#cod mw makarov
dezgasting · 3 months
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OG MW3 Makarov. Shitty two dollar pen on a tiny thing to write notes on. Because I'm bored at work and I wanna practice a little.
Might sketch more MW3 Makarov today. I can't get over how his hair doesn't look like ass anymore. Dude learnt what a hairbrush is. XD
Based on this:
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frogchiro · 9 months
Silver fox! Makarov lurking outside the farm for kitty! Reader and tries to mount her at any chance he gets after courting (leaving small dead animals, some pelts he ‘found’, pretty flowers, yummy berries, anything for her) her, although she thinks he was simply being nice until he tries to knot her whenever those brutish guard dogs aren’t in sight. :’)
He definitely thinks his knot will fit in her far more better compared to others.
He was feeling romantical😭
And Vladimir's trying so so hard, really! He brings you dead animals, pelts, blankets and pillows he 'found' on someone's laundry line, he even brings you pretty forest flowers because it makes his tail wag and his sharp teeth show in a delighted smirk when he sees the pretty kitty girl swooning and fawning over his gifts!
And when you're distracted by touching and feeling the soft pelts or fawning over the pretty flowers he's cosying up to you, rubbing up against you to try and mark you with his scent so those pesky brutes back at the farm know who exactly got you. He'd nudge his head against you and try to nip on your bare shoulders before moving to your back to lick affectionally at your scruff and down the lucious, soft fur on your back before he'll finally try to get all nice and close to your back to mount you but you're...still distracted?
Makarov would let out a annoyed chuff as he noticed you're still eating those sweet berries he brought you as you purr in delight that the large male fox brought you all those gifts!
But he wants to mate with you so badly :(( Vladimir thinks that he's a much better option than those nasty dogs who just shove their cocks and knots inside you without abandon, treat you so roughly like some bitch but you're much smaller than them! More delicate! You're soft all over, your full curves and hips just begging to be worshipped and Makarov is convinced that hes the one to provide for you <3 Not to mention that he'd be a far better mate because you'd never have to 'work' again, you just lay back in his luxurious den, laid out on soft blankets and pelts and let him provide for you and fill you up with his kits <33
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sleepyconfusedpotato · 11 months
Makarov in "The Lobby"
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Just a sketch before I sleep! Took this opportunity to study Julian Kostov's face and I think I'm getting the hang of it 👌
Am I highkey seeing Makarov as another Vampire in Halloween AU? 👀 Imagine Makarov being a much stronger vampire than Price because he's been consuming human blood non-stop without remorse. And now in order to defeat Mak, Price has to break his oath and start consuming human blood again 👁️👁️.
Here's some timelapse and hope you love it! *(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭*ଘ
Tip Jar ✨
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buckysmith · 2 years
You’re clumsy
Mw2/CoD Headcanons
Warnings: mention of injuries and in accidentally hurting yourself , a bit fluffy
Ghost, soap, price, Rudy, Alejandro, Valeria, König, laswell Gus and Makarov
- it's certainly not the first time you've fallen flat on your face in front of him, and he's sure it won't be the last either
- you two were walking holding hands and there was a pleasant silence between you
- he let go of your hand for a moment to answer his cell phone which was vibrating, excused himself and walked a little away from you
- you wanted to take advantage of the time and get you both an ice cream, because first of all it was warm and secondly, who had anything against ice cream on a hot day?
- the moment he hung up he looked at you and saw you walking towards him with two ice cream corns in your hands and his only thought was . >>hopefully you won't fall now<<
- and it was as if he had sensed it you tripped over your own feet and the ice came flying towards him
- it was the moment where he stared at the ice that was now on the ground before he walked over to you and knelt down to you
- he couldn't help but grin a little though
- but that changed when he saw that you had scraped your knees.
- only a sigh escaped him when he looked into your eyes and saw that your knees hurt
- your way home was quite fast and when you arrived home he first cleaned your wound and then bandaged it before he made himself comfortable with you on the sofa to firstly make sure that you wouldn't hurt yourself again and secondly to make sure that you wouldn't break him or your apartment by your clumsiness
- do not worry, you still came to your ice cream
- he himself is not necessarily a man who is pursued by luck, at least not in private.
- he rides motorcross with his brothers and friends? It's actually a hundred percent certain that he'll hit the only tree in a hundred miles.
- he thought he was clumsy, but after he met you he was sure he was harmless unlike you
- there wasn't a day you didn't hurt yourself unintentionally
- you missed a step and fell down the stairs, once again
- you had cut your own finger while cutting vegetables
- or you touched something from the hot oven.
- Soap wasn't sure from then on whether you were just clumsy or cursed
- because of you he never had any bandages at home because they were always needed by you
- he really loved you, but he was sure you were the reason he would have a heart attack someday
Price :
- he had already made his house baby safe, hoping you would hurt yourself less, but somehow you still managed to do it
- he found you on a ladder trying to change a light bulb and the moment he saw you and you saw him it was like someone kicked you off the ladder
- out of the blue the ladder collapsed and Price tried to catch you
- he succeeded but now he was sure he needed a new back and discs
- the problem was your clumsiness hurt not only you but him as well
- once a hot frying pan slipped out of your hand and fell on his foot
- you twisted your ankle on a hiking trail and pushed him to keep your balance, so he fell six feet and landed in mud.
- the list went on
- he also had half a pharmacy at home because of you
- he really loved you, but he was getting really scared that you were trying to kill him
- he just looked at you, no emotion was in his face and inside he wondered how unlucky he had been
- it was Rudy who pulled him out of his stupor and offered him a towel, while you just looked at him shocked as if it wasn't your fault that he was now standing completely wet in front of his base
- he took the towel from Rudy's hand without breaking eye contact before his eyebrow twitched and you started running away from him
- he didn't even have to run after you extremely fast because only after a few seconds you tripped over your feet and you fell down
- it was the moment he saw your wounds that he threw his revenge plan in the garbage to take care of you
- he tried to calm you down in spanish, while he took care of your wounds
- but he didn't miss the chance to swear in spanish as well
- after all he was completely soaked and already left a puddle under himself
- he could not be angry with you, but he was sure that the next time you try to water flowers he will be far away from you
- and that from now on he would take change clothes with him...
- You tried to help your husband
- and he knew the danger how clumsy you are and still he allowed you to help him sort the files
- you were almost done, when you somehow got caught with your sleeve on one of the thousand folders and threw them all on the floor, which with your luck also opened and all the sheets spread across the room
- and as if that wasn't bad enough you also cut yourself on one of the sheets
- and then again
- and again
- and in the end you had more little wounds than you could count
- and he was out of band-aids
- well the whole headquarters was out of band-aids
- he thinks it's absolutely cute how clumsy you are, it makes him feel so strong right away because he can help you then
- he might have some problems yk
- but he only thinks it's cute when you trip and hold on to him and blush in shame
- but as soon as you hurt yourself he thinks about taking you to a safe place where you can't hurt yourself
- while he's bandaging you he says how brave you are and how proud he is of you
- for him it is nothing new, but still he never gets used to your clumsiness
- König himself was not necessarily the most skillful person living on earth
- he was military and also in an elite unit but in private nothing was safe from him
- as often as he ran by his size against a door frame or unintentionally knocked something over because it was not in his vision
- but together with you it was a disaster at your home
- you could actually go to Walmart, Target or Ikea every week to replace something in your apartment because it was broken
- you both had new bruises, wounds or other injuries all the time
- so it was nothing new for him that you hurt yourself cutting potatoes and he took care of your finger like a pro
- you joked so often about how he had to take care of you that maybe he shouldn't become a medic.
- if she could she would wrap you up in cotton and let you live in a rubber cell where you can't hurt yourself
- she's so tired of your clumsiness that sometimes it hurts her even to see you in pain
- besides, you often manage to hurt not only yourself but also the people around you
- you trip on the stairs and take Valeria down with you?
- happened more than once
- you twist your ankle and accidentally hit Diego?
- also happened already
- a flowerpot falls out of your hand while you were standing on the balcony and hit one of Valeria's people?
- also already happened
- she is now used to you coming into her office and showing her a new wound so she just sighs and prays to god you don't kill yourself unintentionally
- or someone else
- she can hear a knock on your door and already knows you've hurt yourself again
- her office at your home is now half a hospital ward as often as she has to fix you up
- she's incredibly glad you're not in the military, because even though she loves you to death, she knows you wouldn't last even five minutes in combat...
- or you'd accidentally kill someone of ur own in the first five minutes....
- When you first met Captain Price and his boys, Soap took you to the firing range while Kate talked to Price.
- by the end of the nice little talk they had your gun had slipped out of your hand while u shot and you had managed to broke Soap's nose while breaking your own index finger.
- That was the deciding factor for Kate to keep you away from weapons of any kind.
- She prefers you alive.
- and she doesn't want 141 to die cause of you ...
- he is sure that an evil spirit or something like that must be haunting you with how unlucky and how clumsy you are
- he loves you but he is permanently worried about you, especially when he is not at home and can keep an eye on himself
- of course you are never alone because his whole family lives where you live but it's just not the same
- they can't protect you like he can and he knows that too
- because of you he even has a little first aid kit in every room, cause you already hurt yourself in the most unbelievable ways
- it was especially funny when you fell down the stairs and with him
- he was the one who broke his arm while you landed softly on top of him
- so for him it's nothing new, but he's still afraid that you'll die one day because of your clumsiness.
- he is so done with you
- he is one of the most dangerous men
- one who has survived thanks to his intelligence and skill
- and then there was you in his life
- you were by far the only person he cared about and then you of all people had to be so clumsy and hurt yourself all the time
- he had even moved his guns out of your reach because of you so you wouldn't accidentally shoot his ass again
- he had asked you to bring him a gun while he was standing at the table and going through the plans of the next attack
- the gun fell out of your hand and you released the trigger, and shot him in the ass
- he was so pissed and it took him a lot not to scream at you
- he liked how you cared for him afterwards tho…. He might consider to give u a gun again just so he can have all your attention to himself
- and because he loves your guilty filled eyes
- he’s an bastard
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blingblong55 · 10 months
His pretty girl -Vladimir Makarov
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Based on a request:
I looved ur makarov fic n im here to request smth else w him, there's barely anything w him its sad How would makarov treat his dear wife when she's sick? I'm kinda sick rn so.. : 3 ---- F!Reader, wife!reader, husband!Makarov, nothing but fluff ----
A/N: short but good…I hope…
Vladimir was gone for some weeks. He couldn't come in contact with you so when you didn't show up to greet him he was worried. The drive home was usually calm but this time, he rushed it. Avoided all cars and soon, ran inside. The image he saw before his eyes, oh did it melt him. You were curled on the couch. The blanket slowly falls off your body. Used tissues all over the coffee table and floor. The tea was cold and your soft breathing gave him even more reason to clean the area as quietly as possible. Your shared bedroom was cleaned, all dishes washed and then he carried you to bed. The medication you took to sleep was so strong you didn't know he even carried you to bed. That entire night, he checked your temperature, kissed your forehead and held you against his chest.
When you got sick, the first time, he panicked, called a doctor and yelled at him when he said that all you needed to do was drink tea and take it easy. Now, knowing his pretty little wife too well, he knows all he needs to do. 8 am, have breakfast ready, with tea on the side and orange juice just in case you want that one more and it must be room temperature, not cold. He must put on some video as you eat because you like to catch up on some show as you eat. You like wearing his shirts more because you swear it makes you feel better, which is bullshit because he knows you like to just have a reason to wear his clothes.
He must wash all dishes, not complain about being tired because how dare he. Makarov knows this well mainly because it worked the first 4 times and this time it is the same. After breakfast, washing dishes, he has to take you on a walk, the air, the way you smile, oh he knows the fresh air helps that stuff nose and he also gets even more private time with you.
Lunch for a day or two is chicken soup, his grandmothers since he knows you loved it any time you were sick. Kisses on your forehead all day is a must, you know that. If you groan and push him away, he gives you a little frown and moves closer. "You know kisses are a part of the remedy, my pretty girl." He grins when you give him your lazy smile. Your face is hot from both the fever and from his lips. Once he and you eat lunch, he cleans the home and don't you dare walk to the bedroom, he has made it clear he needs to clean and sanitise the bed.
If he has a meeting, he doesn't go to it, it's over the phone as he is in bed and has you cuddled to him. You can't argue against it. Your husband must give cuddles while on the phone. It's a rule at this point.
At night, he makes dinner, makes sure it all tastes wonderful and then feeds it to you since wrapping you in a burrito can't let your hands move. It's a funny but cute image. You, sat on the couch, blanket wrapped around you which makes you look like a cute little bug as your husband feeds you dinner. Oh, the frowns and pouts you give to his giggle and laughter won't help, he just adores you this way.
After dinner, more cuddles and kisses come by. He calls it 'kiss the sick away.' When you lean on him he knows this is to sleep but he can't allow over 3 naps per day when you're sick. So, he carries you to the bathroom. Gives you your medicine, and takes the blankets, clothes and anything in between off you. The bath was set to a very comfortable temperature.
He undresses too and once he has both of you in the bath, he kisses your shoulders. Your warm back on his chest as he cleans your body with so much gentleness it has you leaning on him and smiling. "That's what you needed huh, pretty girl," he kisses your wet shoulder again and wraps his arms around you. You kiss his bicep and he chuckles. "Don't start, my love," he whispers. The lights dimmed, him and you…this is the perfect way to get better. He hums a song, the same one he married you to and the same one he hums when he is far from home.
"I love you, pretty girl," he whispers and kisses the nape of your neck. "I love you more," you whisper back. "We both know who wins this, so do you want to start this game?" He kisses your neck again and chuckles. In moments like this, in which the world is kind and calm, he appreciates life like any normal person would. "You always win, i want to win this time." You pout and know damn well he can't say no to his pretty wife. "Fine, you win this time but we both know I have a long winning streak in this game." He grabs your hand and kisses it. In his head, he already won. And in this life, he truly did.
A/N: Makarov and Ghost are the kind of man to give me a Hozier song kind of vibe and that is what feeds my fluff brain
@makarovsbbg @sans-chara @selarus @liyanahelena @hilmiponken @personwhosucksassatmath @undercover-smutlover @ontopofyourceiling @kielsegur @johfamm0 @goldenmclaren @moonsua1 @rivivienner @saoirse06 @vampsquerade @alxexhearts @baldwinhearts @strangepuppynightmare
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ohworm-writes · 9 months
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RATING R - Restricted [Content warnings: 18+ mdni, f!sub!reader, dom!Makarov, he’s a mean man, mistranslated Russian, mention and depiction of firearms, gunplay, smut, cockwarming, degradation, light praise, riding ]
SYNOPSIS Makarov is a busy man in every sense of the word, and while most tasks are highly important and meticulous, there are some that are more mundane than others - such as taking care of his weapons. Which... is exactly what he's occupied himself with doing now. But even though he's busy, you deserve some attention, don't you? (Based on the image above, credits to @loneghostwolf for the render).
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You whine out softly, nose pressed into the crook of his neck as your fingers desperately hold onto his bare shoulders. Your legs hang loosely, dangling beside the legs of the metal chair, though, you’d much rather they be wrapped around his hips right now.
He lets out a dismissive hum, his head right next to your ear as he peers over your shoulder, chin barely an inch above it as he focuses on dragging the cloth along the disassembled component in his hands - the slide - seeming to be far more focused on it than you.
Another pathetic whine passes through your lips, and you can feel his cock throb inside of your warm, wet walls, your slick drooling down your inner thighs and, no doubt, standing the fabric of his dark slacks with the mess you’ve made of yourself.
“Please, Vlad…”
You practically hiccup out, whimpering out pitifully, your pussy squeeze around him as tight at you can, just barely shifting your hips in hopes of getting so much as an ounce of friction, to urge him to leave what he’s doing and fuck you-
“If you do not stop acting like a desperate, impatient mutt, you will have to wait for much longer for me to fuck you than it takes to clean a few guns.”
Another whimper passes through your lips - which, funnily enough, does sound very similar to that of a dog, only further proving his words. Your grip on his shoulders tighten as your hips still, bottom lip trembling as you squeeze your eyes shut.
Truthfully, you had no one but yourself to blame but yourself for the predicament you find yourself in now, sat in Vladimir’s lap, cockwarming him for what has felt like hours now.
If only you had been patient, if only you had been good and waited until he was done with his task like he had ask of you, if only you hadn’t been so needy and desperate for his attention and his cock that you willingly agreed to cockwarming him until he was done.
But no, you hadn’t done any of that, so now you can only curse yourself for the torture he’s putting you through - that you put yourself through. Though, you suppose there is an upside to having him shirtless as he works to complete the task at hand.
He’s cleaned four or five guns through completely at this point, disassembling and reassembling them in their entirety, all clean and laid neatly across cloth to the left of his work station.
The one he’s currently focused on - a Five Seven - lays completely disassembled before him as he cleans it, a multitude of different cleaning items strewn around meticulously, with two more handguns to go on his right.
It’s a process he prides himself in, it would seem, and with the expertise he displays, it’s clear that this is an often occurrence.
“Убогий жопа.” (Needy brat)
He mumbles out to himself, almost as if to chastise you, resting his chin gently against your shoulder as he listens to all of the pathetic little sounds you make - irritating, maybe, but at least you’re listening.
His bare chest presses flush against your own clothed one, the planes of it hard as it presses against you. He’s lean, but not lacking in body heat, his concentrated breaths, his skin, and his cock all practically searing you.
“So desperate when I have already given you so much.”
You let out another whimper, the sound bleeding into a moan as he ever-so subtly rocks his hips before stilling. It’s cruel, giving you the friction you so desperately desire, only for him to not continue on any further.
“I’m sorry…”
You hiccup, sniffling out, cunt squeezing him and drooling messy slick around him, just as needy as you are.
He hums, this time not dismissive, but rather acknowledging, one of his dirty, oiled, greasy hands moving to rest atop one of your hips, smearing the dark substance all over your skin.
“Are you going to behave?”
He asks, tone still cold and harsh as it typically is, leaving the impression that he’s sick and tired of your antics, but the softness in his actions combats it - though, he does lightly slap your hip, urging you to answer.
“Mhmm! I promise. I won’t move, I swear. Not an inch. I won’t move at all. I’ll stay still. Won’t even make sounds if you want me to. I can be quiet. Patient, too. I promise. I can wait. I can be good.”
Your words come out in a desperate ramble and flurry of vowels and consonants, eager to please and prove to him that you can listen. It’s pathetic and desperate, yes, but to you it’s required.
He clicks his tongue softly, slowly, breathing out through his nostrils as he brings his hand back away from your hip and continues to meticulously clean through each of the different areas of the firearm.
He seems pleased by your answer, you think, but it’s impossible to tell. To you and nearly everyone that knows him, Vladimir is a man who doesn’t slip up. He’s cold, calculating, and ensures every move he makes is in his favor.
The sounds of cloth gliding across metal and the brush gliding through as it works to clean the interior parts fill the air. The sounds are barely audible, but they blend well with the sound of your heavy breathing - his is silent.
It’s only when he’s wiping off his hands and reassembling the Five Seven that he speaks again, voice low and rough as it rumbles right next to your ear, the metal clicking and moving where it should as per his movements.
“I expected you to be much less patient, you know, but you have surprised me. You have been as patient as you can, considering how… full you are right now.”
He emphasizes his words with a sharp buck of his hips, a moan effortlessly slipping out past your lips, a soft plap sounding out, muffled only by the fabric of his slacks as they pull back and meet your slick-soaked thighs.
The minimal contact already works to steal the breath from your lungs, his cock molding itself into your poor, sopping pussy. Your eyes unfocus for a brief moment, dazed and dizzy, but it feels so good.
“Perhaps I should reward you, да?”
He muses, detaching his chest from your own as he leans backwards as he lets his back rest against the back of the metal chair. He spreads his legs out, thighs straining against his slacks as he shifts, getting comfortable.
He rolls his shoulders backwards, one of his hands coming to rest atop your thigh, pressing into the flesh as he moves his palm up and down - towards your hip, then back down to your thigh.
His other hand, however, holds the reassembled Five Seven, the cool metal tapping against the side of your ass.
Unloaded, of course, given how he had just cleaned it, but that doesn’t stop the sharp spark of anticipation that settles in your stomach. The danger that surrounds the weapon soaks your cunt impossibly further.
The command barely has a moment to pass through the air and through your ears before you can comprehend what he means by his words. He’s spread himself all out for you, offering you what you’ve been craving this entire time.
And you’d be stupid to not take him up on his generosity.
Your hold tightens on his shoulders as you ground yourself against him, rolling your hips forwards with a keen, letting out a hiccup, mumbling out soft “thank you”s over and over to him as you grind into him.
A shaky, uneven breath escapes his lungs, his expression hardening as he works to not make a single noise - the task, though, is much more difficult than it appears - his body remaining still as he lets you do all of the work.
He drags the barrel of the gun across your skin, the coolness of the metal juxtaposing the heat that radiates from your skin. His other hand grips harshly onto your hip, following your motions with a strangled groan.
He splits you open and overwhelms you in the best way possible, his cock filling you up so well as you rock back and forth along the length of it, raising and dropping your hips as you force his tip to kiss your cervix.
Vladimir lets out a strangled Russian curse, fighting against his own body to keep still as you continue to bounce on his cock, his slacks no doubt ruined by now from how much of your slick and his pre-cum has soaked into it.
But he can’t complain - he has more than enough pairs as is, and you just look too pretty riding him, so desperate and needy for what only he can give you. How could he ever be upset?
Wet tears streams down your cheeks and onto the skin of his bare shoulder, rolling down across his inked chest as you whine, bullying and bruising his cock to completely ruin your poor pussy.
It’s too much, but you can’t stop.
“V- … oh, fuck. Vlad, please. M’so close. Please let me cum. Please.”
You whine, sweat soaking through your clothes as you pick your head up from his shoulder, hiccuping, whining, whimpering, and moaning out like a whore as you lose yourself, completely and utterly cockdrunk.
His fingers tense, both against your skin and the handgun, your flesh spilling out between the gaps between his fingers. He brings the pistol down across your thigh, slotting it between them so that the barrel can press right against your clit.
Even as you try to pull away from the cool, hard metal, he doesn’t let you, keeping it presses tightly to your clit so that, with every motion, you grind down against it, dragging across the smooth surface.
Even if you wanted to protest, you can’t, the pressure in your lower tummy tightening so much, toes curling as your nails dig into his shoulders as pleasure streams through your veins.
Your pussy completely gushes around him, flooding his cock as you squeeze him like a vice, breaths coming out in shaky, desperate gasps and choked moans spilling past your lips.
You cum hard enough that it leaves you dizzy, boneless and breathless, hips jerking as your body trembles with spasms in aftershocks of pleasure, drool trailing past your lips as you babble out to him needily.
He taps the barrel of the gun against your clit, drawing out your orgasm until it’s too much, leaving you writhing. Still, he doesn’t let you pull away, eyes focused solely on the point of contact between you and the weapon.
He grits his teeth, looking down at you as sweat drips down the side of his head, bucking his hips upwards. He knows how overstimulated you must be as he now puts his efforts into fucking up into you, but he doesn’t care.
All he’s focused on is filling your sweet, needy cunt with his cum and nothing more.
It only takes a few thrusts on his part, the way you had been rising and sinking down on his cock earlier in the chase for your own release making his lose his mind - not that he would ever openly admit it.
With a sharp curse, arching his back and pressing his hips up into you as much as his current position will allow, the sounds of your desperation for mercy filling the air, he feels his balls tighten, letting out a strangled groan as his cock pumps rope after rope of his cum into your waiting cunt.
The air between you both, now as his hips drop and he stills, is filled with nothing but gasps and pants, the two of you completely and utterly breathless, soaked with sweat and bodily fluids.
“It turns out better when you listen, does it not?”
He mumbles out rhetorically, giving one last weak buck of his hips before he brings his hand up and behind you, unceremoniously dropping the handgun - now covered with a mixture of your cum and his - back onto the table.
He can clean it later, just as he can with the other waiting to be cleaned. For now, all he’s concerned with is catching his breath before he makes an even bigger mess of his work station and bends you over it. It’s all he’ll ever need.
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artistcalledbella · 2 days
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fathers first lesson
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eloisyw8 · 11 months
Can I put a ring on Makarov (the reboot one)? 🥹 💍 Your art is so good. Literally. I love it.
Why of course you can and thank you!! x)
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eccentrcks · 11 months
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Vladimir Makarov (a. Julian Kostov) in “Peligro” by Pleso Pluma (music video) | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III
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temeyes · 10 months
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dezgasting · 3 months
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My "I should've died at birth" playlist consists only of Delta 9 and ANGEL JUMPSTYLE. I should put more industrial hardcore there.
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frogchiro · 8 months
Hello! I really love your writing and I had an idea from your last post with both guard dog Ghost and Soap.
I imagine after they chase off both Graves and Makarov they comfort and make sure kitty reader is alright. Taking her back to where they were sleeping so they can cuddle up with her and hold her close, making sure she doesn't wander off and get into another chase with mean Graves and Makarov. Keeping her squeezed between both Ghost and Soap.
(I've never done this before so I don't know if I did this right but I hope your having a good day/night <3)
Oh yeah they *make sure* their Kitty stays put and doesn't go anywhere anytime soon♡
They herd her back up to the hayloft where their nest is and first things first they need to lick and clean you bc you stink of a coyote and fox! Unacceptable! They managed to rub on you and scent you which only makes Johnny and Simon growl, they hate foreign scents on you, they barely tolerate John's and some feral hybrids?? Big no no
They lick and scent all over you; your face, neck, collarbone down to your breasts where Johnny sneaks a little suckle or two to your nipple which makes you mewl before moving down to your belly and finally to your most precious place where Simon, the dominant male, decides they need to conduct a pussy inspection to make sure those two didn't defile or breed you with their nasty cocks :((
You can yowl and squirm all you want but the two dogs hold you tight in their clutches, poking and prodding at your poor, swollen and wet pussy. While Makarov and Philip didn't have enough time to actually stuff you, they still managed to get a little hump in, Philip gwtting there first and getting you all nice on all fours as he tried to slip his cock in but was interrupted by Vladimir which resulted in their fight :((
Johnny and Si are simultaneously happy and angry; while you didn't get bred that fucking coyote still managed to almost slip his dick in and knot you and they just cannot risk that! So for the rest of the night and many next ones you slept soundly squished between the big, bulky bodies of your two mates and if you were ever lazily napping in the sun during the day, they hope you didn't hear them chasing and snarling at the two pesky feral hybrids who tried to sneak in once again♡
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Julian Kostov
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snapppeedpie · 6 months
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It was a necessary thing to do. KAJAKAJSKS
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Source : Call of Duty Twitter
That's some wallpaper-able images right there 👀
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konigsblog · 11 months
Ok but what about Makarov x Bunny!Reader 😍
makarov adores his bunny, especially when they wear revealing and skimpy clothes that show off their body. one's with easy access for him to slide his thick cock into at any time! you moan out when you feel him lift your skirt, pushing it above your hips and rubbing his weeping tip between your folds while cursing out. you squirm beneath him, met with a harsh spank to your tight ass before he grips your hips tightly ':((
you whine and mewl, angling your hips up against his ass while he prepares you to take his hard dick! his veiny shaft hard and his tip wet and sticky, your eyelids becoming heavy as he continues rubbing it against your sensitive clit! it's uncontrollable, he hasn't even made it an inch inside you and you're sat there with a wet patch on the couch due to your slickness :( and he only taunts you for it; forcing you to look over your shoulder while he ploughs into your asshole ruthlessly whilst rubbing your sensitive clit in circles.
“Зайка... такая грязная игрушка.” he smirks as he cruelly slama into your hole, stretching it out while you weep, your bunny ears floppy and your tail twitching against his abdomen as he ruts against you.
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