#colorblind engineer
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the-robot-talker · 1 year ago
I find it funny that everyone forgets im colorblind. I know the names to the colors, but i dont know the colors to the names. Like for instance
Red? As in red hearts, red cherrys, red roses
Yeah i see blue. Have a scale compassion of normal vision vs mine
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Their all side by side so ya don't get confused. The normal colors are the first images when ya swipe.
So I don't see the bots as their normal color schemes, they all look more...well, yeah idk what word to use for that. But yeah, im an engineer who is colorblind, the Mini bots Jetstorm and Slipstream found out when Jet pointed out a pink car that was in the junkyard. I decided to mess with them and say 'Thats green clearly.' I am kinda learning a few colors right names, but i given up because there is to damn many.
So it was a funny argument, and Bee overhead and said 'Shes colorblind' and i had to explain. Either way, it was funny to mess with them two.
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streamafterlaughter · 2 months ago
Soundtrack to Disaster
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Chapter IX: Want This Like a Cigarette
masterlist | playlist | pinboard | prev | diaries coming soon
songs for this chapter: colorblind by movements (acoustic), guilty pleasure by chappell roan, grudges by paramore
chapter tags: yearning, angst, missed opportunities, miscommunication, all the fun stuff! drinking, smoking (weed, cigarettes), adult language and scenarios | fic tags: angst, hurt/(eventual) comfort, (eventual) smut, slow burn, enemies to friends to lovers, Eddie Munson x Fem!OC!Reader, Modern AU | This fic is rated 18+ MDNI each chapter will have its own content/trigger warnings
summary: you continue to piece together the mystery of your brother's sentence, learning little by little exactly what happened.
a/n: act I of god knows how many is coming to a close! things are about to get.... well. I don't wanna spoil anything. disregard!
taglist: @children-of-the-grave @five-bi-five @kellsck @faggotinie @xplrnowornever @taccobelle @micheledawn1975 @mewchiili @dreamerjj @losingmygrasponreality @munsonburn3r
DISCLAIMER: I do not consent to having my work fed to AI engines, or reposted in any way, shape, or form on other websites. Unless otherwise stated, this is the only account that features and contains this work, and any replication was done without my consent. Please let me know if you see my work elsewhere. Please reblog and comment to support the author!
You arrive at Steve and Robin’s a few hours before you’re supposed to leave for the concert. You feel the giddiness in your chest, the looming excitement of finally seeing one of your favorite artists live. That feeling quickly fades when you see the van parked outside of your friends’ place.
Inside the apartment, Steve pours four shots, one for each of you, and Eddie who’s lounging on the couch with a beer in his hand. You try not to stare, but it’s difficult to look away from the display; Eddie dressed in leather pants and a cropped t-shirt, his battle vest draped over the arm of the couch. His hair is tied into a low ponytail, revealing a dangly earring swinging against his neck. You clear your throat, feeling suddenly claustrophobic. 
“Bee! Come in! Have a shot, I call it the Pink Pony.” Steve gestures dramatically to the kitchen island.
You laugh, reaching to strip your jacket from your shoulders. “What exactly is a Pink Pony shot?” You humor him, knowing you’ll probably regret it.
“It’s vodka, pink lemonade, and glitter.” Robin deadpans, plucking one of the glasses from the lineup. “Steve found this drinkable glitter shit online. To me it just looks like Edward Cullen pissed in here.” She closes one eye, inspecting the drink, but ultimately decides it’s worth the risk and downs it in one gulp. Her face scrunches as if she’s in pain, and she shakes her head wildly. “Delish.” She gives an extremely unconvincing thumbs up, and Steve rolls his eyes.
“Whatever. Here,” He hands another glass to you, “I don’t think it’s that bad.”
You gesture the glass to your friends before throwing it down your throat, trying desperately not to wince as it burns in your stomach. “This is…”
“Gasoline.” Eddie adds from the couch. “Jet fuel, even.”
You nod. “He’s right. Steve, where the fuck did you buy this shit?”
“I dunno! I got an ad on TikTok.”
There's a collective groan from the three of you, followed by various exclamations of Steve’s naive purchase. “It might actually be vampire piss!” You joke, earning a giggle from Eddie that makes your stomach flutter. 
“You guys suck.” Steve pouts, crossing his arms in front of his chest. 
“Steve, baby, you’re good at so many things. Making drinks just isn’t one of them.” Robin gives her roommate a loving pat on the shoulder, and he surrenders. 
“It is not that bad.” He takes his own shot, and fails miserably to hide his disgust. “Fine, I digress. Bee, you wanna make the next round?”
You sigh, approaching your friends in the kitchen, and feeling Eddie rise from the couch behind you. “You know I’m not working tonight, right?”
Robin juts her lip out. “Please, Bee? We can’t suffer through another round of Pink Pony farts.”
Steve gasps, but you throw your head back with laughter. “Alright, fine. If it means saving the lives of my friends, I guess I’ll do it for free. Just this once, though.” You snatch the glitter from Steve’s hand. “None of this shit, though.” And you dump it down the sink while Robin holds Steve back from lunging at you.
Once the damage is done, you turn to where Steve keeps his alcohol, on the rack by the fireplace. You peek through his half empty bottles, returning with a few you can use. “This, friends and Eddie, is the Bazooka Joe.” You place the Irish cream, banana liqueur, and blue curacao on the counter. “It’s supposed to taste like bubblegum.” You eyeball the measurements, filling each shot glass with the liquids, creating a milky teal color. Your friends each take one, throwing them down quickly. Their reactions are mixtures of shock and pleasant surprise.  
Eddie is the next to speak. “I don’t have any drink recipes to offer, but if anyone would like to join me on the balcony for a joint,” He pulls one from behind his ear, “speak now or forever hold your peace.” His eyes meet yours then, and you can’t dismiss it as an accident. He’s asking you to come out.
“I’m good,” Robin says, narrowing her eyes at Eddie. “Don’t like to smoke before going out in public.” 
Steve starts, “Ooh, I’ll—,” but stops short when Robin shoves her elbow into his side. “I’m good,” he coughs, “You guys go ‘head.”
You frown. He knows your rule, but he makes that stupid pouty face at you anyway. “C’mon, Bee. Don’t make me smoke alone.”
Rolling your eyes, you secede. “Fine. I’ll make a one time exception to the rule. On one condition.”
“What's that?”
“No talking.”
He lasts all of five minutes. “This is stupid.” You shake your head, refusing to indulge. “That’s fine. I’ll talk. You can keep not-talking.” He hands you the joint, and you take it, inhaling sweet smoke as Eddie continues, disregarding your agreement. “I wanna apologize. For a lot of things, actually. Last night, that wasn’t cool. I shouldn’t have sunk to his level, I don’t know what came over me.” You sense him staring at you, but fight the urge to look at him. Instead you keep your eyes forward, staring into the darkness of your neighborhood. He sighs, and continues, “And I’m so, so sorry about everything with your brother. It wasn’t easy for me either, y'know. Chris and I were best friends. But I couldn’t not listen to him. He did it to save my stupid ass.”
You finally look at him, passing him the joint as you try to read his face. “What do you mean by saving your ass?” The riddles are tired, and you can’t stand the thought of never getting the whole story. 
He inhales before responding, “The cops already had it out for me. Since the second I turned eighteen, they waited for me to screw up. Pretty sure they had a bet on when I’d get arrested.” His tone is light, but you can see the sadness on his face as he recalls it. “I begged Chris not to tell you. He told me he wouldn’t, but only because he wanted me to. He made me promise to take care of you, and I broke that promise. You already hated me so much when you found out I snitched, you couldn’t even look at me. We stopped talking. I didn’t think telling you would change anything.” 
The information sinks into your skin, and you have to focus on a tree in the distance to stop the world around you from spinning. You cycle through the stages of grief on a loop, getting emotional whiplash each time you try to make sense of what Eddie’s just said to you. Finally, you land on anger and stay there. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?”
He shakes his head, bewildered. “What?”
“Eddie, if you had just told me all of this six years ago–”
“I couldn’t, Bee. I wanted more than anything to tell you, but I couldn’t get out of my own way.”
The buzzing in your head is loud, disorienting. “So you ran away instead?”
Eddie pinches the bridge of his nose, eyes closed in concentration. “Bee, listen–” 
“Eddie, please. Stop talking.” This isn’t happening. This can’t be happening. You slide the screen door open, returning to the warmth of inside, trying not to let your friends read the shock and pain written plainly on your face. “Okay, I think I’m ready.”
Lining up for concerts used to be one of your favorite hobbies. If a show had general admission, you’d park yourself outside the venue for hours, holding your spot in the hopes that the artist would sweat on you. As you’ve gotten older, you’ve realized it is definitely not worth the hassle of waiting outside all day, sitting on the concrete until your butt falls asleep. When you and your friends arrive at the venue, the doors are already open, and a bouncer is leading you to the VIP lounge, where you give them your names. It earns you a few glares from people in the general admission line.
“Swanky!” Robin exclaims when she enters the green room, which is actually pretty lackluster. The dressing room holds a long fold out table filled full of snacks and drinks, parallel to an old couch with garish print that you’re sure probably hasn't been cleaned in decades. 
“Sure, if that’s how you wanna put it.” The giggling comes from behind you, where Macy is leaning against the doorframe. “Hi, guys! Really glad you could make it.” She approaches you first, pulling you into an unexpected embrace. “Hi, doll! So nice to see you.” Something about her disposition puts you off, her smile looks plastic. 
Macy makes her rounds, greeting each of your friends with a hug before turning to her boyfriend. “Hi, honey.” She stands on her tiptoes to daintily plant a kiss on his cheek, and the grin he wears is wide. You squint at the couple, trying to read them. “Make yourselves at home, we go on in half an hour. See you out there!” She gives a wave in the general direction of the room, and exits back to what you assume is her dressing room.
“This is so cool. Eddie, hold on to this one, yeah?” Steve plucks a cookie from the plate, and Robin gives him an expression of disbelief. “What?” He asks, mouth full. She just shakes her head. 
The lights dim a few minutes after eight p.m., and the incoming crowd cheers with excitement. You and your friends are lined up across the barricade, off to one side to avoid the screaming teenagers only here for Chappell. You’re between Eddie and Robin, Steve on Robin’s other side yelling something in her ear you can’t make out. 
A backing track fades in as the band takes the stage, and Macy approaches the mic stand. “Welcome to the show, everyone! We are Statuesque Dolls, from Hawkins, Indiana!” Zoe clicks her drumsticks together, and they start in on what you can only describe as a pop rock power ballad. Macy’s voice is stunning, you have to admit, reaching octaves you could only ever dream of reaching. The audience gets into it, swaying and dancing along to the rhythm, heads nodding to the beat. Some kids in the front are even singing, never missing a word Macy sings, and she points them out with a beaming grin on her face. Though you try, you can’t bring yourself to enjoy the set. The music is right up your alley of taste, and the band’s stage presence is nothing short of incredible, but the feeling of Eddie’s shoulder rubbing against yours as he belts out the words makes your chest tight, and every time Macy smiles at him you feel a throbbing in your temples.
Finally, they end their set, waving to the crowd before stepping off stage. Eddie announces he’s getting a drink, and nudges you. “Come with me?”
You glance at Robin, and swear you see her nod, as if giving you permission. “Okay.” You follow Eddie out of the crowd, over to the bar where a mass of people have gathered to attempt getting a drink.
“That was good, huh?” You ask feebly, trying to make small talk.
Eddie shrugs. “Yeah, they’re really good.” His tone is flat, and you raise an eyebrow at him.
“What’s up with you?”
He shakes his head, causing his already frizzy curls to fly around his face. “We uh, broke up. Me and Macy, I mean.”
You can’t help but drop your jaw, quickly shutting it when, even in the dim room, you see him blush with embarrassment. “Oh, shit. Eddie. I’m sorry. Wait, but she kissed you like, an hour ago?”
“Yeah, it was pretty amicable. I’m not, like, hurting over it. The band is going on tour after this, and I have, like, no interest in a long distance relationship.”
For some reason, it pisses you off. “But you still love her?”
“Whoa, Bee. Who said anything about love? I told you, it was pretty casual to begin with. What’s got you freakin’ out?” You think you sense teasing in his voice.
“I’m not freaking out, I guess I’m confused. You don’t think she’s worth the effort?” 
He chuckles lightly as you approach the bar, ordering a cider for yourself and a beer for Eddie. “Of course she is. I’m not, though. She deserves better than that. Does it bother you?” 
You roll your eyes, handing the bartender far too much cash for just two drinks. “You just said it wasn’t that serious, why would you care what I had to say about it?”
“Do you have something to say about it?” If you didn’t know any better, you’d think he sounded hopeful.
You pretend to ponder his question, then deadpan, “No. Believe it or not, I don’t give a shit about what you do with your dating life. You might break Steve’s heart if you tell him, though.”
Eddie visibly deflates as you hand him his drink. “Fuck, you’re right. You tell him.”
“No! I’m not doing your dirty work for you, Munson. Time to grow a pair.” With that, you breeze past him, back into the crowd. 
“Thank you, Indy, I have been Chappell Roan!” The redhead onstage is a dream, absolutely stunning in a sparkly, pink, and complicated outfit. The fan blows her curly locks around, and you’d been so mesmerized that you’re only now registering the show is almost over. 
She ends with pink Pony Club, causing Robin and Steve to jump around, screaming their voices hoarse, and you join them. By the end, you’re sweating bullets, makeup practically sliding down your face.
When she leaves the stage, you feel the relief of the crowd leaving, their weight that had been pressed to your back for hours finally fading. “That was insane. She’s incredible. Ethereal, really.” Steve is raving as you follow your friends out of the venue and into the cold of the night. “Eddie, man, you gotta go on tour.”
Eddie shrugs shyly. “Yeah, I’m workin’ on it, man.”
“No, man! With Macy, be the tour wife! You’ll get to see her all the time, and Macy! Her band is awesome, I can’t believe–”
“Steve, Macy and I broke up.”
He stops in his tracks. “What? Why? What did you do?”
“Why do you always think I did something?”
“Because you always do something. Remember in high school when you wanted to ask-”
“Okay! Enough. For your information, I didn’t do anything. I just don’t want anything serious right now.”
It barely satisfies Steve, but he backs off with a huffed “Okay, whatever!” You look from the boys to Robin, who’s already staring at you, seemingly studying your reaction.
“What?” You ask her, and she shakes her head. 
“Anyone want food? I’m buying.” Steve offers, earning collective nods and mumbles of affirmation. Eventually, you end up at a late night diner, and Eddie holds the door open for the rest of you. 
You arrive home past midnight, eyes and limbs heavy with sleep. “I’ll see you tomorrow, right Bee?” Robin asks. You nod, only just now remembering you promised to help Steve set up his and Robin’s new entertainment center. “Okay, cool. I’ll get us coffee!” Your friends and Eddie all say goodbye, and the car pulls away as you enter your house, foregoing the shower you’re definitely going to need in favor of sleeping longer. 
When you’re finally cozied up in bed, your phone buzzes.
Eddie (block later): Thx for listening. Gn bee.
You decide against a real reply, instead tapping the Thumbs Up reaction, and locking your phone before rolling over. Sleep doesn’t come, though, despite how physically tired you are. Your brain is wired, thoughts racing by too quickly to focus on. Every thought you’ve shoved aside, rushing at you at once. Most of them are questions you can’t answer on your own; Why did Eddie tell you about his breakup? Why is he suddenly being so fucking nice to you? Has he always been this goddamn pretty?
You groan, shoving your face into your pillow to stifle the noise. Unfortunately, that telepathy you share with your brother hasn’t gone away, even after six years apart.
“Hey,” Your bedroom door cracks open to reveal Chris’s forehead, illuminated by the hall light behind him. “Can’t sleep?”
You shake your head before remembering you’re in the dark. “No. You?”
“Nah.” He opens the door fully, stepping into the dark of your room. “How was your night?”
“Really… good?”
“You sound unsure.” He throws himself down on the end of your bed, bouncing you up and down with the mattress. “What happened?”
You pause, unsure of how much Chris needs to know. Ultimately, you know you can’t hide anything from him, even though he’d spent the last six years pretty much conspiring with Eddie against you. “Nothing, really. We went to the show, it was fantastic. I had a really good time.”
“And nothing!”
“Then why are you groaning into your pillow like a child throwing a tantrum?” He snickers, and you whack his arm. “C’mon, something’s bugging you.”
“Yeah, but it’s gonna sound stupid.”
“You’re my little sister, everything you say sounds stupid.”
“Wow, Chris. Thanks, that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.” You sit up, tucking your comforter into your waist. “Seriously, you’re gonna think I’m insane.”
“Well, I already do, so you got nothing to lose.”
“It’s something Eddie told me.” He doesn’t speak, waiting for you to continue. “He said you told him to rat you out. That’s not true, is it?”
Your brother sighs, bringing his legs up onto your bed to mirror you. “Would it change anything if I said yes?” You huff, waiting for him to continue. “Bee,” Chris flops onto his stomach. “You ‘hate’ Eddie for something I told him to do. You iced him out because of me. I know you probably don’t want to admit it to yourself, but I am the reason you and Eddie don’t get along. I’m sorry, I didn’t think he’d up and leave you, I never would have expected that from him. He lo–” He stops himself short, then continues instead, “He cares about you so much, kid. I feel awful for ruining that.”
It hurts your brain, hearing Chris confirm that gnawing feeling you’ve had for days, since Eddie blurted out the same truth in a fit of anger. Now it washes over you like a tidal wave, suffocating you under its weight. “It’s not too late to fix things with him, Bee. I know he’s been a little weird lately, but I can understand why. Just, give him a chance to redeem himself. For me?”
“Chris, why the fuck would I do anything for you after you told me all that? You basically just admitted to ruining one of the closest friendships I have ever had, and six fucking years too late. I can’t just pretend that didn’t happen! Eddie fucking left because of it! I thought he’d betrayed you!”
“In all fairness, I told him to tell you, begged him even. I figured he had, until I got out. I had no idea he’d kept that part from you. I told you that.” He argues. 
It’s too much at once, you can feel your skin burning. “Get out, Chris. Please.”
He doesn’t argue, rising from your bed and walking to the door before turning. “I can take the heat, I’ve been getting it from you my whole life, but the kid did nothing wrong. It was stupid of him to run instead of telling you, but he didn’t screw me like you’d thought for so long. Don’t hold that grudge, Bee, it’s not worth it.” Before you can respond, Chris closes the door behind him, leaving you to be swallowed by the dark of your room.
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yellowballoondogs · 5 months ago
Giving the x-men disabilities so they can suffer like me
I just think it’s cool how much people can relate to the x-men in marginalized groups no matter the group. Just like how they’re all gay, POC, religious minorities, etc.
Cyclops- Scott Summers
C’mon this is the most autistic man to ever autism
He’s got model plane sets and shit around his otherwise empty and perfectly cleaned room with the sheet corners tucked in and everything
He stopped stimming because of O’Diamonds and Sinisters abuse but started again when he got more comfortable with the o5 team. He definitely does flappy hands
He probably hyper fixated on an obscure engineering subject
photophobia- light sensitivity
Idk if it’s cannon or not but it would make sense with his brain damage and all (plus I have it and I’m projecting) it’s also an autism symptom so double whammy- his glasses will help
Migrainous stroke- basically stroke with migraines. It ties into brain damage and photophobia with migraines which would make so much sense. Frequent strokes too? Fuck yeah let’s highlight how his childhood trauma and overwhelming power effect him- how mutant powers aren’t always good.
He should have really shitty vision- canonically colorblind- wears glasses all the time so low light, his eyes basically fucking glow. This man cannot see for shit
“cut the red wire cyclops!” “They’re all red!”
Storm- Ororo Monroe
She’s canonically claustrophobic but it’s really only used as a once in awhile plot device
I think it should tie into anxiety a lot more
Ororo is the kind of person who uses a planner to manage every aspect of her day so she’s never caught of guard
She’s got only one timer set up to take her meds instead of 10 like the rest of us (she’s simply better)
She would have actual panic attacks that don’t end the second she’s out of a confined space. Full run-
For her a panic attack would cause a lot of derealization. She doesn’t feel like she’s in her body, she feels out of control, like she can’t breathe, dizzy, both hot and cold at the same time.
Nightcrawler-Kurt Wagner
syndactyly- fusion of fingers or toes. This is basically cannon. He’s got 2 big fingers and toes so like no explanation really needed. He’s got it even if it’s for different reasons.
This greatly effects his ability to do certain things- our boy can’t use a controller can he? How’s he meant to play Mario cart with the rest of the team ):
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome- bendy bones and stretchy skin that causes lots of joint pain
He canonical has bendy bones so like this is also half canon. Plus I’m giving my blorbo chronic pain to project.
Pretty sure there’s a Spider-Man with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome too so that’s very slay.
Rouge- Anne-Marie
Hear me out- HPV It’s the whole- “I can’t touch anyone” thing
She was born with it
It causes a lot of pain for her but she hides it around people she’s not comfortable with (so really just unmasking in front of remy and her family)
Also stds just need to be a lot more normalized. And her having to be so weird about people with it fits so much with the whole “ew mutants” thing
Yeah yeah he’s a paraplegic
They should be better about it though. No more of this curing him so often he’s like the one famous character wheelchair bound people get
Stop making him so weak, he runs a school to learn how to kick ass, man can probably box, who needs legs. They always just make him useless once someone kicks over his chair or something
Chronic migraines again
Listen hearing all those thoughts all the time can’t be all sunshine’s and rainbows. Make him suffer (this goes for all telepaths)
Gambit- Remy Lebeau
He canonically has brain damage (via lebeatomy) (haha get it)
He’s getting hit with migraines too. Making all these losers suffer
He probably also has very bad vision because of his eyes- probably not very good with light just like cyclops (likely worse)
I’m going to give him the worlds worst period cramps via dysmenorrhea. Yeah he’s trans to me I’m a romy t4t Reuther
Rapid fire listings let’s go!
Jubilee canonically has Dyscalculia- like dyslexia for numbers
Wolverine canonically has memory issues and ptsd
Magneto canonically has ptsd
Legion canonically has multiple personality disorder or DID- dissociative identity disorder. It’s not always portrayed the best but rep is rep
Angel canonically has hollow bones- I’m gonna gc him with osteoporosis
Headcanoning Madelyn Pryor with post partum depression
Scarlet witch gets head cannoned half of all the mental disorders- depression, psychosis, ptsd, and anything you wanna give her. Girl needs a staff of therapists, psychologists, and a cocktail of pills
Quicksilver gets headcannoned with ADHD. Boring I know but I’ve got it and it fits him so projection time
Let marrow have ptsd. Girl witnessed a genocide of her people and her moms death as a child. Why do they skim over that? Girl is suffering
Pyro canonically had the legacy virus which was like a big euphemism for AIDs so he gets that. Plus he also gets hit with the autism beam
Toad is autistic. No further questions
Jean grey gets the psychic migraines but I’m also giving her autism cause her relationship with Scott is nowhere near neurotypical. The biggest disability marvel gave her was liking wolverine though. He canonically smells like shit and is an asshole. I love him.
Kitty pryde gets type 1 diabetes- I cannot explain why it fits her it just does
Cable gets lupus cause he canonically had a fantasy space tech autoimmune disease so let’s just make it more realistic
Daken gets lactose intolerance (he’s fine because he doesn’t really actually eat dairy)
Iceman gets lactose intolerance (he’s not fine because he loves all things dairy)
Dust gets celiac disease
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hypernova-writes · 4 months ago
5:16pm [Spy]
Synopsis: you were getting used to being colorblind because of your lack of soulmate, until a small encounter with Spy reveals something that was right in front of you.
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“Wait wait, So Ya tellin’ me you can’t even tell what team your on right now??”
“No Scout, I can tell that I’m on the RED team..you asshat.”
You pushed Scout as the two of you were walking back inside from a mission.
You were used to this sadly, all throughout your world was made up of measly black and whites, only being able to tell bright from dark. When you became a mercenary, you used this as a distraction from the fact that you didn’t have a soulmate.
“Ahh ya never know! It might be one of the mercs! I didn’t know Snipes was mine cause he never likes eye contact!” “Scout, I’m pretty sure Y/n knows that already.” Sniper chimed in as he walked up behind the two of you..
“There’s more than just eyecontact Scout, some people have to actually touch their soulmates.” “Oh! Well I must’ve gotten lucky!”
“I wouldn’t call it Lucky with you.” You muttered making the male nudge you in response. You only shrug as the three of you finally made into the common room.
You had long given up on it, getting used to the world as you saw it, though you wished you could be able to see the colors in the drawings Pyro made for you. Or be able to help out Engineer more..or be able to avoid slipping in blood whenever you went to see Medic.
You sigh and went to read a book of yours, when Scout kept talking on.
“So…how do you tell the rainbow colors apart?” “By the brightness and darkness of it, and by the order..” “So can you tell what color this is?” “Scout-”
“I think she’s done with your stupid games, boy.”
You jolted before turning to see Spy standing there, it seemed to have spooked Scout too. “AHH! What the fuck!? Learn to announce your presence Sneak!”
Spy only rolled his eyes before he beckoned for you to come with him. “Come with me, Y/n. I have intel for the next mission you’re on with me.” You nodded and went to wave to Scout who only rolled his eyes at Spy before waving bye to you.
You followed Spy, this was a normal thing between the two of you. You would often work together, and you got along with him well, and hell, you would dare say you were the closet with him. Afterall, not many of the mercs get to come into his room. Spy was an enigma to you.
He would compliment you, he was nicer to you than he was with the other mercs.
Sometimes he would flirt with you in a way that would have your heart fluttering and make your vision blurry.
Sometimes…it made you think?…Could it be him?
You snapped out of your thoughts as He held the door open for you and you walked in, taking a seat on the chair, you hummed as you watched him gather some paper work before walking over to hand it to you.
“This shouldn’t be so hard, after all, we are probably the closest thing to a perfect pair this base has..” He says as he hands the file to you. You chuckle and accepted it from him, his hand brushing against his for just a moment.
But that’s all you needed.
You felt a sudden headrush before dropping the documents, placing you hands on your head. You cursed softly before you slowly raised your head, taking in your surroundings.
“Are you alright…Mon amour?”
You eyes flicked over to Spy who had moved behind you, you looked up into his eyes, seeing they were…blue.
“Wait..Wait wait..” You stood up, looking around his room, taking in the colors, the soft browns, the way that they orange flames of his candles flickered and gave a soft hue in the room.
“Are you?..” “It seems I am.” Spy finished your sentence before he walks over to you, grabbing your hands and caressing them. He smirks softly as he leans closer to you. You could finally see the deep red balaclava he wore that matched the suit. You could see the stubble on his chin as he leaned closer to you.
He chuckles as he brings your lips to his, and you couldn’t help but melt into his grasp, you felt another spark surge through your body, and you saw your world get brighter, the colors bursted with life as he finally pulled away.
“Wait..so that means..” “Mhm. I couldn’t see colors either. You are correct.”
“Then How?-” “…Now why would I reveal my secret, Mon amour?” He chuckles as he pulls you even closer. “Just know..I knew you were supposed to be mine from the moment i laid eyes on you.”
You blush as he places his hands on your hips.
“And now my world is crystal clear..”
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kannra21 · 1 year ago
Bc I "love" (lol) Gege so much, I gathered some info on him. Pls DM me to add more if you remember anything
Pen name: Akutami Gege (芥見下々)
Birthday: 26th February 1992 (31yo)
Zodiac: Pisces
Born: Iwate Prefecture, Japan
he went to all boy's private school
Akutami has an older brother who's married. Yuji is strongly inspired by his brother who is Akutami's opposite. He is someone who succeeds in everything he undertakes: sports, studies etc.
he was never really interested in drawing or manga until 4th grade when his older brother bought Weekly Shōnen Jump. The Jump that he read had Bleach on it and that's how Akutami's love for Bleach developed. When he was in the 5th grade and moved from Iwate Prefecture to Sendai in Miyagi Prefecture, he was surprised to see that the kids at his new school drew manga
he started drawing manga by imitating his friends' work
so his Bleach obsession started in elementary school and his Evangelion and Hunter x Hunter obsession started in middle school
he wrote a poetry analogy called "Giant From The Clouds" in middle school, inspired by the Bleach mangaka
His previous works are Kamishiro Sōsa, No.9, Nikai Bongai Barabarjura and jjk 0
Yuji was named after his childhood classmate
Geto was named after the "Geto Korean Ski Resort", located near Akutami's hometown of Tohoku
he's slightly colorblind
he's a fan of occult, mystical practices and horror
he wears glasses
he cooks somewhat
he loves hot springs and scalp massages, he goes to dermatologist to maintain healthy skin
he exercises and he's trying to get in shape despite the busy schedule, workout is not as painful as it is boring
he's very grateful for his chiropractor bc of his stiff neck, he said that if he ever time-travels and meets his younger self he's gonna tell him "get in shape, seriously", he craves afternoon naps but tries to resist by eating sweets like Pikmin gummies (why's he so contradictory haha)
when Nakamura first debuted with the jjk cast and got to meet Gege, he was surprised by how young he looked. He also said that Gege has a calming voice
hobbies: he reads a bunch of novels and watches a bunch of movies whenever he can, he's busy with work most of the time
his favorite food is crispy thai pandan chicken
his favorite onigiri flavor is mentaiko, he loves Umaibo snacks, Schau Essen, potatoes, hayashi rice, ramen and seedless grapes
He's usually not a fan of name brands but he likes Balenciaga. He also wants to support Royal Host restaurant
he likes comedy podcasts like Arabikidan group
the first manga he submitted to Jump was a gag manga
when he was a student he found studying boring but he likes doing research on things that actually interest him (like engineering facts he needed for the manga)
when he was an art student, he didn't really like making drawings where the model stayed for hours in a specific pose. He preferred to sketch in 3-4 minutes
he relies too much on sketches, rough drafts and his editors (he says he's like a dog for the editors)
he has a habit of forgetting how to draw his characters sometimes
he's self-deprecating and he's sorry that he sometimes makes people feel awkward by being overly critical of himself *hugs him*
he finds it difficult to write Yuji bc Yuji and Akutami are fairly different, Akutami doesn't consider himself particularly athletic but he can relate to Yuji for being an "airhead" sometimes and does things when people tell him not to
he thinks he's clumsy and fucks up honorifics sometimes, he talks casually with his editor Yamanaka whom he has a beef with till this day, he reminds him to "respect his elders" (he's so Gojo coded lol)
He's so funny asdfghjhgfd
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he's in good relationship with his parents, he respects them and they're very supportive of him
he cares about his mom's opinion on his manga
Toji's and Yuta's personalities are somewhat based on Akutami's dad, dad also reads the manga
according to Gege, jjk should've been a lot darker but editor didn't allow it
he's an otaku, he's a fan of Marvel, has Hunter x Hunter posters on the wall and enjoys Pokémon wii games, he collected Yu-Gi-Oh cards when he was younger, he's from the generation when Gintama was popular
He never felt hatred for Thanos from Avengers: Endgame (explains why he likes Sukuna so much lol)
his favorite Haikyuu character is Tendo and his favorite BNHA characters are Overhaul and Stain
he saw Brad Pitt in person wow
Idea for the pen name: Gege worked a part time job at the cleaners and learned what it's like to be humble in the world. "Gege" translates to a "person of lower status" or a "commoner"
he claims to be socially awkward with people he's not familiar with, he's not used to public speech but when he gets drunk he does a 180 and is blabbering a lot
people call him a genius with a great sense of humor, his editor Katayama says that he's a cheery and a cool person, much like Gojo
he bought a black mountain parka (like Gojo's) that's supposed to last for six years but he put it in storage after one week
he thought about dying his hair white (Gege stop with the Gojo cosplay)
he's a procrastinator, he's mentally preparing for hours to draw a manga chapter that would otherwise take him 30min. The truth is, he's getting tired of jjk and can't wait to finish it
he chose the cyclop cat avatar because drawing one eye is easier and no one hates cats
he said that he used to have a "type of girl" in high school but the more he grew up he realized that every woman is a good woman, he likes well-groomed women (although I think he likes girls with thick tights? he's a Hwasa fan)
he thinks that world can't be divided into black and white and that it's always a blur. Villains and heroes are treated the same because each of them have their own beliefs and ideologies that are valid
he isn't emotionally bound to any of his characters, he will kill whoever, as long as the story is interesting
he's deliberately not trying to sexualize his female characters, not just because of his parents, but also because he wants to leave a respectable impression. Mangaka profession is very looked down upon. He wants to change that
his net worth is somewhere around $12 million
he wants to stay anonymous bc he enjoys his commoner life, there's a certain freedom to being a normal person, he can go in public spaces without anyone recognizing his face. For instance: he secretly went watching the jjk 0 movie in theater along with the opening comments on the first day. A fan accidentally met him but he pretended to be a staff member
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cellarspider · 1 year ago
Spider's Big Prometheus Thing: Index Post
Being a list of all the posts produced in the course of this inexplicable project of mine. This project is now complete, at an unexpectedly extensive thirty entries long.
I swear, I didn't intend for it to go like that, but it was fun to write.
All entries have at least a minimum level of citations for where to start looking for more facts on any subject external to the movie itself, which includes everything from how DNA is sequenced to how Nickolodeon slime is made, and from the comedy in mislabeled portraits of early church fathers to the correct attribution of a cat's contributions to historical linguistics.
Be aware that there's also hidden rambling and bonus facts in the image alt text. A lot of them.
0. Introduction
Setting the scene, including my background, my intent, and where this movie is going.
1. Opening
Expectations, landscapes, and aliens.
Rambles: DNA, whether aliens would have it, and why it doesn't look like a pale bacon ladder.
Alt-text rambles: nano-bubbles.
2. Discovery
The Isle of Skye is gorgeous, the movie attempts to establish its themes, and why it had already got my hackles up. Rambles: how cool ancient and pre-modern peoples were, the implications of humanoid figures in European cave paintings, and misplaced lions. Alt-text rambles: seriously, Skye is just so cool. Erich von Däniken and modern publishing royalties are not.
3. David
We meet the loneliest android, and his fandom of choice. Rambles: I go nuts for a paragraph over Proto-Indo-European. Alt-text rambles: Help me remember a dude's name, that time Ron Perlman saw Sigourney Weaver do something so cool he forgot to act, and a Coronation Street conspiracy theory.
4. Humans (Derogatory)
We meet the human crew, and analyze why they're a mismatch to the movie's established expectations, and what subgenre they fit in most. It isn't the one the movie seems to be aiming for. Rambles: 50s B-movies and their Men Of Science, modern movies and their quietly suffering scientists. Alt-text rambles: inconsistently moist characters, Idris Elba's christmas tree decorations.
5. Pseudoarchaeology (Extremely Derogatory)
We meet Old Man Capitalism, poor logistics, and how the movie began to really lose me through dropping in some racist pseudoscience tropes. Rambles: more logistics (of alien bioengineering), historical art styles, what the world was getting up to in the 600s CE Alt-text rambles: Linguistics, more ranting, the life and extraordinarily ornate death of Kʼinich Janaabʼ Pakal. Rants: the existence of writing, people who don't look like you can still think, stargazing and how conspiracy theorists don't understand it.
6. Roads
Poor firearm safety with Chekhov's Gun, when movies move too fast, atmospheric chemistry, and the moment I began to yearn for blood. Rambles: First contact protocols, why 3% CO₂ won't kill you but it will make you weird, my personal experience digging up a Roman road. Alt-text rambles: the logistics of securing items in moving craft, linguistics, atmospheric science, colorblind-friendly diagram design, swearing about orology, and cursing the crew for their fictional crimes against archaeology. Rants: Why they should've stayed in orbit, and my impassioned defense of historically significant transportation infrastructure.
7. Masking
The bit that made most people realize these characters were idiots. Featuring an attempt at themes. Rambles: NASA's policies on biological contaminants Alt-text rambles: Benedict Wong having nothing to do, helmet design, driving on dusty track, the tiny overlap between archaeological horrors and Minecraft, the CDC's excellent captions on men sneezing. Rants: Nominating a man for the Heinrich Schliemann Archaeology Award, all these people are catching space covid
8. Ghosts
Comparing the Engineers to their series antecedents, and I develop a slight soft spot for the geologist. Rambles: Set design in Alien, how carbon dating works. Alt-text rambles: Adventure games, GET DOWN MISTER PRESIDENT, I get very excited for Dune: Part Two, the archival devotion of people with rare blorbos.
9. Dignity
Personal, professional, social, and media context for the treatment of people's remains. Rambles: Personal experiences around the archaeological discovery of human skeletons, professional codes of ethics, movies that handle dead bodies better by being more crass about it. Alt-text rambles: None, the main text gets full focus this time.
10. Atmosphere
How intertextual imagery is overused, how the one major character arc is developing, and a whole grab bag of miscellaneous shambolic events. Rambles: How tourist-breath can destroy artifacts, and a deleted scene Alt-text rambles: Whether explaining mysteries is always the wrong decision in fantasy, the usefulness of helmets, Mass Effect's loading screens, please someone give me more recommendations for things where Giger creatures aren't all bad, and how cultural variation in gestures can make you look like an asshole. Rants: they aren't done desecrating the dead oh boy it's just gonna get worse
11. Decontamination
How to present an audience with events that make no sense, how to do it eerily, and how Prometheus does this by accident. Rambles: NASA's Apollo 11 quarantine policies Alt-text rambles: How 2001: A Space Odyssey put on a cosmic lightshow, how traditions are faked for political and social power in Midsommar, confusing lab equipment, robot arm safety, the use of camper vans in space exploration, umarell behavior, and robot horror movies. Bonus text rambles: pressurized gas cylinder safety, and how the cargo of one truck apparently tried to join Roscosmos. Rants: Laboratory safety
12. Shocking
Mary Shelly would not be proud of them. Rambles: Which home electrical appliances their tomfoolery is equivalent to. Alt-text rambles: Semiotics and Alien, reuse of props and art department equipment, the cast's inability to look at things, how the first chestburster scene intelligently incorporated spontaneity, and I completely lose my mind over a single computer readout, finding out in the process that the Engineers are close cousins to the common house mouse. Rants: I didn't think that "don't stick electrical plugs in people's ears" would be something that needed to be said, but here we are.
13. Family Tree
A soothing ramble about some of the cool bits of my job. Rambles: How evolution has made some vertebrate blood white or green, how genomes are sequenced, and how to determine the relatedness of species. And more. A lot more. I love my job. It's so cool. Alt-text rambles: How Nickelodeon slime was made, how hecking tiny molecules are, why blue-tongued skinks have blue tongues, my review of Dune: Part Two, how hard I worked to not turn Gene Wilder into a jumpscare, lots of enthusiastic explanations of DNA sequencing techniques, the aesthetics of the machines wot do that for you, how "snip" no longer sounds like a verb to me, and how I started out as a computational scientist.
14. Cheers
David poisons a man, and how his character arc ties into christian-influenced existential dread. Rambles: series continuity, gnostic theology, Ridley Scott's beliefs. Alt-text rambles: How to ruin petri dishes, Vickers' questionably carbon-based existence, the game of Operation, hand doubles in filming, how the funniest possible misidentification of an early church figure is wandering around the internet, the cool genders of suit actors, gnostic Archons, and the Engineers as Sophia. Rants: Holloway seems unaware that archaeologists study dead people, Ridley Scott is his own biggest problem.
15. Unworthy
The movie does something I'm not going to joke about. Don't read this if you're having a bad day. Big content warning for Holocaust imagery.
16. Intimacy
Your asexual commentator grapples with Hollywood's terrible track record on romantic and sexual chemistry. Rambles: Why we don't say an archaic-looking species is "older" than another, how religious scientists do what they do Alt-text rambles: the human family tree, Abbott and Costello, pitcher plant cultivars, the creative possibilities of a Buddhist version of this movie, and Stephen Still's lack of accordions. Rants: I've never been a boyfriend but I'm pretty sure that's not how you do it
17. Threat
Prometheus takes a hard turn into old slasher movie tropes. Rambles: A movie trailer that gave Wee Spider the screaming heebies Alt-text rambles: The age rating of Prometheus, a spontaneous X-Files crossover AU, Pitch Black, how likely it may or may not be that the images in the post will get flagged, critter behavior, insufficient EVA suit design, and the content balancing I take into account when selecting screenshots. Rants: This movie does not seem to know what it is. Alt-text rants: Ditto, focusing on characterization.
18. Flames
"Mac wants the flamethrower!" Rambles: I wandered off in the middle to watch a 40k comedy video, does that count? Alt-text rambles: More content-balancing, what kind of very English critter David appears to be, dune buggy design, Star Wars: The Old Republic is worth your time, Dune: Part Two is worth your time, an extremely long ramble about integration of CG background elements, and Oblivion memes. Alt-text rants: Movie color grading and lighting, undercutting scares.
19. Stars
The movie shows how good it can be when no dialog is involved. Rambles: The movie Contact and how Prometheus could've learned from it. Alt-text rambles: How I estimate large numbers from a still image, a brief Baldur's Gate 3 appearance, the set design and staging of a room made for giants with squishy computers, the use of color to make a cohesive scene, facts about Uranus, visual intimation of threat, VFX wizardry, practical FX wizardry, Michael Fassbender's wordless acting.
20. Expectant
The movie shows how good it can be when character choice is removed from the horror. Rambles: the inspiration and place of chestbursting in Alien movies, the continuing religious symbolism in the movie, the clunky dialog, how to build or undermine tension, and the good blending of practical and CG effects, and how tiny creatures of the ocean manage to be more uncanny than horror critters. Alt-text rambles: reading details the prop department never meant for you to see. Alt-text Rants: the return of the head-exploder and the first sight of actual PPE, slowly mangling a plot point's name until it has been thoroughly folded, spindled, and mutilated.
21. Underdelivered
The movie shows how terrible it can be when horror doesn't build tension. Rambles: Contortionists in horror, hillbilly horror/hixploitation movies. Alt-text rambles: Resident Evil 7, Dead Space and "strategic dismemberment"
22. Hubris
The movie tries to do some themes again Rambles: my ineffable desire to genetically sequence ditch weeds, Left Behind Alt-text rambles: Brad Dourif's commitment to the bit in The Two Towers, nigh-invisible wheelchair product placement, the Fallout series in general and the upcoming show in particular, praise for an epic-length critique of Left Behind, Robert Zemeckis' bizarre quest to mocap everything Rants: This movie does a terrible job representing both religiosity and atheism
23. Informed
Exposition is delivered, and plot points try to knit together. Rambles: The Silent Hill movie, Pacific Rim Alt-text rambles: Pyramid Head's secret unclothed backside, demanding environmental enrichment for scientists, greebling, Tumblr's favorite shitty copper merchant Rants: What could've been done instead of an exposition dump and daddy issues Alt-text rants: these people and their interior design are tempting fate and testing my patience
24. Inscribed
I go rogue and ramble about constructed languages and cuneiform for an entire post. Guest appearances from Klingon pop music and a delightfully eccentric Assyriologist. Rambles: All of it. Alt-text rambles: the self-awareness of conlangers, fingernail length, Schleischer's Fable as a warm-up for the next section, my primary conlang derangement, speculation about whether cuneiform was legible for the blind, my beef with the cowards at Lucasfilm for refusing to use Star Wars' coolest letters, my love for Warframe's Grineer, going into far too much detail about redesigning Prometheus' Engineer script, and finally, the many crocodiles of ancient egyptian hieroglyphs. Rants: None/all of it
25. Judgement
We discuss some of what the movie doesn't. Rambles: Fiction and morality, Blade Runner, biblical allusions the story could've made and doesn't Alt-text rambles: Lance Henriksen's insane career, the paintings of John Martin and a surprise George Washington, Rutger Hauer's effect on Blade Runner, my tentative plans for the next essay series. Rants: Germs, old man makeup. Alt-text Rants: The characters are reading ahead in the script again, the half-assed Engineer writing system continues to hurt me
26. Awoken
I go bananas over PIE. Rambles: fix-it fic for this damned movie, PIE, how to avoid PIE, how to analyze PIE, and my personal alternative to PIE. Alt-text rambles: calculating how long the Engineer's overslept, their potential spiritual kinship to Moominpapa, behind the scenes photos of the suit actors, Prometheus rants in the days of LiveJournal, the game Hades, how hard it personally is to get PIE right, the linguistics nerdery of the Hittite empire, and watermarks. Rants: how the movie fails its premise and hurts my soul with linguistics
27. Shortcomings
The characters, and movie, fail to get their message across to someone bent on their destruction. Rambles: David's confused religious symbolism, Star Trek Alt-text rambles: My desire for fanfic, behind the scenes photos, what other critters the Engineer's suit actor has played, the naming of Australopithecines, crash-proofing a movie set, alien gender, Gandahar and how French animated SF in the 80s was awesome, Scorn and its expert consultation from a cenobite, and Doctor Strangelove. Rants: the assumptions of the human characters, I go from trying to be measured to actively spiting the writer for his take on thoughtful SF Alt-text Rants: Del Toro is the only one who gets me, the movie has forgotten its main character just had a major surgery, one last rant about how terribly unsafe the Prometheus was as a ship, before it becomes definitively not a ship.
28. Momentum
It's the bit where she doesn't turn. Rambles: How to fix the dumbest thing we've seen in a hot minute, Edge of Tomorrow and feeling Tom Cruise's fear, how the dead thing is never really dead in horror. Alt-text rambles: How hard it is to find the most catchy song in We Love Katamari, more behind the scenes pictures of my blorbos, Friday the 13th Part IV, bad braille, and trilobites. Rants: I mean how can you not when the movie forgets how space works? Like, the idea of 3D space as a concept? Also, a particular rock earns my ire, and my ranting about interior designs on ships finally pays off.
29. Dissonance
The ending of the movie, and its tonal incoherency. Rambles: Protagonist-centric morality and lack thereof Alt-text rambles: Star Trek TNG, green blood, caecilian teeth. Rants: shallow christian themes, sequels that could have been, Shaw's confusingly deployed robo-racism Alt-text rants: sequel disappointments, inadvisable post-caesarian activities, how the hell do you fit that much 'burster into one chest, biological plausibility in alien extend-o-mouths
30. Justification
A breakdown of a post-release interview with Ridley Scott, explaining some missing details. Rambles: Gnosticism again, Mesoamerican and European human sacrifice and the exoticization of shared cultural practices, and a hearty book recommendation. Alt-text rambles: Icelandic volcanoes, The Collector (2009), Stephen Speilberg's War of the Worlds and how scaring the shit out of someone isn't necessarily the job of a horror film, the Tollund Man, unique cultural practices, Hello Future Me, and my opinions on what we've seen of Alien: Romulus. Rants: Ancient peoples weren't stupid, an unexamined christian-centric worldview, an unexamined christian-centric worldview, I CANNOT STRESS ENOUGh
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spencereidlovesshoes · 7 months ago
hiya i really love your posts, maybe because you haven’t written anything yet. it is my honor to be your first request.
i’m begging you for a spencerreid x pilot!fem!bimbo!plussize!colorblind!vampire!reader
please do it quickly i will be dying soon i’m 84!!!!!!
OMG I love that!! this idea lives rent free in my mind now thank you you old bitch.
15,6 words.
A/N: im a nice person.
"Wheels up in 5!" says Agent Hotchner, but you don’t hear it because you’re on the toilet. Thousands of alerts bombed Y/N’s phone. Penelope was sending her them. She always hated her.
It seems they are going to Thit Island to investigate a murder of a dog. Y/N was really stressed out, because of the team’s behaviour. They are known for their shitty behaviour on board. They commonly unbuckle their seatbelts, walk around the plane, cuddle together and worst of all, they tend to come to Y/N’s cabin and cover her eyes. They think they are funny but there is a high possibility that the plane might crash because of that.
Y/N really despises the members of the team. Especially JJ. Her long blond hair got caught in the engine once and she had to pull her out whilst still piloting the plane. Don’t ask her how she did that.
The only one she didn’t hate was Spencer. His hair could get caught anywhere and she would gladly save him. She watched him through the security cameras when she didn’t feel like paying attention to the road. She especially liked watching him sleep. He was so cute and he didn’t even know about her. Why would he be with someone as a stupid as this pilot!fem!bimbo!plussize!colorblind!vampire!reader?
The team was lined up next to the plane and Y/N was installing the stairs to the plane. No one helped her. In that moment JJ said: "What is she doing here? Who is she? Where am I? Who am I?"
The team seemed to ignore all of her questions. "She is our pilot, don’t you recognise her?" Spencer said. He was the only one who was not a complete asshole to Y/N. "Ok, just do not get close to Spencer," said JJ looking directly into Y/N’s eyes. "JJ, she saved your life last time, don’t you remember?" "I could have done it myself," said JJ and stormed to sit on the plane.
Everything went well and until Morgan sneaked into her cabin and covered her eyes. Y/N yelped and tried to get his hands off of her. He held her head so tightly she started to feel dizzy. Morgan laughed and said "relax babygirl, I just need you to turn the plane around, we found out that Thit Island is on the other side of the globe."
WTF? Y/N thought. I do everything for this team and especially for Spencer. I pay for the gas and they just tell me that we have been going in the wrong direction? I’m not gonna be able to pay the bill this month, I don’t even have a job! I just snuck to the toilet every time and tie up the real pilot. And that is the problem. I don’t know how to turn the plane around. I always just fly in some direction and hope for the best.
"Hello? You seem lost in your thoughts," Morgan said. "OK, just buckle up and hold tight," Y/N said with determination in her eyes. She didn’t even wait for Morgan to sit down and buckle his seatbelt, she just turned the plane upside down.
"I didn’t mean it literally!" Morgan screamed as he hit his head on the ceiling of the plane. Y/N heard mortified screams of the rest of the team. It was like music to her ears. Yes! Spencer thought. She finally stood up to her bullies. He might have broken a leg or two and had a concussion because he was sitting in JJs lap.
They flew their whole flight upside down and Y/N found some random island in Europe to land on. Everyone got out of the plane, excited to see some dead bodies and investigate mysteries, except Spencer, he went to check on Y/N.
"Hey Y/N, are you alright?" Y/N seemed devastated, she was tired from all the blood flowing to her head. "I’m OK, I just have a long night waiting for me. I have to get comfy on this plane." "What do you mean?" Spencer said and a worry wrinkle appeared on his forehead.
"I didn’t pay for any hotel. I don’t have any money left, I spent everything on gas for this trip that took way longer than I anticipated. We are lucky that we survived! We don’t have much gas left. Can you steal some if you see some cars on your way out?"
Spencer looked at her in disbelief. This poor thing was poor. "OK Y/N, let me sing you a lullaby to help you sleep." Y/N was thrilled. She was sure she would not be able to fall asleep next to singing Spencer. She loved him too much for that.
"URURURURURURURURURURURUR" Spencer sang in his soft voice while Y/N slowly fell to the dreamland...
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fakegingerrights · 2 years ago
Shades of Blue
[Rex x Fem!Medic!reader. Soulmate AU, multiple kinds but Rex's happens to be colorblindness until your soulmate touches you. Warnings: Violence, Injury and Gore, Nonsexual Partial nudity, Angst. Inspired by @mandos-mind-trick series.]
Soulmates weren't rare by any means. In fact, Rex would even go as far as to say that it was more rare not to have a soulmate than to have one.
The numbers were a little different when it came to clones. Many didn't live long enough to meet a member of another species, let alone form a relationship with them.
Rex wasn't so lucky.
He had adapted well to his colorblindness, his batchmates covered for him until he learned to tell the subtle differences between shades of grey. He learned that the red wires in a droid popper were always the thicker wires, he learned that the stun power packs and the regular power packs for the training blasters were different weights.
After Kamino, he learned even more. Blue paint smelled slightly different than red. Poisonous plants usually had some sort of easily recognizable pattern, but always be careful with what you touch.
Joining the 501st was a bit of a culture shock. General Skywalker took a liking to him immediately and decided he didn't want another clone to be in charge, promoting him to Captain. Kamino had forbade he become a commander, despite the command training. The blond hair and the fact that he had a soulmate kept him from advancing, he would have stayed a trooper if it weren't for Skywalker.
He was sure he'd die a newly promoted captain when Skywalker found out about his soulmate. Skywalker just grinned.
"I remember waiting for my own colors, not that there was much to see on Tatooine." Was all he said, patting Rex on the shoulder and walking away, leaving Rex dumbfounded in his wake.
"Sir?" His voice was slightly more strangled than he would have liked, calling after Skywalker. Skywalker laughed, but disappeared around a corner.
Rex waited in fear for the demotion, the notice he was sent back to Kamino, anything to do with his defect. Instead, he found battle maps more clearly labeled, he found medical supplies color coded yes but with shapes to go with the colors now. Rex found the paint cans labeled with careful Aurabesh, in Skywalker's messy handwriting, each individual color and what they were used for. The reds and golds for the jedi starfighters. The blues of the battalion.
That was how Rex learned his armor was blue. He asked Skywalker about it, in the long missions in orbit or the days spent in hyperspace.
"What's Blue, general?" He asked, looking at the newly done Jaig eyes on his helmet. "That's our armor, right? Blue accents?"
"Yep." Skywalker was currently elbow deep in his starfighter, something he insisted was 'relaxing' but had Rex on standby in case he got stuck or something. "Blue, huh? Blue is... Blue is Family." Skywalker settled on eventually. "That's the color of Mine and Obi-Wan's lightsabers, and all of your brothers have blue armor, and you were trained by Alpha 17, who had blue armor too." The jedi grunted as he untangled a ball of wire from the engine.
"Family? I thought Red was what people used for family..." He traced the fresh cut talleys into the paint on his vambrace. One for every tactical droid they took out planetside.
"Red? Eh, I guess you could... Red is blood. Adrenaline. Fire is red. Passion. Dooku and the other sith have Red sabers. You're mandalorian, right? Or... kinda, Half mando?" Skywalker yanked a piece of frayed wire out of the messy ball.
"I... I speak the language, and know the culture intimately, but I have no clan to call my own." Rex supplied. "Red, on armor at least, is for honoring a parent or a family member."
"Yeah, I can see that... But blue is more alive than red. I don't know how to explain it. It's the color of most unpolluted skies. It's the color of water, and that's a rarity for so many people. Kamino is mostly blues and greys and blacks. On Tatooine, we fought for the color blue. Water was so precious in the desert. When I met my soulmate, she was wearing blue." Skywalker gets a goofy grin on his face.
"You kept your soulmate bond, sir?" Rex asked. Skywalker sat up out of the belly of the fighter.
"I did. We agreed it would be more beneficial to both parties to keep it. Pass me that wrench, would you?"
And that was the end of that conversation.
The next time Rex thought about his soulmate, he was meeting the natborn medic assigned to Torrent company to help take the load off of Kix and Coric so they could 'spend more time actually doing their job of fighting rather than running around trying to keep everyone else alive.'
Rex really disliked natborns sometimes. He was fully prepared to dislike you too. That is, until he actually met you.
"Captain Rex, right?" You asked, holding out a gloved hand to shake his as he gave you a once over, appreciating the light armor you were wearing and the utility belt full of equipment. Rex smiled as you gave your name.
"Glad to have you, Doc. You've already met Coric and his junior officer Kix?" Rex asked. You nodded.
"I'm all settled in and ready to go too, wherever you need me, Sir." You saluted sharply at him. "I'm really impressed with the organization levels here. Everything is labeled so neatly I forget I can't see the colors yet." Kix coughed awkwardly as he interjected himself into the conversation.
"As hard as Kaminoans tried, they couldn't find a way to remove soul-bonds from us clones. Not all of us have one, and like anyone else we have different ones, but a few of us are color-bound to our mate. Coric is one of them, and he doesn't let it slow him down at all. Neither does the captain here." Kix clarifies. Rex gave him a look. "What? She's not gonna tell anyone. Right?"
You paled, waving your hands for emphasis. "No! I would never want to get anyone in trouble. If... what's the word you use for us? If natborn officers can have them you should too. My lips are sealed, promise." You met each of their eyes and they both relaxed an almost imperceptible amount.
Rex gave you a slight smile. "Let's get you acquainted with the other men, shall we? You're assigned to my company and trust me, you're gonna have a heck of a time getting us in to the medbay."
You gave him a cheshire grin. "Is that a challenge, Captain?"
You got to work quickly, as the men prepped and drilled for planetside deployment to Christophsis, you were right there, training your body to hold more supplies, to get to wounded faster. Every extra second shaved off your mile run was a life saved, you told yourself. Every time you got out of a sim to see a faster time, you smiled.
Even Kix was impressed.
"You're working yourself to the bone, Doc. You're already here, what are you trying to prove?" He asks, handing you a water bottle as you finish a set in the weight room.
"Prove? I'm working side by side with genetic perfection. And somebody's gotta make sure y'all don't go and get yourself killed." You took the bottle and sipped at it slowly, sitting up. Kix just shrugged and continued to spot you while you worked.
After Christophsis, and later Teth, he said nothing more about it. His cheerful, joking manner was replaced by quiet competency and a determination to see as many brothers as he could to the end of the war.
You sat with him when Coric caught a blaster bolt in the neck, and there was nothing either of you could do. With a choking softness in his voice, he looked at you.
"How? How is he dead?" The words brought a fresh wave of pain.
"Internal decapitation. The bolt went right through his spinal column. He was dead before he hit the ground." You intoned into the heavy silence. Kix shook his head and sat back from where the two of you had been sitting side by side on the empty surgery table, already scrubbed of blood from the day's activities and ready to be packed up when Torrent was dispatched back to the Resolute tomorrow morning.
You frowned, confused, as Kix stripped off the upper part of his blacks and turned so you could see his back. You had seen him shirtless before, in passing glances. You knew about the soulmark scrawled between his shoulderblades, the words in beautiful cursive and splashed with several different hues from what you could tell. You had never bothered to look at the words, but you did now.
Kix, as in Coric's little brother Kix?
Your heart broke a little. "Kix... Kix look at me." You reached up and pressed a hand to either side of his face. Misty eyes, tired and lost and so utterly broken, stared up at you. "We have soulmate bonds for a reason, ok? You can't break the bond until you've met the person." You pulled him into a hug, letting him hide his face in your neck as he struggled to come to terms with his grief of losing a brother. "You'll meet them one day, Kix. I know it. It'll be alright. Coric met his soulmate a few months ago, do we have anything to give to her?"
Kix let himself have a few more moments of just being in the presence of another person who cared. Who understood.
"He had a necklace she had given him... and his gauntlets. I have both. Do you want to come with Rex and I when we give them to her?" Kix asked softly. You nodded, a pit forming in your stomach at the idea of the next shore leave. You and Coric were close, and had met his soulmate a handful of times last time you were on Coruscant.
"Yeah. Let me go grab some stuff, ok? Then we need to head to bed." You got up to leave the room right as a knock sounded on the door.
"Doc, Kix, you in there?" Rex's voice came from the hall as Kix hurriedly tugged on his shirt again.
"Yeah, we're here." You called as he stepped in.
"I'm sorry to interrupt I need casualty counts from the wounded after battle." The captain rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.
"Oh. I have those." Kix left the room in a hurry, and as you caught a glimpse of his back, adorned with the republic symbol and making it very obvious the top of his blacks were on backwards. Rex may have been colorblind but he was stupid observant when he needed to be.
He often needed to be in a warzone.
"Doc." Rex nodded at you in greeting after Kix had left.
"Captain. Been a helluva day, hasn't it." You sit down again on the floor, leaning your head against the wall behind you. "We lost Coric. He met his soulmate not to long ago. We're looking for his personal stuff to give back to her."
Rex sighed softly. A ache all of them felt for their brother's soulmate but few brothers lived long enough to know first hand.
"What about you and Kix?" Rex asked, taking a seat next to you. His plastoid plates click as he settles himself on the ground. "Has your world-" He made a gesture to his eyes with his hands. You laughed bitterly.
"Me and Kix? That would make things a lot simpler wouldn't it. No. I... It's his story to share. His soulmate apparently knew Coric by name." Rex took a deep breath.
"Yeah, yeah that would make sense. I'm sorry I assumed." He shrugged a little in his armor.
You sighed. "You?" You asked, looking at him. Rex ran a gloved hand over his pale hair.
"No. I... No. It's not I go around grabbing people anyways." He laughed humorlessly.
"Maybe we'll get lucky one day, you and I." You said softly. "Find our person. The Maker... Force... Universe, whatever, wouldn't give us another half unless we'd meet them." You looked at him, tracing the monotone contours of his armor.
"Yeah? What if we end up like poor Coric?" Rex sighed. "You... you get it. Even for a natborn, you eat with us, sleep with us, you know us. We're... not made for long term use. I don't want to leave anyone behind."
You hummed, not really saying anything. The two of you sat in silence for a long moment before Rex hauled himself to his feet, offering you a hand. You clasped his hand, latex glove on the blacks that covered his palm.
"We're gonna need rest for tomorrow. It'll be an exhausting day."
You couldn't agree more.
You cradled Coric's helmet as Rex knocked on the door of Coric's girlfriend's door. You recognized her instantly when she opened it, a dark skinned twi'lek with pale tattoos.
"Uh.. Good evening, Sirs?" She asked, a tremble in her voice. You took your cue to step forward, presenting Coric's helmet.
"I'm so sorry, Ma'am. There was nothing we could do."
Her face crumpled as she took the helmet. "I... I know. I felt it." She whispered, a tear slipping down her cheek. Kix stepped forward too, placing a hand on her shoulder. She leaned into his touch.
"I'm so sorry Ma'am, I have his necklace and vambraces here for you too." Her head whipped up to look at Kix, tearstained and wide eyed. Rex nudged him.
The Twi'lek shook her head, dropping Coric's helmet with a clatter. "Kix... as in Coric's little brother Kix?" She asked, barely waiting for Kix's stunned nod before she pulled him into a hug.
"I'm sorry about your brother." She whispered, and Kix just shook his head, a bitter laugh bubbling out of his throat.
"I'm sorry about your soulmate."
You put a hand on Rex's shoulder opposite of his pauldron. "C'mon, Captain, let me buy you a drink while they adjust to each other's presence." You murmured low enough for him to hear. Rex glanced back at the two, Kix now also in tears and not letting go of the poor girl, who was sobbing into his chestplate.
The two of you walked in thick silence, the 79's a few blocks down from Kix's soulmate's apartment. Rex stopped short at the entrance of the bar.
"I... I'm usually not one for clubbing. Too many people." He hedged. You gave him a reassuring smile.
"We'll just grab a seat in the back then?" You propose. Rex still looked hesitant, but nodded after a moment. You insisted on buying drinks since Rex hated spending his small stipend on something like alcohol. As you two waited, him watching the crowd and you sneaking glances at him.
He was beautiful, in the black and white shades that made up your reality. All the clones were, but he stood out to you. You flushed slightly as he caught you staring.
"What? Do I have something on my face?" He asked. You laughed and shook your head.
"I... you're gonna laugh." You said, looking at the table and tracing the grain with a finger tip.
"Did I do something stupid?" Rex asked, giving you a wry look. You snorted.
"No, no you haven't. You not the kind to make stupidity a habit. I was wondering what color your hair was." You blurted out. Rex groaned and rolled his eyes.
"Hey, I'm still the same stock as Fives, gotta make sure he's not rubbing off." He took a sip of his spotchka, mouth twisting slightly until the tang settled into a pleasant burn in his throat. "My hair is blond, according to Skywalker. A yellowish color. Everyone else's' is black or dark brown."
You took a drink yourself, coughing at the taste. "Ok, that is awful." Rex snorted.
"That's the point. Don't worry, I'll getcha back to the barracks." He promised, a fond smile flitting across his face.
"Going soft on me, Captain?" You asked.
"For you? The entire GAR is soft. You could probably get Fox to take a nap by batting your eyes." Rex chuckled. You swatted at his arm, hand bouncing off his armor.
"Hush. If rumors about you are true I'll be hauling you to the barracks rather than the other way around, lightweight."
Rex just took another drink to spite you.
The last place for healing that you would expect to take place is on the Battlefield, but here you are ducking and covering between the rounds of rocket mortars.
Explosions shook the ground, and everything hazed out around the edges as you in grey smoke and black soot. Dark blood stained your body and none of it was yours. You heard the shout Kix gave when it happened, but he was too busy to react.
"The Captain's down!" The roar went up among the men and you weren't one to hesitate, springing into action to cross the four hundred meters between you and the Captain. Rex was holding his side and gasping, frighteningly still. Blood, dark and thick as oil spilled from the gash on the left side of his chest in spurts.
You instantly were yelling orders, trying to get a perimeter set up around the two of you as you pried the captain's helmet off so he wasn't gasping through his respirator.
His breathing was ragged, his lips chapped and cracked, eyes hazy as your gloved hand brushed dust off his face.
"Stay with me, Rex. You're not allowed to die on me yet." You yelled above the din so he could hear. He gave you the barest hint of a nod, if not the the intensity in his eyes you would have thought it a spasm.
You pried his chestplate off, plackart coming with it as you inspected the damage. You couldn't tell if the piece of debris that had done this had punctured more than a lung, you felt up under his jaw for a pulse but there wasn't one you could surely feel with your gloves.
You yanked one off with your teeth, jamming it under his chin as you tried to get a read of what was going on with his heart.
Rex gasped under you, eyes going out of focus as you gritted your teeth and counted the beats to make sure he wasn't in danger of a puncture in his heart.
You kept pressure on the wound, wincing as his broken ribs creaked under your hands, red seeping out-
Oh Kriff.
You laughed slightly hysterically as you gave him a stim to help with the bleeding and pain, spraying bacta over the wound. "You seeing this, Captain?" You asked. Rex's blood was vibrant across your hands, sending a painful twist through your stomach. The stripes, the blue stripes, in his armor was almost completely covered by golden-brown dirt and red blood and black soot. Even the greys and blacks looked more life-like, vibrant and real.
Rex's eyes held a dreamlike haze to them as an explosion, brilliant gold, flashed over head. He was drifting slightly in and out of consciousness as you worked, eyes wandering in silent wonder at this new reality. Red blood. Dusty armor. Gold fire. And high high above this messy battle was blue sky.
It was the color of your armor, strong steady hands bandaging the wound and keeping pressure.
It was the color of his own shattered plating.
It was the color of the sky. Freedom
Rex could see now why Skywalker called blue Family. The two felt remarkably similar.
"ey-.... Hey!" You patted his cheek until his eyes fluttered open and tried to focus on you. He didn't remember closing them. "Hang on, Rex. Medevac is coming, we're getting you out of here and pulling a tactical retreat." You yelled, brushing some dust off his face. His eyes followed your blurry form, suddenly snapping into focus. You gave him a lopsided smile.
"There you are. Hang on, Cyare." The clone word of endearment fell from your lips so naturally. "You aren't leaving anybody behind yet." Rex tried to talk, his breath coming out in a raspy gasp. You shook your head. "Save your breath. Ok."
Rex managed a nod, fumbling with his right hand to grasp your arm, squeezing twice. You nod.
"I'll be there when you wake up, Captain. Promise." There was a roar above your heads and a LAAT/i dropped down right in front of you two, and you lunged to get a gurney prepped as blasterfire splashed around you. A clone Rex didn't recognize lifted him, careful not to disturb the bactapatching on his side.
He listened with half a mind to your chattering as your bare hand brushed his head, fingers playing over his gold, you told him, hair. Rex fought to keep his eyes open, trying to obey and stay awake until he felt the shift in his stomach that meant artificial gravity had kicked in and they were on the Resolute once more.
"Ok, Rex. You can sleep now. You're in the clear now." Your soft voice finally said, and he went out like a candle in the wind.
You paced the medbay, forcing yourself not to spend too much time gawking at the vibrancy of everything. You could do that properly when Rex was awake. Currently, Kix was taking him out of a bacta tank and he was set to wake up in a few minutes but those few minutes felt like hours.
Your head snapped around as Kix stepped out, fond exasperation written across his face.
“He’s been asking for you since I took the tube out of his throat.” Kix stepped aside and let you into the small room, then shut the door to give you some privacy.
Rex was watching the heart monitor in it’s different colors with rapt fascination until you made your presence known, leaning against the rails of his gurney.
“Hey.” You murmured, looking him over and deciding he looked much better when he wasn’t covered in blood and dirt. Deep bronze skin, amber-gold eyes and white-gold hair made for a stunning figure. “We… certainly danced around this for a while.”
He laughed, a hoarse, grating sound that still made you smile. His left hand fumbled a bit until you slipped yours in it. His thumb slipped back and forth across your knuckles.
“I had hoped.” Rex whispered. “Stupid armor.”
You laughed, swatting at his shoulder gently. “Your armor keeps you alive. So what if it caused a little delay. We’re together now.” You said the last phrase with some trepidation. Rex nodded instantly.
“We weren’t made to be apart, Mesh’la.” You squeezed his hand tightly at his words.
“Rex? I’m scared.” You whispered. Rex struggled to push himself up into a more proper sitting position, recently severed and healed muscles protesting. He waved away your concern and lowered the rail on the bed.
“Me too. I don’t want to give this up though.” He murmured. "How are we going to do this?" Rex looked at you and for a second you were lost in his eyes, admiring every little fractal of color.
"Like anything with uncertain terrain, one day at a time, Captain." You murmured.
"Rex." He corrected you. "Call me Rex. I want to be more than just a title to you."
You lifted your clasped hands and pressed a kiss to the back of his knuckles. "You've always been more than that." Rex looked at you like you had hung the hyperspace lanes just for him. "Rex, you're my other half. We'll be fine together."
"Promise?" He whispered, seeming to tire and letting himself slide against the pillows. You squeezed his hand tight.
"I promise. Go to sleep, Rex." You stood up, to leave him in peace but he caught your hand.
"Stay, Mesh'la." And you couldn't say no. You let go of his hand and had him scoot over, making sure you stayed on his uninjured side as you curled up next to him on the bunk, resting your head on his chest and listening to his slow, steady heartbeat. A heart that you had fought to keep beating. The medical bunks weren't made for two but you two made it work, slotting together like pieces of a puzzle.
Rex bent his head, and a feather light kiss brushed the top of yours. You didn't respond, but didn't pull away either. His exhausted body quickly succumbed to sleep. You weren't far behind. Two halves of a whole.
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soupct123 · 3 days ago
I come before you, tired, angry, and slightly unhinged, to offer the Portal and Half-Life lesbian appreciators something:
GLaDOS x Colette Green
(Is the ship name GreenDOS?)
Thought process:
[Skippable if you know who Colette is. The end of this part will be marked with “end” in this font]
I was binging Richter Overtime videos one day and his short on Colette sorta stuck in my head. Colette is, as far as the Half Life lore goes, barely a character. Despite her actually having lines when you play as her, due to Half Life Decay being a co-op game that needed built-in player communication, we have so little canon information about her that the Richter video is only about 6 minutes long, 1 of which is devoted to the Vortigauts you get to play as when you beat the base game. From the little of her in the Half Life 1 instruction manual she is an electronics and robotics engineer, and in Decay she starts laughing dementedly when she starts attacking and finishes off enemies.
I was just “woag hot crazy low poly butch” and the information sat in my head for a while until the next time I thought about Chelldos and Chellyx stuff. The comedic potential of Chellyx with GLaDOS being jealous about it is one of the things I like most about it. Then I thought “it would be cool if GLaDOS could get a rebound too. Or maybe Chell gets to be single and jealous. I don’t think anyone would go for shit like MossDOS or genericrebelnpcDOS tho and I don’t do ocs.” Then Colette activated in my brain
With “roboticist” and “crazy” being the only things we have on her personality, I think they make a good base for having her be with GLaDOS. Colette being a robotics engineer gives her and GLaDOS potential for:
1: thematic depth
2: good banter
3: smut
If you play the games the way they’re “meant to be played,” Chell is quiet, unflinching, and just a little quirky with it, so I think someone who outwardly matches/exceeds GLaDOS’ freak would be funny to pair with her.
Since Colette has lots of room left on her slate, I will add a bit of headcanon to make things juicier:
Other than what I saw checking tags here, I don’t know how widespread the Gina Cross and Colette Green ship is, but I ship it. My take: They got romantically involved while working together at Black Mesa, and while they were very passionate when they were alone together, Gina preferred not to be very public with it. You can attribute it to Gina’s more proffessional personality if you want a slightly less heavy reason compared to the sadly more realistic one. This explains why the colorblind security guards try to flirt with both characters in Decay. Colette didn’t want to keep it secret, and it came out to a few scientists, who were all cool about it, but it caused strains whenever Gina was there to witness it and tried to divert the subject. With the events of Half Life 1 causing the events of Decay, the two were getting closer, until the game ends (I don’t really remember what their goal was but it was probably some weird shit that was added on to be important to what Gordon was doing in a convoluted way). I operate under the assumption that Colette survived, and remains in G-Man’s pocket dimension thing.
In Opposing Force, a corpse with Gina’s face model but a different colored HEV suit can be found in Xen; it is not explicitly stated in any games or official material to be Gina Cross herself. A writer years later claimed it was her on social media, but it’s subjective whether claims made that way should be taken as fact, and with everything in the gearbox expansions being in canon limbo anyway, most of what I’m discussing doesn’t really matter much if you’re “playing by the books.” Despite the discrepencies, I personally go with that being Gina Cross’s corpse, because one of the Half Life franchise’s biggest problems is that nobody dies and stays dead.
Whether Colette was aware of, or even personally witnessed Gina’s death is also unknown, so I guess whichever seems more appropriate for a given story will work.
Last headcanon: I’m not as dug-in to the Half Life side, but I saw someone else saying the automated female voice for all HEV suits was Gina Cross herself. The official voice actors are different, and they could’ve actually meant the training course in the tutorial, but I like the idea, and she is canonically the one who designed the HEV suit.
With all that said, here is the workings of a little concept that I had:
(There’s a version of this in my head that’s a full-ass AAA game, sorta like that cancelled ravenholm game with the opposing force guy, but with my motivation levels this thing will be lucky if it makes it to a single chapter of a fanfic.)
During an altercation involving the G-Man, some, or possibly all, of his assets have been randomly released from stasis. Colette Green is awakened by rain falling on her face, and finds herself on a cliffside dotted with the wreckage of a large facility. She has nothing to her name but her H.E.V. Suit, and after screaming into the air and punching several rocks, the suit’s automated voice tells her to seek medical attention. It’s Gina Cross’ voice, which just drives her crazier with grief. As she follows the only path there is, through overgrown parts of the facility, she is beset upon by Xen creatures, many being unfamiliar to her, and having cybernetic enhancements that seem almost parasitic*. She has to fistfight, evade, and use her environment to get past the critters, and once she finally moves into safer parts of the facility, she is barely standing. She begins scavenging for supplies, and discovers that this is Aperture Labs, a place she knew of only by reputation. With no HEV chargers and Aperture’s health and safety deficits, she is forced to modify her suit with whatever she can salvage. She notices that some of the security cameras still follow her, but after they don’t produce any meaningful reactions, she assumes they’re just tied to motion detectors. Her voice’s radio picks up garbled transmissions in certain areas, but none seem useful, even the clearly decipherable ones. At first she has to salvage supplies from office areas, storage areas, and loading bays, which offer some raw materials that she can patch herself up with and begin attempting to build a long-range communication device, and she finds a good melee weapon for use against the occasional small critter. After going through several papers, maps, and whatever computers still work, she chooses to head for a test track, and discovers a Portal gun. Of course she’s fascinated by the device, but her main objective isn’t to test, so she brute forces and walks right through some of the damaged tests, but finds herself getting into it when she needs to finish one to progress. Along the way, she meets the turrets, uses some broken ones to build her own “regular” gun, uses some to defend against the Xen creatures, and further modifies her HEV suit, now with long fall boot parts and other quality of life gadgets. Her loneliness is getting to her, and she starts hearing Gina’s voice in her head, so to distract herself she forcefully befriends a wounded turret, and carries them around on her back so they can shoot things for her.
Eventually, all of Colette’s physical needs are met, so now all that’s left to do is find out what happened while she was in stasis and find long-range communications. She begins snooping more actively, and as she pokes and prods deeper and deeper, she finds parts of the facility in pristeen condition, still operating cleanly, if seemingly a bit sluggish and directionless. To her frustration, there are no humans left, but as she gets closer and closer to the answers she seeks, she feels like she’s actually being watched now, and every room she enters seems to whir to life whenever she approaches. Still left with so many gaps in her knowledge, the rooms and walkways now begin to shift with a clear purpose and path, which she distrusts and avoids at first. The facility just tries harder and harder, and she begins lashing out at the paths, until she’s left with no options but to follow. The walkways lead her directly into some test chambers, which she is forced to solve. She’s great at it, even when the chambers begin to cheat. What’s strange is that with their increases in complexity, they contain less hazards than the earlier tests. The radio reciever in her suit starts to pick up sounds, fuzzy at first, but they become clearer as she progresses through each test. It’s a robotic female voice, that doesn’t seem to be speaking, just making very quiet “observation noises.” Humming, sighing, ohs and ahs, chuckling, and moans. Gilette finally calls the voice out by refusing to solve a test and shouting “Who the hell are you? I can hear your fucking moans!”
The voice is taken off guard, and sounds really embarrassed, then figures out that she hears her because of the HEV suit. Colette had learned the hard way that the emancipation grills fried Aperture tech that went through them, unless covered by another material that wasn’t listed for destruction in the grill’s system, so she had been avoiding them, breaking them down, and wrapping her valuables in abandoned jumpsuits. The test door opens, but Colette can see the grid flicker off and on again for a moment, suspecting it had been updated, and shoots through the glass of an observation window. She makes one halfhearted attempt to get completely off the path, but lets her rage set in and brute forces through several more chambers that are mostly just traps to get her through an emancipation grill, until she’s led into a fool-proof one with no way out but through it. She pieces together that her ability to test is what’s important to the voice, and begins bargaining.
“I know you can hear me. I know that you don’t want to kill me, because you would’ve done so already. I know you want me to keep doing these tests. Either come to me or let me come to you.”
No response.
“I kinda like doing these tests. I can tell you like watching me do them. We can work something out.”
“Alright then. I guess you don’t care about these tests.”
Colette puts her gun to her own head.
“I’ll just kill myself then. It’s easier, and I don’t exactly have much to live for. It’s been fun, lady.”
Colette squeezes the trigger
The voice frantically begs her not to
The emancipation grill turns off, and the next chamber has a portal emitter open for her to finally meet GLaDOS
Multiple Choice Question:
Grades and answer sheet will be posted next week. This question will be on the test.
From there the toxic yuri builds up as these two awesome unstable freaks bring out the best worst most fun parts of each other. Two smart bitches telling each other exaaaaactly.
The things Colette will do to GLaDOS, with her masters in robotics and PhD in mechanical engineering, is beyond anything Chell could ever fathom. Gina Cross’ spirit is weeping. Colette basically buys Atlas and P-Body’s love with upgrades and cool stuff she scavenged, like a [gender neutral term for aunt/uncle] buying their [gender neutral term for niece/nephew] an xbox for christmas. GLaDOS feels deeply ashamed that she’s been getting it on with a Black Mesa employee but she likes everything else about Colette so far and eventually it turns into a kinky roleplay thing. When G-Man is done with half life 5’s plot or whatever he goes through the list trying to recapture all his missing assets, and when he sees a nude Colette clinging to Glados’ underside and pulling her wires with her teeth he figures it’s not worth trying to get her back. I can clearly see either of them holding a cigarette in bed after their first time and thinking “god I needed that”
Is my vison too niche or completely stupid? Idgaf it’s funny
*for the Portal: Rebound lore, the parasitic cybernetic enhancements on the Xen creatures are basically what regular aperture tech does when it’s left unchecked and evolves, like that movie Screamers 2. They evolved like earth animals do and gain basic instincts to first simply survive, then propogate, and eventually some parasites become sentient. Some parasites simply run off of their hosts’ energy, others begin altering and taking over their minds. Things get bad when leftover combine-altered creatures like gunships and striders get infected with parasites that lead to larger leaps in Aperture parasite evolution, and maybe even alerting the Combine themselves to Aperture tech. This is a half-baked concept because I just wanted to give Colette some new cool things to fight but once the lesbian shit starts it doesn’t matter to me
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abyssalzones · 7 months ago
hey has anyone asked you about sparkplug yet? im soooo curious about him
FINALLY someone acknowledges the best character in the comic... just kidding I can't pick. they're all my favorites on different days of the week.
Tumblr media
(pictured here in the middle of very important service garage work)
Sparks is... well, actually, much more open of a book than any of his fellow crewmates. whereas everyone else is entangled in their own baggage, sparks was raised to understand the value of honest, open communication and has never filed an emotional baggage claim in his life! yes sirree no problems here not a one!!!!!! just fun facts.
believe it or not, sparks used to be a pretty avid club-goer back in the day! he's still pretty killer when it comes to dancing... though his joints are a little less cooperative than they used to be.
dissatisfied with the impact of standard automatic-grade coffee (basically tar), sparks took it upon himself to "invent" a new "strain" back in his 20's using a variety of energy powder mixes and spices imported from Qa. he's been mildly colorblind ever since.
if asked what he missed most from his earthly possessions in his old shop, he'd probably say his old collection of terra-classic "now that's what I call country" CDs. can you believe what analog earther music is being sold for nowadays? ...or maybe his ID. that's also pretty important I suppose.
sparks keeps 3 different models of screwdriver, a wrench, sewing needles, standard suit-repair grade thread, a paperclip, and a small magnet on him at all times. and some other things you don't need to know about.
Sparks feels miserable being doted on. he's grateful, of course, when gills hunts him down at night and corners him into taking a trip to the kitchen for something to eat, and he can't deny there's a small thrill that runs through him when he wipes the engine oil off the side of his face, or when he offers to help adjust his prosthetic's knee joint when it starts to lock up... but he shouldn't need that. it's embarrassing in a way taking care of others isn't.
...even so, the herbal tea gills offers him manages to get the taste of coffee out of his mouth. briefly.
but yeppp I'd say he's pretty normal. all in all.
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thanks for the ask ^_^ !!
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thatuselesshuman · 9 months ago
Writeblr Introduction Post
✨ Also known as, I'm just rewriting my normal intro post to include more author shit ✨
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General Bio Information
I'm fine with being called any variation of ThatUselessHuman or Casper (also acceptable: anything I find funny)
Pronouns: whatever makes the joke funnier
I have a Bachelor's Degree in Aerospace Engineering w/ a chem minor but I'm working on my Master's Degree
Not a minor (don't do anything diabolical with that)
Colorblind, Autistic, and generally just ill
Writing Interests
Suffering/angst enthusiast
Fantasy, sci-fi, and dystopia are my shit bro
Found family, morally dark gray characters, religious elements and/or mythology, and trauma=character development
I tentatively like romance cause it's great when it's a side plot (I'm just ass at actually writing it)
I absolutely adore spinning my religion (Christianity) into fantasy worlds and concepts bc the lore is always IMMACULATE
Other interests
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Bungou Gay Dogs
Epic the Musical
Jujutsu Kaizen (known to dabble in other animes)
The Case Study of Gay Men (The case study of vanitas)
Twink men (Zelda)
Six of Crows
Books in general
Genshin (out of nowhere)
Hunger Games
I do art occasionally
Gummigoo (The Amazing Digital Circus)
Danny Motta
maybe write a book idk
Be entirely unserious
Make a friend or two
Scream into the void abt my WIPs
Common/Important Tags
#dying stars burn the brightest
#sorrow's victor
#bloody hands are kind
#among the living (casper)
#caspers random things
My Works
*blue = Ao3 one shot / green = Ao3 long work / purple = unposted / pink = short (non fandom) writings
Bloody Hands are Kind (wip series)
• Sorrow's Victor (fin.) • Plated Gold Smiles (fin.) • Capitol Perfume (fin.) • The Scars You Leave (fin.) • Bloody Hands are Kind (fin.) • Among the Living (wip)
None of Us Heroes (wip)
Gates of Hell (wip)
All Things Sacred and Blasphemous (fin.)
Writing. (fin.)
Creation. (fin.)
Dear Icarus (fin.)
Human Nature (fin.)
Why. (fin.)
Indebted to the Sea (fin.)
The Love Was There (fin.)
DNI if you're a bitch :)
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tail-feathers · 1 month ago
Eli Steele: “I wasn’t going to write about Martin Luther King, Jr. today.
However, I heard President Donald Trump declared in his speech today: “I will end the government policy of trying to socially engineer race and gender into everyday life. We will forge a society that is colorblind & merit based.”
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overdr1ves · 1 month ago
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INCOMING  TEXT :  omg  hv  u  met  ROME  OH  of  the  RODANI  PROWLERS  yet  ?  they’re  one  of  the  crew’s  racer  n  actually  go  by  ARES.  the  30  y/o  is  typically  seen  hanging  arnd  12TWELVE.  allegedly  they’re  frm  SEOUL,  SOUTH  KOREA  n  hv  been  w/  the  crew  for  5  YEARS.  wtvr.  just  watch  out  for  them,  k  ?  ttyl  ! 
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# OVERVIEW :  better  known  by  his  alias  ARES,  rome  is  a  korean-born  street  racer  deeply  embedded  in  miami's  underground  racing  scene.  once  hailed  as  one  of  the  city's  most  skilled  racers,  rome's  precision  driving  and  countless  victories  earned  him  a  slew  of  sponsorships  and  under-the-table  bets.  however,  a  series  of  high-profile  losses  shattered  his  dominance,  driving  sponsors  away  and  leaving  his  reputation  in  ruins.  now,  desperate  to  reclaim  his  former  glory,  rome  is  willing  to  blur  the  lines  of  morality  and  take  dangerous  risks— no  matter  the  cost.  off  the  track,  he  commands  miami’s  nightlife  as  DJ O.R,  mostly  headlining  at  12TWELVE.
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# statistics.
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basic information.
full name oh barom nicknames / aliases rome, ares, dj o.r age 30 date of birth october 5, 1977 hometown seoul, south korea current location miami, florida ethnicity korean nationality south korean gender male pronouns he/him orientation heterosexual religion agnostic political affiliation apolitical occupation street racer, dj living arrangements resides alone in a modest apartment in downtown miami language(s) spoken korean, english accent subtle korean undertones mixed with miami urban inflection
crew rodani prowlers position elite racer and crew veteran years 5 specialty precision driving, clean car mods, and high-stakes racing
father oh jinseok (estranged, formerly a businessman)  mother choi eunja (deceased; was a seamstress)  sibling(s) none children none pet(s) none—his lifestyle doesn’t allow for it and he’s simply too lazy to take care of anything that’s breathing family’s financial status struggled financially after his father’s scandal and abandonment
physical appearance.
hair colour jet black, often styled tousled or slicked back eye colour dark brown with a sharp, intense gaze height 6’0” (183 cm)  weight 170 lbs (77 kg)  build lean with toned muscles, and athletic honed from racing and physical upkeep tattoos a minimalist black ink tattoo of an engine schematic on his forearm (x), left side neck with his mother’s name 최은자 vertically (x) piercings nose hoop & anti-eyebrow (x), lip (x), right earlobe (x) clothing style sleek streetwear—often wears leather jackets, black tees, fitted jeans, and high-end sneakers usual expression a cool, confident smirk, often hard to read / chronic rbf! distinguishing characteristics a faint scar along his jawline, visible when the light hits just right
physical ailments slight colorblindness (red-green deficiency) neurological conditions none allergies none sleeping habits night owl, often only sleeps 4-5 hours due to racing and DJing; compensates with occasional daytime naps eating habits balanced diet, eats sporadically but enjoys hearty meals when he does; prefers spicy foods exercise habits regular gym visits focusing on strength and stamina, complemented by running along miami beaches
emotional stability 6/10 – tends to be volatile when under pressure, especially when dealing with losses sociability prefers a mix— enjoys the nightlife and camaraderie of his crew but values time alone to decompress body temperature average addictions thrill-seeking, particularly through racing drug use occasionally smokes; avoids harder substances alcohol use social drinker, favors whiskey
label the mysterious rebel  positive traits charismatic, determined, resourceful, loyal to those who earn his trust  negative traits hot-headed, secretive, resentful, manipulative tendencies, struggles with self-doubt  goals/desires to reclaim his status as miami’s top racer and restore the rodani prowlers’ dominance  fears failure, abandonment, his secret (colorblindness) being discovered
hobbies modifying cars, DJing, experimenting with beats, and late-night drives along coastal roads habits often plays with a lighter or taps his fingers rhythmically when thinking
weather cool, breezy nights perfect for racing colour black, cyan (though his perception of it is affected by his colorblindness)   music EDM, house, r&b and hip-hop movies action thrillers like the italian job and drive sport formula 1 beverage black coffee by day, whiskey neat by night food tteokbokki (spicy korean rice cakes)   animal turtle
zodiac sign libra mbti istp (the virtuoso) enneagram type 8 (the challenger) temperament choleric-melancholic hogwarts house slytherin moral alignment chaotic neutral primary vice pride primary virtue determination element fire
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# backstory.
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rome oh,  nicknamed  “ares”  for  his  aggressive,  warlike  precision  on  the  track  and  unrelenting  drive  to  dominate,  was  born  into  a  life  of  turbulence.  his  father  was  a  disgraced  businessman  who  fled  south  korea  after  a  failed  investment  scandal,  dragging  rome  and  his  mother  to  miami  when  rome  was  10.  struggling  with  the  stigma  of  their  fall  from  grace,  his  family  lived  in  poverty,  bouncing  between  seedy  motels  and  borrowed  apartments  in  little  havana.
rome’s  father  turned  to  petty  crime,  leaving  him  to  care  for  his  ailing  mother.  at  fifteen,  his  father  disappeared  altogether,  leaving  behind  a  mountain  of  debt  and  no  explanation.  rome  dropped  out  of  school,  becoming  the  sole  provider  for  his  mother  by  working  at  an  auto  shop  during  the  day  and  moonlighting  as  a  courier  for  shady  clients  at  night.  it  was  in  the  auto  shop  that  rome  discovered  his  love  for  cars  and  his  natural  talent  for  racing.
rome  caught  the  attention  of  the  rodani prowlers  in  2002  during  an  impromptu  street  race.  despite  driving  a  barely-functioning  honda  civic,  he  outmaneuvered  racers  with  far  superior  cars  by  using  unorthodox  techniques  and  his  deep  understanding  of  vehicular  mechanics.  impressed  by  his  raw  skill  and  hunger,  the  prowlers  took  him  under  their  wing.  over  time,  rome  earned  a  reputation  for  being  one  of  their  cleanest  and  most  precise  drivers,  wearing  the  crew’s  cyan-and-white  jacket  with  pride.
rome’s  rise  within  the  prowlers  was  swift,  with  his  impeccable  skills  behind  the  wheel  earning  him  respect  among  his  peers.  his  victories  were  frequent  and  decisive,  cementing  the  prowlers’  position  as  a  leading  force  in  the  underground  racing  scene.  his  name,  ares,  became  synonymous  with  dominance  on  the  streets,  and  he  earned  numerous  sponsorships  and  under-the-table  bets.  for  years,  the  rodani prowlers  dominated  miami’s  underground  racing  scene.  he  was  at  the  top  of  his  game,  and  the  prowlers’  reputation  for  speed  and  clean  mods  seemed  untouchable. 
however,  rome’s  winning  streak  came  to  an  abrupt  halt.  every  loss  chipped  away  at  his  confidence  and  strained  his  relationship  with  the  team.  to  make  matters  worse,  his  mother’s  health  deteriorated,  and  the  mounting  medical  bills  pushed  him  to  desperation.  a  series  of  high-profile  losses  tarnished  his  reputation,  causing  sponsors  to  pull  their  support  and  leaving  him  desperate  to  reclaim  his  former  glory.  this  newfound  desperation  drives  rome  to  adopt  increasingly  cunning  and  morally  questionable  tactics,  willing  to  risk  everything— even  the  prowlers’  reputation— to  prove  he’s  still  the  best.
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# headcanons.
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he alternates between a Porsche 911 GT3 RS and a Nissan 350Z. the porsche was a gift, while the 350Z was bought with his own savings. his choice of car for a race depends on his mood and the impression he wants to leave.
rome’s life outside racing is no less intense. by night, he performs as DJ O.R (derived from his initials), headlining sets at 12TWELVE.
his alias, “ARES,” draws from the greek god of war, embodying his aggressive, unrelenting drive to come out on top. as the god of conflict and destruction, ares perfectly symbolizes rome’s approach to racing: he is willing to tear through everything and everyone in his path to regain control. yet this obsession with power and victory has begun to erode his moral compass, leading him down a dangerous path.
despite his confident exterior, rome hides a personal vulnerability; he is slightly colorblind, a secret he fiercely protects. it challenges him subtly on the track, where he relies on instinct and cues beyond color, and in the DJ booth, where he focuses on rhythm and crowd energy over lighting effects.
holds a deep disdain for the nariza bois. the pressure finally got to rome after a humiliating defeat at the hands of the nariza bois, who tampered with his car before the race. that was his last straw.
on the track: rome is a master of precision driving and strategy. he’s capable of taking dangerous risks, executing near-flawless maneuvers, and exploiting his opponents’ weaknesses.
off the track: his cunning extends to manipulation and negotiation. he can charm or intimidate to get what he wants and isn’t above leveraging secrets or bending the rules to secure an advantage.
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# other links.
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discussionswithgyetti · 15 days ago
Blog Post #3
Q1: Although social media is public, are there moral issues for the monopolization of spaces in which marginalized groups may go to cry and create change (especially while taking into account current government states)? 
In the revolution will be digitized, the authors discuss the role of the internet as a public sphere for activism for black activism, during a time in which there was a lack of safe, public spheres for social change. (Everett, 2011). This book was created in 2011, before the extreme monopolization of social media platforms. The use of unofficial forum websites have died down, and individuals often use these new platforms to elicit social movement and create eroding change. However, especially taking into account the current climate of politics, and the digital revenue based oligarchy that appears to be forming within the United States, I would like to question what the moral implications of these “public spheres”, when taking into account that the attention we provide, the adds we watch, and the data we give, all seems to line the pockets of capitalist oppressors. 
Q 2: The new jim code states “thus, even just deciding what problem needs solving requires a host of judgements; and yet we are expected to pay no attention to the man behind the screen”. In what ways do narratives and discussions around new technologies affirming the idea that new technologies are “unbiased”? 
Algorithms and data driven decision making is often seen as “out of the hands” of individual technicians and social media programers. As is stated in the race after technology, the new Jim Code article (Benjamin, 2020), a neoliberalism, colorblind view of technology has taken president. I reflected back on my own experiences prior to this class, as I also had lived under the assumption that algorithms were deemed as absolute. After taking into account my previous opinions on algorithms, and what this article states in regards to neoliberalism and productivity, I realized that production in “logic” has been moralized as being good, without further thought. Logic being different then empirical evidence, logic more so meaning a no nonsense, individualistic approach to the world. 
Q3: How does the exclusivity and gatekeeping of knowledge about algorithms contribute to its continued harm, as in regards for marginalized communities. 
In this week's Power of Algorithms chapter, the author states “It is impossible to know when and what influences proprietary algorithmic design, … except as we engage in critique and protest” (Noble, 2018). This statement made me question, how has the privatization of these public spaces prevented marginalized individuals from being a part of the conversation when it comes to their own algorithms, and what information they see? If updates and changes are made that change the info that people are exposed to, then why are consumers NOT more a part of the algorithm creation process? 
Q4: How might issues regarding online algorithms worsen as Artificial intelligence takes search engines by storm, now automatically generating simple consumable answers? 
This question stems from an ending remark made in the power of algorithms chapter (Noble, 2018), stating that there is a lack of human context in some types of algorithmically driven decisions.? Questions for me arise, such as, what results are used in the AI image generations? It can’t be all sources, are they the sources that pay money to be prioritized on google? The further distilling of responsibility (now AI being seen as absolute truth) may make it even harder for individuals to fight against algorithmic oppression, because it adds another “middle man”. 
Benjamin, R. (2020). Race After Technology: Abolitionist Tools for the New Jim Code. Polity. 
Everett, A. (2011). “The Revolution Will Be Digitized: Reimaging Africanity in Cyberspace.” Digital Diaspora: A Race for Cyberspace, State University of New York Press, pp. 147–82. 
Noble, S. U. (2018). Algorithms of Oppression: How Search Engines Reinforce Racism. New York University Press.
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southeofficeworker · 1 year ago
General Blu/Red Pyro headcanons.
Honestly, my main headcanon that Blu Pyro is actually insane, maybe not like Medic, but you get my point(probably). Maybe Blu is also colorblind? That would explain if he'd actually kill his teammates.
I think that they both do have provision, but Red only sees rainbows and hearts while Blu occasionally sees the gore of the battle, and doesn't seem to mind.
Outside of the battle they're both creative with what they do, as people say 'silly'. But actually they have an illness. Most likely - schizophrenia. I can see them both seeing Spies occasionally, or just weird stuff, well, cute to them, but when they tell their engineer about that he goes like 'welp, alright kid.'
About their gender? I don't know. Most likely male, their mumbles is more on a 'low' voice side(though anyone can make hudah mmh sounds). Like if we'll compare Classic Pyro and Blu/Red Pyro, we can see that Classic is a woman and it was told that Classic was the only ever woman hired, so that makes us think about our Pyro. But I'll still use they/them for them.
(Also please, if you'll ever draw fem!Pyro make 'em chubby, not skinny as hell like some do.)
Back to other headcanons. They're both very creative as i said and love their team! Though Blu creeps their team more because they sent their team to respawn quite a bit times (especially Spy).
I'd bet Pyro is one of, if not the most loyal in the team, while you can't exactly rely on them since their provision, they'll still try their best to listen to you and help, even if you won't understand them.
I feel like they do burn stuff, but by accident, and then get sad by it, especially if it's a present from someone. A curious mind can lead to homicide(real).
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head-post · 1 month ago
Trump sworn in, White House releases domestic policy programme
Following the official inauguration of the 47th US President Donald Trump and the swearing-in of Vice President JD Vance, the White House released a programme of domestic policy priorities.
The Trump administration plans to scrap former President Joe Biden’s policy of releasing captured migrants. Instead, the government will reinstate the Remain in Mexico programme introduced by Trump in 2019.
Trump also plans to bring in the Armed Forces and National Guard to secure the borders and combat asylum for criminals. Additionally, cartels, including Tren de Aragua, will be recognised as foreign terrorist organisations.
Among other orders issued on Monday, the president signed a comprehensive executive order on the death penalty that directs the attorney general to “take all necessary and lawful action” to ensure sufficient lethal injection drugs are available for executions. After Biden recently commuted 37 death sentences to life in prison, only three defendants remain on death row.
The Government’s most solemn responsibility is to protect its citizens from abhorrent acts, and my Administration will not tolerate efforts to stymie and eviscerate the laws that authorize capital punishment against those who commit horrible acts of violence against American citizens.
Climate and industry
Trump also signed an executive order withdrawing the US from the Paris Agreement, an international climate change treaty in which nearly 200 countries agreed to work together to limit global warming. However, despite the efforts of the signatory countries, scientists have recorded a warming of 1.5 degrees Celsius in 2024.
In addition to abandoning climate goals, the administration laid out a sweeping plan to maximise oil and gas production, including declaring an energy emergency to expedite permits, repealing environmental protections and withdrawing the US from the international climate change pact.
America will be a manufacturing nation once again, and we have something that no other manufacturing nation will ever have: the largest amount of oil and gas of any country on Earth.
He also signed orders aimed at promoting oil and gas development in Alaska, cancelling Biden’s efforts to protect US Arctic lands and coastal waters from drilling, reversing Biden’s goal to adopt electric vehicles (EVs), suspending wind farm lease sales, and lifting a freeze on LNG export permits.
Censorship and gender
Another executive order signed by Trump ensures that no federal official will facilitate conduct that unconstitutionally restricts the free speech of any American citizen, including online censorship by the government.
After years and years of illegal and unconstitutional federal efforts to restrict free expression, I will also sign an executive order to immediately stop all government censorship and bring back free speech to America.
Over the past 4 years, the Biden administration has encroached on free expression by censoring Americans’ speech on online platforms, often putting significant coercive pressure on third parties such as social media companies to moderate, remove from the platform, or otherwise suppress speech that the federal government did not approve of.
Trump also signed executive orders declaring that the US government would recognise only two genders, male and female. The president will thus end “radical and wasteful” diversity, equality and inclusion programmes in federal agencies.
The administrative sphere will see a hiring freeze, except for important positions. Trump promised to “terminate federal staffers implementing DEI [Diversity, Equity and Inclusion] policies.”
This week I will also end the government policy of trying to socially engineer race and gender into every aspect of public and private life. We will forge a society that is colorblind and merit-based.
According to a December 2024 report, the federal government has spent more than $1 billion on DEI grants since 2021.
Read more HERE
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