#cohesive silicone
wellhealthhub · 1 year
Gummy Bear Implants: Elevating Confidence and Beauty with a Modern Twist
Dive into the realm of gummy bear implants through this all-encompassing guide. Uncover their myriad benefits, the intricacies of the procedure, the path to recovery, and beyond. Discover how gummy bear implants have redefined confidence and beauty enhancement. Introduction: A Leap into Modern Beauty Enhancement In a world where self-expression and confidence stand at the forefront, gummy bear…
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dduane · 10 months
Peter Mum's Soda Bread Recipe
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With work around here the way it is at the moment, most likely EuropeanCuisines.com won't be up again until the end of the year. (shrug) Such is life.
With that in mind, here per @the-book-of-night-with-moon 's request is the famous soda bread recipe that brought people to the site again and again for a couple of decades. If the recipe below seems very plain, that's because the way soda bread is done in North America and elsewhere in the world is not how everyday soda bread's made in Ireland. No fruit, no sugar—except for an optional spoonful if the baker likes it: I omit it—no nuts or other similar addenda: nothing but flour, salt, soda and (ideally) buttermilk. (Breads here that do have fruit and whatnot are referred to as "tea breads" or "fruit soda".)
The ingredients:
450 g / 1 lb / approximately 3 1/4 cups flour (either cake flour or all-purpose)
Optional: 1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
Between 300-350 ml / approx 10-12 fluid ounces buttermilk, sour / soured milk, or plain ("sweet") milk, to mix
If you're using plain milk, add 1 teaspoon of baking powder to the dry ingredients. This is perfectly legit; lots of professional bakers in Ireland do their soda bread this way, without the buttermilk and with additional raising ingredients besides baking soda.
So: preheat your oven to 200C / 400F. Meanwhile, mix the dry ingredients together well in a good-sized bowl, and then add the liquid and mix everything together. Like this:
That raggedy texture you see in the middle of the video is exactly what you want, and part of the secret of getting soda bread to rise properly. You have to get the loaf done as quickly as you can, so that the rise in the oven is maximized; and with minimum handling. This isn't a bread that needs to be kneaded. Just get it into a soft, mostly-cohesive lump as quickly and gently as you can, and shape it into a round about an inch to an inch and a half thick.
Finally have ready a really sharp knife to do that final cross-cut, which allows the loaf to spread and rise fully. Be careful to slice, not press. You don't have to cut incredibly deep: from a third to halfway down the round is plenty. ...There's endless online lore about how this is supposed to let the fairies out. Fond as I am of fairies, I prefer to think of it as letting the chemistry and physics out. (shrug) To each their own.
As soon as the oven's come up to heat, shove the loaf into the center of the oven on a nonstick baking sheet—I used a silicone mat here, but more for the look of the thing than any real concern about the loaf sticking—and bake it for 40 minutes. When you're done, it should look something like the one in the picture at the top of the post. It'll be easier to eat if you let it cool down most of the way; and a lot easier to slice if you put it in a paper or plastic bag overnight.
Anyway, tomorrow, so @petermorwood won't sulk, I'll make soda bread in the farl style instead of the above style that some of the locals call "cake". Farl's done on a griddle and cut into quarters for baking, and its geometry makes it uniquely suited (as Peter's father used to say) for eating large amounts of butter without a spoon. :)
ETA: attn @middleagedandoutoftouch: Check out the gluten-free soda bread from Ballymaloe. ...And there seem to be quite a few more of them out there: try this Google search.
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Generative AI was always unsustainable, always dependent on reams of training data that necessitated stealing from millions of people, its utility vague and its ubiquity overstated. The media and the markets have tolerated a technology that, while not inherently bad, was implemented in a way so nefariously and wastefully that it necessitated theft, billions of dollars in cash, and double-digit percent increases in hyper scalers’ emissions. The desperation for the tech industry to “have something new” has led to such ruinous excess, and if this bubble collapses, it will be a result of a shared myopia in both big tech dimwits like Satya Nadella and Sundar Pichai, and Silicon Valley power players like Reid Hoffman, Sam Altman, Brian Chesky, and Marc Andreessen. The people propping this bubble up no longer experience human problems, and thus can no longer be trusted to solve them. This is a story of waste, ignorance and greed. Of being so desperate to own the future but so disconnected from actually building anything. This arms race is a monument to the lack of curiosity rife in the highest ranks of the tech industry. They refuse to do the hard work — to create, to be curious, to be excited about the things you build and the people they serve — and so they spent billions to eliminate the risk they even might have to do any of those things.  Had Sundar Pichai looked at Microsoft’s investment in OpenAI and said “no thanks” — as he did with the metaverse — it’s likely that none of this would’ve happened. But a combined hunger for growth and a lack of any natural predators means that big tech no longer knows how to make competitive, useful products, and thus can only see what their competitors are doing and say “uhhh, yeah! That’s what the big thing is!”  Mark Zuckerberg was once so disconnected from Meta’s work on AI that he literally had no idea of the AI breakthrough Sundar Pichai complimented him about in a meeting mere months before Meta’s own obsession with AI truly began. None of these guys have any idea what’s going on! And why are they having these chummy meetings? These aren’t competitors! They’re co-conspirators!  These companies are too large, too unwieldy, too disconnected, and do too much. They lack the focus that makes a truly competitive business, and lack a cohesive culture built on solving real human or business problems. These are not companies built for anything other than growth — and none of them, not even Apple, have built something truly innovative and life-changing in the best part of a decade, with the exception, perhaps, of contactless payments. These companies are run by rot economists and have disconnected, chaotic cultures full of petty fiefdoms where established technologists are ratfucked by management goons when they refuse to make their products worse for a profit. There is a world where these companies just make a billion dollars a quarter and they don't have to fire people every quarter, one where these companies actually solve real problems, and make incredibly large amounts of money for doing so. The problem is that they’re greedy, and addicted to growth, and incapable of doing anything other than following the last guy who had anything approaching a monetizable idea, the stench of Jack Welch wafting through every boardroom.
5 August 2024
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allsketchesnononsense · 5 months
i wanted to cosplay her at some point in the future but i’ve never tried my hand at prop making or anything of that matter really so i can’t wrap my head around any like basic concepts to make the psychopomp itself 😭😭
sorry for taking abit to answer, wanted to make sure I was at my PC to answer so I can give Exact Images n stuff of what I got/used
warning: you're gonna need some serious power tools for this. alotta bits I had to get help from my dad bc he has SO MANY hobbies that involve power tools lol
For the base:
you need a good helmet. n finding one of those ain't easy, so you're probs gonna haveta Make Do with something you can cut parts off of.
I used something like this, but cut off the parts that jut out at the ears and the lip at the front. The internal bit that keeps your Actual Head from touching the Actual Helmet is VERY helpful bc (atleast w/ mine) it wasnt a layer of foam or anything that'd be finnicky, it was just straps.
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theoretically could also use a cheap-y baseball helmet though obvi you still gotta Mutilate it
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For the accessories™:
The antannae are actual extendable radio antannae I harvested from an old boombox n another thing, but you can buy JUST the antannae online
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the megaphone/satellite dish bit my dad helped me cut n gut a car alarm type thing and attatch it w/ this silicone stuff he had on hand
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And the headphone pieces on the sides are a set of vintage radio headphones I found at a thrift store. these to be exact (they're not v rare n go for 10-30 bucks on ebay)
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Though any old, chunky headphones could easily work. These were just what I had on hand. And, as a useful thing, the metal prongs connecting to the headband were perfect to easily bolt in place on the helmet and keep them flexible for easy putting on and taking off. The little radio speaker-y bits on the outside I added my dad had laying around though obvi not 1000% Necessary
And that's all really for the easily bought supplies
The front plate is Literally just a chunk of sheet metal he happened to have on hand, and added the bolts to. The fifth bolt in the middle is the only Functional one that actually attatches to the helmet
And the bit keeping the wires in place is a piece of plastic we melted to shape, painted accordingly, then hot glued in place. Added the screws to make it look abit more Cohesive with the rest of it.
The staples specifically on mine are holes drilled then w/ v thin wire fed through and twisted and trimmed.
Some smaller seams n details I added with super glue since it gave a v subtle raised effect, and bc it cracked in shipping I had to super glue some of the cracks back together Anyways lmao
also had to do alot of spraypainting to get it the right color. Make sure to paint the "accessories" seperate before assembly bc trying to tape off everything could end up Annoying and that way the metal bolts and the plate can retain their orig metal color to add contrast.
Also make sure you get Matte paint, bc it'll look goofy shiny. Preferably something meant for outdoor use bc those will have the more gritty textures you're looking for n its easy to find.
For any extra scuffing n details I did some dry brushing w/ grey and black acrylic to add depth. Best way to do it imo is add some drybrush with a scrappy old paintbrush then wipe away some with a paper towel
or just use a paper towel with a v tiny, thinly spread bit of paint
Hopefully this helps atleast some!! If you need more detailed shots of my helmet for better reference just lemme know, I just dont feel like going to grab her rn for a photo shoot lmao
Good luck w/ your helmet!! n be sure to post it lots when you're done!!
It'll be sick as hell to see how your interpretation turns out!
just be careful bout wearing it too long
start seeing things you're not supposed to
knowing things you're not supposed to
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...Yes, I'm still brainrotting about assigning Sembla to (Kwaiz-ified) Warframes. Send help.
Putting it under a cut.
Excalibur - [???] ("Blades of Light" don't really fall under any of the Sembla. Light can make beams, but I don't recall solid swords of light falling under it lmao. Unless Kwaiz-calibur uses non-psionic magic alongside it...)
Trinity - [???] (She's a generalized healer. Could fall under Flesh or Sugar, and Kraizen can only have one Sembla...)
Ember - Fire (No shit lmao)
Loki - Ink (He's the invisibility and trickery guy, along with throwing out decoys. Switch teleport doesn't fall under any Sembla, though lmao)
Volt - Electric (No shit lmao)
Rhino - Gravity (None of his skills really fall under any Sembla except for Stomp, which "stomps with force sufficient to disrupt time, tumbling enemies around him in stasis".)
Ash - Plume (He has a smoke vent on his left arm and his invisibility manifests as a disorienting puff of smoke.)
Mag - Force (She's supposed to be magnets, but she can yoink basically anything and everything lmao)
Frost - Cold (No shit lmao)
Nyx - Ink? Spirit? (Neither of them have any real mind-control powers compared to, say, Fungus, but the animation for Chaos has a model of Nyx appearing on enemies affected by the ability, which could be an illusion to make the enemies mistake their allies for Nyx and start attacking each other. That doesn't really explain Mind Control, Absorb, or Psychic Bolts though lmao)
Banshee - Alarm (Pretty self-explanatory. Alarm isn't always just making sounds louder... I think...)
Saryn - Corrosion? Fungus? (Leaning a bit more towards Fungus. A lot of the wording for her abilities is "spores" and she has a wide umbrella of damage types that would fall under more than just the Corrosion Sembla, being toxin, viral, and corrosion.)
Vauban - Silicon[?] (He's a bit all over the place. I'm not sure whether he'd fit better under Plastic or Silicon, but I'm just putting Silicon because of his Overdriver mine lmao.)
Nova - Salt??? (Not the slightest goddamn clue. Her thing is antimatter, which isn't really tackled by any of the Sembla. I'm only putting Salt because her most popular ability is Molecular Prime, which makes enemies explode lmao.)
Nekros - Either Spirit or Dream (*Insert "IS THAT THE GRIM REAPER?" meme here* for Spirit, but also a toss-up between it and Dream due to Terrify being able to manipulate emotions directly.)
Valkyr - [???] (no damn clue. Her abilities are a bit of a mess, theme-cohesion-wise. She could be Alarm, or Thread, or Force, or...)
Oberon - Either Plant or Radiation (Similarly to Valkyr, he's also a theme-coherency mess. He's a paladin, king of the fairies, and he has radioactive pulses, slams, and grass, and also has a heal and a passive focusing on pets...)
Zephyr - Wind (No shit lmao)
Hydroid - Either Water or Corrosion (If this was pre-Rework Hydroid, I'd have listed only Water, but now he has a whole thing with the Corrosive status and stealing enemy armor and blablabla. He's still a pirate and water can also erode things...)
Mirage - Light, Spirit, or Ink (Not quite sure which single Sembla to give her. Her thing is confusing and blinding the enemy [See: the Disco Ball of Doom that is Prism], but that doesn't explain shit like Hall of Mirrors making more projectiles, Slight of Hand being explosive, or Eclipse unless she's also using non-psionic magic alongside it.)
Limbo - Either Void or Shadow? (Oh, Limbo, of course you keep being a pain in the ass to categorize. Limbo's thing is controlling "The Rift", a personal demi-plane as it were. While Void fits with using a "personal dimension", Shadow's ability to "sink into" shadows and move around in them untouchably outside of a few scenarios fits with how Limbo actually uses the Rift. Hm...)
Mesa - [???] (Not a single goddamn clue lmao. Literally the only ability that even vaguely falls under one of the Sembla is Shooting Gallery, which feels like it falls under Hex, but that's only one ability out of four and the other four are not really Sembla-ey.)
Chroma - [???] (No damn clue lmao. His thing is wielding four elements, which isn't really a thing for Kwaiz because there's a different Sembla for each of those four elements. No damn clue.)
Equinox - [???] (No damn clue lmao. She's two different frames in a trench coat, how am I supposed to pick one Sembla for this? And her abilities don't really feel Sembla-ey, either.)
Atlas - Rock (No shit lmao. Rocc.)
Wukong - [???] (No clue lmao. He's all over the place.)
Ivara - Either Ink or Force? (Got the Invisibility that feels like it'd fall under Ink, but she's also a pick-pocketing little shit and can guide non-hitscan projectile's movements, which feels like it'd fall under Force.)
Nezha - Fire (No shit lmao)
Inaros - Dust (POCKET SAND. Also his control over bugs and sand-theming also reminds me of Shilalaan, another Dust user who controls sand and bugs.)
Titania - Either Light or Wonder? (Fairy Fuckery is what she is. She likes turning enemies into lures and pulling random buffs out of her ass, she's all over the place. No clue lmao.)
Nidus - Flesh or Disease (Nidus is supposed to be a barely-tamed hunk of Infested material in the vague shape of a human person, but I'm not sure if controlling the Infestation would fall under the Disease Sembla...)
Octavia - Music (No shit lmao)
Harrow - Thread, Hex, or Silicon (Weirdo Void Crit Priest is also a pain in the ass to categorize. Thread would fit for chains, Hex would fit for critical hit manipulation, and Silicon would fit for team buffing and turning enemy damage absorbed by Covenant into critical hit chance.)
Gara - Glass (No shit lmao. Both in the sense of literal glass and the manipulation of perception.)
Khora - Thread (No shit lmao.)
Excalibur Umbra - [???] (See regular Excalibur above. Light? Alarm? idk.)
Revenant - [???] (No damn clue lmao. Another theme-cohesion mess.)
Baruuk - Force? (I'm not sure. He's pretty simple fisticuffs, and stuff like the projectile avoidance from Elude, weapon destruction from Desolate Hands, and attack shock waves from Serene Storm could fit with Force, but something about it feels... off. It also wouldn't explain Lull.)
Hildryn - [???] (Not sure what to give her. Her thing is shields, and stripping enemy defenses to bolster those of her allies. Plastic? Silicon? idk)
Wisp - Either Spirit or Plasma? (Not sure what to give her. Spirit fits with her being themed after Will-O'-Wisps and using the Will-O-Wisp ability to distract enemies, but that doesn't explain Breach Surge or Sol Gate, which both fall more under Plasma. And neither of them explain her teleportation...)
Gauss - [???] (No clue. He's themed around kinetic energy and has traits that'd fit with Fire, Cold, Force, and Salt...)
Grendel - Either Sugar or Toxin (Not sure which one to pick. Sugar fits with his whole "eating people" thing, but both Sugar and Toxin fit with his team-buffing abilities regarding Nourish.)
Protea - Either Plastic or Silicon? (She's kinda like Vauban. A bit all over the place, not sure which to pick...)
Xaku - [???] (Oh, I have no fucking clue what to do with them and all of their Void Fuckery lmao.)
Lavos - Flesh? (Oh, my precious weirdo. His broad, element-mixing alchemical abilities don't really fall under any single Sembla, but his Leverian lore states that he was given power over Flesh to execute Javi, so I decided to give him Flesh. Maybe he's honed his Flesh skills so much that he's able to make organs that mix and throw out various elemental combinations on the fly... idk.)
Sevagoth - [???] (I have no clue lmao. He's also a non-Sembla-acting weirdo. Maybe the Shadow is an Amplifier or something idk.)
Yareli - Water (No shit lmao.)
Caliban - [???] (Nope, no damn clue lmao. Force? Plasma? Idk.)
Gyre - Electricity (No shit lmao)
Styanax - [???] (Not sure. Force??? Something about that feels off. Idk.)
Voruna - [???] (No clue lmao. Ink??? Spirit??? Wonder??? Idk.)
Citrine - Crystal (No shit lmao)
Kullervo - [???] (Oh goddamnit, more Void Fuckery. No clue what to do with him. Wonder??? idk.)
Dagath - [???] (No clue, more Void Fuckery. Hex?? Wonder?? Idk.)
Qorvex - Radioactive (No shit lmao)
Dante - [???] (MORE VOID FUCKERY. No clue what Sembla he'd have, but he'd definitely also be using non-psionic magic, I mean, just LOOK at what he does.)
Jade - [???] (She isn't even out yet, but since she's based on Angels and choral music, I'm leaning towards Music for now. We can just wait and see.)
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I’m quite fond of quartz, it’s a fairly common mineral but it comes in so many colors: purple amethyst, orange jasper, and pink rose just to name a few. plus, the formula (silicon dioxide) is simple and easy to remember!
5 stars personally, while it's not wildly clever it's still cohesive and simple and well i'm just charmed. maybe some mild rephrasing on the first sentence before the colon
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diiary 2/25/2023
okayyy i been needing to write a longform post for a while! just to chronicle some thoughts in a cohesive way. & getting straight to the point: i'm realizing there is very little, if ANY payoff, to being an artist online. i'm not talking about money. im talking about the way it's like, the more ppl start to see you as an "artist", the more they feel like ur some kind of public figure they can lash out at w no repercussions. ur humanity is just wiped from their minds. i don't have some huge following by any means but for ME its gotten big since in the past i've been a serial deleter. usually at 800 followers im gone.
i love being creative & sharing for the sake of sharing but i deeply fear any kind of spotlight. since i came back onto tumblr i made the pledge to myself not to delete my account if it started growing but now im having second thoughts!! well i'll never delete this account cus im too sentimental but part of me just wants to stop posting in the ways i tend to do. like maube im too forthcoming & need to slink back into the shadows a bit. because i don't want to stop contributing art & music to the world but idk how to protect my heart.
like it's so crazy to me that artists are expected to b these idealistic icons of everything the viewer represents & if they make a single mistake its like fuck we better launch a pUBLIC HARASSMENT CAMPAIGN!! genuinely like, how are people supposed to want to put themselves out there when the climate is so hostile? it has got me feelin rly nihilistic i must admit. trying to put nice stuff into the world shld not be generating drama for me, especially when it's just my hobby & not even my "career".
for a while ive had no idea what to do for work or how to generate income in a way that works for me but honestly? im gonna bite the bullet & do some coding bootcamps so i can try n get a remote job doing some tech shit & making a fat salary. i guess i never rly considerd it before cus all the silicon valley stuff susses me out but idk. im naturally really good at code + my only real dream in life is to be able to support others & redistribute wealth. like ive never had anything of my own to share but if i could actually do this & become the secure+charitable person i wish to be, i think i cld finally have some inner peace/sense of fulfillment. plus i cld still be a recluse ^_^
ok well i guess that my diary entry for now. im rly grateful to everyone on this site who is genuine & respectful towards me. i am really enjoying all my creative projects right now & i just dont want it to ever stop being fun just because the internet doesnt want it to be fun for me. i seriously wonder why artists are the number one targets right now, i mean not to get too conspiratorial but like, this is exactly what the CIA wants :/ wahtever....i have no agenda other than plur. but yeah, i might just start to distance myself more from posting anything other than my work. we'll see. just kno that i dnt want it to b this way. ilu guys
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phrasedwithout · 6 months
do you love the attention ?
do you love the care ?
do you love the sentiment ?
even on a bad day ?
it's what keeps you cohesive
the silicone around your leaking heart
one day it will pull you far down
because you sought for tears and whisper
during the sandstorm of your own spawn
and you never tried to become well
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cagemasterfantasy · 7 months
Honey Drizzled Cream Puffs
Makes about 12 cream puffs
Ingredients: Puffs: 1 Egg separated, plus 2 whole eggs, 1 Teaspoon pure vanilla extract, 1/3 Cup water, 3 Tablespoons whole milk, 5 Tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into several pieces, 1 1/2 Tablespoons sugar, 1/2 Teaspoon kosher salt, 2/3 Cup all-purpose flour, sifted
Filling: 1 1/3 Cups heavy cream, cold, 3 Tablespoons honey, 1/3 Cup creme fraiche, cold, 3/4 Teaspoon pure vanilla extract
Make the puffs: Preheat the oven to 425 with a rack in the middle of the oven. Line a large rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper or a nonstick (silicone) baking mat.
In a small bowl, beat the separated egg yolk with 1 teaspoon water and set aside. In a second small bowl, beat the separated water and set aside. In a second small bowl, beat the separated egg white with the remaining 2 whole eggs and the vanilla and set aside.
In a saucepan over medium-high heat, combine the water, milk, butter, sugar, and salt and cook, stirring, until the butter has melted and the mixture is on the verge of boiling, 3 minutes. Remove from the heat, add the flour all at once, and, with a wooden spoon, beat the mixture until a cohesive ball forms. Return the pan to medium-low heat and continue beating the dough, using a smearing motion, for 3 minutes, until the dough is very smooth and slightly drier.
Scrape the dough into a food processor and, with the feed tube open, process for 10 seconds to cool it slightly. With the motor running, slowly pour in the beaten eggs through the feed tube and process until they are absorbed, 10 seconds. Stop and scrape down the sides of the food processor bowl, then continue processing until the paste becomes thick, smooth, and sticky, 15 minutes.
Scrape the paste into a large plastic bag and, using your hands or a bench scraper, push it into 1 lower corner of the bag. Cut off 1/2 inch from the very corner of the bag and pipe the paste onto the prepared baking sheet in 2-inch mounds, leaving at least a 1/2 inch space around each one.
Dip a spoon into cold water and use the back of the spoon to even out the shape and smooth the surface of the mounds. Using a pastry brush, brush each mound with a small portion of the reserved egg yolk mixture.
Bake for 15 minutes, then adjust the oven temperature to 375 and continue baking until golden brown and firm, 8 minutes.
Remove the puffs from the oven and, with the tip of a paring knife, cut a 3/4-inch slit into the side of each puff to release steam. Turn off the oven, place the puffs on the baking sheet, return to the oven, prop the door open with a wooden spoon, and allow the puffs to dry, until the centers are barely moist and the exteriors are crisp, 40 minutes. Transfer the puffs to a wire rack to cool to room temperature.
To make the filling. With a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment, a handheld electric mixer, or a whisk, beat the cream until it is softly whipped, adding the honey once the cream has thickened. Add the creme fraiche and vanilla and continue to beat until the mixture holds very stiff peaks.
Just before serving, cut the puffs in half. Fill each bottom half with about 1/4 cup of the filling, position the top halves on the filling, arrange on a serving platter, drizzle with honey, and serve.
Note: To enhance the flavor and stability of the filling add creme fraiche to the whipped cream.
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I'd credit the picture but the person's name is in it
Source: Heroes Feast
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Transforming Outdoor Spaces: The Art of Landscape Construction Melbourne
Melbourne, known for its lively culture, varied communities, and beautiful natural surroundings, embraces outdoor living. More and more homeowners want to fashion unique sanctuaries in their yards, turning them into lavish getaways ideal for socializing, unwinding, and communing with the environment. This is where landscape construction melbourne becomes essential.
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Crafting Outdoor Living Experiences
Imagine a space where the boundaries between indoor and outdoor living blur effortlessly. This is the essence of the outdoor living services offered by expert landscape construction teams in Melbourne. From concept to construction, the focus is on delivering customized turnkey solutions that elevate your outdoor space into a luxurious retreat, perfect for year-round entertainment.
The meticulous process involves creating visually stunning features like decking, pergolas, fireplaces, and outdoor kitchens and considering the practical aspects of safety and functionality. It's not just about design ideas; it's about a comprehensive approach that includes appliance and material selection, permits, drafting, construction, and even electrical design and connection. The result is a space that not only impresses aesthetically but also works seamlessly for you and your family.
Creating an Oasis of Serenity
Melbourne's landscape construction expertise extends to creating tranquil pool areas seamlessly integrated into the surrounding environment. The process is not just about building a pool; it's about creating a relaxing atmosphere that harmonizes with your property's look and feel. Collaborating closely with pool builders, the focus is on determining the optimal pool position and height, ensuring aesthetics and functionality align effortlessly.
Attention to detail goes beyond the pool itself. Expert teams assist in colour selection for paving, ensuring a cohesive visual appeal with your home. With a keen eye for quality, only the finest materials, from pavers to silicon and sealing, are chosen to withstand the test of time against water damage and salt corrosion. In addition, the team's extensive experience in drainage plans, pool fencing regulations, and compliance guarantees a beautiful, functional pool area that stands the test of time.
Excavation Excellence: Turning Challenges into Opportunities
Behind every meticulously crafted outdoor space lies the groundwork, and excavation is where the transformation begins. Landscape construction teams equipped with a range of excavation equipment, full insurance, and extensive knowledge of tools and safety procedures ensure that the dirty work is left in the hands of experts.
From site excavation to post-hole drilling, site clean-ups, and landscape preparation, the focus is on precision and efficiency. The team seamlessly handles rubbish removal, making the entire process hassle-free. It's about turning challenges into opportunities, ensuring the canvas is primed for creating stunning outdoor environments.
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The Harmonious Symphony of Art and Functionality
Creative Image Landscapes has elevated the art of landscape construction in Melbourne beyond a transactional service. It is a commitment to transforming outdoor spaces into living masterpieces that reflect the unique character of the city and its residents. The enduring beauty of their work serves as a testament to the harmonious marriage of nature, design, and functionality that defines the landscapes crafted by us. As the city evolves, so does the art of outdoor transformation, with us at the forefront of this enduring journey.
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baohouse · 2 years
Personal framework for running a global engineering team
Five months in being Director of Engineering for a fintech startup, overseeing a small team that spans south Asia and North America, I'm building a global engineering culture that produces a high-quality technology product. Greatest challenge I've ever faced. What is helping me?
1. Being a systems thinker.
As a child my uncle would go to a used computer store, Weird Stuff, in Silicon Valley and bring home junk. I would take apart and rebuild computers. At the same time, on weekends, I would help mom look after our garden filled with abundant fruit trees.
Looking after a garden helped me practice managing micro-ecologies. I played a lot of video games growing up, notably SimCity, Civilization, and SimEarth. It was fun to explore different ways of managing complex systems (cities, nations, planet).
2. Understanding culture via ethnic studies.
I became interested in understanding my Vietnamese heritage while entering college. I became involved in Vietnamese student organizing at the school, regional, and continental level, especially organizing conferences.
I took a course in Native American Studies and Asian American Studies to help compare. What was important was to have a statistical and anecdotal view of culture. Traits can manifest by many, or by few who still see themselves part of the group.
Also important was tweaking or implementing new cultural practices. A big focus during my time as a student organizer—credit which goes to my peers—was building social cohesion among people in different geographies via group activities, e.g. scavenger hunt, trò chơi lớn.
Sometimes it failed. Other times it succeeded. Either way, a lesson learned: utilize one's upbringing, or design a way to introduce people into a new practice. Which segues into...
3. Practice marketing and product development.
I practiced asking/answering: What do people do? Is there something (a product) that exists to fulfill their needs? How can it be improved? I practiced via student community organizing, and continued having joined many tech startups.
At every startup company, we created a tech product (I developed my software engineering skills), and had to test and validate its viability. And in the context of a startup, I learned product development processes such as Agile methodology.
Culture is a product too, e.g. instituting a mentorship program, or Vietnamese New Year festival. They're not software, but it benefits from asking the same questions. Can't just do things just cuz it's always been done that way. Why do it? Otherwise people flock to alternatives.
4. Study leadership.
One way to approach it is learning the levels of leadership. The first person you lead is yourself. And then you learn to lead peers/groups, then organizations, then communities, societies, etc.
For each level one had to learn different skills. Level 1 (self) you learn self-awareness and self-love. Level 2 (peers) you learn empathy, chit chat, paired activities (hanging out; dates). Level 3 (group) you learn things like conflict resolution mediation.
Learning and practice never ends. Just because I practiced how to do it with peers my age, as time goes on, you just end up practicing with people of different backgrounds: age, origin, beliefs, life circumstances, disabilities, etc.
5. Learning and applying industrialization.
So it's one thing to learn how to create products. It's another matter to make it accessible at scale. I'll watch videos on how things are built such as how Coca-Cola Company makes soda. Or how McDonald's churn out burgers quickly.
It helps to be a systems thinker, to really identify where things get slow. When I played SimCity, I loved identifying and clearing out traffic bottlenecks. It also helps to understand lifecycles (thanks high school biology), because a lot of problems come down to timing issues.
Now... I don't have a formal training in industrial processes like Six Sigma or Toyota Production System. But it's definitely something I'm interested in. Why? Because I like to model after good practices that already exist. Which segues into...
6. Leverage partnerships and external inspirations.
An important lesson I learned while organizing in the Vietnamese nonprofit community is: if you can't do it yourself, partner with someone who can. Build their work into your flow. Or model their process.
I worked with nonprofits, so I only had shoestring budgets or volunteer hours to work with. My mentees created youth development programs by inviting staff of other nonprofits to participate. DIY is cool, but if it's not an option, collaborate.
Or if limited resources, introduce an abbreviated form. Set a goal for each team member to learn and apply one new thing each month to steer the team towards a framework. Sometimes it's about introducing terminology, because words shape our reality and the way we do things.
Sorry this is so long; really this is a brain dump. I need it because I needed to create my own personal framework for how I am running the engineering team.
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simplileapdigital · 19 days
E-Commerce App Development in Bangalore: Empowering Businesses with Digital Solutions
Bangalore, often dubbed the "Silicon Valley of India," is a thriving hub for technology and innovation. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, businesses are increasingly turning to ecommerce website development in Bangalore to expand their reach and enhance customer engagement. In Bangalore, the demand for sophisticated, user-friendly e-commerce applications is surging, driven by a burgeoning start-up ecosystem and a strong emphasis on technological advancement. This article explores the landscape of e-commerce app development in Bangalore, highlighting key trends, benefits, and considerations for businesses looking to leverage this dynamic market.
The Rise of E-Commerce in Bangalore
Bangalore’s status as a tech powerhouse has led to a vibrant e-commerce sector, with numerous companies and startups seeking to establish a digital presence. The city is home to several renowned tech firms, digital agencies, and development studios specializing in e-commerce solutions. This environment has created a competitive and innovative landscape for e-commerce app development, catering to a diverse range of industries including retail, fashion, food delivery, and more.
Key Trends in E-Commerce App Development
Mobile-First Design: With the proliferation of smartphones, a mobile-first approach is crucial. E-commerce apps in Bangalore are increasingly being designed with mobile users in mind, ensuring seamless navigation, responsive design, and fast loading times. This focus on mobile optimization enhances user experience and drives higher engagement and conversions.
Integration of AI and Machine Learning: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are revolutionizing e-commerce by offering personalized shopping experiences. Bangalore-based developers are incorporating AI-driven features such as chatbots, product recommendations, and predictive analytics to enhance customer service and streamline operations.
Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR): AR and VR technologies are making waves in e-commerce by providing immersive shopping experiences. From virtual try-ons to interactive product displays, these technologies are becoming increasingly popular in Bangalore’s e-commerce apps, offering innovative ways for customers to engage with products.
Omni-Channel Integration: Successful e-commerce apps integrate with various sales channels to provide a seamless shopping experience. Bangalore developers are focusing on creating apps that synchronize with physical stores, online platforms, and social media channels, ensuring a cohesive experience for customers.
Secure Payment Gateways: With the rise of digital transactions, security is paramount. E-commerce apps in Bangalore are incorporating robust payment gateways and encryption technologies to protect customer data and prevent fraud.
Scalable and Customizable Solutions: Businesses of all sizes are seeking scalable e-commerce solutions that can grow with their needs. Bangalore’s developers are offering customizable platforms that allow businesses to add features, integrate with third-party services, and adapt to changing market demands.
Benefits of E-Commerce App Development in Bangalore
Access to a Skilled Talent Pool: Bangalore boasts a highly skilled workforce in technology and software development. Companies benefit from access to experienced developers, designers, and IT professionals who specialize in building cutting-edge e-commerce applications.
Cost-Effective Solutions: Compared to other tech hubs globally, Bangalore offers competitive pricing for e-commerce app development. Businesses can leverage high-quality development services at a more affordable cost, making it an attractive option for both startups and established companies.
Innovative Solutions: The city’s tech ecosystem fosters innovation, leading to the development of advanced e-commerce solutions. Bangalore-based firms are at the forefront of adopting new technologies and methodologies, ensuring that businesses receive the latest and most effective tools for their digital platforms.
Comprehensive Support Services: From ideation to deployment and maintenance, Bangalore’s e-commerce app development companies provide end-to-end services. This comprehensive support ensures that businesses have a reliable partner for ongoing updates, troubleshooting, and optimization.
Key Considerations for E-Commerce App Development
Define Your Goals: Clearly outline the objectives of your e-commerce app, including target audience, features, and functionality. This will help developers create a solution tailored to your business needs.
Choose the Right Development Partner: Select a development company with a proven track record in e-commerce app development. Review their portfolio, client testimonials, and expertise in relevant technologies.
Focus on User Experience: Prioritize user-friendly design and functionality to ensure a positive shopping experience. Invest in UI/UX design to create an intuitive and engaging app.
Ensure Scalability: Choose a development approach that allows for future growth and scalability. Your app should be able to handle increasing traffic, new features, and expanding product catalogs.
Test Thoroughly: Conduct thorough testing of the app across different devices and operating systems to identify and resolve any issues before launch.
E-commerce app development in Bangalore represents a dynamic and growing sector, driven by the city’s technological prowess and innovative spirit. Businesses seeking to capitalize on the digital revolution can benefit from Bangalore’s skilled talent pool, cost-effective solutions, and cutting-edge technologies. By focusing on key trends, leveraging local expertise, and prioritizing user experience, companies can develop robust e-commerce applications that drive growth, enhance customer engagement, and achieve long-term success in the competitive digital marketplace.
More Information.
ecommerce website development company in bangalore
ecommerce web development company in bangalore
website design company in bangalore
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anushasanyogpeeth · 19 days
E-Commerce App Development in Bangalore: Empowering Businesses with Digital Solutions
Bangalore, often dubbed the "Silicon Valley of India," is a thriving hub for technology and innovation. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, businesses are increasingly turning to ecommerce website development in Bangalore to expand their reach and enhance customer engagement. In Bangalore, the demand for sophisticated, user-friendly e-commerce applications is surging, driven by a burgeoning start-up ecosystem and a strong emphasis on technological advancement. This article explores the landscape of e-commerce app development in Bangalore, highlighting key trends, benefits, and considerations for businesses looking to leverage this dynamic market.
The Rise of E-Commerce in Bangalore
Bangalore’s status as a tech powerhouse has led to a vibrant e-commerce sector, with numerous companies and startups seeking to establish a digital presence. The city is home to several renowned tech firms, digital agencies, and development studios specializing in e-commerce solutions. This environment has created a competitive and innovative landscape for e-commerce app development, catering to a diverse range of industries including retail, fashion, food delivery, and more.
Key Trends in E-Commerce App Development
Mobile-First Design: With the proliferation of smartphones, a mobile-first approach is crucial. E-commerce apps in Bangalore are increasingly being designed with mobile users in mind, ensuring seamless navigation, responsive design, and fast loading times. This focus on mobile optimization enhances user experience and drives higher engagement and conversions.
Integration of AI and Machine Learning: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are revolutionizing e-commerce by offering personalized shopping experiences. Bangalore-based developers are incorporating AI-driven features such as chatbots, product recommendations, and predictive analytics to enhance customer service and streamline operations.
Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR): AR and VR technologies are making waves in e-commerce by providing immersive shopping experiences. From virtual try-ons to interactive product displays, these technologies are becoming increasingly popular in Bangalore’s e-commerce apps, offering innovative ways for customers to engage with products.
Omni-Channel Integration: Successful e-commerce apps integrate with various sales channels to provide a seamless shopping experience. Bangalore developers are focusing on creating apps that synchronize with physical stores, online platforms, and social media channels, ensuring a cohesive experience for customers.
Secure Payment Gateways: With the rise of digital transactions, security is paramount. E-commerce apps in Bangalore are incorporating robust payment gateways and encryption technologies to protect customer data and prevent fraud.
Scalable and Customizable Solutions: Businesses of all sizes are seeking scalable e-commerce solutions that can grow with their needs. Bangalore’s developers are offering customizable platforms that allow businesses to add features, integrate with third-party services, and adapt to changing market demands.
Benefits of E-Commerce App Development in Bangalore
Access to a Skilled Talent Pool: Bangalore boasts a highly skilled workforce in technology and software development. Companies benefit from access to experienced developers, designers, and IT professionals who specialize in building cutting-edge e-commerce applications.
Cost-Effective Solutions: Compared to other tech hubs globally, Bangalore offers competitive pricing for e-commerce app development. Businesses can leverage high-quality development services at a more affordable cost, making it an attractive option for both startups and established companies.
Innovative Solutions: The city’s tech ecosystem fosters innovation, leading to the development of advanced e-commerce solutions. Bangalore-based firms are at the forefront of adopting new technologies and methodologies, ensuring that businesses receive the latest and most effective tools for their digital platforms.
Comprehensive Support Services: From ideation to deployment and maintenance, Bangalore’s e-commerce app development companies provide end-to-end services. This comprehensive support ensures that businesses have a reliable partner for ongoing updates, troubleshooting, and optimization.
Key Considerations for E-Commerce App Development
Define Your Goals: Clearly outline the objectives of your e-commerce app, including target audience, features, and functionality. This will help developers create a solution tailored to your business needs.
Choose the Right Development Partner: Select a development company with a proven track record in e-commerce app development. Review their portfolio, client testimonials, and expertise in relevant technologies.
Focus on User Experience: Prioritize user-friendly design and functionality to ensure a positive shopping experience. Invest in UI/UX design to create an intuitive and engaging app.
Ensure Scalability: Choose a development approach that allows for future growth and scalability. Your app should be able to handle increasing traffic, new features, and expanding product catalogs.
Test Thoroughly: Conduct thorough testing of the app across different devices and operating systems to identify and resolve any issues before launch.
E-commerce app development in Bangalore represents a dynamic and growing sector, driven by the city’s technological prowess and innovative spirit. Businesses seeking to capitalize on the digital revolution can benefit from Bangalore’s skilled talent pool, cost-effective solutions, and cutting-edge technologies. By focusing on key trends, leveraging local expertise, and prioritizing user experience, companies can develop robust e-commerce applications that drive growth, enhance customer engagement, and achieve long-term success in the competitive digital marketplace.
More Information.
ecommerce website development company in bangalore
ecommerce web development company in bangalore
website design company in bangalore
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epiph-wristbands · 26 days
Festival Wristbands Custom: Bright Starlight in Festivals
You may not know how popular silicone wristbands are in the United States! Once the festival arrives, you will find colorful silicone wristbands appearing on the wrists of friends of different ages! This special color, festival wristbands custom, has become the most shining starlight in this festival, with rich connotations and profound meanings. 
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When the festival is approaching, every corner of the city is filled with joy. At this time, those carefully customized silicone wristbands quietly appear, as if they are a gorgeous light, instantly lighting up the festive atmosphere. Festival wristbands custom is not a simple decoration, but a starlight that can evoke people's deep emotions.
 For a group, choosing festival wristbands custom is a way to show cohesion. A team, whether it is a small and beautiful group of a few people or a large enterprise with a large number of people, seems to have found a common language and identity by customizing the same silicone wristbands. Surrounded by festival wristbands custom, the connection between members becomes closer, and the sense of identity between each other becomes stronger and stronger. For example: At a festival music festival, a fan group customized wristbands with the logo of their favorite band. When everyone waved their arms, those festival wristbands custom were like flags in the wind, showing everyone's love for music and loyalty to the group. This kind of united power can create an unparalleled aura in the festival and make people feel the warmth of the collective. 
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For individuals, festival wristbands custom is a stage to show themselves and show their personality. Everyone is unique and has their own love and perseverance. Festival wristbands custom helps everyone to manifest their inner qualities, so that more people can know you and appreciate you! Although it is just a symbol representing one's own beliefs, perhaps it is an inspirational word, or perhaps it is a pattern that has special meaning to oneself, these seemingly insignificant details contain a person's love for life, vision for the future, and self-awareness and affirmation. In the crowd of people coming and going, people wearing their own unique wristbands are like a bright star, emitting their own light. They bravely show their uniqueness, not afraid of other people's eyes, just to pursue the true satisfaction in their hearts.
 In-depth exploration of the meaning of festival wristbands custom, we will find that it is not only the joy of the moment, but also a kind of cultural inheritance. In a multicultural country like the United States, festival wristbands custom has become a bridge for communication and integration between different cultures. Various unique styles of festival wristbands custom reflect the aesthetic concepts and value orientations of people under different cultural backgrounds. Through the presentation of festival wristbands custom, people can better understand and respect other cultures and promote the diversified development of culture. For example: in some commemorative festivals or activities, festival wristbands custom has become a carrier for recording beautiful moments. On the tenth anniversary of the school celebration, students will customize wristbands with the graduation year and school logo as a commemoration of this youthful period. Many years later, when they see these wristbands again, those beautiful memories will come to their minds, making them feel the hasty passage of time and the preciousness of youth. 
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In short, festival wristbands custom plays an extremely important role in American festivals. It is not only a fashion trend, but also a manifestation of culture, an expression of personality, an emotional sustenance and a transmission of social values. Whether in joyful festivals or in ordinary days, these festival wristbands custom will continue to shine with unique light and become an indispensable part of people's lives.
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Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries globally. Whether for enhancing appearance, correcting asymmetry, or restoring volume after pregnancy or weight loss, breast augmentation offers a personalized solution to meet women's aesthetic needs. This comprehensive guide provides all the necessary information about breast augmentation, including types of implants, surgical techniques, preparation, risks, and recovery.
1. What is Breast Augmentation?
Breast augmentation, also known as augmentation mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure designed to increase the size and improve the shape of the breasts. This is typically achieved through the insertion of breast implants or by fat transfer.
Breast Implants: Devices made of silicone or filled with saline solution, inserted under the breast tissue or chest muscle to increase breast volume.
Fat Transfer: A technique that uses the patient's own fat, harvested via liposuction from another body area, to enhance breast volume.
2. Why Do Women Choose Breast Augmentation?
Women choose breast augmentation for a variety of reasons, often related to personal, aesthetic, and sometimes functional considerations. Common motivations include:
Enhancing Appearance: Many women desire to increase the size or improve the shape of their breasts to achieve their personal aesthetic goals.
Correcting Asymmetry: Breast augmentation can correct noticeable differences in breast size or shape between the two breasts.
Restoring Volume: This is particularly common after pregnancy, breastfeeding, or significant weight loss, where women may seek to restore or even increase the lost volume.
Boosting Self-Confidence: Improved body image and self-esteem are frequently cited as reasons for undergoing this procedure.
3. Types of Breast Implants
There are different types of breast implants, each with its advantages and considerations. The main options include:
1. Silicone Implants
Description: Silicone implants are filled with a silicone gel that mimics the feel of natural breast tissue.
Advantages: Known for their natural appearance and realistic consistency.
Considerations: In case of rupture, the gel may remain within the implant shell or escape into the breast pocket, requiring regular MRI or ultrasound monitoring.
2. Saline Implants
Description: Saline implants are filled with sterile saline solution. They are inserted empty and filled once in place, allowing for a smaller incision.
Advantages: In case of rupture, the implant deflates, and the body safely absorbs the saline solution.
Considerations: They are more prone to wrinkling and may feel less natural compared to silicone implants.
3. Cohesive Gel or "Gummy Bear" Implants
Description: These silicone implants are filled with a thicker gel that retains its shape even if the implant shell breaks.
Advantages: Offers a very natural look and feel with less risk of silicone leakage.
Considerations: Requires a larger incision for insertion.
4. Textured vs. Smooth Implants
Textured: Textured implants have a rough surface that adheres to the surrounding tissue, reducing the risk of movement.
Smooth: Smooth implants have a sleek surface and can move more freely in the breast pocket, which may provide a more natural breast movement.
4. Surgical Techniques for Breast Augmentation
The choice of surgical technique depends on various factors, including the size of the implants, the patient's body type, and the surgeon's preferences. The main techniques are:
1. Inframammary Incision
Description: The incision is made under the breast, in the inframammary fold.
Advantages: Provides direct access for precise implant placement.
Considerations: Scars, though typically well-hidden, may be visible in certain positions.
2. Periareolar Incision
Description: The incision is made around the lower edge of the areola.
Advantages: The scar is well-concealed in the natural transition of the areola skin.
Considerations: There may be a higher risk of changes in nipple sensation or interference with breastfeeding.
3. Transaxillary Incision
Description: The incision is made in the armpit.
Advantages: Leaves no scar on the breast itself.
Considerations: This method is more complex and may offer less precise control over implant placement.
4. Implant Placement
Subglandular: The implant is placed under the breast tissue but above the chest muscle.
Submuscular (Dual Plane): The implant is partially placed under the chest muscle. This technique is often preferred because it offers a more natural result and reduces the risk of complications like capsular contracture.
5. How to Prepare for Breast Augmentation?
Proper preparation is essential to ensure a successful surgery and smooth recovery.
Initial Consultation: Discuss your expectations, health status, and available options with a board-certified plastic surgeon. The surgeon will help you choose the implant size, shape, and type that suits your body and goals.
Health Exams: Preoperative tests, such as a mammogram or ultrasound, may be required, especially if you are over 40 or have a history of breast issues.
Medication Adjustments: Avoid medications that increase bleeding risk, such as anti-inflammatories and certain supplements, as per your surgeon’s advice.
Home Preparation: Set up a comfortable recovery area with easy access to everything you’ll need post-surgery, including loose clothing, pillows to elevate your head and arms, and prescribed medications.
Plan for Assistance: Arrange for someone to help you during the first few days post-surgery, as you will need rest and assistance with daily tasks.
6. What Happens During Breast Augmentation Surgery?
Breast augmentation is typically performed as an outpatient procedure under general anesthesia and takes about 1 to 2 hours, depending on the technique used.
Incision: The surgeon makes the incision in the predetermined location (inframammary, periareolar, or transaxillary).
Creating the Pocket: The surgeon creates a pocket for the implant, either under the breast tissue (subglandular) or under the chest muscle (submuscular).
Inserting the Implant: The implant is inserted into the pocket and adjusted to achieve the desired symmetry and size.
Closing the Incision: The incisions are closed with sutures, surgical glue, or adhesive strips. Bandages or a compression bra may be applied to minimize swelling and support the breasts during healing.
Postoperative Observation: You’ll be monitored in a recovery room until you’re fully awake and stable before being allowed to go home.
7. What Are the Risks and Potential Complications?
While breast augmentation is a common procedure, it carries certain risks and potential complications. It’s important to be aware of these before deciding to proceed:
Capsular Contracture: A complication where the scar tissue around the implant tightens, causing the breast to harden or become misshapen, possibly requiring corrective surgery.
Implant Rupture or Leakage: Saline implants deflate quickly if they rupture, while silicone implants may maintain their shape but require regular monitoring.
Infection: Postoperative infection can occur, requiring antibiotics or, in rare cases, implant removal.
Hematoma: A collection of blood within the breast pocket that may require surgical drainage.
Changes in Sensation: Some women experience changes in nipple sensation, which may be temporary or permanent.
Aesthetic Issues: Asymmetry, implant rippling, or dissatisfaction with the size or shape of the breasts.
8. What to Expect During Recovery?
Recovery after breast augmentation requires time and proper care to ensure a smooth healing process.
Pain and Discomfort: Pain and discomfort are common in the first few days after surgery and can be managed with prescribed painkillers. A tight or stretching sensation is also common, especially if the implants were placed under the muscle.
Swelling and Bruising: Swelling and bruising around the breasts are normal and will gradually subside over several weeks.
Compression Bra: You’ll need to wear a compression bra or bandage to support the breasts and minimize swelling.
Rest and Activity Restrictions: Avoid strenuous physical activity, heavy lifting, and excessive arm movement for at least 4 to 6 weeks. Rest is crucial to allow your body to heal properly.
Follow-Up Appointments: Your surgeon will schedule follow-up visits to monitor your healing progress and ensure the implants settle correctly.
9. What Are the Long-Term Results of Breast Augmentation?
The final results of breast augmentation will gradually appear as the swelling subsides and the implants settle into place.
Immediate Results: The breasts will appear larger immediately after surgery, but swelling and tissue stretching may affect the initial appearance.
Long-Term Results: The final results typically become evident after about 3 to 6 months, once all swelling has resolved and the implants have stabilized.
Durability of Results: Breast implants are designed to last many years, but they are not lifetime devices. Regular check-ups and possible future revisions may be needed over time.
10. Frequently Asked Questions About Breast Augmentation
Does breast augmentation affect breastfeeding?
In most cases, breastfeeding is still possible after breast augmentation. However, the risk of interference depends on the incision technique and the implant’s position.
Do breast implants need to be replaced regularly?
While implants are not guaranteed to last a lifetime, they can last many years. Replacement is typically considered if there is a rupture, complications, or if the aesthetic results change over time.
Is there a cancer risk associated with breast implants?
Silicone and saline breast implants are not directly linked to an increased risk of breast cancer. However, a rare type of cancer called Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) has been identified, though cases are extremely rare.
Can I choose any implant size?
The choice of implant size should be made in consultation with your surgeon, taking into account your aesthetic goals, body type, and medical recommendations to ensure a natural and proportionate result.
How long before I can return to work?
Most patients can return to sedentary work about a week after surgery. Jobs requiring more physical activity or heavy lifting may require more time for recovery.
Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure that can provide significant aesthetic benefits and improve self-confidence. However, it’s essential to understand the available options, potential risks, and recovery process before deciding to undergo this procedure.
If you’re considering breast augmentation, consult with a qualified plastic surgeon to discuss your goals and determine the best approach to achieve your desired results. With careful planning and proper post-operative care, breast augmentation can offer lasting and satisfying results.
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Leather Phone Cases: A Blend of Elegance and Everyday Utility 
Are you looking for a stylish yet secure way to carry your smartphone? Have you considered how leather mobile phone cases can do more than just protect your device? These phone cases are more than sleek accessories; they offer a perfect blend of style and function. But how do they achieve this balance? Let's explore how these mobile phone cases seamlessly combine functionality with elegance, transforming your smartphone into a statement piece.
Touch of luxury
Leather has long been associated with luxury and refinement. Its natural texture, durability, and rich aesthetic make it an ideal choice for high-end fashion and accessories. When used in phone cases, leather provides a refined and luxurious alternative to standard plastic or silicone options. The tactile quality of leather and its ability to develop a unique patina over time ensures that each case becomes a personalized piece of elegance. 
Durability and protection
Beyond its stylish appeal, leather is prized for its durability. Unlike many other materials, leather can withstand the stress of daily use while maintaining its integrity. A well-crafted leather phone case provides extensive protection against scratches, bumps, and drops. The natural resilience of leather ensures that it can handle the wear and tear of daily life. The longevity of leather also means that a quality phone case can last for years, often improving in appearance with age.
3.  Functionality and design
Leather phone cases are designed with functionality in mind. Many feature integrated card slots, which add an extra layer of convenience. These slots allow users to carry essential items, such as credit cards or IDs, alongside their phones. This eliminates the need for a separate wallet and enhances overall convenience. Also, the magnetic closures or secure snap fastenings found in many leather cases offer easy access while keeping the phone safely enclosed. These design elements ensure that leather phone cases are not only stylish but also highly practical.
Hand painted artwork enhances aesthetics 
Many leather phone cases showcase hand-painted artwork by talented craftsmen, adding to their uniqueness and style. This artwork enhances the accessory's aesthetic appeal, making each case a one-of-a-kind piece. Depending on the design, it is possible to color-coordinate the phone case with various outfits for a cohesive look.
Eco-friendly considerations
Modern leather phone cases also align with a growing awareness of environmental concerns. Many manufacturers focus on sustainable practices, such as sourcing materials responsibly. This commitment to sustainability adds another layer of appeal to leather phone cases. By choosing leather cases made from ethically sourced materials, consumers can enjoy high-quality, stylish accessories while supporting environmentally friendly practices.
Enhanced grip and comfort
Leather phone cases provide a comfortable grip, reducing the risk of accidental drops. The soft, supple texture of leather feels pleasant in the hand, making it easier to hold the phone securely. This added comfort is especially beneficial for people who use their phones frequently throughout the day. The ergonomic benefits of leather cases make them a practical choice for everyday use.
Looking for high-quality leather mobile phone cases?
Explore the tech accessories collection from Anuschka Leather. They offer a wide variety of leather phone cases in different styles such as crossbody leather phone cases with impressive hand-painted artwork and wallet cases that provide ample space for essentials. These cases can carry a device along with IDs, credit cards, and other small essentials. This range allows users to choose a case that not only protects their phone but also serves as a stylish accessory for carrying everyday items. 
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