#coin agent
coincompany · 4 months
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coin company, MillionaireCEOclub.com, https://www.MillionaireCEOclub.com
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wyldfell · 2 months
not to be all jurassic park, but i don't think larys strong's motivation has anything much to do with a desire for power or position. (or maybe i just think that's the duller interpretation of his actions over the last two seasons.)
i keep coming back to his scene in the garden with young alicent and his association with symbols of nature. (the only character [other than alys] who is shown to have this same level of connection with nature is helaena btw, a parallel which has always been 👀 delicious to me because they are both outsiders, both highly intuitive, both underestimated.) and here is where i get all jurassic park, because life finds a way. in larys's case, it's not beautiful or comforting or hopeful; he doesn't look to nature as a way to find solace the way helaena does. for him, life is brutal, arbitrary, and cruel. he sees that. and i think he draws power from knowing that he sees that. yes, he wants positions of authority as a "fuck you" to people like his father and ser simon strong (lest we forget his ableist af comments about larys), but more than power for power's sake (which is very littlefinger), i think he seeks, above all, self-realization. that's why i dig matthew needham's *shrug* answers whenever he's asked about larys's prime motivation. i don't think larys knows, and i don't think it matters and that is the point.
as his personal symbol, he chose the firefly, an insect which undergoes complete transformation during its life cycle and which is noticed only in darkness. and its way of emitting light is highly intentional: it uses flash patterns to attract a specific mate (or prey). larys often ~flashes his lights, so to speak, and then waits to see if his intended target will respond. but he doesn't attach himself to a specific person or course of action or plan. he shifts with the changing winds. he chooses alicent, then he throws her over. he chooses aegon, then pivots to aemond when he becomes prince regent, but aemond won't bite - they have nothing in common; he is a creature of steel and rationality while larys is, at the end of the day, as earthy as alys rivers. they are of dirt and soil and forces of nature - so he pivots back to aegon. this isn't about wanting to be hand of the king. hell, larys has a lordship he cares nothing about. this is about him needing his mind to never stop working. this is about life, parasitic, predatory, persistent, striving until the day it dies because that's what life does - it exists beyond the structures of morals and ethics, cares nothing for politics or religion, though it does acknowledge the existence of forces greater than itself.
in fact, i think he believes in chaos in the greek sense. the world is a void. anything might happen. and his insight - his ability to see in the dark, to generate his own light like a firefly does - gives him the right to create and destroy.
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finehs · 21 days
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You should be safe now.
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ellsieee · 2 months
My Secret Agent Husband
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To escape a politically motivated arranged marriage, a privileged heir Lucas Walton fakes being gay and engaged to his company's new executive, unaware that his "fiance" is actually an undercover agent investigating his family's corrupt dealings, leading to a hilarious clash of secrets, danger, and unexpected feelings.
If you're in the mood for a silly, preposterous, campy, rom-com, this series will hit the spot. Nothing makes sense and the secondhand embarrassment is strong sometimes, but it's funny and endearing. Turn off the brain, and just enjoy the ride.
The entire series (57 eps, 1-2 mins each, vertical format) is available on the Dramabox app. The first 12 eps are free on their website and app. Each ep after 12 is 5 coins each. Dramabox allows you to earn coins through completing certain tasks (like watching for 15 mins) and watching ads. It's annoying, but completely possible to watch the entire series for free. You can earn about 40 coins a day and additionally watch 5 ads to unlock 5 eps. 💀
Why go through the trouble? The tropes.
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We get kabedon and the good old faint and catch,
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a gratuitous topless scene and sex jokes,
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disaster cooking, and lots of embarrassing slapstick comedy.
In other words, a masterpiece. 😂 I normally despise the fake marriage trope, but maybe this series is so short and unserious about it, I didn't have time to hate it yet.
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autism-swagger · 5 days
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*shaking you by the shoulders* DO YOU GET IT?? DO YOU UNDERSTAND????
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thedarkmongoose · 8 months
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Will Graham: “The fool is presented as an innocent or naïve figure who wouldn’t hurt a fly. They are not interested in laughing at a person but rather with a person or at himself. To laugh at oneself helps to break the ice because it not only removes one’s own persona, but also the audience’s social mask, allowing for genuine behavior. This courageous feat throws one in a vulnerable state which allows others to open up and receive a message more profoundly. Fools represent values which are rejected by the group because they oppose social norms/rules. While the fool has many positive aspects, he can also be so stubborn that he does not take a moment to step back and reflect, to look where he is headed, so he falls off a cliff.”
Hannibal Lecter: “The trickster is intentionally deceptive and seeks to trick others and laugh at them. They love engaging in schadenfreude, in which one obtains pleasure from learning or witnessing the misfortunes, failures, or humiliation of another person. When there is an opportunity to play a trick on another person, the trickster immediately seizes the opportunity. The trickster seeks primarily to entertain himself, even if it is at the expense of others. He plays like a fool in order for people to fall into his trap. The trickster tricks others who never expect to be tricked.”
(The Psychology of The Fool by Eternalised)
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liaprime · 7 months
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How time flies haha
Today is my 10-year anniversary with this game ٩(。•́‿•̀。)۶
I'm pretty sure I'd started with a Jedi Knight back then that made it through Coruscant, followed by a Consular that I abandoned on Taris^^"
Then I didn't touch the game for like a month or two and finally created my Sith Warrior Scarleticia - the one that ignited my passion for this game :D
My time with this game had its ups and downs, but I am very happy to have fallen fully into this hell hole (affectionate) again!
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backgroundagent3 · 8 months
Lucy Gray Baird - an innocent victim or a manipulator?
What's your first impression of Lucy Gray?
Do you think she loved Coriolanus in tbosas?
What do you think might have happened to Lucy Gray in the end?
What's your opinion about theories :
1. Greasy Sae as Lucy Gray.
2. Coin as a daughter or relative of Lucy Gray.
Thank you :)
Hi! I haven't read the book yet, so my answers will be based in the movie.
It's never occurred to me that Lucy could be a manipulator, and anyways I don't think she is one. She was put in an awful situation, and she did what she had to do in order to survive. I definitely think she was the victim.
My first impression of her was good. I don't know why but I found it so funny when she started singing at her reaping. But from the start, I thought she was very brave and charismatic.
I do think she loved Snow, but definitely not in the way he loved her. He was obsessed with her, whereas I think she just grew to love him because he saved her life.
I really hope she got away at the end and found happiness somewhere far away from Panem, which is why I don't like those theories (especially the Coin one, I sure hope they're not related).
Thank you for the ask!
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starpirateee · 6 months
For the drabbles, can I request Owen looking after Curt while he has a fever? (Pre-banana obv, and their in a safehouse)
I love you guys clarifying when something is pre-banana because, can you imagine Owen post fall feeling that instinct to look after Curt? He hates him, but he's got a fever, so what can you do?
And, on the record, I don't write actual fluff or domestic bliss that often, but I gave it an honest go? Honestly, though, I don't know how this reads
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"Curt, I know you're incapable of understanding the concept of staying in one place, but for god's sake, you need to rest this off… That temperature isn't just going to blow over itself…"
For all it was worth, Owen was trying to keep his patience intact, but Curt had woken up shaking, claiming he felt needlessly hot when it was less than 10° outside. He had known Curt long enough to immediately know that something wasn't right, because Curt was one of those people who preferred to be warm, especially on a colder day… Normally, under circumstances like this, he would try and stay as long as possible in bed, and then he'd eventually resign and settle for a warm shower to keep him going for a little longer.
But, as it happened, Owen found that he was burning up, and when he spiked a temperature of almost 38.5, he put his foot down. He'd insisted in turn that Curt was to stay put and rest as much as he could, but he'd neglected to think about how the one thing everyone knew about Curt Mega was that he never stayed in one place for very long.
"How bad is it?"
"Almost thirty eight and a half."
"You make it sound like I should be dead from hypothermia," Curt complained. "And I can't be bothered to work it out… Just tell me plain, would ya?"
"That's what you get for using Fahrenheit..." Owen sighed, muttering something about stupid Yanks and their stupid measurement system, and then falling silent while he tried to work it out. Curt mustered a little focus from absolutely nowhere, and tried to watch him as he made an attempt to sound less like Curt was dying a violent death from being frozen. Eventually, his thoughtful expression passed, and his eyes met Curt's once again, as he registered just how expectant he looked. "A little over a hundred and one?"
Curt grimaced. "Where'd this come from?" Both he and Owen tried to work it out, but both of them came up blank. "God! I can't believe I got sick! This sucks!"
"It does mean you get a day off whatever it is Cynthia wants from you... What was it again?" He knew for a fact what it was. The two piles of reports on the dining room table was conclusive enough, even if Curt had never admitted outright what he had to do. Owen knew the system. Curt had to physically separate the work he had to do from that which he had already done, hence why one of the piles was significantly smaller than the other. So far, he'd been looking for any excuse not to do it, but this one was legitimate.
Curt shot him a look. "You know I'm a good month behind on the reports and shit I need to do from... uh, from France, I think. And then there was that one in Toronto, and... god, uh-"
"Copenhagen," Owen offered, helpfully.
"Yeah. Copenhagen. How the hell do you know that?"
"I saw the topmost file, that's all. You wrote the location on a slip of paper."
"... Huh. Wait wait wait, are you gonna be here today?"
"I have nothing better to be doing..." In truth, Owen wasn't going to let Curt try and handle himself, no matter how fine he tried to insist he was. It had been a little while since the last time he and Curt had been completely available like this, and thus he was grateful for every moment, no matter the context for it. This little life they'd built for themselves wasn't worth an awful lot if they were barely there to enjoy it, despite the fact that neither of them were really the domestic type.
"Besides," he added, as a little bit of an afterthought. "I don't want to be the one to just leave when you're like this."
Curt managed a small smile. "Never took you for a househusband..." He tried. The very idea of it was absurd. Owen wasn't the type for settling down and staying still as much as he wasn't, so to think of him like this was almost laughable, in it's own way. Thankfully, Owen found it amusing too, and chuckled softly.
"I dunno, Curt, I think I'd have the knack for it."
"Oh really?"
"You know fine well I know how to cook, and who knows," he leaned back on his hands and gave a wistful smile, "maybe I'd be willing to retire from our debonair old life and give in to the throws of... domestic bliss."
A wave of silence washed over them. Curt stared at Owen, but only because he'd reached a point where the response was that dramatically delivered that it was almost convincing. Owen— the most suave, capable man to ever have walked into his life— actually seemed for a moment to almost suit that idea of domesticity that he had brewed up.
The silence lasted only a moment before Owen started laughing, and Curt only had a second to cherish the sound of it before he was laughing too.
"No, you're quite right," he hummed, clearing his throat. "I don't suit it, but at least I'd suit the idea of it better than you would."
"I dunno, you've kinda convinced me... Maybe not in a traditional way, but god... Something about you being all blissful and-" he broke off with another chuckle when he tried to picture it again. "It's funny, but I dunno, you could probably make it work."
"But, to answer your question, yes. I'll be here all day."
And he stuck by that, too. For what it was worth, he was a little better at keeping himself busy than his companion could ever hope to be. He had about an hour's worth of documentation to catch up on, then there was the book he'd been meaning to finish for a while… And of course, there was always Curt. The first time he checked after as much productivity as he could muster on a busy mind, he was flat out. He seemed to have the whole temperature regulation sorted; or at least, he had it figured out for now.
Owen prepared a washcloth and a bowl of water that had started out as lukewarm, but was significantly less than that by the time Curt came around. He knelt by the bedside with the exact air of the drastic change in situationship they'd both imagined him in, and wrung out the towel before gently laying it across Curt's forehead. The latter took a sharp breath when the sudden cool hit his skin, and then managed a laugh. 
"What happened to not suiting it, huh?"
"I'm not saying I do, don't get used to it," Owen's tone was light, but he'd certainly thought about it enough in the last half hour. This was not up his alley by any means, and the idea of doing something like this constantly was somehow both something he could almost find himself doing, and the single most boring ending to his career that he could think of.
"I think it suits you..."
"Of course you do." Owen brushed the droplets from his fingertips onto the sleeve of his shirt, though smiling all the same. "You're the one of us being looked after. Speaking of, welcome back to the land of the living."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"You were asleep for over three hours."
Curt's eyes went wide. "Huh? Really?"
"I did tell you that you sleep like the best of them, and I wasn't joking! I suppose it only matters depending on how it made you feel, though."
"I dunno... Better, I guess?"
"Well, you're still-" he could feel the heat of the cloth from the other side, and it hadn't been in place for longer than a minute. He made quick work of turning it over, and then really getting the chance to feel just how warm it had become. One reason why he was glad that water was no longer slightly warm. At least that was something to keep Curt cool while he battles this inner heat. "Way too warm to be normal. I assume nothing has really changed?"
"... Not really, no. But, uh, this feels kinda good."
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Answering (by far too many) questions about Phoenix to get a better feel for their character. There's no spoilers for 3 in this, either 💕 So the only thing there is to worry about is how comically long it is
Does your muse make decisions with their head or their heart? Perhaps a bit of both?
Phoenix doesn’t get much room to think with anything beyond their head on the job. And more often than not, they are on the job- or at least, they’re stuck in a similar headspace… That being said, during what little time they spend beyond their occupation, that completely flips. In the rare instances they’re allowed to be lax, they’ll be far more likely to let their emotional state guide their behaviors.
Would you say your muse lives up to their potential? Are they trying to, or could they care less?
They’ve surpassed their initial potential, really. They would never say it out loud, but Phoenix absolutely thinks that it’s only downhill from this point onwards. Sure, they survived a hell of a lot, but that doesn’t mean they know how they did it. They sure as hell would like to keep the reputation they’ve gained, but they don’t feel like they’ve earned it themselves. More like fate just tacked it onto them against their will.
Is your muse protective of those they care for? If so, how do they show it?
It’s been a while since Phoenix has even had someone that they’ve cared for. If you were to have asked them before they joined the Agency, they probably would have responded with a shrug. Nowadays though, the bond they’ve developed with their handler is probably the strongest one they’ve ever had. Taking a bullet for him is the least of what Phoenix would do for that man. Thankfully (for now, anyways), he hasn’t found himself in any sort of situation that would require Phoenix doing that.
Does your muse tend to judge others, or are they more open-minded?
No, Phoenix is absolutely a bit of a judger. Just about anyone who they meet for the first time, they’ve got some internal commentary stirring up in their head the second they lay eyes on them. It happens a lot with Zoraxis operatives especially. Normally it boils down to “ohhh, this guy’s weird”, while actively ignoring the fact that they, too, are very weird. They’re not above being a hypocrite in that regard.
Does your muse have any strange interests? do they keep these interests to themselves, or are they comfortable sharing them with others?
Straying from the somewhat obvious answer of their pyromanic tendencies, Phoenix has a habit of… ‘finding’ stuff out in the field and taking it back with them. It absolutely boggled the Agency the first few times they did it, but nobody stopped them while they had the chance, and they quickly made a habit of it. Sans the handler, they don’t really have great connections with most people in the office, so it isn’t something that comes up a lot. If someone asked them about it, they’d be happy to explain it, but more often than not they’d prefer it if people they didn’t know stayed away from their stuff. After SatL, Phoenix was devastated to learn that all of the souvenirs they collected were removed from the van- probably discarded somewhere by other faculty. Their handler was equally upset about it, though at the time that he learned what the Agency had done, he was still under the impression Phoenix was dead, so.
Has your muse ever been arrested? If so, what for?
Before embracing the life of an agent, Phoenix had gotten themself caught up in a criminal lifestyle far bigger than they were. They were on the hook for a lot of things, really. Trespassing, grand theft, breaking and entering, second degree murder, and, of course, arson, among a few other things. … It was actually the Agency who intercepted their arrest… Read over their files, saw their talent, and didn’t figure them enough of a threat to be against ‘hiring’ them for an agent position. Or maybe they were just looking for some cannon fodder who wouldn’t be missed. Phoenix didn’t really know. But between being an agent or going to jail, it was an easy answer.
Does your muse consider themselves a good person? Why or why not?
… It’s a question Phoenix thinks about a lot. They don’t really have an answer- though if they had to choose, they’d lean towards ‘no’. Their past certainly doesn’t help them think very highly of themself and their morality. They’ve left it behind, but that doesn’t mean they don’t think about it… They wouldn’t even be an agent without all the skills they honed during that time of their life. It’s inseparable from who they are now, whether they like it or not. Phoenix didn’t join the Agency willingly… Not really. Sure, they got used to it- maybe even grown to like it, in a strange sort of way, but they have coworkers who trained and dedicated their lives to their job because they wanted to help people. Because they wanted to save the world- protect the innocent. Phoenix didn’t have a choice. Do they want to help people…? Do they want to protect the innocent? They think they do- they’re pretty sure any rational person would. But they wouldn’t be here if the Agency didn’t snatch them up… Would they even care, if it wasn’t for them? It’s hard to consider being a good person when the good things you do, ultimately, stem from the debt that you owe.
How important is family to your muse?
Not very. They never really knew their mother, didn’t have a great relationship with their father, and keeping contact with him post joining the Agency wasn’t a very high priority for them. Add being an only child to the mix, and that doesn’t really leave much left.
Does your muse tend to blame themselves or others?
It depends, but normally it's much easier for the blame to fall on Phoenix if something goes wrong in the field. Originally, this was because when something went wrong, it usually was their fault- they touched something too quickly, or threw away something they actually needed, or accidentally gripped something too tightly with the telekinesis they were still adjusting to. Though they’ve gotten better at making less mistakes in the field, it's hard to shake the habit of blaming themself whenever things start to go awry.
What decisions have your muse made that they regret?
Regret is… a strange concept for Phoenix. Oddly, one they get particularly thoughtful about. Of course, they regret a lot of the actions in their past, but without it, they wouldn’t be where they are today… They’ve got a place to live they can call their own, an office full of people who… tolerate them, free lunch every day, and a friend they wouldn’t trade for the world. Not to mention all they’ve done since becoming an agent… They certainly don’t regret any of that. Ultimately, Phoenix tries not to dwell on things like regret to begin with. If they don’t think about the past too hard- if they enjoy the present for what it is, and leave everything else behind- then it can’t hurt them as much. Right?
What haunts your muse? Is there any event in your muse’s past that they can’t move past?
A lot… But to narrow it to just one, Rising Phoenix clings to them like a dead weight. Not because of the mission itself… Not because of Juniper, or the missile, or Zor (well, okay, maybe Zor a little bit)... But they can’t shake the memory of their handler crying out to them when the elevator cables finally snapped. With the earpiece tucked directly behind… you know, their ear, it felt as if the sound was echoing around in their skull. They could have died, then. And that wasn’t new, obviously- they nearly died just about every day that week… But having it sink in that even their handler didn’t trust their odds… It was a lot to think about all at once. That they might die. That someone else might care if they die. That his voice shouting their ‘name’ could be the last thing they ever hear him say… The last thing they ever hear period. Revelation after revelation hit in rapid succession, and plummeting to their would-be-death in an elevator certainly hadn’t helped matters much.
Does your muse favor nonviolence? Will they be violent if needed? Do they revel in violence?
Generally, if Phoenix can handle a situation without killing somebody, they will. Physical harm that doesn’t lead to murder is a completely different story, though. They’ll generally do just about anything short of murder to get someone off their back. Phoenix is a pretty big advocate for improvised weaponry, and partnering that up with their telekinesis is quite the dangerous combination. If it’s not bolted to the wall, you’re likely to get hit by it. Hope you have a particularly sturdy skull.
Does your muse prefer to keep the peace or rock the boat? Are they a mediator, or do they tend to make others upset?
Over the years of working for the Agency, they’ve certainly gotten better, but Phoenix has always been a bit of an instigator. It’s a habit they never quite broke. You give them five minutes and they can turn just about anything into an argument. It made them pretty unpopular during their first few months in the office. Nowadays, they’re a lot more playful about it, and they’ve gotten better about learning the limits of those around them (and they’ll only pass those limits if they’re a Zoraxis operative).
Does your muse have any specific fears? Is there a reason why they fear these things?
Phoenix has had a pretty bad case of paranoia even before they joined the Agency. Of course, turning to a life of secrecy pretty much only made that worse. They feel more comfortable meandering through the hallways of an Agency facility than they do walking down the street. They feel safer spending a late night at their office than they do in their own home. There’s a sense of security that comes from being surrounded by their peers that they only really notice once it’s gone… It’s one of the main reasons they’ve stopped asking for vacation days. Not like they’d be very relaxing anyways…
Is your muse happy with their job or career path? Why or why not?
When they started, they couldn’t have cared less about what it ‘meant’ to be a secret agent. They were onboarded to be a dispensable asset, and they knew that full well. Over the years, though, they’ve come around to it… They’re certainly proud of the work they have done (even if they barely know how they even did it), and the sense of community could be a hell of a lot worse. Not needing to fear for their life every time they wake up in the morning would be nice, but you’ve gotta take what you can get, you know.
Does your muse like to travel? have they traveled in the past? Where would they like to go?
Quite obviously, Phoenix travels for work a lot. Before that, though, they never really went too far from their hometown. The concept of traveling for leisure wasn’t really at the forefront of their mind at the time. They can’t deny, though, being an agent has sent them to quite a few gorgeous locations… Though they have no desire to recreationally travel as of currently, they can certainly understand the appeal.
Does your muse believe in an afterlife? If so, what do they believe the afterlife would look like?
They… try not to think about that. If there’s nothing left for them after they die… If everything just cuts to black, and they disappear into the thoughtless ether… Well, there’s plenty of worse things to wake up to, that’s for certain.
Is your muse cowardly, or courageous? what would it take for them to act heroically or selflessly?
It’s a complicated question. If you were to ask Phoenix themself, they certainly wouldn’t consider themself courageous, even despite all they’ve done. Just about every incredibly selfless thing they’ve done- the Death Engine, the stunt in Rising Phoenix, and everything else… Well, they were just about scared shitless the whole goddamned time. Some people would consider it brave to find something heart stoppingly terrifying and still be able to do it anyways. But Phoenix just considers it embarrassing. They don’t really… talk to other agents very much (they aren’t exactly the most popular operative, even despite their accomplishments). With their limited worldview, it’s kind of hard for the imposter syndrome not to creep in. Other agents would have probably done the same things they did, had they gotten the opportunity. And they probably would have done it faster. Probably wouldn’t have hesitated as much.
What are your muse’s most negative traits? How do these traits influence their lives? (ex. if a muse is aggressive, they may have trouble forming lasting friendships.)
Phoenix is an admittedly dangerous combination of standoffish and impulsive. They listen to themself, and act without thinking. Of course, they’ve been working on that a lot more after establishing a better relationship with their handler, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t come back to bite them in the ass from time to time. … It’s so strange that people actually concern themselves about them now. That when Phoenix acts too irrationally, there’s punishments beyond the short term physical, or situational. They get hurt, and their handler gets… scared. They’re not used to that. Even despite their bond, they’ve gotten into a few pretty heated arguments about the matter from time to time. Phoenix still isn’t really used to their actions having consequences for people other than themself. But the world has been relying on them an awful lot, lately… It’s quite the weight on the shoulders.
Has your muse ever felt trapped? by what?
Ultimately- no matter how much they’ve grown used to them, and no matter how much they’ve adjusted to their life as an operative- the Agency is, and will always be Phoenix’s cage. They’re stuck there. They owe a debt, and they can’t really leave if they wanted to. Luckily, they don’t really want to… They’re not really sure what they’d be doing, if not for this… But like most things adjacent to their past, they try not to think too hard about the fact that they’re stuck in this particular career. 
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kemendin · 1 year
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One of Damaskh's specialties is deep undercover missions and identity swapping, so on my replay I'm playing around with that a bit more. While he's genetically a Sith pureblood/Zeltron mix, he's gotten very good at disguising himself as a Twi'lek.
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vladolak · 3 months
I wanted to try a different kind of fic and since I really like Xûr from the Destiny series, :3
It's the start of a longer story hopefully, I hope you all like it.
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What are two characters you think have so much chemistry. not necessarily romantically but like. you just KNOW if they hung out they'd be besties or at least have a really interesting dynamic. i'll go first: Howard & Albert, Howard & Albert & Brianna, Orc & Dekka, Caine & Astrid.
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sandrockian · 2 years
I can't stop thinking about my Builder and Logan becoming platonic soulmates. The slow, careful build-up of an unexpected friendship between them makes me want to cry.
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queen-scribbles · 10 months
The one thing that bit me in the ass re: predesigning toons is I forgot the cybernetic styles were not account unlock, apparently. Soooo the smuggler with trooper cybernetics had to get some last second tweaks. 😅
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backgroundagent3 · 9 months
Spoiler for The Hunger Games : Mockingjay.
What do you think about Coin proposed a final hunger games with Capitol children?
When do you think Coin had this idea, since beginning or later?
Do you think it undermined the whole purpose of the rebellion?
Do you have hope that Paylor would be a good leader?
Thank you.
Thank you for the ask!
I think that it was an awful idea, I was so shocked when I first read that part. It shows how hypocritical Coin was, but also how war dehumanizes people to the point that even the "good side" can take it too far in order to survive.
I think Coin had the idea from the start, because I can't think of anything that happened during the war that would have made her think of that. In hindsight, that's the option that makes most sense to me, because she was always very meticulous and calculated.
In my opinion it definitely undermined the purpose of the rebellion, because the Hunger Games represent the cruel and oppressive tendencies of the Capitol that they were trying to be freed from.
I honestly don't remember much about Paylor, but I do remember I liked her because she was smart and reasonable, and she had a calming presence and a strong will. I think that's the type of person who would make a good president, far better than Coin would have been had she had the chance.
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