#combat child zing
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andi-dromeda · 4 months ago
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This is Combat’s original team but she does end up getting more team mates as the story goes on.
Zeal and Zap are her first friends. They’re both from the future with her. Zeal is an iron valiant which is the future version of a gardevoir so I made Zap a future version of a combee. Zap is an electric bug type.
Zap - hasty, likes sweet, hates sour, encourages Combat’s impulsive and often poor decisions
Zeal - careful, likes bitter, hates dry, is basically the team mom, is one of two responsible team members
Zing - impish, likes sour, hates dry, is the “cool” one, obsessed with being cool, not much can phase him
Zenith - brave, likes spicy, hates sweet, is very altruistic, encourages Combat to be kind and help others, if Zap is the devil on Combat’s shoulder then Zenith is the angel
Also this is Combat in her Leaf era!
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shih-coulda-had-it · 4 years ago
If Izuku had met the Young Torino?
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I like the idea of Prime Torino being punched into present-day canon (punched by who? Toshinori, of course), and being the only one able to keep up with Deku as Deku scours Japan for AFO. Prime Torino just wants to get back home. He's too young to be a grandfather!
captions, and a starter beneath the 'keep reading' -
Gran Torino: What did you do to my cape?
Izuku: Ah.
Descriptive arrow pointing at the cape lists, 'bloodstained, tattered, singed,' and 'riddled with bullet holes.'
Not too long after Izuku cuts contact with All Might, he finds a cluster of masked people terrorizing a high-rise. Zero hints as to whether or not they’re aligned with All for One. But they’re extorting supplies from the people hiding within, and in any case, when Izuku hears the wail of a child, all bets are off.
Fighting comes easier to him now. Even if the holders disapprove of Izuku’s pace, they lend their expertise, smoothing out the wrinkles in his techniques.
He ducks under a wild swing, lashes out with the Fifth’s Quirk, yanks his opponent towards him and feels One for All flare within his veins as he preps for a punch. Standard. What is not so standard is the First’s urgent voice, saying, “Something’s wrong!”
Izuku has to drive the punch forward. There is nowhere else to redirect the energy.
One for All surges, unfamiliar and wild, and Izuku barely has time to process the foreign emotions: rage-loss-grief--a young voice that screams, “You’re awful! You’re not helping me, you’re just taking your anger out on the closest, most convenient target! I hate you!”
Something tears in the world. It’s different from a Warp Quirk, if only because it wrenches at Izuku’s gut, and also, because an extremely bright and heavy weight is flung into existence and into Midoriya Izuku. Izuku yelps, trying to slow his and the newcomer’s momentum.
They crash into a storefront on the opposite side of the street.
Amidst the shattered wooden boards (no glass? a lucky break, then) and under the stranger’s heavy form, Izuku coughs. His backpack digs uncomfortably against his spine. “Who is he,” he asks the empty air and prods wearily at the now-cheerful flames of One for All.
“Sorahiko,” says the Seventh, Shimura Nana. Her voice is soft, stunned, and terrified.
Izuku blinks. Presumably, Gran Torino stirs. His voice doesn’t sound like it did several months ago, like it’d been run through a blender and mixed with gravel, but the weariness is the same. He murmurs, “Shimura, help
“Help him, Ninth,” she snaps, and Izuku sees her spectral form manifest and circle their perimeter. She crouches by them, and as Izuku struggles out from beneath Gran Torino, he sees her fingers brush against the off-white suit. The Seventh twitches back as if stung.
“Did you just--?” Izuku blurts out.
He has his doubts, but the important thing is to roll Gran Torino over so he’s not breathing in dust and splinters. The yellow cape he wears is the brightest, sunniest thing Izuku’s seen all month, and presumably, Gran Torino as he is now is the darkest, meanest he’s ever been in his whole life. Izuku heaves the man face-up and tears his own hood off, in case Gran Torino feels like punching first and talking second.
“Gran Torino?” he tentatively calls.
The Fourth’s Quirk zings, and Izuku dodges the grasping hand just in time.
“Where am I,” snarls Gran Torino, surging to sit upright and immediately looking nauseous. His hand goes to his abdomen, gingerly pressing at some invisible wound.
“Roppongi,” says Izuku. He telegraphs his raised hands, and he bears the cursory, critical once-over with patience. Torino’s grimace softens to a frown; he instinctively lifts a hand to touch the collar of his own cape, as if to make sure it hasn’t been looted.
“Your name?”
Torino registers the title without comment. Instead, he nods, and he says, conversationally, “Excuse me, but I’ve got to go kick my student’s ass. If the little shit thinks he can dump my body in the middle of Tokyo without suffering any consequences, he’s got another thing coming.”
He attempts to rise, and Izuku, struck by the horrifying thought that seeing a Gran Torino in his prime will really cut All Might’s life short, hurries to say, “What year is it?”
Torino pauses. His expression darkens.
“It’s 20XX,” says Izuku, terrified of the missing answer. “Did you--did you just start teaching
“I’m going to kill that boy,” says Torino, apropos of nothing.
Eep! goes Izuku’s heart. He gets to his feet, unnerved, and watches Torino lever himself upright. Gran Torino in his prime is tall, taller than even Endeavor--he thinks the Seventh is only a tad shorter. Before Izuku can witness the sheer presence Gran Torino used to exude, the Fourth draws his attention to the high-rise.
“You’re not allowed to kill All Might,” Izuku declares, too distracted to watch his words. He pulls his hood back up and over his face. “Sorry, um, I have to--”
He bolts to deal with the villains. A loud curse follows his exit, and then Gran Torino chases after him. The fight would have been a minor nuisance for Izuku, but with the added help, it’s a breeze.
Gran Torino in his prime is a nightmare in close combat. Izuku is only done knocking out two when Torino impatiently connects the dots and one-two-three-four-five men and women collapse, knocked out cold. When Torino touches down, he watches Izuku handcuff each villain to the other like a daisy chain.
“Aren’t you a little young to be a pro-hero?”
“I’m licensed.”
A little awkwardly, Izuku activates the Fifth’s Quirk and gathers the cluster of villains. He doesn’t know if the nearest police precinct can hold them; too many people have broken the law in the name of survival. The country is in perpetual triage.
“Sorry,” Izuku says again, “but I need to relocate these guys.”
“Where to?”
“Somewhere else. I can call, um...” Endeavor? Is Endeavor qualified to handle a foulmouthed, time-traveling pro-hero who in his prime, could give Hawks a run for his money as the fastest hero on the registry? If Gran Torino wants to escape surveillance, then nothing can stop him.
“I’m going to follow you,” says Torino intently. “I have a feeling you’re the key to getting me back home.”
“I’m busy.”
“Too bad. I’ve been told I’m difficult to shake off.” Gran Torino pops his neck from side to side. “Thirty-some years in the future, and you know All Might. You know me. Get me up to speed, Deku, or I’ll go to U.A. and start from there.”
Izuku pales beneath his mask. If he sends Gran Torino like this to U.A., then All Might really will have a heart attack! And Izuku has no good news to tell Torino, not about the future in general, and definitely not about Torino’s own fate. “There’s a lot to cover?”
“Then let’s get to a private location.”
(A bit later
Gran Torino glances down at Izuku and says, “Is that a scarf?”
Izuku feels insulted on Gran Torino’s behalf. Certainly on Izuku, the cape’s ends are tattered and singed, bloodstained and pockmarked with Lady Nagant’s bullets. But on the old man, it had trailed on the ground, purposely dragging in the dust. “It’s yours. You gave it to me.”
“Well, what the hell did you do to it?”
 Funny story
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vvitchering · 4 years ago
32. “I think I’m in love with you and I’m terrified.” for bobadin?
This is my first time writing for this ship and my second time writing Boba so I am FEAR (TM) but I think I actually like the way this came out?????
~ It’s been a month and a half since the beroya had come to stay at the palace. Six since the loss of his child and his creed. Boba doesn’t like to think about what Din had been doing to himself in the time between handing his son over to the jetii and when Boba had finally managed to track him down halfway across the galaxy. He hadn’t known Din long at that point, but anyone could have seen the defeat and hopelessness in his posture and demeanor. 
If Boba had taken any longer to find him, he isn’t sure there would have been much left to find.
Given purpose once again as a hunter and personal guard for the usurper king of Tattooine, Din is flourishing. Now, Boba counts on him almost as much as he does on Shand. She may be his right hand, but Din is as close to clan, aliit, as either of them are going to get and that means something to Boba. They’re both orphans, survivors from a scattered culture; and in every word of mando’a they speak to each other, every nostalgic smile, every instance of innate understanding, they grow a little closer. 
Things have been going well, possibly too well, suspiciously well. So while it isn’t a complete shock when Din begins to pull away again, it still hurts. They haven’t shared a meal in days. The mats laid out for combat practice have gone unused. Din hovers at the edge of Boba’s vision when he absolutely must make an appearance and he all but evaporates like a desert breeze the second he’s no longer needed. 
Din begins to stay out on hunts for longer stretches of time. He reports the relevant details on his return and disappears again until he’s summoned. His absence burns like acid but Boba tries to give him his space. He doesn’t know what he’s done to offend the man, but it’s clear there’s been a shift in their relationship and if he doesn’t want to lose the wayward beroya yet again, he’s going to have to do something soon.
He gets his chance one afternoon after he’s yelled at his court to disperse and he’s made his way to the chambers they use for exercise and weapon storage. Din is already there, moving through his forms, beskar spear in hand. His movements grow stiff and unnatural the moment he realizes he has company and Boba feels the last of his restraint snap.
“Do you have some issue with me all of a sudden?” he asks. Din flinches like he’s been struck. 
“Have I offended you in some way? Made you feel uncomfortable or unwelcome?”
Din fidgets with the spear and shifts his weight from foot to foot as if he’s debating making a break for it. Boba frowns. He’s never pressured Din to go helmetless, he knows he finds a certain kind of comfort and familiarity in keeping that part of himself intact, but he finds himself wishing for the umpteenth time that Din trusted him enough to remove it in his company. 
Right now, it feels like just another impenetrable barrier between them.
“No, it’s not that.” Din finally responds, tilting his head as he speaks in that curious way of his.
Boba moves closer, motioning for Din to continue. They’re having this discussion, no matter how much Din looks like he’d rather take off running. Whatever he’s hiding, it’s hurting them both and Boba can’t, won’t, stand for it any longer. He’s come to value Din’s companionship in a way he’s quickly realizing is frighteningly irreplaceable. The thought of losing it permanently sends cold shivers up and down his spine in a way nothing else ever has. 
Boba sets his jaw. Despite the avoidance techniques Din has been favoring lately, he is still Mandalorian, as is Boba. They will clean the air as their kind have done for centuries. 
Boba lunges. 
The attack catches Din completely off guard and they fall to the mat covered floor with a muffled clatter. Din loses his grip on the spear and it rolls away out of his reach. He struggles under Boba’s weight in a weak attempt to avoid being pinned down, but Boba has him just where he wants him. He leans almost his full weight onto Din’s chest, keeping him down, and presses his forearm into Din’s throat. He takes care not to press too hard; he wants to subdue and restrain, not hurt. 
Din inhales raggedly but goes obligingly limp, unwilling to fight back. It’s like the fire that they’ve both worked so hard to kindle has left him again. Cold fear zings through Boba, mingling with the adrenaline from their short lived tussle and he feels sick to his stomach as he realizes this might be the last time he’s allowed this close to Din. 
“Tell me. Please.” He begs. And it is begging. How far the mighty Boba Fett has fallen, pleading with a no-name beroya from some backwater covert for forgiveness for some unknown slight. He’d fall even further if it meant he could keep Din by his side just a little longer. 
He can’t see Din’s eyes behind the dark of his visor, but he can feel the strength of his gaze. He can feel him tense again beneath him as he registers Boba’s pathetic pleading. There’s a moment of complete stillness before the world tilts and Boba gasps for breath as Din manages to swap their positions and slams him into the ground. It’s not gentle. There’s force in his movements, real intent, and Boba would sigh in relief if he hadn’t just had the air mercilessly knocked from his lungs.
“I have lost everything in my life that mattered to me,” Din begins, and his normally calm voice is edged in steel. “My home. My family, twice over. Everything I had left fit inside a storage locker in my ship and that’s gone, too.” 
“You’re not the only one who’s lost things, Din.” Boba reminds him gently.
Din laughs miserably. He’s shaking slightly, Boba can feel the tremors where Din is pressed against him. 
“Sometimes I think I’m cursed.” Din says quietly. “I never get to keep anything important. My creed, my ship, the kid, everything I loved...” He trails off, viciously biting off what sounds like the beginning of a sob.
Din’s hold on Boba loosens significantly as he falls apart and Boba takes the opportunity to grasp at Din’s wrists, gripping them lightly but securely. He’s not great with words and even less so with comfort, but he can do this at least. He can anchor Din, help him weather the storm he’s fighting through, and see him safely back to shore.
“I pulled away because I thought if I ended this myself before it turned into anything it might hurt less than waiting for something to come along and end it for me. Cut something out of my life on my own terms for once, you know? Couldn’t do it, though.”
“Ne’johaa, I’m not finished.”
Boba swallows his interruption and stares up at Din pointedly. 
Go on. Get to the point of all this. 
Din takes a measured breath and then lets it go. 
“I think I’m in love with you and I’m terrified. I don’t want you to be another thing I lose. I won’t survive it. Not again.”
“Oh. Is that all?”
“Is that all...Boba--”
“Now it’s your turn to shut up. C’mere.”
Boba shifts his grip to hold Din by the forearm with one hand while the other slides up over Din’s shoulder to pull him down by neck. Their helmets clink together at their foreheads and the sound echoes through the chamber. Din makes a short shocked sound and throws his free hand down beside Boba’s head to support himself but makes no attempt to pull away. 
“I’ve lived through far more than my fair share of hardship in this life. You don’t get to look like I do without having survived some absolute shit situations.”
They’re separated by the metal of their helmets, but Boba would swear he can feel Din’s warmth seeping through.
“If this is something you want to pursue,” he continues, “I’m amenable to that. I’m here. I’m not going anywhere any time soon, verd’ika.”  
Din makes a strange wheezing noise somewhere between a sob and a laugh and sniffs loudly before collapsing slowly on top of Boba in an exhausted but relieved heap. 
“Not that I’m not enjoying you sprawled out on top of me like this, but do you think we could relocate to a more comfortable surface? A training mat isn’t exactly an ideal place for a cuddle.” 
“Trying to get me into bed already? You’re shameless.” Din laughs, clear and true, and it’s the sweetest sound Boba has heard in a long time.
Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this, do a writer a favor and reblog! Likes are nice, but they don’t get this story out there for more people to see. I’m also toying with the idea of putting this one up on my ao3. Thoughts?
mando’a words beroya - hunter Ne’johaa - shut up verd’ika - literally “little soldier”, used here as an affectionately insulting term of endearment as its usually used for little kids
(I really like Mando’a as a language, I think its fascinating, and writing a ship that consists of two Mandalorians gives me the perfect excuse to WAY over use it because I barely ever get to. I apologize for NOTHING. I wasn’t expecting this to be so long. I’m fully planning on coming back to this when I have fresh eyes and revising and editing some parts where the pacing feels a little off!)
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gold-from-straw · 6 years ago
Enough - ch6/8 (possibly 9...)
AT LAST! Erik arrives, half way through the fic! On the plus side, this is now ACTUALLY and officially a Cherik fic since they are at least on screen together. on the down side... this is not going to make it any less angsty, I’m sorry!
Read from the start on AO3!
Charles regretted being out in New York on the day of the protest. The streets were crowded with mutants and allies, and behind them trailed the counter protesters, the ugly hum of anger thick in the air, pressing on his temples and making him flinch at shadows.
He hurried down the side street. His errand was over, another student booked to visit the school in a week. Luckily this one had supportive parents who wanted to look around as well, make sure their child was going to be well cared for while they learned to hone and control their teleporting powers.
He heard the minds before he saw the men, before he heard their feet pounding on the tarmac. Run quick round here Trask’s waiting we’ll get him fuck he’s fast run!
Charles flinched back as two men raced past. Even with the loud projecting, they were both surrounded by a haze of fear, but unlike someone just running away, they were also saturated with anticipation
 even excitement.
Seconds behind them, legs and arms pumping, came a tall, furious looking man, projecting determination, and righteous anger, and Charles knew with a horrifying certainty that he was running into a trap. “Wait!” he yelled, and tore after him.
He could hear the voices ahead of him, the first men had doubled back and were standing with a trio of other minds, and in a panic, Charles reached out into the pursuer’s mind and cried out again, wait!
The man stopped and spun on his heel, glaring at Charles. “Was that you?”
Charles caught up to him, breathing hard, and held his finger to his lip. But it was too late - the other minds were coming closer, anticipation a tingling zing to the edges of their minds. “Please, trust me?” he asked the tall man.
The man curled his lip up, but before he could retort, the ambush arrived.
Charles gripped the man’s elbow and concentrated hard, pressing his fingers to his temple in his old childhood crutch. He reached into their minds, a part of him already bemoaning the loss of his morals, yet again, and simply cut himself and the man out of their awareness.
“Well, where the hell is he?”
“He was right here!”
“What are you--”
Shhh! Charles insisted in the man’s mind, and oh God he had such a beautiful mind, it was all he could do not to reach in, brush against all the sweeping lines, the architecture of it. It’s harder if you talk.
“You said he was following you!” snapped one of the ambushers, a bulky guy in combat trousers and black boots.
“He was,” insisted the second runner who’d passed Charles. He was almost pleading with his boss.
“Well he sure as hell ain’t here now,” yelled Combats. “You fucked up, that’s what happened. You were supposed to piss Lehnsherr off enough that he’d have to follow you, and now what? What are we going to do with the transport we’ve hired?”
The man at Charles' side, Lehnsherr, tensed at this, radiating a fury so powerful that Charles was amazed the attackers couldn’t feel it.
“I swear, boss, he was following us,” whined runner number two. “He should be here.”
“He was, definitely,” nodded runner number one, nodding. “We hit that blonde bitch with the dart, and we made sure he saw us - he was definitely coming after us.”
Combats threw his hands up. “Well he’s not here now, is he?”
The two runners looked at each other and shuffled their feet like naughty schoolboys as their boss ranted and raved. Charles was considering pushing them to leave, making the decision for them, when Lehnsherr reached out his hand. The metal of the fire escapes whipped out like cobras, curling tendrils around the three men’s arms and hauling them up, trapping them against the wall. Lehnsherr grinned, all his teeth showing in vicious glee, and stepped forwards out of Charles’ grip, lifting a huge rubbish skip in front of the screaming, writhing captives.
For a moment, Charles was staggered by the overwhelming beauty of his mind as he used his powers, aurorae dancing around his senses, reaching out and limning all the metal in the immediate vicinity with a twisting light. He lost his grip on the men’s minds as he stared and soaked up the incredible presence.
Then he yelled and rushed forwards, standing between the men and Lehnsherr. “Don’t! You’ll kill them!”
“Yes, that’s rather the point,” he said dryly.
“You can’t just kill them!”
“It’s better than what they’d have done to me, isn’t it? I bet they’d take you, as well, a powerful telepath like yourself. Where did you have in mind, boys? Some lab somewhere in the wilderness? Pump me full of drugs, see how far you can push me, how much it’ll take to tear away my powers, how much it’ll take to make them explode uncontrolably? Why do you think I should let you live?”
His mind was sharp-edged with fury and grief, but Charles held up both his hands and took a step closer. “Because you have it in you to be the better man.”
“We already are the better men,” he snarled. “These
 these baselines are the Neanderthals of the present, they know they’re in the presence of the next stage of human evolution, and they’re fighting their own extinction.”
Charles rolled his eyes so hard it hurt. “Oh, and you were doing so well! Don’t tell me you’re still subscribing to that utterly Victorian notion that evolution is a linear process with some sort of optimum species in mind. And here I was thinking you were intelligent - your mind is so beautiful, how can you still believe that Homo neanderthalis was in any way inferior to Homo sapiens? You do know that nearly all people of European origin have approximately two percent Neanderthal DNA, and that Neandertals and Homo sapiens populations lived side by side for centuries, interbreeding, until finally genetic drift and climate change and the end of the megafauna spelled the end of them, don’t you?”
The alleyway was silent. Water dripped in the corner.
Charles cleared his throat. “Anyway. What I’m saying is that
 just don’t use biology as your excuse for bigotry and supremacist leanings.”
Lehnsherr bit his lip, creases forming at the corners of his eyes. “Two percent, hmm?”
“Yes,” said Charles primly, crossing his arms.
“Well, that’s very interesting information, Mr
“Xavier. Charles Xavier. Now, are you going to put that skip down?”
 thing. Whatever you Americans call it.”
“I’m not American, I’m German.”
“Well, I don’t know what you call it in Germany- look, are you going to put it down or are you going to discuss linguistics?”
“I’d much rather discuss biology,” he said, lowering the skip to the ground and completely ignoring the squirming, yelling humans still pinned to the wall behind them. “Say, over coffee?”
Charles blinked rapidly. “I
 I beg your pardon?”
Lehnsherr held up his hands. “Sorry, I mean
 platonic coffee would be good too. But if my gaydar is correct...”
“You want to take me out for coffee?”
“If you want to accompany me, yes.”
Charles opened and shut his mouth, completely lost for words. He bit his lip, and Lehnsherr flicked his eyes down, and back up to his eyes. “Ummm
 your, uh
 your gaydar’s correct,” he said at last, weakly.
Lehnsherr grinned, shark-like, and his mind sparked at the edges, like flint on steel. “Excellent. Oh- I do still want to hear more about Neanderthals, of course. I’m not just asking you out because you’ve got glorious blue eyes and the most fantastic mutation I’ve ever seen.”
Charles’ butterflies didn’t know what to do with themselves. He felt himself breaking into a wide, utterly silly grin, and goodness knows what he would have said if the captives hadn’t spoken up just then.
“Oh, Christ, they’re faggots as well.”
Charles turned and narrowed his eyes at them as Lehnsherr lifted the skip again, making them shriek and howl in fear. He held out his hand to Lehnsherr. “Wait, I’ve got a better idea. One that won’t send you to prison.” He pulled out his phone and dialed. “Hey, Moira? Yes, we’ve got three men here who just attacked my friend and I. If you come down to
” he looked around. “Cortlandt alley, I think? I’ll check and text you my location anyway. We’ve got a lovely little trio, armed with tranquilisers and suppressants, and a van somewhere they’ve been planning to use to transport their victims. Oh, perfect. Thank you, Moira, I owe you one.” He glanced up at Lehnsherr. “I think my friend and I will clear out before you get here. It’s still a bit hairy for mutants in this area, if you know what I mean. Yes, thank you. You know how to get hold of me.”
He hung up and smiled sweetly at the men, straining at their bonds. “You’ll never get away with this, mutie scum,” snarled one of them.
Charles pursed his lips and tutted. “Oh really. This isn’t Scooby-doo. And I have very good links with the local police. And quite exceptional lawyers, as well.” He turned to Lehnsherr. “Shall we?”
Lehnsherr raised an eyebrow, mischief twinkling. “I still say we should kill them.”
Charles shrugged. “Well, as I said, my lawyers really are very good, so
He laughed, throwing his head back, and Charles felt shockwaves of desire rushing through him. He pushed them back, trying to stay pragmatic. He would enjoy this for as long as he got, but at some point this gorgeous man, this beautiful mind, would remember what he was, what he could do, and he’d move on. But first, maybe there would be coffee

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frankrosspharmacy123 · 2 years ago
Health Foods & Drinks - Frank Ross Pharmacy
Now get a healthy lifestyle with health drinks and Healthy foods. Get best discounted offer at Frank Ross Pharmacy.
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Horlicks is a health drink that has nutrients to support immunity. Horlicks is clinically proven to improve 5 signs of growth and is clinically proven to make kids taller, stronger and sharper. Horlicks is scientifically proven to improve power of milk. Horlicks is available in 4 exciting and yummy flavors - Classic malt, Chocolate, Elaichi, Kesar Badam. You can enjoy your Chocolate Horlicks with a cup of hot milk or a glass of cold milk. Horlicks Health Drink contains many important micronutrients (vitamins B6, B12, C, D, calcium, copper, folic acid, iron, selenium, and zinc amongst others) and is clinically proven to help children grow taller, sharper and stronger when included as part of their regular daily diet. Horlicks is a special health drink that has nutrients to support boost immunity. Horlicks is also clinically proven to improve 5 signs of growth and is scientifically proven to improve the power of milk.
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notyouratlas-blog · 6 years ago
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— have you seen atlas xhaferi, the astronomy student around oxford yet ? i hear they can be rambunctious and carefree, but those who know them insist they’re reminded of neon lights reflected on a rainy road, eccentric clothes, chipped black nail polish, paint strewn on combat boots, and blurry polaroids when they’re around. rumour has it that she’s impersonating her missing twin to attend oxford. is it true ? only time will tell

hey hi i’m also lacey (finger guns the other lacey in this group) but u can call me lace or mr. steal yo girl cos i will respond 2 both
slaps down this horribly written intro while i am? wildly hungover so pray 4 me plz
background shit
atlas and artemis were twins of an albanian father and a greek mother.
contrary to their names, atlas became the louder, bitchier and social twin while artemis stuck to what she knew best — laying low and keeping to herself.
artemis admired atlas because looking at her was like looking in a mirror — no, better — it was reflecting on someone she could’ve been or one day could be. more talented. more popular. just
 more. (probably gna write some cool diary entries on this oOOoo)
while she’s covering for atlas one night (while she snuck off on a trip with some people she met at a bar), therefore pretending to be her, she experiences more things in one night than she had in her entire life.
with the help of eden, her new (and literal) partner in crime, she now attends oxford university under her sibling’s identity. it’s not quite yet defined what exactly happened, but still working out the kinks so bear with me folks !
on to the good stuff
she will
get into bar fights
pull pranks on the other students
probably whisk you away on an adventure or two if you let her
pick on you. a lot
always be down to drink and party
kind of reckless? doesn’t respond to authority well two times out of three, i guess it depends who she’s speaking to
tends to be stubborn and childish if she doesn’t get her way. HATES being restricted more than anything
probably be all over bad ideas if you have any
usually means well bt..
charlie from it’s always sunny vc: WILDCARD BITCHES !
long story short if you watch a lot of tv think the personality child of nick miller and chloe from don’t trust the b
so yeah that’s about it
i think
beep boop
i clearly don’t know what i’m doing
some random hcs to get a better feel of her character:
she’d totally chew on her burger obnoxiously or sip an emptied drink to make that annoying sound while looking you dead in the eye to piss you off
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like that
so therefore maybe not the most graceful presence either
she loves to paint. like LOVES to paint. she thinks she’s really good at it too, but she’s actually not. you can totally take this and run with it
the same applies to cooking. if she bakes you a cake it’s in your best interest to decline the gesture because she probably tossed soy sauce and more mystery ingredients somewhere in there to add an extra “zing”
the one thing she’s actually good at/serious about is playing the bass. she named him sid and she loves sid more than she loves anything else. she’s still picking up on little tricks and techniques in her free time, but she’s a damn good bassist.
she totally has a weird obsession with fire. like she watched that part in the breakfast club where he lights his boot on fire and does it too now ‘cause it just looks cool. john bender? her god
as previously mentioned, she always means well but probably just stirs up more trouble or goes about touchy/sensitive issues the wrong way
some wanted connections brewin about (i’ll totally make a stats and wcs page later bt yaaa)
someone she gets high with, someone she drinks with. parties with. you know the works
someone she unwillingly drags with on adventures — like she knows they don’t want any part of it and they probably complain the whole time too but they stick around anyway
her rock? someone who keeps her out of trouble (more so than she already gets herself into ig jkdlsfd) and is like. a good influence in some way
ppl she hates/ticks off
nd the optional addition of someone she has slept with or has sexual tension with?? bow chicka wowWOW
oh oh pretty please give me someone who’s like. over her shit and just picks her up and drags her out of bar fights because she will be getting into pLenty
maybe some plots regarding her twin?
someone who knew her twin, or even dated her twin, maybe. preferably from like high school, or something. still kinda flexible about where she comes from, so maybe we can work out back stories and shit
someone who was close to either one of them that can tell something’s off with atlas
or even BETTER
someone who had a thing with/dated Artie (Artemis) before the whole switcharoo and maybe even fooled around with the other twin during this time? could call for some SERIOUS dramz once she finds out as Atlas now
wow lace stop bein extra
feel free to click that ❀ or shoot me a message on discord @ mr. steal yo girl#2180 if you’d like to plot!!
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bylaudelekha · 3 years ago
*runs onto the stage in your absense* this is fine this is fine ok right
are ya ready, friends?
hey, come on!
let's learn a little something from the pokemon!
there's persian and mudsdale, donphan and huntail
sandygast, froslass, nosepass, lapras!
i love to say the pokemon, but here's the catch:
saying them all kinda seems farfetch'd!
let me axew a question
wanna help me out?
it's time to throh in more names
come on give me a shout!
*audience participation*
those pokemon are tentacool!
*second audience participation, accompanied by brian's fabulous dab which i am never getting over oh GOD i got so many flashbacks from that*
and those pokemon are trash!
combee my friend, i've got more to say!
and if we diglett-le deeper, we can learn today!
so why not get comfey, don't be krabby or blue
here are some lessons and i rotom for you!
if you muk around in class you'll be distraught!
don't bidoof-us, just study a lot (i swear i'm TRYING leave me alone)
if you're slaking in school, you'll drop out sooner
and abstinence is key, or you'll get a mime jr. (i hope you know that this is the one line i didn't have to check the video for)
swanna grab some candy for a sweet treat?
amaura-zing snack is a pichu can eat!
bewear of shiftry strangers who offer you hugs
and don't stick forks into eelectric plugs
wear a shelmet when you rhydon bikes
keep a well stocked bagon extra long hikes!
make sure to stay away from that ferroseed,
and that's just one name people have for weed!
there's pansage and slowbro, oddish and bonsly
tropius, seedot, nuzleaf and stunky
and blissey, loudred, dewgong and goodra
bounsweet, bayleef, hypno and munna!
you'll be drowzee if you swellow that tangrowth smoke
also koffing and weezing, hey, you might machoke!
so if someone says 'hey, want some dank lombre?'
just look 'em dedenne the eye, and say 'no way!'
i tell you natu do drugs, but if someone's smoking treeko
does that make them a bad person? definitely no
i don't mean to carr-yanma point in the next verse is that alienating drug users makes things worse!
don't lock someone up if they take a hitmonchan
and criminalising addicts is a really bad plan!
big pharma is the root of our country's problem with opiate addiction.
gastly, horsea, chansey, burmy
clefairy, mankey, klefki, goomy
hoo! rapping's hard, let me catch my breath
might as well check how many we've got left!
*music switches*
*spoken* there's less than 150 left! can i really do this?
*sung* i used to have this dream
back when i was a child
i'd make the pokerap listenable
and everybody called me reckless and wild
but i never gave up!
i kept at it every day!
and with pikachu beside me and my 'dex to guide me,
i knew that there'd be a way!
to ignore all of the naysayers
i'd need a thicker skin than metapod
wynaut leave my comfort zone,
jump in the unown
maybe someday everyone will applaud
it's absol-utely worth taking a risk,
plusle make a few friends as i try
seaking how to be strong as i raichu a song
though i still don't know where to put mr. mime
but who cares if i couldn't find a good place to put Togedemaru, Pyukumuku, Mawile, Sceptile, Weavile, Sandile, Helioptile, Leafeon, Gengar, Malamar, Marshtomp, Chatot, Simipour, Ferrothorn, Toxicroak, Minccino, Cinccino, Azumarill, Tranquill, Excadrill, Marill, Beedrill
...and Togetic, Basculin, Gigalith, Crabominable, Kingdra, Ambipom, Gastrodon, Bastiodon, Hippowdon, Vivillon, Bisharp, Liepard, Dunsparce, Aipom, Slakoth, Ralts, Dustox
i still found a way to put 'em in there!
no matter the scizor the scope of the task
i don't need a magikarp-et ride
i'machampion hero, there's nothing to fearow
my true power comes from inside
and that brings us all of the way to the top
i've said every name i can say
i'll let my body confess the names that i can't express
yes, it's time for the dream ballet!
come on!
*interpretive dance*
*interpretive dance with a friend (moni i hope this'd be you)*
*pat's beautiful combat roll back to the desk*
but there's one pokemon, my own holy grail
that i gave kevin punt, i hope that bastard's in jail
'cause of all tangelas, terry is the apex
and i gave him up for my 'dex
when you love terry terribly, and then terry is gone
what's the point of having every other pokemon?
there's a wound in my heart that i can't get rid of
how can i find joy, without my tangly boy?
why catch them all if you can't keep the ones that you love?
*big inhale* TERRY-
hey moni give me your thoughts on the perfect pokerap
lekha, this ones for you
i wanna be the best (best) (best)
uh bulbasaur, charmander, squirtle
caterpie, butterfree, wurmple
scorbunny, sobble and grookey
lickitung and lickilicki
haxorus, cofagrigous,
polywrath, mismagius
fraxure crabrawler dewpider
shellder cloyster haunter grimer
golurk, luxio swampert
liligant tynamo seismitoad polytoad palpitoad seel
parasect trevenant toxapex spheal
mandibuzz scatterbug graveller pelipper
elgyem pikipek clawitzer conkeldurr
propobass scolipede delibird ursaring
blaziken fenniken quilladin nidoking
(be the best)
skrelp! alakazam patrat
woobat swoobat crobat golbat zoobat
poochyena caracosta teddyursa umbreon
alolamola chikorita gothorita druddigon
snowrunt tyrunt (nice) charjabug
ninjask yamask avalugg
Finneon, Drapion, Jolteon, Sylveon, Glaceon, Espeon, Jigglypuff
Igglybuff, Wigglytuff
Dhelmise, Servine, Rockruff
Porygon, Porygon-Z, Porygon2, Ribombee
Skuntank, Klang, Klinklang
Miltank and Metang, Luxray
Pidgey, Hitmonlee, Skitty, Happiny, Mudbray
Lotad, Durant, Serperior, Gourgeist, Stoutland, Exeggutor
Abra, Seadra, Nidorina, Dewott, Chesnaught, Primarina
Omanyte, Dragonite, Charizard
Magnemite, Meditite, Dusknoir
Ivysaur, Venusaur, Minior, Garbodor, Ariados, Tyranitar
Glameow, Meowth, Exploud
Wobbuffet, Furret, Bellsprout
Starmie, Starly, Frogadier
Delcatty, Escavalier
Venonat, Poliwag, Hippopotas
Spinarak, Marowak, Jumpluff, Feebas
Foongus, Amoonguss and Pidgeotto
Weepinbell, Victreebel, Hakamo-o
Aurorus, Aromatisse
Medicham, Mamoswine, Slurpuff, Flabébé
Feraligatr, Eevee
Sigilyph, Elekid, Anorith, Inkay
(Gotta catch 'em all!)
Rowlet, Golett, Honedge, Archen, Croconaw
(Gotta catch 'em all!)
Sentret, Pignite, Bergmite, Mantyke, Kakuna
Sudowoodo, Wishiwashi, Popplio, Abomasnow
Charmeleon, Darumaka, Hariyama, Sharpedo
Whiscash, Raticate, Sableye
Sandslash, Kricketune, Cutiefly
Beautifly, Togepi, Volcarona
Magnezone, Lunatone, Roggenrola
Samurott, Oshawott, Whimsicott, Kangaskhan
Larvitar, Pupitar, Omastar, Kecleon
Togekiss, Simisage, Nidoqueen, Cottonee
Forretress, Salamence, Jellicent, Bunnelby
Piloswine, Carnivine, Illumise and Remoraid
I think we are done with the trip-l-et rap, so now let's rap to educate
Alright, here we go!
Are ya- *noscope 360'd from the audience*
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aion-rsa · 4 years ago
Warrior Season 2 Episode 1 Review: Learn to Endure, or Hire a Bodyguard
This Warrior review contains spoilers.
Warrior Season 2 Episode 1
Now that the Warrior world is established, the season 2 premiere concerns itself with more character development and the interweaving of story arcs. The action, however,  is even more promising as the season premiere opens with (what else?) a fight scene. 
When we rejoin Ah Sahm (Andrew Koji), he’s getting beaten and bloodied again, locked in combat in a new no-holds-barred arena, the Barbary Coast Fight Pit, and flashing back to his brutal defeat by at the hands of Li Yong (Joe Taslim) last season. It’s a decent fight scene that shows off Koji’s intensity. His manager (and new cast addition), Rosalita Vega (Maria-Elena Laas) senses that he’s working out some issues since Ah Sahm is back with the Hop Wei and doesn’t need to earn money in the pit. He’s got something to prove and it may take all of season 2 to prove it. And as the show catches up with the rest of the cast, it’s clear that Ah Sahm isn’t the only one starting anew.
While bringing flowers to the graves of his wife and two boys, Dylan Leary (Dean Jagger) crosses paths with another new addition, Sophie Mercer (Celine Buckens). Despite their class differences, they spark an immediate chemistry, teasing of things to come. Sophie is a promising addition to this season. She’s a fresh young face that brings a new spunk to the show. Unfortunately, her personal values come from a position of naive entitlement, which will surely backfire in the world of Warrior. Later, tensions grow over breakfast between Mayor Samuel Blake (Christian McKay) and Penelope Blake (Joanna Vanderham) about her hiring of coolies in her metal factory, Mercer Steel, an action that opposes his political platform. When Sophie joins them, she proves to be another thorn in Samuel’s side. The sisters have their own tension with Sophie being young and idealist while Penelope is jaded and pragmatic. 
Meanwhile, back at the brothel, Ah Toy (Olivia Cheng) makes a sexy entrance down a spiral staircase in a resplendent cheongsam dress, showing off how season 2 is prepared to elaborate on its costumes. Until now, the fashion in Warrior has been strictly period. This season, Ah Toy’s outfits and makeup have gone overboard with outrageously baroque fantasy outfits. Ah Toy’s mascara looks more like something from a modern day rave than the late 19th century, but it’s still San Francisco, after all. The fantastic costume design echoes the precedent martial arts series, Into the Badlands, which was a fantasy where all the attire was dazzling. Warrior also imitates Into the Badlands with its guitar riff soundtrack but will have to step up its fight choreography to reach their level. 
 As she tends to Ah Sahm’s post-fight injuries, they discuss a new gang that he saw at the Barbary Coast, the Teddy Boys, who wear cut off queue trophies on their jackets like scalps. Ah Sahm wants revenge but Ah Toy has reservations. They’ve been too active lately and she doesn’t want to draw more attention from the Bulls (the SFPD). But Ah Sahm is resolute and Ah Toy concedes to help him. The relationship between Ah Sahm and Ah Toy is developing. They are more like siblings than Ah Sahm and Mai Ling and it’ll be interesting to see how that progresses in Season 2. It’s refreshing to see them not fall into a sexual relationship, as most of the other couples on this show do in typical soap opera fashion. 
Bill O’Hara (Kieran Biew) is still working as a debt collector for Zing (Dustin Nguyen) to settle accounts from season 1. Later, O’Hara tries to escape his service to the Fung Hai Tong, but takes money from Zing anyway. O’Hara uses it to buy steak for his family, but his wife Lucy (Emily Child) grows suspicious about where he’s getting it. O’Hara knows being a Tong-controlled cop won’t end well.
While walking about Chinatown, Mai Ling (Dianne Doan) and Li Yong meet a lemon vendor. Like Ah Toy, Mai Ling’s costumes are also leveling up. While Ah Toy’s dresses are becoming more sexy (befitting of a brothel madame), Mai LIng’s outfits are now leaning more towards a fantasy warrior princess. The exaggerated costumes are anachronisms but serve to distance the fiction from history. And the exotic clothing is easy on the eyes. Seeing that the vendor’s wife is sick, Mai Ling shows some compassion and buys their entire stock of fruit. Then they cross paths with Ah Sahm and Young Jun (Jason Tobin) and more tensions percolate.
Ah Sahm and Mai Ling cross at a temple where she is offering lemons to the altar for their deceased parents. Warrior takes some liberties with Chinese culture here because lemons aren’t common funerary offerings. They are usually only used when certain rituals call for five fruits. The five fruits represent the five elements and are colored green, yellow, red, white, and black, and lemons would be used for the yellow. The most common fruits for offering are oranges, which stands outside the five element color scheme. However, while California is a major orange producer now, those might not have gotten to San Francisco as readily back in the 19th century. Lemons are commonly grown throughout the area so perhaps the writers are accurate here. Afterwards, Li Yong and Ah Sahm stare each other down, teasing an inevitable rematch. 
The Teddy Boys cut the queue off a Chinese man, accusing him of stealing jobs, raping their women, and bringing disease. Sound familiar? Warrior has become uncomfortably timely in regards to modern day politics. The Teddy Boys start to lynch the man, but Ah Sahm, Ah Toy and Lai (Jenny Umbhau) come to his rescue and kill all the gangsters in a bloody act of vengeance. It’s a sanguineous fight scene with throat slitting, dismemberment, and lots of gratuitous sword stabbing. Most of the fight sequences here are one action to one take where it is simple to swap in stunt people. Koji delivers some nice more complex combos that show off his martial arts background and Umbhau demonstrates her acrobatic skill.
Umbhau is a stuntwoman by trade and perfectly cast in Warrior. While many of the cast have come to Warrior with minimal martial arts background, Umbhau stands alongside Koji, Nguyen and Taslim, all of whom have practiced martial arts long before they joined the show. She came to the U.S. to be part of Cirque du Soleil, but the show was unfortunately shut down and she’s been stuck in the states due to the pandemic ever since. Hopefully, her exposure on Warrior will bring her more opportunities to move on. 
O’Hara and Lee confiscate Wang Chao’s (Hoon Lee) illegal weapon cache to pressure him into giving up the swordsman. Chao deflects O’Hara by implying he knows about his connections to Zing. Merriweather (Andre Jacobs) continues to pressure Penelope to buy Mercer Steel, when the injured coolies arrive. Back at the brothel, Ah Sahm tries to buy a lead on an alternate molasses source from Chao, but he denies him. Chao tells Ah Toy to cool it with the vengeance because it’s affecting his business. Ah Toy serves Chao tea, which he accepts casually with one hand, a Chinese faux pas because tea is always accepted with both hands, even when poured by a whorehouse madam. Chao says he’ll see his secret, but that’s left for a future episode. 
At the Barbary Coast Fight Pit, Ah Sahm beats down another challenger and then taps Vega for information. As a typical writing device, the Fight Pit bookends this episode, which was directed by writer Jonathan Tropper. Given that this is Bruce Lee inspired, the fight choreography is a key element. This season opener brings the fight focus on Koji as the lead, but fails to deliver anything that inspiring. With so many martial arts based television series recently like Cobra Kai, Wu Assassins, Warrior Nun, the aforementioned Into the Badlands (although this was cancelled), and the upcoming reboot of Kung Fu, Warrior must really up their fight game if they want to stay ahead of the pack.
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The final scenes of the season opener feel more like an epilogue. It would’ve been more elegant to leave it with the bookend fights, and then the final teaser for the next episode. There’s a scene of Walter Buckley (Langley Kirkwood) picking up a prostitute that’s superfluous. It’s a nod to his depravity but his manipulations of the Mayor have already betrayed his villainy. Then in bed, Li Yong and Mai Ling discuss Ah Sahm with some gratuitous nudity. The episode ends with an explosion as Leary lights a cigar, igniting the possibilities of the next episode.  
The post Warrior Season 2 Episode 1 Review: Learn to Endure, or Hire a Bodyguard appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/2Gc9NSV
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keepthingslocal · 5 years ago
Hammersmith Homes To Buy: Horton and Garton - A Christmas Reflection
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Why Horton and Garton gives back to the community
 John Horton ‘Since opening in 2008, we’ve always supported local charities and schools, arts groups, residents’ associations and churches,’ says John Horton. ‘It is extremely important to us as a successful independent, family-owned business, especially at Christmas time. ‘Why? As a Hammersmith resident and the founder of Horton and Garton, I believe more businesses should help out in the communities they serve. At a time of ever-increasing austerity and cuts to essential services, Horton and Garton is proud to go the extra mile, not only for our clients, but for the community at large. ‘Here are just a few of the charities, fine causes and organisations that we know and love and currently support. Their positive work actively improves the lives of people in Hammersmith and Shepherds Bush. West London Action for Children (WLAC)
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‘This charity promotes the wellbeing of local children in need, working with them, their families and carers to achieve positive change. ‘This Christmas, WLAC has put together a cookbook of delicious recipes. These come from celebrity kitchens, including pop stars, actors, authors, restaurant owners and even our MP! The WLAC mission is to help children and that’s why we’ve sponsored this year’s cookbook and purchased more than 100 copies to support the charity. Some lucky elves in Hammersmith may just find a copy in their stocking
’ https://www.wlac.org.uk/ Hammersmith & Fulham Foodbank
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‘I have seen first-hand the huge demand for the local Foodbank. We have helped spread the word about the service and included it in our regular appeals. In 2019, it’s unacceptable that families in our community should be unable to feed themselves or their children. ‘The Foodbank provides three days’ nutritionally balanced emergency food and support to people who are referred in a crisis. It is part of a network of foodbanks, supported by The Trussell Trust, that works to combat poverty and hunger across the UK.’ https://hammersmithfulham.foodbank.org.uk/ The Addison Singers
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‘Founded more than 30 years ago, this West London group consists of three different singing classes and four choirs for singers of all ages, abilities and musical interests. David Wordsworth has served as Musical Director since 1995. See and hear them perform The Gravity of Kindness on Saturday 7 December at 7.30pm at St. Peter’s Church, Acton Green W4.’ https://www.addisonsingers.com/ Grove Neighbourhood Centre
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‘The Centre provides a social centre for local people, a drop-in support service and premises for a wide variety of groups and practitioners in Brackenbury Village. It was launched in 1973 from a house in Overstone Road – and has been at the heart of Brackenbury ever since. Horton and Garton helps sponsor its seasonal fundraisers as well as special events that draw in the community to this vital hub.’ http://www.groveneighbours.org.uk/ Hammersmith & Fulham (H&F) Council Christmas Lunch
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‘Residents aged 60 and over who aren’t having lunch with anyone on Christmas Day are invited to enjoy some festive cheer at Hammersmith & Fulham Council’s annual Christmas Day Lunch. ‘I have volunteered and attended on Christmas Day and helped serve food and drink. It’s a great way to meet new people and hear some great stories. I see a lot of people every day in Hammersmith and it’s always nice to put a name to a face.’
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‘Held this year at the Novotel Hotel on Hammersmith Broadway, guests will enjoy a hearty Christmas lunch, music and dancing. Door-to-door transport, qualified carers and a team of volunteers ensures guests are well looked after. RSVP by 5 December.’ https://www.lbhf.gov.uk/xmaslunch Petros Singers
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‘The Hammersmith-based Petros Singers is one of London’s leading amateur chamber choirs. They give three or four concerts each year in London and sometimes further afield. ‘Our sponsorship of the Petros Singers has enabled the choir to create two bursary places to help coach new singers and push the choir’s singing forward. See and hear them at A Festival of Christmas on Saturday 7 December at 7.30pm at St Peter's, Black Lion Lane, W6.’ http://www.petrossingers.com/ The Upper Room
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‘The Upper Room in Shepherds Bush has been helping the homeless since 1990 and it recently moved back to St Saviour’s Church in Wendell Park after a year-long renovation. ‘Horton and Garton has helped raise funds which will allow the charity to expand its work. It provides inter-linked services that focus on giving the socially disadvantaged the tools and skills they need to restore their dignity, reduce their risk of homelessness and help them to become economically independent. ‘In the autumn, my team and I attended The Upper Room’s fundraising curry lunch at Indian Zing in King Street and donated cash and prizes to their auction. On the day, £2,300 was raised!’ https://www.theupperroom.org.uk/ GIVING IS THE JOY OF CHRISTMAS
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‘The Christmas Present Tree appeal at St Peter’s Church collects new Christmas presents for local children in need. Horton and Garton are long-time sponsors of St Peter's as it is close to my heart. It’s my local church, I am a parishioner and it’s where my two sons were christened. ‘If you can help with the Christmas appeal, just take a tag (with gender/age of child) from the tree in the Hammersmith church and return it with a wrapped present + tag attached. The deadline for presents is Sunday 8 December. For more details or a list of suggested gifts, visit https://stpetersw6.org/
‘If we can lend a hand, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.’
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John Horton
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Read the full article
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godsfalldc · 8 years ago
If Godsfall Elves are born from trees and reproduce asexually, why are they male and female?
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You know when you are getting into bed, tired and happy for a nice Sunday spent with loved ones, and just as your head hits the pillow a question suddenly demands to be answered?
If Godsfall Elves are born from trees and reproduce asexually, why are they male and female?
It just zinged me out of the blue. I sighed, resigned to the fact that I wasn’t going to sleep until this was answered.
For those that haven’t gotten to this part yet, I am spoiling nothing by revealing what we already know about Elven reproduction:
Elves can only reproduce with other Elves; there are no Half-Elves in Godsfall.
Elves and humans can, however, engage in sex.
Elves are all bisexual by nature.
Elves reproduce when one, two or even a group of Elves ask the Ironwood trees for a child. If the forest agrees and a tree is willing, it becomes the Birth Tree for that child (or in very rare cases, twin children).
If all of the above is known and true, why are there male and female Elves? And why would they have genitalia?
After thinking about this for a bit I have come up with some answers. I also freely admit that if I had thought this out properly I would have simply made all Elves completely androgynous.
The following things about Elven sexuality in Godsfall are now canon:
Elves do not possess genitalia.
Slightly more than half of Elves present as female and grow breasts, because while Elves reproduce asexually they still breastfeed.
Elves have sex through intense physical contact. An easy way to describe it is that foreplay is sex and their skin, lips and tongue their sex organs. All physical contact between Elves, sexual or not, can generate intense feelings and emotional bonds that survive their millennia of life.
Elves can share this intense physical contact with other humanoids.
Elves also can develop intense connections and basic understanding of animals and other creatures through physical contact (providing them all with Advantage on Animal Handling checks if they make physical contact with the animal). 
Elves are also at Disadvantage when making Constitution saving throws due to physical pain, as they feel pain more than other humanoids.
Their increased ability to experience pain is directly related to their general focus on distance combat - they desire to keep the enemy (and pain) at bay, even subconsciously.
Because their emotional bonds need to be so intensely powerful to survive their long life, Elves can be reluctant to form deep friendships with others, especially creatures they will surely outlive. They are forever flummoxed by the way humans bond so easily and naturally.
Elves have sex and breastfeed because 1) sex can be really fun and 2) sex and breastfeeding can create intimate bonds of love and nurturing.
I think that covers it.
- DM Aram
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decoloniszing · 4 years ago
The first issue is out. Subscribe here! Here are a few snippets:
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text ID: Slide one: dob logo: three lines that look like books placed on a shelf, about to topple. caption: “The Zing, Issue #1:Decoloniszation
For our first issue we will be looking at the idea of decoloniszation itself...” A map by the 12th century geographer Abu Abdullah Muhammad al-Idrisi al-Qurtubi al-Hasani as-Sabti.
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Slide two: Screenshot of the newsletter.
“Before we begin, here is a glossary of our first issue:
Capitalism: An economic system characterised by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market. (6) To understand it better, here is Rosa Luxemburg explaining capitalism with the help of spoons!
Classism: Class discrimination, also known as classism, is prejudice or discrimination based on social class. It includes individual attitudes, behaviours, systems of policies, and practices that are set up to benefit the "upper class" at the expense of the oppressed class. (6)
Imperialism: Imperialism is a policy or ideology of extending the rule or authority of a country over other countries and people, often by military force or by gaining political and economic control. (6)
Colonialism: The imperialist expansion of a nation (e.g.: Europe, Japan) into other regions in which a dominant imperium or centre carries on a relationship of control and influence over its margins or colonies. Such a system carried within its inherent notions of racial inferiority and exotic otherness. (6)
Settler Colonialism: Settler colonialism is a distinct type of colonialism that functions through the replacement of indigenous populations with an invasive settler society that, over time, develops a distinctive identity and sovereignty. (1)”
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Slide 3: Screenshot of the newsletter
A banner of movie posters of Merata, Camp De Thiaroye, 5 Broken Cameras, West Indies, A Idade De Terra between the captions: “What we are watching” and
Camp de Thiaroye (1988) Directed by Ousmane SembĂšne, Thierno Faty Sow: A Senegalese platoon of soldiers from the French Free Army are returned from combat in France and held for a temporary time in a military encampment with barbed wire fences and guard towers in the desert. Among their numbers is Sergeant Diatta, the charismatic leader of the troop who was educated in Paris, has a French wife and child, and Pays, a Senegalese soldier left in a state of shock from the war and concentration camps and who can only speak in guttural screams and grunts. (available on YouTube).
West Indies (1979)Directed by Med Hondo: A single-set colour musical tracing the history of the West Indies through several centuries of French oppression. It juggles the colonial, post-colonial, and neocolonialist eras while heavily satirizing French imperialism. (available on YouTube)”
end ID.
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gonzalodutton-blog · 6 years ago
Townhouses Component 2 (The Trouble).
They're developed to decrease major car incidents, however are they instead enhancing the lot of rear-end wrecks? People there certainly withstood a lot of wars consisting of The Thirty Years' War. If you have browse through for vibrant metropolitan areas, Rajasthan excursions are regularly enjoyable tours as well as it is certainly not memorable. Today this method links downtown Atlanta georgia with the flush areas north of the urban area. As well as while a lot of his brother or sisters lived without notice 3 of his siblings took a particular niche, albeit indefinite, on their own during their life times. Christie purportedly phoned London's Updates of the Planet 3 days later on. Like the LG V30S ThinQ, the Artificial Intelligence Web cam are going to drift several achievable object identifiers on the viewfinder as it's "believing" as well as determining what the item in fact is. I discovered that it determined "Pet," "Person," "Food," as well as "City" effortlessly sufficient. If he had actually been as ill-natured to all of them as he was actually to everyone else, he could have depressed their largest area at some zing, as well as barely have actually understood that he did it. With the hurricane of his sigh, he can possess removed the roofings coming from a hundred properties and also delivered countless the occupants whirling through the air. When it comes to the Pygmies, their capital area was actually laid in ruins due to the blast and also resonance of the air; and, though there was actually uproar good enough without their assistance, they all set up a blare out of three numerous little throats, desiring, certainly, that they swelled the Giant's bellow by at the very least 10 times as a lot. It must have been actually really pretty to observe their little areas, along with roads two or three feet vast, led along with the littlest pebbles, and bordered by habitations about as large as a squirrel's crate. Credit: social domainHe left behind Style outside picking flower petals while he went upstairs in your home as well as removed each of his apparel (to steer clear of blood spattering on all of them). " Though I was actually quite surprised, the citizens in Freedom Area created me think comfortable from the first day," Rajendran stated. I can not definitely speak about other urban areas, but all I understand is that whether you are actually a reddish city or a blue urban area or even anywhere in between, you would like to be actually a leader on financial development. Often those oversights turn up on your marital relationship certificate, either considering that you mistakenly provided the incorrect relevant information or the salesperson slipped up. For townhouses, our experts are actually restricted to an optimum of 50% of the complete great deal region to become dealt with by properties (less for condos and http://prettybody-Dietblog.info also less in the lower-density regions). I have actually always possessed a soft spot for Pelgrane's superpower cop specifying Mutant Urban area Woe, but I might never create it function. As a consequence, citizens teams, community companies and also social actions are left out from any kind of core function in the 'day-to-day lifestyle' knowledge of the majority of people. Natives hiding in the brush were pointed to kill the women and more mature youngsters - just youngsters felt certainly not aged sufficient to speak and also state information were spared (though one child was actually peremptorily sent off en option to Sodium Lake Metropolitan area when the toddler started recollecting information of the massacre as well as seeking its mama). " People of New york city Area should combat against an over-reaching federal government bureaucracy" that is actually acting on misimpressions about the threats of sodium, Salt Institute profession team Head of state Lori Roman claimed Monday. The additional opportunity you invest getting to and also coming from work, the less likely you are to become fulfilled along with life, states a brand new Waterloo research. The American Red Cross has actually currently helped to generate courses which help folks to avoid a foreclosure, despite the cause they can certainly not pay their rent. After seeing the Score Twain property, mind to Elizabeth Playground to absorb the meticulously polished landscapes along with 800 ranges of roses.
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aaltjebarisca · 6 years ago
Smart Ways to Save For A Child’s Education
As parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles or guardians, we want the best for our kids. And for most of us, their education is not only top of mind, it’s a top priority.
With a solid education, children will have better job prospects. According to the Economic Policy Institute, the average college graduate earned 56% more than high school graduates in 2015. This huge gap illustrates the financial importance of higher education.
To get ahead of the rising cost of education, it is important to start saving and investing early. Not only will compound interest help us reach our financial goals, but we will develop a habit of saving and investing.
The costs for preschool and related early education programs can add up fast.
Depending on where you live and the details of the program, preschool average costs can range from $4,460 – $13,158 per year. If you’re not financially prepared to take on those additional annual costs, you may go into debt or your child may not get to go to school.
With a little preparation, you can stay out of debt and the kids can start learning early. Here are a couple of options to consider.
Start a Sinking Fund
This method can save 1/12 of the annual cost each month into a savings account. This way, by the time the school payment is due, you’re ready to pay the full amount without borrowing.
For example, if preschool is $12,000 per year, then you’d save $1,000 per month to prepare. This method also works well for other annual or semiannual expenses, such as holiday celebrations, birthdays or car insurance payments.
When saving, try to partner with an online bank that provides a high-interest savings opportunity. As of this writing, a lot of these banks are offering close to 2%, which was unheard of just a year ago.
Review Multiple Pre-K Options
Not all preschool programs are created equal. The school that is closest to the child’s home may be convenient, but it could also be expensive.
Take time to investigate other quality programs that could be a better fit for the family budget. You may be surprised at the savings just 15 minutes away.
If the distance isn’t going to work, carpooling with another parent or family may do the trick.
Private School
Not everyone lives in an ideal public school district. And some people prefer private schools for religious reasons. With the average annual cost of elementary private school coming in at $9,398, and private high school coming in at $14,205, choosing to send kids to private school is an extremely important financial decision for families.
Those who choose private schools and want to avoid debt have options, such as utilizing the sinking-fund methodology and shopping around for lower-cost options.
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, signed into law in December 2017, allows families to use their 529 college savings account to fund private school, as well.
There are cons to using 529s for non-college education, however. You’ll want to be careful here. Money taken out now to fund private school will lose the major advantages of compound interest. For example, if your 529 was meant for a 6-year-old’s college tuition and instead is used to fund private kindergarten, that child may be in a tough spot when he or she turns 18.
With the cost of college rapidly increasing each year, you need to start preparing today 
 even if the kids won’t be in college for 10 – 15 years.
The student debt crisis is real. You can help keep the kids from drowning in student loans, but it will take a lot of preparation and action.
Here are some savings routes to consider.
Start a 529 College Savings Account
If you start early and contribute often, a 529 account can grow enough to cover a large chunk of a child’s college costs.
A 529 is a post-tax savings option that allows people to save for a kid’s future college expenses. The money can be invested in the stock market through state-sponsored programs.
Each state has its own program, and programs are not all the same. Some have better investment options, while others may have lower fees. Do your research, speak with a financial advisor and find the best 529 plan for your situation.
Some states allow you to receive tax deductions based on your contributions, as well.
18 years of investing (or even 10) can significantly increase your chances of saving enough for a little one to attend college in the future.
Apply for Scholarships
Another untapped resource for combatting the cost of college is scholarships.
I’ve interviewed parents who have helped their kids cover their entire cost of college, including room and board, tuition and supplies. One parent-and-child duo earned over $700,000 in college scholarships.
This is free money that is waiting to be earned!
One of the major keys to winning scholarships is not giving up. You’re probably not going to win the first scholarship you apply for. You may not even win the first 10, but if you stick with it and improve application skills, free money awaits.
How are you paying for a child’s education? Please let us know in the comments below.
The post Smart Ways to Save For A Child’s Education appeared first on ZING Blog by Quicken Loans.
from Updates About Loans https://www.quickenloans.com/blog/smart-ways-save-childs-education
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mikebrackett · 6 years ago
Smart Ways to Save For A Child’s Education
As parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles or guardians, we want the best for our kids. And for most of us, their education is not only top of mind, it’s a top priority.
With a solid education, children will have better job prospects. According to the Economic Policy Institute, the average college graduate earned 56% more than high school graduates in 2015. This huge gap illustrates the financial importance of higher education.
To get ahead of the rising cost of education, it is important to start saving and investing early. Not only will compound interest help us reach our financial goals, but we will develop a habit of saving and investing.
The costs for preschool and related early education programs can add up fast.
Depending on where you live and the details of the program, preschool average costs can range from $4,460 – $13,158 per year. If you’re not financially prepared to take on those additional annual costs, you may go into debt or your child may not get to go to school.
With a little preparation, you can stay out of debt and the kids can start learning early. Here are a couple of options to consider.
Start a Sinking Fund
This method can save 1/12 of the annual cost each month into a savings account. This way, by the time the school payment is due, you’re ready to pay the full amount without borrowing.
For example, if preschool is $12,000 per year, then you’d save $1,000 per month to prepare. This method also works well for other annual or semiannual expenses, such as holiday celebrations, birthdays or car insurance payments.
When saving, try to partner with an online bank that provides a high-interest savings opportunity. As of this writing, a lot of these banks are offering close to 2%, which was unheard of just a year ago.
Review Multiple Pre-K Options
Not all preschool programs are created equal. The school that is closest to the child’s home may be convenient, but it could also be expensive.
Take time to investigate other quality programs that could be a better fit for the family budget. You may be surprised at the savings just 15 minutes away.
If the distance isn’t going to work, carpooling with another parent or family may do the trick.
Private School
Not everyone lives in an ideal public school district. And some people prefer private schools for religious reasons. With the average annual cost of elementary private school coming in at $9,398, and private high school coming in at $14,205, choosing to send kids to private school is an extremely important financial decision for families.
Those who choose private schools and want to avoid debt have options, such as utilizing the sinking-fund methodology and shopping around for lower-cost options.
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, signed into law in December 2017, allows families to use their 529 college savings account to fund private school, as well.
There are cons to using 529s for non-college education, however. You’ll want to be careful here. Money taken out now to fund private school will lose the major advantages of compound interest. For example, if your 529 was meant for a 6-year-old’s college tuition and instead is used to fund private kindergarten, that child may be in a tough spot when he or she turns 18.
With the cost of college rapidly increasing each year, you need to start preparing today 
 even if the kids won’t be in college for 10 – 15 years.
The student debt crisis is real. You can help keep the kids from drowning in student loans, but it will take a lot of preparation and action.
Here are some savings routes to consider.
Start a 529 College Savings Account
If you start early and contribute often, a 529 account can grow enough to cover a large chunk of a child’s college costs.
A 529 is a post-tax savings option that allows people to save for a kid’s future college expenses. The money can be invested in the stock market through state-sponsored programs.
Each state has its own program, and programs are not all the same. Some have better investment options, while others may have lower fees. Do your research, speak with a financial advisor and find the best 529 plan for your situation.
Some states allow you to receive tax deductions based on your contributions, as well.
18 years of investing (or even 10) can significantly increase your chances of saving enough for a little one to attend college in the future.
Apply for Scholarships
Another untapped resource for combatting the cost of college is scholarships.
I’ve interviewed parents who have helped their kids cover their entire cost of college, including room and board, tuition and supplies. One parent-and-child duo earned over $700,000 in college scholarships.
This is free money that is waiting to be earned!
One of the major keys to winning scholarships is not giving up. You’re probably not going to win the first scholarship you apply for. You may not even win the first 10, but if you stick with it and improve application skills, free money awaits.
How are you paying for a child’s education? Please let us know in the comments below.
The post Smart Ways to Save For A Child’s Education appeared first on ZING Blog by Quicken Loans.
from Updates About Loans https://www.quickenloans.com/blog/smart-ways-save-childs-education
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aaronsniderus · 6 years ago
Smart Ways to Save For A Child’s Education
As parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles or guardians, we want the best for our kids. And for most of us, their education is not only top of mind, it’s a top priority.
With a solid education, children will have better job prospects. According to the Economic Policy Institute, the average college graduate earned 56% more than high school graduates in 2015. This huge gap illustrates the financial importance of higher education.
To get ahead of the rising cost of education, it is important to start saving and investing early. Not only will compound interest help us reach our financial goals, but we will develop a habit of saving and investing.
The costs for preschool and related early education programs can add up fast.
Depending on where you live and the details of the program, preschool average costs can range from $4,460 – $13,158 per year. If you’re not financially prepared to take on those additional annual costs, you may go into debt or your child may not get to go to school.
With a little preparation, you can stay out of debt and the kids can start learning early. Here are a couple of options to consider.
Start a Sinking Fund
This method can save 1/12 of the annual cost each month into a savings account. This way, by the time the school payment is due, you’re ready to pay the full amount without borrowing.
For example, if preschool is $12,000 per year, then you’d save $1,000 per month to prepare. This method also works well for other annual or semiannual expenses, such as holiday celebrations, birthdays or car insurance payments.
When saving, try to partner with an online bank that provides a high-interest savings opportunity. As of this writing, a lot of these banks are offering close to 2%, which was unheard of just a year ago.
Review Multiple Pre-K Options
Not all preschool programs are created equal. The school that is closest to the child’s home may be convenient, but it could also be expensive.
Take time to investigate other quality programs that could be a better fit for the family budget. You may be surprised at the savings just 15 minutes away.
If the distance isn’t going to work, carpooling with another parent or family may do the trick.
Private School
Not everyone lives in an ideal public school district. And some people prefer private schools for religious reasons. With the average annual cost of elementary private school coming in at $9,398, and private high school coming in at $14,205, choosing to send kids to private school is an extremely important financial decision for families.
Those who choose private schools and want to avoid debt have options, such as utilizing the sinking-fund methodology and shopping around for lower-cost options.
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, signed into law in December 2017, allows families to use their 529 college savings account to fund private school, as well.
There are cons to using 529s for non-college education, however. You’ll want to be careful here. Money taken out now to fund private school will lose the major advantages of compound interest. For example, if your 529 was meant for a 6-year-old’s college tuition and instead is used to fund private kindergarten, that child may be in a tough spot when he or she turns 18.
With the cost of college rapidly increasing each year, you need to start preparing today 
 even if the kids won’t be in college for 10 – 15 years.
The student debt crisis is real. You can help keep the kids from drowning in student loans, but it will take a lot of preparation and action.
Here are some savings routes to consider.
Start a 529 College Savings Account
If you start early and contribute often, a 529 account can grow enough to cover a large chunk of a child’s college costs.
A 529 is a post-tax savings option that allows people to save for a kid’s future college expenses. The money can be invested in the stock market through state-sponsored programs.
Each state has its own program, and programs are not all the same. Some have better investment options, while others may have lower fees. Do your research, speak with a financial advisor and find the best 529 plan for your situation.
Some states allow you to receive tax deductions based on your contributions, as well.
18 years of investing (or even 10) can significantly increase your chances of saving enough for a little one to attend college in the future.
Apply for Scholarships
Another untapped resource for combatting the cost of college is scholarships.
I’ve interviewed parents who have helped their kids cover their entire cost of college, including room and board, tuition and supplies. One parent-and-child duo earned over $700,000 in college scholarships.
This is free money that is waiting to be earned!
One of the major keys to winning scholarships is not giving up. You’re probably not going to win the first scholarship you apply for. You may not even win the first 10, but if you stick with it and improve application skills, free money awaits.
How are you paying for a child’s education? Please let us know in the comments below.
The post Smart Ways to Save For A Child’s Education appeared first on ZING Blog by Quicken Loans.
from Updates About Loans https://www.quickenloans.com/blog/smart-ways-save-childs-education
0 notes
mikebrackett · 7 years ago
Homeowners Insurance and Its 5 Lesser-Known Benefits
In the event of an environmental disaster or an accident on your property, homeowners insurance is a safety net that can protect your finances from potential depletion.
While homeowners insurance typically includes both liability coverage and property insurance, damages to your home due to floods, war or termites, however, are usually not covered with standard policies.
While it’s important for homeowners to understand the basic coverage they qualify for in their policy, there are also a few protections homeowners may be eligible for that they may not be aware of.
We’ll dive into some of these lesser-known homeowners insurance benefits later, but first, let’s dive into the basics.
Why Do You Need Homeowners Insurance?
There are a couple of major reasons you need homeowners insurance. One is to protect your property and the belongings inside it. Second, you won’t be able to get a mortgage without some sort of minimum homeowners insurance coverage. We’ll get into why below, but first let’s go over what the insurance covers.
What’s Homeowners Insurance For?
Damage to the home itself: If you have homeowners insurance, the most basic protection that can be provided is against damage to the physical structure of the home. If something were to happen, even if your home was deemed as a total loss, homeowners insurance is supposed to cover the cost of repairing the damage or replacing your property value back to where it was before.
Damage to other structures on the property: Other items on the property, including sheds and garages, are usually covered even if they are freestanding structures.
Personal property: Personal property coverage is something that may be part of your homeowners insurance policy. If something is stolen or damaged as a result of a disaster, this coverage helps replace the item. If you have personal property coverage as part of your homeowners policy, it’s usually subject to certain limits. You can get additional coverage in the form of riders, which are intended for major losses or high-value items (e.g., jewelry).
Liability: If someone slips on your driveway and hurts themselves, or if a tree from your property falls on a neighbor’s roof, homeowners insurance helps cover that claim for any necessary medical expenses or repairs.
Lenders and Required Insurance Coverage
If you have a mortgage, you’re required to get homeowners insurance coverage for at least the full replacement value of your property. While the insurance protects you, it also protects the lender or other investors in your mortgage (think Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, FHA, etc.).
No one particularly likes to think about this, but in the event that all other options are exhausted and you default on your loan, the recourse for the lender or other mortgage investors is to take possession of the property and sell it and try to recover as much as possible from the sale.
If your home has serious damage from a prior event, it can mean that the lender receives less money from the sale of the home. To protect against this, lenders are named in the homeowners insurance policies you buy: If a repair needs to be done to your home, an inspection is done to make sure that the home is at least worth what it was before the damage took place.
Coverage in Special Situations
In certain areas where you’re at especially high risk for a disastrous event, you may be required to purchase what’s known as hazard insurance, in addition to your regular coverage.
Anyone can voluntarily purchase hazard insurance to go above and beyond their homeowners insurance coverage. However, some homeowners may be required to purchase it: If you live in a flood plain, you may be required to purchase flood insurance on top of your homeowners insurance policy. If you live in or near a wooded area that could be prone to wildfires, additional fire insurance may be required. Also, special coverage may be necessary in areas prone to earthquakes.
5 Homeowners Insurance Benefits Your Policy Covers That You May Not Know About
Losses Due to Pet Bites
Believe it or not, the liability coverage you gain through your homeowners insurance policy may offer dog-bite protection for no extra cost.
While many policies provide liability insurance coverage between $100,000 and $300,000, according to the Insurance Information Institute (III), homeowners may not realize how important this coverage is until they need to make a claim. The III revealed the average dog bite claim is roughly $37,000.
The Cost to Bring Your Home up to Code After a Covered Loss
If a grease fire ruins your kitchen and the fire spreads to other parts of your home, your insurance policy may cover any new mandates on top of the damages caused by the fire.
For example, if a law is passed requiring homes to integrate water sprinklers in your home, to help combat house fires, your insurance policy may cover the cost to add the sprinklers throughout your home as well as cover the damages caused by the fire.
Damage from Falling Debris
If, for some strange reason, a satellite sank through the thermosphere, acquired earth’s gravitational pull and crashed into your roof, the damages to your home may be covered through your homeowners insurance policy.
Damage Due to Power Outages
If you lived in the Northeast or parts of the upper Midwest during the infamous power outage of 2003 and had to empty your refrigerator due to spoiled food, your homeowners insurance policy may have covered the cost for you to restock your refrigerator.
Most homeowners insurance policies cover refrigerator-restocking fees for up to $500 for food spoiled due to a power outage.
Family Members (and Their Property) Who Are Away from Home
If you have a child who is a full-time student, when they leave your home, the personal property and liability coverage included in your homeowners insurance goes with them. They must have had lived in your home before moving away for school, and they’ll be covered under your policy until the age of 26.
There may be limits to the amount of coverage someone living away from home has for things such as personal property. Sometimes insurance companies will cover a percentage of the overall amount available for typical losses. For example, if you had $1 million worth of personal property coverage and the limit for those away from home was 10% of that coverage, they would have coverage for $100,000 worth of their personal belongings.
It’s worth noting that if your relative moves and is required to get their own renters insurance, they’re no longer covered under your policy.
Being aware of all the protections your homeowners insurance provides can be the difference between relief and panic in the event of a home-related catastrophe.
Talk to your insurance provider to get a better understanding of what protections your current policy offers and what extra coverage you can obtain for a little extra cash each month.
Check out this related article for more information on questions you should ask insurance providers when shopping for policies.
The post Homeowners Insurance and Its 5 Lesser-Known Benefits appeared first on ZING Blog by Quicken Loans.
from Updates About Loans https://www.quickenloans.com/blog/5-lesserknown-benefits-homeowners-insurance
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