anakahaia · 17 days ago
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Inktober 2024
Day 9: Sun
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transgaysex · 1 year ago
did some good progress on my wizard robe today
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citrinafyre · 2 years ago
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big fluffy dragon chases man through the woods then befriend
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decorationinside · 9 months ago
Adorning Your Walls with Modern Flair: A Guide to Modern Wall Art
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homeimprovementrefferal · 11 months ago
Incorporating Clean Lines And Simple Shapes In Your Interior
Incorporating Clean Lines And Simple Shapes In Your Interior - #homeimprovementreferral #Interior, #InteriorDesign, #PopularPosts -
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cringefaildiaz · 2 years ago
can anyone tell me where to shop as a mid-20s feminine presenting person who likes to look nice but not Professional or Formal
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kedreeva · 1 month ago
Okay so, I don't think I've spoken of the saga here yet but! Gather round. I shall tell you a long story about the bird I just acquired and why she is VERY IMPORTANT.
At the beginning of last fall, I started looking into quail genetics a little more, because I got tired of not being able to sex my Celadon quail by their feathers. Originally I thought I could kill 2 birds (ok maybe more) with 1 stone and order nice jumbo wild type (which MANY places advertised as wild type jumbo) hatching eggs, and this would help me put some size on the Celadons (jumbo) while also making them feather sexable (wild type). Perfect!
But then I come to find out that pretty much all jumbo lines are jumbo BROWNS, as in they all have the sex linked brown (SLB) gene. So, I was a little confused and a LOT annoyed because I wanted to work specifically with the wild type color/pattern. No mutations just straight, plain wild type.
And EVERYWHERE I looked - major production hatcheries, private breeders through websites, Facebook groups, local swaps, craigslist, e v e r y w h e r e -
People ONLY had SLB.
This spring I came across a video showing about the differences between SLB and wild type and I figured if the person who made it can tell, maybe she will have some. So I looked her up (not in a stalker way, her farm name was stamped on the video and took me to the website), and what luck! She was in Michigan! Upper Michigan, so still a hike, but not California, y'know?
So I shot her an email and explained that I was looking for WT and that her site said she bred them and that people could do local pickup. She responded yeah she's totally got a bunch! And I said great, I'm also in Michigan, albeit far away, but I don't mind driving 7+ hours each way, because I really need actual, trusted WT for sure birds for my celadon project, can I come pick them up?
Cue the most frankly bizarre email chain in my short life. As soon as I mentioned that I was going to drive, or perhaps that I had a genetics plan in place, she got super sketchy and started saying how she hadn't really paid as close attention to SLB vs. WT, that it mattered less than she thought it would when she started, that I shouldn't focus on that either, and also that "fawn celadon is practically unheard of" in the hobby and "you should focus on a clean Tibetan because it's hard to find without roux in it) implying that I should concentrate on those things instead. And concluded by telling me if I really want WT, to contact this other person (why happens to be someone I can't stand). It all sounded VERY much like she didn't have wild type males, after all, and had thought I didn't know the difference so it wouldn't actually matter. But, it does. It actually matters a lot to me.
So I messaged back to say, well, I don't want to do any of those things, I specifically want to work with this set of genetics and you said you have them so I shouldn't have to go to anyone else??
And then she went radio silent for a week. I kind of figured I'd called a bluff, and that she was one of dozens of people I'd contacted who'd said they had WT only to find out they had SLB. I get that it's difficult to see the difference, but this particular person was the president of the American Coturnix Breeders Association or whatever (found out it's actually just a club formed by her and her friends a year ago, so not as impressive as it sounds, considering they don't actually DO anything- no putting on shows, no newsletters, no certifications, no public breeder directory, no finished SOP, nada), so I kind of expected she should know what she's talking about, if anyone does.
Eventually, after a week, she responded that she had been judging at a county fair, but she had a few heterozygous males (WT het roux, which is fine) and she could set a hatch for me for more if I wanted to come at the end of the month, but she's in WI now, not MI. I said sure, since where she was in WI was actually closer than where she'd been in the UP, and we arranged date/time.
The day of, my neighbor friend, Jude, comes with me for company/keeping me awake through the 15 hours driving round trip. It's a pleasant enough drive. We arrived at a cutesy little house on the edge of town that looks like anyone's house in a neighborhood, with a spacious lawn. The person meets us and takes me around the side of the house to a 6x6x1.5 or so chicken tractor, where she's got some male coturnix. She pulls the available males for me to look through and... fam, they ALL looked SLB, to me.
Now, she swore to me up and down that they couldn't be anything except WT het for roux, because of the way she is breeding them. But I've put these birds next to my SLB males and if I didn't have my males banded, I would not ever have told the difference between them. I still picked up 4 of them, because I will give it a go- worst case, I can produce plain Roux hens/plain Roux males for use in breeding later, best case they do actually produce WT hens and they just LOOK SLB and I have to figure out what the differences are. I don't want to leave without seeing her hens, which she has told me are all WT (which is why the males HAVE to be het for it), and she takes me back. Now the hens, the hens are easy to see the difference. White bellies first of all, but the chest feathers are also wildly different! The shafts are white, the dot around the shaft is dark, ringed in red, ringed in white. On an SLB, the shafts aren't white, it's just a black dot surrounded in a red feather, and the belly is all red/buff/cream, not white.
This is what an SLB hen looks like:
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So I take a nice long look to memorize the color, and thank her for showing me and meeting, and we head back home.
I do fecals when I get home because all of the males are VERY thin, no meat on them at all, and since she said she'd been feeding Purina (garbage for fowl feeds), I figured that was why, but no- HUGE coccidia loads in all of them. So I treated them and got them on a better feed. They immediately began putting on meat, and they're find now.
The rest of this summer, I have spent going to local bird swaps and inspecting all of the quail I could find, hoping to find one (1) actual wild-type phenotype bird. Hundreds and hundreds of birds, I have pawed through them all, being super obnoxious to the owners I'm sure, holding and inspecting males. I found ONE suspected WT male (and this is a HUGE "suspected," he could very well be SLB with low red expression). I compared him when I got home and I'm doubting myself still, so I don't know if I will ever actually pair him with the SLB hens or if I'll just wait til I have a roux set.
Regardless, it's been a dry season for getting what I want. It's been a dry YEAR. Yesterday was another swap and more hundreds of quail and me pawing through all of them.
My eyes landed upon.... her.
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If you've only lived in an area that has american crows and not ravens, you find yourself wondering if crows are ravens. You see a big crow and you think wow! maybe that is a raven! It could be a crow, but it's seems bigger so maybe it's a raven. But, if you take a trip to a place with ravens, and you see one for the first time, you realize that there is no question, when you see a raven. When you see a raven in person, there's no question and not only is there no question, you wonder how you could ever have thought a crow was a raven. It's laughable, while looking at the raven.
That's how finding this bird felt. I'd been picking up every SLB hen and going maybe this is actually WT? It could be SLB but maybe it's WT? But the second I laid eyes on her in the middle of a pack of SLB with some mixed colors, I knew I was looking at WT hen, and I can't imagine how I ever thought maybe an SLB hen was WT.
Here's a better photo of her chest and belly (she's beat UP from her previous home, the back of her head and most of her rump are plucked clean from males). You can see the white shafts and the white belly.
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And some other pics of her, showing the grey-brown on her side and back- VERY different than the SLB hens
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I can't express how stoked I am about this bird. This is the first time after a LOT of effort and time, that I have felt confident I am holding the bird I want.
She's also the indicator that I have a LOT of work ahead of me.
My end goal is to have birds that look like her, weigh 12-14oz, and lay large, blue eggs. I have birds that lay large, blue eggs, I have birds that weigh 12-14oz live weigh, and now I have at least 1 bird that looks like her, which means I can make more that look like her. The first step is cleaning the color mutations out of the celadon line without losing the celadon eggs. This is going to be a bit of a nightmare, BUT, I have a friend helping me out with getting a few celadons that are either WT or SLB (I'm guessing SLB all things considered) to start the work with. I will work over the winter to get a few more actual WT birds here, and to start crossing out the celadons with the SLB jumbos to clean out the other feather color mutations. Once I'm down to just SLB and celadon for mutations, I can clean the SLB out with the WT and roux lines.
This project will likely take me a good 2 years, maybe 3, to complete and then test breed to ensure I haven't lost the celadon gene and I don't have any hidden recessives lingering about. But just having the fucking materials to do it all on hand now is a huge step forward from where I was when I decided to start the project.
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hmmarble · 3 months ago
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Transforming your bathroom into a luxurious retreat doesn't have to be daunting, especially with the timeless elegance of black marble. The deep, rich tones of black marble not only exude sophistication but also create a striking contrast that can elevate any space. In this blog post, we will explore the allure of a black marble bathroom, highlighting how this dramatic feature can infuse modern elegance into your home.
Black Marble Bathroom
The black marble bathroom is a stunning choice for those looking to create a sophisticated and luxurious space. This bold design element can transform an ordinary bathroom into an exquisite sanctuary. The rich tones and unique veining of black marble bring an air of elegance and style that is both timeless and contemporary.
When incorporating black marble into your bathroom, consider options such as black marble countertops, vanity tops, and even accent walls. The contrast against lighter colors can create a striking and dramatic effect, making your space feel more expansive and well-defined.
One of the key benefits of a black marble bathroom is its versatility. It pairs beautifully with a variety of materials, such as brushed gold or chrome fixtures, and complements different color palettes, from soft whites to vibrant jewel tones. This adaptability allows homeowners to personalize their space while maintaining a cohesive look.
There are various finishes available for black marble, each offering a unique aesthetic. A polished finish provides a sleek, glossy surface that reflects light beautifully, while a honed finish delivers a more understated, matte look that can soften the overall appearance of the bathroom.
Lighting plays a crucial role in showcasing the beauty of a black marble bathroom. Consider installing ambient lighting to highlight the natural veins and texture of the black marble. Additionally, task lighting around mirrors can enhance visibility and add warmth to the space.
To add depth and interest, incorporate other design elements that create contrast and texture. For example, pairing black marble with wooden accents can create a warm and inviting atmosphere. Textiles such as plush towels and bath mats in lighter shades can also soften the overall look.
With its rich aesthetic and timeless appeal, a black marble bathroom is more than just a design choice; it’s an opportunity to create a luxurious retreat in your home. Whether you’re planning a complete renovation or simply looking to refresh your existing space, integrating black marble can elevate your bathroom to new heights.
Modern Marble Bathroom
When it comes to designing a modern marble bathroom, the emphasis is on clean lines, minimalistic features, and the striking appeal of marble. This luxurious stone, often associated with opulence, can elevate your bathroom space into a sanctuary of relaxation.
One of the defining characteristics of a modern marble bathroom is the color palette. While many opt for classic whites and creams, darker shades like black or gray marble create a bold statement. Black marble, with its rich depth and unique veining, can transform traditional notions of bathroom design, making it a chic and contemporary choice.
A key feature in a modern marble bathroom is the seamless integration of marble into various elements, from countertops to flooring. Large format tiles have become increasingly popular, creating a sense of space and continuity. Pairing these tiles with elegant fixtures and understated accessories enhances the overall aesthetic without detracting from the beauty of the marble.
Vanities in a modern marble bathroom often showcase the stone’s natural patterns, turning functional furniture into a visual centerpiece. Choosing sleek hardware and soft-close drawers can maintain a streamlined look, while integrated lighting adds warmth and sophistication.
For those seeking to add a touch of personality, consider incorporating wood elements or contrasting materials like glass. These choices balance the heaviness of marble with lightness, making the bathroom feel both inviting and serene.
Incorporating plants or greenery can breathe life into the cool, polished surfaces of a modern marble bathroom. Strategic placement of greenery not only adds color but also promotes a calming environment.
Lastly, don’t forget about the practicality of maintaining your modern marble bathroom. While marble is undeniably glamorous, it requires regular sealing and care to keep it in pristine condition. Choosing the right products for cleaning and maintenance will ensure your marble retains its beauty for years to come.
Bathroom Marble Design
When it comes to creating a luxurious and sophisticated space, bathroom marble design stands out as an exceptional choice. Marble is known for its timeless beauty, variety, and ability to elevate the overall aesthetic of any bathroom. In this section, we will explore some key elements and ideas related to bathroom marble design.
Choosing the Right Marble
One of the first steps in bathroom marble design is selecting the right type of marble. From classic white Carrara to striking black marquina, the options are abundant. Each type of marble comes with its unique veining and color variations, allowing you to match the marble to your personal style. Consider how different marbles will interact with your bathroom's lighting and the overall color scheme to create the desired atmosphere.
Incorporating Patterns
Another exciting aspect of bathroom marble design is the ability to incorporate patterns. Marble can be cut and laid out in various patterns like herringbone, checkerboard, or even geometric shapes. These designs can add depth and interest to your bathroom, making it feel more dynamic and stylish.
Combining with Other Materials
To enhance your bathroom marble design, consider combining marble with other materials. Pairing marble with warm woods, sleek metals, or even vibrant tiles can create an intriguing contrast and elevate the space further. This combination can help to soften the look of marble, making it feel more inviting and less formal.
Accent Features
Incorporating marble accent features like vanity tops, shower surrounds, or even marble sinks can transform a standard bathroom into a luxurious retreat. These elements become focal points in the design, drawing attention and admiration. For a truly unique touch, consider custom marble pieces that reflect your style.
Maintenance and Care
While the beauty of marble is undeniable, it's important to consider its maintenance. Proper care, including regular sealing and careful cleaning, will keep your bathroom marble design looking pristine. Avoid harsh chemicals that can damage the stone, and always use coasters or mats to prevent stains and scratches.
In summary, bathroom marble design offers a wealth of possibilities to create a stunning and elegant space. With the right choices and careful planning, you can achieve a bathroom that embodies luxury and style.
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glammiketrash · 1 year ago
Monty didn’t attack Bonnie. Freddy did.
This post is not a joke: Ruin gives us enough clues to know that Bonnie was attacked by Freddy the day he disappeared, and Monty saw the attack.
Word count: 2457 words.
Yup, I wrote an entire essay with pictures to take the blame from a fictional gator that became my comfort character. If someone from Steel Wool is reading this: Yes, I’m ok, thanks for asking. If you want to send a cute Monty picture to my inbox, it is open and I’ll be all over the place if you do it.
Now, let me take you with me on this wild ride, because this theory fits the narrative of both Security Breach and Ruin so well that I have to clap at Steel Wool if it is actually correct and not me playing with the puzzle pieces incorrectly. So, here we go!
Bonnie, judging by the golden eyes and his travel pattern, was protecting someone like Freddy did with Gregory. Important damage was directed to the stomach hatch, where a kid could hide.
He has claw marks there, but Monty didn’t got his until the first was decommissioned and was then modified to play his bass.
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The scratches in his hatch are green, but also the cracks over it. It looks like it is his base color instead of paint left by the attacker. The next video is from FazFriends, where they look at every single detail in the Ruin animatronic models. Their analysis are totally worth your attention if you like SB!
Monty has black nails, even before he was modified to play Bonnie’s bass. They also are kinda blunt, and the marks the attacker left seem more clean and sharp in the ends.
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Now, there aren’t lots of animatronics that have claws. We have Roxy (and I’m guessing Foxy, if he ever existed as an animatronic different to her), The mimic/Burntrap, who doesn’t really seem an option because he’s slow and in life support in SB and sealed in Ruin, and… there’s Freddy. But, and here’s the twist, not normal Freddy, who couldn’t get through gates like Monty until he got his claws.
I’m talking about this thing.
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Not only do we have environmental clues that confirm this attack, but also a key clue that wouldn’t make any sense otherwise.
Let’s start with the Prototype itself!
Check those claws. They are sturdy enough to survive all the damage this model has received, and extremely sharp at the end. Now compare Bonnie and its hand together…
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It’s a perfect fit. The metal is a bit bent in the left, but if you could lower it, the finger length, the palm, even the distance and shape between the thumb and index are the same than the hole in Bonnie’s chest.
If that detail is true, all pieces of the narrative fit together. Here’s what happened, which I will explain further adding sources:
Monty saw Freddy’s prototype attacking Bonnie (who was in safe mode) in Gator Golf’s catwalks. The hurricane hole-in-one was activated, causing them both to fall. He could see the prototype losing its head and taking damage to its leg, but Bonnie was nowhere: he was either able to go back to Bonnie Bowl by himself using the distraction or the fall knocked him out and was dragged there, where he was heavily damaged.
This next part is not so clear, so I’ll give you my version of what I think happened that night: Bonnie alerted police that a kid was in danger. They show up, but Vanessa sent them away, claiming she was the only person there and it was a prank call (False Alarm message in SB). Vanny uses Bonnie’s trust on Freddy against him: she sends the prototype to go after the kid and him. He makes it to Monty’s, where the hurricane causes damage to the prototype, and is then finally attacked and disassembled behind his attraction to silence him and bury any clue or what happened (his parts are all over the place, one of his arms has weel marks, and Ruin follows the PQ ending where Freddy is disassembled. In SB, endos come out from the lines to attack us, and in Ruin we see the zone where his vanity is infested with STAFF robots, both in its normal version and in VR, where a giant STAFF robot is seen being dragged to a door while it leaves scratch marks on the floor).
Fazbear Entertainment pretended they actually looked for Bonnie and found nothing at all. As a final punishment for his disobedience he was actively being erased from existence: most of his art was removed, and some ask for a re-theme of his attraction (Re-theme SB message). They make Monty the main bassist, giving him his green room too.
These changes are being quickly pushed after his decommission: Bonnie still has power when we find him, Monty falls from the catwalks “a month ago” and snaps in half, a place where he goes every time he skips a performance (Monty Mischief SB message), people constantly ask for Bonnie and there isn’t an approved answer to give, the bowling alley still wasn’t given a re-theme after taking out most of Bonnie’s images.
Despite FazEnt efforts, Bonnie is remembered, specially by a depressed Monty.
His body was modified, he was given his bass, his glasses, his room, his role. The higher ups clapped thinking about the possibility of him being even more popular than Bonnie, his disappearance becoming yet another opportunity to make money.
And it was Freddy’s prototype’s fault. His normal life, the person he admired the most, his own body, were taken from him because of him.
From that day, and after getting new claws, his attitude becomes obsessive, endlessly searching for what was left of Bonnie after the rest gave up: destroying fences to explore the undergrounds, constantly missing shows and always being found in the catwalks, even after being snapped in half by the hole-in-one bucket, trying to guess where his body was. His last known location was his attraction, so he should still be there somewhere, isn’t it?
Let me repeat this: he prefers looking for Bonnie in the catwalks even at risk of his own integrity than performing.
There are more details that show us he does care for him: there are four official images left of Glamrock Bonnie in the PizzaPlex, three of them in Monty’s ride, the last one at the entrance of his own attraction, where some animations can still be seen. These cutouts are in perfect shape, while Freddy’s is light off.
There is also a headless Freddy statue that once you go to FazerBlast screams “prototype”.
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It looks like it’s been decapitated by a hurricane, some “cables” coming out of its head like the prototype, which has cables coming out of its neck.
This damage couldn’t have been caused by the earthquake: the head should had fallen to the ground instead of being pinned on the hurricane. Plus, it doesn’t match the theme of the ride, based on cutouts, and while the rest of the elements are placed in scenarios and their composition is clearly studied, this statue breaks the symmetry of the hurricane’s eye element, that is supposed to give you the illusion that you are entering its eye and being pushed out to the main attraction.
What’s more, in a story exclusively about Monty’s past and how he became a solo bassist in the PizzaPlex thanks to Bonnie, attracting the same amount of people than the Glamrocks themselves, a Freddy statue at the end doesn’t make any sense sense at all… Unless it was put there with a very particular purpose.
I like to think it’s part of an environmental story telling from Steel Wool, specially when you read the rest of clues together.
There’s more to say about this statue than the lack of a head: look at its leg damage, and how it matches the prototype’s heavily damaged one, and how the hand that is visible reflects the light making it look like it has long claws despite Freddy having short ones like the rest of the band.
It also has two blue long lines through his chest that resemble the ones in Bonnie’s.
If you still have doubt about how it is part of a scene representing the night of the attack, then you should know there is an easter egg here: if you follow the part of the tornado that goes up, you can see a Bonnie cutout at the very top of it. He’s far away from the rest of the scene and he looks like if he was being knocked by the tornado. If you zoom to look at his face, you can see he has a worried expression.
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Monty didn’t destroy any of the images of Bonnie or his previous iterations, not the cutouts, not this poster, not the bass that belonged to him, even after causing damage to his room.
There is a detail in Gator Golf that is easy to miss: An intact poster of the original Bonnie near a log he uses as a hideout in Ruin (we see him quickly going out of it when we approach it).
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He looks similar to the illustration at the entrance of Bonnie Bowl, but this image is not very charming. He looks half dead, yeah...? If you then go to Bonnie’s, some big screens are still on and advertising pizza. When you wear the mask, they change to a glitched version of the Bonnie animation, where his eyes go blank in a similar way to this poster.
This spot couldn’t have been used by Vanny: it is decorated exactly like the rest of Gator Golf in the base game, which ends with us saving Vanessa and exiting the PizzaPlex together.
The poster also has a drawing of Freddy stuck on it. In this chapter you can also find the Bonnie’s piñata collectible, the first time we can see his Glamrock design and the first clue of him having suffered an attack (it has a big gash in his chest).
He could have easily taken it down if he wanted, specially when it is so close to his hideout and he’s in such a volatile state, but he keeps it right beside it.
But the real Freddy (or, at least, things that resemble him) seems to cause some kind of reaction even in the base game, yes?
The most common example in Security Breach is the arcade version of Monty’s Gator Golf. There are two possible readings for it, depending on if you think it represents Monty’s mind or if you think it has been hacked to change his behavior.
Hole 1 depicts Freddy separated from the group, a big distance between them. Hole 9 shows him in a dumpster, and Chica, Roxy and Monty playing together. He’s never part of the group, so either Monty hates him or he was hacked so he would hate him, right?
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But the main show were he looks happily at him while playing, the fact that he never attacks him even after being hacked, the presence of images of him on other holes all perfectly light and ok like this balloon, and the eye color difference between Hole 1 and 9, make me think Steel Wool is trying to tell us a way different story.
The Freddy in the dumpster is the only one with golden eyes. Hole 9 represents what is happening the night we play as Gregory, the AR part of the AR-cade, and of the main reasons the Monty taking down theory was so popular.
That night, Roxy, Chica and him are working on finding the kid to the point that their cases crack and get dirty, while Freddy not only glitched at the start of the show hours before, but is now also walking around the PizzaPlex doing NOTHING instead of helping (apparently).
It’s the animatronic equivalent of a group project were one of the members does nothing, so you have to do their part and then they show up and are praised. It makes sense he would be angry at the situation and think he’s trash, but even so, there are no real confrontations between them.
But what about Hole 1, then? The answer is the fireflies. There are some fireflies at the left part, but the right, where Freddy is looking, has other set of lights. If you calculate the distance from Chica to him, the center is almost where the hole is, the part of the arcade that is supposed to drag your attention. Having an empty space there feels uncomfortable and a very questionable decision from whomever designed the scene, but if this one is a reflection from reality or Monty’s current mind state, why aren’t Freddy’s eyes gold?
Well, I don’t think he is separated from his band.
I think someone is missing from the picture instead.
Bonnie was erased from the Arcade.
As it was said, these changes were quick and non-planned: they deleted his model from the arcade, but had no time to move and reprogram the positions of the rest of the characters so the space between them was filled. As a consequence, when you play this level, your attention is taken from the hole to the distance between them.
It is void, awkward, it makes you uncomfortable. You know something is missing, but you can’t quite tell what it is yet. It makes you wish there was one more character there even before you knew there actually was.
Once you learn what happened, how his story ties to the place this scenario represents, the void he left in Freddy and Monty specifically, Hole 1 gains a new meaning, and it hits you. When you go back to the PizzaPlex as Cassie and play the arcade, there’s no joy left there. No fireflies, no Glamrocks, just ruins. Two pairs of red eyes and a pile of Nightmare STAFF bots. That’s all that’s left.
But if you still need one more clue to convince you that the prototype was the one that attacked Bonnie, then let me tell you there is a final one that wouldn’t make sense otherwise:
The AR collectibles dialogue.
Cassie always makes a commentary about the things she finds: Monty’s AR plushie being very glitchy, how she wants to add Roxy’s one to her collection, how the her father wouldn’t tell her why they replaced Bonnie and how he was his dad’s favorite…
But she also asks him what happened to him, and gets an answer when she gets the last collectible.
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The AR Golden Bonnie is hidden in Bonnie Bowl, next to a Wet Floor Sign bot.
She hasn’t been to Fazer Blast yet.
But the description answers the question that she asked him: a prototype.
Bonnie was decommissioned by Freddy’s prototype.
And the only ones that know are a kid lead to her death that can hear his agony through the Wet Floor Bots and unreal collectibles, and an animatronic blamed for his death and told he’ll never be him, obsessed with his loss and with finding whatever is left of the person that he admired the most and helped him become the star he once was.
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obsidian-pages777 · 5 months ago
Pick a card: Your Future Aesthetic.Pick an Image
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Left to Right Top Row-> Pile 1, Pile 2. Left Bottom Row -> Pile 3 [Pick one of the three]
Reading 1: The Ethereal Dreamer
Card Drawn: The Star
Your future self will be deeply enchanted by an ethereal, dreamy aesthetic. Imagine a world filled with soft, flowing fabrics in pastel hues like lavender, blush pink, and sky blue. Your spaces will be adorned with fairy lights, delicate crystals, and celestial motifs such as stars and moons. This aesthetic is all about creating a serene, magical atmosphere that feels almost otherworldly.
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Your fashion choices will lean towards flowing, bohemian dresses, sheer materials, and intricate lace details.Mostly pastel themes. Being attracted to light colors.Butterfly motifs are prominent. You might carry a free flowing nature to your personality representing your aspirations towards expansion of peace.
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Home decor will feature airy, light-filled spaces with plenty of natural elements like feathers, geodes, and plants.
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Your future self will seek to create a sanctuary that feels like a serene escape from reality, full of whimsical fairie-esque and gentle beauty.
Reading 2: The Bold Visionary
Card Drawn: The Emperor
Your future self will gravitate towards a bold, visionary aesthetic that exudes confidence and sophistication. This look is defined by strong lines, rich colors like deep navy, burgundy, and emerald, and luxurious materials such as velvet, leather, and silk.
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Your fashion will include tailored suits, statement pieces with geometric patterns, and accessories that make a statement.
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Home decor will feature modern furniture with clean lines, metallic accents, and striking art pieces. Your spaces will be meticulously organized and designed to project power and elegance.
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The aesthetic you will love is one that commands attention and reflects a sense of authority and ambition, perfectly suited for a leader who is unafraid to stand out and make bold moves.
Reading 3: The Vintage Romantic
Card Drawn: The Lovers
Your future self will find joy in a vintage, romantic aesthetic that celebrates nostalgia and timeless beauty.
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Picture a world filled with delicate floral patterns, antique furniture, and soft, muted tones like rose, cream, and sage green. Your fashion will be inspired by eras past, with a love for lace, vintage dresses, pearl accessories, and retro hairstyles.
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Home decor will feature shabby chic elements, ornate picture frames, and cozy, intimate settings with lots of personal touches like family heirlooms and handmade crafts.
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This aesthetic is all about creating a warm, inviting atmosphere that feels both elegant and charmingly old-fashioned. Your future self will delight in the romance and history embedded in this timeless style.
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terminuslucis · 1 month ago
What would it look like if Silver designed a dorm uniform?
Spitballing a bit, I think it would look something like this.
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The color palette is simply black, white, and blue. Those are the colors he'd choose to represent the Ramshackle dorm because he associates those colors with the ghost residents. Any metallic accents are silver or slate gray.
His general vibe is a mix of "I'd wear this to a funeral" and old-fashioned outerwear. I'm tempted to make the shirt sleeves a little bit sheer, but that might be something Silver does to his own uniform for fun. He's fond of androgynous clothes.
I'm also very strongly tempted to make the lining of the cloak in the style of Disney's Haunted Mansion wallpaper pattern; something ornate with faces hidden in the twisting design.
I might clean this up later and polish/add to the details, but this is roughly where my mind is at right now. It's more on the simple side, but little Silver is a simpler guy.
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dollsahoy · 25 days ago
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I thought I'd post some detail photos of the old Halloween Patchwork Projects. This is the 2023 project.
I hadn't thought I'd make anything last year until about a week before Halloween. It was a challenge to find fabrics from my stash that had, what seemed to me, at least, similar aesthetics--in this case, it was "clean lines, flat graphics, and relatively few colors in each print," and then I wanted coordinated color on top of that. This somewhat swampy color scheme is probably not something I would have come up with on my own, but that's the fun I have with limiting myself to materials on hand.
I took a picture of this one after I had cut the pattern pieces, but before assembly
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spamton-deactivated19970420 · 11 months ago
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i made a little hand-sewn beast based on everydayspamton's drawing & took it with me on a family roadtrip
if you'd like to make your own, i've included the [[FREE]] pattern & some rough steps below the cut, as well as an Educational Video
disclaimer: i'm an amateur & i've never tried making a pattern before, nor have i ever tried writing directions
materials you'll need:
sewing needle & pins
black thread & white thread
fabric in these colors - black, white, red, yellow, & pink
(optional) a squeaker
for the thread, i suggest something thicker, like whats used for embroidery - i used two different thicknesses on mine, & i think the thicker one; (the black thread); stands out a lot nicer
for the fabric, i used craft felt. its nice because its cheap & malleable, but if you want something that can actually be washed & played with without disintegrating on you, don't use felt. different fabrics will have different results, though, & may not give you a clean-looking edge & lines
you can also just go nuts & use whatever colors of thread/fabric you want, make pattern alterations, whatever
if you make one, feel free to @ me, send an ask or DM me with it, i'd love to see!
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^^^ here's the pattern!
now the actual steps?:
1.) download & print out the pattern - it should(?) fit normally across a regular sheet of printer paper. i don't have exact measurements, i eyeballed this whole thing & then lost the original pattern - (there's only a copy that i scanned & edited left on my computer. woops.)
2.) cut the pieces out. pin the patterns to the fabric color the instructions call for, & cut out the number you need for each
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^^^ here's what you should end up with!
now the sewing! for this whole thing i used doubled-up thread & a 'running stitch', then went over it a secondary time with another running stitch to fill in the gaps. you could also try using a 'back stitch' (which i don't know how to do), but that might be tougher. the goal here is to give it an Outlined look, like a drawing
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3.) with white thread, sew the pink & yellow eyes onto the glasses - pink is Left, yellow is Right. reference the image above if you're not sure!
4.) sew all the fins pieces together - on the black fin, use white thread; & on the white fins, use black thread. reference the pattern for the detailing. i made my own front fins 'wrong', but you don't really have worry too much about being exact
5.) overlap the Head pieces onto the Body pieces - making sure you have a Left and Right side! pin the heads to the bodies, & compare their lengths by holding them together to make sure you've got it right. sew the heads to the bodies using black thread. detail the head with black thread, & detail the body with white thread
6.) now that you've got the two sides of the body completed, you can hold them together to try to get even placement for the red cheeks. pin each cheek to each side, then sew them on with white thread
7.) using black thread, sew the pink glasses onto the Left side of the body, and the yellow glasses onto the Right side. they'll be slightly overlapping the cheeks
8.) with white thread, sew the front fins on to each side. NOTE: i put mine on wrong, & didn't realize until i was finished. for the 'right' placement on these (closer to the original drawing), reference the pattern, & not the images
you now have all your parts ready for assembly! for me, this is the hardest part. you'll need a bunch of pins - use the guidelines on the pattern and/or reference the below image to get the right placements
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9.) pin in the back fin & the nose. leave some space on the bottom for stuffing when you start, & using black thread, sew together the nose & the fin unto the body - the fin should be sandwiched Between the two body halves
10.) pin in the tail fin. continue sewing down the back with the black thread, & sew the tail fin in - once again, it should be Between the two body halves
11.) pin in the back fin between the halves. continue with the black thread, sew along the tail & sew the back fin in - Stopping once its secured. you should have some good space still open on the belly
12.) time for stuffing. using something thin, but not sharp - like a chopstick or the back of a crochet hook - & push stuffing into the nose & tail portions. stuff the head about halfway. now, if you have a squeaker, put it into the widest part of the head, & stuff a little around it
13.) still using the black thread, sew the belly up a little more so its easier to keep the stuffing in, & then fill up the rest of the body. once fully stuffed, sew the remaining hole together
14.) congrats! you now have a spamfish. if you opted for a squeaker, squeak it thoroughly
don't worry if it's not exact, some individual variation is fun & makes your creature unique! mine has upside-down front fins with upside-down detail lines
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here's the thing with some friends i had made a little bit before him. have fun with your beast!
i am not liable for any damage it causes to you or your property
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respectthepetty · 2 months ago
The Loyal Pin - Episode 6
The first reason I loved this episode was the fact that this episode began with the girls not only switching patterns (floral vs. lines) but also switching positions.
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The second reason I loved this episode was Prik being extra by making noises and motions just to let Pin know that she knew what the lesbians were doing, and it wasn't sleeping.
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And the third reason I loved this episode was THE SEX!
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Pin and Anin kissing each other wherever and whenever is the kind of romantic storytelling I want to see!
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And Pin and Anin having sex wherever and whenever is the kind of historical GL storytelling I want to see.
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But as happy as I am that Pink Person Pin wore purple to combine her and Blue Beauty Anin's color,
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And that they went on a a little date that paralleled the date that they had before Anin left for England the first time,
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There are still color-coded forces (unintentionally) standing between them.
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So even though these color-coded girls are in love
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And having great sex about it,
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Other people will continue to be whole ass problems for them!
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(Not Pranot though. He sits at the same table with Prik since they are the only two people who seem to already support queer rights and wrongs!)
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Because Anin's color-coded brother is being a big problem!
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Anon has been consistently red color-coded, but Anin's oldest brother, Anantawut, who was once blue like her, stayed entirely brown this episode.
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Which could be an issue if it means he'll become more traditional, conservative, and predictable.
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And although I don't think Pin's mom ever means any harm, she is the epitome of femininity and womanhood.
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She can cook. She can clean. She can manage an entire compound of servants all while looking docile, so as much as I love that Pin received the ruby set from Anin's mom for her birthday,
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It feels like the jewelry is the first real step into chaining down Pin into a traditional role of womanhood like her mother since this came after the conversation about Pin and Anin needing to get married sooner rather than later.
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Normally, red would be passion and heart, which is nice that Anin decided to put red berries on Pin's cake to show her she loved Pin.
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But Pin lost her color a bit this episode when she became depressed that Anin was leaving again. Only the tiniest bit of pink lingered at the edge of her dress.
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So I think her mother will be even more adamant that Pin get married so she will be too preoccupied with her husband and (new color) to dwell on her best friend being gone, but I think there is an ally in our royal midst!
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Anantawut's new wife also seems like the epitome of femininity and womanhood because she can cook, clean, and take care of her prince.
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But when I look closer, she is wearing pink AND blue.
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And at the lunch where marriage is discussed, she is, once again, wearing pink and blue with a purple skirt (pictured above)
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So even though Blue Beauty Anin doesn't have control of her circumstances now.
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And neither does Pink Person Pin (who did not deserve to be left without a goodbye!)
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I have faith that someone in this family will be able to support the girls when the times come because Prik can't be the only person in this house I respect.
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moonselune · 2 months ago
Dark!BG3 | My Doll
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For: Conqueror!Minthara, MotherSuperior!Shadowheart, God!Gale, Ascended!Astarion, Naturist!Halsin, GrandDuke!Wyll
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CW: Controlling, manipulation, coercion,
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Conqueror Minthara:
The grand chamber was bathed in the soft glow of opulent chandeliers, their light reflecting off the richly adorned walls and luxurious fabrics that draped the room. The scent of incense and exotic perfumes filled the air, mingling with the muted tones of classical music that played faintly in the background. Minthara’s personal quarters had been transformed into a private salon for the evening, a space that had become a shrine to her taste and power.
You stood at the center of this lavish room, surrounded by a flurry of activity as servants and attendants bustled around you. Minthara herself was a striking figure, her presence commanding attention as she watched with an air of anticipation. Her eyes, dark and gleaming with a mix of authority and affection, never left you as you were transformed into her perfect vision of elegance.
The first outfit was a deep crimson gown, its fabric rich and heavy, adorned with intricate patterns of black embroidery. As you stepped into the dress, the weight of the fabric felt like a reminder of Minthara's control.
The gown’s skirt flared dramatically, brushing against the floor as you moved. The bodice was fitted tightly, emphasizing your form, while a high collar added an air of regal sophistication. The color scheme was unmistakably Minthara’s: red and black, the hues of her dominion.
Minthara stepped forward, her gaze sharp as she inspected you from head to toe. She circled around you, her fingers trailing lightly over the fabric, adjusting and smoothing with practiced precision. Her touch was both intimate and commanding, a constant reminder of her ownership.
“No, no,” Minthara said, her voice a smooth purr of discontent. “This won’t do. It’s missing that certain… finesse.”
With a flick of her wrist, she signaled to her attendants, who quickly began to assist you in changing. The crimson gown was removed, and you were draped in the next ensemble: a black dress with a daring slit that exposed more of your skin than the first. The neckline plunged dramatically, and delicate red beading formed intricate patterns across the fabric. You felt exposed, vulnerable, but Minthara’s approving smile made the discomfort bearable.
Once again, Minthara’s scrutiny was intense. She examined you with a critical eye, her expression a blend of approval and dissatisfaction. “Better,” she murmured, “but still not quite right.”
The process repeated itself, each new outfit showcasing a different aspect of Minthara’s aesthetic. You wore a gown with a high-low hemline, the skirt cascading in layers of black tulle and red silk. Another time, you were adorned in a tailored suit that highlighted your form with its sharp, clean lines and dramatic red accents. Each outfit was more elaborate than the last, each adjustment made to ensure you embodied Minthara’s vision perfectly.
Hours passed, the constant changing of clothes becoming a test of endurance. But you remained calm, accepting each new ensemble with grace, knowing that this was part of your role in her world. Minthara’s delight and satisfaction with each iteration made the process easier to endure.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of fittings and adjustments, Minthara declared that she was satisfied. She clapped her hands, summoning the attendants to finalize your look.
They brought out a final accessory: a bejeweled collar, meticulously crafted with red and black stones that formed a delicate pattern around your neck. At the center of the collar was a pendant engraved with Minthara’s initials, a mark of your complete subjugation to her.
As you looked in the mirror, you saw yourself fully transformed into Minthara’s vision. The reflection was a striking image of her colors and style—red and black. The collar around your neck was a permanent reminder of your place, a symbol of your devotion and submission. Your hair was styled to perfection, complementing the overall look and adding to the aura of elegance and obedience that you now embodied.
Minthara stepped behind you, her fingers gently brushing against your shoulders. She leaned in close, her breath warm against your ear.
“There,” she whispered, her voice dripping with satisfaction. “Now you are truly mine, a perfect reflection of my desires and authority. You look magnificent, my little doll.”
You turned to face her, meeting her gaze in the mirror. Her eyes were alight with a mix of pride and possessiveness. With a final, approving nod, Minthara offered you her arm, guiding you gracefully towards the door.
“Come, my dear,” she said, her tone both commanding and affectionate. “We have a gala to attend, and I want everyone to see just how perfectly you are mine.”
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Mother Superior Shadowheart:
In the opulent, dimly lit chamber of the cloister’s grand tailoring room, Shadowheart was immersed in the meticulous task of curating the perfect uniform for you. The room was adorned with luxurious fabrics and ornate furnishings, reflecting the wealth and power of her position.
You stood in the center of the room, surrounded by a sea of garments and accessories that Shadowheart had deemed essential for your transformation. The process was more elaborate than you had anticipated, and her patience seemed to stretch as thin as the fabric she was scrutinizing. With each new outfit, you felt like a doll being dressed and undressed for the amusement of its owner.
Shadowheart’s eyes were sharp and discerning as she examined each piece, her expression a mix of contemplation and exacting standards. She would approach you, draping fabrics over your shoulders and adjusting the fit with a practiced hand. The clothing ranged from dark, elegant robes embroidered with intricate patterns to high-collared tunics and flowing skirts, each adorned with symbols of Shar that spoke to her influence and control.
The first few outfits were a blur of material and adjustment. You tried to remain compliant, but the process was exhausting. The layers of heavy fabric and constant changes began to wear on you, and your patience grew thin. As the hours wore on, you found yourself growing restless and defiant, your attempts to express your discomfort evident in your body language and terse replies.
Shadowheart noticed the shift in your demeanor with a frown. Her patience was equally thin, and she was determined to have you fit the perfect vision she had in mind. With a swift, practiced motion, she summoned her magic, her hands glowing with a dark, malevolent light. The room seemed to shiver as she cast her spell, an incantation that infused the air with an aura of command and control.
You felt the magic’s effect almost immediately. A soothing, yet unyielding calm settled over you, dulling your restlessness and rebellious thoughts. It was as if a weight had been lifted, but it had been replaced by a compelling sense of submission and compliance.
Your previously defiant posture softened, and a serene, pliant expression took its place. The resistance that had marked your movements was replaced by an obedient, almost docile demeanor.
Shadowheart observed this transformation with a satisfied smirk. She approached you, her eyes scanning your now receptive form with a critical yet approving gaze. “
There we go,” she said, her voice laced with both authority and satisfaction. “Much better. Now, let’s see how you fare in these last few garments.”
She continued her meticulous work, dressing you in a series of uniforms designed to reflect both your new role and her unyielding control. The garments were tailored to perfection, each piece accentuating your form and adhering to her strict standards. Shadowheart was a master of her craft, ensuring that every detail was flawless.
Each time you grew slightly restless or attempted to voice an opinion, she would subtly adjust her magic, reinforcing your compliance and soothing any rebellious thoughts. The process became smoother as your resistance faded completely, leaving you a willing participant in her vision.
After several hours of rigorous fittings and adjustments, Shadowheart finally declared herself satisfied. She stepped back, her eyes gleaming with a sense of accomplishment as she surveyed you in the final ensemble—a striking combination of dark, elegant fabrics and intricate embroidery that marked you as a perfect reflection of her influence and authority.
“You look marvelous,” Shadowheart said, her tone carrying a blend of satisfaction and possessiveness. “You are now the embodiment of my will and the symbol of our cause, my love."
You nodded, your movements smooth and compliant, a stark contrast to the defiant spirit you had shown earlier. The transformation was complete, and as you gazed at your reflection, you could see the results of Shadowheart’s meticulous efforts—an image that perfectly represented her authority and your newfound role. Shadowheart approached you, her fingers gently brushing against your cheek.
“You have done well,” she said, her voice softening with an almost tender edge. "Come, let the cloister see us in all our glory."
As you followed her lead, the uniform you wore became a second skin, a symbol of your submission and her dominance. The process had been grueling, but the final result was a testament to Shadowheart’s unwavering control and your complete integration into her world.
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God of Ambition Gale:
In the opulent chamber that served as Gale’s domain within his realm, the ambiance was a blend of divine grandeur and meticulous attention to detail. The walls were adorned with shimmering tapestries depicting scenes of grandeur and ambition, and the air was filled with a faint, otherworldly glow that highlighted the majesty of the space. The large, ornate mirror in the center of the room reflected the elaborate setting, its surface gleaming with enchantments.
You stood in the center of the room, dressed in a simple yet elegant attire chosen for this occasion. Gale was preoccupied with perfecting the emblem that would symbolize your role by his side—a symbol that would embody your essence and his divine vision.
His attention to detail bordered on obsessive as he fussed over every aspect of the emblem, his eyes never leaving you as he examined the designs and elements that would represent you.
“Hold still,” Gale instructed with a tone of authority that brooked no argument. “The emblem must capture your essence perfectly. We cannot afford any mistakes.”
You did as instructed, feeling a mixture of apprehension and patience as Gale maneuvered you into various positions. He adjusted your posture, making minute corrections with an almost artistic precision. His fingers traced delicate patterns in the air, and his gaze was intense, as if he were trying to extract the very soul of your being.
Gale’s attention to detail was meticulous. He moved around you, occasionally stepping back to assess how you appeared from different angles. His eyes flickered with a blend of concentration and creative fervor as he compared the emblem’s design against your form. He muttered to himself, adjusting the insignia’s elements and ensuring they harmonized perfectly with your presence.
At one point, he repositioned you with a gentle but firm touch, guiding you into a new stance.
“No, no,” he murmured, his frustration evident. “Your posture needs to reflect the ambition we’re channeling. Stand taller, and hold your gaze with conviction. We need to capture the essence of your power and my divine influence.”
You complied, striving to embody the posture and poise he desired. The process felt almost like being sculpted, with Gale as both the artist and critic. His scrutiny was intense, and his corrections were precise. He adjusted the fabric of your attire, smoothed out imaginary wrinkles, and reoriented you to align with his vision.
Time seemed to stretch as Gale continued his work, his focus unwavering. He made several adjustments to the emblem, testing different designs and placements until he found the one that resonated with his divine sense of perfection. Each adjustment was accompanied by a thoughtful hum or a quiet exclamation of frustration when something didn’t meet his exacting standards.
Finally, after what felt like hours, Gale stepped back with a satisfied smile. He took in the final result, his eyes gleaming with the pride of a creator who had achieved his vision.
“There,” he said, his voice filled with a mix of triumph and relief. “That is it. The emblem is perfect. It captures your essence and embodies the ambition we both strive for.”
You looked at yourself in the mirror, observing the emblem’s intricate design—a symbol of your role beside Gale, reflecting both his divine nature and your connection to him. The emblem glowed subtly, an ethereal representation of your union with the God of Ambition and your place as his muse.
Gale approached you, his demeanor softening as he gazed at you with an affectionate pride. He reached out, his hand gently cupping your face in a gesture of tender affection.
“Thank you for enduring this process,” he said. “Your patience and poise have made this moment truly perfect.”
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Ascended Astarion:
The lavish chamber was a stark contrast to the anxiety that churned within you. Rich tapestries adorned the walls, and a grand chandelier cast a warm, golden light over the room. Astarion had spared no expense, the luxury surrounding you only amplifying your unease. This was the fourth tailor he had summoned, the others having met a grim fate for their perceived failures.
You stood in the center of the room, feeling like a mannequin as the tailor’s assistants fussed over you, taking measurements, adjusting fabrics, and pinning samples of the latest creation.
Astarion, lounging nearby with a glass of fine wine in hand, watched with a critical eye. His presence was as commanding as ever, his pale skin glowing in the candlelight, his crimson eyes tracking every movement.
The tailor worked in nervous silence, his hands trembling slightly as he presented the latest outfit for Astarion’s approval. It was a finely crafted piece, the fabric shimmering with a subtle, ethereal glow that hinted at the magic woven into its threads. But as soon as the tailor held it up for inspection, Astarion’s expression darkened.
“What is this?” Astarion’s voice was cold, his displeasure evident. He set his wine glass down with a deliberate clink, rising from his seat with a fluid grace that belied the menace in his movements.
The tailor stammered, his fear palpable. “M-my lord, I thought—”
“You thought?” Astarion interrupted, his tone laced with disdain. “You thought you could present such a pedestrian creation and pass it off as worthy of my beloved?”
You flinched at the edge in his voice, knowing what was to come. Your nerves were already frayed from the endless fittings and the constant fussing. You had tried to remain patient, but the compulsion he had placed on you was wearing thin.
Astarion turned to you, his gaze softening for a moment as he noticed your discomfort.
“Ah, my dear, I can see you’re growing restless,” he said, reaching out to gently caress your cheek. His touch was tender, yet he reimposed the compulsion with force. “But we must ensure that everything is perfect. You deserve nothing less.”
You nodded slightly, feeling the magic of his compulsion tighten around you, forcing you to remain still. The anxiety gnawed at you, but there was nothing you could do but comply. Astarion’s attention snapped back to the tailor.
“This will not do,” he declared, his voice cold once more. Before the tailor could react, Astarion moved with blinding speed, his hand flashing out to grasp the man’s throat.
The tailor gasped, his eyes wide with terror as Astarion lifted him off the ground with ease.
“I will not tolerate mediocrity,” Astarion hissed, his fangs gleaming in the dim light. With a swift, effortless motion, he snapped the tailor’s neck, letting the lifeless body drop to the floor.
You swallowed hard, the sight of yet another death turning your stomach. This was the fourth tailor he had killed, all in his relentless pursuit of perfection for you. You felt a mix of horror and resignation, knowing that this was the reality you lived in, a reality shaped by Astarion’s obsession with you.
Astarion turned to one of his servants, who had been standing silently by the door, awaiting orders.
“Bring in the next one,” he commanded, his voice devoid of emotion. The servant bowed and hurried out of the room, leaving you alone with Astarion and the body of the tailor. You glanced at Astarion, who was already smoothing his hair back into place, his demeanor calm once more.
He noticed your gaze and smiled, though there was a hint of something darker in his eyes.
“Don’t worry, darling,” he said, his tone almost soothing. “We’ll find the right one soon. I promise.”
You forced a small smile, knowing that there was no other choice. Astarion’s devotion to you was absolute, but it came at a cost—a cost you were forced to bear as he sought to mold you into his vision of perfection.
As the door opened again, and the next tailor was ushered in, you braced yourself for another round of fittings, knowing that you would remain still and compliant, just as Astarion wished.
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Naturist Halsin:
The sun had barely risen when you found yourself in the grove, surrounded by the soft chirping of birds and the gentle rustle of leaves. The scent of fresh earth filled your senses as you knelt beside a wounded fawn, carefully tending to its injuries. The little creature’s eyes reflected a trust that warmed your heart, even as the dull ache from your own wounds reminded you of the previous day’s events.
Halsin had insisted you rest, but staying cooped up inside felt suffocating. You needed this—needed the quiet, the peace, the distraction of caring for the injured animals that had always been your solace.
As you gently applied a salve to the fawn’s leg, a shadow fell over you. You didn’t need to look up to know who it was. The air grew heavier with Halsin’s presence, his towering form casting a long shadow over you and the garden.
“What are you doing out here?” His voice was low, a mixture of concern and frustration, and it sent a shiver down your spine.
You continued your work, trying to ignore the tension that had suddenly filled the space between you.
“I’m just helping,” you replied, keeping your voice steady. “The animals need me.”
“They can wait,” Halsin said, his tone firm. He stepped closer, and you could feel his gaze boring into you. “You’re supposed to be resting. You were hurt.”
You clenched your jaw, frustration bubbling up inside you. “I’m fine, Halsin. I don’t need to be coddled like a child.”
His hand shot out, grabbing your wrist with a gentleness that belied the strength behind it. He pulled you to your feet, towering over you as he looked down with a mix of concern and stern authority.
“You’re not invincible,” he said, his voice softer now, but no less commanding. “You need to take care of yourself.”
“I am taking care of myself,” you argued, trying to pull your hand away, but his grip tightened just enough to keep you from moving.
Halsin’s eyes flashed with an intensity, and you knew you were treading dangerous ground. He had always been protective, but since the incident, that protectiveness had grown into something else—something more controlling, more suffocating. He was treating you like a porcelain doll, terrified that you would shatter at the slightest bump.
“You’re acting like a child,” he said, his voice laced with frustration. “You’re hurt, and you’re out here risking further injury because you refuse to listen.”
“I’m not a child, Halsin,” you shot back, your own temper flaring. “I can take care of myself, and I don’t need you hovering over me every second.”
He sighed, the sound heavy with exasperation, and released your wrist. For a moment, you thought he might relent, but then he cupped your face in his large hands, forcing you to look up at him. His expression was stern, and the intensity in his eyes made your heart skip a beat.
“You will rest,” he said, his voice leaving no room for argument. “And you will do as I say. I won’t lose you because you’re too stubborn to take care of yourself.”
The authority in his tone was undeniable, and you felt a surge of defiance rise within you. But just as quickly, it was smothered by the reality of your situation. Halsin wasn’t someone you could easily defy. He was strong, powerful, and his protectiveness—however suffocating—came from a place of genuine care. You knew that resisting him would only lead to him tightening his control over you further. With a reluctant sigh, you nodded, your shoulders sagging in resignation.
“Fine,” you muttered, the fight draining out of you. “I’ll rest.”
Halsin’s expression softened, and he pulled you into a gentle embrace.
“Thank you,” he murmured into your hair, his voice filled with relief. “I just want to keep you safe.”
You stood there, trapped in his embrace, feeling a mixture of emotions—frustration, resignation, and a flicker of something you couldn’t quite name. It was easier to give in, to let him protect you, even if it meant surrendering a little more of your freedom. The alternative was a struggle you weren’t sure you could win.
As he held you close, you wondered how much of yourself you would lose in the process of keeping the peace.
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Grand Duke Wyll:
The grand chamber was bathed in soft, golden light as the sun filtered through the tall windows, casting a warm glow over the ornate furnishings and rich tapestries. The scent of oil paint and fresh flowers hung in the air, mingling with the faint scent of the perfume you wore. In the center of the room, you sat perched on a velvet chaise, your posture rigid, as the painter worked diligently at his easel, his brush gliding across the canvas with practiced precision.
Wyll stood beside you, his gaze critical as he observed the progress of the portrait. His sharp eyes missed nothing, and you could feel his presence like a weight on your shoulders, even though he had yet to say a word. The painter, a nervous-looking man with a thin mustache and trembling hands, kept glancing at Wyll, clearly anxious under the scrutiny of the Grand Duke.
“Hmm,” Wyll finally murmured, stepping closer to you. His fingers brushed your cheek lightly before he tilted your chin slightly upwards, adjusting the angle of your head. “You’re looking a bit too stern, my dear. Try softening your expression.”
You obliged, relaxing the tension in your face and offering a faint smile, though it didn’t quite reach your eyes. You knew that Wyll was enjoying this—reveling in the control he had over every detail of the portrait, and by extension, over you. It wasn’t the first time he had treated you like a doll, something to be posed and positioned just as he liked. But today, there was a particular gleam in his eye, a playful edge to his actions that made it clear he was having fun with it.
“No, no, this won’t do,” he muttered, stopping to adjust the drape of the fabric around your shoulders.
The gown you wore was exquisite, made of the finest silk and embroidered with delicate patterns of gold thread. But it wasn’t quite right for the image he wanted to create.
“Perhaps something more regal,” he mused aloud, turning to the servants who stood waiting in the corner. “Bring out the crimson velvet. I want something that matches their hair, something that will make them stand out even more.”
The painter hesitated, his brush still in mid-air as he watched the scene unfold. You caught his eye, offering him a reassuring smile, even as you resigned yourself to another round of adjustments. You could see the unease in his expression, the way he bit his lip as he glanced between you and Wyll, but he remained silent. No one dared to contradict the Grand Duke, especially not when he was in one of these moods.
The servants quickly brought out a new gown, a rich crimson velvet with intricate gold embroidery. Wyll personally helped you out of the first gown, his touch lingering on your skin as he peeled away the fabric. He took his time, his movements slow and deliberate, as though savoring the moment. Once you were dressed in the new gown, he stepped back to admire his handiwork, a satisfied smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
“Much better,” he declared, his tone laced with approval. “Now, let’s try this again.”
You returned to your position on the chaise, feeling the heavy weight of the velvet gown settle around you. The painter began anew, his brush moving quickly to capture the new look. Wyll, however, wasn’t done. He continued to fuss over every detail—the angle of your head, the position of your hands, the way the light caught your hair. Each time he made an adjustment, you complied, holding your pose as still as you could, though the strain was beginning to wear on you.
But you could see the joy in Wyll’s eyes, the way he seemed to relish in this exercise of power and control. There was a playfulness to it, a lightheartedness that you hadn’t seen in him for some time. So, despite the growing discomfort, you decided to indulge him. Just this once, you would let him have his fun.
Finally, after what felt like hours of repositioning and adjustments, Wyll seemed satisfied. He stepped back, folding his arms across his chest as he studied the portrait taking shape on the canvas. The painter’s hand was steady now, the initial nervousness replaced by a focused determination to get everything just right.
“Perfect,” Wyll murmured, his voice soft with admiration. He leaned down, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “You’re perfect, my love.”
You smiled up at him, though your muscles ached from holding the pose for so long.
“As long as you’re happy,” you replied, your voice tinged with a forced mix of amusement and affection. He chuckled, a warm, rich sound that filled the room.
“More than happy,” he said, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. “You’ve made this portrait something truly special.”
As the painter continued his work, Wyll remained by your side, his hand resting gently on your shoulder. You knew that this was more than just a portrait to him—it was a reflection of his power, his control, and the deep bond between you. And for today, you were content to let him have that.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
So sorry to the nonnie that asked for this one, your ask got eaten by my inbox :((
But it is here now !!! Hope you guys enjoyed it - Seluney xox
If you want to support me in other ways | Help keep this moonmaiden caffeinated x
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thetxtdevil · 4 months ago
Blueberry Pie
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Soobin x Reader
summary: A day of cleaning turns into a lovely day of baking and sex
content: short and sweet smut :) bf soobin, gf reader, vaginal fingering, penetration, no protection, pull-out
word count: 1.3k
the fruit collection
with loathing painted all over your facial expression, you reach further into the unmaintained refrigerator, blaming no one else but yourself for making it a mess. you were originally relaxing with your boyfriend, soobin, when you got up to get a snack the smell of rotting food hit your nose. loudly, you moan in disgust knowing what you have to do.
now you were crouched down cleaning out the fridge. realizing how much take-out you've been eating from the lack of fresh leftovers and an abundance of spoiled food.
"thats done for, thats nasty, i guess this can hold on for a little longer..."
soobin looks at you with an expression opposite from yours, he couldn't help but find your current attitude cute. loves when you’re doing the bare minimum because he loves you that much. although he could watch you all day he decided to help by going through the pantry also seeing things that may need to be thrown out.
your ears perk when a loud beeping comes from the fridge telling you to close the door. stretching out of your crouched position, you walk over to soobin to see how he is doing. you then notice a cluster of flour, baking powder, sugar, extract laying out excluded from the pantry. looking back at soobin you caught him staring, he quickly focuses on the cereal boxes.
you walk towards him "the baking stuff looks fine i don't think we need to throw them out" you say trying to get in his line of sight.
"yes they're fine but,,," he finally glances at you, something about your smirk gets him going "maybe we can make something?"
you hum at his request looking over at the pile he made and then to the fridge.
"i think we have blueberries that survived the clean-out"
"blueberry pie?" soobin grins leaning into you for a small peck of the lips.
"blueberry pie indeed."
and there you two were making the filling for the pie. soobin close to you making it difficult to move, but you didn't mind the attention.
"can you pour 2/3 cup of sugar, sugar?" you ask while throwing a berry in your mouth.
soobin blushes at the given nickname and does what you ask. handing you the measuring cup of sugar he leans on the counter watching you whip the filling ingredients. you glance over at him with a smile you reach for leftover blueberries, feeding one to him. he accepts the offer staring into your eyes, lips close to your fingers, he eats the berry satisfied by your blushed face.
you shake your head "you're trouble binnie"
you pour the filling into the dough bowl. the dark blue color in contrast of the light beige dough made your mouth water. soobin rolls out more dough and cuts it into strips. both of you intricately cross the dough making a criss-cross pattern. holding up you look at the beauty that you guys made you place it in the oven. straightening your back you twist your body to look at your boyfriend. ignoring the fact that he was checking out your ass you lean forward to kiss him. then you continue to clean up the kitchen.
soobin again watches you keeping a close eye on your movements. how you arms flex when carrying the bags of sugar and flour back into the pantry. how your lip pout in concentration whipping way any crumbs. he can't help but to look at the curve of your body when you're hunched over at the kitchen sink. soobin didn't care for the taste of the pie when he really wanted a taste of you.
he struts over to you wrapping his big arms around your waist. your look up over your shoulder to see him staring at you. you smile and go back to scrubbing a bowl. soobin lowers his head to your neck and kisses the skin. his hands start to wonder your body then grinds against your ass. you realized you lost all attention to the dishes when you scrubbing came to a halt and the sponge was out of your hand. you turn your head to soobin again, cupping his face, and kissing him deeply. you turn your body to get into a more comfortable angle. soobin's wondering hands lowered themselves, one being on your hip and the other between your legs.
you gasp at the feeling "was this your plan all along?"
he flashes you a dimple smile before continuing the make out session. you start to move your hip with soobins hands to get more of that pleasurable feeling. leaning your head back you bring your hands to your breast rubbing the harden nipples.
"god you're hot" soobin whispers to you.
his hand from your hips to you hands he takes one of them off. soobin bows his head in between your boobs and begins to suck and bite your free nipple. you whine and getting irritably hot, you grab to his shirt to get his attention.
"want your dick" you pant at him.
his head snaps up looking at your frustrated pout he was making sure he heard you right. you give him a little whine from your impatience he instantly flips you back towards the sink. tearing your shorts along with your panties down, soobin looks down smirking at the dark patch dampening the cloth. chest on your back, fingers back to your cunt, he whispers into your ear "are you sure that you weren't planning this all along?"
with a firm grip on your hips, he pushes them back to his pressing his hard-on. you groan knowing he was as horny as you and bend your back to display yourself to him. soobin pushes a his two fingers past your fold and into your pussy. you lay your head down on the counter top, eyes closed to concentrate every feeling you had of his curling finger pressing against your gummy walls.
"please, soobin" you whine moving your pussy closer and closer to him.
soobin sighs at you lovely whines and silently agrees to let you have what you want. while still having his long fingers inside you, he drags his shorts down. lining his girthy cock to your soaked hole teasing the tip until slamming his whole girth stretch you out nicely. soobin doesn't wait to move, he wanted to do this all afternoon while cleaning. what a patient boy :( soaking in your warmth and tightness and your pornographic moans. you had your head on your arm protecting your skull from being thrusted into the granite. the heat from both your boyfriend and the oven cooking the pie was overstimulating.
your eye widen "the pie!" you turn your head towards the timer to see it was out
soobin's thrust hesitate for a second just to become as fast as he could. he leans over you back bitting your sensitive skin. wrapping his hand over to your sensitive clit to rub giving your belly a pleasurable heat feeling.
"are you going to last any longer" kissing your shoulder while watching your head frantically shake side to side.
he smirks adding more power to his thrusts to have that feeling of your pussy clenching around him. whiny moan fell from you lips as your cum drips. soobin pulls out quickly jerking himself to cum on your back and your plush bottom. you stay bent over, back rising and falling trying to catch your breathe. you yelps at a feeling of your boyfriends tongue cleaning up his mess.
enough energy to lift your body up and reach for a cup filling it with water. soobin kisses your forehead say sweet things.
"you're forgetting the pie" soobin whispers into your ear
you eyes bulge out of your head rushing over to the oven half naked to grab oven mitts. lifting the pie out of the oven you place the beloved sweet on the countertop. steam flourished from the dessert, the tart yet sweet scent filling your nostrils. the crust was dark close to be burnt but the reason for your forgetfulness you deemed to be valid.
A nuisance,
TxT's Devil 🫐
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