#commencing virtuous mission... now
thelvadams · 11 months
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andyacklesspn · 3 months
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« Commencing Virtuous Mission... now »
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cat-mermaid · 3 months
Commencing Virtuous Mission..... 
damn this looks legit! This looks like way more faithful a remake then Silent Hill 2
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diaborodevil · 1 year
Planet speed beginning of the war
Sabrehorn: who wants to die first come at me with the spilling of your blood there will be justice
Deadlock: yeah what he said
Blurr: what your saying doesn’t make sense here this is a safe area for both bots and cons
Deadlock: then why aren’t there any decepticons here only Autobots enjoying themselves
Blurr: welp I’m going to have to deal with these two
Bumblebee: no no no that is not a good idea
Cliffjumper: your asking for it
Blurr: someone has to do something I’m going to fight for my home you two start evacuating people this will get messy
(So then a battle commenced between blurr and sabrehorn Blurr using speed and a home field advantage while sabrehorn used pure pure strength and swordsmanship until Blurr grabbed one of sabrehorns blades and)
Blurr: not so chatty now without a head huh
Sabrehorn: that hasn’t stopped me yet
Blurr: what how how are you alive
Sabrehorn: let’s just say I know a good surgeon good at giving advanced mods like how my shell is immune to cosmic rust
Blurr: what does that have to do with this
Sabrehorn: check your hands
Blurr: ah ahhh ahhhhhh
Sabrehorn: I may look like a boisterous idiot but I’m a tricky swordsman that sword is my killing tool same one I’m gonna use on this place
Blurr: your hurting both bots and cons if you do that
Sabrehorn: I’ll hurt way more bots a worthy sacrifice a grand sacrifice
*shing* *skrunnnch*
Sabrehorn: didn’t you know war means sacrifice deadlock you are truly caught in your ideals if you think war doesn’t me sacrifice you truly are masters inferior student
Sabrehorn: welp my fun is ruined you can keep that blade literal backstabber how are you holding up
Blurr: uh uhhh ahhhhhhhhh
Sabrehorn: pretty bad but cureable
*shing* *shunk*
Sabrehorn: now he’s dead
Bumblebee and Cliffjumper: nooooo
Sabrehorn: I’ll just put this back and if you wish to not die run while there’s still time including you deadlock
And so con and bot alike ran away as planet speed slowly rusted away bot and con alike both died to the rust until eventually planet speed completely shattered gone
Bumblebee: so what’s your name
It’s deadlock
Cliffjumper: so you stabbed your comrade
Deadlock: he lied to me told me we were on virtuous mission not a slaughter fest
Cliffjumper: so what are gonna do
Deadlock: I’ll become an Autobot fight for a new cause
Bumblebee: so you gonna stick with deadlock as a name
No call me drift
And so we will now be in the start of the beginning of the war
Sabrehorn: *gasp* you didn’t have to wait so long to grab me
Knockout: I’m sorry it’s just that my coat needed to buffed anyway how did your mission go
Sabrehorn: good except that the coward deadlock ran master said he has promise but I don’t see it
Knockout: well atleast your augments seem to be working
Sabrehorn: yeah they really are something thanks
Knockout: oh do thank me I merely implanted them thank there creator
Shockwave: that doesn’t matter he’s merely a test subject a stepping stone to my true project before my lab was taken
Knockout: what were you working on
Shockwave: something that will completely change this war
Welp that’s that for today any questions comment it
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jauneda1 · 3 years
The New War
Jaune's First solo Mission
One year after the initial attacks
War changed Remnant after the attacks one year ago. The kingdoms are all against each other Vacuo in a constant battle with Vale due to the leaders of Vacuo being taken out by the terrorist group know as the Black mask. They instilled a system in there kingdoms laws that makes it impossible for people to go against the military. Innocent men, women, and children are forced to live in poverty. While the men and women who took their nation get to live without a worry. Until the combined forces of Vale and Atlas military tried to invade and save the once beautiful kingdom. The only problem is that there are Grimm new kinds of Grimm no one has ever seen. Not to mention the White Fang are and still are a threat to both sides. They're force had grown exponentially due to their attacking and ultimate destruction of Mistral and the Huntsman Academy of Haven. Even with all this change and destruction of the peace our heros burst forward in hopes of finally ending this conflict.
Desert's of Vacuo
Jaune had just to touched down on a mountain range, from where the two where standing he could see the inner city, all the way up to around the capital. He wouldn't be able to do much just sitting here. Jaune's mission was simple sneak behind enemy lines and escort and evacuate a defecting White Fang lieutenant, her name is Ilia Amitola and she served directly under commander Adam Taurus. She is a valuable asset to say the least.
In Jaune's ear piece he can hear Raven checking in. She being his main mentor for the past year she would be kind of walking him through this mission of his.
Raven: How is it on your end?
Jaune: Clear. How everyone doing up there?
Raven: Don't worry about that you have a mission. Hop to it reminder you have a limited time window.
Raven: Not to mention this is your first solo mission so stay hidden and try not to cause a scene.
Jaune: You know your to serious about this I'll get in get out and be done. By the way what do we call this mission?
Raven: Jaune you have to be serious if your captured that's it. We can't come and save you. You'll be treated as if your acting on your own terms.
Raven: Ruby and Yang are gonna be heart broken if there best friend doesn't come back. Plus Summer will blame me for the rest of my days.
Jaune: Okay okay. Serious
Jaune took this short moment to remember everything he has learned in the past year. Then the people who are counting on him right now. Blake was the one who begged Ozpin to send someone in. He volunteered he was gonna keep his promises to his friend. It's what Arc's do, they'll never go back on there word.
Jaune: (Inhales) (Exhales)
Jaune: Commencing Virtuous mission now.
The Grimm in the surrounding area of Vacuo where a lot different from any of the ones Jaune is used to seeing. But they are still easy to sneak past especially with the gear Jaune has on.
Jaune: I gotta hand it to the tech guys this is supposed to hide my body heat and give me a near invisible camouflage.
Raven: Well not a hundred percent. It's more to give you the look of transparency but really your suit uses the surrounding area to automatically change and conceal you.
Raven: So don't thinking it'll get you out of trouble all the time.
Raven: Again try not to be seen. The target is supposed to meet you on the south west side of the city.
Jaune: Yeah and that means I need to go through the capitol. Should I plant bugs around or just stick to my main objective?
Raven: Stick to the main objective your on a 2 hour time window.
Raven: Jaune?
Everyone in the observation room back at HQ where shocked Jaune had encountered plain of some type of burial site but some of the people hung up on poles are still breathing they are just dehydrated and starved. There were soldiers, civilians, and children. What shocked everyone even Jaune as he can hear Blake shout out over the mic.
Blake: ILIA!
Jaune looked up to one of the poles to see a naked dehydrated and beaten women Jaune could tell she was alive but he wouldn't be able to fulton extract her, not in this condition. So mission complete he'll just call in a chopper and put her on it and do what needs to be done. Jaune wasn't obligated to do what he has intentions on, but if someone doesn't do something to weaken the Forces of Black Mask and White Fang here in Vacuo then the war to reclaim the kingdom will never come.
Jaune: Send in a chopper and make sure medical is on it.
Raven: You got it, Jaune I know what your thinking. Please don't do what your gonna do. Everyone saw your vitals spike.
Raven: But I've known you since you where a boy. I've been like your second mother please be on that chopper when it arrives back at HQ.
Jaune stayed silent and continue to stay silent as he climbed up the pole to cut down and carry Ilia she wasn't making the trip unless he did so. But the reason Jaune kept quiet wasn't because he was worried about what Raven said. It was because if Ilia was secretly defecting from the Fang why was she out here and for how long who knew she was a mole and was trying to defect.
But the answer was a red laser that pointed at Ilia's head. Jaune instinctively got in front of her and a loud shot rang out as it hit Jaune in the back. Jaune at this point was able to jump down and bring Ilia with him to keep her out of harm's way. This was a trap and Jaune had just been caught in it.
Raven: Jaune! Are you okay?
Jaune: Going dark until I can take out this sniper.
Raven: Jaune no your mission is complete you just need to get out of there.
Ruby: No that sniper could bring down the evac chopper.
Yang: So he's forced to deal with the sniper.
Yang: You've got this Jaune.
Jaune: Mhhm.
Two Minutes later.
The sniper was beginning to feel bored. Questions like how long is he gonna sit behind that rock, or is he still there and if so what is his angle. He's stuck and can't move. She then she had an sudden urge to check behind herself as if something that was life threatening to her was right there about to strike. When she looked there was nothing. But then her semblance hit her hard as she was nearly cut in half, she jumped back with a lot of force because she got hit but her gun took the damage.
Looking now it was the man she thinks was behind the rock. But how could that be he was more then 150 meters away he wouldn't have been able to have got this close to her this fast unless he knew where she was the second the bullet went off. It makes sense now the second the laser of the rifle tagged the traitor he glanced back eyes widen and scanning. Remembering it because it was odd he sensed danger evaluated it and reacted in under a second. Not to mention he took a bullet for her. He has aura does that mean he's a Huntsman.
The sniper had little time to think as Jaune's eyes focused and he rushed forward and was now behind her and chopped her in the back of the head knocking her out. Jaune wasn't going to let her live at first but he wants to send a message. After calling for a chopper. Jaune set the female sniper up on the same pole Ilia was left on. Jaune didn't strip her like they did Ilia but he was sure the Vacuen heat would do enough. If she doesn't return they'll come and find her later.
(Jaune's Mind)
"Make better choices next time cutie."
"She is a liability, can't just let her go."
Jaune: Huh, Raven did you say something?
Raven: No all's quiet on our end.
Jaune had no idea what that was but he gave it little thought as Ilia's condition was worsening. It's a good thing to chopper 31 showed up right then and there. Jaune was gonna be honest Ilia was cute but he needed to make sure she was safe at HQ.
HQ Time 8PM
Ozpin had spoke to Jaune alone about his mission and the two of them where unreachable for an hour. All the while the rest of JNPR and all of team RWBY where bed side of where Ilia was recovering Blake had her friends hand clutched and hoping begging she would fight through this. Jaune had came into the room and seeing the mood of the room. He was sure that Ilia was fighting for her life. But the Arc had other plans he took a bullet to the back of the head for her. She wasn't gonna just die on him after all this work he put into saving her.
Jaune: Yeah no this mood is just not doing it for me.
Jaune: I didn't go through all that for you to just die infront of me.
Jaune put his hand gently against the side of her face giving her some of his kinetic energy. It was enough to boost her aura levels.
Jaune: So sorry but not sorry, your not dying today.
Everyone looked to Jaune everyone except Blake looked to him as the only thing keeping them all going. Jaune just brings light to the darkness wherever he goes. As Ilia's heart beat grew stronger everyone could hear the faint sobbing from Blake till she jumped up and wrapped her arms around Jaune's neck and cried into his shoulder.
(Yang's mind)
"He may be the reason we all keep fighting, but what is his reason. But what is your reason for fighting on Jaune, I know this all has to be effecting you. You don't even come to me anymore. Maybe Lady Killer doesn't need his Dragon anymore? Yeah no that changes tonight."
Jaune was not aware of how much trouble he is in later on tonight.😁
End of part 6
Teams and they're roles
RWBY: Alpha Team
JNPR: Bravo Team
Spies: Blake, Ren, Jaune, and Yang
Spies are top 4 who have high covert ops training, master's at close range and trained directly under Raven and Qrow Branwen. They're main objective is to be ghost in the shadows gathering info and all around espionage tactics.
Solo ops: Jaune, Yang, Blake, and Ren
Solo ops are simply the same as spies but they have been cleared for solo operation. These ops are espionage and covert only. If they are caught on solo ops they will not be given help from any outside options everything is on them.
Omega: Jaune, Yang, Pyrrha, and Ruby
This team is comprised of High-grades only of given orders to take out an entire compound this team makes sure of it. No matter the difficulty they get shit done. Not even they're friends know there mission details only Ozpin and Ironwood know.
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benosnake · 6 years
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cerastes · 7 years
xenodile: Now I just got the mental image of Cog commencing a Virtuous Mission.
“Cog strips after the elevator ride and dies of hypothermia” is exactly what will happen at the start of next stream because I need fastroll for Ornstein and Smough.
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doortotomorrow · 8 years
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“Commencing Virtuous Mission...Now.”
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businessweekme · 6 years
Saving Snap
On the second floor of the new headquarters of Snap Inc. in Santa Monica, Calif., is a room dedicated to helping ­employees open up. It’s round and lined with potted plants. “Speak from the heart,” reads a framed sign on the wall. “Listen from the heart.” Employees show up in groups of about a dozen, sit cross-legged on black cushions, and take turns with the “talking piece,” a heart-shaped purple geode that gives the bearer the right to confidentially share deep thoughts.
This is the inner sanctum for what Snap calls “Council,” a sort of New Age corporate retreat that uses a technique Chief Executive Officer Evan Spiegel learned in childhood. It was also where I found myself on a Friday morning in July. Council meetings, I’d been told by the company’s communications chief, are “sacred.” They’re also a real-life example of what Spiegel wants people to do with his smartphone app, Snapchat: share intimately, without fear of judgment from the outside world.
As an app, at least, it’s a compelling idea. Snapchat’s disappearing posts, Stories, as they’re known, are wildly popular with teenagers, especially in the U.S.—so popular that Facebook Inc. has made the concept a core part of its own services, most notably Instagram. Unfortunately, Snap is having trouble capitalising on the opportunity.
This should be Spiegel’s moment. Facebook is in the middle of a series of ­privacy-related scandals. Twitter and YouTube, Snapchat’s other big competitors, have seemed overrun by some combination of Russian bots, ISIS recruiters, and/or conspiracy theorists. In this context, Snapchat would appear to be well-positioned as an alternative. There’s no fake news, and the company’s emphasis on disappearing content means it stores much less data than its ­competitors do.
And yet, daily usage has started to decline. Late last year, Spiegel redesigned Snapchat to get people to spend more time on it. Users hated it. In early August, Snap reported that its audience had fallen from 191 million daily users in the first quarter to 188 million in the second. That’s alarming because Facebook, which is more than seven times bigger, is still growing. Instagram Stories, essentially a copy of Snapchat, has more than 400 million daily users.
Investors have come to see Snap as a smaller, unprofitable Facebook rather than a new idea that should be judged on its own merits. Spiegel says these problems have been caused in part by lack of communication, which has created confusion inside and outside the company. “If you don’t share who you are with people, you can’t be upset when they have misperceptions,” he says.
That’s why Spiegel, 28, agreed for the first time to let an ­outsider into Council. He learned about the concept while attending Crossroads School for Arts & Sciences, a prep school in Santa Monica. Today, Snap has six full-time and eight part-time Council facilitators among its 3,000 employees. They presided over 785 sessions during the first half of 2018. All employees do Council on their first day of work; Snap’s directors do it before quarterly board meetings.
The meeting I attended started with an employee lighting a candle in the centre of the circle to dedicate the session to a cause, and then proceeded with a series of free-­association prompts. A moderator asked us to tell a story about our names or a memory related to summer. Outside the round room, morale at Snap has been low recently. Inside it, employees were connecting with each other, at times emotionally, about their childhoods, hopes, and fears.
Council etiquette prohibits me from telling you what ­others shared, but during one of my turns with the geode, I told the group an embarrassing childhood story about getting sick during a family beach vacation. They also now know a legend about my great-grandmother slaughtering a rooster.
Council itself is a bit like Snapchat in that it’s all about sharing personal thoughts privately. But a compelling concept is not the same as a successful business. Spiegel knows this and says he’s willing to let go of some of his quirks. That will mean unreservedly embracing the basics of running a ­public company.
Much of the blame for Snapchat’s troubles has fallen on Spiegel. For four of the six quarters since its March 2017 initial public offering, Snap has missed on revenue estimates. In that time, Spiegel has also lost or replaced his heads of ­engineering, finance, hardware, legal, product, and sales.
Snap employees complain about his dictatorial management style and penchant for secrecy. In January the company’s chief counsel sent around a memo threatening jail time for employees who leaked proprietary information to the press. It was a strange threat because, according to several Snap employees, the bigger problem was that they didn’t have much information in the first place. That same month, workers were told they wouldn’t be receiving cash bonuses because the company didn’t meet its goals. They hadn’t been told what the goals were.
To turn all this around, Spiegel has embarked on a self-­improvement project. A little more than a year ago, he hired a well-known management coach, Stephen Miles. Spiegel also conducted an anonymous survey of employees that included a question asking how he, as their leader, could better serve them. The responses were brutally honest. Overwhelmingly, they asked for one thing: to know what was going on.
“Each team had their own verticalised set of goals,” Spiegel says. In other words, members of different teams rarely talked to one another, a reality that had been built into Snap’s anti-­corporate culture. When the company went public at the beginning of 2017, its headquarters was spread out over two dozen small buildings and houses scattered around Venice, Calif. (Some of the Snap offices had beds in them to comply with zoning laws, contributing to an atmosphere that could feel unprofessional.) There were no companywide gatherings, except for social functions such as lavish parties for Halloween and New Year’s Eve, which came with their own code of secrecy: no photos.
Spiegel pins all this on his own shyness. He says he feels “uncomfortable or intimidated speaking to large groups.” Miles told Spiegel, in effect, to grow up.
Last December, for the first time, Spiegel gathered his senior managers to discuss priorities, which were printed in large font and arranged on the floor of a conference room. The company also started a channel on Snapchat for ­employees to update them about changes. In March it began hosting monthly all-staff meetings.
During a meeting in July, with five executives onstage, employees asked what Snap would do to retain people after recent cuts of hundreds of jobs. Jason Halbert, Snap’s head of human resources, said the company was getting better at measuring and rewarding the best employees. Tim Stone, the new chief financial officer, reiterated the need to motivate staff to “bleed Snapchat yellow.” Improving employee performance is the top priority for 2018, staff were told, followed by boosting daily users, revenue growth, and time spent on the app. Priority No. 5: building a ­sustainable business.
In that meeting, Spiegel let his executives do most of the talking, but he piped up when someone inquired about Snap’s mission statement, which is to “contribute to human progress by allowing people to express themselves.” “What do we mean by ‘human progress’ in our mission?” an employee asked. “How do we explain this externally?”
Spiegel flopped his microphone back and forth as he gathered his thoughts. “I think one of the things that’s been really helpful in maybe the past six months or so is that the contrast is starting to become more clear between our company and the other companies in technology,” he said. “What I think that people are starting to see is that other companies really are trying to make as much money as possible and really don’t care how that happens.”
He didn’t say the word “Facebook,” but the reference was obvious. Snap employees see Mark Zuckerberg’s social network as the villain in their virtuous fight against vanity and virality. Unlike Facebook, nothing on Snapchat needs to be polished. You can take a selfie without makeup or, even better, turn your face into a cartoon animal.
And yet part of Spiegel’s growing up has been about showing advertisers his company can perform many of the same functions as Facebook and Google—for instance, targeting users by their locations and interests—more cheaply. During the employee Q&A, Spiegel said he was willing to “sacrifice short-term results to try to make a positive impact in the world.” But sooner or later, Snap will need to make money.
Spiegel works in a Santa Monica business park overlooking the municipal airport. On the wall by his desk is a framed motivational quote from the spiritual teacher Marianne Williamson: “Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world.”
Spiegel says the words—a gift from his wife, supermodel Miranda Kerr, when he turned 25—hit home last year, when he was watching a livestream of the commencement ceremony at Stanford, his alma mater. The speaker was actor Sterling K. Brown, an alumnus who starred in the TV drama The People v. O.J. Simpson. Brown spoke about overcoming fears of inadequacy. “What the guy at Stanford said was, by you shining your light, you give other people the permission to shine theirs,” Spiegel says. “I was like, Oh, my God, that’s really the journey that I went through as a leader.”
Asked why he was so reluctant to shine, he pauses for a few beats. “I had a pretty serious Christian upbringing. I remember growing up I was taught to be small, be a turtle,” he says. “I remember thinking, Why would I go around the company and just chat with people? Like that would be so awkward. Now I go walk around the office and get a ton of emails like, ‘Oh, my God, that was awesome you came by.’ ”
A more serious problem for Spiegel besides his shyness, at least in the eyes of his employees, is his aversion to ­criticism. “No exec challenges Evan—no exec who lasts over a month, anyway,” a former employee says. When he’s challenged, Spiegel tends to ignore warnings. After Instagram copied Snapchat’s Stories, he refused to believe that was contributing to a slowdown in growth, according to several people familiar with Snap’s operations. (Snap disputes this, pointing to its IPO prospectus and internal documents that show that Spiegel discussed competition from Instagram with at least some employees.) Spiegel also pushed for last year’s redesign even after he was presented with data that predicted the changes would turn away users. In this sense, one employee says, declines in the price of Snap’s stock, which is trading 31 percent below its IPO price, have been a blessing in disguise, a persistent reminder to Spiegel that what he’s doing isn’t working.
He argues that ignoring critics has served Snap well. Disappearing stories seemed silly in a world where every photo can be saved, except that was exactly what made them cool. Letting people turn their faces into bunnies wasn’t a good business, and then revenue started flowing. “Over and over again, everyone told us that our company was going to fail,” he says. “We worked against all odds, especially in this landscape with tech giants.”
For better or worse, the team that took Snap public last year mirrored Spiegel’s lack of experience. In their prior jobs, few on the leadership team had experience as public company executives. Halbert, the head of human resources, for instance, was a military officer. Earlier this year, the Information reported that during a training session, he told stories of violent encounters in Mexico and described a sort of orgasmic meditation strategy he’d used during deployments. After complaints, an outside law firm investigated Halbert’s behaviour. Unlike most of the 2017 team, he’s still on the job, but he reports to Stone, Snap’s CFO, instead of directly to Spiegel.
As the executives have cycled through, one bright spot has been Stone, a former Amazon.com Inc. executive who’s getting praise from analysts. Some investors hope for another seasoned leader to come aboard and do what Sheryl Sandberg has done for Facebook. Not that shareholders opinions matter. Spiegel and co-founder Bobby Murphy hold all voting power. The company’s first annual meeting, held on Aug. 2, involved no public questions. It lasted 2 minutes and 46 seconds.
For now, Spiegel is focused on improving the company from within. He’s putting executives through coaching sessions with Miles, reading management books, and spending more time with board members such as A.G. Lafley, former CEO of Procter & Gamble Co. Miles says the most important development from their work is that Snap has gone from a “hub-and-spoke” model, with Spiegel in the middle, to something more “distributed,” with “less special people and less ­special information.”
Ultimately the trick for Spiegel will be to ­professionalise his company, the way Facebook did years ago—without ­becoming too much like it. Lafley says he considers the Snap brand 10 years behind Facebook’s, at a point where it hasn’t broken its users’ trust yet. “You don’t want to get swept into the problems of others in the industry that are not your problems,” Lafley says. “But you want customers to understand how you’re different and why you’re different.” <BW>
The post Saving Snap appeared first on Bloomberg Businessweek Middle East.
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