#colonel lieutenant chessum
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kimtiny · 3 months ago
Yesterday I asked myself if yes or not Nigel wore a wig... And there's evidence for and evidences against.
So does Nigel Chessum wear a wig?
Arguments for:
1. The time period
At that time wigs were incredibly popular, as a fashion statement and as practicality. Powdered wigs were used to prevent lice and other parasites, as well as being a sign of wealth (often depending how it was styled)
2. Nigel's wealth
Following this, Nigel could wear a non powdered as a BIG statement of wealth. Yes, wigs were often naturally colored, the powder is what makes it white. I have seen a post from an other person here (sorry I do not remember the @) talking about Nigel's gorget (his golden necklace) which would indicate his wealthy upbringing. Wearing a wig was popular for gentlemen, but a non powdered one? On the battlefield? Nepotism like I've never seen
3. The hoops/curls
These type of curls above the ears were a popular hairstyle... for wigs. Often enough than not, powdered hair and powdered wigs are confused together but still powdered wigs were often styled with hoops. Probably also a statement of wealth (not sure about this one because I found no document specifically talking about this)
Arguments against
1. History
Erm.. British soldiers were instructed not to wear wigs.
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Most soldiers on the British front did not wear wigs, instead they powdered their hair. Much like Washington did.
2. His other soldiers
Jenkin and Baxter do not wear wigs. And that's not even something to theorize apon, the way their hair sit, the way they have BANGS??? Wouldn't have been acheived with the wigs that was disponible to them. Okay they also don't have powdered hair, which historically they should have had.
Why would Nigel be allowed a wig, as a Colonel-Lieutenant his hair should be the example for his troop and be stylized like intructed. If he's allowed a wig therefor his troop should probably wear some too. (Out of his wealth flexing ofc)
3. The hoops (again)
I said wig hoops were only done on wigs, actually it's kinda wrong. Yes, most of the wigs (I say most and not all because Im not a wig expert) were styled with hoops. But with powdered hair, it was possible to curl hair this way- as far as representations of British Officers go- even if they wouldn't look like Nigel's. It's a fictional tv show with a fictional gay british soldier, he can be whimsical and curl his hair perfectly- using the tallow they used to powder their hair as a glue to hold his hoops.
Anyway, as far as historical accuracy the show isn't the greatest (but its not a big deal) and Nigel's hairstyle wouldn't have been worn anyway, wigs or not (unless I missed something)
So are you team wig or no wig?
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seaslugsapphic · 5 months ago
If they’d gone through with the wedding, do y’all think Isaac and Nigel would’ve hyphenated their last names? I thought of a new ghost coming onto the property and Nigel introducing himself as “lieutenant colonel Nigel Chessum-Higgintoot”
And now I’ve made myself sad
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imaginationiswildsometimes · 7 months ago
Why Isaac? Just WHY?!
(Y’all may hate me after this so please be warned)
Our favorite revolutionary couple has American Captain Isaac Higgintoot and British Lieutenant Colonel Nigel Chessum. In a shocking turn of events, we learned that while Isaac was admiring Nigel through his new invention, the “Eyesaac”, he did one of his iconic sneezes and shot Nigel making him the first British ghosts on the Woodstone Mansion property.
While this was heartbreaking (sometimes funny) for most fans, there were things I noticed that I can’t help but question.
If Isaac wasn’t planning on killing Nigel, why the fuck was the rifle loaded?!
I mean, really? Isaac could at least check to see if the rifle was loaded, so in case he accidentally pulled the trigger (like he did here) Nigel wouldn’t be in danger of getting a bullet in him and ended up dying.
Speaking of the trigger, why was Isaac’s goddamn finger was even on it in the first place?! Listen I know during that time Isaac and Nigel was in war and stuff, but still. If Isaac’s intentions wasn’t killing him (he stated it during the episode after the reveal), why was the finger on the trigger?!
Clearly Isaac didn’t think things through and that caused for another person to become a ghost of Woodstone Mansion for eternity.
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thatisntverycombefair · 3 years ago
Sometimes I think about how Nigel was so prepared for Isaac to confess in ep 8 and then cry a little/pos
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wildesfancyfrock · 3 years ago
Nigel: What the fuck is wrong with you?! Isaac: Wow, you could start with a 'good morning'. Nigel: Good morning. What the fuck is wrong with you?!
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majorandmarquis · 3 years ago
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Can we just acknowledge that Nigel Chessum (John Hartman) from tv show Ghosts could definitely be cast as Coronet Lord William Schaw Cathcart.
For those who don’t know, Coronet Lord William was one of the trio from Howe’s Strolling players alongside Major John André and Lieutenant Colonel, Banastre Tarleton. They were known for their theatrics and involvement with the high society in the British occupation of Philadelphia during the American Revolution.
It’s such a good match! Do people agree?
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timetravelingsherlockian · 3 years ago
Continued Resources for Writing Ghosts -- Isaac
Welcome to the series where I post my sources.
This is mostly for my own records, and I'll probably do ones of the other characters as I write for them.
(This post will be updated as-convenient.)
~1740 (?) -- Birth (Note. If we use Brandon Scott Jones' age, the year was 1740.)
(?) -- Married Beatrice (1x02; 1x06)
(?) -- Attended Dartmouth (1x03 ?)
1773, December 16 (?) -- Attended tea party in Boston (Aunt Geraldene's residence; timeline ambiguous whether the Boston Tea Party was taking place concurrently; lovely affair (1x09))
1776, August 2 -- Was outside of the building for the signing of the Declaration of Independence (arrived late; 1x03)
1777, July 5 -- Negotiated end of siege for Fort Ticonderoga (Unconditional surrender; 1x2) *Note. This is different than US history. 11 troops died (vs. 5 Brits), and 4 were left behind b/c they didn't have enough boat. The Americans did not unconditionally surrender. They just hoofed it out of there.
1777, July -- Invented Eyesaac (1x08)
1777, July -- Shot & Killed British Lieutenant Colonel Nigel Chisum (1x08)
1777, July, before the 19th -- Died of Dysentery ("Died of dysentery less than two weeks later," Alberta; 1x02)
1883 -- Possessed electrocuted workman (1x10)
Beatrice (1x02; 1x06) -- Isaac's wife. They slept in separate beds.
Edward (1x06) -- Isaac's "best friend".
Lieutenant Colonel Nigel Chessum (1x08) -- British officer Isaac shot by accident. Now a ghost who lives in Woodstone Manor's shed.
Collins (1x08) -- One of Isaac's men when he was stationed on Woodstone Manor's grounds.
Sisters (1x12) -- More than one; number not specified. None lived beyond age 2.
Siege of Fort Ticonderoga
Main Wikipedia Article
List of Regiments that Fought
Line of Command During Siege: Gen. Washington > Gen. Phillip Schuyler > Gen. Arthur St. Clair > ??? (Likely Francis' or Marshall's Massachusetts regiments; the other regiments were militia regiments that wouldn't have the uniforms.) > Isaac
Line of Command Post-Siege: Gen. Washington > Horatio Lloyd Gates > ??? > Isaac
After the surrender, Isaac likely would have retreated by water to Skenesboro, NY.
Other Military Resources
List of US Continental Army Ranks
US Continental Army Rank Insignias (Sons of the Revolution Library and Museum; source recommender: anonymous) Note. This has a more in-depth year-by-year breakdown than above.
Stills of 8th Massachusetts Regiment Log Books (1779-1781)
The Effects of Weather on the Revolutionary War
Grose's Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue (1785) (2nd ed.; 1823) (Note. The 2nd ed. would be more familiar to the Cholera Ghosts or Hetty than Isaac. This is also a British, London dictionary, so use of American period writings is recommended if you mind sounding British.)
Other Words for Sodomy over Time: Eighteenth-Century England; A compilation of terms with context
Words & Other Phrases:
"Lickspittles" (1x3)
"Gadzooks" (1x3)
Other Resources
Male-Male Intimacy in Early America: Beyond Romantic Friendships (William Benemann, 2006; recommended by @einsteinapproved )
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wromwood · 3 years ago
Oop, it’s Thursday. Let’s see what this week’s episode of CBS Ghosts is like. Now, this is something I can get excited about: “D&D”
- Oh, hey, we open in 1777! We watch Isaac unveil something that legit surprised me: he’s introducing a musket with a skyglass attached. He’s calling it an “Eyesaac.” I didn’t expect him to have invented a sniper rifle.
aaaaand he’s using it to spy on a British officer shaving in his shirt.
Aaaand there’s a silence while his troops find it awkward. I feel like this moment could have been done better or more subtly.
- Technically, we didn’t see Isaac’s death there, but we DID see his attitude that led to his death: he scoffs at the idea of regular handwashing to keep away dysentery.
- Jay is trying to play D&D over video chat with the rest of his party, who live in NYC. However, his internet connection is really bad and his friends are moving on without him, both in game and IRL. They even want to kill Jay’s character to fill in his role with the new friend of their group! JEEZ. No wonder Jay’s an ass sometimes when he’s got friends like that.
Now THIS is interesting. These British soldiers from the American Revolution mostly stick in the shed among themselves and only visit the house once a year with complaints.
- Jay’s D&D character is called “Hitch.” Pete (who LOVED D&D when he was alive) had a character named Gelvin Monkspear.
- Awww, Jay’s actually really hyped to play with Pete and vice versa! But Sam is being really uncool about it. As we learn later, she really doesn’t like D&D.
- .... Jay, stop GUILTING HER! JUST ASK! FUCK!
Ok, an explanation for that note. Once Sam starts hinting that she doesn’t want to help them play DnD, Jay IMMEDIATELY starts passive-aggressively guilting her about how his friends don’t want to play with him, and how he’s so lonely, and how she has so many ghost friends. And it’s CLEARLY passive-aggressive guilt tripping. This can’t be confused for anything else. Which just makes me mad at Jay for not negotiating or asking out right like a goddamn adult.
Man, I miss Mike.
- The lead redcoat and the soldier that Isaac has a crush on is named Lieutenant Colonel Nigel Chessum.
- .... HIGGINTOOT?! Isaac’s last name is freaking Higgintoot? ... did I know this already?
- Aww, Isaac and Nigel BOTH have a crush on each other. That’s kinda cute! Their flirting is actually sweet. It’s not super clever, but there’s nice music behind it and everything. I actually want to see this develop.
- Sasappis and Alberta join Pete’s party. (Pete’s new character is Gelvin Monkspear II)
- Jay doesn’t know that D&D games happen over several sessions? This is your husband’s hobby, Sam, and it’s clear that he plays regularly. I guess she could have assumed that every session was just one game, but even so, that means she really didn’t pay attention to any of it.
- OK, Isaac says he has a secret he’s been keeping from Nigel all these years and that while saying it will release an immense burden, he feels it’ll hurt Nigel’s feelings. I wonder what it could be...
- Aw, after playing with him, Jay feels Pete is great! (They also bond over 80s basketball) Jay wants to play with Pete a few times per week now. It’s nice to see him learn about certain ghosts’ personalities and form friendships with them.
Sorry, I felt I should preserve the caps lock of my original note. Once Jay says that he’d like to play with Pete and the other ghosts a few times a week, Sam decides to straight up lie. And in front of Pete, no less, who is in the room. She says that the ghosts decided that they didn’t like playing D&D, so Jay should just pack it up for good.
This was really confusing to me. I know that Sam has to learn a sitcom lesson at the end, but she typically wants to help the ghosts all the time... until now?! I guess she doesn’t like D&D that much. But even so, I think it’d be more in character for Sam to at least try to limit the D&D sessions first, not lie outright and make the ghosts super sad.
.... also she’s lying to her husband. Which isn’t good.
- .... and Isaac’s secret to Nigel is that he killed him. (Accidentally; Isaac sneezed while spying on Nigel through his Eyesaac rifle) Of course, Nigel didn’t expect the honest news to be THIS, and storms out. (I think Nigel is more honest about his feelings with himself than Isaac is.)
- Yes! We have a return of writing in mirror steam. (I always liked the idea of this ever since it popped up in the BBC show) And it actually works! “SHE LIED”
- Finally, Sam admits that she really didn’t like playing D&D. And Jay admits that he liked playing with the ghosts because it made him feel like part of the gang, even though he can’t see or hear them. I’m glad to hear them say these things, but I hate why they had to say it.
- Heh. The ghosts’ battling each other is essentially a slap fight. That’s really funny.
- It just occurred to me. Nigel was shot in the chest, but there’s no visible wound like with Thomas. Or if there is, his ruffly shirt hides it well.
- At first, Pete proposes that the redcoats and the house ghosts fight using D&D as a medium. Jay says, “I am happy to resolve all ghost conflicts this way.” And honestly, it’s a really fun idea!
.... too bad it’s abandoned after a MINUTE. Nigel and Isaac immediately think that the game is boring.
- One of the redcoats (I can’t remember which one was specified) chose to play a Tielfing bard.
- Awww, now Isaac and Nigel are flirting again after Isaac honestly apologizes.
- OK, I just have to say that I love how Nigel makes his redcoat fifer Baxter play him out when he leaves.
- Awww, Isaac and Nigel are going on a lil date together. (Walking through the grounds) And Baxter’s not invited.
- At least Sam agrees to continue playing D&D at the end. And while Jay is snarky and guilt-trippy, he brings up a good point: he’s joined Sam’s activities in the past to make her happy, so their relationship should have mutual effort. I feel like this should’ve been established earlier so that his mentioning it would have been an actual part of the lesson instead of just a snarkly throwaway line.
- Pfft. Sasappis made Trevor write “MAKE PIZZA” in the steam, prompting Jay to shout “This is not the new system!” Legit funny joke.
All right! That was D&D. It was equal parts fun and frustrating. I was happy to see the addition of new ghosts to the dead cast AND I like the cute romantic tension between Isaac and Nigel. However, my frustration at how Sam and Jay act in this episode keep me from calling it a total win.
Let me know what you guys thought of this episode!
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wildesfancyfrock · 3 years ago
Headcanons for Issac from cbs ghosts seeing 1776 the musical?
okay so! combing two of my special interests, i love it!
canonically, Isaac is part of the second continental congress, so at first, he throws a fit that he’s not mentioned in it, but gets over it quickly
Sam had “accidentally” left it on, knowing Isaac would get curious
it quickly becomes his favourite film and makes Sam put it on at least once a day
after a week he knows. all. the. words.
seeing william daniels as John Adams made him about 10x gayer (me too)
upon seeing edward rutledge, he goes “that’s my friend, edward!” ( headcannon based off isaac saying he has a best mate name edward )
he ropes trevor, Alberta, and sasappis into watching it with him
he likes it because it doesn’t mention hamilton once
he recounts tales of being in congress for weeks afterwards
one night, he gets Sam to put it on the television where he and nigel curled up together to watch it
nigel asked isaac questions about being in congress, just to hear his boyfriend talk excitedly
hope that’s good!
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wildesfancyfrock · 3 years ago
Isaac: Fuck. Nigel: We've got to work on your cursing. Isaac: Why? I'm pretty good at cursing already.
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wildesfancyfrock · 3 years ago
Nigel: English is a difficult language. It can be understood through tough thorough thought, though. Isaac: You need to stop.
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wildesfancyfrock · 3 years ago
Cpt. Isaac Higgintoot: Oh just so you know, it's very muggy outside Lt. Col. Nigel Chessum: Lt. Col. Nigel Chessum: Cpt. Isaac Higgintoot, I swear, if I step outside and all of our mugs are on the front lawn... Cpt. Isaac Higgintoot: *Sips coffee from bowl*
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wildesfancyfrock · 3 years ago
I wonder what Issac would be like if he came back to life and took part in an American Revolution battle re-enactment?
i think he might actually suffer a PTSD attack/flashback, given that he was a soldier and must have witnessed some pretty horrifying things, as war so often is.
barring that, i think he would enjoy seeing his time period being represented. once he overcame the attack (probably with nigel's help) he would enjoy himself.
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wildesfancyfrock · 3 years ago
Isaac: You know, not every problem can be solved with a sword. Nigel: That's why I carry two swords.
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wildesfancyfrock · 3 years ago
Isaac, pointing: May I sit there? Nigel: That's my lap Isaac: That doesn't answer my question, Nigel.
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wildesfancyfrock · 3 years ago
preview of a nigel/isaac fic waaaa
Isaac had never really seen the shed before, certainly not inside. It was a cramped space, enough room for the cots Sam had installed for the three British soldiers who resided inside.
Jenkins narrowed his eyes. “What’s he doing here?” He asked, his voice a rough growl laced with the accent of a Brit. “Are we fighting?”
“No, you will leave him be,” Nigel commanded, “he’s my guest.”
Jenkins huffed angrily, glowering at Isaac but respecting Nigel’s command and not leaving his cot.
Nigel sat Isaac down, taking a seat next to the American soldier. “Now,” he began kindly, lacing his hands together on his lap, “would you like to discuss why you were outside shouting with yourself? Is everything alright?”
Isaac ducked his head, shame bubbling in his throat.
Nigel frowned, his eyebrows knitting together. His hand twitched, reaching out to sit on Isaac’s arm. “Isaac?”
“I was,” Isaac shrugged loosely, “I think I came out here in search of comfort, as silly as that sounds.”
“That does not sound silly.”
Isaac looked up, barely masking his surprise. “It isn’t?”
“Yes it is,” Jenkins piped in, hoping to stir the pot.
Nigel glowered angrily, standing up forcefully. He marched towards Jenkins, anger practically rolling off him in waves. “Jenkins, I will order you out of these barracks if you don’t clean up your act this instant.”
Isaac surveyed the scene with an enamored kind of shock. He hadn’t seen the British soldier act this commanding before, he normally withheld a docile personality, a soft man who enjoyed reading
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