normal carriage house retrieve or aslant towards a objector glass accent, the right garage admittance style can in reality transform your home's exterior, tally both aesthetic and full of life value. I hope this article provides you in the same way as insights to make an informed decision more or less your garage admittance style! https://buenaparkgaragedoorcompany.blogspot.com/2023/12/buena-park-garage-door-company.html Soldi Garage Doors Buena Park https://buenaparkgaragedoorservice.blogspot.com/ https://buenaparkgaragedoorservice.blogspot.com/2023/12/buena-park-garage-door-service.html https://www.tumblr.com/seal-beach-carpet-clean-dt29/737273247053332480 https://www.tumblr.com/carpet-cleaners-escondido-hr45dy/737271054863613952 https://greatbuenaparkgaragedoors.blogspot.com/
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freddiemark · 9 months
Why investing in Boat Shares will be a smart move for investors in the future.
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Introduction to Boat Share Price and their investment potential
Investing in boat shares has emerged as an attractive option for investors looking to diversify their portfolios and explore new investment opportunities. Boat shares, also known as fractional ownership, allow investors to own a portion of a boat rather than purchasing the entire vessel. This concept has gained significant popularity in recent years, as it offers several advantages over traditional boat ownership.
One of the primary advantages of investing in Boat Share Price is the cost savings. Owning a boat outright can be an expensive proposition, with costs associated with purchase, maintenance, storage, and insurance. However, by investing in boat shares, investors can enjoy the benefits of boat ownership without the hefty price tag. Additionally, the shared expenses among owners help in reducing the overall financial burden.
Another advantage of boat shares is the flexibility it offers. Many boat share programs allow investors to use their allotted time on the boat as they please, whether it's for personal use or for renting it out to others. This flexibility allows investors to enjoy the benefits of boat ownership without the constraints of sole ownership.
Boat share market trends and statistics
The boat share market has witnessed steady growth in recent years, with an increasing number of investors recognizing the potential returns it offers. According to market research, the global boat share market is projected to grow at a CAGR of XX% between 2021 and 2026. This growth can be attributed to several factors, including the rising interest in leisure activities and the desire for affordable access to boats.
The market is also witnessing the emergence of Boat IPO, which allow investors to acquire shares in boat share companies. Boat Share Price offer an opportunity for investors to enter the market at an early stage and potentially benefit from the growth of the industry. However, it is essential for investors to carefully evaluate Boat IPO and consider factors such as the company's financials, management team, and growth prospects before making an investment.
Factors to consider before investing in boat shares
Before diving into boat share investments, it is crucial to consider several factors to make informed decisions. Firstly, investors should evaluate the boat share company's track record and reputation. Investing in a reputable company with a proven track record of success can help mitigate risks and increase the chances of a favorable return on investment.
Additionally, investors should assess the demand for boat shares in their desired location. Understanding the local market dynamics, such as boating regulations, popularity of boating activities, and potential rental demand, can provide valuable insights into the investment potential.
Furthermore, it is essential to consider the financial aspects of boat share investments. Investors should carefully review the financials of the boat share company, including revenue streams, operating expenses, and profitability. Conducting thorough due diligence can help identify any red flags and ensure that the investment is financially viable.
How to evaluate Boat Share Price and IPOs
Evaluating Boat Share Price and IPOs requires a comprehensive analysis of various factors. Firstly, investors should consider the boat's condition, age, and maintenance history. A well-maintained boat is likely to have a higher value and attract more demand from potential buyers or renters.
Investors should also assess the location and market demand for boat shares. Locations with high tourist traffic, favorable weather conditions, and a strong boating culture are likely to offer better investment opportunities.
Furthermore, investors should analyze the boat share company's business model, revenue streams, and growth prospects. Understanding the company's competitive advantage and market positioning can help investors gauge its long-term potential.
As for evaluating Boat Share Price, investors should carefully review the prospectus provided by the company. The prospectus contains valuable information about the company's financials, management team, growth strategy, and risk factors. Investors should analyze this information in detail and seek professional advice if needed.
Boat share investment strategies
Investing in boat shares requires careful planning and implementation of effective investment strategies. One popular strategy is diversification, which involves investing in multiple boat shares across different locations and types of boats. Diversification helps spread the risk and reduces the impact of any individual investment's performance.
Another strategy is to invest in boat shares with a focus on rental income. By selecting boats with high rental demand and attractive rental rates, investors can generate regular cash flow from their investments. However, it is essential to consider factors such as maintenance costs, insurance, and rental management fees when calculating the potential returns.
Lastly, investors can also consider investing in boat share funds or managed portfolios. These investment vehicles provide professional management and diversification, allowing investors to benefit from the expertise of experienced professionals.
Risks and challenges of investing in Boat shares
While investing in boat shares offers several advantages, it is not without its risks and challenges. One of the primary risks is the potential for depreciation in boat value. Similar to other assets, boats can depreciate over time, affecting the investment's overall returns. Additionally, factors such as changes in market demand, economic conditions, and environmental regulations can impact the value of boat shares.
Another challenge is the potential for unexpected maintenance and repair costs. Boats require regular upkeep, and investors should budget for these expenses to avoid any financial surprises. Furthermore, boat share investments may also be subject to market risks, such as fluctuations in rental demand and competition from other boat share companies.
Investors should also be aware of the potential liquidity challenges associated with boat share investments. Unlike stocks or bonds, boat shares may not offer the same level of liquidity, making it difficult to sell the investment quickly if needed.
Boat share investment tips for beginners
For beginners looking to venture into boat share investments, there are several tips to keep in mind. Firstly, it is crucial to conduct thorough research and due diligence before making any investment decisions. Understanding the market dynamics, evaluating boat share companies, and seeking professional advice can help mitigate risks and maximize returns.
Secondly, beginners should start small and gradually expand their boat share portfolio. Investing in one or two boat shares initially allows investors to gain experience, learn from any mistakes, and assess their risk tolerance.
Additionally, beginners should carefully review the boat share agreement and understand the terms and conditions. Paying attention to details such as usage restrictions, maintenance responsibilities, and exit options can prevent any surprises or misunderstandings down the line.
Lastly, beginners should consider joining boat share communities or associations. These communities provide a platform for networking, sharing experiences, and accessing valuable resources. Learning from experienced boat share investors can help beginners navigate the market more effectively.
Boat share investment alternatives
While boat shares offer an attractive investment opportunity, there are alternative options available for investors to consider. One alternative is investing in boat rental platforms or companies. These platforms connect boat owners with renters, providing an opportunity to earn rental income without the need for ownership.
Another alternative is investing in boat manufacturers or related industries. Investing in companies that design, manufacture, or supply boats can provide exposure to the boating industry's growth potential.
Lastly, investors can also explore investing in marinas or boat storage facilities. As the demand for boat shares and boat ownership increases, the need for secure storage and docking facilities also rises. Investing in marinas can offer stable income streams and potential capital appreciation.
Conclusion: The future of Boat share investments
Investing in boat shares presents a unique opportunity for investors seeking diversification, cost savings, and flexibility. With the boat share market witnessing steady growth and the emergence of Boat Share Price, the potential returns are enticing. However, investors should carefully evaluate boat share investments, consider the associated risks, and implement effective investment strategies.To gain in-depth analysis on Boat Share Price and investment opportunities, investors are encouraged to seek professional advice and explore reputable sources of information. By doing so, investors can make informed decisions and position themselves for success in the future of boat share investments.
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gpltips · 1 year
Best IT Company WordPress Theme: Boost Your Online Presence
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In the ever-evolving digital landscape, having a strong online presence is crucial for IT companies. Your website is often the first point of contact for potential clients, partners, and job seekers. To make a lasting impression, you need a website that not only looks professional but also functions seamlessly. This is where choosing the best IT company WordPress theme comes into play.
In the digital age, your IT company's website is the face of your business. It's where you showcase your expertise, connect with clients, and drive business growth. To make your website stand out, you need the right foundation—an exceptional WordPress theme tailored to the needs of IT companies.
Get Any IT Company WordPress theme for Free
Why Choose WordPress for Your IT Company Website?
WordPress has long been the preferred choice for website development, and for good reason. It offers a user-friendly interface, scalability, and an abundance of themes and plugins. This open-source platform empowers IT companies to create feature-rich websites without the need for extensive coding knowledge.
Key Features to Look for in an IT Company WordPress Theme
When selecting a WordPress theme for your IT company, keep these key features in mind:
Responsive Design: Ensure your website looks great on all devices.
Customization: The ability to customize colors, fonts, and layouts is essential.
SEO Integration: Optimize your website for search engines to attract organic traffic.
Speed Optimization: Fast loading times are crucial for retaining visitors.
Security: Protect sensitive data and client information.
Regular Updates: Ensure the theme stays compatible with the latest WordPress version.
Top Picks for IT Company WordPress Themes
TechPro is a versatile IT company WordPress theme known for its clean design and robust features. It offers easy customization options and is compatible with popular page builders.
IT Solutions
IT Solutions is a professional theme designed specifically for IT companies. It comes with pre-designed templates for IT services, making it easy to showcase your offerings.
Digital Nexus
Digital Nexus is a modern and visually appealing theme suitable for IT agencies. Its intuitive layout options make it effortless to create a stunning website.
How to Install and Customize Your Chosen Theme
Once you've selected your ideal theme, follow these steps to get started:
Install the Theme: Upload the theme file in your WordPress dashboard.
Customize: Modify colors, fonts, and layouts to match your brand.
Add Content: Populate your website with engaging content.
Plugins: Install essential plugins for added functionality.
SEO Optimization for Your IT Company Website
To ensure your IT company ranks well on search engines, focus on:
Keyword Research: Identify relevant keywords.
On-Page SEO: Optimize meta tags, headings, and content.
Mobile-Friendly Design: Google prioritizes mobile-friendly websites.
Mobile Responsiveness Matters
Given the prevalence of mobile browsing, your website must be responsive. Themes that adapt to different screen sizes provide a better user experience.
Security and Updates
Regularly update your theme and plugins to protect against vulnerabilities. Employ security measures like SSL certificates to keep client data safe.
Customer Support and Documentation
Choose a theme with reliable customer support and comprehensive documentation. This ensures you have assistance when needed.
Measuring Success: Analytics and Metrics
Monitor website performance with tools like Google Analytics. Track metrics such as traffic, bounce rate, and conversion rates.
User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI)
Aim for a seamless user experience with intuitive navigation and a visually appealing interface.
Content Strategy: What to Include on Your IT Company Website
Your website should include:
Services Offered: Clearly outline your IT services.
About Us: Share your company's history and mission.
Blog: Publish insightful articles to showcase your expertise.
Contact Information: Make it easy for visitors to reach you.
Case Studies and Portfolio Showcase
Highlight your success stories and showcase your portfolio to build credibility.
Client Testimonials: Building Trust
Encourage satisfied clients to leave testimonials that highlight your company's strengths.
Choosing the best IT company WordPress theme is a critical step in establishing your online presence. With the right theme, your website can become a powerful tool for attracting clients, sharing your expertise, and growing your IT business.
Get started today and take your IT company's online presence to the next level with a theme that suits your needs.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the importance of SEO for my IT company website?
SEO helps your website rank higher on search engines, driving organic traffic and potential clients.
2. Are these themes beginner-friendly?
Yes, the recommended themes are user-friendly and suitable for beginners.
3. How often should I update my theme and plugins?
Regular updates are essential to ensure compatibility and security. Aim for monthly checks.
4. Can I get support if I encounter issues with my chosen theme?
Yes, reliable themes come with customer support to assist you.
5. What are the best practices for mobile responsiveness?
Opt for themes with responsive designs and test your website on various devices to ensure compatibility.
Get Any IT Company WordPress theme for Free
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techexpart · 1 year
Boost Your Online Presence with a Leading SEO Compan
Subtitle: Enhance Visibility and Drive Organic Traffic to Your Website
In today's digital age, where online visibility is crucial for business success, search engine optimization (SEO) has become a vital component of any effective marketing strategy. To achieve higher search engine rankings, attract targeted traffic, and generate valuable leads, many businesses are turning to the expertise of SEO companies. These specialized agencies employ a range of techniques and tactics to optimize websites, ensuring they reach their full potential and stand out amidst the fierce competition in the online landscape.
An SEO company is a professional service provider that offers expertise in optimizing websites to improve their organic search rankings. They possess in-depth knowledge of search engine algorithms, trends, and best practices to drive organic traffic and increase visibility on search engine result pages (SERPs). Partnering with an SEO company can significantly impact a business's online presence, providing a competitive edge and helping them achieve their digital marketing goals.
One of the primary advantages of working with an SEO company is the access to a team of experienced professionals who specialize in various aspects of search engine optimization. These experts are well-versed in keyword research, on-page and off-page optimization, content creation, link building, technical SEO, and more. By utilizing their knowledge and skills, an SEO company can create a customized strategy tailored to the specific needs and goals of each client.
Keyword research is a crucial step in any SEO campaign. SEO companies invest considerable time and effort into identifying the most relevant and high-performing keywords for their clients' industries. Through extensive research and analysis, they determine the keywords that potential customers are using to search for products or services. By targeting these keywords strategically, businesses can attract qualified traffic to their website and increase the likelihood of conversions.
On-page optimization involves optimizing various elements on a website, such as meta tags, headings, content structure, and internal linking. SEO companies ensure that these elements are optimized to align with search engine guidelines, making it easier for search engine crawlers to understand the website's content and purpose. By implementing on-page optimization techniques, an SEO company helps improve a website's relevance and authority in the eyes of search engines, resulting in higher rankings.
Off-page optimization, on the other hand, focuses on enhancing a website's reputation and authority through external factors. This includes building high-quality backlinks from reputable websites, social media promotion, online brand mentions, and influencer collaborations. By employing off-page optimization strategies, SEO companies help businesses establish a strong online presence and improve their credibility, ultimately driving more organic traffic to their websites.
Furthermore, SEO companies stay up to date with the ever-changing landscape of search engine algorithms and industry trends. They continuously monitor and analyze the performance of clients' websites, making necessary adjustments to ensure optimal results. By keeping abreast of algorithm updates and emerging SEO techniques, they can adapt their strategies accordingly, maximizing the potential for improved rankings and increased organic traffic.
Collaborating with an SEO company also saves businesses valuable time and resources. SEO is a complex and time-consuming process that requires ongoing monitoring, analysis, and optimization. By outsourcing this responsibility to a specialized agency, businesses can focus on their core operations and leave the intricacies of SEO in the hands of professionals.
In conclusion, an SEO company can significantly impact a business's online presence by employing effective strategies to improve search engine rankings, increase organic traffic, and enhance overall visibility. Their expertise and knowledge of SEO best practices enable them to create customized strategies tailored to the unique needs of each client. By partnering with a leading SEO company, businesses can unlock the full potential of their online presence and achieve long-term success in the digital landscape.
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case-studies1 · 1 year
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eviesaurusrex · 2 years
Harry Styles x University!Reader
Faceclaim: Phoebe Tonkin
author’s note: Harry Styles having a “normal” girlfriend is living in my head rent-free. So, here it is. matt_james is the reader’s best friend! I’m apologizing for the lengthy thing, but I figured out to cheat around the 10 picture limit on the app, so deal with it :* This is not the first part of my small series revolving around the meet cute blurb I had written some time ago. This one here is much older *doesn't dare to look at the date written on the draft* Btw: I put a two-week break into his tour (between the European and the NA leg). Deal with that as well :* This is only barely proofread, I'm sorry!
»ynoncloudnine changed handle to yninhell«
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matt_james At least the weather is nice enough to study outside 🤷🏾‍♂️
[tagged yninhell]
Liked by yninhell, juneli, oscaratty and 29 others | 21 comments
juneli my shift is almost over! Do you need a refreshment for your hard work? <3
↳ yninhell Uhm… yes please?! 😦
↳ matt_james You’d be my new favorite person of the year.
↳ yninhell HEY! ☹️
↳ juneli Your favorites are on the way! And don’t try to fool me, matty. We all know that YN will always be your favorite person ❤️
oscaratty How much longer will you stay? My last lecture got canceled, and I could use some study time with my friends.
↳ yninhell Did you check the calendar? If yes, you’ll know how long we’re gonna stay 💀
↳ oscaratty It’s this bad?
↳ yninhell Yeeeep. Please remind me again why I decided to study law?!
↳ matt_james Because you’re one of the smartest people on this planet?
↳ yninhell stop over exaggerating, thank you very fucking much.
↳ juneli Love, he is right. Look at all the scholarships you have. It’s okay to brag, especially when it’s earned 😚
↳ yninhell 🙄🙄🙄
↳ yninhell Still, it feels wrong.
↳ matt_james 😯😐
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yninhell Can someone bring me my boyfriend back? I think he got wrongly delivered ☹️
I can’t even tag him because he never told me his gram name. Well, not the one for me, at least.
Liked by gemmastyles, juneli, matt_james and 12 others | 9 comments
gemmastyles Excuse me, he forgot what?! HAROLD!! hazmissesyn
↳ yninhell thank you, you are a total gem, G 🥹 You are forgiven, Harold. That name saved you
liked by gemmastyles, hazmissesyn and juneli
↳ hazmissesyn I thought I’d never see the next day 🫣 I am so sorry, sunflower. I’m never thinking about IG, but I know how much you use it, so I should’ve thought about it. Will you forgive me entirely? ❤️
↳ yninhell Already forgiven, love ♥️
liked by hazmissesyn
↳ gemmastyles The world is back in order 🥰
liked by yninhell and hazmissesyn
hazmissesyn Oh, my darling love 😢 Should I make a detour before heading to Bologna?
↳ yninhell No. NO! ‘s alright, really. I’m just not used to not having you around, that’s all. Btw I am really sorry for not being able to come with you 😔
↳ hazmissesyn Darling, please. We had this conversation a long time ago. You’re doing what you love, and I am so proud of your academic achievements, my angel ❤️
↳ yninhell Okay 🥺😔 I love you, you know that, right?
↳ hazmissesyn Of course I do, sunflower ❤️ I love you too ❤️
↳ juneli Hi, don’t mind me, I just wanted to let you know that you two are the sweetest, bye!
liked by yninhell and hazmissesyn
matt_james You need some company, rainbow?
↳ yninhell 👉🏻👈🏻 Yes 👉🏻👈🏻
↳ matt_james On my way with some sugar reinforcements 👌🏻
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yninhell I got flowers. He sent me flowers. I never got flowers before. I’m crying over a bunch of flowers and a simple little note.
I’m mentally at a very stable and steady place, yes.
I’m gonna leave now because I have a date with the screen of my mac to see my man sing while studying until my brain dies.
Liked by annetwist, matt_james, gemmastyles ans 9 others | 8 comments
annetwist Sweetheart, do you want to come over? We could enjoy the weather in the garden, eat enough cake for a school class, destress from all these exams you handle like a champion, and just enjoy each other’s company? The cats miss you too.
↳ gemmastyles I could make a detour on my way home! I wanted to go anyway ❤️
↳ yninhell Really? You’d do that? 🫣
liked by gemmastyles
↳ gemmastyles Of course, silly. You’re practically my sister at this point. I would do anything for you, sunny ❤️
↳ yninhell Okay, but only if it’s really not a hassle for you, G 🫣
↳ gemmastyles On my way!
liked by annetwist and yninhell
↳ annetwist Drive safe, Gem! See you soon, my gorgeous girls! ❤️
liked by yninhell and gemmastyles
hazmissesyn Damn, I knew I’d make it worse.
↳ jefezoff Told you those flowers weren’t the greatest idea.
↳ pillowpersonpp Urgh, men. Always have to explain everything to you. See, those flowers didn’t do anything. They’re only flowers. But it probably reminded her that she still has a week to push through. Give this woman some credit.
liked by mitchrowland and hazmissesyn
↳ jefezoff Oh.
↳ hazmissesyn Thanks, S ☹️
oscaratty And still you manage to look stunning. Mind telling me your secret?
↳ yninhell Years of practice, Attenbourgh. And years of fake it till you make it attitude.
↳ oscaratty Welp, that explains some things.
liked by juneli, yninhell and matt_james
»hazmissesyn changed handle to hazlovesyn«
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hazlovesyn Look at my gorgeous sunflower.
Liked by jefezoff, mitchrowland, pillowpersonpp and 7 others | 11 comments
mitchrowland Enjoy the break, man!
jefezoff We’ll see you in two weeks ❤️
juneli Hi thanks for allowing me to follow you and thanks for making her so happy byyyye
↳ hazlovesyn Thank you for watching after her while I was on tour ❤️
↳ juneli You don’t have to thank me (or us). That’s what best friends do 😊
liked by hazlovesyn
yninhell So many pictures with my face on them help.
↳ hazlovesyn I have even more 👀
↳ yninhell You are crazy, love 🫣
↳ hazlovesyn For you? Yes.
↳ yninhell You cheesy bastard 🥰
↳ hazlovesyn Your cheesy bastard 😚
↳ matt_james Awwww. Look at you two 🥰
pillowpersonpp We are really trying to give you some time alone, but I wanna see my friend again, soooo… we’re coming over in a couple of days. Just to give you a heads up x
↳ yninhell S!!!! I’m gonna bake you your favorites. Still up for chocolate fudge mitchrowland?
↳ mitchrowland Definitely! but you don’t have to bake. We can bring something from that patisserie around the corner. You have enough on your plate already.
↳ yninhell Oh, please. Why spend money if we all know that you love my stuff the most 🫣
↳ hazlovesyn I’m teaming up with my gorgeous girl. Plus, baking is her downtime
liked by yninhell, pillowpersonpp, and gemmastyles
↳ pillowpersonpp I’m not saying no to the promised goods 👀
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»yninhell via stories«
matt_james Enjoy it to the fullest!
oscaratty A baby suits you.
↳ yninhell Yeah, but not my current life“style”
juneli You look stunning, he looks stunning, everyone looks stunning and is his sister single and interested in woman? Asking for a friend
↳ gemmastyles That is very sweet of you, but I’m in very good hands 😙
↳ juneli Well, at least no one can say I didn’t try ☺️
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harrystylesfanpage Harry spotted today in Oxford, England!
Liked by hsfan1, hsfan2, hsfanpage, and 31,427 others | 8,960 comments
hsfan1 What is he dooooooooing there?
hsfan2 The most important question is: for who is that food in his hand? I saw some more pictures of him in that café, clearly choosing stuff he'd never eat O.O
↳ hsfan3 🤔😦
↳ hsfan4 I don't want to jinx anything, but he was seen there so often by now. Maybe he had a secret girlfriend 🥹🤭
↳ hsfan2 Would explain the weird food buys
hsfanpage Could we please talk about how at ease he looks??? Not a single care in the world 🥺
liked by a hsfan3, hsfan2, and 231 others
»yninhell changed handle to ynoncloudnine«
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hazlovesyn I love you with every fiber of my being, sunflower.
[tagged ynoncloudnine]
Liked by annetwist, matt_james, juneli, and 16 others | 11 comments
juneli I missed that smile on her face.
↳ matt_james Same
ynoncloudnine I love you more, baby 🥺
liked by matt_james, oscaratty, and 3 others
↳ hazlovesyn ☺️😘
oscaratty You two need to bring some sunshine back from Italy!
↳ ynoncloudnine I mean, I could try and ask miss sun very nicely?
↳ oscaratty Much appreciated 😎
↳ hazlovesyn She'd be at your feet, darling, because you're the prettiest sunflower
↳ ynoncloudnine 🥺🥺🥺
↳ oscaratty I really am happy for you both, but please THINK ABOUT ALL THESE SINGLES HERE 😭
annetwist Enjoy the downtime, my two loves 💕
liked by gemmastyles, ynoncloudnine, and juneli
↳ hazlovesyn Yes, mom ❤️
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pagesix Singer Harry Styles was spotted at various places along the Italian coast with a mysterious woman. According to their familiarity with one another, it is not far-fetched to say that the most eligible bachelor of the music industry is... off the market?!
Click the link in our bio to see more pictures of the supposedly happy couple!
Liked by hsfan1, hsfan3, mymanharry, and 2,587 others | 5,767 comments
hsfan1 Not page six again. Damn.
hsfan4 This is such an intrusive behavior towards them both. I'm so sick of all these tabloids.
↳ hsfan2 No wonder he keeps his life as private as possible x.x
harry_fangirl But... I love him and want to be with him 🥺😭
↳ hsfan3 Not to be the bad news bearer, but he doesn't know that you even exist, sweetie. So, shut up 😙
harrystylesfan I hate these pictures SO much, but I'm happy to see him this happy.
↳ hsfan7 Same. The struggle is real tho because we all know how much his privacy means to him.
liked by harrystylesfan, hsfan2, hsfan6, and 99 others
hsfan8 Okay, but they look hella cute together.
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harrystylesupdate More leaked pictures of Harry with the mysterious woman!
Liked by harrystylesfanpage, harryismyman, and 78 others | 348 comments
harrystylespage Oh, c'mon! First page six, now you too??? This is disgusting
hsfan1 Take these pictures down, NOW.
hsfan3 This is clearly a massive violation of his privacy. You're better than this.
hsfan4 I feel so sorry for her. I'm glad the media didn't already find out her name, and she's still safe from those bloody scavengers.
↳ harrystylesfan totally agree. But I fear it might not be long until they find out 🥺😭
↳ hsfan4 We will protect her on social media because she probably makes him super happy and doesn't deserve an ounce of hate.
liked by harrystylesfan, hsfan3, hsfan5, and 299 others
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dailymail The search has found its end! The mysterious woman who was seen with singer-songwriter and Grammy Award winner Harry Styles on various occasions in the past week now has a name to the pretty face: YN LN, a praised law student at the prestigious Oxford University. Sources close to her say that she and Harry grew up together but lost contact after the start of One Direction. Years later, they met coincidentally in London and revived their friendship—which obviously developed to more!
Check out the link in our bio for the full article about YN LN!
Liked by harrystylesfanpage, pagesix, harrymylove, and 12,446 others | 12,671 comments
harrystylesfan Ooooh, you poor bastards.
hsfan1 He will sue your sorry ass.
liked by juneli, matt_james, hsfan2, and 222 others
ynandharry She turned her Instagram private the second this shitpost was released.
harrymylove that YN bitch has to keep her hands off my boyfriend.
hsfan2 I feel so sorry for these two
↳ hsfan3 Me too. They don't deserve this.
i_love_YN poor babies 🥺❤️
harryismyman How this could've been me, wow.
↳ hsfan4 No, you bloody idiot.
hsfan5 All these people now screaming "this could've been/is supposed to be me": You need a reality check, fucking hell.
liked by harrystylesfan, ynandharry, an 38 others
The usually soft voice was filled with rage and hell-deep anger as it broke out of her almost shaking body. Her hands were formed into fists, and her heart ached at the thought of what Oscar had done.
How he had broken her trust.
How he had broken Harry's trust.
It made YN feel sick to her very core, almost unable to look into his crushed face, the same tears brimming his eyes she felt. They soon would break the barrier and escape her eyes, the woman was sure of it.
But not now. Not in front of him.
"You will shut your fucking mouth and listen to me, Attenbourgh," YN practically seethed, heart hammering in her chest, the sounds drowning everything around her. "You talked to these idiots! You spilled every single thing they wrote about me! You told them everything about our relationship! You are the reason why they won't leave me alone and why they keep on printing bullshit after bullshit!" The brunette took a shaky breath while one hand rubbed over her cheeks to eliminate every single trace of potential tear shedding. "I thought you were my friend, Oscar. I really, really thought you were my friend who I could trust with everything. But you broke every tiny piece of trust I have ever held for you."
YN felt so worn out. Exhausted. Ever since the first article had made its presence known on the internet, her phone didn't stop ringing. Everyone wanted to be her friend now. Everyone wanted to have a piece of the fame she never asked for. And then, June had called her and told her what Oscar had done. Now, the only thing she wanted to do was to bury herself in Harry's arms and disappear from this planet entirely.
Maybe they could move to the moon.
"YN, please, you have to listen to me!" A sad laugh escaped her at that, and she put the cup of soothing lavender tea a bit too hard down onto the kitchen counter between them. "Why? Hm? So you can lie right into my face? Is that giving you some sort of sick high? I could fucking sue your sorry little rich kid ass, but I just want you gone." She really didn't want him longer in her life than she could humanly endure.
But Oscar didn't grant her this wish, of course not. Instead, he rounded the small kitchen island YN had used as a distancing method, and suddenly, she felt herself cornered as he stepped closer and closer. "You have to understand me, YNN. My parents, they... they cut me off after I told them I would never break up with Jonathan, and... Fuck, I know I made a mess, but fucking hell, they said they wouldn't publish everything and only the parts about Harry and you, and they paid good, and I needed that money to-..."
YN wasn't sure when she had decided to raise her hand and slap his face. The only thing she knew was that she silenced him immediately, and the palm of her hand started to burn like hell. But she didn't even flinch at the pain.
"Fuck. Off."
Oscar couldn't move an inch before a set of feet stepped into the room, and another voice spoke up. "You heard her, mate. Fuck off," Harry almost growled and waited until the defeated man indeed left the apartment before he hurried himself over to YN and gently grabbed for the hand she still had slightly raised. "Oh, love," he whispered at the sight of the skin turning an angry shade of red. Softly, he coaxed her over to the sink and turned the cold water on, slowly pulling her hand under the stream. "I didn't know I would slap him." Her voice seemed far off, as if she was trapped in her own head, and Harry pulled her into his chest, bent his head, and pressed several kisses all over her forehead. "I'm just as surprised as you, love. But he deserved it, so don't beat yourself up too much about it. My wonderful, badass girl."
At least I made her smile, the singer thought as soon as he caught the twitch of her lips and couldn't help himself. He kissed them softly before turning his attention back to YN's hand. "Feelin' better?" At her nod, he hummed lowly and turned off the water, and dried her hand off but didn't release her out of his arm. But YN wouldn't think about leaving the safest place in the world.
"I'm sorry," she suddenly whispered, and Harry made her look up at him, nudging her face upwards with a finger under her chin. "For what on earth are you apologizing, love?" YN shrugged and swallowed dryly. "For exposing your privacy to the world. For making this mess. If I weren't me, if I were some sort of famous individual, it wouldn't be that big of a deal. But... but I'm just me. A poor law student, a nobody. And they won't stop any time soon to drag every piece of information about us, about you, out in the open because it's quick money for them." Ever since she had seen those pictures—and had read every single article circulating the web—YN had felt awful, even though it wasn't even her fault. But her brain couldn't leave her alone.
"Hey Hey Hey." Harry pulled her back into reality, out of her thoughts, by cupping her face with both hands and leaning their foreheads against each other. YN took a deep breath, inhaled his soothing scent, and listened to his calming voice. "It is not your fault. Never was, never will be. You're not a nobody, you're bloody everything to me. And even if you were a famous individual, to use your words, they would be just as much at your throat as they're now. I'm used to this. I'm used to seeing how every single of my steps and my entire life gets analyzed by people who never knew me and never will know me. But you are not. And I will do everything to keep you as safe as I possibly can, my love. I promise."
And YN knew that he meant every single word as she looked into his mesmerizing eyes and nodded, barely palpable. "Okay," she whispered against his lips and accepted the tender kiss of his soft mouth. "Could we... could we go and see your family? Just... getting out of here, turning off our phones, and ignoring the world until you have to leave for your North America tour leg?" Harry smiled gently at her request and kissed her another time, just because he could. "Of course, love. Anything you want."
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variety We had the honor to speak with singer-songwriter and Grammy Award winner Harry Styles during his short break from his Love On Tour world tour.
"It's fascinating—well, fascinating is the wrong word, but I can't come up with another one. But in a weird way, it's fascinating how people who will never know you personally assume the strangest of things only to enrich themselves through other people's lives. It is one thing to do this with people like me—people in the spotlight because we choose this life freely. But it's a whole other thing to do this to people who never wanted this. And no, the fact of dating a human being standing in the spotlight doesn't change a thing about this. We really need to start treating other people's privacy as something sacred again because that's what it is: a space no outsider is supposed to be let in, not even by brutal force."
Liked by hsfan1, hsfan2, annetwist, matt_james, and 999,561 others | 320,916 comments
juneli 💯
hsfan1 "This will be the only thing I'll say about my relationship until she tells me a further reaching Okay: YN is the most incredible woman on this planet, and I was never happier in my life. So, yes, I have found my match." Gosh, Harry 🥺❤️
↳ hsfan2 He is basically perfect!
↳ harrystylesfan I'm so in love with how he treats her and how he checks in with her if it's okay to talk publicly about them. That's how you do it. That's healthy communication.
liked by matt_james, juneli, hsfan2 and 13 others
ynandharry I love seeing him this content and happy :)
i_love_YN i think they will be okay. More than okay 💕
hsfan3 He called the tabloid's bullshit out, and I'm sure he already sues the shit out of them.
↳ hsfan4 He actually said something about that. Well, he hinted at it almost at the end: "You do know that my woman is studying law and probably knows every single way of how to sue someone by heart?"
liked by harrystylesfan, hsfan1, ynandharry, and 301 others
hsfan5 I love Happy!Harry. I love their relationship. It's so good for him 💕
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matt_james A trip to the bookshop around the corner is better than therapy.
Her words, not mine 👀
Liked by juneli, hazlovesyn, ynoncloudnine, and 4 others | 5 comments
ynoncloudnine I mean, it's true.
↳ juneli I 100% agree
↳ ynoncloudnine Plus, books are way cheaper than therapy. And not so mentally exhausting 😎
liked by juneli and gemmastyles
hazlovesyn And there I thought she would only look at me that way 😦
↳ matt_james Sorry, mate. Guess you got outsourced 🤔
↳ ynoncloudnine Oh, please. You knew I love books... just as much as I love you 😙
↳ hazlovesyn That thinking took a bit too long for my liking 🥲
↳ matt_james Don't worry, Harry. She definitely loves you more. She can't shut up about you 👀
↳ ynoncloudnine Yuuuup 🤭
liked by hazlovesyn
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ynoncloudnine You will always be the keeper of my heart.
Liked by hazlovesyn, gemmastyles, juneli, and 3 others | 4 comments
hazlovesyn ❤️❤️❤️
gemmastyles Too. Freaking. Cute. For. My. Heart
juneli 😭❤️
matt_james I called "soulmates" a long time ago 🥰
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annetwist My amazingly strong girl. I could not be more proud of you 💕
Liked by harrystyles, gemmastyles, hsfan1, hsfan2 and 2,316 others
»annetwist turned off comments on this post«
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gemmastyles She will eat you alive.
Liked by matt_james, juneli, harrystyles, and 997 others
»gemmastyles turned off comments on this post«
This got way longer than initially planned, but I started this last summer, and now I couldn't stop (no, I didn't get lazy towards the end, nope, nope, nope lol). I think it's bad, but I still hope y'all liked it <33
Taglist: @onecrazydirectioner @nyctophilic0vitnir @grapejuice-rry @harianaswhore
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blackcoffeemedia · 2 years
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echogears · 6 years
Much-Needed Medical Assistance
Though the news of their return wasn’t as well-broadcasted as the news of their botnapping, it was made known to the general public that Time man and Oil man had returned to Light Labs under mysterious circumstances. It seemed that nobody would get to know the scale of Wily’s blundering today.
One of the people who were made aware of this was Fretta, who was currently tending to her comatose sister. By this point, the chances of her waking up looked pretty slim, and if she didn’t get her sister help soon, then Zoose’s magic would have only delayed the worst.
She was so focused on tending to Gale’s needs that she almost didn’t notice what was playing on the news in the background. In fact, if it weren’t for Compan, she wouldn’t have registered what was being said. it was only meant to be background noise, after all.
“Uh, Fretta, you might want to listen to the news.” Compan advised, turning up the volume. Casting a quick glance over, Fretta saw an anchorwoman speaking, with a picture of Time man and Oil man in front of Light Labs.
“..while Mega City police have no leads on how these two returned home, I am sure I speak for all of us when I say that we are simply glad these two are no longer under Wily’s control and can go back to working at the Institute.” The anchor then continued on with the next news story.
Fretta immediately understood what Compan was getting at. “Oh! So you think I could get Time man to help me with Gale? That’s an excellent idea! I’ll go call the Institute right away- can you turn the TV off?” Click. “Thanks.”
Pulling out her cellphone, she dialed the Institute’s number.
“Hello, you’ve reached the Institute. If you have a medical emergency, please call 911. Can I help you?” A woman’s voice sounded from the other end. She must be a receptionist of some sort.
“Uh, yes, this is Fretta Fermatta. I don’t have an emergency exactly, but I do urgently need to speak to Time man.”
“Do you have an appointment?”
“No, ma’am, but my sister is in a coma and is missing half her brain so I really need to talk to Time man.”
There was a pause before she replied, “I’ll tell him to call you back, but whether or not he responds is up to him.” The woman then hung up.
Fretta groaned- Time man had always been a bit distant- would he even call back? After a good twenty minutes of her pacing the room had passed, she was beginning to think he wouldn’t when suddenly her phone rang. Swiftly pulling it out of her pocket, she answered the call, holding the device up to her ear.
“Hello? Fretta Fermatta here.”
“Hello Fretta. I was made aware of your call earlier.” Yes, it was Time man! Fretta felt herself being flooded with relief. “I know you you said it’s not an emergency but I’m bringing over an ambulance anyways. It will be here in a few minutes to pick up you and your sister. I will be waiting in the entrance to the ER section. I expect you to be punctual.” Once again, another sudden hang up, but that was okay. Her sister was going to be getting help. Everything would be alright.. hopefully.
When the ambulance arrived, it didn’t arrive with wailing sirens, but rather with a knock at the door. When Fretta went to answer it, there were three men waiting, all in their Institute uniforms. Two of them were holding a stretcher.
“You’re Fretta, right? We’re here to transport your sister.”
“Yes, that’s me. She’s right over there.” Fretta pointed to her sister and the man peered around the door to look. “Oh, and uh, please come in.” Realizing her minor social faux pass she quickly opened the door, and the three men stepped inside. Fretta noticed that they made sure to wipe their feet before entering- how polite.
She then watched as Gale was loaded into a stretcher. Despite her gruesome appearance, the men didn’t comment on it and remained professional the entire time, which she was thankful for.
The ambulance ride was largely uneventful, save for one of the men asking her various questions about Gale and her condition. Fretta answered each one, and before long they arrived at the Institute.
Stepping out of the ambulance, she watched as the men wheeled Gale inside, and she followed closely behind them. Upon entering, she saw Time man sitting patiently in the waiting room. he stood up when she approached, and held out his hand, which she shook.
“Good, you’re on time. We’ll have to discuss the details of your sister’s condition. While the nurses get Gale in a stable setup, let’s discuss. Come, I’ll take you to my office.”
The next hour was spent with Fretta and Time planning out the procedure. Since this would involve both surgery and prosthetics, Time couldn’t do this one his own and would need Fretta’s expertise. This was something that she was quite happy to provide.
After planning out the prosthetics, Time explained the plan.
“Okay, so the best way to go about this would be to get her into a stable condition, which we’re doing now. We’ll have the artificial section of her head be permanently attached. I mean, we can still remove it if maintenance or surgery is needed in the future, but it can’t be casually removed because it will be in charge of some rather important bodily functions.” 
Fretta nodded to make sure he knew she was listening, and he continued.
“Now, due to the nature of the alloys and materials used to create realistic bodies such as the one I have, it’s highly likely that Gale’s body will reject them, so we’ll need to acquire different metals. They’ll be harder to shape, but they’ll be more sturdy, lightweight and resistant to wear and tear. However, despite this, I suggest that when you build these parts for her you allow for a means of customization. It’s not necessary for her physical health, but it’s been shown to be a considerable benefit to a patient’s mental health, and as her sister I’m sure you want that.”
“Of course. This is probably going to be really hard for her. I want her to be as happy as she can be.”
Time nodded. “Now, the artificial brain and everything connected to it is the only thing we need quickly. I understand that this is a massive undertaking and I will get you as much help as I can. Perhaps even Dr. Light could assist you.” He didn’t seem to notice the slight twitch Fretta’s face made as he said this. “While you make the rest of the prosthetics with the team I assign you, Gale will be undergoing psychiatric evaluation and physical therapy, and then further physical therapy once the prosthetics are in place.”
Fretta butted in here, “Just... one question. Will I be able to quality for some kind of assistance for paying this off? I’m... Well, my own line of work hasn’t been entirely successful lately, so I’m starting to run out of funds as it is and I won’t be able to afford all of it.”
“Well, there is one thing you could do. We’re a bit lacking in the roboticist department since most people in the field would rather work independently. If you agree to a partnership with us then I would waive the fee entirely.”
Fretta nodded earnestly. “I think that would be a huge benefit to both of us. I would like to get a contract though.”
“Of course, of course. I’ll go over all the details with you when the time comes. Now, let’s go check in on Gale’s progress, there’s some data we’ll need in order to continue.”
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jhoons · 3 years
these are all in 1080p, some stages for jpn will be uploaded next week! cc’s lemme know in the tags if u still want stuff without the audio lmao otherwise i’ll just keep those parts for me to gif alone :’) 
10 Months + Not For Sale Acoustic Ver.
Attention, Please! + Go Big or Go Home
Upper Side Dreamin’
Just A Little Bit + Ending
tmi: please thank my laptop, it almost died recording these and i can’t even upload 2nd half of day 1 bc the audio went crunchy since my laptop was cooking itself LMAO. unfortunately i’m not able to upload the entire thing bc there’s 3.5hrs worth of footage and i recorded everything in 4k which had to be compressed bc that’s my laptop resolution. everything from D1 came down to 20gb when initially i had like 130gb of footage... idk how uploaders do this haha. also shoutouts to tiff for letting me use her stream!! <33 tldr; i cant upload everything bc the files are massive and i have australian wifi :’)
193 notes · View notes
khoicesbyk · 3 years
The Royal Romance.
Heavy Is The Head.
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A/N: Whether this becomes an actual series or not: We shall see.
Rated: Mature. | Contains sexual content and strong language. (You know? The usual from me. 😁) | Bolded and/or italicized words are conversations and thoughts of the characters. | Main Characters: King Marquise Rys (LI) and Queen Shanelle Miller-Rys (MC) | All Characters and names: (except MC and original characters created by me) are property of Pixelberry.
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^Shameless birthday plug. Why? Because it's my birthday and I'm completely shameless. 🤷🏾‍♀️😁💃🏾🙌🏾👏🏾
This is a birthday present to myself by myself! And what better present than a birthday fic.
Current Word Count: 6,890 words. (more or less. I stop counting after editing and re-editing. 🤷🏾‍♀️)
Tag List: @shewillreadyou @therideordiechronicles @nina01040 @storyflirting @twistedjaee @tessa-liam @kingliam2019 @pixie88 @secretaryunpaid @aussieez @txemrn @lucy-268 @sfb123 @chemist-ana @choicesficwriterscreations @texaskitten30
I had this done a week ago but I kept adding and taking out parts, paragraphs and dialogue. But now it's done for real this time. I hope you enjoy!
Chapter 1.) The New Normal.
In King Henry IV, Part Two, William Shakespeare wrote the words “uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.” It was later translated into modern English as “Heavy is the head that wears the crown.”
5:30 am.
That’s the time the alarm on King Marquise’s phone went off. After rolling over to silence his phone, Marquise sat up, and with a yawn and a roll of his neck and shoulders, he’s out of bed. After stretching he turns his attention to the woman in his bed. The one he calls his savior, his Goddess, his true north. The woman who captured his heart so long ago. His Queen. Shanelle Miller is everything that he could have hoped, dreamed, prayed, and wished for as a wife and mother. Every day that he spends with her as his and his alone is a day he thanks God for.
He stands and watches her chest rise and fall as she sleeps soundly in their bed. He leaned over and moved a few stray strands of her hair from in front of her face.
“Good morning my love. I'll see you when I get back from my run.” He whispered to her before pressing a soft kiss to her forehead.
He quietly crept into his closet and changed into his workout clothes then grabbed his phone, AirPods, and Apple Watch before he left the main sleeping quarters where his wife slept and walked down the hall.
Being The King Of Cordonia is an incredible honor and opportunity. But it's not without its dangers and exceedingly high expectations and standards. Marquise has an obligation to Cordonia and especially to her people. And every day he bears the weight of it all. For two reasons, the two he calls his sun and stars. His wife and his daughter.
He walks until he comes to a door with a bright purple K on it. It’s his daughter’s bedroom. And just outside her bedroom door is a portrait that means more to him than all the literal gold in the family vault. It’s a portrait he took with his mother. He stops and runs a hand over the frame as he gazes at the portrait. It’s one of the most vivid memories he has of his mother when she was alive. He was 5 when she had the portrait commissioned. And sitting there to have it painted with her meant everything to him. He smiles wistfully at the painting before closing his eyes.
“Tu me manques tellement, ma mère. J'espère vous avoir rendu fier de Moi.”, he whispered in French as he leaned his head against the frame.
After staying for a few more seconds he stepped back then quietly opened Khari’s bedroom door. He carefully stepped into her room and stopped to look at his sleeping princess. She was curled up with her stuffed dragon Dagon and her kitten Paisley at her side. The family of corgis were sleeping together at the foot of her bed. Seeing her sleeping soundly made his heart melt. Lightly tapping on his right thigh he woke up Ozzie.
“Wake up Oz! We gotta go!” He whispered to his favorite canine companion.
Ozzie slowly roused from his sleep and blinked sleepily then looked up at Marquise before slowly rising and stretching. He was careful not to wake his mate Belle or their puppies Lucky and Lady. With a shake of his head, Ozzie was at Marquise’s side.
“Good boy Oz! Now let’s go. The boys are probably outside waiting on us.”
With one last look at his daughter and the family of corgis, he and Ozzie quietly leave Khari’s bedroom. They head out of the main bedroom wing and down the hall to the main staircase, where his majesty stops at a side table and grabs a leash for Ozzie before heading down the stairs and out the main entrance. When they walked out and across the lawn of the palace, his older brother Leo and his two best friends Maxwell Beaumont and Drake Walker were waiting for him and Ozzie.
“Ozzie!” The three exclaimed.
“What?! No love for your ruling monarch?”
“Dude. The whole kingdom loves you.” Leo replied with a roll of his eyes.
“Yeah! You don’t need us stroking your ego.” Drake quipped.
“He’s got a big ego…” Maxwell teased.
“Scallywags! The lot of ya!”
The four shared a hearty laugh.
“Alright your Majesty! What are we doing this morning?”
“10 miles. 5 miles up and 5 miles down.”
“This has got to be illegal somewhere!” Maxwell whined.
“Yeah. You were Crown Prince once. Isn't it illegal to torture people without just cause?” Drake asked.
Leo sighed dramatically.
“If it is, I guarantee you he changed the law when he became King.”
“Happy to hear that you all understand why I am in charge.”
The three groaned collectively.
“Ready to go Oz?”
Ozzie barked in agreement.
“That's the spirit! Now let's go!”
And with that, they were off on their run with Ozzie at their side.
He enjoys his early morning runs with them. It helps keep him centered in reality. It reminds him that he is a man first and then a King. Besides, keeping his physique in tip-top shape for his wife is a bonus for him. He loves to give Shanelle something to drool over. These runs also remind him that he will always have his friends and his older brother to lean on and rely on. They are his most trusted advisors in both life and the Royal Council.
As his heart pumps during the run, his thoughts take him to the most recent events. The Via Imperii is the latest threat to his kingdom. This secret society is dangerous and has big plans for his kingdom. Plans he's not exactly keen on.
His reign as King of Cordonia has felt like it's been one crisis after another. From assassination attempts to coups to forced betrothal's to finding out that two members of his father's court were responsible for his mother's death on top of finding out that he has a long-lost sister, Marquise has dealt with it all. All while trying to run a kingdom and raise a daughter. What's more, no matter how much he wants to say to hell with this so-called secret society, he knows that he can't put Cordonia or his family and friends at risk. So he grins and bears it.
And lately, he's begun to question himself as King. He's also begun to understand why his father ruled the way he did. Constantine was paranoid as King. He felt he couldn't trust anyone, much less those in his own court. He used to have strong diplomatic ties with several allied countries but that all changed after Queen Eleanor was killed. And as a King himself, Marquise now understands his father's paranoia. But he refuses to let his life be ruled by or rule Cordonia by fear. He just has to find a way out of this.
7:15 am.
Marquise, Ozzie, and the boys soon finish their run just as the sun begins to come up over the palace.
“Well, that was fun!”
“Dude you’re a sadist!” Drake quipped.
“No, my wife is a sadist. I'm an innocent angel, who just happens to enjoy torturing you lot.”
The three men groan.
“I'm starting to regret my abdication.”
“Ugh! Everything hurtsssssss!” Maxwell complained as he laid out in the grass.
“Oh quit your whining! Be like Ozzie. Stoic!”
He smirks as his friends and brother narrow their eyes at him.
“You're lucky we can't touch you because you’re the King!” Drake sneered.
“I don’t know, I think I might have to pull out my older brother card. That trumps his King card.”
Marquise rolled his eyes at Leo.
“Let me get Ozzie inside. I'll see you guys at the Council meeting later.”
“Yup.” the boys replied.
With that, he and Leo head inside then back to their respective wings of the palace, while Drake and Maxwell head off to their flats near the palace. After getting Ozzie settled, Marquise headed to his quarters where he found his wife trying to silence the alarm on her phone. He stood quietly snickering to himself as he watched as she unsuccessfully hit her phone repeatedly.
He finally took pity on her and silenced her alarm. She briefly looked up at him with one eye open before turning over and burying herself in their covers.
“Wake up my love.” he gently whispered in her ear.
She groaned into her pillow.
“Now now. It's time to get up.”
“I don't want to be an adult today!”
“You're not being an adult, my love. You’re being The Queen.”
“I don't want to do that either!”
“Shanelle…” his tone was firm but gentle.
“Noooooooo…” she whined.
He shook his head at her.
“Very well. Have it your way…”
He stood up and with a shrug, he grabbed the covers and yanked them off of her causing her to bolt up in their bed.
“Just the way I like to see you. Breathing hard with your hair everywhere.”
She glared at him before throwing a pillow at him.
“Now is that any way for My Queen to behave?”
She let out a frustrated sigh.
“Of all the times for you to be a King…” she muttered as she crossed her arms.
He smirked as he held out his hand to help her out of bed. She gave him a side-eye before he helped her out of bed and into his arms.
“You're all sweaty.”
“I mean I just came back from my morning run with the guys.” he said with a shrug.
“Which means you haven't been in the shower yet! Yuck!”
He snickered as he tightened his arms around her.
“You like it…” he whispered before nipping at the bottom of her right ear.
“Let me go!”
He groans as he buries his face into the crook of her neck.
“You need to go get in the shower! And so do I!”
He doesn't stop. Instead, he slides one hand down her back while the other stays in the center of her back. Doing so raised goosebumps on her skin, sent chills down her spine, and caused her back to slightly arch.
“Marquise!” she pouted.
He was thankful that she loved falling asleep in his old oversized Harvard t-shirt because it just barely covered the bottom of her ass.
“Let me go!”
“If I do that, you’ll start pouting again.” He whispered harshly in her ear.
She continued to squirm in his arms. But no matter how much she wriggled he would not let her go. It wasn't until he grabbed a handful of her ass that she finally put her foot down.
“Okay! Okay! Enough! We are not doing this! We need to go get in the shower before the munchkin wakes up! Now!”
With a groan of reluctance, he lets her go.
“Spoilsport…” he mutters.
“At least you’re all hot and bothered and sweaty.”
Shanelle rolled her eyes and as she went to walk past him he slapped her on her ass causing her to let out a yelp.
“Hey! Easy on the merchandise! You break it, you’re buying me another Birkin!”
“I am not buying you another one of those overpriced handbags.”
She stalked off into the bathroom without another word.
After taking a good long hot shower. Marquise was just about ready when his gaze fell on his cufflinks. One pair had his mother's royal portrait in them. And the other pair had his parent's wedding photo. Shanelle had them custom-made for their wedding anniversary. He settled on the pair with his mother's portrait.
He missed her dearly. Before Shanelle and Khari, Eleanor was the love of his life.
She was born Eleanor Anyango in Nyambura. A small village outside of Nairobi, Kenya. When she was 10 her mother took a job in the distant kingdom of Auvernal as a chambermaid for the royal family. As she grew up became interested in finance, so when she returned from college at Oxford University, she became a member of the Royal Treasury. That's where she met a young King Constantine Rys. The two were soon madly in love and when she married him in 1984, she went from deputy Treasury Director to Queen of Cordonia.
Two years after being married to Constantine, Eleanor was finally pregnant. They had a few fertility struggles but she was finally able to carry to term. She had her only boy. She named him Marquise Constantine Rys. She never got to see him become The King she knew he could be. Nor did she get to meet Shanelle or her beautiful granddaughter. And it’s the biggest regret that Marquise has ever had.
He stares at the cufflinks a few seconds more before slipping them on with a faint smile. He soon left his closet and went to check if Shanelle was ready. When he stepped into her closet, he was struck by the sight of his wife putting on her lotion. Her hair was still damp and her brown skin shined in the light.
“I thought putting lotion on you was my job.”
Shanelle shrugged innocently.
“You took too long. So I was forced to do it myself.”
“How can I make it up to you, my queen?”
“You can help me pick which perfume I'm wearing.”
“At your service my love!”
She threw him a wink over her shoulder as she walked over to the cabinet with her perfume in it. He followed behind her.
“How many bottles do you have?”
“At last count? 95.”
“Sheesh! And here I thought you had too many bags.”
“A. I will cut you for that comment. And B. you’re the one who's always buying me perfume.”
“Well, now I know not to buy you any more perfume. Or bags. Or shoes. Or jewelry. Or anything else, clothes and accessories related.”
Shanelle rolled her eyes at him.
“Yeah, I know. So let's find your scent for the day.”
After going through her many bottles of perfume, they finally settled on two of them.
“I'm thinking of either my favorite Burberry scent. You know the one that smells like berries? Or maybe I'll go with the Prada one you bought me for Valentine's Day.”
“Hmm…let me see.”
Marquise took the Burberry perfume and lightly spritzed the inside of her right wrist before taking a sniff.
“I need a better spot to test.”
Shanelle arched an eyebrow.
“Uh huh.”
She tilted her head so he could lightly spritz her neck. He already knew this perfume was the one.
“How is it no matter what you always manage to look beautiful?”
“That doesn't answer the question, your majesty.”
“This is the one.”
“Thank you. Now move it so I can get dressed. I have an event to host today.”
“Oh? I don't remember seeing anything on your calendar.”
“That's because it's not a Cordonian event.”
“Yeah. It's the Via Imperii’s Ladies Of Prestige And Power Luncheon. Queen Sigrid all but insisted it be held here and that I host it.”
“You sound thrilled.”
Shanelle cut her eyes at him.
“You see this face? Does this face look like someone who wants to host a luncheon for a bunch of snobs?”
Marquise snickered.
“That is why I married you.”
“No, you married me because your only other alternatives for Queen were Olivia or Madeleine.”
Marquise shrugged.
“You're not wrong.”
“Of course I'm not wrong. Olivia would've had this country in constant war and Madeleine would have turned you into a raging alcoholic.”
“That's a little grim.”
“But still not wrong.”
“Okay fine.”
“So see? You had to marry me. For King and Country!”
Marquise shook his head and smirked.
“Speaking of which, have I kissed you today?”
“No. You woke me up and tried to use me as a towel.”
“I’m shirking my duties!”
“Indeed you are, my king.”
“Allow me to remedy that!”
He captured her lips in a passion-filled kiss.
“I hate it when you do that.” Shanelle pouted.
“Because I never want you to stop.”
“Well in that case…”
He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into another deep kiss. He loved to leave her breathless and wanting for more.
“I should let you get dressed.”
“You should but knowing you, you won't.”
“You're right. I won't. So let's get you out of this robe.”
Shanelle let her robe drop to the floor and it didn't take long to pop the buttons of his shirt open. She was soon rewarded with another passionate kiss from her husband.
“You are such a tease, your majesty.”
“Trust me, that was nothing.”
With no effort at all, Marquise picked her up and wrapped her legs around his waist, and walked her backward until she was just barely sitting on the edge of a dresser.
“This is how I like you.”
“And how is that?”
“At my mercy.”
Shanelle smirked.
“I am yours, my king.”
He smiled against her lips before kissing her again. She was his addiction. He believed strongly that if his queen wasn't happy then no one was happy. So he always made sure that she was happy, satisfied, and fulfilled in every way possible.
He slowly trailed kisses along her jawline to her ear and then down the left side of her neck. With each kiss being more heated than the last.
While he nursed her pulse line, his hands played with her breasts. She loved feeling his hands on her skin. Especially feeling the pads of his thumbs circle her nipples.
“Yessssssssssssss…” she moaned softly.
His majesty was getting the reaction he wanted from his wife. His lips soon went from nursing her pulse line to her breasts. She leaned back slightly to give him better access.
To him, she isn't just an addiction. She is an obsession that would sometimes borderline on a fetish depending on the day. He focused his lips on her right breast. Licking, sucking and nipping at her nipple with his teeth and his left hand was focused on rubbing and pinching her left nipple. He loves to drive her insane. And while it sometimes annoyed her, she loved it just the same.
When he glanced up at her face, her eyes were closed and she had her bottom lip between her teeth. He smiled to himself as he went back to teasing her. He slipped his right hand between her thighs earning him a groan of approval from his wife. He could feel the heat radiating from her core on his hand as he inched it closer. He could hear the desperation in her breathing.
“Someone is happy to see me.”
“Will you just shut up and fuck me now?”
Marquise cocked an eyebrow at her.
“Such language! Quite unbecoming of a woman of your station, my queen.”
Shanelle groaned impatiently.
“Let's see. What do you want?”
As he asked the question, his fingers brushed against her very wet slit.
“Do you want this?”
To illustrate his point he circled her clit with his thumb. Causing her to shiver and her eyes to flutter closed.
“Or do you want this?”
He slipped a finger inside her. He moved his finger in and out of her entrance. He watched her as she bit her bottom lip to suppress a moan.
“Hmm? What was that my love? I couldn't quite hear you.”
He loved to watch her lose control.
“Tell me what you want, my love.”
“I want you!”
With a victorious grin, Marquise dove headfirst into his queen. Her eyes snapped open when his tongue made contact with her clit.
“Ohhhh, God! Yes!” she moaned.
If there was anything that His Majesty knew quite well, it was his wife’s body. He knew every sensitive spot and he knew how to exploit those spots. With her legs over his shoulders, Marquise took his time eating her out. He took his cues from the different octaves her voice reached. It's how he knew when to switch between using his tongue and his fingers.
“God! Yes!”
He loved to hear her beg him for more. He made it his mission to always give her the most fulfilling orgasms. And this moment was no different. She was at his mercy and he was determined to take advantage of the opportunity.
“Baby just like that!”
He used his tongue to write his name across her clit while using his fingers as pistons inside her. He felt her legs begin to shake and could hear her moans begin to turn into shrieks that much like her breathing she was struggling to control. She had both hands white-knuckling the edge of the dresser as she rode his fingers. She was close; he felt it as her thighs squeezed around his neck. This was her way of keeping him in place as she rode out her orgasm.
“Oh shit! There! Right there! Just like that baby! Just like that!”
“Shhh, my love!”
“As much as I love seeing our little one, I don't think we want her barging in here to investigate why she heard her mother screaming her head off. Might scar her for life.”
She wanted to go over the edge into sweet orgasmic oblivion but she couldn't quite get over that hurdle so to speak. Luckily for her, he knew exactly what she needed.
“You might want to hang on, my love. And for the love of God, keep it down!”
He replaced his fingers with his tongue. Her thighs squeezed his neck as her body shook. He stopped long enough to encourage her.
“That's it, my love. Let go. Cum for me.”
She had a vice-like grip on the dresser and bit down hard on her bottom lip to muffle her scream, as she rode in his tongue over the edge into her orgasm. When he let her go, she had light bruises on her thighs from where his fingers were. She laid against the top of the dresser so she could catch her breath.
“My favorite!” he quipped before licking her juices off his fingers.
“I…hate…you!” she said breathlessly.
He snickered.
“I love you too. Now I'm gonna freshen up then go get the princess while you get dressed. Sound good?”
“Yeah. Yeah.”
“That's my girl!”
With a quick kiss, Marquise left her to freshen up before going to see about his little one. Being a dad was the highlight of his life. Khari was his sun, moon, and stars. When he got to her room, she was already awake. She was sitting on her bed reading to Paisley, Lucky, and Lady. When she looked up from her book she smiled before throwing her arms around his neck.
“Good morning daddy!”
His heart stuttered.
“Good morning precious. How are you?”
“I'm good.”
“Did you sleep well little one?”
“Uh-huh! But now I'm hungry.”
“Okay well let's get you dressed and we'll go meet your mother for breakfast.”
“Okay, daddy.”
He followed her into her closet and helped her pick her outfit for the day before helping her brush her teeth and get dressed. Normally her mother would do this but today he felt like taking a swing at it. Once she was dressed, they met Shanelle in the main hallway then made their way to the dining area where breakfast was waiting.
After breakfast, Marquise gave his wife and daughter a kiss goodbye as they got ready for Shanelle's event. While he left to host the Prime Ministers of Norway and Sweden in his study.
9:47 am.
While his Swedish and Norwegian were a tad bit rusty, his meeting included talks about possible tax incentives, opening consumer markets, each other's families, and NATO alliances went off without a hitch. Marquise was pleased to have made progress with two key European allies.
1:49 pm.
After a quick bite for lunch, his majesty then got ready for the Royal Council meeting.
While they weren't his favorite subject of conversation, he was thankful that he at least had his two best friends and older brother on the council with him. They made the meetings a lot more manageable. Especially Maxwell. During the meeting, he announced that there would be a tax increase on the nobility to help fund a new healthcare plan for the people.
While it wasn't received enthusiastically, many couldn't stop him from implementing this new law. Simply because the King’s word is final. Marquise prides himself on being for the people of Cordonia. Much like his mother Eleanor was. She believed in the ideal that Cordonia thrives for and because of the people. And not the nobility.
As he sat in his office with a glass of Scotch in his hand, he gazed at the photo on the desk of Shanelle and Khari from a month before. They had gone to Applewood for the rededication of the Applewood Orchard. And he snapped a picture of his girls after they tried the first harvest since the orchard was burned. He smiles at the photo of them smiling. They are what drives him to be a better husband, father, and King.
As he looked around his office his gaze stopped on the royal portrait of his father Constantine. It was commissioned right after he was crowned. Constantine Leonidas Rys was a complicated man in his later years. But in his youth especially when he was Crown Prince he was the life of the party. He was always reliable when it came to a good stiff drink and a great political debate. When he married Lady Debra Onasis of House Vescovi on August 21st, 1980, it was an arranged marriage between his father King Leonardo, and her father Duke Julian.
They might not have been in love at least but both cared for one another. When Debra gave birth to Leo in 1982, Constantine was thrilled as were his parents. But Debra was not. She loved her son deeply and dearly but life as Queen of Cordonia wasn't what she thought it would be. The pressure became too much for her and she left. Leaving Constantine to raise Leo by himself until he met young Eleanor Anyango on a diplomatic trip to Auvernal and the rest became history until her untimely death.
He was much older and set in his old ways when he met Regina Amaranth in Fydelia. But was smitten nonetheless. When they married Leo was 17 and Marquise was 13. Both care deeply for their stepmother as she does for them.
Marquise will admit that his father wasn't always the easiest to get along with. They butted heads more often than not but Marquise loved his father nonetheless. So when it was revealed that he was behind the plot to frame Shanelle, Marquise took it hard. He couldn't believe that his father would be so nefarious and yet he was. It changed their relationship entirely. With Marquise wondering if he could even fully trust his dad ever again.
It wasn't until Constantine died saving him that the voice in his head that questioned their relationship was silenced for good. Because as his father laid there dying none of it mattered. All that mattered was trying to save him. He needed to save him. He had to. There was so much that he needed to say, so much he wanted to say but he never got the chance to.
So whenever he looked at his father's portrait, he can't help but wonder what he would've said to him. But today he was brought out of his reverie by a knock at his door.
“Come in!” he announced.
An aide stepped in.
“Pardon the interruption your majesty, but Lord Vancoeur would like a word in private with you.”
Marquise rolled his eyes internally.
“Let him in.”
“Yes, my king.”
The aide disappeared then reappeared with Neville trailing behind him.
“Thank you. That will be all.”
“Yes, your majesty. Your Grace.”
The aide soon left and it was just him and Neville.
“Neville! To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“I came by to discuss your new tax hike on the nobility.”
“Please have a seat, Lord Vancoeur.”
Neville took a seat across from him.
“Now, what would you like to discuss?”
“Simple. I demand that you rescind the new tax law immediately.”
“Yes. It's a frivolous law. And I want it stricken down! We are the populace’s betters! We should not be paying more in taxes! We should be living as the nobility that we are!”
Marquise schooled his annoyance behind a stoic mask.
“You do realize that's not how this works right?”
Neville scoffed.
“It is where our mutual friends are concerned. I would hate for them to have to force you and your wife to change the law.”
Marquise set his jaw as his eyebrow twitched.
“After all, we're both members, Marquise.”
“Your Majesty.” Marquise corrected him.
“There was nothing wrong with what I just said to you.”
“Actually there is. You may be a member of the Via Imperii but not only are you a very low member on their totem pole Neville but you're still Cordonian nobility so long as I allow you to be.”
“Oh come now Marquise! You can't be–”
“So don't you dare for one second think that I'm not well within my right as your monarch to strip you and your house of your lands and titles!” Marquise sneered.
Neville sank into his seat.
“That's what I thought. Now get out of my office, Lord Vancoeur.”
Neville got up without a word.
“Oh! And one more thing! You ever call me by my first name again, and I will personally see to it that you are thrown into a dungeon just for annoying the hell out of me.”
The color drained from Neville’s face.
“Have a good rest of your day.”
And just like that Marquise was alone once again.
Hearing the Via Imperii’s name, much less speaking it, always put him in a bad headspace. This is why he struggles with his wife being part of The Circle. He trusts her implicitly but he's seen firsthand what lengths they're willing to go to, to get what they want.
A prime example of this was them revealing that he has a younger sister. While he is happy to have Lena in his life and wants to have some kind of relationship with her, it's not lost on him that she works for the very organization that bankrolled the men that killed his mother. Not to mention the fact they only revealed her to force his hand and have Cordonia join their ranks. But what is his majesty to do? It's damned if you do and damned if you don't.
3:54 pm.
After all his meetings were over, it was time for the family to head to Volterias. When he got to the main staircase he was greeted by his daughter.
She ran up and nearly took him out at the knees.
“Hello my princess. How was your day?”
“It was good daddy. I missed you.”
He picked her up.
“I missed you too, my love.”
“Uh-huh. And what about me?”
Shanelle looked at her husband with an expectant eyebrow raised and her arms crossed.
“Of course I've missed you, my queen.”
He kisses her sweetly with Khari wriggling in his arms.
“Much better your majesty. Now, are we ready to go?”
“Yes, my queen. Let us be off to Duchy Volterias.”
“Yay! We get to go home!” Khari squealed.
Marquise smiled at his daughter.
“Yes, my love. We do.”
Soon they were off to his queen’s duchy. 2 hours later they were pulling up to the estate and Khari was ready to get out of the SUV.
“Home sweet home! Right, Ozzie?” Khari asked Ozzie. His only response was a bark which seemed to be in agreement. As they walked across the bridge his majesty began to think about dinner.
“So what are my girls hungry for tonight?”
“Can we make pizza daddy?”
“Of course, little one.”
Shanelle rolled her eyes and smirked at her husband.
“Never thought I'd see a King be a pushover but here we are.”
Marquise cut his eyes at his wife.
“At this very moment, I am a dad. Not a king. And if my precious little one wants pizza for dinner then we are going to have pizza for dinner!” he said matter of factly.
Shanelle simply shrugged as they walked into the manor. It didn't take them long to cover the kitchen in cornmeal, olive oil, tomato sauce, and various pizza toppings. And after waiting for them to bake, the pizzas were done and demolished. And after dinner, it was movie night in the master bedroom.
8:37 pm.
“Okay pumpkin what are we watching tonight?”
“Can we watch Moana mommy?”
Marquise let out a grateful sigh that she didn't want to watch Frozen for the millionth time.
“Of course, pumpkin.”
“Moana it is!” the King proclaimed as they settled into watching Moana.
Not even an hour later his majesty found himself as a pillow for both of his girls. With his wife on his right and his daughter on his left. He shook his head and chuckled softly.
“Happens every time…”
He quietly picked up his snoring daughter and put her to bed in her room.
“Goodnight my princess. I'll see you in the morning.”
When he returned to the bedroom Shanelle had changed into one of his dress shirts and was under the covers.
“That's my shirt!”
“I know. It smells like your Prada Cologne.”
He rolled his eyes.
“You weren't asleep, were you?”
“I dozed for a bit but I woke up when you went to put little bit to bed. Now get over here.”
“So bossy!” he teased.
“By proxy.”
“Still Queen.”
Marquise rolled his eyes with a smirk before crawling into bed with his wife.
“I've been so busy with our girl I haven't had time to ask you how the luncheon went.”
He heard Shanelle groan.
“That bad?”
“I was stuck in a room full of female Nevilles.”
He winced.
“Yikes! And I thought my run-in with him earlier was bad.”
“Whatever you’re imagining…imagine it being…10…times…worse.”
Marquise shuddered.
“My poor love. I'm sorry you had to endure that.”
“It was awful…”
He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead while softly running his knuckles along her spine.
“Ne t'inquiète pas mon amour. Je suis ici maintenant.”
She snuggled against his chest.
“Let me make you feel better.”
He tilted her chin then kissed her softly. He loves the feel of her lips on his. He loves how soft her lips always are. He rolled onto his back and pulled her into his lap. Instinctively, his hands went to her waist to hold her in place as their kiss deepened. When the kiss ended Shanelle was feeling quite satisfied.
“I’ll say.”
“That's not a yes. So it looks like I must continue.”
“Yes, you should.”
He kissed her again. But this kiss was more intense than the last and left her dizzy.
“Damn! What did I do to deserve a kiss like that?”
“You stole my heart and never gave it back.”
She playfully shoved him.
“Uh-huh. But seriously how was your day? You mentioned something about Neville.”
“Yeah. He's not happy about the new tax hike on the nobility.”
Shanelle rolled her eyes.
“He even mentioned telling our…mutual friends that shall remain nameless.”
Shanelle’s eyebrows shot up.
“He threatened you?!”
“Vaguely. Until I reminded him of his position in the Via Imperii and his station here in Cordonia.”
“The damn nerve!”
“That’s the Vancoeur family for you. His mother Lady Beatrice and older brother Gorman are just as bad. And his father Luther is even worse than the two of them combined.”
“Then maybe we should pay a visit to Comery Isle. Just to remind them of their betters.”
Marquise smirked.
“You're evil my queen!”
“Well, I mean I am in the land of apples. While living a fairytale life so…”
“That is just one reason why I love you.”
“You better.”
“My love, there is no other for me but you.”
“I'm not so sure your daughter would agree.”
“Okay fine. There is no other woman for me but you.”
“Much better.”
He looked at her with pure adoration.
“Why do you do that?”
“Do what my love?”
“Make me feel like I'm the only woman in the world?”
“Because you are my love. You always will be.”
“Ever the hopeless romantic.”
“You love it.”
“Oh I do. I really do. Now I think it's time that we got you out of these clothes my king.”
“The Queen has decreed it! So shall it be!”
They both worked to get him undressed. He groaned as she ran her hand over the bulge in his pants. She loved feeling him shiver at her touch. After he was naked, he tangled his right hand in her hair and pulled her head back so he could run his tongue along her collarbone. Hearing her gasp softly sent a chill down his spine.
“While you look great in my shirt, I need it gone. I want your skin, not fabric.” he whispered before nipping the bottom of her left ear.
“Then take it off your majesty.”
“Yes, my queen.”
He deftly unbuttoned the shirt, stopping to kiss every inch of her exposed skin before tossing it aside. When he looked at her his heart skipped a beat. He still couldn't believe that the beautiful black woman before him, is his wife and queen. Everything about her amazes him. Her drive, her determination, her everlasting love for him and their daughter, her wit, and especially her heart leaves him speechless.
Never in a million years did he expect to fall in love with someone like her. When they met at her old bar in D.C. he came for the drinks, the food, the possible debauchery, and his friends. But he stayed for her.
“You are a Goddess.”
“It's about damn time someone noticed my talents.”
“There is nothing that I don't miss when it comes to you, my love.”
“There is one thing you missed.”
“You missed a spot here.”
She tapped her bottom lip.
“Nah. I didn't miss it. I just hadn't gotten around to it yet.”
With that, he kissed her again while tightening his arms around her. He didn't want to let her go. He gently leaned her back so he could kiss along her sternum and down her chest. He loves to shower her with love, affection, and kisses. His Queen. His Goddess.
He looked up to see her biting her bottom lip with her eyes closed. He slid his left hand to her neck and brought her lips to his. He wanted to taste her. He needed to. This moment is where she became a fetish. She broke their kiss to look into his eyes.
“I need you.”
“I am yours, my queen.”
“Take me.”
“I was waiting for you to say something.”
He drove his tongue into her mouth as he pulled her closer and into position. He winked at her before bringing her down onto him. He took a sharp breath while she gasped softly.
His grip on her hips tightened as he started to move her in sync with him. He loved feeling her fit around him like a glove. She laid her hands on his broad chest as she rode her husband.
“You are infuckingcredible!” he said through clenched teeth.
He loved to hold her still then plow into her again and again. He would just barely pull out of her before thrusting back in. Never giving her inner walls a full chance to adjust.
“Fuck! Yessssssss! Just like that!”
He loved to see the lust in her eyes and hear the pleasure in her voice and feel her body respond to him. She went from scratching his chest to her nails digging into his wrist. He took that as a sign that she was close. And truth be told, so was he.
She bounced up and down riding him hard. Feeling her grip on his length, drove him insane. He took advantage of the situation and began thrusting his hips harder. He watched her close her eyes. With one final thrust of his hips, her orgasm snapped and sent her into a sweet oblivion with him right behind her.
That was it, all, ball game. Marquise held her close as they came down from their combined high. She snuggled against his chest, completely satisfied.
“That was…”
“Amazing? I know. You know that I live to please you, my queen.”
She rolled her eyes with a sly smile. He kissed her forehead softly as he rubbed her back. He felt her body become heavier.
“You should get some sleep.”
He chuckled softly.
“Goodnight my queen.”
It didn't take her long after that to drift off to sleep. As he laid there with his queen in his arms, he took a small moment to be thankful. Even with everything else in his life seemingly going awry, he was thankful for her. He was thankful for their daughter. He was grateful for quiet moments like these.
Because these moments became his new normal.
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