#college majorette
Co-authored a complete history of Black majorettes and dance lines.
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diemauergone · 5 months
Home from my niece's band concert. She's been promoted to marching band next year 🥹 proud of her.
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rexotically · 2 years
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I was a hitten kitten 😸😺
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ricefame · 1 year
Our programs help elevate Historically Black Colleges and Universities and their cultures. We aim to help them level up with their peers in providing quality education and enjoyable activities to their stakeholders. We need your help to succeed in this daunting task. Please donate. We are a veteran-owned, minority-owned, tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Your donations are tax-deductible. Please retain your confirmation email for tax purposes. Thank you.
Lacy L Rice Jr, Executive Director
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alwaysonf1 · 10 months
beauty and brains?
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Pairing: Charles LeClerc x Hamilton!OC
Genre: Slice of Life; Fluff
Word Count: 3.6k
Warning: Mild Language.
Rating: PG-13
Author's Note: N/A
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Though the game the night before had them arriving at their hotels late production had them up at what felt like the ass crack of dawn.
Charles fought for his life to wake up and was happy he’d thought through pre-ordering room service because it arrived not long after his shower. He ate his food in silence, sleep still clinging to him and the coffee they sent not doing much to help bring him back to life. A late night didn’t usually do this to him, but he thought maybe despite his early arrival to Louisiana the jet lag may still have gotten to him.
He tosses the covering for his breakfast back onto the plate and sits back on the couch. His phone vibrates and though he’s half asleep and wanting to stay that way he picks it up, barely noticing it’s a call before he puts the phone to his ear.
“Hello?” he asks, voice cracking.
“Hello?” Daniel mimics. “Open your door.”
If Charles had it in him, he’d roll his eyes, but he hangs up and pulls himself off the couch with a groan. He undoes the locks and the door swings open, nearly knocking him over as the three men walk into his room like it’s their own space.
Daniel takes his spot on the couch while Carlos and Alex take the other two. Charles gives them all a look, but besides Alex, who looks sheepish, they look as if they’ve done nothing wrong at all. It’s a losing battle, so he sighs and plops down into the love seat perpendicular to the couch.
“What are you doing here?” he asks.
Carlos shrugs. “We were up and restless, thought we’d come here and wake you up if you weren’t.”
“Well, I’m awake.”
“And we’re bored,” Alex says.
A second eye roll in what has been less than two minutes. He enjoys spending time with these guys, more so with how much closer they’ve become due to filming. But they were also annoying in the way friends could be.
“You cannot entertain yourselves?”
“We can, but we were talking, and we know you’re still as mind blown by this as the rest of us. Who knew Lewis had a secret sibling,” Daniel says.
Carlos nods. “And that she’s American.”
All of them nod in agreement, because even if that isn’t at the forefront of Charles’ mind it is something that they couldn’t have seen coming. They got to speak to her a little after the game before she was whisked off elsewhere and her accent threw him off. It wasn’t the one you default to for Americans, but it was clear that it belonged to some section of this country. Her mother’s was the same, which is why it was a little silly that they weren’t prepared to hear it come out of her.
To be fair to them there was a lot to keep up with this.
“Yeah, that shouldn’t have been a shock. But hey, there was a lot going on. That dancing though, it’s like things I’ve seen before, but not. Ya know? I asked Lewis and he said they’re called majorettes. I looked it up last night and it’s almost always this good. Especially since little Hamilton became captain, people sing her praises. There’s one that has millions of views on twitter alone. I’ll send it later.”
The others speak amongst themselves, and Charles feels his mind wander off. He thinks about how confusing and brilliant last night was. Every part of it. He’d never watched American football on a college level, and it was as entertaining as at a professional level. Then the band was in peak form. It got his brain working on music again in a way it hadn’t in a while. And of course, the dancing. If that was what the majorettes had to offer, then he was eager to see what else they had going on. 
“I’m a little surprised that’s how they decided to let us meet her. Lewis seems to be the protective type and that could have gone either way,” Carlos says.
“He trusts us not to be weirdos, even if he didn’t, we wouldn’t have been stupid enough to say anything on camera for everyone to see. You know F1 will put out anything, even if they have to apologize for it later,” Charles says.
Daniel snatches a bottle of water from the table and nods. “Plus, I’ve seen that man win multiple championships and I have never seen him prouder and happier than that. He clearly supports her and would want to showcase her talent.”
“True, but I wonder what that means for today. I’m guessing it’ll be something school related. If they have me do school work under pressure,” Alex says.
“Like Carlos when he forgot that he should be able to drive an F2 car.”
They all descend into laughter, while Carlos glares at them, arms crossed, and eyes clearly showing he’s not here. Probably imagining how he panicked himself so much it was like someone asked him to drive Nascar.
A knock on the door puts a stop to the laughter and without a word they all gather their stuff and head toward it. Their main producer, Anne, is there and she looks worried. Then she notices the number of people and Charles watches her relax.
“Time to load into the van, everyone.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Daniel says.
They head out of the room, and with the weird speed of the elevator, are in the lobby in less than a minute. Lewis and Lance are huddled together laughing and some of the production crew linger around talking in groups. When everyone sees them, they head out to the vans awaiting them. 
When they get in Daniel and Lewis take the first row of seats while Alex takes the front and the other three in the back. The moment the seat belts click the cars are moving and Charles watches Daniel lean over to Lewis with a mischievous grin on his face.
“Any clues?”
Lewis looks contemplative and then he laughs.
“Hm… prepare to feel dumb.”
Daniel laughs. “So regular day at work?”
“You have no idea.”
From there it’s silence, but the kind where you can tell everyone is still a little tired. All their starter energy exerted, so now they need a moment.
It’s being tired and wanting to prepare himself for Charles. He went in yesterday with so little and he knows it showed, but he wants it to be a little different this time. There can be shock, but he doesn’t want to seem like anything they do and what she’s there to show them is something he didn’t expect of her. He’d hate to seem like he has any preconceived ideas of who she is. People who don’t like him would latch onto that and misinterpret, and there’s a possibility Lewis might too, but mostly he doesn’t want to offend. 
After twenty minutes of mindless scrolling, they pull up to a building. From their surroundings it’s clear that this isn’t where they should park, but it’s clearly been made so that if one needs to it can. 
Everyone piles out of the vehicle. And despite being the one who should get up first of the three, his friends are children who push him down and get out before him. Charles is on his third eye roll of the morning and the last to get out. And just as he does Iman emerges from the building and stands at the top of the steps with a smile. Today she’s in utility pants and a shirt that has a familiar emblem on it. 
“You're late,” she shouts.
“You told me eight, it's seven forty-five,” Lewis yells back.
“True, but I’ve had a man in here squealing about meeting a seven time champion and multiple F1 drivers. Have mercy on a girl who was forced to take an eight a.m. in her last semester will you?”
Everyone laughs at that, and they walk up the stairs toward her. She waits and then turns toward the building, but she pauses and turns around to face them.
“Where are my manners?” she asks, then points at Lewis, “And yours.”
“What did I do?”
She rolls her eyes and turns toward the other five drivers with a smile that makes Charles give her one of his. 
“I know all of you know my name and I yours, plus we kind of met last night, but let me properly introduce myself. I’m Iman Hamilton, little sister of this dweeb, captain of the SU Dancing Dolls, and a college student on her last semester close to losing her mind.”
She steps toward Carlos, hand out, and she shakes his. He gives a small greeting, and she goes down the line to each of them doing that. As Charles takes her hand, he notes her hands are soft, but the shake is firm.
“I’m Charles, it’s wonderful to meet you.”
“You as well.”
She also greets all the staff individually and then retakes her position in front of the door.
“Are y’all prepared for the horrors and wonders of an eight a.m. hands on class?” Her voice is fake cheery, and it makes Charles and Daniel laugh.
“Speaking of what would this class be?”
Iman throws her head back and laughs, then glances toward Lewis. “He is smooth.”
“Don’t let him get you.”
“Ooh, they talked about me,” Daniel jokes.
That sends laughter through everyone, and it lifts a weight that Charles didn’t realize was there. He was a little nervous, but he couldn’t understand why. But at least he could feel with the shift in everyone that it was a mutual feeling.
Without another word Iman turns and pulls the door open. Charles ensures he’s in after Lewis and catches a glimpse of someone rocketing back into a classroom. It must be the man that Iman was talking about. The excitement is flattering.
As they walk down everyone, especially the cameras, take in the space. There are pictures and many didn’t contraptions lining the walls. Probably as a representation of what goes on in this building. There was a sign on top of it, but it was too high to see where they parked. So, Charles looks up at the wall at the end of the hall and there he sees: School of Mechanical Engineering.
His eyes go wide unintentionally, but he reins it in and nudges Carlos. It takes a moment before the Spaniard sees what he does, and his reaction is very much the same. The others have already seen the sign and they look from the sign to the woman leading them and back. 
The smile that forms on Charles’ face reflects the pride he feels. Of course, he knows what it’s like to be happy and proud of his siblings' success in their fields, but in that moment, he understands why Lewis feels it. He understood last night, but when his mechanics and friends spoke about how engineering as a degree takes a lot out of you, he was sure. They spoke of sometimes struggling with it and normal life, so he couldn’t imagine an extracurricular that was probably as consuming.
The feeling dumb was definitely already starting.
When they reach the door to her class it’s wide open and in the center of the only space without tables stands a man old enough to be a teacher and students in similar clothing to Iman. Most seem giddy, some seem mildly interested, and there are one or two that look like they don’t care at all. Good for the ego.
Iman leads them to the center, standing directly across from her class and the drivers so she’s facing neither. Her hands go wide, gesturing to either group.
“Everyone, I’d like you to meet drivers currently a part of the F1 grid. F1 drivers, welcome to Advanced Internal Combustion Engines. We’ll be here for three hours, so I’ll leave the more personal introductions to you.”
She pauses and there’s a chorus of greetings that come from both sides. Charles watches as her lips part to presumably say something else, but then the man who is obviously the instructor takes center stage with a giddy smile. It’s a little amusing, but mostly nice to see him so excited about this. Worry about how roping siblings in this would disrupt their lives, even for a short time, has been a thing since the beginning. Especially when they may not have people to work for or with that would love this kind of thing.
“It’s nice to meet all of you. My name is Dr. Malcolm Johsnon. I’m a big enjoyer of F1 and racing in general, just as many of the students in this class are. My industry background is predominantly in IndyCar, which is why this class focuses a lot on the types of engines used in those kinds of race vehicles. Today as much as you’ll be getting a peak at Iman’s life, you’ll see what the students learn here and a glimpse at the parts that make your cars go. I’m open to any questions you might have at any time. 
Alex raises his hand. “Oh, if you worked or work for IndyCar, how did you end up teaching? If you don’t mind me asking.”
“I don’t mind at all.” He hitches a thumb in Iman’s direction, “Her mother can be very persuasive. She’d also taken a stint teaching as a break from working with IndyCar teams, so she had much to rave about. Plus, she wanted me here to make sure they taught her child right.”
That earns a few laughs, but Charles sees the odd look from a few students who are displeased but already knew this knowledge. Though it doesn’t feel like they’re displeased with their instructor, just Iman. An expected response to someone who uses the connections she has or in this case the connection just stepped in for her.
Which makes Charles pause. Wait, did he say Sherri?
“Your mother works in IndyCar?” he asks, his eyes on Iman.
“Has since before I was born. Racing is a family affair. Though more of us are on the engineering side than in the driver seat.”
When she says it, a fist extends out toward her from the corner of Charles’ eye and she bumps her fist against Lewis, smiling wide and winking at her older brother.
“But enough of that, though we’ve all agreed to this we still have a project to work on. And surprisingly multiple three hour classes aren’t enough time.”
There are several mutters in agreement and with that students disperse to the tables scattered throughout the massive room. Iman goes to one in the back with three other people. They get to work without a word and production and Dr. Johnson step closer to the drivers, forming a circle.
“Our focus is Iman and her life and what she does, but we don’t want all of you to just crowd her. As much as we want shots of what she’s doing and your interaction, we want this to be a learning experience just like the other times were. Engage with the other students without crossing any boundaries and maybe even see if any of that knowledge you get from your own mechanics is familiar here, okay? We’ll move you guys if we feel you linger here or there too long, but just go where you feel pulled. Also, there are some students who have little flags attached to their tables to signal they are most comfortable with questions, so look out for those but don’t shy away too much from the others. Got it?” Anne asks.
Everyone nods. She then gestures for Dr. Johnson to take the floor.
“And things get a little hectic, so over there is some PPE for y’all to use. I want this to be safe for them and for you. Cool?”
“Yes, sir,” Lewis says, and identical sentiments follow.
“Then let’s get started!”
Lewis is the first to break off and head toward the table. He grabs the goggles, a dingy rag, some sort of apron, and a pair of gloves and then makes a beeline for Iman’s table. Lance follows suit and that makes the first decision for everyone else. Charles sticks with Carlos as they grab their PPE and then head toward the closest table. There is a flag over it, but neither of the men say anything. They watch as one of the students takes apart their engine. It looks around the size of the ones inside of their cars, but something is different about it. Something off.
“Wait, did you grab the wrong piece?” A man, whose shirt has the name Stephen on it, asks.
Everyone pauses and looks to him and then to the engine.
“Uh, I don’t think s… Oh for fuck’s sake,” says the woman, Jennifer.
The curse is said so softly that almost all of them have to stop themselves from laughing, Charles has to cover his mouth and Carlos turns away, but you can see his body vibrating with silent laughter. Jennifer catches all of them and glares before walking off toward what looks like a storage space at the back of the room.
When shes out of sight they all laugh out loud. It takes a minute to pull it together, but they manage it.
Stephen turns to Charles. “You noticed it too? I saw you looking at it weird.”
This isn’t really his wheelhouse, so Charles feels himself get a little unsure of how to answer, but he reminds himself that these are students, and they expect some sort of failure when learning so even if he sounded silly it wasn’t like they’d look at him too harshly. At least he hopes.
“Um, yes. It looks like the one we use, I’ve seen it a few times and though it may not be the same, something about it didn’t seem right. Though I’m not fully sure what.”
Stephen nods.
“It’s definitely something that would stand out if you’ve seen them enough. It’s why she’s mad, she’ll usually catch it when we do it. But if ya want we can walk y’all through it. This is just us kind of playing around with ideas at this point, so we have the time.”
Charles finds himself excited again and he takes a few steps closer to the table.
“We’d love that. It’ll impress and confuse our mechanics if we come back knowing more than we did before,” Carlos says.
All the others introduce themselves and when Jennifer returns, they dive deep into what they’re trying to do. Though they only planned to half take it apart they disassemble it completely and get Carlos and Charles in on putting it back together. How they explain it is half dumbed down and half with the understanding that the pilots would have some knowledge of what they’re doing. Though everyone else has rotated, an hour passes before a producer pulls them away from the table. It’s with a little grumbling from both of them, but they get why.
The rest of their adventure is much the same, though for shorter bursts. Even the tables without the flags are more than open to answering questions they may have and as time goes by Charles realizes that with each table, he’s able to understand what the hell they’re talking about. And it makes him think back to all the times he’s been confused listening to his mechanics about a million things. It’s all clicking for him.
“Hey Sharl!” 
The voice startles him, and he turns toward it to see Lewis back at his sister’s table. The man is waving him over so Charles excuses himself and walks over. Daniel is making the table he’s at laugh at something and it’s probably some off the wall joke that sometimes has Charles looking at him like he’s lost it.
“Hi,” he says once he reaches the table.
“Hey. Saw you haven’t been here yet,” Lewis says.
“It was the next stop.”
“Mhm.” When Lewis says that there’s a look in his eyes that Charles can’t quite decipher so he doesn’t try to. He’s used to him keeping things a little close to the chest.
“Are you harassing that poor man, Lew?” Iman asks, without looking up.
“I’m not doing anything?” 
“Mhm, sure you’re not.”
“I’m not! Tell her I’m not harassing you, Sharl.”
Charles finds himself laughing at the two. It’s like something he and his brother’s would do. High pitched voice while defending themselves and all.
“He’s not harassing me. I promise,” he says.
Iman finally looks up, a mischievous grin playing on her lips.
“You sure you’re not just taking up for him, Charles? He’s not that big and bad, I promise.”
“I’m sure.”
“Let me know if he does, I’ll deal with him.” 
She winks at Charles and then gets back to her work, explaining why she felt the need to lubricate a piece more than is usually called for. Her partners look unsure, but they go with it. As she does it, she explains out loud what it should do to the two pilots and Charles is having a hard time splitting between Lewis’ pouting - which is losing steam by the second - what she’s explaining and watching her. She’s so focused and even when the piece gives her problems she keeps going, barely getting frustrated. 
And when she works, her smile is genuine and bright. 
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 1 year
I got this Yandere imagine that's based on The Heathers from the Heathers musical:
Honestly never told anyone about this before but this fandom does need more appreciation
So we got Darling who's meek and shy,but she's smart and overall a good student, though she can't say she hates the jocks,she would rather not associate with them. Until the main Jocks trio in the school took notice of her,specifically their leader,Hunter
Let's say Hunter is a dominant man,he just suddenly show up more in front of her after she helped him with a school project
Sure he thinks nerds are boring but Darling is an exception,like she's a introverted,unsociable girl but she takes no shit from others
Hunter thinks Darling is very cute and she needed a makeover~
After the makeover, Darling did like her new look,it got some guys to catcall her which is annoying but it wasn't that bad. She still didn't like the jocks much,she only hanged out with Hunter afterwards bcuz of the favour
However,Hunter started to get more touchy, putting his arm on her shoulder or her waist,she even heard the rumors of her being his girlfriend. She decided to avoid Hunter so as not to take it any further
Hunter didn't like it at all, why is she walking to another guy and talk to him when she should've gotten to him like the good girl she is?!!! She shouldn't talk to some stupid unimportant guys!!!
Hunter is rich and famous,his family owns a big company and he's the future CEO. As his future wife,she should get close to him instead of other guys
He couldn't bare the obvious intentional ignorance towards him so one day he just dragged her into a classroom and snapped at her
He said how she belongs to him and she shouldn't even think of leaving him,she won't escape even when they graduate and go to college, because he will attend as the same college as hers. Things got sexually heated there, I'll leave that part to you
Let's just say afterwards,Darling has to be the obedient girlfriend to Hunter. He even force her to sit on his laps right in the school cafeteria to show up his good little honey and no guys should lay hands on her cuz she's his
Sorry, this took so long to answer. I’m out of school for Labor Day weekend.
All characters in my works are 18+
TW: Noncon, stalking, dubcon, catcalling, sexual harassment
Oh God, not again. Here they come.
It was only the third month of school, and everything was going great so far. You were getting A's and even joined the local majorette team. That's when everything went downhill. For some reason, Heath and Henry were at the town's Halloween festival. The best friends of Hunter McClaire. The best football player in school. They were also the best quarterbacks in school. You were on the angel side of the team, and your white uniform glittered in the moonlight. Not only that, but the white boots helped add to your dance routine. You were squatting down, preparing to do a death drop, and then you saw Heath and Henry. Their smiles made you sick. You continued the routine as usual and quickly walked away once finished. You tried to avoid them, but they stopped you as you walked home.
"Hey, Angel! Where are you going?" Heath catcalled, following close behind you.
"Home," You hissed, walking faster.
"Oh, don't be like that. We enjoyed the performance. I wish you showed more of that ass around the school. I honestly didn't think you had any good qualities besides your brain," Henry commented, making you growl.
"Listen, jackass! Leave me alone before I rip your nutsacks out!" You yelled, finally facing them.
"Ok! Ok! Ok! We'll leave you, nerd girl," Heath says, stopping at the sidewalk to watch you walk away.
They focused on your butt and smirked.
"God, I wish I could tap that ass," Henry murmured, hiding his boner. 
It only got worse when you went to school after that. Hunter was there asking for your help on a history project. 
"Look, if this is something Heath and Henry told you, please don't tell anyone. I just want to stay out of the spotlight and graduate," You said, trying to walk away from Hunter.
"Uh, they haven't told me anything like that. Anyway, I came to ask for help on my 20th-century history project. I got assigned the topic of fashion, and Henry and Heath said you might be able to help," Hunter said, sitting next to you.
"Fine, I'll help you," You begrudgingly agreed, tying your hair up.
For two nights, the two of you worked on Hunter's project. When he turned it in, he got an A+ and even brought his grade in history class a couple of points. As a thank you, Hunter gave you a makeover. You thought you looked fine, but you'll accept the spa treatment and new clothes any day. Wearing the jeans that hugged your ass and the lace corset top to school earned you unwanted remarks from other students. But it wasn't that bad. 
You went about your school day and made friends with Hunter. Surprisingly, Hunter and you got along pretty well. You didn't like Hunter's friends. But you didn't hate them either. After a week, Hunter started to get more touchy. His hands roamed your back, his arm always around your shoulder. It even got to the point where rumors were swirling around that you were dating. You couldn't deal with it anymore, so you decided to avoid Hunter for a while, which is how you got into this current predicament.
"Hey," Hunter greets, sitting next to you at lunch. 
You ignore him and continue eating your food. 
"Why are you ignoring me? What did I do?" Hunter says, his arm around your waist. "Is it because you didn't like the panties I set you? They seemed like your style."
You didn't say anything, but Henry puts a hand on your thigh to make you pay attention to Hunter. His thigh moves towards your crotch, and you pack up your stuff. You get up, throw your tray away, and leave for your next class. You did the same routine of avoiding Hunter and his friends for the next two weeks. 
"Charles, are you ready for the next book club?" You ask your tall, freckle-faced, white, black-haired friend. 
"You bet! I'm so glad you joined! Are you sure you can handle it while being on the majorette team?" Charles asks, closing his locker. 
"I'll be fine. Besides, my practice starts at 6 pm. Book club should be over by then," You respond, smiling at Charles.
"Cool! I'll see you later!" Charles exclaims, hugging you.
You reciprocate the hug and wave goodbye to Charles. Unbeknownst to you, a furious Hunter is watching you.
"Damn, dude! You're practically breaking the wall," Henry laughs, looking at his friend.
"Why is she even talking to him?! Sure, she's a nerd, but she's not fucking boring like the rest of them! Not only that, but it's Charles! The dude who can't even throw a dodgeball straight! Why talk to him of all people!" Hunter rants, punching the wall and glaring at you.
"You need to do something, Hunter. Soon enough, she'll be spending all her time with him and none with you," Heath comments, looking at your smile.
"You're right. I'll show her I'm the right choice. She'll have no choice but to see it," Hunter replies, secretly following after you.
You walk by an empty classroom and get pushed inside. You fall to the floor and hear the door lock.
"Don't even try to scream for help. Heath and Henry gave me the keys and are currently erasing the security footage," Hunter says, twirling the keys around his index fingers.
"Hunter, what the hell?" You yell, rubbing your butt and standing up.
Hunter picks you up and places you on top of a desk. He strokes your cheek and puts a strand of hair behind your ear. Hunter suddenly roughly kisses you and holds your body still. You try to get away, but Hunter is too strong. He grabs your hair and forces you to bend over onto the desk.
"Hunter, what are you doing?" You scream, squirming in his hold.
"You need to understand. You're mine!" Hunter growls, fiercely spanking your ass. "Always mine! You! Belong! To! Me"
"Oh! Ouch! Aw!" You groan between each spanking. 
Hunter suddenly flips you over and lets go of your hair. 
"Strip. Now," Hunter commands, pulling out his dick.
You whimper and slowly strip your clothes. 
"Now then, you'll strip a piece of clothing for every sentence I say. You're lucky I'm taking it easy on you and speaking slowly. Got that?"
You nod your head, but this only irritates Hunter more.
"I need verbal confirmation," Hunter barks, grabbing a ruler and slamming it on the teacher's desk.
"Yes, Hunter!" You squeal, trying not to collapse to the floor.
Hunter pulls up a chair and sits in while stroking his cock.
"Now, let's begin. You are my girlfriend, and you belong to me.”
You take off your shirt.
"Don't even think of leaving me because we'll always be together! Even during college when we go to the best Ivy League school! And don't even try to apply to some small liberal arts school because we both know we can do better!"
You quickly take off your bra and shorts.
"I'm rich. I'll inherit my father's company and become CEO. I'll take care of you as my future wife," Hunter finishes, watching you strip your panties, socks, and shoes. "Come closer. I need to teach you how to serve me."
You walk to him, and he pushes you down to his crotch.
"You know what to do," Hunter says, rubbing your head softly.
You put his cock into your mouth, intimately licking the body part. Hunter shivers, and soon, you're both high on pleasure. 
"Oh, yes~ Suck it more! Earn hubby's cum!" Hunter moans, pushing your head up and down on his dick.
You kiss the base of his cock, and he spills his seed all over you. Some of it ends up on your face, and most of it ends up in your mouth. You stand up and try to leave, but Hunter grabs your hand.
"I thought you only wanted me to suck you off?" You question forcibly straddling Hunter.
"If I only wanted a blow job, I would only want your shirt off. I want more," Hunter says, pulling his pants down. "Don't worry, I'll be gentle."
Hunter kisses your cheek and puts a condom on. You hold onto him for support. He sticks his dick into you and moans, throwing his head back.
"Oh, baby!" Hunter moans, making a slow but steady thrust pattern.
Your breath hitches as pleasure flows through your body. Hunter kisses your lips, and you start to melt into each other.
"Faster!" You moan, barely holding onto Hunter.
Hunter immediately follows your plea and starts thrusting faster. You both moan like crazy and eventually, you yell that your climax is coming.
"I'm cumming too!" Hunter yells, rapidly thrusting into you a couple more times. "Hah!"
Hunter cums into you, and you shiver. You relax onto Hunter's chest and let him rub your back.
"So, can I still go to book club?" You ask, looking into Hunter's green eyes.
"Nope. You're staying with me for a while," Hunter replies, smacking your ass in response to your question.
"Yo! Dude, how's the relationship with your darling?" Henry asks, high-fiving Hunter as he sits next to him during lunch. 
"Pretty good. I taught her a lesson, and now we're the perfect couple," Hunter replies, sitting you on his lap. "Charles won't even go near her."
"Hunter, please," You say, feeling his boner.
"Oh, sorry, darling. You're going have to deal with this dick for a long time," Hunter replies, kissing your cheeks. "Keep complaining, and I'll have to make sure you'll know to appreciate it."
You are stuck with him. Forever, and ever, until the day you die.  
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idyllicbarb · 2 years
not impressed
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SUMMARY: in your eyes, nothing is special about the lsu quarterback.
WARNINGS: cussing, drinking, smoking, fuckboy!joe, fratboy!joe, cocky!joe, euphoria inspired
- - - -
You're new to LSU, transferring from a small community college back in Georgia. It's only been a few months here in Louisiana for you but things have been good so far. Joining the majorette team and becoming popular around campus. Men want you but you don't want them, too caught up in enjoying your new college life.
You adjust your bra top, gaining looks from a few college boys that were standing around you. Rolling your eyes, you check your phone for any new messages. Somebody at LSU decided to throw a party for the football team, typical. Your majorette teammate, Naomi, had dragged you out the house so you could find yourself a man just for the evening.
But all the dudes at the party right now were either weird or sluts, huge whore bags. That's how a lot of men on campus are, especially the football team. You never understood how girls would just flock to them, only seeing dick and a potential to become a NFL wife. Shit like that never amused you, you have big dreams too, who wants to be cooped up in a house all day with three to four kids plus having to cook and clean? Yeah no.
Naomi walks back in the living room from using the bathroom, re-joining you on the couch, "You okay?" She asks. Before you can answer her, a loud group of men enter the house and you just know it's the football team.
You roll your eyes before sending a knowing look Naomi's way, she laughs silently before scooting closer to you. "I'm fine, this party is about to give me a headache though," You mutter and Naomi hums in response, "Well, we can always go back to the dorm."
"No, no, I never go out and I want to. It's college, we're supposed to be having a good time." You say in response. Justin and Ja'Marr walk in the living room, giving daps to people they know before heading over to you and Naomi.
You may have not cared for the football team but you've grown fond of Justin and Ja'Marr. They're like two bad ass twins. Ja'Marr shoves your forehead making you slap his wrist in response, "You asshole!"
"We ain't know y'all was coming. Especially you, Y/N, you an old lady, you probably got old people teeth in ya mouth right now." Justin teases gaining a laugh from out of Ja'Marr.
"Don't push it, I'll flick your little ass." You push Justin back slightly with your foot. He fakes a hiss before laughing again, "Stop playing before I get my boy, Joseph on yo ass."
"Ooh! See me personally, Y/N, I would never go for that." Ja'Marr shrugs his shoulders.
"You go for that and then some, Ja'Marr," Naomi rebuttals making you laugh. He sucks his teeth before tapping Justin on the shoulder, they both walk off weirdly.
"Losers," You mumble under your breath and Naomi giggles at your comment. A few seconds they return with the hottest topic on campus, Joe Burrow.
"Keep messing with us and our dawg Joey B gon Mickey Mouse two-piece y'all ass," Justin says and you look over at Naomi before the both of y'all bust out in laughter.
"Y'all weak, I can beat y'all up, easily, light weight." You reply standing up but only to get softly pushed back on the couch by Joe.
"You haven't even seen me fight."
"Well first off, I wasn't speaking to you, but since you opened your mouth, I don't need to see you fight. You look like you'd get beat up." You tell Joe, gaining attention from a few of his friends and teammates.
"Joe you gon' let her talk to you like that?" You hear somebody ask from the kitchen. You stand up getting in Joe's face, "He sure is, because "Joe" isn't going to do a got damn thing to me."
Joe turns his attention over at you as Justin and Ja'Marr slowly back away from the scene. "It'd be best if you watch your mouth."
"Is that suppose to be a threat?" You question while about to to take off your shoes. Naomi stands up and grabs your hand, leading you upstairs into a random empty bedroom.
"Girl! You can't be talking to Joe like that." Naomi blurts out and you turn your head at her. "Y'all scared of him or something? He doesn't faze me."
"Nobody disrespects him-
"How was I disrespecting him by telling him the truth? Do you seriously think he'd win a fight?" You tilt your head meeting Naomi's eyes, she looks away attempting not to answer.
"Exactly, just because he's known doesn't mean anything to me. You should know this by now."
Fixing your hair in your pocket mirror, you catch Naomi staring at you. "What?"
"You know he's going to be on your ass now, right?"
You look at Naomi, "No, no, I don't know, enlighten me."
"He's just like the big guy around here and everyone just respects him. You might be the only person who treated Joe like he's a regular human being," Naomi stated.
"He is a regular human being!"
- - - -
You're currently sitting on top of the kitchen counter drinking some jungle juice. After you and Naomi's conversation, you both decided to rejoin the party. You gained a few looks from people who are believed to be close friends of Joe. You don't care though, you weren't going to treat Joe as if he's superior because in your eyes, he's not.
Joe walks in the kitchen with a woman on his arm, she stumbles over her feet before putting her head down when a few people snicker. You shake your head, turning your attention back to your phone.
"You look lonely," The three words make you snap your head at a man who looks drunk out his mind.
"I look completely fine, do you?"
Joe moves past the two of you, mumbling, "Shouldn't you be anywhere but here?" under his breath. You laugh quietly before focusing your attention back on the dude in front of you.
Before the dude can even reply to your question, Joe taps him on the shoulder and the two of them walk off somewhere. You roll your eyes, waiting on Naomi to get done flirting with whatever man she can have for the night.
This party is lame, and you're two seconds away from beating thee infamous Joe Burrow up. Such a prick! Getting mad at you for not playing with him. Such a dweeb in your eyes.
Justin and Ja'Marr slide next to you, "Yo!"
You laugh before sitting up straight, "I haven't seen you two all night. Must've been getting pussy."
Ja'Marr shrugs playfully before looking away, letting you know that he indeed, got pussy during this party. "That ain't the topic, what needs to be talked about is you and our boy, Joe."
"What about him?"
Justin scoffs, "What about him? You can't be talking to him like that! He big dawg. We was tryin' put y'all on with each other, but you damn near punked him in front of his folks!"
"Justin's right. He coulda had you drooling for him at any moment." Ja'Marr adds in his two cents making you squint your eyes at the both of them.
"Ain't he a fuckboy? He's a blunt, passed around!" You loudly say making people snap their head in your direction.
"Nah! Nah! Don't be saying that." Justin puts a hand over your mouth when Joe appears back in the kitchen.
"Who a fuckboy?" He asks, the whole time he's staring directly at you. Joe knows you said it, he just wants to hear the words come from you. But you can't because Ja'Marr is currently trying to make up some kind of lie.
"See, you gon' get yourself caught up, Y/N. Real shit, Joe don't play them games." Justin tells you before mushing you back softly.
"Fuck yo' teammate who is also your friend, respectfully."
- - - - -
"Wanna take a swim?" A frat boy asks you, you nod your head slowly stripping off your clothes and placing them near Naomi's belongings.
You grab the dudes hand and walk towards the pool, people staring at the both of you murmuring words under their breath.
Joe and his teammates are smoking cigars when he sees you stepping into the pool, "Just what the fuck are you doing?"
You snap your eyes over at him, "You see I'm in the pool, cunt." People start oohing and Joe's face turns red. Never has a woman disrespected him constantly.
His teammate, Tyler, taps Joe on his shoulder, "You gon' have to handle that." Joe's friends murmur words in agreement. He peers his over at you again, watching you attract people with the way you're moving your body.
"Yeah, you right. I can't take the disrespect for too long."
"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you like the girl, Joseph." A child-hood friend of Joe's, Derrick, says. Joe hears a few people agree with his friend, sucking his teeth, Joe flicks Derrick off.
- - - - -
The party is slowly coming to an end and you're grabbing all of your belongings when suddenly Joe walks up to you. "You know, it's very disrespectful to call somebody a cunt.
"Hm, am I suppose to care?"
"No.. but I-
"Exactly, I knew you weren't slow! Have a good night.. Mr. Burrow." You give Joe a fake smile, walking off to your car with Naomi trailing behind you. Joe can't help to grin, his first time ever being told off by a woman. He's impressed but you're not.
"I think he's definitely into you," Naomi mumbles once you two reach your car. You hum, not really thinking too much into the thought. Maybe, maybe, Joe might have a crush on you. But who cares, certainly not you,  right?
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klonnieshippersclub · 11 months
If Bonnie had the opportunity to pursue something unrelated to Mystic Falls and magic, what would it have been? Would she have went to an HBCU? Continued cheerleading?
A question about Bonnie’s hobbies? Perfect. Based on the few things we’ve seen Bonnie do. Taking pictures at the Founder’s Day Celebration I can see her into photography. When Bonnie at Abby’s house she tended to her garden. So another hobby outside of magic.
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It’s mentioned in season 3, that she and Matt were lifeguards at the pool for a summer. He actually buried the whistle from that summer during season5.
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In season 6, Bonnie mentions she missed being around people so I could see her choosing jobs or hobbies that aids in that community value that she craves. In season 8, we see her jogging to Caroline’s house. In a deleted scene post-Enzo’s death she was jogging and intended to avoid Stefan. Our girl has a diverse physical skillset, she does triathlons for sure.
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As for cheerleading a 100% yes. Kat Graham is a trained dancer and not allowing Bonnie to be showcased dancing more was a crime! They could’ve made her the caption of the cheer squad? I’ve seen that behind the scenes video of Kat and Candice dancing that’s all I’m going to say there. Hear me out what about majorette Bonnie? That would be great too. Bonnie’s probably tired of being the only black woman in town. She’d love an HBCU. She deserves friends outside the MFG more than anybody else.
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Taking a moment here everyone else got to include their IRL hobbies or a piece of themselves in their characters but Kat. Nina wanted her Bulgarian roots in there? Katherine and Elena has that. Candice King used to be a singer? We get moments of Caroline singing. Paul/Ian want to be the bad guy some more. Silas is created and Damon has these back and forth evil moments. Michael Malarkey has a music career? Enzo teaches Bonnie how to play the guitar. There’s so many moments where Bonnie and Kat were sidelined we’d be here all day if we started listening them. TVDU fans continue to pretend that characters like Vicki, or Caroline, or Katherine, The Mikaelson’s or whomever suffered as heavily as Bonnie did in the narrative. When that is simply false.
As a Bonnie fan first and foremost this is why most Bonnie fans stick with each other. TVDU fans like to minimize the racism that Kat faced and how that plays into Bonnie, while claiming that Bonnie fans only label people racist. Arguing that Bonnie fans are irrational for calling out the show and how that racism perpetrated in TVDU. When they simply cannot mentally handle that their favorite show or character benefits of of the mistreatment of a black actress/character. Racism is not just an opinion as much as these fans believe it is.
Your asks sounds like a potential college AU for Bonnie/Klonnie. Please tell me you’re writing this! I’d be honored to read it and so would other Klonnie fans.
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tokkishouse · 2 years
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˜”*°•.˜”*°• A Diluc x Reader Modern SMAU! •°*”˜.•°*”˜
Synopsis: It’s your senior year of college-- 4 years of slaving away during the summer heat in Mondstadt and practicing with the marching band, winning awards after awards, but never making it to championships. But this year was different! You were going to make Lead Majorette and bring your school to victory with...Diluc?! The Ragvindr recluse who’s been giving you the stink eye since freshman year? As fellow drum major? Just your luck!
Update Schedule: Whenever lol Warnings: Cursing, College Student Shenanigans (like angst, drama, etc), suggestive and explicit themes, reader is fem-bodied (will update more as I get through this series) Reader Ships: Al-Haithem x Reader (exes), Diluc x Reader (end-game) Note: I try to use photos that make Y/N's race ambiguous so you can fit in, but I cannot guarantee that. Any pictures I choose that depict Y/N of a certain race are not to be taken as such. You are Y/N. The same goes for any pictures used to depict any of the genshin characters. If the hair/body/skin color does not match, it is not meant to be indicative of anything. It is simply there for story building.
Shoutout to @sugakookiessss​ for helping me brainstorm this shit. You a real one fr.
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Mondstadt Knights
Liyue Dragons
Inazuma Samurai
Akademiya Owls
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【May】 0 - Finals Week Hell 0.5 - Finals Week Hell
【June/July】 1 - WHO’S OUR DRUM MAJOR? 2 - Leadership Camp 3 - Someone Hide Me 3.5 - Someone Hide Me 4 - Oh...You Remember? 5 - Grape Juice is NOT a Substitute for Water
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【August/September】 6 - Game On! 7 - Most Ambitious Crossover Event 7.5 - Most Ambitious Crossover Event 8 - Just This Once 9 - Green with Envy
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【October】 10 - It Was a Mistake 11 - It's On Me 12 - Quick, Throw Me! 13 - Thank You 14 - Late Night Run (nsfw)
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【November/December】 15 - Making a Good Impression 16 - The Other Woman 17 - We are the Champions 18 - Communication is Crucial
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【Graduation】 (Time Skip) 19 - Walk that Walk... 20 - Talk that Talk
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𝕋𝕒𝕘𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥 **✿❀○❀✿**
@sugakookiessss​ , @shayewrites , @lez-zuha , @baelloraa , @monaypo1 , @n-i-f-y , @aixaingela , @jiminscarmex, @giggles8899, @simp4bakuh03, @deartoru, @kadorinn, @deepinballs, @duhsies, @kennylovesberries, @simp4bakuh03, @mirifuna, @deffenferofjustice, @hadesaedes, @sharkiestory, @scaramouche-slut, @itsirk-is-tha-opposite, @imkaaayyy, @horkniitamago
Open! Please reply/send an ask to be added to the taglist!
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astoldbychae · 1 year
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Kimora "Angel" White (Young Adult; 29ish)
Breathe. Stretch. Shake. Let- no but seriously, dance has always been Angel's life. Before she learned to say her first words, she was able to catch the beat...and stay on it. Island Radio is most definitely her favorite, always has been. She was born in Sulani but adopted at birth and raised by one of the wealthiest families in Newcrest; The White's (a family full of successful Black architects, entrepreneurs, engineers, and politicians). Unfortunately, she's never met her biological parents due to it being a closed adoption (however she did get a chance to meet and develop a relationship with her grandmother on her father's side, more on that here).
Nicknamed "Angel" because she was her (adopted) parent's answered prayer, after struggling with infertility for years. They made sure she attended the best schools and nurtured her many interests, with dance being the main thing she excelled at (aside from academics). She had the opportunity to attend an Ivy League College but opted to attend an HBCU to experience being a Majorette, which essentially was the highlight of her college years. It was something about being out on that field, underneath all the bright lights with the band as their soundtrack that did it for her. During her 3rd year, she was invited to a pole dancing class hosted by a friend-of-a-friend...and loved it. A few months after taking classes, she auditioned at a local club...and it was a wrap! The environment, the money, the attention...all of it gave her life. She somehow managed a hectic schedule (her studies, college dance life, night dance life) without losing her scholarship(s) or anyone finding out about her secret life.
Fast forward to present day, although she managed to graduate with two degrees...she's still workin' at the pyramid...
Born/Raised: Sulani/Newcrest
Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy
Traits: Party Animal, Clumsy, Active, Self-Absorbed
Lifestyle(s) in Progress: People Person, Frequent Traveler
Degree(s): Bachelor of Science in Economics, MBA in Finance
Occupation(s): Stripper
Although she's a career-minded, business savvy, borderline workaholic...Miss ma'am loves love...and being in love. She dreams of having a family of her own someday. Maybe that's why she works so much now....so although she is still in the clubs, she's got a plan.
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vargskelegore · 2 years
okay wait—shuri and reader at a college party??
STOPPP OKAY WAIT this has always been on my mind... what if it was a 90s THEMED COLLEGE HOUSE PARTY!!!!! LIKE WHAT!!!!
i’m currently writing this headcanon while listening to let the beat hit ‘em by lisa lisa & cult jam and crush on you by lil kim ft. lil cease & biggie.... but my other playlist is a great example of what i think would be played at this party: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3aVTa1pDTD4dUcUPcgQJY8?si=bcb0cd1b5c64493a
again, i switch between 2nd and 3rd person when i do headcanons. so sorry if its confusing!! and as always, this is black reader.
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imagine reader is getting her the perfect outfit for it tho..
reader is a cheapskate and would absolutely take her to the thrift store
tbh reader just like me fr
anyways the perfect 90s outfit is made for shuri at the thrift
we talking about a whole ass tracksuit as we have seen before
not that goofy shit thats usually costume pieces, a real ass vintage tracksuit
fine as hell.... giving stud zaddy amen.
as for reader, i think they are channeling their inner lil kim... change my mind.
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reader is a bit of a thickie in my eyes so its just perfect
especially since they’re a majorette
so fast forward to the party itself
shuri just does not leave readers side bc reader knows this stuff better than her
it’s all fun and games til reader is approached by one of her fellow majorettes
“girl i think you should go do the dance battle!”
shuri is quite literally about to choke on that damn punch (reader told her ass not to drink it but because shuri is shuri, she did it anyway.)
“..shuri are you okay with me going down there?” reader has these puppy eyes, they’re a bit worried about leaving her alone, but shuri reassures them that its ok
“no, it’s fine! go have fun-- i’ll just be here.” she has this cute ass smile on her face and thats all reader needs before she goes out on the dance floor.
the song that’s playing??? why you get funky on me by today (obviously from the house party movie soundtrack, duh!!! that movie is iconic)
the dance battle is against this freshman 
that’s actually pretty good at dancing
but reader is better, obvi. they’re the leader of the majorettes.
that battle is pretty intense.
and if you thought shuri wasn’t looking
why would you think that
you already know shuri was staring mad hard at reader behind those shades.
we talking ‘why is the room suddenly getting so hot????’
shuri you know damn well why.
anyway, this dance battle is obviously something reader wins.. why wouldn’t they???
when reader goes back over to shuri, she is trying SO HARD to make it seem like she was casually watching
the tension between them now? unreal. crazy. reader definitely thinks its giving slowburn fanfiction.
and of course come & talk to me by jodeci is playing. u must be out of yo damn mind if u didn’t think it would.
everyone else is on the floor dancing but reader and shuri are just standing in a corner with cups in their hands, staring at each other.
who tf is gonna speak first now????
“i hope you enjoyed the-”
“i thought you did really well.” not reader and shuri speaking at the SAME TIME. so cliche but needed.
the giggles that escape both of y’alls lips??? ugh unmatched so cute
that entire time shuri is really wondering if this’ll be more than just a friendship. because she hates to admit it, but shes falling for you HARD.
every night she goes to bed thinking about reader but this just made it worse.
now shes gonna be thinking about reader and their gyrating hips (not like she wasn’t already tbh, reader is a majorette after all and shuri goes to every damn game LOL)
as the night is coming to a close, you two leave the party at around 2 am.
shuri drops you off at your room first before walking to her own dorm.
the moment shuri gets into that bed, shes cursed with those thoughts about you.
and don’t think reader wasn’t thinking the same.
the tracksuit and shades combo had them in a chokehold.
more than reader would like to admit.
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ollieoliveoboelo22 · 3 months
Turn Week 2024: Day 3 - Different Time Period.
Now is the perfect time for me to bust out the College Band AU that's been invading my head for over a year. All because the sax TA looks like Benedict Arnold from TURN... I kid you not that's the origin. Is this a stretch for the prompt? Maybe but you get it anyway. Shout out to @phociian for jumping on my AU and rolling along with it.
There are a lot of characters, so I'm gonna cut down the list quite a bit for TURN characters. I also made most of them music majors because if I have to suffer music theory and aural skills, so do they.
George Washington: The Director of Bands
Everyone loves him, they show up to practice for him. His office hours usually have students in there just to chat and get some good advice. Also conducts the Wind Symphony.
Horatio Gates: The Assistant Director of Bands
The band director everyone loathes and makes them consider quitting. Usually a group of students decides to protest if they find out it's just him for a rehearsal and will get milkshakes or chug milk to get sick during rehearsal.
Lafayette: Drum Major
He was an international student his first year and decided to full on move and transfer to the United States. The Washington's usually host him. Has a ton of money, but everyone thinks he's broke because he only eats ramen.
Benjamin Tallmadge: Horn/Mellophone
Music and History Major. Absolute history nerd, but we love him for it. He's either usually in the library researching or in the music building practicing. Due to his friends he knows all the drama in the band but he wants nothing to do with it.
Caleb Brewster: Percussion (tenors)
Music Major. Caleb does gigs all over town at bars and clubs, usually with Jack Custis. He's only really in college to keep playing because he loves it. He's roommates with Ben, and their apartment basically became the designated hangout space.
Anna Strong: Color Guard (flags)
Journalism Major. Anna overhears a lot of gossip from the color guard. She's the reason why Ben knows so much. That and Abe usually causes some sort of drama that she has to drag him out again with the help of Mary.
Alexander Hamilton: Trumpet
PoliSci and Music Major. The very epitome of a trumpet personality. Along with John Laurens, they get up to far too many shenanigans. Including taking shots during a performance on stage.
Peggy Shippen: Majorette
Communications Major. Peggy has a long distance boyfriend, John Andre, at their rival school. Usually a good bit of jokes are made, but they're a very cute couple and take pictures together at the rivalry football game. The only reason she came to this university was because her father insisted on it. Though she transfers going into her Junior year.
Benedict Arnold
Saxophone TA (the thing that started it all). Arnold is really good at running the sax section through rehearsals and they're one of the best on the band. Even argued with Gates when he was crossing the line with comments towards students. And due to the music department (Congress) he left and went to the masters program at their rival university. (Still working on the flaws on this plot line)
Yes I know there are people missing, I haven't gotten to them as I have a lot on the aides and the other generals. I know not all instruments were covered, they are in my master doc. Yes, the specific details come from real life events. Thank you for reading
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ackee · 9 months
i see your magic girls are based off of sports and i must ask. what is ace based off of. i can never figure it out...... - 💌
she's a majorette! aka a baton twirler for marching bands.
though all of my magical girls are from a (fictional) historically black college, so it's more inspired by actual hbcu dance lines! like these:
(also ace has a twin brother, and her twin brother is in band!)
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rexotically · 2 years
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Cheatin twice 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️
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ghostsprettymama · 2 years
(T'Challa 's side of "mona lisa")
Warnings; Slight nsfw,murder,gang mentionings,under age drinking (18-19 yr olds)
Pairing: T'Challa X Black! Reader.
Plot: Y/n Fury daughter of the superintendent and principal of the College she went to, many wanted her, and to corrupt her. But T'challa got to her first.
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Y/n was practicing with the Majorettes for the game coming up, she had her dance part in this choreography this time. To the beat, your hips moved and danced.
Your part came up, and you destroyed it. you ended it with the splits easily getting up with no trouble, a sound of clapping came in, and you looked up, seeing Erik Kilmonger. You rolled your eyes and went to the locker room and turned to the showers. you didn't understand how your friend Sasha fucked with him.
But it's not your business who does what with who, just as long as you didn't let anyone in your body until you saved it for marriage.
You showered, feeling eyes on you, you shook it off, aint nobody watching me. you bent down scrubbing your legs. You hummed a song your mother sang to you when you were little,once you were done you wrapped yourself in a towel after drying your body off.
when you turned around . you jumped at nothing since you expected something or someone to be there . you sighed to yourself, just scaring yourself for nothing.
you went to your locker in the girl's locker room, you got dressed spraying your perfume, putting your lotion on your body.
Erik came up to you, he smelled you. "Nice perfume, and lotion you smell good. who are you again?" he said to you, he knew who you were, everyone did.
After all, you were Y/N L/N, the Daughter of the superintendent and the principal. You laughed at what he said. "Sorry my dad said I can't talk to conceited men" you walked away from him with your bag, and Sasha came out of a room.
"Hey Y/nnn~ were going to a party tonight can you come?" She said wrapping her arms around you. "Let me check."
You called your mom, on speakerphone. "Hey mama, can I stay the night at Sasha's? there's not gonna be 'nyone but us home and I don't want her to be alone" you said innocently "Of course baby, just be on time at school my love," your mom said and you hung up.
"is he gonna be there?" you said looking at Erik " duhh.. Hes my fuckbuddy , he has to come!" she said, Erik smiled and laughed.
He was charming. his smile, his body, his eyes. you shook your head walking out. "Y/n! " Shuri ran over, and her girlfriend Maria (calling y/n that from mona lisa, in this story) came over too.
Maria hugged you showing you love. " hey love <3," she said hugging you. Shuri's girlfriend was a beauty, " Is y/n coming to the party?" she looked at Sasha.
"Yeah! but if ha motha asks, it's just her staying at my house " Everyone nodded.
"what am I gonna wear," You said. Sasha pulled a dress out. she gave you it, some heels, and a purse. You came in with the Outfit on, she smiled at you, styling your hair. "do you want makeup?" she asked you with her beautiful amile "mhm!!" you nodded putting your makeup on.
lous boominc Music was heard outside, and you flinched" that's just T' picking us up c'mon" you went down the stairs walking to the car with Sasha.
Erik pov.
T'challa pulled up with Maria, Shuri, and erik in the car. His eyes wandered around the neighborhood "school money got them into a gated community. " Erik said, He saw Y/n, She was cute a little bit. I can tell Sasha's Slutty ass dressed her. my eyes went to y/n's ass, lord almighty she takes care of herself. "god damn. I love me some majorettes." I said. Shuri laughed.
" And ain't you fucking with her friend? Isn't Sasha gonna be pissy if you did something?" T'challa said Turning to me.
"Nah, like you ordered she's dying when I get her alone, her family fucks with my shipment, cops n all," he said. "Coldblooded," Shuri said.
"Coldblooded or keeping our asses out of jail, and either way, you not gettin to her. I will" T'challa said. Y/n and Sasha got in the car, she sat in the middle and Y/n was between the two.
Erik looked at her phone, she was on his Instagram, and his ego was fueled. He went to her ear. "play with me. I'm right here doll." he whispered. looking at T'Challa's eyes who stared at him threateningly through the rearview mirror.
Y/n Pov
I shivered at what he said, I do not have the time
or patience for him. I shook my head texting him, I didn't want Sasha to be mad at me if I flipped out.
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I turned off my phone rolling my eyes hearing Erik laugh. He didn't deserve to laugh. When we got to the party Erik helped Sasha out and T'Challa helped me out. I wrapped my arm around his, and when we came inside the party we Looked like Atlanta's hot couple. " stick with me kay?" he said looking at me with gentle eyes, I smiled " I never planned on straying.. outside of school im nun' but a scardy cat." you said giggling. You heard his charming chuckle.
You looked at him with your eyes sparkling.
T'Challa pov.
The music was loud enough to overpower gunshots. good. Erik could get the job done, I don't know what Y/n had or how many drinks, but she was dancing and whining on me. I held her waist, leaning in and whispering "you better stop before I do something you or I regret" I said in her ear.
I had the patience of the gods today. I knew who her dad was too. The main man fucking up our operations and trying to get me in jail along with my members. Nicholas Joseph Fury, luckily the crazy bitch doesn't even know my identity or have information on any of us.
A loud bang was heard, and y/n stopped going to the noise but I stopped her. "you don't wanna do that baby" I pulled her back, and her drunken yet soft eyes looked at me, I felt so guilty.
"Someone could be hurt T' " she said, I got lost in her pretty eyes. "Your eyes are beautiful.." I mumbled.
She pulled away running to where the sound came from. I chased after her sighing when I heard the scream
Y/ n Pov
I froze seeing my childhood best friend dead on the ground, a bullet in her head.
Erik had blood on him, and Shuri had gloves on as she disposed of the body with chemicals.
They turned to me and suddenly everything went black...
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cleostoohot · 2 years
life update <3
i’m barely active so i might as well just fill y’all in 🤎
everything has been amazing, it has no choice to be other wise.
i joined my schools majorette team and baby i love it there! that was just for a little bit tho. basketball season is starting so i might get back on the cheer team.
me and my boyfriend is still doing great ;) it’s probably too early but we already said that we love each other lmfao.
i’m going to houston for thanksgiving :) my uncle bought a nice place down there so it’s just a great spot to hold a family event.
i stopped taking new clients for coaching but the ones that i was coaching a few days ago… idk what it was about them but so many were getting success! i was so proud of them and myself.
straight A’s ofc❕
got into my favorite college! can’t wait to start that. the only thing is idk if i want to live on campus, if i do then do i want a roomy or no??? and do i want to do majorette or cheer???? smh
and food…. food food food i can not get enough. i kid y’all not the other day my burger was so good i got teary eyed 🥹
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