#cod oc marie
10millionotters · 2 years
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She’s banned from picking movies for movie night because she always makes Ghost watch Pedro Pascal movies and shows
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To Hell and Back
Next: Risen from the Ashes
CWs: DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT, torture, death, mentioned drugging, burns, explosion, blood, gore, canon typical violence, cursing.
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Elaine never was one to brag, her mother had raised her better than that. But damn if she didn’t feel proud seeing her moms stand next to a Commander for a private military contractor. Chief Kate Laswell and Lieutenant Colonel Rachel Salvador-Laswell, the first few of their kind. Commander Phillip Graves walks in with confidence, effortlessly silencing the rowdy Shadows. Elaine straightens her spine, standing elbow to elbow with her fellow Navy SEALs. 
“You’ll be split up into 4 groups, Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, and Delta, with 15 members per group. We have 30 Shadows, 20 Soldiers, and 10 SEALs. You already have been assigned your groups. We leave at 0024 hours. Be there.”
The room erupts in hollers, people hyping each other up for the mission ahead; putting an end to a human trafficking ring in New Zealand. Laney makes eye contact with her Mom, Rachel, who gives her a nod of encouragement. She smiles, nodding back. 
“Ya ready for this, Cat? Gonna show these Shadows how SEALs do things?”
Murray drapes his arm across her shoulders, while Sharpe comes up on her other side, using her head as an armrest.
“Nah, man, more like how brutal a kitty cat is.”
“Alright both of you shut the hell up!”
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No one had expected the mission to go tits up. For there to be a land mine placed under their path, for the shadows to turn on them. There was a split second of silence before shit hit the fan. Elaine lets out a yelp when a piece of shrapnel wedges itself in her left leg, the fabric of her camo pants having been burned off during the explosion. She can hear the screams of her fellow SEALs and soldiers, the smell of blood and death thick in the air.
She feels a sharp stab in the side of her neck, turning her head only to be met with the face of a Shadow. She reaches for her gun in the holster attached to her thigh, but the movement tears the burned skin of her back apart. Elaine’s lungs burn from the scream she lets out, head lolling back. She looks in horror as Murray’s lifeless body drops to the ground with a horrific thud. She barely registers hearing mummering as her head begins to spin, black dots covering her vision until there is nothing but darkness.
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Kate looks up from her computer, eyes meeting those of her wife. “No, no contact has been made.”
Rachel doesn’t speak, but Kate doesn’t need to hear the words she’s thinking. 
“If the mission is compromised, we’ll get her out of there as soon as possible. I promise.”
“What if she’s already dead? What do we do then?” 
The silence between the women is cut short when Kate’s radio crackles with life. 
“-lo? Watcher 1, do you cop-”
“This is Watcher 1, how copy.”
“Missions off, it was a trap. Can’t find Delta Team, they were hit by the explosive.”
“Copy that, head to exfil.”
Kate looks grimly at Rachel, who turns and walks out of the room. Elaine was leading Team Delta. She was gone. 
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The water was always Elaine’s favorite thing. The water was peaceful, there were no limits to its potential. It was timeless. Her first moments in this world were spent underwater, before she was ripped from her safe haven. Elaine sputters, coughing up the water that had filled her lungs. The man steps back from her, smiling darkly down at her. She rubs harshly against the rope holding her limbs to the wooden chair, looking around at her surroundings, finding only cement walls and a single light bulb above her head. 
“Good to see you’re awake.”
Elaine stares at the man, who she immediately recognizes as the target of this mission. 
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She doesn’t flinch when the metal door opens, when boots stomp against the concrete, not even when her head is ripped up by her hair. Makarov’s men stare back at her, one of them sneering at her sorry state. Her blond hair was stained red from her blood and matted to her skull, her right eye swollen shut, and god knows what was going on with her burns.  
“Where is your base?”
Elaine barks out a laugh, “you really are stupid aren't you?”
Blood splatters on the concrete when the other Russian backhands her. 
“Location, now.”
“Go. To. Hell.”
She hears the sizzling of her flesh before the pain shoots through her nervous system. And then, nothing.
Water was Elaine’s comfort, she used to feel weightless, floating through the waves, but now, now she was drowning.
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shyravenns · 11 months
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Meet Marigold “Mari” Garrick! I wrote a post a few days (???) ago talking about an au where Gaz being a young father. He had her when he was about 18/19, and stays with his mother when he’s out on missions. She’s the biggest Bluey fan (as you can so obviously tell), and she absolutely adores all of her uncles (and sometimes likes to play matchmaker when that bearded guy shows up for dinner)
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pricescigar · 5 months
Call of Duty CW aesthetics
Ocs mentioned
Elvira Wolff, Anja Petrochenka & Mary Peterson
Mary & Anja belongs to @adlerboi
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Elvira aesthetic also made by @adlerboi
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imagoddamnonionmason · 3 months
Hello there ! Je I saw that you draw the OCs, if you want to do Mary or Anja, you're free! If you don't have time, I'll understand. Have a great day ❤️
Love ya
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FOR YOU, MY DEAR - a gift I was planning anyway 🥹 but you requested too.
Anyway, I decided to do Mary; I love that your faceclaim for her is Winona Ryder, so I had to draw her! I hope she’s as you imagined 💖💖
I had fun figuring out the scars and matching them to the reference! Also tried to give her the rosy-cheek look you have in your own renders, cause they’re adorable!
Thank you for trusting me with her!
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rj-opp · 1 year
Request doodles from last month!
Was real fun to make them and I hope we can make some more in the future <3
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1. cupcakemedic on twitter and alucard with the grimmace shake
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2. picklenetta
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3. DA monkie kid
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4. They need to get sluttier, captains order
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5. Nymph ghostsoap
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6. Huskdeviant on twitter and his little persona
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7. Miguel and his wifes
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8. 141 wants you to serve boots the house down
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Time for more ocs
Bella-Marie: Pretty sure I’m cooler than you
Annie-Marie: Soap! Ghost!
Soap: *Hits the lights*
Ghost: *closes the curtains*
Annie-Marie: *flips a switch and rainbow LED lights turn on all over her wheelchair* you have never been so wrong, Bitch
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hazard-15 · 1 year
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Mariana my beloved 💖💖💖💖
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johnnyiscaged · 7 months
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His name is Brehrem and is Bosnian and I need to work on his lore more. I'm thinking of making him in his early 4Os maybe
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adlerboi · 2 years
Mary Peterson (Face Claim)
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I finally found a Face Claim for my CIA OC Mary Peterson 🎉
Actress: Winona Ryder
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10millionotters · 2 years
Shelter from the Rain
Rating: Mature
Characters: Simon "Ghost" Riley, Original female Character
Relationship: Simon "Ghost" Riley/Original female Character
Word Count: 3354
Additional information: First meeting, Mission Fic, Action/Adventure, Gunshot Wounds, Developing Relationship, Pre-Canon
“We should arrive at our destination right on time,” he had expected her to slow him down, but she didn’t.
She only nodded.
Had he scared her into silence?
He just didn’t like the stiffness of her tone, but maybe it was for the better if they stood quiet.
She quietly scaled up a ledge and extended a hand to Ghost, he didn’t deny her help.
Read it on AO3 or under the cut
The girl saluted him, her hand was shaking.
“Sergeant Rosales.”
How old was she even? 25?
He had read her file. Quite impressive.
Captain Price had a talent for picking up people like her.
“You can call me Sparrow.”
Cat got her tongue, huh?
There was a confused expression on her face, as if she wanted to say something but wasn’t sure how to formulate any coherent thought.
“So. Uh…”
Special forces medic for the SAS.
Ghost squinted as he fixated on the deep scar on her right cheek.
Did that happen in action?
Added a little something to her appearance at least. She was a pretty girl.
Such a shame she joined the military.
It wasn’t a place for people with futures.
“Captain Price told me you usually work alone, but I reckon given the current circumstances -“
Marie felt a little nervous. Did he even listen to anything she said?
“I was there for the briefing.”
She was just trying to make smalltalk.
He probably wasn’t one for it, of course he wasn’t. Given that they were somewhat forced together by Price.
She couldn’t blame the old man. His heart was way too soft when it came to his teams.
Normally, she would still be deployed with her own unit, but she had been moved as per Captain Price’s request.
Instead of feeling burning desert heat, they were now moving through deep thickets trying to find their target.
Somewhere deep in these woods was an old factory, long abandoned and probably overgrown.
It would have been a beautiful place under any circumstance, but now it was nothing but a hideout for a terrorist group.
Price hadn’t lost too many words. Apparently an exchange of important intel was bound to happen.
Intel on AQ that they desperately needed.
This could have been a one man job.
But no…
Ghost listened intently to the sound of Sparrow’s footsteps behind him. She had field practice.
This wasn’t meant to be him babysitting a newbie.
Sometimes - all the time - the thought processes that lead to Price’s decision making were a mystery to Ghost.
In all his time in service, Ghost had never needed backup in the field. It felt like Price was planning something.
“Can you keep up?”
“Yes Sir.”
God she was stiff.
He could hear her shudder, all he did was ask her a question. There was no need to be so formal.
… at least she was agile.
Every now and then Ghost turned around to check on her, she kept up with his pace, her firm gaze meeting his.
“We should arrive at our destination right on time,” he had expected her to slow him down, but she didn’t.
She only nodded.
Had he scared her into silence?
He just didn’t like the stiffness of her tone, but maybe it was for the better if they stood quiet.
She quietly scaled up a ledge and extended a hand to Ghost, he didn’t deny her help.
Sparrow had a firm grip, she was stronger than he anticipated.
Even some of the men at base struggled to support his weight at times. Then again, she was a medic. She was probably used to moving bodies heavier than his.
The awkward silence between them still wouldn’t lift, Sparrow now walking ahead of him.
There was no reason to tell her to stop being so stubborn. No soldier should get caught up in arbitrary feelings so easily.
That was something Sparrow had to learn sooner or later. The sooner the better.
It would save her life one day.
“We’re 3 clicks away.”
Good eyes, huh?
Ghost felt the corners of his mouth twitch.
If it weren’t for this fake politeness, the stiffness in her voice and body, she might even be a good companion.
Price seemed to like her, appreciated her work but also enjoyed her company. The old man had lost a few words about the girl before, how she made her whole squad laugh at times.
That she played music for them.
Whoever that was, Ghost couldn’t see a trace of her in Sparrow.
This stiff, anxious, creature that froze up when he spoke.
Did his reputation precede him again?
It was useful at times but when he was supposed to work with someone it could spell out trouble.
They walked in silence.
This time Sparrow turned to check in on Ghost, her face didn’t betray any thought she had.
“It should be safe but we should check for …”
Sparrow stopped herself, her voice died down in her throat as she just shook her head and walked on without saying anything else.
Ghost quietly followed her.
She did check for tripwires and any form of trap.
She was attentive.
But Ghost found himself pulling her back.
“Piano wire, it’s hard to spot.”
For the first time in what felt like forever, he could feel her body relax under his touch.
“Fucking hell… I didn’t see that one.”
Oh? The little bird could swear?
Ghost let go of her arm and defused the trap.
“We should be good to go now.”
The medic nodded and continued on, a heavy feeling sinking in her stomach.
“Say… do you think this is normal? Just… there’s a few traps and all, but should their guards patrol this area if the exchange of intel is this important?”
She had a point.
“We’re still at a safe distance from the actual exchange, Sergeant,” but he felt himself grow a little agitated too.
This was new to most of them. They couldn’t read AQ’s movement patterns as well as they’d liked to.
It’s not that Price would let them run into an obvious ambush.
“Keep going, we will scout out the area when we get to the roof,” maybe the terrorists were ill prepared for operation in these parts.
But they had secured this area, there was no way they got reckless now.
Maybe they felt safe enough to make the exchange happen quietly.
Too many guards in these parts would draw negative attention.
An old abandoned factory should stay that way unless you were banking on someone finding you.
The sudden sound of footsteps and voices alerted the duo.
They were speaking normally at first but the defused traps alerted them to the presence of someone else.
Frantically, they began searching the premises for the intruders.
Sparrow grabbed her knife, a gun wouldn’t do her any good in this place, she waited.
Every now and then she looked over to Ghost, they couldn’t really coordinate their actions but he seemed to be pleased with her initiative to take up a knife.
They could meet them halfway, make sure that they didn’t call for backup, but if nobody would find anything…
… it was a gamble.
Lying in wait, the soldiers could hear a discussion ensue.
But it didn’t seem to deter the guards from approaching their location.
Sparrow bit her bottom lip.
It wasn’t the first time something like this had happened.
They should have guessed that much.
Did they arrive too early?
She trusted Price’s informants to be trustworthy. No. This was probably some oversight on her end.
… Ghost had only followed her, maybe he would have done things differently without her.
He wouldn’t have ended up in a situation like this.
The noise of footsteps grew louder.
There were two guards.
Ghost gestured to Sparrow to lay low until they were close enough to sneak up on them and take them out with their knives.
She nodded and felt her body relax.
Why in the world was she more relaxed now than she was meeting her superior for the first time?
Maybe killing came way too easily to her now.
There was something feline about her moments as she darted out of her hiding spot, knife in hand, slicing the unsuspecting man’s jugular.
She watched his body drop.
Ghost only watched her stare as the guard bled out.
“We need to get rid of the bodies before they are spotted.”
Her voice sounded hollow as it bounced off the walls.
“Time isn’t on our side.”
Their eyes met, she looked different.
“I know.”
But she still made a good point.
She wasn’t perfect by any means, she would be ranking higher if she was, but she could learn.
They watched the bodies vanish between a pair of empty containers and continued on their way up the empty building.
This time, they would make sure to take their time to assess their surroundings.
“We only have so much time before they’ll realise that their patrol is not responding, our best bet is that the exchange will happen before they notice their missing men,” Ghost waited for a response, she only nodded at him firmly before positioning her sniper rifle.
“… we can’t go in hot, they’d easily outnumber us, but we don’t have time to pick them off like this. Unless…”
Was she really in a position to make suggestions? After all, she was the reason this operation nearly went downhill.
No. She couldn’t keep doing that to herself, it would be up to Ghost to decide.
His gaze was fixed on her, waiting for her to speak.
“Cover me from up here, I will take down as many as I can below. I will try to get as close to the exchange without blowing the cover, once it is finished, it’s time to clean house.”
If anything happened to her, he wouldn’t be able to intervene quick enough.
“Does your throat microphone work?”
Ghost watched her remove her scarf, “If I turn it on I’m sure it will.”
Hearing her voice directly in his head, he noticed that she had gotten softer in tone. A lot more relaxed than she was before.
“Do you need directions?”
“I’m a big girl, I can handle myself.”
Ghost shook his head as he watched her sneak off.
Godspeed, soldier.
If anything would happen to her, he didn’t know how to explain it to Price.
For now, all he could do was trust in her skill and the confidence she had in it.
“I think I’m in your blind spot right now.”
“There are three guards ahead of me.”
“Wait for them to split up.”
He heard the guards talk to each other, once the conversation ended he was on high alert.
Only one of them came in sight, that meant Sparrow was still left with two.
Ghost felt his finger twitch on the trigger, but he had to wait for her signal before he could pull it.
The body dropped and he watched it being dragged off into his blind spot.
They gave her the wrong name, that was for sure.
That wasn’t a bird, especially not a little sparrow.
Ghost watched the catlike creature sneak up to a lonesome guard.
Where she had been clean before, she was meticulous now.
Never expected to see a medic go against their job description in such a way, but he didn’t mind.
“I got this.”
Another two down.
“That was impressive, Sir.”
Impressive wouldn’t save her ass in case the tide would turn against them.
“Two trucks approaching your position, either stay low or get out now. They’re 2 clicks out.”
She was brave, he had to give her that.
But bravery was the end of so many comrades before her.
Ghost was fixated on her as she darted across the open space between the buildings, hiding away behind a few crates again.
“I need you to be my eyes, Sir.”
“Roger. You should be safe. I’ll cover your position.”
For a few moments, he could have sworn he heard her breathing speed up, was she nervous?
“You’re safe.”
Smart girl.
They could talk later.
Car engines came to a screeching halt.
Heavily armed guards excited the vehicle.
What kind of intel did they have to guard like this?
Ghost felt his stomach drop.
There was no way she would be able to handle this on her own, she was quietly waiting in her position; the guards began to split up.
They would find the bodies soon, no matter how well hidden they were.
It was do or die.
“I will try to take out as many of the armed guards as I can, keep your knife at the ready, aim for their knees and necks but only if they get close to you.”
Time wasn’t on their side.
No response.
He knew very well why as he watched the first body drop.
She was no longer safe in her position, no matter what Ghost said now, she would have to follow her own command if she wanted to live.
“They’re holding the exchange.”
“Stay low!”
Where the hell did she sneak off to -
Ghost cursed under his breath and continued to pick off every stray guard he could find.
His pulse was racing through his ears, that’s why he preferred to work alone.
25 wasn’t an age at which a life should be cut short.
If she would go hot he would have to interfere.
There were still too many guards for her to handle alone.
Her gear was meant to make navigation through the woods easier, not to protect her from heavy gunfire.
“Sparrow. How copy?”
No response.
Ghost took a deep breath, now it was on him to decide how to proceed.
If he would stay put for too long she might be compromised but if he intervened the entire operation could go belly up.
“Package secured. I need to get out before they spot the corpses, I’m going over the roof, cover me.”
Did she have a deathwish?
The remaining guards began to move more frantically about the premises, the first corpse had been spotted, they might have to go hot.
Ghost was keeping close watch on the roofs, one of the old windows was lifted carefully as Sparrow snuck out.
Just as she lowered it the glass shattered in her hands, she tumbled back as she barely avoided the bullet.
“Run! Get out of there!”
The sound of her footsteps would easily give her away, but it didn’t matter. She was fast.
Ghost had to reevaluate the situation, he couldn’t cover her anymore. They had to go hot and most importantly - they had to get out there.
In a haste, Ghost gathered his rifle and assessed the area. He needed to jump down on a few containers to get off the roof fast enough to reach Sparrow.
It would attract the enemy but they could either be fast or end up dead.
The noise the metal made as he crashed into it was deafening.
Voices began to frantically shout curses and directions. He would have loved to take one or more out but they had to keep moving.
A moving target was harder to hit..
There was panic in her eyes, she knew that they had to stay separated so at least one of them would make it.
“Ghost take my backpack the intel -“
“I am not leaving without you!”
It was a split second.
She watched the bullet rip through Ghost’s mask, cracking the skull plate, she felt his hand pull on her arm as they fell to the ground.
He quickly rolled onto his back and began shooting the approaching enemies.
Sparrow desperalty kicked her feet in order to create distance before pulling her own gun.
How did she panic, why why why?
Why now of all times?
She didn’t react as a bullet dug into her arm, instead she kept shooting until the sound around them died down.
Little trickles began covering her face, her lashes.
Was she crying or was it rain?
“I’m here.”
It took them a moment to recollect.
This hadn’t just been close, it was a miracle they were still alive.
“We won’t be able to get out of this forest until the rain stops, Sparrow -“
Wordlessly, Ghost lifted her up, she had no idea what was going on.
He looked at her worried, carrying her into a nearby building.
“We can’t stay here -“
“You’re bleeding.”
“Your arm.”
There was an emptiness to her eyes as she examined it.
Her backpack fell on the floor, so did she.
Wordlessly, she unpacked her gloves.
Sparrow didn’t flinch as she cleaned the wound as deep as she could go.
He watched her stuff cotton into the hole, tying up her arm. For a moment, she only stared at it.
“You didn’t feel it?”
Ghost watched her intently.
There was a familiar feeling in the way she looked at the wound, it would scar.
After a few moments she snapped out of whatever state she had been in, her eyes now focused on Ghost.
“You’re bleeding -“
Her hands cupped his cheeks, he flinched. Not under her touch, but the pain in his cheek began to sting.
“I need to disinfect it, take off your mask.”
“What do you mean, no?”
“I won’t take it off.”
“I can’t treat your wound if you don’t take that mask off.”
For a few moments they just stared at each other.
Ghost in unwavering defiance and Sparrow in growing agitation.
“You can’t be fucking serious, I risked my life to get the fucking intel and you can’t even take off that fucking mask so I can treat your bullet wound? Is this some weird ego trip you’re on or are you just -“
Sparrow pulled her hands back, they now rested on her thighs, “No… that’s… that’s not what I was insinuating.”
Ghost watched her intently.
So this is who she really was, huh?
“You know, I never do this, but I also want to know how badly they fucked up my mask.”
Rain gently tapped against the windows.
The faint smell of metal lingered in the air.
For a moment, Sparrow could have sworn that thunder struck.
Deeper in the forest.
“If you keep looking at me like that you might end up falling in love,” Ghost wanted to laugh but he felt a fist bump into his arm.
“You’re not exactly Pedro Pascal, my friend. I’m not one for white British dudes.”
“That’s a shame.”
Her eyes widened before she started laughing, “You’re horrible.”
It was nice to watch her finally act more like a person around him.
“I can’t numb the area in case you’ll need stitches but let me check first,” she cupped his cheeks and gently moved his head towards the only source of light she could find.
His eyes were fixed on her while she went to work.
“I don’t want this to leave a scar.”
“How did you end up with yours? That’s a pretty bad one.”
Her hands were gentle, skilled. She cleaned out his wound while her voice began to shake.
“First time… in the field. During a hostage situation. I rushed in too fast, the kid was so scared they didn’t know who I was and attacked me,” a small chuckle escaped her, “I was bleeding all over the poor thing while I was treating them. There was no other medic around. I didn’t even realise half of my cheek was sliced open.”
“How old were they?”
Ghost flinched as she applied an antiseptic to his wound, “I don’t trust anything out here not to infect your wound.”
“What about yours?”
For a moment the corners of her mouth twitched, nearly curling into a smile, “If I pass out, will you carry me back to base?”
“Shouldn’t I buy you dinner first?”
She laughed again, “I swear to God if you don’t stop that...”
But her smile died as quickly as it appeared, “I risked this operation and our lives by rushing in again today, Sir. I’m sorry.”
“We all make mistakes, Marie.”
How odd.
The rain had stopped but she could have sworn thunder struck again.
“Thank you.”
He pulled his mask back over his face, “We should be good to go.”
Ghost got up and extended his hand to the medic.
She grasped it firmly, maybe this wasn’t so bad after all.
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shinmiyovvi · 2 years
Hey, Kaoru and Dimitri! What do you guys think about Marie? And how did you guys first meet her? 
"Hello, Hazard! It's good to see you here. Hope you're having a good day or night."
"Privet. Okay, babe... This time, it's my turn to answer, alright?"
"Hai. You may now do the honors."
"Now, Marie is a short gremlin who is so energetic, especially when Stitch's around. Heard her calling him Vikhor sometimes, which he didn't like being called by his first name. But since it's Marie so she gets a pass. She's super close to my lovely Lyubov here like their best friends, and has the same birthday just like me."
"Mhm, she's super close to Stitch as they have a bond between each other. Whenever she's around, Stitch would get very weak and would also give in to his little gremlin. Now... I met her when I was new to Perseus, which Dimi was still held captive under the CIA. When I told her about Dimi, she makes an oath that she and I will work together to get him back."
"I met her when she was already brainwashed. But I did saw her files before when Stitch was reading through it. I told him that I want to see it to and just hands me hers. She has quite the history and I think whenever I mentioned her name to Stitch, he would start to get protective about her safety and herself."
"Well, he is caring to Marie, after all."
"But do you still remember that time Stitch was eyeing on you before you joined Perseus?"
"Oh... He was creeping me out at first, but... Before I met you, I was having a bit of a huge crush on him."
"You... What?"
"Well, that was before okay? Don't get so jealous."
"Tch, whatever."
"Anyways, I hope we answered your question!"
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Honestly, I've been thinking of a dumb bit of lore with my OC's Milka and Aggie....
After the events of Story Mode, Milka ends up being fired from her job as DJ due to missing too many shifts due to her Agent duties (as well as getting called into the lobby several times due to Aggie being the gremlin she is and basically having to cut her shifts short) and because of that, she also loses the apartment that the radio let her have as part of her contract. After hearing about that, Captain 3 decides to let the two live with them, 4 and 8 in the apartment they all share (it's pretty big because Callie and Marie helped pay for it).
Somehow, Aggie finds Dedf1sh on the Splatsville streets of all places and decides that the weird green octoling digging through the trash for a meal ticket is her new best friend now and brings her into the apartment to crash on their couch.
Because all the agents do their own thing in Splatsville (Captain is still investigating Alterna, 4 is furthering their education by interning somewhere while taking online college courses, 8 is a weapon tester for Sheldon and Milka had to take up several jobs to get back into an apartment of her own), Aggie is often left alone for several days at a time (Milka will get some of her friends to check on her often, they've only found the apartment slightly on fire twice!), so no one really noticed Dedf1sh was there for quite awhile, and when they did it was deemed too much of a dick move to kick her back out on the streets (also the apartment wasn't on fire and the tiny gremlin child was not as scuffed up as usual, so they figured Dedf1sh being a built in babysitter wasn't too bad of an idea)
However, Milka was the last person to arrive back after the new couch surfer appeared and was to put it mildly, very confused.
Milka - "Wuh- Why is there a green skinned octoling on our couch?"
Aggie - "That's Dedf1sh!"
Milka, even more confused - "Correction - why is there a dead fish on our couch?"
Did I think all of this up just for that joke?
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mirror-mariposa · 1 year
Fuck it it’s COD OC posting time
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imagoddamnonionmason · 4 months
💫 + Jodie 😊
hello!! <3
So I knew that I had to do this for her and Mary and I thought back on something we'd chatted about!
Jodie would think she's resilient and strong; without pointing it out, she'd think the scars Mary carries are a testament to that strength. I also think that, despite their memories having been affected by different things, Jodie would understand some of the things she might experience.
We talked about them with their respective partners being on a double date (which is adorable in itself) but I do think that Jodie would always associate a relaxed time with Mary. Not only that, but we'd said they'd talk about their kids and again, Jodie would always think about Mary and any advice she'd give when she's struggling with Ashley.
Yeah, Jodie would have a decent opinion about Mary :3
Thank you for the ask my dear <3
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miss-dollette · 10 months
COD Fandom rants and Icks.
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TW: okay, yall don't take this super seriously. I'm just a person on the internet, so don't blow a gasket. Or do, idc. If you resonate, cool, if you don't, cool. Tell me what you agree with.
The weird age gap, pedocore shit a lot of writers got going on. I swear to God, if I see one more person post an age gap fanfiction of one more MW2 character where the reader is childcoded, I'm gonna fucking rip out a nerve. Can people pls start making x Readers where the reader is 30 or 40?
The Daddy kink bullshit. It's so fucking gross. I know this is fanfiction, and you know, it's all imagination, but do you honestly believe Ghost would have a daddy kink?? The ultimate daddy issue king?? Not only that, but it's just plain gross. I know a lot of you don't have fathers and wanna cope with it, but calm down, geez, for the sake of my eyes.
The lack of Makarov fanfiction that's good. Most of it (what little there is) is bad. Like, I'm sorry, but it's sooo bad.
Can we pls have more housewife fanfiction?? I'm tired of badass readers. I literally stopped reading x reader fanfiction for a while because I was so tired of this. I don't wanna girlboss, I wanna girlwife sometimes, okay?
The bad code names. The amount of people who give their oc the name "Athena" is ridiculous. And if it's not Athena, it's some poetic shit. In reality, if you get a nickname in the military, it's to make fun of you, not to praise your grace and beauty. Don't be a mary-sue.
Bad grammar. Listen, I'm writing this during my 15 minute break, so don't get on my ass about my own grammar in this. When I write actual fanfiction, I use sources to make it good. The internet is riddled with sources. While fanfiction is all about having fun, people want to be actually able to read it.
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Okay that's all. For now.
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