#coin collector store
Gold and silver coin collections are nothing out of the ordinary in the modern world. People from all parts of the globe collect gold and silver coins. They are very valuable and can often be seen in Gold and Silver Pawn coins stores and other places.
Visiting a gold and silver pawnshop or coin store to sell your coins can be the best decision, provided that you have learned every aspect there is to learn about gold and silver pawn exchanges.
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artemiszy · 2 days
PRETTY THINGS | Gyutaro X Reader
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Gyutaro x Oiran!Reader
"When an angel appears in the life of a boy who has been hurt his whole life."
WARNING. Violence, blood, minor character death, open ending. FEMALE READER
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Gyutaro was an ugly child, from a young age he was able to recognize this. His sick mother who constantly tried to kill him before he could even leave her womb because he was an ugly child; the way citizens in the streets looked away in disgust in his presence and some threw stones at him because he was an ugly child.
And ugly children never have a good place in this world.
However, this could still be used to one's advantage. He began to use his appearance to mess with people, and he enjoyed seeing them afraid.
But he still recognized that he was an ugly child.
He still knew that no one but his little sister would look kindly on him; with pacience; and much less with love. And he had already accepted, everything was fine, he could continue surviving as a debt collector with attempts to at least be able to make Ume have something close to a dignified life.
If only they had been born into a higher hierarchy, maybe people wouldn't care that he was so despicable.
During another of his countless attempts to find something to survive, Gyutaro was once again mistreated. He received a black eye from a vendor who accused him of stealing eggs, something that was confirmed when the adult man shook the boy in poor condition and from his tattered kimono fell one of the eggs, which broke upon contact with the floor.
There were women in the distance laughing at the boy who, despite being beaten, would not release the eggs at all. It was his and Ume's dinner! They hadn't eaten in days!
— "Now... I'm going to teach you a lesson, you little shit!" — The furious man raised his fist again.
Falling to the ground, Gyutaro just waited for the next blow, something he was already used to, it wasn't the first time and it certainly wouldn't be the last.
But the next blow never came, instead he heard a voice.
— "Stop this!"
It was a soft and peaceful voice, despite being loud, something that caught the attention of the salesman who stopped beating the boy. When he looked at the owner of the voice, Gyutaro's mind stopped, seeing a girl as beautiful and charming as the jewels that he would never be able to even touch. She was the same age as Gyutaro, her silky (h/c) hair was loose and she wore a simple light lilac colored kimono.
— "Stop this!" — The girl walked towards them with firm (e/c) eyes. — "Look at his condition!"
— "He stole from me! That's what this little shit deserves!" — The salesman growled. — "Go away if you don't want to get beaten too!"
The young girl's eyes went over Gyutaro, who was on the floor panting with blood running down his nose, she seemed to understand his situation when analyzing his appearance. He was poor and those eggs could be a necessity to survive.
— "If that's so..." — She sighed and removed a bag from inside the sleeve of her kimono. — "They're just eggs... that should be enough." — She took two coins from the bag and threw them to the man.
— "Huh?!" — The man raised his eyebrow, grabbing the coins. — "What you—"
— "There's your payment! Now go away." — The girl looked at the adult angrily.
Without saying anything else, the man growled softly and just accepted the payment, leaving in silence. Gyutaro quickly looked at the eggs stored inside his kimono and they were still intact, he sighed with relief knowing that he wouldn't need to eat insects again to survive.
— "Everything is fine?" — One of the girl's hands reached out to him.
Her hands were delicate and small, having a great contrast when compared to Gyutaro's calloused and dirty hands.
He felt a little remorseful about holding the girl's hand in front of him, as if he would contaminate her. She was beautiful, god, she was so beautiful. Why was a pretty child like her worrying about an ugly child like him?
— "I... I can get up by myself..." — Gyutaro murmured, getting up with a little difficulty.
Gyutaro felt surprised when the girl's hands grabbed one of his arms to help him get up.
— "Why are you helping me?" — He held himself back so as not to appear so aggressive. — "Do you want something in return by any chance?" — He clicked his tongue. — "I can't give anything back...!"
— "Hm?" — Her big (e/c) eyes blinked. — "I don't want anything in return."
— "Then why did you help me?" — Gyutaro closed his fist tightly. — "I... I don't need charity!"
— "That man was hurting you a lot and intended to hurt you even more." — She replied, seriously. — "You couldn't find any means of survival with your broken limbs, don't you think?"
Gyutaro stopped for a moment, she was right.
— "Your lack of response only proves me right."
Seeing that he had no choice, he let out a sigh. — "Thank you..." — He lowered his head. — "I really didn't want my little sister to go hungry another night..."
The mention of his little sister seems to have surprised the girl. She quickly removed the small bag from before again and took out about six coins, placing them in Gyutaro's palm.
— "Use it to buy food." — She said, leaving Gyutaro surprised again.
— "Huh?!" — He widened his eyes. — "Why are you still helping me? If you want something, just say it at once!"
The girl snorted. — "I already answered you, I don't want anything in return!" — She clicked her tongue. — "You seem like the type of person who isn't used to acts of kindness."
She was right.
In silence, Gyutaro nodded.
The girl's face seemed sad but she looked at him kindly. A look he had never received before from anyone other than his sister.
She continued. — "My name is (Name)."
— "...Gyutaro."
— "I hope to see you around, Gyutaro-kun." — (Name) smiled and left waving.
Gyutaro remained in the same place, motionless and in complete silence, watching the beautiful girl's silhouette disappear from his sight. He put the coins in a pocket of his kimono and then looked back in the direction in which (Name) disappeared.
He wished he could see her again.
— "(Name)!" — A woman with a chubby face threw huge fabrics of different colors and prints on top of the girl. — "Clean it up!"
The girl just bowed and went to the back garden of the pleasure house so she could clean the kimono fabrics. Being an oiran's apprentice, she still had a lot to learn, and cleaning for her 'older sister' under the order of the lady of the house was one of them.
(Name) never bothered about it, except when Aimi-oiran yelled at her because of delays or other trivial matters that the apprentice never cared much to hear about.
One of those brief moments of reverie was when (Name) felt something not very hard hitting the back of her head as she rubbed the fabrics inside the bucket of water.
That is, at that exact moment.
(Name)'s eyes narrowed and she removed what hit her from the top of her head, seeing a small bag of coins. Still with the object in hand, the girl stood up and looked back over her shoulder, seeing Aimi-oiran standing under the engawa corridor, staring at the younger girl with a serious expression.
— "Stop what you're doing and go buy food!" — Demanded the oiran.
Aimi-oiran was wearing a pretty kimono, even though she was disheveled and it was still daylight. (Name) just nodded with a small bow and let another apprentice in the house finish her work with the sheets.
Outside, the district was busy as always, and (Name) was careful not to be robbed at that time of day.
The girl walked calmly towards the place where she knew she sold what Aimi-oiran liked to eat, looking around and having some glimpses of what was happening in the district during that moment; some sellers shouting, people talking and even fighting. There was also smoke from something that smelled good coming from somewhere.
In a more isolated area of ​​the district, where there were few people. (Name) caught the eye of a little girl not so far away, who seemed to flinch and look away quickly when she noticed the oiran apprentice saw her.
The little girl had white hair and blue eyes, wearing a tattered light pink kimono. She looked at the boy next to her who had his back to (Name) and started to pull his arm and say something.
What (Name) could hear because the girl didn't seem discreet at all.
— "Onii-chan, look! Is that the girl you talked about?" — The little girl shook her brother's arm as if she wanted to get his attention as quickly as possible.
— "Huh?" — The boy looked confused and looked over his shoulder at (Name), less than a second later he turned his full attention to his sister. — "UME!" — He shouted in a whisper, trying to silence his sister. — "Be quiet...!!!"
— "But look!" — The girl, Ume, got excited and pointed at (Name). — "She has the same beautiful (e/c) eyes you described!"
(Name) felt confused for a moment but was surprised when she realized that she knew that boy.
— "Huh? Gyutaro, is that you?" — She approached.
Gyutaro seemed to stiffen. Beside him, Ume perked up even more.
— "Are you (Name)?" — Ume practically jumped in front of her with an excited smile. — "Onii-chan couldn't stop talking about you!"
— "Ume!" — Gyutaro turned around with teeth grinding. — "I already told you to be quiet!"
— "He kept saying how a pretty girl appeared like an angel and— HMMF!"
Ume's speech was cut off when Gyutaro covered her mouth with one of his hands. Then looking at (Name) with his typical dead fish eyes, but he seemed pleasant when looking at the girl in front of him.
— "My bad..." — He said, Ume struggling furiously to take his hand away from her mouth, but to no avail. — "Sometimes my little sister can be a little silly..."
— "It's been a few weeks since we've seen each other." — (Name) gave a pleasant laugh. — "So... this is your little sister?"
Ume finally managed to take Gyutaro's hand away from her mouth, and looked at (Name) with an excited face.
— "I'm Ume! When onii-chan talked about you, I really got excited!"
— "You are adorable." — (Name) smiled and passed her hand on the top of Ume's head, who let out a happy laugh.
Gyutaro seemed happy to see the two together.
— "You are very beautiful! Are you an oiran?" — Ume asked.
— "Actually, I'm training to be one. Maybe next year I'll become one."
— "Cool!" — Ume became even more excited. — "I'm going to be one too, you know? Everyone says I'm very beautiful!"
— "Oh yes, you are." — (Name) nodded with a gentle smile on her face. — "Maybe you'll be my kamuro one day."
(Name)'s words seemed to cheer Ume up even more.
— "I liked her, onii-chan!" — Ume started shaking Gyutaro's arm once again while pointing at (Name). — "I liked her!"
— "Okay, okay, Ume!" — Gyutaro grumbled. — "I liked her too." — He accidentally let go, and the moment he turned away with a grunt, but his little sister could notice the blush on his face.
— "Onii-chan!" — The little girl's eyes widened and she laughed happily. — "You are in love?!"
— "What?! No! Ume, be quiet before I shove rocks in your mouth!"
But Ume just laughed, which caused soft giggles from (Name) as well.
As the months passed, Gyutaro would secretly show up to visit (Name), sometimes bringing Ume with him. Sometimes they would sneak out in the dead of night to wander the streets of the districts and get some interesting things, like enough coins to play at festivals.
Even after they both reached adolescence and (Name) finally became an oiran, which made access to her even more difficult. But even so, Gyutaro kept going to see her.
And during one fateful night, Gyutaro smelled blood while climbing outside to (Name)'s room.
Upon jumping into the room and putting his feet on the tatami, Gyutaro felt extremely uneasy when he didn't see (Name) just a faint light coming from the other side of the fusuma door. Cautiously, he followed, inwardly fearing what he might find.
The boy didn't feel surprised or scared when he saw a man's corpse sprawled on the mat with a pool of blood pooling in it. The guy appeared to be middle-aged and had a knife stuck in his throat, along with an expression of horror on his face, despite being already dead. Gyutaro had seen dead bodies all his life, one more wouldn't make a difference. But he still felt extremely uneasy when he saw a dead body in (Name)'s room.
With her back to the corpse and also to Gyutaro, closer to the wall, (Name) gently brushed her lips red in front of a mirror.
— "...(Name)?" — Gyutaro called her.
She took a while to respond, but when her voice came, she put the brush down on the table and spoke softly.
— "It's over."
— "What's over?" — Gyutaro approached, and noticed how (Name)'s bloody hand was shaking, despite her calm posture.
— "I killed this man. They will find out soon."
Gyutaro let out a tired sigh and bent down in front of (Name), making her turn towards him. — "Tell me what happened."
— "This man... he wanted to marry me." — (Name) informed.
Gyutaro felt relieved that the bastard was dead.
She continued. — "But... it got worse every night. He kept coming back and coming back, it was scaring me..." — She practically spat. — "And then... he tried to take me by force, when I refused once again."
— "(Name)..." — Gyutaro brushed away the strands of hair stuck to the girl's forehead, who was sweating coldly as she stared blankly at the corpse behind the boy. — "Why didn't you tell me? I could have dealt with this bastard on the streets!" — He grumbled.
(Name) let out a melancholic sigh. — "It wouldn't work... he was a samurai. I didn't want to put you in danger. But it's too late now. They'll come soon and discover the body, and I'll be killed for my crime."
Gyutaro's eyes widened in fierce fury.
— "That won't happen!" — He grabbed (Name)'s hands.
— "It's nothing to do!" — The oiran whimpered. — "Get out of here while there's still time. Bad things will happen to you if they find you here!"
But Gyutaro didn't move, instead, he pressed (Name)'s bloody hands against his own chest and walked closer, his gaze becoming determined, as if he had spent his entire life preparing to utter the words he was about to say. .
— "Then come with me."
(Name)'s wet eyes widened with furrowed eyebrows and a confused look on her face.
— "...Huh?"
— "Run away with me." — Gyutaro asked once again. — "Let's get out of here and never come back. With the money I got from collecting debts and you from your job as a courtesan, we could get out of here. Me, you and Ume."
(Name) remained silent, staring at Gyutaro without a certain expression for him to identify, perhaps just surprise.
— "(Name)... I love you." — Gyutaro finally let go, holding the girl's hands even more firmly against his chest. — "I love you and I have loved you since the day you appeared like an angel in my life, everyone has always judged me but not you. There is nothing I love more in this world than you and my sister, you two are everything to me. And that's why I I need to tell you this, even though you might not feel the same way."
Gyutaro considered himself ugly and repulsive, his whole life he was judged by other damned people and treated not even worthy of pity.
He expected (Name) to rip her hands out of his, slap him, and then scream and accuse him of killing that man. However, Gyutaro was surprised when that girl's delicate, blood-stained hands grabbed his face on either side and pulled him into a kiss.
A kiss that seems to have lasted an eternity, and Gyutaro would stay in it for another eternity if he could.
When the two separated, (Name) ran the thumb of her left hand across Gyutaro's cheekbone, wiping away a single, solitary tear that fell from his eye. The boy not even caring about the blood on his face.
Gyutaro stood up, holding the same hand that (Name) used to wipe away his tear.
— "I'll go down first, when I'm down there, you jump and I'll hold you, okay?"
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This had been in my drafts for over a year, so why not?
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dragon-ascent · 1 year
You are an avid collector of Rex lapis merch...and your husband is Rex Lapis himself.
★彡fluff, fun stuff, zhongli finds you amusing as always
Zhongli had revealed his identity to you much before you two had gotten married. You’d been very respectful and told him how much you admired him as both a man and a deity...but oh boy, if Zhongli thought that was where your devotion ended, he was in for a long ride.
“Oh my freaking gosh! Eeeee!”
At your squeal, Zhongli is immediately at your side. “What is the matter- ah.” He sees the pamphlet you’re holding and suddenly it all clicks into place. 
You clutch your husband’s arm, barely able to contain yourself. “New Rex Lapis plushie launching tomorrow! Eeeee! Let’s go down to the store as soon as it opens!”
Zhongli kisses your forehead, his heart fluttering at your enthusiasm. “Allow me to take a look.” He gently takes the pamphlet from your hands and peruses it, then looks up at the bed you two share...where you also keep your enormous pile of Rex Lapis plushies. “Erm...dear, what is different about this new one?”
“Look!” You point at what the new plushie is holding. “It comes with a free Mora coin plush! I haaaaave to get it!”
It’s worth it, really. There’s nothing Zhongli cherishes more than seeing you happy. And when he finds you the next day curled up in bed, napping away with your brand-new Rex Lapis plushie pressed to your chest, he finds his heart melting like the sweetest chocolate on a summer day.
Of course, with how fanatical you get sometimes, you get so caught up in all your Rex Lapis paraphernalia that you almost forget who Zhongli really is...
“I’m doomed! I have blasphemed!”
“Did you sit on the lap of one of the Statues of the Seven again, dear?” Zhongli inquires without even looking up from the morning paper. “I told you, it does not count as-”
“Even worse! The new glow-in-the-dark Rex Lapis keychains are all sold out and I missed my chance to buy them!”
At this, Zhongli gazes at you sympathetically as you huff and puff around the room, equal parts agitated and distressed. He knows how much your collection means to you. “I see. Well, you can get one when they restock, can you not?”
“No way!” you cry out, staring at Zhongli like he had just grown horns and a tail. “The restocked keychains will be B-grade ones! I need to own only first-edition, top-quality merch!”
“Ah. Oh dear...” 
“What would Rex Lapis think?” you wail, flopping into your husband’s sturdy arms. “Rex Lapis, what do you think of me?”
“I don’t think ill of you, darling, I never could,” Zhongli assures, planting a soft kiss to your temple. “I still love you regardless of how many Rex Lapis-themed items you possess.”
“You’re just saying that to be nice!”
Zhongli chuckles. “I’m saying that because I love you, and married you for love. I never once wondered how many keychains in my image you obtained before I slid the ring onto your finger.”
Your lip wobbling, you ask, “Do you really mean it?”
“Of course I do, my beloved,” he answers softly, kissing the spot under your ear and wrapping his arms around your waist. “Come now, let me show you just how much.”
Of course, even when he offers you tender, affectionate consolation, Zhongli still ultimately wants to see you at your happiest. So wherever he can, he tries to pull some strings~
“Darling,” Zhongli calls after a long day of work. “I’m home!”
“Welcome home!” You run over to him and give him a peck on the lips. “How was your day?”
“Quite eventful,” he answers, “especially since I managed to procure a very important item.”
You quirk an eyebrow. “An important item? What is it?”
Zhongli smiles, holding out both of his hands, fists closed. “I shall let you find out.”
Utterly intrigued, you look at both closed fists, trying to gauge which one has the item. It must be quite small to fit in his palm...what important item could be that small? 
Pushing away the question since it was sure to be answered within a few moments, you go with your gut and pick the right hand. Zhongli’s smile widens and he opens his palm...
Gasping, you let out a squeal. “Is this...what I think it is?!”
“The very same.” 
Still in disbelief, you take the keychain and observe its details. “It - it really is a first edition glow-in-the-dark Rex Lapis keychain...oh my gosh...but how..?”
Zhongli pulls you into a hug, chuckling at they way you seem to vibrate in his arms in excitement. “I managed to get ahold of a scalper and...persuade him to sell it to me at regular price.”
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” You beam, singing his praises while waving the keychain around happily. “I love Rex Lapis sooooo much!”
Your husband kisses you, practically glowing at your happiness. “Rex Lapis loves you too, my beloved.”
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redbleedingrose · 8 months
i think eris collects fancy wine and lucien has a lot of old maps what do u think
Oh, I have been waiting all DAY for someone to send me an ask about my favorite Vanserra bro’s! I am so excited tehehhe!!
Hobbies for the Vanserra Bro’s
Eris Vanserra
Okay, starting with the love of my LIFE!!!
He is a master of all trades tbh. He has so many hobbies, especially once Beron goes bye bye LMAO. He has so much more free time, he was already practically running the Autumn Court, even when Beron was alive. But now, without the added stress of his father, he is trying to explore all different avenues for hobbies, especially when you can join him.
He absolutely collects fancy wines. I think Er is a collector in general. He likes collecting wines that you both can share after a long day of hard work, he likes to collect unique and rare editions of his favorite books that he can display in the library he built for you, he likes collecting rocks and geodes and seashells that he will use as decorations in Marwa and Twila’s nursery. When they are born, Eris becomes a collector of all things for his favorite babes. He collects dresses and jewelry that they will use when they are older, he loves collecting shoes and handbags for them. Eventually, a new wing to your home is added just so he can store all of things he has collected over the years for them that they have unlimited access to. I also think Er would collect children’s stories and books for them, he loves encouraging them to learn and grow into smart, young ladies. He absolutely expands the library for them, creating a little play space for them along with hundreds, if not thousands of books that all belong to them.
I also think Eris would become involved with creating DV shelters. He would absolutely love being involved in foundations and charities that specialize in helping women get away from their ab*sers, and building a new life for themselves. He has created a whole new job sector for these women, and often finds himself visiting these shelters so that he can help the older ladies running the home cook and clean. You can picture him in his apron, scrubbing away at the tile with furrowed brows trying to get the grout out. He would also bring his pups to the shelters so that they can play with the ladies and the children.
While Beron was alive, he did have a secret hobby that only you know of. One that you and him will take to the grave. One that was the reason for your first oathe to him, the reason that you have a tattoo that matches his on your left forearm.
You know those smutty books that Nesta reads?
Yeah…… He ghost wrote those.
Don’t ask questions, but he did.
The poor male had to express himself and his desire for you somehow.
Anyway, only you and him know that he is Prythian’s best selling romance author. And thats the way its going to stay.
That secret follows you both to the grave.
Oh and Eris is for sure an animals rights activist. He loves his horses and his pups so much, even though he will never admit it, but he has spent a lot of time creating laws that provide protections for endangered species and animal rights in general. He has limited hunting grounds in Autumn Court to allow for safe areas for animas to roam and exist freely. He absolutely tries to convince you to move onto a farm with him. He wants so many animals on that farm, he wants pigs and goats, dogs and cats, horses and cows. He also really loves the idea of having chickens.
One day you will give in from his incessant begging.
Not today, but one day.
Lucien Vanserra
Lucien is also a collector, just like his older brother. He absolutely collects old maps. He also collects coins that he finds on the ground, claiming they are lucky, and he also collects stamps from different courts, using them to depict his travels and act as an homage to his journey through life that lead to finding you. I think Loosh also collects art and pottery, and I know he himself, has dipped into the talent of pottery as a hobby. Even if all of his vases are a little crooked and his mugs are kinda cracked and a janky orange color.
He tries his very best, and thats all that matters to you.
So you will absolutely display his crooked vases in your home, and use his janky orange mugs, even if he glares at you while your coffee leaks in dribbles onto the floor and you smirk at him over the rim of the mug and you wiggle your eyebrows as you “cheers” him. Because you are a loving, good mate who displays your mates talent of course.
Even if it is just to make fun of him
But I also think he is a nature freak. He loves cultivating and collecting rare herbs and plants that he can grow in Day Court. He loves using those herbs and plants to create herbal remedies. He is a big naturalist. I think before you accepted him as your mate, he spent a lot of time in the Day Court libraries trying to get his mind off of you and he did that by studying old medicine. He studied different healing techniques and herbs that he could use to create medicinal potions. Over time, it grew into collecting these herbs and creating these potions for those who are sick, especially the elderly where he ended up donating a lot of his creations.
He also loves going fishing, he could spend hours in the ocean or in a lake or river swimming and fishing. He always releases them back into the wild, but I think there is something he finds peaceful about being in nature and being able to use nature in different ways. He loves going on hikes with you, and he absolutely is a camping nerd. His first holiday with you included going no-contact with every other person he knows for a week and spending that week in nature with you. He taught you different ways to find fresh water, and he would catch fish and cook them for you over the fire he stoked. At some point, he became really really good at cooking outdoors and was creating meals that are almost impossible for the most experienced chefs to make out door using nature.
Anyway, it was fun, and while it may not be your cup of tea for every vacation you take, you will go with him on this camping trip at least once a year to get away from society and spend time with your favorite male.
But!!! This does spark an idea for Lucien.
He loves to take young children out into nature to teach them about it, teaching them how to fish and how to survive in the outdoors just for fun. So he creates a little group of 5-10 year old children similar to Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, encouraging all children to join him as he takes them out into nature. He teaches them how to swim, and how to tie sailors knots, and how to safely make s’mores. The children of Day Court look forward to it all year, excited to spend one on one time with their high lord who teaches them so many things, who is so kind to them, who is so funny and cool to hang out with. Story time in front of a campfire slaps for those kids. Eventually, when your children grow of age, he brings them with him, giving you a whole week for yourself to rejuvenate and vacation in peace.
With that being said, Lucien does take action similar to his brother. He creates national parks and conservation areas to protect nature. It is something that he finds incredibly important and he knows that one day, his children and grandchildren, and future generations as well, will appreciate his efforts to protect the world. He goes as far as convincing other courts to join his efforts as well, expanding protected areas.
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yuugen-benni · 10 months
''Between bows and lace''
Summary: Your doll shop opens in front the library, Ayatsuji's secret office; His interest is piqued…but not only in the store Type: fluff!!!, drabble, requested, a bit ooc ?, may contain spelling mistakes
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Collecting, the act of selecting, gathering and organizing certain things, often based on an emotional attachment or not. There are people who collect coins, books, instruments, cars or even dolls, your passion…or should I say obsession? It really doesn't matter.
With your doll shop you shared your passion with children and adults; Collectors came and went to buy, barter, or offer some kind of partnership. But what you didn't expect was that when the door bell rang, telling you that a customer had entered the store, you would come across… a detective? His expression was serious, almost expressionless.
'Would he be a customer himself?…' You ask yourself mentally, although you know your small shop wasn't a front place for crimes that constantly happened in Yokohama, but did that information matter now? No, because panic swallowed you more and-!
''Do you make these dolls?'' Ayatsuji asks, not taking his eyes off the little ones, and that was enough to bring you back to reality.
''Oh…excuse me, welcome to the Dollhouse. Yes, we manufacture and exchange dolls with collectors…'' You answer, leaving behind the counter and heading towards him, revealing your 'uniform', a dress full of ruffles, ribbons and lace with delicate colors; long sleeves and white thigh-high stockings.
your unique outfit catches Ayatsuji's eye, causing him to momentarily divert his attention from the dolls. He seems intrigued but unimpressed by the way you've incorporated the shop's theme into your attire, perhaps he's already noticed you, at the behest of Special Division? I doubt.
''An interesting fit between the store and your own style,'' Ayatsuji comments, as he turns to the shop windows
''Oh, uh…This is how I connect with customers…especially with children'' You say a little embarrassed, while fidgeting nervously with the hem of your dress ''But then, what exactly would you like? We have a variety of dolls, from all eras and styles-''
''Actually, I'd like to make a doll''
''Wait, do? So you also produce them…But-''
''With your appearance''
You swallowed hard, surprised by the unexpected request. Making a doll of your own appearance wasn't something you would normally hear of, but the idea was intriguing. However, you still had some questions.
"A doll that looks like me?" you repeated, trying to better understand what he had in mind.
Ayatsuji nodded, his eyes still scanning the various dolls on the shelves. "Yes, exactly. With the details of your dress and your unique appearance. It would be… something unique''
''Then I'd like to see it more often…so I'll make a perfect replica''
As you processed his words, a range of emotions mingled within you - surprise, honor and, oddly enough, a certain warmth…? Maybe it's because of how your cheeks suddenly turned red……You were momentarily speechless, taken aback by the sincerity in the detective's words and your only reaction was nod.
And before you knew it, he was out the front door, ready to light his pipe again, ''Hey! By the way, call me [name]!'' You introduce yourself, a little too late, but in a louder tone. You didn't know if he heard you, but then he murmurs
''[name], a good name for a dainty doll''
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A/N: Requested by @dearestsugar - (I preferred to write a drabble instead of a hc, I hope you like it!)
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tamapalace · 1 month
Cakeworthy x Tamagotchi Collection Review
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The folks over at Cakeworthy sent us a beautiful Tamagotchi decorated PR box of the new Cakeworthy x Tamagotchi collection. It’s no surprise that Bandai Namco US is stepping up licensing of the Tamagotchi brand in North America, and this collection is evidence that it works! The collection features shirts, pouches, a purse, and more. We’ve not only unboxed the collection but personally tried each item and want to provide a review of each item. Spoiler alert, we love it.
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Tamagotchi Blanket - this one has been giving us Gotchi dreams! We feel like Nemutchi wrapped in this incredibly soft, and warm blanket! The blanket is high quality, super plush, and we’re impressed not only by the cute design of Tamagotchi’s sleeping in their bed, but how you can tell that these are not going to wear off. Made from 95% polyester and 5% elastane, the blanket measures to 40” x 60” so it’s big!
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Tamagotchi AOP T-Shirt - What does AOP stand for? All over print! This pink t-shirt is a vibrant pink with vintage Tamagotchi character sprites scattered all over (using screen print), on repeat! Its’ really cute and super soft made from 100% cotton! We love how this shirt comes in sizes S through 4XL! You will see us wearing this t-shirt often!
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Tamagotchi T-Shirt Dress - Cute! This white t-shirt dress is a longer and wider cut featuring a day in the life of Mimitchi using vintage sprites, how cute? We really love how this one is different from the other prints in the collection, you can tell a to of attention went into it. There’s even print on both sleeves, made from 100% cotton, and available in sizes S through 4XL! This is a cute to wear out with leggings or jeans, or maybe even a pajama.
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Tamagotchi Button Up Shirt - Dressing up for an event, or the office. Featuring the same repeated vintage Tamagotchi graphics as the t-shirt, but with a button down. This shirt is light, but durable. Made from 100% rayon material. Sizes S through 4XL.
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Tamagotchi Bucket Hat - OMG, we are literally wearing this all summer, sorry not sorry! A cute pink bucket hat that features Tamagotchi silhouettes in white on repeat. The best part? The BEAUTIFUL EMBROIDERED TAMAGOTCHI UFO, THIS IS HIGH QUALITY AND ADORABLE. Sorry, but we’re in love. This is not printed on! Made from 100% cotton, adorable.
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Tamagotchi Robe - We love a robe, and this robe is plush. A beautiful light blue, plush robe featuring the same Tamagotchi’s sleeping in their bed pattern that you see on the Tamagotchi Blanket. Featuring both a belt that also features the pattern (love that detail) and a front pocket where we’ve been storing our Tamagotchi’s in! 100% polyester.
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Tamagotchi Crossbody Purse - We call it show stoppin’. This purse is the moment. We’ve been wearing this out and we get asked all the time about it. Who are you wearing? It’s Cakeworthy! Modeled after the iconic Tamagotchi P1 red clock design, and made from 100% polyurethane on the outside, and 100% polyester on the inside. It’s about the details.
The screen in the front is lenticular meaning as you rotate the bag the Mametchi graphic on the front changes! First Mametchi is just hanging out, then he’s eating! We also love how the buttons are stitched on to give that elevated look, and the paint used in the front for the clock design is built to last. The stitching is excellent too. The zipper also features a little heart charm, and feels like it’ll last, and as you open the bag you’ll see that the inside features pixel hearts and poop in a repeating pattern on a light blue material.
We love the the bag strap is long enough to wear crossbody, but also features the red polyurethane material that will rest on your shoulder to make it more comfortable.
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Tamagotchi Coin Purses - Cute! These are really adorable and honestly every collector should get their hands on at least one. Featured in both the P2 blue shell, and P2 white & blue characters shell. They’re small enough to take with you everywhere, and also feature the same high quality graphics on the polyurethane material, stitching, raised buttons, and a zipper with the heart charm.
Open these up to reveal the same interior design and material as the purse, but much thinner. There isn’t a hook or anything to clip onto other than the zipper. We’ve been using these to transport our Tamagotchi’s around, and people will be talking!
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Tamagotchi Blind Box Pins - This was a fun one, you don’t quite know which one you’re going to get, and that’s honestly the best part. These pins are solid have great detail on them. Including a lenticular screen that will show a Tamagotchi character in two different stages, and the pin has a nice backing to it to ensure it secures to your shirt, and stays put. It’s not just one of those cheap feeling pins. We’ve been decorating our outfits with it!
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Tamagotchi Drop Sleeve Sweater - She’s an iconic, she’s a legend, and she is the moment, come on now! This one has our heart, we love her like a sister. We’re tearing up right now. She’s everything we ever wanted. First off, she is HIGH QUALITY AND THICK!
The graphics of the UFO, characters on one arm, Tamagotchi in Japanese on the other arm, whoever designed this, call us. This sweat shirt is going to keep in so warm in the winter, and everyone is going to be starring at that Tamagotchi UFO. Made from 60% cotton and 40% polyester, sizes S through 4XL.
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Tamagotchi Tabbed Notebook - This is just unique, and adorable. When have we ever seen a tabbed notebook this nice with incredibly detailed Tamagotchi Land graphics? The tabs are vintage Tamagotchi characters and this is just a great notebook to write recipes, love letters (he loves me he loves you not), or mailing Bandai letters to bring back another Tamagotchi.
We also unboxed the entire collection on our YouTube channel, we even modeled each item, loves it!
As you can tell we are huge fans of the Cakeworthy x Tamagotchi collection. This collection is high quality, officially licensed, and features the nostalgia from the Tamagotchi Original. We think you’ll enjoy each item of the collection and we’re optimistic that we might see additional items in the future, because we want more!
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felassan · 10 months
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Now in the BioWare Gear Store: Dragon Age: Dreadwolf Keepsake Box ✨ discount code below ✨ Description:
YOU HAVE QUESTIONS…  I suspect you have questions… Indeed we do, but for now those questions will go unanswered until it is the right time for them to be resolved. Store them away along with other precious memories of your beloved elf in this ornate box.  FEATURES Design: - Image of Solas on the lid - Laser etched lid with gold metallic printing - Antique decorative metal hardware - Green velvet lined interior bottom - Interior lid quote in gold printing: "NO REAL GOD NEED PROVE HIMSELF. ANYONE WHO TRIES IS MAD OR LYING" Material: Veneer MDF wood Size: 5 x 5 x 2.5 inches (12.7 x 12.7 x 7 cm)
[source and product link]
You can get 20% off in the BioWare Gear Store until September 4th using my latest discount code BWKEEPSAKE. After that date check back here for a new code. alternatively, you can use my >tracking link<.
UPDATE: The above discount code expired early due to use. The new 20% off discount code is BWZEVFAN. This code will be valid until September 8th. After that date check back here for a new code. alternatively, you can use my >affiliate link<.
✧d(•̀ v•̀ )~~♪ Also now in the BioWare Gear Store:
Inquisition sigil LED wall art
Mass Effect black widow replica
Mass Effect Collector attack coin
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plumberpower · 1 year
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‎‎‎‎ THE MA‎‎‎‎N WHO NEEDS NO INTRODUCTION! Hello all, it's Aaron here once again with another blog for your viewing pleasure! This time we have the master mushroom muncher, the classic world-class coin collector, the man so nice they named him twice, SUPER MARIO!
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ If you could be so kind, spread the good word of the plumber about by reblogging and or liking this post! Let's see what this run of it has in store!
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ashbelero · 2 years
Consuming problematic content: A brief example from my husband
My partner is a comic book collector. I am a manga collector. Lately, he’s been poking around the manga section while I get books because I take fucking forever to grab shit, and because of that, he’s started getting into a couple series of his own. He now collects Food Wars, Witch Hat Atelier, and a recent series called Gleipnir.
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Gleipnir is... something. I’ve watched a couple episodes of the new anime with my partner and oh boy, is it a thing. The basic premise is that people get monstrous abilities by putting special coins in a vending machine, and the main characters are a boy who turns into a living mascot suit and the girl who gets in and pilots that mascot suit like a goddamn flesh mech. In the manga, she apparently does this naked because the suit is wet and slimy inside, but in the anime she keeps her clothes on.
The characters are in their 1st and 3rd year of high school, so... 15-18 or thereabouts, just from what I know about the Japanese high school system. And the books are rated mature and wrapped in plastic at the store because of the kind of content that’s in them, and because that was their intended audience. It’s a seinen manga. It’s not aimed at kids.
My partner was born in the 80′s and is therefore within the series’ target demographic.
When I asked him how he feels about the ages being so low in this extremely sexual title (because it gets hella ecchi), he just shrugged and said “I just pretend they’re in college. It’s not a big part of the story.”
My partner is not part of the anime community anywhere online. He doesn’t know or care about debates about “problematic” content regarding aging up characters. I’ve briefly mentioned issues that people have tried to bring up against me regarding things like “incest” between non-blood-related characters or aged-up My Hero Academia dudes, etc, and... he just kinda thinks it’s dumb and doesn’t know why I bother listening. “Are you doing anything illegal?” no. “Then who cares?”
He’d rather spend his time arguing with nerds about why having POC in Star Wars isn’t destroying the series and why sending hate mail to child actors is a dick move. Which admittedly affects real people, unlike the shit I get from anime purists.
It’s interesting to see what this argument looks like from outside of anime twt or whatever - and it looks like nothing. It looks like a guy headcanoning that the high school girl with her panties taking up the whole damn page is in college.
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uh... anyway Gleipnir is pretty decent, in case anyone was wondering.
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ambiguouspuzuma · 1 year
The Collector
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There were collectors for every sort of thing, as Ruahei was slowly finding out. Children hoarded marbles and stickers, whilst adults sought out rare stamps and coins, classic cars and antique clocks, and anything in between. It seemed there was no limit to the human need for cataloguing stuff, and storing it in quantities which far surpassed their need. China plates and Russian dolls, bottlecaps and butterflies, second-hand records and first-edition books.
Ruahei was a collector of collections. Her home was filled with several similar arrays of minerals, stacks of matchbooks and autographs, each of them a trophy from a burglary gone by. There was always something about the satisfaction of a full set, the effort that had clearly gone into its completion, which she found irresistible. Not enough to have the patience for the slow hunt herself - but plenty enough to steal it once the boring work was done.
First of all, she collected information. Ruahei browsed certain forums, auction houses, garage sales and the occasional watering hole, listening out for an ill-judged boast or a proffered tip. Sometimes there was nothing, sometimes a whole glut of braggards, often somewhere in between. But lately, they were all telling her the same thing.
There was a new collector on the scene, a man with broad interests and deeper pockets. He was buying up antiquities, artefacts, valuable objects of every kind - but that wasn't all. The game's latest player was also investing in storage: a whole side of his house remodelled into a private gallery, filled with empty shelves and plinths on which to house his greatest treasures, whatever they might be. Nobody knew for sure, although they all liked to speculate.
A vast safe door, state-of-the-art, was brought in as the capstone to his project, the division between household and vault. That was the last detail they knew - after the works had been completed, the collector's doors had remained closed-off to the outside world. That was itself taken as a sign of the importance of his hoard. The gossipers' accounts differed as to its exact content, from lost artworks to secret letters, but all agreed that his collection must be majestic, inestimable, unique.
In other words, it would be the score to end them all. Ruahei couldn't resist a challenge, and so she began preparing for the greatest of her career. She collected every detail she could, assembling pieces of the jigsaw: the number of security cameras installed, the placement of these elusive pieces, tracking orders of plinths and shelves and bindings, presumably to suspend works from the ceiling. Her imagination ran wild, but her focus remained on what she knew, and what she might be able to do about it.
The front door was simple. Twice as thick as standard, triple bolted, no weak points like windows, a letterbox or even a keyhole. Well, that was easily dealt with: Ruahei went in through the kitchen window instead. The outside took a bit of manoeuvring - one undignified clamber over the garden fence, a second around an awkwardly placed hydrangea, which sat directly beneath the windowsill - but the countertops inside were clear, and she could scoot her way over the marble and onto the laminate floor.
From there, it was plain sailing. Ruahei had pulled old floorplans for the house from the purchase, and she knew exactly what had changed, where a wall had been knocked through and another one installed. She noted where the shade of the paint was slightly lighter, where the floorboards transitioned from old to new. There were fresh locks, too, which she picked the old fashioned way. It felt strange, as a thief, to head towards the place of most security, but that was always where the treasure was.
Ruahei padded softly through the empty rooms, ignoring other potential bounties in her path. A less discerning thief might have sprung for the oils on the walls, the silver cufflinks tossed so carelessly upon a desk, but they were barely even temptations. She wasn't here for a collection of two. A pair was nothing to the glory of a full house.
What she didn't see were the security cameras - although she knew that didn't mean that they weren't watching her, secreted into hidden nooks and crannies. She kept her head low, hood down, and moved as swiftly as she dared. No good could come of lingering. Every moment spent inside this house raised the risk of being caught, and Ruahei had no desire to see all of her careful plans undone by her own tardiness.
Only the safe itself brought her to a halt. The steel door was formidable, and this time there was no side window she could slip in through. Still, she had planned for that as well. It had been the last detail they knew, but the rumour-mongers had noted the make and model, and she had purchased one for her own burgeoning collection.
It had taken weeks to crack, but the men from the company had helpfully shown her how once she'd so carelessly forgotten her code. Practice had made her more adept than even them. It took a few more precious minutes, ears pricked for any movement behind her, but then it finally clicked open, two feet of steel swinging outwards on fresh hinges. Ruahei slipped around it. She was in.
But from the moment she entered the safe, she knew that she wasn't. The cameras were here, on the inside, for some reason - and they were the least of its surprises. There were bodies on the ground, fixed tight with the bindings she had thought meant for art. Some were moving, as if reacting to her presence, and breathed out faint words for her unhearing ears. They drew her focus, she only heard the clunk of the floor plate once it was too late.
Rauhei turned for the door, but two feet of steel could not be bargained with, and she was powerless to keep it from clicking shut again. She turned to face a room in darkness, but heard the security cameras swivel in her direction, followed by a man's deep voice.
"Welcome to my collection." The words seemed to echo within the walls of the safe, and the bodies on the floor cringed to hear it. "Which piece do you prefer? Is it all that you imagined you might steal?"
"Please," Ruahei called, and heard her own voice rebound in the confined space. There were no plinths here. No artefacts. This safe was nothing but a cell. "I was just curious. I promise I didn't take anything."
The voice laughed. "What might you have taken? If you came seeking those objects I purchased, I am afraid that I will have to disappoint you. I disposed of those myself, as privately as their acquisition was public. The bait had been set, you see. I needed only to buy them, and be seen to bury them somewhere in my control."
"But all those pieces... there were enough for a whole collection. Even all this work on your house, which was supposed to be a private gallery. It would have been easier just to keep them. Why go to all this trouble for a lie?"
"Such items hold no interest for me - so easily purchased and sold, relinquished at the flash of silver. The worth of a collection lies in the challenge of assembly, and I am afraid that wealth has taken that beyond my grasp, where mere chattels are concerned." The cameras moved again, as if to take in the others who lay bound around her, its vision piercing through the gloom. "Please, try to understand: I am no hoarder of trinkets. I am simply a collector of thieves."
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Your Annoying Tumblr Mutual strikes yet again !!
I'm gonna ask you a few questions :> (these are all so random lmao) (as always, feel free to ignore ^^^)
✰ how long have you been on tumblr?
✰ how did you come up with your url/username?
✰ what’s your phone’s lock screen?
✰ do you have any piercings//tattoos? (any you’d like to get?)
✰ do you wear glasses//contacts?
✰ has anyone ever told you you have a "celebrity look-alike"? if yes, who?
✰ best compliment you’ve ever gotten?
✰ are you a collector of anything in particular? If yes, what?
HIIII OMG FUN IM ANNOYING TOO!!!! also you're not actually being annoying this is v sweet
✰ how long have you been on tumblr?
oof, okay so I'm not super sure. I was on tumblr before this tumblr account but I don't rember when that was. I vaguely rember being on tumblr in like, middle school so maybe since I was 11-14 maybe? and I'm 19 now, so maybe 5-8 years? I'm not super sure about this one sorryyy
✰ how did you come up with your url/username?
it came to me in a dream!! Actually that's not far off lol. I was trying to think of a username that I liked and it just wouldn't leave my head. I adore weeping willow trees, I feel like I cry a lot, and I love the word weeping so I thought it was perfect!
✰ what’s your phone’s lock screen?
I don't have a phone, but if I did it would probably be a picture I'd taken. There's this one picture that I think would be kinda nice as a background but I can't find it rn rip
✰ do you have any piercings//tattoos? (any you’d like to get?)
I have my ears pierced and I kinda think I'd like to get some more piercings eventually. I don't have any tattoos rn and I don't know if I'd ever get any. I might eventually?
✰ do you wear glasses//contacts?
I don't wear glasses//contacts, but the majority of my family does
✰ has anyone ever told you you have a "celebrity look-alike"? if yes, who?
I don't think anyone has? at least not that I can rember
✰ best compliment you’ve ever gotten?
Oh, I can think of a few that I really love. Okay so, whenever someone compliments the pictures I take I die, it makes me so happy. I love when people have told me that I make them comfortable. This ask I got was probably one of the sweetest things ever. Omg and when I was in middle school I was out sick one day so a teacher had to go get my books from my locker and she said my locker was the cleanest one she'd ever seen when I was in school I'd stay after school to take everything out of my locker and clean and reorganize it lol
✰ are you a collector of anything in particular? If yes, what?
I have a doll collection! But they have to be from thrift stores or garage sells, idk they just seem to have more character(to me). I kinda have a collection of tarot decks, if that counts. I've got like three decks, so I kinda feel like that counts. Also, I have a special jar for special things (rocks, shiny things, coins, things I find, that kinda stuff). I'm sure there's more, but I can't really think of them rn it's sleepytime lol
Oh, also if it's okay to ask, what are your answers to these questions?
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Once you are looking to find the Best Place to Sell Gold, make sure to also learn about how much you can get by selling them. Try to come in contact with a reputable gold buyer so to get the best prices for your gold. Not to mention that you have to make sure that the gold gets weighed and hallmarked before you exchange the gold for cash.  The major benefit of knowing the exact purity and weight in karat means that you get to negotiate the best price for the gold.
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jadeazora · 10 months
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Various new TCG products have been announced, releasing on November 17th!
The Miraidon ex/Regieleki Battle Deck comes with:
1 ready-to-play 60-card deck
6 damage-counter dice
1 coin-flip die
2 coin condition markers
1 deck box
1 accessory box
A strategy sheet
A code card so you can play this deck online
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The Roaring Moon ex and Iron Valiant ex Boxes include:
A foil promo card featuring Roaring Moon ex or Iron Valiant ex
1 jumbo foil card featuring Roaring Moon ex or Iron Valiant ex
1 foil promo card featuring Brute Bonnet or Iron Moth
1 foil promo Trainer card featuring Ancient Booster Energy Capsule or Future Booster Energy Capsule
4 Pokémon TCG booster packs
A code card for the TCG Live
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The Collector's chest contains:
6 Pokémon TCG booster packs
3 promo foil cards featuring Meowscarada, Skeledirge, and Quaquaval
A Pokémon coin with Tera-Dark Charizard on it
4 sticker sheets
1 mini portfolio to store your favorite cards
And a code card for the TCG Live
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sophieswundergarten · 11 months
Sophie's really bad and also currently incomplete "Summary" of The Sofa Book
@nobody33333333 Here you go
I'm putting this under the cut because Moth said he might want to read it at some point. Everyone else is welcome to my insanity.
Also, fair warning, because I'm really bad at summarizing things so there's going to be a lot of touch and go with how detailed this is
I found this book in a bargain book bin several years ago in a local grocery store and my mother bought it for me because I thought it looked interesting.
I was right.
But it is also so many other things.
And it has an unprecedented number of references to other media, namely The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, and A Wrinkle in Time, by my count
So, there's these three kids: River, Freak, and Fiona. River's parents died in a car crash, when he was little, and that also gave him a limp. River arrives at the bus stop one day to find a sofa just. Sitting there. (It is worth noting that the sofa is coloured similarly to Mr. Benedict's green suit. And that there is a possible bloodstain on one of the cushions)
River's friend Freak is sitting on the sofa, and soon their other friend Fiona shows up. Fiona is the only one of the trio to have a phone, but she also refuses to be seen with the boys in public because "girls mature faster than boys and [she] really [needs] to be with people [her] own age" and she tells the boys not to take it personally, it's just that emotionally the boys are both six.
Fiona's a lot of fun.
She also constantly wears very strange outfits with extremely clashing colours. No one mentions this to her.
So, the kids deduce that the couch probably belonged to "old man Underhill" since it's technically outside his driveway. Fiona suggests looking for loose change in-between the cushions. They find a peanut shell, a gum wrapper, a plaid sock, a weird coin that has two different people's heads and words in an unknown alphabet, a green crayon labeled "ZUCCHINI", and a fishhook that River discovers because he jams his hand into the couch and gets stabbed.
They save all of these things "for posterity", which is a good thing because Fiona then finds out that there are collectors out there who will pay a lot of money for it so she sets up an online auction.
Background information that is important: The town they live in (Cheshire) backs up to a coal-seam fire wasteland called Hellsboro, which has been burning for twelve years and was caused by some kind of accident at the Rodmore Chemical plant, the abandoned building at the center of Hellsboro. The three kids are the only people who live in the houses near Hellsboro, and the rest of the city is several miles away.
Also, phones and other technology are sold by the company Disin Tel, and basically every food is made by Agra Nation. And there are huge town-wide flash mobs that happen every so often, which the participants deny ever happening. This is a common argument with the kids as Fiona takes part in the flash mobs and the boys are annoyed she keeps pretending it never happened.
The crayon auction has now jumped to over seven thousand dollars, and the kids are freaking out. The bidding war is between GORLAB and Alecto, but River points out that technically they don't own the crayon, and should check with Mr. Underhill first.
They end up speaking to him through a speaker in the front gate of the Underhill house, at which point we discover that this man is, in fact, not Mr. Underhill. Mr. Underhill died at age 97 in a tobogganing accident. This guy is named Alf.
They mention that they found the crayon in the sofa, to which Alf replies "Oh, that sofa. I was wondering where it had gotten to. I didn't realize if was missing until yesterday even when I tried to sit down. Imagine my surprise."
Alf also references the fact that his pneumatic mail slot apparently ate the mailman's hand, but that's not relevant.
Alf suggests they meet after the kids get out of school to discuss the mattter (Dropping a few very specific details about the kids' lives that he has no way of knowing), and the kids agree.
River gets back to the gate early, and takes a nap on the sofa. He has a very strange dream involving his irritated and pedantic English teacher wearing a suit made out of the sofa upholstery. This is not, in fact, his English teacher, but rather "the sofa's spokesperson".
There is then a very confusing explanation about a place called "Indorsia" that is described as being like a landscape "on the inside surface of a giant, hollow sphere", which is where the sofa's from.
The sofa is a piece of "smart furniture", which means it "keeps itself clean; it digests stains; it can change its color to match the drapes" and also it grows from small, sugar-cube-like objects. This "makes it easier to pack if you're being pursued by storm troopers".
It takes a year for the sofa to grow to full size, and this sofa in particular has nanotech factories in both armrests, which can copy small objects once given a sample. (Such as replicating spare change)
Also, (And here you are, Bods) the sofa is the only entity in either their world or Indorsia to have the ability to tesser
This means it can teleport, with a maximum range of two miles and the need to recharge, but nonetheless quite impressive as it figured out how to do this on its own.
And it powers itself to do all these things by eating dust bunnies
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agentem · 2 days
I kind of want to buy this. But I also don't really want all the stuff, just some of it. (Does anyone out there desperately want a bust of Rhaenys because I have no use for it. I mostly want the coin tbh.)
There should be more Rhaenys merch. I am not a big fan of the merch in general. Someone should put me in charge. (I'd make a lot more silly t-shirts.)
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mariatesstruther · 10 months
Ellie and Sarah would definitely have dragged Joel to boy band concerts. One direction, and Backstreet boys respectively.
Abby on the other hand absolutely gives 'I listen to the classics' vibes given she's also the happy dork that collects coins.
oooooo, yes yes yes. modern sisters ellie and sarah would definitely drag joel and tommy out to as many concerts as they can. in the context of sarah’s rich mom au, their concert attendance list consists of the following: aly and aj (more than once), beyonce (more than once), the jonas brothers, paramore, demi lovato, sza, solange, one direction, rihanna, 5sos, blackpink, selena gomez, the cheetah girls, a high school music live tour show, a glee live concert, chloe x halle, avril lavigne, and more
for some reason im really into the idea of abby collecting watches???? like maybe it starts off being something she copies from her dad. he has a few rare expensive ones he gifts to her, and from there she gets really into finding vintage watches at thrift stores and going to collectors’ conventions and trading. through that she gets into collecting other rare/vintage items, like signed vinyls and coins and first edition books
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