#cod oc: Alyssa “Aly” Martinez
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applbottmjeens · 1 year ago
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F1 x COD OCs
Ft. @kaitaiga, @sleepyconfusedpotato, @alypink
its my first time drawing some of these guys so it doesn't look as polished as id like, but I think that just means I gotta draw alot of F1 haha :3
This took way too long for me to make...but I hope everyone likes it :')
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sleepyconfusedpotato · 7 months ago
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⚔️ Task Force 141 - NFL AU 🏈
by me (sleepyconfusedpotato) and @alypink ! This AU will include some Original Characters made by us both!
New Hampshire 141s, a new rising american football team whose players dominantly came from the United Kingdom, is ready to face the NFL season!
As the previous Head Coach, Herschel von Shepherd got fired by the General Manager MacMillan, John Price (who has roots in rugby) got chosen by MacMillan to bring the team to victory. Let us see which players caught Coach Price's eyes!
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John Price (HC)
John Price was born in Liverpool, England, but moved to America when he was still very young due to his father being deployed from the military to an American base. Although his father retired a couple of years later, they decided to stay in America. He grew up loving sports as a child but American football always piqued his interest more than any other sports. He played safety in middle and high school, but in his junior year, he had Meniscal tears that prevented him from ever playing again. John was heavily depressed after his injury, one day one of his close friends, Nikolai, who was also one of his fellow teammates on his high school team, told him to cheer him up to go watch the team play or to attend the training camps, John agreed and started assisting to the games and eventually started to think about becoming a head coach. He was recommended by his former high school head coach to take the job as a defensive coordinator for the New Hampshire Wildcats, a college football team. His performance and playbook were impressive, leading the Wildcats to reach a bowl and winning it twice. He proved to be fit and ready for a professional football team in the NFL and was hired as a defensive coordinator by the New Hampshire 141’s, by the HC at that time, Herschel von Shepherd. His first two seasons were disastrous as there was friction between the players and their head coach, most of the players disagreed with Shepherd's decisions and playmaking. To add to that, he seemed to never care about the player's input or needs. Although in those seasons they held a record of 4 wins and 12 losses, the General Manager of the team noticed his defense was the best in the league for both points and yards, and also noticed that a good portion of his defense players were selected on the all-pro team of those two seasons. After the owner and GM fired Shepherd as a Head Coach, John took his place.  In his first seasons with the 141s, he restructured the team and went to playoffs and one NFC championship. As he wanted to improve his team, he started attending college football games, he attended once a college game in which he met the offensive coordinator at the time, Aly, and after the game he met her to ask about some players he was interested in on her actual team, for QB and WR positions, they became acquaintance since that day and kept communication for some time, as she sent some prospects his way. She also requested his help every now and then, making him attend her games and inviting her over to watch the 141s too. After spending time together and sharing the same interests and love for football, they started to date but kept it low as two months later, John hired her as his new offensive coordinator.
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#26 Kyle Garrick (WR)
the most responsible and reliable player of the team. Kyle’s dad was an ex-WR and a former head coach out of a college football team. His father is a very hardworking man and disciplines his son like a football player, and with that, comes a great expectation for Kyle since his high school years. Kyle is extremely reliable, responsible, and respected on and off the field. He is HC John Price's favorite due to his work ethic. Kyle believes in having discipline in everything he does to be one of the best. He keeps a picture of his girlfriend, Eleanor Graham (Ladybug) everywhere, especially in his locker room as he says she brings him good luck for catching the hail mary’s from Alex.  Kyle and Alex met in Baylor University, where they played together and won many games, including several bowl games. They became best friends in and out of the football field, supporting each other infinitely. “You've got friends nearby.” On Alex’s quote, “I can throw the ball like ‘fuck it, he’s over there somewhere’ and Kyle would magically appear and catch the ball. He’s always at the right place.”
One day during practice Alex was throwing the ball too far to the left, which headed straight towards her head. On instinct and in an attempt to catch the ball, Kyle collided with Eleanor, which bruised her arms. Instead of being upset like how Kyle would expect her to react, she laughed loudly at him, saying that she chose to sit there. She knew the hazard of studying near a football field. Even though Eleanor said she can take care of her bruises, Kyle insisted on nursing her. (Alex SMILED ear to ear). They both met from time to time. Every practice, Kyle always looks for Eleanor on the side of the field. Eleanor’s laid-back personality often bothers Kyle as she's a damn med school student, but through her, Kyle learns how to slow down and live in the moment. Love bloomed between them and they became a couple midway through freshman year. 
When Kyle was drafted to the NFL to be with Alex for New Hampshire 141s, Eleanor was there with him when he received the call from HC Price. Though Eleanor has to stay in Texas to continue her studies, Eleanor travels to New Hampshire often to visit Kyle.
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#31 Alex Keller (QB)
Alex is the quarterback of the 141s, second draft pick and first QB of his university. He is very skilled and hard-working, he is in love with water girl Farah Karim and aspires to be like Tom Brady. He and Kyle Garrick (WR) met in their first year of freshman in University and they played since their first year as the duo of QB and WR (Burrow and Chase vibes) and were drafted together in the NFL draft by the same team. Young duo but very effective especially during the regular season. Alex Keller met Farah Karim in his rookie season during training camp in his first year and has been infatuated with her. Since then, he has tried to score ASAP or reach 4th down so he can sit on the bench and talk with her. Whenever he can, he visits and picks her up from University and helps her out whenever he can in anything she would need.
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#70 Simon Riley (TE)
Simon Riley used to be a rugby player in England. He joined the rugby team during his college days and met Price as one of his coaches, who trained and guided him to become one of the most dominant flankers in college rugby. Unfortunately, though he’s always dependable whenever he’s on the field, Simon was often riddled with injuries. His quiet personality didn’t help his case either, bearing the pain in his left leg in silence, until one day, he tore his ACL during an important game which cost the team their winning chances. Simon rested for a whole year to heal his knee. Together with his familial struggle, he contemplated quitting being an athlete. That was until Coach Price offered him a fresh start in the USA. As a flanker is equivalent to the Tight End position in American football, Price told him that he would be perfect for the role. Simon was adamant at first as he was still injured and how he’d be able to completely heal from this devastating injury. But when he said that in America they could find him a good physiotherapist to help him heal his knee, he reluctantly accepted the offer.  Simon got into the draft and was a first-round pick due to how much of a good player he was in rugby. On his first day on the team, he met the other players who got drafted, but the most important and the most fateful meeting was when he got introduced to Charlotte Le Jardin (nickname Jade to simplify her last name), a physiotherapist that Laswell had promised help him to heal his ACL and help him regain his top form. It was a rough road, but with every step he took, Jade was there to help him.  Now, every injury he has he doesn’t stay on the sidelines but goes inside the tent or the stadium so he can be checked by her. Whenever Jade’s out watching the game, he scores more than usual or gets distracted. He often carries the team, especially during the conference championship games. 
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#71 Johnny MacTavish (RB)
Johnny MacTavish was born and raised in Scotland. After high school, he was offered an academic and sports scholarship to a prominent university in the USA. He began his football career when he was a freshman at University as a very talented runner, which elevated him as the starter RB on his fifth game. In his senior year he was  awarded the Heisman Trophy winner at college, but due to a shoulder injury, he missed being the top pick at the draft. He was later selected by the New Hampshire 141s and got put in as a starter as soon as he got drafted. He has good chemistry with his team but gets injured by overdoing himself or trying to tackle defensive players on the other team. He is also constantly with Jade for treatment and often misses important playoff games. Johnny is a very talented running back and that is why HC Price can’t get rid of him no matter how he misses practices and meetings and how his personal life affects his performance on the field. He always tries to take his friend Simon Riley to social gatherings and social media, but he completely shuts him down every time. That's different on the field though, as whenever Johnny's going to play a run, Simon will always be there in front of him to push the tacklers away, making way for Johnny to score a first down or a touch down. They're an unstoppable duo together. Johnny is very popular among female fans, making his jersey the one with the most sales every year. His dating story is pretty large and his games are always attended by the women he dates (which constantly changes).
some memes I made 😭
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Here's the Hereford 141S' Logo and jersey design! The logo is heavily inspired by the Task Force 141's logo, so it's pretty much just a sporty twist of the logo!
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More characters underneath the cut!
#11 Alejandro Vargas (MLB) and #22 Rodolfo Parra (OLB)
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Alejandro and Rudy both moved to El Paso, Texas when they started high school at the age of 14 years old. They were avid football (soccer) players during their time in Mexico, but when they started High School they began to play football. Both Alejandro and Rodolfo played as Linebackers, Ale being MLB and Rodolfo being OLB. They did amazing in High School then they both received a scholarship to attend the university in Dallas, Texas. Both of them were later selected to do the NFL Pathway program, for both of them. Being together since their childhood years, high school and university they were a packaged deal and were both selected on the same team, same position on the NFL draft.  Alejandro is especially hyped when playing against Philip Graves, QB of the Dallas Shadows. They have had beef with each other on and off the field since they played against each other for the first time. Ale’s average sack during a game against Dallas is approximately 5 per game, he sometimes is way too harsh while tackling making him get a couple of flags whenever he blitzes and sacks. He’s often scolded by his friend Rudy, but he does not care as long as he can sack Graves.
Kate Laswell (Defensive Coordinator)
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was raised in Virginia, USA. Both her parents and brothers loved football and so did she. Since elementary, she watched and never missed a game during weekends, she always had a fascination for the Chicago Bears and their ‘85 team. Her father told her about how that defense, without an extraordinary QB or offense made them win the superbowl and also made them the best defense of all time. After witnessing that season and that Superbowl, she fell in love with how the defense scheme in football works. Unfortunately professional football for women wasn’t an option, so she studied a lot to become a defensive coordinator. She studied day and night, memorizing the plays, analyzing games and creating new playbooks since she was young. She struggled a lot to have an opportunity since it was a male-dominated team. One of her childhood friends made it to the roster to become a defensive coordinator for the Colorado Buffaloes College Football Team, he was a good coach but not “impressive”. She supported him by attending his games but couldn't help but try to talk to him whenever she thought he could do better, often interrupting his play callings during his games to make him change the play, and it always worked. She and his friend attended a College Bowl, and met John Price at that game, the three of them watched the game and she started to tell both of them what adjustment she would do for both teams, and that piqued John’s interests as she was awfully right, he was impressed by how well she read offense’s routes and how she was able to change from a 3-4 or 4-3 to a hybrid defense. He decided to give her a chance and hired her as his new defensive coordinator for the 141’s and established a very good partnership and friendship with her ever since.
Farah Karim (Intern Physical Therapy Student - Watergirl)
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Farah Karim is a university medical student who got an internship in his junior year of college to be the water girl and help around the New Hampshire  141s team. She comes from an immigrant family and is the pride and joy of her parents. She struggled so much in her younger years to pursue an education and get into a good college in the USA, she managed to get a scholarship due to her great school performance and was given the chance to work with a professional football team. She met Alex Keller after his rookie season and developed a close friendship with them that later turned into a romantic interest. She is grateful for his help and also supports him during games. Her classmates usually bug her by asking Farah to let them meet Alex or to set them up with him, which she dislikes very much.
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(OC) Alyssa Martinez (Offensive Coordinator)
Aly was born in Mexico and moved to the USA thanks to a scholarship she received when she graduated from High School and moved to Texas to attend college. As soon as she graduated from Texas A&M holding a Bachelor of Science in Sport Management, she started working as an offensive coordinator at a local highschool. She then escalated to being an offensive coordinator for the College she attended. Aly managed to take the team to a College Bowl where she met 141s Head Coach John Price and became acquaintances after that game, they kept communication after that game, as Aly asked for suggestions for her playbook and she helped Price on suggesting him prospects for the upcoming draft selection and also players on free agency.  She was later hired by Price as his offensive coordinator and they began to have a low key romantic  relationship. She specializes in West Coast offense, having her team play the Air Coryell scheme. She suggested Price to draft Alex Keller as he was the perfect pocket passer that would fit their offense perfectly. She’s an avid Tom Brady fan.
(OC) Charlotte Le Jardin (Physical Therapist)
Originally from England, Jade was adopted by an American couple and moved with them to the United States at an early age. Her parents, Eli and Gracie, worked at Bravo Stadium, home of the 141s, and Jade became a constant presence on the sidelines. As time went by, the Bravo Stadium became her home. Jade started helping around the sidelines bringing water, towels, medical kits, and even helping out in the blue tent, all the while completing her college in biological science and doctor of physical therapy (DPT), and of course, licensing in Physical Therapy. When she got her license, her experience was already on par with the other physiotherapists since she had been jumping from senior to seniors, learning and practicing all she could. Kate Laswell who has been seeing Jade there since she was a teenager, hired Jade as one of the many physiotherapists for 141s, and with that came a fateful challenge: a newcomer Tight End with a torn ACL from his rugby days, who’s trying to get back to his top form in order to play in the NFL.
PHEW so there you have it! If you've read it this far, oh my LORD me and Aly love you so much! This is a pretty severe brainrot that we had, so hope you like it!
And let's enjoy the 2024 NFL Season 🏈🏈🏈
Hope you like it! 🥰🥰
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islandtarochips · 10 months ago
Dumb Bitch
*Farah was pointing her gun at Hadir before calling out one of his female soldier a "Dumb Bitch"* Female Soldier: WHO ARE YOU CALLING A DUMB BITCH?!? Aelan: YOU! You DUMB bitch! YOUNG bitch! SILLY bitch! DEAD bitch! *pointed at Farah* Aelan: She got a GUN, bitch! Agnes: *wheezing* Gaz: Pffft- Damien: *covering his face with one hand while shaking a bit from trying not to LAUGH* Aly, was listening through the coms: *was not expecting Aelan to swear THIS much* 🫢 Alex: 😲 Aelan: *pointed at Hadir* Hadir! If you're going to recruit bitches in your group! Bring a SMART bitch! Price: ......I'm getting too old for this.
Inspo Vid:
Characters (Left -> Right)
Alyssa Martinez (Later Alyssa Price) -> @alypink
Damien "Damo" Whitlock -> @kaitaiga
Agnes "Blast" Falagi -> Me
Dr. Aelan Kalani -> Me
Inspo Vid:
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welldonekhushi · 1 year ago
Task Force Shatrujeet in a nutshell:
Col. Kulshrestha: How are your teammates doing, Arjun?
Arjun: Yes, my teammates are doing a good job sir. It's just that they're —
Aditya and Yuvraj, barging in the room as they argue:
Yuvraj: There is no way you believe Jerry is in the right. He was a troublesome mouse!
Aditya: Jerry was smart, you cannot disagree with me. In the end, Tom got what he deserved!
Yuvraj, groans: You're just supporting the one who gave the most pain to someone who dealt with it all along. No wonder why you're still single —
Aditya: Excuse me, why does that have to do with me being single?
Yuvraj: Because it tells about your mindset!
Aditya: So your ultimate conclusion was I cannot get a girlfriend — oh god wow, look at you, can't even think of anything good for me!
Col. Kulshrestha, looking worried at the two:
Arjun, who just faces his Colonel back, smiling disappointedly knowing this happens all the time:
Venkatesh and Aly, who were doing some coding together and watched the two argue as they sip their tea:
Venkatesh: The tea is brewing pretty well, right Miss Aly?
Aly, nods: Exactly.. *sips her tea again*
Task Force Shatrujeet belongs to me!
Alyssa "Aly" Martinez belongs to @alypink!
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alypink · 2 months ago
OMG POOKIE!!! I love these so much and I remember when you did this! SO INLOVE
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These are SO GOOD they should be for the game I swear! Also KINGSLAYERS!
It’s already on Aly’s bio ofc but I need to update her bio too and do more with her patch!
Pookie I’ll love this forever omg 😭❤️
Customised Oc Patches!
Well these are really old drawings but I wanted to share with you guys, something that I've been working with my friends and mutuals.
We all know that our Call of duty OCs have to wear patches on their uniform if they belong to a certain military job or team. But what if they had personalised patches? A symbol that represents them?
Well SAY NO MORE! Here you have a few examples of customised patches for some Ocs that are in the Call of duty fandom!
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141 Custmised patches:
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Hannah "Sparrow" Clayton - @revnah1406
Alyssa "Aly" Martinez - @alypink
Charlotte "Jade" le Jardin - @sleepyconfusedpotato
Annabelle "Gremlin" Pham - @applbottmjeens
Damien Whitlock - @kaitaiga
Samantha "Scarlet" wright @welldonekhushi
Anyway! I'm feeling like bringing this again and making more patches for my mutuals and friends OCs. So stay tuned because maybe some new and flashy patches appear again!
Also thinking of open commission for this personalised patches once I have more free time. Idk, let me know!
That's all!
Love Ya! 🧡🧡✨
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yourlocalqreator · 10 months ago
You know what I just found out that out while hight sizing. All my Ocs and my COD OCS mutuals
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Rose is like one of the shortest girls with just 5.0 as her hight and the fact that Monty might be one of the tallest Ocs😭
All The ocs
Hailey “Rose” Quinn Me
Charlotte “Jade” La Jardin @sleepyconfusedpotato
Sofia “Berlin” Lopez Me
Samantha “Scarlet” Wright @welldonekhushi
Alyssa Martinez/ Aly Price @alypink
Tila “Shark” Toa @islandtarochips (and the post I got inspired by)
Angel “Winter” Rosewood Me
Hannah “Sparrow” Clayton @revnah1406
Damien “Dameo” Whitlock @kaitaiga
Montgomery “Danger” Russo as me
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deeptrashwitch · 8 months ago
Top 5 your favorite OCs (your own) and top 5 your favorite moots OCs
Hi anon! Thanks for sending this in :D sorry for the late answer hehe
My top 5 favorite OC's:
Alicia "Origin" Marchant (COD MWII)
Jackson "Doc" Blackwell (COD MWII)
Luke "Harlem" Michaelis (COD MWII)
Charles "Charlie" Moore (COD: BOCW)
Edward "Eager" Jackson (COD MWII)
My top 5 favorite moots OC's:
Tiala "Shark" Toa (@islandtarochips OC)
Kanoa "Alpha Six" Toa (also Taro's ^^^)
Alyssa "Aly" Martinez later Price (@alypink OC)
Maya "Pip" van Rijn (@justasmolbard OC)
Jodie "Bell" Hall (@imagoddamnonionmason OC)
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sleepyconfusedpotato · 1 year ago
New season, new sports obsession for them every weekend 👁️👄👁️ (y chisme)
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This is so awesome!!! ASDFSADFAFASDSF 🤣
I mean, Aly and Jade bonds together through sports it's just inevitable at this point. F1 WEEK IS ON THE HORIZON Y'ALL!!!
Ghost just constantly coming home to Aly and Jade leisuring together under a blanket eating snacks and watching matches or races 😭 They're besties always bringing chismes 👀
Thank you so much Aly!! This is wonderful!! TEEHEE (❁´◡`❁)
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applbottmjeens · 9 months ago
Beautiful work as always!!!!
The Embassy
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Woohoo more fake in-game screenshots featuring OCs! This time we have @alypink ‘s Aly too! This is actually the first time that Damien and Aly have met each other 🤓☝️
For Damien’s render, I tried to make it so that if the player took too long to move out of the surveillance room, he would ‘politely’ try and give the player a hint to move on 😂
*smoko: a short, often informal break taken during work or military duty.
I hope you enjoy! 🐻❤️
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sleepyconfusedpotato · 11 months ago
FranticFanfic with @alypink!✍️🫨💦
So two days ago, Aly suggested to play a game of FranticFanfic with me! It's basically a fic writing game where we take turns writing the parts of the fic. We decided to go with AlyPrice and Ladybug 😂
I choose AlyPrice and the game chose 'Sugar' theme, while Aly chose LadyGaz and the game chose 'Bonding' theme. Here's what we came up with! (❁´◡`❁)
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Text Version 👇 + Aly's cute chibi drawings!! 💗💗
(texts written in italic means written by Sleepy)
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Title : "Sunday Morning" Characters : Aly, Price Writers : Aly, Sleepy, Aly Theme : 'Sugar'
Captain price was sitting down on a kitchen table when suddenly Aly’s cat dropped the sugar container on his head, he was so pissed if he started chasing him until he heard the door bell ring “who is it this early in the morning?!” He scoffed and opened the door.
The person in front of him is the last person he expected on his door. "Hello, kind Sir! I'm selling this lemonade I just made myself! Do you want some?" A girl in a yellow suit with lemon said to him. She barely reached his hip, but the way the kid looked up was so angelic.
Price pinched the bridge of his nose, forgetting that it's covered in sugar, making him squint his eyes. Nevertheless, he continued "Look, little lady. I'm sure you've spent a lot of time making that lemonade, but I've got no money. Now go along your way."
The SAS captain was about to slam the door on the kid's face, but Lily's presence made him stop abruptly, avoiding hurting his child.
"Wait!! Who are you?!" The young Price girl asked in excitement.
The little girl smiled at Lily. “hi! I’m new in the neighborhood! My name is Sarah! She said cheerfully.
Lily grinned “I’m Lily, can I go play with you?” She was thrilled to have met a girl his age as she had no friends around her neighborhood yet, Ghost and Jades kids’ which were Lily’s friends, lived not to far but not on the same neighborhood. She look at her dad “Can I dad?!” Price looks at her and sigh putting a semi stern look and when he was about to speak his wife abruptly interrupted.
“Yes honey, go on” Aly smiled at her and Lily rushed outside to play with the little girl she just met. Aly turned to John “You might as well be a little bit nicer during mornings okay? And clean this mess” she smiled and left.
Captain Price sighed and muttered to himself “might as well have gone to base this morning instead…” he then started picking up the mess he didn’t even make while the cat happily meowed at him looking as he cleaned up.
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Title : "Shit-Ship" Characters : Gaz, Ladybug Writers : Sleepy, Aly, Sleepy Theme : 'Bonding'
On a cloudy English spring, Lady and Gaz met at a ranch. Yep, a countryside ranch -- or farm, rather -- where Price and Ghost had sent them both. Lady and Gaz had been having a little argument about how each other were so busy and had little to no time for bonding. So the Captain and Lieutenant sent them both… to work on a farm. A cow farm, that is. After they met with Gary, the owner of the farm, they were immediately tasked with, you guessed it: poop-cleaning duty.
Gaz sighed at the task as he wasn’t to happy he had to do poop-cleaning duty. Ladybug noticed and chuckled “come on, it’s not to bad! We could have fun!” She did as she patted his back quite to strong. Gaz gasped and then look at her “hey hey okay I get it… might be fun after all, so how do we start?” They started getting the tools their need and Gaz glanced at ladybug, at least he was happy he could bond with her even if it was doing this task. So they begin to work
Shit duty took quiet longer than expected, mainly because they spent 15 minutes laughing as Gaz slipped on a shit and fell on his butt. Gaz, not accepting this, lightly nudged her feet with his own feet, intending for her to fall on her butt as well. But she fell forward, and fell on Gaz's firm chest.
Both of them are used to dirty stuff. Blood, vomit, shit-- it's just a thing to them. But blushing inside a barn with 25 cows moo-ing at them while laying down in a dirty floor, surrounded by shit, is not really romantic.
He'd helped Lady stand up, and Lady sucked her lips in happiness. Turns out all they need is just a bit of skinship (or should it be shitship?) Either way, they continued with their work, and when Gary came in, all the shitpile are already cleaned and set aside for Gary to use as a fertilizer for his crops.
After the tiring day of scooping shit, milking the cow, and Lady somehow had to aid a female cow give birth, it was a very, very long day of bonding.
They've rented an inn near the ranch, and cleaned themselves up. Lady and Gaz had forgot the reason they were there, but they knew that Price and Ghost has a knack for bonding suggestions.
Those are the fics!! This is such a fun crazy activity hahahah 😂😂😂 We're pretty loose on the craziness here but we're aiming for angst on the next one 👁️👄👁️. Again, thank you so so so much to @alypink for drawing the chibi arts!! I was at my cousin's house and I didn't have my drawing equipment with me 😭.
Hope y'all enjoy it! 💗💗
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islandtarochips · 11 months ago
*Sparrow, Damien, Scarlet and Aly was being traumatized by Tiala’s driving after successfully completing the mission……luckily*
Sparrow: Do you even have a DRIVER’S license?
Tiala: Yes I do, Sparrow. *showed them her driver’s license*
Aly: …………
Damien: ………
Sparrow: …………
Tiala: Hey! I’m not a BAD driver! It’s just you people were PRESSURING me!
Damien: Maybe I’ll drive next time……
Sparrow: Yes PLEASE!
Aly: Sorry, Tia.
Tiala: Whatever😒
Scarlet: And I thought Jade and Ghost are bad at driving………
Tiala: I HEARD that, Sergeant!
Scarlet: U-Uh- Sorry, First Sergeant……
Characters (Left -> Right)
Tiala “Malie” Toa - Me
Alyssa Martinez (Later Alyssa Price) - @alypink
Damien “Damo” Whitlock - @kaitaiga
Hannah “Sparrow” Clayton - @revnah1406
Samantha “Scarlet” Wright - @welldonekhushi
Charlotte “Jade” Le Jardin - @sleepyconfusedpotato
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islandtarochips · 11 months ago
THE WARRIOR WITHIN (Modern Warfare I Fanfic)
Arthur’s Note: This is a fanfic story about that game called “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare”. There will be some skip forward in this story for most of you already know how the campaign worked (If not, I suggest you should watch it on YouTube to see the WHOLE campaign). So I don’t want to bore my audience reading this. This fanfic story is also a crossover for my mutual OCs and mine! Joining into this mission! I will also be showing the name of the OCs and the owners who own them at the VERY bottom. And also, let me know if I missed anything or did I make any mistakes from here. So I hope you guys enjoy it! Fa’afetai tele lava!
~After the Incidents from Verdansk~
It was a disaster. 
Officer Alex Keller and the Marines had already lost the Russian Gas. Most of the marines are also dead because of the Al-Qatala.
Laswell is on the brink in these heavy situations. Already been angered by the General of the Marines. So she can’t ask for their help anymore. Not after what happened to their men from that mission. 
She had already called Price about the Russian Gas and was already planning on striking London. So he’s already debriefing.
But she knows that Price needed more help. Even Alex needed an assistant in Urzikstan to find that missing gas.
So she started to contact the first person that she could think of. To help Alex first.
“¿Hola?” A female voice had answered on the line.
“Officer Martinez?”
“Laswell? Is that you?”
Laswell smiled softly, able to hear a friendly and familiar voice. “Yes, it’s me. Am I calling you at a bad time?”
“No no! Not at all! I just finished talking with Colonel Vargas from a meeting. Why? Did something happen?”
“BIG time. The Wolf had sent Al-Qatala to steal the Russian gas. And they had succeeded. I’m sending Officer Keller to go to Urzikstan to find it but he needs assistant.” Laswell sighs before continuing to speak. “Are you up for the task, Aly?”
There was silence on the line. Laswell understands that there’s a LOT for her to take in. But she REALLY needed help.
“When do you need me?”
Laswell looked at her phone feeling a bit surprised that Aly agreed to start this mission. “As soon as possible. I’m surprised that you’re agreeing with this.” She heard a giggle from the line. “As long as it doesn't involve the cartel business.”
Laswell chuckled softly. “Well, Alex will meet you at the location that I’m going to send you. So that you BOTH can go over there.”
“But it’s only the two of us that you’re gonna send. Would that be enough?”
“Don’t worry, I’m going to call an old friend. I…hope that we still are.”
Laswell started to walk over to her laptop to type in someone’s name before it showed on the screen. And taking a deep breath. “I’ll let you and Alex know about the situation. Hopefully she’s okay to send some of her Marines to assist you guys. Give me a call when you get there, alright?”
“Of course. But…you sure you don’t want me to help you out with this call? Because…when you told me about your past ‘FRIENDSHIP’ with this woman. Isn't a very good kind of friendship.”
Laswell chuckled softly after hearing Aly’s worried tone. “It’s fine, Aly. I’ll be okay. I have my way of talking with tough shells.”
“Well…if you’re sure, Kate. I’ll talk to you later, ok?”
“Alright…good luck talking with her, Laswell.” Then she hung up.
Laswell looked at the screen of her laptop as she sighed deeply. Don’t even know if she could call this person or not. But she knows that it’s the world that needs to be saved before it’s too late.
So she took the risk by making a video call. “Yeah…wish me luck.” She mumbled those words to herself.
She waited as her laptop started to ring. Feeling anxious but hoping that this person answered.
Then she saw the call being answered as she cleared her throat. She looked at the woman on the screen with a man next to her. A woman who is wearing a uniform to show her General rank standards. While the man next to her was just wearing any other regular military uniform.
“Laswell. Been a while.” The woman spoke with an unsatisfied look.
Laswell slowly swallowed the nervousness into her throat after seeing this woman on screen. “It has been, General Kalani.”
She saw the man standing next to the General as she recognized the face. “Ah. Rangi Toa. Are you still a Lieutenant or up as General like her right there?”
Hearing a soft chuckle from this man as he started to speak. “Colonel, ma’am. And it’s good to see you again.”
Laswell and the Colonel gave each other a soft smile before Kalani interrupted. “What is it that you want, Laswell? And I’m sure that this call is not about checking up on me. Is it?”
“No…it isn’t ma’am. I just needed help. For your Marines-’
“Absolutely not.”
“But you didn’t get to hear of what else I was-”
“ABSOLUTELY. NOT. Laswell. We’ve already discussed this a few years ago and I’m STILL keeping my words.” Alana said with a bit of anger in her tone. Which gives an awkward and a bit of an uncomfortable look from Rangi. While he feels a bit sorry for Laswell.
“General. Please. The world is at STAKE here.” Laswell begged the General as she started to explain about the situations with the Wolf, The Al-Qatala and the stolen Russian gas. Which annoyed Kalani even MORE.
“Why not send YOUR Marines?”
“We…We already tried that. We’ve lost MANY.”
“Tch. No surprises there. Everything that involves you ALWAYS has a cost of losing MANY.” The General scoffed while snaring her words to the CIA woman.
Laswell gripped her hands into a fist trying not to lash out on her. She took a deep breath before looking down. “Alana…I know in the past…you’ve lost one man. The man which I promise to bring back alive under my guidance.” She continues to speak as she still keeps her posture. “But you can’t just let the past hold you from HELPING someone.”
Alana glared at Laswell through the screen. “Oh. I don’t let the past get to me. But the ONLY person from the past that I won’t be helping is YOU. So I’m sorry. I just can’t RISK it.”
“General, please-”
As the General was about to hang up the call she felt Rangi’s hand touching her shoulder. He gave her a soft look. “General, if I may?”
Alana looked at her Colonel. Seeing he wanted to talk to her about reconsidering. She glanced at the screen where Laswell was at before looking back at Rangi.
He gave her a pleading look which it gave her in with a sigh of defeat. She looked back at the laptop screen. “We’ll get back to you, Laswell.” Then she turned off the mic and the video. Leaving Laswell in the dark.
She started to feel even more anxious about what they’re going to talk about. She needs help and needs answers NOW. The clock is ticking and the enemies are already on the run. With the gas in the wild and the terrorist going to strike in London.
So many things have been going through her mind right now. She was a confident woman but now that confidence has been whipped away. Ever since they lost that gas. She was walking back and forth a little while trying to calmly breathe.
Then she heard Alana calling from screen after a minute or two.
“Laswell? Are you still there?”
Laswell quickly got to the screen as she lay her hands on the table. While leaning forward. “Y-Yes. I’m here.”
She looked at the General seeing her staring into her own soul through the screen. Before seeing her sighing. “I will send you only TWO members of the Task Force.”
Laswell raised her eyebrows with surprising feelings inside of her. “A…Task Force?”
“Yes. The Warriors Task Force but only two will be available. The other ones are on their leaves so I CAN’T bring them back.” Alana explained before started to send info of those two soldiers. To Laswell’s laptop.
“One shall go to London. She’s in Afghanistan right now.” Alana explained before Rangi jumped in.
“But I’m sure it’s not TOO far away. Only 7 hours to ride from there to London. Will that be a problem, ma’am?” Rangi asked while looking through the camera.
“No, Colonel. She’ll be there during a fight scene if the bomb activates. Who is she?”
“Sergeant Agnes Falagi.” Alana answered before showing the photo of a female soldier that has brown hair, brown eyes and light brown skin. Smiling in the picture.
“A demolition expert. It…may not be fitting for the mission that you’ll be sending her to.” Alana looked at Laswell on her screen. “But I know that she can do it.”
Then Rangi leaned down as he smiled at the camera. “They called her blast by the way.”
Laswell thought about it. “Huh. A codename that matches her occupation. Very creative.”
“You can say that my brother has his unique creativity of calling his team.” Rangi said as he chuckled.
Alana smiles a little while looking at him before starting to send another file into Laswell’s laptop. “Before I explained further about our next soldier. Is there anyone else going with yours?”
“Yes. Her name is Alyssa Martinez. Aly is what they call her.” Laswell explained before seeing the file that Alana had sent.
“Alright then. So you don’t mind having a combat medic on their side, right?”
Laswell raised an eyebrow at that question. “A…combat medic?”
“Trust us, Laswell. She may be a medic that deals with injuries but she can fight.” Rangi reassures her.
“I trained her. So she’ll be able to defend the two of your officers and take care of their injuries.” Alana said while seeing Laswell was looking through the info on the screen.
Seeing a woman with brown hair and red highlight color. Laswell saw that she almost looked like Alana. She was silenced for a bit before looking at the General. “General, is this-” “My daughter. Dr. Aelan Kalani. She’ll be going with them. I’ve already sent out an email to her. She’ll respond and will go.”
Laswell started to feel a light weight has been lifted off from her chest. “Ok. I’ll take them. And I’ll explain to them about the situation.” She smiled at them. “Thank you, Alana. I promise this will be the LAST.”
“BETTER be. Now, I’ll let you do the rest. And they better be back in ONE piece. Good luck to you, Laswell.” She hung up on the call.
Laswell sighed with relief. “Thank you, Rangi…” She whispers before closing her laptop and standing up. She walked away while dialing the numbers on her phone.
“Alex. Aly will be with you in a few hours. We’re also sending ONE more with you as well. A combat medic. Her name is Dr. Aelan Kalani. She’ll be assisting you.”
“A combat medic?” Alex said with a confusing tone.
“I know but trust me. She’s perfect for the mission to assist you and Aly. Alright?”
“...whatever you say, Kate. I’ll accept it. Talk to you later.”
“Talk to you later too.” Then Laswell hung up as she took a deep breath while stepping out of the tent. She looked around to see other marines soldiers were running by or walking by. Doing their patrols.
She looked up at the sky and took a deep breath again to calm her anxious nerves. “I hope this mission will go well…”
Will it?
Kahaluu, HawaiiMarine Corps Base
Alana and Rangi were walking through the hallways.
“I can’t believe you talked me into this, Colonel.” The General said with a disappointing tone.
“I…know, ma’am. But Laswell sounded like she REALLY needed our help. And-”
“ENOUGH.” Alana stopped him as she put herself into a halt. Before turning around while glaring at him. “You KNOW the consequences of losing those soldiers outside of our field, Colonel. The PACIFIC field.”
“Yes…I know. But I trust my brother and his team. They’ve been running around, saving lives for how long? Don’t you think that this is an opportunity for them to EXPAND their skills and abilities?” Rangi said as he looked at the General.
“Expanding their DEATH? That’s reassuring.” Alana crossed her arms as she took a step forward to Rangi. “Rangi…I appreciate your enthusiasm for your brother and his team. But I can’t risk it JUST yet. You know how bad the outside world is. YOU’VE seen it, haven’t you?”
Rangi sighed as he remembered about his experienced from few years ago. “Yes, General. But I FOUGHT to survive. Alongside Hōne. HE knows the consequences. And he KNOWS what choices to make. Even though Laswell has been telling him to NOT do it. He still goes for it. To let ME and our MEN escape.”
Alana was silenced when Rangi continued talking.
“You were blaming yourself because of his death and then you blaming KATE for his death. That is NOT the way to honor MY older brother’s death wishes.” Rangi sighed as he stood up straight while looking at his General. “With all due respect ma’am. Your way of GUILT is selfish. I’ve known that. Because I have felt that way ever since I told Kanoa to give that news to our PARENT, to our FAMILY, to our little SISTER.”
Alana kept looking at her Colonel seeing he’s trying to hold back his emotions. “But I didn’t bother to go. Because of my GUILT. The guilt that keeps me from seeing my family. Afraid of what they’ll say to me.”
“I’m not finished.” Rangi said as he looked at his General. “General Kalani. Ma’am. I’ve been working with you for a LONG time. And so have my brother and his team. I’ve SEEN how much you’ve changed. In a GOOD way.”
Then he raised one finger up. “BUT. The only thing that you HAVEN’T changed is how you interact with an old alliance or…friend. That causes his death”
Alana has no words. It feels like Rangi had read her so well. Of how she acts, of how she feels and of how she interacts with others.
“Kalani…please. You know what Hōne might say about this. Fesoasoani i taimi uma ia i latou e le tagolima, tusa lava po o le a le leaga o lo latou faamoemoe.”
Alana just stared at Rangi for a few seconds before taking a deep breath. Before she softly spoke, “Always help those in need, no matter how bad their intention gets.” She looked at her Colonel as she smiled softly. “You sure do have his wisdom, Rangi.”
“I learned from the best.” He said as he gave her a soft smile back. “So, are you gonna give them a call or what?”
The General chuckled as she turned around and continued to walk. “I’ll call Blast to go to London. ASAP. Just check my email to see if my daughter responded and explained EVERYTHING to her.”
“Ioe, tina.” Rangi responds before going in the opposite direction. To be Continued…
Chapter Two ->
Words: 2445
Alyssa "Aly" Martinez (later be Price) - @alypink
General Alana Kalani -> Me
Agnes "Blast" Falagi -> Me
Dr. Aelan Kalani -> Me Rangi Toa -> Me (But it wasn't written) To my MUTUALS! Let me know if you want to be tagged to see the next CHAPTER! I'll be tagging these guys who I asked for their OCs! @revnah1406 @kaitaiga @deeptrashwitch @caelums-fate @welldonekhushi and
Hope you guys like this one! Thank you for reading!
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islandtarochips · 10 months ago
Babysitting Duties
*Kanoa and Sparrow was taking Lily shopping for some food, along with Aly, while Kanoa carrying her on his shoulders while singing “Barbie Girl” by Aqua with Sparrow*
Lily: *giggles* 🎶OH OH OH YEAH!🎶
Sparrow: *walking besides Kanoa* 🎶COME ON BARBIE! LET’S GO PARTY!🎶
Lily: 🎶OOH! OOH!🎶
Aly: *was looking through some spices before hearing the three singing* Hm?
Lily: 🎶OH OH OH YEAH!🎶
Aly: *smiling as she started to record it*
Lily: 🎶OOOH! OOH!🎶
Aly: 🥰
Arthur’s Note: I’m sure Sparrow and Kanoa will be the BEST partners of babysitting!😁❤️
Characters (Left -> Right)
Alyssa Martinez (Later Alyssa Price)/Lilian Price -> @alypink
Hannah “Sparrow” Clayton -> @revnah1406
Kanoa Toa -> Me
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islandtarochips · 11 months ago
WRONG LOCATIONS (ft. The Silly Pookie Trios)
Just imagining these silly trio had went to the WRONG locations of where Tiala TOLD them to meet.
But oh boy. Were they WRONG.
Characters -> Owners: Tiala "Malie" Toa -> Me
Damien "Damo" Whitlock -> @kaitaiga
Alyssa "Aly" Martinez (Later Alyssa Price) -> @alypink
Hannah "Sparrow" Clayton -> @revnah1406
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islandtarochips · 10 months ago
Sparrow in Charge
*Sparrow, Damien, Nigel, Agnes, Aly and Tiala were in a plane getting ready to jump and hop on the Enemy's plane* Sparrow, got her small weapon ready: Alright, you know the plan! *jumped off* Agnes, saw Sparrow jumped and saw she left her parachute: ......um, GUYS? Tiala, was helping Aly to tighten her straps: What? Agnes, looked at the gang and pointed at the open door: She jumped... *everyone looked and saw a parachute was still hanging as Sparrow didn't even TAKE it* Tiala: ......SHE WHAT?!? Damien: ...*shrugged and went to jump out without it too* See you guys down there! Tiala: WAIT! Agnes: Wait for me! *jumped out as well* Nigel: BLAST! *ran after her and jumped out* Tiala: *groaned and glanced at Aly* ......Aly, don't you DARE. Aly: ...see you down there, Shark! *ran out and jumped* Tiala: WAIT- Ugh! ......fuck it. *followed*
Arthur's Note: Follow the LEADER! I know for sure that whatever Sparrow had in planned. Everyone just FOLLOW! Lol. And I'm sure Tiala will most DEFINITELY need to talk to the Sergeant Major about this. Hahaha! Gotta love this girl!
Characters (Left -> Right)
Hannah "Sparrow" Clayton -> @revnah1406
Damien "Damo" Whitlock -> @kaitaiga
Alyssa Martinez (Later Alyssa Price) -> @alypink
Tiala "Malie" Toa -> Me
Agnes "Blast" Falagi -> Me
Nigel "Squirrel" Harrison -> Me
Inspo Vid from TikTok:
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islandtarochips · 11 months ago
*Kanoa is with Alicia doing an undercover mission along with Aly and Tiala*
Kanoa: Gotta say, Cap~ You look GOOD tonight~ As a brotherly compliment.
Alicia: *chuckled* Thanks, Noa. And you don’t look so bad yourself. I’m guessing this isn’t the FIRST time you try to dress to impress the ladies?
Kanoa: *fixing his bow tie while grinning* Yup~ But I still failed to get any ladies with me…😭
Alicia: *pat his shoulder* Aaaawww. Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll get one tonight.
Aly, calling through the comms: Alright guys, our target shall be coming in soon. Tiala is already doing a distractions with the guests.
Kanoa: Hmmm. Where IS she though? *saw the crowds were gathering around* Huh? What’s going on over there?
Alicia: Hm? *looked and saw it was a woman* Seems like her beauty is taking everyone’s attention to her.
Kanoa: *looked and eyes widened seeing the beauty* WOW! Licia, check out the TALENT! *was touching her shoulder* She’s COOL! She’s HOT! She’s-
Alicia: *took a closer look and eyes widened to see it was Tiala* YOUR BABY SISTER, NOA!
Kanoa: *paused as he squinted his eyes and saw it WAS Tiala* …………………AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
Kanoa: *was yelling at Aly in a panic mode* YOU DIDN’T TELL ME THAT MY SISTER IS PART OF THIS MISSION!
Aly: I DID, Noa! We talked about it THREE weeks ago!
Kanoa: I DON’T REMEMBER THAT! Wait………oh yeah, you did.
Aly: 😮‍💨
Alicia: Calm down, Kanoa……😓
Characters (Left -> Right)
Tiala Toa/Kanoa Toa - Me
Alice "Origin" Marchant - @deeptrashwitch
Alyssa Martinez (Later Alyssa Price) - @alypink
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