#comfort gwendoline christie
Larissa weems x fem!reader
Name: " when the pain cuts you deep"
Warning: indecent language, depression, insecurities, self hatred,panic attacks, childhood trauma, low self esteem, FLUFF.
Request: hey darling! Can I request a sad reader x larissa please! Also can it be based off the song remedy from adele, including some stuff like depression, insecurities, self hatred,childhood trauma, anxiety, panic attacks, low self esteem etc rissa comes home to r crying in the bathroom saying shes not good enough and no one cares about her. BUTS LOTS OF FLUFF FROM RISSA!! I kbow that you would use your imagination and make this into art BTW i love your fanfics keeping working magic and have a good day!!
A/n: thank you darling!! And I hope your doing well just know that your gonna be ok :)
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Growing up you had a pretty fucked up childhood. While other kids were busy being happy and playing with toys you were busy being miserable and suffering. Depression is something everyone can relate to. Either it be serious or not.
We all faced a time when we once questioned our existence on earth. You've been a broken child growing up. And because of that it destroyed many of your relationships. Because people didn't know how to cope and relate to you mentally.
But when you met larissa that all changed. You first met her at a conference meeting. That's when she helped you with through your first panic attack in public. After that the both of you got really close.
Larissa was always gentle with you. Never pressured you. Never belittle you, underestimated you, made you feel scared, lonely, hurt, nothing that people would normally make you feel.
You always thought that you weren't capable of loving. But the day larissa proposed to you would forever be a eternal memory to you. It's been 5 years now, and you haven't regret a thing.
Larissa knew when you didn't come to hug her at the door when she came home something was wrong. Big time. Fear rushed over her as panic filled her body, as she called your name once and didn't get a response. " darling? Where are you, I'm home" she said running up the stairs to the second floor.
She heard you. Your quiet sobs of pain. Her heart immediately shattered. She hated seeing you hurt so much. Especially when she knows sometimes she can't help. You just have to get over it yourself in your own time. In your own space. Which she highly respected.
She gently knocked on the door causing you to jump from inside. You were so lost in yourself you didn't even hear her come home. " baby you ok?" She asked voice dripping with care and love but hasten with worry. You sniffed as you pulled in a cold long breath.
" Yes but I'll be out soon" you said barely getting it out before you broke down into tears again. As much as you wanted to be alone in your shit you wanted to be in her embrace. With her soothing words of affection. Her soft touch, her kisses. Oh you wanted it all.
You always hated physical touch but larissa was different. Far different. Her touch was magical. And you hated pushing her away when she so desperately wanted to help you.
" my love you can't hide forever, dont do this to yourself please" she whispered the last word coming painfully. She sat on the ground on the other end of the door. You pulled your knees closer to your chest and placed your head on them. You couldn't face yourself and now you couldn't face her. You've been here a million times before.
And she was always there every step of the way. So why are you shutting her out now? Why the distancing. It was the self doubt again. The little demon in your head telling you no one loves or care about you. That's what it was, larissa thought to her self.
" What's troubling my dove?" She asked voice soft as ever. She really was meant for you. You couldn't help the sobs. When she asked you the question your heart suddenly gaved out. You suddenly had the urge to tell your lover everything.
You slowly opened the door. Larissa immediately stood to her feet taking a good look at you. Puffy eyes, messed up mascara, messy hair. Her heart ached at the sight of you. It seriously broke her heart to see you in such state.
" I don't feel like I'm good enough for anything or anyone rissa, not even for you. I hate myself, I'm always messing things up. I dont wanna hurt anyone. I wanna let go riss" you said voice breaking. Soon the tears came flooding your eyes and cheeks again.
"Oh honey" she cooed as she pulled you into her arms. "Let it out" she whispered, placing your face into her neck. You cried harder. Her grip around tighten as she was trying to get you as close to her as possible. She allowed you to cry and cry til you couldn't anymore.
You became numb to the pain.
After larissa gaved you a bath she placed you in bed. She got dressed into something more comfortable and took her place beside you on the bed. For a while there was completely silence. You stared into the room avoiding eye contact with her.
You could feel her staring at you. "Baby" she whispered cupping your face in her hands. You melted into her touch, whimpering at the sensation.
" look up" she whispered and you did just so, as soon as your eyes met her gaze she kissed you softly. You didn't have the energy to kiss back so you just let her do all the love and affection. Her soft lips against yours was always a feeling you would never get tired of.
You moaned into her mouth as she deepened the kiss. This is what you loved most about larissa. She could take all your pain away in a instant. Make you feel safe. Important.
" why didn't you tell me the feelings were coming back?" She asked proceeding to leave kisses all over your face. You pulled away from her eyes meeting her gaze. " I didn't want to burden you with unnecessary things" you whispered looking away from her.
She immediately brought your gaze back to hers. " y/n you are not a burden and your feelings and mental health is not unnecessary, my love" she said smiling softly. Her eyes were filled with hope and love.
" I love you beyond stars, do you know what I'd do for you?" You sniffed and barley was able to look at her because your eyes were hurting so bad. " I'd jump off a cliff for you. Get hit by a train for you. Die for you" she said, kissing your cheek.
Suddenly your chest started to feel tight. Your breathing became more erratic. It was a panic attack. Larissa noticed immediately. She pulled you closer to her and placed your head on her shoulder. " remember what we participated darling" she whispered, she slowly inhaled and you followed.
Then she slowly exhaled. You followed her breathing steps for a good while before you were ok again. You pulled away from larissa and looked up at her.
" thank you for being so patient with me, rissa" you whispered looking down at the sheets and slightly pulling them. Larissa used her hand to rise up your chin. She took both your hands in hers. She kissed you on your forehead softly. " I meant what I said in our wedding vows" she whispered.
" that'd you be by my side forever?" You asked low laying your head into her lap.
She slowly Bagan to run her fingers through your messy hair. Fingernails brushing your scalp lightly. Soon you started to fall asleep. Larissa fixed you probably so that you were comfortable, by placing your head on a pillow and your blanket over you.
You were completely asleep now. Larissa looked at your sleeping body and smiled. She loved you beyond stars. She smiled at your before kissing your forehead.
" that I'll be your remedy" she whispered softly. That was her vows to you. To understand you. Help you. Stay be yourside and most importantly to be your cured for your sadness and broken heart.
The next morning you woke up with kisses being placed all over your face. during your sleepy state you heard. " love yourself today, you deserve it" it was below the average tone of how a person spoke but above a whisper. There was a soft kiss to your cheek before she left for work.
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How did it end?
Pairing: Larissa Weems x Reader
Warnings: : , hurt/comfort, written on my phone during a road trip 🫣😭, sad lesbians, mentions of not being dead, unedited, angst
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"Let me let you go" I whispered as I grasped Larissa's jaw, her blue eyes welling with tears as she tilted her head down. I watched as she closed her eyes attempting to blink the tears away "I can't" her voice cracked.
"I have to Lissa" I let my hand down sliding onto her shoulder brushing down her arm until I held her hand in my own "no you don't". It's for the best.. we've grown out of each other well at least it felt so, she had bigger things for her life than me. I knew I would always carry a piece of her with me always, I didn't really want to leave but I couldn't stay and hold her back either.
Now we stood in the middle of my living room toe to toe the air heavy as we stare back at one another. "You have so much ahead of you" I whispered "I do" she agreed as she raised her hands one on the junction of my neck and the other on my jaw.
I wish I could've stopped the tears but I couldn't "I have a marriage and a family, I have a home to come back to each day... I have you Y/n. I come home to you everyday"
"Larissa" I breathed out looking down only for her to tilt my head back up "I love you Y/n, I waited years and I will wait a million years more if that means I get to call you my wife. It felt like being ripped apart when I thought you were dating Gomez, I'm not sure I could handle anymore."
She rested her forehead against my own, our noses brushing "but you say the word Y/n my heart is yours, I could never give it away after it's known nothing but you after it's entire pattern only beats your name". This bitch I thought with a bittersweet chuckle "I love you Larissa but what if I'm not the same person you fell in love with?" my cheeks burned with hot tears.
She smiled sadly "then I will fall in love with this version of you and the next and the next because I love you, I'm so madly in love with you and I don't understand.." she paused taking a breath.
"I just wish you could see how beautiful you are in my eyes, my love.. my dearest if only I could trade with you so maybe you could love yourself.. you have such beautiful features". I closed my eyes trying to breathe but I was suffocating in her warmth, I was choking back my tears "you deserve the world, Larissa". The hand at the base of my neck moved up to grasp my jaw "you are my world" I don't deserve her and I definitely didn't deserve her when we were in school.
Why did I have to ruin everything, why couldn't I accept something good? I didn't want to push her away. It's been so many years she must be tired, I make her tired "come back to me Y/n" she whispered "your thoughts are so loud". Larissa dropped her hands to wrap them around my frame instead, a hand in my hair and the other around the mid of my back.
I cried into her shoulder before my shaky hands wrapped around her too, my tears soaking through the fabric of her expensive coat. "I love you Larissa but aren't you tired?" I whispered into her neck unwilling to let her go "of you? Never" her breath fanned against my ear. My knees felt like they would give way and snap beneath me "but I make you miserable" my fingers twisted the fabric.
"No you don't love, there's plenty of things that make me blue but you're not one of them" opening my eyes it was dark outside as I peered over her shoulder out the window. "Are you sure?" I pulled back to gaze up at her "of course" she smiled sadly "but what if..what if we can't have children of our own?" I mumbled. "There's plenty of options and if we can't adopt well, it's not the end of the world we can always get a cat" Larissa chuckled.
"I already ruined everything" I sighed trying to step back but Larissa wouldn't let go only moving to hold my waist. "I'm here aren't I?" She asked her ruby lips extra red against her pearly white smile. "Because of me" I cried the guilt weighing heavily on me "and that's the way it should be Y/n, wherever you are.. I want to be with you okay? On both the sunny and rainy days"
"I'm here for you, always on the days you don't love yourself I will love you and the days you don't feel beautiful I will tell you just how gorgeous you are"
If I knew anything about love, it's because I learned from you..
Larissa Weems, the woman you are I thought to myself we were only twenty-two back then standing in my family home. The same home that would become our home, the place where we raised our children and the place I could've lost her all those years ago.
A pair of hands slid around my waist where I leaned against the door frame to the living room. "What are you thinking about my love?" She pressed a kiss to my temple "you" I smiled looking back to kiss her lips.
"Me?" Larissa chuckled "why?" She pressed another kiss to my lips "I'm just feeling nostalgic is all" I shrugged turning in her hold, my hands on her chest.
"Thank you for never giving up on me" I sighed resting my head under her chin "You don't have to thank me for something like that, of course I would never give up on you. I love you Y/n"
"I love you more Larissa"
I always loved you more dearest she wanted to respond but there wasn't anyone in her arms. With a shake of her head she passed the living room to enter the kitchen, this house was haunted by the ghost of you.
"Don't be so dramatic with the story" I laughed taking a seat on her lap "I didn't die, I went away for work" I kissed her lips with a smile. "Though I am forever grateful you never gave up on me" I whispered snaking my hands around her neck as our grandkids watched us. I played with the baby hairs at the back of her neck "oh yes, you went to work and left me behind for three days" she groaned. "I'm sorry that you also had a job" I giggled looking up to see our kids standing in the doorway, they looked so much like we had back then when we were younger.
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littledollll · 1 year
The simple things
Larissa Weems x Reader
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A/n: *Drops this and runs away never to be seen for another hundred years*
Honorable mentions to @pebbleswritessometimes who seems to be involved in the writing process of literally everything I do😭
Absolutely no warnings, just a little kiss and a bunch of fluff
Life had never been better. A simple, happy, mundane life with the love of your life… That’s your first thought every morning. You didn’t need anything extravagant, you didn’t want anything complicated. It was just this simple, perfect life.
You woke every morning wrapped in your lover’s arms, your head close to her chest, arms around her waist. The alarm would sound out announcing it was time to wake up, get ready for another day.
Larissa would kiss the top of your head and gently pull away from you, of course you were awake, she knew that. But she wanted you to stay restful for at least another moment. And her routine began. She’d shower before anything, then walk into the room with that gorgeous white silk robe of hers, and pick out an outfit for the day.
By now you’ve opened your eyes, like you always do just to watch her come in, she knew that too. Your opinion was always wanted and appreciated, so you watched as she picked out three dresses to choose between, and moved on to the shoes.
“The green one… makes your eyes look even prettier.” You quietly mumbled, still snuggled into bed but paying attention. She’d give you a hum in approval with that honeyed little tone of hers, which made you want to jump out of bed and crash your lips to hers, but you didn’t, of course.
“Black, 3 inches.” The shoes. You love how she looks in heels, but of course they can’t be too tall, there’s a dress code even for the principal. And finally, her soft morning voice came, “thank you, darling..” it always made your cheeks flush red, because she’d look at you with nothing but love, and a little bit of a teasing smile. Oh she knew.
A surge of pure joy just ran up your spine. God you were so inlove with this woman. Like a schoolgirl with a crush. Even now, being married, living together for years, you had a crush on this woman. She’d make you blush red, have you giggling and hiding into the pillows of your shared bed. You had to give yourself a moment to breathe or you’d pass out right now and not get to watch her get dressed.
You let out a heavy, dreamy sigh. And Larissa once again looked back at you with a smile, a knowing smile, a sweet and soft smile. You watched as she delicately slipped on her tights, and then her dress, moving closer to the bed so you could zip her up.
Okay, now it’s time to sit up. So you did, first running your hands almost soothingly down her back, giving her a few soft kisses before you actually zipped up the dress. “Oh you tease..” oh that playful little voice of hers. “Always a pleasure, my love.” You were quick to reply, sitting up on your knees so you could place another soft kiss on her shoulder... and then the back of her neck as you carefully moved her hair to the opposite shoulder. And then her cheek.
“I love you.” She murmured, but there was certainty in her tone, there was love and appreciation. And you went all red again, hugging her tightly from behind. “I love you too.” It was merely a whisper, one she most definitely heard. And you reluctantly let her go so she could start on her makeup.
You decided to actually start your day now. Setting off to do your own morning routine, and in about 40 minutes there was a fresh cup of coffee placed on her vanity. She let out a soft hum of appreciation, concentrating on lining her lips just right. She took a quick sip before putting on her lipstick, and you couldn’t help but lean down and place a soft kiss on her beautifully colored lips. “Perfect..” you complimented, and she was quick to bite back, “and transfer proof, thankfully.”
You placed yourself behind her, watching her through the mirror as she was lost in her little process. “..can I do your hair today?” Larissa Weems was a perfectionist when it came to her hair, but she let you indulge with a mere nod, and took out all the things necessary from one of the drawers.
You immediately got to work, brushing gently through her hair for much longer than needed. You knew she loved it when you played with her hair, so you took just a moment to pamper her a little more before you started styling it. She obviously approved of it, since when you looked back at her through the mirror you saw her eyes closed with delight.
“you’re beautiful…” you whispered as you watched her, and you could see a smile graze her lips, and her eyes open again as you started styling her hair. You wouldn’t believe the amount of hairpins and ties it took to get her signature style perfect if you hadn’t been one to take every last one off yourself at the end of the night. You wondered why she liked it so much, knowing it obviously had to hurt at least a little… but to some degree you get it. It’s professional, it looks beautiful on her, and it stays out of her face and on all day for someone as busy as her.
As you were all done you watched her check every possible angle and finally give you a smile when she was done revising. “Perfect?” You asked a little nervously, She stood to her full height and tilted your chin up for another sweet kiss, “Perfect.”
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dashbag-art · 7 months
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I want her to hold me like this...
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...and to walk me like this
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dianneking · 1 year
Nightmares (Larissa x Reader comfortfic)
What??? A comfort fluffy fic from the Angst Fairy themselves? Well, what can I say. I like to try things out. Also I love a challenge. Also, it felt right to write this fic today and so I did (who am I to argue with the Muses?). All of that aside, I hope you enjoy!
Tags: Fluff, Comfort, Nightmares, Established Relationship, Second-Person POV, Teacher!Reader, Ungendered Reader, Lots of Cuddling. Wordcount: 1.719 words. AO3 link in title below!
This fic is dedicated to all the people who have offered me comfort. There's many out there, and you all know who you are and are all precious to me, but in particular I want to mention Cat and Cal @tenderheartgrumpymind, @scream-queenlover, @bigolgay, and @heidsworld. I am grateful for all of you.
Nightmares (Larissa/Reader)
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You looked at her silhouette in the darkness. She was by your side, the faint light from the stars filtering through the window just to glide on her chiseled cheekbones, kissing her forehead, for once relaxed in the deep embrace of sleep, where no worries could reach her and no decisions had to be taken.  Her breath came out in slow, rhythmic puffs, so soft that you could only hear them thanks to the total tranquility of the night around you. Usually that would be enough. You’d wake up in the night, and just fall asleep after a little while, allowing yourself in the meantime to bask in her beauty, in how lucky you were to see this side of Larissa Weems. The side that had shed her armor, the signs of her power. The side with her hair rolled up and held in place by a silken scarf. It had taken so long to get to this point. For your relationship to progress far enough for her to trust you with the whole of herself.
She had been cautious at the start. You could see she was holding back, giving you her whole attention but not her whole heart. You could understand why. The both of you were not at your first relationship, you both had been hurt, you both had been burned. You knew that sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of something new, of a new special connection with someone, just to discover that that that person was not at all how you had imagined them to be, or maybe they were, but still for all the affection held for one another, you simply weren’t compatible.
And so people came and go, and you both had found yourself older, and less trusting towards potential partners. Always expecting something to go wrong, because it had always done so. You could see the same reticence in Larissa and – maybe paradoxically – you had been reassured by that.
And as time had proven, it had not been a flash in the pan. While the physical attraction was there and undeniable (how could it not? It was Larissa Weems you were talking about! The closest thing to a goddess that the earth was blessed with!), it was not and had never been just sex between you two, there had always been hope to see it become something else, something more – and the determination to try your best to make it so.
Date after date, evening in front of the fire after evening in front of the fire, you had slowly grown to know Larissa. She had opened up to you as you had to her – the good, the bad, the ugly. She had slowly let the “perfect principal” mask fall, and had shown you her flaws, she had candidly told you how she was aware of many of them, how she still was working on them, trying to get better at them.
“I had given up, you know?” she had confided in you once, as you were sipping wine staring at the flames dancing in the fireplace “I thought, well, I thought I was too old. What’s the point of trying to change after 40? I am already too set in my ways. Ha. Ironic, isn’t it? A shapeshifter who can’t change.” She had snorted at that. A loud, inelegant sound that was perfect precisely because it wasn’t perfect. It was real. “But then I saw you. You came to Nevermore and you took each day as a personal challenge. You brought so much good to the academy, to the students, to the staff itself! You fixed things that I hadn’t even realized were broken. And suddenly, I felt like I wanted to change as well. I still do. I want to be better. If Nevermore, that has been stagnant for centuries can be changed for the better, why can’t I?”
The question had hung in the air, and you had understood the unsaid things hidden between the lines. Somehow, in your self-appointed crusade to make the academy a better place, you had given her hope. Hope for herself. Hope she hadn’t allowed herself to have.
That night was the night you had realized how in love you were with Larissa Weems.
Maybe, it was the night she fell in love with you, too.
Even if you were both living on campus, it had taken two full years before you had decided to move in together. Well, it was more of you going to live in Larissa’s large, luxurious principal quarters. That had come well after you two had officially announced your relationship status, first to the board, then to the staff, and finally to both students and parents.
That had been petrifying. You had been afraid and so had Larissa, even if she showed it less than you, used as she was to have her mask always firmly in place. If it came down between choosing between your relationship and Nevermore, you both knew what her first choice would be. You had explicitly talked about it. You had pulled numbers. You had checked the rulebook. You had prepared as much as possible, hoping that it wouldn’t have to come to giving up your work to stay with her.
You would have done it.
You both knew it, as much as you knew that Larissa would never give up hers.
But luck had been on your side. You had only been showered with positivity and kindness and heartfelt well-wishes. There had been no difficulties, not mutterings, nothing. The only awkward moment had been when the Addams family had expressed their felicitations by sending about a dozen severed heads “To bring horrid prosperity to the new couple”. But even that had made a wry smile come to Larissa’s face, and she had just shaken her head and had the severed ones brought to the biology lab (“Well they’re here already, might as well use them for science”).
It felt like yesterday and yet it had been seven years ago. Your tenth-year anniversary was drawing closer and closer. By now you knew each other like the back of your hand. You knew what made each other tick, you knew what brought comfort. You enjoyed simply spending time together, each immersed in their own activity, and yet able to lift your eyes and bask in each other’s company.
Which brought you to your current predicament.
She knew you suffered from nightmares, and she had told you over and over again to wake her up if you ever needed comfort after one of them. You knew that. And you knew you wouldn’t mind if the positions were reversed. Sleep be damned, if Larissa needed you, you’d stay awake for days on end.
You stretched your hand over, letting it hover in the air above her shoulder. Was this okay? Were you really allowed to? No matter how many years passed, it felt like you were back to being Larissa’s employee, waiting outside of her study, hand just about to knock on her door, wondering if you weren’t just about to waste her precious time.
You could picture her, shaking her head at you, “Don’t be silly, darling! You never disturb me.” And smile at you that precious smile, the smile she reserved for you and you alone, the smile that made her eyes light up and dance. Even just imagining – remembering – that smile gave you strength. You brought you hand down softly on her shoulder, a gentle caress, a tender touch.
“Love?” You tried to keep the pleading out of your voice. She was immediately awake, used to being on call for any emergency in the school.
“What’s it, darling? Everything alright?” Her British accent was even thicker when her voice was still wrapped in sleep. It was adorable.
“Nightmare. Could…Could you hold me?” You hated how little your voice sounded. How it had broken halfway through. You hadn’t even realized how close to tears you had been before you had woken her up, but you could feel them filling your eyes now, making her lovely silhouette wobbly in the darkness.
“Oh darling, of course. Come here.” She turned towards you, opening her arms. You lost no time diving into them, hiding your face in the crook of her neck, the soft fabric of the scarf pleasant against your forehead. “Oh darling, that bad?” You nodded against her neck. You had put up a brave face, not even realizing yourself how much the images and the sensations from your dream had shaken you.
She hummed and you could feel the vibrations against your own body. “Do you want to talk about it?” You shook your head. It was going away anyways, the dark, cold tendrils of it being chased away by the warmth of the embrace Larissa was wrapping you in.
“Very well. Then you can just relax. I am here. I have you. You are safe.” You could feel your legs entwining together, skin against skin. She had always been so warm. You nuzzled her neck further, breathing in her scent. Patchouli and black pepper and something else, something comforting and relaxing, something utterly and completely Larissa. You felt her wrap her hands around your back, pulling you tight against her soft body. You felt her lips press a tender kiss to the top of your head.
You were enveloped in a cocoon of comfort, with the world so far away, with all its burden of sadness and hatred and worries. There was nothing of that that could reach you here, in the safe nest of your lover’s arms.
One of her hands started moving up and down your back, rubbing it lightly, soothingly, hypnotically. You focused all of your attention on that, on that single, simple movement. You didn’t know how long you were there, soaking up her affection, her care, her love. Slowly, you felt your eyelids grow heavier and heavier, your breathing slowing down, until finally you fell asleep in Larissa’s arms.
You couldn’t see the small, tender smile that graced her face when she looked down at your sleeping form, nor the second, even more loving kiss she pressed on your hair.
“Sleep well, love.” She whispered in the darkness of night.
And you did.  
Liked it? You can find more of my fics in my fanfiction masterlist or in my AO3 profile page!
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daydream-cement · 2 years
Dinner Mix-Up
Larissa Weems x Reader
This is a super special birthday story for my wifey @funky--lesbian. She was the one who gave me the idea and I'm simply writing it out for her. It was so wonderful meeting you IRL Tuesday <3
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She had been insanely busy. So busy that she was coming home late in the evenings, long after you retired to bed. In the mornings, she left before you woke, needing to get into the office before she had any students cause trouble during the moments she slept. You could tell Larissa was running herself into the ground.
With the arrival of the Addams’ girl and her family, not to mention the beast on the loose, Larissa was at wit's end with the school year. Time and time again, you tried reminding yourself that this semester was one of the worst the headmistress had ever seen, but you couldn’t help but feel forgotten about, in a way. She was always so tired and completely unwilling to share the burden with you, making it nearly impossible to support your girlfriend. 
Two days prior, you waited up for her, watching her trudge into the bedroom, strip herself of her clothes, and crawl into bed. Sleepily, you gather her into your arms and gently dance around your feelings as you pull the pins from her hair, “I missed you so much today, darling. I wondered if you would like to go on a date with me on Friday?” 
“Mhmm... I would love that. I miss you.” Larissa hummed, happy to have her hair loosened and her face buried into your chest. 
“How about that sweet little Italian restaurant that just opened in Burlington?” You scooch yourself down in bed, keeping your arm around her. The two of you had been dating for years, Larissa always keeping you level-headed while you helped her find peace on her craziest of days. 
You could tell she was on the verge of sleep from how her breathing began to slow just a bit, her grip around you loosening a tad, “Mmokay, darling... I’ll call tomorrow for reservations...” 
Pressing a kiss to her forehead, you whisper, “I love you.”
“I love you too...” She mumbled back, nuzzling her face into you before going still. You knew it would be just a few moments before she was sleeping, which made you smile in the fact that she was at peace. Even this short conversation was making you feel closer to Larissa, settling many of your worries about the two of you growing apart.
Well, that was until you got to the restaurant and waited... and waited... and waited. 
You sat in the restaurant like a fool for over an hour. Larissa hadn’t even bothered to call or respond to any of your attempts at communication. 
At first, you drove home fuming, ready to give Larissa Weems a piece of your mind upon returning home, but when you entered and Larissa was nowhere to be found, you broke down. You couldn’t help yourself when you curled up on the couch and wept as Larissa had absolutely broken your heart. 
Was a relationship just too much for Larissa right now? Perhaps Larissa was reminded of her old feelings for her roommate with Parents Weekend two weekends ago? Or maybe she didn’t really mean it when she said she loved you? There was always the chance she was saying it out of habit and it had lost all meaning to her. 
All of your ruminating had you spiraling. Your whole body shook from the sobs and the decorative pillow on the couch was soaked with your tears. How could you and Larissa have fallen this far? You would do anything to make her love you as she once had. 
The front door opened with a jolt, Larissa slamming it behind herself when she saw your form sitting on the couch. With her deep rapid breaths and the way her eyes narrowed in on you, she was in an absolute rage, “Where were you?!”
“Where was I?! Where have you been? What is wrong with me?” You began to verbalize your spiraling, shouting straight back at your girlfriend, deeply conflicted by your feelings of anger and sadness, “I just don’t know what I can do to make you love me! I can- I can be different. I can change. What do you want from me? Do you want me to be more like Morticia? I’ll do whatever you want... Please... I love you...”
“Nothing is wrong with you! I just waited like a fool for hours and you didn’t show up!” Larissa circled the couch and dropped onto the cushion next to you, ready to argue. Her brows furrow at the mention of Morticia’s name, the sight of you weeping so openly bringing tears to the woman’s eyes, “I don’t know why you even mention her! I love you, not her.”
“What do you mean I didn’t show up? You didn’t show up!”
“I was sitting there at a beautiful, romantic, candlelit dinner waiting for you! You are the one who bothered not to show!”
“Candle-lit? The place isn’t that fancy! Don’t pretend you were there!”
“It’s a five-star restaurant! What do you mean it isn’t fancy?” Larissa’s tears were fading into a cry-laugh, her anger fading into an amused confusion. She reached into her coat pocket, pulling a handkerchief to dab at your tears. 
You spoke with a slight shake to your voice, “We went to different restaurants... Didn’t we?” Her soft laughter began to make you laugh, coming to realize that you had been at different restaurants, standing one another up while being stood up. Larissa’s beautiful hand reaching out, coming to grasp your face.
You dove forwards, wrapping your arms around Larissa’s middle, and felt her arms hold you tight. Her tone was thick with regret, “I think we did.” 
“I’m sorry, Riss...” You mumbled into her neck, the floodgates had opened and all of your emotions were ready to come pouring out. There was so much you had kept from Larissa during the previous months and now you were ready to divulge it all with her. 
“Honey, it was just one big misunderstanding...” Your girlfriend attempted to soothe you once more, hand to the back of your head as she cooed to you, worried you still felt guilt for the switch-up. 
Gripping her a little tighter, you crawled into Larissa’s lap, spilling your heart to the woman before you in hopes she could come to understand all that you had been feeling, “No... I’m sorry that life has just been so much recently. I’m sorry you are overworked and that I can’t do anything to help you.”
“Darling...” Larissa gathered your face in her hands, thumbs stroking your cheeks, “You keep me sane. Coming home to you each night... Just seeing you in bed waiting for me is... everything. From all of this, the one thing I’ve realized is how I can’t live without you.”
Her words were an incredible comfort to hear as you returned the sentiment, “I can’t live without you. I love you so much, Larissa.” You turned your face into her hand, pressing a kiss to her palm, your eyes not leaving hers. 
The headmistress chuckled, shaking her head as you hadn’t quite understood where she was going with her thoughts. Her hands on your face dropped, one coming to grasp your hand while the other reached into her jacket pocket, her gaze was more intense this time, “No... Darling... I truly cannot live without you.” 
You finally understood when your eyes gazed down and saw the small box at Larissa’s fingertips. The beating of your own heart became rapid as you could hardly comprehend what was happening in this moment. After all of this, all of the pain and heartache you put yourself through, your girlfriend, your love, your everything wanted to marry you. 
“Rissa...?” You questioned, still not able to fully understand how she could be proposing after all of this. 
“Marry me... Please. I can’t live without you.” Larissa wasn't quite asking as much as she was pleading with you. She needed to know you would be by her side always. To be her peace and bring her sanity in the darkest times of her job. 
You must have confused the woman as you shook your head ‘no’ out of pure disbelief, but your words quickly countered your actions, “Yes, yes, a million times yes.” Rather than put the ring on your finger, you dove into Larissa’s arms, tackling her to the couch and pressing a deep, loving kiss to her lips. 
Tonight had been a rollercoaster, but you knew Larissa had been your rock and now she would be until death do you part. 
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Heart of Gold - Part 2
Miranda Hilmarson x Mounted!Police!Fem!Reader
HELLO EVERYONE <3 I finally managed to finish Part 2 of my Miranda Hilmarson Fic. I'm sorry it took so long but it's finally here. I hope you enjoy this little addition to the first part. I'm not yet sure if I should make a 3rd part but if you guys want one, I'll look into it <3
Huge thanks to @weemssapphic for proofreading this part <3
Disclaimer: English is not my first language!
Warnings: Talk of bullying, talk of death and dying, descriptions of blood, death and being shot (I'm sorry... this is an angsty one)
Authors Note: Hurt/Comfort with a shit ton of Angst. I hope you guys enjoy <3
Words: 2'400+
AO3 Link
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“Why do you care so much about me?”
You look at her, unable to answer the question. Should you tell her? Should you take the risk and risk the friendship you’ve built? Miranda looked at you intensely, chest heaving from being dragged around. You tried to collect your thoughts but just as you were about to answer, Miranda dropped her head, looking down at her feet. A sigh of defeat left her lips.
“It’s a joke to you as well isn��t it?” she asked through clenched teeth, tears threatened to spill from her eyes any second. You looked at her in shock.
“No! No Mir that's not the case!!! That's not the case at all-”
“Save it!” Miranda looked up at you, eyes red, tears wetting her face as she furiously wiped the back of her hand over her cheeks. 
“I should have known… you’re like everyone else… I- I should have never trusted you…” and with that, Miranda stormed out before you could say anything else. 
The defeat on her face, the betrayal, the way she looked so full of hope only for it to be replaced by pain, a pain you felt right in this moment with her. How could you have fucked up this bad… you should have just told her… you should have just SHOWN her. You had to catch up to her. Without further hesitation your feet carried you through the stables towards the parking lot only to see her drive off in a hurry.
“Shit… SHIT'' Defeated, you return to the stables to gather your things and leave. You’d see her tomorrow! You’d get your chance to talk to her again… hopefully.
However, luck wasn’t on your side. Miranda had started avoiding you, leaving the room when you entered, walking the other direction when you walked towards her. And this had been going on for a few weeks now.
It hurt. 
You knew better than to follow her but… it hurt. After a particularly busy day, you went to get some drinks with your colleagues, wishing you were with Miranda. A heavy sigh left your lips as you absentmindedly picked at the label of your beer. You felt sick…
“Hey guys… I’m gonna go home… I don’t feel too well…”
You stood, handing your beer to your friend, and gathered your things. Of course you were met with protest but you just ignored it, and soon enough they figured that it might be best to just let you leave. So that is what you did. 
Exiting the pub you felt the cold breeze on your skin. The air was a bit chilly and it smelled like rain. Cool darkness enveloped you and you stood there for a minute, just feeling the breeze on your skin and the smell of rain. When you opened your eyes again, that’s when you saw her. 
Miranda anxiously stepped on a cigarette she’d just finished. It looked as if she were considering coming into the pub or not. She hadn’t seen you yet. Should you approach her? Go back inside? Before a choice could be made, she looked up, making eye contact. You were expecting her to run away, to flee from your loving and pained gaze once again but…. She didn’t. She held your gaze, waiting. 
“Can we walk?”
She interrupted. You looked at her, surprise painted all over your face as she just waited for you to reply. Quickly, you nodded, walking over to her and following.
“Miranda… I am so sorry. If I have done something that hurt you please just let me know I-“
“Don’t apologise… I should-“
The blonde took a deep breath, shoving her hands in her vest pockets and looking down at her feet, kicking some stones around as she walked with you. She had missed you… but she needed time to think.
“I should have let you answer that night… I am sorry…”
Suddenly, Miranda stopped, looking out over the beach and the dark ocean. You stood beside her, your eyes trained on her face. You had to tell her how you feel. You had to let her know that she is worthy of love and affection. That she is beautiful, wonderful, perfect. In your eyes, Miranda was perfect. 
“I care because you’re worth it.”
Miranda was avoiding your gaze, but you saw her eyebrows furrow. This just spurred you on more.
“I care because you are worth the time and energy. I care because you are the sweetest and most adorable and kind person on this planet. I care because you lit up my world when I met you the very first time. You make my days better and I cannot fall asleep or wake up without thinking of you.”
Miranda looked down at you, her eyes, usually so blue and bright now seemed grey, and were welling up with tears. Carefully, you took her hand into yours, giving her a reassuring squeeze with your hands.
“I care because I fell in love with you…. Miranda… I love you”
You said it, admitted your feelings, and it sent a rush of anxiety down your spine, leaving its sticky tingling feeling behind. You were expecting her to leave again, to get upset at you… what you didn’t expect were her lips suddenly pressed against yours, a big hand with long, slim fingers, gently cupping your cheek and pulling you closer.
Miranda had hoped you would say that. It took her a while to realise… several weeks. She simply wasn’t used to it. No one had ever shown her the care and affection you had. And she found herself falling for you. Afraid you would hate her if she admitted it, she kept quiet.
But that night…. She had to know. 
However, as soon as the question left her lips, she felt herself getting anxious. She was terrified. What if you said you pitied her and that’s why you ‘acted’ like you cared so much? So, before you could answer, she pulled away. She ran away. To protect herself, not noticing how much her actions had hurt you. Until she saw how your smile faded, how your eyes stopped shining, how you seemed to have lost your joy. And she hated herself for hurting you so much. 
“I am sorry Y/N… I… love you too. I was just anxious and-“
Now it was your turn to interrupt her with a kiss. Your arms wrapping around her shoulders, holding her close. You didn’t need to hear more. It was no secret that Miranda was oftentimes anxious. Who could blame her… she’s been through a lot. 
“I’ve heard everything I needed to hear Mir… you don’t have to apologise. You’re okay. I am not mad at you. I’m glad you told me…”
Your whispers and words of affirmation and understanding caused Miranda to completely dissolve. Her tears flowing freely as she held onto you, finding comfort in your embrace. She did not know how she deserved you, but she would be an idiot if she’d ever let go of you. You loved her… and she loved you. 
And so it happened that the two of you became the cutest couple at the police station (at least according to you two. Who cares what the others think).
More often than not, you brought Miranda a coffee, some treats or even flowers. You started spending almost every waking moment together, only separating to go home and sleep. 
Both of you wanted to take it slow. There was no hurry. You weren’t going anywhere and neither was Miranda. The love you experienced in each other's embrace and kisses was enough to keep you two glued together. No force could ever part you… not even a routine patrol that ended more dangerous for you than expected. 
It was like every Wednesday afternoon.
You were patrolling the promenades before going back to the stables and calling it a day. Already excited to spend time with Miranda after work, you did not realise that the altercation you rode towards, would end up being almost fatal for you. 
Of course it had to happen.
You knew you shouldn’t have split up with your colleague. But there was no harm in thinking that if he took the lower road, you could take the higher one and still be close enough to hear each other. 
The second you realised that there was a gun pointed at you, you started calling for your colleague. Reaching for your own gun, you suddenly felt a piercing pain in your shoulder. A BANG was heard and then your ears were ringing. The pain in your shoulder increased, dragging its disgusting talons over your neck to the back of your head, digging deep into your skin. You started feeling faint, head pounding and everything started looking fuzzy and far away. At first you hadn’t even noticed that your horse was galloping towards the stables. Your hand just instinctively grabbed onto the horn of the saddle and your grip tightened. 
Artemis was huffing, whining and neighing the closer she got to the stables. A place she knew was safe. She felt your shift in energy, understanding the severity of the situation more than you. The smart horse she was, she stopped in front of the station, making a ruckus to get the other officers’ attention.
Miranda looked out the window, expecting to see you waving at her but what she saw, sent her into a panic. She rushed out to you and Artemis, gently pulling you from your mare and asking you questions. What exactly she asked, you didn’t know… you didn’t hear. All you knew was that you were in Miranda’s arms and it soothed the pain you were experiencing. 
Meanwhile Miranda tried to stay calm. She had called the ambulance, staying with you and holding you close, trying to stop the bleeding. Her hands, your shirt and her sleeves were covered in thick, dark red, warm blood. Your blood. 
Miranda tried really hard to keep it together, to stay strong for you, but she couldn’t keep the sobs in. Tears coated her soft pale skin, huffs and sobs escaped her lips, frantic breathing accompanied by the fear that she could lose you. She couldn't lose you… Miranda wouldn’t survive without you, she knew that. She needed you. She loved you. 
The next few hours were a blur for Miranda. You were unconscious, the medics doing everything they could to keep you alive as she accompanied you, holding your hand throughout the entire drive to the hospital. There, you were separated. 
But Miranda didn’t let up. 
She waited, and waited, and waited. Minutes turned to hours, hours filled with anxiety, fear and pain. She did not even wash up, her hands, shirt and trousers still soaked in your blood. Now cold, sticking to her skin, as if death itself latched onto her. 
It wasn’t until 4 hours later that the nurse finally went to fetch Miranda. She did ask her to at least wash her arms before bringing her to your room. There you laid, unconscious, but breathing. You were breathing. Miranda immediately went to your side, gently brushing some hair from your face, caressing your cheek, and holding your warm, soft hand. 
“I need you… please don’t leave me just yet…” She whispered.
“I love you. Come back to me…” She begged.
“I can’t lose you..”
She breathed. 
Miranda hoped you would hear her. She would tell you about all the things she wanted to experience with you, places she wanted to show you and future plans she had dreamed about. For more than 48 hours, Miranda sat by your side. The nurses had to force her to at least eat and drink something if she wasn’t going to sleep or go home to get changed. She sat by your side and wouldn’t leave. It was as if Miranda was in a frozen state. Holding your hand and pressing kisses to your cheek and forehead. She was only ripped from her trance as the heart monitor flatlined. She shot up, calling out for help, screaming, begging, sobbing, but no one heard. She was alone… and you were gone… —
Suddenly, Miranda felt a soft hand on her arm, another on her cheek, wiping away tears that escaped her eyelids once more. She opened her eyes, finding herself in her bedroom. Her breathing ragged, panic evident on her face, she started looking around. Where were you? “Miranda… darling… It’s okay. It was just a bad dream…” Her eyes shot to the direction of the voice, and she started sobbing. You wrapped your arms around her, pulling her close and kissing her head. Miranda’s arms immediately wrapping around your middle, so as not to hurt your healing shoulder. She pulled you close and that's when she realised where she was. Miranda was at home, in her bed, with you holding her, consoling her.
“I am here Mir. I won’t go anywhere… I promised you I won’t.” Your soft voice brought her peace. This wasn’t the first time she awoke in this manner. Once the nurses and doctors were happy with your recovery, they allowed you to go back home. Miranda insisted you live with her, so she could take care of you and protect you. Of course you said yes. But ever since then, Miranda was plagued by nightmares. One worse than the other, the outcome was the same every time. She couldn’t save you. She couldn’t protect you. You were gone, leaving her alone in her pain and loneliness. 
But it was just a dream. Every night she would feel your arms around her, your soft voice rousing her from the hell she fell into. Every night, you would reassure her that you were still there, that you survived, and that it was thanks to her quick thinking. Every night, you would dry her tears and have her fall asleep with her head on your chest, hearing your heartbeat. You were alive, and you were with her. It would take some time for the two of you to overcome the trauma, the horrors both of you faced each night. But you would overcome it. Together. Miranda could overcome it with your love, and you with hers. And her heart of Gold.
So, just like every night, you reminded her of that. A kiss pressed to her head as you noticed her relaxing in your arms, sleep ready to take her again. You whispered, so as not to wake her again: “Miranda?”
“I love you”
End Note: As always, reblogs, comments and likes are well appreciated <3 Taglist: @vivendraws @erinyaya @phexyce @aemilia19 @weemssapphic @gela123 @winterfireblond @Xxmecverxx @unicorniusfallapatorious @gwenistheloml @yourgaeyisshowing @readingtheentrails
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brienneoftarth1989 · 7 months
Leave the lights on
Miranda Hilmarson x fem reader
Summary: you had a nightmare in your own apartment. You are screaming and crying in your sleep. Miranda heard you from her apartment and came over to comfort you
Warnings: hurt, comfort, vivid nightmare about death, stabbing
Requests open
You were running down a dark alley as this shadowed figure ran after you. All you could do was run but you felt like you were getting nowhere. This person was getting closer and closer and there was nothing that you could do about it.
All of a sudden you found yourself stuck at the end of the alley with nowhere to go. You turned around as you rested your back against the wall as the person ran closer and closer and the next thing you found happening was a knife going through your body.
You looked up at the person trying to get a glimpse of the person but you couldn’t make out who it was. Then they twisted the knife inside of you.
Miranda awoke to the sound of muffled cries and screams. She immediately sat up thinking someone was in danger and before she knew what was going on she heard this blood curdling scream. That was it, Miranda jumped out of bed and rushed to get some clothes on.
She ran out of her apartment to try and hear where the sound was coming from and that’s when she realised it was coming from your apartment. You and Miranda have become quite close as friends since you moved in to the apartment complex and the two of you have always spent so much time together.
That’s why Miranda was so concerned when she realised that the screams were coming from your apartment. Miranda was quick to kick the door in and run straight to find you expecting to find some intruder.
Instead she found you curled up in your bed rocking back and forth with tears in your eyes. Miranda slowly turned the light on before making her way closer to you. “Hey y/n, what’s the matter? I heard you screaming from my apartment. Is there someone here? Did someone try to hurt you?” She asked you as she sat down next to you in the bed.
“No…I had a bad dream” you admitted as you tried to comfort yourself. “Oh darling, it’s ok, it’s not real. It’s all over now” Miranda said as she brought you closer to her body allowing you to rest on her chest. You immediately started crying once again.
“Do you want to tell me what happened in your dream?” Miranda asked, wondering if it was something she could help with. “I was being chased in the dark and I ended up running down an alley which led to a dead end. The figure that was chasing me eventually trapped me there before stabbing me in the chest. I tried to see who it was but that’s when they twisted the knife and I woke up” you told her sobbing.
“Oh sweetheart. It’s ok. It’s going to be ok. It was just a dream. It wasn’t real. I’m here now. It’s going to be ok” she told you, trying to reassure you. “Please don’t leave me alone” you muttered not wanting to let go of Miranda.
“Don’t worry sweetheart. I won’t. How about I make us some popcorn and we can watch a nice happy film” Miranda suggested which made you smile. “That sounds like a good ideal you muttered as you watched Miranda stand up to head to your kitchen.
“Can you leave the light on?” You asked suddenly, scared that something is gonna get you once it goes dark. “Of course y/n” Miranda smiled as she then left the room. You could still feel the shaking and the anxiety taking over your body and you just needed to find a way to relax.
You could hear Miranda sorting stuff out in the kitchen and then you heard the microwave start and not long after you heard the sound of the popcorn popping. Not long after Miranda came through with a big bowl of popcorn and two cans of Coke that she had got from the fridge.
Hope this is ok she said as she climbed back into bed with you and placed the popcorn between you before handing over the can of drink. “I hope this is ok. Now let’s find a nice calming film to watch” Miranda smiled as she grabbed the firestick remote and turned on the tv.
Miranda found Disney+ and put on zootropolis. Yes it is a kids film but it was something calm and wouldn’t scare you. The two of you happily sat there eating popcorn and watching the film.
Considering it was 2 in the morning you thought you or Miranda would have fallen asleep by now but you seemed to be wide awake. When the film finished you looked over at Miranda who now looked like she was struggling to sleep.
“Can we put Lilo and Stitch on?” You asked Miranda as you cuddled up with her. “Yeah of course” she groggily said as she put it on the tv. You decided you needed to at least try and sleep. So you rested your head on Miranda before closing your eyes and drifting back off to sleep.
Hopefully you wouldn’t have another awful dream but at least Miranda is here to protect you. The next thing you knew was that you were waking up in your nice warm bed. The thoughts of last night came flooding into your brain which only made you smile.
You looked next to you expecting to see Miranda but you were disappointed to find the bed empty. You pulled yourself out of bed and dragged yourself into the kitchen to make yourself a coffee.
That was where you found Miranda with two cups of coffee and a plate of waffles for the both of you. “Aww Miranda. You didn’t have to make breakfast. I thought you had left to be honest” you laughed slightly.
“Nah I couldn’t leave you after last night so I decided to make you some breakfast. I want you to know y/n I am here for you any time of day. Just remember that ok” she smiled at you as you sat down and took a bite of your breakfast.
“Thanks Miranda. Trust me I won’t forget” you smiled at her. “Now come on. Once you have eaten and gotten yourself ready we are heading to the zoo. We need to put some happy thoughts in your brain” Miranda laughed.
You couldn’t help but laugh at what Miranda had said and you couldn’t wait to get to the zoo. Today was going to be a good day after all.
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no-phrogs-in-hats · 1 year
Hi ! I saw you wanted suggestions for Brienne x reader !
So basically, Reader loves Brienne and Brienne loves reader, but the havn't told each other yet.
Brienne is coming to reader's castle (I think reader is a Princess, at least from the upper class) but she is attacked (her and the men she was with). Some of the men manage to escape, but not Brienne.
The men arrive to the castle and tell what happened. Reader ask if Brienne is alive. Some of them answer they don't know, some of them answer they saw her stabbed.
Reader locks herself in her bedroom for a week, refusing to eat and to move. When someone knock she asks them to go away until she recognizes Brienne's voice saying smth like " I'm sorry Y/N I'm late"
I hope I made it understandable.
Thank you if you do it
Late for Dinner
Brienne x reader
Warnings: Mentions of blood, hurt/comfort
A/N: Sorry this took me so long, but I hope you enjoyed it<3
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Your stomach sank. “What do you mean? Was she injured?”
“Your highness,” the knight said again, “I’m sorry, but...”
Your ears tuned everyone out. Missing? How could Brienne be missing? She always made it out of a fight. The thought of her misery, her torture, her death made bile rise in your throat.
“Thank you,” you managed to choke out. “You may go now.”
The man bowed, the others behind him following, and turned out of the room. From your peripheral vision you could see your parents turn their heads to look at you.
“Don’t,” you mutter, knowing they’re about to say something. And with no other words, you leave the throne room, court members looking on and whispering under their breaths.
Days had gone by and you hadn’t moved from bed. Meals had been brought in on trays and set down on your vanity. But there was no energy to move. So, the trays stayed there, untouched, food uneaten.
There was a light knock on your door. Without waiting for an answer, the handle turned and in walked your mother.
“Sweetheart?” Her voice was soft and the door clicked shut. She moved to the bed, sitting down on the plush mattress and reaching out to stroke your hair. “The kitchen said that you haven’t eaten a single bite since Monday.”
“Go away,” you grumble. 
Your mother sighs. “Darling, you need to eat. I know you’re worried but Brienne could show up at any moment.”
“How do you do it?” you ask, face still buried in your tear-stained pillow. “How do you remain so optimistic?”
“In a world like this,” she says, “you have to be. Seeing a better future gives you hope. You’ve always been pessimistic, though. I think you got it from your father.”
“I definitely didn’t get it from you.” 
A light chuckle escapes her lips and she sighs. Her hand moved down to touch your shoulder before she stood up. “I know your father’s never really approved of your…choices…but he is worried. He just wants you to be happy, and if–”
“If he wants me happy,” you cut in, “he can bring Brienne back…”
Two more nights passed and you worked up just barely enough energy to take a bite of porridge in the morning. The sun was almost below the horizon when a maid brought in a tray with that night’s dinner.  You thanked her before she left, sitting up in bed and dragging yourself out of the warm cocoon of blankets. 
At this point, you had lost every ounce of hope. Your head had cleaned itself of its brief delusions. Brienne was gone. Brienne was never coming back. Brienne was dead, and that was that. As you weeped, you took a single bite of a pastry on the tray surrounded by various vegetables and mashed potatoes covered in butter. Barely being able to stomach the small bite, you set it back down on its plate. 
After an hour, the sun was completely set, and your room was thrown into darkness. When another maid came in to clear the tray, she lit the fire in your bedroom hearth. 
“Thank you,” you muttered.
Curtsying, the girl left in a hurry and all was silent. The moon could be seen through your window and your eyes focused on nothing but the silver orb in the sky. More tears began to fall and your eyes grew heavier. Grief always makes one so terribly tired. 
A knock on the door drew you from a light doze. 
“Go away,” you called.
You could hear the door open and your breath deepened. Turning over to face the door, you didn’t register who was there before shouting. “I told you to g–!” 
You stopped yourself. There she stood, a sheepish smile on her face. “I’m sorry I’m late,” she said. Her hair was a mess, locks of unwashed hair fell in her face. Bruises lined her cheek with patches of dirt, and she wore no armor–only a tunic and loosely fitting breeches. 
“Brienne!” Tears once again formed in your eyes, but these were not of sorrow. Every prayer, every hope and wish had been answered. You sprang from bed and ran into her arms, sobbing. “I thought you were dead.”
“I know, darling,” she whispered. “I know.” Brienne’s hand came to your head, fingers entwined with strands of hair as she held you closer. “I’m here now…And I won’t leave you.”
Sniffling, you pull away, looking her up and down, panicking. “Oh, gods! You’re bleeding! Let me take you down to the kitchens.” You took her hand and rushed out of the room. “They should have something–how bad is it?”
Brienne stopped you in the middle of the hallway. “Y/N! Y/N!” You turned around at your name. “I’m fine.” Her voice softened. “I stopped at a boarding house a couple days ago. They stitched me up. I promise you,” she said, “I’m fine.”
Your chest rose and fell as you relaxed. “Alright…but we’re still going down to the kitchen. You need to eat something.” You continued holding her hand as the pair of you strolled down the corridor. “And you’re a mess, too. You can use the bathhouse tomorrow, and I’ll have the maids try and find you some clean clothes.” 
At the sight and sound of you fussing over her, Brienne smiled, holding back tears knowing that she’s finally found a love worth fighting for.
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My dear darling
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Summary: Brienne died in the field of battle. Her love writes her one more letter before she too passes on.
Warning: Angst, hurt no comfort
A/n: Here we go again with the angst... I know select few who will come for my head but oh well :)))
Sometimes I just miss how it was before...
I miss people I used to know.
Ironically I still see some of them on the streets, I recognise their faces even though years have passed since I last saw them.
They changed, but not enough for me to not recognise them.
Some look much more mature, with sharp cheekbones, beards, make-up, deep voices....
Some still have that child like face, soft jaw, and high pitched voice.
But my eyes recognises them and heart swells with memories.
And some are far out of my reach...
Like you.
I miss you so deeply.
I miss your smile and eyes that shared the colour of the sky.
I miss how you always knew what to say to offer me comfort,
how you protected me when no one else would.
You stood up for me, and spoke in my name.
You loved me with purest of the kinds of love.
You were my everything.
The heavens and earth and everything on them and beneath them.
You were my warmth in coldest of days,
my light in darkest of nights,
my eyes when I was blind,
my ears when I was deaf.
Yet you so easily went away.
One morning I just woke up and you were gone.
I thought it was a joke when I got the call saying you passed on...
Even today I cannot look at your grave.
Even today I do not wish to believe you are gone.
Even today after so many years.
I love you as I did on the day I met you.
See you on the other side my love.
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Tbh I just wanna vent to larissa, brienne or miranda right now🥺❤️‍🩹
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tanith-rhea · 1 year
That I may be weak with you
"Do you love me enough that I may be weak with you? Everyone loves strength, but do you love me for my weakness? That is the real test." - Alain de Botton Dorothea Delilah Darcy is a woman in her mid to late twenties, struggling to find her place in the world. A recent job opportunity as a guidance counsellor at Nevermore Academy seems like a godsend, and she could not miss it for the life of her. Still, perhaps more problems will arise than she expected. Between bubbly, extroverted students and an uncharacteristically reactive principal, she'll be forced to overcome the limitations of her abilities or separate herself entirely from the place she'll grow to call home.
Author's note: this is... something that I'm willing to share at the moment. I hope you like it, it certainly is more of an indulgence on my part than anything else. This and Honey, You're a Keeper are what's keeping me sane lately (although more fantasizing about both the stories than writing them)
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Chapter One
"There are times when I am convinced I am unfit for any human relationship" — Franz Kafka
You never thought you would someday get the chance to go to Nevermore. Being home-schooled was very common for kids in your community, and the boarding high school experience seemed to you like one of those unachievable dreams you only read about in the countless novels in your library.
You ended up not going, of course. At least not as a student. Now you approached the Nevermore gates in a car driven by a charming middle-aged man responsible for maintaining the campus surroundings nifty and, apparently, chauffeuring new professors.
A soft drizzle cast everything in a foggish autumnal setting. The term would begin in a week, so true autumn wasn't very far away, but the contrast with your parents' house was welcomed; it reminded you of Belfast, only warmer and sealess.
"What do you think, Ser Barnabas?" you petted the dark-grey tabby in your lap, "Will they be able to help us?"
"What was that, Miss?" the driver asked amicably.
"Oh! Nothing, Mr Duch, sorry to disturb you."
"Nonsense, girl, you've been nothing but nice the entire trip," he turned the car left and you saw the castle beyond the trees "We're here."
Nevermore Academy was a castle-like boarding school for teenage outcasts to learn how to control and develop their powers as well as a myriad of other subjects. You would do something along those lines, you would help them with their troubles. As it appears, their count had gone up considerably since last semester.
The building itself was a gorgeous piece of architecture. You remembered studying similar structures while going over the Gothic movement in college almost seven years ago but looking at pictures was never the same as visiting a cathedral. It certainly was not the same as stepping out of the car to a fairy-tale courtyard and mystical-looking archways. The grandiosity of the place brought you the nostalgia of reading The Secret Garden for the first time; childish curiosity meets fantastical hidden marvel.
"Everything was strange and silent and she seemed to be hundreds of miles away from anyone..."
"But somehow she did not feel lonely at all," someone interrupted your mumbling in a soft, amicable tone.
A tall blond approached you by the car, dressed in a long-sleeved, cream-coloured dress. She was easily a foot taller than you and quite intimidating, but contrary to her height, her warm blue eyes only invited you in. You felt a surge of emotion in your chest and slightly panicked at the thought of having an episode then and there, and out of nowhere too. You were certain no one was touching you, and you knew none of the people around you personally.
"Are you all right?" the beautiful woman asked, and a small crease appeared between her brows. She went to touch your arm, but you quickly composed yourself and stepped away to deposit Ser Barnabas on the ground.
"I'm quite all right, yes!" you tried to smile, "I was only surprised you knew Ms Hogson's words."
"Hardly an uncommon read," Ser Barnabas went to her and walked between her legs, rubbing on her quite uncharacteristically.
"But you knew them exactly, Pride and Prejudice is not an uncommon read and yet most people won't be able to quote it if asked."
"Quite the debater, I see, but you do have a point," she arched one perfectly designed eyebrow at you "Pleasure to meet you, Miss Darcy, I'm Larissa Weems, the principal of Nevermore Academy," she held her hand out to you and of course you were being unnecessarily prickly to the one person that could fire you and send you away at any time.
"Oh, my, I'm so sorry!" you hastily recovered from your previous scare, putting on a well-practised mask of serenity, "We only talked through e-mails so I'm afraid I didn't recognize you," you took her hand confidently "I didn't realise you would be meeting me quite so soon."
"I prefer to give the tour myself to any new staff member. I believe it to be a good bonding opportunity," she smiled easily. She was so effortlessly gracious, you had to admit leadership suited her like her obviously tailored dress.
You tugged on your glove ends to distract yourself from her overwhelming warmth and turned to look at the kind gentleman that brought you there, "Mr Duch, could you open the truck for me? I'd like to bring my things along to save time."
"Oh, don't worry, darling. I'll ask some of the staff to do that for you. You can go, Mr Duch, and have a rest before getting back to work, I believe Philomena made hot chocolate about half an hour ago and there still might have some."
"Thank you, principal, have a good day," the man left through a side pathway and quickly was out of view beyond the archways.
You were left with the imposing figure, and there wasn't much you could do aside from accompanying her. Somehow, she made you more nervous than you anticipated. Meeting new people was always a complicated ordeal, but with Principal Weems the hairs on your arms seemed more charged than usual as if her energy already knew you, which was impossible.
Ser Barnabas, the traitor, was nowhere to be seen. After nuzzling her ankles, he just skipped away to explore. You were relieved she didn't seem to realize or mind your cat's affections, after all, pets could not be prohibited but it didn't mean other co-workers or your boss had to like yours.
"I'll show you your private accommodations and we'll have a look around the school. Your office is near the astronomy tower, just before the Desdemona Hall communal area."
Your rooms consisted of a large bedroom and office area with an adjoining bathroom equipped with a bathtub and separate shower space. It was similar to what your last place of employment offered, but the stone walls and gothic feel were an entirely different level of appeal.
The principal showed you the dining area, the quad — which was a pentagon — the teacher's breakroom and your own classroom. The rest she said you'd be quickly acquainted with during the next few weeks. She explained some basic rules of the academy and advised you to be cautious of students trying to trick you into giving them a Jericho pass, especially Ophelia Hall girls. You found it all quite simple to understand, but that was only when you could actually concentrate on what the woman was telling you and not the movement of her lips forming words.
She had a very articulate way of expressing herself, something expected from someone in such a position of power, but it was understandably charming accompanied by her melodic accent, low voice and powerful stance. She commanded discipline by simply being.
"I hope to see you very soon, Miss Darcy," the woman concluded with a winning smile, "Dinner is served at seven-thirty, as I already told you. If you would like to dine out, please notify Mr Duch before five and transportation back is on you," she nodded one final time before turning on her heels and walking down the corridor.
You surveyed your office once more. Now that you were alone, a sense of calm finally made its way to your bones. Being near other people wasn't unpleasant most of the time, but the principal seemed to have a particularly powerful presence and keeping yourself in check all the time while paying attention to her was exhausting. Not that you paid all that much attention to her, instead just ogling like a creep.
Your files were already organized in the first drawer of your desk; all the documents you sent through e-mails to the school board were printed and put together in a leather cover binder. Very aesthetically pleasing and organized. You loved whoever did that for taking their time to sort through everything so carefully.
Leaving the office behind, you went back to your rooms for a shower and change of clothes. Ser Barnabas somehow was inside, sleeping atop a suitcase as if he was protecting your belongings.
"Someone had a busy hour," you scratched behind his ear and he stretched, meowing for being woken up.
You unpacked and put your things away in drawers and armoires, leaving Ser Barnabas' teacup by the enormous arched window overlooking the quad for him to hydrate whenever he deemed necessary — sometimes you were convinced he drank mentally because the water would disappear and he would be sleeping in the exact same position as the one before you left — before having a long-awaited shower.
You didn't go to dinner that day, deciding on a series of one-person games of draughts before bed.
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littledollll · 2 years
Can I please request a Larissa x English teacher reader. R has mental health issues and had a habit of isolating themselves when it gets bad but because of having Larissa they haven't done this in a few yea
R ends up having a really bad week (they overheard students or teachers making fun of them/their teaching) because of this they end up isolating for a few weeks causing people to be really concerned.
Larissa eventually finds r hiding in a fort they made in an abandoned part of the school with a pile of books they've been using to escape their thoughts.
Ends with Larissa comforting r while they explain what's been happening with them and Larissa tells them how perfect they are and that they are valuable and that she loves them?
Comfort crowd
Larissa weems x teacher!reader
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A/n: Im so sorry this took so long, writers block is kicking my ass recently Omg. I kinda like this though and I hope you do too! Thank you for your request.
Warnings: self isolation, students being little shits (but they love u) idk what else.
Mental health had always been an issue for you, something you’ve learned to handle over the years but Larissa had never seen you like this. One of the many reasons you fell inlove with her was because of how she made all your problems feel so much lighter, you felt safe and understood by her and she was always more than happy to help and support you through anything.
Lately it’s been getting worse. The pressure around you was too much and the new batch of students this year really did a number on you. They were impossible to deal with, and you’ve overheard them openly complain about you and your class. It’s never unusual for students to complain but never had it felt so personal, they were directly criticizing the class.
At first you ignored it, you kept showing and doing your classes but the more tired you seemed the more they decided to misbehave and make class impossible. It felt like they were directly trying to upset you, round of applause for them because it worked. One day you just stopped showing up.
At first the students were happy, who doesn’t love a free hour? But as the days passed they started getting concerned, they never really hated you all that much, but it was fun to mess around and not get work done, and maybe have a laugh whenever you were visibly frustrated. After a week of not hearing from you they came to Larissa about it.
She mentioned she was already aware and currently searching for you since you stopped meeting with her for your usually lunches together and date nights.
It wasn’t long before she found you, hidden away in the old and abandoned music room, the lights worked but barely. You had a comfortable little spot set up, books everywhere, a kind of fort sent up with the chairs in the room effectively hiding you from anyone who didn’t look too close. There wasn’t much around you but it was clear this is where you had been for the past week.
Larissa didn’t want to disturb the peace you had created for yourself, but she was concerned never had she seen you run away, much less completely disappear. Yes sometimes you’d take days off and keep the rest of the world out but back then you still let her in, so what happened that caused you to shut her out too?
Her hand raised and she knocked on one of the chairs announcing her presence, snapping you out of your concentration as you sat on the floor reading one of the many books with you.
“You’ve built yourself quite the hideaway.” Larissa was first to speak, you were met with that trademark beautiful and comforting smile only she seemed seemed to have. Nodding, you have her a sad smile back, though in your eyes she saw relief at the sight of her.
She looked to the space next to you, silently asking to be let in to your little comfort bubble, again you nodded, and as soon as she sat down her hands cupped your face, trying to get a good look at you, you hummed, leaning into the warmth of your touch.
“What happened, my love?” The dreaded question. How could you tell her the job and kids she loved so much were eating away at you. Draining you until you simply couldn’t show face. “The students were asking about you, some made their way to your room trying to check up on you as well.”
“They sure didn’t act like they cared how I was when I was present, they don’t care for the class and certainly don’t respect me, I hate to admit how much it got to me.” You sounded bitter, but more than that just hurt. She only pulled her hands away from you to wrap you in a hug, which you happily sank into, God you missed her.
“Why didn’t you tell me if they were acting up?” you sighed and hid into her chest. “What kind of teacher can’t get their room in control so bad they need to call in the principal.”
“Oh many, most of them really! If they aren’t rude and tough from the get-go the students will drive them insane. You are not the first and will not be the last. But they have no real intent to hurt you, I promise you that. I can’t tell you the amount of students who started asking about you on day two of your secret hideaway.”
You looked at her questioningly. Was she being serious? She gave you a nod and continued. “They trust you. They talk to and about you like you’re a friend, sometimes that causes issues, there’s a line that they cross alot. And when you act like more of a teacher than their friend it makes them upset. They’ll get used to it, and we will talk to them.”
“Riss, they make me feel like any attempt I do at doing my job is horrible. How come no other teachers have this problem if it’s so common?” You countered with a sigh.
“Some of them are, some of them did and their solution was to cut being friendly and start being overly strict, and with that you get the issue of being the class after the strict teacher. They get to talk more, have a little more freedom and it makes them lose control.”
You do remember hearing them complain about how the biology teacher would take away points, quote “any time we breathe too loud”. You always thought teachers like that were horrible.
“You are doing nothing wrong, my love. They need to learn control and respect and we will work on that together. You are an extremely valuable member of this school, to staff, to your students and most of all to me. You don’t need to hide from me darling, I’m here to help, support and love you. Allow me to do so.”
And just like that Larissa Weems yet again, made all your problems feel lighter. You didn’t have to handle anything alone, not as long as she was here.
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alexander-23 · 1 year
Just Rest Honey (I’m Here)
A/N: I wrote this because i used to have such bad days like this because of my insomnia and honestly didn’t get to properly rest until i got meds and was at such piece. I don’t know if anyone else needs it, but here it is. Enjoy!
Warning: None? Sleep deprived reader? Insomnia?
Word Count: 784
Other Tags: fluff, tooth rotting fluff, soft Larissa Weems
I’m sitting at my desk while students sit on their own. I’ve tried countless times to get them to stop shouting and pay attention, but with the festival coming up, they are all so rambunctious. I hold my head in my hands with a pounding migraine making its way behind my eyes. The pain is awful and the fluorescent lights are no help. As some students talk about the games they will play, the door to my classroom opens and in walks a fellow teacher and Larissa. They look at the state of the classroom until their eyes land on me. Larissa comes to stand beside me, placing her hand on my arm.
“Dear, come with me. Mr. Beliro will watch over your class”
I look up at her as I stand from my seat and am unable to gauge her mood, though with the state of my classroom, I can’t imagine she’s very happy with me. I follow behind her out of my room and I can hear Mr. Berilo taking control of the room. We walk in silence which only gives my mind time to think the worst case possible and run through what might happen. 
Will she yell at me? WILL I BE FIRED?! Oh god, I’m going to lose my job and Larissa will hate me!
I get so lost in thought, I don’t notice we are already approaching her office. I mindlessly follow her in, living in the worst case scenario. I feel her hands wrap around me and she guides me over to the couch she has by the fireplace and sits me down, but she doesn’t sit with me. Something warm and soft lays Over my shoulders and then Larissa is kneeling in front of me. 
“Dear, when was the last time you slept?”
All I see is the concern on her face with such soft eyes and eyebrows somewhat knitted together. I simply shrug instead of speaking and look down. Her delicate hands cup my cheeks and lift my gaze to look into my eyes, and the only thing I can do is let go of a sob. I’m so exhausted and I’d do anything for everything to go away. 
“Oh Y/N, honey,” she moves to sit beside me and pulls me into her arms, “I’ve got you darling, let it out”. I clutch to her as I cry, my tears staining her dress, but she doesn’t seem like she cares about that. She whispers encouraging words and rubs my back until my breathing evens out and my sobs become little whimpers. I feel so safe with her like nothing can hurt me, and all I want is to stay in this for a little while longer. Larissa pulls away slightly to look down at me, “why don’t we make you some tea to help you sleep?” I nod my head and let go, standing with her, and then she takes my hand. 
She leads me into her private quarters to the kitchenette and lets me lean against her. She insists I go rest, but I can’t help but feel I need to be with her. She leans against the counter and holds me in her arms, playing with my hair. It’s been a while since I felt this relaxed and cared for. Her nails lightly scratch against my scalp and her body heat envelopes me. 
“Someone seems comfortable” she lets out a little chuckle, however for me, it triggers my anxiety. I’m being too much, and I instinctively start to pull away. “Oh no no no dear, I'm sorry, I was only teasing. Come here little one” She opens her arms back to me, far too inviting for me not to shuffle my way back into her embrace. 
The kettle begins to whistle, but instead of letting go of my, she works with one hand pouring my cup. She adds sugar and stirs it before lifting it to hand to me. I sip on my tea as she continues to comfort me, whispering reassuring words. Only when I'm done with my tea does she guide me towards the bed. I honestly thought she would send me to my room, I mean, she's done more than anyone else already. She helps me take off my shoes and then covers me with the blankets and duvet before walking around the bed to climb in herself. She shimmies closer until she can wrap her arm around me. I turn in her arms until we are facing each other, a sleepy smile on my face. 
“Thank you” I whisper, the last thing I feel is her pulling me closer to her and a kiss placed on my forehead.
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daydream-cement · 2 years
What about a sick Larissa wanting some comfort but being embarrassed to ask for it and show herself vulnerable but reader realizes she’s uneasy to ask for it…
I love your storiesssss!
My Little Patient
Characters: Larissa Weems x reader
Authors Note: I know I didn't have to be super descriptive, but everyone should get the opportunity to take care of Mommy Larissa™. This concept is adorable. Thank you, anon <3
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You had gotten home early from work that day and were surprised to see Larissa's coat and shoes already inside the front door. Your girlfriend typically was at work until much later in the day.
When you didn't spot her in the living room or kitchen, you sought out the bedroom. As you stood in the doorway, Larissa was curled up in bed already which was strange. You approach her, glancing down at her face.
She looked miserable. You raise your fingers to her forehead, moving the stray hairs back into place. At first contact with her forehead, you notice she was burning up.
Larissa mumbled something to you. You couldn't quite make it out.
"Honey... Are you okay?" You hover over her, your fingers still stroking her forehead.
"Mmm, I'm fine," was all she could muster. Her eyes opened ever so slightly, but they shut just as easily as they opened, tiredness overtaking her.
She was obviously not fine.
"I think you might be sick... Do you have any symptoms?" You urge her to be more honest with you. Your eyes sweep the room for more evidence, you see tissues piled on the nightstand and Larissa's nose seems to be red from blowing it.
"Really I'm fine." She seemed grumpy at your insistence, snapping at you.
"Look at you being brave." You begin to tease her in a voice you save for pets and babies, hoping to bring a smile to her face, "My little patient needs to be taken care of."
You press kisses against her forehead and pinch at her cheeks, bringing a small smile to the woman's face.
"Seriously, Rissa... Can I take care of you?" You ask, voice returning to normal, seriousness overtaking you.
"Please..." Her voice seemed small, it looked like she was almost in pain asking for help.
"Okay good. Well first off let's get you out of your work clothes. Then I'm going to have you take a quick shower with one of these little tablets that sits on the shower floor. It will make your sinuses feel good. Then we are going to tuck you back in bed with a big glass of water and some cold and flu medicine. Later you can have some soup that I will make while you sleep."
You already had a whole game plan laid out, loving the idea of taking care of her for once.
Slowly, you helped her undress, pulling her shirt over her head and pressing comforting kisses to her now bare shoulders, "While you shower, I'll wash your clothes so they are nice and germ free."
"You've never been so attractive." She mumbled, resting her head on your shoulder as your unclip her bra.
You let out a small laugh, "Okay, honey. Time to stand up."
Larissa groaned and pouted as you took her hands, pulling her up from the bed. Her arms wrapped around your shoulders as you unzip her skirt, pulling it and her underwear down at the same time.
She then follows you to the bathroom. Larissa busied herself by unpinning her hair while you turn on the shower and find one of your shower tablets, dropping it near the drain. You take her hand and guide her to the shower, "Get clean. I'll be right back."
You busy yourself gathering her clothes and bringing them to the washing machine. You even remembered to take her bath towel and toss it in the drier to get warm while she was in the shower. While the washing machine and dryer ran, you brought a garbage can to the side of the bed, clearing the nightstand of tissues and leaving the can there for further use.
You were in the cabinet selecting a sleepy time cold and flu medicine for Larissa when the shower turned off. You rush to get Larissa's now warm towel, presenting it to her when she stepped out of the towel. Her eyes went soft at the gesture, her lip sticking out slightly.
"Get all dried off and put on your favorite pajamas." You place your hands on either side of her face and grant her with a kiss on the forehead as you busy yourself with your new caretaker duties.
Larissa dried off and changed. You shut the bedroom blinds and drew the curtains. Larissa was sitting in bed by the time you returned to her bedside. You offered her the shot of medicine and a glass of water.
"Now, you snuggle in and sleep. I'll be back to check on you in a bit." You take her glass of water and placing it on the nightstand. Larissa shifts back into the bed, obviously enjoying the fact that she was now in comfortable clothes and freshly showered.
Later that night when she woke up from her nap, you served her some of your famous chicken noodle soup. Afterwards you laid in bed with her, Larissa's head resting on your chest as you played with her hair.
"Thank you, honey." Larissa mumbled before she finally drifted off to sleep.
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dianneking · 9 months
Stranger in the Park (Lucifer/Reader)
Hello there, look who's finally back with a fic, and not even an angsty one....well...it is angsty in the measure it's a hurt/comfort post-breakup fic, but all in all I want to say that it's less gut-wrenching than my usual...maybe.
Dedicated to @scream-queenlover , who supported me in writing it better than any cheer squad ever could.
Fic is on AO3 for better readability, you can click the link on the title below to get to it.
Stranger in the Park
Characters: Lucifer(Sandman)/Reader
Tags: Post-breakup, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Swearing, Smoking, Referenced Drug use, Mentions of death, Slight religious imagery.
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You sat there.
The wind on your face smelled of snow, and it felt even colder against the wet tracks that tears kept leaving on your face.
But you didn’t care.
It didn't matter anymore.
People passed on the footpath behind you, ignoring your shaking shoulders and the silent sobs, too concentrated on their own lives, too hardened by the world to care about a stranger in a park. They didn’t spare you a second glance. They didn’t stop. Slowly they became fewer and fewer, as the already dark sky turned even darker and the already biting cold turned even colder with nightfall.
But you didn’t care.
You had been feeling cold inside for way longer anyways.
continue reading on AO3
My fic masterlist
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