#cody christian is penobscot and passamaquody
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euphorial-docx · 4 months ago
category of actors i find hot: how did i just find out they’re native american/first nations?
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eneiryu · 2 months ago
hi, i hope your day has been going well! hopefully you don’t mind that i’m here to pick your brain with this lengthy-worded question lol.
something that’s been on my mind a lot recently is theo’s background. i don’t know if this is like well known information in the fandom, but cody christian is half native american (penobscot and passamaquody specifically— his mother was raised on a penobscot reservation) and teen wolf never even tried to explore that (not that i really expected them to, because they didn’t even try to include tyler posey’s mexican heritage, but i think that’s a bigger, separate conversation.)
i’ve just been thinking a lot about that and how theo being native american would potentially re-contextualize a lot of his character, backstory, and actions. like with the knowledge of the actor’s heritage and if theo was portrayed as indigenous too, i feel his history with the dread doctors would be even more upsetting because of the real world history of, for example, eugenics that targeted (and still continues to target) native populations. i honestly feel that would be something the fandom would be more equipped to explore than the actual show itself (like… teen wolf’s portrayal of skinwalkers, to me, proves they wouldn’t have been able to talk about native issues sensitively tbh, but i think fandom is good space to have these conversations and correct wrongs, you know?)
anyways. i guess i’m wondering if that’s something you have ever thought about as well and/or would want to explore? or maybe you have anything to add to what i already said? i love the way you write theo and the teen wolf world, so i’m always curious as to how you would write certain things— and this is the latest thing, apparently.
(i don’t know if this was too much of a deep or weighted conversation to spring on you given the topic— i’m sorry if it is— but it’s just been stuck in my head ever since i saw the potential connection.)
No need to apologize. Like you’ve pointed out, there are a lot of elements in the show that were handled…not with the greatest amount of care.
And in that vein, I would need to admit that I feel incredibly unequipped to try and explore a lot of elements that you raised. They’re pretty far outside my own experience, and I’m positive I wouldn’t be able to do them justice—might in fact end up doing a lot of harm blundering around without even knowing enough to know that I’m touching on something I don’t understand.
There are definitely interesting elements, and I think they could make for some interesting stories and explorations by someone who is equipped to treat them with the care they deserve, but—as flattered as I am that you think I might be capable of it—that person is not me. 😊
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bunnysrph · 2 years ago
Hi, can I please get some male FC suggestions that fit the Native American or Hawaiian nationality? Thank you so much for your time.
below are some HAWAIIAN && NATIVE AMERICAN face claims that you can use. they are listed in alphabetical order with ethnicities and their birth years. those in bold are my personal recommendations. please LIKE / REBLOG if you find this useful.
david strathairn (1949, kānaka maoli, chinese, azorean portuguese, scottish, irish && english)
dennis chun (1952, kānaka maoli, chinese, madeiran portuguese && possibly other asian)
jason momoa (1979, kānaka maoli, german, english && possibly other)
jason scott lee (1966, hawaiian && chinese)
kalama epstein (2000, kānaka maoli, ashkenazi jewish, english, welsh && norweigan)
keahu kahuanui (1986, hawaiian, japanese && possibly scottish && french)
keanu reeves (1964, kānaka maoli, portugese, english, scottish && chinese)
bronson pelletier (1986, plains cree && french)
chaske spencer (1975, yankton, assiniboine, sisseton, nez perce, cherokee, creek, french && dutch)
cody christian (1995, penobscot, passamaquody && english)
david archuleta (1990, iroquois, honduran, basque, danish, irish && german)
forrest goodluck (1998, navajo, hidatsa, mandan, tsimshian, japanese && norweigan)
gabriel luna (1982, lipan apache && mexican)
gil birmingham (1953, comanche)
jaime "taboo" gomez (1975, shoshone && mexican)
james francis kelly iii (1989, native american, african-american && irish)
jeremiah bitsui (1980, navajo && omaha)
kiowa gordon (1990, hualapai, english, scottish, danish && manx)
martin sensmeier (1985, tlingit, eyak, koyukon-athabascan, native alaskan, german && irish)
matthew atkinson (1988, native american && irish)
raoul trujillo (1955, apache, mexican, french-canadian && other)
rudy youngblood (1982, comanche && yaqui)
sarunas j jackson (1990, native american, african-american, african-panamanian, jamaican && german)
wes studi (1947, cherokee)
zahn mcclarnon (1966, hunkpapa, sihasapa lakota, german, french, polish, irish && english)
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dear-indies · 8 months ago
hi! i was wondering if you could possibly help me with possible faceclaims for Alex Chen and Ryan Lucan from the Life is Strange: True Colors? I've been unsure who to possibly use. the help would be much appreciated! thank you for your time!
Alex was born in 1997 (21 in game) and is Chinese-Vietnamese, I'm not sure if this means Chinese and Vietnamese or Chinese with Vietnamese nationality? Either way I'm VERY sorry I can't find anybody who this Chinese and Vietnamese.
Chelsea Zhang (1996) Chinese.
Leah Lewis (1996) Chinese.
Thaddea Graham (1997) Chinese
Song Zu Er (1998) Chinese.
also since many people sadly don't cast Hongkonger and Taiwanese fcs!
Ramona Young (1998) Hongkonger.
Gingle Wang (1998) Taiwanese.
Ashley Liao (2001) Taiwanese.
OZARA (2001) Hongkonger.
If you're willing to change her ethnicity!
Brianne Tju (1998) Chinese / Indonesian.
Haley Tju (2001) Chinese / Indonesian.
Ryan Lucan was born in 1993 (25 in game):
Pierson Fodé (1991)
Joe Keery (1992)
Callum Kerr (1994)
Nick Robinson (1995)
Luke Benward (1995)
Cody Christian (1995) Penobscot, Passamaquody, White.
Charlie Rowe (1996)
Jay Duffy (1996)
Jacob Elordi (1997)
Froy Gutierrez (1998) Mexican [Caxcan] / White - is queer.
Cameron Gellman (1998)
Hope this helps!
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er-fightmaster · 4 years ago
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The Pierce family tried to keep it pretty quiet that their family had been descended from carnival folk. They were very respectable nowadays, thank you very much. Connor’s father was another suit-wearing man in the finance industry, and his mother was a marketing executive, but that wasn’t how it had always been.
Since the Victorian Era they had been involved in traveling fairgrounds and sideshows, reading tarot cards and crystal balls, selling stories to those grieving or in need of direction. Those who didn’t pick up the ‘family gift’ of communicating with the dead sold tickets, made popcorn or operated the rides. It had been that way for generations. That was until Robert, Connor’s father, decided to go off to college in America and make something of himself. He married a nice normal girl, and two years later, Connor was born.
It didn’t take long before Connor started to show signs of being a medium. People always tried to explain it away, the way they do when children say odd things. Of course, it was all the imagination, the child’s way of trying to understand the world. No way he was actually playing with the young girl who used to live in the house twenty years earlier or still able to talk to old Mrs Robinson from across the street even after she died of heart failure. His father knew the truth though. He discouraged it as much as possible, telling Connor to ‘be realistic’, to have his feet planted firmly on the ground and not in the clouds, but the more Connor was asked not to do something, the more he did it. He grew frustrated at being called a liar, at being told to stop playing cruel jokes on grieving people, to grow up. But when Connor’s uncle - his father’s older brother - passed away, it turned out he was Uncle Joe’s unfinished business.
He was just a faint echo at first, but the more he spoke to him, the closer they got. Uncle Joe told him everything, all the stories, the family history, which TV psychics were real and which were full of rubbish. For a while, Uncle Joe was his best friend. The way Connor understood, Joe was eventually supposed to move on, but it never happened. The signs started out small at first. Books falling off shelves, his dad’s duvet somehow always falling off no matter how many times he pulled it back up, but Uncle Joe’s spirit became more and more angry and one day, it wasn’t just a book. He knocked over the whole bookshelf, right on top of Connor’s dad, but him in the hospital. Connor panicked after that, starting to research ways to get rid of him. It was the only time his father acknowledged Uncle Joe; to tell Connor that he was becoming a poltergeist, and reach out to his old contacts to help Connor get rid of him. After much research and strife, Uncle Joe became the first exorcism Connor had ever performed.
Connor wasn’t about to run off and join the circus, but he wanted to do something to share his gifts and experiences, so he started recording them on his mobile phone and uploading them to the internet. His parents went mad when they found out, and the house was never quite the same after Connor spilled the beans and told his mum everything his dad had kept from her, forcing his dad to admit it, but they didn’t stop him. They figured it would help him process his emotions and that nobody would believe him anyway. They were half right. As Connor’s channel took-off, he had just as many believers as sceptics. He delved into the supernatural, learning as much as he could, filming every moment possible and sharing it with his thousands, then hundreds of thousands, then three million subscribers. He lived
He delved into the supernatural, learning as much as he could, filming every moment possible and sharing it with his thousands, then hundreds of thousands, then three million subscribers. He lives life travelling from place to place, interviewing people about their experiences with ghosts and filming exorcisms.
FULL NAME: Connor Pierce AKA(S): N/A BIRTHDAY: 10 June ZODIAC: Gemini SPECIES: Human (Medium/Exorcist) ORIENTATION: Bisexual GENDER: Cisgender Male (He/him/his) OCCUPATION(S): Youtuber and Exorcist PRIMARY VERSE: Supernatural
FACECLAIM: Cody Christian EYE COLOR(S): Brown HAIR COLOR(S): Dark Brown HEIGHT: 5'7" BODY BUILD: Muscular, athletic DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: N/A TATTOOS: Skull wearing a crown inside wrist (x) PIERCINGS: N/A 
HOMETOWN: Portland, Maine FINANCIAL STATUS: Upper Middle Class  EDUCATION LEVEL: College Graduate ETHNICITY: White & Native American (Penobscot and Passamaquody) SPOKEN LANGUAGES: English ACCENT: Non-Regional United States RELIGION: None
FEARS: Boredom, Living a meaningless life MORAL ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good MYERS-BRIGGS TYPE: ESFP: The Entertainer TEMPERAMENT: Sanguine ENNEAGRAM: Type Seven: The Enthusiast HOGWARTS HOUSE: Gryffindor POSITIVE TRAITS: Creative, charming, extroverted, kind, curious, daring NEGATIVE TRAITS: Opinionated,  judgmental about people who refuse to believe in the supernatural, reckless, impulsive, blunt
The Charmer
Wasn't That Fun?
Agent Mulder
Explain, Explain... Oh, Crap!
Occult Detective
Sir Swears-a-Lot
Nice Guy
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dear-indies · 1 year ago
Hi hello! I hope you’re having a good day. I was wondering if you could help me with finding a male fc in their 20s that would work for a trickster god type of character? I apologize if that’s too vague and can try elaborating if it would be helpful! Thank you!
Assad Zaman (1990) Bangladeshi.
Richard Harmon (1991) English, French-Canadian, Italian, Mi’kmaq.
John Boyega (1992) Yoruba Nigerian.
Barry Keoghan (1992)
Avan Jogia (1992) Gujarati Indian / English, Welsh, some German, Irish, French-Canadian/French.
Emilien Vekemans (1992) - in Halfbad.
Freddy Carter (1992)
Ncuti Gatwa (1992) Rwandan.
John Harlan Kim (1993) Korean - is gay and has bipolar disorder.
Seo Kang Joon (1993) Korean.
Omari Douglas (1994) Jamaican - is gay.
Aaron Pierre (1994) Jamaican, Curaçaoan, Sierra Leonean.
Alejandro Speitzer (1995) Mexican.
Brandon Perea (1995) Filipino and Puerto Rican.
Taz Skylar (1995) Lebanese / British.
Daniel Padilla (1995) Filipino (mostly Waray, about ¼ Iloko, Bikol) and most likely some white.
Angel Bismark Curiel (1995) Afro-Dominican - has asthma and a heart murmur.
Thomas Doherty (1995)
Luke Ishikawa Plowden (1995) Japanese, possibly other.
Cody Christian (1995) English, Penobscot and Passamaquody.
Jeff Satur (1995) Thai.
Mason Gooding (1996) African-American, Afro-Barbadian / European.
Mackenyu (1996) Japanese.
Niko Terho (1996) Bajan and Finnish.
Aria Shahghasemi (1996) Iranian - in Legacies.
Tony Revolori (1996) Guatemalan [Spanish, Unspecified Indigenous, possibly other].
George Sear (1997)
Herman Tømmeraas (1997)
Archie Renaux (1997) Indian and British.
Luka Sabbat (1997) Afro-Haitian / English, Irish, German.
Diego Tinoco (1997) Colombian and Mexican.
Evan Mock (1997) Bisaya Filipino / Unspecified American.
Murakami Nijiro (1997) Japanese - in Alice in Borderland.
Christopher Briney (1998)
Aramis Knight (1999) Pakistani, Indian / English, Irish, German - in Ms Marvel.
Jonathan Daviss (2000) African-American.
D’Pharaoh Woon-A-Tai (2001) Ojibwe, Cree, Chinese Guyanese, Afro Guyanese, White.
Here you go anon! Feel free to send a more specific ask if none of these work out for you.
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dear-indies · 8 months ago
hi hi! i was wondering if you had any fc recommendations who have the same vibe as dylan sprayberry did in like 2015?
Richard Harmon (1991) Mi'kmaq, White.
Maxence Danet-Fauvel (1993)
Cody Christian (1995) Penobscot, Passamaquody, White.
Toby Wallace (1995)
Ricardo Hoyos (1995) Ecuadorian and Peruvian [Quechua, Spanish] / White.
Alex Fitzalan (1996)
Colin Ford (1996)
Aria Shahghasemi (1996) Iranian.
Jordan Gonzalez (1996) Cuban - is trans.
Herman Tømmeraas (1997)
Spencer MacPherson (1997)
Emre Bey (1997) Turkish - has spoken up for Palestine!
Asa Butterfield (1997) - has spoken up for Palestine!
Owen Teague (1998)
Ooo that was a specific look, I hope these help you out!
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dear-indies · 11 months ago
Hi you two! I was hoping to rp as Kol Mikaelson but I don't want to use zionist N*thaniel B*zolic for vampire verse Kol, not to mention that his resources aren't that much so I would love some alts for him, please! Someone in their early twenties with similar vibes if at all possible, please!
Aidan Turner (1983)
Iko Uwais (1983) Betawi.
Utkarsh Ambudkar (1983) Marathi / Tamil.
Theo James (1984)
Burak Özçivit (1984) Turkish - has spoken up for Palestine!
Rahul Kohli (1985) Indian - has spoken up for Palestine!
François Arnaud (1985) - is bisexual.
Penn Badgley (1986)
Jason Ralph (1986)
Daniel Sharman (1986)
Karim Kassem (1986) Egyptian / Egyptian Jewish - has spoken up for Palestine!
Yahya Abdul-Mateen II (1986) African-American.
Casey Deidrick (1987)
Ismael Cruz Cordova (1987) Afro Puerto Rican.
Michael B. Jordan (1987) African-American.
Varun Saranga (1990) Indian.
Douglas Booth (1992)
RJ Mitte (1992) - has cerebral palsy.
Fabien Frankel (1994) Ashkenazi Jewish, Indian Jewish, Iraqi Jewish / French and Italian.
Nicholas Galitzine (1994)
Kofi Siriboe (1994) Ghanaian.
Apo Nattawin Wattanagitiphat (1994) Thai.
Algee Smith (1994) African-American.
Nick Robinson (1995)
Cody Christian (1995) Penobscot, Passamaquody, French / English.
Charlie Rowe (1996)
Elliot Fletcher (1996) - is a trans man - has spoken up for Palestine!
Aria Shahghasemi (1996) Iranian.
Michael Evans Behling (1996) Nigerian / White.
Jacob Elordi (1997)
Archie Renaux (1997) Indian and White.
George Sear (1997)
Asa Butterfield (1997) - has spoken up for Palestine!
Emre Bey (1997) Turkish.
Corey Mylchreest (1998)
Felix Mallard (1998)
Christopher Briney (1998)
Bilal Hasna (1999) Punjabi and Palestinian.
Saint Levant (2000) Palestinian, Serbian / Algerian, French.
Jonathan Daviss (2000) African-American, including Haitian.
Here are some general alts too - bonus points to anyone who replaces him with a black and/or Palestinian suggestion because fuck that man and his dangerous views.
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dear-indies · 9 months ago
Hello! Can I please request some suggestions for an FC for a sister of Cody Christian? He's half white and half Penobscot. I'd also be open to half sisters if they either keep the Penobscot side or aren't completely white. Usually I don't care about half or full, I'll just slightly change the background, but I don't want a completely white FC to play the sister of someone who isn't, ya know?
Seychelle Gabriel (1991) French, Mexican / White - has spoken up for Sudan and Palestine!
Luciane Buchanan (1993) Tongan / White.
Jasmin Savoy Brown (1994) African-American / White - is queer - has spoken up for Palestine!
Maddison Jaizani (1995) Iranian / White.
Lulu Antariksa (1995) Indonesian / White.
Geraldine Viswanathan (1995) Tamil Indian / White.
Adeline Rudolph (1995) Korean / White.
Jessie Mei Li (1995) Hongkonger / English - is a gender non-conforming woman who uses she/they - has spoken up for Palestine!
Myha'la (1996) Afro Jamaican / White - has spoken up for Palestine!
Piper Curda (1997) Korean / White - is apsec - has spoken up for Palestine!
Alisha Boe (1997) Somali / White - has spoken up for Palestine!
Antonia Gentry (1997) Afro Jamaican / White.
Lisa Ambalavanar (1998) Indian / White.
Lauren Tsai (1998) Taiwanese / White.
Rachel Zegler (2001) Colombian / White - has spoken up for Palestine!
Hey anon! One one side he's part Passamaquody and Penobscot and I sadly don't know of any faceclaims to match, but here are some half white sisters for him!
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dear-indies · 3 years ago
if you have the time, could you please suggest some moc who could replace jacob elordi? thank you so much❤️❤️
Luke Ishikawa Plowden (1995) Japanese, possibly other.
Cody Christian (1995) English, Penobscot and Passamaquody.
Kubilay Aka (1995) Turkish. 
Daniel Padilla (1995) Filipino (mostly Waray, about ¼ Iloko, Bikol) and most likely some white.
Ricardo Hoyos (1995) Ecuadorian and Peruvian [Quechua, Spanish] / Irish, possibly Scottish and French-Canadian.
Tamino (1996) Egyptian, Belgian, and Lebanese.
Trevor Jackson (1996) African-American.
Jacob Latimore (1996) African-American.
Brett Gray (1996) African-American.
Leo Sheng (1996) Chinese - trans. 
Berkay Hardal (1996) Turkish.
Alex Aiono (1996) Ngāti Porou and Samoan / English, German, Irish, Danish, smaller amounts of Welsh, Swiss-German, and Scottish.
Mason Gooding (1996) African-American, Afro-Barbadian / European.
Emilio Sakraya (1996) Moroccan / Serbian.
Michael Evans Behling (1996) Nigerian / German.
Chance Perdomo (1996) Afro- Dominican and Guatemalan.
Aubrey Joseph (1997) African-American.
Emre Bey (1997) Turkish. 
Evan Mock (1997) Bisaya Filipino / Unspecified American.
Diego Tinoco (1997) Colombian, Mexican, and Ecuadorian.
Luka Sabbat (1997) Afro-Haitian / English, Irish, German.
James Rolleston (1997) Te Whakatōhea, Ngāi Te Rangi, Ngāti Whakaue, Ngāti Porou, Ngāi Tūhoe, and Tainui.
Bright Vachirawit Chivaaree (1997) Thai.
Jharrel Jerome (1997) African-American.
Gulf Kanawut Traipipattanapong (1997) Thai.
Tanner Buchanan (1998) Filipino (maternal grandfather), Scottish, English.
Cengiz Al (1998) Turkish.
Kekoa Kekumano (1998) Native Hawaiian. 
Forrest Goodluck (1998) Navajo, Hidatsa, Mandan, Tsimshian, 1/8th Japanese, 1/8th Norwegian, some French, English, and German.
Ajay Friese (1998) Indian / Finish, German, Lithuanian and Polish.
Omar Ayuso (1998) Moroccan - is in a relationship with another man but hasn't labelled his sexuality.
Jonathan Daviss (1999) African-American.
Here ya go! 
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dear-indies · 4 years ago
could you please offer suggestions for fc’s that give off surfer dude vibes? idk if that makes any sense, but thank you anyway 😅
Alex O'Loughlin (1975) 
Scott Caan (1976) 
Ian Anthony Dale (1978) Japanese, one eighth Portuguese-Macanese / English, German, French-Canadian.
Brandon Jay McLaren (1981) Afro-Grenadian / Afro-Trinidadian.
Martin Sensmeier (1985) Tlingit, Koyukon-Athabascan, Irish, French.
Kalani Queypo (1986) Blackfoot, Native Hawaiian, Swedish.
Lewis Tan (1987) Chinese / Irish, possibly English.
Casey Deidrick (1987)
Michael B. Jordan (1987) African-American.
Xavier de Guzman (1988) Filipino. 
Laith Ashley (1989) Afro-Dominican - trans. 
Chai Hansen (1989) Thai / Unspecified Australian.
David Castañeda (1989) Mexican.
Caio Castro (1989) Brazilian.
Aydian Dowling (1989) - trans.
Jordan Calloway (1990) African-American. 
Marlon Teixeira (1991) Brazilian [Portuguese, ¼ Japanese, ¼ Unspecified Indigenous]
Daniel Adnan (1992) Indonesian. 
Chay Suede (1992) Brazilian.
Fady Elsayed (1993) Egyptian.
Kyle Allen (1994)
Ricardo Hoyos (1995) Ecuadorian and Peruvian [Quechua, Spanish] / Irish, possibly Scottish and French-Canadian.
Luke Benward (1995) 
Ross Lynch (1995)
Cody Christian (1995) English, Penobscot, Passamaquody.
Miguel Herrán (1996)
Mason Gooding (1996) African-American, Afro-Barbadian / Unspecified White.
Griffin Powell-Arcand (1997) Plains Cree.
Leo Howard (1997) Ashkenazi Jewish / English, Scots-Irish/Northern Irish.
James Rolleston (1997) Te Whakatōhea, Ngāi Te Rangi, Ngāti Whakaue, Ngāti Porou, Ngāi Tūhoe, and Tainui.
Kekoa Kekumano (1998) Native Hawaiian.
Have some dudes with surfer vibes!
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bunnysrph · 3 years ago
hi! i hope your holiday was great! who do you think would be a good faceclaims for the son and daughter of theo raeken and rebekah mikaelson. i've tried to figure it out by myself but i'm totally lost. i would really appreciate the help😊
unfortunately, i was unable to find anyone suitable. theo's actor, cody christian, is ENGLISH, PENOBSCOT && PASSAMAQUODY, and rebekah's actor, claire holt, is ENGLISH. even if i were to generalize both of their ethnicities, and have the requirement be just WHITE && NATIVE AMERICAN, i have still failed to find a face of the right age, look, or ethnicity, to be their son or daughter. hopefully someone comes along soon, who can play as their children, but by the looks of things: no one who does has found the spotlight yet. if they have, i simply haven't been able to find them, and hopefully someone else in the rph community can help you out!
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