princess-hemmo96 · 3 years
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The Deal - 12. Awkward Discussions (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/892047118-the-deal-12-awkward-discussions?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=princess_hemmo96&wp_originator=2vLG8nnN1KdvB7a3eN8xrvODr52vjHoqX1OR6yrG7El36qNNYr%2FoqFYL8XZNCfbA%2Bg9bx%2FJ2%2BpmV0WjMWGG8DmTIKar6xsyl022UuChHXK7yGp%2B0CGfGsOBXPuEKGhD8 For a brand deal Nicki Gale has to fake date ex best friend Colby Brock. How far will 'fake dating' go?
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ghostlycolbybrock · 5 years
My boy// Colby Brock imagine
About: I don't know, got inspired by Billie Eilish's song "My boy".😂
Ps. No hate to Andrea this is just an imagine
Reader x Colby
Warning: Fluffy as fuck (slightly cringey?)
There he was. Your boyfriend. Your love. Drinking and talking to his friends without a care in the world. When he was with them, it was as if you momentarily disappeared. He became so focused in Elton, Sam, Kat, Devyn, Corey, Jake, Tara and Andrea. Oh how he focused on Andrea. And she did the same, giving him smiles and whispering in his ear because of the loud music. There she went again saying saying something to him that was oh so funny and you finally had enough. "I'm going to get a drink." And without a response you stood up and went to the bar.
You sat on a stool without really an intention of buying anything at the moment. You just needed, funnily enough, a moment of silence between all their talking. "Long day?" A stranger, quite handsome, asked. You sighed with a small laugh, "Long life." He winced, "Ouch that must be tough." And he smiled. "Care if I buy you a drink?" You smiled,"I wouldn't mind." He called the bartender and asked for two martinis. "So, what's got you all down?" He asked and sipped on newly arrived drink. You stirred your drink for a moment before replying, "I'm here with my boyfriend and a few of his friends but I feel..invisible." He nodded and sipped the martini again. "Does he does this often?" "Only when she's around." You answered sourly and drank. "Ooh so it's that kind of situation, have you talked to him?" He asked with a small smile. "What good would that do? Say that I'm jealous? That it's hard for me to trust him when he gets like that with her?" You said looking at the group you left, your presence clearly not being missed. "You might be surprised how many doors open after you speak up." He said, drank the rest of his martini and left. You stayed there on the stool thinking of the stranger's wise words and finishing up your martini. "Hey baby, you alright?" Colby asked and plopped down on the stranger's now empty stool.
"God Colby you scared me." You said putting your hand to your chest. He laughed, "Sorry baby you were just here a while and I was getting worried." You looked at him for while, just taking him in. You were brought back from your gazing as he crossed his eyes and sticked his tongue out. He laughed lightly as he took your hand to hold. "Really, (Y/N), you alright? You've been quiet all night." He said looking at you seriously. 'You might be surprised how many doors open after you speak up.' That phrase kept running in your head as you thought of the words to tell your lover.
"I- I just feel invisible sometimes when you're around your friends, especially Andrea." You said after said quickly and with a sigh, surprisingly feeling light. Colby didn't say anything, he just stared at you and for a moment you feared he might've not heard you. But as his response came, you knew he heard and he understood what you meant. "(Y/N), darling, you have nothing to worry about, I love you, I want you; not Andrea, not anyone else." He said and held you face between his hands looking you lovingly.
There were no words to explain the calmness you felt so you did the best you could, you kissed him. With all the love, with newly found trust, and with happiness as you knew that your boy, was only yours.
This is my very first Colby imagine and even I will admit that it's kinda cringet but hey? I have to start somewhere😂 I also think it's short but hopefully that's something I'll get better at. I'd love your thoughts or he'll even requests😂 bye bye!
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dms-are-open · 6 years
Stuck In A Bando (Colby Brock Fluff)
Summary ~ Being stuck in an abandoned mall wouldn't be too bad if a gorgeous boy always found you
Words ~ 1678
Requested ~ No
I knew it was a bad idea from the start, so why did I go along with it? That's a stupid question I know why because I was thirsty for popularity. So when the popular girl in school walks up to you in the library and says she and her hot football friends are going to explore an abandoned mall so they can take some 'edgy' Instagram photos and they heard you were good with a camera. How could I have just said no. I thought this was my chance, my only chance to move from the library during lunch to the lunch room, my only chance to move from Saturday nights watch Netflix to the club jumping around with some hotties.
I know now how stupid I was, oblivious to the danger they had walked me into. The night started out fine. We easily got in by climbing up a wall, run up stairs and shoving open a door or two. The biggest obstacle was a 10ft wall. The boys pushed each other up onto it and then lifted us up. We all jumped down the other side and looked around. It was dark, dusty and graffiti covered. Not that I expected anything else. We looked around for a while stopping and taking photos in front of graffiti and beside windows that looked out over LA. we were trying to think of a good pose to do beside the broken escalator when we heard a loud bang. It was as if someone had dropped a large book from first floor to the basement. We all stopped talking, well actually they stopped talking they weren't really talking to me to begin with. I could hear my heart in my ears as we waited for another sound. I didn't want another sound I wanted to delude myself into thinking that it was nothing. I wanted to tell my self that a piece of ceiling or something had fallen, but then the next sound came. A mocking scream and laughter, a lot of laughter, from maybe 10 people it sounded like. I looked over to the other 3 and they all turned and began to run. I tried to quickly pick up my bag and camera equipment and catch up. When I did catch up Jake was pulling Dan over the wall. "Wait guys" I said panicked. Jake looked down at me from the wall, he reached his hand down to me but I wasn't tall enough to reach with out Dan holding me up. "I can't reach you" He said plainly. "You'll have to find another way out of here" "This is a joke, right? You aren't actually going to leave here" His reply was a shrug as he jumped down the other side out of sight. "Guys. GUYS! COME BACK" I yelled. I stood there for a long time listening and looking around. I could still hear laughter and talking but it was faint making me think that whoever else was hear was on a lower level. I tried to stop my brain from panicking and started to think logically. As I looked around I saw a fire extinguisher. What would happen if this was a normal mall and I was on the second level and there was a fire. "I would go to the roof and down the fire escape" I thought out loud. I started to make my way up more stairs until I saw a door with a worn sign that said, 'Authorised Access Only' I guessed this was the way to the roof. I pushed it and it slowly opened revealing more stairs. As I made my way up the stairs I heard talking I slowed my pace and listened carefully. A lot of guy voices but I couldn't hear a girls voice. I thought about going back but I didn't know any other way to get out. 'I'll just take a look, if they look dangerous I'll turn back' I thought. So I continued up the stairs. When I got to the top the voices were perfectly clear. I poked my head round the corner a saw them 3 guys and a girl. They were all sitting chatting and laughing. I sighed when I saw a ladder behind them leading down. I won't be able to get to the fire escape with out walking right past them. Just as I was in the middle of thought I heard a male voice from beside me. "What are you doing?" He said. I was so startled I jumped back and slipped down three steps and landed straight on my ass. I quickly stood up as he rushed down to me. "Oh shit sorry I didn't mean to scare you" He stuttered out. "I'm fine, I'm fine." I said trying to run down the stairs before this guy tries anything. "Woah what are you doing in here by yourself? He said trying to pull me back. "What are you doing here?" I questioned. "Filming a YouTube video with my friends, back to my question" He answered simply. "I was.... I was.... em..... exploring?" I said as if it was a question. "You sure?" He laughed. "I dunno why I'm here" I laughed. "I'm a bit confused" I sighed and told him the story quickly. "So I was gonna go down the fire escape but all your friends are up there and I didn't know if they were dangerous so I wasn't sure how to get past them and then you scared the shit out of me" I finished. "Sorry again about that" He laughed. "That's shit though, what a bunch of ass-holes" "Yeah.... so so you think I could go to the fire escape?" I asked. "I mean yeah of course but you could also stay with us as well if you want" He said. Before I could answer I heard a guy yell someone's name. "Shit that's Sam he is probably wondering where I went.......so are coming?" "I'm not sure. Do you really think they want me crashing?" "Shut up and come on" He said pulling me up the stairs.
He introduced me to everyone and gave them the short version of my situation. I got to know them all really well and other than nearly being caught by the police it was a really goodnight. Colby drove me home and it was nice to talk to just him for a while. “You feeling okay after the day?” He asked. “Yeah your friends are all so nice. I mean I'm sort of dreading going to school tomorrow and facing those assholes” I said sighing. “Just don’t take any of there shit okay! Promise me you will tell them to take a hike” He smiled. “What school do you go to anyway?” I told him my school as we pulled up to my house. “Thank you for today” I smiled. I leaned across to give him a hug, I pulled back slowly looking at him. My eyes flicked to his lips as I got closer. “Em your welcome” He coughed moving backwards. I pulled back quickly opening the car door and grabbing my bag. “Sorry” I stuttered out. I heard him say something as I closed the car door but couldn't make out what it was, I just rushed to my front door my face redder than a tomato.
“Good to see you aren’t hiding in that mall with your new hobo boyfriend” I heard from behind me followed by laughter. The chair in front of me was pulled out and she sat down. “So my pictures I want them emailed to me by tonight, I haven’t posted in a while and my followers are depressed” “you don’t have any photos” I said simply not even looking up from my book. “Did you fall and hit your head dumb ass? My pictures from yesterday I want them” She said angrily. “Oh you mean the pictures I took, my photos” I laughed. “Yeah they’re gone “Gone?” “As in I deleted them. I don’t have them anymore” “You fucking bitch what the hell?” I stopped her before she could start rambling. “Listen here you wanna be Barbie bitch, you are gonna stay the fuck away from me cause I am not gonna be dealing with any of your shit okay?” “Oh am I?” She said stepping closer. “Yes you are cause when you left me in that place I learned some really interesting things, talked to some really interesting people and they made me realise it would be the perfect place to hide a body” I smiled. Her eyes went wide as she opened and closed her mouth. The bell rung and a grabbed my book. “Gotta get home nice chatting” I said walking away. I was just out the front doors when I heard her coming down the hall. “Wait a second you little shit” I was down the steps making my way to the bike rack when someone stopped me. I looked up to see Colby immediately my face went red and I unlocked my bike. “Hey you forgot something last night” He said. “Oh what?” I asked staring at the floor. Colby's hand reached up and titled my face to look up at him. “This” He said softly connecting our lips. I smiled placing my hand on the back of his neck while his hand was on my cheek. His lips were so soft. I wanted the kiss to last forever but I heard someone cough from beside me. I looked over and her eyes were wide. “I could have you expelled for threatening me” She said. I saw that nearly a whole crowd of eyes were on me. “And I could have you fucking arrested for trespassing and nearly leaving me for dead so do you really wanna play this game?” I laughed. She had nothing else to say as I turned back to Colby. “So walk me home?” I asked. “I’d love to” He grinned wrapping an arm around my wait and pulling me close.
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Ignore the call.
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princess-hemmo96 · 4 years
if you guys are interested in a Colby Brock fic I am in the middle of writing one and I have 5 parts already uploaded (its called The Deal) on my Wattpad @princess_hemmo96 it would mean the world if you checked it out. I’m really happy with how it is turning out so far (also this is the most work and the most consistent i have ever been).  
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princess-hemmo96 · 4 years
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The Deal - 10. Editing (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/dxq9OoknR7 For a brand deal Nicki Gale has to fake date ex best friend Colby Brock. How far will 'fake dating' go?
Chapter 10 is up on Wattpad But I am also starting to post it here on tumblr so go make sure to check it out on some platform!!
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princess-hemmo96 · 4 years
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The Deal - 11. Pizza Night Pt. 2 (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/uTNT1s4znab For a brand deal Nicki Gale has to fake date ex best friend Colby Brock. How far will 'fake dating' go?
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princess-hemmo96 · 4 years
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The Deal - 8. A Rude Awakening (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/hqhy4bQaD6 For a brand deal Nicki Gale has to fake date ex best friend Colby Brock. How far will 'fake dating' go?
Hello everyone! Part 8 is up now so go read it if you’re interested in a Colby Brock story. I was thinking about posting it on here as well instead of just on Wattpad but still doing it there as well. Let me know what you think?
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princess-hemmo96 · 4 years
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If you haven't checked out my story yet, make sure you do that! Also, make sure to vote if you like it, I love the way it is turning out so far and I am so happy with it, I hope you are/will be too.
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princess-hemmo96 · 4 years
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Hey everyone! Chapter 7 is out now! Go check it out on my Wattpad if you’re interested and let me know what you think.
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princess-hemmo96 · 4 years
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The Deal - 6. Catching Up (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/XpCzNMuoS5 For a brand deal Nicki Gale has to fake date ex best friend Colby Brock. How far will 'fake dating' go?
CHAPTER 6 IS UP! If you haven’t checked this fic out yet, I hope you do soon because I am really happy with how it is turning out. I hope you all enjoy!
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princess-hemmo96 · 4 years
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The Deal - 5. Shopping (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/wPkXo5mvK5 For a brand deal Nicki Gale has to fake date ex best friend Colby Brock. How far will 'fake dating' go?
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princess-hemmo96 · 4 years
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The Deal (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/M1YEYmzdx5 For a brand deal Nicki Gale has to fake date ex best friend Colby Brock. How far will 'fake dating' go?
Hey everyone! It would mean a lot to me if you all checked out my new writing on wattpad. I don’t really like posting on tumblr even though its better. I just like posting on wattpad because it’s easy. So if you’re interested in my Colby Brock writing I would really appreciate it. I’m going to try to post daily so I’ll see you then :)
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