#comment or repost that you want to see what happens next lol
weirdocvnt08 · 8 months
Title: Don’t be a loser!
Relationship: Rise!Leonardo/Yuichi Usagi (one-sided)
TW: Mentions of underage smoking of nicotine/marijuana [Pls skip this post if this stuff doesn’t interest you]
Author is listening to: California Here We Go by The Garden
AN: This was written for shits & giggles & even though the boys didn’t actually smoke in this, I have to put it out there for the minors reading this to pls avoid vaping. Don’t matter if it’s nic or THC, both aren’t good (yes even THC & as someone with first hand experience lemme tell you if you have family history with addictions & have autism then bby you’re most likely gonna end up reliant on it which is no bueno) and it can very much damage your still developing brain as corny as that sounds. With that being said, enjoy this sorta/sorta not crackfic and Usagi’s poorly hidden one-sided feelings bc Leo just sees him as his bro (for now, maybe ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ)
Usagi and Leo had been in the middle of playing an online game on their phones until Usagi’s abruptly shut itself off. Heart rate quickening and hoping their game was still connected, Usagi tried to quickly turn the device back on but was instead met with the zero-battery icon that had displayed itself on the screen.
“Dude did your phone just die?!” Leo exclaimed as he watched Usagi’s character lag and glitch before the game ultimately kicked him off, taking him back to the main menu.
A regretful whine was all Leo could get in response. He sighed as he closed off the game and set his phone aside. “Wanna watch something then? While we wait for your phone to actually charge?” Leo asked as he leaned over to his bedside drawer to pick up the remote control for his TV.
“Yes! Can I choose?” If the platinum haired teen were animated, he’d have sparks shimmering around him and stars gleaming in his eyes, but sadly this was the real world and as Leo kept his focus on his flatscreen he cocked a restive brow as he replied nonchalantly, “After you made us lose our mission and we’ll have to now start from our last checkpoint that was, like, forever ago? Sorry, but it’s a hard ‘no’ my guy.”
“Mmh!” The Japanese boy grunted out in a miff manner as he got up from Leo’s bed to retrieve his charger from his bag and plug it to the nearest available outlet. Choosing the small lone spot beside Leo’s bookshelf, he bent down on one knee to connect the plug but stopped himself at the odd sight before him.
“Leo why do you have this usb type thing charging, and why does it look so weird?”
Knitting his thin eyebrows together in confusion, Leo mouthed to himself ‘USB?’ but the realization quickly clicked in his head and couldn’t help the brief chortle that escaped his mouth as he thought of an exciting idea.
“Oh that? Bring it over here and I’ll show you what exactly it is.”
Having not noticed the impish look on his American friend’s face due to his allowance of getting the strange object, he took a closer look at it as he walked back to Leo. The surface was a matte electric blue and on one side there was what he assumed was the brand name. ‘STIIIZY?’ he confoundedly thought.
The more that he stared at it, memories of his past encounters in their school’s restrooms that involved this same type of gadget would suddenly rush into his mind. In his option-less runs to use the poorly maintained restrooms around campus, he’d always have to brace the groups of people who’d ditch class to hang out and smoke both outside and inside the stalls carrying those similar rectangular objects in their hands.
Sometimes (if he wasn’t immediately kicked out from it) he’d opt to just walk to the closest restroom and avoid the horrid mixed stench of sweet artificial cookies and sewage water, but nine times out of ten he’ll ignore the sharp glares and sneers that’ll get sent his way as he makes his way to do his business that the restrooms were purposed to do.
Besides all that, Usagi just hopes that it’s not what he thinks it is as he plopped himself down onto the bed and extended his left hand towards Leo, who was leaned over again and digging a hand inside his drawer. After he found what he was looking for he swiftly took his sleek object back and attached a familiar looking compact filled with a yellow substance into the open slot. His fear was now just confirmed.
“Yui y’know what a—?”
“You smoke?! And nicotine at that? Why?! Leo you’re too pre—!” Coughing fugaciously at his near slip up of calling his best friend pretty, Usagi covered with, “I thought you were too cool for that kind of stuff?”
Playing with the thin vape in his hand, Leo laughed at the claim. “Mmmm, I don’t ever remember saying about my stance on vaping, but chill out it’s not nic, it’s weed.”
“How is that any better?”
“Look I’m not gonna explain the politics of the two, but just know this is way better and funner than nicotine!” Leo exasperated. What the shaved headed teen had left out though was that he himself hadn’t smoked nicotine ever in his life and just jumped straight to marijuana, so his answer holds no weight. He continued, “I don’t even do it a lot and just use it when I want to have a good time during movie nights or want to make my favorite meal ten times better because I have the munchies. It also helps when I feel myself becoming too absorbed into my thoughts, but that’s beside the point.”
Usagi felt icky for feeling this way, but he couldn’t help but feel sort of disappointed that Leo, his most favorite person since moving here, is a part of the hordes of teens that find the weird appeal of owning that useless junk just so they could make grossly sweet scented smoke clouds in front of their friends and not caring about the harm it can do to their young and healthy lungs. Despite his own opposing views though, he tried to swallow his judgment.
“How can anyone underage even get their hands on this, isn’t it illegal? Who even gave you this and does anyone else know you do this stuff?”
“I mean, it's pretty easy if you know someone who has connections, and to answer that other question, only Donnie—who also smokes—and my sister Frida knows. Ida’s also the one who hooked us up with the battery and cart but she’s so stingy though ‘cause she didn’t want to get us the full gram that this brand offers!”
Blank faced, Usagi answered, “I don’t know what that last part meant at all, but I really don’t wanna know anyway.”
The two sat in silence as Leo continued to fiddle with the concentrated THC pen with only a YouTube video playing on the TV to act as background noise. Usagi hoped that meant Leo lost interest in the topic now that he showed off his vape pen, that was until Leo opened his mouth again.
“So wanna take a hit?”
“Huh!? No! Weren’t you catching on with my obvious oppositions to that kind of stuff?!” He vicariously shook his head in disapproval. “I have important people in my life that expect me to be better than to do these types of things. Also don’t wanna die of lung cancer anytime soon.”
Sucking his teeth, Leo pressed “C’moooon! We can shotgun if you want!”
“Basically I’ll take a hit and I’ll pass it to you by blowing it to your mouth for you to inhale.”
A strained expression appeared on Usagi’s face as he painted the image in his head and from what he’d seen it wasn’t very appealing if not super awkward. “That sounds dumb and weird.”
Leo cackled as he instantly knew the other teen didn’t get it, so he explained through small fits of laughter, “I don’t think you’re picturing it right dude. Our mouths have to be like really close so it’s sorta gonna look like we’re gonna go in for a kiss.”
‘Kiss?’ Usagi thought to himself as he re-imagined Leo’s new description. What he saw was Leo’s attractive face up close to his and his plush mixed tone lips slightly parted and nearly touching his slightly cracked ones, that maybe he might actually find out what Leo’s glossed lips finally taste like if he leans his head forward just a bit more. His heart picked up at the thought and with red tinting his tan skin he quickly adversed “We’re not doing that!”
“Oh? Sorry, was that a lil’ too gay for your straight-male self?” With an amused smile, Leo playfully rolled his eyes and coolly replied “Chill out man, it’s just a suggestion. But since you’re such a chad, I guess you’ll just do it on your own then?” He tried to hand him the rectangular device, but Usagi merely pushed the cold and slender brown hand back to its owner’s vicinity.
“Iranai. Don’t need it, so have fun doing that stuff by yourself.” He firmly stated but just like him, Leo wasn’t going to lose his ground and continue his pursuit of convincing Usagi to smoke with him.
“Don’t be lame and have a sesh with meee!”
“Smoking isn’t as fun if you’re not doing it with someone! Yui!”
“Sucks to be you I guess.”
Leo let out an elongated sigh before voicing, “I get that you have this weird honor code thing where you take promises to heart n’ stuff, but aren’t I just as important to you too?”
Perplexed brown eyes met his hazel ones and with a casual shrug Leo resumed, “I just asked you to do this with me because you’re cool, and I feel comfortable around you, but if you really don’t wanna, then I won’t force you since it’s not fun if you’re not into it too.”
Usagi was gradually starting to feel his ‘tough as nails’ facade slip at the compliments Leo threw his way because of course he’d give more of shit of what this guy says than anyone else who’s known him for years or even since his birth.
“I wasn’t kidding when I said I don’t do this a lot y’know. Sorta why I really wanted you to try it with me, since it could be like a really fun memory that only you and me can share.” Leo suddenly said, and although Usagi knows better than to blindly trust Leo’s word he could tell that his friend was not fully lying at this time.
“So, what? Trying to tell me that you don’t smoke with everyone?”
“No sir.”
“I don’t buy it.”
“I’m serious. I’ve literally only smoked with my siblings. I don’t trust the crap people at school have, and I don’t trust the people at school like that even less so yeah, I don’t smoke with everyone and only a few select people are worthy to see me at my stupidest.”
Silence fell upon them again and Leo didn’t really know if his bait had worked or not, but sure enough it did as Usagi abruptly huffed out “Give it” and extended his hand to reveal his open palm that waited expectantly to receive something.
“But I thought—.“
“Just pass me the stupid thing you manipulative asshole!”
Ecstatic over Usagi’s change of mind, Leo quickly handed him his vape pen and watched as Usagi mauled over his new decision.
“If you’re worried about how you’re gonna act, don’t worry. Since I’m not as new to this like you, I can keep my bearings and take care of you if you end up doing something stupid.”
Cupping Usagi’s hand that held his little item of relaxation and enjoyment, he looked into the other boy’s eyes and earnestly promised “Swear on my dad’s life that I won’t let anything bad happen to you. Trust me, all that you’re gonna feel is as if your whole body is floating and even find yourself kinda hungry.” Letting good of his hand, Leo encouraged him to go for it with a nod of his head.
‘Am I really going to do this?’
With one last glance at Leo’s smug yet gorgeous hazel-green eyes he felt as if his heart had been squeezed from the huge amount of affection he was currently feeling for the other teen across of him.
‘Yeah, I really am.’
Hesitantly, he brought the pen to his lips and the more he dared to take a hit he could hear the loud anxious pounding coming from the center of his chest. It beat so loud that once he finally took a brave inhale from the pen he didn’t even register Leo’s rushed warning, and before he knew it, he felt as if a ball of fire had invaded his airways.
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withleeknow · 6 months
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how he would take care of you during shark week. ⤷ chan / minho / changbin / hyunjin / jisung / felix / seungmin / jeongin
pairing: minho x f!reader genre/warnings: established relationship, lil fluff, lil angst, mentions of physical pain bc it's shark week and we're cramping lol ok, unedited bc i wrote this a couple months ago and i just wanted to post smth today and i'm currently half asleep word count: 0.4k
as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡
main masterlist / blurb masterlist / ko-fi
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minho comes home to a quiet house, four of his favorite beings nowhere to be found. he takes off his shoes, hangs up his jacket, put his keys where he can easily fetch them the next morning, and ventures into the living room. though, he soon stops in his tracks when his eyes find the couch situated in the middle of the room.
there’s a human-sized lump completely hidden under a fleece blanket on the cream-colored sofa, surrounded by soonie, doongie, and dori, all curled up and sleeping peacefully.
doesn’t take a genius to figure out what the lump is.
you, his love.
minho approaches the couch with careful footsteps and a pretty good guess as to why you’ve resorted to being a lump for the day. the tracker app on his phone did notify him that it should happen any day now.
when he sits down by your feet, soonie shoots up with a hiss before calming down immediately afterward, upon the realization that it's just his other owner.
“hey,” minho calls softly, placing a hand on your leg. “you sleeping?”
there’s a grunt, then the lump moves. he assumes it’s you shaking your head under there.
“does it hurt?” he asks.
the lump shifts again - a nod, he thinks - but this time, it’s accompanied by a softer sound, nearly a whimper.
he sighs, because he hates to see you in pain. hates that this helpless feeling has become a monthly visitor in your home. the first two days are often the worst for you.
“i’ll be right back,” he says, and again, he doesn’t get anything other than an incoherent noise, but it’s not like he was expecting a verbal response anyway.
minho returns a few minutes later with all of the essentials that you were in too much discomfort to get yourself. your trusty heating pad, a glass of warm water and pills, your favorite mango almond chocolate, a fluffy pillow so your neck doesn’t hurt from lying on the couch for too long.
peeling the blanket off so that he can prop the pillow under your head and give you the heating pad, he practically winces when he sees the pained expression on your face. you open your eyes to find him, and you look like you're close to crying. this month must be worse than usual.
“i’ll make you something to eat and then you can take your painkillers,” he tells you.
“thank you.” the words come out weak, but minho knows you mean them.
soft lips press themselves against your forehead, full of love and an unspoken i wish i could do more for you.
“i love you. give me twenty minutes, okay?”
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permanent taglist: @onlyycb97wife @starsandrqindrops @borahae-reads @abbiestearsricochet @cutiespaghetti @anthropologykpopmultistan @moonlinos @mjnhoz @caitlyn98s @piercidh34rts  @stayceebs97 @linocz @yaorzu-blog @biribarabiribbaem @kayleefriedchicken @extrhotjne @caitxx1 @palindrome969 @todorokiskitten @azuna-sz @meanergreener @nxzz-skz @jazziwritesthings @poutypoutybin @bookyeom @jisuperboard @wyzminho @amarecerasus @channection @lastgreatamericandynasty1 @judeduartewannabe @chanshyunjin @firelordtsuki @astronomicallyyy @alm334 @lashaemorow (italicized = can’t tag)
all rights reserved © withleeknow. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means. [posted 02.04.2024]
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thisismeracing · 6 months
A real goal getter | CL16
―Pairing: Charles Leclerc x footballer!reader ―Warnings: curse words and typos; ―Summary: When fans see Charles at one of your soccer matches, they start speculating what he is doing at a stadium he's never been to, talking to a guy he never talked with (who happens to be your best friend). When they discover you're together, they agree you're the best player, but Charles is the goal scorer for landing someone as amazing as you. (based on this request).
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liked by alessia, kyracooneyx, and others
yourusername had the reddest week ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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arsenalarson london's fav girl 🤍
alessia luv you guys!
charles_leclerc 👏👏👏
⤷ sainzsins he's feeding into the rumors (I would too if I were him, maybe she would notice me and we would fr be together)
⤷ williamsalbono some of y'all don't know reality and it's showing lol
ynfan 🩷🩷
masonmountgirlie not an arsenal fan, but I will never stop defending the fact that yn is one of the best out there
ynsgoal patiently waiting for the next match
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liked by yourusername, scuderiaferrari, and others
charles_leclerc Happy third anniversary, couldn't have a better celebration than finally sharing our love with the world ❤️❤️
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©thisismeracing ― do not copy, steal, or translate my work; do not repost on a different media platform.
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wilwheaton · 2 years
the scorpion doesn’t care who it stings
I posted this on my Facebook four days ago, and it seems to have taken on a life of its own for a minute.
I thought I’d repost it, here:
I can not fathom the emptiness, the insecurity, the insatiable need for attention and validation, the staggering arrogance, the malevolence and total void of human experience that is Elon Musk.
He's the richest man on the planet. You can't go anywhere or do anything without interacting with something he's part of in some way. There are literal millions of people who uncritically worship him, in spite of overwhelming evidence that he's a douchebag. Some number of them will come after me, as they come after anyone who points at their naked emperor. They'll spend entire days going after me and people like me, slavishly serving a man who does not even know they exist. They are his army of fools, uncritically serving his every whim. And it still isn't enough.
He can have any material thing he wants, and he will *never* be happy or satisfied. He has no real friends. Every single person around him is either a viper, a parasite, or both.
So what does he do? He bullies and threatens and harasses and trolls and behaves like the weak, scared, insecure child he has always been. That's a tragedy for him, but it's dangerous for us. He doesn't care what he destroys or who he hurts as he chases this existential thing he cannot ever have.
You know the saying "hurt people hurt people"? He's a hurt person who is hurting our society, making people I care about less safe. The consequences of this one man's midlife crisis are global, and that terrifies me.
In a comment, about an hour later, I added:
You know what's really interesting is the tiny number of people who are attacking and harassing me are either typical right wing idiots who all spew the same garbage from behind their wraparound sunglasses, or these weird nerds who are DESPERATE to justify how toxic and cruel and destructive Elon Musk is. Like, nerds, listen to Old Man Wheaton, please. 
Don't hitch your wagon to Elon Musk. There are countless people who are amazing and genuinely good, who do all the things we wish we could do. Stop defending this piece of shit who would push you into a volcano without even learning your name, if it would save him half a second on his way to his next shitpost on $8Chan (formerly known as Twitter).He doesn't stand up to anyone. He doesn't stand up FOR anyone. He is not your champion. He's angry and chaotic and destructive, and you have to understand that the scorpion doesn't care who it stings.
Finally, I want to add two things: 1) It’s interesting to me that a lot of the people who came to my post to be dicks used a lot of MAGA language. It reminds me of this thing my friend says about concerts: the audience looks like the band. Of course there’s substantial overlap between the angry, hateful, terrified, cowards who support Trump and the same who Stan Elon Musk, and it’s real interesting to see it in action.
2) I haven’t used Twitter for years. I quit before it was popular (lol) because it was better for my mental health. I logged in once when my book was published, and I deleted all my tweets when he announced he was buying Twitter. When he took over and immediately amplified a conspiracy theorist, I made my account private. In a perfect world, I would delete my account entirely. But I have to keep it for reasons I hope I don’t have to explain. After I posted this on Facebook, it made its way around Twitter (still is, four days later, which is ... a thing that is happening) and when people went to look at my account, they saw that it was closed. As much of a fucking manbaby Elon Musk clearly is, he didn’t do anything to my account. In fact, the only reason he even knows I exist (if he does) is through a vanity search of his name. I locked my account on my own, and so should you.
I am only on:
Facebook (itswilwheaton)
Instagram (itswilwheaton)
and my blog that I’ve been neglecting for too long at wilwheaton.net.
I’ve had a Reddit account since 2006, predating user-created subs! I’m u/wil there.
Okay that’s all. Thanks for listening. Please choose to be kind.
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 5 months
Rebuild & Restore - Chapter 3
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I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS
Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
All OC Characters belong to me
Series Masterlist
Melvania furrowed her eyebrows as there was a knock on her front door. She looked at the clock that hung on the wall just above the entryway to her kitchen and set her coffee mug down on the counter as she saw it was just after 7 am. 
“Josh?” She asked her baby brother as she opened the door, shocked to see him at her house so early. “What are you doing here?” 
“We need to talk.” He said gruffly. “Can I come in?” Mel nodded and opened the door wider for him to enter her home. 
“Is everything okay?” She asked as she followed him into the living room and sat down on the couch across from the chair he had sat in. 
“No, not really. It’s about yesterday. With Kiyana.” Mel scoffed and rolled her eyes. 
“I should have known.” She muttered, sitting back and folding her arms. “Lemme guess, princess couldn’t handle hearing the truth so she sent you here to set me straight?” She scoffed again. “She is a whore and I'm not apologizing for saying it Joshua.” 
“That’s the mother of my kids Mel, whether you like it or not, you will not say no shit like that again while my kids are around.Yes, Kiyana fucked Joe.” Josh paused and clenched his fist together, he was still having a hard time dealing with that. “But I had an affair first, aight. I fucked up my marriage not Kiyana.” Mel rolled her eyes at his little speech. 
“To be completely honest baby bro, I could care less. She hurt you and that’s all I care about.” 
“You don’t have to like her, I mean you never did. But what you will do is respect the mother of your nephews.” Josh said as he stood up from her couch and walked out of his sister's house without saying another word to her. 
Next stop, Kiyana’s house..
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“Boys!” Kiyana yelled from the bottom of the steps. “What's taking so long!” She rolled her eyes as all she got back were giggles in response. She playfully glared over at Kairo when he started to giggle in his pack’n’play. “And what so funny?” She teased picking him up just as there was a knock on her front door.  
“Dada!” Kairo squealed, reaching his arms out for Joshua as Kiyana opened the door. 
“What are you doing here?” He handed her the flowers in his hand and took Kairo from here. “Who are these for?” She rolled her eyes at the look he gave her. 
“Who else would they be for? Open it.” She eyed the box warily and opened it, shocked to see it was red roses with the letter K in  white roses. “You like it?” 
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Kiyana nodded, “Yes, thank you.” 
“You welcome ba-” He paused and stopped himself. “You’re welcome Kiyana. I’m sorry for letting Mel run her mouth yesterday and not stopping her.”  Kiyana said nothing and set the flowers down on the console table. 
“What are you doing here?” She asked again and Josh sighed. 
“I wanted to take my family to breakfast.” Kiyana nodded and bit her lip.
“Ok, The boys are already dressed. We were going out with my mom, but I guess they can go with you.” She walked into the living room and Josh followed her, shutting the front door behind him. 
“No, Key. Not just me and the boys, you too.”  Kiyana arched an eyebrow and shook her head. 
“No, that’s not a good idea. We’re div-” 
“Divorced, I know.” He cut her off. “You don’t gotta say that shit every time we see each other.” 
“We’re not family anymore Joshua. You and your family made that perfectly clear yesterday.” Josh set Kairo down in his pack n play and walked closer to Kiyana, who stepped back.  
“I’m sorry Key. I was in my feelings yesterday and I apologize. So please, can we take our sons to breakfast?” 
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 To Samara 👯‍♀️: Need to get this nigga head checked out… From Samara 👯‍♀️: Who? Lol what happened To Samara 👯‍♀️: Joshua, he showed up this morning w/ flowers and apologizing for Mel.  From Samara 👯‍♀️: …. Girl  To Samara 👯‍♀️: And now we’re at breakfast bc he wanted to take his ‘family’ out.  To Samara 👯‍♀️: Oh and he played our song on the way to breakfast and kept looking at me out the corner of his eyes  From Samara 👯‍♀️: not beauty by dru hill, lmao too little to late josh smh
“Who you texting?” Josh asked and Kiyana furrowed her eyebrows. 
“Samara.” He nodded, surprised that she actually answered him. He took a sip of his orange juice and watched as she cut up Kaiden’s waffle for him. 
“Joe’s back in Pensacola.” He blurted out and Kiyana paused her cutting and looked up at him. 
“Okay..” She trailed off with a shrug. “Why are you telling me.?” Why in the hell is he bringing up Joe? She thought and then swallowed hard as she remembered the text message she received last night. 
“Cause we had a deal, Kiyana.” Kiyana tilted her head at Josh. She then looked at he kids and noticed that they were busy on their I-PADS (yes, they’re I-PAD kids… don’t judge her) 
“Josh, we're divorced. I can talk to whoever I want to.”  Josh scoffed and shook his head, 
“I don’t want him around my sons, Kiyana.” She sighed and rubbed her temples, feeling a headache coming on. 
“I do not and will not talk to him. Joshua. Me and Joe have nothing to talk about, okay?” She said, just to get him to shut the hell up. Pleased with her answer, Josh let out a sigh of relief and sent a smile her way. 
“Thank you” Kiyana didn’t say anything back to him, she just sighed and looked out the window, wishing she was anywhere but at that diner. 
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A.N/ Kiyana will forever love Joshua, he was her first everything. She did file for divorce first but no matter what she will always be inlove with him.
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ariesqueencobra · 7 months
what we used to be | XV
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Pairing: Eli Moskowitz x Fem!Reader
Summary: You didn't think joining Miyagi-Do would end your friendships. But thankfully, you're making new ones.
Warnings: dojo rivalry, karate training, swearing, mentions of heartbreak
Word Count: 1.8k
A/N: A short chapter but its a good one! Have ch 16 done but I'm gonna give it some time to post cause then it'll give me time to edit ch 17. But we're closing out season 2 with ch 17 and season 3 is next! I already have up to season 4 planned out and a little written, still brainstorming for season 5 and even s6 lol!
Thank you to those who already reblog and comment, I see you and I love you all for it!
I don't consent to this work being copied, translated or reposted.
You frowned as another message to Aisha and Tory went unread. A few days ago, they were blowing up your phone, asking if you were okay. You were guilty that you didn’t respond, but you were going through so much heartbreak. You didn’t want to bother.
Now that you were part of Miyagi-Do and you felt happier, you decided it was time to reach out, the only thing—your friends weren’t responding.
Defeated, you walked through the dojo, phone pressed against your ear as it rang. Relief filled you when Aisha answered.
“I’ve been worried sick, you guys haven’t been answering,” you began.
Two voices scoffed.
“So now you’re worried?” Tory asked in disbelief. 
“Of course, I am,” you furrowed your brows. “You guys are my friends.”
“Funny, I didn’t know traitors are classified as friends,” Aisha accused. 
Confusion filled you. “What are you talking about?”
Tory muttered under her breath and she was annoyed, allowing Aisha to answer.
“We saw you hanging out with Miyagi-Do the other day and we confirmed with Moon that you joined,” Aisha said.
“We thought you just left Cobra Kai, but joining the enemy?” Tory questioned, disappointment filled in her tone.
“I didn’t think I was going to join Miyagi-Do,” you defended.
“So what? You accidentally joined?” Aisha scoffed. “Sorry about you and Hawk breaking up but joining Miyagi-Do is a low blow. Enjoy your new friends,” she said before hanging up. 
You stared at your phone in disbelief. 
“Everything alright?” Sam asked, holding onto the punching bag to stop it. She glanced at you with wonder, her brow raised and blue eyes sparkling in the sunlight.
“Aisha and Tory completely blew me off, some friends,” you shook your head. “Sorry, I know you don’t like Tory.” 
You frowned, knowing their history. But after what had happened, you didn’t like her so much either.
“Don’t apologize, if they can’t see you’re trying to be better, then that’s on them,” she shrugged before going back to her warm-ups, her punches becoming stronger. 
You shrugged off your backpack, warming up alongside her until the rest of the guys showed up. 
Mr. LaRusso was nowhere to be seen and with the summer heat, you all made it under a tree in the dojo. Still, the shade wasn’t enough to keep you from burning.
“Oh God, it’s so hot out,” Demitri gasped. “I’m sweating in places I didn’t even know had pores,” he wiped his forehead against your shoulder.
You grimaced at the sweat, shrugging him off.
“Alright guys, get out from under that tree. It’s time to work,” Sensei said. 
You all groaned as you got up, the small movement troubling in the excessive heat.
“Mr. LaRusso, it’s like 100 degrees out,” Robby complained. “Can’t we take it easy today?” He was saying what you were all thinking.
“Are you kidding? This heat wave is a gift. Today you are going to experience Shochu-Geiko,” he smiled.
You arched a brow.
“Like the car insurance?” Chris asked.
“Shochu-Geiko is a Japanese exercise where you train during the hottest days of the year,” he explained. “It’s about pushing yourself to the limit. The fight isn’t always gonna come when it’s 75 degrees and breezy.”
“Aren’t we supposed to avoid the fight?” Sam questioned.
You nodded. The whole reason you joined Miyagi-Do in the first place was to stop fighting.
“Sometimes you can’t,” he sighed. “Someday, the fight might come to you. And I want to make sure you’re ready,” he gazed hopefully. “So today, we’re gonna see what Miyag-Do is made of.”
That’s how you found yourselves formed in a circle out front. The sun beating down as Robby stood in the center, waiting for Mr. LaRusso to call out a number. 
One of your classmates ran towards Robby but he punched him right in the chest, sweeping his leg and sending him to the ground.
Everyone reassembled.
Sam blocked Robby’s kick before spinning around and landing one straight on his abdomen. “Got you,” she smiled, their gaze lingering.
You sent Demitri an amused glance, one he didn’t match as he let out a groan.
“Alright, Demitri’s turn. Come on, Demitri get in there,” Sensei encouraged.
He reluctantly sighed before going in the middle. He raised his fists before Mr. LaRusso called a number out.
It didn’t take much for Chris to punch him in the stomach. 
Figuring it was just a rough beginning, you waited for the next number, which happened to be yours.
You lunged towards him. You wanted to give Demitri a chance to fight you off but it was so easy sweeping your leg and watching him fly to the ground. 
“I hate this!” Demitri groaned. 
“Alright, get up!” Sensei encouraged.
You offered your hand, helping him up. “Sorry, Demitri.”
He reluctantly forgave you, putting his weight on you as you made it back to your spots.
“Can we please take a break? This heat is brutal,” Sam sighed.
You all agreed.
“You guys want to cool off?” 
“Alright, I think I can accommodate that,” he grinned.
You were hoping for a trip to the pool, not a freaking freezer storage.
“So, you couldn’t take the heat of Shochu-Geiko, perhaps you’ll find Kangeiko more to your liking,” he smiled with that same grin from earlier.
You shivered as you stood in the middle of the room, regretting you wore a tank top today.
“There are no “geikos” that take place in a spa?” Sam asked, the cold evident in her breath.
“It’s not about the heat or the cold. It’s about adapting to the environment around you and using that to your advantage” he said. “Look around, what do you see?” 
“Frozen London Broil?” Chris asked.
You snickered.
“No, not the meat, look past that. I see the exhalation of breath,” he pointed to Sam. “The twitch of a muscle,” he glanced at Robby. “The shift of a stance,” he pointed to Demitri. “If you lean into the cold, it will heighten your senses,” he said. “And then you’ll anticipate the moment before your opponent strikes and you’ll always be ready,” he concluded.
You understood what he meant, noticing signs too.
His phone began ringing, hesitating to answer before he told you all to circle up, taking the call. 
Now ready, you stood in your place. You watched Sam move about in the circle, looking out for obvious clues. She blocked Chris’s strike before Robby’s turn. They both battled, neither hitting the other and they stopped as they got lost in each other’s eyes.
You used to look at Eli that way. Your heart ached, memories flooding through but they were interrupted when Mr. LaRusso interrupted.
“All right, let’s get Demitri in there,” Mr. LaRusso said.
“Alright, here goes nothing,” he sighed. “Literally.” 
He got kicked right in the stomach.
You sighed out in slight disappointment, knowing he had it in him.
“I can’t do it, Mr. LaRusso. Between the cold and the shouting and the hole in my sock. I’m not sure when that happened but it’s really uncomfortable,” he began complaining.
You rolled your eyes. Knowing your friend, he always had something to complain about.
“Demitri, you are the most neurotic person I know. You always expect the worst,” Sensei approached him.
Demitri sighed in agreement, a bit reluctant about it though.
“But you can use that to your advantage. It means you anticipate. Think of it like a spidey sense,” he stated.
“Actually in the comics, they call it Spider-Sense,” your friend corrected.
“Look, Demitri, this isn’t about who’s fastest and who’s strongest. It’s about instincts, using what’s in here,” he pointed to his head, your friend getting it now. 
With some confidence, he took his stance, raising his fists.
“Two!” Mr. LaRusso called out.
Demitri noticed Chris, blocking his first strike and his second before he punched him in the gut.
You cheered for your friend, and the rest of the class too.
Unfortunately, he didn’t get the next person.
“Baby steps! It’s alright!” Mr. LaRusso reassured.
You patted Demitri on the back, the rest of the class crowding around you.
“Sam and I are more like acquaintances than friends,” you said.
It was unexpected to have Moon reach out. Knowing your situation with Aisha and Tory and now barely knowing Sam, it was good to have a friend.
“I’m sorry about telling Aisha that you joined Miyagi-Do, I didn’t think this rivalry was that bad,” she said, frowning as she sat on her bed.
“Don’t worry about it, I guess I would’ve had to tell them sooner or later,” you shrugged, sitting across from her.
“Listen, I’m glad we’re doing this, I really meant what I said about being friends. I did want to give you space though,” she offered, tipping her head to the side.
“Thanks, Moon,” you smiled. 
It’d been a few months since she apologized before the All Valley. You never considered reaching out, still hurt that she wasn’t true to her word about showing you she was serious. But now she is and better late than never, right?
“So how are doing? With the breakup and everything?” She searched your eyes.
“Heartbreaking,” you hummed self-deprecatingly. “Eli was the first boy I ever loved, love,” you corrected. “I have karate as a distraction, but honestly, sometimes I just want to reach out,” you sucked in a breath. “Am I crazy?” You glanced at her.
“Not at all,” she shook her head. “It’s normal to experience that after breaking up. And considering how long you’ve known Hawk, your souls are connected. Best friends, boyfriend-girlfriend, first loves,” she listed, growing giddy. “I can’t imagine having a close bond with someone and it would suck to be apart even if it’s for the best,” she explained.
“That makes sense then,” you raised a brow. “The longest I spent without Eli was when he’d go to sleepaway camp with Demitri. That was only for a few weeks, this has been almost two months,” you hummed, shocked at the realization. “Thanks for being a friend,” you smiled genuinely.
“It’s nothing,” she giggled. “But as a friend, I have something I want to give to you,” she said, reaching under her bed and pulling out a wrapped gift. “I had this saved for the right moment. You’re right when you said talk is cheap,” she handed it to you. 
You hesitated, eyeing her weirdly before you took it and unwrapped the gift, finding a lime green sketchbook.
“Moon, you didn’t have to,” you gasped slightly.
“I did,” she stopped you. “I hurt you, Y/N. I destroyed your property and I can’t undo what I did, but I want us to start new,” she sincerely said.
You grinned, leaning in to hug her and you felt happy as she returned it.
“Thank you,” you beamed. “It does mean a lot.”
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vaehbae · 1 year
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(My art! Please credit if you repost) Rebel teases Sabine... - (Small Fanfic/description of what going on rn. I don't mind any errors..) Also, my insert OC will be mentioned so don't cringe. lol -------------
After what seems like days, Ahsoka, Sabine, Huyang, and Rebel successfully rescued Ezra Bridger. They worked together as a team and broke away from Trawn and the empires after Baylan betrayed Sabine. She told him she would be reunited but that didn't mean they both wouldn't be captured! Rebel helped sniff out their location once they landed on the new planet and broke them out.
A long battle was carried out after the escape and that was when Sabine realized Ezra was in pretty bad shape as they boarded the ship. The raven-haired man passed out cold once his adrenaline went down and he was then immediately rushed into medical attention. Huyang advised Ahsoka and Sabine to wait outside while he treated Bridger. This sent Sabine into a spiral of worry and frustration, she shouldn't have ever trusted Baylan and kept it together! She just wanted to see Ezra so bad but not like this! She watched outside as the droid began to strip away his clothes and check at the wounds scattered across his torso; other than a few bruises and cuts he seemed fine.
"Are Mandalorian women this bold when seeing a man with his shirt off?" Rebel's voice spoke out with a teasing grin across her face.
Sabine felt her face ball up into flush and embarrassment as she realized she had been staring! "Cut it off." She huffed out a whisper as his elbow knocked back into the hybrid's chest. Rebel's tail wagged behind her as she saw a Sabine's frown slightly curve into a grin for a moment just before it lowered back down into a harsh scowl.
Rebel just laughed and snickered like a child as she noticed the faint strokes of red painted across the Mandolorian's face. She looked up at Ahsoka who seemed to be hiding a chuckle before she suddenly stopped. They all looked up towards the door of the med-bay with worry lingering around in the air.
--------------- (Comment below on what you think is going to happen next episode!)
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tvchi · 4 months
Echoes of Intrigue: Prt 1
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Warnings: Mature Audiences ONLY: 18+, Minors DNI- Kidnapping and Bondage.
Pairing: black male x black female
Word Count: 1942
A/N: So I'm fairly new to writing fan fiction and new to writing short stories. I began writing poetry and spoken word, then tried my hand at prose. I've been reading a lot of @megamindsecretlair 's stories as well as @thecapodomme 's story and I thought I'd try my hand. I have posted another short story that wasn't really fan fiction on my page before called The Challenge. I didnt cast it or anything this elaborate, but yea. I'm trying to get better at writing more stories and prompts really help. Casting my stories after writing them actually helps to keep me motivated so I thought this was a good marriage of the two forms. This story currently consists of two parts. I will lay the first part out and then link the second part (when I figure out how to do that lol). If these parts get positive feedback, then I'll force myself to develop the story even further and write the third. Your feedback is greatly appreciated because I'm really trying to get better. So Like, Comment, and Reblog if the spirit moves you. ❤️❤️🥰
Tags: @thecapodomme @writers-of-tmblr @melaninpov @spaceslutsworld @nahimjustfeelingit-writes @mymusicbias @the-black-label @master-builder42 @miraculously-dumb-bitch @megamindsecretlair @hopefulromantic1 @tranquilfandomer @thadelightfulone @vivalaorgasm
The sounds of footsteps are heard in the distance. They are all too familiar. The cadence of his strides haunts my dreams. Always four evenly paced steps before a slight halt. It’s almost as if he’s deciding, studying, …. calculating. He absorbs me. Maybe that’s how he can take me time and time again. He knows how I squirm, how I walk, how I do my hair, and the next time I’ll need tampons. At least, that’s what happened this time. I went to Kroger to get tampons, while walking back to my car everything went dark. 
Waking up here would make this the fourth time I have been dragged here in thirteen months. I’m not sure what’s worse, the fact that I keep getting taken or that I haven't made any strides to stop this from happening. The hard, steel chair that I’ve gotten to know these past couple of months comforts me a bit. It’s about the only thing that hasn’t changed. Every time, there's a different warehouse, dungeon, storage site, or wherever this is. The lights are always dimmed but there’s always a change in hue from the little I can see through the blindfold. The smells are different, sometimes reeking of mildew and sweat. Other times, it smelled of must and concrete. This time it smelled of wood and dust. Every time I would wake up to this familiar cold chair, I rubbed the spot where I scratched lines into the legs with my nails, and that’s when I knew I hadn't been making this up. 
He steps closer to me. Barely touching me, he lays something down at my feet.  Maintaining minimal contact is a good way to avoid a scuffle and getting his skin under my nails. It’s also a good way to prevent me from noticing a scent or any identifiable body markings, but I have the smell of a bloodhound. Something is different. Something has changed. He doesn’t smell of the usual skin and sweat but of something recognizable. Something that I’ve smelled many times before but can’t quite place.  
    “Why me? Why are you always doing this to me? Have I done something to you,” I say hoarsely. 
I tried my best to keep my voice even. This was an attempt at a conversation, not a cry for mercy or an admonishment. He said nothing. He never speaks. 
 “I just want to know why you keep taking me and then letting me go. Wouldn’t it be easier just to kill me?” I ask, measuring my breaths in between words. Calm. Even. 
He remains silent. That was irritating to me. The least he could do was reveal a sinister plot or threaten to kill me. He wields his power mercilessly, offering me nothing to hang on to not even the next minutes. There is nothing to look forward to but darkness. I can’t plan my prayers or meals or thoughts. I never know when I’ll go; whether this time will be the last. 
The heavy thud of his footsteps suggests that he wears construction or heavy hiking boots. He walks beyond me, hopefully, to retrieve some water or food now that I’m awake. Our last couple of encounters have convinced me that he can’t cook worth a damn. Each time even worse than the last. I never look forward to his sardine surprises, and sometimes, he mixes them with canned beans or cream corn. I imagine that he’ll stay away from the beans this time, being that he had to empty two buckets worth of shit last time. I didn’t feel bad or embarrassed either. Fuck ‘im. That's what you get for kidnapping a girl with a sensitive stomach. I’d kill for a sardine sandwich right about now, though. 
It fell silent for a while. 
That means this room is large or leads to other rooms. The problem is, I never can find a way out. I’ve only been freed because he had let me go. Once, some homeless men found me in an old sewage system. Another time, I was in a forest preserve forty-two miles from home and I hiker alerted the police. Yet another time, I was found by a janitor in the basement of a city mall that was getting renovated. This last time, I woke up chained to a different chair in the expressway facing oncoming traffic. That made the news. No one knew how I got there. No one saw anything. The street cameras were as useless as the people the police interviewed. Each time he frees me it gets more elaborate. This time, I don’t struggle or exhaust myself trying to imagine an escape. No. This time, I should start looking for patterns and motives. Who would do this to me? Who hates me so much to have me kidnapped once a month? I don’t make many enemies as a data analyst. I’ve worked on some high-profile cases recently, but no one gives credit to the data analyst who tracks the numbers and bank accounts of the bad guys. All the credit goes to the men in black or the blue windbreakers. He never asks for any information from me. This can’t be from work. 
“Not again,” I think as my heart quickens its pace. 
I feel him before I hear him. He walks back towards me. This time another sound accompanies him, a light yet sharp resonance. It is chow time. He sits the food down in front of me and removes the blindfold. It’s dark, with just a stream of light peeking through, reminiscent of those through a pinhole camera, to illuminate the cold plate in front of me. As I glance over my plate, his gaze brooding over me at a distance, I wonder how he could even see in the dark. He could go one living in the shadows, feasting on girls shopping at Kroger, dragging his spoils back to his layer. 
My inner thoughts are running wild at this point.
“Ok, focus on what you know, Lola,” I think. 
I don’t personally know any creeps who would keep doing this to me. I stopped dating entirely after the first time this happened. After the second time, I was scared to leave my house, so I had a therapist and a psychoanalyst come to my house three times a week to walk me through what happened and get me acclimated to going outside again. They claimed I wasn’t a true agoraphobe, I just had severe PTSD. The third time it happened, a bunch of shitty kids heard about my story and decided to go on social media and talk about how I was probably staging my kidnappings. The videos went viral. The police started coming by less and less and brushing off my case. I was no longer a priority but a possible psych case. I started thinking that maybe I was going crazy and perhaps I was staging these kidnappings, blacking out, and forgetting my elaborate plans for attention. I was enrolled in group therapy and started focusing on healing. After that, I started going out with the new friends I met in group therapy. I even managed to bump into the most thoughtful man on earth. 
“Shit, is Max looking for me? Has he called me? Did he go by the house?” my thoughts spiraling. 
“You should know that I’m on my period and I need to change my feminine products. Folks don’t think about that when they are kidnapping women. At least, I don’t think they do. You never really see it in the movies. No action movie that I have ever seen had a girl kidnapped in the thick of her menstrual cycle. You should call Paramount about that and show ‘em how it’s done. Representation and all that. Justice for the vaginas. Hashtag: me too, my period is not taboo!” I rambled. 
I do that when I’m nervous. I do that when there’s nothing else to do. Maybe it’s because I fear silence. I wonder if the last thing I’ll hear is nothing at all. I take another teaspoon of spam and throw it into my mouth, attempting to swallow it instead of chewing. I feel around for the glass of water he always puts beside the beef, being careful not to knock it over. Once I find it, I chug it down. It would be the last bit of water I’ll have until it’s time to eat again. He walks back to me and takes away the tray with the water and the plate of barely-eaten Spam. I try to look around as much as possible before he places the blindfold back over my eyes. I feel around for any loose object on the ground with my feet, hoping to find something that I could use to get me out of the zip ties he will place back around my wrists. I try to wiggle my way out of the ties around my ankles in a last-ditch effort. I give it the good old college try for tradition’s sake and then give up as his footsteps return. I wonder if he just saw all of that. I wonder if he was looking right at me.
He is back right in front of me now, and there is a pause for a moment, almost as if he is deciding on something. A moment later, he places the blindfold back over my eyes and lifts me out of the chair in one swift motion. We are closer now. And there it is again—Musk, sweat, and …sandalwood. I hold onto that as we walk about twenty paces and then turn a corner. Within five more paces, we come to a door. He opens it and sits me on what feels like a toilet. The lights are dimmed and he places a thin, square object in my left hand and a couple of thinner, tubular objects in my right hand. Wait, are these…are these feminine products? Had he granted a request? That was a …first. 
“I’m going to need to see or else there'll be blood everywhere. I would hate for that to happen, especially given what happened last time. We don’t have the greatest track record with bodily fluids,” I jest.  
There was a pause. A hare longer than the one before I was carried over here. He was contemplating again. The door slammed in my face when the blindfold was finally lifted, and the surrounding light dimmed significantly. I could tell that he was directly behind the door. He was probably watching, who knows, but I peed and changed. I feel clean and dry for the first time since waking up to this darkness. I am grateful. I also thought about what I could use to get out of those zip ties he’d place me back in once he noticed I was finished. I’ll shove the other two tampons in my boots for now. I’ll figure out what to do with these later. I knocked on the door to signal that I was done. He opens the door and carries me back to the chair. Once at the chair, he places my hands behind my back and zip-ties them. He ties the blindfold lightly over my eyes and places what appears to be extra water by my side before walking out of the vicinity. 
“Being extra nice to me, Sandalwood,” I taunt. “Must be the period thing.”
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 7 months
Booky, you’re such a sweet person. I know it’s probably hard for you to be a fan and see stuff that annoys you, but remember that it’s probably happening to other fans with celebs they like.
Those poor Henry Cavill fans - though I don’t even think his gf is that bad. Lol.
And as for the Jeff Conway person…
lol. First of all he’s very very cringe. I’ve rarely seen an interviewer editor be this thirsty to repost his own articles and also be so unbelievably tacky as a grown man. But hey.
That being said, he was the one who wrote the Forbes article for Chris and his jinx thing at the end of December, right?
He was also one of the writers who wrote a people article of them going public. Somebody should check back those archives because I’m almost positive Jeff started following fish the night before or around the time they went public.
He also interviewed Chris the day Chris said his long term partner was his dog 🤣 - I wonder if he told Chris that 😭 and gave him a very cringey shirt “my dog is my soulmate.” A grown ass man.. giving another grown ass man a shirt like that. And then repeatedly bragging about it on twitter. How is he not embarrassed by himself?? (Jeff)
My personal thought is he goes where he has an assignment. I sometimes have to write really cringe social posts for work but thankfully they’re not attached to my name. He was probably instructed to hype her up because tbh, I still believe they’re trying to make her happen.
Think about how the kardashians, TikTok influencers, and other random ass “Celebs” pop up and start being placed everywhere and nobody is asking for them and the comments are filled with hate. But do these outlets ever stop? Really think about it. Step back from the fishbowl and observe the other industry ppl who have basically been shoved into our faces without our desire. I think the media knows Fish is DOA but she’s here and unfortunately here to stay for awhile. I think people can and will continue to ignore her so that’ll be pretty funny to watch.
I’m also sure fish wasn’t rude to Jeff because I doubt she’s like openly a rude person. I’m not trying to defend her because I know people on here will feel how they feel about this girl, but she’s not going to be a brat to everyone just because people want to hate her. I do think it’s interesting that post had Jeff hyping her up and then just mentioning Chris was also there. As if he’s her plus one and not the other way around.
I feel like she’s getting way too much attention for being virtually nothing and a nobody. The general public simply does not care about her.
I think someone just posted up TMZ posting celebs at the parties and they posted Chris alone and cropped her out. If true, LOLLLLLL TMZ 😂
Just Jared has written at least 600 articles at this point and they’re still getting her name wrong.
By the way, in my line of work, we have to proofread our articles before submitting them to post. So does every single outlet just accidentally miss fish’s last name?????
I’m starting to feel like it’s intentional.
🥹 Thank you, Marketing An🫶n!
It must suck for everyone, but it's good to know that what I'm feeling is definitely not just me. Makes me feel less crazy. 🙂
Good Lord, Jeff seems to be overselling and overdoing it, a little. But, as you said, it's a thing that needs to be done.
And you've got a point about celebs we DIDN'T ask for, just popping up. And it causes quite a stir. Which is effective for their reasons.
No, they do not. Hell, she's simply known as Chris Evans' wife. No more, no less. Imagine that as your only title. It's sad.
I hope it's intentional, because that's too many typos, and almost (I'm assuming they did this at least once) zero edits... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Thanks for talking with me, Marketing An🫶n. It's really a highlight everytime you're here. So thank you ❤️ and it seriously means a whole lot. 🥰🥹
Until the next one...
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dreamcrow · 11 months
20 questions
i was tagged by several people (thank you @niemalsetwas, @babblish, and @creativenicocorner), who in doing so have conveniently eliminated many of the people i would have thought to tag myself, haha. let's see... @falling-hand-in-unlovable-hand, @eri-223, @sidhewrites, if you like? plus anyone else who would like to steal.
1.) how many works do you have on ao3?
41 posted; 0 drafts.
2.) what's your total ao3 word count?
189,246. (?!)
3.) what fandoms do you write for?
oh, ask not for whom the hyperfixation tolls. (toa, obviously.) i do have a few fics i've deleted, though, in fandoms i don't currently have any fics for. maybe i should republish them on anon? 🤔
4.) what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
in my sleep i dreamed of waking
all that dazzling dawn has put asunder
it's a lovely day in stricklake month
misc. trollhunters prompts
oh...they're (almost) all str/icklake, lol. and so old! is it strange that i feel so disaffected by this? well, probably not. a good lesson in kudos being merely a measurement of "how many times people pushed the kudos button," i suppose.
5.) do you respond to comments? why or why not?
i try to! part of my general attitude of "fandom is a conversation." i worry i don't always have all the spoons to make my replies what i feel they "should" be, but i do always want to convey my gratitude for people taking the time to leave a comment at all.
6.) what's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
oh, that's easy: notstantinoplefic! unfortunately it's not yet approached something even remotely publishable, so that probably means very little. ¯\_( ᐛ )_/¯
other than that...probably the first or second parts of minor arcana. probably the first, more than the second. skrael's chapter ends on something awful but he's about to enjoy a good bit of (however fleeting) catharis; bellroc however doesn't get any closure for what happens in their chapter until they meet nari, a couple centuries later.
7.) what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
...do i have a fic that doesn't have an ultimately happy ending? 😂 oh, i am too soft. even the horrible vicious ancient wizard gods tend to go out with full stomachs, warm beds, and someone on their side.
8.) do you get hate on fics?
i'll not lie: i have glimpsed the occasional drama from over my meticulously-curated rose hedge. but most of it seems to be from children, and for all my various weaknesses, i think i can survive being vagueblogged by people who aren't old enough to vote. if not: my anon is on ╮ (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) ╭
9.) do you write smut? if so, what kind?
i am ATTEMPTING. most of the smut i've ever read has left me generally ??? baffled, glazing over, skipping through (without animus) to the next part. again, this is not the fault of the author; it's true even of things i can tell objectively are well-written, titillating, otherwise universally acclaimed. but i enjoy thinking about character exercises, and i am not completely untemptable, so this year i've been trying to make some progress on my longtime agenda of "get the horrible bird wizard railed."
...none of which is terribly apparent given that none of it is published, ofc! but. hopefully. that may change in the not-too-distant future.
10.) do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written?
tbh i am very picky about crossovers. but i must admit... skraelroc necro/cav au... a man is Considering
11.) have you ever had a fic stolen?
i've had people repost my art, which (as someone who does not think of himself as an even remotely skilled artist) was very surprising. but never fic.
12.) have you ever had a fic translated?
none that i know of.
13.) have you ever co-written a fic before?
the closest i've ever come is probably blue wizard boyfriends, which is inspired by some rp shenanigans between a friend and me. but even so, my take on douxie in that series has diverged quite a bit from hers! so it doesn't really feel like "cowriting."
14.) what's your all-time favorite ship?
as your #1 friendly neighborhood degenerate not-even-actually-incest pornographer, i simply must say: nothing quite hits like a ship you literally invented
15.) what's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
to be completely honest, i do still feel the occasional pang of nostalgia for my gr/avity f/4lls fic. i had a lot of world built for it, a whole sequence/interaction arc for the characters (and not just the couple). unfortunately, even this many years later—even if i never got directly harassed—the nastiness of that fandom has still left a very strong impression on me. it was the first time i think i ever saw a/ntis in action, and i don't think i have any desire to pick that story up again.
16.) what are your writing strengths?
...worldbuilding? present tense, apparently. 😂 i've also been told i have a knack for—ah, how did he put it. understated emotional closeup shots? i think of such kind comments often, haha.
17.) what are your writing weaknesses?
discipline. not using too many semicolons. recently: not using paired adjectives. mainstream fanon. not going back over published work and finding a billion small things to fix (though i'm getting better at this).
18.) thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
...mainly: "you're lucky i didn't make myself learn actual ancient egyptian for all those dumb little skraelroc shmoop fics i keep setting in ancient egypt"
otherwise? i err on the side of under-doing it, but i love doing this. i love seeing this in fic, even if it's not a language i know. it's like a little easter egg!!
19.) first fandom you wrote for?
a very old anime fandom which i will not be revealing on main. probably twenty years ago, at this point. almost certainly on ff.net.
20.) favorite fic you've ever written?
oh, i'm not sorry. i am thinking of minor arcana so often these days, but i really am pretty proud of it. even now, more than a year later! once i have the time to go through and fine-tune everything, i'm going to bind it. it's a very weird fic, probably, but one that is nevertheless (or perhaps because of this?) very dear to my heart.
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hopepaigeturner · 1 year
omg i absolutely love Lucy’s drabble
her hate for Anthony Bridgerton lol it’s so funny to me ahahhah and all the feelings she has because she feels different and unuseful in her family, you portrayed them perfectly, i loved it
she and gregory are super cute and i’m so curious to know what happens next, now that she has realised he’s the missing piece
Lol the hate for Anthony is strong in this AU...justified? You'll have to find out 😉
Glad you enjoyed the snippet, sorry for the long repost but I've finally got the answer to your question about Grucy after Lucy realises he's Gregory Bridgerton.
Well, the first thing that goes through her head is...How to stop Gregory from freaking out?
Because, from Gregory's POV, no one has ever spotted him on any mission he's tagged onto. And even in real life, no one turly sees him for who he is. So, for the girl that he sorta-kinda-has a crush on, to actually sees him for who he really is, is a bit of a shock. Then ofcourse this sprials when Lucy starts explaining her family and their role with his siblings.
Now Gregory has been raised that no one must know about his siblings' powers--other than the agency he's grown up training in . Young gregory had many lectures from Anthony and Violet of the dire consequences of exposing his power, including threats of experimentation, incarseration and assasination.
But gradually, Lucy can calm him down and get him to understand that the UA wants to help. And that Gregory needs their help because Lucy is not medically trained to remove knife wounds.
So, begrudgingly, Gregory and Lucy make their way to the academy. On the way Gregory eplains that he usually magnifies his siblings' power but after the lightning strike, this has been dialled to 11. He eplains that after the strike he felt utterly lost, and only focused when near his sibilngs, so instinctivley followed them.
By the time they enter the academy, the pair have caught up with each other's respective secrets. Even though Lucy is quick to assure him that she is 'normal' unlike her siblings. To this Gregory turns to her and says,
"Oh Lucy Abernathy, you've never been normal. I knew that the moment I stepped foot in that coffee shop."
And the way he is smiling at her actually makes the words sink in, causing her to blush. Lucy is about to reply when utter chaos erupts.
Violet Bridgerton screams upon seeing her bloodied son and runs to him. This alerts the entirety of the house.
Simon reaches the pair first, blocking Violet and insisting that they do not know what Gregory's abilities are. Gregory starts coughing and bumps into Simon's shoulder, trying to warn his family not to touch him. Lucy comments that Simon will never find out what Gregory's abilities are if he dies on the marble floor.
Lucy's comment is lost under a thundering Anthony Bridgerton who shouts at Simon to take his hands off his brother. With Anthonys emotions as out of whack as his powers, he grabs something metal and throws it at Simon's face. Simon lifts his hand, ready to divert it--when his face drops. He can't. He can feel no power.
On instinct Gregory raises his hand and the metal rod sails away and clatters on the floor.
The entire room is stunned.
At the bottom of the stairs, the air shimmers and a young woman, a year or so younger than Eloise, materialises.
"What on earth, Greg?"
"Francesca?!" The Bridgertons cry.
Michael walks leisurley into the hallway, flask in hand and raises an eyebrow,
"Wait, you can see her too?"
As always check out the rest of the posts, and send your asks to either me or @bridgertonbabe
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fonulyn · 2 years
My turn, my turn, my turn.
1: Which fic did you finish and go, "Well, I didn't see that one coming"?
2: Which fic were you surprised did as well as it did?
3: Which fic did you feel sad to finish?
oh fun! :D
lol okay i (surprisingly) couldn't pick just one so here's my top contenders and my reasoning for them.
heal the scars and change the stars (Piers/Leon, getting back together, near death for Leon but what else is new :'D) lmao this one came to me in a dream, i literally woke up all "okay then" and had to then work it into a bit more coherent thing, but it ate at me until i did so. but yeah didn't see it coming, my subconsciousness cooked it up from somewhere lol.
also life healed like a wound (we will be alright) (Piers/Leon, breaking up and getting back together) was a similar thing, I woke up one morning with the breakup scene seared into my brain and I just had to write it. but of course I couldn't let them be unhappy so i also had to fix it! i thought i'd write a couple of fics for this pairing, but somehow it ended up taking over my heart in a storm. now this series has over 100k words and i've written like a hundred fics of the pair so :'D we all see how that turned out.
my jaded heart is yours to poison with your flame (Krauser/Leon, DC-ish) was also something similar, I played Darkside Chronicles with my brother and I thought I'd just write one quick fic to get the pairing out of my system :'D surprise, lmao, to this day it remains one of my top fave pairings :'D
there are others, too, that I never thought I'd write but somehow did. the Chris/Wesker smut, it's not a pairing I'd be particularly into but the fic demanded to happen, or the Adam/Leon companion piece for Tir's fic that I legit still don't understand where it came from :'D, or the monsterfucking series considering I thought I'd forever be too chickenshit to write any of it, or the Krauser's back series I firmly thought would be just one fic but turned into a trilogy :'D
or last chance garage (ot3 retirement fic lol) that was supposed to only be a quick 2k at most, but turned into 8k somehow before letting me go. not complaining, i think it turned good, but it wasn't exactly the intention lol.
2. the angsty answer is that the ones i desperately want to do well never seem to, and then the ones that actually do well are some random things i just threw out there lol. the less angsty answers are:
outside of the RE fandom I'm legit surprised that nobody's perfect (TOG, mostly a group fic tbh) got so popular, it's a feelgood "I think I'm funny" kind of fic lmao and it's got almost twice the kudos to the next most kudosed fic of mine. i mean it was fun to write, it still makes me smile, but i thought some of the more serious fics i put much more thought into would be better received :'D not complaining, it's nice that the feelgood fic did well. another one i'm surprised about is the super old kpop fic (Resurgence) that I reposted on ao3 on request, because holy shit i've never gotten that many comments ever. not even when I was actively in that fandom.
in the RE fandom I'm mostly surprised that now drunk on lust I drown in you (forever within I'm lost in you) (Chris/Leon, get together pwp) was as popular as it was. it was supposed to be a quick short pwp, it ran away from me, and i guess that's a good thing :'D also my first fic in this fandom, we didn't know how to fly so high (burned down before we reached the sky) (Chris/Leon, getting back together, idk what else random tropes), i... when I posted the first chapter it got exactly one comment and I thought "oh well, might as well finish anyway" and it was supposed to be my first and last RE fic. but looking back at it now? it's accumulated quite a nice amount of feedback over the years, which is nice :)
also the Leon has a son, surprise! -series did surprisingly well lol especially since the second part has an OC-centric pairing.
3. short answer is none, really, because i'm in general always happy when I get something done and finish a story! it's such a nice feeling of accomplishment when i can look at a complete fic and let it be free.
but I suppose that when I'll finally wrap up the self-indulgent series it'll be a bittersweet moment and i'll be sad to let it go. although right now i've been stalling with it anyway. feelings are complicated. but yeah, that series has been a part of my life for so long it'll require some mourning when it's gone.
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Soul Collector
Word Count: 374
Chapter 2:
A Word in Semantics: A Letter from Our Soul Collector
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If you’re ever in a situation where someone is asking for your soul, don’t say yes. Unless it’s a really good deal, then you should think about it. Of course, you should end up saying no anyway. I’ve never been one to take my own advice well.
That’s how I ended up a Collector. Mind you, I already collected things before this all happened. Now I just have to go to the overworld occasionally and kill a few people. Not the worst job, I could be working retail.
I was a little pissy the first time I heard our new ‘arrangement’. No one likes change. I think I’m used to it now, though. Either way, no one likes being told what to do. 
I suppose I don’t mind killing them.
They don’t really need to live. They’ve all cheated death by still being alive. They’re easy to kill. They’ve eluded the Grim Reaper himself, Mr. Reaper, hood and cloak and scythe. I’ve borrowed his scythe for the time being, it seems.
Death isn’t supposed to have feathers. Yet, the strangest things seem to happen when you want your way.
Memento Mori.
The funny thing about life is that no one gets to make it out alive. Not when I’m concerned.
Is it really me? Is this who my parents raised? Could I ever be who they raised?
Most don’t want a cannibal out of their child. They don’t want a murderer, someone who can watch the light of life leave someone’s eyes and laugh, someone who can rip someone’s heart out and eat it.
Cannibalism– a metaphor for love. Is this love? What is love?
Maybe I’ll never know. That’s okay.
The way I follow his beck and call- that can’t be love. It wouldn’t be healthy, would it?
Enough semantics. What is there is there, and no one can change it.
What this is – what it always has been – is a means to an end. I work – I kill people – and he keeps the world away. He keeps the noise and crowds and discomfort at bay.
Yes, I am grateful. His presence makes Hell just that much more bearable. Would I be gladder to have my soul? May we never know.
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Thank you @ap0110-and-c0 for proofreading this!
Word choice, mi amors. Most of the oomph of this (in my head) originates purely from my word choice. It was "May we never know," not "We may never know,". There's significance in that. Rhetorical questions, line breaks, emphasis on certain words. "Cannibalism– a metaphor for love. Is this love? What is love?" Repeated phrases from chapter one: "Memento Mori," (keep a look out for that one).
Alas, this is merely a word in semantics to hold us (specifically myself) over until our next hunk of text is done.
Tag List:
None yet, lol. Message/send an ask/comment if you want to be added!
Please reblog/comment/tag with your opinions! Gimme your take on our Soul Collector's word choice! Highlight lines/phrases that you like! I love feedback, I literally live off of it. Send in a request for what we should see in a future chapter! I love that! I love that I'm getting to write my silly little idea out and other people can see it.
Lots of love, check your posture, and remember not to push yourself too much <3
Do not copy/translate/repost/etc. without permission and credit (literally just send me an ask/message to see if I post on other sites/am okay with you translating certain things)
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shourin · 2 years
Reverse isekai au crackhead brainrot thoughts. The characters greatest enemies are angst fics of themselves x reader or whatever you save or bookmark in your device that they somehow found out.
Imagine that reader is an angst lover. Some fics depicts the characters as ooc but it’s for the plot. And reader can appreciate a good plot.
It’s feels weird for the characters at first. Reading about themselves but still they persist because they’re curious of what would happen next. Curiosity kills the cat tho.
They are immediately horrified once they read that certain angsty part which they will then have a violent outburst on how unrealistic it was and how they wouldn’t do that to reader EVER(Childe and some others). Some may even appear catatonic in pure shock and horror(Xiao and Diluc). Others will sought out reader and started telling them they won’t do that ever and started begging for them to stop reading those type of things(Kazuha, Zhongli, venti and some)
Child deleting reader’s bookmarks and acting innocent when reader ask him about it.
Meanwhile Xiao would just grabbed onto reader’s sleeve, trauma evident in his eyes as he firmly but weakly said “I would never ignore your calls and left you for dead even after a petty argument.”
Reader: pardon????
Then there’s Zhongli who would confront reader about that particular story about how he supposedly see his current s/o as a replacement for Guizhong.
“My love, Guizhong is merely a dear friend of mine. Please understand that my feelings for you are as unwavering as the rock we-“
“Wait hold on, what?!”
Some of them will be a menace, others will be too traumatized to speak and just look for reader for comfort and the other will go on this poetic tangent on how their love is eternal and unbreakable as bedrock or something. Venti however will ugly cry and begged at your feet to not believe this blasphemy about his love towards you.
“Don’t ever *hic* *sobs* ever EVER *sobs some more* doubt m-my*hic* loveE FOR YO-*wails* YOU!! PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME!!*sobs uncontrollably* THEY DONT EVEN ACT LIKE ME AT ALL!!! I DONT KNOW THOSE VENTIS!! THEY DONT EXIST!!*wails*”
“Of course they don’t, they’re just fiction.”
Reader would be spending the rest of the day comforting a hysterical venti.
Meanwhile there are those that acknowledges it as fictional and Amgen even impress at the plot line.
In conclusion, angsty stories would leave this poor characters traumatize or highly amuse.
ok ok ok ok but hear me out.... what if.... what if the angst fics the reader likes are those where the reader dies? def not projecting here lol nonono
ALSO bonus point if they read it on your pc/laptop and you have those browser extensions where it auto-replaces [name] with your actual name. they would be so scared/confused/wary because wait wtf how did this fiction thing know your name wait wHAT IF IT'S A PROPHECY OF SOME KIND OR LIKE AN ALTERNATE REALITY OR IT DESCRIBES WHAT HAPPENED IN A DIFFERENT WORLD OR-
.... you get the gist.
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also taking this opportunity to recommend some good good angst where reader dies come cry with me:
★彡 KISS ME WITH YOUR EYES CLOSED. by @/seelestia
Death and Regrets series by @/primofate
go give them some love and don't tell them i sent you
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© shourin | 2022 ◆ no repost. reblogs much appreciated. feel free to reach out to submit suggestions, feedback, comments, or if you just want to talk!
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◇ taglist ◇ @paintingsofdragonspine | @genshinparty | @abyssmal-skies | @hamdehlesmis | @depressivecomforts | @sophiethewitch1
ps. if you want to be removed/added from the taglist, just send an ask or dm me!
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abimess · 2 years
The Proposal - Part 7
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
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Masterlist | Get notified of my next stories
Summary: Wanda Maximoff is the book editor of a North American multinational corporation. You, as her assistant, are obliged to do all her bidding. And that includes marrying her when the redhead is in danger of being deported back to Sokovia. But it's all good. After all, what could possibly go wrong?
Word count: 4.786 || Pronouns: she/her
Warnings: fake dating, blackmail, nudity (no smut), swearing
Good news for you: this is not the last chapter! I had to split it in half so here we are lol the final chapter will be out later this week! 
You do NOT have permission to repost or translate my work on any platforms (even with credit)
Series Masterlist | Previews Part (Read on: Wattpad || AO3)
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You and Wanda arrived home after the speedboat accident in complete silence. Your father, the only one who was home at the moment, noticed your shaken countenances - especially the redhead's soaked state. 
But the man didn't say anything about it, mainly because your meaningful stare directed at him made sure to convince him not to. So you guided Wanda back to your shared room, and smiled fondly when she said she was going to take a shower. 
Back in the kitchen, you find your dad still there, pretending not to look at you as he mixes the sugar in his coffee with a spoon. You sigh heavily, throwing yourself into one of the chairs at the table.
"Wanda fell off the speedboat today." You tell him, knowing he was curious to know but wouldn't ask. When the man's eyes widen in both shock and concern, you wave your hands to reassure him. 
"Nothing happened, she's fine," you assure him, watching Alexei's shoulders relax, "but it was scary. I could tell she was terrified just by her eyes. And... I don't know, I was scared of losing her."
The confession slips past your lips more easily than you would imagine, but it makes your insides turn violently inside your body. Your father, oblivious to your internal dilemma, smiles reassuringly, taking the chair next to you. 
"I understand your fear, kid, she's your fiancée." He says, placing a hand on your shoulder affectionately. "We are always afraid of losing the ones we love." Your dad adds, and you control yourself not to flinch. That part you wouldn't admit yet, even to yourself. 
"Yeah, I guess you're right." You comment in a whisper then, forcing a smile, and Alexei returns it with a loving one. After a brief moment of silence, however, his countenance lights up. 
"Oh, I almost forgot!" He tells, snapping his fingers, "Natasha is staying with us tonight, we're having dinner outside." He adds and, noticing that you raise your eyebrows in surprise, he lets out a chuckle. 
"I know your wedding isn't until tomorrow, but we wanted to have a little celebration just us first, you know?" He explains, almost shyly, and you smile genuinely this time, your heart warming. "Thanks, Dad."
"You're welcome." Is his affectionate reply as he takes his hand off your shoulder to wrap his entire arm around them. You let out a happy giggle, and allow yourself to stay there hugging your father longer than you normally would.
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Not wanting to rush Wanda through her shower, you decide to take yours in another bathroom, and realize that it was a good idea when you arrive outside and don't see the redhead anywhere.
The yard is all tidy and decorated. A fire in the center with some logs around it for you to sit around. A little further away, two tables with food and drinks respectively are set up, lit by yellowish lamps that give the place a cozy air, even though it doesn't get dark at night this time of year. 
You see your father near the fire, and there is no sign of your mother anywhere, probably still in the laboratory - it wouldn't surprise you if she didn't even show up. By the food table, you see your younger sister drinking a beer, and that's where you go. 
"Hey." You say when you're close enough, and Yelena raises her eyes to you to murmur a greeting back. The next moment, you are smiling with amusement. "Did you know that Dad is playing native in the forest?"
"Oh, yes, he does those things." The blonde responds with a laugh, inviting you to walk with her to near the campfire. "Last month he decided to play British and started drinking tea all the time." She tells, making you raise your eyebrows in disbelief. 
"After a week he ended up with dysentery and never had tea again." She adds humorously, making you laugh heartily, shaking your head in amused disapproval at your father's antics. 
"So," you begin after the two of you share a few laughs, choosing your words carefully to bring that subject up, "I ran into Kate before you stole my fiancée from me."
You watch your sister's reactions as you talk to see if you can find anything. But all she does is smile and nod in understanding. Yet you keep talking. "She told me some things... About you two."
"Nothing happened," she hastens to say, taking you slightly by surprise, "she's your ex, I would never have anything with her." The blonde adds with a short laugh, and you nod slowly. "But you know I wouldn't mind, right? I don't have feelings for her anymore."
Yelena just hums slightly in understanding, and you frown as you ponder what to say. "Do you like her?" You try, but the blonde shakes her head in denial. 
"You know you can talk to me about that, right? Or anything else, really." You insist, and the dry chuckle your sister lets out makes your tender posture falter a little. 
"Can I?" She asks in an accusatory tone, sighing deeply when you sketch a semblance of confusion. "We barely talked during the time you were away, I can't even remember ever having a real conversation with you."
Your sister's accusation takes you by surprise, and you look away from her as you rethink the events of the past, shame growing as you realize that she really is right.  
For the past three years, you have always blamed Wanda for distancing yourself from your family, justifying your absence with all the endless things the book editor was telling you to do. But the truth is that you also could've been more present, you could've tried harder. And you didn't realize it until now.
"You're right," you say, a surrendered sigh leaving your lips, "I should've been more present for you. For all of you." You say with regret, but Yelena smiles reassuringly, shaking her head. "It's okay, really."
"Maybe it is, but I'll make it better." You retort and, seeing your younger sister's confused expression, you add, "I promise I won't go this long without coming here. Or without talking to you properly. I'll let you fight me if I do."
Your last sentence comes out in a playful tone, so Yelena giggles, nodding in understanding. You then pull her into a tight hug and the blonde is quick to reciprocate, wrapping her arms around your waist. 
The two of you pull away a long moment later, fond smiles on both your lips. The next instant, however, your gaze is drawn to the door of the house, and your smile falters into concern when you see Wanda stepping out.
"You should check on Wanda, she must be pretty shaken by what happened earlier today." Yelena suggests, her eyes following the redhead across the campfire area as yours do, and you hum in agreement, relieved that she released you so easily. 
"But this conversation isn't over yet, huh?" you warn with a raised finger for emphasis, and the blonde lets out a chuckle, nodding her head in agreement. "Of course."
With one last exchange of smiles, you turn away from your sister, walking towards Wanda. As you approach, you notice her expression still lost in thought, and you decide to announce your arrival by stepping harder so as not to startle her. 
The redhead, who was putting on some hot chocolate for herself, raises her gaze to you, smiling a small smile as her eyes meet yours. You are quick to smile back. "Would you like to walk with me?"
Wanda ponders for only a moment over your question. But then she nods her head in agreement, grateful to be away from other people right now. You smile at her once again as you signal the path for you to follow.
For the first time, you don't overthink putting your arm around her as you walk, and the redhead doesn't overthink laying her head on your shoulder as she goes wherever you are taking her.
The silent walk brings you to the deck, and you both sit together on the edge of the wooden platform. You watch Wanda with her eyes fixed on the water below, wondering what you should say to her now. 
"We haven't been working on the questions Strange is gonna ask us on Monday." It is she who breaks the silence, and you nod even though she is not looking. "We haven't." You agree, and when she finally raises her eyes to yours, you smile. "Tell me something about yourself."
Wanda stares at the ocean ahead, a contemplative expression as she thinks about what to say. You don't press her, watching her patiently, and it doesn't take long for her to smile. 
"I really like sitcoms." She tells. "The modern ones not so much. I like the old ones, black and white and stuff." She specifies, and you let out a chuckle. "You really are ancient."
The redhead rolls her eyes at your joke, bumping her shoulder with yours. But she is smiling too, and you try not to get too lost in the scene. After a heartbeat of silence, she sighs. 
"I used to do ballet when I was five, but then my family moved to a different town and I stopped." She goes on to list. "I don't like flowers in the house because they remind me of funerals. Haven't slept with anyone in over a year and a half. And, uh... I went to the bathroom and cried after Tony called me a poisonous bitch."
You raise your eyebrows at the revelation, your countenance turning to one of sadness. Wanda looks at you with a sad smile, and you try to look for something to say. But you can't find anything, so the redhead shrugs, "I'm sure there's many other things, but that's all I can come up with right now."
"You really haven't slept with anyone in 18 months?" You speak the first silly thing you can think of in an attempt to make her laugh, smiling when you succeed, the sound of her laughter getting lost in the cold night.
"Out of all the things I said, that's all you got?" she asks in disbelief, an amused expression on her face. You just smile, shrugging, and the book editor laughs some more, shaking her head in mock disapproval.
"You shouldn't let a guy like Stark make you cry." You speak the next moment, and Wanda's expression becomes more serious as she looks at you. "He's an arrogant asshole who hasn't gotten anything good out of his life, and you're one of the strongest, most successful women I know."
The redhead just looks you in the eye, searching for truth in your words. And all you offer her is an honest countenance, a small smile at the corner of your lips that grows as you notice her cheeks flushing. 
"Tell me something about yourself." She breaks the moment then, and you blink a few times, looking away to the ocean to pull yourself together. You sigh as you think, and Wanda watches you patiently, waiting for an answer.
"I'm a big comic book fan." You say eventually, looking at her again, and the redhead has an amused smile as she says, "I always knew you were a nerd."
"Some people find it charming." You argue with a grimace, but the woman snorts in disbelief. "I'm sure some do." She retorts, making you giggle.
"I'm afraid of heights," you retort, and Wanda's amused smile wanes as she pays attention to you, "I had a fish named Rocket, but he starved to death because I forgot to feed him." 
"For how long?"
"About three weeks." Your response draws a hearty laugh from the woman, making you laugh as well. But then your relaxed posture falters. "I haven't had a serious relationship in the last two years, because I got tired of getting hurt. I guess you could say I've given up on love."
Wanda's amused countenance slowly crumbles in the face of the seriousness of this new piece of information you shared. And you expect the redhead to make some funny comment, since you added the last part in a playful tone. Instead, she offers you a sweet smile.
"And now you're getting married." She comments after a while, a hint of amusement in her tone despite the intensity of the conversation, and you laugh through your nose half-heartedly. "I know, life is a little box of surprises."
You continue to stare at the moving water for a while, but then the silence between you grows and you decide to look at Wanda again. To your surprise, the redhead is already looking at you, her eyes shining under the moonlight and from something else that you don't understand, but in that moment you would love to find out. 
Your heart beats hard inside your chest as your thoughts shuffle around in your head, your conflicting feelings making your chest ache. But before you can do anything stupid, she looks away.
"Your family is watching." She comments, and you follow her gaze with yours to see your parents and younger sister risking glances at the two of you as they talk.
"Of course they are." You comment amused amidst a giggle, and Wanda smiles as she looks back at you, your insides melting once again. 
"I think we should kiss." The sentence is out of your mouth before you can contain it, and as Wanda's eyes widen in surprise, you clench your jaw to try to keep your cool. 
"What?" The book editor asks under her breath, unable to ignore the burning in her cheeks as you rush to come up with something to say. 
"Because they're looking." You reply eventually. "The last time we kissed was the day we arrived, they might get suspicious." You watch Wanda think about your words for a brief moment, feeling your heart pounding hard in your ears. 
"Well, if it's to convince them." Is the redhead's response, a small smile at the corner of her mouth. You giggle a little at the comment and to try to keep your cool. And you notice that the book editor is waiting for you to make the first move, so you do. 
Your lips meet in an explosion of all those feelings the two of you have been trying to contain for the past few days. Wanda knows she shouldn't sigh against the kiss, and you know you shouldn't pull her closer by the waist. So you don't, but with each passing minute it gets harder not to.
"Don't make me come over there and throw a bucket of ice water on you, Y/n!" Your older sister's shout echoes through the open space the next moment, making you and the redhead laugh shyly as you pull away. 
Looking in the direction from which the sound came, you see Natasha standing by the campfire, waving in greeting to the two of you, and you and Wanda have red cheeks as you wave back.
"We'd better go over and say hello to her." You comment, drawing the redhead's gaze back to yours. "She really may throw the bucket at us." Wanda smiles amused at your comment, nodding her head in understanding. "Let's go then."
The next moment you are standing up from the wooden platform, pretending the kiss didn't have the effect it did as you walk back to your family.
⋅ ─ ⋅ ─ ⋅ ─ ⋅ ─ ⋅ ─ ⋅
After the night outside, you and Wanda walk back to the bedroom chatting about some sitcoms she likes. 
You criticize every detail you can think of, but the redhead can see that it's all a playful attempt to annoy her, so she smiles amusedly as she rolls her eyes.
When you arrive at the bedroom, you open the door for her to enter first, and Wanda smiles at you before doing so. Before you can follow her, however, Natasha appears out of nowhere behind you. 
"You need to come with me." Your sister speaks, putting her hands on your shoulders to stop you from entering the room, and you let out a confused giggle, looking over your shoulder to see her. "What?"
"It's tradition!!!" She exclaims, shaking your shoulders for emphasis. "Tomorrow is your wedding day, you have to give the Magic Maker a rest tonight." You and Wanda exchange grimaces at the mention of the quilt, which makes your older sister giggle. 
"Give your bride a kiss good night and come with me." Nat instructs, letting go of you. Wanda, who was watching the entire scene with amusement, shakes her head in playful disapproval.  
"You've got your whole lives to be together." The redhead cuts off your complaint, crossing her arms resolutely in front of her body. "Now shut the fuck up before I pull you by your hair." Nat threatens before looking at Wanda with a gentle smile. "Good night, Wanda!"
"Good night, Nat." The book editor says back, giggling at the other redhead's sudden change in posture. Satisfied, your sister casts you another warning stare before leaving, and you and Wanda are left alone. 
The redhead crosses her arms in front of her body as she holds your gaze, and you don't avert your eyes as you lean the side of your body against the door frame. The moment stretches on, but even though neither of you wants to say goodbye, you know you have to. "If I don't go with her, she's just gonna..."
"Come back and pull you by the hair." Wanda completes your sentence with a small amused smile, which turns into a soft chuckle when you mumble a confirmation. "See you in the morning?" you ask then, and the redhead has to hold back the lump in her throat to smile in confirmation.  
"Absolutely." She says, her voice weaker than usual due to the incessant thoughts that make the book editor's mind weigh tons. Still, you smile, nodding your head in understanding.
"Good night, Wanda." You wish with a gentle smile, and the redhead has one of her own as she whispers back, "Good night, Y/n."
You then turn around to leave the room, and neither of you want to think about the longing that clenches your chests as you get ready for bed. 
⋅ ─ ⋅ ─ ⋅ ─ ⋅ ─ ⋅ ─ ⋅
The barn looked very nice in the end, with flowers and lights decorating the place and wooden chairs arranged, almost all of them already occupied by the guests. 
To your surprise, you had a growing nervousness inside you that was somewhat difficult to ignore as the moment of the ceremony approached. 
While Wanda was somewhere in the barn with your younger sister - finishing the preparations of dress, hair and make-up - you were already at the altar, the preacher right behind you as some guests approached to greet you and wish you congratulations. 
Next in line was your father. 
"Hi, Dad." You greet with a smile, laughing softly as the man wraps you in a bear hug, lifting you a few inches off the ground. When he releases you, he has tears in his eyes. "Look at you..." 
"Please don't cry." You say humorously, chuckling at the way he takes a deep breath to hold back the tears. "I won't, I won't." He assures you, making you smile amusedly. Over his shoulder, you see your mother sitting in one of the chairs, looking away when her eyes meet yours. Alexei, noticing the interaction, sighs. "Your mother wanted to talk to you, but-"
"Don't worry, Dad." You reassure him with a small smile, giving his forearm an affectionate squeeze, but he offers you an apologetic smile anyway.
It's not a real marriage - as you need to remind yourself every five minutes - so you shouldn't be bothered by your mom's coldness. And you certainly shouldn't feel a tightening in your heart when the woman gets up from her chair and leaves. But you do anyway. 
In the meantime, Wanda is in one of the barn rooms, which has been beautifully decorated so that she could prepare for the wedding. Looking at her own reflection in the mirror, the redhead tries not to let the lump in her throat get the best of her. 
She already knew all this. She knew she would come here and lie to your family. That was the plan from the beginning, you agreed to it and so did she. So she shouldn't be feeling like the worst person in the world for doing it. Right?
"Melina?" The reflection of your mother wakes Wanda from her own thoughts, who spins on her heels to look her face to face. "Hello, Wanda." The other greets with a small smile, which for some reason makes the redhead's uneasiness increase. "I'd like to talk to you, if that's okay."
The book editor swallows dryly, shifting her weight between her feet with apprehension. But she nods her head in agreement anyway, and the black-haired woman smiles in appreciation before taking a step closer.
"I still have my doubts about whether this marriage is real or not." Melina begins, and Wanda would have looked away in shame if she hadn't seen a few tears building in the other woman's eyes before she continued. "But if it is... I want you to know that you will always be part of this family. And I know that Y/n and I don't have the best of relationships. But I love her, and I miss her as much as any mother would. So please... Make her come home more often."
"I..." The words are lost in the redhead's mind at your mother's unexpected request. Guilt and shame making her heart clench inside her chest to the point of breaking into a million pieces. 
"It's time to go, Wanda." Yelena's voice from the door interrupts the two's conversation, and a glimpse of disappointment passes across Melina's face before she forces a smile again. So, even though words still fail the redhead, she offers the other woman a smile and a nod of her head before following the blonde out. 
The path to the door leading to the main area of the barn, where the ceremony would take place, is undoubtedly one of the most difficult Wanda has had to make. But she forces one step after another, and when she sees your father waiting in the doorway, she forces a smile as well. 
"Your dad can't be here for you, but..." Alexei says with a gentle, even shy smile as the redhead comes closer, offering her his arm as he adds, "I would like to be his mere substitute."
The universe must be teasing her-no, punishing her for all the bad things she is doing to these wonderful people. A few tears escape Wanda's eyes before she can contain them, but she just hopes the man before her will interpret them as happy ones as she offers him a small smile. "Thank you."
And then the music is playing, her and Alexei walking down the aisle as the guests rise from their chairs, you at the altar waiting for her with such a beautiful smile on your face that it just makes the redhead want to run as far away as possible. She keeps walking towards you instead.
"You look beautiful." You whisper to her as soon as she stops in front of you, and that seems to hurt even more than everything else. "You don't have to say that." She whispers back, her eyes fixed on the preacher and avoiding yours at all costs, not seeing your confused countenance at her hardness. "I-"
"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen," the preacher begins to speak, interrupting your interaction, and you look at her a second longer before turning to the man in front of you, "please be seated, so that we may begin."
The ceremony then continues, the preacher talking about love, honesty, and family commitment, making you and Wanda cringe further and further in shame and guilt. It doesn't take long before the redhead can't take it anymore. 
"Yes, dear, do you have a question?" The preacher asks, confused, as he sees Wanda's hand raised in front of her body, drawing all eyes exclusively to her as she clears her throat. "Yeah, uhm, it's more like an announcement."
"Wanda." You call out in a whisper, but the woman ignores you completely as she keeps her gaze fixed on the preacher, who lets out a confused chuckle before asking, "Can't it wait until after the ceremony?"
"No." The redhead says resolutely, and you sigh heavily, closing your eyes for a moment. The preacher then beckons Wanda to speak, and she offers him a small smile of thanks before turning to the guests. 
"Hi, there." She begins with a nervous giggle, and a few murmurs in response are heard from the small crowd, who exchange confused glances. It's only then that she realizes that Stephen Strange is sitting in one of the chairs at the back, but she doesn't spend much time wondering how he got there to continue speaking. 
"Thank you all so much for coming." The redhead says, taking a deep breath, "I have to say something about... about the wedding." The comment causes some conversation to erupt among the guests, and you look at her with an apprehensive countenance. "Wanda, what are you-"
"I'm from Sokovia," she speaks again, ceasing the conversations and interrupting you completely, making you sigh once more, lowering your gaze to the floor, "with an expired visa who was about to be deported." Her gaze rests on Strange's figure as she speaks, who smiles victoriously as he settles back in his chair.  
"And because I didn't want to leave my life here and my position at Lee Books, I forced Y/n to marry me." The confession makes the guests look at each other in a mixture of confusion and surprise. Your gaze meets that of your family, their looks of shock and hurt making you look away immediately. "Wanda, stop."
"See, Y/n has always had this extraordinary work ethic," the redhead ignores you once again, "something I think she learned from you." Wanda's gaze rests on Melina this time with a small sad smile, but the woman just looks away to hide her hurt. You watch the whole thing in disbelief. 
"And for three years I watched her work harder than anyone else at our company." The redhead continues speaking, tears pooling in the corners of her eyes. "And I knew that if I threatened to destroy her career she would do just about anything... So I blackmailed her to come up here and to lie to you."
Your father buries his face in his hands in disappointment, and you watch your sisters, who also have sad countenances on their faces, try to comfort him somehow. You feel the lump in your throat grow exponentially at the scene, but you struggle to at least hold back the tears in your eyes.  
"And I thought it would be easy to watch her do it-to... To do it, as well. But it wasn't." The book editor confesses, her voice quivering with guilt and shame as a few tears roll down her cheeks. "Turns out it's not easy to ruin someone's life once you find out how wonderful they are." Wanda smiles at her family as she says it, but they just watch the whole thing with an impassive expression of shock. 
"You have a beautiful family and I appreciate so much what you all have done for me...even if I don't deserve it." The redhead continues speaking, sniffling softly. "This was all my fault, don't blame Y/n for it." She asks as she rests a hand briefly on your shoulder, and you swallow dryly. 
"Wanda..." You begin, but the shock of the truth being revealed so unexpectedly makes the words get lost amidst the whirlwind of thoughts taking over your mind. Wanda, taking advantage of your silence, finally turns to you to say, "Y/n, this was all a business deal, and you held up your end. But now the deal is off."
And before you can say anything, she is getting off the altar and walking back down the aisle, maintaining that impassive expression on her face that you know well in the face of the murmurs among the guests. And you, completely numb from shock, just watch her walk away.
───── ⋅ ✮ ⋅ ─────
Things started well but ended... Not so much 😬 hope you liked what happened in this chapter, feel free to share your thoughts and theories for what happens next!
Part 8
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selfcarecap · 3 years
Love Flower [p.p]
pairing: Peter Parker x reader
summary: You’ve read all about sex pollen online. You didn’t believe in it. But when you experience it first hand, that most definitely changes your mind. You even have to seek help from your best friend Peter to relieve the burn between your legs…
warning: dub con but only bc sex pollen (and it is both their first time while the reader is under the influence of sex pollen so keep that in mind! (but they do like each other soo- and she can think straight in my version of sex pollen lol (it‘s explained at the end😭)), smutty smut smut
word count: 4k
-repost of an old fic but it‘s quite good if i... may say so myself-
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“Woah.” Your eyes sparkle as you spot the flower. Peter has to hold you tight by your arm so you don’t go off track.
“Is that what I think it is?” Peter asks.
“I’m certain it is. Let go of me.” His fingers loosen around your arm. You take a few steps forward.
“Why are you going near it then?” Peter freaks out behind you, unsure what to do.
“Do you think this is real?” You ask Peter. You’re in his room at the compound. He moved in after graduating high school. For one, he was honoured that Tony asked him out of all people. Who wouldn’t want to move in with a bunch of Avengers?
But the most important aspect of why he said yes to moving in to the compound was because of you. It meant he would see you multiple times a day. He’d be damned if he had said no to that.
Peter bends over the bed to look at what you’re showing him on your laptop screen. He sits down next to you.
“Se- woah... Sex pollen? What the hell are you looking at?” He asks, wide-eyed.
“It’s a special plant. Basically going near it, directly touching or smelling it, makes you go crazy horny. They’re used for semi-superhuman breeding or something. But in some communities it’s used as a drug or something.” You explain.
“Well, let’s hope we don’t stumble across it then.”
“Why not? I want this.” You idly scroll further down and read more of the article.
“You’re being serious? What’s so desirable about being so horny that you lose control over your body?” Peter gesticulates wildly, trying to understand where the hell you’re coming from.
“To me that sounds like heaven. But I don’t believe that it would work. Humans are animals, okay. But they’re not animals like that, you know?” He shakes his head.
“Other than animals like the ones out in nature, we have rationality. They are animalistic animals, but we’re rational animals. I can’t imagine that anything in the world will make me so horny that I want nothing more than to fuck someone. Not even that plant. So I’d want to put that to the test sometime.”
“Very philosophical.” Peter comments.
“What, wanting to be horny?”
“No, the part about the animalistic and rational animals, kind of, maybe, have to think about it.”
You didn’t really know what the hell you were talking about when you said that but Peter’s really into your theory. He looks like he’s truly racking his brain about it.
“Don’t bother your pretty head about it though. I’m just talking nonsense because I’m horny, so see you later.”
You kiss his cheek and leave the room.
The feeling of your lips lingers on his cheek to this day.
“Come back, we have a mission. We’re supposed to be fight-” An explosion from inside the building interrupts Peter.
A second later Tony flies out in his suit, cheering because the mission was successful.
“Mission’s over now. And it’s just a quick smell. I swear nothing is going to happen, you’ll see. I have a bad sense of smell anyway.” You assure Peter.
“No, wait!” You ignore Peter’s plea.
You take a few steps forward until you’re right in front of the plant. The fragrance is strong. It’s a mixture of all the sweetest things in life. Peter’s smell somewhere in there.
“Mmmh. That smells nice.” You hum.
“You know what it smells like now. Come back.” Peter steps forward, holding his bunched up mask over his mouth and nose. He drags you away from the plant.
“You okay?”
“Yeah.” You lift your arms in the air, “That smell was... nice. I seriously need that as a perfume.”
Peter follows you slowly on your walk to the jet.
You’re up in the air. Everyone else is happy because the mission was a success. You feel weird.
“Sorry, can I sit there?” You ask Peter to stand up from his seat by the window.
“Yeah yeah sure. Are you sure you’re good?”
“I’m fine, thanks.” You look up at Peter for a second. Your irises have almost disappeared entirely. That’s how blown your pupils are.
Peter stares at you. You stare out of the window. Your let one of your hands hang between your legs. The other on your belly. Peter’s still staring at you.
“Are you waiting for something? Do you want to sit here after all?” You wonder.
“Uh no. No. You sit.”
Peter stops looking at you and goes to worry about you on the other side of the jet.
You arrive back at the compound and you try to get to your room as quick as possible. You jog through the hallway but once again Peter stops you. He holds you by your wrist and you involuntarily moan out loud. Not just Peter hears. Tony, Sam, Bucky, Steve, Nat and Bruce all look at you.
“Ow, I mean. I have a few scratches that hurt. Don’t touch me. Um, if anyone needs the bathroom on our floor, I’m going to shower and then I’ll have to take care of the uh scratches from… from walking through the woods so I’ll take a while.”
You escape before anyone can question that. You’re lucky that your suit is thick enough to conceal how fucking wet you are.
You’re also lucky that no one notices that there’s no way that a few twigs could scratch you through your suit.
Except for Peter. Because Peter was there with you. He knows there were no twigs or branches. You walked through some grass in a garden, if anything. A hydra garden, but there was nothing except that plant he warned you about…
You‘re not sure if it‘s ten minutes or an hour that you sit in the bathtub with the shower head between your legs. Uncontrollable sobs leave your mouth that sound more erotic than any porn you‘ve watched.
Your hand hurts from holding the shower head and as you share this floor with Peter, you realise he might also want to shower after a sweaty mission.
God, Peter. Under the shower. Naked.
You stop your thoughts from going there. You‘ve fallen victim to the magical attraction of the plant but you don‘t want your innocent angel boy Peter to become a victim of your dirty thoughts.
You tear yourself away from the stream of water to go to your room.
You‘re glad to have a vibrator that‘s small enough to fit inside you, but not hurt you. That‘s what you think at first.
But after the first orgasm you feel empty, despite the pink silicone still being fully inside of you, and before today you never even got it inside. You’ve never been this wet before.
Everything is so slippery and you‘re more than frustrated.
What the fuck do you do now?
The vibration from your phone on your bedside table makes you clench around your toy and you pick it up.
Message from Spiderboy: Hey is everything okay with your scratches and stuff?
You: We‘re friends right?
S: Of course why?
Y: And friends help each other yeah?
S: Yeah, you good?
Y: No
Y: I was wrong
S: Wow never thought I’d hear that
S: What happened? should I come to your room?
Y: Idk
S: ?
Y: Yeah but knock
Less than thirty seconds later, Peter knocks at your door.
You change into sleep shorts and a loose shirt and open the door.
The sight of Peter has never made you quite as happy as now.
“What’s wrong what- woah your heart is beating like crazy.” He uses his heightened senses. He knows something is up as he steps into your room. He knew something was up when you texted him.
“I know.” You say. You lock the door behind Peter.
You sit down on your bed with a wince.
Peter waits a moment before he sits down opposite of you.
“So, what’s wrong? Are you okay?”
“You know when you’re like super horny all day, but the good type, and then you come home and you finally get to masturbate and come and it’s like the best feeling ever?”
Peter’s cheeks become red as a tomato. “Oh, uh yeah sure, I’ve had that.”
“Yeah well, when I smelled that fucking plant, I thought it was going to be like that. Not for it to hurt so fucking much.” When you say the last three words you whine, and to Peter you sound just like a pornstar. He really has to contain himself here.
“It hurts? What exactly?”
“My nipples are super sore. And there’s this feeling, like really deep down in my belly. Apart from that I’m so fucking wet, you can’t even imagine,” He’s trying not to imagine it, at least, “But nothing is helping. I came in the shower, at least six times, and more in here but it’s not enough.”
Peter groans at the thought of you touching yourself. Right on the bed that he is currently sitting on, that you’ve masturbated on probably countless times, and he’s even slept in before.
“Fuck should we - should we get help, I‘m sure Tony or Bruce will know what to do?” He suggests.
“No! Are you crazy?”
Yeah but only about you, Peter thinks.
You’d rather die than tell Tony or Bruce about how horny you are.
“You will not do that, I need your help, Peter. You agreed, friends help each other.”
“What- what do you want me to do? I don‘t know anything about this.”
“Just…” You straddle Peter’s thighs. He doesn’t stop you. You put your hands on his shoulders and press your forehead against his.
“Just kiss me, Peter.”
He doesn’t wait. Peter places his lips on your open mouth. You kiss him until you no longer know which way up and which way down is.
You start grinding your hips against Peter’s leg, against the basketball shorts he’s wearing.
You weren’t lying when you told him he wouldn’t believe how wet you are.
“Fuck. S-sorry.” You pull away from him and lie back down on your pillows, so you’re half-sitting up.
“Sorry you have to witness this.” You tell him.
Your hand has slipped underneath your own shorts. You’re unashamedly rubbing circles between your legs. You have no idea what’s going through Peter’s head. He just sits there.
“You can go again. I’m sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking. I don’t think you can help me.” You close your eyes and wait until you hear your door shut again. But you don’t.
Peter’s still there.
“No I can, I’ll help you. Just tell me what to do.”
You sit up so you can talk to him properly.
“Have you ever fingered a woman?”
“No I’ve just, uh I mean I’ve watched, just a few times, watched porn.” He mumbles and you wonder how he can be shy while you’re basically fucking yourself with your fingers in front of him.
“First of all throw your fucking inhibitions out of the window. You don‘t have to be shy about watching porn, not in this fucking situation, and not around me anyway, ever.”
He nods.
“I know you‘re inexperienced but you better be a quick fucking learner.”
He’s definitely eager.
“Okay what should I do first? Can I take these off?” He’s pulling at your shorts.
“Yes, Peter. Everything. Take it all off, please.” Your neediness is coming back, more intense than ever.
First, Peter makes you slip out of your shirt. He gulps when he sees your naked chest. Your fingers start rubbing your nipples. You lift your hips, indicating to Peter to finally take off your shorts.
You’re so wet, it’s running down your thighs and Peter can smell you. He loves this.
He just stares for a moment.
“Fingers. I need your fingers, Peter. Mine aren’t as big as yours and mine aren’t enough.” You really do sound like a desperate porn actress right now, except that you’re not faking it.
“Yeah, okay. What, where-” He starts and you take one of his fingers and place it right where you need it.
“Now go as deep as you can.”
His finger enters you slowly, as not to hurt you but you buck your hips forward.
“And now?” He asks. He licks his lips.
“Now pull your finger out again- No! Not completely.”
“Don’t be. Just do that and I’ll rub my clit.” He pulls his finger out, not completely, and goes back in in a smooth motion. You’re so slippery everywhere. His finger keeps grazing the upper wall of your pussy and Peter keeps looking from your face, back to your body, back to your face.
“I need more, Peter.”
“Like, faster?”
“A second finger, please.”
You look so endlessly beautiful, not just now, and Peter could and would never deny you, so he adds another finger. You can already feel your climax building up.
“Fuck, Peter. I’m gonna cum.” His fingers move faster and you use the same rhythm on your clit.
“Fuck, back off, I think I’m gonna squirt.” You warn him.
“No, just let go.” He says and you do. You bask in the wave of euphoria that consumes you, even if just for a short moment.
You wait a few seconds to open your eyes.
Peter’s shirt is drenched in your warm release. His tongue darts out to lick off some that you squirted on his face.
The way you’re admiring Peter from below him makes him feel so damn invincible.
“You feel better yet?”
You shake your head and Peter’s face falls just a tiny bit.
“It was amazing. But I feel like it will never stop hurting. I need to cum again, please.”
He pulls his wet shirt off his body and lies down, pulling your thighs over his shoulders.
“Should I try with my tongue? Maybe that feels better.”
Peter still doesn’t really know what he’s doing. But with how you’re grinding your pussy in his face, getting yourself off, his lack of skill isn’t obvious.
You have this aura around you that makes Peter fucking dizzy.
You cum on his face once more, it’s not quite as much as before, still. “Oh god sorr-”
“Don’t apologise. I know it’s probably the plant doing it to you, but it’s still an ego boost knowing I’m with you while you do that squirting thing.”
“I only do that with you. I’ve never squirted before.”
His whole upper body has a red tint now.
Despite the two heavenly orgasms Peter just gave you, you feel like you’ll never be satiated. You know there’s just one way to go.
“Peter, have you ever had sex?” You give him your most irresistible pout.
You sit up, your chest against his. He’s about to give in.
“But I just said it. You’re basically on drugs with that plant. I shouldn’t even be here. I can’t have sex with you. Would it be your first time?” He asks.
“Yeah but-”
“I’m sorry, I know you’re in pain right now but I can’t. It wouldn’t be right, you’d just regret it afterwards.” He says, but deep down he wants nothing more than to say yes.
You feel the pressure behind your eyes. Does Peter not want you like you want him?
“I would do the same for you, Peter. You know I would.”
“Fuck.” He mutters. He gets to his knees and pulls the drawstring of his shorts, pulling them off his legs and his hard cock hits his lower abdomen.
“God, you’re big.” You grin, scooting closer to him. His hand wraps around his cock and he gives himself a few strokes.
“I don’t want to hurt you.”
“You won’t hurt me. I want you inside of me. Actually scrap that, I need you inside of me. It hurts so much, Peter.” You whine.
“I promise I’ll make it better. I’ll take care of you, I’m here for you.” He stops, thinking, “But do you have condoms?”
“In that drawer.” You tell him.
He opens the drawer from your nightstand. Along with a few scary-looking toys, he finds a bunch of condoms.
“Uh why do you have so many, I thought you haven’t had sex.”
“I haven’t, but I use sex toys when I’m by myself and the shop that sells them gives you free condoms with every purchase.”
“Hm, where is the shop-”
“Oh, right.”
He positions himself above you, his hands either side of your head.
“Can I kiss you?” He asks.
“Please.” You whisper. You bring your head up so your lips touch. Even though Peter’s fingered and eaten you out tonight, nothing was ever as intense as this kiss. The first kiss you gave him earlier was just desperate. But there’s a hint of something more in this one.
Your tongues meet in slow, sensual kisses until you leak onto the bed and you’re reminded of the emptiness inside of you. You moan into Peter’s mouth and he bites your tongue when your fingers graze his cock, then wrapping around him and stroking.
“You ready?” He asks. You hum.
He sinks into you gradually. Peter’s never been as thankful for his Spider-Man stamina as he is now, because otherwise he’d be done for.
He goes slow to make sure he’s not hurting you, but it doesn’t hurt.
Peter worries once sobs start leaving your mouth, but they’re from pleasure.
It feels so goddamn good how Peter’s cock bumps against your g-spot while your finger rubs your clit.
It’s nearly overwhelming how good everything feels. All it takes is a look at Peter’s face and down his body, watching his cock disappear inside of you, and you’re coming.
You flutter around Peter’s cock and squeeze him so good that he orgasms too.
You’re both out of breath and Peter slumps down on you, careful not to squash you as his arms give out under him. He slowly rolls off of you, lying close to you still.
“Fuck, that was exhausting,” He breathes out, “But I mean I can go again, no problem if-”
“No I’m.. I feel good.” You raise your shoulders and use your arms to cover your chest.
“Is everything alright? Do you… regret what we just did? Fuck I shouldn’t have-”
“No no not at all, I don’t regret it, promise.” You reassure him, “Just um a bit embarrassed that you saw me like that.”
“No inhibitions, remember?” His hand strokes along your arm.
You’re both still naked, bodies glistening with sweat and Peter’s still admiring you.
“So you’re good? Satisfied?”
“Very, thank you, Peter.”
“So do you want to go shower?” You’re a sticky mess, so the answer is yes.
“I’ll let you go first.” Peter offers, in front of the bathroom.
“The shower is big enough to share. I mean after what just happened we can shower next to each other, can’t we?” You drag him into the bathroom with you. You let go of the bedsheet you held around you as a cover.
“Oh, okay yeah.”
You step into the shower and turn the water on, washing away the stickiness around your thighs first.
Peter’s watching you, but you’re too busy cleaning up.
“God, I’m sore. Can you get my back?” You only half-turn, to see Peter dropping his sheet and stepping into the shower behind you.
He takes your pink loofah sponge and starts massaging your back while you wash your hair.
This is not what Peter thought about when you said no inhibitions. It’s not that he doesn’t want to see you naked. But Peter’s completely hard again and you don’t even acknowledge it. Did you even notice? This is not ideal.
“Thanks. That felt good. Are you finished?” You ask, grabbing a towel and getting out of the shower. Peter doesn’t want you to know he’s hard and he turns his front to the wall. He doesn’t miss how your eyes go to his ass.
“I just need another minute or two to clean up. I’ll be out in a second.” He says and you go to your room to put on fresh pyjamas and change your bedsheets.
It’s been ten minutes and Peter still hasn’t come to your room. You text him,
You: You still showering?
Spiderboy: No
Y: Where are you then?
S: My room
Y: Why
S: Cause it’s my room
Y: Don’t you wanna come to my room?
A minute later there’s a knock on your door.
You have to limp to the door because of your earlier activities.
“If I had still been in the shower I couldn’t have answered your text, by the way.” That’s all he says.
He walks to your bed but doesn’t sit down.
“Thanks again, Peter. I don’t know what I would’ve done without you.” You sit down on the bed. He smiles at you weakly.
“Sit down.” You order. He stares at the bed. His hand glides across the mattress. He sits down.
“Peter? What-what’s going on in your mind? You’re being awkward and surely after what just happened I should be the one behaving awkwardly. But I‘m not, because I trust you, so what‘s going on?”
“I don’t know. It’s just, we’re friends - we said that, right? Friends help each other and stuff. So we’re friends but we just had sex and I don’t know what that means for us.”
“Do you regret it?”
He shakes his head.
“Peter. Look at me.” He does, “When I first found out about that plant, and I googled, it said there’s two ways to be “cured” by the effect of that plant.
So one is the option of impregnation-” Peter’s eyes go wide.
“No no don’t worry that’s not the one. We used a condom, it’ll be fine. So the second option… is to sleep with someone that you love. It’s weird, I didn’t quite get it, but on Asgard they use it to unite two lovers, I don’t know. But it worked.” You don’t look him in the eye.
“So, like, what does that mean?”
“It means… that I love you. My body was acting up, but I could still think clearly. And I knew that I love you and that meant it would help.” This time you look at him. His eyes are locked on his lap.
“I know that you love me, friends love each other. That’s normal.” He fidgets with the string of his hoodie.
“So.. do you not want to be more than that? More than friends?” You’re back to not looking at him now.
He lets out a deep breath. “No inhibitions, so here we go, I want to be more than that. More than friends. How could I not? But I know that, for years, you’ve only seen me as a friend, of course someone as amazing as you wouldn’t love me like that.”
“But I do. Have for ages. Do you think I’d let a friend see me like that? Soaking my whole fucking bed? Do you think I would ask a friend to have sex with me? Besides, the thing with the plant, it wouldn’t have worked if I only loved you as a friend.” You explain. Now you’re finally locking eyes.
“For real?” Peter asks and you laugh.
“Yes.” You grin.
“For real, for real?” He asks and you grin wider.
“Yes for real, for real. I love you, Peter. As someone I want to be with, like in a relationship. And have awesome sex like we did today. Just not quite that desperate.”
“For real for real for real?” He asks and you want to kiss him silly.
“Peter if you ask that one more time I’ll kiss you until you’ve forgotten every word except my name.”
“For-” He doesn’t get to end his sentence. You straddle him despite the burn in your thighs and pin him to the mattress. You don’t know how much time goes by while you’re just making out with Peter.
“Oh and I love you too, by the way.”
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