jarrimimram · 2 years
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Merci à toute l’équipe pour cette belle collaboration Mise à disposition 6 Mercedes classe V pour des passagers VIP. Nous avons passé d’agréable moment ensemble, c’est avec plaisir que nous partagerons d’autres aventures similaire Votre service chauffeur vtc disponible également pour vos transferts aux destinations de #cogolin #gassin #ramatuelle #portgrimaud #cannes #monaco #toulon #marseilleairport #niceairport ✈️ et toutes autres destinations. Centurion limousine st tropez Service vtc depuis 2012 Transferts toutes destinations Golfe de st tropez ⬇️ 👇 ⬇️ 👇 ⬇️ 👇 ⬇️ 📞 +33.(0) 📧 [email protected] 💻 www.centurion-limousine.com https://maps.app.goo.gl/aMoBhHRLmViHDkh1A?g_st=ic #mercedes #classes #2k22 #2k23 #vclass #sclass #sklasse #sttropez #sainttropez #senequier #luxurylifestyle #travel #limousineservice #CotedAzurFrance #frenchriviera #limousineservice #costaazzura #cotedazur #cannes #nice #noleggioconconducente #viptransfer #aeroportnice (à Aéroport Nice Côte d'Azur) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoMy8LKIrEK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Notre Dame des Anges à Pignans (Var). Mon lieu de prédilection, de ressourcement...
Le sanctuaire de Notre-Dame-des-Anges du massif des Maures est constitué d'une chapelle et d'un petit couvent cloîtré, situé dans le massif des Maures au-dessus du petit bourg de Pignans dans le Var.
Elle se trouve à 780 mètres d'altitude entre Cogolin et Collobrières au sud et Gonfaron au nord. Juste derrière la chapelle, se dresse une antenne-relais de radio et télévision.
Selon la légende, la chapelle Notre-Dame-des-Anges, au sud de Pignans, est fondée en 517 par Thierry Ier, fils de Clovis, en souvenir d'une victoire sur les Wisigoths, au bourg des Pins (ancien nom de Pignans).
Le pèlerinage est constant (avec une interruption au xe siècle avec l'invasion des Sarrazins.
Plus tard le sanctuaire est confié aux chanoines de saint Augustin. Ils sont chassés sous la Révolution française et le sanctuaire vendu comme bien national. La chapelle est reconstruite en 1844 et le prieuré en 1900, en utilisant les anciens murs.
La chapelle est à une nef avec une Vierge de noyer, objet du pèlerinage. Le prieuré avec son petit cloître a été restauré au xixe siècle. Parmi ses ex-votos les plus surprenants, celui de l'explorateur Jules Gérard, sous la forme d'un crocodile, est suspendu au plafond.
Selon la croyance, le pèlerinage à Notre-Dame-des-Anges guérit de la paresse. Cette chapelle et son sanctuaire abritent depuis 2001 une petite communauté de Frères Franciscains de l'Immaculée.
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salantami · 2 months
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Cogolin - Golf De St Tropez
 Photo credit :
brunodenise54 (IG )
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Madame Putiphar Groupread. Book Four, Chapter V
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Otto Dix, The Skat Players, 1920, oil on canvas
{ @counterwiddershins + @sainteverge }
it’s an interesting juxtaposition, the way the last chapter closed and how this one opens. It’s easy to imagine it in cinematic editing terms: We cut away from the jailer’s previous object of desire (the bust of ninon) and open the netx shot with him strolling with Deborah. A vantage point scene folllows. like those in greek tragedy where the watchman scans his lord’s domains, allowing the playwright to expand the play’s horizons beyond what’s visible to the viewer. Here it works for Deborah to situate the fortress on a larger scope, and herself beyond the walls of the fortress, its dungeons and its uncultivated grounds and enlightment style gardens. Back in Cockermouth castle, we got another scene of this type, where Deborah’s golden gaze shot golden arrows mapping her surroundings with yearning for the spots where she had found pleasure in Patricks arms (hidden spots the lovers thought unknown to the lord and his henchmen). There she dominated her surroundings, here she is scanning and trying to learn where she is at. The place has to seem daunting, land seemingly inaccesible, unless there was a friendly ship....
The jailer refuses her no information, just like she is allowed to roam freely and reside in a mockery of comfort, the name of the fort and the islands are not denied to her once she asks. This is a kind-faced jail, and perhaps mistankenly, it is assumed by Cogolin that information is not power, and it would not bring her closer to freedom.
The shadow of Death follows all through the chapter. The guards of the fortress are invalids, war veterans out of an otto dix painting. They“wait for death”(indicating the waste imperialism produces, disposable lives, useless for violence become discarded and hidden from sight, they are in a way. prisoners themselves. The prisoners are probably physically stronger than their guards but it doesn’t matter. Even if all the prisoners did not love their prison and decided to uprise, what good would that do? Can they physically leave the place? It’s irrelevant, they are welcome to try and get rid of the guards even. The crown would just send a new batch of war veterans ad infinitum)
Deborah and Cogolin sit together in his enlightened garden (Candide’s garden of escapism and individualism comes to mind) and share a pommengranate, the fruit of resurrection* The ocasionally androgynous Cogolin comments how the islands have changed sex, hab¿ving been named after male saints before and being currently named after female ones. The jailer rambles about the history of the place, Richelieu, its previous spanish masters, but Deborah is unable to concentrate in his story, the surrounding, wildtrees and the sky and the ironic contrast between the beauty of uncultivated nature vs the uses mankind had given it, call her attention more. No matter how smiling, she remarks, the island responds to the desolation of her soul. Men are bloody, and erect prisons and fortresses in paradisiac islands, and time is ruthless and one empire succeeds another, leaving the previous one’s constructions in ruins.
The jailer is jokingly disturbed by her words, he is for the first time, overtly flirtatious towards her. He calls her his dove, Deborah accepts the nickname, but remarks men had made a bird of prey out of her.
*to the Greek. The myth of Side seems eloquent, a girl called Side (aka pommengranate) kills herself to avoid being raped by her father, her blood moistens her mothers grave from which a pommengranate tree springs. Will Deborah have to defend herself from advances of the jailer? We’ll see.
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xian-moriarty · 11 months
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Le Capitan.
Réalisation : André Hunebelle
Scénario :Jean Halain, André Hunebelle et Pierre Foucaud
Casting :
Jean Marais, Bourvil, Elsa Martinelli, Pierrette Bruno, Arnoldo Foà, Jacqueline Porel, Christian Fourcade, Annie Anderson, Guy Delorme
Synopsis :
Louis XIII vient de passer l'âge de la majorité, mais sa mère Marie de Médicis continue de gouverner le royaume avec son favori Concini, premier ministre, qui conspire pour éliminer le souverain et sème la terreur dans le pays. Une conjuration de grands seigneurs vise à chasser Concini et à remplacer le roi défaillant par le duc Charles d'Angoulême. Le chevalier François de Capestang, qui a été sauvé dans un combat par Gisèle d'Angoulême, est décidé à se battre pour faire triompher la justice et sauver la couronne de son roi, ainsi que la vie de Gisèle. Il part pour Paris présenter les remontrances de la noblesse de sa province.
Plaisir de lecture :
Un de mes films de cape et d’épée préférés ! Il y a tout ce qu’il faut là où il faut : action, complot, aventure, duel et évasion, romance bien dosée, humour !
Pour une fois, Louis XIII ne passe pas pour un idiot incapable.
Note : 5 chats.
Disponibilité :
Existe en DVD et Bluray.
Disponible en VOD.
Bonus Points Chats :
Pas de chats ! Mais le chien et le cheval de Cogolin font leur show.
Note : 3 chats.
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Wim Oepts (Dutch, 1904-1988)  Plane-trees by Cogolin, 1957
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dimensionsvelo · 2 months
Sidi sera distribué par Tribe Sport Group dès septembre 2024
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Tribe Sport Group rajoute à ses marques, Sidi. Le chausseur italien arrive en septembre 2024 avec sa gamme cycliste dans les boutiques liées au distributeur de Cogolin. Read the full article
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vtcniceeu · 5 months
Taxi Nice Airport Saint Tropez, Book Taxi Airport in Advance
Taxi Nice Airport Saint Tropez Taxi Nice Airport Ramatuelle Taxi Nice Airport Gassin Taxi Nice Airport Grimaud Taxi Nice Airport Cogolin Taxi Nice Airport La Croix Valmer , Taxi Nice Airport Cavalaire sur Mer ,Taxi Nice Airport Sainte Maxime. Taxi Nice Airport to Saint Tropez
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flyjlm · 7 months
Port of Cogolin
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lonesomemao · 8 months
Bon anniversaire
Richard Dean Anderson
Mac Giver acteur esprit pratique
Les Marines de Cogolin
Tout va bien
Pour un fan de BB
Vendredi 26 janvier 2024
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jarrimimram · 2 years
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Notre superbe Mercedes Classe S est disponible à Saint-Tropez Votre service chauffeur vtc disponible également pour vos transferts aux destinations de #cogolin #gassin #ramatuelle #portgrimaud #cannes #monaco #toulon #marseilleairport #niceairport ✈️ et toutes autres destinations. Nous vous souhaitons de merveilleuses fêtes de fins d’année 🎄 🎄 🎄 🎄 🎄 🎄 🎄 🎄 🎄 🎄 🎄 Centurion limousine st tropez Service vtc depuis 2012 Transferts toutes destinations Golfe de st tropez ⬇️ 👇 ⬇️ 👇 ⬇️ 👇 ⬇️ 📞 +33.(0) 📧 [email protected] 💻 www.centurion-limousine.com https://maps.app.goo.gl/aMoBhHRLmViHDkh1A?g_st=ic #mercedes #classes #2k22 #2k23 #vclass #sclass #sklasse #sainttropez #senequier #luxurylifestyle #limousineservice #CotedAzurFrance #frenchriviera #limousineservice #costaazzura #cotedazur #noleggioconconducente #viptransfer #privatedriver #aeroportnice (à Saint Tropez) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmzjj8MobOT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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papymoto · 8 months
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ambipolis · 1 year
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Jeudi 14 septembre 2023
Reconquête de l’Université d’été aux élections européennes 
Juste avant l’ouverture de l’Université d’été de Reconquête, Eric Zemmour a fait le buzz en annonçant qu’il désignait Marion Maréchal comme tête de liste pour les prochaines élections européennes ; celle-ci a été invitée au JT de TFI et s’est retrouvée avec Eric Zemmour sur le marché de Cogolin dans le Var dont le maire est sympathisant de Reconquête.
L’université d’été a réuni jeudi, vendredi et samedi les jeunes, les cadres et toutes celles et ceux qui voulaient apporter leur soutien et leur temps à cette jeune formation politique notamment lors de séances de formation.
C’était l’heure du bilan avec ses actifs et son passif. On attendait dimanche le discours du président Eric Zemmour ; qu’en retenir ? D’abord qu’Eric Zemmour n’a pas perdu le sens de la formule. Pour preuves une formule déjà utilisée mais qui marche toujours : « Nous n'avons pas à nous excuser d’avoir eu raison trop tôt » ; mais aussi et surtout la formule qui fait le buzz car elle va enflammer le monde médiatique et faire réagir violemment celles et ceux qui à gauche et au centre ne sont pas hostile à la perspective d’une France africaine : « L’Afrique ne veut plus de la France, très bien, la France ne veut plus des africains. »
L’appétence pour les formules choc conduit fatalement à des excès ; Eric Zemmour sait très bien que l’immigration zéro est un leurre et il continue à marteler « plus d’immigration ».
Marine Le Pen l’a bien compris en se limitant à critiquer Emmanuel Macron, son gouvernement et sa majorité tant en termes de compétences que de capacité à apaiser notre société.
Pour autant pourra-t-elle forcer le président Bardella à ignorer celui qui reste une boussole pour certains et sa nièce et de ce fait à se priver d’une minorité d’appoint dont elle aura bien besoin si elle est élue en 2027 ?
François BAUDILLON *
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lafcadiosadventures · 2 months
Madame Putiphar Groupread. Book Four, Chapter IV
The Portrait of a Jailer/The Jailer as a Prisoner-Philosopher
{ @sainteverge + @counterwiddershins }
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Sarrasine, the king of toxic statue lovers of Romanticism (bc I say so). Illsutration for the comédie humaine by Bertal
This chapter is almost wholly a character study of the intriguing Governor of Sainte-Marguerite prison we met last chapter. Last chapter we heard the man speak of himself, this time the Borelian narrator takes the spotlight. Is he objective? (hah) In what traits do both portraits coincide or differ?
Like the prisoners in Kafka’s Penal Colony (another text which studies how the relationships between jailers/executioners and prisoners can take the guise of kindness) Deborah is given sweets. She is given figs (“from Provence” (vautrin lives rent free in my head)) and oranges, she is given good soap and perfumes. The plan to make Deborah forget she is a prisoner is on. After the list of gifts Debby recieves we get a short disclaimer from the narrator, asking us in a really ambivalent manner to appreciate the goodness of the jailer. We “must” he commands, be moved by the man’s noble and kind character. (like Deborah must. The reader is shackled next to her) This is a man with no falseness, the narrator says, and that type of integrity shines through. However, the narrator adds:
“Je ne vous prendrai point la main pour vous guider et vous faire descendre avec moi dans les replis tortueux de son cœur; nous ne nous égarerons point à la recherche de ses sentiments ténébreux.”
It’s terribly interesting of the narrator to define someone as completely honest and sincere and kind, and the add: “but we will not go looking for his dark side. We would get lost trying to find it, because it’s buried way, way deep”. it exists, (as it does in everyone) and we have seen some of it last chapter. This is a man who is kind and who has a dark side and does not act on it.
The man’s name is Cogolin. Or so the narrator thinks (the narrator starts to present himself as someone who might not remember the facts of the story correctly. The novel then, is presented as a real story, but what we’re reading is filtered through the narrator’s fallible faculties)
Our jailer who we must love is a beloved trope of Romantic literature: the DILF. The Vigorous Old Man. He is sixty five, but he is, according to the narrator, like Vautrin, like his model Cellini, like Victor Hugo (And some of his own father characters) like Balzac’s father who wrote treatises on longevity and stamina, etc. still petulant and vigorous. However this is Borel and nothing is ever predictable. His face is green. (which yes, to me he is part of the constellation of green-sexual men of the novel, like Villepastour and the glossy insectlike jailers in the Parc-aux-Cerfs) Despite his solar milieu his skin acqures a greenish hue which is symbolic, and complementary to the color of his wig: red. As we know, red hair is also hugely symbolic in this literature. Balzac and Dumas both cite the same popular saying about it in their DILF antihero novels. It considered to be the color of either angels or demons. It was mostly considered an undesireable color, so it's interesting that this guy is wearing it by choice.
Cogolin’s eyes are lively and expressive and black and are what bring his face to life/make it attractive, since its features are really otherwise unremarkable. (Borel shyly (!) tiptoes towards the magnetic gaze of the byronic antihero) He was jolly, fun, had a knack for puns, but like all provencals (*imagine me rolling my eyes here*) could be brusque. But he was truly (defensive emphasis by the narrator) good, and concientously took pains to make the lives of the condemned in his charge less painful. He gave the prisoners books and games, and frequently invited them to his fishing outings.
Which is why all his prisoners loved and respected him, but this love and respect could be well misinterpreted as fanaticism, by any outsider. (once again, I want to highlight the ambivalence of the narrator every time he says something positive about the jailer)
He had loved women in his youth to a point of excess (which might be how he earned the borel-symbolic green on his face) And despite having claimed being a man with one foot in the grave to reasure Deborah, the narrator now reveals he misses women. He is utterly alone (at least this points towards the fact that he doesn’t abuse female prisoners) He considers this deprivation a divine punishment for his youthful excesses. However he tries to console himself by readings which evoke a femenine character, such as Voltaire, Brantôme, Bussy-Rabutin, Madame de Sevigné.(voltaire needs no intro, Brantôme is a historian who writes with a libertine angle of intrigues in thencourt, so he could be reading him for the erotic angle. Bussy-Raboutin is an interesting choice… he’s a military man and writer who mocked Louis XIV’s loves with la Vallière, which earned him a stay in the bastille and then deported from france, like our old friend Fitz-Harris.He was a writer of humorous erotic chronucles of the court, and Mme de Sevigné’s cousin, who also requires no presentation. His prefered writers are into erotica and have had rushed with aristocratic authorities) He pays nightly visits to a bust of Ninon de Lenclos (another royal mistress celebrity)(I know you know statue loving is a common trope of French Romanticism, a necrophiliac/unheimlische love for masturbating over a mandatorily passive, mostly female looking inert object, an inheritance of Hoffmann’s Coppelia and/or the Gallatea Pygmalion myth) Nothing points to this guy be doing anything else than chastely placing a crown of fowers on Ninon’s bust. It’s a solitary religious rite that Deborah’s arrival disrupts. Once he has her, Ninon’s inanimate nature ceases to compell…
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