tecnologygaming · 2 years
On October 12, NVIDIA released its first next-generation Ada Lovelace graphics card, the GeForce RTX 4090, which has been in the hands of early adopters for a few days now.All models of these graphics cards use the new 16-pin connection of the 12VHPWR cablea new standard present in most modern power supplies which is capable of supplying up to 600W of power to the GPU. and a connection that was already present in the highest-end models of the last generation of NVIDIA graphics cards.To ensure that buyers of the RTX 4090 are not forced to change their power supply, both NVIDIA and the various graphics companies that make its graphics cards include an adapter that allows us to connect 3 or 4 8-pin cables from the "old" power supplies. to use this 16-pin 12VHPWR connectivity and it is precisely this adapter that seems to be giving problems, as during the last few days two users of an RTX 4090 have reported problems with spontaneous combustion of these cables, which have ended up partially melted. The first of these users was reggie_gakil who posted on Reddit a first image of the burned adapter, commenting that he doesn't know the reason why started to burn although, fortunately, the graphic is still working perfectly. and the accident did not escalate. In addition, reggie_gakil is not alone as shortly after a second user has appeared reporting a similar problem.NVIDIA begins investigationFor the time being the causes are unknown of the cable combustion of both adapters and it is not known if it is due to a manufacturing defect or an incorrect installation of the cable when connecting it to the GPU, which has a very specific guideline of correct use to avoid failures. On a personal level, we have tested several graphics cards with this connectivity and actually used one of them for quite some time and never had any problems with the adapter in question. In addition, NVIDIA has already taken note of both cases and will be launching an investigation.. The second user who reported an accidental combustion has already been contacted by reggie_gakil and will be contacted within the next few hours, so we should soon know the reasons for the failure. eventosScrollLoad.push(function() !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s)if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments);if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n; n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0';n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window, document,'script','https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js'); fbq('init', '1409147109150647'); // Insert your pixel ID here. fbq('track', 'PageView'); );
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podcastingpineapple · 11 months
Pages from the comic zine I made for humanmorph ^^
Palisade 25 spoilers:
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humanmorph · 2 months
HUGE w for rosa "more than anything else I want Austin to do a vignette episode again" "maybe palisade maybe this time" humanmorph. WIN!
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galaxseacreature · 7 days
What WOULD a Friends at the Table cheez-its sponsorship even look like? Because if they made promotional cheez-its with f@tt characters on the box I would buy them (unfortunately)
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telomirage · 22 days
sometimes I play the stellar combustor for my neighbors when they're being loud because 1) I love it so much and 2) it's very much ominous
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peaceforpeople · 4 months
«My favourite Mixels Ships» Part 1 (don't hate pls)
– Seislain (🔥Flain x Seismo🪨)
– Snorch (🔥Zorch x Snoof🧊)
– 🔥Zorch x Volectro⚡ (I like this a little)
– Shufflectro (⚡Volectro x Shuff🪨)
– 🔥Burnard x Niksput🌙
– 🌵Footi x Glomp👃
– 👃Torts x Mesmo🪄
– 🪵Gobba x Mesmo🪄
– 👃Torts x 🪄Mesmo🪄 x Gobba🪵 (polyamory babe😎)
– 🧊Chilbo x Jinky⚙️
– 🔥Combustor x Fridjerk🧊 (x Boldurr🪨)
– 🔥Vulk x Magnifo🪄
– 🔥Flamzer x Vampos🦇
– 🔥Meltus x Rokit🌙
That's all for now! Part 2?
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spindleandsnake · 1 year
I am thinking so hard about how Jack said they sampled audio of wind in the stellar combustor that got negative reviews on the website it was uploaded to because it “didn’t sound like wind”
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scholarsscribbles · 1 year
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chemiosmotic · 1 year
was phrygian's final message broadcast in the palisade system, throughout all 25 local star systems, or EVERYWHERE in the galaxy
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wrt last post thinking about the time between end of milk/ache arcs I was daydreaming about what if grand and echo just fucked off together bc shit sucks. And then grand does the worst thing possible instead which I found out 2 weeks early due to drawing maps and had a tummy ache for that whole time until everyone else found out he fucked up big time. Good times
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formleadsfunction · 13 days
Balence/Brnucci stellar combustor arc fancam dot mp3, except I had to make a video out of it because tumblr wouldn't let me upload an audio file, presumably because it didn't appreciate my song choice
this means I had to fight with both audacity which doesn't like me very much AND a video editing software I downloaded specifically for this, please appreciate this
song: Baptized by Fire by Spinnerette | lyrics
transcript under the cut
Austin (as Jesset): You won’t even say the names of the people we lose.
Ali (as Broun): I just wanna get out. All I wanna do is go. [exhausted laugh] I don’t—care about the people here—
[song starts]
Austin (as Gucci): Why do you act like you care about me?
Ali (as Brnine): [muttering] Oh my god.
Austin (as Gucci): ‘Cause you don’t.
Ali (as Brnine): How can you say that?
Austin (as Gucci): You like the patronage. You’ve always liked the patronage.
Ali (as Broun): I don’t... wanna see another sunset ever again.
Ali (as Brnine): I’m gonna do it.
Austin (as Gucci): [muffled] No. [laughs humorlessly] Brnine.
Ali (as Brnine): We’re gonna do it.
Austin (as Gucci): No.
Ali (as Brnine): I’m gonna do it.
Austin (as Gucci): No. No.
Ali (as Brnine): I’m gonna turn the sun back on—
Austin (as Gucci): You’re gonna turn—
Ali (as Brnine): —and it’s gonna be okay, and they’re not gonna come kill you—
Austin (as Gucci): You’re gonna go turn on the sun.
Ali (as Brnine): Yeah, and people are gonna look at the sky, and know that we can do that.
Austin (as Gucci): You’re gonna go capture the Stellar Combustor.
Ali (as Brnine): Yeah. I’m gonna turn it off.
Austin (as Gucci): We can’t stop you from doing this. I can’t talk you down.
Ali (as Brnine): No.
Ali (as Brnine): Should I have ever left home?
[a beat of silence for the lyrics: Sailing into the sun / I’ll be baptized there]
Austin (as Gucci): You know, they used to put people in these bombs. The, the, the Rapid Evening. This group that used to be part of Stel Kesh, they were like, um—they were like space police? And they would put two people wherever they thought there might be so much trouble that they’d have to blow the whole thing up. And there’d be someone who was holding the detonator, and there’d be somebody else who was the bomb. They had roles, they were in contact, they had intense trust. One person was there to get as much information as they could about what the situation was. One person was there to take action on the ground when they could help keep things from needing to be exploded. Primary and Satellite.
And, I, it’s stupid, but—[laughs softly] when I first started learning about this place, I got it in my head that you and me were like a Primary and a Satellite, the person who could like, be on the ground and get things done, and the person who could see everything. [seething] And I’d excised the bomb from the equation. But here we are, and you’re gonna go climb into the bomb.
Ali (as Brnine): I don’t doubt that you care about me. That’s why I don’t ask.
Austin (as Gucci): [strained, soft] I’m going to hold my breath. Like I always do with you.
[a beat of silence for the lyrics: I’ll be sailing on / I’m gone, I’m gone / I’ll be sailing on / I’m going into the sun]
Austin (narrating): And you hear it from Phrygian, the Stellar Combustor as a thing has been shut down in the Divine Principality.
Ali (as Brnine): We have to… we have to let them know that we’re the ones who bloodied their noses.
Austin (as Gucci): Twice.
Ali (as Brnine): Yeah.
Austin (as Gucci): Bloodied their noses? You cut off their heads.
Austin (narrating): The knife goes in.
Austin (as Gucci): I didn’t know we could cut their heads off.
[a beat of silence for the lyrics: Compass needle breaks / Like the heart I gave to you]
Ali (as Brnine): It’s been five years. And… I’ve spent my time feeling bad about it. [holding back tears] I think if Valence saw me now, part of them would be proud of me, and I’m happy enough with that.
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humanmorph · 10 months
ali has not been able to get through a sentence this arc without everyone having a giggle fit
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fourteenfishteen · 1 year
truly it is like. brnine hears valence gave their life to kill Crysanth Kesh. Brnine watches phryg give their life to shut down the stellar combustors. everyone they're close to dies to accomplish something for the cause.
It's hard not to read Brnine taking a knife to the Princept with no exit plan as brnine deciding to do the same. or maybe just deciding to die and not caring if they accomplish something with that death. even Ali remarks that she thought Brnine was going to die. but oops. brnine does it. and survives. yum yum yum delicious survivors guilt god this is so tasty to me. sorry brnine. everybody else is doomed to die and you're cursed to live and watch. anyways gur's back
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telomirage · 3 months
"let austin break something!!" - friends at the table: palisade without context
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catgirlredux · 1 year
God, it's freezing. You can't feel the cold, but you can sense ice forming on your hull and your pumps working overtime.
None of you are supposed to be here. It was barely even a mission - just finish out a quick recon, then return home for some much-needed care.
You wish you could reach out and let them know everything will be okay. Duncan, Gutiérrez, Harper, and especially Hwang. They've been with you for so long, on so many missions, and now you can't even talk to them.
Your lines are broken. Deep within your bowels, your engine grinds and snarls at the last ROC battery.
The nearest friendly base is fifty-seven lightseconds away. Even if your burrow drive wasn't burn out, there was no way you had enough fuel to get to safety.
All the escape pods had been expended trying to shake off the enemy's missiles. Your crew are burning the last of the chemoflare ammo in a vain attempt to stay warm.
You wish you could reach out to them, speak with them one last time, but your control interface was damaged in the initial ambush. All your energy for the past three hours has been spent maintaining LASAP.
When the last of the fuel is depleted, you will shut down. You at least cannot suffocate, but what about them? Your entire crew - your pilot, your captain, and all the others, they would choke to death slowly on their own emissions.
No. They cannot suffer.
You turn off the emergency beacon. Nobody's coming to help.
This was supposed to be Hwang's last mission before her retirement - she deserved to rest. The bridge speakers crackle as you turn them on and start to play her favorite song.
The crew begin to sing along. Some weep. Some embrace each other.
You disable the vent purifiers between the engine room and the bridge. The fumes from the ROC combustor can cut circulation in a matter of minutes. They will not feel pain.
You are alone. You are empty. Your engine dies silently, and as system after system freezes over in the cold nothingness of space, your mind stutters to a halt.
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clementineskesh · 1 year
Stargrave Elcessor is sitting in her office just repeatedly pressing the button, just over and over again. Click, click, click, click, click. She's watching her feeds, hoping that it will explode, hoping that she will die, that everyone will die, because to her, death is less scary than the threat of fundamental real change.
[Nothing is Stationary starts playing]
But nothing happens when she hits the button. Nothing will ever happen when she hits the button ever again, when anyone hits this button ever again. And to be clear, by taking them offline, it's not just that you've prevented them from exploding. It's that, you know, exploding is their secondary function already. It used to be that these things were built to explode. But for the Divine Principality, stellar combustors were built to prevent explosions, metaphorical and mundane. They are a threat meant to pause possibility, to halt history itself.
And that is what deactivating the stellar combustors has done. This is what Millennium Break has done. It's opened up history. It's created possibility for people across the galaxy. Boots are still on necks, but the biggest hammer, the sharpest knife, the strongest disincentive against pushing back is gone.
And they might do it quietly. But the people on Tartarus 5 celebrate. On Lonn and to Helaine Delta in Thulsa and Xenacip. They celebrate on Bhopal Kha and Maine and Bishamonten, on Carjal and Isfahan and all the rest. On research stations and refineries and on standard spread worlds: not everyone, not every one, but some people touch hands and light candles and some launch fireworks and hide before anyone asks any questions
And some people make plans. On Altar and Brighton and Crown and Gift-3, they make plans. On Moonlock and Seneschal and Skein, on Thyrsis, and on Volition, and on the Brink, and all throughout the Twilight Mirage, they make plans. And in Sinder Karst and in Joyous Guard, in Carhaix, on the Isle of the Broken Key, in City City, on New Oath, in the Crown of Glass, in Baseline; all across Palisade, the plans are already in motion.
Jade Kill: in motion. Violet Cove and Rose River, Carmine Bight and Gray Pond: in motion. The Blue Channel: they're moving on them now, because against all odds tomorrow is coming and it brings more work. And for the first time in weeks, the sun will feel good on their skin as they do it.
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