#college foggy nelson
theatrekidenergy · 2 months
College Matt and Foggy having a hang out!
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Time taken: 33 minutes ^^
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42donotpanic · 9 months
WIP Warriors Round 2
It is time for another round of the Avocados in Love Server WIP Warrior Challenge.
After the great success of the first round I'm upping my pledge to seven sentences per vote (even if no one wants to take that challenge). I have also added some more WIPs that have accumulated in the meantime...
As last time: Go ham and check out the other creators and polls!
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lights-on-the-ridge · 4 months
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that one time the AC broke on the hottest day of the school year
that time matt nearly melted
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deliriousbean · 9 months
It's a bit late but...
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Have a patented Nelson, Murdock, and Page new year's dance party
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roennq · 2 months
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Moments: 2/x Matt meets Foggy ↪ "This is gonna be awesome!" "What is?" "Me, as your wingman!"
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lifeonmvrs · 1 year
“MURDOCK AND NELSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW!!!” “nelson and murdock :] sounds better”
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inktober day 1: dreams
[Image Description: digital line art of matt murdock and foggy nelson in their college era. foggy is talking excitedly about the future with upturned arms while matt listens intently with a smile and amused expression. they are both sitting on some stairs. in the background, there is a napkin with a drawing of a sign / plaque reading “nelson and murdock attorneys at law”, though the last part (attorneys at law) is mostly hidden by matt and foggy. /end ID]
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kutpot · 2 years
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Prompt 51: College Matt and Foggy ease into being physically very close to one another…
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plasmabear · 2 years
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Foggy: Is it working?
Matt: … yes.
Everyone needs floor time sometimes
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amberlynnmurdock · 9 months
College Series (Part 1)
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Part 1: Moving In
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Reader
Series Summary: Matt Murdock scarcely ever let himself get too comfortable with people because comfort was always followed by chaos, or worse, abandonment. But when you move into the co-ed apartment off campus, Matt thinks that maybe this time things will be different. At least, he really hopes so. And that might be the most naive thing he would do in his time studying law at Columbia University. Soon, his nights are filled with red wine, learning about Greek mythology and barely using his own bed to sleep in because yours is right down the hall.
A/N: This is basically me revamping what I always wanted "Library Series" to be, so I hope no one minds another college!Matt Murdock fic. I don't know if this will have a real plot yet, but I'll figure it out along the way. I hope you guys enjoy! :) This chapter is entirely in Matt's POV!
Ao3 Link
Matt Murdock walked down the sidewalk slowly, counting each step as he did until he could sense that he reached his supposed destination. He stopped with his cane in front of him and listened to his surroundings: rustling leaves, a woman walking her dog, and cars turning onto the narrow street in upper Manhattan. 
The building he stood in front of was what he would be calling home for the next semester. Although he couldn’t see it, he knew it was a tall brownstone building with iron rails and large, wide steps. He could hear the creak in the old wood of the front door and the lock attached to it inside. He could hear the people inside the building moving boxes around and adjusting furniture. Strangers that he would be calling neighbors—for the time being, because people never stayed around forever. 
Matt heavily sighs as he adjusts his shoulder bag and lugs his suitcase behind him, which isn’t filled with much: sweaters, shirts, jeans, underwear, sheets, toiletries, his Bible, and Orbit Reader. When he was packing at St. Agnes’ he didn’t think much about what he would need to bring. While some college students made lists and packed, and overpacked, Matt thought nothing more of it than just a new place to stay. Maybe it was because he was so used to packing the same suitcase and moving from destination to destination, that he’d become accustomed to moving around a lot. After all, he truly never had a home since his dad died. That was the only home he’d known. St. Agnes was just a place to stay. 
With heavy shoulders, he walked up the steps one by one and shuffled in his duffle bag for the keys to the building. It was easy for him to pick it out. It was an old-fashioned skeleton key with an intricate gothic design he could trace with his fingertips. Once inside, he shut the heavy door behind him and stood once more before the long flight of stairs that would lead to his temporary apartment. Unfortunately, an elevator wasn’t an option. 
He slowly trekked up the steps, passing each floor and the shut doors of other people moving in. Some were college kids, some weren’t, but he heard each and every conversation as he passed. It reminded him of when he was younger when he would sit in Clinton Church before mass and hear people praying to God. It was uncomfortable to hear personal things, but he’s gotten used to drowning out the noise and moving on. 
After a few more flights, he finally reached the top floor of the building, which led to the apartment. It turned out to be the biggest one in the building. He pulled out the other key to the apartment and let himself inside, immediately hit with the smell of dust and old wood. He couldn’t sense any furniture in the living room, except for a small kitchen island with a marble countertop and an old wooden kitchen table set.
Matt traced his fingers along the wall as he slowly made his way to the hall that led to the bedrooms. First come, first serve he thought. There were two rooms closer to the front of the apartment with large windows—he could feel the cold draft coming in through them—and two rooms tucked towards the back. He immediately gravitated to the room furthest in the back. He didn’t like hearing the city at night, and he knew if he chose one of the rooms up front he’d never get a good night’s sleep. Then again, he seldom ever did. 
When he opened the room’s door, he dropped his bags and held his hands out to feel for the bed. It was in the center of the room, which he didn’t like, so he moved it to fit right in one of the corners. He pressed his hands on the mattress—brand new as the apartment listing said. And he knew it wasn’t a lie because he could smell the fresh, factory smell of the brand-new mattress. In fact, all the beds in the rooms had new mattresses, now that he could smell it in the air. 
There was a dresser against the other wall and a small closet. He didn’t have much to fill both up. In the other corner was a small work desk for homework. He began to unpack his books from his duffle bag and stacked them neatly on the desk. He ran his fingers over one of the titles in braille: Criminal Law & Procedure. 
The second year of law school is allegedly easier than the first. At least, this second year comes with more freedom, such as the option to live off campus rather than in one of the small dorms. At least his first year he got to meet his best friend: Foggy Nelson. 
Which, speaking of, he was bounding up the steps already with three bags he could barely carry by himself. 
“Matt!” He heard his friend shout from the steps, “Hey, Matt! You here yet?”
Matt met Foggy at the top of the stairs and laughed—he could hear the struggle in his friend’s voice. 
“Why don’t you stop laughin’ at me and grab a bag?!” 
After what felt like hours of going up and down the steps helping Foggy with his bags, and carrying a couch up into the living room, followed by a long goodbye from Foggy’s mom, Matt and Foggy plopped themselves on the couch in exhaustion. 
“Man,” Foggy groaned, “I didn’t know the apartment was on the top floor. I’m beat.”
“Maybe that’s why it was so cheap,” Matt thought, “no one wants to walk up those stairs.”
“Yeah, no kidding,” Foggy answered. “Welp, guess I gotta pick a room. You don't think whoever we’re rooming with will mind we chose first, right?”
“Nah,” Matt shrugged, “the apartment listing said whoever gets here first picks. I’m sure it’s fine.”
“Alright. Where’s your room? I’ll pick the one next to it.”
  “I opted for the one farthest in the back,” Matt said, leaning over as Foggy got up to pick a room. He listened as Foggy shuffled between the rooms and moved his bags into his chosen space. 
Matt stayed on the couch, his hearing strayed to the noise that was outside the front windows. Naturally cocking his head, he could hear a local deli closing up for the evening. He could even smell the lingering scent of stale coffee. He heard people closer to Columbia University laughing and getting ready to go out to whatever frat party was going on that night. In the distance, he heard sirens wailing—for what reason, he didn’t know. He didn’t understand the ache that grew in his chest the longer he continued to listen to them. 
“Matt?” Foggy called for him, “You good?”
“Yeah,” Matt stammered. “What did you say?”
“I said let’s get dressed and find a local bar to hang at!” 
That didn’t take much convincing. 
If Matt thought lugging suitcases up the flight of stairs was tough, he wasn’t prepared to walk up the stairs intoxicated. 
“Man, that was a terrible idea. Terrible idea you had,” Foggy slurred as he bumped into Matt on the stairs. Matt let out a laugh as he pushed Foggy back.
“My idea? It was your idea, you asshole,” Matt shot back playfully.
“Was it?” Foggy questioned, “Oh yeah, it was. God, how many stairs are there?”
Everything was spinning inside Matt’s head. He looked up behind his dark glasses and sensed the number of steps. 
“We have four flights left,” Matt said, pausing at the second floor and leaning against the wall.
“Jesus,” Foggy groaned. “Terrible, terrible idea, Matt.”
After fifteen minutes of an agonizingly drunk walk up the stairs, both Matt and Foggy finally made it to their new temporary home and collapsed on the couch at opposite ends. Matt let his head dip back on the couch while Foggy attempted to lift his legs on a spare moving box in front of him. Matt laughed at his attempts; he didn’t have to see to know his friend was struggling. 
“Hopefully our roommates will join us on future bar crawls,” Foggy said aloud. 
“Hopefully they don’t suck.”
“That too,” Foggy agreed. “I think—I think I’m going to call it a night, Matt. I’ll…I’ll talk to you…” and just like that, Foggy Nelson was snoring on the couch with his legs half-propped on a box. Matt forced himself to get up and move to his bed, not before putting a blanket over Foggy and turning the lights off. 
When Matt reached his room, his equilibrium was still making things seem spinning. He stumbled over his suitcase and duffle bag and caught himself on his bed, where he landed on his back. He threw his dark glasses on his desk and shut his eyes, using all his might to avoid listening to the sounds that lay outside the window. Putting himself in the back room was a good idea because it was much easier to ignore what he heard—more importantly, ignore how it made him feel. The liquor in him only swirled those feelings away. 
Matt turned on his side and reached for the Bible he kept under his pillow. He ran his fingers over the braille until he found a particular prayer he was looking for:
“Faith is the realization of what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen. Because of it the ancients were well attested. By faith we understand that the universe was ordered by the word of God, so that what is visible came into being through the invisible.” Hebrews 11:1-3.
Matt rested the Bible on his chest, mind drifting to things of his past, things he only kept hidden and locked away until he was completely alone with himself like he was now. It was heavy. Not the suitcase, not the way his legs felt walking up the steps inebriated, but the weight of the past, creeping up on him when he was alone. 
He fell heavily into a deep sleep. 
Morning came, and so did his hangover. 
Matt was awakened by a knock on his door. Not his door, but the front door. A knock he would not have heard if not for his heightened senses. Throwing his dark glasses on, he rolled out of bed and walked into the living room. On the couch, Foggy still lay asleep, snoring. Matt’s head was pounding and his feet felt like cement as he stalked to the door, the knocking growing more erratic. 
When he opened the door, he was met with an overwhelming waft of sweet beery perfume and bubblegum. The person who stood in front of him—a young woman, he sensed—popped a bubble and clicked the gum inside her mouth. 
“Oh,” a squeaky voice said. “Are you a roomie?”
“I’m Marci,” the young woman introduced herself. She held out her hand, but Matt made no move to shake it. 
“I’m—I’m Matt,” Matt said. He could sense the young woman’s candor by the way she pulled her hand back immediately and placed it on her hip. 
“Are you blind or are you hungover?” She clicked her gum again, taking note he was wearing dark glasses inside. 
Matt’s mouth twitched upwards. He wasn’t offended by her bluntness, only amused. 
“Both,” he simply said. 
“Hm,” she said, “well, I’m your new roomie.” she peered inside to see Foggy sleeping on the couch. “I’ll need help with my suitcases.”
And yet again, Matt was subjected to the torture of helping people bring their suitcases up the long flight of stairs. But if this was someone he was going to be living with for the next year, he thought it better to make friends and help than make enemies and refuse. Even if she was a little brash. 
“Matt?” Foggy groggily opened his eyes to the movement of boxes being lugged around. “Jesus!” Foggy said in the startling realization that Matt was no longer the only one he shared a space with. When he saw the beautiful blonde with her arms crossed and a look of judgment on her face, Foggy thought he might’ve woken up to an angel. 
“I’m Marci Stahl,” she popped her gum again. “Are you going to help bring my stuff up?”
“Absolutely,” Foggy stumbled to his feet, ignoring the spins he felt. Matt suppressed a chuckle as he placed the final box (he decided it was the final box for him now that Foggy was awake) on the ground. Now, it was up to Foggy.
Well, Foggy couldn’t completely help Marci yet before making a trip to the bathroom and yakking up the previous night’s regrets. Marci waited in the hall with her arms crossed. When Foggy met her outside again, he smiled awkwardly as Marci told him where her remaining boxes were. She had her mother waiting outside as well, who couldn’t be bothered to help bring up boxes. 
Matt took this as an opportunity to lock himself in his room and boot up his Orbit Reader to learn of his new schedule, starting Monday. He scrolled to find his classes and their descriptions, and what books he would need for class. With one earplug in, he listened as it read it to him. But not even the Orbit could help drown out Foggy’s attempts at flirting with Marci.
“You’re not so bad, aren’t you?” Marci asked with suspicious eyes at Foggy. Foggy offered a hearty laugh and sat down on a pink velvet love cushion that belonged to Marci. She took a seat at the end of the couch, closest to Foggy. 
“What do you mean?” Foggy shrugged his shoulders, a goofy grin on his face. His long blonde hair peeked out under his green beanie. He had a terrible goatee, but for some reason, made him all the more endearing. 
“Well, we’re all going to be living together this year. Glad the co-ed space I chose has someone willing to carry all my boxes up the steps without complaint. And you’re not an asshole,” Marci rested her elbow on the arm of the couch, studying Foggy carefully. 
“What can I say? I’m pretty charming,” Foggy smiled.
“I wouldn’t go that far,” Marci smirked. 
Matt sat at his desk laughing to himself as he listened to their conversation. 
“What are you studying? You’re a grad student?” Foggy asked, ignoring her retort. 
Marci looked at him like it was an obvious question. “I’m in the law school.” 
“Really?! No way!” Foggy exclaimed. “That’s what we’re here for, too. 2L?”
“Of course,” Marci said. “I wouldn’t be here if it were my first year.”
“Hey, maybe it was your third. I don’t know. What kind of law do you want to do?”
“IP, corporate, civil rights,” Marci shrugged. “I don’t know. I’ll let it find me.”
“Badass,” Foggy nodded his head in amusement. Marci chuckled and rolled her eyes. 
“What’s up with your friend in there? Why hasn’t he joined us?”
“You’re right,” Foggy agreed. “Matt! Get your ass outta there and come bond with your roommates!”
Matt sighed and leaned back in his uncomfortable wooden chair. It was only a matter of time before he was summoned to socialize. He shut down his Orbit Reader and joined them in the living room, reaching in front of him to find the other end of the couch. 
“Well, I’m here,” Matt simply said with a small smile. He wasn’t really sure what to say.
“You’re the moody one, aren’t you?” Marci said with slight amusement, resting her chin in her hand. Matt chuckled.
“I wouldn’t say moody,” Matt scratched the back of his neck. “Uhh. Maybe I would, actually.”
“Every friendship duo has to have one. Clearly, your friend Foggy here is the opposite,” Marci teased. “My friend is like you, too. Quite type. Locks herself in her room. She should be here soon,” Marci thought aloud.
Matt quirked an eyebrow in curiosity, “Is she our fourth roommate?”
“Sure is. Let me call her real quick.” Marci got up and into her chosen room, the one in the front with the largest windows. 
Now that it was just Foggy and Matt, Foggy immediately bounded over to sit next to Matt on the couch and squeezed his arm.
“Dude, did we get lucky or what?!” Foggy shout whispered. “Rooming with two chicks?!”
Matt pushed his friend away with a laugh, “Foggy, don’t be like that, that’s gross. We’re supposed to be roommates.”
Foggy held his hands up in defense, “I’m just sayin’ man, let things run their course. Oh man, she’s beautiful. Blonde, has sharp features and—“
“Shh,” Matt hushed his friend. “She just got off the phone.”
“She’ll be here in ten minutes,” Marci announced as she walked back into the living. She paused as she noticed how close Matt and Foggy were sitting. “What were you guys talking about?”
“Nothing,” they said in unison, feigning innocence. 
While Foggy and Marci were exchanging life stories and their experiences studying to get into law school, Matt let his senses drift to focus on what else was going on in the building. He didn't want to engage in conversation, especially if the topic was backstories. He wasn’t ashamed of his upbringing at all, nor was he ashamed of where he grew up after his dad died, but he couldn’t deal with the reactions or sympathy his story inevitably brought out of people. He just didn’t feel like dealing with it with Marci, especially given how well her and Foggy’s conversation was already going. What did he have to add to it other than a tragic accident? 
A cool draft floated through the stairs, finding its way in any open creak or door in the building. Some of their downstairs neighbors were still moving in. In another room, someone was twisting a bottle of white wine open. Another attempted to hang a picture frame. Matt could hear the banging of the hammer on the second floor, the vibrations against the wall. He had to hide his grimace when he heard a chair squeak on the hardwood floor. 
Despite these sounds that no one else could hear, Matt had high hopes for the near future. He imagined late-night studying and sleeping in on weekends. He imagined sneaking into frat parties with Foggy and ending the night at local dive bars. 
When he heard the front door open, something shifted in the entire building. Something that caused Matt to move forward on the couch ever so slightly to hear better. The cold draft was replaced by a warmth in the air, followed by the ever-so-faint scent of lavender. Accompanied by the smell was an equally faint heartbeat. This person wasn’t nervous, they were content. He heard them sigh, and at this sound, Matt confirmed he was listening to a young woman. She too had a shoulder bag and suitcase she was lugging around, nothing else. No boxes filled with decorations or other extra things. No family dropped her off. 
Just her. 
She walked up the steps, one by one, and Matt could hear the pauses she took from the amount of stairs. His mouth twitched into a smile, fascinated that she was equally surpassed by the amount of stairs. It was clear that she was their fourth roommate, and it was confirmed when Matt heard her dial a number in her phone and Marci’s began to vibrate. 
“Are you here?” Marci asked through the phone immediately. 
“Yeah,” her friend breathed, “but I didn’t realize how many stairs there were! I’ll be up in five minutes if I’m lucky.”
“Do you need help with your bags? We luckily have two strong, burly men to do any heavy lifting we need,” Marci winked at Foggy. 
“No, I’m okay. I just have two bags. I’ll be right up.”
Marci squealed when she hung up the phone. “She’s here! Let me get the door for her.” 
As Marci walked over to open the front door, both Matt and Foggy stood up from their seats and awaited their fourth roommate’s arrival. Foggy waited like an excited puppy as he watched Marci lean in the doorway for her friend. Matt stood awkwardly, terrible at first encounters. He kept his hands in his pockets and tilted his head low, feeling more comfortable behind his dark glasses and chocolate brown hair that fell right over his eyes. The scent of lavender grew stronger the closer she made it to the apartment. 
And when she walked in, no longer did Matt hear the creak in the wood, the downstairs neighbors’ chatter, the outside city noises. No longer did he feel the cool draft from outside, or his own nervous heart beating in his chest. All of his senses, and all of his focus, were on her. The one other roommate who showed up alone, with no family, with nothing but two bags, and possibly an equally lonely heart. 
TAGS: @marvelcinematiquniverse
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im-crying-merthur · 10 months
Foggy and Matt in college
Foggy: Let’s play 20 Questions!
Matt: What’s your favorite color?
Foggy: Triangle. Do you like guys yes or no?
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brokebonewritings · 1 year
Sinking Waters
Matt Murdock x reader
Tags/Warnings: 18+, language, mentions of alcohol/drugs, fluff, light angst
Summary: Matt and Foggy invite you out for a night. You wondered if Matt would ever make a move on you or if you would keep being mistook as a couple. Song: The Pink Phantom by Gorillaz
Word Count: 2K
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Your dorm room had filled with a haze as you blew the white smoke from your mouth. The blunt you held between your fingers had only been lit a few minutes, and it seemed like half of it was already smoked. 
This was the only nice thing about not having to share a dorm with anyone. You could sneak things like this in with no one snitching. Occasionally the kid from your Civil Procedures class would come smoke with you, along with his roommate.
His roommate. Matt Murdock. He was definitely a looker. Oh and Foggy was cool. Franklin Nelson. They both were definitely a dynamic duo. You all had become fast friends, finding lots of things in common.
A knock at your door pulled you from your thoughts. You dropped the blunt in the ashtray and went to open the door.
“Who is it?” You ask, hand on the doorknob.
You laugh as you open your door, Matt and Foggy stand there with the dumbest grins plastered on their faces. Foggy had his arm wrapped around Matt’s shoulder while the other man gripped his cane. 
“Why do I feel like you guys are coming to kidnap me.” You say as you give Foggy the side eye.
“We were wondering if you wanted to come to a bar with us?” Foggy says casually.
“A bar?” You stared at them blankly. “Like for drinking?”
“I sure hope so.” Matt says lightly.
“Sure, let me finish my blunt and grab my coat real quick.” You say moving aside. They happily walk into your dorm room.
Matt sits at the empty desk chair while Foggy sits on the bed. You walk back over to the window and pick up the blunt and take a long inhale. The smoke no longer affected your lungs as you let it all out.
The three of you joke as you finish, and put on your winter coat. Within 20 minutes, you all are walking off the Columbia campus and into the busy streets of Harlem. It was a much different dynamic
You let Foggy and Matt the way to this mystery bar. They were both pretty trustworthy of a fun time. However some of the places you’ve trusted them with were absolute dives. This looked like one of those places. 
“Josies?” You mutter.
“Don’t like how it looks?” Matt’s voice responds questionly.
“Murdock, what did Foggy tell you this place looked like?”
“I told him it’s the sistine chapel, let's get moving people.” Foggy said before Matt could respond.
Opening the door, all three of you step in one by one. It was definitely a dive, but it was charming. You and Matt found a table and waited for Foggy to bring over the drinks.
“How many times have you actually been here, Matty.”
As he folded his cane up, he replied. “A few times, I think the owner likes Foggy.”
You turn your head towards the bar to see Foggy pseudo flirting with the waitress. He had a charm to him, and she definitely found it funny. Giggling, you turn back to Matt who was also chuckling.
“Okay but I gotta know, how did you even find this place?”
“Foggy stumbled upon it, and then forced me to come.” He starts. “It isn’t the sistine chapel, is it?”
Snorting in amusement, you shake your head. “It’s definitely not, but it’s not a bad place either.”
Three glasses were slammed on the table in front of you. Looking up you see Foggy looking triumphant.
“Lady and Gent. I have brought the gift of free alcohol, won by yours truly.” He announced.
“No way, how?” You ask
“Like I said, the owner likes Foggy.” Matt replied.
“Ha ha, you’re just jealous that the bartender actually thinks my jokes are funny.”
“Sure, man, let’s go with that.” 
You hand Matt his glass before taking your own. The golden liquid looked refreshing in the chilled glass. Okay so maybe it wasn’t a dive, but still. You take a long drink before setting the glass back on the table.
Before you knew it, you all had gone through a few drinks. Foggy gets up once more to retrieve more drinks which meant more time alone with Matt. Weren’t you so lucky tonight. Or not.
“Hello, handsome.”
You and Matt look up from your conversation to see a girl standing in front of the table.
“Can I help you?” Matt responds.
“Well I was just wondering what such a good looking man like you was doing here.” 
You stared at the girl before turning back to Matt. His jaw was slightly slack, like he didn't know how to respond. Which didn't happen often.
“My friends and I were just having some drinks. You know, enjoying each other's company?” He states. She turns to look at you before looking back at him.
“Oh sorry I thought you were single.” The girl nervously said, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.
You side eye Matt trying to gauge his reaction, but he looked stunned. He cleared his throat before responding.
“Oh no, we’re not together.” He starts and this makes your heart drop just a bit. Of course you weren’t together, you had only known each other a few months. Why were you getting your hopes up then?
“In that case, maybe I could get your number?” She says, smiling and twirling her hair.
Looking around to avoid listening to anymore of the conversation, you see Foggy coming back towards the table. He looks confused as to why you’re staring at him, until he sees the girl.
Finally reaching the table, he greets you and Matt again and sets your drinks down in front of you. The girl finally satisfied with her winnings leaves before Foggy could introduce himself.
“I think I need to use the bathroom.” You said as your heart beat loudly against your chest. Getting up, you walk to the back hallway in search of the bathroom. Of course once you entered you weren’t surprised by the state of it.
Two stalls and a makeout session. Classic. You enter the empty stall and lock it. Waiting. For what exactly, you had no idea. Time to pass, maybe.
After five minutes, you exit the stall after pretending to flush the toilet. Lo and behold, Matt’s new plaything was standing at the sink. Stalking over to wash your hands, you feel her eyes burning holes in your skull.
“It’s a little sad that he can’t see huh?”
You freeze. Was she talking to you? Dingus. Of course she was talking to you.
“Excuse me?”
“Yeah I mean like, he’s cute, but like if he can’t see then what’s the point?”
“Why did you ask for his number then?”
There was a pause. Your voice was filled with something other than curiosity. You continue.
“Maybe the point is that he’s funny, smart, and considerate?”
“Uhm right. Anyways…” 
Apparently she deemed the conversation to be over as she turns and exits. You stand silently for a moment, taking in the full conversation. It was the first time you had defended Matt’s honor. 
Finally you make your way out of the bathroom. Looking around to remember where you all sat, you notice Matt staring in your direction. Or rather his head was turned that way.
You caught yourself staring, even after his head turned away. Did he know you were coming back? Another crazy thought. You make your way back to the table and find three shots of fireball waiting for you.
“What’s the catch?” You say as you arrive.
“Hey! Welcome back!” Matt said slightly slurred. 
“Oh my god, Foggy, what’s wrong with him?”
“I think Fireball is his kryptonite, dude.” He replied with a laugh.
“Yeah I’ll drink to that.” You say before slamming each shot back.
Never before had you seen him drunk. Not even tipsy. How in the world did he manage to get like this? After a few more drinks, both you and Foggy cut the other man off. Deciding it was finally time to get back to campus.
The walk to get Matt back to the dorm was long and silent. It was the first time you had seen him get as drunk as he was, but you and Foggy had no qualms of taking care of your friend.
Once you had finally gotten him in bed and settled, Foggy had asked to walk you back to your own dorm. You agreed and said you would wait outside.
Waiting along the long concrete wall you pull out your pack of cigarettes and light one. The night had been eventful to say the least. Your crush always seemed to pick other people. Not that you have actually tried to make advances.
You turn your head to see Foggy step out into the cold. Throwing your cigarette on the ground, you turn to face him as he walks up.
“I get the feeling that girl ruined your night.” He states bluntly.
“Why does this always happen? Every single time we’re in public, he gets hit on!” 
“Why does it matter?”
There was a long pause. Foggy gasps before grabbing your shoulders and shaking you.
“You like him!”
“Foggy, stop!”  You grab his wrists. “It doesn’t matter because he’ll never like me back!”
“Oh common, you don’t know that!”
“No it’s true! I’m too timid to even ask him on a date.”
You both stood quietly. He was processing what to say, and you were waiting for his response.
“Then, maybe, I don’t know.” 
“Nice, Fog. Really insightful there.”
“Okay, look. Yes, the guy is attractive but maybe just be his friend?” He starts. “He has enough women swooning over him.”
Nodding, you understood what he was saying. He continued to speak.
“Maybe things will evolve if you just be his friend. That’s how a lot of relationships work out anyways.”
He was right. Lots of relationships sprouted from friendships. It would be a way to get to know each other.
“You’re right. Sorry I snapped at you.” You say.
“It’s alright, I know I can be a lot sometimes.” 
“Not at all, You’re very charming and any girl would be lucky to date you.”
“You’re too kind. Now, let's get you home.”
With that he offered his arm out to you and you gladly took it. You realize that you’ve finally found some friends who cared about you. Nothing like people back home.
New York had some strange characters. Nasty one, yeah, but also some that are fun to be around. Just like Foggy, and just like Matt.
Halfway back to your dorm room, you look up at Foggy. He was going on about how one of his professors had the hots for him. You giggle, and lean into his shoulder. Feeling him tense up a bit, you look back up.
“You okay?” You ask.
He nods at you and looks up towards the sky.
“You know, Aristotle said ‘Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.’”
“Since when did you pay attention in Philosophy?” 
“I’ll have you know that just because my eyes are closed, it doesn't mean that I’m not listening.” He chuckles. “Anyways, the point is it’s clear that you and Matt were made for each other. You just gotta wait.”
“That might have been the most comforting thing you’ve ever said.” You smirk. “But thanks. You’re a great friend, Fog.”
“And you know how you thank great friends?” He says stopping in front of your building.
“By offering them to come inside and smoke a joint.”
You begin to loudly laugh, and he joins you. Not caring about the passersby staring at you both. Nodding you invite him in and give him a little extra for later on. 
After he leaves, you sit alone in the dorm. It’s dimly lit by the small lamp you have and the lights from outside. Being with one of the guys you realize how comfortable you feel and less lonely. 
Foggy’s words linger in your mind, “You just gotta wait.”. It was easier said than done, but you listen. You wait. The whole semester. Through graduation. Years. Until…
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thornbushrose · 7 months
Headcanon: College!Matt pranks College!Foggy
We hear about Foggy pranking Matt in college, but you know Matt pranked him back.
So one evening they're heading back to their dorm when Matt suddenly "remembers" he needs to go to the library. He leaves Foggy at a casual pace and Foggy continues home to their room.
Where he finds Matt already there, sprawled on his bed with an earbud in his ear.
"Hey," Foggy says, looking confused. "I thought you were going to the library?"
"I did." Matt holds up the box of the audiobook he checked out this morning when Foggy wasn't around.
"But, how did you get back so fast?"
"I had already ordered it. I was just picking it up."
"But. Still. You would have had to pass me on the sidewalk."
Matt shrugs and waves at his dark glasses. "I kinda rely on you to say something when that happens, buddy."
"But that's just it. I didn't see you."
"You were obviously distracted. Did you run into Marci or Sonia or someone?"
"No. I came straight here."
Matt frowns. "You must have been walking pretty slowly."
"Why?" Foggy glances at his alarm clock, which Matt has set ahead by an hour and a half, and sputters. "What the hell? Nine o'clock???" He turns to the wall clock, which Matt has also altered. "Nine o'clock????"
"I keep telling you, you need to wear a watch," Matt says, putting his earbud back in and rolling over. "You get distracted sometimes."
Foggy stands there for a minute, staring blankly. Finally he says, "Next term, I'm not taking this many classes. It's messing with my brain."
Matt hopes Foggy won't notice his shoulders shaking in laughter.
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42donotpanic · 11 months
Autumn Aesthetics: Heavy Rainfall on the Roof
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4doorssys · 6 months
The beautiful effects of the golden hour 🌅✨
I just wanted to do something soft between these two as I myself also basked in the afternoon glow in my living room. Please enjoy my two dorks having a soft and intimate day in.
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Foggy Nelson
Rating: Everyone (non-explicit)
Matt suns himself like a cat. It's something that Foggy has always found very endearing. Many days he would come back to the dorm to find Matt sitting on his bed in the afternoon because it's in the perfect spot where the sun shines through creating a pool of warmth.
One weekend Foggy decided to stay in and claim one of the desks to study at while Matt stayed on his bed in the soft morning light. He watched as Matt slowly followed the sun's warmth through the room going from his bed to the literal floor and ending the day on Foggy's bed basking in the warm light. Foggy admired the way the sun caused his hair to glow like a red halo around his head.
"You're staring at me." The relaxed timber of Matt's voice brought Foggy back to the present.
"Yeah I'm staring at you in my bed Murdock." Foggy huffed looking at every where else in the room besides his bed a light blush appearing on his cheeks. Matt let's out a light hum as he reaches his arms above his head to stretch fully out across Foggy's bed. he lets out a light huff and soft moan as his muscles relax taking in the full effect of the sun.
"Do you need me to move?" Truthfully Foggy could watch Matt in his bed for hours. He looked so comfortable in the golden light, like he belonged there.
"You're like a cat you know that? So aloof, sunning yourself." Matt snorts at his comment. "A general ass until you want something." This gets a bark of laughter from the man tangled in the soft blanket he bought specifically for when Matt wanted to lay on his bed. The sound was like music as it softened into a light chuckle.
"I'll take that as a compliment." He said with a content sigh. A comfortable silence drifted over the both of them. A soft quiet moment between the two of them during the golden hour of mid spring.
Matt practically glowed in the light as the sun contoured his cheek bones and his strong nose and jaw. His glasses were off as he stared blankly up at the ceiling. Matt's eyes were always Foggy's favorite in the sunlight on the very rare times he got to see them not hiding behind dark sunglasses. Matt had grey blue eyes like a storm that practically glowed in the setting sun. Matt had told him that they used to be a brighter blue but had developed a grey film from the chemicals doing something the his retinas. Foggy admittedly was not paying the best attention as he looked at Matt's eyes for the first time. He didn't really care what Matt's eyes looked like, they were beautiful to him.
"You're staring again." Matt chuckled.
"How do you do that?" Foggy huffed. Matt seemed to always have a keen sense for nearly everything. He guessed it came with being blind. Like how deaf people had a crazy sense of smell. Loose one sense the others compensate or whatever.
"Do what?" He feigned innocene at Foggy's question rolling his head in Foggy's general direction. Matt's hair stuck up in odd places which caused his heart to swell at the sight. He committed the moment to memory wanting to hold onto it for the rest of his life. One of the very few moments where Matt looked happy, relaxed. One of the rare moments Matt let his guard down and how honored Foggy felt to be a part of one those rare moments.
"Nevermind. You hungry?" Foggy asked changing the subject.
Matt let out a groan of excitement at the offer of food. "Fuck yes dude. You're paying cuz you offered." He said excitedly as he jumped out of Foggy's bed strolling over to his dresser to change out of his lounge wear. This man was going to be the death of Foggy and he wouldn't have it any other way.
"Another reason you're like a cat. You never pay for your own food." Matt laughed again loudly at his joke. Foggy smiled to himself. He wouldn't have it any other way.
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j-eryewrites · 2 years
Til We Meet Again
Word Count: 6.k
Pairings: Matt Murdock x fem!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Matthew Murdock
I wrote this out of my current/renewed Matt Murdock obsession. I most definitely could write a part 2/entire series based on this one-shot, so if any of you would like to encourage my current crush and desire to write about Matt, plz do...XD
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“Come on, babes,” begged Cameron. Her wrist bobbed up and down to pump the mascara wand in and out of the bottle. She pulled the wand out, covered in the black cosmetic. The dark shade was a stark contrast to her vibrant lime-green hair. A spontaneous decision of the past week. A spontaneous decision of many that decorated her body. 
Y/N chuckled as she watched her best friend put on her mascara face: Jaw slack and open showcasing the tongue piercing from two months ago, her coffee-coloured eyes wide, and eyebrows raised impossibly high. 
“It’s your last chance to have real fun. Hon,” chimed Cameron. She turned around and leaned against the counter in the bathroom. Her bright orange slip dress turned sour the longer Y/N looked at it. “You’ve never been to a college party. Hell, you’ve never been to college. You’ve spent your entire life dancing and now you’re flying off to Copenhagen.” Cameron waved her free hand up and feigned dramatically. “You’ll leave me behind as you dance among the stars. Forever forgetting your best friend.” 
“Drama queen,” giggled Y/N. “I won’t forget you. How could I ever!” Y/N jumped up from her seat on Cameron’s bed matching Cameron’s dramatic energy. 
Cameron chuckled and swirled around to look back into the mirror. “Can you see my spanks?” Cameron asked as she lifted the dress lightly giving way to the neon blue shorts underneath. 
“Nope,” Y/N said entering the bathroom. She began to peruse Cameron’s makeup bag. Her nose scrunched up as she looked at the lipstick colours her friend had. 
“Ooh! Sex on the beach! My favourite colour.” Cameron exclaimed and she snatched it from Y/N’s hands. 
“Sex on the beach? Really?” 
“It’s a beautiful colour, babes,” Cameron said with a smack of her lips. She offered it to Y/N. “Wanna try it?” 
Y/N looked up from the brilliant yellow lipstick with a quizzical expression on her face and shook her head. It was too bold for her. The boldest shade Y/N had ever put on her lips was black and that was for her role as the Black Swan in her ballet school’s production of Swan Lake. 
“I’ll stick to chapstick, thanks.” 
“Your loss.” Cameron hummed. The woman began to check herself out in the mirror. She pursed her lips and popped her hip to the side. “How do I look?”
“You look like a slushy,” Y/N replied bluntly. 
“Perfect, Babes!” Cameron blew Y/N a kiss. “That’s what I was going for. Everyone loves a sexy slushy.”
Y/N giggled at Cameron’s comments. The giggle turned into a laugh which spread to Cameron. 
 “Okay, chica, be honest,” Cameron said, collecting herself. “From a scale of the Goonies to Dirty Dancing, how sexy am I?”
Y/N looked her friend up and down. “Depends on what shoes you’re gonna wear.” She replied. 
Cameron chuckled and ran into her room. She swung open her closet doors and pulled out two pairs of shoes. One pair was her party tennis shoes; white vans with beer stains. The other was a pair of six-inch black heels, the ones she wore to her pole dancing classes. 
“Okay,” Y/N said. “If you go with the vans, then you’ll be a Top Gun sexy and if you go with the heels you’ll be a Rocky Horror Picture Show kind of hot.” 
A wide grin flashed on Cameron’s face. “This is why you’re my best friend, babes.” Cameron looked between the shoes and settled on the heels. She tossed the tennis shoes into the closet. “Rocky Horror Sexy it is,” she winked. 
Y/N smiled as her friend put on the heels. Now, Cameron stood an inch taller than Y/N, something Cameron took pride in. 
“Your turn honeybuns,” Cameron sang. 
Y/N shook her head. “I’m not going, Cameron. I have an international flight tomorrow and I’m going to need all the sleep I can get. “
Cameron began to whine. Her eyes fell and widened to a size that would make a cartoon character jealous. “Please?” 
“Cameron…” Y/N said warningly. Her face betrayed the determination in her voice as she smiled at her friend's antics. 
“We can get Wendy’s...AND” Cameron began. “You can pick which songs we listen to on the drive over to the party AND back.” 
Y/N dropped her head back with a sigh and looked up at the ceiling. She groaned and rolled her head around to back at Cameron and her puppy eyes. 
“Fine, I’ll go.” 
Cameron squealed and jumped up and down. Her hands clapped loudly as she had just received the best news of her life. 
“I have the perfect dress!”
“No…” Y/N began but Cameron had already shoved a mesh, basically see-through, dress into Y/N’s hands. “I’m not wearing this.” 
Cameron frowned. 
“Cam, there is no way in hell, I’ll be wearing this. Besides, I have my own clothes.” 
Cameron sighed as Y/N showed her friend the light blue slip dress she had packed. It shimmered in the moon on a dark night. It was beautiful and definitely something one would not wear to a college party–a college party at a frat house. 
“You’ll look like a mother-fucking princess. Babes,” Cameron whines, “we’re supposed to look like whores together.” 
Y/N rolled her eyes. “I refuse to wear the dress. It’s either I look like a princess, or I’m not going.”
Cameron growled and then caved into her friend’s request. Y/N smiled as she changed into the dress. Her soft hands ran over the silky dress. She turned around to show Cameron and her friend smiled.
 “I take it back. That’s Dirty Dancing hot, chica.” Cameron commented. 
Y/N smiled and looked in the mirror. She really did look beautiful. “Nobody puts Baby in a corner,” Y/N winked. 
“Speaking of, baby.” Cameron chimed. “You need some makeup with that outfit. Ooo, and a fun hairdo!” 
“I wasn’t asking.” Sensing her friend’s reluctance she continued, “I promise I won’t give you crazy makeup. Just enough to highlight your beautiful face and I’ll, ooo, curl your hair. You wear it in buns all the time. It’s time you show off your gorgeous locks.”
Y/N smiled at her friend and then hopped onto the counter. Y/N's legs swayed as Cameron brushed her cosmetic products on her friend’s face. The two of them chatted, belting songs, and having some pre-game drinks. The two of them felt as if this night would for sure be a night to remember. 
“Come on Matt. It’s gonna be a night to remember. Finals are over. One more year of college done. One step closer to Nelson and Murdock,” Foggy raised the hand that wasn’t wrapped around Matt’s shoulder to motion to the imaginary business sign. “Nelson and Murdock,” Foggy whispered for dramatic effect. 
Matt laughed at his friend’s actions. Clearly, Foggy did a little bit too much pre-partying in their dorm. The blond was already leaning on Matt making it hard for him to walk straight on the sidewalk and not into the busy road. 
“Alright Foggy, a night to remember,” Matt smirked, sensing Foggy’s grin growing wider. 
“That’s the spirit.” Foggy slapped Matt on the shoulder and brought him in for a side hug. The two of them laughed as Foggy narrowly missed walking straight into a street lamp. 
“Now, Matt.” Foggy stepped in front of Matt and placed his hands on Matt’s shoulders. “I want you to find a girl and let out some steam. You’re too stress-addicted for your own good.”
“Foggy…” Matt began before Foggy shushed him. 
“No, listen to me Murdock,” a smile grew on Foggy’s face. “You’re gonna have fun tonight. Promise  me.” Foggy stuck out his pinky finger to Matt. 
“I promise Fog,” Matt said. Foggy smiled and grabbed Matt’s hand. His pinky finger pinched Matt’s and the promise was made. 
It wasn’t long before Matt and Foggy heard the sounds of the party. Music was blaring from the speakers scattered all over the lawn and house. People were laughing, screeching, dancing, chatting, and drunkenly singing. Matt’s nose scrunched up in disgust; those weren’t the only sounds he could hear. Matt could hear the buzzing of the house lights, the heartbeats of a few hundred people crammed into one space, the way the floor thundered and echoed footsteps, the bass of the song, the stickiness of the beer stuck to the bottoms of people’s shoes. His head already began to hurt and he knew it was worse when he’d be in the crowd. He’d smell, feel, hear, and taste everything. How could he not? 
“London Fog! M&M! You made it,” a young man exclaimed. He ran over to Foggy and Matt gave big bear hugs. Matt offered a smile to try and hide his disgust from the man’s smell. Matt could smell his cologne, and traces of a woman’s perfume. He could also smell that the man before him had five cups of an alcoholic mixture: Beer, vodka, and Smirnoff. He could also smell the cigarette he had taken a few hours ago. 
“How’s it been, Bryan?” Foggy asked, his words already slurred as they rolled off his tongue.
“It’s been a fucking riot. Cameron, man…she’s something.” Bryan’s face flushed red. “The dress she’s wearing.”
“I can see,” Foggy noted. “Man, that’s a bright orange.” Foggy opened his eyes wider and then blinked. “Now my eyes hurt. Too many bright colours.” He turned to Matt. “Only Cameron could pull off lime green hair, neon yellow lipstick, and an orange dress.” 
Matt smiled and nodded his head. He remembered Cameron from one of his Spanish classes. She had walked into class the first day, took one look at the board, and just left. He couldn’t recall her coming to a single class yet she had one of the best grades. A chaotic genius to say the least. Before he knew it, Bryan had wrapped an arm around Matt’s shoulder. The other arm was linked around Foggy.  Then Bryan guided the two of them into the party. 
The minute Matt stepped through the door and into the heart of the party, the pounding in his head amplified. Bryan had dragged them to the kitchen and handed him and Foggy a red plastic cup. The alcohol mixture Matt had smelled earlier. Foggy lifted his head back and downed the drink in one go. Matt just took a sip before placing it back down on the counter. 
Foggy had spotted Marci on the dance floor and excused himself. Bryan got dragged by another group and began taking shots in the dining room. Matt, on the other hand, began to swerve his way through the crowd. Everything became muffled and Matt had a hard time differentiating between his senses. He occasionally bumped into party-goers, their alcohol-ridden scent sticking to him. He needed to get out and away from the party. His pace picked up and he manoeuvred through the crowd colliding with more people. Suddenly, he came to a stop. There was a room next to him. It was quieter than the rest of the house and from what he could tell, no one was in there. He fumbled for the doorknob and burst into the room. A bathroom, he soon realized, as he closed the door. He found his way over to the sink and began to wash his hands. He splashed the cold water on his face. His senses finally came back to him and the thick walls of the bathroom tuned out the noise. 
That’s when he heard it. It started out with a heartbeat. He could tell it was young and healthy as it thumped to a graceful melody. Then he heard the rustling of satin on the skin. It sounded so soft as the fabric ran up against the skin. Afterwards, there was a smell. It was so sweet, the smell of rain and lavender that was not too overpowering. It reminded him of Hell’s Kitchen in the spring when the church would grow lavender in the community garden. The smell carried through the air and Matt froze. The water from the sink was still running. He wasn’t the only one in the bathroom. 
“Umm,” the voice mumbled. He tilted his head in the direction of the sound. It came from a young woman. “Hello.” She said. 
Matt turned around. His cane and glasses were fully on show. “Hello?” He responded. His head moved side to side. He already knew where she was, but she didn’t know that. 
“Oh, you’re…”
He smiled softly. “Blind. Yeah.” He shrugged. 
The two of them stood there not knowing what to say. Matt suddenly remembered where they were. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize…” he began to apologize. 
“You’re fine. I was just stepping away from the party for a moment. I was just about to go back out.” She motioned to the door before realizing Matt couldn’t actually see her. Her head smacked her forehead. “I just pointed to the door…I’m gonna go,” she mumbled. 
As she walked past Matt he noticed the absence of alcohol. She hadn’t drunk anything and the sound of her heartbeat made Matt think that she didn’t want to rejoin the party anytime soon. Matt reached out to stop her. 
“You don’t have to go. I’m just taking a breather like you.” 
She turned around and smiled at him softly. “No, it’s alright. Plus, I’m sure my friend is wondering where I am right now.” She turned away and turned the doorknob. Only that it didn’t turn. Instead, the knob detached from the door, clattering against the stone tile of the bathroom floor. 
“Fuck,” cursed the woman. 
Matt moved his head in her direction. “What happened? I heard something bang against the floor.”
“Uh…” the woman faltered as she bent down to grab the door knob. She picked it up, walked over to Matt, and placed it in his hand. Her fingers brushed against his hand and Matt felt as if his hand was afire. He ran his hands over the cool door knob and then sighed. He smiled to himself at the gesture. 
“Yeah, the door knob fell off. Which is just great.” She muttered. Her voice grew tight and nervous. 
Matt placed the door knob down and then remembered the water in the sink was still running. He quickly turned it off and tried to offer the woman some words of comfort. “I’m sure someone will come looking. Right? You said your friend was…”
“I lied. She’s busy with some guy and drunk off her ass. She wouldn’t be able to help us. You?”
Matt shook his head. The woman sighed. “My friend was already wasted when we got to the party.”
The woman groaned and slid to the floor. She tucked her knees in close. “Perfect. I’m gonna miss my flight tomorrow,” she muttered under her breath clearly so Matt wouldn’t hear, but he did. 
“I’m sure everything will be alright.” He crouched down to the floor and leaned up against the sink cabinets. 
The woman’s heartbeat continued to beat faster and Matt was sure she’d die of a heart attack if he didn’t find some way to calm her down. 
“I’m Matt,” he blurted out. He felt his face heat up as the woman replied back. 
“What year are you?” He found himself asking. 
“Huh?” Y/N replied. 
Matt cleared his throat. “What year of school are you in?”
“Oh,” Y/N said, “I’m not a student. Just a friend visiting a friend for a bit.”
Matt tilted his head at the words. “You don’t go to Columbia?” 
“Nope,” Y/N muttered. 
“Then why are you here at an end-of-year frat party?” Matt asked with a teasing tone. He could already hear her heartbeat returning back to its tranquil melody. 
“Funny story, actually.” She chuckled.
“I have time.” Matt smiled. He flashed his signature grin. The one that had girls fawning over him. 
Y/N blushed at his smile and began her story. She told Matt how a few months ago she auditioned for the Danish Royal Ballet company. They had gotten back to her saying they wanted her to join them. It was a dream come true for her. Matt intently listened to her love for dancing and how she immediately accepted. Instead of college, she chose to dance and now as of tomorrow afternoon, she’d be flying to Copenhagen. When she broke the news to her family and friends, they all demanded to have her visit. One of which had been her childhood best friend, Cameron. Matt chuckled and told her he knew Cameron. They shared a few laughs about the funny memories Matt and Y/N had of the young and chaotic woman. 
“So now you’re visiting Cameron,” Matt repeated. 
Y/N nodded. “Yep, she’s the last one that I was going to visit before flying to Denmark.” 
Matt had extended his legs out. His feet occasionally grazed and bumped into Y/N’s feet. Every time they did, he’d fight the blush that tried to appear on his face. 
“For a last hurrah, Cameron suggested–dragged me to this party. To be honest, I don’t like parties that much. It’s too loud, there are harsh lights, and the smells are just…”
“It’s overwhelming.” Matt finished. He knew the exact feeling. 
“Yeah.” Y/N’s voice grew quiet. “Now, your turn Matt. What’s your story and how’d you end up locked in a bathroom with me?” Y/N jokingly asked. 
Matt let out a laugh. Y/N smiled and giggle along. Matt felt a wave of relief fall over him. It had been a while since he really laughed like that: tears formed in the corner of his eyes, his breath cut short, and he clutched his chest. 
“My story’s not as…” Matt closed his eyes thinking of the right word, “interesting as yours.”
“That’s alright,” Y/N smiled, “I happen to like mundane stories. Besides, I have time.”
Matt smirked at the familiar phrase he muttered before, which now fell from her lips. He opened his mouth to tell his story when he heard the shuffling of the dress Y/N was wearing. With a huff, she stood up from her seat and strolled over to Matt. She plopped down next to him. Their legs brushed against each other. Matt couldn’t help but flash a smile in her direction. His eyes concealed by his red-tinted glasses fell just below the woman’s chin. 
“Did you just…” he chuckled.
As if she knew what he was asking, Y/N replied. “I can hear you better this way. You know, the party is quite loud.”
Now their legs were lying against each other. No longer shy, Y/N found herself scooting closer to Matt. Her hand snaked underneath his arm and then held it close. His hand playing with hers.
Matt just smiled. The blush on his face was now a similar shade to the scarlet lens that adorned his face.
“Sure, sweetheart.” 
Y/N rolled her eyes.
“Anyways, I’m a law student here at Columbia. Before that I grew up in Hell’s Kitchen,” Matt told Y/N.
She rested her head against his shoulder causing Matt to pause his story. He took a moment to calm his thundering heart. When Matt began his story. He was planning on just sticking to his college years. His childhood was a tangle of sombre memories: the accident, his dad, and Stick. But his lips betrayed him and Matt found himself telling Y/N about his dad and growing up at the orphanage. A story he didn’t divulge to just anyone. But Y/N wasn’t anyone. She was the woman who was locked in the bathroom with him. The ballerina who’d be flying across the world tomorrow. She was the woman whose heartbeat was helping distract him from the chaos outside the bathroom door. She was Y/N. He’d only known her for a few hours, but Matt couldn’t help but think he’d known her his whole life. An idea that Matt cringed at. This wasn’t him. He was a flirt and a playboy, but for the woman in the bathroom, he’d be anything. 
Soon, Matt was talking about the accident. The struggles of having your entire world stripped away in an instant. A good deed that was rewarded with eternal darkness. He told her about Nelson and Murdock, the law firm he was going to start with Foggy.
Together the two of them sat on the bathroom floor, sharing their lives and souls with one another. As Matt talked, Y/N listened. She rubbed his hand when he felt his throat clench. She just listened and Matt felt safe. He had no clue why, but he felt safe. Y/N was safe. In their tiny enclosure of a bathroom in a frat house, the two of them felt safe. 
The safety that the bathroom provided the two of them shattered at the sound of a hard object that collided with the window in the room. Matt and Y/N jumped to their feet at the sudden bang. Y/N’s grip on Matt’s arm got tighter before she let go. His side was now freezing cold without her warmth. He tilted his head to listen to her as she trod carefully over to the window. Her body froze and her heart had a quick uptake.
“Everything alright?” Matt asked in concern. He took a step forward before he heard her shuffle forward and then came a loud creaking sound. 
Y/N’s smile turned upward as she looked out the open window. A cheer left her lips.
“Ah ha! Fuck yeah.” 
Matt’s ears perked up. “What?”
“Why didn’t I think of this before?” Y/N scolded herself.
Matt chuckled. “Mind telling me what your amazing discovery is?”
“The window.” 
“The window?”
“We can get out through the window. We’re on the first floor. It’s a bit of a jump, but we can get out!”
Matt’s face fell. “Oh, that’s great.” He smiled again when she looked back at him. A part of him wanted to stay in the bathroom forever. Just him and her. Matt and Y/N.
Her feet hit the ground and she walked back over to Matt. Her soft hands reached out and guided him over to the window. She lifted his hand up and to the window ledge. 
“Do you think you can get up?” She asked.
Matt turned to her and smiled. “Of course, sweetheart. I’m a big boy.”
Y/N’s face flushed bright red at the comment. She was happy that he couldn’t see her right now. Matt knowingly smiled at her blush. He knew full well the effect his words had on her. Matt handed her his cane which she took and held close. Her free hand held out to help him up. Then he pulled himself up onto the ledge and swung his legs around. His knees bent the minute the tips of his feet hit solid ground. Standing up straight he turned around to the sound of Y/N following him out the window. With a yelp, Matt stuck out his hand to hold her steady as she braced herself from the jump. She muttered a quick thanks before dusting her dress off and handing Matt back his cane. She felt like a teenager sneaking out of her house. 
The two of them stood underneath the window, unsure of what to do. Inside the house, the party was raging on. Matt could hear the numerous beverages being poured, the music tuned up louder, and people’s clothes grinding against one another. The more his senses took notice of it all, the more he just wanted to get out of there. He wanted to leave the party behind, take Y/N with him and enjoy the rest of the night. 
It seemed as if Y/N was thinking the same thing. 
“Wanna get out of here?” Matt asked at the same time Y/N suggested that they leave. The two of them smiled at their synchronization of thoughts. 
“Where are you staying?” He wondered. He took a step in her direction. 
“At Cameron’s, in the dorms.” She replied. 
“Perfect,” Matt whispered. “We’re in the same building then.” He extended out his arm to Y/N and smiled. It was more for his benefit than hers. He wanted to hold her close, closer than they had been, sitting in the bathroom, a few moments earlier. There was something about Y/N that intoxicated him. Her scent, the sound of her heartbeat, the way she smiled at his attempts at flirting, all were like a drug that Matt could never get enough of. His face dropped slightly remembering that she was leaving tomorrow morning. She didn’t live here and wasn’t a student at Columbia. There was a part of him that wished she was. A part of him wished he could wake up tomorrow and be around her again–hear her heartbeat, feel her smile, smell her faint perfume, hold her close, but that wasn’t so. For now, Matt would settle on the now, making most of the time he had left and maybe if he’d play his cards right, he’d get to kiss her. 
“Mind if I walk you back?” 
Matt heard the young woman next to him stifle a giggle before linking her arm with his. She leaned into him, her calming scent washing over him. “I don’t see why not.” 
The walk back to the dorms was long, Y/N noted. Matt had chosen to take her the scenic route not that she minded. She enjoyed the walk back. The two of them chatted about life and never seemed to run out of things to talk about. She cherished the way Matt offered his jacket the minute a chill crept up her spine from the cold night. Matt loved the way Y/N pulled him a little bit closer the longer they walked. His warmth seeped into her side. To others who passed them by, it seemed as if Matt and Y/N were one person, walking so close they shared the same breaths, their hearts beating in sync. 
Matt’s pace slowed as the familiar scents and sounds of the dorms swarmed his senses. He felt his hand hold Y/N a little bit tighter, pulling her back to walk at his sloth-like pace. Eventually, his feet betrayed him and he found himself entering the doors of the building. Then the elevator. Then the hallway where Cameron’s dorm was located. Then just outside the dorm. 
Matt sighed softly at the loss of Y/N by his side. She had turned away from him and opened the door to Cameron’s dorm. Her back facing him. Her hand was still on the doorknob. Matt’s breath got heavy as he heard how fast Y/N’s heart was beating. She was waiting for something. 
Suddenly she turned around and gasped slightly at the proximity she had to Matt. Matt smiled at the sound. Her scent now filled his nose. His senses were only focused on her. Her heartbeat, the sound of her breath, the way her hand ran against her dress in an attempt to soothe her nerves, the blood rushing to her cheeks, her tongue darting out to wet her lips. Her lips. Matt could tell they’d be soft. He wondered how’d they’d taste and how’d they’d feel against his. 
Matt couldn’t stand it any longer. The two of them had been dancing around all evening. The hand of the clock was moving closer and closer to her departure time. He reached up a hand to cup her cheek, the other tickled her neck, coming to rest just above her heartbeat. Matt leaned in, but she stopped him. Her hand was firm on his chest. 
“I can’t.” She whispered. 
Matt frowned and pulled away. Was he reading this all wrong?
“Matt,” Y/N reached out. She pulled him back to her. 
“I have this policy.” She explained. Matt found his hands finding a place at her waist. His grip was solid. 
“A policy?” Matt asked. His brows raised. 
“I…,” She shook her head. “I don’t kiss and say goodbye.” Her voice got quiet and if it wasn’t for Matt’s hyper-hearing, he was sure he would have missed it. 
He smiled softly he opened his mouth to reply, but Y/N continued on.
“I leave tomorrow morning and I don’t know if I’ll ever be back in New York. Hell, I don’t even know if I’ll be back in the States for that matter.” Matt felt her head fall against his chest. 
“But,” she said softly, “If I ever find you again in the future. If our paths somehow cross–like I need a defence lawyer,”
“Why? Do you plan on getting in trouble anytime soon,” Matt jokingly commented. 
 Y/N chuckled. The nervousness in her muscles relaxed. 
“Or if my ballet company tours or something like that,” She continued. She lifted her head off of Matt’s chest and cupped his face in her hands. She leaned in close and brushed her nose against his. “If you aren’t taken and vise-versa, if we remember each other, remember this…”
“That’s a lot of ifs,” Matt whispered. His nose nudging hers. 
“I know, but if destiny, fate, whatever is on our side, then I promise to give you a kiss.”
Matt’s ears perked up at those words. 
“I’ll give you a kiss. A real kiss,” She repeated. 
Matt laughed. “A real kiss?”
He felt her smile. “Yeah, not some peck on the cheek bullshit. A real kiss like how they do it in the movies.” 
“Okay,” Matt said. He wished as he held her close, that he could say something poetic and what not but words failed him. 
It was Y/N who pulled back first. Her hands fell from Matt’s face, and she stepped out of his hold. She turned away and whispered goodbye before closing the door to Cameron’s room. Matt sighed and stood outside her door taking in the promise she had made him. Forcing his mind to commit every last detail about her to memory. He’d be damned if he’d ever forget such a wonderful woman–Y/N. 
Finally, he stepped away and walked down the hall back to the elevators. He had only made it a few steps before the door flung open and Y/N rushed out. She ran to Matt. He turned around to meet her when he felt a warmth on his cheek. She had kissed him. Kissed his cheek. 
“There,” She stated. “A little something to mark the promise.” 
Matt smiled and reached out to her, his hand grasping her forearm. He leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. His lips a promise to find her. A promise to never forget. He lingered close to her. His soft lips against her flushed cheek. 
“Goodnight, sweetheart.” 
“Goodnight, Matt,” Y/N whispered sweetly. “Find me in the future.” 
It was 3.26 in the morning when Foggy stumbled into the dorm. His drunken figure ran into the walls and tripped over shoes laid out across the floor. The noise from his entrance would have woken Matt from his slumber. However, Matt was awake. His sightless eyes gazed up at the ceiling. His mind was in a trace with a prayer on loop. 
“Fuck, sorry Matt.” Foggy apologized. His voice was hoarse from the long night of alcohol and impromptu karaoke. 
Matt turned on his side. “It’s alright, Foggy.” 
“So…” Foggy began as he marched to the bathroom and hastily brushed his teeth clean. The bottle of tooth past lay untouched next to the sink. “Was it a night to remember?”
Matt couldn’t hide the large and bright smile that appeared on his face. Matt’s mind flashed with the memories from the evening, distracting him from answering Foggy’s question. Puzzled by his friend’s silence, Foggy stepped out of the bathroom. A toothbrush stuck in his mouth, and hands on his hips. 
“You didn’t…” Foggy exclaimed the words sounding mushed with the toothbrush in his mouth. He quickly took out the toothbrush and discarded it on the side of the sink. “Who is she?” 
Matt sat up and looked in Foggy’s direction. The pungent smell of the party that followed Foggy didn’t bother Matt as he thought about the woman of the evening. Part of him wanted to keep the events of tonight a secret. He wanted to keep Y/N–the memory of her to himself. However, Matt’s mouth opened up and betrayed the inner thoughts of his mind, and he told Foggy everything. He told Foggy about being locked in the bathroom. The way she sat down next to him. Her leg brushed against his. He told Foggy about how he could have talked to the woman for hours and that he had told her so much about him some of which Foggy had never known. The smell of her perfume, and the sound of her voice and when she laughed. Matt smiled as he relayed their escape from the bathroom and the way she held on to him the walk back drawing him closer as the cold night went on. Matt told Foggy of his reluctance to let her go, and how he wished she were a student here. That he could be with her again and again, but that it couldn’t be. Later today, she’d be on a plane far away from New York. Far away from Matt. 
The room grew silent, and Matt just sat on his bed. Unsure of the thoughts and feelings dancing around his head. 
“What is it?” Foggy asked. He got the sense that there was something more to Matt’s mysterious woman of the evening. “A ground-breaking kiss? Mind-blowing sex?”
Matt just shook his head. Foggy gasped. 
“I kissed her cheek,” Matt replied. He had said it as if it was the best thing that had ever happened to him. A tiny kiss on the cheek. A kiss she had ran after him for. 
Foggy feined dramatically. “A. Kiss. On. the. Cheek.” 
“No, Fog…” Matt began. His head shook at Foggy’s statement. “We made a promise.”
Foggy stopped his dramatic acting and hopped on his bed. “A promise?” He repeated sceptically. This was his friend, Matthew Murdock, the campus playboy and heartthrob, and here he was a complete sap over a girl he had only met a few hours before. It didn’t possible to Foggy.
“If we find each other in the future, remember this night, the promise, then she’d give me a real kiss.”
“A real kiss?” Foggy chuckled. 
“Like one of those in the movies.”
Foggy’s eyes narrowed at Matt. “She’s your Cinderella,” he blurted. 
“My what?”
“Your Cinderella. The promise, AKA the shoe. The party tonight, the ball. Love at first sight You get my gist.”
“I’m not in love with her Fog it’s just…”
Foggy rolled his eyes. “She’s your Cinderella,” Foggy stated firmly. “You’re a complete sap over a woman you’ve only known for a few hours. Therefore, CINDERELLA.”
Matt smiled. “My Cinderella,” he repeated to himself.
“Now, you just need to go all Prince Charming and scour the kingdom for her,” Foggy mumbled as he fell back in his bed and snuggled into his blankets. 
Matt smiled at the thought and laid back down. His eyes raised up once again to the ceiling. Y/N, he thought. Matt felt like a sinner as the most beautiful sound he had ever heard left his lips–her name. He said it over and over again. A silent prayer to God that he’d meet her again in the future. He’d find his Cinderella and claim his kiss. He’d remember her: her scent, the melody of her heart, the touch of her skin and her lips, everything. Soon Matt felt his eyelids fall closed as midnight dreams overtook him. All he could think about was her. Y/N. He’d find her he just knew it.  
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skylarmoon71 · 3 months
Matt Murdock (Daredevil) - Chapter 4
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Since that night he would drop by just to check in.
You couldn’t believe that you’d actually befriended a vigilante. A part of you wanted to tell Matt and Foggy, but the danger it could pose for not just him, but them, made you hesitant. So for the time being you decided that it was best to keep it to yourself. 
This particular night he was seated on the floor, legs folded. 
“Your friends sound like great guys.” 
You nod, chewing on your gummy bears. 
“They are! Foggy is by far the funniest guy you will ever meet in your life. Ever since we met he’s always looked out for me. He even turned down a date with a hot girl to look after me when I was sick last year. If you know Foggy, that’s the ultimate sign of love.” 
He smiles. 
“It sounds like he cares about you.” 
“Mhmm, he’s like a brother to me.” 
He knew he shouldn’t tip the boat, but he couldn’t help but ask. He was curious about your opinion of him. 
“What about your other friend?” 
“Mmm, he’s great too.” 
You fidget with the snack now, looking down at your lap. He can spot the hesitance, so now he’s intrigued by the reason. 
“It seems like there might be more to it than that.” 
You twiddle the treat in your hand. 
“It’s nothing bad it’s just..sometimes he comes in with these bruises. Matt is blind you see, so sometimes he gets hurt, but he won’t ask for help. I know he doesn’t want to be a burden to me or Foggy, but we’re his friends. I want to ask him, offer help but I’m scared that I might upset him and if he got mad and stopped talking to me I’d be miserable.” 
You lower your head, and he nods in understanding. 
“If he’s as great as you say, then he won’t be upset if you’re trying to look out for him. Maybe just talk to him, he sounds like a reasonable person.” 
“You’re right, Matt is nice, if I just talk to him, I’m sure he’ll appreciate it. Thanks Mr. Daredevil. You should really become a therapist, you’re a good listener. Well, I guess given your side job it might be a bit difficult huh?” 
He can’t help but smile. 
“Yeah, it might be.” 
You grin, throwing a gummy bear and he catches it easily. 
“Geez sometimes your reflexes are insane. I would have missed that. Look.” 
You threw one in the air with the intention to catch it in your mouth, but it bounces off your nose and onto the floor. 
He starts laughing. 
“You just need to focus a little better, watch.” 
He threw his own in the air and with one easy move to the left, it dropped right into his mouth. 
He chewed and you just glared at him playfully. 
“You’re like a ninja, I don’t think it counts.”
“It sounds like you’re a sore loser.” 
“Am not!!” 
It was nice, being the one he seemed to confide in. Those nights were great. Just having someone to talk to. The following morning you meet Matt in the library. With Daredevil’s advice in mind, you walked right up to him. 
“Hey Matt.” 
He turned at your call, a smile stretching on his face. 
You could do it, all you have to do is ask if he needs help. 
“I can do this, I can do this!” 
With the pep talk, you finally get the words out. 
“I-I’m worried about you. You’ve been getting hurt a lot and I just wanted to let you know that if you ever need help, Foggy and I are here for you.” You hoped that you’d gotten your point across without somehow offending him. The easy smile he gave you made your anxieties just wash away. 
“I appreciate it. Since you’re offering, I wanted to check out that sandwich place across the street. Do you mind?” He held out his hand and you nod excitedly. 
“Of course, let’s go!” 
Linking arms, you walked away with him, making a mental reminder to thank Daredevil for his sound advice. Turns out vigilantes were good at more than just kicking criminal butt. 
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