#comic related
Having read and reread the Lackadaisy comic more then once and looking through the Wiki on the different events. Mostly on Rocky and the familial tensions surrounding the McMurray household and why Rocky got the boot?
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So the year 1921 was a big event of change. In which Rocky was kicked out at 16-years-old and within that same year Freckle dad died. It leaves me to wonder was this one of the " Family Tragedies " that Rocky mentioned in the chapter ' Breakdown ' I know that he was mostly delirious talking about his mom Sophie who was severely sick at the time and how his father was "working on the railroad~" most of the time which explains why Rocky spent a good half of his childhood at the McMurray house and was raised along side Freckle. But reading the lines and seeing some of the interactions between Rocky & Freckle, there's obvious some underlying issues and unresolved problems between the two cousins. Whatever happened between the two that Rocky took the blame for.
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Closely looking through the many letters Rocky sent Freckle during his time on his own and going through different jobs after another, one of them that stands out specifically. Is Rocky asking for the whereabouts of his father, bits of it mentioning his dad haven't written back to him in awhile. ( Seriously need to know more about Rocky Pop's Ransom) In the present timeline of the comic it apparent that his mom passed away. But what about dear Ol Dad, is he also dead? Or did the man just took off after the death of his wife and left his son behind in the progress because he didn't want to deal with Rocky eccentricities. I know the series is still on hatius, but so far Rocky dad sounds like a major dick.
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Of the many letters that Rocky has to sent Freckle before he ended up back in St. Louis again has a few words within it that is missing. One of them seems to mention a "Birthday" perhaps wishing Freckle a happy birthday but also one of the words from the letter that stands out to me is the " Your Fault " line the most. I got a feeling this could be connected to whatsoever went down between Freckle and Rocky that lead to Rocky getting kicked out in the first place. From the bits of missing words in the letter it sounds like Rocky is either telling Freckle that " it isn't all your fault anyway " or he's telling him that its " All your fault anyway ". It's hard to tell what Rocky might have actual meant in his 1923 letter, but from what I gather at it is that maybe he was wishing Freckle a good birthday and went a bit on some sort of one-off small tangent about whose really at fault for what take place at the McMurray house and what lead up to Aunt Nina finally having enough of Rocky and kicking him out of her home and her likely thinking he's a bad influence on her sweet boy and not wanting him around Freckle any longer especially when it came to his schooling.
I swear the more you look more in-depth when it comes to Rocky and aspects of his past, including him basically having been on his own since he was sixteen and been hopping from one odd job to the next as well as going from one place to another until he ends up back in St. Louis again later on is pretty real sad when you think about it. I feel like its very much deeply explains why Rocky tries so freaking hard at the Lackadaisy speakeasy when it comes to him taking on the bootlegging side of things of the business and wanting to prove himself useful to Mitzi and all. After everything he's been through thus far it makes sense.
Also the still up in the air question mark of whatever mess that happened in 1921 besides Freckle loss of his father, or when it comes to his mom illness that Rocky blames himself for and took the fall for something that happened in place of Freckle.
Whatever might happens in the next future chapters of Lackadaisy especially on the familial tensions that still lingers with Rocky and his relationship between both his cousin and his Auntie, which leaves me to wonders is how long will it take for Aunt Nina to eventually sense and finds out what her son and her 0ff-beat goofball of a nephew is truly doing for a " Job ."
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How long before things between these rum-running cousin danger duo goes south? Especially when it come to Rocky on his part because I feel things for him might slowly take a turn for the worse again unfortunately.
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grapejuicedragoon · 7 months
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@birdcatt i love the comic so far!!!!! i had to draw the lil beast because my ghost type biased is immense and uncontainable
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ratking-pkmn · 11 months
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oh my god main human character ref just dropped
this is the masc Sun/Moon playable character guy btw but I ruined him <33
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disneyhighau · 1 year
Mulling over the idea of making Skully a nanny instead of a teacher, Thus ultimately making his relationship with Zazu like
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world-of-ila · 10 months
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Chapter 3, Page 36 (flats)
We get our first glimpse at Marius Thorley, usurper, murderer, and main antagonist of the story.
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talechasertavern · 2 years
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// Critical Role Vox Machina Origins Part 1 of 6 by Matthew Colville and Matthew Mercer
With interior art by Olivia Samson and cover art by Deborah Hauber //
All I can say is, Vox Machina is any high fantasy lover’s dream. Period.
If you have not seen the original Vox Machina gang in action, a link will be provided below to Critical Role’s YouTube page, where you can follow the dungeons and dragons-esque campaign led by dungeon master and voice actor, Matthew Mercer. Before the Prime Exclusive show even came into fruition, the Critical Role team was able to bring their tabletop tale to life in a brilliant new way with a comic series dedicated to building more backstory and lore behind their sprawling fantasy world.
I am a huge fan of the show, but it left me wanting more. I fell in love with every character of Vox Machina and the world they galavanted around. Their adventures together perfectly encapsulate love, fear, friendship, good, evil, and classic fantasy magic. Origins so far, is giving me exactly what I was wanting. More of everything! More adventure, character development, and connection to these characters I love.
The Origins series, which consists of six issues, takes place in a medieval fantasy world known as Tal’dorei following the comical yet deadly group of mercenaries known as Vox Machina. As we journey through each issue of Origins, we come to find how this motley crew meets over a dangerous plot to kill off the inhabitants of Stilden, a small town.
In the first issue (which I just finished), the brother sister half-elf duo, Vax’ildan (Vax) and Vex’ildan (Vex) come to find that there is mystery brewing in Stilden. We are given the implication that stillborn children are becoming an epidemic for the locals, and Vax and Vex are hired to find out why. Their coin-giver? A father who tragically lost his own wife and children to an assumed “curse” exploiting the town. Vax and Vex quickly discover the so-called curse to be so much more, and wind up in more danger than they could have ever expected. They even encounter an unexpected ally who you’ll get to meet early on.
I don’t wish to spoil the story much more, but so far I am absolutely adoring this series. It was a quick read but the writing and art had me from the beginning. A couple pages in and I already had questions. Why is a baby being thrown into the river? What is killing all these people? Who is behind this horrible curse?
I highly recommend picking up this series. Whether you’re into comics or not, if you love beautiful art and well-paced storytelling, Vox Machina Origins is absolutely worth getting into.
You can pick up each issue at your local comic book shop or via the Amazon link below.
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blazetbw-art · 1 year
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I have some references I've been sitting on from the past few months but I'm not ready to post them yet for reasons, so here's this.
Some are obvious.
I hope to share them in the future.
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and-corn · 10 months
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are evil dragons really evil, or are they just vitamin D deficient?
(pt 2)
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wackom · 2 months
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it's the start of the week, there's still time!
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androdragynous · 11 months
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internat habits that are good to learn
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You know…Just when I thought Saga couldn’t get even more emotional painful and heart-wrenching after the death of both Marko and Prince Robot.  BUT then chapter 65 happens.  WHY DOES IT HAS TO BE SOPHIE!? LIKE WHY!   At first I was seriously hoping that the Will would finally get his shit turned back on him and finally gets to meet his end.  But not my girl Sophie…I swear  this series is such a Fucking roller coaster.   Really like Goddamn BRIAN VAUGHAN….well at least Alana and Hazel and Squire  get to have a roof over their heads and their own beds now.
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FNAF movie Vanessa and Michael would get along so well
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violent138 · 3 months
Damian: "My grandfather drives faster than this, and he's dead!"
Jason and Steph, leaning forward from the backseat: "Ra's died?!"
Tim: "He's still alive. He literally never--"
Dick, rolling his eyes, hands clenched on the wheel: "Guys he means Thomas."
Steph, slumping back: "Wow, I legitimately forgot about that."
Damian: "Every word that comes out of your mouth is a reminder--"
Dick: *cranks up the radio loudly*
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disneyhighau · 1 year
Skylly would either be a nanny or a in home teacher or both(?) Because Sarabi would still be able to be a stay at home mother. Unless she had a job being a model for Serafina's fashion line 👀
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monamuarts · 4 months
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i little secret, my dear.
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world-of-ila · 1 year
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SOUND OFF!  Everybody still alive? 
I think that’s a yes, but not a very convincing one...
Just finding this comic? Public posting happens the first Saturday of each month! As always, want to see pages before they go public? Interested in behind-the-scenes works and WIP’s? Larger images sans watermark? Feel free to pledge me on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/StoneyAshes
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