#coinflip gods
inkclover · 9 months
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wooooo made some gifts for a secret santa in the server weehoohhhh
note: prismo/scarab/nightmo piece under the cut
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server wizards came up with the trouple name - coinflip for these trio… it’s so cute!
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t3a-gh0st · 13 hours
So I was looking at the lyrics for Destiny Strange and Sublime and
"The things I craved before Have faded into fog"
I know someone who fades into fog :)
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mouriros · 11 months
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but its mostly qjaiden cuz ive had a 7month hyperfix on her
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captorations · 2 months
fuck. goddammit. cancer cult that has basically turned themselves into trill from star trek. that may as well be magic and i am disappointed. it also leaves an obvious route for baru to not just be crazy, but i hold out hope that tain hu will stay dead
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yume-fanfare · 11 months
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💞💞💞 everything is ok peace and love
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goodmorningdove · 4 months
also there is a song called The Happiness and Peace of Mind Committee and i don't know if you've listened to it but i think it is very much pyrite's vibes. maybe pyrite if she had a bad day and went just one shade more totalitarian.
damn that IS a pyrite song!
especially before she met chalia
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rindomness · 11 months
this is a uhhh scary marlowe blog now bye bye everyone else sorry you have to leave
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sexhaver · 4 months
Boston driving tips:
if you're making an unprotected left at a stoplight and are the first one in line when the light turns green, your job is to gun it and make that left turn before any oncoming traffic has an opportunity to move. otherwise you will sit there throughout that entire fucking light, forcing everyone behind you who wants to go straight to merge to the right (which of course gums up both lanes), until it turns red again and you awkwardly finish up your turn while the entire intersection glares daggers at you. if you pull this shit on a one-lane road, then congratulations, you made it so you were the only one to make it through on that light cycle, and the drivers behind you are not only allowed but actively encouraged to pit manuever you off the road if they can catch up.
for optimal performance, you should be looking at the signal for the cross street + the walk signal. once you see the cross signal turn red, hold down your brake with your left foot to free up your right foot to hover over the gas pedal. that way, when your light turns green, you can simultaneously lift your left foot while dropping your right to instantly start moving. this maneuver has many names depending on where you learn it. i learned it as the "Worcester left" but ive also heard it referred to as a "Lexington left".
if you're in the left lane and one person passes you on your right, there's a 50/50 shot on which one of you is the asshole (you for driving too slow in the passing lane, or the passer for being a speed demon)
if two people pass you on your right, you are the asshole and need to merge right at the soonest opportunity to avoid further embarrassment
if THREE (or, god forbid, more) people pass you on your right, pull over to the nearest breakdown lane at your earliest convenience and commit seppuku with a tire iron
become intimately familiar with the exact size of your car and how close you can get to stuff without hitting it. this proprioception is helpful when parallel parking but is mostly for those times when someone is trying to turn left from a single-lane road, and they pull off as far to the left as they can without going into oncoming traffic to let people around them, and then the person behind them spends a few seconds trying to fit their 6-foot-wide car through a 9-foot-wide gap before concluding that this maneuver is sadly impossible. don't be that fucking guy
learn how to parallel park. yes i know it's stereotypically scary but there is a method you can learn and it will save your ass so many times. just line up your car's side mirror with the side mirror of the car in front of the spot you want, cut the wheel all the way towards the curb, move for a bit, stop, cut the wheel all the way the other way, resume, wham bam thank you ma'am
you can ignore like 80% of all "no parking" signs because they all say NO PARKING in huge bold letters and then under that in 8pt font they add "every second Tuesday of every month during lobster season on odd sides of the street only from 7-9pm". or it's "reserved" parking for an event that already happened or hasn't happened yet (they put the effective dates right there on the sign)
turning right on red is technically legal at a state level in MA, but most intersections in Boston will have a cheeky little "no turn on red" sign hidden somewhere as a fun Eye-Spy-type game for kids to play on road trips. if you don't see one of these signs, it's a coinflip whether you just missed it or if you can actually turn right
are you moving into Boston for college? you should definitely rent a moving van for your stuff and then follow your GPS directions that take you down Storrow Drive. nothing bad has ever happened to moving vans on Storrow Drive
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zmediaoutlet · 9 months
They ended up south of the hospital mainly because Dean had to pick a direction when they pulled out of the lot and, considering the day he’d had, a coinflip was as good a way to make a decision as anything. A motel even if it’s two in the afternoon, and two beds because it’s always two beds, and he drops his bags on the one closer to the door and wants to flop face-first straight into the ugly brown comforter but he feels like if he falls he’ll never get up again. His shoulders and low back and the arches of his feet all hurt. He hardly even had to fight, today. Go figure.
Sam’s flicking the light in the tiny closet, checking the mini-fridge, casing the bathroom. “Huh,” he says, for no reason Dean can tell. Drops his bag on the luggage rack and shrugs out of his jacket. Absently pops his neck. Says, then, “I could eat, you want—I don’t know, delivery something,” like he didn’t almost check out on Dean, like he didn’t disappear in the middle of the night like every one of Dean’s worst nightmares, like in the middle of driving about ninety through too-crowded city streets Dean didn’t get a call on his cell from an unknown number and about have a heart attack when the woman on the other end said Mr. Smith, you’re listed as the emergency contact for Mr. Sam Smith. I’m afraid—  Like the world didn’t just crackle out to static right then.
He’s standing there, though. On two legs and with his back up. Going for the yellow pages under the room phone, flipping to the back. “Number One China Palace,” he mutters, and glances across at Dean, and is alive. Alive and walking around and his brain where it’s meant to be. He frowns, the phonebook dangling against his thigh. “You okay?” he says, and Dean says, “Yeah,” and then he says, “God,” and then he sits down hard enough on the bed that he almost bounces, and he plants his hands on his knees and has to breathe, in through his nose and out through his mouth. Acid roiling up his throat. He wants a drink so bad he could kill something.
“Dean?” Around the bed, crouching. Alive and compos mentis and hovering a hand over Dean’s leg, like he’s worried Dean’s hurt somewhere he can’t see. Except, no, that was Sam—that was Sam all this last goddamn year, or longer, all this time Sam’s head was crumbling or boarded up but still crumbling behind or trapped in hell with a shark-smiling sociopath wearing his face or even before, when he thought he had to die to prove something to the world, or when he had to rot himself to prove something to Dean, or when—Dean takes another deep breath and blows it out extra slow, his heart doing something weird in his chest, and Sam stops with the hover-hand crap and grabs his thigh, frowns up at him, says, “What—hey, hey.”
“I’m not having a panic attack,” Dean says.
“Looks like it,” Sam says, but sits back on one heel, and the death-grip on Dean’s thigh turns more into Sam just—keeping a hand on him. Heavily warm. “You good?”
Dean fishes in the inner pocket of his jacket and finds the flask, takes a pull. Sam’s eyes tighten but he doesn’t make a comment. The whiskey’s crap and it burns all the way down but he feels like he breathes better after. Sam watches his face, his hand sliding a little up the side of Dean’s leg. Like he hasn’t—god, since before Cas pulled that shit-ass trick with Sam’s wall. Dean wants to pull Sam up by the wrist and fall backwards on the bed and sleep for a goddamn year, Sam laying heavily over him like the worst sweaty-nasty suffocation torture Dean ever accused him of being, when they’d share beds sometimes, and Sam would roll his eyes and pull Dean in by the small of the back and Dean slept better than maybe he ever had. Why did they ever stop that. What would it take, to go back.
“And it’s really all just—gone,” Dean says, picking up the staggered confused stupid back-and-forth they’d had back in that awful hospital room, while Cas moaned shaking on the bed and Meg held him grimly down. “Just like that.”
Sam’s cheek sucks in on one side. “Not just like…” he starts, and then looks at Dean’s face, and his chin drops. “But—yeah. I’m okay. Not even that tired, for some reason. It’s just you and me in here, I swear.”
It always was but the way Sam says it makes Dean’s shoulders ripple, like someone’s standing directly behind him, watching. He shudders totally without meaning to and Sam’s head picks up and he shifts forward, kneeling, his hands going to Dean’s knees, gripping firm. “Don’t get hit by a car again,” Dean says, and Sam huffs and says, “I’ll do my best,” and Dean reaches forward and grips Sam’s shirt and feels Sam’s skin warm under it and says, “I mean it,” and Sam looks him in the eyes and doesn’t say that Dean’s being a dumbass and doesn’t even seem like he’s thinking it, really, and he says, “Yeah, Dean,” and, “Okay?” and Dean doesn’t know the answer to that. It has to be yes because Sam’s alive and here and that makes it a ranked good day, by Dean’s usual metric, but the time when he wasn’t isn’t far enough in the rearview for Dean’s taste. That white hospital room and the white bed and Sam sitting there like he didn’t care so much about the difference between alive and not. When the difference there, for Sam, was the only thing in Dean’s life that had ever mattered. When it was pretty much the only thing he was hanging his hat on, these days, and if it came to it, if any time between now and the shitty future Dean could see, the answer flipped from one to the other, Dean didn’t know if he’d be able to make it in the world that was left, after. He just didn’t see how that could be so.
Sam watches him, quietly. Tightens his grip on Dean’s legs and then stands up. “I’m ordering Chinese,” he says, steady. “Gonna take a shower. Find something to watch, huh?”
Dean blinks, wipes his hand over his face. “Yeah,” he says.
“We should’ve gotten a king bed,” Sam says. He half-smiles, when Dean looks up at him. “So you won’t bitch about kicking.”
“Wouldn’t have to if you weren’t Chuck Norrising in your sleep,” Dean says, and Sam really smiles, then. Goes for the phonebook, and the Chinese. Ordering extra broccoli, the bitch. Dean grips the edge of the mattress, and manages to stand up after all, to deal with his bag, to find the remote. Sun coming in through the gaps in the curtains. Sam, smiling at something Dean can’t hear. The rearview feeling, for a minute, a little less crowded.
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First Interaction with Hermes
(using a coinflip to determine answers, heads = yes, tails = no)
Me: Uh...should I be afraid of you...?
Hermes: *serious* Yes.
Me: *nervous* Wait, what- really?
Hermes: Haha, no! *laughs*
Me: *realizing I have been pranked by god*
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lexcellence · 10 months
Is yugioh a good game? I've only seen the anime.
oh god no.
listen, the thing you need to understand is that it was never meant to be a real game. Yu-Gi-Oh started out as a game-of-the-week horror manga with a premise that can best be described as "what if Billy Batson transformed into the killer from Saw." The card game (at that point called Magic and Wizards, changed for fairly obvious copyright reasons), didn't show up until the ninth chapter, and then they kept doing other shit for like the next twenty-five. It only got brought back because there was such a large fan response to that chapter (largely because of everyone's favorite Batman, Seto Kaiba), and then they went back to doing other shit until the mid-fifties, when the focus shifted almost entirely. The reason the rules were so different in the Duelist Kingdom arc of the show was that the rules weren't even finalized until the second season. There were two (well, one and a half) entirely different versions of the game before Konami got the license, and crafted the version we have know. Even looking at the early video games, there are two or three entirely different formats before we finally got something based on the rules of the physical card game. I can't stress this enough — it wasn't a real game, it was a plot device that became wildly popular out of nowhere.
Once it *was* a game, they had to contend with the fact that it wasn't very well balanced or thought out, and shit got messier when you looked at the show. All of the big flashy monsters the main characters used were hot garbage in any situation that didn't involve telling a story, and the things that weren't garbage were outright broken and quickly had to be limited or banned outright (for example, the Spell card Pot of Greed, which allows a player to draw two cards from their deck, and add them to their hand. Great when a goth ghost needs to show his faith in the Heart of the Cards, less great when nerds like me start throwing around shit like "a free plus one."). It didn't help that real life games took between twice and four times as much time to play.
So, early YGO was slow as hell, which was its own pain in the ass, but these days? After two full decades of power creep and needing to sell the newest set to an increasingly older player base?
Now the game is a coinflip. You either go second or you lose, unless your deck has an option for a Zero Turn Kill instead of a First Turn Kill. Effects have gotten so intertwined and convoluted and, frankly, incestuous that they've gone from "draw 2 cards" to legal contracts. There's no grace, there's no elegance, there's just a nonstop autistic deck-measuring contest.
Zero out of ten, I'll play it until the day I die.
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Pssst hi baba!! :D I wanted to toss a silly thought to you. Glenn and Jodie take the s1 kids to the beach (probably non-magic au). Glenn helps the kids bury a willing Jodie in the sand. I think they did a coin toss for it which Glenn won. The sand is shaped into the classic mermaid style. Probably has a sand sword in one hand and a guitar in the other. Later, Jodie and Glenn also prepare a water balloon fight. Jodie teams up with the kids against Glenn for a bit until Nicky and the twins switch sides. Feeling chilly today so I'm channeling the summer vibes haha
Hi Countless!!! THIS IS SO CUTE. I'm particularly weak for beach-related stuff cause the stuff during the beach episodes with the S1 kids (spooky stories, driving lessons, etc.) makes up some of my favorite moments in the show 🥺.
Hehe I can imagine the smug look on Glenn's face when he wins the coinflip. You said a sword but I can't help imagining a trident for Jodie King Neptune style hahaha (fuck this is making me think of mermaid AUs hehehehehe I'm such a sucker for mermaid AUs god damn it I'm a simple gal). Also thinking of Glenn teasing Jodie and making the kids laugh the whole time and Jodie feigning annoyance (but really he's having fun, and happy to see Nicky having a good time with the other kids).
Aaaaw and the water balloon fight is really cute too <3. Love the twins and Nicky switching sides to help Glenn- for a small sec I was like "hm is that unbalanced?" but actually I think Grant and Terry would be quite effective in a water balloon fight tbh haha (*especially* Grant he doesn't miss lmao).
:3 Thanks for the ask Countless!
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b33tlejules · 4 days
Fucked up bingo Chargestep
Had to do a coinflip and chose for it to be Teo/Julia chargestep because I need to be more insane about Teo here.
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Teo is hopelessly charmed by Ortega. She so badly wants to stay invisible, unnoticed, unbothered, but god Ortega just sees her anyways and it feels like the best thing in the world. Its terrifying. It's humiliating, how easily Ortega has wormed her way back into Teo's terribly shattered life but. Maybe it's not a bad thing? As long as she keeps lying about not being telepathic anymore, Ortega doesn't need to know a thing. Nothing can go wrong. :)
Here's a song I associate with them, just for you.
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goodmorningdove · 5 months
wait is pyrite the fucked up and evil fox god the same pyrite as pyrite cyan of the coinflip gods?? if not then what do they think of each other?
they are the same! Pyrite is a pretty good boss when things are not going bad! She's pro unions, pays an above living wage and abides by all disability accommodations.
issue is if she cant keep you happy, (like if you have chronic depression or are stressed due to the imminent collapse of the world) she kills you. Be Happy Or Else.
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memoryoflooping · 4 months
today in the timeloop siffrin died. badly.
loop 26 - -isa looks stricken, sad? ohhh no :-( sif must have looked at him so sadly…. -ahhh the diary i see i see -god its just gotta be siffrin. it's siffrin but how… he wanted it enough but. wishing at the trees isn't like… real? odile can still lose the coinflip… -he didn't even hold out his hand to be saved when it was happening again and he smiled. -siffrin read somewhere that you need a certain amount of skin to skin contact or they go insane. this probably bodes well for them -"hey isa can you get a headache for me just testing something" -isa living calculator moment -a diffrent belief than change… hmmm something about universe… -oh that's why siffrin is forgetter georg i see… -ahhhhh i see… a picture is something perectly frozen in time… and the king wants vaugarde to be like that too… perfectly frozen so that it's never forgotten -awhhh their parents used to make fun of them for devouring fritters… awhhh -you can do it sif you can remember and i am not scared by the warning when i clicked this option -"we just have to wish for it! we just have to ask!" ?????? -HUH. WHAT? SIFFRIN TOOK REAL ASS DAMAGE -WAIT. they're both taking damage… -oh god he's spitting up blood -holy shit… he's screaming. my god he's in fucking agony -HE'S FUCKING DEAD! HOLY SHIT loop 27 - -oh my god i have to check all those damn holes fuck this gay earth -oh my fucking god . i knew it. there would be one hidden via perspective i was checking bc i was sure i'd checked them all. its not even the right one and i still got it -FOUND IT -"he probably can't help having a crush on you. poor him, he deserves better" SIFFRIN . NOOOOO
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dcwnthercbbithcle · 7 months
God, ASDHASHD brainrotting shipping hours because Billie (@coastercrushed) is awesome and enables me with Mapplethorpe and Doe in the Murmaid AU
Mape isn't a mermaid per the AU, saved by the fact that he's not one of the Entity's guaranteed catches. Doe? Damned in almost all verses to be caught and captured by the Entity at some point as a food source. But Mape only has one or two instances of this occurring, so it was a coinflip as to whether he'd be a fishman or a human and it landed on human!
Mape, rather than living on a small town located inland (at least relatively given Australia) resides on the coast, and being a semi-outcast kid that he is, spends much of the time wandering the beaches and surfing. Though surfing is far, far from a beast even comparable to skateboarding, and he's (lovingly) quite the cringefail when it comes to it.
Wipeouts are a 50/50 occurrence, and though they've never been more than a mouth and nosefull of saltwater, a feeling of intense disorientation and a sudden burst of adrenaline and riding the waves to be pushed back towards the surface.
Mape may be a cringefail when it comes to boarding, but he knows his safety and what to do when he inevitably falls.
Though in one circumstance as he fell, passing through the storm of bubbles into the calm beneath the waves, he caught sight of murmaid!Doe at a distance, watching. Fins and nets on full display and a look in her eye he couldn't place, but it didn't seem predatory, more excited.
Now, murmaid!Doe, as we all know, she's not a strong hunter given her young age and not having a pack to rely on to secure difficult kills or protect her. She was, in that instance, watching Mapplethorpe, excitedly hoping that he wouldn't be able to surface, that he could drown and she could make an easy meal out of him.
MAPPLETHORPE DID NOT KNOW THIS, likewise, with a brainrot of helpful mermaids in pop culture drowning out a long storied history of mermaids existing as malevolent entities... he uh, he did not see the writing on the walls. Instead, in his mind, he saw that murmaid watching him as a sign of interest, or friendship or maybe Disney channel-esc love, waiting to save him in the case he drowned; not drag him away to his death like she truthfully intended.
And well, it stuck in his head! He never thought to confide in most, I mean, on some level he KNEW how unbelievable it would sound. A mermaid watching him with intent, Felicity would be worried, had he hit his head? Lost too much oxygen in his plunge. Chester would just laugh though, this is what happened to those sailors that hadn't seen women in years, Mapplethorpe, they started seeing sharks as women. But Mapplethorpe KNEW, he wasn't delusional, he saw what he saw. This murmaid, his Ariel as he started to call her. The more he thought about it, the more he wanted to know everything about her.
Why was she alone? Everything about mermaids in media had them traveling in groups. Had something happened? That would explain why she was covered in nets, fishing line and with decidedly unnatural pieces sticking out of her. Was she hurting? Did she need help? Like those videos of men rescuing sea turtles and untangling them. Had she been waiting to help him so he could help her? Clever, through deduction and healthy tempering of his ego by his insecurity, Mapplethorpe deduced this MUST be the explanation for her watching and waiting.
So Mape decides, he will have to help his Ariel! He waits for the next week of his boarding, floating on the water rather than attempting to work himself up a wave, waiting, expecting the mermaid to show herself and ask. She never does, she is there, he confirms that much sticking his head in the waters and coming face to face with her. But she never works up the courage, maybe she's afraid? OH HE WAS SO STUPID! OBVIOUSLY she'd be afraid, she had a harpoon embedded in one of her thighs! Humans did this, she probably feared them just as much as she knew she needed their help! He'd have to earn her trust.
Doe meanwhile, is EXCLUSIVELY hunting him and becoming more and more ballsy when it comes to approaching him. In the past, she'd had a circumstance when she tried to grab a surfer, she'd closed around his leg when he pulled out a knife and drove it through her hand. Since then she learned the hard lesson that surfers weren't easy victims and hesitance needed to be taken. But Mapplethorpe, he seemed to know exactly the ways to disarm her worry. Had Mapplethorpe been trying he could have been an excellent murmaid hunter, instead, he only wanted to help, to know her, to bridge that gap.
When the day comes that murmaid!Doe finally has the courage to poke her head above the surface and to peer onto the board, Mape is so happy he could explode. He doesn't know how much he is dancing on the line, but in true Doe taming fashion, he pulls out a snack, gummy worms to share with her and it's... baffling. Murmaid!Doe loves them, obviously, gummies are a weakness of hers, but its strange, the food is feeding her but not out of fear. She's just as starstruck as Mapplethorpe is!
The next weeks become a ritual, snacks, a little waterproof radio and his board. Murmaid!Doe is interacting with him proper then, in her feelings are tingling, but it's pod based. Is he trying to introduce her to his pod, become a part of hers? But Mape is just living it up, his cool and awesome mermaid best friend!
There comes a day when friendship and nature comes to test: Mapplethorpe decides to swim with her, he WANTED to, jumped off the board with excitement. But in such deep water, his swimming wasn't as strong, he did his best without fins, letting her swim circles around him. But she could feel it, deep in her core, that predatory instinct, his fatigue, he'd lose his fight soon. He was perfectly suited for her to drag him down, she wasn't hungry, but he was open for the taking. A hunk of meat left in front of a dog. YET, she couldn't bring herself to drag him down, no... he was pod to her, he wasn't like her, she couldn't explain but he was pod. She wouldn't betray him, not like that! When his strength weakened and he felt that split-second panic when he didn't have it in him to push himself back onto the board. Murmaid!Doe made up for his weakness, lifting him. Mape's misunderstanding realized and now grounded in reality.
From the date of their swim, the situationship grows, Mape is coming to visit Doe just as much as he does Chester and with each visit, he's luring her closer into shore. He will rescue her from the garbage stuck to her.
Eventually, he manages to convince her to beach herself with him, riding a wave on her belly, her joy, coming in pulsing vocalizations and joyful whistles is so sweet. It's a terrible contrast to the fear that immediately follows, as she begins to turn and pivot in the sand. She's stopped, Mapplethorpe is saying a phrase she knows well: 'hold on' and grips her under her arms and struggles to pull her back onto the beach. Doe's fear grows then, struggling and gnashing her teeth in an attempt to bite. But she runs ice cold when she sees it: Mape has a knife, a fish knife.
So, so long had she considered him prey then pod that she never stopped to consider if he could be predator. She struggled more violently in the sand, attempting to drag herself back to the sea. But when that came to success, she just, froze, waiting a bite and the pain, but instead all she felt was relief.
Mapplethorpe didn't try to cut her throat, she never felt the kiss of the blade, instead, with a cold pinch, she felt him push the blunt edge against her raw scales and cut through the nets and lines and she breathed a sigh of relief she never considered she'd been holding for so long. He freed her from the weight, then he turned to pull out the old blade and pieces of a broken off harpoon. Mapplethorpe was no medic, but his help was more than she'd ever had, and all the edge and worry faded fast as the pain faded to white noise.
That moment in time, his helping her even in such open and overt weakness and vulnerability, it changed things between them. Set the road to the poly fish husband Mapplethorpe we all know and love. With Doe now more freed, she took to hunting with more vigor than she ever had, first with fish then seals but quickly escalating. Mapplethorpe noticed the disappearance of swimmers but he never brought it to Doe. He knew on some level, but he didn't want to be confronted with the fact that he'd saved a monster.
Doe is adopted into a new pod after her recovery from the wounds and Doe introduces Mapplethorpe to her pod, it's not an easy transition at first. Doe seems snappish and Mape chalks it up to Doe not wanting to share him but really it's Doe asserting she's in charge and that Mape is not allowed to be eaten. He IS a part of the pod even though he isn't one of them!
The other murmaids of Doe's Pod warming up to Mape and starting to see him in the same way that she views him, realizing the poly fish husband Mape transformation as he gets to know all of them in his own way, bringing a waterproof radio and letting them pick out and listen to music. Going with them for swims, following with them to explore coves and generally chill out and bond!
Mape slowly going into the darkside but in a very productive and somewhat sweet way as he takes an interest in Marina Biology and Zoology through them and comes to not only turn a blind eye to their man-eating but even enabling and taking part in it in order to protect their identity and the odd little family they've built for themselves!
MAPE GETTING TO SEE AND TAKE PART AS THE GIRLS BECOME MORE POWERFUL MURMAIDS IN TIME, Doe going from 5ft tall barely and a wave rider, to 7ft and a wave breaker and eventually 10ft as a wave maker but she still loves him all the same and wants to cuddle like how they could when he could straight up lift and carry her out of the water
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