#community beer co.
drdemonprince · 1 year
Where I grew up in Ohio, the women had to raise the kids, maintain the house, work overnight shifts at the hospital or the grocery store, clean out the gutters, and keep all the animals fed. They drank beer and watched football and never talked about their emotions all that much. They smoked out back behind their workplace, shot the shit with their co-workers, told their children to toughen up, and held a hard, complicated life together as practically as they could. They were the rocks of their families and their communities, both nurturing and no-nonsense, with little taste for sensitivity, frivolity, or extravagance.  I was none of those things. As a child I was physically inept and passive, too terrified of other people and slow in my reaction times to play sports or fix things. Absolutely anything could make me cry, from a sad passage in a fantasy book to a broken refrigerator lightbulb. I pranced around the home on my tippy toes and waggled my arms in a flighty, fanciful way, and dreamed of becoming a fairy or elf. I was silly and too soft and downright effeminate, and though I’d been viewed as a “girl” since the moment I was born, none of these traits were particularly desirable or considered all that gender-conforming.  Most people talk about “female socialization” as a kind of enforced femininity that’s imposed on anybody assigned female at birth. But I wasn’t a masculine girl who was punished for being insufficiently girlish. I was a feminine child who was made an outsider because of my foppish, impractical femininity. I wasn’t strong enough, tough enough, or masculine enough to be the ideal, low-maintenance kind of woman that my culture had prescribed.  My upbringing was therefore far closer to what many gender non-conforming boys undergo than it was the stereotypical experience of the “female socialized.” And from speaking to other gay trans men and femme lesbian people, I’ve learned that my case is hardly unique. “Female socialization,” to the extent that it exists, is hardly a monolith. Femininity is not expected of every girl. 
read the rest of the essay for free on substack
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sashaisready · 5 months
This Must Be The Place: Chapter 5 - I feel numb
Biker!Bucky x Femme Reader
Back at your beloved late grandmother's home to pack up her house, you have a run-in with the town's biker gang 'The Howling Commandos' and find yourself entangled with the metal armed President.
Series Masterlist
Warnings: Bucky is a dick in this one. Angst! Jealousy! Idiots who don't communicate!! But I’m loving Steve...He’s moving in a different direction than planned but I’m enjoying it.
Surprise chapter drop! This came outta nowhere lol. Thanks again for all your reblogs and comments, I truly can’t emphasise enough how much they mean to me.
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You had whiplash after the kiss with Bucky in the office. It all happened so fast, so fast you didn’t even really think about it. Not that you needed to, your body thought and spoke for you. Every feeling you had for him was poured into that kiss. Every stolen glance, every secret second of pining. Kissing him felt like the most natural thing in the world. As if you were meant to be doing this. A tiny part of you had almost hoped that if you ever did manage to kiss him, that it would be bad…or worse - uneventful. Then maybe the mediocrity would snap you out of your infatuation and allow you to move forward, finally stop you crushing on a man who you knew would be no good for you.
Alas, no. It had only stoked the embers, the fire for him burning brighter than ever before.
That night you had driven home, Clint riding alongside you on his bike until you were safely behind the front door. That was sweet. You had insisted you were fine and apologised to him for the waste of gas, but he was nonplussed. A loyal soldier doing his duty.
You had laid awake in Granny’s old bed that night, wondering what exactly had led Bucky to make a move. Yes, there had been a bit of flirtation between you both, but you’d got the impression he was like that with women generally – especially if his interactions with Amber and co were anything to go by. You’d met many flirts in your time, and you knew better than to pin hopes and feelings on a bit of banter. Some flirts treated it like a sport, getting girls to fall for them with a few sweet words and well-timed winks just to see if they could. Others just did it to pass the time, enjoying the buzz of the exchanges but never really intending it to go further. You didn’t know which category Bucky fell into, but you were smart enough to keep your wits about you. Or at least try to...
He seemed genuinely shaken up by the incident with the customer, angry that he hadn’t been there to save the day and keep his employees out of harm’s way. Was he worried about you? Or was it a bit of a macho display to save face in front of the MC? Someone had caused trouble on his turf, after all. You didn’t know. Why had he even hired you? Did he like you, or were you just a bit of fun that he knew had an expiration date when you sold the house? Did he feel the same way you did, or just think you were a good time girl who would serve him beer and maybe let him into your pants for a few quickies after hours? You didn’t know. But a glimmer of optimism was blooming.
And just how far would the kiss have gone if Sam hadn’t interrupted? You definitely didn’t know that. All you knew was the dizzying feeling you’d felt when he’d kissed you…and just how down bad you were.
To your disappointment, and possibly helping to confirm where Bucky stood, you didn’t hear from him over the next few days. Only a cursory text from Steve to confirm your next shift. You weren’t sure what you expected, but making out with your boss in the back office wasn’t a regular work activity for you – you at least thought he’d text or something. But maybe that’s where you were going wrong. Maybe that was a typical Sunday night at the bar for him.
You pulled up into the parking lot of The Snake Pit on Wednesday evening to begin your shift. As you wandered in, various members of the MC greeted you and asked about your injuries. You smiled and amiably chatted back, reassuring them all was fine. Nat gave you a wave over by the jukebox before berating Sam about his song choice. Just another regular shift. If anyone knew about your little tryst with Bucky, nobody gave anything away to suggest it.
As you got to the bar, Steve was leaning across it and meticulously inspecting a CCTV camera he must’ve unscrewed from the ceiling. You said hi to Tom who was already working, his tongue sticking out of his mouth as he acknowledged you while very carefully cutting up some lemons.
“Still playing up, huh?” you asked Steve as you started putting clean glasses away.  
“Yep,” he replied without looking up. “I thought the connection was loose, but I can’t see any problems with it – so I think it’s something with the individual cameras”.
A couple of the cameras had been on the blink for a week or so, leaving surveillance blindspots in the bar. Bucky was very blasé about it all, but Steve was clearly nervous.
“Want me to call the repair guy?” you asked as you worked around him.
Steve grimaced. “Not yet…I’m just gonna have a play around and see if I can figure it out”.
You poured him a beer as he pulled a screwdriver from his pocket and began opening up the camera’s case.
“Thanks,” he mumbled as you placed the glass in front of him. He hadn’t looked up at you the whole time you’d been there. It would’ve bothered you when you first started here, but you knew now that was just how he was.
“How’s the arm?” he asked suddenly, his eyes still locked on the task in front of him.
“All good, thanks. Bandage was off the next day”.
“Good. And the head?”
“Also good. Just had a bit of a fetching goose egg on my head for a few days”.
“Eh, a look you pulled off, I’m sure”.
You smiled. Steve may have been a man of few words, but he did listen. He did care.
“And don’t worry about that guy. He wouldn’t dream of coming back here. Trust me”.
“Thanks, Steve”.
“Mmm. Y‘welcome” he muttered.
He went quiet again, and you knew that meant the conversation was finished for now so you continued working.
You were just re-stocking the bottle fridges when you realised you hadn’t seen Bucky around yet. You did a quick scan of the room when the front door suddenly flew open.
You couldn’t help the wave of nausea that rushed through as you watched Bucky sweep into the bar, Amber glued to his side as she giggled hysterically at whatever he’d just said. He’d never been that funny, you thought.
Some of the MC members called out to him and he hollered back. Amber was clinging to him, grinning like a Cheshire cat. He dashed by the bar and his eyes caught yours as he walked. He seemed to give you a double take as he stopped.
“You’re working tonight?” he asked, pointing at you accusingly. “I thought you were in tomorrow”.
“Well, hello to you too,” you mumbled back, a little grouchier than planned. But you couldn’t deny that you were expecting a warmer reception.
“I scheduled her,” Steve replied gruffly. “You know those guys from the manufacturing plant are in here Wednesday nights after their shift. We need all hands on deck”.
As if on cue, Tom stumbled behind you and nearly dropped the liquor bottles he was holding.
“Yeah. Guess you’re right,” Bucky replied unconvincingly.
“Buuuucky,” wailed Amber as she tugged on his kutte. “C’moooon…”
Bucky huffed. “Alright…”
He looked at you for a split second, but then they moved over to the other side of the bar. You finally exhaled. You felt stupid. What did you expect? He was going to sweep you up and continue kissing you in front of everyone? You hadn’t even heard from him. God, you thought you’d grown out of this type of thing. Your embarrassment curdled into anger.
As you seethed silently, Steve spoke up again. Well, it was more like a growl than anything as you couldn’t make out what he said.
“Sorry, what did you say?” you asked.
“I said,” and his blue eyes flickered to finally look at you, “Don’t believe everything you see”.
You frowned. “Cryptic…”
“You heard me”.
You watched as he turned and pointedly looked over at Bucky and Amber. Bucky was chatting away to Nat as Amber held onto his metal arm with a vice grip, holding court with the other girls. She was showing Bucky off like a prize.
You felt your face flush. Did…he know? Did Bucky tell him about what happened between the two of you? And what was he inferring about Bucky and Amber?
You went to question him further, but he slipped off the bar stool without another word, zipping off across the room to reattach the CCTV camera.
The shift was a particularly painful one. You had to stand and watch as Amber was all over Bucky like a bad rash. He wasn’t necessarily reciprocating her attention – moving through the group drinking, chatting, but equally he wasn’t shaking her off, either. He seemed perfectly happy to have an Amber-shaped appendage, occasionally giving her breadcrumbs in the form of a smile or a wink which she happily devoured. He hadn’t acknowledged you since his admission of surprise that you were here.
Fortunately for you, Steve’s prediction about the plant guys keeping things busy was entirely correct. You and Tom would have bursts of activity as the group all seemed to go in for another round at once, then moments of quiet as they guzzled their drinks back at the tables. You were grateful for the distraction.
The hours clicked by towards the end of the night, and you were tired. Tired of being on your feet all evening. Tired of picking up the slack for Tom. Tired of keeping up with the plant guys who seemed to have bottomless pits inside them that no amount of beer could fill. Tired of how embarrassed you felt by Bucky’s rejection. Tired, tired. Your tank was empty.
The bar had emptied out with only a few stragglers left alongside the MC, so you started cleaning up and closing. You were just stacking some dirty glasses when the high-pitched giggle cut through the air.
You and Tom both turned to see Amber sitting rather unashamedly in Bucky’s lap, giggling as she ran her finger across his chin. He looked back at her with amusement, grinning like a fool.
You squeezed the glass you were holding so tightly that it was a miracle it didn’t break. All the feelings you’d been suppressing suddenly bubbled up, your stomach a nauseating soup of fatigue and hurt. And some rage thrown in for good measure.
“Oh man, she’s so hot…” Tom practically drooled.
That didn’t help.
“I’m just gonna change the Bud barrel,” you muttered in reply, your voice monotonous.
You slipped out through the door behind the bar and quickly rushed down the stairs to the quiet basement where the barrels and stock were kept. Grateful for the privacy, you threw your hands flat against the concrete wall and bent your head towards the floor, exhaling. It took you a moment, but you managed to compose yourself. God, you were stupid.
You unhooked the old barrel and got to work replacing it with the new one, relieved to be doing something with your hands. You berated yourself for getting to this point. A brief make-out session with your boss was hardly a binding contract. It didn’t mean anything. Nothing. Bucky probably got up to more mayhem before 10am most weekdays with his little harem of women. You were just another skirt to him. Jesus. How silly you’d been. You realised maybe you’d let yourself to be caught up in this crush to distract yourself from your Granny and the house. And it was a welcome distraction. But here you were, hiding in the basement at your job and feeling like a high schooler whose crush had invited someone else to prom.
You inhaled and finished the task, standing back up and wiping your hands on your jeans.
You straightened up your back and shook your limbs out as you climbed back up the stairs. Time to do what you did best. After all, the only way is through.
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wardenparker · 4 months
Congrats!! You're one of my favorite blogs here <3
How about Steve Murphy for the prompt - I don't need a roommate
Steve Murphy. 1,373 words. I don't need a roommate." Co-written with @absurdthirst
Established relationship. Alcohol consumption. Poor communication.
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“Javi— help me out here.” Steve begs, crushing out another cigarette and flopping back in the squeaky yet comfortable chair. “Talk some sense into her.”
Keeping his eyes on his paperwork, annoyed that this….argument has now roped him in, he snorts and shakes his head. “Fuck no.” He grunts, glancing up to make sure you hadn’t doubled back into the shared office to make another point and overhear him. He’s crazy, not stupid. “This is your battle.” He tells his partner. “I’m not the one fucking her.”
“The only woman in the world you can actually say that about,” Steve huffs, rolling his eyes.
It had started fast and furious. Just a few months after you were transferred to Colombia to join the DEA team going after Pablo Escobar, you had tumbled into your partner’s bed and now rarely make it back to your own. Even when you argue, or have stupid work bullshit interfere in your days, you always end up falling into Steve Murphy’s bed at the end of it.
Tonight, even after arguing with him at the office, you still end up knocking on his apartment door to find out if this time the arguments have finally pushed things too far for your undefined non-relationship.
If he’s honest with himself, he hadn’t expected you to come. Beer in hand, he pushes himself up off the couch and gives a cursory glance through the peep hole, pausing for a split second before he opens the door. “Hey.” He greets you, wondering why you didn’t just use the key he had given you. The key that started the entire damn argument.
“Hey.” Knocking had seemed more polite than just barging in, especially when you weren’t sure he wouldn’t be asking for the key back after this afternoon.
He rocks his jaw for a second and then swings the door open wider, a clear invitation to come inside as he turns to amble towards the kitchen. “Want a beer?” He asks over his shoulder.
“Please.” His place is better kept than a bachelor pad but only because he had been married for so long. There are things in this apartment that have Connie’s stamp on them still, but not the refrigerator. It’s frozen food and beer in there and not much else. Steve can’t cook to save his life, and you can smell the frozen pizza he ate for dinner, a fact which makes you smile reflexively as you close the door behind you.
He drains the rest of his beer and plucks two from the fridge before closing it. Twisting off the caps of both, he offers you one silently.
"I came to apologize," you admit after a long pause, one that is filled only by you and Steve standing in his kitchen drinking beer. "I...overreacted earlier."
You did, but he’s smart enough not to agree with you, just arching his brows as he takes another sip.
He's gonna make you do this all on your own. Well, you probably deserve that. After being a little bit of a bitch to him in front of Peña, you definitely deserve it. Still, you exhale slowly and take another sip of the beer he handed you. "I just...felt a little blindsided by being handed a key when we haven't really talked about whatever this is beyond flirting or agreeing on a time for me to come over during the day."
“It’s a key.” He reminds you. “I didn’t think that you would react like that.” He’s still a bit more closed off than he was before coming to Colombia, but he was working on it. Divorcing Connie had been for the best, but he doesn’t want to sabotage every relationship by clamming up. He shrugs slightly. “Figured it would just be step one into moving in with me.”
"See? Blindsided like that." There has been nothing about how you've been together – aside from the fucking and flirting – that has indicated that Steve would want you in his space permanently. "You want me to move in with you?" The question is...it's bewildering, but only because it cracks something open in your chest and makes your heart ache unexpectedly. The things you've been feeling for this man recently are too big for you to allow yourself to process. "I don't think...I can't be your roommate Steve."
Steve snorts, raising the beer bottle to his lips and takes a healthy swing, bracing himself against the bitter sting of rejection. “I don’t want a roommate.” He scoffs at how incredibly bad he’s botched this. “I want a partner.” His eyes meet yours and he holds your gaze. “I want us to be more than just partners at work.”
"Oh." If you could have handpicked his response it wouldn't have been as honest as that, or as close to a gut punch. You had found yourself overreacting just a handful of hours ago because the gesture felt intimate and you realized how much you wanted it to be. Now here he is, telling you it's even more intimate than you had anticipated. "I—I completely misread that..."
“I know.” Steve shoots you a grin as he leans back against the counter. “Figured that fuck buddies wasn’t enough for me, so it wouldn’t be enough for you.” He sighs. “Might be wrong.”
“It was at first.” It feels stupid to admit, but here you are. Here you are feeling deep enough emotions for this man that it makes you react irrationally and ache. “Now though?” You shift, moving your weight from one foot to the other. “I don’t feel right unless the days start and end with you.”
“So why the fit when I give you a key to my place?” Steve asks, setting his bottle down and crossing his arms over his chest.
“We never talk about emotions,” you point out gently, as though he isn’t aware of exactly what goes on in this undefined relationship. “It felt wrong to get my hopes up, but it also felt wrong to assume it was just a friendly gesture, and I think I panicked being caught between the two.”
“Panicked, huh?” The grin is back and he slides closer to you, crowding you. “You don’t seem to panic when you’re screaming my name.”
“That’s because orgasms aren’t scary.” The indignant huff in your voice is clear, but you still set down your beer and welcome him into your personal space. “Feelings are.”
“Naaaaahhhhh.” He presses closer, smirking slightly and he reaches out to toy with your necklace. “Both make your heart speed up.” He rationalizes. “Your blood pool in different places.” He glances into your eyes again. “Both can be fun.”
"I can't say feelings have ever made my blood pool in interesting places before you." Saying which feelings seems too intimate all over again, but you still find yourself stepping closer to Steve as that unconscious string between you tugs and tugs to close the gap.
“Your cheeks?” He challenges with another smirk. “They get pretty warm sometimes.”
"I wouldn't call my cheeks interesting, Steve." It's adorable, though. The way he manages to be sweet and gentle while still making your cunt ache.
“Depends on which cheeks we’re talking about.” He teases, leaning in and inhaling the sweet scent of your perfume.
"You do love my ass." You smirk up at him – and up, Jesus H. Christ, Steve is tall – and lay one hand on his chest.
“Yeah I do.” He agrees with a chuckle as he reaches up to cup your cheek. “So….are you still upset about the key?”
"No." You're upset with yourself for being a dumbass about it, but there's nothing you can do about that now. "No, I think I'm pretty fucking happy about it now."
“Are you going to use the key?” He asks seriously. “Because…you’re here more than you are at your place.”
"Maybe..." Stepping in one more time puts you almost flush against him and your cheeks warm all over again. "If you really wanted me to use your key...I might give up the other one after all."
“Mmmm.” Steve leans in, brushing his lips over yours softly. “I do.” He solemnly vows, wanting you to live with him more than anything.
Master Tags: @pixiedurango @chattychell @winter-fox-queen @lady-himbo @artsymaddie @princess76179 @paintballkid711 @missminkylove @pedrosbrat @ew-erin @sarahjkl82-blog @sharkbait77 @justanotherblonde23 @lv7867 @recklesswit @mylittlesenaar @f0rever15elf @gallowsjoker @steeevienicks @athalien @sherala007 @skvatnavle @thatpinkshirt @jaime1110 @girlimjusttryingtoreadfanfics @goodgriefitsawildworld @greeneyedblondie44 @littlemousedroid @harriedandharassed @churchill356 @ajathegreats-blog @haylzcyon   @beardsanddetectives @kirsteng42 @ladykatakuri @adancedivasmom @madiebear @tanzthompson @emilianamason @bigsdinger @xocalliexo @pedr0swh0r3 @avaleineandafryingpan @charlyrmv @avidreader73 @iceclaw101 @loveslide @elegantduckturtle @becsworld @julesonrecord @its-nebuleuse @itsrubberbisquit @mikeyswifie @guelyury @lizzie-cakes @for-a-longlongtime @vabeachazn @purplerain04 @weho2kcmo @madnessofadaydreamer
Steve Tags: @pedropascalsx @ithinkwehitametaphor @ionlyjoinedforboydholbrook
My Masterlist!
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Hi, I was wondering if you could do one for who (other than Lewis) would run in a Pelican Town Mayoral Election, and who each townsfolk would vote for?
Hey hey 👋
I got a little carried away with the answer because it's a pretty interesting topic. 😅Thanks for the question, btw!
Who would be a candidate for the position of Pelican Town Mayor besides Lewis?
The first candidate:
The first person who definitely has a good chance of winning a mayoral election is... us, i.e. our Farmer OC. Because we've been able to do in a couple of years what Lewis (and probably anyone else) couldn't do in decades. We have raised the image of the town as a whole, making it important both economically and touristically. The residents themselves will immediately notice this because we literally won a Stardew Hero Award by rebuilding the Community Centre.
However... when you think about it, our merits may play right into Lewis' favour because all of these improvements to the town happened during his very reign. Plus the fact that according to some residents' comments, no one really knows that we did it all (with Junimos help, but still). "Did you hear that, Farmer? The bus has been restored. It's a miracle!", "Somehow, the old minecart started working again" - key words is "someone" and "somehow", not our Farmer's name. Like... really, "a miracle"? It is a "miracle" that the town is still a town, not an abandoned unknown settlement.
If everyone knows that the building of Pam and Penny's new house, the rebuilt bus, the minecart and the Community Centre are to our credit, then the opinion of Pelican Town residents will be unanimous. Even Marnie and Robin will vote for Farmer. Not because they dislike Lewis, but because they think he deserves a peaceful retirement. Marnie also secretly hopes that after he retires, the two of them can finally stop hiding their relationship from the public.
The second candidate:
The second candidate who can take Mayor's place is Morris, the manager of the powerful and greedy Joja Co., which is the main antagonist in the game. But! This will only happen with the obligatory participation of our Farmer OC.
The situation will be something similar to Lewis, which I described earlier: Morris will simply appropriate all the laurels and honours for himself. Despite the fact that it was Farmer who was the gold wallet the main sponsor, almost all the improvements and fixes in Pelican Town took place under the huge Joja.co logo. And since the town had become a more important part of the Ferngill Republic, the head of the corporation would definitely want near-absolute power here, so they could order Morris to take part in the election. He won't mind, because it will be a good cash flow, fame and recognition of his important persona by his superiors, and the rest of the routine and mayor duties can be dumped on the other workers.
When it comes to the actual voting, the people of Pelican Town are split into two sides - it's going to be a pretty heated debate. Pierre and his family will definitely be against it, because for them - it means the end of Pierre's little shop business. For the others, it also means not very pleasant changes: for Robin and Demetrius - cutting down trees for resources and disturbing the ecosystem; for Linus and Willy - more Joja trash in local waters; for Penny - constant discounts on beer in JojaMart, which her mother can't resist....
The other side will insist that Joja is the future and progress. Jodi will admit that it's very profitable to shop there, Haley will be happy that town will finally have more supermarkets and other delights like in Zuzu City. Shane and Sam will vote for Morris either because they were forced into it by Morris himself as still the current manager or after promises of a salary increase. The others who took a more or less neutral stance will be tried to be bribed by Joja co. As a last resort, Morris and his superiors will start influencing even the Governor, explaining what an perfect candidate Morris is. The decision is still up to the people of Pelican Town, but there will definitely be pressure.
The other candidates:
PS: In "Stardew Valley Expanded" mod, if Farmer chooses Joja path, Morris will just run for mayor, become mayor (with our help again), and settle into a new home in Stardew Valley. Morris himself in the mod appears as a misunderstood character who does want the best for Pelican Town, it's just that his concept of "best" is different. I decided to describe Morris the way I imagined him when I first played Stardew Valley, without mods (and there's no information about him in the vanilla version, so it's our guesses and headcanons).
About the other candidates... Frankly speaking, no one else comes to mind, because the others either lack the appropriate skills for management, or they are full of their own worries, and do not want to stress themselves with mayor's duties. The same Robin gives herself to the construction of farm buildings and houses, Marnie prefers the company of her cows and goats, without Willy there is no one to supply fish and seafood, etc. Even Pierre, who dreams of a successful rich life as owner of his stores, will not want to take such responsibility. All the bachelors and bachelorettes are busy with their hobbies and interests, other residents do not care about all these elections.
So, that's the answer: Farmer, or Morris!
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quodekash · 3 months
whoop im back (was stressed and forgot to post my thoughts), here's we are episode whatever-last-week-was
we’re like 5 mins in and im already on the verge of tears, i just love this show so much
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“i want to be water. i want to be the reason you feel good” WHAT THE FUCK DUDE DONT MAKE ME SOB LIKE THAT
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i do love it tho
frankly i quite enjoy when they kiss
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there’s something so beautiful about being fully clothed in a pool with your crush, kissing him passionately twice, and then pushing him away and splashing him with water and it immeditaely turns into a water-splashing-fight
they just made out twice in that photo
I just love it
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I fucking love toey so much, just skateboarding right into his (unofficial) boyfriend’s class
bro this ep so far has just been fluff after fluff after fluff, my heart can barely take it
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idk much about fans but this feels final coded somehow
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(need y'all to know that those two messages when spamming my friend were four minutes apart)
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...you mean lady and the tramp????
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theres so many kisses and so much communication in this episode, i might actually die
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theyre also fucking
well like. almost.
spicy makeout at the very least
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Love that for him
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real tho
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I definitely am
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story's reactions to phumpeem specifically are sending me
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you cant tell me that shriek wasnt "FUCKING CALLED IT"
truly felt it in my soul
I think ive done almost exactly the same thing before when being right about something (because it truly happens very rarely)
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Beer’s fully just nodding at them both cos hes known for WEEKS
or at least suspected it
OKAY SO NEXT WEEK: -chainpun are raising Penguin the bird together (holy fucking shit) -q is FINALLY asking toey to proper date him -Q APPEARS TO BE IN A BAND WITH BEER ON DRUMS AND CHAIN ON GUITAR IM GONNA CRY -fang’s hair looks amazing -PHUMPEEM BEACH AND ALOS THERES A HORSE?? -phum hitting on peem literally right in front of q and his expression is priceless
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bro literally fangirling so hard rn
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Made up, like my fiancé | @blanketforcas
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 2,834 Main Tags/Warnings: Fluff, First Kiss, Touch-Starved Dean Winchester, make-up date Summary: Cas and Dean find out how much they like make-up (and each other)
under covers | @demonmary
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 6,588 Main Tags/Warnings: AU: No Supernatural, Federal Agents, Undercover as Married , Co-workers , Flirting , Smut , Older Castiel (Supernatural) Summary: inspired by an episode of NCIS, Dean and Cas go undercover for some good ol' fashioned fake dating.
We were always meant to say goodbye (please don't go) | @readingprofoundbonds
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 8,210 Main Tags/Warnings: Misunderstandings, Second Chances Summary: When Castiel hears that Dean Smith will date anyone who asks him out for exactly one week, he's curious. He tests the waters and sees if 'anyone' will include male co-workers from Accounting.
Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love | @aishitara
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 14,882 Main Tags/Warnings: Idiots to lovers, mutual pining, best friends to lovers, but they were roommates!, pretend relationship, misunderstanding, mild angst with a happy ending. Summary: Dean clears his throat and says, “I have an idea for how to deal with your mom.” He looks away as he takes a long swallow of beer. “But you’re probably not gonna like it.” Castiel grunts. “Tell me anyway. You’ve got one idea more than me.” Huffing a small laugh, Dean says, “Yeah, well, we’ll see.” He looks over at Castiel, lower lip caught between his teeth. “I’ll go with you,” he says earnestly. “To Thanksgiving.” Castiel stares at Dean blankly, not following. “Y’know,” Dean says, suddenly interested in removing the label from his beer. “As your boyfriend.”
swing with you for the fences | @fifthstiel
Rating: Mature Word Count: 27,637 Main Tags/Warnings: canon divergence (season 14), de-aging, kid jack, fake relationship, pining, getting together, case fic Summary: With elementary school parents falling mysteriously ill in Pennsylvania, a little magical aid allows a de-aged Jack and devoted single father Cas to play the perfect bait. However, a misunderstanding shortly after arriving leaves Dean reluctantly saddled with undercover parenthood right along with Cas. Now Dean has to survive the petty drama of suburbia while trying to track down whatever’s responsible for targeting parents in the community - and navigating his feelings about the family he didn’t think he’d ever get to have.
Lavender Pines | @thisisapaige
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 30,609 Main Tags/Warnings: Fake/Pretend Relationship (Platonic Cas & Rowena), Secret Relationship (Sam/Rowena), Idiots to Lovers (Cas/Dean), Case Fic, Post-Episode: s12e11 Regarding Dean Summary: Rowena calls Sam, asking for help. Her former lover, the powerful witch Leon O'Leary, has something of hers and she wants it back. When Sam agrees to help, the last thing he expects is for her to pull out a ring and propose. To Cas. Cas and Rowena move into the wealthy suburb of Lavender Pines and work to become the most well-liked newlywed couple on the block. Sam and Dean support them from the bunker. It’s a milk run of a case. Simple. Easy. It’s not.
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storiesbyrhi · 2 years
Eddie's March 1986 Timeline
I've spent too long thinking about how hungry Eddie must have been, and how he probably just wanted a hot shower and warm bed. Now you have to think about it too.
Feel free to reblog with thoughts, feelings, additions, corrections, or anything else. xo Rhi
FRIDAY 21 (The Hellfire Club)
mEAN an' scARY?
The Hellfire Club campaign ends with Vecna's defeat at the roll of Lady Applejack's 20
Eddie witnesses Chrissy's murder and runs
He arrives at his chosen hiding place of Reefer Rick's boathouse at some point between Friday night and Saturday morning
SATURDAY 22 (Vecna's Curse)
Days without a proper meal or shower: 1
Food: beer and what appears to be a few bags of snack food; Max finds the trash for these in the boathouse
Dustin, Max, Steve, and Robin search for Eddie, after Max's statement that he probably witnessed Chrissy's death
They find him in Rick's boathouse hiding under a tarp, using a broken bottle as a weapon
The public is not yet aware of Eddie's connection
SUNDAY 23 (The Monster and the Superhero)
Days without a proper meal or shower: 2
Food: three bags of snacks including Yoohoo and Honeycomb cereal
Eddie is still wielding the broken bottle and sleeping in the boathouse when the same group brings Eddie supplies and news
The police are proactively searching for Eddie as their prime suspect
The public is still not aware of Eddie's involvement
MONDAY 24 (Dear Billy)
Days without a proper meal or shower: 3
Food: the snacks from the previous day should have lasted till now
We don't know what Eddie does on this day
TUESDAY 25 (The Nina Project, The Dive)
Days without a proper meal or shower: 4
Food: SpaghettiOs from Rick's kitchen cupboard
Eddie calls the gang asking for a food drop and a six-pack' it appears to be the first time he goes into Rick's house; Rick's neighbours notice the movement inside
Jason and co. find Eddie, he escapes as Patrick is murdered by Vecna over Lover's Lake
He spends the night wet and wandering the forest, eventually landing at Skull Rock
(The Dive) Jason gives a statement to law enforcement that Eddie is a vessel for Satan and is killing people with demonic powers
WEDNESDAY 26 (The Dive, The Massacre at Hawkins Lab, Papa)
Days without a proper meal or shower: 5
Food: the supplies the gang brings him at Skull Rock
Law enforcement gives a press statement that names Eddie as a person of interest and give notice of a town meeting that day for the public to attend
Eddie steals a construction site radio and is reunited with the party at Skull Rock
At the town meeting, people ask why Eddie has only been officially named now and why he hasn't been arrested already; Jason makes his case to the town about the murders being "ritualistic sacrifices," and calls Hellfire a cult, handing out the club's yearbook photo; the parents of the gang are visibly shaken while the rest of the town stand up and begin a witch hunt
Meanwhile, Dustin hypothesises there is a gate nearby; they begin to search for it, eventually locating it in Lover's Lake
Steve dives for it but is pulled back under the water and through watergate into the Upside Down
(The Massacre at Hawkins Lab) Nancy, Robin, and a reluctant Eddie go through watergate after him
While the fruity four are in the Upside Down, the kids are with their parents and law enforcement; the two groups eventually find a way to communicate
On their respective sides of the world, the two groups travel to the Munson trailer
Sometime between Wednesday night and Thursday's early hours, Robin and Eddie go through the trailer's gate
(Papa) On her way through the gate, Vecna catches Nancy and shows her his vision of the future - it's a message; Vecna lets Nancy go, and she and Steve go through the gate
THURSDAY 27 (Papa, The Piggyback)
Days without a proper meal or shower: 6
Food: none that we see
The party is reunited and relocate to Max's trailer; they listen to Nancy's experience, then form a plan
After Eddie hotwires an RV and a trip to The War Zone, the party stops in a scenic field to create weapons and prepare
(The Piggyback) That night, their plan is launched
After, they believe they have won against Vecna, at least for now, with his 'physical' body in the Upside Down being attacked as well as his supernatural abilities/his mind; it is ambiguous if the gates have closed for good
In the fight, Hawkins is ripped apart along four lines (likely not actual geographical fault lines) that meet in the town centre, resulting in a blast felt by everyone
Max barely survives the fight; she has been blinded and her limbs broken, but El manages to save her; she is left in a coma
Eddie deviates from the plan and appears to die in Dustin's arms
The news reports, "It's been less than 48 hours since a 7.4 magnitude earthquake rocked the quaint town of Hawkins" and says seismologists are calling it "A natural disaster of near-unprecedented scale"
It's still reported that Hellfire is a cult led by Eddie, who remains the prime suspect in the murders but is presumed dead; a local church has a banner with the bible verse Jason quoted out front - the town of Hawkins will always hate Eddie
Dustin meets Wayne, who routinely replaces Eddie's 'missing' posters due to hate graffiti; Dustin gives him his nephew's iconic necklace and calls Eddie a hero; we, like Wayne, are to assume Eddie is dead
Eddie's body is never discussed or seen again; he was likely left in the Upside Down
Will tells Mike that Vecna is hurting but definitely alive; Will has been connected to One/Vecna since season one, and his connection is stronger now he has returned to Hawkins
Upside Down 'particles' begin to fall from the sky as dark clouds roll in, the 'earthquake' fissures are still smoking and glow red, the clouds are nearly black, and the grass and flowers wilt and rot
Vecna's red lightning appears in the sky promising he will return, but... will Eddie?
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brewscoop · 7 months
Explore the heart of Chicago's beer scene with our latest adventure at Half Acre Beer Co! 🍻 Dive into our review to discover exceptional brews, mouthwatering cuisine, and a community that welcomes everyone. Find out why this brewery is more than just a place to grab a drink; it's a vibrant world of craftsmanship and flavors. Ready to join the club? #HalfAcreBeerCo
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dragonfly0808 · 1 year
Musa’s Discography Pt. 1
Yes, I spend way too long thinking about stuff like this about my characters leave me alone ajajajjaaa
But srly like 2 people have asked me about this and I’ve spent way too long thinking about what Musa discography would actually be like so… here is her discography with a way too detailed description of why I chose each of the songs, I had way too much fun with this.
First EP. Written in the later half of s2 and before s3 published in the summer between s2 and s3
I had no specific ‘theme’ for this one, just songs I felt fit Musa’s mentality and would be cool for her first project
For the first EP, which consists of:
The Beginning by Madison Beer.
I just really love this intro it’s a gorgeous showcase of vocals and it’s beautiful and perfect.
I Hate the Way by Sofia Carson.
I love this song. Musa would base if mostly off of Riven’s epic screw up in s2 ch27. Also the guitar solo part feels perfect for her.
Whispers by Halsey.
I can’t quite explain why but this song is so Musa-coded to me. At least my version of her. She builds walls up and tries to not care and fails miserably every time. Also touches slightly on the depression that she def never adressed before going to Alfea and meeting the girls
Run and Hide by Sabrina Carpenter.
I feel like this song fits Musa’s mentality in s1 and part of s2 perfectly especially when it comes to romantic love. ‘Started thinking love’s a loaded gun, nobody wants to fight’ ‘If you can’t hide run, if you can’t run hide’ ‘I don’t wanna run I don’t wanna hide’ it’s just perfect for how she used to think and I really love the idea of her writing this precisely as she starts to let go of that mentality
favorite crime by Olivia Rodrigo.
This would be a more story-telling type song written with Helia cause I feel like putting those two together they would absolutely go full story tellers and poem-like lyrics and this feels like smth they would absolutely write one night they couldn’t sleep cause they love a good sob love story
Ribs by Lorde.
Written about the Winx and the Specialists with a sprinkle of dreading growing up
Second EP. Written during the first half of s3, published right before Winter Break
This one did have a slight ‘theme’ to it since it was mostly written while she was fighting with Riven over secrets on both sides and she was very frustrated with herself and projecting a bit on him.
Hard to Love by Rose.
This feels very Musa-coded to me. She has that instinct of ‘oh shoot I’m loved? Fucking run for the hills!’ But more like… again, she builds walls. So I can see her writing this one night very frustrated with herself like, why am I like this?
Rock Bottom by Hailee Steinfeld.
I love this song and I feel like it suits Rivusa so perfectly in the first half of s3 ‘We’re on the right side of rock bottom and I hope that we keep falling. We’re on the good side of bad karma, cause we keep on coming back for more. We’re on the right side of rock bottom, and to you I just keep crawling. You’re the best kind of bad smth, cause we keep on coming back for more.’ Literally them at this point before they learn to properly communicate. Also ‘what are we fighting for? Seems like we do it just for fun.’ Love this song
Monster in Me by Little Mix.
Another song that suits them when they’re at rock bottom. ‘Touch me, why don’t we kill each other slowly?’ ‘The monster in me loves the monster in you’. Def can see Musa writing this when she’s frustrated with herself and Riv cause she knows why they’re both screwed up but can’t quite figure out how to get past it
when the party’s over by Billie Eilish.
This was when, for a moment Musa considered just calling it quits cause she wonders if maybe they’re both too fucked up to make it work and she wrote this whilst in depression. She also realized that she was hurting him by picking fights and not being honest and wrote this in response to that realization
Midnight Rain by Taylor Swift.
This one was also co-written by Helia, they went for another story-telling not-to-be love story.
False God by Taylor Swift.
Another song that feels oh so Rivusa-coded to me. Like, cmon this is one of those songs that played in the back of my head every single time I had them argue in s3 and feels like the perfect song to end an album all about fighting the one you love
Winx Rewrite Masterlist
Part 2
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mediocre-stories · 6 months
Cold One
TW: mentions of alcoholism, some vulgar language
Authors Note: this my first post on this account. This is based off of Shane’s two heart event from Stardew Valley, I wrote this really fast at 12 am so if anything is jumbled or doesn’t make sense I apologize!! Feel free to leave some constructive criticism and enjoy the story!
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It had only been a few months since you had moved to Pelican Town, a small village nestled in between the mountains of Stardew Valley. The community was tight knit, the kind of place where everyone knew everyone. People would smile, wave, and stop to chat with you as you walked along the cobblestone sidewalks. All of your neighbours were so kind, all but one person, one man who you could not decipher.
You had heard from town gossip that Shane was an alcoholic. He’d spend every night drinking his troubles away at the saloon, drowning his thoughts in cold beer. You’d try to talk to him, but you’d be met with glaring eyes and an annoyed tone. That’s why when you saw him on the dock that night, you were hesitant to approach.
You couldn’t sleep, the sounds of crickets was deafening on the usual tranquil silence of your farm. Still in your pyjamas, you slipped on your work boots and headed out the door, needing to wear out your last bit of energy before bed.
You walked south towards the forest, taking in the beauty of the valley. Its oak trees stood tall and firm, the gentle wind making the leaves sway. Small stones crunched under your feet as you walked along the dirt path. You took a deep breath, the air entering your lungs felt so much cleaner than the air in Zuzu City where you used to inhabit.
You enter the forest and hear the soft crack of a can opening. You look out towards the dock. There sits Shane, feet resting in the water, a case of beer beside him. You debate walking by, not knowing if you could deal with his comments tonight, but he spots you and you feel obligated to at least try and chat with him. You walk down the dock, the old wood creaking with every step.
“Mind if I sit?” You ask as you approach him. You fully expect him to tell you off, but instead he shrugs,
“Why not.”
So you sit, removing your boots so you can dip your feet in the water just as he is doing. The lake is cool and the waves lap around your ankles.
“Up late huh?” Shane asks, looking out at the moonlit waters.
“Couldn’t sleep.” You reply.
“Me either. Here,” Shane reaches to his side and grabs a beer. He pops open the tab and hands it to you, “have a cold one.”
“Thanks.” You give a small smile, taking the drink from his hands.
“Buh…life.” Shane groans. Your quirk your eyebrow as you take a sip of your beer, the stale liquid hitting the back of your throat.
There’s a pause before he speaks again, “You ever feel like no matter what you do, you’re gonna fail? Like you’re stuck in some miserable abyss and you’re so deep you can’t see the light of day?”
“I used to feel that way a lot when I worked in the city. The same nine to five, the same shitty co-workers, the same dickhead boss. Moving here helped, but sometimes that feeling still creeps up.” You reply, surprised you’re letting yourself be vulnerable with a stranger, yet, for some reason, you trust him.
“I just feel like no matter how hard I try, I’m not strong enough to climb out of that hole.”
In response you down the rest of your beer. You hear Shane laugh. You look over and see him smiling at you, something you thought was impossible. You take in his features, his dark hair messily covering his forehead, his chubby cheeks sprinkled with stubble, and his sideways grin. When he’s not glaring at you, he’s a good looking guy.
“Heh fast drinker huh?” Shane smirks at you, “You take after my own heart.”
You smile back at him, placing the empty can beside you, he hands you another one. “My party days ended after college, but I still remember a thing or two.”
Shane smiles, then averts his gaze back to the lake, a solum look crossing his face, “Just don’t make it a habit…you got a future ahead of you still.”
“Maybe,” you shrug, “but tonight, I just want to drink.” You raise your can, and Shane clinks it with his, giving you a half smile.
The rest of the hour is spent listening to the soft lull of the waves and looking up at the stars. The two of you sit in silence, but it’s peaceful. Eventually, the drinks run out.
“Welp….my livers begging me to stop. Better call it a night.” Shane stands up, offering out his hand. You take it and he helps you to your feet. Together you begin to walk back to Marnie’s ranch, where Shane lives. When he reaches the door he turns to you,
“Thanks for tonight Y/N, I’ll see you around.”
You smile, “Goodnight Shane.”
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gumnut-logic · 9 months
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Because it is that time of the year again, I just can't help myself :D
Looking back, it really could have happened to any of them. Hell, now it had happened once, it was even more likely it could happen to any of the rest of them, but of course it had to be Virgil and, of course, it had to happen a week before Christmas.
Fortunately, not only Gordon and Alan, but also John was aboard Thunderbird Two when her pilot folded in half with a groan. The great green behemoth responded to his touch and for a second there, the whole ship tipped sideways.
Alan lost his hard-earned sandwich, and Gordon, who had been half asleep in the co-pilot’s chair, despite the coffee he had consumed not five minutes ago, received an adrenalin spike that was well used in the next half an hour or so.
It had been a hard week. Australia was on fire. Every year the drought dried continent suffered and every year International Rescue did all it could to help. Brains had even designed some specialised equipment, deployed through Tracy Industries to help dampen the eucalypt fuel load, but the change of climate over the last hundred odd years had done its damage and the ecosystem suffered for it.
It was painful to watch.
And tiring to fight.
John had taken to coming down not only for Christmas, but for the fires. He had developed a communications network, tied into TB5, to help coordinate the fire services of the country and pin point the hot spots. At the end of the last outbreak, Gordon had been gobsmacked to find his usually reclusive brother sprawled in a chair beside the Australian Fire Defense Network chief, beer in hand, swapping stories.
It had helped that the chief was the middle of five himself and a communications specialist pushed into management. There was much commiseration.
But none of the past really foretold this little hiccup.
Later when Gordon referred to said incident as a ‘hiccup’, Virgil’s eyebrows had frowned so much, they’d physically climbed off his head and slapped Gordon around his.
Or it could have been Virgil’s hand. Gordon was too busy ducking to really identify the body parts his brother was using.
So, with three brothers aboard, Virgil had plenty of back up.
Gordon was fully awake and stabilising Two before he had even had a chance to draw in a breath. They were halfway across the Tasman Sea, finally on the way home for a well-deserved break.
“Virgil?” John was out of his seat and moving towards the pilot.
“Uh, I’m okay.” The man straightened, still in his silver firefighting suit, minus the helmet. A quick look in his brother’s direction and Gordon could see it was all a lie. Even through the soot on Virgil’s face, his brother’s complexion was pale, almost green. “Just a stitch.”
“Doesn’t look like one from here, bro.” Gordon frowned as John gently nudged Virgil back in his seat. The pilot closed his eyes and lay back, his shoulders dropping just a little. John reached over to the console and flicked a couple of switches. Virgil’s vitals sprang up in all their holographic glory.
Even Gordon could see something was seriously wrong. “You have a fever. What the hell, Virg?”
His brother stared at his stats and frowned. “Just thought I was hot.”
No surprise considering the conditions they were working in.
John sighed. “Your suit has active refrigeration, Virgil, you know that. You should be the coolest of all of us.”
If it had been a different situation, Gordon would have then started a ‘discussion’ on who exactly was the coolest or the hottest of the brothers. As it was, another groan from his engineer brother killed all conversation other than medical concern.
“What is it?” John disengaged Virgil’s seat from the dash, pulling it back and giving him access to his older brother.
“My side.” Virgil’s eyes were squeezed shut.
His lower right side.
Five minutes later and Gordon was beelining Two to the nearest hospital, which turned out to be Auckland near the northern tip of New Zealand.
Less than an hour later, Virgil had his very angry appendix removed.
Of all things.
For the past three days, it had been a mixture of firefly pod and fire exo-suit. His brother had been tossing about massive hoses, shifting huge amounts of timber, excavating firebreaks and water bombing from Two.
Apparently, all while suffering from appendicitis.
When Scott arrived on scene, he was a walking facepalm.
When Virgil woke up, it was all kind words for the first hour or so while he recovered from the anaesthetic, but after that, the tongue lashing Scott delivered was enough to strip the paint off the walls of Virgil’s hospital room.
Grandma ended up dragging the man from the room.
Everyone was quiet after that.
No one liked it when Scott got scared.
Least of all Scott.
But even Gordon had to agree that his eldest brother had a point. Appendicitis wasn’t something that didn’t come with symptoms. Virgil admitted that he had noted some pain, but he had been busy. There had been more important things.
Scott’s response to that was only suitable for mature audiences.
Gordon couldn’t help but agree after having to watch his brother writhe in pain on one of his own hover stretchers while they had been on approach to Auckland.
But it had happened when it had happened and everyone was safe, Virgil included. There were much worse scenarios available considering their occupations and the entire family was grateful it had turned out best it could.
Scott was still livid, though, likely because the man was exhausted. They were all exhausted.
Grandma eyed all of them in turn, cornering each of them in their hotel rooms. It didn’t take her more than half a day to conclude that International Rescue needed a well-earned break. Virgil’s illness made a great excuse and her meeting with Scott was short, sharp and to the point.
The Commander of International Rescue contacted the GDF not long after, advising their aunt that their organisation would not be available for the next week. Eos was tasked with redirecting emergency calls after Grandma grabbed John by the scruff of his neck and with an equally sharp word in his ear, grounded the spaceman beside his brothers.
Virgil received a few glares, but the tired man just rolled over awkwardly and went back to sleep. Apparently, he agreed with Grandma.
Always did, the big Grandma softie.
Except perhaps with her cooking, but that led Virgil to being the biggest victim in that department because despite his incapacity to lie, he would do anything for the woman.
Virgil was released from the hospital a day after his surgery and they helped him back to their hotel rooms and set him up with the holoprojector and an appropriate stash of snacks and engineering journals. Kayo even bought him a sketchbook and an array of art materials.
For two days, the brothers hung out with him or darted out to the shops for convenience’s sake. Copious amounts of takeout were consumed, a treat they were often denied on the Island. But ultimately five usually very active men got very bored very quickly.
They couldn’t go home, because Virgil wasn’t allowed to fly. His operation excluded air travel for at least seven days, which meant, to add insult to injury, they would be stuck on the mainland for Christmas Day.
Their first Christmas off in who knew how many years, and they couldn’t even share it at home.
John distracted himself by linking in with Eos and helping out with emergency calls...until Grandma discovered him and rounded on both him and Eos with the ire Scott had managed to inherit.
Both father and daughter behaved after that, Eos a little stunned at the power of the eldest Tracy.
Alan dove into his computer games and hermitized. Gordon could only swim so much, so resorted to pranking Alan, which ended up in the brawl of the century and half the penthouse draped in toilet paper.
Scott turned to Tracy Industries and began phone calls that lasted hours. Virgil sent Gordon to chase him down.
Scott quite frankly ignored him, which led to Virgil hauling himself off the couch and doing the chasing himself.
That led to a screaming match that ended with both men pale when Virgil twisted angrily and groaned as he pulled at his stitches.
The atmosphere plummeted after that and the whole penthouse floor deteriorated into a sullen gloom.
It was shaping up to be an ass of a Christmas.
Until Gordon had an idea.
We'll be Home For Christmas
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aibidil · 1 year
On “Civilization” from The Dawn of Everything
One problem is that we’ve come to assume that ‘civilization’ refers, in origin, simply to the habit of living in cities. Cities, in turn, were thought to imply states. But as we’ve seen, that is not the case historically, or even etymologically. The word ‘civilization’ derives from Latin civilis, which actually refers to those qualities of political wisdom and mutual aid that permit societies to organize themselves through voluntary coalition. In other words, it originally meant the type of qualities exhibited by Andean ayllu associations or Basque villages, rather than Inca courtiers or Shang dynasts. If mutual aid, social co-operation, civic activism, hospitality or simply caring for others are the kind of things that really go to make civilizations, then this true history of civilization is only just starting to be written.
As we’ve been showing throughout this book, in all parts of the world small communities formed civilizations in that true sense of extended moral communities. Without permanent kings, bureaucrats or standing armies they fostered the growth of mathematical and calendrical knowledge. In some regions they pioneered metallurgy, the cultivation of olives, vines and date palms, or the invention of leavened bread and wheat beer; in others they domesticated maize and learned to extract poisons, medicines and mind-altering substances from plants. Civilizations, in this true sense, developed the major textile technologies applied to fabrics and basketry, the potter’s wheel, stone industries and beadwork, the sail and maritime navigation, and so on.
A moment’s reflection shows that women, their work, their concerns and innovations are at the core of this more accurate understanding of civilization. As we saw in earlier chapters, tracing the place of women in societies without writing often means using clues left, quite literally, in the fabric of material culture, such as painted ceramics that mimic both textile designs and female bodies in their forms and elaborate decorative structures. To take just two examples, it’s hard to believe that the kind of complex mathematical knowledge displayed in early Mesopotamian cuneiform documents or in the layout of Peru’s Chavín temples sprang fully formed from the mind of a male scribe or sculptor, like Athena from the head of Zeus. Far more likely, these represent knowledge accumulated in earlier times through concrete practices such as the solid geometry and applied calculus of weaving or beadwork. What until now has passed for ‘civilization’ might in fact be nothing more than a gendered appropriation – by men, etching their claims in stone – of some earlier system of knowledge that had women at its centre.
—The Dawn of Everything, Graeber and Wengrow
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spicybylerpolls · 5 months
yeah, that underage doubtful anon about minors filming spicy scenes... that just seems like another kind of byler doubt to me, except rather than being about byler getting together at all, THIS flavour of byler doubt is byler sex doubt! Hahahahaha
we dont need that at all!! byler sex is speculative and somewhat far-fetched, and even though I believe it has serious potential to show up in the show, its still the wacky cousin of the byler community who showed up with some beers and a boombox. it's so fun at spicy byler tumblr, and if we start bringing classic Byler Doubt TM in, we're just going to ruin stuff! cos sex isnt guaranteed here anyway, so why doubt it? we've only just got through the gauntlet of the underage issue, please let's just have fun now for a bit lol
also im going to add my own tangential poll to this post: for me, one of the biggest 'evidences' of spicy byler times incoming is that noah and finn (noah in particular) react in a certain kind of blushy/secretive way during press/social media that does not merely speak to me of their characters getting a simple romantic ending, or just a kiss. i can completely understand why many people don't take anything outside of the show itself as evidence, and i wish i didnt, but i just can't help it. cos shows are fiction and made to manipulate you as a viewer, whereas real people, even actors, have tells. im not claiming to know finn and noah's personal tells, but for me, as two humans, their body language does not lie!
noah especially gives off the vibes that he will have to portray something extremely giggle-worthy (and thus spicy) next season. that tiktok at penn where he almost gave spoilers? 'there's some crazy stuff, some iconic scenes in there' and his smile was GUILTY AF. yeah, crazy stuff could be a showdown with vecna or a lore reveal. but would that make him BLUSH???? and it could be *just* a masturbation fantasy scene (would love that for the narrative too), but then we also now seeing finn blushing furiously and flickering his eyes around during press like he's in an interrogation room whenever s5 is mentioned. it just screams 'two friends and coworkers who know they have to get it on on-screen' to me.
so has anyone else got finn and noah's behaviour as good evidence for spicy byler incoming?
yes all the way! though i try not to think of that and focus on byler themselves/the narrative clues
yeppers peppers and i love to see it! add it to the pile of proofs hehe!
no, everything is meaningless but the show you FOOL! (affectionate)
no, i notice their blushing but i dont think it relates to the show. maybe theyre in lurrrvvvveeeee
finn and noah are blushing a lot cos it's hot in whatever room theyre in and means nothing lmao
one day we will all die so none of it matters or makes sense and who is byler?
Please note that the purpose of this blog is not to be creepy or to make anyone uncomfortable. That's why I created the #spicy byler tag (I will tag all polls with this). If you don't want to see this blog or anything related to it on your feed, please block that tag. Not everyone is comfortable with this sorta stuff, and that's okay.
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ktwritesstuff · 1 year
Nothing Else Matters (a Triple Frontier shifters AU) Chapter 2
Title: Nothing Else Matters Fandom: Triple Frontier Rating: Explicit Characters & Pairings: Reader x Triple Frontier Boys reverse harem style Word Count: ~2,000 Summary: Sneaking around the family cookout with Frankie in flashback.
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Chapter One | Chapter Two (below cut) | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six
Chapter Two.
After Tom and his wife separated, he had you basically squatting in an unsold condo in Jacksonville.  It was humiliating.  You were approaching your mid-thirties.  You were supposed to be settling down somewhere beautiful, raising children, expanding your pack’s territory.  Instead, you were barely scraping by.
Will agreed that if Tom gave permission you could stay with him; you could start your family and he would support you until Tom got back on his feet.  Tom refused outright.  Claimed it was too complicated with Molly and the girls (you didn’t know what he had expected, taking a human mate.)  He was ashamed of his own inadequacies as a husband and a provider and he took it out on you.  It wasn’t fair, Will knew it, but he wouldn’t defy Tom.  You understood, but that didn’t keep you from resenting him.
The one nice thing about the shitty retirement community where Tom had you holed up was that in the summer, when the snowbirds flew north, you had the pool practically to yourself.  It was a rare weekend when Tom had the girls; you were celebrating with a cookout.  The boys came over to drink beers in the sun and enjoy time with the family. 
You even bought a new bikini for the occasion: blue with white flowers, cut to accentuate your curves, but still modest enough to wear around the kids.  Tess was at an age to understand just enough to blame you for her parents’ failed marriage, but you figured there was still hope for Evie.
You and Benny swam with Evie while Tess sunbathed and Tom, Will, and Frankie played a low-stakes game of Rook at one of the plastic tables on the deck.  Benny made a game of lifting Evie out of the water and launching her into the deep end of the pool.  
“Think you could do me?” you laughed, paddling towards him.
“Challenge accepted.”  
Benny squatted down to get his hands under your bum and as he lifted you out of the water you felt his fingers slip under the gusset of your bikini bottoms.  You hit the water with impressive force and made sure you were still tucked into your suit before coming back up for air.
“Again! Again!”  Evie cackled gleefully as she was doused by the splash.  
“Gotta give the people what they want,” Benny said, pulling you toward him through the water.  
This time when he reached under you, his fingers curled deep enough into your folds that it could not have been an accident.  You gasped, choking on a mouthful of water as you surfaced, kicking your feet at Benny, Evie happily joining in to drench him in the over-chlorinated water.     
“Hey, that’s enough of that,” Tom called as the water splashed over the edge of the pool.  “Come on Evie, adult swim.  Go get your sister to put more sunscreen on you.”
Benny swam toward you as Evie paddled dutifully to the edge of the pool.  
“You hear that,” he said, grabbing you by the thighs and maneuvering your legs around his minuscule waist.  “Adult swim.” 
He slipped one hand under the waistband of your bikini and pressed his nose to yours. 
“Not in front of the girls,” you pleaded, your eyes shifting to where Tess and Evie were toweling off by the pool house.  “They still think I’m their dad’s girlfriend.”
“Now why would they think a silly thing like that,” Benny said, bobbing through the water, inching closer and closer to the deep end.  
“It was Tom’s decision.”  And Tom’s word was law.  You supposed it was less painful for him to let them believe their father was unfaithful to their mother than for them to know the truth: that he was utterly unsuited to raising a family.  
��Ready?” Benny said, moving you into deeper water.  He could still stand comfortably, but even on tip-toes your head would have been under.  
“One.  Two. Three–” 
You held your breath and closed your eyes as Benny dunked both of you under.  He pressed his mouth over yours, bubbles rising from the place where your lips met, tickling your nose.  A game of underwater chicken, waiting to see who would break first.  
Benny gripped your neck hard enough to bruise; you squeezed your knees into his sides, trying to force the air out of his lungs until there was no space left between you.  Seconds passed that felt like minutes as your lungs burned.  Finally, you pushed away from him, kicking for the surface.
You came up gasping for air, and threw your hair back from your face.  Benny surfaced right after, grinning like a wolf, reminding you how little separation there was between the man and the animal.  It was all just Benny.
“I got you,” he teased, swimming toward you.  “No escape.”
You swiped a hand across the water to splash him as he cornered you against the side of the pool, putting his hands and feet on the tiled wall on either side of you. You held onto his wrists, pressing the flat of one foot into his crotch, feeling him getting hard through his swim trunks.
“This is nice,” Benny said, leaning into you.  “All of us together again.”  
“Only one missing,” you said, your eyes drifting toward Frankie, sitting alone on the deck.
Frankie had taken Santiago’s leaving hard.  First there was the drinking, then the drugs, then rehab, and then a second stint in rehab after Tom caught him freebasing in the bathroom at Louie’s Cantina.  You worried about him; he wasn’t like the others.  Frankie was a sensitive soul.
“Death from above!” Will shouted, before cannon-balling into the pool, drenching both you and Benny.
“Vengeance!” Benny cried, launching himself through the water after his brother.  You paddled back to the steps as they play-fought in the deep end, holding one another under long enough to make you nervous.  
You showered in the pool house and slathered yourself in lotion.  The smell of chlorine covered a multitude of sins, but it was murder for your sensitive nose.  You dried your hair as best you could and changed into a long knit dress.  By the time you finished, Tom and Will were fighting with the grill, calling out orders for hamburgers and hotdogs.  
It was now or never.  You slinked over to where Frankie was nursing a lukewarm beer and sat in his lap.
“Mi amor,” he sighed with a smile that didn’t quite meet his eyes, setting his free hand on your knee.  “¿Come va?”
You draped one arm over his shoulder, plucking his ball-cap off his head and tossed it aside.  Frankie watched you curiously, but didn’t resist as you took his sunglasses off his face and placed them on your own head.
“Take me to bed,” you said, lifting your voice at the end of the phrase, although it hardly constituted a question.  
Frankie’s eyebrows rose to meet his hairline.  You took his beer from his hand and set it on the table beside you.           
“Yeah,” he stammered.  “Lead the way.”
You took Frankie by the hand and led him through the gate, as Tom swore and tried to smother a grease fire that had sprung up under the hotdogs.  
Inside the condo was cold and dark.  As soon as you closed the door, Frankie had his hands all over you, pawing at your breasts, sliding his hands up the slit in your dress to grope your ass, kissing your neck and exposed collarbones, knocking his glasses off your head.  They clattered onto the tile and you nudged them aside with one toe.
“Que rico.  Yo te quiero mucho, Estrellita.  Dime que quieres.  Yo te amo.”  
Frankie always reverted back to Spanish when he was riled up.  You loved it, even if you understood less than half of it.
You sighed contentedly, tipping your chin back to expose your throat to him, his beard scratching against your sunburnt skin.  You ran your fingers through his hair and reached one hand down the front of his shorts to stroke him as he nibbled and sucked at the pulse point in your neck.
“C’mon, give it to me,” you cooed.  “Want you so bad.  Need you to take care of me, baby.”
A growl rumbled in Frankie’s chest as he pressed you up against the wall right there in the entryway.  He gripped your thigh, hoisting your leg up over his hip, lifting you just enough to press his hard-on against your sex, hot and throbbing with desire.
“That’s right,” you urged.  “Right there.”
Frankie kissed you hard and slow and deep, his tongue delving past the sharpness of your teeth.  He tasted like cheap beer and corn chips.  He massaged your breasts, hips grinding into you. Your back arched and you held his face in your hands.  Frankie pulled away from you with a soft moan, resting his forehead on yours, stroking your bare arms.
“Mind if I freshen up?” he asked, nodding toward the bathroom.
“Be my guest,” you said, wetting your lips.  
You took a seat on the sofa in the main room as Frankie ducked into the bathroom down the narrow hall.  As you waited, Will came inside.  He disappeared behind the kitchen island as he stooped down, opening the fridge.  
“We have any more cheese for the burgers?” he called.  “Tom burnt the first round to hockey pucks.” 
“Should be in the drawer,” you said, trying to keep your voice even and calm.
Will stood, package of Kraft singles in hand, and looked down the hall where the light shone out from under the bathroom door and the sound of the exhaust fan running.  He turned back to you. 
“What the fuck are you doing?”
“Just taking a break from the sun,” you said, hoping that would explain why you were sitting in the dark, panting with exertion, your face flushed.
You had smothered yourself in rose oil to cover the smell of heat and sex, but it didn’t matter.  Ironhead probably knew your cycle better than you did.  
“You have got to be kidding me,” Will said.  “Have you lost your damn mind?”
“I’m a big girl, Will,” you said.  “I’ll do as I please.”  
“Tom said no.”  Despite his protests, Will kept his voice low as he came around the counter from the kitchen.  You rose to meet him in the hall.
“Tom doesn’t own me,” you said.  “He seems to forget that. Maybe you have, too.”
“And maybe you’ve forgotten we have rules for a reason,” Will said, always playing the good soldier.
“Just because you’re not man enough to do it, doesn’t mean it’s not the right thing to do,” you snarled.
“Fuck you, Ginger,” Will said, slamming the door behind him on his way out.
You watched him storm away through the front window, sticking out your tongue and lifting your middle finger, catching a glimpse of your eyes flashing amber in your reflection in the glass.
Frankie came out of the bathroom smelling like mouthwash and Old Spice deodorant.  It looked like he had made an attempt to tame his curls, dampening down unruly hat hair.  The gesture softened your raging heart.  
“Hey,” he said, sensing the change in you.  “Is everything okay?”
You shook your head, snaking your arms around his waist, comforted by his warmth, the subtle softness of his belly.  
“I’m fine–a little sun sick.”
“You sure?” he asked, brushing a hand over your hair.  “You want to lay down for a bit?”
“You’re always so sweet to me,” you smiled up at him and took his face in your hands.  “I just want you to be sweet to me.”
“Okay,” Frankie said, placing a soft kiss on the top of your head.  “Let’s go to bed.”
You pulled Frankie into the bedroom with outdated wicker furniture and closed the door behind you.  You lifted your arms, prompting Frankie to pull your dress off over your head.  Your breasts were probably too big to go braless, but you did it anyway.  Your nipples pebbled in the cold air as Frankie ran his fingers across the tops of your breasts.
You sank onto the bed, sliding across the cheap polyester sheets as Frankie pulled your panties off.  You leaned back on your forearms as he knelt between your legs, pulling his sweat-stained t-shirt off over his head.  You reached for his belt, unfastening the buckle and pulling the leather strap free.  
Frankie slid his hands under you, bowing his head to kiss a trail up the sensitive skin of your stomach.
“You are so beautiful,” he said, gazing up at you reverently.  “I still can’t believe I get to be with you.”  
“Come here,” you urged.  
Frankie sat up long enough to shuck off his shorts and boxers before laying down beside you, pulling the duvet up to ensconce you in a cocoon of warmth and darkness.  
The sound of Frankie whispering sweet nothings to you went straight to your core as his fingers circled your clit, dipping inside you.  You pressed your hands into Frankie’s chest as he fondled your stomach and breasts with his other hand.  Massaging and kneading until your body felt soft and pliant as dough under his hands.    
“¿Estás lista?” 
You murmured your ascent, opening your legs for him.  Frankie pressed the head of his cock into you, moving deeper with short, careful strokes.  
You ran your hands across the muscles of his back, feeling them flex and extend as he rocked into you.  Quick and shallow at first, then long and deep.  Your body tensed as the sensation built.  You scraped your nails across Frankie’s back, letting your head fall back, your mouth falling open with a gasp.
“I’m close,” Frankie warned, his back arching like a cat’s as he moved against you.  
“Don’t stop,” you pleaded, hitching your legs over his hips to keep him inside you.  “Don’t stop, please.”
Frankie moaned and went limp, his weight dropping onto you.  Your inner walls contracted and relaxed as he came inside you, milking him for every drop of seed.  He moved to roll over, but you put your arms around him to keep him close, warming his softening cock in the heat of your arousal.
“Stay,” you sighed, running your fingers through his hair.  “Can we just stay like this for now.  Please.”
Frankie nodded and bowed his head to your breasts with a sigh as you twisted his curls around your fingers.
“Yo te amo, Francisco,” you said, kissing the top of his head as he rested against you.
“Yo te amo, querida.”
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mthollowell-writes · 5 months
Find the Word Tag
Thanks as always to the lovely @axl-ul for the tag! You can check out their post here!
I'm a bit late with this one but better late than never!
Gently Tagging: @rowanmgrey-author, @imbrisvastatio, @wintherlywords, and @girlfromthecrypt
Your Words: blanket, house, light, color, soil
My words: chest, book, glass, interest, window
All excerpts are from Festival Project wip!
Her father stopped and turned back. He winced as he settled himself down in the chair again. Seeing it sent a stab of guilt and anger through her chest. All this movement wasn’t helping his back injury.
A gust of cool air musty with the smell of old paper enveloped her. The archive was a simple library. Shelves stacked thick with books brushed up against the low ceiling and a large catalog cabinet stood flush against the left wall.
And there was Eddie as he remembered him. Sandy-haired and lanky, with square horn-rimmed glasses that magnified the brilliance of those blue eyes. With his thick salted beard and patchy brown trench coat, he looked every bit of the eccentric academician he was.
As much as Mariela hated to admit it, September had a point there. The press release hinted at persons of interests and possible co-conspirators. It opened old wounds and, with the uptick in supernatural crime, led to increased tensions between the mortal and supernatural populations in the county. The Edelhaus Church has seized on this tension by spearheading the growing “Normality” movement, which advocated for a classification system and more stringent policies on how the supernatural community conducted itself in mortal spaces.
But there was no sleeping through this. He had drank his last can of beer for breakfast that morning. The worst winter storm in 40 years battered the house, icing the windows shut and barricading the door under several inches of snow. The ice on the roads made a drive to the nearest Deadman’s fraught with peril. That ruled out getting more beer, or any other essential to weather the days ahead.
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axiasart · 20 days
How to install malt/BEER
NPR render engine for Blender
What is malt and BEER?
From the official website:
Malt is a fully customizable real-time rendering framework for animation and illustration. It's aimed at artists who want more control over their workflow and/or their art style, with special care put into the needs of stylized non-photorealistic rendering. Designed as a community effort to expand the possibility space of 3d rendering, it provides graphics programmers and technical artist an enjoyable “shadertoy-like” workflow inside Blender, while still allowing to effortlessly share their work with non technical artists through Python and GLSL plugin Official website mal3d.com
Blender Extended Expressive Renderer (BEER) is a free and open source realtime non-photoreal (NPR) rendering engine. The main feature of BEER is the ability to extend the rendering capability from the ease of adding custom shaders to a customizable shader graph. Since NPR is a journey of endless styles which never settle, we need a render engine which will fulfill all the stylized needs. Light BWK, co-founder of BlenderNPR.org
It's a free and Open source real time render engine made with full focus on Non Photorealistic Rendering or Stylized rendering. It distinguish itself from other engine by being extremely customizable for the most skilled among us
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Made by @/Renato3xl
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Made by myself @axiasart
The only inconvenience with this render engine is the terrible terrible (needed to be said twice) lack of up to date tutorials. This shouldn't confuse people in thinking that this project is dying or unpopular. The latest release was on July 20th.
How to download and install malt/beer?
Downloading malt is pretty straightforward, on the github release page: https://github.com/bnpr/Malt/releases/tag/Release-latest
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blender preference, enabled Malt render
Downloading and installing BEER is more complicated, first of course downloading it from github: https://github.com/bnpr/BEER
From the zip you will only need the BlenderBeer folder so you should extract is and put it anywhere.
You will also need to download Pygments which is found here: https://github.com/pygments/pygments/tree/master
You won't need the whole thing, once you download the zip, extract the pygments folder only.
Now that we have all the ingredients we can start cooking.
First you will need a script folder, put it where you keep your blender files. Then in this script folder add two folders modules and addons.
Next, you move the pygments folder in the modules folder and the BlenderBeer folder in the addons folder.
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