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When Cody gets Drunk
I silly little one-shot I wrote based off this post. Thanks @shy-daredevil for sending me the post and thanks to @thelegendofalyssa for betaing!!!!
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fated. (ao3 link)
While milling about the halls of Kamino's military complex, Kote had overheard a transmission his Prime had taken that would take him off-planet and into the heart of the Republic on Coruscant. The Republic, the very organization Kote and his brothers had been created to protect but hadn't had the chance, yet, because no one had come for them. The Kaminoans promised them that it would be soon, but every year that passed he and his brothers lost more and more faith their time would come.
Kote decided that he was tired of waiting.
He took initiative, like he'd been trained to, and snuck aboard Prime's ship so he could demand an audience with the Republic and tell them of the army they had waiting for them back on Kamino.
Of course, there are problems with executing his plan.
It rained extraordinarily less here than it did on Kamino. Kote schooled his features to keep the wonderment off his face lest he drew any unwanted attention to himself, but he couldn’t keep his gaze from flicking upwards every couple of clicks with the expectation that he’d spy storm clouds brewing overhead signaling an end to Coruscant’s dry weather. He was proven wrong with every glance. Kote was happy being wrong if it meant he could enjoy the outdoors even longer.
He continued wandering the crowded streets as he searched for any indication he was heading in the right direction. Kote was unfamiliar with the city’s layout and hadn’t asked for directions from any of the civilians he passed. His plans would be for naught if he was recognized by simply asking the wrong person where to go. Instead he relied on his instincts to guide him where he needed to be. They had gotten him this far, aiding him as he snuck off his home planet, maintaining cover throughout his entire voyage as a stowaway and, most recently, escaping the ship he'd been on without discovery. Kote wasn’t one who normally put his faith in such unpredictable things. Yet he hadn’t been shown his faith was misplaced. Hopefully, it never was.
Kote came upon an intersection with the intention of turning right. However, at the last second, he decided to pause before he hit the corner. His instincts had flared warningly and told him to do so. He scanned his surroundings, searching for the reason why he stopped.
Suddenly a pod of young cadets raced by where he would have been standing. They were playing, chasing after the lead boy who held a miniature spacecraft in his hand that he piloted terribly. Kote drew his cloak tighter around himself as a few of them rushed past closer than he liked. It was better than being trampled. The cadets hurried along, crossing the street and disappearing into the mingling crowd one after the other until the slowest of them jumped between a couple of Twi’leks and an Ithorian and vanished. As they did, so did the alarm in Kote’s head.
He still hadn’t moved.
Kote stared at where the cadets were and was caught in a nostalgia trap, remembering when he had been at a similar age. He and his batchmates liked to pretend they were flying in outer space, too. Except they never had any miniatures like them. Kote, his batchmates, and all his brothers within the compound ran flight simulations based around archival data from old skirmishes in preparation for their duties as soldiers. Immature handling of a craft like he’d seen from that batch’s leader would have gotten him a fierce reprimand from his trainers and the Kaminoans or, if it had been on an actual battlefield, killed. Kote doubted any of those cadets were aware of this fact as he was.
Unlike him, those cadets were not raised to know. They shouldn’t have to, either.
He shook himself free of the past with that last thought. Kote could not let himself be distracted now that he had already come so far. He was a man with a mission. And, like he’d been taught, he swallowed down the tempting bitterness that cloyed in the back of his throat and marched forward with renewed determination.
Republic business waited for no man, especially if that man was a clone.
Kote weaved an uncertain path through the streets of Coruscant. Though he walked blindly, a strong warmth had settled deep within his chest that inspired an odd sense of confidence within him. A voice, somewhat reminiscent of his Prime, whispered in his ear. Kote was nearly convinced it was his Prime save for the manner in which the voice spoke. While it had Prime’s timbre and pitch, the cadence was completely off. The voice sounded too dull to be Prime’s, who was known for his sharp and caustic tongue. When the voice said, ‘you are almost there’ the sentence didn’t cut. Its words wrapped around his spirit and sent a dizzying thrill across his body. It was then Kote realized he wasn’t hearing those words. They had come from some place deep inside him.
Kote ground his teeth around a curse. A few days without his batch and he was already starting to go mad, hearing voices…
He slowed regardless of how the voice urged him further onwards. ‘A few more steps’. Kote spun in a mad circle, catching his breath as he surveyed the area. It didn’t look like an area suitable for politics.
The massive crowds had thinned to a few stragglers who didn’t hide their suspicions about him. They were dispersed amongst the buildings in sparse clusters and had a more noticeably rougher edge to them. The buildings, too, seemed less shiny than what he had seen previously. It was dark on the other side of their transparisteel, enough that he could see his reflection clearly if there wasn’t a glowing neon tumor fixed somewhere above.
He didn’t linger on his face. Vanity wasn’t encouraged where he’d been raised.
His eyes were on all the others’ reflections. Part of his covert operations training involved watching without being caught. This way, if he noticed an unfriendly face sneaking his way, he could strike first. The element of surprise was necessary since he hadn’t any weapons on him. His armor was supposed to withstand a lot of fire and blows, but there was no practical data to back these claims. It hadn’t been tested in actual combat. He didn’t plan on acquiring that information first-hand.
Kote pulled the hood of his cloak lower over his head and marched at a slower pace than he had before.
He took great pains to ignore the voice he’d been hearing as it wasn’t making any sense. Every attempt at silencing it made the voice louder. Every shove against it was met with an equal response that made him wince in the aftermath. Kote broke from his surveillance to wipe at his eyes with a tired fist as the latest battle with the voice was like trying to move a freighter-class ship using only his forehead. Because he wasn’t looking where he’d step, Kote’s foot landed on a foreign object that almost made him lose his balance.
The voice cried out again. Kote was doubly sure it couldn’t be his Prime since he doubted Prime would ever sound so melodic.
Luckily, loud as it had been, the voice didn’t utter another note after its short song.
Kote sighed in relief. His pain began to ebb away since the voice wasn’t taking up all the space in his mind. He blinked back into awareness soon enough. Kote stepped off of the foreign object once he had his bearings and peered down at it. Its cylindrical shape was familiar to him. He crouched for a better look, scooping the object up into his hand to study it from all angles. It was as he recognized the shape to be of a hilt that Kote identified the object in his hands.
It was a lightsaber.
Like with most things, Kote never had the experience of seeing a lightsaber with his own eyes. He knew the basics of it. Battle strategies involving lightsabers were downloaded into his head, both for fighting with and against. The Kaminoans even taught him about those who could wield lightsabers.
The files on them weren’t as robust as he would have liked, but there were a few important facts contained within.
Firstly, that they – or rather, one of their members – had commissioned the Kaminoans to build an army that led to Kote’s creation. Secondly, wherever there is a lightsaber, its wielder should not be far behind.
“Excuse me. I believe that what you’re holding there belongs to me.”
Kote knew that this new voice wasn’t imaginary like the last. He had never heard it, nor an accent like it. The notion that he enjoyed how this new voice spoke, how he wouldn’t mind hearing it speak more, crossed his mind and confused Kote greatly. It was the first time he’d ever found a voice to be pleasant and didn’t know what to do with this information.
He was drawing too much attention to himself by not responding. Kote had to act quickly. His grip on the lightsaber tightened as he rose to full height. The voice had come from behind him, so he spun on his heel with trained precision and faced the lightsaber wielder.
None of his years on Kamino prepared him for this.
“Hello,” the wielder said, smiling at Kote as if he were another one of his brothers. Except Kote’s brothers’ smiles never inspired such strange and precise reactions within him. “It looks like you’ve found my lightsaber.”
Kote was trained for war in any terrain, but he was unable to handle the battlefield that used to be his body. His face warmed to a significant degree like he’d been in the midst of an intensive exercise. Kote’s chest stuttered as if it couldn’t remember how to breathe, and his heart had lost the careful pattern of its beat and couldn’t reclaim it. There was a desire to take this new man in his hands, like he had done with the lightsaber, and observe him every which way until Kote knew him as if it were his own. Already Kote catalogued the waviness his gingery hair and beard, the softness of blue gaze, the slim build hidden beneath flimsy armor, and, as he already mentioned, the man’s amazing smile.
Kote had been warned that those who wielded lightsabers were capable of other tricks that could confound their enemies. Was this one of them?
No. For some reason, Kote didn’t believe it was. Though it meant his inner turmoil went unexplained.
He would have to leave it that way, as his silence went on for far too long. The other man’s smile started to dim. Kote hated that he was the cause of it.
“Here,” he said. His hand shot forward rigidly as he presented the lightsaber to its wielder. “Take it.”
“…Thank you.”
The lightsaber wielder reaches out hesitantly for his weapon, his stare unblinkingly turned onto Kote as he moved. Their fingers brushed during the exchange, and it required every ounce of willpower Kote had to not cling to the lightsaber because he’d been touched by someone who wasn’t his brother. He thought to himself that he was acting like a fool. Kote was wearing gloves. Their skin hadn’t made contact. Why would he think this simple act was that important? Why did he believe, had he not been wearing gloves, it would have been worse?
Kote’s empty hand hung in the air between them as the lightsaber wielder clipped his weapon onto his belt. Belatedly, Kote realized how useless his hand was just floating there. He dropped it back to his side.
“You know, I can’t begin to tell you the number of times I’ve dropped this…”
It was an unnecessary comment to make. For some reason, the lightsaber wielder thought to continue their conversation far past its logical conclusion.
Kote blinked at him as he struggled to respond. Improvisation wasn’t his strongest suit. “You should be more careful then,” he told the other man. “A weapon like that could easily wind up in some enemy combatant’s hands at some point, statistically speaking. And without your only means of offense and defense, you’d be dead.”
He observed how the lightsaber wielder’s eyes widened a fraction of an inch in a manner that sent ripples across his placid expression. Kote gathered that he might have been too blunt, critiquing how he managed his weapons despite never holding a lightsaber before today. Usually that had never bothered Kote back on Kamino. In this instance, Kote wished he could strike what he had said from the record. Or for the ground to open beneath his feet and swallow him whole. Whichever was the most plausible, and fastest.
“Right.” The lightsaber wielder was too kind as he still entertained Kote after his verbal gaffe. He arched his brow and stroked his beard. His smile had returned. “Well, maybe if I’m lucky the only hands my lightsaber will end up in other than mind own is yours.” Those words caused the wielder to react in a certain manner as well, tripping over himself in apology. “Or rather,” he amended, “hands that are like yours.”
Kote relaxed. It seemed like the wielder was aware of his brothers, then, and what they had been made to do. Which made it easier for Kote to ask him, “If you don’t mind, I could use your help.”
“Of course.” He was glad to move past their bout of awkwardness much like Kote was. “What do you need?”
He allowed a tiny smile to crack his regimented expression. “I’ve been trying to find my way to the Republic’s Main Building, and I believe I might be lost.”
The wielder’s gaze travelled from left to right as he leaned closer, conspiratorially. “You are correct. We are far from where the Senate conducts their business.”
But why were his instincts ordering him here? That was a question for a different day. Kote stayed on task, “Do you happen to know how I can get there?”
“I do.”
Kote listened intently as the lightsaber wielder provided detailed directions on how he could reach the Galactic Senate from where he was. He also offered up ancillary information like its hours of operation, whose office he could petition for an audience, lodgings near the Senate for him to stay in and – once Kote mentioned how he hadn’t a single credit to his name – the location of his base that always had bunks at the ready for those in need.
The wielder had been explaining the distance between his base and the Senate, using a holographic map of Coruscant as an aid, when they were interrupted by an incoming transmission.
His map disappeared and was replaced with a tinier man in similar uniform as the wielder. He was noticeably sterner than his contemporary but, if Kote were to guess, he was the younger of the two.
“Master,” the younger man said, “where are you? I believe I’ve tracked the assassin heading back towards Senator Amidala’s apartment.”
“I was a little sidetracked reclaiming my lost lightsaber, Anakin,” he said. “I’ll reconvene with you at the apartment. May the Force be with you.”
“And with you, Master.” The transmission had ended there.
Kote stared at the other man in concern as he weighed what the younger wielder had said in his mind. “You’re in the midst of an operation,” he said, “yet you’re helping me out? Why?”
The lightsaber wielder chuckled and laid a supportive hand against his shoulder. They were separated by his cloak, pauldron, and the thick, black bodysuit he wore under his armor. Kote was keenly interested in how delicately the wielder’s fingers curled and the heat it inspired beneath his skin. “I couldn’t very well have continued my duties without my lightsaber,” he told Kote, “It’s only right that I help you after you’ve helped me.”
Kote catalogued his delight at hearing the wielder admit how helpful he was to him. It was what he had been made for. He was thrilled to have served well, even if it had been as small a task as weapon retrieval. Kote had to start somewhere. However, besides that, there was another emotion Kote couldn’t name that existed along the boundaries of his earlier delight. It was similar to it though wholly different. The closest Kote came to understanding it was the fact that its happiness wasn’t born out of an accomplished mission but rather because the lightsaber wielder had recognized his usefulness.
He liked it a lot.
“I’m glad to have been of service.” Then, as the lightsaber wielder began to turn away from him, he hurriedly called out after him. “I’m… Kote.”
The lightsaber wielder glanced back at him, smiling. He waved as he continued striding off towards his next destination. “And I am Obi-Wan Kenobi!” he replied, “It was a pleasure to meet you Cody! May the Force have our paths cross again.”
“It’s Kote, actually…” Obi-Wan had fled by then, and his name was swallowed up by the silence.
Cody wasn’t much different from the name he had chosen for himself. “Cody…” It didn’t sound sweet like Obi-Wan said it, but Kote thought it nice all the same. He wouldn’t object to being called it, especially if it were Obi-Wan doing so.
Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan.
The lightsaber wielder had taken too much of his time, and his focus. Kote had his mission, and much like Obi-Wan’s, it demanded his attention. He couldn’t be distracted, now that he was so close.
“You shouldn’t be here.”
Kote heard Prime’s voice again. Only it hadn’t been soft and blunt like it was earlier, nor did it come from within. It had been spat out by the source and stabbed into Kote’s chest.
He staggered and slumped over sideways as his Prime loomed over him, decked menacingly in his full besk’ar. “No,” he gasped, “I… how did you…”
“You are one bad clone.”
Kote’s last thought wasn’t of Obi-Wan. It was of the boot crashing into his face and knocking him unconscious.
#star wars#star wars fanfic#sw ff#cc-2224#obi wan kenobi#cc-2224 fanfic#obi wan kenobi fanfic#codywan#codywan fanfic#cody/obi-wan#cody x obi-wan
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What would it be like if Star Wars characters played DnD?
it would go about as well as you'd expect
(commission info // tip jar!)
#anakin skywalker#obi wan kenobi#captain rex#ahsoka tano#commander cody#disaster trio#star wars the clone wars#swtcw#star wars#my doods#thanks for the ask!#askbox closed
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happy wash your fucking water bottle wednesday
#as requested by the moustache cody server#don’t get mould poisonong ner vode#star wars memes#obi wan kenobi#description in alt
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Death and The Hermit | Cody and Obi-Wan
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Ship or not, I think they deserve to be domestic and talk shit.
#starwarsblr#star wars fanart#star wars#obi wan kenobi#commander cody#codywan#212th attack battalion#Lots of fun details in this one#I tried something new with the render and I'm really pleased with it#why yes the mug can be translated#star wars prequels#the clone wars#the clones
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#battle couple#star wars#obi wan kenobi#my art#commander cody#codywan#the clone wars#should i put this on inprnt?
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I like to imagine he routinely gets jump-scared by the lightsaber

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Smoke break for them<3
#star wars#prequel era#codywan#commander cody#obi wan kenobi#clone wars#starwars the clone wars#digital art#art#clone troopers#your honor i love them so much
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Brontosaurus means thunder lizard you see
This is in my mind the first time either of them bring up marriage or weddings, Obi-Wan comes out of nowhere with it and Cody just rolls with it
#dino kid obi wan#i will die on this hill#he was and is a dinosaur kid#does that make him neurodivergent? a little.#obi wan kenobi#commander cody#he looks at that dino and thinks for the first time 'maybe i love something more than cody'#codywan#star wars fanart#star wars#my art#my comic#modern au#digital art#fanart#almost codywan surfer au
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Get Sassed in Amazing Technicolor, Ventress.
Original inks can be viewed here.
May need to click on the image for better quality.
#references are life#backgrounds#digital art#comic#humor#fanart#fan comic#star wars#tcw obi wan#obi wan kenobi#asajj ventress#tcw ventress#ventress fanart#obi wan star wars#star wars prequels#sw prequels#prequels#commander cody#cc 2224#sw tcw#sw tcw fanart#sw fancomic#clones#sw clone wars#I absolutely love Cody's orange-yellow sunshine colors#Too bad the pose I drew obscures more of it ( ; . ; )
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is this anything
#codywan#obi wan kenobi#commander cody#star wars#tcw#clone wars#the clone wars#clones#star wars prequels#og by sweepswoop_ on twt
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I saw this reference image on Pinterest and I couldn’t help myself. Also please ignore the way that tumblr has absolutely OBLITERATED the image quality
Reference under the cut.

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you can't tell me that this isn't how preparing battle plans went in 212th
#commander cody#obi wan kenobi#codywan#cody and obi wan#star wars#212th attack battalion#star wars fanart#the clone wars#tcw#art#illustration#digital fanart
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2nd STARWARS/DAEMON AU POST!!!!! This time with the CC's and the Disaster Lineage!
Obi-Wan: Maned Wolf (Kee-Ayt)
Anakin: Lion (maned female lioness) (Asieko)
Ahsoka: Gryfalcon (Tuex)
Cody: German Shepherd (Beskar)
Rex: Siberian Husky (Queen)
Wolffe: Wolfdog (Whitefang)
Fox: Doberman Pinscher (Vulpe)
Bly: American Akita (Lyra)
LORE TIME: first off! Jedi! So I thought a lot about how daemons and Jedi should work. I did end up deciding that Jedi GENERALLY have bird daemons (like the witches in His Dark Material), BUT not always. The Jedi having bird daemons is not a ‘All Force Sensitives Have Daemons Who Settle As Birds’ thing. It wouldn’t make sense in this AU since Force-sensitivity is a spectrum and at what level would someone have ‘enough’ force-sensitivity to have a daemon for certain become a bird? I didn’t like that narrative as much, it felt restrictive. So instead Jedi tend to have bird daemons, but not Force-Sensitives. Like all Jedi are force sensitive ( and have bird daemons) but not all Force-Sensitives are Jedi, make sense? This is because of how the Jedi raise children and teach them to interact with the force. Because of how Jedi are taught to view and use the force, their daemons tend to settle as birds! It’s ‘nurture’ over ‘nature’ thing. Which is why (in this AU at least) the Jedi don’t take in older children to train. Because they’ve already probably learned their own way to interact with the force (different from the Jedi teachings) and therefore will have a non-bird daemon! Hence Anakin having a lion daemon. “But what about Obi-Wan?” (Well since Obi-Wan is one of my favorites I get to spice him up lol). He was originally very Jedi like (daemon wise) but after the whole Jedi Apprentice/Xanantos enslaving him/Melida-Daan war thing, he daemon ended up settling as a Maned Wolf! I imagine he was just about the age where his daemon would settle (usually 13-15, which is the same reason this is the age Jedi initiates are made padawans), so it was a surprise that his daemon so abruptly changed and settled. Most likely the effects of being so abruptly exposed to violence and war right out of being only use to the peace of the Jedi temple his whole life.
(Extra) The 3rd page of the post! Cody and Obi-Wan’s daemons! Beskar and Kee-Ayt! Even though in my doodles Beskar seems to be very grumpy and even hatful towards Kee-Ayt, DO NOT BE FOOLED. Beskar adores Kee-Ayt. Their relationship just mirrors how I headcanon Cody’s and Obi-Wan’s. Where they will harass and bitch at each other to hell and back. Sounding from the outsider’s POV like two people who hate each other. When in reality these two are joined at the hip and love each other. They just will never admit it because “we have reputations to uphold!’ (Anakin says “what reputation? the reputation that one of you would murder the other if it wasn’t for the fact the GAR would court marshal the other?”) But yeah, Beskar makes fun of Kee-Ayt’s long ass legs. The mini ‘comic’ is about how I imagine that since all the Clones’ daemons are dogs/canines, when they win a battles they have a ‘Victory Call’ where they all howl. Beskar offers for Kee-Ayt to join in, but Maned Wolves can’t howl. They do this thing called a Roar-Bark (look up a video it’s so loud). This is the first time Beskar hears Kee-Ayt roar-bark and it scared the shit out of her.
(Extra Extra) The 4th page of the post! This is mostly doodles of Rex, Anakin and Ashoka’s daemons (Queen, Asieko and Tuex). All three reflect the close relationship that Rex, Anakin and Ahsoka have. Hence Tuex nesting on Queen and Asieko trying to groom Queen (who doesn’t appreciate the rough lion tongue bath she’s getting). (In fact Asieko tries to groom Tuex and Kee-Ayt too, but Tuex is too small and Kee-Ayt just starts biting Asieko bcs she doesn’t appreciate the bath either lol). We also have Tuex dive bombing Asieko (a common occurrence whenever Anakin and Ahsoka bicker). Tuex also does this to literally anyone who slightly annoys him or Ahsoka. And lastly the little doodle of Rex and Queen screaming! Idk if you’ve ever seen videos of Huskies, but oh boy are they loud and dramatic. I think with all the stress and insanity Rex has to deal with leading the 501st, he and Queen often have therapy screaming sessions. They deserve to.
(ALSO, I will be making follow up reblogs with lore/plot stuff for each individual character)
#star wars fanart#star wars#sw fanart#the clone wars#starwars clone wars#sw tcw#starwars the clone wars#command batch#commander bly#commander fox#commander cody#captian rex#commander wolffe#tcw obi wan#obi wan kenobi#tcw anakin#anakin skywalker#ahsoka tano#tcw ahsoka#tcw commander wolffe#tcw commander fox#tcw commander cody#tcw commander bly#tcw captain rex#his dark materials au#starwars au#daemon au#starwars daemon au#moontuna’s art
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do you have any clone related headcannons/aus? Personally I love the 501 bc they collectively have 1 brain cell and it’s passed between Ahsoka, Rex, and Echo (anakin’s never seen it)
huge agree, but I think the 212 looks after the braincell for them most the time
(commission info // tip jar!)
#obi-wan does the same thing but w just anakin and ahsoka's missions#star wars#commander cody#clone trooper waxer#212th battalion#501st legion#star wars the clone wars#my doods#thanks for the ask!#swtcw
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