#community built
fuckmatpat · 10 months
Community and blog resources:
Matpat Replacement List (or creators to watch INSTEAD of matpat)
Matpat's Transgressions. (WIP)
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Community Monster #1- The Eldritch Corpse
That’s a wrap for the community Build-a-Monster! Well, more like Build-a-Threat, but still! Since the winning weakness was very descriptive as to what it was, I took it as its description. Next time I might let yall think of one, but for this I think it was perfect!
I took the liberty as well to create minions for the Phenomenon as well, just to balance it out some. Just like with all the ideas within this blog, you’re free to edit them to make it work for your game!
Without further adieu, here is the first Community Build-a-Threat stats!
The corpse of an ancient godlike being was taken for study in a facility (university, science, some dude’s garage). The echoes of its eldritch power radiate outwards, infecting all nearby with its dread curse.
Phenomenon type and motivation: Teratogen (motivation: to turn creatures and people into monsters)
Effects the phenomenon has on hunters (and other bystanders) who get too close:
Rapid calcification of organic tissue
Awakening skeletons of creatures within, granting them intelligence and desires
Berserker response when injured
What its weakness is (this works differently to monster weaknesses): The corpse must be incinerated, down to the very marrow in its bones, to send it to its true death. The effects will go away, but those Calcified will remain so.
Custom moves for its effects: Calcification- Those that get too close to the corpse and its area its infecting, hunters must roll +Cool to resist the effects. On a success, their skin doesn't harden. On a mix, they get to decide: their skin doesn't calcify, or it does, granting them -1 ongoing for the rest of the mystery but they have +1 to armor. If they choose the latter, they mark experience. On a miss, their body hardens and rigids- they take -2 ongoing until they manage to get a cure, but they have +1 armor Berserker Response- Anyone that gets hurt while near or within the area the corpse is in, they fly into an uncontrollable rage. If a hunter gets hurt, have them roll +Cool. On a success, they resist the rage for the rest of the mystery. On a mix they resist for the roud, but must roll again. On a miss, they fly into a rage- they must Roll to Kick Ass on another hunter (OR the keeper chooses what damaging move they do to another hunter and they must roll accordingly- fully up to the keeper) for a round.
The Calcified Those that were in the effects for too long became calcified and their rage everlasting. They seek to attack anything that moves at the slight provocation.
Minion type and motivation: Brute (motivation: to intimidate and attack)
Attacks and armour:
Calcified Skin (+1 armor)
Limb smash (1 harm close)
How much harm will kill it: 5
Awakened Bones The awakened skeletons of those in the area, mostly from cemetaries, shallow graves, or backyards of a family home. They range from animal skeletons to a humans. They seem to congregate near the facility holding the corpse.
Minion type and motivation: Guardian (motivation: to bar a way or protect something) Attacks and armour.
Hardened bone (+1 armor)
Bite (1 harm intimate)
Claw (if animal) (1 harm close ignore armor)
Weakness: Blunt weaponry, like a hammer or bat.
How much harm will kill it: 5
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salamie-baby · 7 months
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The three genders
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sweatermuppet · 3 months
reading thru a lesbian magazine from the 70s & there's one interview section where a woman states that she views lust as a "very male emotion" because "it means you're just focused on orgasm, not the enjoyment or intimacy of sex itself" & i feel like that thought is still in use today which is so sad! the idea that sex/sexual lust is dirty or manly or unbecoming or downright evil is driven so deeply into the minds of women of any sexuality or gender at any age & it looks like it hasn't changed in 50 years
there's also a transcription of a speech where someone is saying "we don't want dykes in our organization! we're lesbians, not dykes!" & then goes on to stereotype dykes as dirty, trashy, etc????
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farfallasims · 11 months
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Serene Studios, Brindleton Bay☁️
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classicpixels · 5 days
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West Village Residences
A pair of historical detached houses that have been restored to its former glory. It offers mirrored floorplans, a shared community garden and a stunning waterfront view of the Hudson River with ample privacy. Situated in a quaint residential district of Manhattan, these houses are perfect for newlyweds or couples seeking to start their family.
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pixelglam · 22 days
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The Harbor House, Martha's Vineyard 🦪🇺🇸
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Why would you—That's not—I just wanted to ask for help, why did you have to go and make it awkward???
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the-modern-typewriter · 4 months
It's been brought to my attention that there are people out there who are sadly plagiarising my work again.
1. This is not okay.
To clarify, while I'm very happy for people to take inspiration from my stories (in the same way you might any book you read from a bookshop), I don't want my work used or reposted without credit.
I'm not going to go into lengths on why it is wrong to plagiarise someone else's writing. I don't think my tumblr post is magically going to change anyone's mind, especially as if you've followed me long enough you know we've done this rodeo before.
2. How to tell when writing is plagiarised
It can be very difficult to tell when something is plagiarised, especially if we have never come across the original work before and have no reason to recognise it.
I don't think it's realistic for everyone to vet everything they come across online for plagiarism, but it's also something I don't see talked about a lot for fiction.
These questions to ask yourself are not foolproof and not applicable to everything. But I think they can be a start.
If the writer has posted more than one story, is there a similarity across them? While writing style can change across an author's different pieces, there is still usually going to be a similar feel across stories if they came from the same person. Writers have voices and quirks and little things that are specific to them. If every piece feels wildly different then it might be coming from different places. This is probably going to come down to gut reaction and instinct in the first instance. But that's okay. Because that gut reaction is just there to make you think twice and maybe investigate more thoroughly.
How much are they posting? Can people churn an extraordinary amount of words out? Yes, sometimes. But...as a general ballpark, no. Writing takes time and effort. If someone is coming out with enormous amounts of writing every day or week or month or whatever, then this can be a hint to look a little closer.
Do you ever see hints of their writing process? Can the writer talk about their characters or what they want out of the story or anything like that? Do they ever post a story organically in response to a request or whatever? Not all writers know in-depth everything about their story or characters or plot, but the main point here is that the finished product is the tip of the iceberg. If someone is a writer than there is more going on beneath the surface of the posted stories.
I hope this helps!
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moonwoodhollow · 3 months
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Gina's childhood room
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arthursfuckinghat · 4 months
I will never be normal about the red dead redemption protagonists getting caught in the cycle of revenge for their loved ones
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vrronica-sawyer · 11 months
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very normal group of queer people chilling on modern day earth
gung ho guns version
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cactuslester · 8 months
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phil lester: then ⤐ now
happy 37th birthday @amazingphil!!!
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yeesiine · 8 months
Healthy relationships are not found , they are built off teamwork....good communication, understanding & comprehension.
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gigamuffinsofie · 12 hours
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autism to autism communication
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spookyfbi · 9 months
“Izzy emotionally abused Ed into being Blackbeard for years”
My sibling in Calypso, that is your headcanon. That is not information we were given in the show. It’s fine to have headcanons but please don’t act like other people are wrong for having different headcanons for periods of time that we did not see in the show.
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