#collie speaks
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autisticlassiedog · 5 months ago
I either overcommunicate or don't communicate well enough
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hgd-collie-art · 17 days ago
Collie Does Art Commissions
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Prices and more examples under cut
Prices are in USD
Ko-fi shop 🎨☕✨
Icons - $5 (per icon)
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Sketches - $10 (+$5 for each additional character)
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Headshot - $10
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Full Body - $20
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Pet Portraits - $40
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hells-greatestdad · 1 month ago
Blog Roll
@hells-greatestdad -- you are here
@alwayschasingraiinbows -- Charlie sideblog on this account
@appleduck666 -- Lucifer's Twitter sideblog on this account
@hgd-collie-art -- Hellaverse (primarily) sideblog for art on this account (to promote my ko fi)
@colliememes -- sideblog on this account for meme collecting and for others to reblog from
@autisticlassiedog -- personal blog on a separate account
Other old & no longer in use RP blogs no longer listed
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bpdlassie · 2 years ago
Trying to listen to positive music, but it's not vibing rn at all.
Time to put on the vent music
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autisticlassiedoggie · 2 years ago
Got into an argument with a Twitter dr over them insisting "but everyone masks, especially people with mental disorders! it's not just an autism thing!"
Like.... ok? "Autism masking is a thing" and "other people mask too" are two statements that can co-exist?
And it's not a contest, but like.... I would say that it's more pronounced and deep-set with autistic people who can mask. Because autism affects every part of us, and we end up altering our entire personalities to the point we feel like we don't have a personality outside of masking.
As opposed to masking only a few traits specific to another disorder.
Feel free to dialogue if you have thoughts
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one-and-a-half-yikes · 7 months ago
Don't mind me but can you plz rant about colly a lil more... :3
I'll do you one BETTER @ch1-kasak0
I'm gonna talk about Colly AND do an accidental Cuphead analysis on the side lmao
I will say, it is crazy to me that years ago, one of the reasons I had for why I didn't like the idea of Cupanny was because I perceived Fanny as someone un-ambitious, who seemed to have a bleak outlook and no real hope for a better future, something that was completely antithetical to what Cuphead needed in his life.
Obviously I don't hold that viewpoint about Fanny anymore, but I do think it's funny how that critique of mine (which I never shared on here I should add and I regret it lol) came back around but in an unexpected way. The Labyrinth arc was genuinely the deepest look we've gotten into Cuphead. With the thing that hit me the most stepping into Cuphead's dream and really seeing how much of himself is consumed by the guilt he feels about making a deal with the Devil, was how that guilt had basically consumed his personhood in a way.
Mugman dreams of being a pilot for the Calix Animi, of marrying Cala and having a whole, completed family; that his parents never left, that his dad was alive; Mugman dreamed of a future for himself. A fantasy that could never really be real, at least mostly, but it was a future nonetheless. Everyone, except Felix who's a special situation given his circumstances, dreamed of a future. Something that they were fighting towards even after they left the Labyrinth.
Except Cuphead.
He could never envision a future for himself, because so much of what made up who Cuphead was as a child was stripped from him that he's essentially a husk of who he was. We saw the real Cuphead in his dreamscape. He had aspirations, and goals he wanted to reach. But when your whole is spent struggling to survive it's hard to have real goals and aspire to them. It's hard to dream a dream that you hope comes true.
And then the gala happened.
Something that seemed out of reach for someone like himself suddenly seemed like a real, genuine reality within his reach. All because of his love for Holly. His love for her made him finally see a real future. A real dream. For one second, Cuphead didn't think about a bleak horizon that he was walking towards, but instead a beautiful sunrise that he wanted to walk towards hand-in-hand with Holly and it says a lot. It really does. In my Cuphead analysis I did say that his dream was still him in the background playing the role of Cuphead the Supporter rather than playing an active role in his own future where his own ambitions and drive exist alongside Holly's. But it doesn't detract from how much his love made him see something that for the longest he never saw as possible and that means something. It really does.
But oh, bitch I'm not even done yet. Y'all asked for this!!!
There's this one scene, I'm too lazy to go back and find it again (EDIT: I couldn't find it for some reason so my source is trust me bro), where Cuphead and Holly, and maybe Mugs was there I think, were talking and Holly said something along the lines of "I like your childish side" (paraphrasing). And that stuck with me, because when, in the other previous relationships that Cuphead had, has he ever been told that being his actual true self is the part they like the most about him? That the sulking badboy persona who's all rough edges and mysterious isn't nearly as interesting as the real him.
The thing I think a lot of people sort of forget, is that for Cuphead it's not a persona, it's just who he is. Because everything else has been stripped from him via abuse and threats to himself and his brother. From unethical experiments forced on him as punishment, to beatings from the boss when they screw up a job, to being yelled and cursed out by Hat because they messed up during training, and so on. So much of who he is, who he was, was taken from him and all that's left is whatever identity Cuphead needs to put on in that exact moment. Mugman was right when he said that for Cuphead, it's always about the damn mission. Keeping him and his brother safe, desperately trying to right his wrongs, and just trying to not have anyone see his weaknesses means the Cuphead we saw before in the Labyrinth is a ghost. Someone else entirely. A speck in the distance that feels entirely out of reach now to Cuphead.
But there's this part of him that he's tried to keep safe and held close and we see that in the Wonderful Winter arc. When Cuphead and Mugman started chasing each other, throwing snowballs at one another, it's the closest we get to seeing Cup in a light where he's not putting on a persona; the real him. And Holly notices that, too. But not just that she notices that, but that she is intrigued by it enough that she wants to get to know him more.
Holly had a crush on Cuphead, but the Tree Princess chapter is where she really fell for him. Which makes sense cause that's the chapter where she truly realizes the depth there is to his character and how multifaceted he was as a person. He wasn't just a killer thug like she'd first assumed, but a true complex person, just like her and all the other Questers.
And I think that's fucking beautiful man.
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Of course I'd love to gush about Cuphead's perspective on Holly, but there's not really enough to say outside of:
You know it's true love when you're willing to spill all your secrets to this one person; to bear your whole heart and soul to them if it means being able to have them back in your life.
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measlyscrapofseafood · 2 years ago
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platinum bones if they were epic
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normal deluxe edition albums: 2 bonus tracks 3 live recordings and some demos if you're lucky, 2 of the demos are of the same song and one of them is basically just isolated vocals.
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stormbreaker101 · 6 months ago
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have a midnight ned collie
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autisticlassiedog · 1 month ago
Me: stimming in a public restaurant by loosely clenching and unclenching my fist
The deaf guy a few tables away: wondering why I keep signing 'milk' over and over
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hells-greatestdad · 8 months ago
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Once again, a reminder that my blog doesn't do cancel culture or he said/she said drama bullshit
Nothing specific happened, I just seen something cross my dash from a couple days back and I just wanna say.... don't even start with me.
I will ignore and block
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d3zydration · 6 months ago
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"Paw Paw's Dog Grooming Logo, 2021" by Dezy Delaceur Digital Art on Clip Studio Paint, 2021
Logo work commissioned by a local dog grooming business featuring an adorable little border collie based on the business owner's dog. Stylistically, I really love how the mascot turned out. I think he's super cute, and I'm reminded a bit of Animal Crossing. 🐕🫧✂️
If you like my art, please consider visiting my website. Art and writing commissions are open, and the art shop is coming soon (as I've recently moved away from Etsy given their changes in recent years).
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mivones · 2 years ago
so, note all ye lovers in love with the sound - your world be shattered with nary a note of one cupid’s arrow under your coat
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one-and-a-half-yikes · 5 months ago
*inhale* Cuphead and Colly headcanons please😈😈😈
(Also perchance your opinion of coffeekitty (cup x Felix) mayhaps I live laugh love coffeekitty)
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Okay okay starting with Colly hcs (because I don't think I have that many Cuphead ones)
These two would be such a chill fucking couple, but definitely capable of chaos every once in a while (it's Holly's fault lol). I like to think, in a relationship that Holly does get Cup into reading after at least getting him to try exploring some genres. Anything crime related is usually his go to though he did finally start branching out into other stuff. Ideally on a good day he's reading something from the adventure genre. After a decade spent involved in actual crime reading about stories, even if they're fictional, involving murders, killers, etc wears on him mentally and emotionally so he doesn't really read that anymore.
Snuggle time for these two is a must but it's usually initiated by Cuphead because he's touch-starved. Not that Holly's complaining, unless he's literally sweating in which case fuck that. And yes, this does mean that Holly is the big spoon in their relationship. Always. It's comforting for Cup, and sometimes when his mental health decides it's wants to plummet for no reason he just kinda flops near wherever she is. Sometimes "snuggling" for these two literally just means knowing the other is in the same room as them. Alive. Breathing. Especially for Cuphead who would still get the occasional nightmare of the Devil coming for him and taking everything he has away, including Holly. So it's nice to just sit on the floor and lean his head against the back of her chair if he knows she's working on something at her desk.
Because of everything involving Hat and his experiments done on him Cup's fear and unease around doctors does in fact extend to psychiatrists as well. So seeing a therapists is still incredibly hard for him. Enough that they had to settle for 40 minute sessions cause that's the amount of time Cup was willing to spend in a shrink's office. The first time he agreed to an hour session he got so antsy he was basically pacing the room like a caged animal. They went back to 40 minute sessions after that lol. Also, I do think Cup has other nervous ticks if he doesn't have a cigarette on hand. Which is probably why it took so long to get him to stop smoking. Because when he wasn't he was irritable and a nervous wreck. Best solution Holly could find was incense, but then when they got Dagger (wounded stray kitten Cup found and took in as a pet) she went back to regular scented candles. Somehow, that seemed to quell his anxieties.
Also they got an apartment instead of a house. Only cause Cup didn't like the idea of being in one and it wasn't like they were planning on having kids anytime soon like the others so it was more of "yeah sure why the fuck not".
I will say it here and now that these two have gone on sooooo many vacations. Listen that money that Cup has saved up for a rainy day. Null and void his Princess wants to go to fucking Japan so that's where they're going now. Whatever his queen wants ✨️
Too chill for fancy outings, I think they'd just hangout at cafés, diners, or try finding new street food to eat. Also concerts?? Soon as those become a thing fucking yes obviously (it was a one time thing and they both hated lmaooo). Fancy restaurants are reserved for anniversaries or special occasions when Cup wants Holly to fucking REST FOR ONCE. Because oh yeah she's not her mom entirely but she is a workaholic like her so yeah it's Cup's designated duty to drag her from her desk to bed. And hide the coffee on the highest shelf where she can't reach (this has never stopped her btw).
Also! Mentioning spooning again? Surely not me. Surely not I. As it stands, when they are going to bed, Holly gets to be the little spoon which works just fine for Cup cause it's the only way he can keep her contained (Holly sleeps like a fucking starfish okay and her hair being as long as it is means it's splayed out EVERYWHERE by the time morning rolls around)
Last thing I'll mention and it's a Cuphead hc is that I don't see Cup becoming a detective once he's able to be free from the Devil. Tbh I don't know WHY that's such a popular idea in the fandom because it seems completely antithetical to his character to me. You spent a decade involved in crime and committing the worst crimes a person could committ, just so you can jump right back into that but this time solving them? And we're supposed to assume that Cuphead has no problems with that? As an AU it's fine but canon-wise if you ask me I think he would work perfectly as a volunteer with animals. Either at a sanctuary, or at least at a shelter. I see him working at a shelter personally because that fits him. It's calming, he gets to spend time around cute animals, AND he gets to chew out irresponsible owners for not taking better care of their pets. It's a win-win!!!
(Okay I KNOW I just said I was done but rq I do think Cup knows a lot about animals as much as he does about astrology. But he doesn't get to usually gush about that so he's hiding his power level from everyone lmao)
Okay that out of the way this...coffeekitty you speak of...
First of all, that name is cute as hell and second. Idk, Cuphead and Felix have hardly had any real moment to TALK and stars knows they need to because I don't really think Felix gets the Cupbros still and there's still a lot of resentment there regarding Wilson, which is understandable but still-
It's interesting I guess but genuinely only see these two having a platonic relationship. That and also I already have a Cuphead in a gay ship (It's Cupex Cuphead x Alex [the bear not the cat] lmao)
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sunbunnyyy · 7 months ago
y’all wanna see my dogs
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pubbywubby · 1 year ago
!!! Those who disregard DNI get reported and blocked. Thank you.
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About! ₊˚⊹ ᰔ
My name is Bun, Pup, or pubby! I use They/Pup/Pubby/Bark/Arf/Woof pronouns! I also have autism, bipolar, c-ptsd, ADHD, depression, and anxiety, so please be patient with me! I also have a spacehey! Interaction from @cozy-cinna-bun.
I like things like bluey, minecraft, animal crossing new horizons, cute things, lilo and stitch the series, pokemon, sleeping, anime, music of all kind, greys anatomy, cinnamoroll and friends, gloomy bear, animals, age regression, fnaf, ddlc!
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Theriotypes (from highest to lowest)! ₊˚⊹ ᰔ
Australian Shepherd
American Lop
Egyptian Mau
Snow Leopard
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Tags! ₊˚⊹ ᰔ
‧˚꒰🐾꒱༘⋆ Pubby Gear - for gear i want or have
‧˚꒰🐾꒱༘⋆ Pubby Replies - for when ask box is used
‧˚꒰🐾꒱༘⋆ Pubby’s Collection - for reblogging
‧˚꒰🐾꒱༘⋆ Pubby Speaks - my own posts
‧˚꒰🐾꒱༘⋆ Pubby’s Requests - I do take requests on moodboards, flags, and stimboards!
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DNI! ₊˚⊹ ᰔ
Those who disregard our dni get reported and blocked.
pedos / maps, mik, age players, ab / dl, kink of any kind, alm, lgbtqia+phobic, anti-mogai, anti-xenogenders, anti-neopronouns, bdsm, and people who think age regression is nsfw, kink, sexual, is the same as age play, anti-otherkin / therians, and people who kin for fun
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