#college attendance
inbabylontheywept · 2 months
so i left the mormon church as a teenager (15ish? 16?), but stayed in attendance until i was 20. i was pretty up front about the whole deciding-it-wasnt-true process with my bishop, who frankly took it really well, but it wasnt like i pulled all 150 ward members aside and had a heart to heart with them. anyway, i didnt believe, so at 19 i didnt go on a mission, and while some people in the ward were totally fine with that, others werent. and there was one woman in her late 50s who pulled me aside one day to interrogate me why i hadnt gone on a mission.
"the duty of every young man" she said.
and the thing is, im autistic. and a lot of people assume that when youre autistic, your social skills just arent very good. but thats not exactly true. your Be Polite skills are kind of eh, and they tend to stay that way, but as a sort of survival mechanism your Be Rude skills become amazing simply because you get put in tons of situations where your choices are to Function or Be Polite. and no one can choose Be Polite forever. the world demands function, it merely encourages politeness.
anyway, it can really catch neurotypicals by surprise, because hey, heres this kind of awkward, graceless guy, who stumbles over his words a lot and is very apologetic. hes probably a huge pushover. but i'm only like that when we're playing The Polite Game, because i am frankly kind of bad at it. but when its time to play The Rude Game, i go fucking ham and asking about the not-going-on-a-mission thing is Super Rude. so i said:
"sister hadlock... they wont let me go because i lit-er-ally cannot stop sucking dicks. i dont know why, its just so, so hard."
*dramatic pause*
"also - its very difficult to stop."
anyway, it almost killed her. i think she'd expected to just kind of steamroll me for the entire conversation, but the answer crushed her soul. instead of continuing her interrogation she made a noise like a horse drowning in a bog and left.
to add insult to injury, she went to the bishop after that, thinking he'd chew me out for being an ass, but instead he chewed her out for not minding her own business. then she went to my parents after that, who basically went "yeah, babylon was pretty rude. but youre also pretty rude. what are you, mad that he's better at it than you?"
i really loved that ward.
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rshrisindia · 10 months
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chickenchirps27 · 11 days
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hello denizens of tumblr i come with humble offerings
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they wish to romance you
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creechurunderurbed · 1 month
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quick sketch i drew last night to post before passing out (i passed out first coughs)
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luckyartdrawer · 2 months
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Eclipse was a little late, but he finally found a candle to celebrate your birthday with!
(It turned out to be one of those joke candles that never blow out...)
vvvv Yapping and extras below the cut! vvvv
Sketch and Close up
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Alternate sketch colors
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I don't know why exactly I really like the glowy sketch version, but even if it doesn't even look like the outline stuff the vanny mask adds onto things in the dlc, it reminds me of it lol
I think it's neat!
I recently saw this art post where they drew and mentioned cannon Eclipse barely getting love and I immediately agreed. I just had to contribute ASAP. Gotta give this kind robo man a forehead smooch. v3v
I don't mean for the image to come off as entirely creepy, I just wanted it to feel like you've been staying in the dark plex with your best buddy eclipse! Stuck but at least not alone. :)
Plus I gotta let the creepy robots be creepy sometimes. It makes the sweet personalities feel even sweeter imo :P
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dittolicous · 1 month
i feel like if youre gunna do a modern au for one piece, the strawhats have got to be like. the biggest fuckin weirdos everyone knows. not a single one is a legal law abiding citizen. they dont care about being known or w/e but somehow become influencers slash political advocates all across the world. theyre off the grid yet in the way. no one knows what stunt theyre gunna pull next including themselves. they live in a caravan-trailer situation. half of them have phds and also arrest warrents in 60 countries. theyre career criminals and hashtag career goals. they traveled with a honest to god princess. an ex-politician joined them and now all he does is wear hawaiian shirts, drive bus, and punch facists.
chopper is still a talking reindeer
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hey i'm badly in need of some prayers. my university is giving me a really shitty housing option that's most likely going to give me chronic migraines due to triggers that are present in the hall. i'm not seeing a lot of loopholes for this, and i'm going to have to work through disability services to get this sorted out. so prayers would very much be appreciated. thanks <3
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morsmortish · 2 months
i feel like we don’t acknowledge the canon age gap between barty and evan enough…barty is probably about 4-5 years younger than evan (insert the extracts from the books here that icba to pull up but trust me). GUYS. just imagine renowned surgeon evan who’s well-established in the medical world (his…side quests are kept on the down-low in this world). he writes articles and carries out studies and even appears on different documentaries or news channels, speaking in his monotone voice and routinely pushing his glasses up on the bridge of his nose. he’s concerningly intelligent, and he’s perhaps one of the most respected doctors in his field. and then there’s dr. rosier’s college student ‘boytoy’, towering over him like a lean, menacing guard dog. he’s all tattoos and piercings and long limbs, dressed in ripped jeans and grunge t-shirts, which look awfully out of place next to evan’s pristine lab coat and polished spectacles. he’ll quite literally growl at anyone who looks at his precious doctor the wrong way. he’ll also happily lay down in evan’s operating theatre and let him perform open heart surgery on him (with no anaesthesia) if evan so wished it.
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ryllen · 10 months
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pilferingapples · 6 months
the only Amis who have to Actually Care about their studies are the med students
all the rest are on a sliding scale from 'we don't actually know if they're even in college' to ' actively resisting the college they are enrolled in like they've been dumped behind enemy lines'
they are shit terrible students and that is actually canon
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0ffisially0ll0 · 10 months
Is it possible I you could draw Sun and Moon ready for Christmas? In Santa hats or as elves? ❤️😊✨️
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hey op, only had time to draw sun as an elf tonight, ill draw moon as santa sometime sooner, thank you for the drawing idea!
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cherry-pop-elf · 15 days
Drink With Me
George Weasley x Reader
AN: For poor @im-trying-my-best-yall who needs some needed fluff
Sum: George has been acting pretty weird around you recently. He keeps trying to say something to you, but whenever he does he seems to switch topics right before he says it. You figured he’s just stressed about planning for WWW after school ends, but it’s getting annoying now. So you confront him
Warning: Short and Sweet
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“Georgie! Hey, I gotta ask you something!”
There you hurried after him, to cut him off from heading to his next class. The rare times he and Fred weren’t glued to the hip. George took up new class that just wasn’t Fred’s speed. Was something about Baking if you recall correctly. Fred prepared to cook. Had to take the chance, while he’s alone, so no one could intercept you both.
“Hey shortie, what’s up?” He would ruffle at your hair, as you quickly fixed it. Those Weasleys and their string bean genes. Made him tower over you. Always left with a hurt neck if you talked to him too long. Hopefully this will be short.
“You’ve been trying to ask me something for the past few days, and I figured now that I caught you that you can tell me. So what’s up?” You asked him. Asking seemed to be what he feared the most out of you.
His wand was soon rubbing his neck, his freckles cheeks flushing, and his doe eyes darting. He just seemed to instantly clammer up. Just not seeming to be the confident ladies man he normally is. He is just a wet hand mess. What was going on?
“Oh yeah….That. Yeah uh….Um.”
Oh how his eyes were darting around. He was trying so hard to find an excuse to not Ben in this situation right now. To find something to make him shut up. To escape this pin. But no one was around. No one anywhere, not even Peeves to give mercy to the bastard in the Gryffindor Robes. He needed to face this head on.
“Was um. Just wondering if you wanted to hit up the Three Broomsticks together. That’s all.” He tried his best to act casual, and shrug. Made you all the more confused.
Why is this making him so flustered?
“Ok…..Werido. That sounds nice. We could hit it up sometime after class. Fred and Angelina should be-“
“Without them…..”
Just the two of you. No brother, no other friends. Just the two of you. Like a date. Like a normal date that normal couples do. Normal normal normal little dating. Just a date between two people. A date date.
“……I uh. Yeah, I think I can do that.” You swallowed, as this was starting to really register now. He wanted to ask you out on a date. Still, why was he so flustered over it? He’s asked out plenty of guys and gals before. Never sweat this much. Even Fred straight up called Angelina across the table to the Yule Ball, and that was the end of that. What made you different?
“You weren’t dared to do this, were you?”
He stared down at you with the most offended expression possible. As if you called him a blood traitor. Some kind of slur that would make Molly faint. He looked ready to smack you, but of course he wouldn’t. He never would lay a hand on you. Unless you asked.
“What?! The hell you mean ‘was this a dare-‘ bullshit? No! This isn’t some dare. What gave you an idea like that? Fred and I have standards. Pranks like that are not only overly simplistic, but there is no joke at the end of it. Who’s laughing? No one. Give me some respect-!”
He gave you a hip bump, and it made you laugh. Helped you feel a little better over the whole situation. Maybe you were different for other reasons. Maybe he was bashful because you two had been friends for so long. It is pretty awkward to ask a friend out. If they say no, well….You can’t really take back what you said.
“Ok ok, I’m sorry Mr. Weasley. I shall never question your pranking methods again. Now hurry to class, before you get detention. If you get detention we can’t grab butter beers. Go on and get-!” You hip bumped him right back, and he gave that cute crooked smile. One that showed there was no worries to ever hold. That he’s all laughter.
“Alright I’m gone! All gone! Poof!” And down the hallway he went. Vanishing around the corner, as you now were dancing a squealing. Flapping away at your robes in total utter glee.
George Weasley asked you out.
Had you stimming like crazy, unaware that a certain red head had his own stimming session all the same. Flapping his hands to try and calm down. So damn happy you said yes.
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californiannostalgia · 7 months
seems to me like zac oyama is repping some experiences of asian american schoolkids, defined by such hits like 'regulate your anger,' 'communicate clearer to deliberately misunderstanding assholes,' and 'perpetual sense of unbelonging in both the american part and the asian part of your life.'
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maximura · 2 months
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San experiencing all the stages of grief
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toad-games · 12 days
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Discord sillies prompted further fanart.
Lucy may be a vampire now, but she’d still like to finish her degree. Even if that means doing a group project with her bodyguard situationship and a prolific vampire hunter.
“I am not going to do a group project with you,” whispered Nathan, his scowl so deep it created two furrows bracketing his nose.
“Then you shouldn’t have followed me to class,” she hissed, “how long have you been stalking me?”
Nathan looked away, and for a moment she thought she saw a flash of guilt in his dark eyes. “I thought you were feeding on students here.”
“You’d probably get a good caffeine buzz if you did,” said Iliya conversationally, “and I have my suspicions about that one,” he nodded towards a boy who was talking animatedly to the girl next to him. His rapid steam of consciousness seemed interesting enough, judging by the girl’s expression, though his eyes were half lidded and red rimmed.
“If we snacked on him we’d be in for a very good time,” said Iliya with a toothy grin.
“And why are you here, exactly?” Demanded Nathan, “are you also enrolled in Introduction to Poetry?”
“I go where Lady Blackwell goes. Besides I do not need a class to enjoy poetry,” said Iliya, reclining in the cheaply upholstered seat with his arms behind his head, “but if I was, I would get A for sure.”
Anyway go play Thicker Than by @barbwritesstuff
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transsongtaewon · 3 months
Rereading the early chapters is fun, because you think there's a sort of funny scene coming up and then Kim Sunghan mentions his college days in passing and Yoojin thinks wouldn't it be nice to go to college. And then follows it up with I Need To Get Drunk.
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