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cosynoodle · 3 months ago
Flower Study!
Continuing with the same theme as last week, more plant life! 🌷🌿
This digital painting I did early in my masters at uni, I was initially looking at how colour could draw the viewer's eye to certain points in a painting. So this was a bit of an experiment in that! 🎨
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sirarthurcrux · 1 year ago
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funny colours>>>>>>>>>
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averagenderedmanta · 1 year ago
Im angry. I hate it. Make it stop.
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But what if it was all a dream
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wefashionablyfutile · 7 months ago
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⭐ Style File Requests always open btw!! , , happy to do a style file for a specific person or just one in general , can do it in a detailed format with descriptions or as a more visual piece also happy to do them brand specific too 🐰 also any fashion Q's always welcome 🧜‍♀️🎀💐🧚‍♀️ it's what I'm a big Nerd about 💘
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eleanorbriarsterm3 · 10 months ago
Colour Theory Workshop
Week 6
I found it to be quite useful, I liked the part where we had to find the colours in a picture, it was fun to see how everyone else perceived colour. We had to then scan the colours in and then use them for an InDesign document design. However, my laptop didn't work when trying to put in the colours, and the image I needed, I couldn't find.
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We then got briefed for our one week project - postcards of a place we feel at home, using colour to show this.
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indiaartndesign · 2 years ago
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Exploring Colour Psychology in Education
Carter Williamson Architects designs the performance space and STEM classroom at Burwood Girls High School making a bold, colourful statement through a detailed yet simple form. https://www.indiaartndesign.com/exploring-colour-psychology-in-education/
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mostarart · 2 years ago
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"Yellow Ochre", Oil on Canvas, 150 cm by 100 cm, 2019. From my "Timelines" series. This painting started life as I kept strongly imagining the colour yellow ochre, energised to start a painting with it, which took me back in time to hearing of sound and colour harmony. #NewPainting #AncientEgypt #KeyOfLife #Anubis #ColourTheory #OldAndNew #NeoExpressionism #Kandinsky #Humans #Timelines #FigurativePainting #Drawing #OilOnCanvas "مغرة صفراء" ، زيت على قماش ، 150 سم في 100 سم ، 2019. من سلسلة "الجداول الزمنية" الخاصة بي. بدأت هذه اللوحة في الحياة حيث ظللت أتخيل بقوة اللون الأصفر المغير ، حيث تم تنشيطها لبدء لوحة بها ، الأمر الذي أعادني في الوقت المناسب لسماع تناغم الصوت واللون. https://www.instagram.com/p/CrFOWTjouhq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lasagnaenemy · 1 year ago
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k00295058 · 1 year ago
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Based on the colour theory seminar, I used bright watercolors to create an intense background.
I then painted railway signs that I see every day on my commute. The contrast between the colours really appeals to me.
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screenstretch · 7 months ago
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From @incubate_printmaking (Instagram) 💜
Coming up is another workshop with Alfons! @alfonsbytautas
➡️ https://incubateprintmaking.com/shop ⬅️ (link in IP bio)
Colour Screen Print : Understanding Colour
Saturday 24th August
10am til 4pm
Tutor : Alfons
Address: 10-16 Boyd Street, Studio 4, Cobalt Studios, Newcaste Upon Tyne, NE2 1AP
Designed to help you grasp the basics of colour theory, this workshop provides practical guidance as to how to produce vibrant & exciting images in colour using screenprint.
No previous knowledge or experience is necessary – you will be introduced to the basic concepts of colour theory and how to apply these to the screenprint technique.
Towards an understanding of colour theory
The Colour Wheel & Colour Dimensions
Colour Relationships
Subtractive Colour Mixing - practical instruction on colour mixing
The workshop is also a practical introduction to screenprinting, a suitable technique for exploring colour combinations.
Mixing inks for screenprinting
Screenprinting basics
Making stencils – positive/negative
#printmaking #screenprint #screenprinting #colourtheory #colour #newcastleupontyne #ouseburn
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jessamykellyglass · 2 years ago
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Amazing colour theory at the Bernat Klein exhibition @nationalmuseumsscotland so inspiring to see the interplay between colour and materials #textiles #colourtheory #colourbathing (at National Museum of Scotland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CosJysmoXSQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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trustmeifyoudare · 3 years ago
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he may be evil but at least he knows his colour theory
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tynatunis · 3 years ago
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Je commence mon tour d'horizon dominicale en vous présentant le travail d'un architecte d'intérieur installé à Paris depuis bien longtemps mais que j'ai découvert seulement début juillet sur Instagram : Elliot Barnes @elliottbarnesarchitect Cet Américain à Paris depuis 1987 doublement diplômé Cornell NY et Ensad Paris a été repéré par la Grande André Putman. Son agence Elliott Barnes Interiors date de 2004. In 1987, he joined the office of the renowned designer Andrée Putman, who in 1997 handed over the management of her firm to him; a position he occupied until 2003. In 2004 Elliott Barnes created his own design firm in Paris. Fauteuil Glynell : Hêtre teinté, nubuck ou cuir. Fauteuil historique. Collection Elliott Barnes pour Ecart International. Crédit photo @francisamiand #art #design #collectbledesign #LiveArtfully#ArtAndDesign #InteriorDesignInspiration #HousesOfLA #ArtInTheHome #ColourTheory #InsideCollectorHomes #CollectorCrib #FrenchApartment #DreamLivingRoom #ArtInFocus #LuxuryLiving #LuxuryInterior #bytyna #BlueChipArt ​#T+MStudio #JavierCalleja #MarioBellini #CiniBoeri #EttoreSottsass #chairdesign #chairdesigner #designerchair (at París, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/Chy6PvUsgJp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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eleanorbriarsterm3 · 10 months ago
Communicating in Colour
Week 6
I had a play around with my photos and how I could edit them and add in colour.
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I looked through the filters in Photoshop to see if I liked any of them. I quite like the one below, it is similar to Becky Bettesworth style.
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I then started to look at hue and saturation and how to make them more blue or pink.
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I tested out loads of photos to have a range, and pick out my fabourites:
The first beach one, the huts, my dog on the beach, the sunsets
I do like the one with my family but it doesn't work as a postcard.
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patriciamccarthy · 3 years ago
Pinhole photography!✨🌟
Recently, I also attempted to create pinhole photography- this uses one basic of the concepts of a camera, a camera without a lens but with a tiny aperture (a tiny slit/crevice), in a light proof-material or box). This is known as the camera obscura effect (which means obscured image/dark chambers), the earliest recorded mention of a pinhole camera was as early as the 5th century BC, by the philosopher Mozi. The Arabian scientist In al Haytham wrote about pinhole effects in the book of Optics. He discovered that by using a smaller pinhole, the image depicts a much sharper form, but dims the light of the composition. I gained this knowledge through the CCS lectures where one of the lectures focused on the variation in perspective, the various gazes depicted in media and how light works/the history of this discovery.
The physics behind pinhole photograph: The pinhole acts like a lens and defracts light as it passes through. We can see the light as it passes through. We can see the image because light reflects everything. Only a small amount of reflected light can go through the crack which is what us viewers/photographers can see on the screen of the camera.
My process: In the mono printing studio, the lecturer showed me how to use the pinhole camera technique, firstly, she explained what materials were needed (a needle to bore a hole/gap, a piece of metal material and a phone/camera).
Furthermore, I pierced the metal with the needle and made a small crevice/hole, then I placed my camera lens on top of the hole (this let light flow through the metal)! I then took a photograph with this pinhole effect.
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Monday seminar/ tutorials:
I was immensely inspired by the tutorial surrounding colour and also the lecture focusing on composition. Learning the elements of what creates an art piece opened my eyes to all the various techniques and planning that I need to include in my artworks and photography, and the endless options that surround these elements is inspiring. Planning my work in relation to line, shape, texture,space, colour and pattern has improved the standard of quality in my artworks and also enabled me to explore various styles and genres.
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innocentnostalgia4 · 4 years ago
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Nudes (pastel + acrylics on cardboard)
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