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bobafettfanclub · 2 months ago
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Official Star Wars art by Adam Schickling for Acme Archives From left to right: "Darth Vader's Forces" (2024), "Rule With Respect" (2023) and "The Marshal of Mos Pelgo" (2021)
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jltoystories · 2 years ago
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willgaham · 18 days ago
happy valentines day vic!! 💌💘🍫💐
kate!! happy valentine's day to you too love 💋💌💝
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colman-domingo · 18 days ago
happy valentines day chels!! 💌💘🍫💐
ahh happy valentine’s day kate!!! 💞🥰💌
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fxandchill · 11 months ago
you've been booped
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feels great to be included thank you
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fanthatracks · 1 year ago
Shipping any time between now and December 2023, this is the Sideshow Collectibles Cobb Vanth Sith Scale figure by Hot Toys, yours for £245.52 and bringing the incredible craft of Hot Toys together with the commercial might of Sideshow to send the Marshall of Mos Pelgo all around the galaxy to collections everywhere. Limited to 1 per order and part of the Television Masterpiece Series, this sixth scale figure won't need to buy anything off the Jawa's to steal first place in your collection. [gallery link="file" size="large" ids="154030,154031,154032"] The marshal of Mos Pelgo, a small town on Tatooine, Cobb Vanth has earned the trust of the townsfolk as a capable peacekeeper and leader. Vanth, at one time, was keeper of Boba Fett's Mandalorian armor, which he bought off of Jawa traders. Sideshow and Hot Toys are delighted to officially present this beloved marshal as the Cobb Vanth Sixth Scale Collectible Figure! [gallery link="file" columns="2" size="large" ids="154034,154035"] The Star Wars action figure is skillfully crafted featuring a newly developed head sculpt with incredible likeness, interchangeable Boba Fett helmet, detailed costume with removable Mandalorian armor pieces, a jetpack, a blaster rifle, a blaster pistol, a selection of accessories, and a themed display base! [amazon box="1787739996"]
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binkyisonline · 1 year ago
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Mix Tape by vivacaine
The DinCobb band au no one asked for.
Rating: explicit
Tags: Modern AU, band fic no one asked for, the intimacy of singing to your partner, Singer Cobb, Guitarist Din, Bassist Din, Din's love language is writing songs for Cobb to sing on stage, Miscommunication, declaring love during sex, having your own love language used on you, happy endin
* * * *
I had the honour and pleasure of illustrating a scene from the super sexy (but also romantic) story written by the talented @bup-iv-icaine . Do yourself a favour, read it because it's A M A Z I N G! And also, impossible not to imagine Cobb wearing leather trousers with a waist so low that only the bones of his tiny and skinny pelvis can hold them up!
Thanks as always to @staranon95 and @cryptids-and-starlight for creating this delightful event ❤
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ckerouac · 1 year ago
We’re doing database testing this morning and I’ve been creating demo records for a few weeks to pre-test the functions. I’m not the only one, but apparently mine are the most comprehensive.
Which means that I’m currently having to keep a straight face as we talk about Cobb Vanth’s giving capacity and the ease of contacting him at [email protected]
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burnwater13 · 1 year ago
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Grogu standing outside the tavern on Sorgan watching Din Djarin and Cara Dune fight each other. He is holding a cup of bone broth. Image from The Mandalorian, Season 1, Episode 4, Sanctuary. Calendar from DataWorks.
Grogu had witnessed a lot of fights in his life. Some were serious fights. Others were more light hearted, or at least less dire. The point had been to build skills, not actually hurt anyone. But this fight… the one between the Mandalorian and Cara Dune, well, it was just silly. Oh, it was still painful and serious, but in the big picture it was silly. 
Why? Because there she was, a former shock-trooper, her stripes visible for anyone to see, just sitting in a tavern in her armor, trying to look nonchalant. If she was worried about bounty hunters then why not at least try to hide? It didn’t make sense. 
And then, why assume that any Mandalorian she saw was a bounty hunter? Sure, Din Djarin looked menacing and kind of scary in his armor, but Grogu was pretty sure that was mostly due to how shiny the stuff was now. The Jawas on Arvala-7 hadn’t been afraid of him. Not in the least. But that old armor didn’t make them think twice. That fact that he was a Mandalorian hadn’t bothered them either. Nope. So why was Cara Dune more sensitive to threats than your average Jawa?
If she had known how dangerous Mandalorians were and the reputation of Mandalorian Bounty Hunters, wouldn’t it have been wiser to just wait and see what was up? Or offer to buy him a drink, the way CobbVanth had been they made their trip to Mos Pelgo? The Marshal had far less training in threat assessment than an Alliance to Restore the Republic Shock-Trooper. Her reaction to the Mandalorian was nothing short of silly from Grogu’s perspective.
But it wasn’t like Din Djarin was doing himself any favors either. Why bother with the shock trooper to being with? Who cared why she was there or what she was doing? Wasn’t it obvious that she was stuck there? They hadn’t found a bunch of ships when they checked on Sorgan with the Razor Crest’s sensor array. They hadn’t seen a bunch of ships either. That’s why they were there. It was ‘a real backwater skug hole’ according to his dad. 
So there they were, two people who had no reason to fight, fighting each other because that’s what people who like to fight do. That’s right. Grogu had realized that his protector liked fighting as soon as he chased after the Jawas and tried to commandeer their sand crawler. Anyone else would have just followed them and waited for them to stop and then tried to trade with them. Din Djarin probably could have gotten all his parts back if he’d just traded one of his beskar knee covers for the stuff. But that was not how the Mandalorian did things. It was also not how Cara Dune did things. 
Grogu wasn’t a fighter. He was a pragmatist. A survivor. He didn’t need to pick fights with anyone. What was the point? First he was small. That was his lived reality. It helped him when he needed to hide, run away, or get someplace other people couldn’t fit into. But when it came to the use of brute strength no one was going to mistake him for a brute. 
Given those limitations, he turned his skills to other activities, like observation and assessment. That’s why he followed the Mandalorian and the shock trooper outside. That’s also why he brought his cup of bone broth with him. The fact that he needed to collect data on the shock trooper didn’t stop him from being hungry. In fact, the harder he worked at tasks like that, the more he needed to eat. Being quiet and of the direct line of trouble took energy and he considered it important to maintain those energy levels at all times. He was too small to have excess energy stored for future use. 
Grogu was surprised that the two fighters were so closely matched. The Mandalorian was covered with armor and had all sorts of weapons at his disposal. The shock-trooper had a side arm and not much else. One solid head butt with that beskar helmet and Grogu would have expected her to be knocked unconscious and that would have been that. But instead they threw punches, kicked each other, flipped each other around and finally drew their blaster pistols. It was wasteful of time and energy, but then, they both obviously liked fighting and you didn’t just end a fight like that without running the other person through their paces. Or so Grogu had been told later when he brought the matter up with his dad. 
Grogu had grudgingly accepted that was a possible explanation for the way the fight played out, but he had his doubts. After all, they had just sat around after the fight and drank bone broth and talked about hiding from ex-Imps, other bounty hunters, and the rest of civil society in general.  So they became friends? Or at least friendly. That’s what happened when you enjoyed a challenge and didn’t really think the other person was there to arrest you or bring you in cold. 
In any case, they had both given Grogu an excellent opportunity to assess and evaluate and formulate his conclusion that humans were weird and he’d never really get used to how weird they were. Why not just say ‘Hello there’ and get to know a person? It was far more civilized. 
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omorales81 · 4 months ago
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Snagged me a #ShinHati black series, but took a pass on #CobbVanth because it was selling for $24.99 as a 3.75” figure with an extra large card back. #StarWars #Toys #Collecting #StarWarsBlackSeries #Ahsoka #DisneyPlus @hasbro
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raurquiz · 10 months ago
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#happybirthday #timothyolyphant #actor #CobbVanth #TheMandalorian #TheBookofBobaFett #starwars #amsterdam #justified #cityprimeval #damages #fargo #go #thecrazies #aperfectgetaway #NationalChampions #TheStarling #TheSimpsons #CurbYourEnthusiasm #Deadwood #hitman
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bobafettfanclub · 4 months ago
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Which character do you like more: Din Djarin or Cobb Vanth (wearing Boba Fett's armor)? Fun fact: The Mandalorian Season 2 Episode 1 dropped four years ago today
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jltoystories · 1 year ago
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ilikethatwookie27 · 2 years ago
I’m Luke- I’m a Star Wars obsessive and Cobb Vanth cosplayer from the United Kingdom.
Before I started cosplaying my enjoyment of Star Wars was very solitary and private.
I started cosplaying in October 2021 and through going to cons I have been fortunate enough to make a plethora of incredible and creative friends who unashamedly love what they love in a way that I have adopted that has changed my life.
Now my partner and I are active members of the community and have met other fans from all across the world and shared our love for these silly goofy space wizard stories.
You can follow me on Instagram at…
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#cobbvanth #cobbvanthcosplayer #cosplay #cosplayer #cosplaying #ukcosplayer #dincobb #themandalorian #tatooine #mospelgo #freetown #themarshal #timothyolyphant #bobafett #beskar #aftermath #aftermathtrilogy #star wars #starwarscosplayer #starwarscosplaying #ukcosplay #myfirstcosplay #kraytdragon #dindjarin #grogu #dingrogu #marshalvanth #mandalorian #starwarscosplay #star wars cosplay #cobb vanth #cobb vanth cosplayer #uk cosplayer #din cobb #the Mandalorian #tatooine #mos Pelgo #free town #the marshal #tomothy Olyphant #boba Fett #aftermath trilogy #star wars cosplayer #star wars cosplaying #uk cosplay #my first cosplay
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imtheiliad · 2 years ago
sr for tags, interact here if you would like to be tagged in rwrb
@swiftiesisters14 @mrevanbuckley @thespermdonorstorylineisstupid @cobbvanth @hmslusitania @softmenace @prince-buck-diaz @beesleepingonarose @trashbaget @sassybitchdiaz @caroandcats @angstydiaz @alyxmastershipper @ilostyou @bigassdiaz @queertartt @singlethread @dijkstraspath @adamleohoelzer
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on the way home i wrote a poem, you say what a mind" this happens all the time sweet nothing, taylor swift ⤷ @lgbtqcreators creator bingo -> typography
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flyguy · 2 years ago
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'Mando Mania' has more reveals. STAR WARS: THE BLACK SERIES COBB VANTH & CAD BANE $55.99 Available: US Summer 2023 2 figures and 6 entertainment-inspired accessories. Available for pre-order 12th April at 1pm ET exclusively Target. #starwars #starwarstheblackseries #cadbane #cobbvanth #mandomandia #thebookofbobafett #themandalorian #FLYGUY #FLYGUYtoys
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