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a-d-nox · 18 days
pac/pap: what is changing in your life this season?
take what resonates leave what doesn't - nothing is 100% for you because these aren't personalized so please no angry comments or dms about what i am saying not being a good fit for you or that you "don't claim" just keep scrolling if that is the case. be kind, self reflect, and have fun.
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pile 1
you might be meeting someone new who brings a fresh perspective or emotional depth into your life; it could be a friend, partner, and/or mentor. this is also a great time to start a new artistic endeavor; painting, writing, or crafting, which will allow you to express yourself in unexpected ways. personal growth can occur through these activities as well as they aid with introspection or therapy, leading to a better understanding of your own feelings and needs. engaging in and/or receiving unexpected acts of kindness that uplift your spirits and encourage you to connect more deeply with others will greatly benefit you this season. receiving and/or giving thoughtful and heartfelt gestures in a romantic relationship will deepen emotional bonds. that being said addressing and healing past emotional wounds is critical, this will lead to a renewed sense of peace and emotional clarity.
there might be a new opportunity for growth in your career/investments. prioritize your self-care and personal well-being this season; perhaps through adopting healthier habits and/or finding more balance in your life. don't shy away from practical advice that will help you manage everyday responsibilities more effectively. you could experience increased productivity in your work and/or personal life; which could be supported by your increased organization and focus this season.
you are likely to find yourself making quick decisions and/or decisively acting to pursue your goals, even if it means facing challenges head-on. make sure you are engaging in stimulating conversations or debates, where sharp thinking and clear communication are crucial. this will help you make the correct decision for you long term. also make sure you are using your logic and analytical skills to cut through confusion and to help you solve problems efficiently. it is time to address conflicts or misunderstandings directly.
pile 2
you may experience unexpected expenses, find it hard to save money, and/or face a temporary loss of income. make budgeting and financial planning your focus starting now. as there could be delays or obstacles in your career, such as a promotion being postponed, a job offer falling through, or feeling unmotivated/uninspired at work. minor health issues or feeling physically drained could arise; you need to pay more attention to your well-being, diet, and/or exercise routines. you may find it difficult to concentrate on tasks which leads to unfinished work and/or feeling scattered. your investments (financial or otherwise) may not yield the expected returns, causing you to rethink where you’re putting your resources (and time) in to. you could be questioning what’s truly important to you, leading to a shift in how you view success, happiness, and/or stability.
you may feel trapped in a situation (relationship and/or job) without a clear way out. which could lead to frustration or a sense of helplessness because you’re unsure how to move forward. is it the universe or you? it might just be you who is resisting necessary changes; holding onto the familiar out of fear of the unknown (even if it’s not in your best interest). otherwise, instead of taking the time to think things through, you might make hasty decisions that lead to you feeling as sense of regret. you could find yourself holding onto past hurts, grudges, and/or regrets, which prevent you from moving forward with a clear and open mind.
you might feel like you’re not making progress, even though you’ve put in a lot of effort. there’s a sense of being stuck or not being able to move on to the next phase of your life. i feel like it is unresolved issues or "loose ends" that need your attention before you can truly move forward. this could involve past relationships, projects, and/or personal matters that require closure. it may be a struggle to find closure in certain situations, whether it’s ending a relationship, leaving a job, and/or moving on from a past experience. this lack of closure can prevent you from fully embracing new opportunities. there is a sense of disconnection from others and/or from your sense of purpose. there could be a feeling of isolation / lack of harmony in your relationships or within yourself. the time is now to wrap things up or learn better coping mechanisms.
pile 3
you may find yourself managing multiple priorities or projects - prepare yourself mentally for taking more on. life may throw some curveballs your way; you will be required to adapt quickly. go with the flow and handle changes with grace - this will be essential. budgeting and/or managing money might be a key focus for you this season as well. you need to organize your time better to accommodate all of your commitments, both personal and professional.
projects and/or plans that you hoped would move forward might encounter unexpected setbacks. which could lead to frustration and/or a feeling that things are not progressing as you thought they would. you might struggle to see the bigger picture, causing you to hyper-focus on immediate problems and not the long-term. which could pigeon hole you or decrease your opportunities upcoming. now is a good time to re-evaluate your current goals and/or strategies. rethink which direction you want to head to ensure it aligns with your true desires and capabilities. also this season there may be issues with teamwork and/or "your cooperation". misunderstandings and/or a lack of support from others is likely.
otherwise, there is something worth celebration happening for you this season; whether it’s a party, a reunion, or any event that brings your people together. enjoy the company of friends and loved ones - celebrate your achievements and/or special occasions this season. your social circle and friendships are going to be more important than ever this season. you might find yourself relying on your friends for support or just enjoying each others company. reminder: you don’t have to go through things alone; there are people who care about you and are willing to help.
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bitchy-craft · 1 year
How June Will Go For You | Pick A Pile
Hello and welcome to this Pick A Pile! In here you'll find out how June will go for you. I hope you guys enjoy and find this useful. Do make sure to leave comments down below on your experience! I do want to remind you all that this is a General Pick A Pile which means this is for a lot of people; therefore keep what resonates and leave what doesn't.
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Pile 1:
This pile represents a transformative journey for you in June. It signifies a period of growth, self-discovery, and personal evolution. The cards indicate that you may have been feeling stagnant or stuck in certain areas of your life, but June brings an opportunity for significant change. It's time to break free from old patterns and embrace a new way of being. This month, you will have the chance to delve deep within yourself, uncover hidden truths, and release what no longer serves you.
The path of transformation in June may not always be easy, as it requires courage and a willingness to step outside of your comfort zone. However, the rewards will be worth it. You will experience a renewed sense of purpose and a greater understanding of your true desires. Embrace change and trust the process. Allow yourself to let go of the old and make room for the new. This is a time of personal growth and empowerment, where you have the opportunity to shape your life in alignment with your authentic self.
Pile 2:
This pile represents a month filled with abundance and prosperity. June will bring opportunities for financial growth, career advancements, and material well-being. The cards suggest that you have been working hard and laying the groundwork for success, and now is the time to reap the rewards. Your efforts will start to pay off, and you may see an increase in income, new business opportunities, or a positive shift in your career.
To fully embrace the path of abundance in June, it is important to maintain a positive mindset and cultivate gratitude. Be open to receiving blessings from unexpected sources and trust that the universe is supporting your endeavors. This is a month to focus on abundance in all areas of your life, not just financial. Look for opportunities to expand your knowledge, enrich your relationships, and deepen your sense of fulfillment. Share your abundance with others and give back to the community in meaningful ways.
Pile 3:
This pile highlights the importance of relationships and connections in June. The cards suggest that your focus this month will be on nurturing and strengthening your bonds with loved ones, friends, and even new acquaintances. June presents an opportunity for deeper emotional connections, resolving conflicts, and creating harmonious relationships.
It is crucial to invest time and energy in building meaningful connections and fostering open communication. Take the initiative to reach out to loved ones, plan social gatherings, or engage in activities that promote connection. This is a month to prioritize quality time with those who matter most to you. The cards also indicate the potential for new relationships to enter your life. Stay open to meeting new people and be willing to explore new social circles or communities.
Remember to prioritize self-care and maintain a healthy balance between your personal and social life. June is a time to cultivate empathy, compassion, and understanding in your relationships. By investing in your connections, you will experience greater joy, support, and fulfillment.
Overall, June holds the potential for significant growth, abundance, and positive relationship experiences. Embrace transformation, seize opportunities, and nurture your connections. Trust your intuition and stay open to the possibilities that come your way. Remember, your actions and decisions will shape your experiences, so make the most of this transformative and abundant month.
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mariacallous · 10 months
A month after the Hamas attack that murdered 1,400 Israelis, including entire families, the country is still at war. Israel has launched a ground offensive aimed at “defeating Hamas.” Israelis are mourning their lost ones, attending funerals, dealing with well over 200,000 people displaced from their homes near the border, identifying bodies, and fearing for the fate of the more than 240 remaining hostages,
The country is caught between the front lines in the Gaza Strip, where the death toll of Palestinians has reached nearly 10,000 people, and the ongoing conflict with Lebanon-based militant group Hezbollah in the north. Settler violence has surged in the West Bank, with armed militants raiding villages, torching fields, and firing at Palestinians, and even targeting Israeli peace activists. The West Bank death toll has surged to 154 Palestinians killed by Israeli fire since Oct. 7.
But after a month of conflict, is it still possible to imagine not just a cease-fire, but a peace? A bruised peace movement is struggling to come to terms with the brutality of Oct. 7—but some see the possibility of hope among the ashes.
Normally, during wartime, citizens rally in support of their government—the so-called rally-around-the-flag effect—and a wave of national unity is evident. Israelis are helping farmers in the south with the harvest, members of the ultra-Orthodox community have volunteered to cook and serve in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), and mothers have donated breast milk for orphaned infants. It is estimated that almost 50 percent of Israelis have volunteered since the war began, all while the public and the military are engaged in a substantial activation of reservists.
But the sense of popular determination stands in sharp contrast to the profound decline in trust toward Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his government. Public confidence in Netanyahu is at a historic low. According to a recent poll by Israeli Channel 13 News: Some 44 percent of respondents believe that Netanyahu is directly responsible for Hamas’s attack, and 76 percent believe that he should resign, with 47 percent suggesting he should do so after the war and 29 percent calling for his immediate resignation.
A verse from Haim Nachman Bialik, widely considered Israel’s national poet, has begun to circulate on social media suggesting anger at the government juxtaposed with the cohesion of the populace: “It is the unseen wind that propels the ship forward, not the sails flapping noisily above the mast.”
Despite the resilience of civil society, it’s hard to imagine what comes next. Popular frustration has not coalesced into the organized demonstrations seen in the past, such as in the wake of the Sabra and Shatila massacres, when hundreds of thousands of Israelis called on then-Security Minister Ariel Sharon to resign, or after the 1973 Arab-Israeli War, with a protest that partially led to the resignation of Prime Minister Golda Meir. Nor have they matched the scale of more recent protest movements, such as the demonstrations against an attempted judicial overhaul.
Even before the Oct. 7 attacks, Netanyahu, Israel’s longest-serving prime minister, was already under pressure. He was contending with charges of bribery and fraud, and his efforts to enact judicial reforms—which aimed to diminish the power of the Israeli Supreme Court and potentially make it more difficult to oust him from office—had triggered some of the largest public protests in the nation’s history.
The Israeli liberal left has suffered a setback because the momentum of the anti-judicial reform and anti-Netanyahu protests was stopped in its tracks. Though Netanyahu is widely blamed for the security failure, that frustration hasn’t been channeled into renewing the movement; instead, demonstrations have been mostly limited to installations and peaceful protests to raise awareness to the hostages.
“Israeli society is in a state of shock. We are still identifying bodies, still attending funerals. People feel that this is not the moment to restart protests,” said Ido Dembin, the executive director of Molad, a liberal think tank, in an interview with Foreign Policy. “Moreover, there is a deep disconnect between the public’s desire for Netanyahu’s departure and the political leadership, which has yet to acknowledge this pressing demand.”
The hurt on the left is all too physical. Some of the kibbutzim that were worst hit by the Hamas attack, such as Be’eri, Nahal Oz, and Holit, are strongholds of leftist ideology. Among those murdered was Hayim Katzman, a peace activist; among those kidnapped was Vivian Silver, a dedicated peace advocate. Hundreds have been murdered, including many who devoted their lives to peace, Arab-Jewish solidarity, and the pursuit of ending the occupation. Maoz Yinon, whose parents both were murdered, has been vocal about his support for peace.
Public outrage at the right-wing government, with individuals such as Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu, who controversially suggested dropping on atomic bomb on Gaza, is evident. Ministers are chased away from hospitals by relatives of the injured.
“We’re seeing the unraveling of the right-wing doctrine that managing the conflict without end while weakening the voices of moderation is sustainable,” Labor Party Knesset member Naama Lazimi said in an interview with Foreign Policy. “Netanyahu and his colleagues have long empowered Hamas, because it served their interest by halting progress toward political dialogue. This approach has significantly undermined the Palestinian Authority and resulted in one of the gravest crises since Israel’s foundation.”
Yet there’s little public appetite for a cease-fire. According to a poll from the Israel Democracy Institute, even though Israelis lack clarity about the objectives of the operation in Gaza in relation to the government’s goals, they support the army and its mission. Save for Ayman Odeh, the head of the left-wing Hadash-Ta’al coalition, who along with 35 Israeli Jewish and Arab rights groups issued an open letter, no other Israeli leader has called for a cease-fire.
Many Israelis view the war as a necessary action to eliminate the threat of Hamas—and don’t put a lot of weight on Palestinian lives. The same Israel Democracy Institute poll showed that nearly 48 percent of Jewish Israelis surveyed think that Palestinian civilian suffering should not influence Gaza conflict strategies, and 36 percent say it should be given  “not so much” consideration. Meanwhile, 83 percent of Arab Israelis feel “very much” or “quite a lot” in agreement that it should be taken into account.
There are several reasons for this, beyond the sense of anger over the attacks. First, the lack of leadership has led Israelis to place an overinflated trust in the IDF. They trust it because with 300,000 reservists called up, most Israelis know someone who is serving.
Second, Israelis aren’t aware of the magnitude of destruction in Gaza. “Israelis are among the least aware of what’s happening in Gaza,” Dembin said.
The Israeli media, influenced by Netanyahu over the years, has also normalized extreme right-wing rhetoric. This includes people such as researcher Eliyahu Yossian, who suggested that the IDF should adopt the brutal behavior patterns of Hamas militants: “Zero morality, maximum bodies,” he declared on a prime-time TV show. “Liberalism has become the cult of the devil.”
Ratings have shot up for Channel 14, a Netanyahu-loyal TV channel that has taken a jingoistic line. Channel 12, the most popular channel, provides little coverage of the ongoing bombardment in Gaza—in part because journalists either need to get authorization from Israeli authorities to enter the enclave or enter another way.
As Shimrit Meir, once an advisor to right-wing former Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, wrote, “Someone decided about 20 years ago that coverage of the other side is leftist, and since then, the coverage of the opposing perspective has been minimal. This has strategic implications. For example, the heavy price Gaza already paid with bombardment. The feeling in Israel is that until we enter by land, nothing has happened.”
Protests against the situation, or even expressions of solidarity with the hostages, have also been met with censorship, suppression, or even violence.
Four former Arab Israeli Lawmakers were arrested over plans for anti-war protests. Uri Horesh, a professor at Achva College, was suspended from his job for posting against the war. Additionally, the police banned anti-war protests in the cities of Umm al-Fahm and Sakhnin.
Violence broke out at a Tel Aviv protest when a bystander accused the father of one of the abducted children of being a “traitor” and told him that he wished for “your daughter to die.” Left-wing activist Yona Roseman wrote, “Unlike the impunity the police have extended to far-right mobs, left-wing activists are facing detention and arrests for much less.”
National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir has been particularly provocative. A former Kahanist—an outlawed party that advocates for a Jewish theocratic state and supports the annexation of the occupied territories—Ben-Gvir, who was convicted of expressing sympathy for terrorism, attempted to incite animosity against Israel’s Arab population at the onset of the war by claiming that there were indications of planned riots.
When those failed to materialize, Ben Gvir called to simplify the process for citizens to acquire firearms. Just last week, an Israeli rapper called the Shadow, known for his extreme right-wing views and online activism, was spotted on the Tel Aviv boardwalk carrying a gun.
“Unfortunately, there are those who have taken this tragedy as a chance to become vengeful and violent” said Alon-Lee Green, the director of Omdim Beyachad. “Right now, we are concentrating on Jewish-Arab solidarity,” Green said. “We are able to show people that Arab society is equally appalled by the murder of Israelis, and that we are in this together.”
The left, already marginalized domestically, feels further betrayed and alienated by a global left that has often engaged in apologism for the massacre, framing it as just another salvo between the oppressed Palestinians and their Israeli oppressors. Israel’s left find itself caught between the trauma of Hamas’s violence, a feckless government, and the dehumanization and abandonment by those who claim to stand up for human rights.
Yet despite the absence of leadership, the suppression of anti-war views, and a profound sense of alienation from the international community, there are signs of an increasing recognition of the conflict’s consequences and the potential for civil society and international actors to pave a new way toward resolution.
There is a growing awareness among Israelis and the international community that Hamas is distinct from the Palestinian people and their aspirations for self-determination. The actions and comments of Hamas leaders have solidified the movement’s status as an outcast, regardless of whether Israel can “erase” it.
Indicative of this perspective is the suggestion by Tzachi Hanegbi, the head of Israel’s National Security Council and a known security hard-liner, that the Palestinian Authority should take over governance in Gaza if Hamas were to be defeated. While it’s a controversial suggestion, it underscores an acknowledgment by some Israelis of the Palestinian Authority as the legitimate governing body for the Palestinians.
Emboldened by recent electoral gains—which saw Ben-Gvir ascend to the role of internal security minister and Bezalel Smotrich become finance minister (both of whom have been under investigation by the Shin Bet in the past)—the settler movement had overreached, underestimating the determination of mainstream liberal Israel. The liberal public began to connect the dots between the assault on the Supreme Court by the government and the attacks by settlers in Palestinian villages such as Hawara. “Where were you in Hawara?” became a chant in the anti-judicial overhaul protests.
The public has also become aware that on Oct. 7, just two battalions were deployed to maintain security at the Gaza border, while 32 units were dedicated to protecting the settlements.
This overstep by the settler leadership has unintentionally cast a spotlight on the immediate threats to democracy that many Israelis now perceive with growing clarity. The settlers and their allies not only benefit from the occupation, but also endorse an agenda that erodes democratic values. They promote a model of Israeli governance that is in sharp contrast to the pluralistic, democratic values held dear by a substantial segment of the population.
This animosity may lead Israelis to acknowledge that reining in the settler initiative, dismantling illegal outposts, and granting the Palestinian Authority more autonomy is not just a partisan issue; it’s a matter of existential importance. Settlers have used the cover of war to increase their violence in the West Bank, a phenomenon that the U.S. White House has called out aggressively
Another powerful factor is the White House’s renewed vigor in seeking to resolve the conflict with a sustainable long-term solution. As President Joe Biden’s approval ratings decline domestically, in Israel, his unequivocal support for the Israeli populace—and his critiques of leadership—have garnered respect even from those who were previously doubtful.
“Since the war began, Biden has proven that he is a true leader in this conflict. Even right-wingers, who had until recently written him off as senile and ineffectual, have started to change their tune,” Dembin said.
A Maariv poll showed that if elections were held today, a centrist coalition would have 78 seats. This would give it a mandate to govern effectively the day after. The old right/left paradigm is dead for now. This could give the White House a way in to create a package that could suit a wide range of the Israeli population.
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken stated that Gaza “must not be reoccupied” discussed the Palestinian Authority taking control over Gaza when the war is over. PA President Mahmoud Abbas’s approval—albeit as part of a wider Palestinian state—shows that there is some possibility of that proposal working
Yair Lapid stated in an Al-Arabiya interview that the Palestinian Authority should govern Gaza post-conflict, with backing from the global and Arab communities. He added that this could revive two-state talks. And Netanyahu himself has remained implacable, suggesting that Israel will control Gaza for the foreseeable future. However, in a private conversation, Biden suggested that Netanyahu’s reign is on borrowed time.
And so, amid this crisis, a window has opened to find a sustainable solution to the conflict. Members of the Abraham Accords, along with states contemplating the normalization of relations with Israel—such as Saudi Arabia—hold potential sway in convening an international conference.
When it comes to the Israeli public’s readiness to support a process leading toward Palestinian sovereignty, Dembin is cautiously optimistic.
“I would think yes, they might get on board, but it would need to be a measured, gradual approach that reassures Israelis that their safety is front and center—not just an American push for regional peace,” he explained. “Israelis seem to warm up to the idea of peace and coexistence when there’s a solid proposal in play and tend to reject it when there’s nothing tangible in sight.”
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littlemoonastrology · 9 months
Brief Explanations on What the Planets Symbolise in Astrology
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Sun: Identity
The Sun illuminates the chart, making obvious our personality, expressions and our own form of identity - what we share with the world that is our own. The way we bring others up and the way we bring ourselves up.
Moon: Emotions
Represents our emotions, the way we are fulfilled and comforted, how we nurture ourselves and others... helps us grow into the individuals we are now and can also represent our memories, how we react when triggered.
Mercury: Cognition
This Planet is about our mind, intelligence and communication. Helps us solve problems and plan efficiently, developing our own skills. How we theorise, analyse and make sense of situations around us.
Venus: Attraction
Venus shows us what we attract to ourselves and what we give out to the universe - how we want to receive and give. Possibly also our ideologies relating to people, ourselves and general information. May also hint to insecurities we have.
Mars: Desire and Energy
Describes what we desire, how we: conserve, supply and maintain energy, our motivations and the way we set goals (then how those effect us and our environment). How we maintain a sense of self and assert ourselves. May also hint to where we are lazy, how to regain energy when fatigued.
Jupiter: Exploration and Expansion
Where we develop our understanding and worldview, topics we enjoy exploring and that bring us fortune when we engage in them. It's what comes easiest to us, may not always result in money but rather satisfaction. Gives validation for the way we live our lives.
Saturn: Karma
Teaches us that all actions have consequences, responsibility and accountability - reminds us to avoid arrogance and stay disciplined. Represents honesty and how we show our truth to others, the groups that make us our best selves.
Uranus: Innovation
Uranus is the innovator, representing: networking, original ideas, digital media and the groups/ideologies we relate to best. Where our knowledge tends to lie - what makes us different from others around us... May hint to loneliness, where we are excluded.
Neptune: Healing
Represents our healing, projections put up as a result and the way we deal with our inner sense of stability and peace. Also may describe dreams and creativity - everything that is abstract. May show what makes us the most distressed and wary.
Pluto: Transformation
Represents outer and inner changes that happen in our life and in other's lives, the leftover effect that comes with it. What keeps us going in life in times of need, where we need to surrender control or take control. Shows us how we renew things, make things better than before.
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jgoddesstarot · 1 year
Pick-A-Pile: Autumnal Affection: How Will You Meet Your Future Spouse During The Fall Season?
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🔮Disclaimer: This reading is for entertainment purposes only. Tarot readings are based upon my intuitive interpretation of the cards and about possibilities based on your current energy. Energy is forever changing and nothing is set in stone. Always remember, you have your own free will to make whatever decision you feel is best.
🔮How I read: I use a mix of tarot cards, oracle cards, along with my intuitive abilities of claircognizance, clairaudience, and clairsentience.
🔮How this works: Close your eyes and take deep breaths, pick the pile you are most drawn to. If you aren’t drawn to any pile then that’s okay, these messages aren’t for you.
Pile 1
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Tarot Cards: 9 of Wands, King of Pentacles, Queen of Swords, Ace of Swords, The High Priestess, 5 of Wands
Oracle Card: Rose Quartz: Open Up Your Heart
My dear Pile 1's, as autumn leaves begin to fall, a unique love story unfolds, painted with the warm hues of the season. Your reading opens with the 9 of Wands, signaling anticipation and resilience. It seems you've been through a tough journey in love, perhaps testing your faith in true companionship. But remember, my Pile 1's, perseverance is what shapes us and readies us for the love we truly deserve.
Next, the King of Pentacles graces your spread, embodying a partner who is reliable, practical, and grounded - a true reflection of Autumn's stability. This person brings not just love, but also a sense of security and consistency. You may meet this person in a setting related to work or financial endeavors, symbolizing their strong and dependable nature.
The Queen of Swords in your spread adds an exciting depth to your narrative. This card represents clear communication, independence, and intellectual energy. Your future spouse may be someone who admires your wit and engages you in stimulating conversations, a true meeting of minds.
The Ace of Swords, cutting through the autumn air, brings a fresh start, triumph over difficulties, and mental clarity. This suggests that your meeting might occur when you least expect it, when you've achieved clarity about what you want from a relationship. The High Priestess then steps in, asking you to trust your intuition. You'll feel a deep, unexplainable connection when you meet your future spouse.
The 5 of Wands hints at a bit of initial tension and competition, perhaps some playful banter and intellectual challenges that will stoke the fires of mutual attraction. And finally, the oracle card, Rose Quartz, calls for you to open your heart. This emotional crystal resonates with the heart chakra, promoting love, forgiveness, and healing.
In essence, my captivating Pile 1's, your autumnal affection will be a beautiful blend of resilience, intellectual companionship, intuitive connections, and heart-opening love. Your future spouse will be someone who matches your energy, challenges you, and provides a comforting sense of security. The journey might test your faith, but remember, it's all part of your path to deep, enduring love. So, brace yourself for a love as cozy as a warm autumn afternoon, as secure as the King of Pentacles, and as emotionally enriching as the Rose Quartz.
Pile 2
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Tarot Cards: 7 of Pentacles, Judgement, The Hanged Man, 2 of Pentacles, Knight of Swords
Oracle Card: Children: Your love life is being affected by children
My intriguing Pile 2's, your journey to autumnal love starts with the 7 of Pentacles, signaling a time of patience and reflection. As the leaves fall, you are likely to find yourself evaluating your past relationships and learning from them. You're poised for growth, but remember, it will require time and patience, just as a seed requires time to sprout.
Then comes the Judgement card, hinting towards a spiritual awakening and renewed self-understanding. You might meet your future spouse during a moment of personal transformation, where you are ready to embrace a new phase of life. This meeting could be the result of a significant personal decision or a change in life direction.
The Hanged Man follows, signaling a change in perspective. In the context of love, this could mean stepping out of your comfort zone and looking at potential relationships from a different angle. Maybe your future spouse isn't someone you'd typically consider, but don't worry, this card assures you that this fresh perspective will be beneficial.
Up next is the 2 of Pentacles, suggesting a balance between multiple priorities. This card in your spread indicates that when you meet your future spouse, you may be juggling various aspects of your life, but your ability to balance makes you attractive. They will admire your resilience and how you manage life's ups and downs.
Finally, the Knight of Swords races into your reading, symbolizing that your future spouse will come into your life quickly and unexpectedly, perhaps during a community event or a sudden trip during the fall. You may first connect through spirited intellectual debates, a clear sign that you've found someone who can match your pace.
The Oracle card, Children, adds an intriguing twist. It suggests that children might play a critical role in how you meet your future spouse. Perhaps it's through a shared responsibility or a chance encounter at a children's event that you cross paths.
In conclusion, my captivating Pile 2's, your autumnal love story is one of patience, personal growth, new perspectives, dynamic balance, and rapid developments. Your future spouse will be someone who appreciates your complexities and matches your intellectual vigor. As you navigate this journey, remember to embrace the playful spirit of the Children card. Your autumnal affection calls for a love that is patient, transformative, balanced, and, most importantly, as exciting and unpredictable as a whirl of falling leaves.
Pile 3
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Tarot Cards: Page of Wands, 2 of Cups, The Chariot, Page of Pentacles, The Fool, The Moon, Queen of Cups
Oracle Card: Deception: Someone is wearing a false self-mask in this relationship
My lovely Pile 3's, your autumnal journey of love begins with the charismatic Page of Wands. This card signifies enthusiasm and exploration. Your path to meeting your future spouse might be through an unexpected adventure or a passionate pursuit. This could be a new hobby or an exciting project that ignites your spirit.
Next, we have the 2 of Cups, a card that exudes mutual attraction and emotional bonding. It suggests that there may be an immediate connection when you encounter your future spouse. An emotionally charged moment could spark a profound bond that brings you two together.
The Chariot then gallops into your reading, bringing a sense of control and determination. It indicates that despite any obstacles that may stand in your way, your willpower and dedication will triumph. Your journey to find love may involve some challenges, but you have what it takes to overcome them.
The Page of Pentacles makes an appearance next, hinting at a tangible opportunity. Perhaps your future spouse comes into your life through a professional or financial endeavour. The Fool follows, suggesting that taking a leap of faith could lead you to your destined partner.
The mysterious Moon then rises in your reading, implying that things may not be as they seem. This is echoed by your Oracle card, Deception. It warns that someone may be presenting a false self. Be cautious and trust your intuition. Remember, through the deceptive darkness, the moon also provides illumination.
Finally, the Queen of Cups swims into your spread, symbolizing empathy, care, and emotional security. Your future spouse might be someone who provides emotional comfort and understands your deepest feelings.
In conclusion, my captivating Pile 3's, your autumnal affair is one of passion, emotional connections, determination, tangible opportunities, leaps of faith, intuition, and emotional security. The journey may involve some deception, but your intuition and emotional intelligence will guide you. Remember, the most vibrant autumnal colors come after the harshest changes. Embrace the journey with an open mind and heart.
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uswnt5 · 1 year
The enneagram is a fun personality test. You answer a bunch of questions and at the end it tells you your personality type!
Christen - The Achiever, also called Three, is a personality type focused on accomplishments and success. Their identities are attached to their achievements. They achieve in order to receive external validation, which feeds their need to feel worthy. That is at the core of this personality type.
Tobin - Sevens, or the Enthusiasts, are defined by their desire to experience everything life has to offer while avoiding pain and boredom. They appear to others to be lively, fun-loving and hedonistic. Sevens are often very busy people who bounce from one activity to another in their quest to squeeze every possible bit of enjoyment out of life.
Their compatibility - This is a highly complementary pair: both types are self-assertive, have high energy, and are outgoing and capable of being around people with relative ease. Both types bring optimism, a future orientation, the sense of possibility and renewal to their relationships and to enterprises they become involved with. Threes can work alone more easily than Sevens, although both are stimulated by interacting with people and both can be excellent communicators of their ideas and values. Both are persuasive and articulate, often lively and attractive, making them sought after company. Both have a youthful orientation such that they feed off of each other's energy: no other couple is as vivacious or gregarious as the Three/Seven couple. This is probably the highest energy combination of types and they wholeheartedly engage in lots of activities, plans and projects, with the emphasis on attaining the good life. The focus is on sociability, going out, having adventures together and on realizing possibilities and on finding personal fulfillment.
ok seriously THREE SEVEN
are you kidding me they're soulmates
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rabbitcruiser · 5 months
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Earth Day
As threats to the Earth grow, so too do the global initiatives that seek to preserve it, whether through volunteer work, donations, or political lobbying.
Earth, due to human activity, is in trouble. The ozone layer is depleting, ecosystems are being lost and people are starving and dying of dehydration. Endangered species are disappearing rapidly, our water and air is becoming increasingly polluted, and weather systems are being pushed to the extreme.
A scary picture indeed, but thankfully one we can all do something about! Earth Day, one of the first global initiatives to protect and conserve the earth, has become an annual event that strives for positive change on a global scale. It aims to inspire individuals, communities, businesses and governments all over the world to take action and help preserve the planet.
History of Earth Day
As the world’s largest environmental movement and the most widely celebrated secular occasion, with over 1 billion people and more than 75,000 partners involved each year across almost 200 countries, Earth Day has gone from strength to strength over the course of its history.
Founder Gaylord Nelson, a former US senator, thought of the idea after witnessing the 1969 oil spill in Santa Barbara, California. Inspired by the vigor of the student anti-war movement, he believed it was essential that energy was shifted to concerns about air and water pollution.
Originally envisioned as a campus teach-in event, Senator Nelson enlisted youth activist Denis Hayes to help organize the first Earth Day in 1970, and the pair opted for 22 April due to where it fell in the academic year, ensuring that the maximum number of students would be able to take part.
Nelson, Hayes and their team were able to spread the message far and wide, including to the national media, and promote events across the US. The occasion was a massive success, with 20 million Americans taking to the streets to celebrate the first Earth Day. They demonstrated in support of the cause, and groups that had previously been rallying around environmental issues separately came together on the day due to their shared values.
The first Earth Day helped put environmental protection on the political agenda and bring about change. That same year the United States Environmental Protection Agency was set up, and soon after various legislation was passed, including the Clean Air, Clean Water and Endangered Species Acts.
It wasn’t until 1990 that Earth Day went global, spreading the message to 200 million people in over 140 countries. By the millennium it had reached more than 180 countries and involved hundreds of millions of participants worldwide. And of course the year 2020 marked the 50th anniversary of Earth Day.
2016’s Earth Day was a particularly special year, as it heralded the United Nations’ adoption of the Paris Agreement. Signed by 175 countries, this international treaty established legally binding targets for tackling the climate emergency, ensuring that as many nations as possible are working together to cut emissions and prevent global warming.
As a day of action, Earth Day aims to promote environmentalism through engagement, activism, education, policy changes and peaceful protest. It has focused on various themes over the years, such as climate change, trees, clean water and a healthy environment for children, and multiple organizations and venues host events that showcase the importance of caring for the environment.
This vital day teaches people about the consequences of their behavior on the places and ecosystems in which they live. And it’s not just about the damaging effects on the environment itself, but also about the impact on people’s health, access to food and water, safety and livelihoods. To get involved, people choose to make conscientious changes such as recycling more, using renewable fuel and conserving water.
Earth Day Timeline
Rachel Carlson releases book Silent Spring
Raising public awareness for the plight of living organisms, Silent Spring makes its way up the New York Times bestseller list and sells more than ½ million copies in at least 24 countries.
First Earth Day is celebrated 
After witnessing a massive oil spill in California, Senator Gaylord Nelson from Wisconsin announces the idea of a teach-in on college campuses, choosing April 22 to fall between spring break and final exams to gain as much participation as possible. This bi-partisan event engaged 20 million Americans in working to protect the planet.
Earth Day takes on the globe 
Taking Earth Day around the world, just 20 years after the original event the participation increased ten-fold to include 200 million people from at least 140 countries.
United Nations Earth Summit takes place 
The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) meets in Rio de Janeiro to address issues of sustainability and provide opportunities for collaboration around the topic.
Earth Day reaches record numbers 
In celebration of the new millennium and the 30th anniversary of the observance, Earth Day includes 5000 environmental groups from 184 countries with activities all over the world.
How to celebrate Earth Day
There are a whole host of activities you can get involved in to mark this important occasion, not only around the globe but even in space! The Earth Day website allows people all over the world to find and share events designed to celebrate the day, from presentations and film screenings to cleanups and conservation efforts. This means that Earth Day enthusiasts can join things local to them or on the other side of the planet! And NASA often hosts an event from the International Space Station, for example livestreaming the image of our beautiful earth for all to see.
Another great way to celebrate Earth Day is by learning about what your actions do to the environment and why maintaining the earth’s ecosystems is vital to our survival. There’s a myriad of online resources – articles, quizzes, documentaries and so much more – to help us all find out more about our precious planet and the role we can play in protecting it.
If you feel able, why not donate money via Earth Day’s official website or to another environmental charity such as Greenpeace, the Rainforest Alliance or the Union of Concerned Scientists? Your support will help with a whole range of campaigns and projects, including pushing governments and businesses towards more environmentally friendly policies, preventing damaging practices such as deforestation and mining for fossil fuels and protecting those communities most vulnerable to the effects of climate change. You could also volunteer for local environmental groups and really make a difference where you live.
Above all, this occasion shouldn’t just be about one day, but rather a regular habit! Even the simplest of changes to our lifestyle can make a real difference. Switch to using an eco-friendly search engine, buy fruit and veg from the shop that isn’t wrapped in plastic, and put on an extra jumper rather than turning on the heating.
If you’re serious about the planet, then there’s plenty more you can do to live in a greener, more sustainable way, including powering your home with renewable energy, cycling and walking more and driving less (or buying an electric vehicle), reducing your meat and seafood consumption, recycling your waste, planting wildflowers in your garden for the bees and butterflies, and ensuring that your financial investments, for example, your pension fund, are contributing to green jobs and a green economy. Be sure to spread the word about National Earth Day through social media and let your friends and family know why protecting the earth is essential to you.
Earth Day FAQs
Is Earth Day international? 
Yes! Although it is called Earth Day and it began in the US, the day is now celebrated and observed in a majority of the countries throughout the world–at least 193 countries.
How is Earth Day celebrated?
Individuals, groups, organizations and communities can all celebrate Earth Day by raising awareness, participating in sustainability projects, volunteering, making donations and so much more.
Is Earth Day always on April 22?
Yes! Ever since its inception in 1970, Earth Day has been celebrated annually on April 22. The original idea to reach college students made this the perfect time between spring break and finals.
Who created Earth Day?
Although the stage was set at the 1969 UNESCO Conference in San Francisco, the execution of the day can be credited to US Senator Gaylord Nelson who proposed an environmentally focused day for college campuses. The idea grew from there.
Where did Earth Day start?
The first ideas for Earth Day were formulated in the United States and meant to be observed as “teach-ins” on college campuses, but the idea quickly grew and it eventually turned into an international day including most of the countries on the planet.
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investmentassistant · 4 months
How to stay motivated when you feel like giving up
Feeling like giving up is a common experience, especially when faced with challenging tasks or long-term goals. However, maintaining motivation is crucial for achieving success and personal growth. Here are some strategies to help you stay motivated even when the going gets tough.
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Set clear and achievable goals
One of the main reasons people lose motivation is because their goals are too vague or unrealistic. It's important to break down larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks. This way, each small accomplishment can give you a sense of progress and keep you motivated. For example, if your goal is to write a book, start by setting daily or weekly word count targets. Achieving these smaller milestones can help you feel a sense of accomplishment and keep you moving forward. Additionally, make sure your goals are SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This clarity will give you a clear direction and make it easier to track your progress.
Create a routine and stick to it
Establishing a daily routine can help you stay on track and maintain consistency, which is key to developing good habits. Allocate specific times for working on your goals, and stick to this schedule as closely as possible. A well-structured routine can reduce decision fatigue, as you won't need to constantly decide when to work on your tasks. For instance, if you plan to exercise, study, or work on a project every morning at the same time, it becomes a part of your daily rhythm. Consistency helps build momentum, and over time, these regular habits can significantly contribute to your long-term success.
Find your «why» and keep it in focus
Understanding the deeper reasons behind your goals can provide powerful motivation. Ask yourself why you started in the first place and what you hope to achieve. Keeping this purpose in mind can help reignite your passion and commitment when you face obstacles. Your «why» is your ultimate driving force, and it's essential to remind yourself of it regularly. Write it down and place it somewhere visible, like your workspace or a daily planner. Reflecting on your purpose can help you push through tough times and keep your eyes on the prize.
Surround yourself with positivity
The people and environment around you can significantly impact your motivation levels. Surround yourself with supportive and positive individuals who encourage you to keep going. Avoid negative influences that drain your energy and enthusiasm. Join groups or communities with similar interests where members share their progress and support each other. Engaging with like-minded individuals can provide a sense of camaraderie and accountability. Additionally, create a positive physical environment by organizing your workspace and eliminating distractions. A clean, inspiring space can boost your productivity and motivation.
Take breaks and practice self-care
Burnout can quickly sap your motivation, making it crucial to take regular breaks and practice self-care to maintain your physical and mental health. Engage in activities that relax and rejuvenate you, such as exercise, meditation, or hobbies you enjoy. Scheduled breaks can prevent exhaustion and keep you focused. For example, using the Pomodoro Technique, where you work for 25 minutes and then take a 5-minute break, can improve your concentration and productivity. Prioritizing self-care helps you recharge and return to your tasks with renewed energy and enthusiasm.
Use a reward system to stay engaged
Rewarding yourself for small achievements can boost your motivation and make the process more enjoyable. Create a reward system where you treat yourself to something enjoyable after completing a task or reaching a milestone. This can make the process more enjoyable and give you something to look forward to. For example, after finishing a challenging project, reward yourself with a favorite meal, a movie night, or a relaxing activity. Celebrating your successes, no matter how small, reinforces positive behavior and encourages you to keep going.
Stay flexible and adaptable
Life is unpredictable, and sometimes things don't go as planned. Stay flexible and adaptable, and be willing to adjust your goals and methods if necessary. This resilience can help you overcome obstacles and keep moving forward. It's essential to understand that setbacks are a natural part of any journey. When you encounter challenges, view them as opportunities to learn and grow. Adaptability involves being open to new strategies and solutions that may be more effective. Embracing change and remaining flexible can help you navigate through difficulties and continue progressing toward your goals.
Quick tips to stay motivated
Visualize success. Imagine yourself achieving your goals and the positive impact it will have on your life. Visualization can create a mental image of success and inspire you to take the necessary actions to make it a reality.
Stay organized. Keep a planner or to-do list to track your progress and stay focused. Being organized helps you manage your time effectively and ensures that important tasks are not overlooked.
Stay accountable. Share your goals with a friend or mentor who can hold you accountable and provide support. Accountability partners can offer encouragement and constructive feedback, helping you stay committed.
Stay positive. Focus on the positive aspects of your journey and celebrate your progress, no matter how small. Maintaining a positive mindset can boost your motivation and help you overcome challenges with a resilient attitude.
Maintaining motivation can be challenging, but with the right strategies and mindset, you can overcome the urge to give up. Remember, every step you take brings you closer to your goals. Stay persistent, stay positive, and keep moving forward.
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beardedmrbean · 7 months
Democratic Mayor Tiffany Henyard of the small Village of Dolton, Illinois, has made national headlines in recent weeks for being accused of weaponizing police in retaliatory business raids and spending taxpayer money on luxurious trips. Now she is facing investigation by the Dolton Trustees as well as the FBI.
In a special meeting Thursday night, a four-trustee majority "voted unanimously to call for an investigation into Henyard and what they say is the misuse of funds," FOX 32 reported. Dolton Trustees slammed the mayor for having "disgraced this entire village" and being a "stain on our community."
Earlier this week it was reported that the FBI is investigating the mayor, as six individuals have reportedly spoken to the agency about her alleged misconduct, including "business owners, a former village employee and one or more public officials." 
The self-proclaimed "Super Mayor," who insists "God chose me" and met with President Biden in January, has been said to engage in such wild antics it is like a "real life Parks and Rec situation." But her multitudes of alleged misdeeds could finally be catching up to her.
From first-class flights to Las Vegas to beauty vendors, Henyard is frequently called out by her colleagues for questionable spending of taxpayers' money, possibly for her own benefit. She makes $285,000 from her positions both as Dolton mayor and Thornton township supervisor.
Henyard reportedly has a $224,000 a year salary as township supervisor alone, but has put forth an ordinance to cut the salary of any non-incumbent supervisor to $25,000.
Municipal attorney Burt Odelson, said to represent Henyard's political opposition, condemned this as "so illegal in so many ways," telling FOX 32 such conduct "violates so many tenets of the law." 
Aside from her personal income, the way she allegedly uses the town’s money has been a consistent source of controversy. While Henyard has denied using village credit cards, WGN Investigates said it obtained copies of the township’s credit card statements indicating village officials spent more than $24,000 at restaurants during a 12-month span, as well as $3,741 just on Henyard taking a round trip flight to Las Vegas. 
Henyard is also well-known for using a makeup artist, hairdresser and stylist before public appearances and photoshoots. Residents complain she puts up town billboards to promote herself personally, and she has produced music videos that feature city workers, such as police dancing or boosting her image by being in the background as she lip-syncs songs. 
On Tuesday, a Dolton-based U-Haul rental and trucking business owner named Lawrence Gardner told FOX 32 he went to the FBI out of frustration that the Village of Dolton would not renew his business license. He claims he has suffered from harassment, a raid on his business and was shut down by Dolton police. Gardner believes it is retaliation after he refused to donate to a civic event sponsored by Henyard.
FOX 32 reported Wednesday that multiple bars in the town were raided by police the day after the news team visited the businesses amid allegations their licenses were being held up for political reasons. The raids reportedly occurred mere hours after FOX 32’s report about the alleged FBI investigation into Henyard’s conduct was released.  
Employees and owners of the bars reportedly claimed "it's part of an ongoing campaign of harassment by Dolton Mayor Tiffany Henyard" and that "Their business licenses have been stripped by Dolton, but they've continued to operate with a state license."
Tammie Brown, a Dolton Trustee, was quoted in the same report as saying the raids were a warning to other businesses, "I'm sure that they were asked to donate [to Henyard], make a donation, and most likely they didn't make a donation. So you don't get a chance to stay open if you don't pay the queen's ransom."
The Village of Dolton defended the legitimacy of the raids in a statement to FOX 32, arguing both businesses had their liquor licenses previously revoked, and had "a history of violent incidents."
In addition to the raids and music videos, Henyard's use of the police as her personal security has been a source of controversy as well. 
Henyard spends hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars on security, which effectively takes police officers off the streets who should be protecting the town, Dolton Trustee Brittney Norwood said.
"I think that she spends the money on security because she just loves it. She likes the thought of being surrounded by police officers. I think it makes her feel more important," Norwood said. "The police are simply working under her instructions, but it's also sad. It's sad because we need the police patrolling the streets, and they're with her instead."
Former Dolton Police Chief Robert Collins, who was fired by Henyard, also slammed the mayor for maintaining a security detail of "several officers" whom he argues could be out fighting crime, but are instead "sent out to run errands, do pick-ups, do drop-offs."
Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul is reportedly cracking down on "The Tiffany Henyard CARES Foundation" which, per the acronym, stands for Cancer And Remission Empowering Survivors.
The Chicago Tribune on Thursday reported that Henyard’s charity "has been told by the Illinois attorney general’s office to stop soliciting or accepting contributions, and that it must register with the state." The same outlet summarized that the mayor was told her charity "is not in good standing and states the attorney general has sent multiple letters advising, among other things, that it is not registered with the state."
The letter reportedly warned that "to avoid further action by this office," the charity must file a registration statement, copies of financial reports and a list of the organization’s officers and/or directors by March 13.
Henyard is also infamous for her fiery rhetoric toward the town's trustees in public meetings.
Fox News Digital reported that Henyard slammed her fellow officials at a meeting in early February about her spending when she declared, "You all forget I’m the leader. They want to hear from the mayor. You all ain’t learned that yet. The mayor, not the trustees that don’t do nothing. They only run their mouth. You all don’t do no work, no work!"
Later during the meeting, Henyard proclaimed, "Y’all got false narratives out there, and y’all should be ashamed of y’all selves. Y’all Black. Y’all are Black! And y’all sitting up here beating and attacking on a Black woman that’s in power. Y’all should be ashamed of y’all selves."
Norwood told Fox News Digital in an interview, "I feel as if I'm in a dictatorship." 
She added, "The way she talks [to the trustees] I sometimes feel as if I'm in a mentally abusive relationship… I've learned to expect her to be disrespectful. She's like a bully." 
Norwood is party to a lawsuit that accused the mayor of actions that amounted to "fraud," according to a complaint reviewed by Fox News Digital. 
Henyard was sued for alleged financial wrongdoing by Dolton Trustees on Dec. 23.
"The Defendant’s actions as alleged constitute a fraud upon the residents and taxpayers of the Village," the lawsuit states. It added, the extent of the financial wrongdoing could be more extensive than is currently alleged as Henyard was allegedly concealing the information from the trustees. 
Henyard, the Village of Dolton, and police department did not respond to requests for comment.
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sweaters-and-vertigo · 5 months
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i forgot how much i MISSED PROTESTING until attending this earth day rally and protest with the sunrise movement. it was so incredible and empowering. during the rally, we discussed the way climate change disproportionately affects people in poverty while the billionaires get richer by polluting the earth. we talked about how we needed to transition to renewable and recyclable materials as soon as possible. and one of the speakers at the rally was a palestinian activist who spoke about israel’s detrimental impact on the environment. i held my sign up as high as i could for as long as i could. i usually keep it right there in my car, so it’s almost like i’m protesting everywhere i go. i just wish i had better handwriting.
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we took to the streets and shut ‘em down!! we demanded better, cleaner public transportation because cars are so polluting. we demanded accountability and action from our government. and we demanded an end to the genocides in palestine and the congo. some of the people on the sidewalks cheered, some of them filmed us or took photos, some of them laughed at us, some of them got mad at us. i didn’t even care. i had the biggest smile on my face the entire time, as we chanted, “mayor lucas, you can’t hide, we can see your greedy side!” “this planet is not for profit, so biden get the hell off of it!” “from the river to the sea palestine will be free!” “if the congo is under attack, what do we do?! fight back!” then when we got to the apple store we stopped and the leader with the megaphone gave a speech about the company’s use of child slavery and their polluting practices.
i hadn’t protested in such a long time because of my mental health struggles but now that i’ve got a new medication (as in one that is actually effective) i’m finally ABLE to get engaged in the community again. it was euphoric. it was an incredible privilege to be out there today. i am so excited for all the future demonstrations i’ll be attending!! i only wish i had the guts to ask some of them to sign my petition to for kc apartments to have recycling options. but at least i’ll get another chance ☺️
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dipperdesperado · 1 year
harm reduction is solarpunk
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and writing about solarpunk actions and ideas that might not be normally considered solarpunk. One of those ideas that I’ve been really interested in recently is harm reduction.
Harm reduction is a way of thinking about harmful things that people do and their repercussions. As it sounds like, it’s meant to reduce the harm that these things cause. It’s an answer to targeted responses to situations that don’t holistically address the root causes. It also thinks about ways to support people that are stigmatized for the ways they cope with these root causes. Instead of asking people to change their individual responses to systemic issues, there is a focus on how to make those responses as safe as possible.
This aligns with the systems-focus and strategically holistic approach to social change that is paramount to solarpunk. While certain things, like drug abuse, should not be a thing, we can’t respond to that issue without having an understanding of the social factors that lead to maladaptive coping mechanisms, and destigmatize existing in those social situations. This is not to say that we endorse drug abuse, but creating safe spaces for drug use and treatment, while also building toward responding to wider issues can be very powerful. This thinking allows solarpunks to have the empathy and restorative justice orientation important to bringing the futures they want to see to life.
Harm reduction also allows people to build self-sufficiency. In the context of drug use, programs like needle exchanges and overdose prevention sites allow people to engage in safer practices in self-managed ways. Giving people the tools and resources to lower risks and improve their health is super solarpunk. Instead of giving them the care, or just providing access to the care, the community can dynamically organize to do both when necessary.
Solarpunk can be enhanced by the ideas of harm reduction to usher in futures that aren’t just renewable and participatory but are compassionate, empowering, and empathetic at their roots.
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our-flag-means-love · 8 months
in the tradition of sharing our email/letter drafts for public mixing and matching, here's mine:
[for people: Hello [name],]
[for [email protected]: Please forward this message to the appropriate channels.]
[for the two media relations people, i also included this: I apologize if this is not the right channel to be sending this message, but we as a fandom are trying to reach anyone who might hear us out or be able to help our cause.]
I was heartbroken to hear of the decision not to renew Our Flag Means Death for its third and final season. This show has had such an enormous impact on my life. I've met so many great friends through its fan communities, it's helped me blossom creatively in the forms of fanfiction and fanart, and the open and joyous queer characters and relationships have made me feel seen and understood in ways that no piece of media ever has before.
Our Flag Means Death has had such a positive impact on queer representation in media as a whole; it's truly been groundbreaking on that front. Not to mention the performance and engagement it's created. From topping streaming charts for weeks, to receiving critical acclaim across the board, to cultivating thriving fan communities online and in person, this show's impact is undeniable.
If there's any possibility of reconsidering the decision not to renew Our Flag Means Death for one last season, to see it through to the ending that was always envisioned, I implore the team at Max and WBD to do so. It would mean the world to me and many others like me all across the country and beyond.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
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chenfordsrollisi · 5 months
Chenford Breakup
First, this post is long as hell. And second, I'm sorry if this post goes in circles a bit. My mind's a chaotic place to be. I just hope it makes some sense to others. Read more under the cut.
I feel like I'm one of a few who isn't really freaking out about Tim breaking up with Lucy. Do I like it? Definitely not. Do I want them to get back together? As soon as reasonably possible. I want both of them to get therapy and make their way back to each other.
I'm not going to hate on the actors or the characters and I ask that you respectfully do the same if you comment on my posts. I'm not saying, don't be upset. It's how you feel and it's valid. I just ask anyone who engages with me, to not be rude or a jerk if we have differing views on things.
I'm hoping the breakup doesn't last long. I'm hoping that Tim realizes he made a mistake. Not in trying to protect Lucy, but in how he went about it. He didn't give her a choice. He basically said, "I'm trying to protect you, and the best way to do that is to push you away and break up with you." Tim needs to see things from Lucy's POV. She's an adult and she can decide if she wants to risk her career and her life. He also needs to respect her and their relationship enough to be honest with her. Before anyone jumps in and says I'm ganging up on Tim, I'm not. I love Tim as a character and I love Lucy as a character. I just think that Tim needs to work on his communication skills some more. I feel like they both need therapy and I want them to get it. I want them to be happy and healthy and still in love with each other, once they both have been working on their issues for a bit.
I really hope the show gets renewed for season 7. I want to see them both get therapy. I want to see them communicate more. I want to see them happy. I want to see them in love. I want to see honesty. I want to see them working together. Laughing together. All the things that make them great as a couple and as singular characters.
I'm not going to let the breakup ruin the show for me. I watch the show mainly for Chenford. I like them as a couple and as singular characters. I like Wopez, also as a couple and as singular characters. I love Grey and his wife, and Nyla, Genny and Aaron. I don't care about most of the other characters. I guess what I'm saying is, I'm not going to stop watching the show just because Chenford broke up. I used to watch General Hospital and my former favorite couple used to break up and get back together for years. I don't like the back and forth, but I'll put up with it for a short time. If the show gets renewed for season 7 and Tim and Lucy show no signs of reconciliation by the end of that season, or by the end of this season and the show gets cancelled, then I will just be done with the show.
A lot of fans are having a knee-jerk reaction to the break up right now, and are threatening to drop the show and are harassing the actors. First, it's just a TV show, get a grip. And second, Eric and Melissa are just actors. Don't harass them about fictional characters. It's ridiculous and I don't want to see a repeat of the psycho behaviors of a select few that react like some of the Olicity fandom from Arrow did, each time Oliver and Felicity broke up. This post turned out longer than I meant, and it came out preachy, which wasn't my intention, sorry. But these are my thoughts, thanks for reading.
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eoenvs3000f24 · 1 day
Unit 02: Teaching Learners
My ideal role as a environmental interpreter is to be someone who can dissect hard to swallow ideas and break them down into bite size pieces that everyone will be able to understand. As a developing professional and scientist, I would like to be able to better communicate my ideas to a broader audience; not only just to other Universtiy students with similar educational background but also to a kindergartener who is just beginning their journey in academics or someone who is recently retired looking for a new hobby.
When asked to envision a nature interpreter, most people would picture the scout guide with the troop of young children all dressed up at summer camp, however I like to picture a nature interpreter as a ecological scientist who monitors trends in the environment to determine if there are factors that effect the overall health of an ecosystem. Someone who is monitoring the large-scale populations, the changing of weather patterns, the possible changes in melting patterns or in migration reports. These scientists are able to take in different streams of data and determine different methods to solve ecological issues as well as create preventative measures to help prevent future problems to arise. Nature interpreters need to be able to develop and lead engaging programs for various audiences, including school groups, families, and community members. Being able to Collaborate with local organizations, schools, and community leaders to promote environmental awareness and involvement in conservation initiatives is also needed as this brings attention to potential problems that nature is facing. Creating interpretive materials such as brochures, as well as digital content that highlights the local environment is done to increase involvement with the community and has helped to spread awareness for many different ecological problems.
I imagine this ecological scientist being present in a community, like a doctor or a fireman, being present in schools and around the community to help shape how to interact with the environment around you. The message of the interpreter being passed in the mail, through magazine articles, instagram ads, and other forms of media, so the message can be passed along. However, there is a perceived stigma with the sharing of ecological information, almost as if the information isn’t as important, the news tends to focus on the outcomes of global warming like storms and tornados and sinking land masses, however if news sources were to better share ways to reduce carbon footprint and to increase the renewable energy, Then the general population would be able to potentially change habits and slow down these negative effects. Therefore a strong nature interpreter should be able to communicate with all types of learns as well be able to convey their message over different platforms to reach a broader audience. Another quality would be patience, as learning doesn’t come easy to everyone and this can become frustrating and being patient will help to prevent the learner from quitting before they understand the concept.
In the most recently covered unit, we discussed some of the different learning styles like verbal, active, sequential or other styles of learner; as well how to better teach these other styles of learning by using a wider array of tactics. Introducing other forms of media like podcasts, posters, brochures, mail sources as well as informational videos could allow for a broader message to get across that would better suit a wider range of audiences. I tend to explain with words and story telling as I am a verbal learner, however the use of infographics, mini quizzes/ activities and other forms of media to better engage other types of learners would help me to become a better nature interpreter. Even though my passion lies in pharmaceuticals, I have always had a soft spot in my heart that has led to make conscious decisions about how I take care of the planet. I hope to further develop my communication skills by increasing the ways that I convey my messages to reach a boarder audience.
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mariacallous · 5 months
Do Arab leaders have Israel’s back? If one has scrolled through the social media commentary on the combined effort by Israeli, American, British, French, Jordanian, and possibly other Arab governments to thwart Iran’s missile and drone barrage on Israel, one might think so. A bevy of analysts, Israelis, and pro-Israel activists clearly want to believe it.
Alas, that claim is mostly hyperbole. Last weekend was many things, but the dawn of a “new Middle East,” marked by intensified Arab-Israeli cooperation at a renewed time of war, was not one of them. Fortunately, the truth is still reassuring enough.
Israel’s devastating military campaign in the Gaza Strip over the last six months has put significant pressure on its ties with Arab countries, especially Egypt and Jordan. Of the Arab states that have diplomatic relations with Israel, the Moroccan, Egyptian, and Emirati ambassadors remain in the country, though Abu Dhabi suspended its coordination of humanitarian aid with Israel after seven aid workers of the nonprofit World Central Kitchen were killed in an Israeli drone strike. Still, after all of the violence and diplomatic tension, it has become routine for journalists and analysts to ask whether the Abraham Accords, the diplomatic deal that normalized relations between Israel and several Gulf Arab states during the Trump administration, are now dead.
That’s one reason why the display last weekend of regional security coordination under the auspices of U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) was so important. The other has to do with the United States itself. After more than a decade in which the American foreign-policy community sought to deemphasize, pivot away, and retrench from the Middle East, the Biden administration proved that Washington can be—separate from its confused approach to the war in Gaza—a source of security in the region.
But the conclusions should not be overstated. At the same time that Israel’s friends were high-fiving and the Israelis were publicly thanking the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Jordan, and regional powers for their help, Arab officials and analysts were working hard to temper all the talk about the new Middle East. Jordan’s King Abdullah II made clear that shooting down Iranian drones was a defense of their country’s airspace and that they would do the same if drones were launched in the other direction.
In a private conversation, one keen observer of the region and former Arab official relayed, “It comes down to how states perceive the legitimacy of military action. In the Red Sea, no one wanted to appear to be part of a maritime coalition that was seen to be defending Israel. Last night, countries shot down incoming projectiles because it can be portrayed as defending sovereign airspace and not wanting a regional war.”
Those are important arguments. Given the horrors of Gaza and the concomitant outrage of many Middle Easterners over the deaths of tens of thousands of innocents at the hands of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), there is not a single Arab leader willing to publicly align with Israel—much less secure it. Still, defending airspace and preventing an intensification of the ongoing regional conflict yields the same result: helping Israel.
Setting aside the cheerleading of recent days, the coordinated military operations that protected Israel from mass casualties and destruction highlight the durability of the Jordan-Israel and Egypt-Israel peace treaties as well as the 2020 normalization agreements. No doubt, relations between the Israeli and Jordanian governments have been under strain in recent years as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu focused attention on developing ties with the Gulf states and engaged in provocative policies in Jerusalem as well as the West Bank. This created political difficulties for Abdullah, threatening the delicate balance between the demands of Jordan’s majority Palestinian population, its active Islamist movement, and East Bank tribal leaders, alongside the strategic necessity of maintaining a profoundly unpopular relationship with Israel.
The king’s apparent determination to maintain ties to Israel—given their importance to Jordan-U.S. relations—included a security dialogue that remained important to Jordan’s leaders even as other aspects of the relationship with Israel weakened. This security cooperation intensified once Israel came under CENTCOM’s area of responsibility in September 2021. The Egyptians, for their part, do not seem to have played a discernible role in last weekend’s events, but they, too, have ensured that their security dialogue with Israel remains robust and mutually beneficial despite the many crises that have buffeted the bilateral relationship since 1979.
Critics will undoubtedly argue that these securitized relationships are nothing to cheer. The ties between Arab governments—whose legitimacy is compromised, in part because of their ties to the Israelis—and an Israeli state that has dispossessed and repressed Palestinians would not exist but for authoritarian leaders and the support they enjoy in Washington. But this does not negate the fact that the security dialogues that have been underway between these countries for years paid off on April 13.
The same basic argument holds for the Abraham Accords, under which security cooperation developed rapidly after years of informal and secret cooperation. There is no leader in the Gulf who trusts Netanyahu, and they recoil at what the IDF has wrought in Gaza, but the Emiratis, Bahrainis, and the Saudis (who are silent partners in the Abraham Accords) certainly dislike and fear Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps more. This underlines what everyone already knows about the accords and why supporters of the Palestinians are so angry about it: The Arab leaders who have normalized ties with Israel place more value on fending off the Iranian challenge than Palestinian statehood. Despite the absence of some Arab ambassadors in Israel throughout these months of shocking violence, none of the Arab states that have come to terms with Israel have completely broken ties. The Saudi government, for instance, publicly maintains that it remains committed to normalization, though officials in Riyadh say they will require serious progress toward a Palestinian state. Yet even after all the violence and bloodshed of innocents in Gaza, the very fact that the Saudis still want to move forward with the Israelis says a lot about where the Palestinian issue stands among Arab leaders’ priorities.
Finally, after more than two decades during which the American investment in the transformation of the Middle East returned little or nothing, last weekend’s coordinated effort to prevent a wider and more destructive regional war (and, yes, defend Israel) was the result of Washington’s leadership. The episode demonstrates that when American policymakers focus on preventing threats to regional stability and security—as opposed to leveraging the power at their disposal to remake societies—Washington can be successful. Sure, critics will argue that the United States has been destructive in enabling the IDF’s destruction of Gaza. That is a potent critique. Would these observers prefer an all-out war in the region? Some may, given their views on Israel, but U.S. policy dictates otherwise.
Last weekend, there was a lot of commentary on social media and elsewhere expressing amazement at a new Middle East in which countries of the region coordinated an effort to thwart Iran’s attack on Israel. There is something to be said for that. But what’s more amazing when one takes a step back is that war has not actually changed the region that much. Regional governments still hate and fear Iran, harbor no particular commitment to Palestinian justice, want good relations with Israel, and desire American leadership.
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