#comic 2804
dogstomp · 1 year
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Dogstomp #2804 - September 10th
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sleepsucks · 2 years
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crypticauthour · 1 year
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Crow In The Clinic : (Friend In A Petri Dish) (2804 words) by CrypticAuthour Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Bloodborne (Video Game) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Characters: Eileen the Crow (Bloodborne), Isofeka (Bloodborne), Gascoigne (Bloodborne) Additional Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Blood and Injury, Psychological Horror, Disturbing Themes, Rule of Cool regarding time period and references, Pulls From Canon Material (example the comics wiki and interview with the creators), Other Additional Tags to Be Added
Summary: "You are a doctor of Yharnam. See here that you now gained yourself two patients."
A furrowed brow on a creaseless face. "There be, but one for you in need of tending. Unless you-"
"Aye no. Forget about me. Your patient be this near mongral lout." At last the relief of setting him upon a horizontal surface. His weight a close thing for the operating table to cradle. Her back isn't much better, but you took the mercies where you could nick them. Cracked out like an overly dry biscuit, then turned back to the lost lamb she was about to ask so, so much of. But she wasn't leaving till what needed to be done was done. Same as every job.
"Then not only are you going to cure him, but your next patient - this hell ridden city." - After Eileen spares Father Gascoigne's life, she must work to face all the consequences.
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baladric · 1 year
xkcd comic #2804 gives such outer wilds vibes
ahahaj omfg youre So right, this is absolutely some gabro shit tbh
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 years
Fallen Feathers
by zeckrost
Dick Grayson has to die, according to Batman.
Words: 2804, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Wonder Woman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), DCU (Comics), Nightwing (Comics), Teen Titans (Comics), Titans (Comics)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Characters: Dick Grayson, Donna Troy, Wonder Girl (DCU), Bruce Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Alfred Pennyworth, Original Talon Character(s) (DCU), Parliament of Owls (DCU)
Relationships: Dick Grayson & Donna Troy, Cassandra Cain & Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne
Additional Tags: Fluff, Friendship, Brother-Sister Relationships, BFFs, Caring
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/44028012
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framecaught · 3 years
Cataloguing Homestuck’s Art Styles
Hussie deploys a number of distinct art styles throughout Homestuck, each serving different purposes in the narrative. A number of these, especially those mentioned in the published book series’ author commentary, have been catalogued in the Homestuck wiki [1]. These officially named styles are well-known enough to appear in quora answers. However, Homestuck employs a much larger variety of stylistic manipulations than explicitly mentioned in the book commentary or wiki. While scanning through the comic again for this project, I wanted to catalogue the rest of them! 
This post constitutes a working list of all distinct art styles present in Homestuck. I’ve chosen not to include the distinct styles of the fanartists/outside artists who contributed to the comic; that will be a project for another day. As far as I know, this list only comprises the different styles Hussie develops throughout the comic. I have tried to bring a degree of specific formal analysis (also known as art-historical language) into my description of each style.
1. “Classic” Style
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Page 1 of Homestuck
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Page 1349 of Homestuck
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Page 4227 of Homestuck
The “Classic” Homestuck style appears on the first page of the comic. Although not officially described by the wiki, it is widely understood as the comic’s typical graphic norm. Characters have simplified faces and clothes, and they frequently lack arms. Elements are often outlined in a black stroke, especially to differentiate them from other adjacent, similarly-colored elements. In more colorful panels, scenery may be made up of solid blocks with bright colors. Sprites (base character illustrations) and elements are repurposed from panel to panel in new combinations. Homestuck even takes up the repurposing of sprites as a gag, as in page 1349 above where the ability to flip one’s sprite allows Noir to regain his lost wrist barcode.
This style obviously shares characteristics with Hussie’s style in Problem Sleuth. General characteristics that frequently appear in Hussie’s art are present, such as circular faces and rounded edges on quadrilaterals. The Classic Style umbrella actually covers the broadest range of visuals out of any style catalogued here. The uber-simplistic sprites, such as John on page 1, have typically been lumped in with, for example, the illustration on the cover of Homestuck Book 1, or the two other examples I pulled for this post. So, in the Classic Style, characters can sometimes appear with arms, sometimes without, and in outfits of varying detail, but they retain the same facial features and simplistic quality. The circular facial shape is especially characteristic of this style, along with the lack of a neck. The neck-less quality, static poses, and simplistic detail chiefly differentiate some instances of Classic Style from Hero Mode, though there are still some grey areas.
2. Scribble Mode
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Page 1931 of Homestuck
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Page 1937 of Homestuck
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Page 1798 of Homestuck
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Page 3140 of Homestuck
This style is recognized by the Homestuck wiki, which describes it as emphasizing “a particularly silly/stupid moment in the story, particularly those to be imagined by a character.” That is to say, this style often denotes imagined scenarios which do not actually occur in the comic but instead in a character’s imagination, and especially those which form the butt of jokes. It is also employed simply to highlight silliness. This style is constructed to appear as if the author has “scribbled” rapidly between the outlines of forms to fill in color, creating gaps in those forms. Generally, strokes are made to seem more careless, and less detail is used. While the style is meant to mimic a scribbling motion, it does not always end up crude or parodic. For example, in this “charming vignette” (in Hussie’s words) depicting the Mayor’s dream, the scribble style actually illustrates a remarkably beautiful and almost impressionistic series of panels. Although the dream vignette has certain obvious scribbley elements and certainly depicts an imagined scenario, I would argue that it combines aspects of both Scribble Mode and Hussnasty Mode (#4 in this post) throughout.
I have also identified two distinct styles within the Scribble Mode umbrella. One always uses a thin, apparently single-pixel-wide black line to outline forms, while the other uses a thicker stroke for both its filling and outline. You can see the difference between these in the four examples I’ve pulled; they are sometimes even combined within one single Scribble Mode panel.
3. Hero Mode
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Page 1815 of Homestuck
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Page 2063 of Homestuck
Hero Mode was officially named as such by Hussie. The Homestuck wiki page describes it as cropping up to “emphasize a particularly epic moment in the story.” Hussie originally called the style “action panels” before hitting upon the current name, emphasizing the link to action scenes and dynamic poses. Along with dynamic posing, characters are drawn in greater detail and tend to have elongated limbs. Some crossover can be seen between Hero Mode and Hussnasty Mode. I would argue that characters in Hero Mode usually retain the original style’s characteristic lack of a neck, while Hussnasty Mode often adds one. Compared with the Classic style, Hero Mode always adds arms. The degree to which Hero Mode drawings include the “hatching-type effect” characteristic of Hussnasty Mode varies from panel to panel. The difference between Hero Mode and Classic Mode can be observed clearly on these two pages, where Damara shifts between the two styles at the behest of Scratch, who asks her to “render [herself] in a more symbolic manner.”
The wiki asserts that “Hero Mode dispenses with the black outline that typifies sprite-style animation and scribble mode,” but I don’t think it can actually be characterized as the only lineless style. Scribble Mode and Hussnasty Mode also sometimes feature a lineless graphic style depending on which part of a character is being depicted, or the need for a line to differentiate two features of a similar color. A willingness to move between lined and lineless blocks of color characterizes Hussie’s art as a whole.
4. Hussnasty Mode
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Page 2805 of Homestuck
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Page 2976 of Homestuck
This art style is also named by the author. In his commentary on page 2805, he writes: “Someone asked me what I called the style, and I replied by naming it "Hussnasty Mode" myself, because well… it's a bit nasty, isn't it? Kind of raw, a little over-illustrated, and making use of a lot of jagged aliased pixel edges for a hatching-type effect. It was sort of the point to make it a little nasty, kind of aggressively incongruous with the other styles previously established.” This quote sums up the style’s characteristics pretty well. Hussie also describes how this style is more naturalistic, or less symbolic, and was meant to work in direct contrast to the extremely symbolic RPG Sprite Mode. He writes that “drawings like this are introduced in contrast with this simple RPG sprite mode, which was also established very recently as something that Homestuck was "allowed" to use as a stylistic presentation of characters and settings… Every time HS does something like this, it's widening its own umbrella in terms of what it's allowed to do stylistically, which includes dramatically simplifying and abstracting its forms. Which implicitly asks another question: Can HS "allow" itself to go in the other direction? To render characters with higher degrees of definition, regardless of congruity, and freely navigate this full artistic palette at any time, resulting in sharp stylistic contrast and a certain amount of visual thrashing? The answer to that question, almost immediately after it's asked in the form of dropping RPG-sprite Rose into a standard panel shot, is yes, HS can do that, and clearly it WILL do that.”
5. RPG Sprite Mode
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Page 2804 of Homestuck
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Page 2824 of Homestuck
Despite being officially described by the author, RPG Sprite Mode hasn’t gained much representation as a distinct style (it does not have a wiki page, for example). This style appears after Homestuck’s first walk-around game, now incorporated as a style for static or gif panels. After their joint introduction, this style is juxtaposed against the Hussnasty style. The quotes pulled above in the section on Hussnasty Mode nicely describe the contrast between these two styles and their greater impact on Homestuck’s graphic norms. RPG Sprite Mode always shows characters from an aerial view, mimicking the style of the first walk-around game, which in turn mimics a wealth of RPG sprite games (such as the original Pokemon games). Sprites from these sorts of early games can be characterized by their almost pointillistic use of individual pixels to carefully construct forms.
6. Terezi’s Perspective
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Page 2756 of Homestuck
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Page 2128 of Homestuck
This style hasn’t been officially described yet. It only crops up as a representation of Terezi’s perspective, conveying some of her experience tasting and smelling colors. While it only appears a few times in the comic, I think it is uniquely visually interesting, and it includes “blurring” techniques which are only rarely employed in the rest of the comic. I’d guess that the effect is created by layering low-opacity strokes over one another and then sliding the different layers’ opacity up and down.
7. SBAHJ Style
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Page 8 of Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff
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Page 3451 of Homestuck
The SBAHJ comic, featured both within Homestuck and as a spin-off, has its own recognizable style. In the first few pages it has a lot of commonalities with Homestuck’s two versions of Scribble Mode, but later takes on distinct characteristics. It can be characterized in part by its image clipping, an effect where an element is made to look like it has been selected within a square box (in MS Paint or Photoshop) and dragged around the page with little care for the size and accuracy of the selection box. Commenting on page 3451, Hussie describes this effect as follows: “In the SBaHJ comics, one of my cool tactics—which I'm almost positive I invented as a sequential artist—was to elaborately render someone ‘turning around’ by taking one shot of them and gradually altering the pose by crudely rectangle-selecting pieces of their face and nudging them around until they're facing the other way in a totally unconvincing and utterly hideous manner.” Different from Scribble Mode, the SBAHJ style also frequently features blocks of color that appear to be filled with the “paint bucket” tool. When the paint bucket tool is used to fill anti-aliased stokes, it creates a small transparent space between the filling and the original outline, visible in the SBAHJ graphics. Finally, SBAHJ comes to include image compression and glitching, created through “deep frying” compression techniques. Overall, the breadth of manipulative techniques made apparent to the viewer in SBAHJ is much greater than any other style. SBAHJ panels are reproduced wholesale or hyperlinked in Homestuck, but on these two pages Gamzee is also drawn in the SBAHJ style.
8. Caliborn’s Styles
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Page 5075 of Homestuck (hyperlinked in pesterlog)
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Page 6259 of Homestuck
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Page 6929 of Homestuck
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Page 6864 of Homestuck
While Calliope’s in-world art was contributed by Shelby Cragg, Hussie gives Caliborn has three styles of his own. The first is his “angular” style, which Calliope aptly characterizes on page 5109 as containing “inscrutable squiggles” and demonstrating a “penchant for arbitrary, completely baffling straight lines and right angles, almost as if trying unsuccessfully to begin constructing a grid.” The second is the style he uses in Homosuck, which retains elements of his original “baffling right angles” but generally takes on the black outlines characteristic of Homestuck’s Classic style, while employing even cruder detail. Finally, after reading a “How to Draw Manga” book, he develops his “manga” style which uses black strokes, somewhat messy coloring (usually with the paint-bucket tool), and shows an attempt at naturalistic representation despite a complete lack of understanding of human anatomy. This style is specifically meant to emulate manga styles, so it features the characteristic white dots as highlights in the eyes, among other features.
As becomes apparent through Hussie’s commentary, the different art styles employed in Homestuck do more than just emphasize certain moments; they form part of the comic’s visual language and ask us to question our understanding of graphic representation. The scope of this post also illustrates the attention paid to Homestuck’s visual elements throughout the story’s production and within its readership, even if these visual distinctions have received less attention in scholarship. Despite the variety of styles, we can see Hussie’s characteristic artistic tools, techniques, and sensibilities reflected across the comic. 
If you find any styles recurring in the comic that I haven’t mentioned here, feel free to shoot me a message! Again, I haven’t included styles from other contributors; only those developed and drawn by Hussie.
As we approach the close of the semester, I’ll probably be putting out one more post sometime soon! If you liked this post, you can follow the blog on tumblr for updates or, if you don’t frequent tumblr, sign up for the mailing list to receive an email whenever I publish a new mini-essay!
[1] These include Hussnasty Mode, Scribble Mode, and Hero Mode.
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kainetestament · 4 years
Pietro, no Fietro could still possibly be Peter from X-Men Universe… Maybe?
So as revealed in Episode 9 of WandaVision, the identity of Fietro is none other than Ralph Bohner, the husband Agness always mention, and a possible real resident of Westview. WV director Matt Shakman already clarified that the “Bohner” is actually a reference to his 80’s sitcom Growing Pains. But for many fans of Evan Peters, this “Bohner” joke didn’t play well and at the same time, let us breakdown everything that is wrong with this identity of Ralph Bohner and why he’s suspicious despite the claim of WandaVision writers/director that Evan Peters has nothing to do with the mutants or X-Men Universe, after all they always deny everything. They even mentioned that they had no idea that Evan Peters appearance will cause so many theories and everything, which I highly doubt, I mean come on, they made him play QuickSilver in WandaVision when he is QuickSilver himself only of another universe. I don’t dissed ATJ, I love this guy too from his Kickass, Godzilla movie (this is where I first encounter ATJ before his QS role in Avengers), but as a QS, Evan Peters top him, on my opinion at least, he even has his own QS commercials. Also, Evan Peters have more cool QS moments, the Kitchen scene VS the Age of Ultron overall, at least for me, I prefer the kitchen scene and the whiplash part. Anyhow, let us begin:
 Note: I edited this post to make this article more easier to read and added additional info.
1. Speculations roaming around that Ralph Bohner could be an aspiring actor because the picture is actually his headshot (which actually looks like his earlier AHS photos). I’m not going to debunk this possibility, but I do not believe it’s a headshot nor he’s an aspiring actor. Although true enough, the image does looks like of Evan Peters early AHS photos (kind of like Tate Langdon) – which is probably a reference to that, who knows.
2. The pile of papers on the side table. It is questionable why would your papers, a bill (a very old bill even - not folded or inside one of those envelopes) and your photos in plain sight where Monica – an outsider can see it? Almost as if you planned it all along and he wanted Monica to see it.
3. Necromancy vs Crystallum Possession. Necromancy is a dark arts of when the person (the Necromancer) can manipulate the dead body of the person, or summoning their spirit. Crystallum Possession however is also part of the dark arts but this time you are using an object (like crystals, gems, stones etc) that is embodied with the user’s spells to manipulate the wearer.
Agatha had told Wanda that what she does is a crystallum possession since necromancy is a no-no due to his brother’s body is on another continent, and since this Pietro died in 2014, it should now be bones, I think the “full of holes” remark is nothing more than a mocking remark, because if it’s not, then Marvel will probably have their own interpretation of Necromancy and Crystallum Possession, and this could probably go darker. And Ralph is wearing a bead necklace that is embedded with Agatha’s power. But is Agatha really in full control of Ralph? Honestly, I don’t think so. Why? Because in Episode 6, Peter said about Wanda’s costume “Worse than the costume mom made us the year we got typhus”, then she reminisced “that year”, and told him  “That’s not exactly how I remember it.” because in her universe, she isn’t wearing Halloween costume she thinks is worse and she didn’t deny about them getting typhus, so what are the odds of Agatha/Fietro getting that info if he is not Peter? Also, we don’t know how MARVEL will tell the story multiverse/alternate timelines (the Russo Brothers already claimed that they have their own way of telling this story), but if we are looking for a one generic rule, major life events will occur but will be told uniquely as per their universe, on this case Peter and Wanda did had a typhus, but in Peter’s world, his Wanda and him are probably wearing whatever cosplay outfit their mom made and in Wanda and Pietro are just wearing something simple, or it could be that Peter really just have a weird sense of style.
4. The WATER BILL. Now, this is a real bill, it is not part of Wanda’s illusion, this is Ralph’s actual water bill, because Ralph’s house was under Agatha’s spell, which makes it exempted from Wanda’s spell.  Also, if you go frame by frame, you can actually see the word “Water”, “PAST DUE” on the right column part of the bill, before it totally goes out of focus and you can only read the left side part, that also says “YOUR MONTHLY USAGE (1,000 GAL INCREMENTS)”, which further validates it’s a water bill, not a phone bill nor electricity bill as others actually claim. And here is the tricky part, the bill’s date. On the right side under the STATEMENT is the Account Information (using Arial font), it’s a bit hard to make out of it, but it’s actually an old bill. Before it becomes totally blurry, you can read the right part of the bill that says:
ACCOUNT:                      09-3476-12
BILL DATE:                     10/01/2020
DUE DATE:                     10/31/2020
If we go back to Infinity War, it takes place in June 2018. So that means that this Ralph Bohner survived the SNAP, but what could happen to him in year 2019-2020? Who knows, I don’t even know if I should care or not.
If we check on the usage chart – which is “not blurred” (it’s also in increments of 12 – 12/24/36/48/60), and I’ll just speculate on the numbers on the meter chart, so don’t take my word for it. Also, I don’t know what Marvel is planning or hinting by showing this insignificant 2020 bill, which also has confusing usage. (I’ll just use term like pcm – per cubic meter, so that it won’t just be plain numbers beside the month).
January - 6 pcm
February – 18 pcm
March – 6 pcm
April – 6 pcm
June – 6 pcm
July – 9 pcm
August – 13 pcm
September – 22 pcm
October – 34 pcm
(November and December have gray shade - similar to the one in month of Jan-May).
Again, I don’t know what’s the significance of not blurring this part of the bill while the right side column is properly blurred. And the confusing part of this bill, is the bill date is of 10/01/2020 – meaning Ralph had received this bill during the first week of October, but why is there already a usage for the full month of October, when usage should be only show up to the month of September? After the Account Information, there’s the
4             1963 (?)        09/01/20      *- - - -*          *- - - -*
The PREVIOUS actually looks like either 1063 or 1963, and oddly enough the first Avengers Comics was published on September 1, 1963, I don’t know if that’s a reference to that, but from my pov, it shouldn’t be because this series is inspired of House of M and a bit touch of West Coast Avengers, which was already reference by the SUV plate number in Episode 7. The CURRENT and DATE are both unreadable, I can only identify _ _ _ 2 in CURRENT and 0_/_ _/20 for the DATE after.
And let’s also not forget that outside the HEX, it is August 2023 and as per Episode 8, inside the HEX is currently year 2013 as shown in the auditorium behind the lighting after it explained how Wanda created Vision. I don’t know if this is a reference to something from the past MCU projects (X-Men even) or future franchise like Falcon and Winter Soldier, who knows, really. I just find it weird why they didn’t blurry the meter chart while the rest are. But why year 2020? Why isn’t this bill thrown out yet? Didn’t Monica notice that billing date of the bill?
5. The man-cave. The staff really transformed Fietro’s man-cave into very, very Peter-like (if he really is not Peter). I will list thing that are present and similar to what Peter of X-Men Universe room have. I’ll reference * (single asterisk) for Days of Future Past, ** (double asterisk) for Apocalypse, and *** (triple asterisk) for both films.
❀ comfortable couch***
❀ guitar*** 
❀ headphones***
❀ balls*
❀ lots of posters***
❀ bike***
❀ a bar**
❀ shoes on the floor**
❀ different types of drinks (non alcoholic)***
Also, lots of silver/metallic items such as:
❀ silver lamp**
❀ silver TV
❀ silver house ventilation tubes
❀ silver pillowcases (looks gray on other angles)
❀ silver mini fridge
❀ silver microwave oven
❀ silver rack (where TV and speaker stands)    
❀ silver wristwatch*
❀ video games*** (both PS & XBox)
and even something that looks like a stolen goods like the Tiki Bar plaque, Tiger head.
This Fietro is basically just missing the goggles, I did my best to look for it (like on those detective games that instructs you to find this and that *lol*), but there’s really none *laugh*. Also, I just noticed the arrangement of his man-cave – single-seat couch** > small side table with a lamp** > 3-seater couch (the Apocalypse has an L-shape couch though) > a middle coffee table**, this arrangement is similar to Peter’s man-cave in Apocalypse which can be slightly seen when his mom came down saying “Just checking on you” (you can watch it at starting point 1:02:55, at least on my copy), you just need to look for proper timing because a few of those shots are out of focus probably due to her obviously looking somewhere reading her lines that are raised besides the camera, which became even more obvious  when she did a close up shot when she told him “But trust me, this won’t end well. Nothing does with him.” 
Also, in Episode 5, when Peter first made an appearance, the leather jacket he’s wearing is eerily similar to the one he’s wearing in his cameo appearance in Deadpool 2 (we only got the glimpse of the front of the jacket in Deadpool but the front side of his jacket in WandaVision is identical). Though I find it weird too that his hair color switch from silver to light ash blonde.
6. Ralph is the guy under witness protection? I doubt it, although honestly at first I considered maybe he is, but after a few thinking, it doesn’t lead to it, because if he’s in witness protection, and the person who is managing him forgets him because of Wanda, FBI database should still at least have a photo of him to be able to identify him, and Jimmy in episode 7 saw Peter and never commented about him being their missing guy. As we all know, the house is under the name Ralph Bohner, who we can assume survived the SNAP and possibly left that house in September 2020. If he had left the house way back in 2020, why does Agent Woo or FBI rather only checked it now? Also, if Ralph Boner is indeed the guy under witness protection, it is the FBI that pays off their bill, on this case, the Water Bill was past due even if it was an old bill, so I don’t think he is.
7. Does Ralph Boner really exist? This is actually something that I have given some thought. Because if we think of QuickSilver, one of his abilities as per comics is his Quick Intelligence. His mind process a lot of things much faster than an average person. Peter spying on everyone and pretending to be someone else in an unknown world is not surprising, let alone using everything he can take advantage of. It can be that the bill is fake and there is really no Ralph Bohner, or just like what I mentioned in #7, he could’ve possibly left in September 2020 and hasn’t returned yet, and Peter assumes this identity to avoid suspicion.
If we are to assume he really is Peter Maximoff of X-Men Universe (Earth-TRN414) and crossed over to Earth-616, I did consider this could also be the house where he lives as per his universe and just so happens that Ralph Bohner is the current owner of the house in this MCU. Also, Xavier Institute is located in NY and in Days of Future Past, they only drove from NY to his house via rental car, which we can assume that he doesn’t live that far from NY, after all NY and NJ are neighbors.
8. Also this has nothing to do with Ralph/Fietro, but something I noticed, that the outside anomaly or outside of Westview – about the selective amnesia has yet to be answered. It only explained that Wanda is manipulating the people INSIDE, but not the ones outside the HEX. What actually come to mind when I think about it is that it can be a work by a TELEPATH which can be either Charles Xavier or Emma Frost (no Jean Grey? Yes I excluded her). What I am actually thinking is that the person under witness protection is a spy sent by Charles or possibly working with him. He could have implanted false memory to the so called “family and friends”, so when the HEX was established, the strings got cut off hence no one could remember this “missing person” anymore, and Jimmy who has nothing to do with this “missing person” is not affected by the selective amnesia and assumes the responsibility of looking for him. And assuming Charles is the telepath who altered their memories of the people outside of Westview, he probably has done it as a precaution since he couldn’t contact his spy or “missing person” and wouldn’t take the risk of endangering the resident who were happened to be outside the HEX when Wanda establishes it.
These are just some of the things I find that doesn’t make sense with Ralph’s identity. But we’ll just leave it at that. I still really want James McAvoy back as Charles Xavier and Michael Fassbender as Magneto, since both Sir Ian McKKellen and Sir Patrick Stewart did mention they’re done with their role. And I feel that it’s too risky to use them since they are in their 80’s now, I don’t know them personally but it gives me some sorts of paranoia *laughs* thinking they might get injured.
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those70scomics · 5 years
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Those ‘70s Comics: 2804
Episode 624.5 - "They Do"
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by 1000_directions
Clint and Bucky learn their limits.
Words: 2804, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Hawkeye (Comics)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Clint Barton
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Clint Barton
Additional Tags: Safeword Use, Sex Gone Wrong, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse
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ao3feed-hawkguy · 5 years
pray that something picks me up
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2P8Xvyb
by 1000_directions
Clint and Bucky learn their limits.
Words: 2804, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Hawkeye (Comics)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Clint Barton
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Clint Barton
Additional Tags: Safeword Use, Sex Gone Wrong, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2P8Xvyb
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ao3feed-timkon · 5 years
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2HLwObS
by 1989Rad
For the past few weeks, Kon had been kissing his best friend. Not just kissing. Hand holding, boning down, texting a ‘Morning :)’ even though he was well aware Tim wouldn’t be awake for hours.
And to Kon, that pretty much meant they were dating. Should mean they were dating. Had to. Right? But Tim has never said anything.
Never said the word ‘date’ or ‘boyfriend’ or the dreaded ‘R’ that punctuated the phrase ‘DTR.’
Or - That story where Kon gets Tim to have ‘Define the Relationship’ DTR conversation.
Words: 2804, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Teen Titans (Comics), Young Justice (Comics), Superboy (Comics), Red Robin (Comics)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Tim Drake, Kon-El | Conner Kent
Relationships: Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent
Additional Tags: Fluff, Defining the Relationship, Miscommunication, Kisses, Teen Angst
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2HLwObS
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ao3feed-timdrake · 5 years
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2HLwObS
by 1989Rad
For the past few weeks, Kon had been kissing his best friend. Not just kissing. Hand holding, boning down, texting a ‘Morning :)’ even though he was well aware Tim wouldn’t be awake for hours.
And to Kon, that pretty much meant they were dating. Should mean they were dating. Had to. Right? But Tim has never said anything.
Never said the word ‘date’ or ‘boyfriend’ or the dreaded ‘R’ that punctuated the phrase ‘DTR.’
Or - That story where Kon gets Tim to have ‘Define the Relationship’ DTR conversation.
Words: 2804, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Teen Titans (Comics), Young Justice (Comics), Superboy (Comics), Red Robin (Comics)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Tim Drake, Kon-El | Conner Kent
Relationships: Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent
Additional Tags: Fluff, Defining the Relationship, Miscommunication, Kisses, Teen Angst
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2HLwObS
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marymaylarry · 3 years
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Nate Comic Inc./LBS Program & Epiphany Counseling is sponsoring virtual Counseling & Support Groups on the first Friday of each month, 6-6:45 PM. These services are available to grades 6-college who reside in Proviso and Oak Park Townships at no cost (FREE) to participants. ZOOM LINK: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81562692804?pwd=Nzc3L1U4RHIudUFkWE1wWk50c1ZnZz09 MEETING ID: 815 6269 2804 Passcode: 817140 For more information, call 708-345-6342 Supported by Dr. Mary “May” Larry, Ph.D. https://www.instagram.com/p/CTk5uy9nYD4/?utm_medium=tumblr
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comicdiaries · 7 years
comic #2804: wealth
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It was this podcast, which I highly recommend!
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 years
Fallen Feathers
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/di9CJlt
by zeckrost
Dick Grayson has to die, according to Batman.
Words: 2804, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Wonder Woman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), DCU (Comics), Nightwing (Comics), Teen Titans (Comics), Titans (Comics)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Characters: Dick Grayson, Donna Troy, Wonder Girl (DCU), Bruce Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Alfred Pennyworth, Original Talon Character(s) (DCU), Parliament of Owls (DCU)
Relationships: Dick Grayson & Donna Troy, Cassandra Cain & Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne
Additional Tags: Fluff, Friendship, Brother-Sister Relationships, BFFs, Caring
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/di9CJlt
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aion-rsa · 4 years
WandaVision Episode 7 Post Credits Scene Asks More Questions Than it Answers
This article contains WandaVision spoilers.
WandaVision episode 7 finally gives us a post-credits scene. Yes, the tried and true MCU tradition has finally made its way to one of the Marvel Studios Disney+ shows. Sure, you could probably argue that the fact that the first few episodes had “sitcom credits” before the actual credits rolled was kind of a meta-joke about the credits themselves being the post-credits scenes on this show (and I’m not entirely sure that wasn’t intentional), but in terms of an actual stinger or tease for future episodes? Nothing until now.
But the thing is, this isn’t a “big reveal” so much as it is a shocking tease of more mysteries that await. Here’s what we think that WandaVision episode 7 mid-credits scene means.
What’s in the Basement?
After her confrontation with Wanda Maximoff, Monica Rambeau (and how cool is it that we basically just had a Spectrum/Scarlet Witch showdown in the MCU?) is poking around Agatha’s house (that’s number 2804, two doors down from Wanda and Vision who live at 2800). She opens the door to the basement and spots some apparently magical vegetation.
We’re not entirely sure what that vegetation is. Could it be an offshoot of the mystical Wundergore Everbloom from the comics? Is it something that’s feeding off both Wanda and Agatha’s magical energy? Could it be a representation of the true villain of the show (assuming, of course that the big “it was Agatha all along” reveal is misdirection…which we think it is)? We’re currently trying to think of any other Marvel villains with a fondness for both purple and horticulture.
“Snoopers gonna snoop…”
Monica is interrupted by “Pietro Maximoff,” played by Evan Peters. Here, Uncle Peter looks like he’s on his way to a Phish concert or something, and speaks in a menacing drawl “snoopers gonna snoop.”
It’s so menacing that it lends credence to what Wanda told Billy and Tommy earlier in the episode: that this isn’t actually their uncle. So we’re once again back to asking, if Peters isn’t playing a “recast Pietro,” then just who the hell is he supposed to be, anyway?
Who is Evan Peters Really Playing?
Is he just a magical minion of Agatha’s? A bystander being manipulated by her magic just as surely as Wanda is manipulating the other citizens of Westview? He does give off “actual horror movie villain’s creepy groundskeeper” vibes here.
Since he was first introduced, fans have wondered if Peters’ mysterious “Pietro” was in fact a much more powerful force masquerading as Wanda’s dead brother. In particular, Mephisto comes to mind. Although we have some other ideas about who the big bad might actually be, as well.
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Perhaps there’s an outside chance that if he’s just being manipulated, maybe there really is nothing sinister about this Pietro, and whatever creepy action he seems like he’s about to take here is just an unfortunate misunderstanding. Maybe he really IS the Pietro from another corner of the multiverse (we still can’t entirely rule that out) and this is just yet one more piece of expert misdirection on the part of the show. For that matter, maybe that air of menace present here is just one more expert piece of Marvel misdirection.
After all, if he wasn’t important, it seems unlikely that they wouldn’t have made him such an important part of the first post-credits scene the show has done.
The post WandaVision Episode 7 Post Credits Scene Asks More Questions Than it Answers appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/2NLDLQM
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