#come to think of it riz is probably one of the most confident of all the bad kids. fig is also up there
mongeese · 2 years
I haven't finished sophomore year yet so maybe that will change my opinion but it bugs me how so many people seem to think that Riz is like, shy or insecure when he is so not either of those things! Socially awkward, yes absolutely. But like, this kid had the confidence to hand out fucking business cards to total strangers on his first day of high school! That's such a bold move, no insecure kid would do that. He said he was pretty social in his introduction, and that stays true. Riz may not understand social cues very well, but he is still outgoing and carries himself with a lot of confidence, and any insecurities he has are just normal teen things. Don't get me wrong, that boy has issues - chronic insecurity just isn't one of them
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princesssmars · 9 months
when you hear a franctic knocking at your door and find a crying victoria covered in blood, you're stuck in place as you take in the sight in front of you.
victoria never cries.
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you usher her in and have her stand in your hallway, trying to think lf the best course of action in a hurry so she wont have to dwell in whatever happened. you gently guide her to the bathroom, telling her to clean herself off while yku took her clothes to wash them while you made her something warm to eat. she nodded without a word.
she'd told you before what to do in emergencies like this, infrequent 'work related accidents' that she hoped youd never have to deal with but wanted you to be prepared regardless. it's why she was so hesitant to accept your first invitation for coffee, why she insisted you stay in an inconspicuous but cozy apartment she half paid for with complicated locks and hidden security cameras she could access with a tap on her phone.
she insisted on protecting you. from exactly what, you weren't sure. but you trusted her, trusted her enough to relentlessly scrub away the dark red in her pantsuit with soap and baking soda as her meal cooked on the stove. a hefty serving of peas and carrots stew - bazella w riz - that she once confided in you was her favorite dish as a child. after you manage to scrub a good chunk of the blood away you set it in the dryer to warm for when she leaves in the morning, pulling out a set of pajamas you bought for when she stays over. the brown fleece set matching the white one you were currently wearing.
you set the clothes on the side of the bed that faces the bathroom, the sound of the shower still audible. at this point, she's been in there for half an hour, but you won't disturb her. you know she needs some time to be alone before she can open up to you.
just when you turn off the eye for the finished stew your ears picked up the gentle click of the bedroom door followed by the soft plap-plaps of her slippers before you feel the heat of her chest on your back and her arms ensnared around your waist.
"im sorry. about all of this."
"its fine. you know its fine."
she goes quiet again, silently watching you pour the stew into a bowl before setting it down on the coffee table, patting the seat next to you on the couch. you'd normally insist she eat it at the dining table, but you decided to be lenient just this once.
she leaned forwards as she scarfed down the food, probably the most impolite you'd ever seen her. when you told her so she just mumbled out a 'm'sorry' before eating some more.
once she finished she let out a sigh as she leaned back into the couch, gripping your arm when you started to clean up after her and pulling you back down. you smile, about to lecture her for being so clingy when she speaks.
"tony. i killed tony."
your smiles fades. you wait for her to say she was telling a not so funny joke, that she hadn't actually killed her closest friend from her time at red river. but she doesn't, just stares at the empty space on the couch between you.
"i...im sorry. i know how much he meant to you."
she softly nods, hand coming up to wipe away a stray tear.
"you're comforting me after you just washed my friends guys out my clothes?"
you move in closer when you hear voice get low, guiding her head down to lay on your shoulder and bringing omenof her legs to settle over yours.
"of course i am. i know you wouldn't have done it without a reason. you did have a good reason, right?"
"yes. yes, i did. he would have exposed me he..he almost killed me."
her hand twitches, a tell tale sign that shes nervous.
"then you did what you had to do. no matter what happens, im staying here. by your side. ok?"
her head moves to look at you, taking her hand from yours to tilt your head so she can place a gentle kiss to your forehead. she guides your head to rest on her fhest, laying back in the couch with your bodies entangled.
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bullet-prooflove · 1 year
And I’m just gonna throw another one in because these lyrics always amuse me 😂
she'll carelessly cut you and laugh while you're bleeding
I probably shouldn’t be so amused by those lyrics 😬
Billy Joel sure can write ‘em though.
For Creeper, of course 🥰😘
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Neron doesn't think about his exes. His relationships prior to you don't really count because most of them he wasn't really present for. He's spent most of his life battling his addictions, he knows he wasn't a stellar boyfriend, fuck when he thinks about it he can't even say he was decent.
There was only one after rehab touch and it had turned him off romance all together because Catherine, not Cathy, had ruined him. She had chopped away at his self confidence until he'd almost climbed back into his addiction just to get away from her. She had taken his money, his dignity and almost his sobriety.
It's 2am when his phone pings with a message. He always picks up because he's paranoid that one of his brothers is in need. He's had a couple of calls like that in the past, when Riz had come off his bike, or Hank had broken down in butt fuck nowhere with a shipment of weapons. He liked to be dependable. He always picked up.
He doesn't recognise the number on his phone but he knows the tone of the message.
I'm back in town, come out and meet me - Catherine
It was always this way with her. She expects him to get out of bed and meet her at whatever bar she was in, give her a ride home and then a little more. He'd done it in the past, let her use him, his time and his body when he could, because sometimes he couldn't and she mocked him for that.
He glances over at you, still asleep amongst his sheets. Your bare back to him and your hair falling across the pillow. He studies the geometric patterns inked into your skin, his fingertips tracing them lightly. You sigh contentedly, shifting so that your back is pressed against his side.
His thumb scrolls down to Catherine's new number before he highlights it and presses 'block'
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bardy-boy · 1 year
Who Is Who Within The Mystery Gang and Bad Kids Mash Up?
Disclaimer: none of these mash ups are identical. These are just the closer comparisons that I believe to be correct. And yes, for an even number I had to include Scrappy. I love the person that I paired with Scrappy so there’s no hate to that character. Also, I realize that the intrepid hero’s have many characters. I chose the bad kids because they are the most like the mystery gang, not because I don’t like other seasons. I love other seasons. Now hear me out, gang.
Fred is Riz. This probably has to do with the autistic boy swag I get from both of them. They both are so passionate about mystery solving and charismatic, although not always great with people. Though neither of them are natural born leaders they manage to keep the group with a focus on mystery because these dudes really truly love mystery. They’re passionate and cute and terrible at reading social cues. While neither of them are necessarily prone to romance, they are filled with love. Their friends are one of the most important things in their life and they have a complete dedication to them.
Daphne is Fabian. Both of these two come from a rich and privileged life style. They’re not super accustomed to norms and can sometimes struggle with understanding their privilege. That being said, they are protective, caring, and willing to learn. Both of their love languages is gift giving which is great coming from someone with such amazing fashion sense. They can be easy to over look, but in reality they are so kick ass. Either of them could easily kill a man and look hot while doing it. They are more than just looks and money, they are fiercely loyal and insanely active!
Velma is Adaine. This is something we can all agree on. They’re the smarts, yes, but they’re also soft and nervous. Each have a need to be perfect, to strive for the best. And as nice as they are, you do not want to get on their bad side. There is a deep buried rage in there. They both love their friends, but also enjoy time to be alone and recuperate. With all the chaos of a big group it’s okay to need moments to calm yourself. This is very different from loneliness which (I think) both have a deep fear of. Without these group members, the rest of the group would fall way off track. Sometimes taking your time and slowly solving the puzzle is the best move. Velma and Adaine already know that.
Shaggy is Gorgug. This lanky loser can fit so much love inside of them. They are both very low key and chill on the outside. Neither of them are great at expressing their feelings (albeit in different ways) but they know just how to comfort someone when they are down. Maybe neither of them are the brightest in the bunch, probably because all that metal music they listen to at full volume blew out some brain cells. Also, each of these dudes are so awkward when it comes to romance, but that never stops them from trying. These dudes are a glue in the friendship. You just can’t find anyone who dislikes them.
Scooby is Kristen. I know this one is weird, but hear me out. This clumsy idiot would die (and in both cases (if you know where to look) has died) for their friends. Each one is always down for a joke and uses humor to cope with bad situation. And, out of the group, talks the most about food. Even though both of these characters don’t come from great situations (in the majority of Scooby media, Scooby was a misunderstood stray before the gang) they go through life happily and with love. They choose worship as a form of love (food vs a deity) and are both attracted to dogs. THE lovable goofball.
Scrappy is Fig. I know this is going to be controversial, especially since I hate Scrappy and love Fig, but when I’m right I’m right. The sheer amount of confidence and chaos displayed within these characters make no sense, but you love to see it. They get the rest of the gang in so much trouble. As naïveté as both of these guys are they do it to protect their friends (and show off a little bit). Although there has been a change of writing for the mystery gang, the original group loved and was dedicated to scrappy no matter what. Yes, they make mistakes but both of them look up too and honor their friends so much. They love a good joke and to encourage others to put themselves out there. Maybe they aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, but fuck everyone else. Those who like you are the only people you should care about. Also they both love the word fuck.
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arcanamusica · 3 months
Arcanamusica Comic Chapter 1-3 (前編+後編)
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Suu: “And now, for the second round…We have prepared a very thrilling game for you…The Arcana GuraGura Game!” (T/N: This is basically the Arcanamusica version of Jenga)
Shibuyoshi: “Oh! I know this one too..”
Maimy sighs again.
Suu: “Everyone, you are familiar with the basic game rules, correct? You cannot let the tower collapse, but each turn you must pull a block from the inside. It’s a game that keeps getting higher! As per our original rules, each block you remove will be numbered, so we ask that you answer the question that corresponds to the number on it…Such as…When was your first time?~”
Kawawa: “...Is it going to be like this the whole time…?”
Igashima: “I’m sorry, but I’m not sure I’ll be able to answer any questions that go against my morals or could compromise privacy…”
Shibuyoshi: “E-everyone, do your best!!”
Maimy: “So stupid…”
Suu: “In that case, let us begin from the winner of the last round, Dark Palace, and we’ll take turns in a counter-clockwise fashion!” The blocks rise up in the center of the table.
Maimy sighs and pulls out a block. “Ugh….15.”
Suu: “The question for number 15 is…Here!
Have you ever thought about killing somebody?”
Kawawa: “..What?”
Maimy: “N…”
Suu: “Hm?”
Maimy: “No. Listen up, okay? When you live loud and have fun, life is good-I don’t care about struggling or making an effort or whatever. I want to kill someone? Be for real. Thinking about anything like that is a waste of my time.” 
Kawawa: “...”
Maimy places the block on top and starts humming.
Suu: “Next is Legge! Please, if you will.”
Jujo pulls out the number 11 from the tower. 
Suu: “Number 11’s question… here! Have you ever betrayed someone?”
Maimy: “Ok, wait. Isn’t this vibe a little bit different from when we played Sugoroku?”
Suu: “Is that so?”
Kawawa: “Huh...”
Jujo: “I haven’t.” 
Suu: “Not even once?”
Jujo: “Never.”
Suu: “Understood. Next!”
Kawawa stands up. “My turn.”
Suu: “Number 12-RiZ, your question is…
Do you have confidence in yourself?”
Kawawa: “H-huh..? This question is a little less serious…Self confidence, huh..Hmm..I guess I don’t really have a lot, but it’s not like I don’t have any either.”
Shibuyoshi: “Uh, so which is it then?!”
Kawawa: “I think it depends on the time and place. Most people are probably the same, right?”
Maimy: “Not me~ I’m always perfectly confident~”
Kawawa: “Yeah, yeah…”
Igashima takes a block from the tower. “I believe it’s my turn, if you’ll excuse me.”
Suu: “Number 5!
Is it your fault that someone died?”
Shibuyoshi: “...Uh…Wh…Isn’t that a little weird..?”
Igashima smiles. “It’s not true.”
Shibuyoshi: “Y-yeah! Of course it isn’t! Jeez, you guys! Enough with these questions about being a bad person or whatever! It’s not fun at all! Let’s hope the next one is a good one! Bring it on!!”
Suu: “Have you ever stolen something?”
Kawawa: “..Really? Again with that kinda…thing…?”
Shibuyoshi stares at the question, his eyes blank, as the rest of the participants look up at him.
Maimy: “Hmmm? Who would’ve guessed there was a criminal here.”
Shibuyoshi: “T-that’s not true! That can't be true!…Right?!”
Shibuyoshi goes to place the block down, and the entire tower collapses.
-Part 2-
Shibuyoshi: “Ah…Ah, I just.. No…”
Jujo: “If you don’t have the confidence and strength to hide it, stop trying to cover it up.”
Igashima: “He's having a hard time trying to keep his secret, and you’re worried about what it’s doing to him. Is that what you meant to say?
Shibuyoshi: “...I’m…. sorry…I’m so sorry. I…When I was in elementary school, I…stole some chocolate.”
Kawawa: “...Chocolate?”
-Riku…Come on!-
-Don’t worry, nobody’s here!-
Shibuyoshi: “The group I was with…they made me do something like a test of courage. I…couldn’t refuse.”
Kawawa: “...Doesn’t this kind of thing happen all the time?”
Jujo: “Even if that may be true, that doesn’t make it forgivable. After all, theft is still a serious crime.”
Shibuyoshi: “Sorry…I’m so sorry…” 
Kawawa: Well, it’s true that theft is a crime, but… Isn’t this reaction a little bit extreme..? I really can’t stand this atmosphere much longer…
Igashima stands up to comfort Shibuyoshi. “It’s okay. Even if that wasn’t the right thing to do, telling yourself you have to “Stand up for justice, even if it means going against your friends”...It’s a lot easier said than done, isn’t it?”
Jujo: “.....”
Igashima: “Of course, this would apply only if this child knew that doing this was not just a small matter…”
Shibuyoshi: “Th…Of course, I knew that!
-If a lot of instances like this happen, I’m not sure we’ll be able to keep the store open for much longer…-
Shibuyoshi: “The troubled face of the shopkeeper…”
-Riku…Why would you do something like that?-
Shibuyoshi: “The sad faces of my family…
I’ll never forget them. And I know…I know I’ll never do it again.”
The room falls silent until Kawawa yells, “Alright, that’s enough! We can tell you’re sorry, so it’s fine…Can we move on with the game now?”
Maimy: “Yeah, this is getting boring.”
Suu: “Understood. In that case, Shibukichi is the one who lost the Guragura Game, which means…Everyone else besides him will receive Arcana Points. With this, the second round has concluded. At this point, we will take a 10-minute break between games. Regarding the location of the toilets, etc….”
-Some time passes, and Kawawa is found walking in the hall.-
Kawawa: ...Ugh, now everyone probably feels like shit…That kid probably came in here without ever expecting something like that to happen, so why…Things like killing people and stealing things…Are fans really going to like that? 
Ah! So that’s where the water is.
Hah…There’s still one round left…What could they possibly do? I hope it’s at least better than whatever that last game was…I’ll keep my expectations low, though…"
“‘Whoever wins will be given a new song as a gift’...I wonder what that even means…”
Jujo: “Regarding that-”
Kawawa: “Huh?!”
Jujo: “The client has approved it. Ah, yes, please advise me when you look it over.” 
Kawawa: It was just a phone call, huh…I thought he knew something…
Jujo stares at Kawawa.
Kawawa: “...? Can I help you?”
Jujo: “The water dispenser.”
Kawawa: “Eh?”
Jujo: “It says ‘For employees only’.”
Kawawa: “EH!”
Jujo: “It may not be important to you, but please be aware that you should follow the rules.”
Kawawa: “I fucked up…I didn’t notice that at all…”
“Is that so.” Jujo purchases a water from the vending machine.
Kawawa: Should I…get another one?
Nah…I think that would be even more awkward….
Voiced comic below:
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legoshi-plz · 4 years
I know it's horny hour but I was thinking if you can make first kiss scenarios for them 🥺🥺
A/N: I sure can! I know this is a little old and the requester probably wanted whole series content but some of these still came out kind of horn//knee
Warning: Suggestive Themes
- The type who just goes for it. If he feels the attraction is strong enough or the moment is right, he doesn’t hesitate at all.
- Whenever he realizes he wants to kiss you, that’s when he does. He doesn’t beat around the bush whatsoever.
- Will back you up against the wall and will cage you between his arms so you don’t really have anywhere to look but at him. Leans forward and captures your lips in a searing kiss. Puts just enough passion behind it that you feel your knees go weak.
- Overall good kisser, closes his eyes while kissing (Herbivores don’t like looking people in the eye.)
- Would have to be provoked into the kiss.
- Despite his overall submissive energy, he’d be the one to kiss you first. Probably out of jealousy.
- The type that would get swept up in the heat of passion and kiss you.
- He’s an okay kisser, not enough tongue actually.
- He cups your jaw/neck in his hands as he kisses you. Very romantic, very sexy.
- Overall, he improves over time as he gains more confidence. His kisses are sweet, they just need to be more bold.
- Plans to kiss you ahead of time and plans exactly how she’s going to do it but she makes it seem spontaneous.
- Very good kisser because she practices and also caters the kiss to how she thinks you will like it/ be the most responsive to.
- Closes her eyes initially but opens them before the kiss is over (Not in a creepy way, she just really likes looking at you and wants to savor the moment)
- Overall, a very confident kisser. The type to make you feel like you’re experiencing a romantic kiss scene in a movie.
- His kiss is completely driven by passion and lust.
- He’ll be with you, you’ll flash him that smile that he loves so much and before he can control himself, he’s kissing you.
- The type to pick you up while he kisses you because he’s so tall (and strong) so it makes it easier than him bending over.
- Even though it’s romantic, this man is still incredibly horny so he’s groaning into the kiss. Its VERY erotic and sensual. Uses a lot of tongue (not too much, but just enough to have you clenching your thighs and whimpering against his lips.
- Overall, the best kisser. The type that always has you begging for another as soon as he pulls away.
- Grown man so you know he asks for consent (which is so soo sexy.)
- Leans down and once his face is a couple of inches from yours, he asks “Can I kiss you, baby?”
- Lightly bites at your lip before soothing it over with his tongue then sliping a little into your mouth. Brushes the top of his tongue against your own in a teasing manner.
- The type to lean his forehead against your own after the kiss. Chuckles to himself which entices a few giggles out of you.
- Overall the most sincere and natural kisser. It’s not overly sexual but the kind that leaves a promise of more to come.
- Kisses you by surprise. It’s rushed because he’s nervous but trying to overcompensate.
- The most eager. Really wants the awkwardness of the first kiss to be out of the way so he just goes for it.
- Doesn’t use too much tongue but his tongue has a certain sharpness to it so the ridges aren’t exactly comfortable when he’s forcing it into your mouth.
- Overall not the best because he’s overthinking the whole thing. However, he is pretty good at following directions so once you tell him to slow down and follow your lead, it’s pure bliss.
- Also very touchy in future kisses. Can not keep his hands to himself and always ends up groping your ass (or even shoving his entire hand down your shirt to tease your nipples if the two of you are alone.)
- His first kiss with you is a little rough but all his physical affection is a little rough at the beginning of the relationship so it’s not all that surprising.
- He grabs you by the waist to tug you forward then just slams his lips onto yours. It’s very sudden but not unpleasant. He’s pretty experienced so despite the roughness, he’s still an amazing kisser.
- Always goes a little further than just a kiss. Usually moves down your jaw to your throat in a trail of hot, needy pecks until he reaches his goal: the base of your throat where he’s knows you’re extra sensitive.
- Overall the most agressive kisser, but his kisses are always heated and arousing. He also tends to involuntary growl during his kisses (a sexy growl, not an angry one).
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justbeingtalea · 4 years
Opinions on friendships in Dimension20′s Fantasy High, with this only being the second part of so many more to come:
The dynamic between Riz Gukgak and Fabian Aramais Seacaster is one of the best in the whole Dimension20 universe (especially after FH: Sophomore Year) and nobody will be able to convince me otherwise.
Because, the thing is: Fabian is the kid that checks all the obvious boxes for the cool, popular kid, righ? Famous parent, rich, athletic, more confidence than necessary or good for someone, a very easily breakable ego, etc. And Riz is the personification of the weird nerdy loser. Poor, smart, wears a fucking vest to school, carries a giant briefcase around with himself, introduces himself with “greetings and salutations”, giving out business cards, way too invested in other peoples business, etc. 
But in the same way over time we found out that Fabian can also be a loser, how he really has like two braincells on a good day (I mean, that boy ate glass ... that’s nearly worse than thinking that you are your own dad), he doesn’t know when to shut up, made so many people hate him and doesn’t realize it, not being able to jump on tables, getting his foot stuck in a stalactite, etc. And Riz can be a total badass! The mirror trick against Kalina, grabbing a bad guy to jump of a staircase with him just to misty step up again, his halfpipe trick in season one, killing Kalavaxus, etc.
And outsiders won’t understand how these two can be friends, because they are so obviously in different worlds and when Riz says that they are best friends and Fabian will say nothing everybody will just smile and pity that poor goblin, because he really thinks that a boy like Fabian would be his best friend?
But it isn’t like that at all, is it? Fabian was the first person to be concerned when Riz vanished and after he didn’t pick up Fabians call, he totally panicked. Crashing his fathers ship into a building in literal hell, because Riz vanished AGAIN and like we established, that makes Fabian panic. After realizing that there was celestial energy, Fabian was one of the first people to believe that yes, that has to mean that Riz is an angel and has been this whole time, makes sense, totally tracks. Calling him LIttle Angel (and then immediately going back to The Ball). Abandoning everything to jump after Riz and saving him from falling, doing an athletics roll with a DC of 25 (!!!) to try and safe him. Clutching the unconcious Riz in his sheet and in his arms after saving him until he could get him healed by someone. Giving Riz Bardic Inspriration as soon as he good that feature and surprising Riz with that, because “Oh, that’s why you wrapped me in your sheet, I was concerned for a second”. 
They compliment each other so well, that people who don’t know the Bad Kids enough won’t be able to understand, that sometimes even the other Bad Kids don’t really understand. But Fabian knows (even if he doesn’t say it out loud because toxic masculity may be dead, but that boy has so many more issues to work out than just that) and Riz knows (even if he probably sometimes really thinks that maybe, maybe he did friend-trap Fabian) and that is all these two really need for now.
I can only imagine Fabian calling Riz at the most weirdest hours of the night, maybe to fuck with Riz, maybe as a social experiment to see if Riz slept like at all and maybe because he wanted to talk to Riz. Fabian talking to Riz about killing his father, because Riz also has no dad and now he doesn’t have a dad anymore and it feels weird and Fabian knows that it is different, because Riz was very young when his father died, but if one person could understand even slightly how it feels to loose a dad you love than it is The Ball. 
Maybe someday the Seacaster Manor will feel a bit empty and quiet and while his mother tries and learns from Cathilda, it is not the same. So Fabian gets on the Hangman, no matter the time, and gets to Riz office. Riz will be fully in conspiracy mode and Fabian will probably make fun of him, but in his mind will be glad for the distraction. And Riz will maybe teach Fabian one or two things about investigating, because he really doesn’t want Fabian to ever bite glass again in an effort to be like Riz. 
Riz, the boy with a dad in heaven and Fabian, the boy with a dad in hell. if I wouldn’t know better I would even say Ying and Yang, two sides of the same coin, Best Friends.
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Chapter 3
Characters: Angel Reyes x Black Reader
Summary: You return to Santo Padre after being gone for nearly 15 years. Your life and also others will change. Affecting everything you hold dear including your Mayan MC Family.
Warnings: Swearing, Unprotected Sex, and bodily fluids (Male and Female)  Sex/Oral Sex Female  and Male Receiving
Pic Credit @angels-reyes​
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Angel finally lets you come up for air after eating you out again. As you two hop in the car to head over to hospital to spend some time with Mama Sadie. You sit back and watch Angel and your grandmother laugh and carry on for what seems like forever. He even takes her out for a walk during her physical therapy time which melted your heart and defenses even more. You loved his laugh as he enjoyed the dirty jokes your little slip of a grandmother was telling a man who was twice her height and weight. As you watch them interact you receive a call from Bishop.
“Hola Obispo. Is everything okay? You need to speak with Angel? I’ll get him if you need me too”, you ask.
“No sweetheart actually if he hasn’t told you I gave him the next 2 days off to keep you company” smiled Bishop.
“Oh, as in baby sit me right?” you ask.
“No not to babysit. He’s not your daddy Y/N”, says Bishop as you laugh to yourself because as of last night and this morning you’ve been calling Angel daddy non-stop.
“Actually to keep you busy because we have a surprise for you and it won’t be here until two days from now”, says Bishop as your interest is now piqued with curiosity of what it could be.
“Oh, Bishop can I have a guess pleeeeease”, you ask jumping up and down as Angel watches you looking curious.
“No mi amor. We all want to see the look on your face when you see what you have coming”, chuckles Bishop.
“Okay Bishop. So, I can’t ask Naomi about it?”, as you hear Bishop sigh heavily on the phone.
“Did I say something wrong by mentioning Naomi just now?” you ask with concern.
“Uhh no sweetheart no at all. I just think that I’m too old for her” as anxiety rises in his voice.
You had a look of apprehension on your face as your mind went back to the night before. Because from what you witnessed between Bishop and Naomi it was cute, adorable and at times very sexy and most definitely absolutely mutual. Even the phone conversation that he interrupted between you and Naomi to get her off made you feel that they would hit it off.
“So, are you wanting to stop getting to know her because of certain “Differences” you two have?”, you say as Bishop can tell that you’re getting a bit upset.
“No pequeno, that’s not what I want to do with Naomi. I mean I’m feeling her a lot. I mean she’s beautiful, smart, sexy and she funny too”, as he sounds anxious.  
It shocked you that the Bishop you heard about while you were growing up was all about his business, ruthless and cut throat at times. But, as you take in this conversation he seemed vulnerable about your good friend Naomi. It almost broke your heart to hear Bishop worrying if he can keep your friend happy.
“Bishop I don’t think you have anything to worry about. My homegirl digs you and you’re all she talks about. To me things can go nowhere but up. And also I don’t want to hear you two having sex on the phone anymore”, you say causing Bishop to bellow with laughter as a clear sign that he feels better after speaking with you.
“Thank you, baby girl for talking me down from that ledge.”
“No problem Bishop. Can you give me a hint of my surprise now?”
“Nope. Nice try novia” says Bishop.
“Can’t blame a girl for trying”, as you two say your final goodbyes.
“Everything alright bonita” says Angel as he walks back with your grandmother.
“Yes, it is. Just got off the phone with Bishop. He needed some advice about something that’s all”.
“So grandbaby been curious to know if have you and this tall strapping young fellow had sex yet?” as Angel goes off with the biggest laugh you’ve ever heard. All you wish is for the ground below to swallow you up as you to run and hide front this conversation.
“I take that back grandbaby”.
“Good. Thank you Mama Sa-”
“He looks more like a big eater to me. Maybe he’d tell you what you taste like too”.
“That I did do Mama Sadie”, as Angel is laughing non-stop now as you stomp off mad.
“Awwww grandbaby come back” says Sadie as she sits back into the wheelchair as Angel pushes her back to the hospital laughing his head off still at you demise.  
“Come on Colibri. Baby, Mama Sadie was just messing around” as your granny joins in laughing with Angel all the way back to her private room.
You sit in a chair next to her bed with a pouting look on your face as Angel wheels in your grandmother. Angel helps sit her back into her bed comfortably. You couldn’t help but, pay attention to his attentiveness and caring nature for Mama Sadie. If you’re not mistaken seeing him this way kind of got you all hot and bothered turning you on. Especially since you two haven’t had vaginal sex yet. Hell, you might just ride his dick later on tonight due to the way he took care of your grandmother. You gotta admit that it did upset you a bit how he openly admitted to eating your pussy to your to Mama Sadie. But, in retrospect he is not ashamed to admit his sexual nature out in the open when it comes to you. I’m mean you are so confident of yourself thinking you’ll be able to hold your own against the great Angel Reyes but, you’d hate to be proven wrong again.
After spending pretty much of the day with Mama Sadie Angel waited outside in the car as you were at home packing a bag to spend at Angel’s for the next of days. Heading out to the front door to the car you notice Angel being nosy attempting to open a package.
“Hey, excuse you!! Gimme that Angel right now”, as Angel holds the package up in the air over his head as you try your damnest to get it from him. He laughs at you as he keeps it away from you. You pout as you stop jumping hoping he lets his guard down. Right on time as he does you playfully punch him in the stomach. He keels over as you grab it from him to inspect the contents as you sit the package on the trunk of the car as you attempt to open it as Angel presses his body against yours. Having curiosity of what’s in it. He kisses you on top of your head and wrapping his tatted arms around your shoulders as you take a closer look.  
“Here take my knife”, as Angel offers you his.
“Oh, I got my own”, as you pull it from your purse and shake it open as Angel’s eyes bulge wide.
“Fuck girl, where the did you get this fucking knife from?”, as he inspects it.
“My mama got it for me”, as you take it back putting it away.
“Should I be worried?” asks Angel.
 “Do you want to find out?”, as Angel raises his hands in protest taking a step back as you laugh at him.
You finally open the box and curious to try to figure out why were sent this package.
“SAVAGE FENTY by Rihanna?” you both say at the same time as you notice a notice inside.
“To my beautiful and gorgeous grandbaby. Also, baby-girl you’re not getting any younger either. Wouldn’t mind that you and that tall drink of water Angel give me some beautiful grandbabies”, you read as Angel laughs under his breath.
“Uggghhhhh Mama Sadie”, you say as you look to the sky wanting to scream as you take a deep breath.
“Fuck girl are those crotchless?”, as Angel attempts to look at what’s in the box but, you snatch it away.
“If you behave Angel Reyes I may do a fashion show for you”, you say as Angel’s face grows dark but, your phone rings as it’s a call from Scarlett.
“Hey honey what you doing right now?”, she asks.
“Trying to tame Angel right now because of a package Mama Sadie sent me”.
“Whoa wait I was sent one too” says Scarlett looking out of the corner of her eye as Riz is anxious for her to open it.
“So basically my grandmother is pimping us to Mayans with sexy lingerie” you say as Angel can’t help but laugh.
“Has Danielle and Naomi called at all?”, asks Scarlett.
“Girl please I’m sure Naomi is walking around at home crotchless for El Presidente right now and as for Danielle EZ is probably enjoying the view or she’s hip deep full of baby brother right now.”
“Say Colibri you know I can hear you right?” says Angel as Scarlett laughs on the phone.
“My bad Daddy” as you blow him a kiss and he laughs rolling his eyes.
“Well I was calling to see if we all could meet up for dinner with the fellas tonight”.
“Sure sounds good to me Scarlett”, we’ll see you in a few.
“And wear something nice please”, she shouts before hanging up with you.
Later that evening Angel dropped you off at a local restaurant as the guys had to handle some quick business at the clubhouse. You met your best friends at the bar having drinks and catching up. Your friends teased and razzed you because what you told them about Mama Sadie embarrassing you and Angel going right a long with it. Especially he openly admitted to her what you tasted like. Oh you were further embarrassed now that your girls are aware of it too.
“Excuse me ladies these are from the gentlemen over there” says the bartender as he pointed towards a table of 4 very attractive men as they all hoisted their glasses in you and your friends direction. You all gave them a kind nod as you all went back to talking.
“Good thing the fellas aren’t here to see this. Especially Bishop”, says Naomi gyrating her hips.
“That hickey on your neck says it all honey. Along with how you walked in here”, says Danielle as you all laughed and howled.
“Scarlett are those Riz’s leather bracelets he always wearing?” Naomi ask while grabbing her wrists for a closer look.
“Yes sugar, Poor baby lost them in a strip poker game we were playing last night”, as you all laugh at her flexing playfully.
“Danielle you been quiet and all googly eyes since we got here tonight” you asked as she jumped being snapped back to reality.
“Huh, What you say?”, she asks looking guilty as he mind been wondering on and on about EZ.
“I can’t help it y’all. EZ has had me scaling the walls away from him last night, this morning and this afternoon. I don’t know what it is that he can’t get enough of”.
“Girl that Punani of yours”, says Naomi as you all clink glasses taking another sip laughing out loud.
Not even a minute later you all were approached by the gentlemen from the table earlier.
“Now why is that we see 4 beautiful ladies all alone”, says the leader of the group as his eyes are fixated on you flashing a big smile as you roll your eyes.
“Actually we are not alone just waiting on our daddies”, says Naomi as you choke on your drink from the surprise comment she just made as if she just read your mind as Scarlett is rubbing your back.
“Well we’ll keep you company until your DADDIES ARRIVE”, as the men attempt to invade you and your girls personal space.
“That won’t be necessary vato”, as everyone turns around seeing Bishop and Riz as Scarlett and Naomi approach them giving them passionate hugs and kisses.
The two other guys step away from you and Danielle not realizing that Angel and EZ are on the 6 as Bishop and Riz watch what is about to unfold in front of them with smiles on their faces and their arms around their ladies.
“BOO!!!”, yells Angel as the two men are startled as EZ laughs at his older brother taunt.
The dudes suddenly notice the Leather Kuttes with the words “MAYANS MC” all four of them are wearing which gives them second thoughts to want to challenge them
“Oh hey guys sorry the interrupting the lovely ladies evening” says the head one as he hurry to pay the tab as they all leave in a hurry.
“Hey thanks man” says Ez as he gives the bartender a tip for the heads up.
“Sorry we’re late. Got a bit hung up at with club business” says Angel pulling you close kissing your lips as you nibble on his bottom one.
You all vacate the bar and sit down to dinner which was a nice change for once. Everyone chimed in on conversations once in a while but, you all were too busy eating in hushed tones and being close to your Mayan men. Angel had his hand on your thigh making lazy circles while whispering sweet nasty Spanish in your ear making you warm around your neck and pool between your legs as you try to feed each other a slice of Chocolate Cake.  You hate that you decided to wear a pair of those crotchless panties as you regret it now. Because you swear you can feel your juices running down your thighs as Angel dark brown eyes were watching you. You didn’t want to make it obvious that you were horny and wet as fuck. You wish you could live out that fantasy of you riding his dick while others watch you come apart all over him.
“Hey let me use the Ladies room baby” as you excused yourself in a hurry hoping he doesn’t see anything.
Too bad all seeing eye Angel noticed that the cloth napkin and the seat were both wet as he watched you heading in the direction of the women’s restroom.
“Ladies will you join me please”, as you call your girls to join you but, you couldn’t help notice that smack on the ass Naomi got from Bishop as she giggled. To that passionate hand kiss from Riz to Scarlett’s hand and the ear bite EZ gave Danielle as she laughed running away.
As you used the restroom freshening yourself up you heard your phone chime as Danielle was holding it for you as you flush the toilet fixing your dress.
“Hey Y/N want me to check your phone for you?” Danielle asks you and you say yes with any hesitation assuming it would be something random or regarding Photography inquiries.
“I don’t think it was a good idea Colibri to be wearing crotchless panties when my pussy is wetting up the seat and this napkin you were sitting on”, reads Danielle as you bust out of the stall.
“Damn say what”, says Naomi and Scarlett simultaneously as you try to grab you phone from Danielle as another chime comes in.
“Girl this muthafucka sent pics too”, laughs Danielle out loud as you finally snatch your phone back seeing the second message.
“Damn querida I hope when you get on my dick tonight it gets the same treatment as these two” as you see a picture of the wet seat and cloth napkin as your face warms up.
“HA!!!! I know Angel stretching you out tonight” purrs Scarlett as the others laugh leaving the restroom ahead of you.
Angel pays along with his fellow brothers as you all leave the restaurant. Outside you all make small conversation as you all say your goodbyes.
“Well Naomi and I have an engagement that needs to be sought out”, says Bishop wrapping a strong arm around her keeping her close.
“Sounds more like an Entanglement to me”, you say as she pops you on your ass as you laugh making her blush.
“Is everything good with you two” you ask Bishop as he hugs you.”
“It is sweetheart. I’m sorry for calling you frantic like that the other day. Maybe I got all nervous because I can see myself with her in the end pequeno”, as he watches her laughing at Angel and EZ tease one another.
“No problem Obispo. Glad that its going good for you both” as you kiss him on the cheek while Angel comes up behind you kissing your neck.
“You ready carino?” asks Angel as EZ with Danielle along with Riz and Scarlett leave as you two are alone.
You hesitate as you see Angel’s motorcycle which you haven’t taken a ride on it yet.
“What’s wrong mi amor?” as Angel sees your doubt written all over your face.
“Hey its safe baby. Trust me. I won’t let anything happen to you. Just hold on. I want to see my beautiful Mujer Fenomenal ride with me” begs Angel as he flashes you those puppy brown eyes as you cave in.
“Okay Angel” you say as he hands you a helmet as he kicks the stand upright.
You finally climb on situating yourself firmly resting your small body against Angel’s tall one as he gives his bike a good rev as the vibration courses through your body as a moan escapes your lips as smirks as he pulls off. You grab his waist tighter as he speeds up as he laughs at you. He comes to a stop light as he rests his gloved hand on your thigh giving it a gentle squeeze sending chills through your body sending your senses into overload. You two don’t notice but, there are two vehicles flanking Angel’s motorcycle. One is of a couple and the second car is full of females. Of course, wearing the panties coupled with the revving of his massive motorcycle between your legs and Angel’s touch is driving you insane. All you want to do literally is just get on your knees and suck Angel off until he shoots his seed to the back of your throat swallowing every drop of him.
“Hmm I gotta get you home baby. So I can wear you out all night long. But, first I must do this”, as Angel turns one of the handles to rev up his motorcycle.
“I need you nice and wet for me when I get you home mi amor”, as he revs it again as the people notice your body starting to shake.
“Bitch are you all seeing this shit”, says one chick with all her friends watching and gasp as is Angel getting you off in front of them as you grab onto his Leather Kutte as a smile is plastered all over Angel’s face.  
“Damn you see that? He got her coming all over his seat”, says the man in the other car as his female grips the door handle and crossing her legs.
Angel switches the rev pattern as it becomes short and fast as your breathing turns to short gasps. The light hasn’t changed yet as people are walking the cross walk smiling and blushing as your openly reaching your orgasm openly.
“That’s it baby. Come on daddy seat”, says Angel as you pull his body to yourself as he cheers you on.
With one hand he continue to rev the bike and with his other gloved hand he reached around dipping two fingers inside of you.
“Oh shit did he just dip in her pussy just like that?”, says one female in the car with her friends.
“Who want to bet that this muthafucka lick his glove after” says another female as there’s a wager raised.
“Your breathing harder now as the revs come faster as you rock back and forth on his seat behind him as his smirk turns into a full evil smile”.
Too bad you didn’t even notice your homegirls and their Mayan lovers pull right behind you both as they watch you unfold as their men are smiling shaking their heads and your girls are shocked by your unbashful moans as you rock your body against your man not giving one fuck whose watching you.
“I know your so close baby. Ven por papi, Ven por papi, Ven por papi”, as Angel gives his bike a long rev that sends you over the edge.
Finally tight corded rope pops inside you as you let out the loudest orgasmic scream. All the women gasp by covering their mouths as the men looking can’t do anything but smile as Angel removes his fingers tasting you as your body falls against his catching your breath.
“Good girl”, he whispers as he rubs your thigh again as the light turns green as he burns rubber blasting down the street.
But, of course the lady with her man had to light a cigarette while the car full of chicks had to pay the one female that made the wager of Angel sucking your juices off his leather covered fingers. Your girls were all now horny as hell as their Mayan men had to make haste to take them home to find the first available flat surface to put them on.
You both finally arrive at Angel’s as he had to carry you inside his house because of your wobbly legs.
You grab his keys as you unlock his door as he still holding you as he kicks the door closed.
He sits you down as you see his house is dark to only see candles are lit all over and there’s a trail colorful rose petals leading to his bathroom and beyond to his master bedroom.
“Angel when did you have time to do all this baby”, you ask as you can’t believe what is in front of you.
“You have to give thanks to Danielle and the prospect for all this”
“You like it querida”, asks Angel walks up behind you slowly unzipping your dress while removing your heels as he kneels in front of you. His dark brown eyes are fixated on you as he removes your bra and panties. Now you return the favor as you slowly undress Angel removing his leather kutte first. Followed by his shirt and dark jeans. You couldn’t help but, not notice Angel’s upper body as you circle him slowly tracing your finger-tips along his tatted and tanned skin. You wanted to run your tongue along his flex pecs, chiseled abs and those sexy veins popping out on his arms and chest. He kicks off his boots and socks as you remove his boxer briefs revealing his beautiful and heavy dick you haven’t had the opportunity to feel inside you yet as you nervously bit your bottom lip. You hop into his arms as he takes you to his bathroom to see a warm bath was also drawn for the both of you surrounding by tea lit candles. He pins up your hair as he helps you climb in first as he rests his body against yours. The only sounds that are heard are the splashes of water and the rising and fall of each other’s chest as  you both bath one another in a comfortable and romantic silence. After you’re both wrapped in towels as Angel walks you to his Master bedroom following the rose petal trail and more candlelight everywhere. You sit on the bed facing him as you pull off his towel grabbing his dick as he hisses through his teeth. The girth and length of his beautiful dick is astounding as you softly grab onto his balls as you give them each a soft kiss as Angel gets antsy. You flick your tongue at the mushroom shaped head of his dick as you lick the pre-cum that comes out as you circle your tongue taking it all. He grabs your hair as you take him deep into your mouth.
“FUCK GIRL!!”, shouts Angel as you start a rhythm taking him in and out of your mouth as saliva runs and your eyes water.
“Mierda. For a person who hasn’t really had sex or sucked some dick you sure is sucking me off like a fucking porn star Colibri” as his words spur you on.
You moan as you suck him faster as you flatten your tongue taking a bit more of him in as you feel Angel starting to tense up as he’s getting close.
“You fucking love sucking daddy’s fat dick like the sweet good slut that you are huh?” as his nasty words had you pooling between your legs again.
His stomach muscles tightened as he let out a deep-rooted guttural groan as hot shots filled your mouth.
“You better catch every fucking drop Cochina”, he says as he catches his breath.
Before you know he has you pinned onto your back as he kisses you deeply. Sending shockwaves through you causing your toes to curl. Flicking his tongue on your neck as he licks a trail around your breasts as he sucks on a nipple as you moan arching from his bed. He pulls you up into his as he lines his dick up to your center. He enters you slowly as the air was suck out of your lungs as you spasm trying to adjust to his size as you squeeze your eyes close.
“Open your eyes baby. Look at daddy as you ride this dick girl”.
You slowly move back and forth against him as you take him one inch at a time.
“Remember keep those beautiful eyes on me baby as you take my dick. Don’t fucking make me repeat again you hear me”, commands Angel as he smacks you on the ass spurring you on to ride him faster as begin to bounce on him as you shove his upper half onto the bed.
“That’s it carino. Ride the shit out this dick like it’s yours baby”, as Angel sits up making sure you keep your eyes on him as the first colliding wave of an orgasm washes over you.
“Yes. Oh fuck yes that was a good one. Keep coming on daddy’s dick” as you almost close your eyes due to that orgasm almost wiping out all your energy. Angel flips you on your back spreading your legs as he fills you up again as you grab his bed sheets.
“Fuck your tight Colibri”, as he starts to move inside of you again as his strokes were connecting with your g-spot as you moan and mewl as he stretches out to his liking as he whispers to you.
“You belong to me Y/N. These beautiful eyes. These soft lips (he kisses them). These long legs and soft arms. These cute toes and soft feet. They belong to me. Your heart. Your mind, soul and body all belong to me querida. You’re mine my love. No other man can make you feel like the way I do. Come like how I do”, whispers Angel as a second orgasm comes as you whisper to Angel.
“Then take it all my Angel. Take all of me daddy. I want you to have all of me”, as you cry out as Angel strokes faster as you dig your nails into his back.
“Fuck me harder my Angel”, you demand as he placed your legs on his shoulders as digs into you pounding you into the mattress as he grabs another orgasm from you as your eyes see pops and bursts of fluorescent lights of the heavens. The headboard bangs the wall harder as he pulls back to back orgasms. You are placed on all fours as Angel lines you up filling you in again burying his dick inside of you as you stiffen up. He fucks you into oblivion as he grabs your hair as skin on skin claps fill his bedroom as he strokes another one from you as tears fall as your crying his name over and over like a rehearsed line in your head over and over. He finally follows you as he grabs your neck pulling you towards him as he empties his essence inside of you as you both tumble onto the bed. His heavy body is on you as you feel satisfied, satiated and sore all at the same time. Angel finally rolls off of you as he grabs a washcloth to clean you up and covers your body in the black silk sheets that are on his bed. He puts on his boxer briefs back on as he returns with cold wine for you and beer for himself as he rolls a blunt to share with you.
He lights the blunt as he takes a hit first and passes it to you. He watches you as you take a pull from it with expertise as you finally expel the smoke. His back is to you as he sits on the floor at the bottom of the bed. You watch the flickering candles against his beautiful tatted skin as you run your fingers through his mane as you kiss his neck. He turns to face you ask he kisses you.
“Hey I want you to wear this mi amor”, says Angel as he removes his golden necklace.
“Whoa Angel I can't wear that. It belongs to you. Also, I notice Ezekiel has the same one”, you say in protest.
“Yeah the same one that Danielle is now wearing around her neck” says Angel as he gets up to sit down in the middle of his bed pulling into his lap as you face him. You notice that the candlelight dances in his beautiful brown eyes as you can’t help but, smile down at him. You have accepted that Angel Ignacio Reyes has to be the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen. You felt in your heart that he wouldn’t hurt or take advantage of you as those walls you built guarding your feelings, emotions and heart no longer existed as you gave in to him. He places the necklace around your neck.
“Eres mia Y/N. Te Quiero Mi Reina”, whispers Angel resting his forehead against yours.
“Te Amo Mi Rey”, you whisper to Angel as he slowly removes the bed sheet from you body.
He takes your body again and again through out the night. Sending your body and soul to heightened places its never been and what assumed never existed. Losing count of how many orgasms you both accomplished you both fell asleep holding each other close.   @lauraashley93 @claytoncardenasbabymama @sesamepancakes @pananegra
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mizzingyou · 3 years
in which i go feral over gilear/sklonda. more under the cut
i keep thinking abt how canon + fanon uses gilear as a sorta punching bag in terms of comedy,, which isn't necessarily a bad thing ofc, esp since it's resulted into so much great content and entertainment. but dang it i've attached myself a little too closely to gilear and ever since i listened to sigfig's gilear song (sad guy) i started having a crisis about how he really just is a punching bag when it comes to the overall story,, and now i have just . dedicated myself to bringing gilear happiness because that's what He Deserves !!!
and like. not just the shallow kind of happiness that comes from banging a hot elf milf or subscribing to a monthly yogurt subscription, but the genuine happiness that comes through discomfort, perhaps pain, in finding your place in this world.. and like ?? that's maybe why i enjoy g/s so much .. gilear's dynamic with sklonda just makes Sense to me.. like first off obv they have some of my fave tropes ie friends-to-lovers and girlboss/malewife.. and don't forget the Flavor(TM) of an elf and a goblin together, one of whom is divorced and the other widowed, coming from vastly different backgrounds and yet !! they are both going through struggles of being single parents and having to take care of kids who want to go on Adventures and find their own places in the world,, they have both gone through heartbreaks and losses that are different yet the same,, and perhaps maybe they aren't as different as they thought they were !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and perhaps because they're a little older, in their 40s (human years), and they've been married already, they might think that they'll never find a second chance, and perhaps they've already shooed that thought away from their minds. and ofc they love their kids - but as the kids grow up they have to grow away from their parents, and gil & sklon both recognize that they need to give fig & riz that space to grow and find themselves. but it's resulted into a loneliness that's quite obvious for gil but is also very true for sklonda too, even though she probably does her best to hide it; after all she has a job to do and justice to uphold, there's no time to feel lonely when she has a case to crack.
and gods!! imagine the Drama(TM) if gil was suddenly in very real danger .. i've seen enough crime kdramas to prepare myself for everything that entails...........
anyway going back to the thing about loneliness .. sklonda wouldn't want to really rush into a relationship, still unsure of what romance means to her after the death of her husband (who she still very much loves!) but she likes that she's not alone, that she can confide in a friend who is also a little down on his luck, and who happens to be the (single) parent of her kid's friend. and there's a bit of tiptoeing around what this is between them, and there's awkwardness and fluff and wondering what small gestures mean. and both of them aren't sure at all - but both of them are sure that they like being together in the most innocent sense of that word.
and when they do get together .. i don't think it'll be like, anything huge or world-ending or whatever. they won't kiss under the fireworks or profess their love after nearly dying. no... i think it'll be soft and slow - like the blossoming of a flower.. instead of dramatic make-out sessions it's just gilear holding sklonda's hand just a little more firmly than he used to .. instead of big showy dates, it's sklonda giving gilear gifts more often and without second-guessing herself.. it's about finding certainty, finding a place that fits just right, in being next to each other ............
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childofhelios · 4 years
okay so firstly, this is very niche but its been on my mind for literally ages now. im mostly gonna be focusing on fantasy high characters because that’s the one im most familiar with(d20 release free episodes of crown of candy already ;-; ya girl is suffering) i think i might write a fic or a couple more posts based off this concept but im not sure yet lvfksdvsk let’s get startedddddddd:
so i believe that 2000 line would be the most accurate for fantasy high main characters. i WAS gonna have dream at first but there are 7 members and there are only 6 mcs. so 2000 liners are pretty much perfect for this.  
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okay idk if it’s me or renjun gives off the extremely polite vibes at first? like thinking of early dream era where he seemed really quiet and chill. buuuuut then i also flashback to him putting chenle in a chokehold in like mfal era which makes me think of the cafeteria scene. i dont think renjun is as anxious as adaine. hes def more confident and more forceful but i think he has that ethereal factor adaine has. renjun would absolutely be a high elf because he would be NOTHING less and he deserves it. i think wizard class fits him really well! also his tiny little elf ear may have convinced me to make him adaine....
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so jeno is literally the most like gorgug and it makes me wanna cry kjfnvlsdkl they’re both such loveable sweethearts that are too good for this world but then sometimes???? they just get super intense and fucking insane and it scares me sometimes holy shit. gorgug deals massive damage in battle and can fucking wreck people and jeno,,,,,,lets not talk about it. ALSO i do think jeno would absolutely act like gorgug does with zelda(probably more likely when he was gorgug’s age but oh well) gorgug can be very ditzy(himboish if that’s a better word) but he gives really good advice.and i feel like even though jeno is so foolish, he is supportive and is a wonderful friend. i just fucking love them so much
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HAECAHN IS LITERALLY FIG I FUCKING SHIT YOU NOT: in this essay i will explain why lee haechan is actually fig in disguise. not ONLY does he give a lot of affection/flirt with basically everyone, he’s literally the perfect definition o f bard. like come onnnnnnn. also he’s VERY mischievous and gets the gang into 90% of the trouble and somehow gets them out of it. the “makes problems on purpose but solves them by accident” type. it’s not just because i wanna see him play a bass and jeno on drums bc that would be sexy of them noooooo absolutely not. if you ever see haechan in an outfit similar to fig’s, just know i’ll be literally laying in a grave just know this. STYLISTS PUT THIS MAN IN FISHNETS IMMEDIATELY FOR SCIENCE PURPOSES. bitches be emotional and then say theyre closed off,,,,, literally haechan at both the last dream show with mark and the dream show before they would have graduated
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HES A JOCK DWEEB DO I NEED TO GO FURTHER?? okay so i know that jaemin is pretty introverted and quiet at times bc he likes to chill and im the same way, but when he’s out of his shell or with people who share his energy HES LEGIT LIKE FABIAN. my man’s was a SPEED SKATER, which is so fucking surprising but not the point. im saying that he’s also pretty lean and quick when he wants to be and that makes him good for the type of fighter fabian is. not to mention the weird relationship both fabian and gorgug have and also jaemin and jeno’s relationship. a l s o fabian straight up punched gorgug and then started becoming his friend after being spending time in detention and stuff. jeno and jaemin legit joined at the same time and were seatmates in school and stuff like that.... but this aint about those two. also jaemin’s intonation is fucking funny sometimes but other times i AM willing to fight him bc he wont talk normally (this is a joke vksjdkjs) but the same goes for fabian. the confidence they both have is literally unmatched, its actually kinda scary
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first of all look at how spiffy they look, its actually adorable. second, look at my gremlin childrennnnnnnn i love themmmm(yes i know riz is a goblin no i dont care) okay shotaro is literally a child and he’s kinda still new so he’s a bit shy. but he ACTUALLY terrifies me with how talented he is. like in the recent relay when he learned the dance in like an hour. my guy is so quick at picking things up, he’s the perfect riz. also his korean has gotten so good in just like 3 and a half months so that just showssssss how hardworking he is. i dont know, i feel like shotaro is hiding some feral energy and we just need to wait it out and he’ll be foaming at the mouth or smth. shotaro is a liiiiiiitle too cool for the Ball but they both kinda have that dorky feeling to them. like the kid brother whose hair you ruffle all the time. but all in all i just think he’s neat :]
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okay the photos dont match that well but thats because i was trying to find him in the pink takeoff outfit and i couldnt find a good screenshot but that’s not the point. now you’re probably thinking “helios, yangyang cant be kristen. make him the Ball or fig or anybody else.” ohoho quite the opposite my friend. i think  yangyang is the most like kristen purely bc of the untapped chaotic energy these two have. i literally remember both my first impression of kristen and yy were that they were mostly harmless and then somehow they started speaking and holy shit im terrified of them now. it also makes yangyang being a healer very interesting. they’re both really caring and outgoing, but some of the shit they say literally makes me head fucking spin bc it’s so ridiculous. 
Honorable mentions: 
Taeyong is Prinicpal Aguefort bc he is one of the only ones who has that chaotic yet majestic energy he has. 
Johnny is either Johnny Spells or Jawbone. Johnny Spells because he hangs out with the kiddos a lot and i just think of the “johnny spells fucks” bit and it makes me laugh so hard. but also Jawbone because he’s our emotional support werewolf basically. he also gives great advice. 
Doyoung is Sandra Lynn because of how much of fig/haechan’s shit they have to put up with. also i think the dynamic’s are really funny and similar
Chenle as Torek,,,,,do i need to explain any further
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bogariel-frogariel · 4 years
The Bad Kids Visit Middle Earth Part 2
Part 2 of my fics. You can find it on ao3 as well, just look it up.
Aragorn tensed as Legolas' head spun around. The elf's heightened senses ensured that he was almost always the first of the Fellowship to become aware of anyone approaching.
 "Legolas! What do you sense?" he asked.
 Legolas frowned. "The trees are too thick to see them properly. But they do not look or sound like orcs, and the trees are telling me that they do not bring harm."
 "How many?"
 "Five… no six. I think it is the party that Mithrandir told us about."
 Aragorn nodded, and then looked around at the party. The hobbits had not noticed their exchange, but both Boromir and Gimli's hands had drifted to their weapons, though Gimli was scowling thunderously at them as they spoke in elvish.
 Gandalf was sitting on a moss covered rock, leaning back against a tree trunk as he smoked his pipe grumpily. The wizard had been even more grumpy than usual in the last day but Aragorn did not have time to be watching over him. Honestly, he should have been just about the only member of the Fellowship that Aragorn didn't have to worry about.
 Everyone else was so young.
 He knew, in standard human years, he was not much older than Boromir, possibly younger, but he still had the vaster experience between the two of them. He had seen much more battle than the son of the Steward probably ever would, and he knew he must accommodate Boromir's complicated feelings towards himself, for they were more than justified.
 Gimli was the other of a similar age to him if dwarvish years were translated into human ones. At just over a decade shy of one hundred and fifty years old, Gimli was in his prime. However, he had also spent much of his life protected within Erebor, ever since the dwarves returned there nearly eighty years ago. And, of course, Aragorn would need to manage the animosity that he held towards other species, particularly elves, an attitude of suspiciousness that had been deeply ingrained in him since birth. Only the hobbits seemed to get exemption from his prickly moods.
 Speaking of the hobbits, they were who Aragorn was most worried about. Though halflings lived almost as short a lives as Men, their youths stretched long, with almost half their lives taken up by youthful inexperience. It came from living in such a sheltered and peaceful place as the Shire, an environment that had done nothing to prepare any of them for the horrors to come.
 And then there was Aragorn's dearest friend, Legolas. He perhaps had closer friends in his foster brothers at Imladris, but Legolas was one of the few beings that Aragorn could trust completely. Every time they met, it was as if they had never left each other, and he truly enjoyed the other's company. However, if Aragorn and Gimli were of an age approaching thirty when their respective species were compared to Men, then Legolas was barely over nineteen. The elf was centuries old, having reached his physical maturity at the same rate as humans, and his majority within elven society at the end of his first one hundred years of life, but he was still some three centuries under a thousand years old, and he knew that all elves were not truly viewed as adults until they had seen their first millennia.
 It took much time for elves to overcome their inexperience within the world, their slowed ageing also slowing the latter of their youth years, so from the age of seventeen to one thousand, they would largely remain unchanged, and then mature slightly more rapidly for another hundred years before they remained in the unearthly beauty of their immortality for the rest of their unending lives.
 It had been one of the reasons that Aragorn had ultimately decided to branch out from his elven family; he knew they would be unable to truly treat him as an adult until he had gone off on his own and collected some experience outside their watchful gazes. He did not blame them for their stifling protectiveness, it was in their nature.
 So, in a way, despite physically being the second oldest in the Fellowship, he was also the youngest. Not that his foolish friend would ever let anyone other than Mithrandir and Aragorn ever discover that.
 At least, they would be getting help now.
 Mithrandir had explained to them that the gods themselves had sent them a gift, reached out and borrowed warriors from another world to aid them in their quest.
 He had warned them of what to expect: that the gods had been unable to send anyone of too significant a power, lest the secrecy of their quest be jeopardised, which was why the newcomers would be unable to physically interact with the ring, or any other weapon of Sauron other than his minions. (That, at least, was a positive in Aragorn's eyes, for he would not have to worry about them falling prey to the Ring's power.)
 They had one directive only: to help them defeat Sauron's forces within Middle Earth, and then they would be returning to their own home.
 Eventually, the group emerged from the tree line, and Aragorn couldn't stop the slight frown that pulled at his lips.
 Mithrandir had told them that they were from another realm, one beyond the reaches of even the gods, and that in their realm, different races lived together freely as there were no inherently evil races. He had warned them that three of their new companions would be of races that they would find rather distressing, but that they weren't like the orcs and goblins that the Fellowship knew of. They were… good somehow.
 Only the Fellowship and those who could practice magic would see their true forms, to all others the goblin would look like a hobbit, the half-orc (the thought of one of those made Aragorn shudder) would appear as an exceptionally tall human, and the… devil would look like a normal elf. Not that Aragorn had any idea what a devil was, but Mithrandir had seemed far too annoyed to bare trivial questions that would interrupt the rather clipped warnings he was giving them about their new allies.
 However, Mithrandir had been right, the goblin and half-orc (which he immediately knew were the shortest and tallest of the group respectively, the colour of their skin and unique body shapes) looked nothing like any orc or goblin that Aragorn had seen. There was a complete lack of the cloying darkness that seemed to surround them. Aragorn could not sense the energy as well as elves, but after so many years surrounded by elven magic, and the residual power in his blood gave him some ability to feel them. And none of the people in front of him were setting off any of his senses.
 So, Aragorn smiled and stepped forward.
 "Greetings, friends," he said, with as much warmth and confidence as he could muster.
 The blond elven girl and the girl that would have also appeared elven if it weren't for her light pink skin and the black horns protruding from her hair (Aragorn the slightly shorter girl must have been the… devil that Mithrandir spoke of) stepped forward.
 "Hello," the elf replied with a smile.
 "We’re happy to join you on your quest," the devil said, grinning openly.
 "We are grateful to have you," Aragorn returned, dipping his head respectfully. "I am Aragorn…"
 He went on to introduce the rest of the Fellowship, each of them giving a small gesture to call attention to themselves as Aragorn said their names.
 "… and the… esteemed wizard to my right is mostly commonly known as Gandalf the Grey," Aragorn finished.
 "Well met," the elven girl said before also giving a more formal greeting in elvish.
 "I'm Adaine Abernant," she introduced.
 "And I'm Fig Faeth," the devil chimed in.
 The dark skinned boy nodded as he introduced himself. "My name is Fabian Seacaster."
 The goblin also nodded. "I'm Riz Gukgak."
 The tall one gave an awkward wave. "Uhh… Gorgug Thisltespring."
 Finally, the human girl lifted one of the hands off her huge staff that was curled at the top and gave a more confident wave. "My name is Kristen Applebees."
 Aragorn was about to ask more questions about their skills but Legolas suddenly shifted behind him and when Aragorn looked at him, he had his bow in hand.
 "There is something very large approaching," he explained, reaching back to grab an arrow.
 Master Seacaster clapped his hands together. "Ahh, that is just my animal companion… the Hangman."
 "Please don't shoot him," Miss Faeth requested. "He won't hurt anyone here."
 "Well, unless they attack Fabian," Miss Applebees said only to be elbowed in the leg by Master Gukgak.
 "He won't hurt anyone unless Fabian orders him to," Adaine assured them. "And Fabian won't order them to hurt anyone. Right Fabian?"
 Master Seacaster, who was looking off into the forest, in the same direction that Legolas was glaring in, shook himself and glanced back at the female elf.
 "What?" he asked, blinking. "Oh yes. Of course, I won't ask him to attack anyone here. He's only roaming around the forest to scout for danger."
 Before anyone could say anything else, a black mass burst from the tree line, zipping straight to Master Seacaster's side and coming to an abrupt stop.
 Now that it was no longer a blur of movement, Aragorn could see that the figure was a great, hulking hound, as big as any warg that Aragorn had ever encountered. The hound as leaning up against Master Seacaster, its tail wagging as the boy patted it's head.
 "Yes, hello, Hangman," the boy said, grinning more brightly than he had been previously. "What did you find?"
 The new group nodded along at the hound's huff, as if they could understand it.
 "Well," Miss Applebees said. "That's good news. There's nothing in the forest that's going to try and kill us."
 "What would you like to do?" Adaine asked. "We have been instructed to follow your directives whenever possible."
 Aragorn contemplated this for a few moments before he answered, "We're less than three hours from the forest borders and then we'll be on open plains until we hit the next ridge of mountains. We will walk for an hour before we make camp again. Tomorrow will be a long day."
 From tomorrow, there would be no more hiding in forests along the mountains, they would need to find rock formations to camp under. Soon they would need to choose what path we would take.
 Everyone acknowledged Aragorn with a nod.
 "We can help you make you break camp, if you would like?" Adaine asked.
 Aragorn shook his head. "We should be ready to travel in five minutes. Take the time to rest."
 Miss Faeth smiled at him. "Thank you! Adaine made us get up really early."
 Adaine glared at her. "You agreed to get up at that time. It's not my fault it was my job to get you all up."
 Miss Faeth rolled her eyes and all of the newcomers drifted towards each other, forming a circle around the Hound as they quietly talked amongst each other. When Aragorn glanced at them half way though his sweep of the camp to make sure they didn't leave anything behind, he saw various bits of food in all their hands.
 The newcomers easily dispersed themselves as the party walked. As usual, Legolas scouted far ahead in front of them for their next campsite, though Master Gukgak walked off to the side of them, almost disappearing into the trees. Master Damian and the Hangman flanked the hobbits, who walked at the centre of their party and Master Thistlespring and Miss Faeth reinforced the rear, where Boromir and Gimli were walking, whilst Adaine and Miss Applebees walked along only a few metres behind Aragorn and Mithrandir, murmuring quietly between each other.
 True to form, after an hour, Legolas returned to them, informing them of a suitable clearing not far off, with a few birds in his hands that they could cook up for dinner.
 Sam perked up at the sight, bustling forward and taking it from the elf with a hesitant 'thank you' before he started preparing them and Miss Applebees wandered off with him whilst Master Thistlespring and Master Seacaster went into the forest with Bormoir and Merry and Pippin to start collecting firewood.
 As usual, everyone else went about their own business, setting out their bed rolls and tending to their personal gear as they whiled away the hour or so until dinner would be ready. Aragorn asked Legolas to stand watch, for he knew that the elf preferred that activity, as he was uncomfortable speaking with large groups of unknown people.
 The young elf would need to learn to become friendly with the group, but Aragorn didn't want to push his friend. Hopefully, with another elf here, everyone would open up. The Hangman paced a circle around the camp, apparently joining the elf in his watch.
 Adaine walked over to Aragorn just as he was trying to decide what job to assign himself.
 "How would you like to assign overnight watches?" she asked.
 "Am I correct in assuming that you only need half as much rest as the others in this group?" Aragorn questioned and the elleth nodded.
 "You are. I was thinking that Legolas and I could take alternating shifts each night, with someone else also up to cover blind spots," she suggested. "If that is what you want to, of course."
 Aragorn smiled and nodded. "That sounds reasonable. And good for the whole company. It should ensure that everyone gets as much rest as possible. We usually don't have the hobbits stand watch, as they are all rather young and they need to conserve their strength. Besides, none of them have seen proper combat before, and would not know what to look for whilst on watch."
 Adaine frowned at that but did not argue. Instead, she was distracted by Miss Applebees coming up to her and grabbing her arm.
 "We need you down by the fire, Adaine," she said. "Sam's wants a few ingredients for the soup he's making us. And I want to braid your hair before it gets too dark. We probably won't have time tomorrow and it might get in the way on open plains."
 Aragorn's eyes widened at that statement. For elves, hair braiding required an incredible amount of trust. It was not a duty given out lightly. Aragorn himself, had only ever been given the privilege a few times, and that was with elves that he had spent his whole life with. However, Adaine just smiled, nodding goodbye to Aragorn and allowing herself to be led over to a rock that had been dragged over to a fire that was already blazing healthily.
 As he watched the human started braiding a complicated design into the elf's hair, as the blonde pulled items out of a pouch at her waste, producing potatoes and herbs seemingly from mid-air, much to the delight of Samwise.
 Aragorn couldn't help but marvel at the scene.
 These new folk were strange indeed. However, they had a strong bond of trust that would not be broken easily, and they would truly help the Fellowship in their endeavours.
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more than just flowers and soft edges
For @abnormalcore - this is probably terrible because I literally just had an idea and wrote it in about 45 minutes so I’m sorry for errors and the generally rushed feeling of it but I hope you like it anyway! Also I’m not really comfortable writing for Mayans MC just yet because I don’t feel like I really know them yet but I tried my best from what I could google!
When Riz caught you wearing his kutte for the first time, he’ll admit he was a little taken aback. You were both getting ready to go out to a party at the clubhouse; he was in the bathroom doing a couple of last touch-ups on his hair, you were still in the bedroom changing.
You didn’t know what came over you but one second you were doing up the last button on your soft white shirt that was decorated with pastel flowers, and the next you were walking toward the kutte laid across the bed like you were possessed. You had always admired the items whenever the boys wore them - all the soft leather and patches were a style you loved and you’d always wanted one of your own, but you would never disrespect the MC and their rules by asking.
Still, trying it on, just this once, couldn’t hurt - could it? So with that thought, you slid it on. It was far too large on your smaller frame. The weight was comforting and something about the the well-worn leather made you feel tough - a feeling you weren’t familiar with as your usual attire (including your current outfit of light blue jeans, soft brown boots and light, flowing top) gave you the feeling of kindness. It was that, being kind, that made you feel good about yourself but you couldn’t help but feel that, given your newer lifestyle with Riz and the MC, you needed to start hardening.
You traced your fingers over the patch on the right side of the chest. El Secretario. You were still so proud of him for this role, and a little proud of yourself for snagging a guy like him when you were, well, someone like you - all flowers and pastel and soft edges.
The party was to celebrate some of the guys coming back from a particularly long run, but you knew better than anyone that the MC would take whatever opportunity they got to get drunk and have fun - especially with all of the sweetbutts hanging around. You wouldn’t admit that you were jealous, because you weren’t, but maybe you were a little threatened. All of the other old ladies and even the sweetbutts, they were beautiful but they could still take care of themselves - and they looked like it. Riz had definitely taught you to hold your own, but you didn’t look like it.
That made you an easy target, both within the club and outside of it. Still, this was your style, your aesthetic. Wearing things like this made you feel comfortable and confident, for the most part, but what if it wasn’t enough - what if it was too different and Riz would never make you his old lady?
“What are you-” Riz’s voice shocked you and you immediately shrugged off the kutte and placing it back on the bed before spinning to face your boyfriend. “What was that?”
“I’m sorry,” you said, “I was just curious - I really like it and I just wanted to see what it was like to wear one. I’m sorry,”
Slowly his brow unfurrowed and a smile crept onto his face.
“It looked good on you,” he said (but you weren’t sure how much of it was just the fact that he likes to see you in his clothing), “maybe we should get you your own,”
You shook your head. “I couldn’t pull it off, not really. It looks great on you, but the dark leather is so harsh. I think it’s too much for me,”
He didn’t mention it again. Not for another few weeks, at least.
The next time he brought it up the two of you were laying in his bed. Your head was resting on his shoulder and the sheet was tucked tight around you.
“Hey,” he said, “remember when you tried on my kutte?”
You nodded and shifted to get a better view of him, sitting your chin on his chest. “Of course, why?
“Well, you know how I said it looked good on you, and I should get you one, but you didn’t like all the black?”
He got up before you could answer. You frowned a little and sat up on the bed, not sure where this was going. “Yeah,”
He turned to the wardrobe and started to shuffle around some of the junk and dirty clothing he had piled up there until he pulled out a large box with a lilac bow tied (badly) at the top.
“I got you something,” he said, placing the box gently on the bed before you. You smiled up at him and reached up to kiss his cheek before settling back down.
Carefully, you untied the ribbon. It may not have been tied well, but it was tied with care and you would treat it the same way. The lid of the box seemed to come off in slow motion and you gasped when you saw what lay beneath; pink leather. Your very own kutte made from soft pink leather.
You looked up at him, beaming, and Riz smiled back. He looked almost nervous as he gestured for you to keep looking.
You took it out of the box and laid it out before you. There was a patch, perfectly white with dark pink letters that spelled out your name.
“This is beautiful!” You resisted the urge to squeal in excitement and hugged it closely to your chest. “Is this okay with the rest of the club?”
“Yeah,” he said, though he looked nervous, “I talked to them about it. Check out the back,”
You did as he asked, and tears of happiness sprung to your eyes as you saw what was there. It almost looked like any other of the Mayans’ kuttes. There was another white patch with dark pink print across the top that read MAYANS MC, followed by the colourful emblem embroidered beneath it. But below that, was another patch that, instead of reading the charter, read OLD LADY.
“So?” He asked. “What do you say?”
“Are you…are you really asking me to be your old lady?” You were incredulous, but he gave you an almost sheepish smile and nodded.
You leapt off the bed and into his arms, kissing him and telling him yes over and over. You didn’t think you could love this man more. Not only has he given you more confidence than you thought you could ever have but he has eased your worries about your relationship and your place in his life. He has shown you just how much he loves you -  and he did it all with one pink kutte.
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tessxomarie · 6 years
Saving You - Part I
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*Hi everyone! First, I need to shoutout @hellosupernaturaldoctor​  for giving me advice and the confidence to even attempt this. This is my very first time writing any fan-fiction and the first time I’ve decided to post any of my writing some place other than a word doc. I’ve had this idea for this story since mid-season of the Mayans, and after the finale I put all my thoughts into a story. It starts off slow, but I promise what I have in store next will be worth it! PS, Any feedback is appreciated! - This story takes place a few months after the season one finale. Ez is now a newly patched in member, Alvarez is still working for Galindo; things have been quiet as of late, well for the most part.*
It’s a Friday afternoon, I’m just getting off of work. It’s hot as fuck outside – guess that’s the price you pay when you live in the desert. I lazily gather my purse from the backroom, before I step foot outside, I redo my hair. What was once a cute pony tail this morning has turned into a mangled mess. As my luck would have it, my hair tie snaps as soon as I go to wrap it around a third time. “Fuck.” I mumble to myself. I always wear an extra hair tie on my wrist, but I cannot have a naked wrist. “Fine, a mangled mane I will have. It’s fine, it’s fine.” I whisper to myself. If I don’t leave here now, I will lose all sanity I have left. Man, what a shit show day today has been, this heat must be getting to the kids. Two broken wrists, a broken arm, a no helmet incident and a random summer cold. I didn’t get puked or shit on, and no kid attempted to kick or hit, so I call today’s shit show a success. Just as I’m about to leave, one of my co-workers stops me, “Leah, good work today. You kept that broken arm kid really calm. Keep it up.” Elena tells me with a smile. “Thanks, Elena. I’m just doing my job, but I always welcome feedback, so thanks again.” I say to her as I head out the back door. It’s 4:30pm, I’ve been on the clock since 6am, one would think I deserve to simply go home and use my complex’s pool – oh one can dream. But nope, I’m still on the clock but I guess you could call this gig more of an always “on-call” service.
I pull up in my old school blacked out Jeep Grand Cherokee about twenty minutes after I leave the clinic to the Romeo Brothers Scrapyard, also known as the headquarters for the Mayans MC.  
Chucky greets me, per usual. “Greetings Nurse Aleeah.” He says to me with a big smile and a salute. I let out a giggle as I always do whenever someone says my full name…I rarely ever go by it, but around here, I hear it more than I have in years. But Chucky, oh Chucky– how does one describe a chronic masturbator who has a good heart and is part of the biker world without truly being a biker? I guess I just did, didn’t I? “Hey Chucky, how are you?” I ask as I park and exit my Jeep. “I am well, swell actually. I have no complaints today.” Chucky answers with a big smile. “Good, I’m glad to hear that.” I say as I give his arm a friendly squeeze. “The boys need your assistance, I don’t know details but clearly someone got messed up hence why you are here.” Chucky explains in typical Chucky fashion.I roll my eyes as I stand in front of the clubhouse. “It’s always something with these boys, huh?” I rhetorically ask. Chucky nods his head and heads back to the office. I walk up the steps and take a deep breath before I enter the clubhouse. This club is like a box of chocolates, you never know what the fuck you’re going to get so it’s best you just grin and bear it. Is it just a cut from a broken beer bottle? Did a fight break out and there is blood everywhere? A bullet wound? A stabbing wound? A rat bite? Like I said, you just never know. I open the doors and pray today is nothing major. “Have no fear, your favorite RN is here.” I announce as I enter the clubhouse and strike a pose in the doorway.  “Umm, isn’t it RN BSN?” Riz corrects as he stands and greets me. “Have I told you that you’re my favorite?” I reply with a playful wink and smile, it does make me truly happy that these guys acknowledge and are proud of my accomplishments. “Hola Aleeah.” Riz says to me while we greet with a warm hug, per usual. “Hey, I spy my favorite nurse!” Gilly shouts from across the room. Creeper, Hank and Taza also wave from the card table. “Greetings gentlemen, you all seem to be in one piece.” I say as I mosey around the few tables between me and the guys. “Although that pleases me, who is the one who called up 1-800-Rescue Nurse?” I sarcastically spit, which receives some laughs from the guys. “They’re in church.” Hank points towards the door. “They? Plural?” I ask looking at Riz, and he nods to confirm. “Jesus Christ.” I say palming my face. “Lee Baby!” Coco shouts from exiting church and walking over to me with open arms. “Ah, Coco Loco.” I reply with a smile and we hug. “How are you doing, Coco?” I ask after we break our embrace. “A lot better than your next two victims.” He replies, him not making much eye contact and that just gives it away – I know automatically who my victims are. “You gotta be kidding me? They got into it again?!” All Coco does is nod and look down at the floor. “How bad?” I ask. “What do you mean? How bad do they look? Or how bad is it between them?” Coco asks me. I shake my head with disgrace. I angrily take my steps towards church and I aggressively open the door. “Damn, she is pissed.” I hear Creeper’s echo as I close the door, as soon I enter the room. Looking at the table, I see them. One is at one end, the other one on the opposite end. I drop my nurse’s bag on the table and cross my arms. “You two have some damn nerve - getting into it again. Jesus. You’re fucking brothers, you are blood – blood don’t do this shit.” I yell with anger and confusion. Silence fills the air as the guys look at each other and up at me. Bishop then looks over to me and quirks an eyebrow and half smile. “Excuse my poor manners, Bish. Your boys tend to make me lose all sanity I have left at the end of a work week.” I tell him as I walk over and give him a warm embrace. “Oh Leah, you’re fine. I know this shit has been out of control recently.” Bishop pauses and looks over to the guys. He takes a deep breath. “I’ll let you handle them now. I’ll be outside if you need a referee.” Bishop exits and I just stand there, crossed arms again. Both boys refuse to look me in the eye, but instead stare each other down. “Are you just going to stand there?” Angel seethes. I let out a sarcastic laugh. “Give me one good reason as to why I should fix the both of you up? Huh? Because as I see it, this is the fourth time this month…THIS MONTH!  Angel, please, humor me and explain to me why the fuck I should tend to your wounds yet again? Maybe if I let you both be, you’ll learn these fights aren’t worth it.” I take a deep breath myself, and I run my hand through my tangled hair, which I then end up putting up in a pony tail right after, I’ll just have to remember to find another hair tie to wear on my wrist later.   “Alright, I’m sorry I went off. You two, you two just frustrate me.” I say holding my hands up mimicking a surrender. I take another breath and look between the boys. My gaze is drawn to EZ, probably because he’s the easier one out of the two. “Okay, EZ, I see that nasty cut on your cheek, oh and your hand – good going big brother.” I say as I look over to Angel. He looks away the moment I look his way. “Shocker, EZ gets to be first yet again.” Angel chirps. “Seriously?” I snap. “I’m over here fucking bleeding, I could be dying but all you and anyone ever cares about is Ezekiel.”   “Shut it Angel, just shut it, please.” I beg. I start to tend to EZ’s war wounds; some cuts, a nasty one on his cheek – I’m guessing Angel’s rings got the best of him this time around. EZ, he doesn’t say much this time I’m here. I know that he feels the same way as me – he’s tired of this back and forth shit with his brother. “EZ, no more. It’s one thing when you all call me to take a bullet out, or to give a rabies shot, but this shit – playground fights, I’m done.” I explain as I place the last bandage strip to his cheek. EZ doesn’t make eye contact, and his jaw is clenched. His knees shaking. “I know, Lee. I’m sorry you’re doing this again.” EZ tells me as he finally meets my eyes for the first time. EZ, he’s easy to read. He wears his emotions in his eyes, his eyes right now are filled with pain and sadness. This whole feud with Angel, it’s taken a toll on everyone in this club. It’s been almost eight months of this fuckery. “Remove the bandage Sunday night, it needs about 48 hours to heal. If you feel the need to remove it beforehand, clean it thoroughly. Have some of your favorite tequila tonight, and you will be good.” I tell EZ as I throw away the things I used to care for him. “Thanks, Lee.” He says as he kisses me on the cheek and walks somberly out of church. My heart aches for EZ, because the pain – physical and emotional is all over his face and body. Angel hasn’t taken his eyes off of the wall nor has he spoken. I slide my bag down the table as I slowly make my way towards him. Rubber gloves are on, and I grab his face. “Let’s see your damage.” I say, like a dog would when a human goes to check their mouth for something, Angel gives me a little tension as I touch his face. Again, no eye contact. A look of annoyance screams from his expression. I see a nasty cut on the side of his head, by his eye – a sensitive area which bleeds more than most. A black eye is also forming. “Jesus Christ, Angel.” I say examining the cut a little further. “This has to stop. I’m begging. I cannot deal with looking at you two like this, because my fear is that one day, I’m going to be too late to help any of you.” “What if it is?” He spews. I scoff, “No more.” Is all I manage to say. I take out an alcohol swab to clean out his cut. “This is going to sting, on the count of three – one, two, three.” I say as I then put the swab against the cut. A loud hiss comes from Angel and an instant reaction of mine is to grab his face and blow lightly at the cut, helping the sting not be so painful. Angel’s eyes then lock with mine, a look of shock and confusion fill his brown eyes. Angel and I, we’ve had a very interesting relationship since I first came to Santo Padre. He gave me an attitude and I gave it right back – he seemed more pissed off when I talked back than just walking away, and the more I talked back, the more tension built up between us. We started out on the wrong foot, and that’s how we have remained. He lets me care for him, depending on the time of day. Sometimes he lets his girlfriend, well I think she’s his girlfriend, Adelita, clean him up. Today, for whatever reason, he stuck around the clubhouse. I continue to blow on his wound, and I wince back in pain for him because I know it had to sting like a bitch. “Uhh, sorry. It’s a habit of mine, when I treat the kids, I have to do this; they hate it too, so that technique helps them...” I ramble and look away because I sense a bit of embarrassment, as I’ve never been “nice” to Angel. I look and reach back at the table to grab what I need next, just as I turn to face Angel again, I notice a very small smile on his face. “What?” I question, because seeing him smile legit concerns me. “It’s nothing, Leah.” He says monotone and lets me continue working on him. A few more minutes go by, and I determine that he doesn’t need any stitches, just a little butterfly work on one of his eyebrows. “Okay, that’s all. No stitches today, that cut on the side of your face, it’s a sensitive area that bleeds more than most. Your eyebrow cut, it’s an awkward cut – it’s ugly but not ugly enough for stitches. My only request is when you clean it out, could you please use both water and soap?” I emphasize. I know how these guys operate. They either use a dirty rag or tap water to clean themselves up. I turn to clean up my stuff and Angel lets out a minor laugh, which catches me off guard. I look at him and quirk an inquisitive look. Angel stands up, he turns behind his chair and lightly pounds his fist to the back of it. “You sounded just like my ma.” He tells me, in the softest voice I have ever heard Angel speak in. I offer him a small smile as I already know what that history is. Angel leaves church, and per usual no other words are spoken, no thank you’s, nothing. I stay behind a few more moments and collect my thoughts and belongings. I hear the door open, at first I’m startled but relieved it’s just Bishop. “How we doin’, sweetheart?” He asks. I let out a very deep sigh and my facial expression tells my feelings of this whole ordeal. Bishop can’t help but laugh, “I know, Lee. I know.” He tells me as he pulls me in for a hug. “I just need to go home and lay in bed and watch a trashy romcom.” I exclaim as I grab my bag. “I think you’ve deserved that, but before you go – you have a visitor.” He tells me. A look of a deer in the head-lights flashes across my face, who the hell could be visiting me? “Just come with me.” Bishop motions for me to take his hand and follow him. Nerves take over, with the Club, you never know what can happen. As I exit the room, I see the guys scattered all over the clubhouse yet all eyes are on me. “Your visitor is the biggest pain in my ass, so make it quick.” Bishop says, but I catch his playfulness I his voice and I look to the bar and I see who Bishop is talking about – Marcus Alvarez.
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bogariel-frogariel · 4 years
The Bad Kids Visit Middle Earth Part 3
Find it on ao3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25263157/chapters/61828594
Adaine missed the trees.
 That was rather ironic for a High Elf, especially her type of High Elf, the Moon Elves, who had abandoned their routes many millennia ago in favour of the pursuit of mastering magic in its purest form. (She wouldn't even get into the debate on just what was magic's purest form; some would say the instinctive interaction that most wood elves had with the world around them was more natural than the clinical scholarly view).
 However, ever since the end of Spring Break last year, Sandra Lynn had been spending more time with her, teaching Adaine how to commune with trees and plants. It did not come as naturally to her as her divination magic but Adaine enjoyed it.
It had felt good to get back to her ancient routes through practicing nature magic and the archery lessons that the wood elf had been giving her and Fig over the last ten months or so.
 She hadn't known she was taking so much comfort in the tress' cheerful chatter until it was gone, and she was surrounded by only open plains and cold mountains.
 She held back a depressed sigh as she perched on top of one of the rocky outcrops that they'd decided to camp near.
 Off to one side, Boromir was currently trying to teach Merry and Pippin the basics of sword fighting whilst Gimli and Aragorn watched on in amusement. (Adaine still didn't know why they'd taken clearly inexperienced people with neither magic nor fighting backgrounds on such an important quest but then again, they'd brought Gilear along on their quest to destroy the bloody Nightmare King)
 Sam was starting to piece together some sticks to make a fire and was taking inventory of the food, obviously trying to decide what to cook for the night, whilst Frodo huddled closer to him, staring into the distance with the lost look in the eyes that the hobbit sometimes adopted. Gorgug, obviously having seen that, and knowing that the halfling liked it when others spoke quietly near him, decided to sit near both of them with Kristen as she gently quizzed him on Elvish. They'd all been working to teach it to him over the last few years and he was almost fluent now; confident enough to start learning Dwarvish with Adaine.
 She should probably ask Riz to pull the book on learning Dwarvish runes out of his pack (a transmuted form of his briefcase). Adaine wondered, briefly, if she could ask Gimli for help, for the languages between their worlds seemed to mirror each other, if Elvish and Common could be used as basis. However, she quickly dismissed the idea. The dwarf had spent most of the last night eyeing her with just as much suspicion and hatred that he looked upon Legolas with. Of course, she didn't approve of Legolas' needless insults and snide goading, which he managed to convey in only a handful of words, but she was rather fed up with it. She hadn't even talked to the dwarf!
 Speaking of the elf, he was, as usual, standing away from the party, eyes on the horizon, scanning for threats whilst Gandalf, the wizard, leaned against a rock, smoking as he scowled at nothing. Adaine pulled Boggy out of his pouch, which sat on the opposite side of her Pouch of Useful Things, setting him on her shoulder as she riffled around her pockets for her notebook to start scribbling about the next spell she was trying to craft. She was trying to make one for Rhaezella, a demigod Archmage whom she'd gotten rather close to over the last few months since the ball that her sister had held in Fallinel.
 Adaine hadn't crafted a healing spell before, but she would be damned if she didn't manage to. She suspected she would be having a lot of time to think on this trip.
 However, before she could get very far into it, Fabian strode up to the bottom of the rocky outcrop she had perched herself on top of.
 "Adaine," he called up to her. "I think we should take a leaf out of Boromir's book and do some training."
 Adaine didn't particularly want to make herself look like a fool in front these men, but Fabian must have read her reluctance because he gestured to where Riz and Fig had already unsheathed their swords.
 "Come on, you wouldn't want to miss a training session that the others took part in. And, besides, I think it will amuse Sam and Frodo."
 Adaine frowned, narrowing her eyes at Fabian. He knew exactly how to manipulate her and she didn't appreciate it, which only made her want to jump down more just to make him regret it.
 He knew that she hated missing out, and that she worried about both the most important of their company; the Ringbearer, as well as Sam, who was obviously desperately trying to cheer him up but becoming more and more discouraged when it wasn't working. However, she was unsure of exactly how to cheer them up. Adaine may have been appointed the Bad Kids' unofficial spokesperson for this trip, since she was the best at formal diplomatic speech, but it didn't mean she was good at saying the right thing to comfort someone.
 She jumped down from her perch, only wobbling slightly on the landing, but she knew Fabian wouldn't tell anyone. Over the past year, as she reached her physical majority, her body had developed a lot, and she felt less awkward with her limbs, gaining much of the elven grace that she'd been so lacking previously. She was almost indistinguishable from older elves now and it was difficult to tell just how young she was, as she had grown out of her gangly limbs into the lithe gracefulness that was characteristic of all of that immortal race.
 But that didn't stop her from falling flat on her ass and making an idiot of herself far too often for her liking.
 Fabian suppressed a sharp grin as he and Adaine walked over to the small section of clear, flat land near where Sam, Frodo, Gorgug and Kristen had settled.
 The human who wasn't the leader of the Fellowship - Boromir - was doing his own beginners lesson over in a larger space. The two humans, the elf and the dwarf were obviously experienced and advanced warriors, and Fabian would have gladly asked them for a spar, or some pointers, if he thought they would be willing to humour them.
 Aragorn was troubled enough with co-leading the Fellowship alongside Gandalf - seeing the worry that lined his shoulders made Fabian glad that the Bad Kids decided that there wouldn't be a leader among them. Boromir was preoccupied with the halflings, and, besides, was wary of all of them, which was fair, since they'd all barely spoken to each other.
 Fabian had conversed a bit with the hobbits throughout the day, but mostly, he'd spent the time messaging the Bad Kids. An eight hour walk seemed easy when he spent the whole time verbally sparring with his best friends.
 As for the elf? Well he seemed to be permanently placed on sentry duty, and was, besides, clearly quite nervous around not just the Bad Kids but the whole party. Fabian didn't want to push Legolas into doing something he didn't want to. If there was something he'd learnt about being Adaine and Kristen's friend, it was respecting boundaries and backing off when someone needed distance. The only time he really talked to anyone other than Aragorn or Gandalf, was when he was arguing with Gimli.
 Now, Fabian would have asked the dwarf for some combat tips, but he'd spent almost as much time glaring at him and Adaine as he did glowering at Legolas. He'd heard him muttering some very uncharitable things about elves under his breath whenever they did something, so Fabian didn't really think any approach from himself was going to lead to anything but a fight. And, they were really trying to avoid that, which was why Adaine was doing all the talking, since she was really the best at being polite out of all of them.
 So, they were stuck sparring with themselves, not that that was really a bad outcome. He'd started teaching Adaine swordplay as soon as they got back from Spring Break. They'd both agreed it was rather essential since her Arcane Focus was now the Sword of Sight. Fig and Riz occasionally joined them, though Fig's Barbarian electives and Riz's Rogue classes already taught them weapon handling, so they didn't need as many lessons. Really, it was good that the two girls had decided to train with swords, because they might be in positions numerous times on this quest where they wouldn't be able to use magic to defend themselves.
 This world seemed strangely conservative about that stuff.
 As Fabian rolled his shoulders, he glimpsed Adaine's glower and held back a wince.
 "Remember, no magic," he reminded her, eyeing her twitching fingers suspiciously.
 Adaine scowled at him and flounced over to Gorgug, before gently depositing Boggy in his lap, next to where Fig had lent her bast against his thigh. Fabian noted with approval that neither of the girls had taken off their bows and quivers as Adaine aggressively unsheathed her sword. Fabian held back a smirk. He was dying for a good fight, and a riled up Adaine was truly a formidable opponent, no matter the playing field.
 "You and I are going first, Seacaster," she claimed, twirling her sword before she held it in a two-hand grip. "And no Bard skills."
 Fabian nodded and unsheathed Fandrangor. The sword was thicker than his old rapier had been and lighter than (but just as sturdy as) the Sword of the Seacaster was. It had taken some getting used to, but Fabian found he quite enjoyed using it as his primary weapon. It really was a masterfully made sword, what with the elven magic and all. His grandfather may not be all there, but he was still a highly competent crafter.
 He gave a mocking half bow which had Adaine lunging forward, slashing at him in an attack that Fabian easily blocked. She followed it up with a few more attacks, which were all rebuffed, until Fabian managed to riposte, forcing her to retreat or lose her sword.
 "You're not thinking, Adaine," Fabian informed her in a sing-song voice specifically designed to make her blood boil.
 Adaine narrowed her eyes but didn't rush forward and attack, instead she took half a step back and braced herself in a defensive position. Fabian grinned at her, and took the bait, surging forwards. Adaine successfully batted his attack away, and instead of pulling back, like Fabian thought she would, she turned into the blow, elbowing Fabian in the gut, hard enough to knock the breath out of him, but not hard enough to stop him from catching her wrist as swung her sword for the final blow.
 He twisted the sword out of her hand, ducking his head out of the way of another elbow, before he could level his sword at her, Adaine kicked his legs out from under him. However, Fabian managed to catch her on the way down, bringing them both to a floor in a messy tussle that eventually ended with Fabian pining Adaine, holding his sword close to her throat, but not at it.
 They were both breathing hard, as Fabian quickly got up and off her, offering his hand to help her up. Adaine scowled but took it, and she was grinning along with him by the time they were both on their feet, summoning the Sword of Sight to her hands as she nodded respectfully at him.
 Fabian smiled encouragingly, "You're getting really good, Adaine."
 "Yeah," Fig cheered quietly. "Go Adaine. You're going to be the most badass Oracle in history."
 Adaine grinned and was about to respond, but was distracted, her head snapping sharply to the side.
 Used to trusting her superior elven senses, Fabian looked to where her attention was focused, seeing a growing black clowd on the horizon.
 "Those are birds," Adaine murmured in confusion and Fabian furrowed his eyebrows.
 And then both Aragorn and Legolas were shouting, calling for all of them to hide. There was a flurry of activity, Adaine and Gorgug lunging towards the two hobbits closest to them, whilst Fig cast a spell to put the fire out and scatter the logs around. Fabian looked around wildly, grabbing what he could of their gear before he dove under one of the rocky outcrops, huddling beside Riz under the shadows whilst the Rogue tracked those birds with his gun which was glamoured to look like a crossbow.
 He only emerged from the shadows when Aragorn announced that it was safe, brushing himself off.
 After about a minute, Aragorn whipped his head around the clearing, searching wildly.
 "Frodo!" he called, voice panicked. "Frodo!"
 "It's fine," Adaine answered, appearing out of thin air in the middle of camp with the halfling (and the most important in their party) next to her.
 Aragorn rushed towards him. "Did you use the ring?"
 Frodo shook his head wildly. "No! I would not do it again, not after last time.
 "Then what dark power was that?" Aragorn questioned, his hand going to his sword.
 Adaine frowned. "That was me. I just cast a spell. Sorry I didn't dispel it right away, I was making sure that they were gone."
 Aragorn stared at her for a few seconds, stepping away as he stared at her with wide eyes.
 "So this is the nature of the assistance that the gods sent?" Boromir, asked, his hand straying to his sword, even as his voice was filled with awe.
 "Yes," Fig said, stepping forward. "They sent spellcasters and fighters, just what you need ."
 She levelled a hard stare at the man with Riz standing just behind her, gun in his hands.
 Boromir only held her gaze for a few seconds before he backed down. "It seems you will be useful after all."
 Kristen grinned. "You haven't even seen us in a fight yet."
 The adults in the party backed down, though the they still cast furtive glances around at them. The wizard, however, looked between Kristen and Adaine with a critical sought of respect, and the hobbits all grinned at them, with Frodo smiling up at Adaine genuinely, thanking her warmly.
 Well, they'd had worse interactions.
I am having too much fun with this. Next chapter: we’re on the mountain. How are you liking this?
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