#cold urticaria treatment
health-homeopathy · 6 months
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duality-disability · 7 months
Update to our allergist/'throw a medication at it' post:
We had a follow up today, increasing the allegra we take but if it doesn't work by next week; We've 'failed the treatment' and will be perscribed a monthly injection called Xolair.
Only issue is: Xolair has a tiny chance to cause.. anaphalatic shock.
So we were perscribed an epipen to bring with us to every injection if we start it.
+ in the notes of our appointment, there was mention that our "symptoms and timeline match up with that of chronic spontanous urticaria"; which ig is our unofficial diagnosis, despite our hives having known triggers (cold, skin pressure, stress)
Also! We were told it looks like we could be getting scarring from these hives, which would be.. fuckin lovely.
yall i'm so tired.
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chandigarhayurved · 1 year
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Raised red bumps or splotches on skin that happen when body has an allergic reaction is known as Urticaria or Hives. Allergic reaction happens when immune system comes in contact with allergen. Urticaria last more than six weeks and often return over months or years. The welts often start as an itchy patches which turns into swollen welts varying in size. Urticaria can be uncomfortable and interfere with day to day life and can cause disturbed sleep.
Some of the triggers that cause allergic reaction in the body includes :
Pressure on skin
Allergens like molds, pollens or pet dander.
Scratching the skin
Exposure to hot or cold temperature
Insect like bee, wasp etc sting
Viral infections like common cold etc
Bacterial infections like UTI, strep throat etc
Certain medications like antibiotics, ibuprofen, aspirin etc.
Certain foods like eggs, nuts or shellfish
Raised skin lesions that appears in any area of body.
Severe itching
Reddish, purple or skin colored weals, depending upon skin color.
Rashes of different size and they change shape
Blanching- the hive become white when centre is pressed
Bumps generally last no longer than 24 hours
Lesion appear in batches
Painful swelling around eyes, cheeks or lips
Heat, exercise or stress triggers flare up
Aloe Vera Gel : It has skin soothing , healing and anti-inflammatory properties thus helps to reduce the hives and provide relief from itching. Apply aloe vera gel to affected area 2 to 3 times a day to get relief from itching and redness .
Oatmeal scrub : Oatmeal has anti-inflammatory, skin soothing and skin moisturizing properties. Gently scrub the affected region with oatmeal to pacify the inflamed skin.
Apply Cold Compress : Cold compress helps to calm the aggravated skin . Dip a towel or cloth in chilled water and then apply it on the affected portions.
Apple Cider Vinegar : Mix 1 tsp of vinegar with 1 tablespoon of warm water and apply on affected area with cotton ball to sooth itching and redness.
In Ayurved it can be correlated with Sheetpitta. Excessive exposure to etiological factors like cold breeze, intake of salty and pungent food, contact with cold substances, improper emesis etc leads to the aggravation of vata and kapha dosha. The aggravated vata and kapha in turn gets mixed with pitta dosha and spread all over the body and there they get lodged into external surface of the body ( beneath skin ). There the vitiated doshas leads to development of the condition.
Green grams
Older rice
Horse gram
Warm water
Sugar and its derivative
Cold water
Milk and milk products
Suppression of vomiting
Exposure to cold breeze
Ayurvedic Treatment for Urticaria
1) Aloe Vera  Gulab Gel :
Aloe Vera Gulab Gel is formed with the pure extract of herb Aloe Vera and the mixture of rose petals. Thus this wonderful composition provides a cooling effect on the skin that relieves from burning sensation, itchiness, etc. The gel helps in maintaining healthy skin and repairing skin damage.
Recommended Dosage – Gently apply over the affected area of the skin.
2) Panchatikta Ghrita Guggulu :
The tablets are very beneficial in curing skin diseases as it contains the Pitta pacifying ingredients such as Shuddh guggulu (Commiphora mukul), Neem (Azadirachta indica), Amrita (Tinospora cordifolia), Gajapippali (Piper chaba), Shunthi (Zingiber officinalis), etc. The tablet is Tridoshahara, thus is very effective in maintaining the hormonal level in the body.
Recommended Dosage – Take 2 tablets twice daily with normal water.
3) Skin care tablet :
Skin care tablet is a pure ayurvedic formulation. It helps to maintain the texture of your skin depending on the type of skin you have. It contains various herbs like Haridra khand, Panchnimb churna, Khadir chahal, Chirayta, Mulethi, Chopchini, Gandhak, Ajmoda that work very effectively on all skin types. Skin care is a blood purifying tablet. It cools and detoxifies the blood, increase blood circulation of the skin. It minimizes the blemishes, lighten sun tan, delay ageing of skin and heal skin problems. These tablets also act as a skin moisturizer, Improves blood circulatio, reduce itching and burning sensation of skin, Prevent acne and pimples.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 tablet twice daily with normal water.
4) Neem Capsules :
NEEM capsules 100% Safe and purely Ayurvedic preparation. CAC NEEM CAPSULES is natural and herbal product prepared from the standard extract of herb Neem (Azadirachta indica). Neem herb is widely used to cure acute to chronic Skin problems such as Pimples, Itching, Dryness, Blemishes, Dark spots, Pigmentation, Scars  Neem leaves are rich in Vitamin-E, Fatty acids & emollients.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 capsules twice daily with normal water.
5) Detox Premium Powder:
This is a herbo-mineral preparation that contains ingredients like Parwal Pishti, Giloy satv, Shukta Pishti, Kamdudha Ras, Gandhak Rasayan, etc.
Parwal Pishti: This Pishti reduces inflammation, flaking, itching of the skin. The Pishti is composed of natural coral calcium processed with rose water.
Shukta Pishti: It helps to balance the Pitta dosha in the body. All signs and symptoms related to Psoriasis patients are managed with this article.
Giloy Satv: This satv is prepared from the herb Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia). The anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and analgesic properties of this herb deal with psoriasis easily.
Kamdudha Ras: This herbal-mineral classical preparation balances Pitta dosha in the body.
Gandhak Rasayana: This herbal preparation is used since ancient times for all types of skin disorders.
Tal Sindoor: It contains ingredients like Shuddh parad, Aloe vera, Gandhak, etc that relieve redness in psoriasis patients.
Akik Pishti: This Pishti reduces all types of Pitta related disorder hence it gives good results in psoriasis.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 sachet twice daily with plain water.
6) Itch Care Tablet :
It is pure herbal combination which is purely natural. Skin primarily protect our body from toxins present in environment. Itching is related to various skin problems like dermatitis or irritates such as nickel in jewelry, infected cut. Chronic skin condition like psoriasis, acne and due to internal conditions like blood, lungs, and liver. Mainly toxins in skin arises due to excess rakta dhatu and rasa or  plasma nourishes the skin.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 tablet twice daily with plain water.
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*Dr. Smita Goel Homeopathy Clinic*
Urticaria – also known as hives, weals, welts or nettle rash – is a raised, itchy rash that appears on the skin. It may appear on one part of the body or be spread across large areas.
The rash is usually very itchy and ranges in size from a few millimetres to the size of a hand.
Although the affected area may change in appearance within 24 hours, the rash usually settles within a few days.
Doctors may refer to urticaria as either:
• acute urticaria– if the rash clears completely within 6 weeks
• chronic urticaria –in rarer cases, where the rash persists or comes and goes for more than 6 weeks, often over many years
A much rarer type of urticaria, known as urticaria vasculitis, can cause blood vessels inside the skin to become inflamed. In these cases, the weals last longer than 24 hours, are more painful, and can leave a bruise.
When to seek medical advice
Visit your doctor/ General Practitioner (GP) if your symptoms don't go away within 48 hours.
You should also contact your doctor / GP if your symptoms are:
• severe
• causing distress
• disrupting daily activities
• occurring alongside other symptoms
Who's affected by urticaria?
Acute urticaria (also known as short-term urticaria) is a common condition, estimated to affect around 1in 5 people at some point in their lives.
Children are often affected by the condition, as well as women aged 30 to 60, and people with a history of allergies.
What causes urticaria?
Urticaria occurs when a trigger causes high levels of histamine and other chemical messengers to be released in the skin.These substances cause the blood vessels in the affected area of skin to open up (often resulting in redness or pinkness) and become leaky. This extra fluid in the tissues causes swelling and itchiness.
Histamine is released for many reasons, including:
• an allergic reaction – such as a food allergy or a reaction to an insect bite or sting
• cold or heat exposure
• infection – such as a cold
• certain medications – such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)or antibiotics
However, in many cases of urticaria, no obvious cause can be found.
Some cases of long-term urticaria may be caused by the immune system mistakenly attacking healthy tissue. However, this is difficult to diagnose and the treatment options are the same.
Certain triggers may also make the symptoms worse. These include:
• drinking alcohol or caffeine
• emotional stress
• warm temperature
Read more about the causes of urticaria.
Diagnosing urticaria
Your GP will usually be able to diagnose urticaria by examining the rash. They may also ask you questions to find out what triggered your symptoms.
If your GP thinks that it's caused by an allergic reaction, you may be referred to an allergy clinic for an allergy test. However, if you've had urticaria most days for more than 6 weeks, it's unlikely to be the result of an allergy.
You may also be referred for a number of tests, including a full blood count (FBC), to find out whether there's an underlying cause of your symptoms.
Read more about diagnosing urticaria.
Treating urticaria
In many cases, treatment isn't needed for urticaria, because the rash often gets better within a few days.
If the itchiness is causing you discomfort, antihistamines can help. Antihistamines are available over the counter at pharmacies – speak to your pharmacist for advice.
A short course of steroid tablets (oral corticosteroids) may occasionally be needed for more severe cases of urticaria.
If you have persistent urticaria, you may be referred to a skin specialist (dermatologist). Treatment usually involves medication to relieve the symptoms, while identifying and avoiding potential triggers.
Read about treating urticaria.
Complications of urticaria
Around a quarter of people with acute urticaria and half of people with chronic urticaria also develop angioedema, which is a deeper swelling of tissues.
Chronic urticaria can also be upsetting and negatively impact a person's mood and quality of life.
Angioedema is swelling in the deeper layers of a person's skin. It's often severe and is caused by a build-up of fluid. The symptoms of angioedema can affect any part of the body, but usually affect the:
• eyes
• lips
• genitals
• hands
• feet
Medication such as antihistamines and short courses of oral corticosteroids (tablets) can be used to relieve the swelling.
Read more about treating angioedema.
Emotional impact
Living with any long-term condition can be difficult. Chronic urticaria can have a considerable negative impact on a person's mood and quality of life. Living with itchy skin can be particularly upsetting.
One study found that chronic urticaria can have the same negative impact as heart disease. It also found that 1 in 7 people with chronic urticaria had some sort of psychological or emotional problem, such as:
• stress
• anxiety
• depression
See your GP if your urticaria is getting you down. Effective treatments are available to improve your symptoms.
Talking to friends and family can also improve feelings of isolation and help you cope better with your condition.
Urticaria can be one of the first symptoms of a severe allergic reaction known as anaphylaxis.
Other symptoms of anaphylaxis include:
• swollen eyes, lips, hands and feet
• feeling lightheaded or faint
• narrowing of the airways, which can cause wheezing and breathing difficulties
• abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting
• collapsing and becoming unconscious
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marksiefringmd · 18 days
Understanding Allergic Skin Reactions and How to Treat Them
Allergic skin reactions are common and can affect individuals of all ages. They occur when the immune system overreacts to a substance that it deems harmful, leading to visible and often uncomfortable symptoms on the skin. From mild rashes to severe swelling, allergic skin reactions can vary greatly in severity. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatment options is essential for managing these reactions effectively.
Common Causes of Allergic Skin Reactions
Allergic skin reactions are typically triggered by an allergen—a substance the body mistakenly identifies as a threat. Some of the most common allergens include:
Pollen and dust mites: These environmental allergens are notorious for causing allergic rhinitis but can also lead to skin issues such as hives or eczema flare-ups.
Animal dander: Proteins found in the skin, saliva, or urine of pets can trigger allergic reactions in some individuals, leading to itching, redness, or rashes.
Food allergies: Certain foods, such as nuts, shellfish, or dairy, can cause allergic reactions, including skin symptoms like swelling, hives, or redness.
Medications: Some people may experience allergic reactions to medications, with skin rashes being a common side effect.
Contact allergens: These allergens include substances that come into direct contact with the skin, such as fragrances, detergents, metals (like nickel), and certain plants like poison ivy.
In some cases, allergic skin reactions occur due to a combination of factors, making it essential to identify the specific trigger to prevent future episodes.
Recognizing the Symptoms of Allergic Skin Reactions
Allergic skin reactions manifest in various ways depending on the severity of the allergy and the individual’s sensitivity. Some of the most common symptoms include:
Rashes are red, inflamed areas of skin that may itch or burn. They can appear immediately after contact with an allergen or develop over time.
Hives (urticaria): Raised, itchy welts that can vary in size and appear anywhere on the body. Hives often occur as a response to food or medication allergies.
Eczema (atopic dermatitis): Chronic, itchy patches of skin that can become dry, scaly, and inflamed. Environmental allergens or contact irritants often trigger eczema.
Swelling (angioedema): Swelling that occurs deeper in the skin, usually around the eyes, lips, or throat. This reaction can be more severe and may require immediate medical attention.
Blisters: In more serious reactions, fluid-filled blisters may form, particularly after contact with irritating plants like poison ivy or exposure to harsh chemicals.
Recognizing these symptoms early is crucial for taking appropriate action to alleviate discomfort and prevent the reaction from worsening.
Immediate Treatments for Allergic Skin Reactions
When an allergic skin reaction occurs, acting quickly reduces symptoms and prevents further irritation is essential. Several immediate treatments can help manage an allergic reaction:
Antihistamines: Over-the-counter antihistamines such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl) or loratadine (Claritin) can help relieve itching, swelling, and hives by blocking the body’s histamine response to allergens.
Topical corticosteroids: Hydrocortisone creams and ointments can be applied directly to the affected area to reduce inflammation and itching. These are commonly used for mild reactions such as rashes or contact dermatitis.
Cold compresses: Applying a cool, damp cloth to the irritated area can soothe the skin, reduce swelling, and relieve itching.
Moisturizers: For reactions involving dry or flaky skin, such as eczema, a thick, fragrance-free moisturizer can help hydrate the skin and prevent further irritation.
Avoiding the allergen: Removing or avoiding the allergen that triggered the reaction is key to preventing the symptoms from worsening. This may involve washing the affected area to remove any lingering irritants or switching to hypoallergenic products.
For more severe reactions, such as angioedema or widespread hives, medical attention may be necessary. Sometimes, a prescription corticosteroid or an epinephrine injection may be required.
Long-Term Management and Prevention
Preventing future allergic skin reactions involves understanding and avoiding the triggers that cause them. This may require some detective work, as the allergen might only sometimes be immediately obvious. Working with an allergist or dermatologist can help identify the specific allergen and develop a long-term plan for managing the condition.
Allergy testing: Skin or blood tests can help pinpoint the allergen responsible for triggering skin reactions. Once identified, avoiding exposure to the allergen becomes the primary prevention method.
Fragrance-free products: Many individuals with sensitive skin or a history of allergic reactions find relief by switching to fragrance-free and hypoallergenic personal care products, such as soaps, lotions, laundry detergents, and makeup.
Protective clothing: If the allergen is environmental (such as plants or chemicals), wearing protective clothing like gloves or long sleeves can reduce the chances of skin contact.
Keeping skin hydrated: Regularly applying moisturizers helps maintain the skin’s barrier function, making it less prone to irritation and allergic reactions. This is particularly important for individuals with eczema.
Reducing stress: Stress can exacerbate skin conditions like eczema or hives, so finding ways to manage stress, such as through exercise or relaxation techniques, can benefit long-term skin health.
Additionally, educating oneself on the ingredients and chemicals present in everyday products can help avoid unintentional exposure to allergens.
When to Seek Medical Attention
While most allergic skin reactions can be managed with over-the-counter treatments, there are times when medical attention is necessary. In severe or persistent reactions, it is essential to consult a healthcare professional. Signs that indicate the need for medical intervention include:
Difficulty breathing: If an allergic reaction causes throat swelling or difficulty breathing, it could indicate a life-threatening condition called anaphylaxis, which requires immediate medical attention.
Widespread or severe hives: Hives that cover a large portion of the body or cause significant discomfort may require prescription medication to control.
Chronic or recurring reactions: If allergic skin reactions are frequent or do not respond to over-the-counter treatments, a dermatologist or allergist can help develop a long-term management plan.
Signs of infection: If blisters or rashes become infected—characterized by redness, warmth, or pus—it is important to see a doctor for antibiotic treatment.
Prompt medical care ensures that complications from allergic skin reactions are minimized and effective treatments are provided.
Allergic skin reactions are a common yet manageable condition affecting individuals for various reasons. From identifying common triggers such as pollen, food, or contact allergens to recognizing symptoms like hives, rashes, and swelling, understanding the nature of allergic skin reactions is the first step in treating them. With immediate treatments such as antihistamines, topical corticosteroids, and long-term strategies like avoiding allergens and maintaining healthy skin, individuals can significantly reduce their discomfort and prevent future reactions. However, seeking medical advice is essential for safe and effective treatment in cases of severe or persistent symptoms.
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mirabelmadrigal2310 · 3 months
Urticaria Treatment Homeopathy
Urticaria, commonly known as hives, is a skin condition characterized by red, itchy welts that result from an allergic reaction or other triggers. Urticaria treatment homeopathy focuses on individualized care, aiming to address the root cause and alleviate symptoms by stimulating the body's self-healing mechanisms. Remedies are chosen based on the patient's unique symptom profile and overall health. Common homeopathic remedies include Apis Mellifica, for swollen, itchy, and burning hives; Urtica Urens, for hives with intense itching and stinging pain; and Rhus Toxicodendron, for hives worsened by cold and relieved by warmth. Consulting a qualified homeopathic practitioner is essential for accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment, and homeopathy is often used as a complementary approach alongside conventional therapies.
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Comfort and Care at Your Fingertips: Dealing with Insect Bites and Hives
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Cloud Pharmacy Toronto: Your Partner in Skin Health
Experiencing skin discomfort due to insect bites or urticaria (commonly known as hives) can be distressing. At Cloud Pharmacy Toronto, we understand the urgency of addressing these common skin issues. This blog post will guide you through understanding the causes, effective treatments, and preventive measures to ensure your skin remains comfortable and healthy.
What Are Insect Bites and Urticaria?
Insect bites, resulting from mosquitoes, bees, and other insects, typically cause localized redness and itching. On the other hand, urticaria, or hives, appears as raised, itchy welts on the skin. These conditions are not only bothersome but can also disrupt your daily life.
Understanding the Causes
The reaction from insect bites is an immune response to the insect's saliva, while hives are often triggered by allergens, stress, medications, or infections. Identifying these triggers is crucial in managing your condition effectively.
Effective Treatments
To alleviate discomfort, Cloud Pharmacy offers a variety of treatments including antihistamines and soothing creams. These products are designed to reduce symptoms and improve skin health rapidly.
Proactive Skin Care Tips
Here are some proactive steps to manage insect bites and hives:
Apply cold compresses to the affected area to reduce swelling.
Avoid scratching to prevent further skin irritation.
Be aware of and avoid known triggers for your hives.
For those suffering from these skin issues, consulting with a specialist at Cloud Pharmacy can lead to personalized care and recommendations. Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge and solutions you need for optimal skin health.
Ready for Relief?
Visit Cloud Pharmacy Toronto and experience relief from insect bites and hives with our expert solutions. For more information or to consult with our specialists, please visit our contact page.
Explore Your Skin Health Options with Cloud Pharmacy Toronto – Because Comfort Shouldn't Wait!
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advanced-allergy12 · 5 months
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Have you recently seen hives on lips? It could be caused by an allergic reaction. Hives desensitization is a successful treatment. Avoid any potential triggers, such as particular meals or cosmetics. If you require relief, apply a cold compress or take an antihistamine. Additionally, keep an eye out for new lip care commercials that may assist to soothe and protect your lips. "Advanced Allergy and Asthma Care, PLLC" can help you cure and avoid lip hives. Maintain the health and delight of your lips! Please click on the link https://www.allergydoc.us/urticaria-hives
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drvitaltips · 6 months
Hives: How Long Do They Last & What Helps?
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Hives, also known as urticaria, are raised, itchy welts that appear on the skin. They're a common skin reaction that can affect people of all ages. While hives often go away on their own within a few hours to a day or two, sometimes they stick around longer, becoming a frustrating, even alarming, chronic issue. Let's take a closer look at hives how long does it last, the typical causes behind these pesky welts, and some simple ways to get relief. So, how long do hives usually last? In many cases, a hives outbreak may last anywhere from a few hours to a couple days before fading away. This short-lived reaction is known as acute hives. It's often triggered by things like certain foods, medications, insect stings or bites, pollen, pet dander, or infections. However, for some folks, hives can persist or keep coming back for six weeks or more. If you're breaking out in hives almost daily for over six weeks, you may have chronic hives. What Causes Hives? Hives pop up when your immune system releases a substance called histamine. This can happen for several reasons: - Acute Hives: These are often caused by a specific trigger: - Allergies: Common culprits include foods (like peanuts or shellfish), medications (like penicillin), or insect bites. - Infections: Viral infections (like the common cold), bacterial infections, and even parasites can sometimes cause hives. - Physical Irritation: Scratching, tight clothes, or exposure to harsh chemicals can lead to hives. - Chronic Hives: Lasting more than six weeks, these hives often have less obvious causes: - Underlying Conditions: Autoimmune disorders (like thyroid issues or lupus) can trigger chronic hives. - Unexplained Reactions: Sometimes, your immune system just gets a little overzealous, leading to hives with no known trigger. - Inducible Hives: Less common, these are triggered by specific physical stimuli: - Cold temperatures - Sunlight - Pressure on the skin - Exercise How Long Do Hives Last? - One Hive at a Time: Each hive tends to fade away within a few hours, usually less than 24 hours. - Acute Cases: Hive outbreaks usually clear up completely within 2-6 weeks, especially if you can identify and avoid the trigger (like a food you're allergic to). - Chronic Hives: If you're stuck with hives for over 6 weeks, they're considered chronic. Some unlucky folks can have chronic hives for months or even years. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0P2bFVGReRE&pp=ygUbaGl2ZXMgaG93IGxvbmcgZG9lcyBpdCBsYXN0 Diagnosing Hives Medical History and Exam: To figure out what's causing your hives, your doc will ask about your symptoms, when they started, how long they last, and what seems to trigger them. They'll also check your skin closely and ask about your overall health. Possible Tests: If needed, your doctor may order some tests to rule out specific causes: - Allergy Testing: Skin prick or blood tests to identify potential triggers. - Blood Work: To check for infections or signs of underlying thyroid problems. Treating Hives & Finding Relief The best way to treat hives depends on what's causing them and how severe they are. - Identifying Triggers: Especially for acute hives, figuring out what sets them off is key. Keep a "hive diary" to track when they appear – it might surprise you! - Antihistamines: These are the go-to for reducing itch and swelling: - Over-the-counter options: Loratadine (Claritin), Cetirizine (Zyrtec) - Stronger ones by prescription: Ask your doctor! - Severe Cases: Sometimes, short-term oral steroids (like prednisone) are needed. Just remember, these have potential side effects. - Chronic Hives: If over-the-counter medications aren't enough, your doctor may recommend specialized medications or refer you to an allergist or dermatologist. Treatment TypeProsConsOver-the-Counter AntihistaminesEasy to access, generally safe, provide quick reliefMay not be effective for severe or chronic hives, some cause drowsinessPrescription MedicationsStronger options available, can target specific causes of chronic hivesMay have potential side effects, require doctor's supervisionNatural RemediesCool compresses, loose clothing can sootheLimited effectiveness, don't address the root cause of hives Living with Hives While you work towards a longer-term solution, here's what helps ease the itch: - Cool Relief: Cool compresses, baths (not too hot!), or calamine lotion. - Loose Clothing: Breathable fabrics can help prevent irritation. - Stress Less: Stress can worsen hives. Try relaxation techniques like deep breathing or yoga. - Emergency Care: If you have trouble breathing, throat swelling, or feel faint alongside your hives, get medical help immediately – this could be a sign of anaphylaxis. "Hives are incredibly common, but if they last for more than a few weeks, it's best to see a doctor. There are many effective treatment options available." Dr. Anne Davis, Board-Certified Dermatologist FAQs for Easy Answers - Are hives contagious? No! Hives themselves are not spread from person to person. However, if the hives are caused by a viral infection, that infection itself could be contagious. - Can I prevent hives? If you identify your triggers, you may be able to prevent acute hives by avoiding them. For chronic hives where the cause is unknown, prevention can be more difficult. - Will my hives go away on their own? Most of the time, yes. Individual hives fade quickly, and acute hives usually clear up in a few weeks. Chronic hives often need medical intervention to manage symptoms. - What's the difference between hives and eczema? While both can be itchy, hives are raised, red bumps that come and go quickly. Eczema usually causes dry, scaly patches that last longer. - Can stress cause hives? While stress doesn't directly cause hives, it can make existing hives worse or make you more prone to outbreaks. - I'm pregnant and have hives. What should I do? Talk to your doctor before taking any medication for hives. Some over-the-counter options may not be safe during pregnancy. Your doctor can guide you to safe choices for managing your symptoms. Key Takeaways - Hives are itchy, red bumps on the skin that usually go away on their own. - They can be caused by allergies, infections, physical triggers, or sometimes, unknown reasons. - Chronic hives last longer than six weeks and might need specialized treatment. Conclusion Hives might be annoying, but they're rarely a serious issue. If you're dealing with persistent or severe hives, don't hesitate to talk to your doctor. Together, you can find a treatment plan that works for you, so you can finally say goodbye to those itchy bumps! Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before making any decisions about your health. Read the full article
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gsuniversityofficial · 10 months
Shortness of Breath: What your body might be telling you?
Did you experience any sudden shortness of breath? Well, it's time to be alert. An episode of shortness of breath should not be taken lightly. On a serious note, any episode of shortness of breath must be addressed in the right way.
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If you have ever experienced any shortness of breath, it is important to be aware of the causes, symptoms, treatment, solution, and prevention of shortness of breath. In this context, GS Hospital Hapur, the top heart care hospital in Ghaziabad, is well-known for its expertise in addressing serious symptoms related to shortness of breath. The hospital aims to spread awareness about shortness of breath among people which can cause many complications if left untreated.
Let us kick start this blog with a deep breath and learn more about shortness of breath in the next part of the article.
All you need to know about shortness of breath
Shortness of breath is considered as difficulty in breathing where enough oxygen does not reach into the lungs. This may result in gasping for breath. The breathing mechanism becomes very difficult and uncomfortable. Shortness of breath is medically termed as Dyspnea.
Shortness of breath occurs when the body is not getting enough oxygen requiring it harder to breathe more quickly and deeper. Not getting enough oxygen can cause many complications to other systems of the body affecting the overall health and well-being.
Types of breathlessness
There are two types of shortness of breath which include the following:
Acute breathlessness
An episode of breathlessness that has a sudden onset is considered acute breathlessness. This may be due to sudden changes in weather, extreme exertion, cardiac issues related to heart failure, or heart rhythm problems and respiratory problems making it difficult to breathe.
Chronic Persistent breathless
Persistent breathlessness is also known as chronic breathlessness. This is mainly prevalent in cases when the cardiac or respiratory condition is extreme and cannot be managed well leading to severe and recurrent episodes of breathlessness.
Causes of shortness of breath
The causes of shortness of breath may be medical or non-medical.
The causes of shortness of breath are as follows:
Medical causes of shortness of breath
Heart conditions such as angina, heart attacks, heart failure, abnormal heart rhythm, and atrial fibrillation.
Fluid buildup in the lungs like pleural effusion or pulmonary edema
Lung infections such as pneumonia, tuberculosis
Interstitial lung disease
Asthma or COPD
Lung cancer
Blood clots in the lungs
Low Hb count
Anxiety and panic attacks
Allergic reactions such as anaphylactic reaction or urticaria
Non-medical causes of shortness of breath
Physical exertion such as climbing stairs or shopping
Exercising such as gym, walking, or jogging
Being overweight or obese
Pollution or exposure to carbon monoxide
Living in a dusty environment
Inhalation of fumes and chemicals
It is important to remember that there are different reasons for breathlessness related to the heart. If your heart isn't pumping enough oxygen-enriched blood, then the body responds in a negative manner leading to breathing faster in order to get enough oxygen making you feel restless and short of breath. It is important to stay positive about your health while dealing with shortness of breath.
Signs and symptoms due to shortness of breath- What your body is telling you?
The signs and symptoms due to shortness of breath are as follows:
Difficulty in catching breath
Noisy breathing
Gasping for breath
Very fast and shallow breathing
Labored respirations
Feeling suffocated
Sudden increase in pulse rate
Chest congestion and chest pain
Breathless on exertion also known as exertional dyspnea
Anxiety and panicky feeling 
Cold clammy and sweaty skin
Pale skin which looks slightly blue and cyanosed
Dizziness with tiredness and low energy levels
Air hunger and working harder to breathe
Reduced ability to work
Chest pain associated with leg swelling
Blurry vision with lightheadedness.
How breathlessness can affect daily lifestyle?
Your breathing mechanism is a natural process and should be completely unforceful. Steady breathing makes you feel good and is regular, making your lungs healthy. Breathing is an automatic process and is carried out without any effort. When breathing becomes a conscious effort, it is a matter of concern. The episode of breathlessness can be very frightening especially if you have never experienced it before.
Breathlessness can affect your daily lifestyle. It can make you feel edgy while dealing with your activities. Many people with breathlessness feel frustrated or frightened at times. But, on a positive note, it is important to know that you can cope with breathlessness in the right manner. Most patients with breathlessness may feel overwhelmed, depressed, stressed, and anxious. Do not feel lonely or edgy with breathlessness.
Diagnosis of breathless
Diagnosis and early detection of breathlessness is very important. This is possible under the guidance of your doctor. Here are the important steps for diagnosis which can be done by your doctor.
Complete physical examination
Checking oxygen saturation levels
Detailed case-taking to know about the episodic attacks of breathlessness
X-ray scans
Computerized tomography scan or CT scan of the chest
Electrocardiogram or ECG
Spirometry test
Pulmonary function tests or PFTs
Top tips to manage shortness of breath
Here are some of the top tips to deal with shortness of breath through lifestyle modifications. Let's begin!
It is important to know the cause of shortness of breath and get it treated in the right way under the guidance of your doctor.
It is essential to always sit in an airy room with a fan, AC, or open windows which allows good oxygen support
Ensure to take a regular walk or jog in an open environment early morning or evening which provides you with fresh air
In case of any episode of breathlessness, it is important to find a comfortable position that will ease out your breathlessness such as lying in bed, resting on a reclining chair, or lying down with support on cushions or bed rest.
Control your stress levels and stay calm all the time to avoid any kind of breathless attacks
You can also practice some breathing techniques such as taking slow and relaxed breaths right from your tummy with expansion and contraction of the chest wall.
Practice mindful breathing with meditation through yoga which helps in deep inhalation and exhalation to improve the functional capacity of the lungs.
Take a warm or cool shower whichever is relaxing for your morning and evening
Ensure to sip in water to keep yourself hydrated all the time
Avoid any kind of physical and mental overexertion
Deal with anxiety and worries in a positive manner by listening to music, and gentle stretching exercises.
Plan your day according to schedule and ensure to take regular breaks to reactivate yourself
Opt for smaller meals rather than big ones which can make you feel heavy and breathless.
If breathlessness is not associated with internal or external problems, your breath will recover after rest.
Be open about the breathlessness issue and reach out to your friends and family members.
A Note from GS Hospital
GS Hospital Hapur, a top private hospital in Delhi, NCR, is focused on providing quality care and support to patients with cardiac and respiratory-related shortness of breath. This makes it the best heart hospital in Uttar Pradesh. Living with breathlessness can be quite difficult at times. You need to find the right way to cope with it.
GS Hospital Hapur, the best hospital in Meerut, offers exceptional care and support to all its patients battling with shortness of breath. The hospital is located in the heart of Delhi, NCR, with a team of professional and dedicated doctors who help you to adapt to daily life positively as you battle out shortness of breath related to cardiac and respiratory issues. Shortness of breath can make life difficult to deal with. With the right kind of treatment and lifestyle modifications, you can overcome the problem of shortness of breath.
If shortness of breath continues to progress in spite of lifestyle modifications and treatment, it is important to reach out to your doctor who shall refer you to a pulmonologist or cardiologist for medical intervention.
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drrasyadixit · 10 months
Common Skin Issues in Winters: Skin Guide by A Skin Doctor
Some individuals eagerly wait for the cold weather and snowfall, but this can be a nightmare for individuals whose skin becomes delicate during the cold season. Yes, a decrease in temperature tends to trigger the skin, and many people face different skin concerns. But it is not weather which has to be blamed; lack of hydration, which is extremely common in winter, is one common factor behind such a type of skin. Not only does the skin become dry, but there are several other conditions which are common in the winter season due to dry skin. 
To discuss those conditions, we have created this informative post by taking crucial insights from Dr. Rasya Dixit, who is also considered the best skin doctor in Bangalore and is the founder of Dr. Dixit Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic. Through this guide, we will discuss the common skin issues experienced by individuals in winter. 
Below are Some Common Skin Conditions Experienced During Winters 
1. Eczema
Eczema such as atopic dermatitis, asteatotic eczema, etc., are increased when the skin becomes dry. It further leads to red and itchy marks, which affect both infants and elders. Regular use of moisturizers helps lower its symptoms, and even corticosteroid creams, if advised by a dermatologist, will work, too. 
2. Psoriasis
Psoriasis is an autoimmune skin condition where patients experience scaly red lesions on their skin and scalp. In winter, there is a high chance that the symptoms of psoriasis may increase due to dryness. Again, for this skin condition, moisturizers can work, which contain shea butter, paraffin, and glycerine. However, patients must seek proper consultation with a dermatologist as this skin condition requires oral medicines that can help alleviate the symptoms. 
3. Dry and Rough Lips
Lips have a very thin layer of skin and like other areas of the body, they can not be covered. In winter, the lips become extra dry and lead to splitting and exfoliating in the form of crusts. Individuals mostly lick their lips to make them wet, or they might peel them off, which worsens the condition. Applying lip balms such as glycerine, petroleum jelly, silicone, and aloe vera can help in such a case.
4. Cold Urticaria
Urticaria or hives is an allergic skin reaction towards some external antigens where people get red and itchy and itchy welts on the skin. One of the many factors that can cause an urticarial reaction in the body is cold temperature, which might result in "cold urticaria." Antihistaminic drugs and avoiding cold exposure are effective treatments for this.
5. Acne
Acne is a common skin condition which is prevalent in all seasons. In winter, a lot of individuals experience acne breakouts, too. Dry skin is a trigger of acne which has excessive oil production. Many individuals experience acne in areas such as the face, back, arms, chest, etc, in winter. Also, individuals who shower less during the cold season are prone to acne. 
Final Takeaway 
To sum it up, we have discussed the common skin conditions which most individuals experience during the winter. If one is looking for a leading dermatologist in Bangalore who can treat not only the above skin concerns but other skin issues, too, they can consult Dr. Rasya Dixit at Dr. Dixit Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic. 
The expert skin doctor offers a range of dermatological treatments at the clinic, such as laser toning, vampire facelift, dermal fillers, mole removal, skin whitening treatments, hydra facials and many more at her clinic. 
For more details on these advanced procedures, one can visit Dr. Dixit Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic. 
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kljlbn · 11 months
Common skin hazards and crisis response? With the advent of autumn, the skin's moisturizing ability is reduced, and the most obvious feature is dryness! The skin's barrier against the environment also becomes weaker. A. Frequent skin sensitivity Sensitive skin is more fragile, it is easy to be stimulated by physical, chemical, mental and other factors and produce a series of overreactions, including itching, burning, stinging, and even peeling, redness, rash. Now, hot and cold temperatures, dry weather, and annoying autumn winds can easily tease sensitive muscles Ps: Skin sensitivity ≠ allergy. Skin sensitivity is a sub-health condition of the skin, which is greatly affected by external factors. Allergies are the result of the body's over-immunity to allergens, and their induction is not directly related to seasonal changes (unless it is the season that brings the allergen). Avoiding contact with allergens as much as possible can greatly reduce the occurrence of allergic reactions. B. Dry skin The special weather characteristics of autumn will reduce the skin's ability to retain moisture. Many friends will find that the skin on the body becomes dry, rough, and small dander appears, especially in the joints. There are even scaly chaps, accompanied by itching and rashes. In severe cases, the possibility of dry eczema should be considered, and short-term drug treatment with glucocorticoid ointment can be carried out under the guidance of a doctor. C. Scalp desquamation and hair loss Desquamation hair loss is also a common problem since autumn. As the temperature changes, the temperature of the scalp decreases, and its microvascular network (responsible for transporting nutrients to the hair roots) becomes inactive, so the hair is prone to abnormal nutrient metabolism and fall out. In addition, reduced sebaceous gland secretion may also make the scalp dry and easy to desquamate, thus aggravating the phenomenon of hair loss. However, seasonal hair loss also belongs to a physiological hair loss, is a normal phenomenon, we do not have to worry too much, under normal circumstances with seasonal changes will slowly improve. However, if hair loss and scalp desquamation continue to not improve, it is necessary to consider whether there are pathological problems, and it is recommended to seek medical treatment as soon as possible. D. Hidden danger of skin disease Changing seasons may also induce/aggravate some primary skin diseases such as urticaria, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, rosacea, etc… Therefore, in the near future, we should pay more attention to their own skin hazards and take appropriate protective measures. If there is anything wrong, seek medical attention immediately! How can I relieve dryness?
It's important to choose the right ingredients Whether you choose a cream or body lotion, look at the ingredients first, which will be more friendly for dry skin and have a role in skin repair. Ceramide \ Oils: Jojoba oil, shea butter, Petroleum jelly, horse oil, Squalane shark, B5 panthenol, glycerin If the skin problem is some complex, it is difficult to judge, such as: unexplained big red face, rosacea, color spots, red blood, solar dermatitis, eczema, contact dermatitis and even wrinkles, etc., it is recommended to ask a professional dermatologist to clarify what your skin really needs, and then choose.
Don't blindly pursue cleanliness People who know a little about skin care know that products with strong cleaning power will be relatively irritating, and the strong cleaning power will take away the oil on the skin but also destroy the cuticle. Normal, healthy skin is protected by an oil film, which is not dry and tight, but has a slightly lubricated feeling.
Use exfoliators sparingly Autumn and winter itself skin water shortage, and frequent use of exfoliating products such as scrubs, resulting in skin barrier damage is too likely. For the face, dry skin can be exfoliated in the T-zone for 1-2 weeks; The body scrub can be used in the chest and back where there is more oil, and for the arms with less oil and dry skin, the neck can be used less. Tips for using exfoliators
For the face, dry skin can be exfoliated in the T-zone.
The body scrub can be used in the chest and back where there is more oil, and the neck can be used less for the arms with less oil and dry skin.
Choose a non-granular, low-concentration exfoliant with little irritation.
Frequency of use: 1-2 weeks can be used once, the dry skin originally has a thin stratum corneum, high frequency of use will destroy the stratum corneum, causing skin problems.
Don't overheat the water The water temperature should not exceed 40℃. By touching the water on the skin of your hands, you get a rough estimate of the temperature. It's usually slightly warmer than the skin on our hands, and it feels warm. Too high water temperature will dissolve the oil on the skin surface, and the water retention function of the skin will be reduced after the oil is reduced, which is the main reason for dry skin.   In addition, pay attention not only to the skin of the face, but also to the skin of all parts of the body, including the scalp, lips, limbs, fingers/toes, etc. In particular, the parts of the sebaceous glands that are not developed and often worn should be specially strengthened care. For example, many people often ignore the care around their nails, and wait until they feel the pain of barb tearing before they think of fixing it. Please have body lotion, hand cream, lip balm, etc. The last thing is good sun protection Basically everyone has the concept of sun protection, but most people only know that "black", and even only when the sun is out. In fact, our sun protection is mainly to prevent ultraviolet light, ultraviolet light is present all year round. Ultraviolet light causes black skin, but one of the damage, more serious is that ultraviolet light will accelerate the aging of the skin, aggravate pores, spots and other melanin accumulation. In short, if you do not have sun protection, after 5 years, you may be the darkest and oldest one of your peers! Isn't that scary? Wish everyone can have healthy elastic skin so that the skin away from the "troubled autumn". Keep in good shape, exquisite to the end!
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*Dr. Smita Goel Homeopathy Clinic*
Urticaria – also known as hives, weals, welts or nettle rash – is a raised, itchy rash that appears on the skin. It may appear on one part of the body or be spread across large areas.
The rash is usually very itchy and ranges in size from a few millimetres to the size of a hand.
Although the affected area may change in appearance within 24 hours, the rash usually settles within a few days.
Doctors may refer to urticaria as either:
• acute urticaria– if the rash clears completely within 6 weeks
• chronic urticaria –in rarer cases, where the rash persists or comes and goes for more than 6 weeks, often over many years
A much rarer type of urticaria, known as urticaria vasculitis, can cause blood vessels inside the skin to become inflamed. In these cases, the weals last longer than 24 hours, are more painful, and can leave a bruise.
When to seek medical advice
Visit your doctor/ General Practitioner (GP) if your symptoms don't go away within 48 hours.
You should also contact your doctor / GP if your symptoms are:
• severe
• causing distress
• disrupting daily activities
• occurring alongside other symptoms
Who's affected by urticaria?
Acute urticaria (also known as short-term urticaria) is a common condition, estimated to affect around 1in 5 people at some point in their lives.
Children are often affected by the condition, as well as women aged 30 to 60, and people with a history of allergies.
What causes urticaria?
Urticaria occurs when a trigger causes high levels of histamine and other chemical messengers to be released in the skin.These substances cause the blood vessels in the affected area of skin to open up (often resulting in redness or pinkness) and become leaky. This extra fluid in the tissues causes swelling and itchiness.
Histamine is released for many reasons, including:
• an allergic reaction – such as a food allergy or a reaction to an insect bite or sting
• cold or heat exposure
• infection – such as a cold
• certain medications – such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)or antibiotics
However, in many cases of urticaria, no obvious cause can be found.
Some cases of long-term urticaria may be caused by the immune system mistakenly attacking healthy tissue. However, this is difficult to diagnose and the treatment options are the same.
Certain triggers may also make the symptoms worse. These include:
• drinking alcohol or caffeine
• emotional stress
• warm temperature
Read more about the causes of urticaria.
Diagnosing urticaria
Your GP will usually be able to diagnose urticaria by examining the rash. They may also ask you questions to find out what triggered your symptoms.
If your GP thinks that it's caused by an allergic reaction, you may be referred to an allergy clinic for an allergy test. However, if you've had urticaria most days for more than 6 weeks, it's unlikely to be the result of an allergy.
You may also be referred for a number of tests, including a full blood count (FBC), to find out whether there's an underlying cause of your symptoms.
Read more about diagnosing urticaria.
Treating urticaria
In many cases, treatment isn't needed for urticaria, because the rash often gets better within a few days.
If the itchiness is causing you discomfort, antihistamines can help. Antihistamines are available over the counter at pharmacies – speak to your pharmacist for advice.
A short course of steroid tablets (oral corticosteroids) may occasionally be needed for more severe cases of urticaria.
If you have persistent urticaria, you may be referred to a skin specialist (dermatologist). Treatment usually involves medication to relieve the symptoms, while identifying and avoiding potential triggers.
Read about treating urticaria.
Complications of urticaria
Around a quarter of people with acute urticaria and half of people with chronic urticaria also develop angioedema, which is a deeper swelling of tissues.
Chronic urticaria can also be upsetting and negatively impact a person's mood and quality of life.
Angioedema is swelling in the deeper layers of a person's skin. It's often severe and is caused by a build-up of fluid. The symptoms of angioedema can affect any part of the body, but usually affect the:
• eyes
• lips
• genitals
• hands
• feet
Medication such as antihistamines and short courses of oral corticosteroids (tablets) can be used to relieve the swelling.
Read more about treating angioedema.
Emotional impact
Living with any long-term condition can be difficult. Chronic urticaria can have a considerable negative impact on a person's mood and quality of life. Living with itchy skin can be particularly upsetting.
One study found that chronic urticaria can have the same negative impact as heart disease. It also found that 1 in 7 people with chronic urticaria had some sort of psychological or emotional problem, such as:
• stress
• anxiety
• depression
See your GP if your urticaria is getting you down. Effective treatments are available to improve your symptoms.
Talking to friends and family can also improve feelings of isolation and help you cope better with your condition.
Urticaria can be one of the first symptoms of a severe allergic reaction known as anaphylaxis.
Other symptoms of anaphylaxis include:
• swollen eyes, lips, hands and feet
• feeling lightheaded or faint
• narrowing of the airways, which can cause wheezing and breathing difficulties
• abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting
• collapsing and becoming unconscious
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What is the role of a Holistic Skin Care Specialist?
There are numerous skin ailments and conditions that can affect people. Here are some common skin ailments:
1. Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis): Eczema is a chronic condition characterized by dry, itchy, and inflamed skin. It often appears as red, scaly patches that can be triggered by certain allergens, irritants, or environmental factors.
2. Psoriasis: Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disease that causes the rapid build-up of skin cells. This leads to thick, silvery scales and itchy, red patches on the skin. Psoriasis can occur on various parts of the body and may be triggered by factors like stress, infections, or certain medications.
3. Acne: Acne is a common skin condition characterized by the formation of pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, and cysts. It occurs when hair follicles become clogged with oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria. Acne is most commonly seen on the face, chest, and back.
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4. Rosacea: Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that primarily affects the face, causing redness, visible blood vessels, and sometimes small, pus-filled bumps. It can also cause a burning or stinging sensation and eye irritation in some cases.
5. Dermatitis: Dermatitis refers to inflammation of the skin, which can result from various causes such as allergic reactions, irritants, or exposure to certain substances. Symptoms may include redness, itching, dryness, and swelling.
6. Hives (Urticaria): Hives are raised, itchy welts that appear on the skin and are usually caused by an allergic reaction to certain foods, medications, insect bites, or other triggers. They can vary in size and shape and may come and go quickly.
7. Fungal Infections: Fungal infections of the skin, such as ringworm (tinea corporis), athlete's foot (tinea pedis), and candidiasis, can cause red, itchy, and sometimes scaly patches on the skin.
8. Cold Sores (Herpes Labialis): Cold sores are small blisters that form on or around the lips and are caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). They can be painful and may recur periodically, especially during times of stress or a weakened immune system.
It's important to consult with a holistic skin care specialist in Los Angeles for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment for any skin ailment. Here are some key aspects of a holistic skin care specialist's role:
Assessing individual needs: A holistic skin care specialist in Los Angeles will conduct a thorough assessment of a person's skin condition, lifestyle, diet, stress levels, and overall health. They consider various factors that may contribute to skin concerns, such as hormonal imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, allergies, and emotional well-being.
Creating personalized treatment plans: Based on the assessment, a holistic skin care specialist will develop a customized treatment plan that incorporates natural and holistic approaches. This may include a combination of dietary recommendations, lifestyle modifications, stress management techniques, herbal remedies, and topical skincare products formulated with natural ingredients.
Emphasizing internal health: Holistic skin care specialists recognize the connection between skin health and overall well-being. They may suggest dietary changes to support skin health, such as recommending a nutrient-rich diet, promoting hydration, and identifying potential food triggers that may worsen skin conditions.
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healthsecure · 1 year
How to Cure Urticaria Permanently
Urticaria, commonly known as hives, can be an incredibly uncomfortable and frustrating condition to deal with. If you’re searching how to cure urticaria permanently. While there is no known permanent cure for urticaria, there are several effective strategies that can help manage and control the symptoms. Firstly, it's crucial to identify and avoid any triggers that may be causing your hives. This could include certain foods, medications, or environmental factors such as heat or cold. Keeping a detailed diary of your symptoms and activities can help pinpoint potential triggers. Secondly, maintaining good overall health is key. This involves adopting a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise, a balanced diet, and stress reduction techniques. Additionally, it's important to keep your skin well-moisturized to prevent dryness and irritation. Lastly, working closely with a dermatologist or allergist can provide you with the best treatment options tailored to your specific needs. This may include antihistamines, corticosteroids, or other medications to alleviate symptoms during flare-ups. While a permanent cure may not be possible, following these steps can significantly improve the quality of life for individuals suffering from urticaria
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Apetamin Syrup
APETAMIN SYRUP contains cyproheptadine, which belongs to the group of medicines called Antihistamines. It is used in the treatment of allergic conditions such as seasonal and perineal rhinitis, hay fever, skin rashes and allergic conjunctivitis. The medicine is also used as adjuvant therapy for serious allergic reactions.
Perennial rhinitis refers to specific allergens that cause an allergic reaction year-round, for example, pet hair or dander, food allergies, medicines, etc. Whereas seasonal allergies typically occur with weather changes or environmental changes such as pollen, insects, moisture, dryness, fungi, mold, etc.
APETAMIN SYRUP is not recommended for debilitated patients above 65 years of age having renal, hepatic or cardiac conditions, with angle-closure glaucoma, stenosing peptic ulcer, symptomatic prostatic hypertrophy, neck obstruction of the urinary bladder, pyloroduodenal obstruction and the elderly with worsened health conditions.
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APETAMIN SYRUP must be used in pregnant women only if recommended by your doctor. It is not recommended for use in breastfeeding mothers. This medicine should be used with caution in adolescents and children above 2 years of age only. Consult your doctor before taking it. The most common side effects include dizziness, drowsiness, a high fever, etc. Contact your doctor if any of the symptoms worsen.
Treats allergic conditions in adults and children (above 2 years of age) such as:
Seasonal (occurring during a specific season) and perennial rhinitis (occurring year-round)
Vasomotor rhinitis (reoccurring inflammation of the mucous membrane in the nose)
Allergic conjunctivitis (an eye inflammation caused by allergy)
Urticaria (hives) and angioedema (swelling beneath the skin)
Amelioration of allergic reactions to blood or plasma (allergic severe reactions after blood or plasma transfusions)
Cold urticaria (a skin reaction to the cold)
Dermatographias (a condition causing raised red lines after a scratch)
Adjuvant therapy for serious allergic reactions
APETAMIN SYRUP treats allergic reactions by binding with certain receptors and blocking them from binding with histamine in the body. Histamine is a mediator found in our body that is responsible for causing allergic symptoms (such as inflammation, itching, irritation, etc.) as a response to allergic conditions. Thereby, providing relief from the allergic condition.
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Take APETAMIN SYRUP as advised by your physician. Shake well before use. Your doctor will decide the correct dose, frequency and duration of the treatment for you depending upon your age, body weight and disease condition.
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