Here's the link to my AO3 for those that wish to check out more of my writing! I'm also currently looking for some mutuals to help me progress on this app lol
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Mammon x Reader; 10 Minutes to Hide
Here's the start of my Obey Me! Pieces! Don't hesitate to recommend some good fic ideas... I am currently taking submissions, as well as commissions.
Hide and seek with the avatar of greed... What could go wrong?
WC: 3.5k
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New terrain for me to prey upon. An invitation to the Devildom wasn’t a surprise to me, as I had been rather nosey in its business for the last few years of my life, and I had half-expected that with my wit, I’d be chosen… Truth was,
As much as I wanted to prance in and act like I owned the place? I didn’t know a damn thing. Then again, I wasn’t going in for an education. I wasn’t going in for a passion for learning and educating myself on the many other worlds other than the human realm, no— The brothers had been predators for so many decades, seeing themselves as higher than us humans, as if the fate of the afterlife didn’t rest in their clammy fucking palms.
So… I was going to rip each brother limb from limb.
Or– One brother, that was.
Respect left the rulebook the moment I rolled my packed-tight suitcase through the portal so graciously opened for me via the king himself, who was rather sweet, really. I had always had a thing for older men.
“Diavolo,” I looked at him as he held my hand in his large, tanned palm, looking at me with a fatherly sense of concern. As if I could be eaten up by even the smallest of critters littering the grimy floors of the Devildom. “We’ve spoken over letters, but… I’m not… entirely sure what the starting steps of transitioning to the Devildom are.”
In fact, I did not know ANY of the transition steps. I waltzed in with a dream and the urge to cause some problems, and, well– A lack of information.
As I awaited Diavolo’s response, I felt a set of eyes lock onto my figure from afar. A set of familiar amber eyes burned holes through my ego and slashed my picture-perfect persona in half as I pulled my lips into a firm purse and nodded at the response I had entirely blurred over as I made eye contact with the one and only… “Are you paying attention there? Hey, wake up newcomer,” Diavolo set my hand to rest beside me as I turned and popped on a smile. 
“Sorry! So sorry, I’m just so exhausted from packing…”
“Packing what? One damn suitcase?”
Apparently, those eyes came with a mouth, too. The very mouth I planned on spoiling the moment I stepped through the sparking circle that had led me into my future…
“Mammon! So glad you made it to meet our new human. Surprised you answered the message.”
“...Message?” I turned to him, raising a brow. We had been communicating from scrolls and old parchment, what the hell did they mean by… Message?
“Ya haven’t told em’ about their D.D.D yet?” Mammon’s eyes leveled with mine,  as if he were somehow blaming me for the situation Diavolo had placed him in. I had heard rumors of his attitude and looks… But I never expected something like this.
His white hair toppled over his tan forehead, contrasting in a beautiful, flashing array that was entirely unmissable. The eyes that had been on me before revealed themselves to be a mixture of blue and yellow, one fading into the other as his fingers raised to snap right in my face, pulling me from my daze. 
“Shit, sorry. Just tired.” I mumbled, blinking rapidly and looking away to meet Diavolo’s comforting eyes as he patted my shoulder.
“Don’t worry about it. Your D.D.D is in your dorm, along with the rest of your luggage I had escorted for you. Mammon will happily show you there! Won’t you?” His eyes flicked from me to Mammon, his deep, echoing voice somehow more terrifying when being sweet. Perhaps he was luring me into a false sense of security. Either way, I was nudged forward. “Go on, he doesn’t bite.”
“Usually.” I heard Mammon mumble under his breath as he motioned with a flick of his wrist for me to follow him. “Right. I’ll lead em’ RIGHT to their dorms, as per fuckin’ usual! I don’t understand why I’m always the damn tour-guide.” His tone was that of an angry teenager, with an attitude as sharp as a blade.
“Maybe it’s your charm,” I said in a sarcastic whisper, venom dripping from every syllable that earned a glare from the figure to my right. “Avatar of greed must have some form of charm in order to get away with all the things you do,” I clicked my tongue, taking a step towards him, which caused him to take a rather animated step away.
“I see ya chose to do some research on the great Mammon, huh? Can’t blame ya, I’m one hell of a subject,” he brushed his hair out of his face and huffed, walking along the poorly paved path toward the House of Lamentation. “Say, how much, uh… How much have ya done?”
“Enough.” I looked at him with a toothy grin and offered up a wink, which spurred on a disgusted look from my white-haired companion. 
The rest of the walk was rather boring, consisting of Mammon kicking rocks and whistling as I tugged my luggage along an uneven path, but eventually, we approached the overwhelmingly large housing area, and I couldn’t help but gasp.
“Seriously? How many demons go to this damn school?” I bit my bottom lip in nervousness and ended up mimicking Mammon’s previous actions, kicking a rock across the darkened ground to bounce off of one of the many walls ahead of me. “You’d think with how long they live they wouldn’t need to…”
“Aye. Just because we’re still in school doesn’t mean we’re stupid.” Mammon retorted, reaching out to snatch my bag from my grasp. “N’ don’t think you’re somethin’ special just because I’m doing this. It’s part of my damn curse.” He pushed the retractable handle down and picked the suitcase up with a grunt. “Diavolo almighty– What did you pack in this fuckin’ thing?” He hissed, slowly but surely making his way up the steps. I chuckled softly, simply watching him struggle all the way to the conveniently placed elevators. Elevators in hell. Who would’ve guessed?
After a painfully silent elevator ride other than the casual demonic music playing to appease those that had similar experiences, we were out and down the hall, heading towards my dorm for the next, what, year? I hadn’t a clue. I came here on a whim with some information on the demons I’d be attempting to gain control over, not how long it’d take— A flaw on my end, surely.
He read through the numbers, standing in front of a door and going entirely rigid. His entire face seemed to grow red with anger, and his knuckles yellowed over the grasp he had on the suitcase. “This can’t be right…” He hissed under his breath, eyes narrowing at the door.
“...I was told they had adjusted the dorm to my liking? Maybe if you just open it, I can tell you.” I offered, walking up and standing just behind him so that my words pressed harshly against his ears, even with the height difference between the two of us.
He gripped the doorknob with growing anger and opened the door slowly, to reveal a forest-themed room, with soft gray walls and climbing vines, plants hanging from shelves of books that seemed ancient, and a bed that looked hand-carved, with poles that clung to soft green curtains. It was like a fantasy novel— This most definitely was my room. 
“This it?” He said, jaw clenched as he hesitantly let go of the silver doorknob. I nodded slowly, brushing past him to enter. 
“It’s stunning! Yeah, I think it is–” The scent of fresh flowers filled my nose as I collapsed onto the most comfortable mattress I had ever felt and groaned in satisfaction. I pressed my back against the cushion while my heels dug into the wooden base, causing an arch. I felt that same burning gaze hit me, if not harder than before. “Fuuuckkk– This is nice. I didn’t know they truly took requests in the devildom.” I looked up to meet Mammon’s gaze, only for him to quickly look away with cheeks that were ever-so-slightly stained pink.
“Take your damn suitcase and get unpacked… Then meet me outside in thirty.” He grumbled, tossing the thing inside to collide against the floor with a bang. I scrambled up into a sitting position and paused.
“Hold on— Why were you so tense about this being my room? Is there a problem with i–” The door slammed in my face and I heard rapid footsteps rushing away before another sound of a door slamming. 
Mammon and I were neighbors.
Thirty minutes passed like wildfire. I had unpacked everything in a rush during the last ten, seeing as I had spent the first twenty struggling with the D.D.D that I had been gifted so kindly by Diavolo. It was rather easy to set up, but I had to find out how to silence certain apps, get contacts filled out, blah, blah…—
Knock, knock, knock.
“Would ya open up? It’s been more than thirty minutes, ya fuckin’ idiot! I told you to be out here!”
Maybe having Mammon as a neighbor wasn’t going to be as helpful as I had originally imagined. “I’m coming! If you’d hold on to your damn hat for just a minute… I’m changing.” A lie, but I figured it’d shut him up long enough for me to slip on a jacket and toss the rest of my stuff into the unorganized dresser drawers I’d have to fix up later. “Alright. If you’re gonna blow the door open and yell at me, I’m fully clothed now, so go at it.”
To which he did, opening my door and barging in as if it were his dorm, too. “We have dinner in an hour, and I still have to show ya around the school– Quickly, since ya don’t have a watch.” He spat, leaning against the doorframe and staring at me through meticulously placed shades that hid the true emotions within his eyes.
“Okay, one, I do have a watch, the time here is just all wonky. Two, I’m only like– Two minutes late? Can you not wait for more than two minutes, Mammon?” I zipped up the sweatshirt halfway over a black sports bra and some shorts I had slipped on previously, to which he seemed to grumble. I could assume it wasn’t the fact that I was covering up, but more so that he enjoyed the sight.
“Just get the fuck out here so we can get started, yeah? Don’t make me drag ya.” He motioned for me to leave with a circling hand, to which I obliged, listening as he closed the door behind me.
“Oh, what a gentleman,” I joked, earning a dissatisfied groan from the butt of it. 
“Looks like you’ll be closing your own doors from now on.” 
I was forced through another section of a quiet, awkward walk, ten or so minutes until we approached the school’s large, dramatic entrance. “So you said we have about an hour?” I asked, eyeing him from the side as I paused, not daring to enter without my guide.
“Less than, now that you’ve chosen to walk so slow.” He walked up, turning to stand in front of me with his back faced towards the school’s doors. “What, you wanna quit on me now?”
“...Actually.” I paused, grinning, “I was thinking we could do something more… Fun. We always have tomorrow for you to tour me around, and fifty minutes is much more than what we need for a gambling game like this–”
It was as if his tail had perked up at the sound of gambling. His eyes widened and his hands gripped the sides of his burnt sienna and black striped jacket, overlaying a black tank tucked into black slacks— Very Mammon. “...Gambling? Ya have the great Mammon’s ear, go on, go on.” He stepped forwards, closing the minimal space between us as those sunglass-covered eyes met mine through their orange tint.
“A little game of hide-and-seek to get to know the school– With a catch.” I hummed, “...I go inside, search around, find a place to hide. If you find me within ten minutes, I’ll go ahead and convince someone else to tour me around, and get you out of this little situation. If you don’t…” I tapped my chin, as if I truly had to think about what I’d want from him when I won… “...We make a pact.”
His stance went from cocky to slumped. I could feel the temptation lingering within him, craving that sweet, sweet escape from a long day of touring and answering questions, while the other half feared what might happen. What would happen, but he didn’t quite know that yet.
“Ya mean to say, you want to play a game of hide and seek in unfamiliar territory with almost no chance at winning in the slightest, just to get a small chance to create a pact with me?” He raised painted nails to lower his shades along the bridge of his nose, just far enough for me to catch a glimpse of the competitive look glossing over his eyes.
“Damn right I do.” I smiled with full confidence, not afraid of losing such a petty challenge. Having Mammon as my tour guide or not, I’d still get toured— It was purely him that had a win-lose situation, here.
He shifted his weight, considering it for a moment. More than a moment, really, a good minute of counting his fingers, staring off into nothingness, anything to not meet the glare I gave him.
“Alright– Fine. Ya get five minutes to find a place… And only five minutes. Not like the thirty-two, ya took earlier. Got it?” He flashed his pearly whites in an intimidating array. I grimaced.
“Fine. Five minutes, no exceptions. If you catch me, you have to walk me back, though. No leaving me on the spot.” I raised my finger, shaking it slightly. He rolled his eyes at the gesture and pushed it out of the way, leaning forward so that our faces were nearly touching. 
“Do I look like I cheat, Darling?”
No response. I turned before he saw my cheeks set ablaze and got to running, sprinting to the doors and pulling them open to skid into the main entrance that led into a hallway, after hallway, after hallway…
“Oooh… Shit.”
 I had not thought this through. I thought it was a normal school, just– Dark, or a bit scarier. It was like a labyrinth of classes, and lounges, and cafeterias that split into kitchens– It was a nightmare! 
“Better start runnin’! Time’s starting now!” I heard Mammon holler from outside, pushing my feet to press against the gleaming tiles and forth into the hallway directly in front of me. Maybe if I hid somewhere obvious he wouldn’t expect it? Or if I hid in a cubby of some sort– Could demons smell humans? Did we have a scent? Or could he hear my breathing with some sort of super-demon hearing? Lord Diavolo… Save me now.
Had a minute passed? An hour? Was Mammon already on my tail? I couldn’t tell. All I knew was that I was in some random classroom on the second floor, pressed against the back wall of a pantry full of school supplies. Or, what looked like school supplies, anyway. With the light off I couldn’t quite tell, and honestly, I wasn’t entirely sure I wanted to, with the other things I had heard so far. One thing I was not excited about was dinner, that was for sure.
Fuck. Dinner. My stomach growled at the thought. I began to slump down onto the floor, pulling my knees to my chest. It had to have been five minutes, right? 
My D.D.D beeped, prompting me to pick it up and swiftly silence the upcoming message. It read;
Mammon; 20:42 - Today
Timer started. Consider yourself warned. I’m gonna find ya in a minute, if not less.
Mammon had attached a timer to our messages to time his little seeking adventure. I groaned quietly and placed my D.D.D. face down, leaning back to listen. He wasn’t difficult to make out from the other eerie sounds of the school. I could hear his rushing footsteps from a mile away, fading in and out as he opened doors and menacingly cooed soft phrases that I couldn’t quite make out. Such thin walls for such a large school– How did anyone get any learning done at all?
I glance at my phone after what seemed like hours, to see the timer ticking down once more…
Another seven minutes of this agony. Just for one damn pact. I knew I needed it, and that in the end, it’d be worth it, but honestly– It felt like some sort of horror movie with the off-and-on silence and the thumping of my own heart against my ribcage as I heard him climb the stairs smoothly.
“Come on, would ya at least give me a hint?” I heard him call from a few hallways down. “This place is too damn big, even with your lack of knowledge ya can still shimmy into the little spaces that I can’t reach– How does this work, anyway? Do I need to tag ya?” A moment of silence as he searched for an answer, to no avail. A huff and the scraping of his dress shoes against the polished floor neared closer, door after door being opened and shut. “I swear, if ya went off the grounds I’ll have your head…”
Another door, closer to me, this time.
“We could just call it a day and head back now…? Hell, I’ll still be your guide, if ya really want me to, just– Come on out! Who wouldn’t want the great Mammon as their tour guide, anyway?” His voice seemed to be rising in panic. Something that brought a sinister smile to my face. If I could only hold out for five more minutes… Just five more…
“This is starting to get really boring.” He kicked the wall, stumbling along the hallway and reaching the neighboring classroom to the one I sat so quietly within. At this point, I could hear his every move. It was just he was doing it on purpose, but… He wasn’t exactly smart enough to do so, and in the realization of that, my shoulders slumped and I raised a hand to press against my mouth, preventing my breathing from being heard.
A minute of searching that room passed.
“Diavolo have mercy, I’ve lost already.” A defeated Mammon groaned, swinging his arms towards the door of the classroom I rested in the closet of…
I might’ve gotten a bit too into the whole cat-and-mouse game. My hand clamped down over my mouth as my nails dug into my thigh to keep me quiet. It felt as though the world could end right then and there as he slowly opened the door.
“Something’s different…” Like a dog sniffing the air, Mammon entered, eyes scanning every corner of the room. Or at least, that’s what I assumed he was doing, as he was remaining entirely still after entering. Pain shot through my body as my nails buried themselves deeper into the flesh of my thigh. “C’mon, we can work this out civilly, y’know? It was fun at first, but my patience is running thin, n’ ya don’t want to see me without some sort of patience,” footsteps approached the closet door, casting a shadow beneath the crack that separated me from the demon outside. 
I pressed myself back against the wall, sneakers gripping the ground for dear life as I silently begged everything to remain just as it was, entirely silent. I needed to win.
“Surely ya wouldn’t be so stupid…” Fingertips raised to press against the wooden door, cracking it open slightly.
“...To leave doors open when ya look for places to hide?”
The door burst open and before I could react, he was on top of me, his chest pressing against mine while his fingers gripped my wrists in a threatening hold, pressing them against the floor– Pressing me against the floor, with my hair sprawled out beneath me in what he must’ve thought was a delectable display.
“Found ya.” That shit-eating grin greeted me, smacking the fright off of my face and replacing it with disgust. He frowned at the sight, yet stayed over top of me, tilting his head. “Were ya scared, darlin’? Can’t imagine someone like you could be scared in a situation they started.”
I licked my lips, turning my head to spit to the side. “I’m not scared of you.” I looked back up at him, at his glowing, revealed eyes under the shadows of the barely lit closet. “...For the most part, anyway.”
“Mm, is that so?” He slid my hands together over my head, gripping both with one hand while the other went to grab my chin, lifting it so that I was forced to look into his predatory stare. “Why don’t we test that theory?”
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My Fanfiction Plans
Hi! I'm relatively new to Tumblr, and honestly not quite sure how to use it-- but for those coming by my page (whether it be from other platforms or personal reference,) here's my plan for my future publications!
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Obey Me! Collection!
If you've seen my ao3, you've seen the bits I've done and what I've yet to do- I will be posting everything I've already written soon, and a new piece is on the way!
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2. Sherlock Collection
I am also planning on doing a BBC Sherlock-inspired collection, but it'll depend on how lively the fandom is.
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3. Supernatural Collection
Just what it sounds like-- A to-be-written supernatural fanfic with all your favorite tropes, collections of one-shots, imagines, all you can eat Sam & Dean buffet.
Other than that? I may post some drabbles, OC pieces, etc. Enjoy, readers!
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