#colin i too info dump
scrumptious-shit · 1 year
don’t ask me which character from wwdits i relate to, it’s all of them get over it
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Richmond weird/funny interview idea.
I was going to write this as a fic but then realised I would have to try to figure out how y'all do awards shows and what they are called and gave right up.
So in AFL (Australian football), we have this awards night for the best player in the league that year and most of the other big awards (called the brownlow). It basically means all the biggest players in the league come together to this award ceremony. And on the red carpet, they do interviews and stuff for radio and tv. Pretty normal stuff. Most the time, it's what are you wearing, how do you think your year has been, who do you think will win blah blah. But there is this one segment a radio station came up with entitled 'sh*t brownlow questions', and the interviewer just asks completely random and stupid questions for fun. And it's hilarious because these players are just so out of depth with the random questions.
Now I cant get a Richmond version out of my head.
Like they go to an awards show, all dressed to the nines and there is some interviewer there who decides to ask random questions for entertainemnt on his channel, when all the guys are expecting the usual questions and it starts of pretty well and funny
Interviewer: Hey Dani, just a quick question. Would you rather fight 1 Isaac McAdoo sized duck or 100 duck sized Isaac McAdoo's?
Dani in his chipper demeanour: oh I wouldn't want to fight any version of Issac at all he is such a great guy, and I love him....
Dani suddenly going serious and grabbing the mic and looking straight down the camera: But if I had to chose, I would go 1 duck sized Isaac because 100 tiny Isaac's would be too many Isaac's, they would completly overwhelm you and tear you apart!
Interviewer: Hey Colin, just wondering do you do your tax returns as soon as you can or wait until just before the cut off date?
Colin going pale: oh no. When are the tax returns due? I don't know when the last time I did my taxes was......
Interviewer asking like this is going to be a football question: Hey Sam, we are getting to the serious end of the season now so I was was just wondering, who do you think will win..... this seasons Lust Conquers All?
Sam with his serious face at the beggining of the question laughing by the end: Oh Janet for sure but I think I would be a amiss if I didn't mention Jamie was robbed last season.
Interviewer: Hey Roy, just wondering.....
Roy barley glancing at him as he walks past: Nope not doing it, f**k off.
Interviewer: Hey Richard, so the big one is coming up, Wembley Stadium, 90 000 people, just wondering........ did you manage to get Taylor Swift tickets?
Richard without blinking: Yes, yes I did.
Any question asked of Ted, Ted is just ecstatic, takes it 100% seriously, and is generally happy to answer.
The interviewer joking pulls out a cross word from the paper and asks for some help from Beard. Two minutes later, he has a completed crossword, and he just looks at it in astonishment.
Then the interview goes off the rails a little.
The Interviewer asks Jamie a random queation about history but instead of stumping him Jamie lights up and peoceeds to give an in-depth answer with alarming detail and the interview now knows more than he ever needed to on the subject. (This makes Roy even more unhappy because Jamie is now going to 100% talk his ear off about this for the rest of the night, just info dumping on him. Let be real he secretly loves it)
Interviewer: Hey Moe, just wondering if you had an opinion on the election in (insert random country here, most people wouldn't know about the elections of).
Moe: automatically goes into lecture mode about democracy and the evil's of government  and gets so passionate and loud aftet 5 minutes of it Issac needs to come and save the reporter who eyes are as wide as saucers and is questiong everything.
Like, I can just imagine the chaos of the AFC and their personalities in a segment like this. The fans would go crazy for it, too
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francarieq · 2 years
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happy birthday shrig!$!!$!!1!!!!!1!1!1 your 8th year anniversary !!
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secretlysheikah · 3 months
Hello beloved. Pls pls info dump about the characters i love them so much.
Okay! So let’s talk about the flame!
Let’s talk about Scout.
My girl Hiri or Mouse as she goes by if you’re her friend has a pretty, sentient flame named scout!
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As seen here^^^ (thank you @author-main for the fantastic commission)
He is a a brat but very loveable. Plain and simple.
When not in his lantern:
He likes to squeeze into tight spaces
He likes to battle spiders and drop their little dead spider bodies on Hiri’s face when she sleeping
He likes to CONSUME
If he eats too much “food” he will go rouge like any other flame. He can spread like wild fire and the only way Hiri knows he’s about to go wild is by his flame color.
Blue flame= stable fire buddy
Red/orange flame= uh oh.
Here are some more flame drawings of my favorite little buddy:
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He an idiot, and he has also been the reason lots of Colin’s paperwork, books and one bed has been burnt to a crisp.
Thank you mrow! You are the best and I had another reason to show off my commission lol. Thank you!
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misscrawfords · 4 months
Watched Bridgerton with a bit too much wine and a new cross-stitch. Immediate thoughts:
highly watchable. Four hours sped by. Whatever else it might be, it's a very addictive, winning formula. Liked it much more than I anticipated despite feeling that a) Penelope's unrequited friends-to-lovers fantasy is going to hit me very hard and b) Colin Bridgerton is not attractive and never will be.
Francesca Francesca Francesca!!! I don't remember much about her book and from the trailers/promo pics didn't think much of the new actress but I am now obsessed with Francesca. Adore her being autistic coded with a music special interest. Adore that for her. Adore the music. Absolutely everything. She's my girl!!!!!! Love her being silent with John. I'm so sad knowing what happens but I want this for her. I cant stop thinking about how he listened to her info dump about that violinist and then got the damn piece transcribed for her to play. I mean. Listen. My hear, you guys, my heart. I don't care about anything or anyone else!
Penelope's glow-up is awesome.
Love Alice and Will Mondrich. Again, did not see this coming but finding their storyline pretty cool.
Love that we get more Hyacinth. She's my favourite Bridgerton because when I read her book I related to her so hard I had some kind of life crisis, so the fact she has more to do and is growing up just fills me with joy.
Weirdly love the Featheringtons and the very bizarre inheritance/pregnancy plot. The girls don't know what sex is and neither do their loser husbands? The whole thing is so utterly off the wall, it's compelling! Their S02 plot was so dull but I'm finding this completely bonkers and compelling. Maybe it's the wine?
Cressida and Eloise??!!! Like, Cressida is ticking all my "mean rich bitch with unexpected trauma and hidden depths" box and I hate myself for it but there we go. Here for it. I hope she isn't completely villainised.
Eloise's development baffles me. I hate that she's all "I'm not like other girls" with the sewing and she seems to veer towards learning that maybe she can get on with girls and change and then she's dragged back into her insufferable superiority. And how is the character who is written like this supposed to end up as the stepmum to Marina Crane's children vegetating in the countryside? It does not make sense at all for show!Eloise. Actually the only thing that makes sense is to make her a lesbian, or at least bi, which would be in keeping with her "I don't fit in/I'm different" narrative. Otherwise... what? ngl I want Cressida/Eloise fanfic and I did not think that would be my takeaway from this show when I woke up today.
Colin is just not sexy. He's not sexy, he has an unsexy name (4th on my ranking of "how sexy are the Bridgerton boys' names" btw: 1 is Benedict obv - top tier sexy name; 2 is Anthony - mid-level but clearly worked for Cleopatra, has definite potential in the right circumstances; 3 is Gregory - not sexy especially if abbreviated but could work with a lot of effort in a particularly charming individual but Colin? Nope. Can you imagine screaming "COLIN!" in the heights of passion? No, didn't think so.) And I just don't buy him as a character. Why must maturity and new-found confidence equal having threesomes? He lacks coherency to me. Oh well. I don't hate him but I would take John Stirling's silence and top tier gift giving or Lord Debling's honesty, kindness, and dedicated to real interests over his... whatever it is is Colin has... any day.
Penelope's glow-up is great and she looks hot af and I'm here for it and her arc is certainly compelling but it's actually... not the most compelling part of the show for me. Whoops!
The dig about embroidery was very unnecessary.
Don't know what Benedict is doing in this plot but he's still very entertaining and has more character than Colin.
Yeah. I enjoyed it way more than expected and I only feel mildly heartbroken about the whole friends-to-lovers thing but that's probably the wine. Part 2 is released on my birthday so happy birthday to me, I guess!!
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fourdollarwords · 1 year
I need someone to draw Trent and Colin going to a museum after thunderdong. And Trent drunkenly info dumping about whatever exhibit they're at while Colin laughs. Trent drank vanilla vodka for Colin, they can do this too.
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adobe-outdesign · 2 years
DHMIS: Thoughts on Lesley's Motivations
I don’t know if I can call this a theory per say, but I noticed that Lesley seems to be... slightly more fond of the trio than Roy was. She’s still clearly unhinged, as emphasized by her outbursts, but she does show affection towards Yellow Guy.
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“It’s nice to meet you. You’re one of my favorites,” booping Yellow Guy’s nose, “You are just too funny,” etc etc. Her also putting the trio back in their house at the end of 5 could be malicious (keeping them trapped) or helpful (they had no food or shelter at the dump).
On top of that, in the original series, the teachers rarely come to harm. But in this series:
Briefcase: Doesn’t die at the end, but is the only teacher from this series to show up dead at the end of 6 to compensate
Coffin: Tormented by Bird and killed by Yellow Guy
Lillie and Todney: Killed by Roy (they also killed the actual apple teacher)
Warren: Killed by Bird
Train: Keels over and dies on his own
Electrical Box: Temporarily put out of commission by Bird
In fact, a lot of the shenanigans in this series are caused by the trio rather than the teachers. (They’re the ones who decided to get jobs, Bird’s the one who decided he was dead, Bird and Red insult Yellow which results in him going catatonic, Red drives away in Train’s corpse, and Bird takes the batteries from the Electric Box. Lillie and Todney are the only ones with malicious intentions, and keep in mind they’re not the actual teachers, as emphasized by them being human; the actual teacher was the apple they ate at the beginning. They also keep Yellow alive while drop kicking Bird and Red back to their house).
And that’s not getting to the end of 6, where the briefcase and a bunch of teachers from 1 show up dead. Roy is also there:
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There’s also a TV playing footage of the puppets. The whole plot of the original series was that it took place within a TV that Roy controlled.
Another thing is that when former teachers do show up, they’re weirdly friendly towards the trio:
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Colin is a prime example of this. Not only does he outright state he loves the trio, he actually presents some factually correct info about eagles (keeping in mind that 90% of what he says in the original series is pure nonsense). He also goes ballistic in the OG series when touched, but the trio touch his keyboard and mouse throughout this episode without him minding.
Other teachers that are more placid include the Lamp (sober, non-malicious) and Tony (just chilling on the wall).
Keep in mind that Lesley controls everything. This means that she presumably killed the teachers and Roy for their treatment of the trio, made the teachers in her universe nicer, and make sure they get killed off if harm comes to the trio. This may make this series a sequel to DHMIS, though it’s possible it’s a complete AU instead.
In fact, part of me wonders if, from a meta standpoint, Lesley is supposed to represent the fanbase in a sense, seeing as she’s happy to meet Yellow and says he’s her favorite, characterizes the teachers as nicer than they are, and seems to be on the trio’s side to some extent. She also doesn’t answer the question of if she actually made everything or not (instead just saying it’s a “good question” and laughing). Could be completely wrong about that though, especially because we don’t know much about her or her motivations.
Final note: the song she sings at the end might reference her taking over from Roy, if this is a potential sequel (”Batteries can be replaced, but some things stay the same / no matter how we twist and turn, we’re still dancing in chains”). Even though someone else is in control, the end result in the same: the puppets getting tortured.
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cephalosporine · 1 year
Sooooo…. really controversial take…
I am autistic and am a huge fan of WWDITS (What we do in the shadows).
I love the diverse cast (and most of all Guillermo), my only teensy little problem is with Colin Robinson. Don’t get me wrong- I really love that guy and Mark Proksch nails the performance.
But his info-dumping kind of reminds me a little of an autistic stereotype. I have sometimes found myself in a similar situation- I love telling people about my special interests and people often times seem bored or annoyed at me for spewing facts/ interesting snippets about biology and animation/ my latest obsession at them. Even if they asked. Most of the time I don’t really recognise when I tend to overwhelm them, either.
But I never do this out of malice, but because of my deep passion for the topic and my need to connect with others (like any human being). In the show however, Colin goes out of his way to be annoying in order to “feed” on people’s boredom and misery. He also isn’t especially considerate of his housemates and tries to drain them regularly, too. I am happy that they don’t mock or exclude him too much for that, but it still leaves a bitter after-taste.
And thus concludes my take on Colin Robinson- you can scream at me now.
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conflagrate · 1 year
The Night Agent 08
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Oh god Matteo has a nice, pure twin and he’s the evil one? Lord
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....So the real Matteo died & Colin switched identities, lovely. Best brother ever!
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And they find out too whoop!
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Nahhh Maddie sweet-talking the boy won’t work
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Woooh info dump from Maddie! She’s smarter than we think, convincing Colin/Matteo & sending the message to Chelsea heehee
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Oh the President ain’t so dense after all?
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I FORGOT ABOUT THIS BITCH HAHAHA. She’s just gonna end up killing someone innit? (and it won’t be Peter)
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Nice to get a good look at those tattoos - I assume they’re Gabriel Basso’s real ones
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Hell yes Rose! Killed the bitch!
Oh umm now Matteo/Colin’s dead, what’s left? The boring political shit? 2 more episodes to go!
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stonesandswords · 2 years
I'm so excited for the four f's of Richard maintenance fic and just season 3 of Ted Lasso in general, and it has left me unable to come up with any headcanon or information about our lovely little OT3 to drop on you, so I would like to politely request for you to respond to this with a rambly Jan/Colin/Richard ot3 info dump please! I need the joy (will also happily accept smut or angst over fluff)
I'm so glad you're excited for the fic! I made sure to write a bunch tonight because of it because I'm excited too.
I'm also so excited for season 3 of Ted Lasso in general, I feel like I've been waiting for season 3 so long that I still can't believe it's almost here! One more week! Also been loving the premier pics and videos from Instagram tonight, it's a whole lot but I can't believe how many of the AFC Richmond team actors are there and I think it's so fucking awesome how many of them are there!
As for a rambly info dump on OT3, I'm thinking about the three of them being homesick. They all three live and met in a different country from where they grew up and it's hard for them all.
Jan pretends he struggles the least but mostly because he buries his hurt more than Richard and Colin. Jan is normally a more quiet and more subdued man, but there's a certain pensive gloom to him when he's homesick. It always takes a few days for Colin and Richard to catch on (although they're quicker on it through the years) but when they finally do catch on, they always feel so guilty that Jan was feeling this way for so long, that they make a triple effort to cheer him up and lovingly goad him into reminding him why he moved so far away from home. For love, they tell him, which Jan always argues that he didn't know he'd move away and fall in love with the worst Frenchman and the worst Welshman he'd ever met in his life. (To which Colin and Richard remind him that he moved for the love of football.)
Colin is the most vocal about his homesickness. He gets homesick the least, as at least one of his family members is able to travel to a Richmond game on a monthly basis. And on many the extra day off, Colin, Richard, and Jan have made day or weekend trips into Wales, just to explore. But it is often that Colin feels like he has important things he wants to celebrate (or grieve) with his family and he finds it frustrating that they're not right by his side he wants to share something with them. Jan and Richard find that a simple video call with his nieces and nephews cures Colin's homesickness in an instant.
Richard gets reminiscent when he's homesick. Colin and Jan try to recognize the signs of Richard romanticizing his life back in France as signs of Richard's oncoming homesickness. Anything from life back on the goat farm to Richard's years to the time he spent in youth leagues in France. Colin and Jan know it's especially bad when Richard starts talking about his life with Newcastle United. Colin and Jan like to utilize their Richard Maintenance Manual™ that they drunkenly made one night to cheer Richard right back up.
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Episode 5: "I'd rather die than grovel to a group of white people."—Raffy
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I simply couldn't do rocks like that
So unfortunately for everyone i am somehow still here 😎
tribal days are so stressful PLS i need some reprieve lol. i feel bad for the ellie vote out but! i don't like to be two timed. it also could be someone else doing the two-timing but that's the game. last time i played in an ORG there was the biggest rat of all in my alliance and i was sooo caught off guard sooo tryna not let that happen again. also just so y'all know i actually am great at spelling and grammar but this forum is legitimately a giant brain dump. i hope i didn't ruin my chances to work with colin or raffy but if so, so be it. chat soon!
okay but for real I can only play with who really wants to work with me at the present and I have the ability to readjust if something goes awry. tell me about alliances that exclude me and I'm tempted to work my way in and correct that. and I don't have the energy for last minute info. i do feel bad for not telling Colin Raffy and Ellie that I wasn't going to do rocks but Ellie was jinx target last go and even Colin said last go that they would vote Ellie but they were in alliances and wanted to go to rocks. Simply my plan became to remove options from Colin and Raffy but also still protect us three, though I also was mess bc I could have just told them whoopsies. They are mad and this could still easily flip onto me but I feel good in my group with jinx and JG and honestly I love other ppl doing the work for me while I sit back and wait. Though yeah I shouldn't have blindsided not going to rocks here 😬 and I do love rocks so it's a tough loss but I told Raffy and Colin from the start i wouldn't vote them but jinx really tried to switch the vote to Colin last minute so I had to stop that lol not happening even if they blindside me next 😅 tbh this vote didn't even need to happen and if raffy would have kept the vote on zo I probably would have voted with that side and got someone else to do so too bc girlie was living her best life when I was working for hours on that puzzle. Anyway I lost some info access but I want to keep the game interesting 🤠 (for me) and give myself space to move when I need to.
I need to win this tribal immunity or I am going to be a pre-merge flop. I guess I made too many mistakes these past two rounds. First mistake was trying to target JG during the Steven round. That made him not trust me and now I lost an ally. Second mistake, was then trying to work with JG on the Zo vote which gave him ammo against me so that he could throw me under the bus to Zo. Third mistake was even going along with the plan to flip the vote to save Steven as I should have just given Steven up the wolves and not reveal my position. Fourth mistake was actually voting JG instead of Ellie which cements him not working with me. Fifth mistake was not revealing all the info I had to JG about that woman's alliance so that JG would actually trust the info. There definitely could be more, but that's just what I can come up with.
Where do we go from here? I have no idea. I think Amy and Jinx are protecting me, but, at this point, does it really matter? Looking at whose on the tribe, even if they wanted to vote out Colin, Zo is definitely going to want to vote me out more since apparently Zo and Colin have a really tight relationship and JG doesn't trust me at all. So, that's like two people who would most likely push for me to go. Idk if Colin is even going to try to salvage this or throw me to the wolves since he must also be feeling it's either me or him. I think I'm just in a "wait and see" sort of phase since I don't have power, sway, or even a voice on this tribe. So, I have to wait till a tribe swap or merge to even re-establish myself on the social hierarchy.
I don't even really wanna talk to Zo or JG since I don't even know what to say. They obviously both know I came at them at some point and anything I say to them would just be twisted to take me out. I don't really wanna talk to anyone on this tribe either. Cause it's just too difficult. Feels like I'm groveling and I'd rather die than grovel to a group of white people.
Jay you’ll be hearing from my lawyer for that tribal because the literal cardiac arrest i am in still!!!!! But seriously what a rush the passion it was truly incredible I am so sad JG is gone tho :( Here’s hoping for no swap fuck today babes!!
Tonight was a LOT. What just happened?? Guess who with a disadvantage, then deciding on a live tribal??? I almost voted Colin out but when zo said she couldn't I said oh I guess I'm voting JG out then bc I just couldn't vote Colin. Sucks though the JG Jinx Amy alliance was iconic. Anyway a live tribal while I'm running around in public straight into a mutiny swap?? I just went for it bc I have never mutinied and it sounded fun and chaotic. In the end it's 3 olds to 2 news on 2 of the 3 tribes! Me raffy and jinx together (so jinx and Colin aren't fighting lol) like this is WILD???? Olds control 2 tribes and the other is all Youths. And I think I won Raffy and Colin back over from being mad at me.
But I gotta say the funniest thing of the night. Turns out I thought AJ and Adeline were the same person.
Sin Sazonar
Girlllll idk what's happening. I thought JG would be going, instead Els is gone. I *think* that Raffy and Colin and Jinx are working together? Maybe? And they were some of the votes on Els? But I also think I'll need to drop all my preconceived notions because past relationship does NOT equal current alliance. Anyway, bummed to see Els go, they seemed cool 😭
Wow Hairie really pulled through with the puzzle challenge. I was fully ready to go to sleep and wake up to defeat but goddamn. If that round wasn’t a rollercoaster I have no idea what is. But also, I have no clue what the voting sitch is on the other tribe, and that scares me with us potentially going into a swap. Jay turned off chat history today which is like, mmm not sus at all. But I digress. I feel both better and worse since I’ve got this idol in my pocket, but we’ll see how today goes. Trinica’s got a handy dandy spreadsheet but the other tribe has people who’ve been super fans much longer than I have. Wishing us all the luck because I have no idea what’ll happen if we lose. Pandemonium probably.
So I may have just made the biggest mistake of my entire game but…we shall see. I’ve told Trinica about the idol. This might bite me in the ass, but honestly I feel better having someone else who is informed who can help properly use this idol. But also, could bite me in the ass if there’s an attempt to flush it. So honestly who knows. This is either the biggest mistake of my game or a good move. I really hope it’s the latter.
Okay not only did AJ find the idol right before me, she also TOLD ME ABOUT IT. Sometimes when I play with AJ I feel like I have to talk to her about security precautions in the same way I had to talk to my old social work clients. Like no, you should not give your new hookup your social security number! No, you should not go buy an iTunes giftcard to send to the stranger texting you! No, you should not tell other players you have an idol until and unless absolutely necessary!
But hey, I'm glad she told me. It's a sign of trust, which is good. Now the question is... do I honor that trust? Or betray it?
In an ideal world, I'd have an F4 with me, Hairie, AJ, and Brandi. But Hairie and AJ are on a "I don't trust the other" spiel with me and Brandi in the middle. I could try to repair that, but idk if that's to my benefit at this point. And it feels irreparable tbh. I really want to tell Hairie about AJ's idol, but I don't think that's a helpful move right now. We will keep that in the back pocket.
Brandi has said she wants to work until the end with me, which honestly was a little unexpected but it's good news. And although I'm definitely working more CLOSELY with Hairie as far as strategy goes, he's not somebody I would necessarily want to sit with at the end.
But I'm getting ahead of myself. For now, surviving this round.
I'm really worried about my chances after this. If our tribe doesn't win the next challenge, I feel like my head could be on the chop. Im sitting out this next challenge because I genuinely don't know survivor that well, I liked it as a kid, I like this game. But Im so bad with names and I haven't watched it in years. I hope my tribe understands how badly I want to participate, but how I have NO knowledge. I hope our tribe wins again, and we don't have to go to tribal.
I have never known peace like getting to sit out of a challenge. I am just vibing. There are no responsibilities that I have to tend to. No stressing or freaking out. I am just chilling
I think I didn't contribute that much to the challenge because I was preparing to go to work. I took a bath during the challenge, so it's hard for me to keep up but yeah, we did it again. We won another challenge and so nervous for the swap. 3 tribe of 5 is a pretty small group and there's no hiding place. I hope I get into a strong tribe that can win challenges.
We are about to merge and all I can say is I hope I'm with Trinica I really like them here we go I'm scared !!!! I hope my shhhh! Team can stay together through this time of - oop you posted!
I have lots of feelings because my number one alliance member might’ve lied to me eek big feelings but ima keep my head up
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aurorawest · 2 years
Reading update
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Based on the cover, I was originally pretty skeptical of this book, but then I read all of Roan Parrish's other books and now she's one of my favorite authors. This is one of her earlier books (maybe her first? not sure) but it's really good. It's got my favorite things—complicated relationship with father and brothers + traumatized young man who doesn't know how to love himself. Also gay sex. Genuinely though, I really loved Daniel's and Rex's love story.
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Now this one surprised me. This was an Illumicrate book which I fully expected to not enjoy, because the summary didn't sound very interesting. But it was GREAT. Listen, my opinion that will get me canceled is that I typically don't read books with female protagonists anymore, because they're so often written horribly. This book has wonderfully written women. The world is really unique and cool, and it was just generally an interesting take on the When is a monster not a monster? Oh, when you love it trope.
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I read Young Mungo (Douglas Stuart's second novel) last year and loved it, so I snatched this book up when I found it used in my local bookstore. It was pretty much exactly what I expected: sad but lovely. I enjoyed Young Mungo more, but that's because I enjoy romance more than mother-son relationships. It's not a knock on this book at all, which is a devastating portrayal of a child trying to parent his alcoholic mother. Anyway yeah, read it. And read Young Mungo, too.
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This was such a fun read! It doesn't break any new ground and it's completely predictable, but that's fine, it's an adorable YA romcom, and the point is to see the end coming from a mile away. I laughed out loud quite a few times as I was reading, and I was definitely rooting for Micah and Elliot. I also am always a sucker for stories that have an evils-of-fame storyline.
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So this is a series that I used to love. It's very All Creatures Great and Small, only it's with human doctors and it takes place in Northern Ireland in the 1960s. I don't know if it's that my tastes have changed or if the series just isn't as good anymore, but I really didn't enjoy this book. At all. Patrick Taylor is...not actually a very good writer? Like he's constantly clumsily info-dumping and it drove me crazy in this book. The others must have been the same way but I probably overlooked it because I enjoyed them more.
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The sequel to In the Middle of Somewhere, which follows Daniel's older brother Colin. Which was a brave fucking move on Parrish's part, because in In the Middle of Somewhere, Colin is a horrible asshole to Daniel. He's cruelly picked on Daniel ever since Daniel was a young teen, and without going into a lot of details, it was all pretty homophobic (to the point of a physical altercation). He's just a dick, basically.
Anyway, I guess I can't really talk about this one without spoiling the first one, but as it turns out, Colin is gay, has known it for many years, knew it when Daniel came out to him, and was still a dick for all that time. He is very very closeted and wants to please his father EVEN MORE than Daniel does in the first book. I actually like this one even more than the first book, because Parrish takes this character who is nasty and awful and turns the whole thing around. It's really a master class in unreliable narration (CS Pacat might be the only other author I can think of who pulls it off this well). Colin's and Rafael's love story is really beautiful, too.
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Ginn Hale! Gay demons! Fantasy noir! Blood! Hurt/comfort! What's there not to like!
This is actually two novellas in one book. The first novella is from Belimai's (the demon's) POV, and is a mystery. The second is a sequel from Harper's (the detective's) POV and deals with the fallout from the first novella. I absolutely loved both but that's not saying anything because I love everything Ginn Hale writes.
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This book was weird as hell but really good. The basic plot is, two young men help a goddess escape captivity, but that just like...does not do it justice. The beauty of this book is in its prose and its weirdness. And its slow burn romance. Highly recommended, but it's not light reading. Also isn't that cover gorgeous? I spent a lot of time just staring at it.
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Like the cover says, the prequel to They Both Die at the End. It's not as good. And there was some really forced plot stuff that made me roll my eyes. Still a decent read, especially if you liked the first one.
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I'm currently reading this one! I'm already loving how it's building on the events of the second book, and appreciated the wonderfully gory opening, haha.
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babymapleleaf · 3 years
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Some little Nandor doodles! I love him so much, he’s my little meow-meow
I also have some headcanons! Under a cut because I have. A lot of thoughts about him hhjfkjfgsk
Cries all the time. Sad? Happy? Angry? He will cry. His emotions are SO BIG and he doesn’t know how to deal with any of them!
You thought he liked horses before? This is that x10. He will info dump about 700 years of equine history without pausing to breathe. He will whine until someone turns on my little pony. If you took him to a barn or petting zoo he would absolutely lose his mind. He has annoyed Colin Robinson with his horse obsession before. (But Colin didn’t mind too much, he got to use his new knowledge to bother his coworker later that week)
I say this about all my favs but he has a very difficult time pronouncing big words correctly. He doesn’t always notice if he says something wrong, but he gets really embarrassed if he does notice/ if someone corrects him. He also struggles a bit with grammar when he’s really stressed or really excited
Loves 60s music! I just think it makes him feel happy and soft :3 His favorite song is “Happy Together” by the Turtles!
He doesn’t like to hurt people when he’s small :( Guillermo has to boil frozen blood and give it to him in a little mug (with horses on it, of course) to get him to eat
He loves when people sing him lullabies! Especially Guillermo! Especially ones in Spanish! It makes him feel safe and loved! Guillermo also once learned a lullaby in Farsi and when he sang it, Nandor got so emotional that cried for an hour before falling asleep on his lap
Laszlo also loves to sing to him! He has a few songs that he wrote specifically for Nandor, but he really enjoys just improvising little melodies and making him laugh :3
ARTS AND CRAFTS oh my gosh this kid loves arts and crafts. Glitter everywhere. Crepe paper stuck to everything. Pipe cleaners tangled in his hair. The fridge and kitchen walls are absolutely covered with silly little doodles and paintings and stuff that he’s given to Guillermo. (Sometimes Nandor will get embarrassed later and ask Guillermo to throw them out, but he never does. It makes the kitchen feel lively and also they’re all so cute)
He gets really clingy, especially when he’s tired . He tends to just. Koala around the nearest person and pass out. He likes when he gets to cuddle Guillermo because he can listen to his heartbeat while he falls asleep
He also tends to steal his roommate’s clothes (he’s wearing Guillermo’s sweater in that one drawing if that wasn’t clear!!). They once found him half asleep in the fancy room laying on a pillow made of other people’s shirts.
Chews on everything. I think that Nandor does this anyway, but it’s even more uncontrollable when he’s small. Clothes, pens, his fingers, anything he can get his hands on. Guillermo eventually buys him a little rose-shaped chew necklace so he stops having to fix his sleeves
He makes Guillermo put band-aids on his injuries, despite the fact that they heal almost instantly. Guillermo keeps a pack of children’s band-aids in his pocket at all times because of this.
In conclusion, this 750-year-old warlord deserves cuddles and a trip to Build-a-Bear <3
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angryschnauzer · 4 years
Lobby Hero
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Summary:  When your creepy ex turns up at an event you are attending with your friend you stay for as long as you can, before calling an Uber to escape your ex. Thankfully the Uber driver is happy to play along and save you from the unwanted advances of your ex, being your hero in the hotel lobby.
Pairing: Colin Shea x Female Reader
Warnings: None apart from a slightly creepy ex, and a bit of smooching. Fluff with Meet-cute.
I do not operate a tag list, but if you follow @angryschnauzerwrites​ and put that blog onto notifications, you’ll get alerted each time i post.
I no longer have a masterlist due to having over 150 fiics, instead you can find everything on AO3 with the LINK HERE.
A/N: I changed this to Colin Shea (Chris’s character in What’s Your Number) as it was getting too close to real-person fiction if i left it as Chris. Plus Colin is an utter charmer and ladies man and i can so see him playing along with this situation.
Lobby Hero
Smoothing your dress down you smiled at your reflection in the ladies room mirror. It was the first time you’d been ‘out-out’ in months, your friend having convinced you to be her plus one for a work thing at a swanky hotel, and with an evening of entertainment and free drinks on the cards you were quite pleased with how you’d polished up for the night after hanging around at home after your split from your ex. Your dress that you’d ordered from Wish had turned out to be exactly like the photo, and you couldn’t help but to feel like a princess in it.
Back to your ex; Most people were surprised when the two of you had split up, but they didn’t know how weird your ex had gotten, the snide comments about your weight, how he treated you as ‘the woman at home’ even when you also had a full time career. When the gaslighting had started you’d picked him up on it immediately and had kicked his ass out of your apartment, thankful that the two of you had never moved in together properly and promptly got the locks changed. 
Emerging from the ladies room you saw your friend and waved, but paused when you saw the worried look on her face. She glanced across the room and you followed her gaze, your heart sinking when you saw him; your ex.
Frozen to the spot you didn’t realise your friend had moved until she linked an arm through yours;
“Are you ok with him here?”
“I… I guess… its a big room, maybe he won’t see me”
“If he does i’ll kick his ass for you”
Smiling at her you nodded, but you could feel your hands start to shake with nerves. The announcement that the guests should take their seats for dinner came over the PA system and the two of you made your way to the large ballroom, taking your seats as you fiddled with the beads on your dress. For now your ex was out of sight, and you felt a little of your nerves start to slip away… that was until you felt a hand on your shoulder, fingers dipping under the strap of your dress in a far too familiar way. Shrieking you suddenly stood and span around, eyes wide with fear when you saw your ex behind you, holding out his arms and leaning towards you;
Suddenly an arm was thrust between you and gave him a hard thump across his chest, your friend stepping between the two of you;
“Buddy… go back to your seat…”
“Get out of my way bitch”
“Hey,  she broke up with you, its over you psycho, fuck off… NOW”
Her voice got loud enough to draw the attention of a number of other guests, a couple of the men standing to see if they needed to come to your aid, but as your ex backed away and disappeared from the room, you let out a sigh of relief.
The rest of the meal went without a hitch, but as drinks were served for the Mayor’s speech you saw your ex standing at the corner of the room, eyes trained directly on you;
“Hey…” you leaned towards your friend as you quietly spoke; “I’m gonna call an Uber, he’s still over there and he’s giving me the creeps”
“No… don’t go, i’ll call security…”
“No, please, i just want to get away from him. And you know he’d just pull some strings and be allowed back in”
Nodding she wrapped her arm around your shoulder as you logged onto the app and requested an Uber, watching the little timer spin around until it came up with a confirmation that your ride was on its way;
Colin will pick you up in a Silver Prius’ and gave you the licence plate. You nervously watched the progress of the driver on the real-time map, and a few minutes later you had an alert to say he’d arrived outside. Glancing over the room you could see your ex was still standing in the corner, still staring at you, and when a message from the driver made your phone vibrate you almost dropped it;
“I’m outside the hotel. Did you need any help with luggage?”
Your fingers paused over the keyboard, before you took a deep breath and started to type;
“No luggage, but could you meet me in the lobby? My psycho Ex is here and i need to leave, and i need him to think i’m leaving with someone i know…”
As the message clicked to ‘read’ and then showed the driver was replying, you looked up and discovered your Ex was heading slowly towards you, weaving between tables. Grabbing your purse you turned towards the door behind you, walking as quickly as you could. Your phone vibrated with a new message;
‘In the Lobby. Red check shirt and ball cap. Next to the big light bubble thing’
You quickly typed a reply;
‘Long Black and pink sparkly dress, coming now. x’
Pulling your dress up so you could take bigger strides, you started to trot on your heels, the sound of dress shoes behind you making you go faster, and as you turned the corner to the Lobby and saw him. 
Now your legs were carrying you faster, your heart skipping a beat as you called out his name, almost melting on the spot as he smiled and held his arms out for you;
“Babe… you look amazing!”
Without even thinking you ran into the arms of this stranger, shaking from fear and adrenaline as he held you to his chest;
“Shhh its ok…” he whispered to you; “Your ex, wouldn’t happen to be a weasly looking short dude in a green suit?”
“Yes, that’s him” you muttered quietly
You saw Colin glance up again before looking straight into your eyes as he spoke;
“You want a pretend friend or a pretend boyfriend”
“B-boyfriend?” you questioned, but your words were cut off by Colin’s lips on yours, and as he started to pull away you found yourself clinging to his shirt and pulling him back again. This time your mouth opened to his, his hand straying to your hip as his tongue danced against yours, holding you flush with his entire body before you finally parted, breathless with kiss bruised lips;
“Sorry… how about we get you home safe and well, huh?” Colin whispered, the two of you turning and started towards the doors, his arm around your shoulder when you suddenly heard your name called from close behind you. You knew it was your ex, but what you weren’t expecting was for Colin to suddenly turn, reaching out and grabbing your ex by the shirt and tie;
“Listen Buddy, she’s with me now, you come anywhere near her again and you will not live long enough to regret it, got it?”
“Y-y-yes Sir”
Letting go of him you both watched as your ex fell on his ass, Colin wrapping his arm around your waist as he steered you towards his ride. Opening the front passenger door for you, he stood like a gentleman as you sat and swung your legs in, carefully scooping the rest of your billowing dress into the car so it didn’t get shut in the door. Soon he was in the drivers seat and pulling away, the two of you sitting in silence as he quietly drove along the Boston streets. 
As you waited at a set of red lights you finally both spoke simultaneously;
“Thank you…”
“I’m so sorry for kissing you…”
Looking surprised you finally let out a laugh;
“Would it be pathetic of me to say the kiss was actually the highlight of my evening?... and really, thank you for playing along, i know i’m a complete stranger, but i really REALLY appreciate it”
“Hey, in that case, it wasn’t a problem… at all. If you don’t mind me asking, your ex… he seemed a bit… stalkerish…”
“We broke up 6 months ago… it took me a year to realise he was an absolute shit. The way he treated me, the way he spoke down to me. I have always been completely happy with who i am and what i look like, but he made me feel like crap, telling me to loose weight, that i should change my hair, act like the good little wife… we weren’t even fucking married!” you info dumped on the poor driver as he slowly made his way towards the address saved on your account. 
“Hey, it sounds like you made the right call then… cos’ just between you and me, you look fucking gorgeous”
Just at that point the onboard computer told him that you’d arrived at your destination, and you opened your purse to fish out your phone;
“I’m giving you a huge tip, you have literally been a life saver tonight….”
Colin gently clasped his hand over yours;
“You don’t need to do that…”
“Really, i insist”
“Well, how about you let me take you out for a drink instead; booze, coffee… whatever you want…”
His face was now just inches from yours, and you bit your lip as your gaze moved from his deep blue eyes down to his soft plump lips;
“I got coffee in my apartment?” you grinned; “What time do you get off?”
With a smirk he grinned at you;
“Babe, i don’t get off until i get you off”
“Oh you are so getting five stars…”
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mediaevalmusereads · 3 years
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A Duke, the Lady, and a Baby. By Vanessa Riley. New York: Zebra, 2020.
Rating: 2/5 stars
Genre: historical romance
Part of a Series? Yes, Rogues and Remarkable Women #1
Summary:   When headstrong West Indian heiress Patience Jordan questioned her English husband's mysterious suicide, she lost everything: her newborn son, Lionel, her fortune—and her freedom. Falsely imprisoned, she risks her life to be near her child—until The Widow's Grace gets her hired as her own son’s nanny. But working for his unsuspecting new guardian, Busick Strathmore, Duke of Repington, has perils of its own. Especially when Patience discovers his military strictness belies an ex-rake of unswerving honor—and unexpected passion . . . A wounded military hero, Busick is determined to resolve his dead cousin’s dangerous financial dealings for Lionel’s sake. But his investigation is a minor skirmish compared to dealing with the forthright, courageous, and alluring Patience. Somehow, she's breaking his rules, and sweeping past his defenses. Soon, between formidable enemies and obstacles, they form a fragile trust—but will it be enough to save the future they long to dare together?
***Full review under the cut.***
Content Warnings: racism, blood, violence, allusions to suicide, imprisonment, and non-voluntary institutionalization
Overview: I first learned of Vanessa Riley while reading an article about women of color and historical romance, so when I finished a rather confusing (and depressing?) read, I decided to see which of Riley’s books my library had on offer. This novel originally caught my eye because of the marketing: a multi-cultural regency romance? Seems like just the thing I’m looking for! Unfortunately, the writing style just didn’t gel with me, so for that reason, I can’t give this book more than 2 stars.
Writing: While I can respect the easy-to-digest prose style of most romances, Riley’s style didn’t work for me for a number of reasons. First, I found the use of the first person jarring. If you know me, then you’ll know that first person narration feels unnatural to me (unless the book is self-conscious about the way perspective is being used). But I also found the first person strange because Riley’s book alternates between Patience’s POV (which is in first person) and Busick’s POV (which is in third person). While the shift in POV was a nice delineation between the two characters’ perspectives, I ultimately had some trouble losing myself in the story because there was such a marked shift. I found myself preferring Busick’s chapters over Patience’s because I found it easier to let the prose just kind of wash over me.
Riley’s prose style is also a bit too reliant on dialogue and rhetorical questions for my taste. A large portion of this book involves characters talking to one another, which would be fine except I felt like Riley used dialogue in order to tell readers things rather than show them. The dialogue would repeat certain ideas or events over and over again, and the flow of the conversations didn’t feel natural, as topics would change abruptly or characters would speak in ways that didn’t feel genuine. I did like moments when Patience and Busick would have a little tit-for-tat; Riley is strongest when writing Patience's witty comebacks to Busick’s insistence on military order.
But because there was so much dialogue, there wasn’t much room for anything else, and I felt like Riley wasn’t quite sure of how to create suspense without dialogue. As a result, there are a lot of rhetorical questions; “Was she a spy?” “Did he have some secret in his past?” and the like. I feel like these types of questions popped up every other page, and part of the reason they were relied on so much may have been because Riley had a tendency to tell rather than show. Riley would point blank tell us what her characters were thinking or feeling, as well as what actions they were taking, and as a result, the narrative (and characters) felt flat.
Structurally, I also think the book could have used some tweaking. Early on, I felt like Riley was using a lot of expositional dialogue to dump a lot of info on the reader, and Patience’s internal monologue would make allusions to characters or events in ways that felt awkward and/or not relevant in the moment. I even had some trouble determining what exactly was going on at first because the book starts out with an exciting scene, and the circumstances that created that scene were unclear (unless you read the book summary first). To help with this, it would have been beneficial to get some kind of prologue, and if Riley didn’t want a prologue that depicts Patience being separated from her son or being victimized by the antagonist, then maybe we can see her escaping Bedlam or joining the Widow’s Grace - anything to give the book the space to establish a setting.
Plot: This book primarily follows our heroine, Patience Jordan, as she tries to regain custody of her son, Lionel. Following her husband, Colin’s, suicide, his uncle Markham seized control of their estate at Hamlin and claimed guardianship over Lionel. The reason? To gain access to Patience’s father’s money. To cover up the truth, Markham had Patience committed to Bedlam, so now, Patience must find evidence that Markham fabricated this insidious plot - evidence that she thinks is contained in some legal documents hidden within the family home.
However, Lionel’s legal guardian is not Markham, but Busick Strathmore, Colin’s cousin. Wanting to do right by his family, Busick seizes control of Hamlin and establishes himself as Lionel’s adoptive father. Not sure if Busick can be trusted, Patience gets herself hired as a wet nurse for Lionel, and uses her knowledge of the house to look for the legal documents that will prove Markham’s guilt, thus preventing her from being separated from Lionel again.
On paper, this plot looked really intriguing, but in practice, not a whole lot happened. Most of our time is spent reading the dialogue between Patience and various other characters, and we don’t actually get to see much of her snooping around, risking getting caught, and so on. Events didn’t seem to build on one another, so I mostly felt like I was getting character snapshots rather than an actual narrative.
There’s also something of a side plot where a mysterious “ghost” causes some minor trouble around the house. Personally, I think this plot could have been more centralized; if Riley had gone full Gothic romance (I’m thinking Jane Eyre because Jane gets hired to care for a child and Thornfield is spooky), I think this book would have been a delight. But the existing tone is a little too light, so it didn’t quite achieve the desired effect.
I also think that the whole Widow’s Grace stuff removed a lot of agency from Patience. While I liked that Patience had friends - especially friends in high places that could wield social influence to help her - having an organized, underground band of women was a little much for me. I would have preferred to see Patience concoct plans and discover information on her own, rather than having the Widow’s Grace act as the architect.
Characters: Patience, our heroine, is fairly likeable in that she’s brave, determined, and fiercely loyal to the people she cares about. I really enjoyed following her as she tried to search for her legal papers, outsmart Busick, and bring her companions along for the ride. I also liked that she had a lot of complex emotions surrounding her husband’s death; while the marriage wasn’t happy (and she has a lot of feelings about being treated as an Other), she also feels guilty about potentially contributing to her husband’s depression and wonders what she is going to tell her son about his father. I liked seeing her try to work through all these emotions, all while remaining focused on her goals.
Busick, our hero, is also fairly complex, but my appreciation for his complexity is dampened by some of the cheesiness that surrounds his military outlook on life. Busick is a former soldier who is working through his feelings about being injured in battle. Two years before the story begins, Busick loses his leg and must either use a prosthetic or a wheelchair, and he has a lot of issues with the perceptions surrounding his disability. As a result, he tries to hide the fact that he’s missing a leg; he never uses his wheelchair (except when alone) and plays it off like his leg just isn’t healing right. This kind of internalized ableism could have been really interesting to read about, especially since there was an opportunity for Busick to learn more about his value as something other than a soldier. However, Busick’s desperate desire to be useful to the war effort came off as fairly ridiculous; not only does he bring soldiers into his home and conduct drills in his yard (wouldn’t that be done at a camp or base?) but he tries to put Lionel on a strict military-style schedule and requires people to witness him as he rides a horse around the lawn (to prove his strength?). His past as a notorious rake isn’t really utilized effectively either; while we get allusions to his amorous activities, I didn’t really see how it was relevant. Did the military give him more discipline and now he’s reformed? Does he find himself slipping back into his old ways now that he can no longer fight on the battlefield? How does this situation with Patience and Lionel challenge all that? I think I would have liked to see Busick grow a little more, maybe by having him use his guardianship of Hamlin and Lionel as a way to “prove” that he’s changed from rake to responsible, disciplined adult (and his disability threatens that by making him seem incapable, so he has to deal with that as well). And while there were some hints at those kinds of things, they really weren’t central to his story.
Side characters were fairly enjoyable in that they had sweet relationships with the heroine or hero. I particularly enjoyed the relationship Patience had with Jemina - her fellow inmate at Bedlam who suffers from amnesia. I appreciated that Riley didn’t make Jemina seem “crazy,” but instead, she was a capable woman who demonstrates genuine affection and concern for her friend. I also liked that Busick had a similar support in Gantry, a viscount who is helping Busick with Hamlin (and with self-acceptance?) while also struggling with his own family issues. Lady Shrewsbury, the head of the Widow’s Grace, was interesting for the role she played in using her social power to get Patience into Hamlin, but otherwise, I didn’t really like the idea of the Widow’s Grace (because it removes some agency that could have been given to Patience instead).
Markham, our antagonist, is barely present, so I don’t really have many thoughts on him. While his actions were sneaky and abhorrent, and I appreciated that Riley didn’t use him to showcase a bunch of on-page misery, I also thought he was underutilized.
Romance: I hate to say it, but I think Patience and Busick lacked chemistry. I couldn’t quite see how each character enriched each other’s emotional lives; Patience seemed to like Busick because he was fatherly towards Lionel and because he was kind, while Busick seemed to like Patience because she was pretty and defiant. I wish Riley had done a little more to make them feel made for one another; maybe Patience challenges Busick’s rigid outlook on life and shows him that he has value beyond just being a soldier. Maybe Busick shows Patience that she matters as a person - something that was lacking in her marriage to Colin - or that she doesn’t have to take on all her burdens herself. There were hints of some of these things, but because of the writing style, I thought we were told rather than shown that the two characters had feelings for one another.
I also think the romance lacked heat and longing. While not every romance has to be sexy and steamy, I do think that there should be some element of longing that plays out in how the characters interact physically. One place where Riley actually does this pretty well is when Patience discusses how well she works with Busick while taking care of Lionel at night - the two hand him over to one another and move around the room as if doing a “dance,” and they brush against one another and smell each other’s scent. But other than that, it felt like I was smacked in the face with statements like “I noticed his mouth and wondered what it would be like to kiss it” or “Didn’t you notice? He follows you with his eyes!” I personally like these physical moments to be a little more subtle and for them to build on one another without the author having to spell out what they mean for me.
TL;DR: A Duke, the Lady, and a Baby has an intriguing premise and good characters, but ultimately lacks a strong plot, gripping prose style, or steamy romantic chemistry. Most of what holds this book back is the overuse of dialogue and rhetorical questions to create suspense, as well as the tendency to tell not show. While I would love to rate this book higher, the prose just isn’t there.
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welcometotheocverse · 4 years
💞 Elliot & Henry?
1) Elliot and Lorelai: They’re just so soft together and I love the idea of Lorelai being given this neurodivergent child and trying her best to do right by him. She listen to info dump even when she starts only being able to catch one word in 20 and tries to keep up with his interests in different sciences  El just thinks the world of her. And in the earlier seasons they’re just so fluffy ;A;
2) Elliot and Rory: ND Codependent twins ;A;. El and Rory are each other’s best friend and cornerstone. Literally the only time ( s) he’s ever gone against his mother is for her. ( specifically when Lorelai marries Christopher and is calling Rory Incessantly he like literally physically takes the phone away from her because “Let Her Have Space” and is very defensive of Rory’s boundaries) 
The thing that gets me about them is they both think they’re the Looking Out/Protecting Twin like Rory is very protective of El and will raise hell if someone hurts him or acts mean towards him and people think “oh its her being the older twin” but Elliot is just as protective or Rory and her happiness like to the point he doesn’t say anything about his feelings regarding Christopher ( not for a while at least) because he wants to see her happy. They also both read together and infodump a lot together even though they have different interests and listen I’m love them a many.
They also both think the other one’s the nicer twin which everyone thinks is hilarious because “you both have bambi face”
3) Elliot and Lane: They’re a brotp that snuck up on me bc at first I was like “oh she’s more Rory’s friend” but then the more I thought about it the more I’m like “no..no it’s The Three Of Them” and also “okay so not only would El fight Ms Kim in Doose’s parking lot for Lane he also almost got in a playground fight for her”
 Lane is Rory and Elliot’s first ( and possibly only?? Did Rory even Talk to anyone else in SHH in canon??) friend and while there are things she and Rory share that El doesn’t she’s also the one El goes to when he’s frustrated about Christopher or his grandparents ( because no one understand Overbearing and Controlling like Lane) and it’s almost like...the stuff he can’t tell Rory ( being frustrated with his father, feeling like he’s alone being frustrated by his father because Rory all but gets stars in her eyes no matter how many times Christopher lets her down and he loves her okay he loves that’s she’s so willing to hold out and forgive and be patient because she’s Rory  and he would never ask her to be anything or anyone else but he’s...not)
And the thing is Lane gets it. Lane talks about how she has to keep her cds under planks, she can’t tell her mother about  the things that make her happy. She can’t share her feelings with her mother. Her mother doesn’t know her, not really. And she keeps things to herself to keep the  peace and because she loves her mother so so much and she wants to please her so badly. ( and that Elliot gets, keeping things to yourself and swallowing your words because you hate the idea of upsetting someone you love so much even if Rory and Lorelai wouldn’t react badly if he did express himself he just...cares a lot about not upsetting them.)  
They just commiserate a lot together and understand each other on a very basic level. They don’t hang out as much specially after the Yale years pick up but they’re the very definition of “I could not hang out with you for months and then pick up like nothing happened)
Also they’re the founding members of the Protect Rory Squad.
4) Elliot and Luke: Elliot and Luke vibe really easily because they’re both introverted. They can literally just sit together in silence and be okay with that. Also Luke scares people so when Elliot becomes overwhelmed or doesn’t want to deal with socializing ( or answering nosy questions like he knows they mean well but they’re....a lot sometimes) he’s known to hang out there and do homework or read or just do whatever he knows he’s always welcomed there. It’s his favorite place aside from Andrew’s bookstore. Also Luke’s known him since he was a babie. 
At least once someone’s mentioned that Rory takes after Lore but El obviously takes after “his father” more temperament wise when the four are out ( in the season Luke and Lorelai are dating) and Elliot absolutely beams
5) Elliot and Finn&Colin: Literally the top dynamic  and the only one for a while ( like the first image i had of El in my mind was him meeting them i had no plot pre yale I had to work backwards lol) Finn and Colin are the first friends he makes that...hang out with him outside of Rory? Like yeah he has Lane but she still doesn’t see him as much ( as they got older Lane and Rory would do “girl talk or talk about boys and El would kinda..hang back also Ms. Kim doesn’t let him in the house as much because he’s a boy) specially after Yale since they’re far away and “wow the whole Adults Can’t See Their Friends For Weeks thing really bites huh” 
They’re also the first lgbtqa people he meets ( in his canon at least) and it sorta...finally makes him feel less isolated ( something he always felt in Stars Hollow no matter how much he loved his town) Colin and Finn on the flip side basically take one look at him( and recognize that he is isolated and lonely and has never met someone like him before)  and go “we’re adopting you” ( and  like that’s important too, they  approached him not him-and-Rory) and really take him under his wing and Elliot’s very “???” but he also clings to them but fast and they become inseparable like Elliot ends up just walking to  their place whenever  he’s upset or needs company or both ( he goes to their place after the football game at Yale) even as all the drama with Rogan is happening and I’m just really soft for them.
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1) Henry and Jess: Jess doesn’t think he’s a good older brother. Henry heavily disagrees. These two are the only ones who know what living with Liz was like and while people in Stars Hollow are nice Henry really  only trusts his brother. Jess is also they one who’s able to read him best and vice versa and Jess is angry in a very “fuck you all” way and Henry’s mostly scared but  they both will speak up for each other ( Jess will ignore Luke and pop off about “stop tryin to help me” but will also approach Luke because “listen can you save the dramatic rants for when he’s not there? Yelling scares him.” and “you need to Tell him he can grab the food you buy or he won’t know” and really that shows a lot when  you think about Jess’ relationship with communication in season 2 on the flip side Henry often serves as a “Jess translator” and they’re just both very in each other’s corner its ;A;)
2) Henry and Rory: Henry  and Rory bond instantly and I’m v sappy about it like Rory’s never had anything like a younger sibling and she becomes the only person he’ll be around without Jess ( either its her and Luke or Luke then her I’m not sure yet)  for a while and after the whole “Send him back” situation she just up and appoints herself as his older sibling and makes sure he knows that.
3) Henry and Luke: Luke legit can’t say no to him or be mad at him and the fact that he acts as “a Jess translator” means he  sorta tells him a lot about how they grew up and Luke straight up goes “I can’t send  them back these are my kids now.” Luke’s also a lot softer with him because of him being younger and not as angry as Jess and Henry’s a lot more open to having a parent than Jess is and they’re just very soft. Luke helps Henry feel safe and Henry helps Luke learn he can be a dad.
4) Henry and Lulu: Lulu had training (due to her being a teacher ) to spot children with signs of bad homes so she takes one look at Henry and goes “yup” and pays extra attention to Henry which Henry winds up loving her for. She also basically strong arms Luke in accepting her help in re to teaching him about kids because “He’s my student and he needs your help. And to help him you need my help” and is a main factor in Luke and Jess communicating better ( because Jess might not be her student but he’s still a troubled kid) since there’s only so much Henry can do when he’s still scared Luke means it when he rants. ( Henry loves her for this also since it leads to Jess and Luke yelling less at each other) She just becomes a very good presence in his life.
5) Henry and April: Listen Henry  and April are actually close in age ( he’s 8 in season 2 which makes him around 12-13 in season 6 and ever since I realized this I haven’t stopped thinking about how much chaotic sibling energy the two can have and how Henry would just be “Luke’s really good at being a dad right?” and also talk about fantasy books together and just be cute cousins.
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send me 💞 + an oc and ill tell you my top five favorite dynamics of theirs!
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